SEAL Program 2025 (Select Entry Accelerated Learning)

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What is the SEAL program?

The Select Entry Accelerated Learning (SEAL) Program is an innovative program for students of high potential that has been running successfully at Wangaratta High School for nearly two decades. The program has attracted some of the brightest regional students who move through sections of the Year 7—9 curriculum at a faster pace in a separate class group. The Department of Education and Training introduced the SEAL Program into selected Victorian schools to help meet the needs of gifted and high potential students. In 2014, the 36 accredited SEAL schools in Victoria formed The Academy of Accredited SEAL Schools (TAASS). The Academy is “a collective of like minded schools who strongly value gifted education in Victorian Government secondary schools.” Every three years Academy schools undertake a rigorous review process overseen by independent reviewers to ensure that parents and students can have confidence that SEAL Academy schools provide quality and leading edge programs gifted and high potential students.

Wangaratta High School is proud to be the only school that offers an accredited SEAL Program in north east Victoria.

Key Personnel


SEAL Coordinator


Assistant Principal: Positive Climate for Learning


Executive Principal


Assistant Principal: Excellence in Teaching & Learning


Students who are selected into the program are placed together into a homeroom group that stays together as one class for Years 7-9 During these three years the core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science and Humanities are accelerated, effectively compacting the standard four year 7-10 curriculum down into three years. This acceleration provides for faster paced learning which is non-repetitive, gives students an opportunity to work with more complex and abstract course material, and provides an adaptive and challenging learning environment where students can work collaboratively with peers of a similar ability.


In their fourth year SEAL students enter Year 10 and the Senior Years Learning Community, just as their similarly aged peers do, however they have an opportunity for a more varied pathway. In Year 10 SEAL students can elect to:

Complete VCE over two years

Complete a wider choice of VCE and/or VET subjects over three years

Select some Year 10 and some VCE and/or VET subjects to extend themselves in areas of particular interest

Undertake a first year university subject through the Centre for Higher Education Studies (CHES)

Complete a standard Year 10 and then VCE over two years

Ultimately the SEAL Program provides students with the opportunity to work with likeminded peers and prepares them for broader, more intensive VCE studies and/or University Extension units in their senior years.

Who should apply?

The SEAL Program caters for students who are performing above, or there is evidence to suggest that they are capable of performing above, the expected standard for their age across a range of subject areas. We assess and identify the specific learning needs of all students who show giftedness or high potential, with the aim to support students to successfully develop their strengths, gifts and talents. Sometimes students with high ability, or the potential for high ability, may underachieve or become disengaged in their learning. The SEAL Program also caters directly for students who may not be achieving to their potential. Generally, if a child is regularly performing at a level above what is expected for their age, or there is evidence to believe that they have the potential to achieve at a level above what is expected for their age, then the SEAL Program is appropriate for them.

Qualities we look for in successful candidates can include:

Students who have a love of learning.

Students who require a genuine challenge with their studies.

Students who are consistently performing well above expected levels according to their teachers’ assessments.

Students who are gifted and talented in the broader curriculum.

Students who can learn independently and are cognisant of their own learning.

Students who have well developed literacy and numeracy skills.

Students who are enthusiastic and avid readers.

Students who have shown critical and creative thinking.

Students who take risks with their learning.

Students who are creative problem solvers.

Students who challenge themselves both academically and personally.

Students who are involved in extra-curricular activities such as writing, poetry, sport, music, and drama.

Students who are self-motivated and organised.

Students who embrace leadership opportunities.

Students who have broad general knowledge.

Students who are active members of their communities.

Students who have shown high potential but who have become less engaged in their learning.

Students who finish work early and/or find their work easy to finish.

Students who feel they haven't had enough challenge or complexity in their learning.

How to apply?

Year 6 into Year 7

Each year in Term 3, after Year 6 students have received confirmation from their primary school of a general placement at Wangaratta High School, they can apply for selection into the SEAL program for Year 7.

Prospective applicants are recommended to attend the SEAL information session to gain a clear understanding of how the program works, the selection process, and the application timeline. Dates for the information evenings can be found on our website.

Current Secondary Students

We accept applications for Year 7, 8 and 9 SEAL classes if places are available. Year 9 places are only available at the beginning of the school year. To inquire about possible places please contact the SEAL Coordinator.

Selection Process

A selection process is used to identify students for whom SEAL would be appropriate which involves application responses, external testing through Edutest, teacher recommendation, an analysis of student data and student interview.

Application Requirements

When applying you will need to complete:

the Application Form, attaching copies of any supporting documentation

Teacher's Recommendation Form

Parent Nomination Survey

Edutest Registration

It is preferred that all forms and supporting documentation is completed and submitted electronically by email. Contact the SEAL Coordinator if you have any questions about the application documentation.

Edutest Registration

You must register with Edutest in order to sit selective testing. Links to register with Edutest and cut off dates are on our website. Please see the Edutest Test Information pamphlet for more information about the test contents. After registration you can access sample questions on the Edutest website.

Testing Day

Once you have registered with Edutest you will receive confirmation and information regarding the date, time and location of the selection test, as well as what your child needs to bring for the day. Tests are externally assessed with results returned to the High School.


The interview is holistic in nature and gives students an opportunity to talk about their strengths and achievements, as well as to ask any questions they have about the SEAL Program. To help feel more confident about the interview students are invited to bring a something they are proud of to discuss. This could include a portfolio of past academic achievements and prizes, sporting achievements, music achievements, school and community leadership achievements, or any other materials that illustrates their approach to learning, leadership and community.

Contact Details




In Person


SEAL Program Coordinator

Wangaratta High School PO Box 235 Wangaratta 3676

03 5723 0500

Wangaratta High School Office 17-49 Edwards Street

Wangaratta VIC 3677

A SEAL Student Journey

Charlotte's story

I started year 7 in the general cohort in 2015. I had decided not to apply for the SEAL program as my primary school teachers were concerned that my maths skills were not proficient enough. Also, my parents were concerned that the SEAL program could foster a competitive environment. However, throughout the year I found myself finishing my work early and not feeling challenged. As a result, I applied to join the SEAL program.

Despite the fact that I was only in the SEAL program for two years, I feel I gained so much. While English was always my strongest subject, I was able to significantly improve in maths to match my peers. This was cultivated by the strong relationships in SEAL that encouraged us to learn from each other as well as our teachers. I was able to continue maths into VCE.

As someone who thrives off challenges and consistently sets high expectations for myself, the SEAL program fuelled me to develop strong study habits. These study habits and self-motivation set me apart from my peers at university, who often struggle with completing tasks on time and managing stress. By developing these habits from year 8, I felt more prepared for VCE and subsequently university.

While people can be apprehensive about a competitive environment a selective program could develop, I never felt pressured or judged by my peers. Instead, it was only enough to encourage us to perform better and value the educational opportunity we were being provided in SEAL. Many of us also participated in the music program and other extracurricular activities which developed a strong bond between us. The ability to work well with others is an integral component of university programs and participating in the workforce.

COVID presented a very challenging work environment, but I was still able to continue studying and achieve an ATAR in the top 5% of Victoria. Ultimately, the study habits, self-motivation and ability to complete self-directed learning that I had developed through SEAL supported me to achieve a high ATAR. I was able to receive an offer for my first preference, Bachelor of Vision Science / Master of Optometry at Deakin University. This course is extremely competitive, as only 10% of overall applications are typically accepted.

The skills provided in SEAL have also allowed me to achieve beyond the scope of academics. I have always been focused on taking all opportunities as they come and working as hard as I can. This has led to many employment opportunities, as well as a scholarship with the Royal Flying Doctor Service. As part of my scholarship, I went on a week-long placement to rural Gippsland, where patients cannot easily access eye care. The financial component of the scholarship assisted me in purchasing my ophthalmoscope set for clinical use.

My university course is also an accelerated program, where five years is content is provided in three and a half years, with significantly fewer breaks than a typical uni course. While many of my peers struggle with this, I feel comfortable with an accelerated workload due to SEAL. While it is challenging, I am able to see the benefits for myself in the long term. Additionally, as I accelerated in two 3/4 subjects in year 11, I was able to complete a Deakin University subject via Deakin Accelerate in 2020. This provided me with university experience, as well as completing two university subjects during year 12. Deakin Accelerate also contributed to my ATAR score.

I feel incredibly grateful that I was able to be a part of the SEAL program, and the skills I was provided with support me on my journey to becoming a healthcare practitioner. I would encourage high-performing students to consider applying for the SEAL program.

Charlotte's typical study set up The set up in our RFDS mobile clinic in Goongerah. Using the slit lamp to measure tear break up time during practical class.



17-49 Edwards Street
Victoria 3677
03 5723 0500 W:
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