A Year in Review with Washington School

The Results Prove the Deeds


Dear General Nation,
With pride, I am ecstatic to report the completion of yet another successful school year–a school year that has seen many honors and accomplishments for our school and students and has once again proven that our “Results Prove the Deeds.”
Each academic year presents its own set of challenges and triumphs. The mark of a great school lies in the transformative impact it has on its students and their families. At Washington School, we are unwavering in our commitment to providing the best possible educational experience for our students. This comprehensive experience encompasses a diverse range of activities, from academics and fine arts to athletics and other extracurricular pursuits. The holistic development of our young learners is at the heart of everything we do here at Washington School.
We are always humbled and appreciative to be able to serve our entire student body, and we know that our mission, vision, and values will allow us to continue to grow and serve even more students throughout the Greenville and Washington County community. We pride ourselves on preparing our students for the next step after Washington School, no matter what that next step may be.
As you browse the pages of our 2023-2024 annual report, I hope you see and understand just how important Washington School is to our students and our school’s impact on our community. It takes a village to raise a child, and our village is second to none. We could not do what we do without the tireless work of our staff, our parents, and most importantly our donors. The exhausting work of our faculty and staff, the commitment from our parents and community, and the financial assistance from our donors allow Washington School’s results to keep proving the deeds. Every day is a GREAT day to be a Washington School General!
God Bless and Go, Generals,
Chris Chaffinch Head of School
Dear Washington School Community,
In the fall of 1994, I began my college career at Delta State University. I quickly realized that I was well prepared for college compared to many students from around the country. By Christmas that year, I gained even more respect for Washington School than I anticipated. I had always known that Washington School was highly regarded in our area; however, I did not understand the magnitude of its impact on my academic future or career path. I was a typical student who thought he knew it all! I did not know it all, but I was certain that when the time came, Washington School would be the choice for my family.
From my own experience and my growing confidence in our college preparatory school, I chose to become more involved at Washington School in a way that could help my children and other students to be prepared for college and beyond. Mainly, I wanted my children to experience the same lasting appreciation for Washington that I was grateful for many years ago and still am today. My daughter recently graduated in the class of 2024, and I have a son who is in the class of 2026. There is no doubt in my mind that they are prepared for what is next. I am so thankful to the teachers and staff at WS who encouraged my kids along the way, to the coaches who taught them teamwork, and to the parents who supported Washington School to instill its academic excellence for over 50 years. Washington School is not just a college preparatory school; it is an academic experience that is one of the best in the South. ACT scores are on the rise, we are competing on the sports fields at a high level, and we are always trying to improve the legacy of excellence set by the school founders many years ago. Chris Chaffinch says it best when he says, “My goal for Washington School is for it to be the best in everything it does,” and he is serious about that goal, setting high standards for our continued academic and athletic progress.
It has been my pleasure to serve you as a board member and as president of the Washington School Board. I encourage you to get involved and help our teachers, staff, and Chris Chaffinch reach his goal for Washington because that goal involves you, your children, and your community.
Will Weathers


Thinking Independently:
We believe in independence and its power to inspire academic excellence.
Leading Change: We imagine possibilities and innovate to strengthen our educational landscape.
Embracing Diversity: We welcome and encourage diverse identities and perspectives.
Championing Inclusivity:
Washington School will achieve its mission, vision, and commitments through the fulfillment of its strategic plan. The following strategic initiatives will guide our efforts as we “promote life-long learning, moral and spiritual values, and academic excellence.”
I. Ensure the curriculum is aligned with the mission, attuned to the needs of the community, and adapted to the needs of each student.
II. Ensure the financial resources are in place for the school to maintain and build on its long history of excellence.
As a college preparatory school, our mission is to promote life-long learning, moral and spiritual values, and academic excellence.
Our vision is to prepare and motivate our students for a rapidly changing world by instilling critical thinking skills, a global perspective, and a respect for the core values of honesty, loyalty, perseverance, and compassion. Students will succeed today and be prepared for tomorrow.
We affirm the rights of every individual to belong and flourish.
Empowering Community:
We address complex issues through collaboration and advocacy.

III. Enroll and retain all mission-appropriate students to help preserve the current breadth and depth of academic, social, and extracurricular programs.
IV. Ensure all extracurricular activities are of the highest quality, supported fully by the entire community, and led by people with a deep understanding of the activity and a high moral character.
V. Ensure the Washington School Community has a unified culture and consistently tells its story in a positive, cohesive manner.
Front Row: (L to R) Will Weathers, President; Marlee Cain, Jessica Milam, Secretary; Alex Oglesby, Leo Williams. Back Row: (L to R) Nolan Andrews, Jeffery Doolittle, Will Smythe, Vice President; Rick Poole, Brian Street, Daniel Hooker, Hamilton McGee, Doug Wade, Richard Word

Washington School was established in the spring of 1969 in response to a community need for a local college preparatory school. From the beginning, all plans for staff, faculty, and curriculum were made in accordance with the standards established by the Mississippi Accrediting Commission, the official accrediting agency of the state of Mississippi.
Washington School was one of the first private schools in the state to be accredited by the Mississippi Association of Independent Schools and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.
As a Mississippi Non-Profit Corporation, the school is governed by an elected board of directors. The school’s motto is Exitus Acta Probat, which translates as “The results prove the deeds.” The school’s basic philosophy is to encourage intellectual curiosity and develop integrity and honor.
Washington School provides a college preparatory curriculum emphasizing the arts and sciences, thus encouraging students to reach their potential to complete elementary, secondary, and post-secondary education successfully. This curriculum provides students with the foundation to become competitive, contributing adults in today’s complex society.

Rosemary Jenkins
Jack Suddoth
Brinkley Farmer
Yvette McPherson
Frankie England
Misty Morlino
David Rounsavall
Burt Flanagan
Kayla Walker
FACULTY Professional Development
Faculty professional development is critical to advancing student success in and beyond the classroom. Therefore, meeting campus goals for equity and student success requires that faculty keep pace with changes in higher education and the latest innovations in teaching and learning. This year, we partnered with Jackson Academy and Hartfield Academy to have onsite visits to connect, collaborate, and share cutting-edge teaching and learning practices. We also had onsite CPR training to ensure our students are always safe.

School Info
• Accredited by both the Southern Association of Independent Schools (SAIS) and the Midsouth Association of Independent Schools (MAIS)
• Five dual enrollment classes offered
• Seven Lower School specials are offered for PK4-5th
• Three libraries on campus
• Sykes Hall and indoor athletic facility are the best in the Delta.
Total enrollment (PK3-12) for the 2023-2024 school year = 468 students
Faculty Info
• Full-time Dyslexia Therapist on staff
• Nine secondary faculty have advanced degrees
• Full-time college counselor on staff
• Eight years is the average faculty tenure
Student Info
• 80% of students graduate with 15 college hours
• 13 Lower School students read over one million words each this year
• 90% of Upper School students are involved in at least one extracurricular activity
• 31 students with a 25+ on ACT; 11 are over a 30
= 9
Coaches = 11
Teachers = 39 Assistants = 3 Administrators = 3 Administrative = 10

Grandparents Day

Our 5th graders host our annual Grandparents Day in September. This special celebration recognizes the importance of heritage, community, and relationships across generations. It is a day filled with excitement as students show their grandparents their day at Washington School. Grandparents love to hear about our kids’ successes and milestones as much as we love having our grandparents on campus. It is a very special day for everyone, and we look forward to it each year.

Veterans Day
Each year, we host a Veterans Day program on campus for the veterans in our community. We thank them for their service to our country, their sacrifices, and their contribution to upholding the freedoms we enjoy today.
We also want our students to honor our flag and its significance. Mr. Steven Sweet from the American Legion visits our first-grade students each year. Each student received the ‘Our Country’ comic book, learning about flag etiquette and respect. They discussed the proper way to dispose of the flag, fold the flag, and how to respect the flag.

Lower School Chapel
Our Lower School Chapel on Friday mornings is a safe, secure, fun-filled environment where children can encounter God through age-appropriate worship, Bible-based teaching, and engaging activities alongside friends. Our students have enjoyed this time of the week this year.
STEM (1st-12th)
Our 6th graders delved into the world of thermal energy transfer with an exciting popcorn experiment! It’s hands-on learning at its best, where students got to witness science in action and explore the principles of heat transfer. Mrs. Sipes always makes learning so “popping” fun!
Our students have attended numerous STEM competitions this year, where they had outstanding performances and received top honors in several categories. Based on their dedication, commitment, and competitiveness, we will be forming a STEM Club to provide our students with additional opportunities to explore the areas of STEM.

Support Services / Dyslexia Therapy
Student support services are offered for all grades from kindergarten through twelfth and provide resources and assistance that can significantly improve students’ academic performance. By offering tutoring, study skills development, and academic advising, these services help students overcome learning challenges, enhance their understanding of subjects, and achieve better grades. Education is not just about academic learning but also about personal growth and development. The Dyslexia Therapy Program is available to students first through fifth grades with a formal diagnosis of dyslexia or dysgraphia.


Educational field trips keep the students, no matter their age, engaged in and outside the classroom. We are fortunate to have many local resources for field trips in our area such as the E.E. Bass Cultural Center, BPAC, DSU Plantaruium, Safari Park, Mississippi Wildlife Heritage Museum, Mississippi Petrified Forest, Mississippi Delta Nature and Learning Center, and the list goes on.
The Junior class traveled to the Mississippi Supreme Court to hear an oral argument with the Midsouth Association of Independent Schools, Mississippi Department of Finance and Administration, David McRae, in his capacity as State Treasurer, and Liz Welch, in her official capacity as State Fiscal Officer vs. Parents for Public Schools. Following the argument, Justices King and Kitchens met with the students to discuss the Mississippi branches of government.


The 8th-grade students visited the Pathways2Possibilities Career Expo at the Washington County Convention Center. There they were encouraged to explore future career opportunities. They even met WS alumni Spencer Lyons, who discussed aerospace maintenance with them.

2024 Valedictorian Beta Club, Mu Alpha Theta, Rho Kappa Honor Society Citizenship Award
2024 Salutatorian Beta Club, Mu Alpha Theta, Rho Kappa Honor Society Citizenship Award

2023-2024 ACT Club
The ACT Club displays “The Results Prove the Deeds.” Students scoring over 30 are members of the Gold Club. Students scoring between 25 and 29 are members of the Blue Club. 30% of our students in grades 10 through 12 are members of the ACT club!
2023-2024 Star Student
STAR Students are selected based on academic excellence and determined by comparing American College Test (ACT) scores and scholastic averages, in the STAR Program, established by Mississippi Economic Council.

2023-2024 Star Teacher
The STAR Student selects a teacher who has contributed the greatest to the student’s scholastic achievement.
Anna Louise Bryant Arjun Sohal
Johneson Zhao
Mr. Kevin Carlisle
2024 The Class of 2023-2024 EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES

Clayton Rainwater signed with Northwest Community College Band.
The Band received superior ratings in every category at Concert Festival at Jackson Prep in April, the best they have ever done in a performance.

State Spelling
Bee Winner
Emie Brevil Senior Retreat Senior Play - Shrek
Senior Showcase
School Plays
Plays are our tradition at Washington School. Each lower school grade performs a play yearly, which allows our students to attend a play each month.

Students in Action

Chick Fil-A Academy
Chick-fil-A Leader AcademyTM is a national high school leadership program focused on IMPACT THROUGH ACTION. The world needs more leaders who impact their local communities, and we believe high school students are the answer.

Rotary Youth Leadership Awards is an intensive leadership experience organized by Rotary clubs and districts where you develop leadership skills while making connections.

Rolling Fork / Food Pantry
In times of need, such as the tornado at Rolling Fork, our students and families are always willing to lend a helping hand. Students also regularly donate to local food pantries.

Bigs / Littles
This is another fun tradition at WS. Once you become a 6th grader, you have a “Big,” who is a Senior, with whom you will have an opportunity to mentor and have activities throughout the year.

Delta Cotton Belles
In October, we wear pink to create awareness for breast cancer and show our support of Delta Cotton Belles and those who have been impacted by the horrible disease.
Career Connections
We like to connect our alumni with our juniors to help navigate their career path. If you are an alumni or someone in the community willing to help in this program, please contact Templete Hughes at thughes@generals.ws.
Football / Cheer Buddies
During football season, our football players and cheerleaders visit the Lower School classrooms on game days to get students excited about games.

Our Past Recipients:
Mr. Scottie McCall
Class of 1989
Mr. Sammy Angel
Class of 1985
As Alumni, you are always welcome to come for a visit. We welcome you to read or speak to a class or share your expertise or a special talent with our students! Contact us when you’d like to visit! We would love to have you!
Distinguished Alumni Award - Mr. David Rounsavall
The Washington School Distinguished Alumni Award recognizes a graduate who boldly puts the spirit of their Washington School education into action. This person’s professional and personal achievements demonstrate an unwavering commitment to making impactful changes in their community. The recipient demonstrates how a Washington School education prepares graduates to transform the world. This year’s recipient from the Class of 1982 is Mr. David Rounsavall.
David is the senior partner of Noble, Rounsavall, and Reed, and has been named Delta Democrat Times “Best of the Best Lawyer” on six occasions. As the longest-standing active coach at Washington School, he serves as the Varsity Boys Basketball Head Coach and the Varsity Football Offensive Coordinator.
Nominations for the 2024 Washington School Distinguished Alumni of the Year Award will open this summer. The award will be presented at homecoming on October 11, 2024.

Landon Zepponi
2016 Washington School Alumnus, Landon Zepponi presented Tar Wars to the 5th grade. He is currently a 3rd year medical student at UMMC. Tar Wars is a tobacco-free education program for kids from the American Academy of Family Physicians.

Molly Fontenot
2017 graduate of WS and graduate of Ole Miss in 2021, 2nd year UMMC med student Molly Fontenot had the opportunity to present to a dermatology interest group where students learned about the ins and outs of skin cancer — what it is, how to spot it, and the different types.
The PTO board, committee chairs, volunteer parents, and teachers helped make the 2023-2024 an incredible year. Their hard work, creativity, and energy have enriched our community in many ways. Parents, thank you for your continued support. The funds raised during the 2023-2024 year were used for the following initiatives: to offset the cost of the Senior Retreat; to help renovate four classrooms; to help secure curriculum upgrades; to offset the cost of field day activities; to support and show appreciation to our teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week; to offset the cost of two band uniforms; to help secure new Chromebooks for our Secondary Library.
Athletic & Band
Booster clubs are composed of parents, community members, and staff members who come together to support specific school activities for the benefit of the student participants. They are an essential means of connecting parents and other community members with students’ curricular and co-curricular activities, and the Booster Clubs welcome and encourage parental interest and participation. The funds raised by the athletic booster club this year through the booster packages were used to purchase uniforms and other athletic supplies needed for each team.


SUMMARY Financial
Washington School has established an annual, cohesive, and coordinated fundraising plan to maximize resources and broaden the sources of support. This plan will help align the school’s fundraising with best practices in donor development. It will lead to a stronger, collaborative, and comprehensive development program to strategically secure the school’s long-term financial sustainability.
A formal fundraising program offers the school additional operational flexibility and help fund strategic priorities via coordinated efforts, such as an unrestricted annual giving campaign, established fundraising events and activities, and a planned giving program for the endowment. These efforts designed are to engage the broader Washington School community, including alumni, alumni families, grandparents, current families, and friends of the school. With the Development Committee, we launched our Annual Fund this year with a goal of $250,000.

Our major fundraising initiatives this year were:
The Washington School Foundation was organized in 1999 when Washington School received tax-exempt status. The primary purpose of the WS Foundation was to create and manage an Endowment Fund to provide for Washington School’s continued academic excellence. Only the income of the Endowment Fund will be used to enhance the academic programs and curriculum.
The Washington School Endowment is managed by an Investment Committee. The Board of Directors and the Investment Committee have identified the Endowment as the key to offsetting Washington School’s tuition-driven operating budget and securing the school’s standards of academic excellence.
In 2005, the Board of Trustees initiated a major fundraising campaign. Since then, Washington School’s Endowment has grown to over $3.95 million in cash and pledges. Because the Board of Directors and the Investment Committee believe that continuing to provide a quality, college-preparatory education for the children of our community is truly Washington School’s greatest mission, they remain committed to building the Endowment Fund.
$3.95 Million Endowment Fund
The endowment earnings account for 3.5% of the operating budget for Washington School.
If you want to make a gift of stock or securities or include Washington School in your estate plans, please contact Gay Smith in the Development office at gsmith@generals.ws or 662-332-0786.
Circle of Excellence ($25,000+)
Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Maranto
Circle of Vision ($10,000+)
Mr. and Mrs. Xan Robertson
Mrs. Margaret Walker Hays
Circle of Merit ($5,000)
B&H Farms Partnership
Dr. and Mrs. Bob Corkern
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dees (Marney ‘95)
Huddleston Planting Co. (Hartwell ‘79, William ‘84)
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny McRight
Mr. Terry Murrell
Mr. C.D. Simmons III ‘94
Smythe & Sons (Will ‘02, Carter ‘08)
Mr. and Mrs. Gibson Steele ‘95
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Stock ‘98 (Jane ‘96)
Mrs. Rebecca Hathcock Tardy ‘85
The Jefferson Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Walker ‘90 (Johanna ‘95)
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Williams ‘87
Circle of Leadership ($2,000)
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Auerswald ‘99
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Barham
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Caradine (Lisa ‘88)
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Chaffinch
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffery Doolittle ‘93
Fratesi Brothers
GT&T Farms
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Freeman ‘90
Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Horn ‘93 (Hillary ‘93)
Dr. Johnson Liou ‘77
Nelson-King Farms
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Poole
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Poole (Aletha Scott ‘95)
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Schuster ‘ 91 (Barry ‘93)
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Street
Mr. and Mrs. G.M. Weissinger
Circle of Gold ($1,000)
Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Andrews ‘97
Mr. and Mrs. Erik Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ayres
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Baird ‘86
Dr. Nohemie and Mr. Jose Brevil
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Bruton
Mr. and Mrs. Tripp Cain (Marlee ‘98)
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dawkins
Mr. and Mrs. Jan DeRegt
Mr. and Mrs. Dex Doolittle ‘90
Dr. and Mrs. Phil Doolittle
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Durastanti
Mr. and Mrs. Parker England ‘97 (Frankie ‘97)
Farmer’s Grain Terminal
The Annual Fund is our most important operational resource, helping to maintain Washington School’s respected tradition of academic excellence. Your participation in the Annual Fund is an impactful way for you to support Washington School’s yearly operational priorities. With your support, every aspect of Washington School is touched by helping us secure curriculum upgrades, classroom and campus renovations, and faculty enrichment. We are grateful for your loyal and generous support. You may contribute to our annual fund by visiting our website at generals.ws or by scanning the QR code.
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Ferri
Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Gates
Helena Chemical
Mr. and Mrs. Dustin Henry (Deanne ‘94)
Mr. Rhett Hobart ‘08
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hooker ‘95
Mr. and Mrs. John Montfort Jones ‘01 (Jessica ‘06)
Mr. and Mrs. Drew Lawrence (Sarah ‘11)
Mr. and Mrs. Wynn Loudon (Meredith ‘91)
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Mazzanti ‘93
Dr. Andrea and Mr. Tim McCann
Dr. and Mrs. Hamilton McGee ‘98
Mr. and Mrs. John Milam ‘01
Drs. Larkin and Sarah Mitchell (Larkin ‘00)
Mr. and Mrs. John Arthur Mortimer, II ‘02
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nimrod
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Oglesby ‘87
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Patton, IV
Mr. and Mrs. Gus (Bubba) Pugh
Mr. Edward Shackleford
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Shapley ‘78
The Signa Family Simplot
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith (Stephanie’ 89)
Mr. and Mrs. Will Smythe ‘02
Mr. and Mrs. Don Stallings
Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Stubbs ‘81 (Dana ‘81)
Dr. and Mrs. Neal Suares ‘91
Drs. Pradeep and Deepali Thakare Vanlandingham Farms (Brian ‘01) Wade, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wade
Mr. and Mrs. John Walker ‘00
Mr. and Mrs. Will Weathers ‘94 (Lee Ellen ‘95)
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Weissinger
Head of School Club ($500 - $999)
Mr. Eric Bender ‘91
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Boggs
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Brozovich ‘07
Mr. Andy Gibbs ‘94
Mr. and Mrs. George Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Hobart (Love ‘73)
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Ikerd (Pam ‘79)
Mr. and Mrs George Malouf
Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Maranto
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Michael
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Miers
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Smith
Mr. C. S. Tindall, III
Mrs. Marissa Watson
Mr. Joe Dan Yee
Generals Pride Club ($250 - $499)
Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Avis ‘96
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Bond ‘93
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Coppage ‘73
Mrs. Sheri Major
Mr. Bobby Maxwell
Mr. and Mrs. Monty McGee (MaeMae ‘72)
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Patton, III
Mr. Whit Rayner ‘79
Gold Club ($100 - $249)
Mrs. Katye Pinkerton Ainsworth ‘97
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Bell
Mrs. Kelli Buchanan Branton ‘92
Mrs. Anne McGee Bush ‘94
Mrs. Leslie Andrews Carpenter ‘79
Mrs. Tracy Chandler
Mr. and Mrs. Reagan Clark
Mrs. Heather Nicholson Crocker ‘89
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry Cunningham
Mrs. Lacey Thompson Gentry ‘90
Mrs. Kim Andrews Gibson ‘81
Mrs. Amy Howe
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Ikerd ‘09
Dr. Nan Johnson
Mrs. Sarah Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lowe ‘92
Dr. Leslie Flanagan Mason ‘94
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. McClatchy
Mrs. Sarah Lou Moose
Mrs. Tammye Pittman
Mrs. Allison Polasini ‘92
Mr and Mrs. Walt Stephens ‘99
Mrs. Melody Thornton
Mrs. Amy Catherine Cox Wilson ‘94
Blue Club (up to $100)
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Carlisle
Mrs. Jennifer Alexander Cougle ‘97
Mrs. Margaret McDougal Daniels ‘82
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dorman
Mrs. Brinkley Henry Farmer ‘14
Mrs. Shelley Griffin
Mrs. Kate Isben Hitt ‘97
Mrs. Taylor Smith Kelly ‘11
Mrs. Katie Lyons
Mrs. Amy Lauren Ikerd Maranto ‘06
Mrs. Yvette Boeve McPherson ‘89
Mrs. Misty Morlino
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel New ‘00
Mrs. Peyton Bridge Palasini ‘10
Mrs. Whitney Janous Pearson ‘05
Mrs. Jenna Peyton
Mrs. Rebecca Potter
Mrs. Becky Signa
Mrs. Shannon Sipes
Mrs. Aimee Washington
Class of 1972
MaeMae Hamilton McGee
Class of 1973
Bill Coppage
Love Coleman Hobart
Class of 1977
Louis Fratesi
Johnson Liou
Class of 1978
Mark Shapley
Class of 1979
Leslie Andrews Carpenter
Hartwell Huddleston
Pam Coleman Ikerd
Lisa Nelson King
Whit Rayner
Class of 1981
Tim Clements
Kim Andrews Gibson
Jodie Shaifer Huddleston
Dana Sorrells Stubbs
Rusty Stubbs
Class of 1982
Margaret McDougal Daniels
Class of 1983
Valerie Clements Smith
Class of 1984
William Huddleston
Class of 1985
Rebecca Hathcock Tardy
Class of 1986
Bill Baird
Class of 1987
Todd Oglesby
Leo Williams
Class of 1988
Lisa Mitchell Caradine
Class of 1989
Heather Nicholson Crocker
Yvette Boeve McPherson
Stephanie Pugh Smith
Class of 1990
Dex Doolittle
Chad Freeman
Lacey Thompson Gentry
Martin Walker
Class of 1991
Eric Bender
Meredith Hawkins Loudon
Eric Schuster
Neal Suares
Class of 1992
Kelli Buchanan Branton
Mike Lowe
Allison Polasini
Class of 1993
Jason Bond
Jeffery Doolittle
Hillary Horn
Tyler Horn
Todd Mazzanti
Barry Moore Schuster
Class of 1994
Anne McGee Bush
Andy Gibbs
Deanne Suares Henry
Leslie Flanagan Mason
C.D. Simmons, III
Will Weathers
Amy Catherine Cox Wilson
Class of 1995
Marney Morgan Dees
Daniel Hooker
Aletha Scott Poole
Gibson Steele
Johanna Swain Walker
Lee Ellen Bell Weathers
Class of 1996
Jamie Avis
Jane Hall Stock
Class of 1997
Katye Pinkerton Ainsworth
Nolan Andrews
Jennifer Alexander Cougle
Frankie Stallings England
Parker England
Kate Isben Hitt
Class of 1998
Marlee Hobart Cain
Hamilton McGee
Gene Stock
Class of 1999
Chris Auersald
Walt Stephens
Class of 2000
Larkin Mitchell
Daniel New
John Walker
Class of 2001
John Montfort Jones
John Milam
Brian Vanlandingham
Class of 2002
John Arthur Mortimer, II Will Smythe
Class of 2005
Whitney Janous Pearson
Class of 2006
Jessica Alexander Jones
Amy Lauren Ikerd Maranto
Casey Pittman Nelson
Class of 2007
Billy Brozovich
Walt King
Class of 2008
Rhett Hobart
Class of 2009
Brian Ikerd
Class of 2010
Peyton Bridge Palasini
Class of 2011
Sarah Angel Lawrence
Taylor Smith Kelly
Class of 2012
Sara Wilkerson
Class of 2013
J.C. Clements
Class of 2014
Brinkley Henry Farmer
Class of 2015
Michael Bruton
Jamie and Marla Bell
Kelli Branton ‘92
Anne Bush ‘94
Kevin and Dawn Carlisle
Chris and Ginger Chaffinch
Tracy Chandler
Jim and Mimi Dorman
Frankie England ‘97
Brinkley Farmer ‘14
Kate Hitt ‘97
Amy Howe
Nan Johnson
Sarah Kaplan
Taylor Kelly ‘11
Katie Lyons
Amy Lauren Maranto ‘06
Yvette McPherson ‘89
Sarah Lou Moose
Misty Morlino
Peyton Palasini ‘10
Whitney Pearson ‘05
Jenna Peyton
Tammye Pittman
Rebecca Potter
Becky Signa
Shannon Sipes
Chad and Gay Smith
Melody Thornton Aimee Washington Marissa Watson
Sara Wilkerson ‘12
Grain Terminal
Margaret Walker Hays Mr. and Mrs. Carter Murrell The Delta Group
Clint & Ellen Ann
A special thanks to our PTO and Booster Clubs and its many donors for supporting multiple initiatives across campus during the 2023-2024 academic year.

• Enhanced learning environment
• Individualized attention for every student
• A balanced program that instills a love of learning in students
• Enriched academic opportunities
• Communication between school and family is valued
• College preparatory
• Strong sense of community
If you would like to join our many donors in supporting our students, faculty, and the Delta, please contact our Development Office. We believe Washington School is necessary for our community and welcome you to join us!
“To support Washington School financially or through service is not a decision, but what Renee and I feel is our responsibility, not only to the school but to our community and surrounding area. The successful longevity of this great asset, Washington School, increases the potential for economic growth as well as the odds that many of our children will return to Greenville and the Delta for generations to come.” - Johnny McRight