May/June 2016 issue - WAHP Business Australia

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May/June 2016

Pricing Strategies that Work Part 2

Is your Business ready for June 30?

Protect your Digital Assets

3 Expert Tips

to Manage your Business Finances

Apps in Review

CollectMORE HOT Debt Collection App

Brand Reps...

Get your Products noticed Showcasing Australian Small Business and Work At Home Parents

The Team Editor-in-Chief Helen Dayman WAHP Business Australia w e (ISSN 2202-8102)

A bi-monthly digital magazine published Australia-wide and available online.

Connect with us on Facebook - @wahpp Contributors Stacey Ashley - Ashley Coaching & Consulting Tracey Hall - Success in E.D.S. Katherine Hawes - New Age Legal Solutions Tracey Daniels - Real Business Group Helen Dayman – WAHP Business Australia

WAHP Business Australia November/December 2015

Editor’s Letter



‘UP’ your Productivity and Performance Have you reviewed your Business Plan What is Direct Selling


Brand Reps... Get your Products noticed Setup your Brand Rep Network 5 Tips for a Successful EOFY Sale

Advertise your Business Display Advertising Editorial (two page spread) Full - Half - Quarter Page Product Catalogue

Submit an Article or Advertise e

Published and Distributed by: Goodnight Publishing 367 Nielsons Road Goodnight Scrub Qld 4671 Phone - 0402 146 371 ABN 80 393 008 723

Page Page22


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3 Expert Tips to Manage your Business finances more effectvely Create a Pricing Strategy that Works - It's a numbers game Is your Business ready for June 30?

Technology Graphic Design Goodnight Publishing

4 7

Australians spent 552 hours Googling in 2015 Google Outside Google Get your Business - Google Verified App in Review - CollectMORE


18 21 22 24 25 26 27

Project your Digital Assets




Product Catalogue


This months hot products

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Editor’s Letter

Welcome to our May/Junel issue of WAHP Business Australia magazine. This is an busy time of year as our businesses are getting ready for June 30 and the end of financial year.. The work behind the scenes leading up to each issue is phenomenal. Researching each article topic to ensure that all information is current and correct. Editing and proofreading all copy and then down to the intricacies of designing the layout. Like all small businesses we are often impacted by health and family concerns. In my case this issue, illness struck and held up production. We are a little late getting this issue out, but as always we aim for a high quality each issue. We have an interesting balance of articles for you this issue. I know I keep saying it, but i think this issue may be our best EVER! With the end of financial year almost upon us we take a closer look with - Have you Reviewed your Business Plan on page 7 and Is your business ready for June 30 on page 22. 2016 is humming along we highlight Brand Representatives for your products in our Feature article - Brand Reps... Get your products noticed. We also have a few tips on how to Setup your Brand Rep Network. Katherine Hawes from New Age Legal Solutions introduces Protect your Digital Assets; Stacey Ashley from Ashley Coaching & Consulting shares how to ‘UP’ your Productivity and Performance by developing a positive mindset; Tracey Hall from Success in E.D.S. fills us in on What is Direct Selling; and Tracey Daniels from Real Business Groups shares 3 Expert Tips to manage your business finances more effectively. We also have a delectable selection of recipes to tantalise your taste buds. Of course standard in every issue from our very first, is the Product Catalogue showcasing your products. Read on and enjoy this issue. WAHP Business Australia magazine is now bi-monthly. The next issue will be out on 15th July, perfect timing as we start a new financial year.. Interested in showcasing your business, advertising deadline for the next issue is 15th June. Promote your business from as little as $15 in the Product catalogue; $50 quarter page; $70 - half page; and $100 - full page. We have had a small increase, but we will always keep the rates low to support Work at Home Parent businesses. Are you an expert in your field? You are welcome to contribute articles. This wraps it up for this issue and I am very excited to get your feedback.

Helen Dayman Editor

WAHP Business Australia

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Business As a Work At Home Parent there is one thing that you have full responsibility for - your own happiness and emotional wellbeing. Unfortunately, there is often nobody else who can solve your problems, or pick you up when you’re having a down day!

As a result, It can be easy to forget why you chose to work at home in the first place as you juggle your home priorities and your work priorities. Sometime it all just seems harder than it needs to be and your performance on both work and home fronts suffers. Take a moment now to recall why you chose to work from home? Was it because it just excited you to be able to leave the grind of corporate behind you or you felt that it was really your passion in life? Did you relish the opportunity to do what you’re great at while enjoying the flexibility of working from home? Now think back over the past two weeks, how often have you actually felt excited and happy about your chosen career? It is actually always a good idea to regularly re-align with the key reasons you decided to do what you do and be proactive about making sure it still makes you happy. Do this and you’ll avoid some of the pitfalls of working from home.

5 C’s of Happiness on i t u b i r t Con Con victi on

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mitm ent

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‘UP’ your Productivity and Performance

by developing a positive mindset Here are some of my top tips for owning and developing your happiness mindset so you can raise your productivity and performance.

Focus on keeping your network current and nurturingso it doesn’t feel like you’re operating alone. Choose people who support you and maintain regular contact.

Contribution - This is what you do every day Share your achievements with others so that they can recognise you too. You can celebrate with others even if you work alone! Don't be afraid to pick up the phone and share your wins with friends and family!

Commitment - This is your long term engagement to your role and work.

Get positive feedback even if you have to go out and seek this. Working at home can be isolating so make an effort to ensure you get what you need by proactively eliciting it from others.

Does your work fit in with your purpose? Do you have the feeling that you make a difference? If not, then what needs to change? What do you need to do more or less of?

Conviction - This is your short term motivation. Your motivation is impacted by your feelings of Competence, Connectedness and Choice. Always aim to leverage upon your strengths, the things that energise you and bring you strength, in your work.

Confidence - This is about having a sense of belief in yourself and in your career. Confidence is about:

If you need something done which isn’t a strong point, find an outsourcer who can do this for you. You have the power to choose what you do and when you do it! (Isn’t this one of the reasons you wanted to work at home anyway?)

The happiest people, those who achieve their potential, are those who believe they make a difference.

Getting things done- this is that whole sense of achievement. Focus on getting the right things completed, the important things done that will make a difference to you, your business and your customers. Do you believe in yourself and your abilities? Remind yourself of what you have achieved. Get others to remind you too about what you are capable of and what they believe are your strengths.

Culture - This is your feeling of ‘fitting in’ Hopefully, if this is your business your culture should be great!

It doesn’t matter what your chosen career path is, you can choose to make it work for you or against you. Why not spend a few hours this week making sure that Do you relish your job? Great - Do more of it! If not, you have set you and your work at home role up for then take responsibility for changing some aspects. success? Check in to make sure you are focusing on your strengths and the things which energise you. Stacey Ashley Do you feel in control of your daily activities? You are Ashley Coaching & Consulting the author of your own diary so make sure you make great choices for yourself. WAHP Business Australia

Page 5

Become a coach and

INCREASE YOUR INCOME Work from home on



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Have you Reviewed your Business Plan? Helen Dayman WAHP Business Australia

As we head into a new financial year, this is the ideal time to take a close look at your Business Plan. Does it still align with your core business? Have you made changes to your business that have not been updated in your Business Plan? Let’s ask the important questions and get your Business Plan in tip top shape ready to move forward.

WAHP Business Australia

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WHO Start by asking WHO! Who is your target market? Who are your customers, suppliers, competitors and your team. Has anything changed since you last reviewed your business plan? If you have expanded your business to new markets... Update your customers, suppliers and competitors. Have you added new people to your team? Ensure you are using their strengths to benefit your business.

WHAT Define your WHAT! What does your business produce? What customer needs does your product or service meet? What advantages for customers to purchase your product over a competitor? Does your product or service solve a problem? What share of the market do you have now and your goal to reach? In marketing your product What message will you deliver? What audience group will you deliver the message to? What time period do you expect to maximise revenue?

WHERE Nail down the WHERE! Do you have a vision of where you want your business to be this year? It’s not just about where your business is in a physical space, although that is great to know. Where are your customers located? Where do they research before purchasing? Where can you improve efficiency in delivering your product or service to customers?

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WHEN Schedule the WHEN! Setup a timeline for when you will achieve milestones in your business. Marketing opportunities to attract new customers. When do you expect your business to break-even? When will your business reach profit milestones? When do you expect to see a return on your investment? Schedule in the WHEN so you know when it has been achieved!

WHY Explain the WHY! Why should a customer choose your business over a competitor? Answer the Why with every claim you make about your product or service. Top Quality - WHY Cheaper prices - WHY Excellent Customer Service - WHY You can trust us - WHY Ask yourself... Why do you love your business? Why do you love your product? Knowing the WHY helps you to explain it to your customers.

HOW Clarify the HOW! How do you plan to carry out your Business Plan? How do you plan to achieve each milestone or goal? The HOW is essentially your business policies and procedures. Each step in the business’ Quality Assurance, Compliance, Customer Service, Sales, Marketing and Financial should be clearly outlined in procedure processes.

WAHP Business Australia

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What is Direct Selling? Every single business is direct selling to their customers Online or a business with a shop front, you are all selling direct to your customers. What makes the direct sales industry stand out is the personalised service.

What does a direct sales business look like? Why are people scared it’s a “pyramid scheme�? This pyramid scheme title keeps coming up on social media. It is disappointing to everyone in the industry that makes a great living conducting their direct selling business ethically. However, when you point out to a potential customer that nearly all businesses and governments in the world use a pyramid structure - the battle is usually won by yours truly. Being in the industry for nearly 30 years I have seen a few charlatans, however I have also made many lifelong friends. I have used amazing products and made a great income too. Direct Sales is just another form of buying products that you want or need. The convenience is that you can buy online at your own pace or you have someone come to your home and show you how to use the products. How awesome is that!

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Business Tracey Hall Success in E.D.S.

A big tip having learnt along the way is that customers are the lifeblood of your business. Bookings, sales and team members all come from having a great relationship with your customers. Let’s explore this, firstly customers come in all shapes and sizes and every person on this planet doesn’t want to be sold to.

Direct Sales doesn’t judge - it gives everyone a chance from 16 year of age to start their own business.

So STOP doing it!

Start-up costs are low for your own business compared to a bricks and mortar business.

Find out more about the person what their likes and dislikes are - build up a relationship. Building relationships takes time. Show your customers that you have a genuine interest by - sending thank you cards, remembering children’s names and birthdays. These small actions will help towards building trust between you and your customers. 73% of the direct sales workforce are women! Not a big surprise, but there is a good chance that someone you know has been in the industry since its inception. A direct sales business is ideal for women who want to stay at home and have an income. Direct sales can be a once-off order or it can lead to a passive income that generates sales over and over again from just one customer. Once the children go to school you have a business that works for you and your family.

Some companies allow you to join for FREE, while others allow you to pay off your kit. The great thing is you can work your own hours and the earning potential in some companies is unlimited. There are more than 270 different direct sales companies in Australia, so there are many choices and options available. The Direct Selling Association of Australia (DSAA) is a great place to start when looking for information about different companies. The first thing you must do before joining with a company is to make sure they are a member of the DSAA. For many more tips, I have written a FREE handout to help people who want to join a direct selling company make an informed decision.

Links: Direct Selling Association of Australia Success in E.D.S. Free Handout or Enquire about E.D.S. Awards

WAHP Business Australia

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Brand Reps...

Get your Products noticed

Have you heard about Brand Representatives or Brand Enthusiasts yet? If not, we are about to get you up to speed. Helen Dayman WAHP Business Australia

Brand Representative

Receive free products that they in turn photograph and share on social media usually 2-3 times a week (minimum weekly). May also receive discounts on any additional product purchases.

Brand Enthusiast

Receive a generous discount on product purchases, in return are required to photograph and share on social media.

More popular across Instagram, Brand Reps are Elle found the Brand Rep Search easy and now showcasing and promoting their favourite focused on Instagram. With 55 – 60 applicants, there were plenty to choose from. The target products on Facebook and Pinterest too. market Elle wanted were Mums who take lots of Elle Halliday from Hudson & Co Clothing is photos and post regularly to Instagram. enjoying the brand rep experience. She currently has 6 brand representatives of varying ages from “It’s a great deal for Mums as they get free clothing for their little ones in exchange for babies to toddlers. sharing regular photos of my products and “The brand profile is definitely improving as the tagging my business”. posts are quite regular and that keeps my profile popping up for people to check out and like”, So… what to look for in a Brand Representative or Enthusiast? Most importantly you want Elle said. quality photographs, so check out their profile. “Sales have increased since the brand reps started and I am hoping this is a continuing Alexandra is on Instagram with @huddynspence, trend”. and is one of Hudson & Co Clothing’s Brand Reps.

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Marketing Alexandra said that Hudson Co was the first brand rep position she got, but since then has entered quite a few searches and is now repping for three businesses and a brand enthusiast for another three. “I have really enjoyed putting together flat lays and always enjoy taking photos of my boys in different outfits so it’s right up my alley”.

This flat lay shows off the products beautifully. Accompanying Hudson & Co Clothing’s gorgeous fox set are complementary products from other businesses. Notice the second image with businesses tagged? Click on the photo image and up pop all the businesses for each product. Wow… 61 likes and lots of comments too, all in one week. A popular way of showcasing your products by many Morgan described brand repping as a tough gig as it Brand Representatives for children’s clothing is to can take a lot of time to plan the perfect outfit and take photographs of their child wearing them. This get the perfect picture. may also include hair accessories and jewellery. It’s not just taking a pretty photo and sharing it Morgan is on Instagram with @_lilahviolet_ and also on social media. Morgan said she is constantly a brand representative for Hudson & Co Clothing. networking with her favourite Instagram accounts Her daughter Lilah enjoys showing off her cute dress and sharing the business’ (she reps for) sales and from Hudson & Co Clothing. promotions too.

Lilah wearing Hudson & Co Clothing

“But in the end it’s worth it! I get to photograph my girl’s cheeky, effervescent personality. In years to come, I’ll get to look back on the gallery of memories we created together. I wouldn’t change that for the world.” Again… Morgan’s post of cute Lilah dressed in Hudson & Co Clothing reached 50 likes in only one week. This is great exposure for the business. Want to know more about how you can set up Brand Representatives and Enthusiasts for your business? Get all the info and tips on page 14 in Setup your Brand Network

WAHP Business Australia

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Setup your Brand Rep Network

We introduced you to Elle Halliday and her positive Brand Rep experiences with her business Hudson Co Clothing. You have also heard from Alexandra and Morgan and why they enjoy about being Brand Reps. Do you see a pattern emerging? It is all about building relationships! Prepare First Identify which products you want to promote; Introduction to your Brand (info sheet); Communication methods – social media group, email, skype, chat; Contract guidelines.

Selecting your Brand Rep and Enthusiast You are looking for a specific type of person to represent your brand. They need to be outgoing and also have a solid Instagram following. Check out their profile, photographs and engagement. You may find that a few are already brand repping for other businesses. Let’s talk photographs. Take a close look at their photographs. You want good quality images of your products. Do they have an eye for styling and layout? Consider how your products would look if photographed by this person. Elle Halliday from Hudson Co Clothing asks her reps to email her each photograph so that she is able to use them for product promotion. Brand Representatives and Enthusiasts often have products from a few businesses they promote. Check if existing ones complement your products. A Brand Rep will often style their photographs by combining your product with ones from other businesses. Check out the flat lay by Alexandra shown in this article. Page 14

Setting up your Brand Rep network Advertise a Brand Rep/Enthusiast Search on social media. Instagram is most popular, but this same process can also be done across other social media. Search Instagram with the hashtag #brandrepsearch. This will give you an idea of how other businesses are doing it and help you to create your own Brand Rep Search. Check out Australian Brand Reps (@ australianbrandreps) and Aussie Brand Reps (@ aussiebrandreps) on Instagram. They share many Brand Rep Searches and will be helpful in getting the word out.

Brand Rep and Enthusiast Contract You are entering into a business relationship, so there needs to be clear guidelines of what is expected of the Brand Rep and also your business. Contract term – 3 to 6 months Initial trial period – 1 month Social media profile – must be public Products supplied/month – quantity Brand Representative – free product (optional plus discount) Brand Enthusiast – generous discount Social Media – specify Instagram or other Quantity of social media shares – how often a week Special Sales or Promotions – Are they expected to share these too? Photographs – flat lays, styled or modelled (or combo) Permission for business to use photographs for product promotion If photography models are not family members, individual permission is required Published by Goodnight Publishing

WAHP Business Australia

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5 Tips for a Successful

EOFY Sale Page 16

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Are you planning an End of Financial Year Sale? Here are a few tips to help you towards having a successful sale. Take the same approach you would to any other business campaign or project - Plan It.

1 Duration of Sale

Let’s sort out the timeframe first. How long is a EOFY sale? Your sale can be for one day, one week, a fortnight or month ending on 30 June. You can even roll your sale over into July. The choice is yours!

2 Time Limits

Create a sense of urgency. Buy Now signage is always good, but also considering using a few of the Pricing Strategies on page ?? and in our March issue ??


Helen Dayman WAHP Business Australia

WAHP Business Australia

You know your customers. Do they have a need that your sale can fill? Business customers may wish to spend on big ticket items and claim in this financial year. Christmas is just around the corner. Oh well, 6 months away - but customers are already shopping early for Christmas. Your EOFY Sale is when they want to do some serious shopping.


If your EOFY Sale will be held over an extended period of a month or more, break it up into mini-sales. Short time limits to get the discount or offer increases urgency to buy. Try a few of these: Storewide Discount - one discount across all products; 24 hour Flash Sale - midnight to midnight; Weekly Discounts - highlighted products discounted for the week; Buy one, Get one Free - always very popular; Mystery Grab Bag - one low price to get all mystery items in bag; specify the total value; great to reduce clearance stock.

Target your Audience

Promote Promote Promote

Have a Sale and they wll come! Sadly it doesn’t happen that way. If you don’t get the word out, no-one will know about your Sale. Plan a marketing campaign to promote your EOFY Sale a few weeks earlier. Don’t wait for the last minite. There are lots of opportunities Flyer with each purchase Promo Signs up in store and web (online store - website) Email promotion to your customer database Regular Newsletters (mail or email) Social Media - your network and in groups Advertising (radio, print or TV)


Watch your Bottom Line

Don’t lose sight of how much each product has cost your business. This includes the initial wholesale purchase price and freight. If you created the item, then you need to factor in how much it cost you in both materials and time. Your EOFY Sale is about moving stock out the door, increasing sales and making money. You don’t want to lose money or break even. Carefully look at each discount offer and make sure you have left enough markup.

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Expert Tips to Effectively manage

your Business Finances Tracey Daniel and Jane Challinor are the founders of Real Business Group, an organisation which assist entrepreneurs and business owners to reach the next level in their business.

Tracey Daniel Real Business Group

Page 18

To double your sales and profits in the next 90 days, sign up for the free Path to Profit event at:

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Money Running your own business means learning how to multi-task in a hurry. Once you’ve opened your doors (virtual or otherwise) to the public, you’ll find yourself having to quickly master an initially bewildering amount of core competencies in a very short time. Staffing, payroll, sales, marketing and more – the buck stops with you, especially during the early stages of your business. One area demands your attention more than any other – Financial Management! Take your eye off the bottom line and things can get sticky quickly. Let’s look at three key tips to make sure you are running a tight ship. 1. Educate Yourself on the Basics

3. Separate your Personal and Business Affairs

Don’t worry, the good news is that you don’t need to magically become an accountant overnight! The line between personal and business affairs can You do, however, need to jumpstart your overall be a blurry one, particularly if you’re bootstrapping financial literacy in a hurry. your business from scratch. Make sure you are being strict on this one from the outset. You will Accountancy is the language of business and if you save yourself from a potentially nightmarish set of can’t even hold a basic conversation in it, trouble accounting and tax concerns down the line. lies ahead. Keep debt, expenses and income relating to your A small bit of effort at the start will pay off for years business totally separate at all times. Make sure to come. Start by picking up a beginner’s guide to you have appropriate buffers in place in your small business accounting or book an hour of your personal and business budgets to ensure things accountant’s time. run smoothly and lines are not crossed. Ask the Accountant to walk you through the basics of your business’ key financial statements: cash flow statement, income statement and balance sheet.

2. Don’t Try and Do It All Yourself A basic knowledge of standard accounting practice is enormously useful, but that doesn’t mean you should be handling everything yourself. Make sure you’re dealing with a reliable, local accounting As your business grows, managing its finances will and tax professional to guide your decisions and become a full-time job in its own right. It is crucial take care of the appropriate paperwork. you take a hands-on and proactive role as quickly as possible. You should also look to leverage modern, cloudbased accounting software to make life easier for These three tips are by no means the only ones all parties. Solutions such as Xero give you a clear you should pay attention to, but they’ll go a long daily overview of your current position, and make way towards putting you on the right track and monthly, quarterly and annual number crunching staying in control of your business finances at all simpler when it comes to filing returns. times! WAHP Business Australia

Page 19

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Create a Pricing Strategy that Works (Part 2)

It's a numbers game!

Helen Dayman WAHP Business Australia

In our March 2016 issue we talked about ‘Determining your Price using the strategies of Charm Pricing and Rounded Pricing. Remember we are delving into the psychology behind pricing and what influences your customers to purchase products or ser vices.

Offer Installment Payments Let’s take the next step forward and Influence their Perception. Price is merely a perception. Nothing more, nothing less.

The opportunity to purchase a product via installment payments is very attractive to customers. Their focus is drawn to the smaller payment price.

The price is perceived as high or low. So how can this knowledge be used to influece a customer’s perception of price?

Reframe your Price

Daily Equivalence

Product prices are not coded into your customer’s You can get the same response as offering memory rather they are categrised as a low or high installment payments by also mentioning the Daily price. By reframing your price it appears to be a Equivalence. lower numerical value. Referred to as ‘pennies-a-day’, this strategy Keep Shipping and Postage separate - use influences customers to perceive a lower overall partition pricing to break up the cost into multple price. components. Base cost plus postage. Keep your regular price, simply mention the daily When shopping, your customers are more likely to equivalent cost. This lower cost helps to anchor compare the base price and go with the lower base your customers to perceiving the price as being on the lower end of the scale. price.

More strategies next issue... WAHP Business Australia

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Is your business ready for June 30? Tax time is just round the corner. Are you ready to hand everything over to your Accountant? These tips will help you get organised and be ready for the end of financial year. Helen Dayman WAHP Business Australia


Is all the Super paid up? Not just employees, but your superannuation too. Don’t miss out on tax deductions as these only apply to superannuation contributions paid before June 30.


Besides tax, June 30 also means stocktake time. You have two options to either avoid large orders prior to stocktake, or you can sell down your existing stock. Make sure you have enough stock for July until your next order. If you have stock that you aren’t able to sell you can write its value down or write it off.


Money you are Owed

Hopefully you don’t have a large Debtors list. Big or small, this is all money that your business is owed. You need to assess the likelihood of being paid in part or full by the outstanding debtors. You have two options - seek payments and recovery of the debt; or write it off as a Bad Debt. Bad debts are tax deductible and can be offset against the business income in the current financial year.


Business assets may include office equipment, funiture, computers, work tools, cars or property.

Businesses expenses are tax deductible. From the smaller receipts for stationery or fuel to Small businesses with an annual turnover of less than $2 million are able to deduct the suppliers invoices. value of asset that cost less than $20,000 in To get the most deductions for this financial the current financial year. year, pay for all invoices up till 30 June. You can also take advantage of tax deductions Under the 2016 Budget, the annual turnover on pre-paid services if paid for in the current of small businesses will be raised to $10 million from 1st July. financial year. This list should be used as a guide and a starting point to help you make decisions. You are recommended to seek professional advice appropriate to your business needs from your Accountant. Page 22

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WAHP Business Australia

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Australians spent 552 hours

Googling in 2015

If you had any doubt that one particular player is (literally) synonymous with online search. Not only do Australians visit Google more than eight times in an average four week as either of its primary ‘competitors’, but 99% of people who do use Bing or Yahoo!7 also use Google, Roy Morgan Research website visitation data shows. In 2015, 16,903,000 Australians 14+ (86%) visited the Google Search page at least once during an average four week period, while 1,929,000 visited Bing and 1,820,000 visited Yahoo!7. However, while 1.9 million unique visitors per four weeks is certainly nothing to sneeze at, nearly all of them visit Google too.

“Roy Morgan Research has long measured website visitation in Australian population terms, as well as sessions, page views and duration. Measurement of websites, apps, streaming and on-demand services are but just one component of our comprehensive cross-media measurement data.”

Google Search visitors averaged a touch over 2.5 The chart below is hard to make clear (you might hours each on the site in an average four weeks in need to adjust your screen resolution!). The orange 2015, for an estimated total of 552 million hours slivers on top of the Bing and Yahoo!7 columns of national Googling over the year. represent those 20,000 or so Australians who visit What is especially interesting about this research that search page in an average four weeks but not is firstly the results for Bing and Yahoo7 Search are Google as well—in each case, only around 1 in 100 separate. visitors. Did you know that Yahoo7 Search uses Bing’s search engine exclusively? Basically, they are the same search engine. Secondly, the focus for business has been on Google as the major search engine. Why? The battle for first page position on search results has been significant in Google becoming the go to for web searches.

Roy Morgan Research - Google vs Bing vs Yahoo7 Search

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Did you know that Australian’s original search engine still exists? Yes... webwombat is still online. We go online to discover alternate search engines and what they offer. Published by Goodnight Publishing

Technology Helen Dayman WAHP Business Australia

Google is the undisputed industry leader in the online web search. The accompanying services enables Google to sync user data between its different products our online activity is what makes Google a great organizer of data online.

Bing ranks second highest with Australian online users. Just pipping Yahoo7. Today, Yahoo7 search is powered by the Bing search engine. Between the two, they have only a fraction of the web search user market share.

Google Outside Google

DuckDuckGo is one of the fastest growing web search engines. Collecting its results from different sources and DuckDuckGo does not keep track of your searches, to show you personalized results and maintaining user privacy. DuckDuckGo has a strict one-ad-a-page revenue model as opposed to the high ad content on Google. Another bonus on DuckDuckGo is the new Voice Search.

Wolfram Alpha is a computation search engine - great for data and research purposes. Instead of cache web pages, Wolfram Alpha curates data from reputable and trustworthy sources. Search a University and the results will compile all the key data - enrolment numbers, tuition fees and location. Look-up a website and the key data will include company background as well as how many daily page views, visitors and site rank. WAHP Business Australia

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✓ Wills and Testamentary Packages ✓ Family Resolution Packages ✓ Retirement Village and care Sessions ✓ Small Business Packages

Get your Business

Google Verified Google verify your business and get seen on Google search engine, Google Maps and Google Plus. Google My Business complements your existing website by giving your business a public identity and presence on Google. It only takes a few minutes to get the ball rolling and will ensure your business and website is more visible.

Step 1 - Go to and click the Get on Google button Step 2 - Sign in or Create a Google account with your business email address Step 3 - Complete your business details and click Verify. A postcard will be sent out to the

address you provided with a Verification Code.

Step 4 - Follow the steps on the postcard or log in directly to your Google Business. Select

Page 26

the business you wish to verify and enter the Verification Code.

Published by Goodnight Publishing

App in Review



The CollectMORE debt collection app is world-first in innovation and will help you get paid any outstanding invoices you have or money you are owed. Helpful tips throughout the App guide you through the process of collecting your outstanding debts. Under $100 or a few thousand, CollectMore is able to help you to stay on top of your money owed and collect.

Cost - FREE Available - AppStore (IOS) and Google Play (Android) Reviewed by - Kochie Business Builders (April 2016) Created by Paul Metcalf, CollectMORE Debt Solutions Website -

WAHP Business Australia

Page 27


Protect your Digital Assets The objective of a Will is to set out clearly how you would like your assets to be distributed in the event of your death. This often includes your home, investments, bank balances and family heirlooms. However, have you thought about your digital assets?

We live in a day and age where we spend most of our day online and if you work from home, there is an even higher chance that your business will leave a trail of digital assets. In order to ensure that they are dealt with in the manner that you wish, you also need to include them in your Will.

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Published by Goodnight Publishing

Home What are digital assets?

How to protect them

Digital assets cover a wide range of property 1. First and foremost, it is important to keep an up to including: date list of which accounts you have and what each account entails. This list should be included in your Will. Frequent Flyer Points Domain Names Digital Music Photos

Social Media Facebook | Instagram LinkedIn | YouTube Pinterest | Twitter

Blogs Ebooks Movies

Paypal Accounts Ebay Accounts Online Game accounts

2. A record of usernames, passwords and security questions should be created and kept in a separate document to your Will. It is important that they are in a separate document because many people will be entitled to see your Will and you do not want them all to have access to your online accounts. When your Will is admitted to probate, it becomes a public document so if your access details are included, anyone could access your accounts! 3. In your Will, leave specific instructions on how you would like your digital assets dealt with or used in the event of your death. You may want to keep your blog or Facebook account open as a memorial for 2 years, and then have it deleted. Or you may want your Instagram photos saved and then have the account deleted.

Why do you need to protect them? Your digital assets often hold monetary and sentimental value. For example, you may have thousands of family photos stored in your personal online accounts that you haven’t yet had the chance to print. You also may have a website that experiences high traffic and generates income from advertising.

4. You can also contact the provider of your online account to find out whether you can assign your interest to your beneficiary. You may want to leave your music and E-book collection to your daughter, but the particular provider you use, states in their terms and conditions that your collection is nontransferable. If so, you may be able to leave your username and password to your beneficiary instead, so that they can access your account and collection.

You may even have accumulated 100,000 frequent flyer points that are equivalent to free overseas travel. In addition, in the same way that safety deposit boxes were used to store important documents in the past; online accounts such as iCloud and Dropbox are now used to store digital versions of these files. WAHP Business Australia

Katherine Hawes New Age Legal Solutions Page 29


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Published by Goodnight Publishing


Slow Roast Greek Lamb Preparation Time: 15 minutes Serves: 10

Cooking Time: 9 hours

Ingredients 2kgs Leg of Lamb 8 sprigs fresh Rosemary 8 cloves Garlic - sliced 1 Lemon - zest and juice 1/4 cup Honey 2 brown Onions - sliced

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Place lamb on foil (enough to fully wrap later) Make cuts in lam b and insert slivers of garlic. Combine the rest of ingredients and cover the lamb. Then wrap the lamb in foil. Place balls of foil in bottom of slow cooker and rest the foil wrapped lamb on top. Cook in Slow Cooker for 9 hours (will vary depending on your cooker) Pour off liquid and remove any oil in saucepan. Boil rapidly and reduce. Adjust falvour - add wine, salt, pepper, extra honey or mint. Thicken with cornflower mixed with water if needed. Pour gravy over the leg, garnish and serve

WAHP Business Australia

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Recipe by: Claire Brookman

Photography by: Guy Bailey

Chicken and Vegie Casserole with Rosemar y gremolata Ingredients 8 chicken thigh - skin on 2 brown onions halved/sliced 2 carrots (- halved/thickly sliced 4 celery stalks - thickly sliced 8 bacon rashers - trim/slice 4 garlic cloves - crushed 1/2 cup Sage leaves 1 cup dry white wine 1/2 cup plain flour 1 litre Chicken Stock - liquid 1 tbsn Olive Oil ‘

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1 2 3 4 5

Pre-heat oven to 180/200c fan-forced Heat oil in heavy based casserole dish over medium heat. Cook chicken in batches for 5-6 minutes until golden. Transfer to bowl. Add onion, carrot, celery and bacon. Cook, stirring for 5 minutes until onion softened. Add garlic and sage, cook for 1 minute. Add wine and bring to boil. Stir in flour, cook for 1 minute. Slowly add stock stirring constantly. Return chicken to dish, cover and bring to boil. Transfer to oven and bake for 1 hour. Then remove lid and bake for 1 more hour. Serve with mashed potato and sprinked with Rosemary gremolata. Rosemary Gremolata - Combine rosemary, lemon zest and garlic. Published by Goodnight Publishing



Recipe by: Kim Coverdale

Photography by:Craig Wall

Roasted Pumpkin Soup Pre-heat oven to 220/200c fan-forced. Line tray with baking paper.

Ingredients 850g Pumpkin - peel/cut pieces 2tsp Ground Cumin 2tb Maple Syrup 2 cups Chicken Stock 505g can Condensed Potato & Leek Soup 2tb Sour Cream Chopped fresh chives - to serve


Place pumpkin on tray, sprinke with cumin and drizzle with maple syrup. Toss to coat, season with salt and pepper.

2 3

Roast, turning halfway through for 20 minutes until golden and tender.

4 5

WAHP Business Australia

Place stock, soup and 1 cup cold water in large saucepan over medium heat. Stir to combine and bring to the boil. Add pumpkin, reduce to low and simmer for 5 minutes. Blend/process pumpkin misture until smooth. Return to pan over medium heat - bring to simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from heat, divide amongst bowls and swirl in sour cream. Serve topped with chives. Page 33



Sausage Casserole


Beef with Red Wine and carrots

with Garlic Toast


Ingredients 8 Sausages 1 yellow capsicum - seeded/chopped 4 red onions - cut into wedges 400g can chopped tomotoes 300g light Evaporated Milk 240ml vegetable stock 1 tbsp sugar 10g Basil Garlic Toast 8 thick slices bread 25g low-fat cream cheese 2 cloves Garlic - crushed 10g Basil

1 Heat oven to 220/200c fan-forced. Put 2 sausages, capsicum and onion in roasting

pan, roast for 20 minutes. 3 Lower oven to 200c/180c fan-forced, then tip tomatoes and stock over sausages. Add sugar and basil, then stir well. Roast for another 20 minutes. 4 Serve with Garlic Toast. Mix cream cheese, butter, garlicand basil. Lightly toast bread then spread mix on one side. Then grill briefly until melted and golden. Page 34

1.5kg diced beef 3tb flour 2 large onions - sliced 600g carrots, cut in thin strips 4 cloves Garlic - crushed 175ml red wine 850ml beef stock 3 bay leaves few sprigs of thyme mash or potatoes in jackets to serve

1 Combine flour, salt and pepper in bowl. 2 Put beef in and coat with flour mix. Fry 3 4 5 6

in batches until all browned. Transfer to casserole dish. Saute onion and carrots in pan for 10-12 minutes until softened and starting to brown. Add garlic, stir for 1 minute. Pour in wine, stir well and boil for 1 minute, then pour the mixture over meat in casserole dish. Add stock, bay leaves and thyme, bring to simmer. Cover and gently simmer for 2.5 hours. Serve half and freeze remainder. Can be used in pies or as a base for pasta meals Published by Goodnight Publishing




Beef, Mushroom and


Caramelised Onion Pie

Mac ‘n’ Cheese



200g dried macaroni pasta 400g cauliflower - cut into florets 2 tb extra virgin olive oil 2 tb plain flour 500ml milk 1/2 cup parmesan - finely grated 1/3 cup cheddar cheese coursely grated 1/2 cup frozen peas 1/2 bunch fresh parsley finely chopped 2 tsp Dijon Mustard 2 cloves garlic - crushed 60g fresh wholemeal breadcrumbs

700g lean beef mince 2 large brown onions - halved/thin slice 2 tsp brown sugar 2 tsp balsamic vinegar 200g mushrooms 1 large zuccini - cut 1cm pieces 2 tb plain flour 375ml Beef Stock 2 tsp Worcesthire sauce 1 sheet puff pastry 1 egg - lightly whisked

1 Preheat oven to 220/200c fan forced. Heat 2

tsp of oil in pan over medium-high heat. Add mince and cook stirring for 3-4 minutes until browned. Transfer to bowl. 2 Heat 2 tb of oil in pan over medium heat, add onion, seson and cook for 6 minutes until soft. Add sugar and vinegar and stir, cook for 5 minutes until caramelised. Transfer to bowl. 3 Heat oil add mushroom and zucchini, cook stirring for 3 minutes until soft. Return mince and onion mixture to pan. Add flour, stir and cook for 1 minute. 4 Slowly add stock stirring constantly, then Worcesthire sauce. Bring to boil, then simmer for 2 minutes. Transfer to bking dish, top with pastry,Business brish with egg. Bake for 25 minutes. WAHP Australia

1 2 3 4


Preheat oven to 180/160c fan forced. Cook pasta in boiling salted water, then add cauliflower for last 4 minutes of cooking time (al dente). Drain and transfer to large bowl. Heat 1.5 tbs of oil in saucepan over low heat, add flower and cook stirring for 1-2 minutes until it bubbles. Slowly stir in milk, whisking until smooth. Bring to boil, then simmer for 4-5 minutes until sauce thickens. Stir in most of parmesan (less 1 tbs), cheddar, peas, parsley, mustard and garlic, season with pepper. Stir sauce through pasta mix and divide amongst 4 x 375ml ovenproof dishes. Combine breadcrumbs, 1tbs parmesian and 1tbsp oil in bowl, then sprinkle over each dish. Bake for 15-20 minutes until top golden. Page 35



Hot Chocolate Milkshake Ingredients 200g plain chocolate 600ml full-fat milk Vanilla Ice Cream Mini Marshmallows Optional (Adults) nip of rum or brandy

1 2 3 4

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Break chocolate into cubes and put into saucepan with milk. Gently heat until the chocolate melts, then bring almost to the boil whisking until smooth. (can be made ahead and chilled for up to 2 days) Ladle into heatproof glasses or mugs. Top with scoops of ice cream and mini marshmallows. (Optional for Adults) Add a nip of rum or brandy.

Published by Goodnight Publishing



Homemade Custard Ingredients 200ml double cream 700ml whole milk 4 large egg yolk 3 tbsp cornflour 200g caster sugar 1tsp vanilla extract


Put cream and milk into large saucepan and gently bring to just below boiling.


In a large bowl, whisk the yokes, cornflour, sugar and vanilla.


Slowly pour the hot milk mix onto the sugar mix, whisking constantly.


Wipe out the saucepan and pour the mixture back into it. Heat gently, sitring with a wooden spoon until custard is smooth and has thickened.

5 WAHP Business Australia

Eat hot or cold.

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Product Catalogue

Little Green Crafts

Seedling - Make your Own Indie Bangle Craft Kit Express your own unique style by using fabric and ribbons woven around wooden bangles. Price: $24.95 plus $8.50 postage Purchase at -

Oz-tralian Signature Animals

Signature Koala A unique Australian made Signature Koala. Perfect for birthdays, graduations, retirements, weddings. Make any occasion memorable by using one of my Signature Animals. Approximately 27cm high with moveable head Price: $55.00 plus P/H of $7.50. Purchase at

Page 38

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Product Catalogue

Charlie Pop Designs

Modern’s Lava Stone Aromatherapy Pendant Our stunning Modern’s range are larger silver encased pendants that allow you to apply a little more essential oils to for a strong, long lasting Aroma and therapeutic value. They look stunning with either casual or formal wear taking your own personal Aromatherapy diffuser from day to evening with a lasting, lingering fragrance! Price: $52.00 Purchase at -

Page 39

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