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HYDRATION MEANS PREVENTION Did you know that older people tend to lose the ability of thirst reflex? Yeah, that’s right, as we grow older, not only this feature but others like kidney function may be altered. This may lead to a continuous dehydration, which may as well lead to an increase in infection vulnerability. I’ts obvious that urinary tract infections are the most common when dehydration occurs, but every tissue in our system uses fluids to remain healthy, for which it becomes imperative to drink water often in order to remain healthy.

Thing is, nowadays, we get so much polluted waters around the entire planet thanks to big industries. Be it pharma, energy, food and even water related companies will make decisions that may come from economic related matters, and not taking into account the most important of all matters, which from my point of view is the health status of the people who consume water. And the thing is, polluted waters are not really a very effective hydration source. All the water you consume may be used on, trying to eliminate the pollutants that were already in it. Therefore, your body still dehydrated may be an easy target for all types of infections, and as said before in this article, it's even worse for older people.

As years go by, certain industries decide not to do much about it, but only the absolute necessary to stay within the law. We have to prepare ourselves to make our human lives healthy, worry free and hydrated. At Central Florida Water Treatment LLC. that's exactly what we did. We went all in, to try and make every folk worry free, fully hydrated and obviously happy. Give us a call and find out how we can improve yours and life, for the ones that you love.

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