2018 School Catalog Public

Page 28


Langue et culture du monde francophone


Explore, Learn, Connect with

Flexibility with D’accord! At Vista Higher Learning, we recognize that classrooms and districts across the country are implementing technology at varying rates. That’s why we offer two levels of technology with D’accord!: Prime and


Supersite. The program’s flexibility makes it a good fit for any curriculum or infrastructure—both today and for years to come. Vocabulary Tutorials feature a cyclical

Self-Check Activities feature

learning sequence:

real-time feedback and

• Listen & repeat: How does the word look and sound?

personalized remediation that highlights areas where students may need more practice.

• Match: Which picture represents the word? • Say it: Do you recognize the picture? Do you know how to say the word? Audio hints and cognate/false cognate icons help students understand and remember new vocabulary.

Speech Recognition Technology identifies student utterances in real time and objectively determines whether they know the word.

EXPLORE YOUR OPTIONS TODAY! vistahigherlearning.com/daccord


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