WAC on Track November

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WAC ON TRACK The Monthly Newsletter of the WAC and Learning Tree Cooperative School in Uster November 2022 * What’s on in November * Halloween at the WAC * Limericks from EA6


3. Leter fom te Editr

4. What’s on at te WAC in November

6. Not fom te Board - Amanda Carr, Membership Chairperson

8. Learning Tree Cooperatve School

10. Haloween at te WAC

Nordsud Publishing Event


Letter from the Editor

Hello All,

“Remember remember the 5th of November…” as the rhyme goes, but I think I’d advise remembering the whole of November as we have events and activities from the 1st to the 27th and beyond.

Whether it’s painting, crafting, reading, writing or science you’re into (or something more active), we’ve got it all!

And just in case you missed it, Dee tells us all about the spooky goings on at the WAC Halloween Party on page 10. It seems fun was had by all!

Very many thanks indeed to all who have contributed to this issue as well as to the WAC in general, your hard work is very much appreciated.

Take care :)



Note from the Board

Dear WAC Members,

Welcome back to the last half of the term before the end of 2022. October always seems to skip us by very fast as we roll into Autumn holidays and suddenly find ourselves at Halloween, and very quickly followed by the start of November. November! How did that come around so fast! I hope you have all enjoyed some relaxing time during the Autumn holidays and are ready to face the rest of Autumn with energy.

We spent the holidays in the U.K. visiting family for a few days before jetting off to Rhodes in Greece for a lovely 11 day Neilson holiday. The Neilson holiday is a UK based package holiday but it offers something for everyone and it is now our 6th holiday with this company, and we simple love it! The kids club is amazing and the children get to do all kinds of watersports at the kids club, my husband Tom, gets to wind surf every day (his dream come true!) and I get to water ski, do aqua aerobics and actually read a book on a sun lounger (which is unheard of for me!). Tom took the boys wind surfing for the first time which they loved. Oscar learnt to water ski and won the “Water skier of the week” award and sign their special board. Isabella loved to be taken sailing, and we had fun on the paddle board too. We came back to the UK briefly before flying back to Switzerland, back to reality and school with a bump!

Amanda Carr, Membership Chairperson

Did you notice anything when you walked back into the WAC this week? I noticed the WAC garden! The beautiful weather has kept it going, and it really still looks thriving. Many thanks again to our gardening team Kellie and Daniele for doing such a great job. The WAC Garden has become “talk of the WAC”! When we got back home to our own garden, we also found some green beans that Oscar had grown, and more chillies. It seems like it was a good gardening year all round.

We have many exciting activities happening at the WAC in November. The WAC is celebrating 25 years! Amazing! Come and join us for the celebrations. The children will be celebrating in each of their classes during the week 7th to 11th November. We will celebrate with any parents that would like to join at the WAC Café on Wednesday 9th November. Please do pop by during the afternoon if you would like to join in over teas, coffees and cake! We are very thankful for those dedicated parents that started the WAC 25 years ago, to turn it into the place it is today for us and our children.

Myself, Kellie, Kati and Linda are organising an Adults Christmas Crafting evening. Please sign up on the board. We had so much fun last year we decided to do this again this year. We will be making Christmas decorations by painting wooden decorations and learning to crochet a snowflake. We will also have all the tools needed to make your own Christmas cards and gift tags. Come and join us for a fun social evening!


We hope that everyone enjoyed the Halloween party at the WAC as well. It was a very popular event and tickets sold out fast. My children love to choose pumpkins and visit the various farms around the area. The wonderful brightly coloured pumpkins surrounded by Autumn leaves make such great pictures.

We thank you for your continued support of the WAC. Thank you for making the WAC such a special place for our children and our families. Please continue to help us to spread positive stories of the WAC and reach out to people to help us to market it. You all do such a great job, and we are truly thankful! Please, as always, let us know if you have any suggestions or feedback to improve the WAC.

Wishing you a healthy November!

We look forward to seeing you soon.

Best wishes,



I hope you all had an enjoyable autumn break and are ready for the upcoming winter months.

Unfortunately, as the weather changes all the cold and flu viruses start and that nasty Corona is still around! Just as a reminder, if your child shows any symptoms of a fever, cough or cold please keep them at home until they are well again. This certainly does help to stop viruses circulating between the children and teachers, thank you.

Last week our preschool classes thoroughly enjoyed a theme of “spooky” Halloween crafts and stories.

The EA6 class showed their creativity in writing quirky Halloween limericks, below are 3 of them:

At Halloween I went as Scream Everybody else then had a good scream

I ate a person’s brain

I even knew his name

And someone then came dressed up as cream!


There once was a witch who cast a spell

Which messed up my Dell

My keyboard got scrambled

My wires got tangled

And after that my Dell went to hell!

Zack dressed up as Harry Potter

In his costume he turned out looking like an otter

It made him feel very sad

And quite mad

Everyone thought he was a nutter!

The annual Ustermärt will be back this year on the 24th and 25th of November. We will however be open as usual, even though the local schools will be closed.

As you may know already, the WAC turns 25 this year! The club was founded in 1997 by a small group of expat moms looking for a place to meet and share English books. It started out in Volketswil and then in July 2002 moved to our current premises in Uster.

We would like to mark this very special milestone with the children, so we are going to be hosting class parties during the week of 7-11 November, along with cake and candles and birthday treats!

There are still a few outstanding medical forms, please could you complete them and forward them on to us, as we would like to be able to cater for all our children’s needs and therefore need to be made aware of any allergies that your child may have.

We are looking forward to a fun filled celebratory birthday week Caryn


Nordsud Event

Are you interested in writing or illustrating childrens books?

An opportunity to visit the publisher Nordsud has been made available at 4pm on the 2nd of December for a tour, presentation, and q&a.

We only have space for 20 writers and illustrators.

If you're seriously interested, please get in touch!

louisemgooding@gmail.com in coordination with The Writers & Illustrators of Zurich

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