W42ST Issue 53 - The Food Issue

Page 66


“Outside … I had passed a sign promising that ‘Drinks go in, fun comes out!’ (If nothing else, I was looking forward to seeing the restrooms.)”

Pete Wells, New York Times food critic


hen Pete Wells reviewed the Times Square outpost of spring break-themed funsteraunt Señor Frog’s in December 2015, the variety of pleasures that delighted his palate included hot dogs served on skateboards, a margarita with an obscenely shaped straw, and dancing in a conga line “wearing a three-foothigh crown of yellow and orange


balloons that made me look like Simba in a production of The Lion King staged by balloon animals.” Later, the highlight of an already eventful evening was signaled by an air raid siren, announcing the arrival of a birthday parade which involved, in no particular order, glow sticks, whistles, and an exploding balloon hat. “Many thoughts went through my head at that moment,” he wrote. “I wondered, briefly, why anyone trusted


me with an expense account. But the dominant idea was: Señor Frog’s, where have you been all my life?” Barely eight months later, and just a year after opening on W42nd St - 7th/8th Ave, Senor Frog’s closed mysteriously. Sadly, W42ST magazine never had the opportunity to dance the ‘Cha Cha Slide’ with its servers or sample the signature Frogasm cocktails. Something we may regret for ever. Sigh.

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