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#3 05-27-2010, 02:42 PM

bobbleowl Junior Member New Geek

Join Date: Mar 2008 Posts: 9

Michael...Thanks for the update Michael, After reading your post, I feel even more confident that I made the right choice in sending my Speedway back to Invicta for repair. With the focus that is being placed on this issue, I am sure that the repairs will be done in a timely fashion and thoroughly checked-out before return. I still think this watch is a "Ferrari" and I am glad I bought it! All things taken into consideration, I do believe Invicta is acting in a timely and responsible manner...I work in a complex business and nothing turns on a dime. However, on this site you do have to deal with a bunch of "Geeks" and all of us Geeks have a high level of intensity concerning our passion. Based on both your a Jim's posts the root cause of all of these issues does not appear to be fully understood yet; so good luck in your on-air communications over the next couple of weeks. Its always tough when people expect highly precise, politically correct answers The fact still remains that if it wasn't for Invicta, many of the people on this site couldn't afford to have the collections they have...somethimes you have to be on the "bleeding edge to make that happen.

bobbleowl View Public Profile Send a private message to bobbleowl Find all posts by bobbleowl Add bobbleowl to Your Contacts #4 05-27-2010, 02:54 PM

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