Easter Camp Devotions

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Family prayer and devotional time is one of the best ways you can help develop the spirituality of your child, or any young person in your life. Just a few minutes a day can have an eternal Kingdom impact. We invite you to take the experience of Easter Camp to the next level by including some family devotional time each day with these simple starters based on the days content in each division. God Bless, Family and Children's Ministry Departments.

BEGINNERS Thurs Pray with them, that you and they will come closer to God and your family this weekend. Fri

Sing the song “He’s Got the Whole World” with them. Found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEkXzi19Crk Repeat the Bible verse of the day to them.


Sing the song “My God is so Big” with them. Found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7ZAWTEySsY Repeat the Bible verse of the day to them


Sing the song “God made me to move” with them. Found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfKBXcts-qQ Repeat the Bible verse of the day to them.


Sing their (or your) favourite song with them. Repeat the Bible verse of the day to them.


With your child, pray that you will all come closer to God Thurs and each other this weekend. Sing the song “Jesus’ love is very wonderful” with your child. Discuss together how you know that Jesus loves you.


Tell your child about a time when God helped you when you were afraid. Chat with them about what makes them afraid. Pray with your child, asking God to help you all to trust in Him.


Talk about today's story of Peter walking on water with Jesus (Matthew 14:22-33); use the bible verse Hebrews 12:2 “Let us keep looking to Jesus” to discuss how you can keep your eyes on Jesus each day.


Sing the song “Tell about the wonderful things God has done”. Tell your child a story of how God has helped you. Discuss with them their favorite things about Camp. Thank God for your time together..


LOWER PRIMARY Thurs Have a conversation with them about what they are most looking forward to at Camp this year? Pray with them that it will be fun and faith filled. Fri

Have a conversation with them about who knows you/them the best! Read through Psalm 139:1 together.


Sing their favourite song with them (if you don’t know the words, ask them to teach you). Tell them about how God has helped you.


Ask about their favourite bug stories so far at camp. Talk with them about your friends, their friends, and how to be a good friend. Ask ‘what does it mean that God is our friend?

Mon Tell them how you know that God loves you (and them). Discuss what has been the best/worst bits about camp this year. Thank God for the good parts, and for giving you the strength to get through the bad bits.

UPPER PRIMARY Have a conversation with them about what they are most Thurs looking forward to at Camp this year? Pray with them that it will be fun and faith filled. Get them to read their memory verse to you (Psalm 34:19). Chat with them about how God helps your worries, and ask how He helps their worries. Ask them to sing their favourite song so far from camp.


Tell them about a time when Jesus rescued you. Ask when God has rescued them. Discuss some Bible characters who God rescued! Pray that God will continue to rescue you, your child and your family when you are struggling.


Read John 16:33 with them. Share with your child some things that God has forgiven you for. Ask if there is anything that they want God to forgive them from. Thank God together that he forgives our mistakes.


Get them to sing their favourite song from camp with you. Thank God for the wonderful times and friends at Camp.


JUNIORS Thurs Have a conversation with them about what they are most looking forward to at Camp this year? Pray with them that it will be fun and faith filled. Fri

Chat about your favourite ‘Kingdom’ (read Bible Character) person. What is their favourite character and why?


Share some times where people have shown you grace/love. Ask your child how together your family can show grace to someone tomorrow/today.


Sing their favourite song with them from camp. Share a time when it was hard to do the right thing for God. Ask God for His help in all of your lives.


Have a conversation about your and their favourite parts of camp. Have a prayer of thanks for all the amazing things that have happened!

HAPPY EASTER from the WA Adventist Church Conference More resources and information for everyone coming soon to wa.adventist.org.au

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