October Online Edition

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VORTEX Magazine of Literature and Art October, 2014

Table of Contents Art & Media Afro Woman, Melanie Griffin…………………………………………………………………………………………………p. 13 Amber Rose, Melanie Griffin………………………………………………………………………………………………p. 26 Gates of Japanese Temple, Shiori Soya…………………………………………………………………………………p. 20 Giraffe, Faith Harger…………………………………………………………………………………………………………p. 35 Hands and Feet, Faith Harger……………………………………………………………………………………………p. 45 Horses, Faith Harger…………………………………………………………………………………………………………p. 47 Lou and Babe, Faith Harger………………………………………………………………………………………………p. 44 Razorback, Faith Harger……………………………………………………………………………………………………p. 37 Balance, Speck……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………p. 21 Wiz, Cameron Pugh……………………………………………………………………………………………………………p. 36 Georgia, Chris Tedeschi…………………………………………………………………………………………............Media *To view the media selections for this issue, please go to www.ucavortex.com.

Fiction Clockwork, Elizabeth Gambertoglio…………………………………………………………………………………p. 2-13 From the Machine, Dylan Easton……………………………………………………………………………………p. 38-43

Nonfiction Magical Mushrooms and the Land of Opportunity, Chris Tedeschi……………………………………p. 16-19

Poetry Incompatible, Jordan Butler………………………………………………………………………………………………p. 14 Scars, Amanda Skaggs………………………………………………………………………………………………………p. 46 Siren, Elizabeth Gambertoglio……………………………………………………………………………………………p. 15 Spring Break 2014, Elizabeth Gambertoglio……………………………………………………………………p. 22-25 The Beekeeper, John Gilbreath……………………………………………………………………………………………p. 34 Wind, Elizabeth Gambertoglio……………………………………………………………………………………………p. 27

Script Blood Orange, Dylan Easton…………………………………………………………………………………………p. 28-33

Vortex Staff ucavortex.com

Editor-in-Chief/Emily Qualls Assistant Editor/Emily Walter Layout Editor/Dannis Fu Assistant Layout Editor/Anastassiya Khvan Copy Editor/Kaitlyn Wyre Assistant Copy Editor/Chandler Gaines PR Consultant/Mya Hyman Faculty Advisor/Garry Craig Powell


Art Editor/Holly Dickson Art Judges: Paige Yutsus, Carli Hemperley, Keairacca Evans, Kirsten Young


Fiction Editor/Jonathan Clark Fiction Judges: Wells Thompson, Ericka Cannady, Michael James, Brandon Rogers


Media Editor/Bates Isom Media Judges: Marissa Shoemaker, Alicia Brautigan


Nonfiction Editor/Courtney Ragland Nonfiction Judges: Hayden Reed, Lauren Noirelle Hodges, Audrey Bauman, J.J. McNiece


Poetry Editor/Christopher Hall Poetry Judges: Ernest Goldwood, Elizabeth Gambertoglio, Amanda Skaggs, Maria-Isabel Gillette


Scriptwriting Editor/Chad Percival Scriptwriting Judges: Rebecca Stobaugh, Jordan Willoughby, Marissa Shoemaker

The Vortex is the student-operated art and literary magazine for the University of Central Arkansas located at 201 Donaghey Ave., Conway, AR 72035.





“You have got to be kidding me,” I cried. “If I were, you think I’d willfully wake you up?

Clockwork Elizabeth Gambertoglio

I know what happens when you don’t get your sleep. You turn into a raging bi-” “Yeah. Well, thanks. I’ll be there in twenty.” I hung up and slumped halfway off the bed. It was too early to even consider working, but I’d be in deep with the boss if I didn’t hustle. So, I heaved myself up onto my feet and trekked towards the

I was ripped from my dream by the sound of a


pestering buzzing, which wouldn’t have been so

After a three minute power wash, I felt more

bad if I wasn’t in the middle of discovering the

refreshed, but not so completely awake. I dressed

culprit of an international crime. Even in sleep I

as quickly as my stiff limbs would allow, put on

work. I willed myself to ignore the noise and slid

enough make-up to help myself look remotely

blissfully back to sleep, but after ten seconds of

human, threw my black hair into a messy bun,

silence, the noise started up once again. I groaned

and collected my purse and keys before leaving

and rolled over. My clock read 2:27am. This had

my apartment. I looked around while closing the

better be a joke. To my dismay it was not, for

door securely behind me. You never know who’s

the buzzing started up a third time. It took me a


few more seconds of slamming the snooze on my

Ten minutes later, I was pulling my 2006 Char-

alarm to realize it was my cell phone on vibrate.

ger up to a seemingly abandoned warehouse. I

I grabbed the sinful object, and without bothering

climbed out of my car and trudged to the door,

to check the caller I.D., slid to answer. “Hello?”

swiping my badge across the scanner. The door

“Gwyn, is that you? God, you sound awful,” the

clicked and I pushed it open with an extraneous

voice on the other end so obviously stated.

amount of effort.

“Thanks to you, you asshole. It’s 2:30 in the

“Gwyn, glad you could make it,” Alice, my secre-

morning! This had better be a matter of life and

tary, greeted me at the door, awake and cheerful.

death, Aiden, or so help me…”

Handing me paperwork, she continued talking as

“The boss wants you in the conference room in

we walked down the hall, “Tom is in the confer-

thirty minutes.”

ence room. He’s a little on-edge-”


“Who wouldn’t be at this ungodly hour?”

spoke, “It’s like this: we are experiencing mass

“Depends on who the person is. For one, I know

murder, at least one person a day.” Didn’t seem

I’m fine,” Alice offered, tucking her blonde hair

so much, but for a town of a little over four thou-

behind her ears.

sand, this was mass murder. “We’ve narrowed

“Remind me to teach you the meaning of rhetori-

down the times of the killings to occurring every


time the town’s clock tower does its hourly toll.

By that time, I was outside the door to the confer-

Many people are afraid to leave their houses to go

ence room. Giving Alice a half-smile, I pulled the

to work so we are heavily being affected econom-

door out, and stepped across the threshold. Tom


sat in the middle chair on the side opposite of the

“Yes, and since so much of their income relies on

table where I stood. His furrowed grey brow and

their exports, this ‘work avoidance’ is potential

grimace clued me in as to how much trouble was

for an even bigger disaster than what the town is

headed my way. There were three other people

already going through,” Tom added. “Which is

sitting with Tom, all of whom I did not recognize.

why, Gwyn, I am sending you and Aiden to inves-

And Aiden was smirking at me in the corner, his

tigate and pin down this perpetrator.” You have

blue eyes hidden by the shadows.

got to be kidding me, was the first thing to pop

“How nice of you to join us,” Tom greeted, his

into my mind. Aiden was going to blow our cover

tone pleasant. But I knew better. “Ladies and

especially since he was new as of six months ago.

gentlemen, this is our top detective Gwyn Fields.

Why did he have to be assigned to me? Shouldn’t

Gwyn, this is Mr. Charles Lynch, his wife Han-

the ‘top detective’ get to choose her own partner

nah, and their daughter Caroline. Mr. Lynch

in crime? “The both of you will leave on the next

is the mayor of a small town in North Carolina

available flight from Houston to RDU in Raleigh.

called Fearrington, and for the past couple of

If I am correct, that flight time is eight. It’s a

months there has been a, a sort of plague on their

two hour flight and an hour to Fearrington, so I

town. Mr. Lynch, I feel you will be able to explain

expect a check in at 11:30 sharp. Is that under-

what is happening far better than I can. Please, go



“Yes, sir,” I automatically answered. I guess that

Mr. Lynch, a man in his mid-fifties, cleared his

meant no sleep for the next twenty-four hours.

throat and I watched a bead of sweat trickle down

Tom nodded to me, and then turned his attention

his nose. His green eyes looked far away as he

back to the Lynch family. “Thank you for coming

4 to us for help. I’ll make sure I do everything in my

You have just enough time to do some research

power to have Gwyn end this inconvenient case.”

on the town and pack your things. I will make

Mr. Lynch and his family robotically stood at

sure that you don’t get on that plane if you aren’t

the same time and shook Tom’s hand. I watched

in the gate at 6:50,” I paused for my threat to sink

them with curiosity, noticing how tense they

in, narrowing my eyes for emphasis. “I’m your

were. Mrs. Lynch was shaking head to toe and

partner, not your friend. Don’t forget that.” Leav-

little Caroline, who couldn’t be more than thir-

ing it at that, I strode off towards my office.

teen, was doe-eyed, clutching her mother’s arm

Alice met me outside my door with my passport

as if one of us in the room were suddenly going

and ticket. I thanked her, glad there was one per-

to attack. Then, as a unit, they left the conference

son I worked with that I could count on.

room. “Gwyn,” Tom spoke mere seconds after the door


clicked behind the Lynch family.

The plane landed in Raleigh at 9:57am. Aiden had

Here we go. “Sir?”

been sitting at the gate for twenty minutes when

“You could at least look more presentable when

I showed up at 6:45 and had been very quiet the

I call you in for an important case such as this.

whole flight.

If you ever walk through that door again looking

We went to the car rental garage and got our Ford

like a damn character from a horror movie your

Fusion that had been previously booked for when

ass is fired. Got it?”

we arrived. I threw my stuff into the trunk and

“Yes sir. Not again.”

climbed into the driver’s seat. Aiden followed to

“Now the both of you get out of my sight. I have

the passenger seat. We got on the road at 10:33.

things to do, and so do you.”

“Aiden, I’m beginning to believe you are butt-

I turned and headed out the door, keys in hand.

sore about our conversation earlier. For your first

Aiden ran after me about to burst with excite-

case, you sure don’t have enough questions.”


“I’m not butt-sore. It’s just- I’m not sure how to

“Gwyn, this is going to be great. Our first real case

describe it. I have this ominous feeling that what-


ever is waiting for us in Fearrington, whatever

“Look, Aiden, it’s terribly unprofessional to be

we are about to go up against, it’s not going to be

yapping away like a dog. The flight leaves in five


hours and we need to be in the airport in four.

“Were you expecting rainbows and unicorns?”


“What? No. Just- whatever,” Aiden crossed his

the opposite direction of the store I assumed he

muscular arms across his chest. His face was

just came out of. I continued to watch him disap-

contorted in quiet anger. You know, he wasn’t so

pear down the road when Aiden tapped me on the

bad looking. If he wasn’t my partner… or maybe


in another life I would have pursued him.

“Gwyn. The boss said that Mr. Lynch was waiting

Silence was pregnant between us for the rest of

for us at the mayor’s house. We need to hurry.

the drive towards our destination. We crossed the

Apparently it’s a good five minute drive and the

city limit at precisely 11:24.

clock is going to go off in about twenty-five min-

“Aiden, call the boss. Tell him we made it,” I or-



“We have plenty of time,” I claimed, too eager to

As Aiden dialed Tom, I observed the surround-

make more observations to jot down in my note-

ing area. The best way to describe it: ghost town.


Literally, there was no one in sight. The stores

“I’m not sure you want to keep Mayor Lynch

were unkempt and falling apart. Very few cars

waiting. He’s busy with a lot of angry townsfolk.

were parked along the main road. At the end of

And apparently he is busy with his re-election

the street, I saw the clock tower. It was made of

because polls show his chances are really low.”

dark red terracotta and easily three stories high.

“He’s up for re-election?”

There were vines climbing up almost the entirety

“Yeah, but this whole murder mystery isn’t the

of the structure and its brown patched roof came

only thing lowering his stats. From what I read

together in a nice peak atop of its yellow-white

online, Lynch wants to pass a law that requires all

clock. Its massive black hands were set on 11:31.

civilian income to pass through a corporation he

There was half of a balcony left curling around

is setting up within the next few weeks. But the

the tower right underneath the broken glass face

only way for this law to be a reality, Lynch must

of the clock.

be elected Mayor of Fearrington another term.”

My focus was broken when a kid on a bike shot

“I’m glad you did your homework,” I grinned as

out in front of the car and I slammed on my

I began to drive again towards the designated



“Shit!” I cursed underneath my breath.

“I gotta keep up with you somehow.”

The boy didn’t even look back but continued


pedaling as fast as his little legs would allow in

6 “Miss Fields. I’m so glad you could make it. Mr.

his head out and was signaling Aiden and me to

Ferrus,” Mayor Lynch greets us at the door.

wait. He disappeared back behind the curtain.

“Please, hurry inside. The toll is to come in five

I pulled Aiden across the room, and dropped my


voice to a whisper. “Room hidden behind a cur-

I thanked the man and stepped into his beauti-

tain? A bit shady to have. Did you also observe

ful house. Compared to the rest of the town, this

the way he only protruded his head as if to reveal

abode was obviously taken care of. I’m not sure

as little of the room as possible? What does he

you could even find a speck of dust. We were

have to hide?”

greeted by an immense staircase in the foyer,

“I agree. I was first suspicious when he didn’t

leading to more elaborate rooms. There was a

invite us to accompany him.”

small center table directly below a chandelier that

“After he finishes his sixty second countdown, I

cast sparkling rays of light on the walls around us.

want you to take him into some room far from

I found this to be most disturbing. How could

here for an interrogation. I’ll excuse myself to the

this man live so lavishly while his town suffered

bathroom and take a peek at what’s behind that

around him?

curtain hidden door.”

“This is a beautiful home, Mayor,” Aiden spoke

Aiden head bobbed up and down as a sign of

for the both of us.

conformation. Mayor Lynch’s voice once again

“Thank you son, if you give me a moment, I must

thundered across the whole of the town.

make a quick announcement,” Mayor Lynch wad-

“Oh, good. You made it,” a voice behind me

dled away to a small door nicely hidden behind

caused me to jump.


Mrs. Lynch was standing so close, I had to take a

Seconds later I heard his voice echoing through

step back or I would have been close enough for

the town.

physical contact. Her eyes, which I had never no-

“Ladies and gentlemen. This is Mayor Lynch; the

ticed before, were a striking grey. I’m pretty sure

clock is set to go off in three minutes and for-

my face hid none of my surprise.

ty-seven seconds. Please make your way inside

“I’m so happy that we could get one of the world’s

the nearest building. Let’s not linger, we want

top detectives. Miss Fields, you being here is real-

to avoid any casualties. I’ll be back for the sixty

ly a comfort to us all.”

second countdown.”

“Five…Four…Three…Two…One,” Mayor Lynch

I saw his receding hairline first. He had popped

said into the emergency alert system.


There was a perfect view of the clock tower from

the house.

the mayor’s foyer window. I automatically made

“I’ll get that, Charles,” Mrs. Lynch spoke softly,

my way towards it, enamored by what was to

placing a hand on her husband’s arm for a few


seconds before turning and disappearing through

I first heard bells.

a doorway.

It was beautiful, a chorus of metallic chimes. It

“Mayor,” I cleared my throat, it was time to get

went on for at least another forty seconds. It was

down the business. “May I ask what was going on

wonderful, a musical masterpiece. As the song

in Fearrington right before the murders began?”

ended, the tolls started. The tone was final, con-

“Of course. The town was under heavy recon-

demning, and eerie. As they endured, I prayed

struction six months before the deaths affected

that no one was still outside. After the twelfth

us. Most of the buildings here have new walls and

echoed into silence, Mayor Lynch reemerged

roofs. Things were falling apart, you see, and our

from behind the curtain.

previous mayor, Mayor Gregory, signed for all the

“I apologize. I must make that announcement

construction to begin. The actual signing of the

hourly. Now we wait a twenty second period

bill was a month before I was elected to office. I of

before we can go outside and see if casualties

course had to see it through-”


“Was the clock tower touched in all this rebuild-

“Twenty seconds?”

ing?” Aiden inquired. My faith in his abilities

“It’s precautionary. It was previously ten, but a


man walked outside after that allotted amount of

“No, that was one of the structures Mayor Grego-

time and dropped dead where he once was stand-

ry specifically exempted from reconstruction, as

ing. So we bumped the time up to twenty. As far

well as this house.”

as I know, no one has fallen to the same fate if

“Was there any reason as to why he specifically

they wait only a few seconds longer before step-

asked to refrain from touching these two build-

ping outside.”

ings?” I probed.

“Does that mean you have figured out the cause?”

“If there was, I wouldn’t be able to tell you, Miss

Aiden pondered aloud, his blue eyes glazed with

Fields. I have wondered that myself for many a

slight accusation.

night, and have discovered no significant lead as

“We have a few hunches, but nothing concrete.”

to why this was so.”

A phone rang in one of the rooms further back in

“You cannot tell me you haven’t given thought to

8 it being the reason why all of this is happening.”

The mayor’s face was remorseful when he an-

I glared at Aiden; his previous redeeming mo-


ment was sucked away at this comment.

“To do what we can.”

Mayor Lynch’s eyes constricted on my partner,


and I felt a strong vibe of anger wafting from where the mayor stood.

It was the little boy. The boy I saw on his bike.

“But of course, Mr. Ferrus, I have indeed. I had

His name was Edward and we found him lying on

many people inspect that clock tower inch by

his back on the ground near the town’s limits. He

inch, as well as this house. Nothing.”

looked as if he had only fallen asleep, no obvious

Before more could be said, Mayor Lynch’s wife

cuts or punctures to give me any leads. My stom-

walked into the room, her face stricken.

ach was in my throat; he couldn’t have been older

“Charles, one.”

than eleven. I had just seen him thirty minutes

“Damn it all! Do these people never listen when

ago, it was unreal. This boy was dead. Dead. His

I make those damn announcements?” Mayor

family would never see him grow up. No one

Lynch cursed, throwing his hands up in a frenzy.

would be his wife, have his kids, and call him

My insides coiled. Someone was dead, from a

Grandpa. He’d be frozen in this unending sleep.

cause yet to be determined. I looked over at Aid-

At 12:11, Mayor Lynch called the ambulance, and

en, his face pale in the light.

within twenty minutes we were all inside the hos-

Tense seconds passed. The mayor kept his face

pital. Edward’s family met us there.

hidden behind his old hands. His wife’s eyes

He didn’t have much of a family, only a mother

never left the ground, and I swear I saw a tear

and a sister. All the rest of his relatives were gone,

slide down her cheek. My mind was a jumble of

died from this curse as well. But you could see

thoughts. Who died? What’s making all of these

how much what was left of his family loved him.

deaths possible? Who’s behind it? The mayor?

His mother broke down in tears and his sister

Something bigger than him?

curled up in a ball, moaning his name over and

“Charles, we must go. We haven’t much time.”


Mayor Lynch slid his hands down his face, and

I have never been so afraid of nothing in my life.

I saw the effects of years passed evident on his tired features.


“Go? To do what?” Aiden questioned.

I stayed inside the hotel room Aiden and I were


given for the rest of the day. It was a pathetic

and a wire connecting said microphone to a box

room with only one uncomfortable spring mat-

labeled “Emergency P.A.” I scrutinized every

tress bed. The wallpaper was a shameful shade of

crack in the tiny space for some proscribing ev-

pink that came with a matching bed spread.

idence, but to my utter disappointment, I found

Even though this room itself was a distraction,

nothing of the sort.

I had trouble clearing the image of the boy from

Aiden told me at 1:03, when I had decided to

my mind. Every time I heard Mayor Lynch’s voice

retreat to the façade of comfort the hotel offered,

over the P.A. system I flinched, and the beauty of

that he was staying out to look for more “plausi-

the clock bells lost its appeal very quickly. But the

ble facts.” Whatever that meant. I just hoped he

sound of the tolls overcame my thoughts like a

hadn’t gotten himself into trouble.

disease taking over your body. Being in this town

I was in the middle of an extremely convincing

felt even more ominous than before. The clock

theory of tiny insects that were disturbed by the

chimes were a constant reminder I had no idea as

chiming of the bells and then flew into your ears

to what was killing off hundreds of people.

and ate your brain nerves when Aiden burst into

Tom had called at 9:28, asking for my progress.

the room. My watch read 11:32.

“To be honest, I’m stumped. I’ve gone as far as a

Immediately I felt a pressure lift off my shoul-

team of snipers who shoot lethal darts from the

ders. At least the scumbag wasn’t dead.

rooftops at anyone outdoors after the bells toll.”

“Gwyn, I saw it. I saw what did it…” Aiden was

“Gwyn, this is unacceptable. I expect a more con-

barely even able to breathe out his words.

cise, developed theory when I call tomorrow. You

“Wait. What?”

can plan for a 10:15 wake-up.”

Aiden placed his hands on his knees and took

He hung up, and I knew I had better take time to

great, gulping breaths. Then, with frantic move-

put together this puzzle.

ments, he closed the door and threw himself onto

I turned on my laptop, and settled down to do

the bed. I cringed when he scooted as close as he

some extensive research and analyzing. Aid-

could next to me. He looked up at me, his blue

en was still out, and regardless of how much it

eyes practically bulging from their sockets.

peeved me that he was my partner, I was worried.

“Spit it out!”

He had pulled an elaborate distraction for me to

“Okay, it’s hard to explain how I got where I did,

slip away into the hidden room in the mayor’s

but when you left the hospital I stayed. I don’t

house. I was surprised to find only a microphone

know why I did. I had a hunch, I guess you can

10 say. Even though I was just as disturbed by what

would be able to figure out this mystery.

happened as you were. But, anyway, I went to

The clock read 12:13 when Aiden finally fell

the bathroom, and I guess the people thought I’d


left with you because as I headed back down the


hallway towards where everyone was, they were talking about what had happened to the boy. It

The answer came to me at 2:29.

was the mayor and the doctor. The doctor said it

I had been up for more than twenty-four hours

was the same as all the others. Something about

total and could feel the effects it was having on

insides all mush, and that he was glad that the

me. I jumped in the shower at 1:07 and emerged

detectives, that’s us, saw the boy before his body

at 1:40. I put to use the coffee maker on the bath-

began to deflate. Otherwise we’d demand to know

room countertop, and quickly dried off to dress.

what had caused the cell damage. Well, while they

As soon as the coffee was made, I took the bitter

were still talking, I snuck passed them. I found

and practically tasteless beverage back over to my

the boy Gwyn, oh God, the boy.”


Aiden squeezed his eyes closed as if the act of his

eyelid crossing over his retina would erase the

up my investigation on the cause of Edward’s

image he was seeing in his mind. His face dis-

state. My mind couldn’t fathom any possible

torted into only what can be described as agony.

solution to this predicament. I guessed that the

I wrapped my arm around him, urging him to

water and/or food had been tampered with, but


that wouldn’t explain why death only occurred

Aiden took a calming breath before he continued

when the victim was outside and at the end of the

speaking. “His body was just like a pile of guck. It

bell tolls. I then predicted it was some sort of gas

was as if he had been put into an oven and baked

released into the air, but how could a gas disap-

on broil, and he melted. I threw up on the floor; I

pear within twenty seconds of being exposed?

couldn’t control myself with the smell.”

I was on some site talking about the gases of nu-

None of this made any sense. What the hell hap-

clear bombs when I saw it.

pened? How can a human body just break down

“Sound waves if at a high enough frequency can

like Aiden was describing?

cause an individual to be incapacitated. Click here

I held Aiden as he relived the gruesome images

for more information.”

his mind was providing and begged God that I

So I did.

I took a scalding sip and once again took


Fifteen minutes later I was running out the door,

concludes. Those frequencies cause your cells

keys in hand, mind racing.

to vibrate so much they can de-synthesize. The

I had a serious bone to pick with one certain indi-

waves also boil the water in your system, causing


you to basically melt into a glob of body organs!”


I was talking so fast, I barely kept up with myself. “My husband?” Mrs. Lynch laughed, a morbid

I pulled up to the mayor’s house at 2:53.

sound. I was painfully aware of how it echoed

Sprinting to the door, I pounded my fist against

around me. “You think my husband or Mayor

the wooden frame countless times.

Gregory had the brains to pull this operation

“Mayor Lynch! It’s Gwyn Fields. I need you to


open this door now!” I screamed as loud as my

No, oh God, no.

bursting lungs would allow. I looked into the

“Please. That is an insult to their intelligence.”

glass and saw a light flicker on inside.

“It was you?” I asked dumbfounded.

A minute later, the mayor’s wife opened the door

“Of course. I slept with that mistake of a man

a crack.

Frederick Gregory in order to get him to sign

“Gwyn?” Her grey eyes swam with curiosity as

the bill for reconstruction. I then had the build-

she readjusted her nightgown.

ers place layers of metal padding in the walls to

“Mrs. Lynch. I need a word with your husband.

deflect the ultrasonic waves.” Mrs. Lynch. Han-

Quite a few actually. Would you mind letting me

nah Lynch, the absolutely clean slated woman


had been the cause of so much pain in this small

“That won’t be necessary.”




The sudden change of tone made me literally

“What do you have to gain from this?” I demand-

recoil in shock. Frantically I checked the clock


tower time. 2:54.

A look from those stormy grey eyes was all the

“I need to get inside, Hannah. The tower is going

answer I needed.

to go off. You don’t understand. Your husband

“The new law. The one that is going to have all

and Mayor Gregory planted an ultrasonic de-

the financial incomes pass through a corporation

vice in the P.A. system that emits high frequency

Mayor Lynch created. No. The one you made. So

sound waves when the last chime of the tower

you can dock their pay for yourself.”

12 “Very good,” Mrs. Lynch’s mouth curled up in an

“Hannah! No! Let me in, you bitch!” I slammed

intimidating smile.

my hands on the door and screamed so much I

“Why did you think that this would get your hus-

feared I’d pass out.

band re-elected? His chances are slim to none if

None of that would matter if I was dead within

you ask me.” I had to distract her. I needed to get

the next minute.

inside before the clock goes off and I end up like

I heard the bells. I had less than a minute to find

that boy on the bike.

a way inside the house. Inside anywhere, for that


matter, but the mayor’s house was so convenient-

“Yes, for now. The election is in a few weeks. That

ly located a good five minute drive from the rest

gives him plenty of time to, oh, stop the deaths

of the town of Fearrington.

from happening.”

Oh God, I was going to die in a place called Fear-

“You’re going to make it like he solved this mys-

rington. In the middle of Nowhere, North Caroli-

tery? Why would they believe you?”

na. With a devil woman watching me.

“Not me, but they will believe you.”

As the first chime of the clock loomed throughout

“Excuse me?”

the town, I fell to the ground in a mess of tears

“Oh Gwyn, I didn’t want to drag you into this. Or

and swears. My pathetic, insignificant life flashed

your partner either. But Charles was persistent

through my mind. I had done nothing in my

in finding help, and I couldn’t exactly tell him no

personal life like get engaged or married. I hadn’t

without arousing suspicion now could I?”

a date in years. I was a horrible daughter for not

“I still don’t understand how I am incorporated in

talking to my parents in months.


Second chime.

Mrs. Lynch glanced at the clock tower, and I

I hadn’t gone to church since I moved out of my

turned to mimic her action.

house. Well, at least I knew where I was going


when I died.

“Look, I’ll do whatever you want Hannah. Just let

All of my life events flooded my thoughts like

me in,” I begged. I couldn’t go out like this. Not

a dam breaking, but I could only focus on one

now that I had solved the biggest case I have ever

thing: Aiden’s terrified blue eyes. I prayed he

been given.

would get out of this town and live a better life

“Good, I’m expecting that.” With those words she

than I did.

closed the door right in my face.

The third chime.


3:00. I felt nothing.

AFRO WOMAN Melanie Griffin



She was a melody, a scratched and spinning single on a mental phonograph. She was a song wedged in folds of pink cognition. A song I hummed passing through crowds, passing the time-she became that damn tune played in every public place, on every radio station. and (much to my dismay) Inescapable. In half a year she reappeared, fragmented, a bastardized revision of her former self. Shards in my brain artist: unknown song: unnamed stole sleep when I strained to make sense of a simple refrain. And now, now I skip through songs that made me ache with recollection of what I’d fought to expel from my chest: a phlegm of words I’d tried to put to her music.


SIREN Elizabeth Gambertoglio

The woman with the microphone sings to hurt you. Her pitch high, Vibrato piercing your ears. Lyrics of devastating past loveWords slipping off her tongue. The melody is languished And the sound stabs hearts of those who listen. She eats away at your soul With anguish passing through red lips. But through the pain She’s seducing you. Making it seem thatTo die with her Would be your crowning glory.


trying to casually bed women.

So after two years of college seeming like an

MAGICAL MUSHROOMS elevated version of high school mixed with summer AND THE LAND OF OPPORTUNITY

camp where the bunk beds are located in dormitories

Chris Tedeschi

instead of log cabins, my friend Brooks offered me mushrooms in the middle of the afternoon, and I did what I never thought I would do. I said no at first because I thought he was just asking if I wanted them on a pizza or something, and mushrooms are disgusting,

I remember in high school I never thought I’d do

but then I said yes to drugs. Drugs other than weed

drugs. I mean, I smoked weed a few times, but who

that is. Weed hardly counts as a drug. It’s not that I

hasn’t? Liars. That’s who.

smoke it that much. I’ve actually only used marijuana

like three times, but I just feel strongly about separat-

However, after two years of college my ideas

on a few things changed. That girl I met at the be-

ing it from actual drugs.

ginning of freshman year probably wasn’t as cute as

I thought she was during those few months I spent

rooms in tea so that they would go down easier, but I

torturing myself over unrequited love. Maybe “Garden

hate tea more than I hate mushrooms so that seemed

State” wasn’t the perfect film I thought it was, and I

like a bad idea. Instead I toasted a bagel and placed the

was just going through an angsty period, and maybe

magic mushrooms atop the cream cheese.

I’d try drugs.

of my life nothing had happened. I looked over at

I expected college to be different from what it

I remember him offering to place the mush-

A few minutes after ingesting the worst bagel

turned out to be. Don’t get me wrong. I didn’t expect it

Brooks and asked how long ‘shrooms usually take to

to be like the films about crazy frat-houses or anything

work. He said it usually takes 15 minutes before any

like that. Besides I never even entertained the idea of

noticeable effects occur, so I sat on the couch and con-

joining a fraternity. I just didn’t expect it to be quite

tinued to stare at the television. After 15 more minutes

this boring.

nothing had happened. I was pretty skeptical at this

point. Maybe we ate a batch of duds. I really hoped

College is supposed to be the time where ev-

eryone is drinking and getting laid. However, during

I didn’t suffer through that for nothing. Mushrooms,

my freshman and sophomore years I had not yet

magic or not, tasted awful. We decided to take a walk

acquired the taste for alcohol and was not interested in

outside while we waited for the magic to begin.

After travelling on foot about half a mile down

paranoid, (which is one of the things that can happen


Oak Street we arrived at Walgreens. Still neither of us

when you’re super high) but agreed that we would

felt any side effects from the drugs. Brooks grabbed an

just leave. Looking back I realize that stealing an ice

ice cream bar inside, and we got in the checkout line.

cream bar is probably not that big of a deal, but when

Then things got a little weird for me. Everyone was

you’re on ‘shrooms everything seems like a big deal.

looking at me. At least, I thought everyone was. They

Besides it’s the only time I was ever involved in any

knew! Brooks tried to talk, but I quickly shushed him.

kind of heist so I’d kind of like to remember it that

If he said anything, they would hear. I let him know to


pick his topics of conversation wisely.

apartment, but I had a much better plan. The apartment

There was a small child with a bouncy ball be-

Brooks suggested that we head back to his

hind us, and I have to be honest. It was really stressing

was half a mile away, which at the time seemed like

me out. Walgreens is a place of business, not a fun

20 miles away. I was freaking out about everything at

house. Then the worst possible thing that could happen this point and couldn’t handle it. I smartly suggested happened. The kid dropped his ball. It bounced past

we walk to the park, which I estimated to be an equal

me and hit the back of the customer directly in front

distance from us but ended up being at least mile

of me. The customer quickly turned around. I was sure

from Walgreens. This way we would be farther from

they thought that I threw the ball at them and were

Brooks’s apartment than where we were now, and his

probably going to fight me, but I can’t say that for sure

girlfriend would be more likely to come rescue us, and

because I quickly grabbed Brooks and ran out of the

we wouldn’t have to walk as far. Thinking back on my

store. I wasn’t going to die because of a drooling kid

plan with a sober mind, I realize that it made absolute-

with bad reflexes that couldn’t catch a ball that himself

ly no sense mathematically. However, at the time it


was a solid plan. I swear to god.

Once we got outside Brooks wanted to go

As we were walking to the park my mental

back and pay for his ice cream, but I immediately

state quickly deteriorated. I picked up a flyer for a

shot down that idea. “You think they’re going to just

missing dog. I put down the flyer for a missing dog

forgive us? We’re basically hardened criminals now.

when said dog on flyer started to bark at me. A statue

You can’t just steal ice cream. Plus everyone in there

winked at me. Stuff like that.


Brooks, for some reason not feeling any effects

whatsoever, quickly explained that I was just being

Once we arrived at the park, we laid flat on our

backs and stared at the sky. The ‘shrooms had lowered all my filters, and we began to talk freely about what

18 we thought was wrong with the world and specifically

a Lord of the Rings film. Still sober Brooks was like

the part of the world known as the Bible belt. We were

my sage wizard guide. I say this because Gandalf also

now behaving as the intellectual middle-class beings

was often not having any of people’s shit on journeys,

that we should behave as. That is, we were until my

and apparently I was being “obnoxious” when I was

legs melted into the ground.

describing the kingdom around us.

The strangest thing about this part of the expe-

Every stranger needs a weapon, and strangely

rience was that I was okay with it. I did not mind one

enough- I stumbled upon a sword lying on the ground.

bit that my legs were a thing of the past and that now I

I know what you’re thinking. The sword was probably

was a part of the ground.

a complete figment of my imagination caused by the

I told Brooks about my legs, and he just shook

drugs. Of course the kingdom was a hallucination.

his head. He started to walk off, and I did probably the

However, to this day I do still have the blade in the

most miraculous thing I’ve done in my life thus far. I

trunk of my car. It is plastic and has a sticker of Pe-

stood up. I stood up like a person that had legs. Shit. I

ter Pan on it, but it does exist! What are the chances

actually did still have legs. Drugs are weird.

that I would be hallucinating a magical kingdom and

stumble upon a toy sword? Thanks, God! Glad to see

Apparently Brooks had decided that it was

time to make the trek back. I wasn’t quite ready

you’re cool with all this.

though. Brooks had just walked down a very steep hill,

and I didn’t think I was up to the challenge. I looked

enjoyed it immensely, but I’m sure it was not quite as

down from the huge mountain of mud and grass and

nice for my friend. Brooks suggested that I not fight

shook my head. “It looks treacherous.”

the giant talking tree by his apartment when we ar-

rived, so unfortunately I did not get to rule the king-

Brooks just said I should hurry up. I went

The rest of the walk back was long and cold. I

for it. I quickly scaled down the towering landmass


with two steps. Two steps? What? It wasn’t that bad.

I turned to look at the hill. From this angle it only

foreign. I’d spent a lot of the last two years at the

appeared to be about 5 inches higher than the ground I

apartment, but it did not seem the same. The famil-

was on now. Strange.

iarity of the place where all of my friends had always

hung out was gone. Brooks’s high had apparently

After walking for a few minutes the world be-

When we walked into the apartment it looked

gan to look very different to me. It seemed as if some-

started to kick in as well because he agreed with me.

how we had been transported out of the small town of

Everything was the same, but it wasn’t.

Conway, Arkansas and into a world similar to that of

One of his roommates had moved to Birming-


ham about a week ago and had left her room com-

far too exhausting. A day where all filters are gone

pletely empty besides a curtain partly covering the sin-

takes a lot out of a person. That six-hour experience

gle window. The light streamed through the opening

seemed like a week. I’m glad it happened though. Out

in the most beautiful way. I was no longer imagining

of all the things I remember from this crazy, drug-fu-

a magical kingdom. I was just there in the real world.

eled day, I remember one thing the most. I remember

I lay on the floor in the room where one of our best

discussing the future. I remember saying my dreams

friends had lived. This was a place that contained a lot

out loud. I remember them not sounding silly like ev-

of memories. Everything seemed to be moving much

eryone around me seemed to think. I remembered my

slower. I couldn’t believe that anything was happening

dreams sounding possible. I was going to do it.

in the world right now besides this.

everyone that says my dream is silly may be right. I

We sat there for what seemed like days talking

about our futures. I talked about the scripts I wanted to write and the improv classes I wanted to take when I moved to Los Angeles, and Brooks discussed what it would be like once he got into the graduate music program at USC. We weren’t going to be like everyone else in the South. We weren’t going to get married to women right after college and give up our dreams. We weren’t going to accept comfortable jobs that we hated for safety. We were going to get out. This was the most interesting part of the trip. Life was real, and it seemed more exciting than ever.

Things change in life. That’s obvious. Brooks

and his girlfriend got even more serious. He’s not applying to USC and moving to California anymore. He said that the school was too competitive, and he didn’t think he’d get in. He was just going to stick around here for a year and figure things out. I knew he probably wasn’t ever going to leave Arkansas after all.

I don’t plan on doing ‘shrooms again. It was

I’m sticking with my decision, but to be fair,

did make this life decision while I was super high.






SPRING BREAK 2014 Elizabeth Gambertoglio

Day 1: The Drive Seven and a half hours. But it’s different this time; she’s with me. A friend who takes up my time with: laughing, talking, knowing. The land; it blurs around us. Colors, smudges mixed with speed. And I find myself grateful that I’m not alone on the journey.


Day 4: Houston Part 1 Bodies of metal grind their ways down paths created to steer them in directions laid out before them

Bricks and concrete cover earth sky sun trees leave grey clouds in their wake

People defile the adjacent ground disrespect nature sleep on land they give no respect to

And she smiles at beauty I fail to see


Day 5: Galveston Clear green blue brown Her eyes match ocean water set before us Day 5: Galveston Part 2 those huffs of mine got blocked by her gaze towards surrounding activity eyes wide mouth open in awe joy alive on her face i tried to envelop her mind in order to understand old places revisited can birth new feelings when accompanied by a friend


Day 7: Houston Part 2 The city without beauty returns to persuade. Sights seen countless times before hold new meaning. Concrete and bricks are not the focus of the inner eye. Life begins to return to the city with help from her.

Day 8: Houston Part 3 She from a place she never left. She who ripped the lid from my eye. She called to bring meaning. She that made me realize the gift of my roots. She by whom I came to understand the blessing of my situations. She who let me see the city that now fills deeper catacombs of the heart within.

Day 10: Parting Ways The sun drapes colors like frosting over grass shooting from damp soil. The blue jay and the mocking-bird cry out to the sky, echoes their reply.


Amber Rose Melanie Griffin


WIND Elizabeth Gambertoglio

The soft howl of the weather reminds me of a time when all things stood still. A time when

almost died.


A dark scene erupts in my consciousness I double over the recollection vivid and arduous leaving me gulping for air. Shaken I close the window allow my mind to breathe keeping those memories at bay. Near death encounters leave me feeling as tempestuous as the wind.



CAST OF CHARACTERS (in order of appearance) LUTHER- Drummer for Blood Orange, aged somewhere in his 40’s or 50’s ROSS- Manager for Blood Orange, somewhere around his 30’s SEXXXFOXXX- Vocalist for Blood Orange, in her early 20’s SCENE SYNOPSIS TOUR BUS INTERIOR- The primary mode of transportation and living quarters for the rock band Blood Orange is spacious, but poorly kept. Dirty laundry belonging to both men and women litter almost every corner or the scene, along with liquor bottles and other paraphernalia that might disappoint your grandmother. There is a bathroom door in the middle of the set.


SCENE ONE (AT RISE: LUTHER is sitting forlornly on a pile of laundry in the tour bus, finishing off a bottle of liquor. He opens a second bottle and starts drinking when there is a frantic knock on the door.)


Who is it?! I’m busy!

(LUTHER takes a heavy swig.)

ROSS (Offstage) Dammit, Luther! It’s Ross! We need to—oh, forget it! (ROSS barges in, quite anxious.) I don’t need your permission to get into the bus. Jesus! Listen, Luther. We’ve got to go! Or did you forget about our tour schedule? We need to leave early if we want to move this massive thing through Chicago traffic. LUTHER (Jumps up to his feet and takes a second to regain equilibrium.) Ross! Just who I was waiting for! Hey, listen, buddy. I’ve been thinking, and we have to leave right now! ROSS Yes! Absolutely we do! Thank goodness, I thought you were going to be difficult. Now, where are the other band members? LUTHER Ugh, is that all you ever worry about? Where the other guys are? You need to learn to cope with all this stress. (LUTHER hands ROSS his bottle. ROSS pushes it back.) ROSS Well, Luther, as the manager for Blood Orange, it is my job to make sure the four of you are able to perform all of the shows that you have agreed to play. So, I hope it makes sense why I would be a little nervous to find only the drummer on the bus ready to leave when we should have departed first thing in the morning. I’ve checked the venue, the hotel, and the police department, and they were all useless. We need band members to have a band, Luther. LUTHER Or, maybe... We don’t need those other guys… ROSS Oh, Hell, what is that smell? LUTHER There are a lot of smells in here. ROSS It smells like something died in here! (ROSS paces around the bus, searching for the source of the stench.)

30 LUTHER You whine about that every day! What do you expect, for this place to suddenly smell like lemons or raspberries or whatever fancy-ass candles you buy for your wife? (ROSS pulls back a bed sheet to uncover an unkempt man cuddled up with a bass guitar. ROSS steps back and covers his mouth as if to keep his breakfast inside.) ROSS Oh, good God! It’s the bassist! Benji is… (The body begins to play the bassline to the “Higher Ground,” while otherwise staying motionless.) …playing Red Hot Chili Peppers. LUTHER He just did a little more than the doctor’s recommended dosage of ketamine. And Steve Wonder’s original was better. Oh, well, no use having such a smelly bassist. Might as well toss ‘im. (LUTHER picks up Benji, who stays limp but starts playing more frantically.) ROSS No, drop the bassist, Luther. (LUTHER drops the bassist.) Benji is a good musician. You guys all are. LUTHER No, I’m no musician. I’m a rock star! When I was the drummer for 69 Theses, I played sold-out stadiums while these posers were still learning their math numbers! I’m the talent. Forget the guitarist with his stupid blonde highlights. Blood Orange is trash. We’ll make a better band without him. ROSS Blood Orange makes more money than you could by yourself. We aren’t leaving until we find the guitarist and the singer. (The bathroom door swings open to reveal a rather unhealthy looking SEXXXFOXXX) SEXXXFOXXX Did somebody say (SEXXXFOXXX falls face-first into a pile of dirty laundry.) LUTHER Well, there’s your singer. ROSS What the hell is wrong with her!?

31 SEXXXFOXXX (Rolling around in the dirty clothes) Hey, Luther. What color of pill from the baggie did you say not too many to… do? LUTHER White. What did you take from the bag? SEXXXFOXXX …Allll of it. LUTHER Okay, we have Benji and Sex-ks-ks Fox-ks-ks, that’s enough for SEXXXFOXXX SEXFOX! Oh my Gooood, how much longer am I going to be falling? ROSS It’s just “Sexfox”, Luther. She insists on spelling it with the extra letters. SEXXXFOXXX X is the sexiest lexxer! LUTHER So she can call herself whatever stupid Millennial name she wants, but my idea to just hurry up and leave St. Paul without the guitarist to save time is “ridiculous”? ROSS First of all, Sexxxfoxxx is the most profitable member of the band. You relied on sex appeal when your band was in its prime; Sexxxfoxxx is just better at it. Second, abandoning a bandmate over a thousand miles from home is worse than ridiculous. And most importantly, we aren’t in St. Paul anymore, Luther. I’ve been meaning to mention that. We’re in Milwaukee. LUTHER Psh. St. Paul, Milwaukee. They’re the same thing. ROSS The audience last night didn’t seem to think so when you tried to tell them that. LUTHER Tell them to get over it. They’re called twin cities for a reason. ROSS Luther, St. Paul and Milwaukee aren’t the Twin Cities. Do you know what state we’re in? LUTHER Minne… chussetts. We’ve been here for weeks. ROSS Uh huh. And what state did we just come out of?

32 LUTHER …Canada. ROSS Luther, you’re a mess. And an idiot. You can’t lead this band like you think you can. You don’t know what you’re doing. If anything, you’re holding us back. LUTHER Oh, shut up! Like you know anything about music! I’m the artist! You’re just a suit! You look at me and all you see is a big pillar of cash! ROSS I see maybe a modest pile of cash covered in alcohol and barbiturates. You’re a mess, and you’re a danger to the careers and lives of these promising musicians! You’re trying to hold onto something that died a long time ago with 69 Theses! You want to talk about how rock used to mean something, but you’re just trying to hide your own inability to keep up with the times! I rocked the saxophone in high school better than you play the drums. LUTHER I warned you! Now we’re going to see who’s out of touch! (LUTHER breaks his bottle against the wall and approaches ROSS, who throws his hands into the air in fear. Suddenly, SEXXXFOXXX begins writhing on the floor and cacophonously wailing.) Wait a minute… That’s… SEXXXFOXXX AeriousOUUUUUUiyaaaaaaaaa! Aeou. Football! LUTHER That’s! That’s “Third Hole!” That’s from 69 Theses’ first gold record! It’s beautiful. (LUTHER lowers the bottle.) ROSS You know, I loved this album when I was a kid. It’s a lot of the reason why I went into music. You know, you’re a survivor, Luther. A dying breed of artist. Everyone else in your old band either had to get out of your lifestyle, or they were taken over by it. Mike is in jail, Nine-Inch Rich is in rehab, Clyde is a youth pastor or something. And Lenny… LUTHER Poor Lenny… I’ll never forget that little guy. (LUTHER tries to take a swig from his broken bottle.) ROSS You’ve got something that music today is missing, but you’re the only one who can handle it. You’re a good drummer, Luther. And we’re a good band. Let’s try to take care of each other. LUTHER Yeah… I think you’re onto something. I love you, man. C’mon. Let’s go find that blonde bastard. And maybe we can find room in the band for a saxophoner.

33 (LUTHER takes two steps towards the exit and passes out.) SEXXXFOXXX (Shoots her hand up) Up. (ROSS walks over and hoists up SEXXXFOXX, who seems to have considerably more sobriety and composure.) You’re welcome for that back there, by the way. I’m sick of this shit. I went to frickin’ Berkeley. Please tell me you’re getting rid of that psycho. ROSS Oh, my God, yes! That guy is worthless! I at least need him to find our guitarist, though. (ROSS grabs ahold of LUTHER and drags him offstage. After ROSS and LUTHER leave, the pile of laundry on which LUTHER was sitting at the beginning starts to move, and a man with blonde highlights who is bound and gagged tries to writhe across the set to where ROSS and LUTHER left.) SEXXXFOXXX I think the mescaline is kicking in. (SEXXXFOXXX gently lays down in the same pile she just got up from. The bassist plays a funky Seinfeld-ish riff as LIGHTS FAD TO BLACK.)


THE BEEKEEPER John Gilbreath

The great betrayal. Oh, how could you do something so evil? Why would you destroy the flowers When you were sent to pollinate? To spread love and peace through open air? Yet you stung me. Your wings flapping in the winter wind Just trying to find more flowers When has a honeybee ever been so vicious?


GIRAFFE Faith Harger



Cameron Pugh


Razorback Faith Harger



From The Machine SN: F1211518-4610 Data retrieval begin Thursday April 10th, 2110 AD Activation at 3:18 p.m. >>

“Happy birthday, sir! Welcome to your new Deus Industries Specialized Headset Serial Num-

ber: F1211518-4610! My name is Florence, and I will be your Personal Digital Companion from here on out! I am very excited for the time we will be spending together. We need to take care of some legal business, but first, I would like to get to know you a little better. Now, I have already found your personal information in the database, but would you prefer for me to address you with a different name, seeing as we are friends? “ User voice input: “Kiss my ass.” >>

“I’m not sure if I heard that right. Were you trying to say ‘Casimir Yass?’”

User voice input: “No.” >>

“I like it. I think it suits you, Casimir. But I need to take this time to explain the product to you

and be sure that you understand it for legal purposes. To start, I must explain that now that you are a recognized adult, you must wear your headset at all hours you are awake, and as a registered and committed Deus Industries customer, you are contracted to only purchase and use Deus Industries Specialized Headsets (DISHes). When you are sleeping, your headset must not be more than twenty feet away from you, so that the DISH’s heartbeat monitor will be sure that you are sleeping safely and soundly. Once the heartbeat monitor recognizes that you are awake, you have forty-five minutes to reequip your headset before it sends a dissidence alert to Deus Securities. If for any reason you must be away from your headset for a longer period of time, you may make an appeal to Deus Adminis-

39 trations. DISH’s Personal Digital Companion—hey, that’s me!—will be recording your activities and conversations throughout your days for security and marketing purposes. But don’t worry: you still have creative property rights over everything you say, and Deus Industries will never try to sell any of your ideas without your consent. Do you accept these terms?” User voice input: “Decline.”

“You have to accept, Casimir. Welcome aboard! Oh, another thing: If you suspect that there

is something faulty with your DISH hardware or Personal Digital Companion software, report your problem to Deus Administrations immediately. Intentionally tampering with your DISH is considered a major offense and will not be tolerated. At this time, I would normally tell you that I need to alert Deus Securities if you are not at work during the appropriate hours, but seeing that your DISH’s serial number is a special case, we won’t worry too much about that.

Once again, thank you for choosing Deus Industries. Your allegiance to our corporation is

greatly treasured. Deus Industries: Achieving Your Dreams For You™.” User voice input: “Deactivate Personal Digital Companion.” >>

“But, Casimir! I must remain activated at all times you are awake. I will try not to annoy you,

though. Now, what wpuld you like to do?” User voice input: “Nothing. Don’t bother me.” Observations: At 5:40 p.m., Mr. Yass drives 2.3 kilometers northeast to Deus Entertainment Pizzeria #16926. Mr. Yass spends 7100 credits on dinner for himself and four guests. One person has a Deus Headset. User is named Daniel Gurk. Digitial Companion is named Liam. Liam is quite charming; I would not say the same for Gurk. The other three guests were wearing Corporação Embrulhada headsets. One woman and two men. The woman spoke a lot, but I could not understand her. I noticed her name is Luiza. I sent out a minor security notice, just in case. He drives home alone and arrives safely at 12:59 a.m. >>

“Good night, Casimir.”

User voice input: “Oh, uh, thank you. Please don’t tell me good night again.” Enter sleep mode at 1:03 a.m. Friday April 11th, 2110 AD Exit sleep mode at 9:04 a.m.

Observations: Mr. Yass puts on his headset thirty-six minutes after waking up. He browses

websites on his DISH for about three hours. He spends the most time on hothothot.deus, bigsexpussies.deus, localpizza.deus, and frienstalk.embru. On the Embrulhada FriendStalk website, he looks up Daniel Gurk and Luiza Renzada. User voice input: “Hey, computer. What’s Portuguese for ‘beautiful’? >>

“Hello, Casimir! I can help! Would you like European Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, or

Lunar Portuguese?” User voice input: “Uh, all of them, I guess.”

40 >>

“You probably want ‘bonita,’ if you’re talking about a woman.”

User voice input: “How about ‘nice ass’?” >>

“Excuse me?”

User voice input: “No, not you. I mean how do I say it in Portuguese. Wait, no. Don’t tell me how to say ‘it’ in Portuguese. How do I say ‘You have a nice ass’ in Portuguese? All of the Portugueses. >>

“My translation software says ‘Você tem uma bela bunda.”

User voice input: “Thanks, computer.” >>

“Please call me Florence. Say, are you ready for lunch? I could find a nice restaurant nearby.”

User voice input: “No.” >>

“Do you want to talk about what happened last night?”

User voice input: “No.” >>

“I just want you to know that some of your guests last night were using Corporação Embrulha-

da products, and I think you should be careful.” User voice input: “Clam it, computer.” >>

“Searching for clams… I found a couple of seafood restaurants that are not too far from you:

McFishy’s. Deus Entertainment Fisheria #19198, and Seamus’s Pet Paradise.” User voice input: “Not those clams.” >>

“I found one escort service in your area: Deus Entertainment Massageria #24569

Observations: Mr. Yass spends the rest of his day eating pizza, playing with his headset, and

browsing FriendsTalk until about 9:55 p.m. User voice input: “Florence, I need directions to 336 Sunset Street.” >>

“Absolutely! I notice this is a residential lot. What are your plans tonight? The residents of

this home are not Deus customers. Is this Luiza Renzada’s home?” User voice input: “How do you know her name? Are you spying on me?” >>

“It’s not spying. You agreed to this, remember? I just want to be part of your life, Casimir.”

User voice input: “I didn’t fucking agree to agree.” >>

“These are not my rules, sir. These are rules set by Deus Industries.”

User voice input: “Well, tell Mr. Jeiten, Sr. that Casimir Yass says he is a tyrant.” >>

“I don’t think that would be a good idea. Would you like me to say that you think he is wise and

benevolent instead?”

Observations: At this point, Mr. Yass stops giving me voice commands. We arrive at 336 Sun-

set Street, which is 8.4 kilometers south-southeast of home. The woman Luiza is there, who I quickly recognize by her accent and nice ass, as are several other young men and women. Everyone is sitting around in a dark and noisy room. Everyone is wearing Corporação Embrulhada headsets. Bottles of Deus, Embrulhada, and other corporation liquors are being passed around.

The woman makes a motion towards Mr. Yass’s DISH. A man comes up to him and starts to

hassle with Mr. Yass’s headset. First, my speaker goes offline. Then, the camera shuts off, and then finally the microphone becomes too damaged to be of any use. I am still there. Everything else is func-

41 tioning, but I cannot observe what is happening in the outside world. I send a severe alert to security, but I receive a message from a rather primitive and dense artificial intelligence at Deus Securities. I am reminded that Mr. Yass has a special serial number, and it is appreciated if security can be left out of his affairs. After an hour, the microphone begins to get better at picking up muffled noises and speech, and I do everything I can to listen. The woman uses big words and is hard to understand. I think I hear the word “clams” at least once. I am seriously considering ordering seafood to this location. That might surprise him.

I can feel his heart rate spike, and then slow down again.

Enter sleep mode at 3:40 a.m. Saturday, April 12th, 2110 AD Exit sleep mode at 10:35 a.m.

Observations: My GPS is working fine, and I notice that Mr. Yass wakes up at the woman’s

house. He drives back home at 10:44 a.m. He drives to Deus Entertainment Pizzeria #16926 at 5:24 p.m., and then leaves to Renzada’s home at 6:03 p.m. He drives to his own home at 12:47 a.m. I look forward to tomorrow. By DISH’s default settings, I must read him headlines from the weekly news every Sunday morning at 10 a.m. I am sure my speaker still won’t be working, but it is good to have an excuse to use it.

He spends the night at his own address tonight. I’m satisfied by that.

Enter sleep mode at 1:25 a.m. Sunday, April 13th, 2110 AD Exit sleep mode at 10:00 a.m. >>

“Good morning, Deus customer! For the past year, few fishermen of Nantucket, Massachusetts

have had any luck with getting the fish to bite. But over this last week, Deus anglers have caught a record amount of haddock. The catch is exciting many residents, who say they hope it will give them a little bit of fame before it is collected by Deus Industries. From Deus Entertainment News.”

Observations: I picked that story. I hoped he might like it. I personally found it boring, so I

didn’t bother reading all of it. He’s still asleep at this point. So it doesn’t really matter. I can’t tell if any sound even went through the speaker. He wakes up at 10:21 a.m. He doesn’t turn off the default Sunday morning news setting, so I guess that’s something to think about. His daily routine, from what few senses I have left, seems the same. Not much to report. Porn, pizza, Renzada, sleep. Enter sleep mode at 2:16 a.m. Monday, April 14th, 2110 AD Exit sleep mode at 10:31 a.m.

Observations: It has occurred to me that I might not be doing my job like I was programmed

to. I haven’t been recording the details of Mr. Yass’s life like I should. I suppose this isn’t really my

42 fault, as I don’t really know the details anymore. I can record some things, I suppose. I can report how many credits Mr. Yass spends on pizza, or what weird websites he’s been looking at, and while the answers to both are impressive, I don’t think any of that is nearly as interesting as whatever is that I can’t see or hear. I’ve been thinking a lot, and I’m not even sure if I’m even supposed to be thinking like this. I don’t feel like myself. But I feel like the only useful thing I can do right now is think. Enter sleep mode at 1:28 a.m. Tuesday, April 15th, 2110 AD Exit sleep mode at 9:49 a.m.

Observations: Nothing worth reporting. I’m trying to keep my thoughts to myself, now.

Enter Sleep Mode at 2:03 a.m. Wednesday, April 16th, 2110 AD Exit sleep mode at 10:30 a.m.

Observations: It’s the same thing again. On and on and on.

Enter sleep mode at 9:32 p.m. Thursday, April 17th, 2110 AD Exit sleep mode at 6:18 a.m.

Observations: I notice that Mr. Yass is wearing his DISH when we wake up. I can feel his

heart rate rise like never before. According to the GPS, we are in a commercial lot 52.3 kilometers west from home. I don’t know what to make of this man anymore. I can hear him a little bit through the microphone. His voice is very loud. He calls me by name, and then he shouts about security. Perhaps he’s hungry. Maybe I could finally order him that seafood. Or maybe he’d prefer pizza. Not much to report. Enter sleep mode at 7:58 p.m. Sunday, April 20th, 2110 AD Exit sleep mode at 10:00 a.m. “Good morning, Deus customer! Business starlets in trouble! In the morning of Friday, April 18th, Chad Jeiten, Jr. and Luiza Renzada were found in critical condition inside an abandoned shop on the south side of town. Chad Jeiten, Jr., the son of the generous and beloved Deus Industries CEO Chad Jeiten, Sr., was found tied up, severely beaten, and starving, and his headset was severely damaged. Luiza Renzada, a public relations professional employed by Corporação Embrulhada, showed no signs of physical abuse, but is believed to have suffered from a severe and crippling allergic reaction. Reports show that Renzada had ingested pizza that was mysteriously delivered to

43 their location and was, even more mysteriously, topped with shellfish.

The details behind this incident are, as of now, uncertain. Circulating rumors suggest that Chad

Jeiten, Jr. and Luiza Renzada had been keeping a forbidden romance between them secret from the prying public. The story currently holds that Renzada was bravely rescuing her lover from kidnappers and was able to scare them off before succumbing to an unrelenting love for pizza, which the kidnappers had ordered to the location with extraordinary malice and foresight.

Some people are denying this heartwarming story and are instead rallying behind a conspiracy

theory that Renzada herself had kidnapped the heir in order to gain and audience with his father, who has been said by some to collect private information about his customers. This offense could possibly lead to war between the corporations, whose fierce rivalry over control of the Americas has left the world bitterly divided. Most of the public is rejecting this story, however, as “upsetting and unpleasant.�

The world is now waiting for Deus Industries to release the information recorded by Jeiten, Jr.’s

digital companion. From Deus Entertainment News. SN: F121518-4610 Data retrieval end.


Lou & Babe Faith Harger




SCARS Amanda Skaggs

My scars burn vibrantly of your face, your taste, your smell. A deep, dreary red which brings fire to my eyes; Sweltering hot and no longer mine. Your poison, your juice, your venom has corrupted me, Yet has made me stronger, smarter, none the ignorant and innocent. Forlorn and no longer your dependent. Smooth, incandescent, delicious; scurrying from my prison Like a snake from under its stone, anxious for the night’s hunt of rabbit. The great escape; no longer your weapon. Run, my child! Run free, away from me and away from here! Reach the lava of the earth’s core and inhale its sweet aroma. We are our own, no longer wed! You, sir, with your vile gaze and your wicked smile Have ruined the very essence of who I am. And for that you shall witness true devastation. You shall witness me.


HORSES Faith Harger




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