Vinyl Rug

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Don’t let worries about messy people and pets keep you from enjoying a pop of colour and style every time you walk into a room! Instead, order your first vinyl rug today.

Pet Friendly Rugs Slide our V-Mat under your favourite sofa or table rollover with your office chair! All our Vmats are pet friendly rugs and are designed efficiently to dress your room.

Vinyl Floor Mats Vinyl mats wipe clean in seconds and are slim enough to mop or vacuum over. So, why would you not add such beneficial vinyl floor mats to your home? Buy them now from VMAT!

Vintage Vinyl Floor Cloths Give a fresh look to your space using our vintage vinyl floor cloths! Our rugs complement your décor while enhancing the aesthetics of your home.

Vinyl Kitchen Mats Our vinyl kitchen mats are made of strong construction that serves as excellent protection from everyday wear and tears and scratches to your flooring.


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