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M. Carrillo / PP

The district of Rímac, “on the other side of the bridge”, the other world in Conversación en la Catedral.

San Miguel, Barranco, and the poor in La Victoria, Lince, Bajo el Puente, and El Porvenir. We privileged boys almost never saw poor kids or realized they existed. They were there, of course, living in their barrios, dangerous and remote areas where it was noised about there was crime. If a boy cut from the same cloth as me never left the city, he could spend his entire life under the illusion that he lived in a country of Spanish speakers, whites and mestizos, totally ignorant of the millions of Quechua speakers who had totally different ways of living. 1 Dictionary of the Latin American Lover. PAIDOS, Barcelona, 2006. 9

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