VIVA GLAM Classic Glam Issue Part II

Page 15

PLAN SOMETHING SPECIAL Taking a vacation together is always a great bonding experience. But planning a vacation together can be as equally romantic and bonding, in part because it builds anticipation for your journey. In your relationship, it is always important to have something to look forward to. Whether this is a quick visit to a nearby town or a fabulous trip around the world, the prospect of an adventure is something to be relished. If you travel close or far, be certain to include s that each of you want to do, even if they interests.



Not the skydiving type? Get involved in a local charity together. Find one that speaks to the both of you. Love animals? PETA might be the charity for you. Or perhaps you care for underprivileged children , and OXFAM might be right for you . Whatever the place you choose to donate your time and energy, you can promote it together, and it will be for the betterment of everyone involved.

B6tf)~ Another way to play together is to get outside of your comfort zone. Dare each other to do something you have never done before. Have you ever thought about skydiving? Or have you desired to climb Machu Picchu? Perhaps it is something as simple as rollerblading or visiting the unknown parts of your town. Whatever makes you slightly anxious is probably good for you. So, go for it! Allow yourself to go outside of your comfort zone with your partner and you'll likely both end up loving it.

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