1 minute read


It rained on their first date, it rained on their second date... infact anytime Craig and Becca go to do anything special together it seems to rain, so it was no surprise that when they woke up on the morning of their wedding it was, well, raining!


Craig and Becca met at high school, he was 18 and she was 16. She decided she liked him before she had even spoken to him. After mentioning this to her friends, they decided that the best plan of action would be for her to ask him to the upcoming school ball. Unfortunately he already had a girlfriend and so the plan didn't end with the intended outcome!!

Eventually though, they did become friends and around 6 months later they started dating. Craig's initall take on Becca was that she was pretty, fun to be with, and she was from England! What's not to like!!

It didn't take too long to realise that they had a lot in common... they both loved the same kinds of things, wanted the same things out of life, shared the same faith, respected and love their families similarly and yet could be completely crazy and silly around each other. A perfect recipe for marriage.