Caffe Sicilia May 2012 Clippings

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Caffe Sicilia, Surry Hills


By Jen on April 30, 2012 6:43 PM | 2 Comments | No TrackBacks

Date nights have taken Zen and I to all pockets of Sydney. Depending on our moods and cravings, we'll go anywhere from having a cosy night with noodles and dumplings at Ashfield, to driving all the way to Penrith for a game of aqua golf and some piping hot Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Of course, there are also many other times when a fancy dinner and a movie would suffice.

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This time, despite being just literally down the road from home, we felt like we were in Italy all over again.

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ABOUT JENIUS is Jennifer Lam's gourmet logbook covering restaurant reviews, thoughts on trialled kitchen appliances & gadgets, tested and tasted recipes & cookbooks, travel stories and her quest to discover and preserve her family heritage and its cuisine. Jennifer is a twenty-something Sydneysider living the dream - having switched her successful career in advertising for the life of a Gen-Y entrepreneur. Her current business interests include I Ate My Way Through food tours and The Bamboo Garden boutique digital agency. More about JENIUS Âť

Cafe Sicilia is perched along Crown Street near Red Lantern, but the rustic old school Italian decor which spills onto the footpath, and the heavily accented waiters will have you thinking you're in Italy. I almost broke into a giggle when our waiter started reading out tonight's specials. They couldn't have set up a more authentic experience!

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