Washington Life Magazine - June 2015

Page 57

professional sports arenas. Dwight is a part owner of the Washington Redskins and works closely with Dan Snyder. He also served as finance chairman of the Republican National Committee for many years. But it was meetings with his friend Dr. George Johnson of George Mason University, and a group of business people that got him thinking seriously about philanthropy. “We would meet once a month and talk about civic, political and charitable issues and I was always influenced by the level at which they participated and allowed me to participate.” We asked how he makes his philanthropic decisions. “I look at where there is a great need, who is doing the best job in addressing the need and then ask how my support can influence those making a difference to do even more,” he says. “If you have been blessed with the resources to make a difference in the lives of others, don’t wait. However, be wise in your approach to philanthropy. Find an unmet need and then investigate how your donation will have the greatest impact.” Take Inova, for example, of which he speaks passionately. “I have been partial to teaching and education interests now and in the past with my contributions,” Dwight acknowledges. “However, my passion for teaching led me to Inova. Inova is teaching the world how to apply genomics to improve and personalize cancer care. I learned that the old, reactive approach to cancer care was not as effective as a personalized approach powered by genomics. A thorough scan of the healthcare landscape revealed that right in my own backyard, Inova was doing extraordinary research using genomics to develop treatments and therapies for cancer.” “Imagine having one of the world’s leading cancer centers right here, a stone’s throw from the nation’s capital.” The Dwight and Martha Schar Cancer Institute will be located on an expansive 117acre property formerly owned by Exxon Mobil and across the street from Inova’s flagship Fairfax hospital. Equipped with one of the world’s largest


Dwight and Martha Schar with Inova CEO Knox Singleton (Photo courtesy Sean Kelley)

human genome sequenced databases and a formidable combination of researchers and physicians, Inova is already “transforming healthcare,” Dwight says. “Inova’s vision is to develop a model that is predictive, preventive and personalized ... In my view, the pieces are in place to make a game-changing difference in the way cancer is treated. Our philanthropic investment will be the tipping point to push the application of cancer research and care that

“Be wise in your approach to philanthropy. Find an unmet need and then investigate how your donation will have the greatest impact.” will improve and save countless lives.” “Our gift will enhance the groundbreaking work already taking place at Inova and support more research and recruit the world’s best and brightest cancer specialists to Northern Virginia,” Martha says. “When you add the potential of genomics, healthcare makes tremendous sense for our philanthropic investment because we can make an immediate and significant difference on our health, our family’s health and the health

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of others.” At 71, Dwight agrees that now is the time to focus on this area. “As part of the immense baby boomer generation, we are advancing in age but living longer. With age comes the greater likelihood of cancer. Now is the time for Martha and me to make a difference in the lives of our generation and beyond.” And medical research, he says, is an area in tremendous need of funding. “With advances in technology, medicine and genomics, so many more options are available to people to help them live healthier and longer. However, not everyone has access to care. My investment in a notfor-profit organization such as Inova ensures that the leading-edge research and care being developed will reach more people - both the less fortunate and fortunate in our community and beyond.” “You cannot find a harder worker or someone who cares more about this commonwealth than Dwight Schar,” Gov. McAuliffe said when making the historic announcement. “The reality is you succeed because of your integrity,” Dwight tells us, “because of all the people you do business with. And we’ve had a number of bumps in the road that if we hadn’t dealt honestly and fairly with people, we wouldn’t be where we are today.”


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