1975 vol 5 no 3

Page 15

THE AIR SO years of aviation


No one wiJI underestimate the value of a parachute packor..•

T bc: Washing ton Air Nation al Guard rccen t J~· ma r ked its sor ti ;anruver$ary of s:c.rvto= to tbC' state From clllll' obkrvatlc:m squadron In Spokant in 192'4. the A ir Gll3rd bas ex:pandt;d to 2,200 men aoi!l wumen In both Oying u nd com mun.lt:Jltion!il lntits . The .h.. ad·q u arrer~ is. at Cilmp Murray, neat T~com.a , with uni ts in S po);sne , Sean le , EVeYMf , <Jnd Bellinghoim Actu a II)', f'itderal recognition came in L9241, but the tl6tb Aero Sqgadron was organized, trahted, s.nLI sent In Fran.cc f'or World \Vil.I' J i.n 1917. T bem' s lot 11 ofM-'ltillgia and. Air Guard history in Wa:0;bing1 a a Stare T1lC Fastest and the S3festlll tl!c West - tbl's tbt! Wl'apomr. loadine team of the Hht F 4g h tie-r tn ~ rceptor Group, winaJDi the J!il>"l A.be Wespnns Lti;;idioi; Comp~ti­ tl.oh rRegu lnr and Reserve ). Add ta 1f\al tl1t! etner~ SPAATZ

...least of all, the men w"1o fly these F102s, who aJso ...

trophy won twice, the SHiERBOYll'E trophy, the historic Atlantic. Ck~ crt1~niog 19'!i1 Onjcts.q~dron}a a d IRUlllCTOlli

ll)(MI' ntttLO!l.u l awards

emf you 'JJ tsel'.! why p rtdl!! rwia. .high In. 'his State'& IJ yi ll,l!l uoit and the i9Up pon Ul~its

But equlllly i mporrnnt to rhc: Wa.i;hinglon Air NntionaJ Guanl is lt!{ mobile comm u n I r;at Lons squadro n... ond th~ (!]~ron~ e mstallation.ot unit e ngaged 111 tbe ;p. .sc.iilla t ion , operation a n d maintonaore of mobifc r adio cummunicauon11 raciJ 11 ic:s Besides doing work tor rhcl regular Aar Pora::e, unJt 11CrBot11i!el ba \•c accompH.!ltu~d

., .depend on the skills of ltieir 91ound crew mechaoics

(R$IB Ua1ions i11

Franca. ~rmany, Svain. Turk11y r lra o , Okl n3wa. J•epan, and the Phlltppioe:s. •'o>m Jennios tu jets n 50 yea n a ad now 1411 j at fueling KC-IJS'~ r b a t '.a th i= n e"" vital fly1n111 11s1J1in men• jus:1 uhea d for t he WB.!lhrne;ton Air Na1ional Guard.

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