Patrick County Magazine - Spring 2022

Page 1 / Spring 2022


Escape to scenic Patrick County.

Let us find you that perfect cabin, home or tract of land.

18376 Jeb Stuart Hwy. Stuart, VA 24171


Rotary Club of Stuart, VA

S p r i n g

i n t o

S u m m e r

a t

Dehart Park Park Dehart 212 Wood Brothers Drive | Town of Stuart, Virginia

All are welcome to join us on Monday's at 6:30pm

Major Events of 2022: Stuart Beach Music Festival- June 9th-11th Patrick County Agricultural Fair- Sept. 13th -17th

Providence United Methodist Church

1021 Providence Dr. • Patrick Springs, VA 276-694-5713 Pastor Keith Vernon

Sundays: Sunday School .........10 am Worship Service ......11 am* Wednesdays: Prayer Meeting ........11 am Bible Study ...............6 pm* & 7 pm** * In person or virtual via Zoom ** Zoom only


Patrick County Magazine /

Spring 2022 / Vol. 1, No. 1 The Patrick County Magazine is published in partnership by the Patrick County Tourism Office and the Patrick County Chamber of Commerce. For advertising information: Patrick County Chamber 334 Patrick Ave. Stuart, VA 24171 276-694-6012 For additional copies of the magazine, contact: Patrick County Tourism 126 N. Main St. Stuart, VA 24171 276-693-2005 Tourism Director: Sandra Belcher Tourism Assistant: Grace Cooper Chamber Director: Rebecca Adcock Chamber Assistant: Sharon Williams Creative Director: David Stanley Photographer: Kim Rakes Design: SilverLining Design Editor: Kristin Hylton Contributors: Sue Kolljeski, Sarah Sheppard Note: Please know that changes occur with attractions and businesses before Tourism or the Chamber knows about it. We make every attempt to present accurate information, but contact businesses or attractions directly before making plans to visit. The Cover: One of five Patrick County Trail Hands, the “All Trails Lead Home” sculpture by Pepper Martin is located in The Friendship Garden at Reynolds Homestead.





Table Of Contents 5 6 8

Tourism/Chamber Welcome

Welcome to the first edition from the Tourism and Chamber Directors

Find Yourself Here

Alaskan “transplant” Lora Mahaffey found Patrick County and fell in love

The Free State of Patrick County

Patrick County History 101: Things every Patrick Countian should know

14 20 28 34

Auberge Primland Resort

38 44 48 58

From Gourmet to Grab-n-Go

The #1 resort in the Southeast is right here in Meadows of Dan

Fairy Stone State Park

Virginia’s second-largest state park isn’t just for fairies

It’s Always Festival Season Here

Get the when, where, and why of the many festivals coming up

The Reynolds Homestead Celebrates

Five decades of education and community outreach at Virginia Tech’s Reynolds Homestead Find your new favorite dish in Patrick County’s growing food scene

Our Waterways

Explore fun things to do in “The Land of Headwaters”


Whether it be a flat walk or a mountain hike, find your perfect trail here


Farming families paved the way for our booming tourism industry

Departments of 52 Chamber Commerce


Patrick County Tourism


Events / Spring 2022


We care about you and your health. We are currently accepting new patients who live in Virginia and who do not have any type of medical insurance. We can help with sick visits, COVID testing, vaccines (such as COVID-19, Flu, Pneumonia, and TB), chronic healthcare visits, specialty referrals, laboratory, and prescription services. Please call to make an appointment at 276-694-3410. We are open to see patients every Tuesday and every other Monday. Christie Fain, Executive Director

835 Woodland Drive • Suite 101 • Stuart, VA


Patrick County Magazine /

Welcome to the New Patrick County Magazine MESSAGES FROM US The Patrick County Magazine has been an ambition of ours and our partners for a few years now and we are so excited to finally see it come to life. Tourism is a major economic driver for our county, and rightfully so. There are so many aspects of our land, culture, and assets to be proud of. We dreamed of filling this magazine with the very essence of what makes Patrick County unique and fun for locals and tourists alike. It is our hope that this magazine will inspire a deeper love of place among our community and welcome tourists to come experience it for themselves. The Patrick County Tourism Department has grown so much in recent years with staff expansions, increases in tourism infrastructure, and most recently the opening of the Patrick County Visitors Center. This magazine is a testament to the talents and love given to our community by its dedicated members. So enjoy this first issue and look out for many more to come as we show you our beautiful county. Sandra Belcher Director of Tourism & Marketing, Patrick County Department of Tourism

We, at the Chamber, hope that you enjoy the new Patrick County Magazine. The Chamber is proud and happy to be partnering with the Tourism Department to bring this long discussed project to fruition. So grab a nice drink, sit down and enjoy reading about Patrick County and seeing all the businesses and services this county has to offer. We hope this magazine will give you insight into the history, culture and opportunities here. We also encourage you to patronize our local businesses that advertise in the magazine. You just might find yourself here and become part of our community either for a little while or permenantly! Rebecca Adcock Chamber of Commerce Director

I have had the idea of a Patrick County Magazine for about six years now. I have designed magazines for Sweet Briar College and several colleges and departments at Virginia Tech, but really wanted to do one for our county. I began in earnest working on this during Leadership Patrick County in October 2019. Leadership Patrick County is a nine-month professional development course put on by the Patrick County Chamber of Commerce and the Reynolds Homestead. I pitched the concept for the magazine as a project for the group and we began to plan for it. I ended up having to drop out of the leadership group in December of that year and this project was put on hold. And then the pandemic happened. I approached tourism again with this idea last fall and then talked with the Chamber of Commerce. I wanted businesses to have the opportunity to advertise in this magazine, because I see this publication as a point of pride for our county and an opportunity to inform visitors about what we all have to offer. Tourism and the Chamber of Commerce agreed to partner on this project and launch it this year. I would like to thank all of the people who have helped make this a reality and for all of the businesses who have advertised in this first publication. Without the chamber, tourism, advertisers and you, the reader, this would not be possible. We look forward to bringing you stories of our county, our attractions and businesses. David Stanley SilverLining Design & Stanburn Winery / Spring 2022


(or, how we bought a house and ended up with a circus) By Lora Mahaffey

When my husband and I moved here from Alaska, we had no idea what our future would be in the charming but as yet unknown town of Stuart. A need to relocate to the east coast had me searching online for a place to live, and so began a long-distance love affair with a house I discovered on the internet in a place called Stuart, Virginia and that I couldn’t help returning to. I had no idea where Stuart - in Patrick County - Virginia was, so I googled it and discovered it was not far from my sister’s in-laws in North Carolina. Soon after that, however, the house vanished from the internet. And I assumed it had been sold. Then, a few months later, we were in North Carolina visiting my sister and in-laws. On our last day there, I discovered that the house was back on the market. I may have squealed a little. A short cruise through the town and a longer look at the house put stars in my eyes and a glazed expression on my husband’s face. A long discussion on the flight home, and a couple of weeks of intense negotiations, and the house was ours. We pulled up our Alaskan stakes and moved 4200 miles east to Patrick County. We fell in love with a house, but ended up falling inexorably in love with the town, the people, and the county at large. Over the years my husband and I have been involved in many projects and volunteered with some wonderful organizations- the Reynolds Homestead, BRATs theater group (now sadly defunct) and our beloved Patrick County Branch Library, to name a few. Bull Mountain Arts is one such organization that I am particularly fond of and am currently its president. It’s an organization that aligns with many of the ideals and interests I have and it has been a great privilege to be a part of it. The purpose of BMA is to be a network that supports and encourages all


Patrick County Magazine /

artists in all fields. Members of BMA promote economic growth through the lense of art, sponsor events that bring art into the community, and expand educational and cultural opportunities for all ages. We strive to improve the quality of life in our area, and we have a lot of fun together. With all this in mind, and after taking a series of workshops through Reynolds Homestead at a program called AIR Shift, I’ve been inspired to resurrect a long ago dream of having an art center. In service of that dream, one day in early June of last year, my husband and I bought a building. Some of you may know of it. We purchased the old brick building that was the Bengle Apparel Outlet at 410 Patrick Avenue. We have big plans for our building. Our purpose is to turn it into an art center that provides a venue for artistic self expression and encourages people to be makers. There will be areas to teach classes, a stage, a resource center, a gallery, a pottery, a stained glass studio, areas for weaving and for other arts and crafts. A book shop that will also sell art supplies and art will anchor the center of the building. Some permanent exhibitions will be displayed along with rotating art shows. Profits from the store will go toward supporting the building and artistic programs. We are currently in negotiations with partners that align with our mission and look forward to the joy of providing many years of inspiration through art, creativity, and education. But what should we call it? We went back and forth on what to name this new adventure and realized we kept saying, “Wow. This is going to be such a circus,” and so Calliope, Circus of the Arts was created. A long time ago we fell in love with a house.......... “Find Yourself Here” is a guest column from someone who is either from the county or has moved to the county, and why they love it here. If you are interested in writing a column in a subsequent issue or know someone we should highlight, please contact us at director@

Patrick County History from Thomas D. Perry


The Patrick County Historical Museum features innumerable items from the past, and extensive genealogical records for people researching families with Patrick County roots.

hours: (subject to change)

Tues, Thurs, Sat. 10am - 2pm and by appointment

Autographed Copies Available Available in paperback and Kindle

116 W. Blue Ridge St. P.O. Box 1045 (mailing) Stuart, VA 24171 276-694-2840

Patrick County



Keeping you closer to home.


Choose Well. Choose Northern. | Rockford Street Mount Airy, NC / Spring 2022


The Free State of

Patrick By Tom Perry


Patrick County Magazine /

Downtown Stuart with the Dick & Willie train in the background

William Byrd and a group of surveyors from Virginia and North Carolina first mapped this area in 1728. Stopping at Peter’s Creek along the state line, Byrd described the region as “Eden,” comparing it to the biblical Garden of Eden. Twenty years later, Thomas Jefferson’s father Peter Jefferson, Joshua Fry, and a team of North Carolina surveyors continued the survey another ninety miles. These were some of the first Englishmen to visit our region. Virginia created Patrick County in 1791, taken from Henry County, created in 1776, taken from Pittsylvania County, created in 1760, which came from Halifax County, and Lunenburg back to the founding of British America at Jamestown in 1607. Named for the first Governor of Virginia, Patrick Henry lived in Henry County during the American Revolution. Today, when you read a map of Virginia from west to east, you can still see Patrick Henry’s name. Patrick County is part mountainous and part piedmont, which, like most of its original peoples who were part English and part German, makes it two separate places. From the Blue Ridge Parkway in the mountains to Highway 58, which stretches from the Cumberland Gap to Virginia Beach, there are many ways to arrive in the Free State of Patrick. The Free State of Patrick is a term with several meanings. Some think it comes from the War Between The States when Patrick County would secede from Virginia if the commonwealth did not join the Confederate States of America. Others believe it comes from the county’s people’s independent nature or maybe the residents’ stubborn nature. / Spring 2022


Patrick County was Custer’s men at the Battle famous before it even of Yellow Tavern, just north existed. The first major event of Richmond, Virginia. of the place we call home Laurel Hill hosts a hisoccurred in 1780 when torical encampment every our county was still Henry year on the first weekend County. People had different of October to commempolitical views during the orate life during the Civil American Revolution, like War. The seventy-five acre places then and now. Some preserved site is open dawn people supported the Patriot to dusk to self-guided tours cause of George Washfor the rest of the year. ington, Thomas Jefferson, Near Laurel Hill is the and our namesake, Patrick Hollow History Center, Henry. Others did not want The Penn carriage on display at the Patrick County Historical Museum. It was located in the Doe Run restored and donated to the museum by John Martin of Brown’s Summit, NC. to break away from BritThe carriage was used at Chinqua-Penn Plantation, which was built after the Penn section of the county, where ain, and these people were Raleigh and Shelby Inscore family moved their tobacco factory from Patrick County to Reidsville, NC. known as Tories. Puckett have rebuilt mulLike other conflicts, a local civil war erupted within the larger tiple buildings, including barns and cabins, and a reconstruction event of the war. That summer, a large British army under the of the Mount Airy and Eastern Railroad known locally as “The command of Lord Cornwallis was coming up through the CarDinky.” This area includes the graves of the children of John olinas for a rendezvous with destiny at Yorktown the following and Orleana Hawks Puckett. The latter was made famous as a year and surrender to George Washington and his French allies. midwife on the Blue Ridge Parkway with the Puckett Cabin. In 1780, William and Elizabeth Perkins Letcher lived on the This area was also the home of the Reverend Bob Childress, “The banks of the Ararat River in the southwestern part of the county. Man Who Moved A Mountain.” Childress pastored the multiple William was part of the local militia and a fervent Patriot. Tories rock churches in Carroll and Floyd counties. In Patrick County, targeted him, came to his home on August 28, 1780, and killed these include Mayberry and Bluemont Presbyterian Churches. him in front of his wife and newborn daughter, Bethenia Letcher. From the far southwestern end of Patrick County in Ararat to Today, William Letcher rests in the oldest marked grave in the northeastern end takes over an hour to drive. With over 486 Patrick County. The grave is part of Laurel Hill, the J.E.B. Stuart square miles, the rugged landscape of the county has been the Birthplace, a private park that commemorates the life of Letcher home to many histories and famous people. and his famous great-grandson Civil War General James Ewell After the Civil War, Richard Joshua Reynolds, known to the Brown “J.E.B.” Stuart, who was born at Laurel Hill on February world as “RJ,” left the county to move to the closest railroad hub, 6, 1833. which was Winston, North Carolina. He built Reynolds TobacLaurel Hill has interpretive signage and walking trails that co into one of the largest businesses in the world, starting with give insights into the multiple histories of the site, which is on chewing tobacco and then cigarette brands such as Camel. His the National and Virginia Registers of Historic Places. These brother Abram David Reynolds left the county and his family histories, including Native Americans who lived there alongside built Reynolds Metals, which became well known for its many the Antebellum residents of the 1,500 acre farm, the life of the aluminum products including, of course, Reynolds WrapTM. The thirty plus enslaved people who lived at the site dating back to Reynolds family home Rock Spring Plantation, now known as the Reynolds Homestead, which is preserved and operated by the Letchers’ time, and the life of J.E.B. Stuart, who commanded Virginia Tech, hosts programs and is open for tours in the comRobert E. Lee’s cavalry in the American Civil War before losing munity of Critz in the far eastern end of the county. his life on May 12, 1864, after being shot by one of George

Tom Perry at the grave of William Letcher, Revolutionary War hero


Patrick County Magazine /

Arrowheads and many other Native American items on display at the Patrick County Historical Museum

Tobacco was the largest industry in the county, with Reynolds and the Penns, who were later bought out by the American Tobacco Company, being just two of the families involved with the crop. In the twentieth century, textiles and wood related industries became dominant, and the latter still plays a key role in the area’s economy. Fairy Stone State Park, founded in 1936, is one of Virginia’s largest state parks, and lies in the northeastern part of the county. The area was once the site of an iron forge, run by the Hairston Family, and the town of Fayerdale, which now rests under the lake’s waters, part of the Philpott Reservoir. The park is named for the Staurolite rock features known as fairy stones that myth says came from the tears of fairies when hearing of the death of Jesus Christ. The county seat of Stuart, named for Civil War General James Ewell Brown “J.E.B.” Stuart in 1884, is home to the Patrick County Historical Museum, which has shared a building with the Blue Ridge Regional Library Branch since 1991. The museum, founded in 1971, offers research opportunities and a varied collection of artifacts relating to the county’s history. Patrick County once had nine covered bridges. Today, there is only one, the Jack’s Creek Bridge, near Woolwine in the northern part of the county. The bridge is on the National and Virginia Registers of Historic Places and is the site of a yearly festival. The Blue Ridge Parkway is the northern border of Patrick County, which takes visitors to Meadows of Dan and has one of the most photographed places in the nation - Mabry Mill. Operated by the National Park Service along the border between Patrick and Floyd counties, the mill was once the home and job of Ed Mabry. Meadows of Dan has Cockram’s Mill, which was previously the site of the Dan River Queen, a riverboat that operated on the Dan River. A few miles north along the Blue Ridge Parkway is the Rock Castle Gorge, accessed from the nearby Rocky Knob Visitors Center. This area once thrived with families living in the rugged expanse from the top of the mountain down to the Woolwine area. The double whammy of prohibition and the blight of the chestnut trees ruined the economy until the United States government purchased the area for the park. These are some of the many historical places visitors can take in during a stay in The Free State of Patrick. Patrick County has many interesting historical sites and stories, so expect this article to be the first in a series.

Bob White Covered Bridge before it was destroyed in 2015 / Spring 2022



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Monthly Concerts presented at the Stuart Rotary Memorial Building featuring Bluegrass and Gospel music. See our Facebook page for dates, times, and performance lineups, or pick up one of our brochures at the Patrick County Visitors Center or the Chamber of Commerce office.

420 Woodland Dr. • Stuart, VA 12

Patrick County Magazine /

Home Sweet Home PATRICK COUNTY, VA Whether you are looking to buy a mountain cabin getaway or recreational land to play, call Lindsey Puckett!

Lindsey Puckett

Four Rivers Realty 276-732-6544 @sellingstuart 21521 Jeb Stuart Hwy

PO Box 823

Stuart, VA 24171


EVERYDAY! Find yourself here

Picnics at a covered bridge, a historical museum, local wineries, camping, hiking,

and mountain biking are just a few other attractions awaiting you. From the rugged outdoors to 5-Star luxury, there is so much to discover here. Visit the Patrick County Visitors Center at 126 N. Main St, Stuart, VA / Spring 2022


Primland Resort, Auberge Resorts Collection


Patrick County Magazine /

A getaway with everything.

Patrick County’s premier destination resort contains so many ways to play and relax that there’s something for everyone. But no matter their pleasure, all visitors to Primland Resort come away with something in common: lifelong memories. Primland is a luxurious paradise and mountain playground, wrapped into one. The resort is nestled on 12,000 sprawling acres of Blue Ridge mountains. Within its boundaries, one can enjoy worldclass golf, fly fishing, horseback riding and fine dining—all without ever leaving the grounds. Primland offers an all-encompassing resort experience that includes state-of-the-art lodging, a broad range of activities, four different restaurants that share a farm-to-table ethos, and attention to holistic health and the cycle of the natural world.


How did this world-class resort end up in Patrick County, a place known for its humble beauty and quiet ways? The story goes back to 1977, when Didier Primat purchased Primland and Busted Rock Wilderness area, which totaled about 10,000 acres. Primat was one of France’s richest men — the grandson of Marcel Schlumberger, who co-founded the Schlumberger oil field services company that grew into a petro giant. Despite his pedigree and status as a billionaire, Primat was famously shy of publicity, far preferring a rugged romp over the red carpet. / Spring 2022


Take A Ride On The Wild Side Virginia’s Largest Zipline

Whether your carriage is horse powered or your car has lots of horsepower, rides around Primland are spectacular

Family Friendly, Ages 3 and up 8 Lines • Up to 2400 feet long

540-200-5234 Book your canopy tour online at 3253 Black Ridge Road SW Floyd, VA 24091


Patrick County Magazine /

After buying Primland, Primat patented a wood processor and started a whole tree chip and logging operation that sold firewood and kindling to grocery chains, independent stores, hardware stores, convenience stores and campgrounds. By 1984, Primland was the largest manufacturer of packaged hardwood and firewood in the United States. The location of its sawmill and firewood processing plant is now the resort’s Outdoor Activities Center. Primland benefited tremendously from Primat’s forestry knowledge. It has always practiced forestry best management practices that have continuously improved the property. That included reseeding parts of the land with white and loblolly pines, and tending the land to enhance the experience exploring its vast acreage. Primland left the firewood business in the late ‘80s. It became a licensed shooting preserve, building on the Primat family’s other shooting operations in England and France. Primland being Primland, it developed a sportsman’s experience that goes far beyond the hunt clubs found elsewhere in the Blue Ridge. Primland’s gamekeeper spent eight months in England learning how to run traditional driven pheasant shoots. In 1990, Orvis named Primland an endorsed wingshooting lodge. Today, visitors can experience one of the nation’s top 25 sporting clay courses. Over a mile-long course, you’ll find 14 different stations offering a variety of clay targets and field games that are fun and challenging. Or, try your hand with an air rifle, a recurve or compound bow with aluminum arrows, or a traditional tomahawk. Or they can enjoy fishing in a range of environments. Primland has unrivaled access to a six-mile stretch of the Dan River that’s rugged, remote, and home to spirited wild brown, brook, and rainbow trout. For a more placid atmosphere, you can check out the three stocked ponds.

The Pinnacles of Dan hiding behind the green on hole number one.


The new millennium saw Primland expand its operations into a new arena: golf. In 2003, it broke ground for the Highland Course, designed by influential English golf architect Donald Steel. The course opened three years later and promptly received the 2007 Golf Digest award for Best New Course. Golf Digest has since continued to rain plaudits on the Highland Course, naming it one of “America’s 100 Greatest Public Courses.” The Highland Course melds seamlessly with the natural landscape, overlooking the Pinnacles of Dan and North Carolina’s Piedmont. The course combines that breathtaking scenery with Steel’s innovative course design. Highland presents fresh perspectives every time, compelling repeat rounds to master its challenges and experience its beauty anew. Primland complements its singular golf course with experts that can give you the tools to take your game to the next level. These trained PGA professionals offer a world-class, one-on-one experience, which can be tailored to any aspect of the game. A 60-minute lesson can include swing analysis, game management, putting, pitching, bunker shots and more. Golf clinics are offered throughout the week, focusing on whatever it is you’d like to improve — whether that’s your short game or full swing. Golf and sporting are just the beginning of the experiences that Primland offers its guests. Take, for instance, the adventure of exploring Primland’s 12,000 acres of mountain wildlands. Serene trails crisscross the land, waiting to be hiked or ridden on horseback. The more adventurous can jump on a mountain bike or take an off-road vehicle for a more exhilarating experience.

Are you more inclined to take a water route? You can have a kayak or even paddleboard at Primland. Other activities abound, from tennis and disc golf to painting classes and stargazing at Primland’s observatory, fully equipped with Celestron CGE Pro 1400 and CPC 800 telescopes.


Soon after Primland opened the Highland Course, it began construction of the three Fairway Cottages, which were completed in 2008. Located along the golf course, with stunning mountain views, the Fairway Cottages offer hardwood floors, cathedral ceilings and cozy living areas with Tennessee fieldstone fireplaces. They include wooden decks perfect for outdoor dining. Meanwhile, their spacious apartments are built to catch the light at sunrise and sunset, respectively. Each cottage boasts its own, unique layout. Two accommodate four guests and the third up to eight. In 2009, Primland opened the green-friendly, LEED-certified Lodge to massive acclaim. Centrally located amid the resort’s restaurants and other amenities, the Lodge greets visitors with its soaring Great Hall with its twin fireplaces and the two-story wine room. When you’re ready to slip away, you’ll find a private paradise waiting in the Lodge’s Mountain Room, Blue Ridge Suite or sumptuous Celestial Suite. Rooms feature private balconies, deep soaking tubs, 400-thread count Frette sheets and other world-class amenities. Primland’s Pinnacle Cottages opened in 2015, designed by the award-winning Samsel Architects of Asheville, North Carolina. Named after the famous Pinnacles of Dan, the four / Spring 2022


Enjoy all terrain vehicle rides around the property

chalet-like cottages each offer accommodation for up to 12 people, with stunning birds-eye views of the valley below. Each cottage is a generously-proportioned, two-story abode that features two living areas around open-stone fireplaces (one on each level), two large suites opening onto private decks, and two rooms with private balconies. In between the Lodge and Pinnacle Cottages, Primland developed three treehouses that offer guests the chance to stay in unrivaled privacy amid the embrace of giant trees. Its first was designed by Alain Laurens, who had built more than 200 treehouses in Europe when he went to work with Primland. The Golden Eagle Treehouse was his first American treehouse. It opened in 2011. Two years later, Primland opened the Barn Owl and Cooper’s Hawk treehouses, both of which were modeled after Laurens’ initial design. Perched high above the Dan River Gorge, Primland’s three treehouses offer sweeping views of the Kibler Valley with kingsize beds, sumptuous bathrooms and expansive wooden decks. Each offers an experience you cannot find anywhere else.


Besides its luxurious living quarters and full slate of experiences, Primland also looks to pamper its guests with gourmet food and holistic activities to build wellness. The Spa at Primland opened in 2010, combining healing practices with modern spa techniques, organic products and essential oils to provide a revitalizing experience. The Spa exemplifies Primland’s holistic approach to health and wellbeing. Highly trained therapists offer massages, facials, scrubs and wraps in tranquil treatment rooms, while the salon has hair and nail services. Its fitness center features a chlorine-free, indoor heated swimming pool, a soft-surface tennis court, two open-air yoga/ meditation decks and an outdoor fitness trail. The resort also provides complimentary yoga classes — often held outdoor amid the mountain environment. Primland complements these wellness programs with restaurants that serve up fresh organic produce grown on site or sourced locally. The Lodge is home to Elements, whose


Patrick County Magazine /

Horseback riding is also an option on the property

fine-dining experience is commanded by a cuisine based around seasonal ingredients in nuanced dishes celebrating land and sea. Or find a more informal atmosphere at the 19th Pub and its outdoor terrace, hearty fare and home-brewed moonshine cocktails. It’s ideal for refueling between holes, recounting adventures from the trails and planning your next day’s itinerary. The Stables Saloon is located on the secluded second floor of Primland’s former horse stables and delivers traditional Southern food and music. Stables Saloon regularly hosts live bluegrass music concerts and is part of the Crooked Road: Virginia’s Heritage Music Trail. On Friday and Saturday evenings, as the strains of a lively banjo drift towards the sunset, feast on barbecued beef brisket, buttermilk fried chicken, smoked pork shoulder, roasted corn and more. For a different experience, visit Schlumberger Wine Cellar to sample varietals from the world’s finest vineyards — including right here in Patrick County.


Primland’s latest evolution came in 2021, when they joined the Auberge Resorts Collection. The luxury resort company continues to operate Primland much as it has been for the last few decades. From horseback riding through old forests to fly fishing in crystal streams, Primland Resort is an all-season outdoor wonderland begging to be explored. Climb its mountains, putt its greens and seek out its wild inhabitants, all the while reveling in nature at its finest. No matter your tastes, Primland makes a fantastic destination for a family vacation, a business retreat or a weekend getaway. It’s a mountain paradise, hidden away on 12,000 acres amid some of the most stunning parts of the Blue Ridge Mountains. And it all started with the vision of Didier Primat and his idea for a better way to process firewood. Primat sadly passed away in 2008, at the age of 64, but he left behind a stunning legacy that’s changed people’s lives and made Patrick County a destination for people around the world. Come explore it, have your own experience — and leave with your own, lifelong Primland memories.

Where Fresh Meets Friendly

We have over 1,200 different items that range from your fruits and vegetables to an extensive collection of honey, jams, jar goods, and old-fashioned candy. The good thing about our size is that if we don’t have it, we can get it for you. We have cultivated relationships with top growers in the nation to buy direct so we can give you fresher, better quality products for a cheaper price. We source produce from across the United States, Mexico and Canada, but Meadows of Dan is home. Wood’s Produce Company 131 Cherry Creek Road Meadows of Dan, VA 24120 (800) 952-2978

Overlooking the beach at Fairy Stone State Park, a plaque celebrates the work done by the Civilian Conservation Corps to build the state park


Patrick County Magazine /

Fairy Stone Fairy Stone State Park, located in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, is one of the six original Virginia State Parks which opened on June 15, 1936. The park is situated on Goblintown Creek and was created on lands formerly occupying the village of Fayerdale. The village centered on the Union Furnace Iron Works, which would have been located under the present lake. The iron works was founded prior to the Civil War, and the lands were owned by Colonel George Hairston of Henry County who operated the iron works in the early 19th century. During the Civil War, the Confederate government approached William Hairston, who was willed the property in 1851, to purchase or operate the mine. It has been said that the iron used to clad the CSS Virginia (USS Merrimac), famous for the Hampton Roads naval battle between the ironclads USS Merrimac and USS Monitor, came from the Iron Works and Union Furnace. After 1900, the heirs of the property sold the tract to Frank A. Hill of Roanoke, Virginia. It was later sold to Frank and Alice Hill and Herbert and Mary Lafferty, who founded the Virginia Ore and Lumber Company. This company operated from 1905 until 1915. The name Fayerdale, given to the village that sprouted around the iron works, was named by Mrs. Frank A. Hill. She took the “F” from her husband’s first name, “ayer’’ from his middle name, and “dale” from Herbert Lafferty’s middle name to form the name “Fayerdale.” The village of Fayerdale thrived during the first twenty years of the 20th century and included a railroad line from Philpott. It had a post office, and freight and passenger lines. Within the village there were stores, a hotel, stables, a school and a church. In addition to the practice of mining, a saw mill was constructed near the railroad tracks. In 1910, the mining operation ceased and the company focused on harvesting the virgin timber within the 5000 acres surrounding the town. In the early 1920s, a fire destroyed the

Fairy Stones found at the park

The Legend of the Fairy Stone

Learn the legend behind the naturally occurring stone cross formations, and travel to the special location in the park to search for your own Staurolite crystal or “fairy stone.” After a short presentation on what to look for and the telling of the legend, visitors will travel to the site to hunt for the stones. Long, long ago fairies roamed freely, enjoying the beauty and serenity of a quiet and remote region in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. As they played in that sunny glade in Patrick County an elfin messenger arrived bearing the sad news of Christ’s death. When the fairies heard this news, they wept, and as their tears fell to the earth, they crystallized into stone crosses. While the fairies have long since disappeared, their crystallized tears remain for us to find. Today, fairy stones, as they are now called, can be found at Fairy Stone State Park. / Spring 2022


Together is Better! Old-Fashioned Family Fun.

Enjoy the peaceful relaxation only nature will bring. You are encouraged to enjoy swimming, fishing, horseshoes, playgrounds, and the game room during your stay. Feature events for our campers include movie nights, paint parties, and our popular Halloween weekends. Please call to reserve your site! 28 Fawn Road Ferrum, VA 24088 (276) 930-1235

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One of the original CCC cabins still in use at the park

sawmill and lumber facility. This destruction had a major effect on the village of Fayerdale, causing the railroad to cease its operation to the village. Many people abandoned the village and it lay idle. In 1925, the entire tract was sold to Junius R. Fishburn for $1 per acre.

The Civilian Conservation Corps, 1933-1942

In the late 1920s, various groups across the Commonwealth began working towards the establishment of state parks in Virginia. It wasn’t until 1933, however, with the assistance of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), that the state was able to begin acquisition of land and construction of Virginia’s first state parks. Junius B. Fishburn, a Roanoke newspaper publisher and president of the Southwest Virginia Trust Company, donated the 4,639-acre site, making it the largest of the six original parks. The CCC provided the labor and materials for the construction of the park from 1933 until the CCC camp was removed in the spring of 1941. The first CCC workers arrived to work at the end of 1933. Three CCC companies 1260, 1267, and 1279, each with 200 men mainly from New York and New Jersey, built the infrastructure and many of the park’s amenities. They slept in tents prior to constructing their barracks and their first task was to cut the pine forest for use in the construction of the cabins. Construction of the park took a great deal longer than the other five Virginia State Parks that were also in development at the same time, and Fairy Stone faced unexpected setbacks and delays. By the spring of 1936, only one company remained at the park. Two of the three camps that comprised the company had

been abandoned. There were simply too few men to adequately complete the park in time for the official opening of the park system on June 15, 1936. By opening day, the CCC managed to complete the 146-acre lake, nine cabins, picnic shelters and the bridle trail system. Because no other facilities were completed, the park then closed on August 1 to allow the CCC to continue construction due to the displeasure voiced by patrons regarding the lack of facilities. The majority of the park was completed by 1938, but the campground took until 1940 to finish. The last of the CCC workers left Fairy Stone in 1940 after the completion of the campground. Without the labor force provided by the Federal government during the Great Depression and the creation of the CCC, Fairy Stone State Park, along with Virginia’s other five original state parks, would not have been created for public recreation. Fairy Stone continues to fulfill its function as a public recreation facility and retains the integrity of building types, park plan and landscape features. Roads, trails, picnic areas, cabins, a restaurant, bathhouse, dam and sanitation system are all part of the original CCC construction. Their handiwork is still evident in the park’s log cabins.

There is so much to do at Fairy Stone State Park

Home of the legendary fairy stones, this park is well known for its 168-acre lake adjoining Philpott Reservoir. The park is just minutes from the Blue Ridge Parkway. Attractions include cabins, a campground, group camping, an equestrian campground, a conference center, hiking trails, lake swimming, rowboats, canoes, paddleboats, kayaks, picnicking and two playgrounds. The Fairy Stone Lake is great for family fishing and boating. A boat launch ramp is available, and rowboats, paddleboats, / Spring 2022


your parks your adventures

FAIRY STONE STATE PARK Know Before You Go - Recreate Responsibly 800-933-PARK (7275) |

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Patrick County Magazine /

Paddleboats, canoes, and kayaks available to take out on the lake

Yurts are available for rent along with cabins and campsites

stand-up paddleboards, kayaks and canoes may be rented during the summer season. Paddle this serene lake, or take a day or two to go fishing. Ample pan-fish are just waiting to be caught, so it’s the perfect place to teach the kids fishing skills. For more serious anglers, the lake offers some good largemouth bass. Most of the park’s Little Mountain Trail System, 10 miles, is multi-use. Multi-use trails are open to hiking, cycling and horseback riding. The remaining trails, parts of the Little Mountain system, and all of the Stuart’s Knob system are for pedestrian use only. Although no horses are rented here, they are allowed on the park’s multi-use trails, and the park has an area designated for horse trailers. Events, festivals, workshops and interpretive programs can also be enjoyed at Fairy Stone State Park. Guided nature and history hikes, bluegrass music, guided fairy stone hunts, handicraft and other activities are offered Memorial Day through Labor Day. Hikes, guided fairy stone hunts and kids’ activities are also offered on weekends during spring and fall. Cabins, lodges, yurts and camping are available for those looking to extend their stay, and we recommend staying to enjoy all the park has to offer. Fairy Stone’s camping season runs from the first Friday in March to the first Monday in December. The park is a great pace for weddings, with an amphitheater, the beach and Fayerdale Hall as options.

Our interpretive program is also undergoing some exciting changes, with new offerings to make your visit even more enjoyable. Our Fairy Stone Hunt will be held multiple times a week. A ranger will acquaint visitors with the legend of the fairy stone, teach them what a fairy stone actually is, and then take them to the hunt site to search for their own fairy stones. Workshops geared towards adults and children will provide age applicable guidance on how to turn a raw fairy stone into the recognizable cross shape. Programs, plays and hikes will be held to highlight the moonshining history of Fayerdale. Nature programming will include tree talks, animal tracks, animal specific programs and more. We are now offering programming to homeschool and youth groups upon request, and we hope to be able to allow our overnight guests to Request a Ranger, which will provide the opportunity to choose a program and have a ranger present it to your group during your stay. Virginia State Parks has upgraded to a new reservation system, which allows our guests to reserve overnight accommodations online or through our call-in reservation system. This new system provides an easy interface, Esri ArcGIS interactive mapping, faster transaction processing times, improved waitlist function, and improved confirmation emails and messaging. We have also taken this opportunity to upgrade our loyalty program to make it easier to use and faster to redeem points. Another plus is that we will significantly expand our customer service hours in the near future. Initially, our hours of 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, will remain the same. There is no change to our 800-933-7275 number. Online reservations can be made at

Find out what’s new at Fairy Stone State Park

The park is currently undergoing exciting changes. We began a two-year cabin renovation project on December 1, 2021 and during this two phase project all of our cabins will be updated inside and out. We will update the electrical and plumbing, renovate the kitchens and bathrooms, and add more modern amenities, while keeping the charm of the original cabins, particularly the log cabins. Currently, 14 of our cabins are closed to undergo the extensive renovation process, and the remaining 11 will close in December 2022 to begin the process again. While this limits our cabin rental availability for the next two seasons, we will see some really nice changes that we know our guests will enjoy. Fairy Stone offers paddleboat, canoe, kayak, paddleboard and rowboat rentals, and new this season are hydro bike rentals. Boat rentals are available through the Fairy Stone Mercantile, which also sells ice cream, snacks, an assortment of beach toys, gifts, and even fishing bait.

We are now actively hiring for our summer season. We are looking to hire housekeepers, grounds and maintenance staff, contact rangers, office staff, lifeguards, snack bar attendants, and boat house staff. Specific job descriptions can be found online at under Part-Time and Seasonal Fairy Stone opportunities. Applications can be submitted online or in-person at the park office. / Spring 2022



The Freeway Jubilee

June 3

The Get Right Band

Jul 1

The Judy Chops

Aug 5

Music Road Co

First Friday Summer Jam Series is hosted at Stuart Farmers' Market on Patrick Ave. Venue opens at 6 PM and features beer, wine, and a food truck.

FRIDAY Kim Rakes 2019

One Family Productions is a non-profit with the mission of promoting and supporting community enrichment and growth. We create impactful partnerships and events that are accessible, innovative, and engaging.


community-based granting initiative to award microgrants that will empower innovative, impactoriented projects in Patrick County and surrounding areas to enhance the community via education, creative placemaking, arts, and culture. Grassroots Grants is an expansion of OFP's mission to promote and support community enrichment by creating impactful partnerships.


Jody Carbone 2019

Dominion Valley Park 415 Dominion Valley Lane, Stuart, VA

Sponsored by Dominion Valley Events

Memorial Day Weekend Friday, May 27, 2022 • 5:30 pm

Friday, Sept. 2, 2022 • 5:30 pm

Saturday, May 28, 2022 • 5:30 pm

Saturday, Sept. 3, 2022 • 5:30 pm

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The Singing Cookes • The Harvesters Quartet • Guy Penrod featuring Mickey Bell

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Sunday, Sept. 4, 2022 • 10:30 am

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• Music by The Singing Cookes • Message by Brother Ricky Rogers

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Mr. & Mrs. Poor Farmer with “Tickle”

Tickle from “the Moonshiners” recommends the whistle pig barbecue sandwich and Joyce’s homemade fried apple pies.

Visit our Old Fashion Country Store that represents days gone by. You’ll find souvenirs, toys, jewelry, outdoor items, quilts and so much more in our gift shop. Check out our greenhouse for many seasonal options. Also, you will find something to soothe your sweet tooth in our new sugar shack! Bring your appetite to the deli where you can get specialty sandwiches and hungry hillbilly hotdogs and finish your meal off with Joyce’s Homemade Apple Pies and fudge!

Open 7 days a week! • 276-952-2560 • 7958 Jeb Stuart Highway, Vesta, Va. / Spring 2022


The FloydFest crowd

© Roger Gupta Patrick County Magazine /


Patrick County is known for its stunning beauty, its mountain culture — and its world-class festivals. Thousands of people flock here every year for our festivals, which feature an intoxicating mix of internationally renowned performing artists amid gorgeous mountain scenery. Some firsttime visitors express surprise when they get here: How does this humble mountain county conceal such great beauty and depth? Patrick County’s people have been making music for centuries — a heritage recognized by the county’s inclusion on Virginia’s Crooked Road Music Heritage Trail. And in fact, the county’s largest festivals are based around music, though not always of the traditional mountain music kind. Patrick County hosts other festivals more devoted to the passing of the seasons and the land’s rich bounty — especially its rich fruit harvests. The COVID-19 pandemic caused postponement and cancellation of some festivals in 2020 and again last year. Its lingering effects are still creating uncertainty for some longtime events, while others are making plans to move forward. Before heading out, check online for the latest status of these and other festivals.

FloydFest - July 27-31

The county’s largest festival by far is FloydFest, whose blend of roots and world music, art and culture draws about 15,000 people each July. This year, the festival takes place July 27-31. The theme of FloydFest ’22 is Heartbeat, and as usual includes something for everyone, from big-name acts to off-kilter jam sessions, from local food to global music. One-man jam band and festival mainstay Keller Williams exemplifies FloydFest’s aesthetic: any given year, Williams oscillates / Spring 2022



Patrick County Magazine /

Having fun at the Beach Music Festival

between playing solo sets to large crowds, thrilling a younger audience in the Children’s Universe, and throwing down in superstar collaborations during the Buffalo Mountain Jam. This year, Williams performs solo, as a duo with his teenage daughter, and as part of Keller Williams’ Grateful Gospel — which performs Grateful Dead and Jerry Garcia songs in the style of black gospel music. Williams helps fill out a jaw-dropping lineup headlined by a mix of well-established, much-beloved bands and skyrocketing newcomers. Old Crow Medicine Show was a regional favorite, even before “Wagon Wheel” became a modern American standard, beloved by karaoke singers worldwide. The band returns to FloydFest, where it will headline on Saturday night. Also booked that day are fellow FloydFest veterans Trampled by Turtles. The Turnpike Troubadours make their highly-anticipated return to the stage this spring as one of America’s most beloved and respected independent bands. They’ll headline Sunday. Since its 2005 debut, the band has released four studio albums and toured relentlessly, amassing a huge and deeply dedicated fan base. Thursday headliner Lake Street Dive is a quintet whose members’ personalities, skills, and wide-ranging taste in pop, rock, R&B, and jazz blend together to make a cohesive sound that’s both sophisticated and playful, combining retro influences with contemporary attitude. Most recently it worked with hip hop songwriting collaborator Mike Elizondo, a producer-songwriter-multi-instrumentalist who is as conversant in jazz as in rock, country, bluegrass, and hip hop — a perfect producer to complement Lake Street Dive’s own versatility. Melissa Etheridge, who heads the bill on Friday night, has built a reputation as one of the country’s biggest roots rock-

ers since the late ‘80s. She’s joined by Floyd County native Morgan Wade, whose full-length debut “Reckless” was named Best Country Album of 2021 by Rolling Stone magazine. Her FloydFest performance will represent a homecoming after her stunning ascent to stardom. Rolling Stone has also hailed Amythyst Kiah as “one of Americana’s great up-and-coming secrets” for her personal mix of iconoclastic alt-rock and the roots/old-time music scene. 25-year-old guitar phenom Marcus King is also beginning to build a reputation as a genre-bending young talent, who can easily switch from swaggering rock to supersonic soul. Meanwhile, those artists are just a sample of the musical talent to take the stage at FloydFest this summer. Other bigname acts include Leftover Salmon, Durand Jones & the Indications, the Infamous Stringdusters, the California Honeydrops and Yonder Mountain String Band, among many others. The FloydFest experience extends far beyond its headline musical performances on its nine stages. The Devils Backbone Brewing Company Throwdown Tent features yoga every morning, hands-on demonstrations and workshops each day, and smokin’-hot, fast-pickin’, dance-inducing live performances each afternoon and evening. The Deschutes Brewery Libations Tent mixes flowing libations with tweener sets and late-night live music. Festival goers can also indulge in a broad range of outdoor adventure experiences. Run the festival’s 5K trail running race, climb its rock-climbing tower, test your aim in a disc golf tournament, or charge the Merry Moonstompers Belcher Mountain Beatdown Mountain Bike Tour. Or, take a more leisurely approach to exploring the trails across the festival grounds. There’s even a dedicated area for families and children. Children’s Universe encompasses several acres of prime real estate in FloydFest’s main field area. Kids can engage in a variety / Spring 2022


Front Porch Fest

of workshops, a tether-ball match or even debut an act during the kids’ open mic. Find out more information, check the list of performers and vendors, and plan your trip by visiting

Beach Music Festival- June 9,10,11

Surf, Sand, and Stuart—it’s the 2022 Beach Music Festival at Wayside Park in Patrick County, Virginia. OK, so maybe it’s not ocean surf, but whitewater on the waterways of the eastern Blue Ridge Mountains. Sand is trucked in, and there’s something about the beautiful backdrop of Virginia’s Blue Ridge that makes it the perfect location for music otherwise associated with the coasts. This year marks the festival’s 40th. Over its past four decades, the Beach Music Festival has become one of the Dan River Basin’s most loved events. The idea originated in 1981 with Hawaiian shirt-wearing, music-loving Wayne Craig. Nearly a decade later, the festival was recognized by Virginia Gov. Douglas Wilder as Virginia’s premier beach festival. The event has since been picked up by SRC Productions, Inc. a division of Rotary Club of Stuart, which has turned it into a largely volunteer-run event. All proceeds going to the organizations the club supports, improvements at Rotary Field, scholarships awarded to teens, and youth activities. The Beach Music Festival is the best time you’ll ever have — at least ’til next year! For more, visit

Front Porch Fest September 1-4

Patrick County’s summer festivals wrap up over Labor Day weekend with the Front Porch Fest, a 4-day, family-friendly music festival held outside Stuart at Spirithaven Farm. The 2022 edition will be the 13th annual Front Porch Fest. Its 2022 theme is very appropriate to the uncertain times in which we live: “Have a Little Faith…” The festival originated as a going-away party for a friend of the founders, but soon became a popular annual event. Front Porch Fest showcases dozens of local, regional, and national touring acts, plus an array of children’s activities, yoga, on-site camping, campsite jams, craft beer, food and more. The


Patrick County Magazine /

2022 lineup hasn’t yet been announced, but past headliners have included Donna the Buffalo, Rebirth Brass Band, the Larry Keel Experience and Toubab Krewe. For tickets and more information, visit — FloydFest, the Beach Music Festival and Front Porch Fest mark just three of Patrick County’s numerous festivals. Others take place throughout the year, primarily during warmer months.

Here’s a sampling of what else is in store for 2022. Stuart Wine & Food Festival April 2 First Fridays May, June, July, August Stuart Strawberry Festival May 21 Dominion Valley Memorial Day Gospel Weekend May 28-29 Bushels & Barrels June 17-18 Wayside Bluegrass Fest July 14-16 Kibler Valley River Run July 16



Reynolds Homestead June 17 & 18


Farm to Table Dinner


Food, Wine, & Beer Festival

Tastings - Tours - Local Cuisine 540-593-2865 • 291 Winery Road SW, Floyd, VA / Spring 2022


The Reynolds Homestead Celebrates

50+ Years of Service

The Reynolds Homestead today

The Reynolds Homestead in 1890


Patrick County Magazine /

Virginia Tech’s Reynolds Homestead has been providing lifelong learning programs and arts and cultural experiences to Patrick and surrounding county residents for more than five decades while also preserving the historic homestead that dates back nearly 200 years. Formerly known as Rock Spring Plantation, the homestead was built in 1843 in Critz, Virginia, by Hardin Reynolds — a successful farmer, merchant, banker, and tobacco manufacturer. Hardin married Nancy Jane Cox of Stokes County, North Carolina, and they had 16 children, eight of whom lived to adulthood. Their son, Richard Joshua Reynolds (R.J.), founded the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, and their grandson, Richard Samuel Reynolds (son of A. D. Reynolds), founded Reynolds Metals. The plantation was also the home of many enslaved men, women and children. The story of how the Reynolds Homestead property became part of Virginia Tech began in 1967. Nannie Ruth Terry, a retired teacher at Hardin Reynolds Memorial School, stopped to check on the old homestead and found a pony living in the brick home alongside the Reynolds family’s antique piano. She began a quest

to save the home by starting a letter campaign to Reynolds family members. One of her letters reached Nancy Susan Reynolds (youngest daughter of R. J. Reynolds) in New York, resulting in a meeting that sparked a friendship and a plan to save the Reynolds’ family home. After purchasing the home and 714 acres from her cousin, Nancy Susan Reynolds met with Frank Horton, who had restored Old Salem in Winston Salem, North Carolina. She hired Horton to meticulously restore the historic home where her father was born along with the surrounding outbuildings. Ray Smoot of the Virginia Tech Foundation worked with Nancy Susan Reynolds over the next decade to craft a series of agreements that eventually transferred the property to Virginia Tech. The Reynolds Homestead Forest Resources Research Center was established in 1969 to study forest biology, including genetics, physiology and soils on the property. Richard Kreh was appointed as the director of the forestry research center on 707 acres of the property. Initially, Nancy Susan Reynolds remained the owner of the historic home and outbuildings on 7 acres of the property. The first floor of the historic home was designed as a museum, while Richard Kreh and his family resided on the second floor, which had been renovated into an apartment for a property caretaker. On a warm summer day in June of 1970, a dedication ceremony was held to celebrate the opening of the Reynolds Homestead. Reynolds family members came from across the nation to participate in the event. Lt. Gov. J. Sargeant Reynolds, a descendant of Hardin and Nancy Reynolds, was one of the speakers at the ceremony. A high school band performed, and one of the Reynolds family members was stationed at the historic ice house, sharing moonshine with guests. In 1977, the Reynolds Homestead was designated a State and National Historic Landmark and it is listed on the National Registry of American Homes. Two years later, in 1978, the Reynolds Homestead Learning Center (now known as the Community Engagement Center) was built. In 1992, a second wing was added to provide office space and classrooms. David Britt was appointed the executive director of the Learning Center and his wife, Mary, was hired to teach classes and assist in the coordina-

tion of other programs. The couple provided 30 years of service to the homestead leaving a legacy of arts and culture programs, including educational trips throughout the nation and abroad. In 1980, Nancy Susan Reynolds donated the historic buildings and the remaining 7 acres of land to the foundation, and supervision of the property and programs eventually landed in Virginia Tech’s division of Outreach and International Affairs. She established an endowment to fund programs to enrich the lives of local residents and to provide scholarships for local students. The agreement reads: Programs to be conducted at the Continuing Education Center shall be designed to improve the quality of life both culturally, economically and practically, primarily for the people of Patrick and surrounding counties, but also to be of significant benefit to other citizens of the State of Virginia and the United States and to the colleges, universities and other educational institutions located therein. For more than 50 years, the Homestead has been striving to meet the missions set forth by both Nancy Susan Reynolds and the land-grant mission of Virginia Tech. Throughout the years, the Reynolds Homestead has provided a diverse portfolio of programs for all Historical Marker unveiling ages and interests including juried art exhibits and art classes ranging from basket weaving and pottery to stained glass art and plein air painting. For decades, a children’s summer art camp has been a rite of passage for budding artists. The Community Engagement Center, which was designed as a space where people of all backgrounds and interests can gather, has been the host to a diverse range of clubs and guilds, including woodworking, quilting, weaving, decorative arts, photography, postcards and collectibles, rug-hooking, hiking, and a drum circle. It also serves as a venue for weddings, family reunions, and other social events. Festivals have been a great way for the homestead to attract visitors to the historic property. For many years a living history “Spring Frolic” festival and Renaissance fair was held on the property. In more recent years, Reynolds Homestead’s Bushels and Barrels Local Food, Wine, and Beer Festival has been a day of great food, music, and fellowship. Bluegrass and jazz concerts have been regular events, and the Gospel Concert Celebrating Black History Month, coordinated by Bishop Burgie Penn, has been an annual tradition for more than 30 years. Most Patrick County residents can recall attending a / Spring 2022


rian Christmas performing arts program at the homestead. Over the years, area students have enjoyed performances ranging from the Latin Ballet to puppet shows. And each year, docents dressed in period costume lead tours of the home decorated in Victorian Christmas splendor. Hardin and Nancy had provided higher education experiences for all of their children, and likewise, Nancy Susan was firm in the resolve to offer area residents an opportunity to pursue higher education. She endowed a scholarship fund which has benefitted deserving Patrick County high school seniors for more than 40 years. Additionally, the Reynolds Homestead partners with schools to provide arts programs and field trips. In collaboration with Virginia Tech’s College Access Collaborative, the homestead offers college tours for area students, as well as financial aid workshops for parents, and professional development activities for teachers. Beyond the work with area schools, the homestead delivers lifelong learning for “pre-K to gray,” including monthly programs for preschool students, summer camps for children and youth, and fall and spring College for Older Adults sessions. The homestead harnessed the power of an experiential education, developing the Branching Out program to offer customized experience-based training designed to build stronger teams and

Reynolds Homestead dedication ceremony June 20, 1970.

For nearly 100 years, a catalpa tree has stood guard at the back entrance of the Reynolds Homestead.


innovative leaders. Participants can take part in challenges on a low-ropes course built as an Eagle Scout project by Cameron Tatum with assistance from his father, Wesley. In 2017, the homestead opened the Creative Arts Center, located in downtown Stuart, in a facility shared with the Patrick Chamber of Commerce. Classes ranging from stained glass to pottery have been offered at the center. In 2018, the homestead became the site for a pilot project in collaboration with the Air Institute. Over the past 5 years, the homestead has offered two Air Shift workshops bringing community members together to create projects including the Patrick County Barn Quilt Trail, Patrick County HANDS Trail, and the Rise and Shine Market, providing an opportunity for area youth to sell items they grow or create. The homestead also hosted Evolve, another Air Institute program designed to help individuals develop a private venture. This program provided business planning for Pickle and Ash, a farm to table restaurant located in Patrick Springs, and other businesses that are now in development. Looking forward to its next 50 years of service, the homestead staff are making plans for continued growth and expanded programming to meet current and future needs of the communities and visitors we serve.

Children in a local Head Start program show off the craft they made during one of their monthly visits to the Reynolds Homestead.

Beginning in 2012, the Reynolds Homestead has served host to an annual Bushels & Barrels: local food, wine and beer festival.

Patrick County Magazine /


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Providing You Comfort You Can Count On

The Elements at Primland Resort

From Gourmet to Grab-n-Go Food Patrick County is a great place to visit for anyone who loves mountains, music, and good food. From hole-in-the-wall diners to the lap of luxury, there is something here for every taste and every budget. No matter what part of the county you’re staying in or if you’re only passing through, there’s something to satisfy everyone. Here is a quick overview of everything the county has to offer, from sit-down restaurants to grab-and-go quick bites.

19th Pub at Primland: Located on the beautiful Primland Resort, the 19th Pub is a great option for those who want a new take on classic pub food. From smoked duck sliders to the Pig Candy Club, featuring Primland’s thick-cut, maple-syrup-and-cayenne-coated bacon, you won’t be disappointed when you stop by here. Boyd’s Diner: Boyd’s Diner is an early morning staple located in Ararat. This is a great spot for a delicious breakfast or lunch. Dan River Grocery: Dan River Grocery is your one stop shop for gas or last minute essentials. Their kitchen serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and it is a great choice if you’re on the go and need a good meal. Circle K, with locations in Stuart and Critz: Patrick County’s Circle K locations serve delicious food throughout the day. From individually wrapped honey-chicken biscuits in the morning to home-cooked classics for lunch and dinner, this is a great option for on-the-go meals and quick bites. Claudville Cafe: Claudville Cafe is a much-loved staple located in Claudville just off state road 103. This little restaurant is known for good food and good service. The Coffee Break: This small diner on Main Street in Stuart is a great place to grab breakfast, such as the apple pancakes, or lunch. This cozy spot hosts musicians that play till their hearts’ content every Tuesday morning.


Patrick County Magazine /

Country Convenience: Located near Fairy Stone State Park, this small diner offers lunch specials such as grilled tuna melts with a side of mac salad. Crossroads Cafe: This cafe offers a large selection of sandwiches, coffees, and baked goods to please the whole family. Located in Woolwine, Crossroads Cafe is a great place to stop for any meal or coffee latte. Elements at Primland: Located on the beautiful grounds of Primland, Elements is a great option for those looking for a higher-end dining experience when visiting. Enjoy a delicious meal with incredible views of the rolling mountains in the distance. Elizabeth’s Pizza: Located in Patrick Springs, Elizabeth’s Pizza is a great option for anyone looking for some quick-bite Italian food. El Rancho: Located on Stuart’s Main Street, El Rancho is a great option for authentic, delicious Mexican food and great margaritas. Hardee’s: Hungry and craving a tasty, breakfast or burger place near you? From fluffy Made From Scratch™ Biscuits to crispy bacon on our classic breakfast platter, to charbroiled burgers like the Third Pound Original Angus Burger that you can’t get anywhere else…Hardee’s® serves food just the way you like it. Hearth Fyre Cafe: Formally known as Honduras Coffee Shop, this new cafe has delicious food inspired by traditional Irish cuisine and folklore. This is a great place to try Scotch Eggs or Irish Chili. This cafe located on Stuart’s Main Street features classic coffee creations and delicious food. Howell’s Grocery: Located at the intersection of US 58 and Woolwine Highway in Stuart, this is a great spot for travelers. From gas and last minute necessities to delicious home cooked meals, with breakfast served all day, this is a great place to stop when you’re exploring the county.

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Leonardo’s Pizzeria and Bistro

Jane’s Country Cafe: Located in Meadows of Dan, Jane’s Country Cafe is a perfect stop for good food for a good price. Jane’s is a favorite for locals and visitors alike. Lee’s Kar-Go: Located along 103 in Claudville, Lee’s KarGo is a great spot to grab gas or a quick bite to eat. This spot serves hot, fresh pizzas and other goodies to help refuel travelers. Leonardo’s Pizzeria and Bistro: Located on Stuart’s Main Street, Leonardo’s is a great place to grab lunch or dinner while you’re in the county. This little restaurant offers a cozy atmosphere and delicious food. Little Caesars: Known for its HOT-N-READY® pizza and famed Crazy Bread®, Little Caesars has been named “Best Value in America” for the past twelve years. Longfin Grill: Located in Meadows of Dan, Longfin is a great choice for fresh seafood here in the county. Their seafood is brought from Morehead City each week ensuring that it’s always fresh. Mabry Mill & Restaurant: This restaurant is located right off the Blue Ridge Parkway. It is a part of one of the most photographed locations on the parkway, making it a perfect stop for tourists. The restaurant serves delicious home cooked food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Open from May to October. Orchard View Market & Deli: Located in Woolwine, the deli offers home cooked food specials, gas and certain hardware essentials. Pickle & Ash: This restaurant is one of the newer additions to the county. It’s a great choice for those looking for a farmto-table dining experience. Pickle & Ash has a locally inspired menu that changes frequently. Each week the market features a selection of grab-and-go meals to heat up at home. Every Friday, visitors can grab dinner from their food truck which features crowd-pleasing classics such as wings, BBQ, and mac & cheese. Poor Farmer’s Farm: This is a great spot to grab a delicious sandwich, a fried apple pie, or some fresh fudge. Sit back and relax in one of their rocking chairs and enjoy your food while surrounded by the beauty of Meadows of Dan! Poor Farmer’s Market: Located in Meadows of Dan, Poor Farmer’s Market is a great place to shop and eat. From sweet treats to hearty meals, this place is loved by locals and visitors alike. Primitive Coffee Antique Market & Bakery: Located in Meadows of Dan, this coffee shop offers delicious, fresh-baked


Patrick County Magazine /

pastries and bread. This is a great place to grab a hot cup of coffee before shopping around at all the other fun shops. Robert’s Market & Grill: Located near Fairy Stone State Park, this deli offers daily lunch specials to eat-in or take-out such as flounder sandwich plates. Shun Xing: This is a classic Chinese takeout spot serving all your favorites. Stables Saloon at Primland: Located at the beautiful Primland Resort, this is a great spot for anyone who wants authentic southern food and music. This Saloon is a part of the Crooked Road Heritage Music Trail and features live music to enjoy while you dine. Stuart Family Restaurant: ‘Stuart Family’ is a staple here in Patrick County. It is a great stop for quick, friendly service and great food. This spot boasts a large menu with a little bit of everything, making it the perfect stop for families who want to please everyone. Subway: Your local Stuart Subway® Restaurant, located at 109 E Blue Ridge St, brings delicious ingredients and mouth-watering flavors in billions of sandwich, salad, and wrap combinations to you. An alternative to traditional fast food, Subway offers freshly cut veggies, toppings, protein, and freshly baked bread to create the perfect meal with cookies baked in house all at a great value! Tin Pin Alley: Tin Pin Alley is a fun place to go bowling and a great place to eat! They serve a variety of wings, burgers, and deep fried goodies to keep you full while you play. Tony’s Pizza: Located in Stuart, Tony’s is a great option if you’re in the mood for a good slice of pizza here in town. Tony’s is a local favorite and serves a variety of pizzas and sandwiches. Villa Appalaccia Winery: Along with their unique wines, they offer cheese and hummus plates daily with, bread, fruit, olives, charcuterie and local cheeses. Most Sundays—weather permitting—they offer individual sized pizzas from a wood-fired brick oven. Guests are welcome to bring outside food. Wendy’s: Wendy’s is a national chain featuring square-pattied hamburgers that always bring the freshness, chicken sandwiches that changed the game, and nuggets that are easy to love. Wendy’s also has fresh made salads, hot and crispy fries, and even old school chili and baked potatoes.



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Invested in the people Committed to the community Contact us: (276) 694-3208 or / Spring 2022



By W.M. Kirkpatrick Patrick County is often referred to as God’s Country. This sentiment is evidenced in the friendly people, the idyllic rolling, rural hills, the vistas from the Blue Ridge escarpment, and an abundance of water from clear, cold mountain streams. Patrick County is blessed with a unique geological feature; all its rivers have their headwaters within Patrick County. The five rivers spring forth from within the county borders and flow into two major watersheds, the Pee Dee River Basin and the Dan River Basin. Not far from the Ararat’s Bell Spur Primitive Baptist Church are the headwaters of the Ararat River. The southwesterly flow crosses into North Carolina through Surry County to join the Yadkin River and the Pee Dee River Basin. The Ararat’s water meets the Atlantic Ocean through the Winyah Bay near Georgetown, SC.


Patrick County Magazine /

“For many of us, clean water is so plentiful and readily available that we rarely, if ever, pause to consider what life would be like without it.”

Marcus Samuelsson

The other four Patrick County rivers are all part of the Dan River Basin watershed. The Smith and the Dan rivers rise from opposite sides of the same ridgeline on Belcher Mountain. The Smith River flows east and forms Philpott Reservoir. The Dan River initially flows west, then meanders its way eastward along the Virginia/North Carolina border to join the Staunton River and Kerr Reservoir. Albemarle Sound in North Carolina is the end of this water’s journey to the Atlantic. The North Mayo headwaters rise on the eastern slope of Bull Mountain. It flows south and joins the South Mayo River in North Carolina. Comprised of a north and south branch, the origins of the South Mayo River are in two main locations. The north branch seeps out of a duct found in a retaining wall alongside an earlier, now abandoned, alignment of Route 58 near DeHart Botanical Gardens in Woolwine. The south branch headwater lies on the east slopes of the Blue Ridge Escarpment just off Busted Rock Road near Shingle Block Hollow between Lover’s Leap and Vesta. The confluence of the two branches forms the South Mayo River a quarter mile upstream of T.J. George Memorial Bridge in Stuart. The North and South Mayo Rivers coalesce to become the Mayo River near Byrd’s Ledge and later merge with the Dan River near Mayodan, NC. Many of Patrick County’s attractions can be found along or near its rivers. In the western portion of the county, the Ararat River flows through history, passing near the Letcher Gravesite and framing Laurel Hill, the birthplace of JEB Stuart. The Dan River includes the erstwhile site of the Dan River Queen, Lake Talbot, Lake Townes, the Pinnacles of Dan, and the Powerhouse Flume Trail at the head of Kibler Valley. It continues on a scenic, winding trip through the length of Kibler Valley and features great trout fishing, the remnants of the Dinky Railroad, and the annual Kibler Valley River Run. Folks can be found at the Mayo River Rail Trail as it follows the South Mayo River. The trail serves to highlight the historic Dick and Willie Railroad. Further downstream is the site of the first hydroelectric generating facility for the Town of Stuart. Home to the North Mayo, the lengthy eastern slope of Bull Mountain in Patrick Springs has several notable sites – the Fire Road Trail and Fire Tower (private access only), the memorial site of a WWII military training airplane crash, and a tribute site to the Hendrick’s NASCAR family airplane crash. In Woolwine, the Smith River rushes under Patrick County’s famous Jack’s Creek Covered Bridge and is the mainstem water influx for Philpott Lake – a major recreational destination for visitors to the area. Below the dam, the Smith flows across Henry County as a cold, tailwater stream with the reputation of being the best brown trout fishery in both Virginia and North Carolina. It then heads south to join the Dan River at Eden, North Carolina. Water is certainly abundant in Patrick County, and the residents are fortunate to have plentiful, clean, and readily accessible water for drinking, for business, for animals, for recreation – for life! As a county of headwaters, the quality of the streams and other waterways becomes the county’s responsibility; its level of constant care for this precious natural resource is vital to those downstream.

“All the water that will ever be, is right now”

National Geographic, 1993 / Spring 2022



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Rock Castle Gorge Loop Trail

There’s aTRAIL


EVERYONE Patrick County has long been a place that takes pride in its wild spaces, and recent trends toward an active, healthy lifestyle have led to the development of several trail systems in the county. Patrick County is home to several miles of well-established natural and paved surface trails. Whether the goal is a gentle stroll, a brisk jog, or the more challenging mountain biking and hiking, folks will find their trail mecca here, in Patrick County - a trail mecca where hikers, joggers, road and mountain bikers can experience a variety of challenges from the novice level to pro status. Patrick County’s diverse geography and collection of individual communities mean residents and tourists alike can experience every wilderness the county has to offer by hitting the trails. In addition, trail users in Patrick County can view the five Trail HANDS sculptures - a collaborative community project representing the Heritage, Arts, Nature, Dreams, and Stories of Patrick County. Each of the 500-pound concrete hands was created by accomplished and talented artists who live in and around the county.


Trail users at the Dan River Park on Raven Rock Road in Ararat can enjoy an easy, paved, half mile loop. The trail is located behind Blue Ridge Elementary School and features a picnic shelter, tennis courts, and ball fields. The Laurel Hill Trail, located at J.E.B. Stuart Birthplace on Ararat Highway, is rated easy to low moderate and about two miles in total length.


Patrick County Magazine /

By W.M. Kirkpatrick

Meadows of Dan

One of the county’s newer trails can be found in Meadows of Dan behind the fire/rescue squad. The Hidden Roads Trail is a low-moderate, natural surface trail at 0.4 miles in length and is a bird watcher’s dream- it is saturated between an open meadow and a wooded ravine. 2023 should see the expansion of this trail to Mabry Mill. Located at mile marker 180 along the Blue Ridge Parkway, south of Meadows of Dan, the Round Meadow Creek Trail, offers parkway motorists a place to stretch their legs as they traverse the 0.3 mile moderately trafficked loop that features a river and is good for all skill levels.The Mountain Top Park Loop in Vesta circles the ball field and is a 0.33 mile gravel loop with a picnic shelter for family and friends to gather.


Home to the annual USA Cycling Mountain Bike Virginia State Championships, IC DeHart Park is located on Route 40 in Woolwine. The park has a picnic shelter, a playground for the children, and two tennis courts. It features a system of natural surface trails that vary from easy to moderate difficulty and total over 15 miles. A half-mile trail is also available for an easier stroll. The Rock Castle Gorge trail can be accessed via CC Camp Road, off Route 8 in Woolwine VA or at the entrance to the Rocky Knob campground around milepost 167 on the Blue

Ridge Parkway in Meadows of Dan. The full length of this single direction moderate to difficult trail is 10.8 miles, with the shorter and less challenging three mile section accessed from the CC Camp parking area at the bottom of the gorge.


The Mayo River Rail Trail is a 1.5 mile paved trail in downtown Stuart. Rated as easy, it is a favorite with young families, seniors, and pet owners. There are several access points along Commerce Street, each designated with kiosks that share the local history of the Dick & Willie Railroad. This trail parallels the Mayo River and has an extension that terminates at the Landmark Center. The Rotary Field Trails are natural surface and rated low-moderate with several loops totalling 1.4 miles. They are accessed on the north side of Rotary Field near Woodland Drive. Just behind the Patrick County Branch Library, accessed from Wood Brothers Drive, is the DeHart Park Walking Trail. The 1.5 mile paved/packed-gravel loop is rated easy. Campbell Creek runs beside part of the trail. There are picnic shelters, a playground, a gazebo, and other facilities.

Patrick Springs

Patrick Springs Park features a natural surface, easy-rated, looped walking trail with playground, batting cage, and picnic shelter accessed from Ball Park Road just off Mountain View Loop Road in Patrick Springs. Some of the trails are maintained by the community, but Patrick County also features state, federal, and privately owned trails. Rocky Knob Recreation Area Trail System includes several natural surface trails, ranging a mile to almost eleven miles, the system has ratings from easy to strenuous. The Rocky Knob Picnic Trail is an easy paved one mile loop. The Black Ridge Trail, is a moderate three mile loop that passes through old growth forest and includes good views of Rock Castle Gorge. The highlight of

the system is the 10.8 mile strenuous Rock Castle Gorge Loop Trail. This trail follows circumnavigates from the bottom of the gorge at the confluence of Rock Castle and Little Rock Castle Creeks, to the commanding overlooks along the Blue Ridge Parkway. Shorter hikes can be accessed along all sections of this loop trail. Mabry Mill Trail, located at mile marker 176 on the Blue Ridge Parkway, is a 0.5 mile, easy-rated, paved and boardwalk trail. The surrounding restoration complex illustrates Appalachian heritage and attracts many visitors each year. Fairy Stone State Park features a multiple trails system of more than 15 miles with natural surfaces and a full range of difficulty. Camping, swimming, boating, and fishing are also available in the park. The natural surface LEAF Trail at Reynolds Homestead is an easy-rated one mile loop. Reynolds Homestead is an extension of Virginia Tech and offers multiple programs and classes throughout the year. The Ferrum College-owned DeHart Botanical Gardens trailhead is at 11317 Jeb Stuart Hwy and has a six mile loop rated as difficult. This trail is currently closed to the public while storm damage clean-up and highway construction are in progress. Trails at Primland Resort, part of the Auberge Resorts Collection, are varied in length and difficulty. Consult the resort for details. Goose Point Park at Philpott Lake features Goose’s Roost Interpretive Walkway, an easy 0.2 mile combination of concrete walkway and natural surface. Patrick County offers many opportunities to experience nature. The trails can test hikers with leg-burning ascents, greet walkers with slower-paced, easy strolls, invite relaxing bicycle rides, or deliver heart-pounding mountain biking maneuvers. The mountains, waterways, panoramic vistas, and opportunities to glimpse wild flora and fauna are all reasons to get outdoors in Patrick County.

A family enjoying the Mayo River Rail Trail / Spring 2022


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A Chamber for Business AND the Community

The Patrick County Chamber of Commerce was chartered in October 1973 through the efforts and support of the County Board of Supervisors, with the mission of providing services and support to its members through public and private forums, engage in activities that promote economic development, workforce training, tourism and training activities that enhance business and civic leadership. The Chamber acts as a contact for persons seeking information on the area or businesses. The Chamber also serves as a central location for business-related resources in the County. At one time, the Chamber was the main tourism promoter for the county, but have since relinquished many of those activities to the recently formed Patrick County Tourism Department. We continue to partner with the tourism department to help amplify marketing the county as a tourist destination. The Chamber’s tagline is “Community is our Business” and we work everyday with local businesses and organizations to promote the goods, services, programs and events that happen across


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Patrick County. The Patrick County Chamber of Commerce remains heavily involved with events within the county. The award winning Stuart Spooktacular is a partnership event among the Patrick County Young Professionals and the Chamber. Hometown Christmas is a collaboration of events coordinated by the Chamber, One Family Productions and the Town of Stuart. The Chamber has also hosted the annual Virginia State Peach Festival for several years. One of our major roles is maintaining the ever growing website listing of events. Festivals, community suppers, and other events are plentiful for weekend activities. Adapting through the years, the Chamber has refocused our efforts on growing a creative and entrepreneurship economy. We have an active partnership with Reynolds Homestead as our office is home to their Creative Arts Center and we collaborate on workshops aimed at growing the creative economy through skill development for artisans and entrepreneurs. The Chamber also partners with many other organizations within our county and

region to adapt national programs into more relatable and fitting programming for Patrick County. We have followed national models in creating a business start up program, encouraging more lodging accommodations, and working to increase access for health and wellness for our citizens. Our work with local businesses can run the gauntlet of requests. We host a monthly lunch and learn. Past seminar topics have included social media, Facebook deep dive, accessing historic tax credits, grant writing, and enterprise zone initiatives, just to name a few. We also work with local businesses to host monthly “business after hours” where the community leaders can meet and network. The Chamber also works with our local Virginia Careerworks and the Patrick & Henry Community College in hosting a Spring Job Fair. With the onset of COVID, the Chamber quickly adapted in moving many of our programs to a virtual option and shifted into becoming a key resource for the ever changing regulations for our businesses and citizens. While our monthly lunch and learns were able to migrate to a virtual platform, other programming and events were forced to take a back seat. With restrictions lifting, the Chamber is looking forward to getting back to “in person” events as well. In 2021, the Chamber partnered with the Town in pursuing the Downtown Historic District designation, where our office is located. The Chamber recently completed the installation of a pocket park in downtown. This small area next to a local

restaurant invites people to come and enjoy a picnic with colorful barn quilts as the backdrop. The Downtown area has also been awarded a Downtown Community Block Planning Grant from the USDA. We are working with the County EDA, Town and other entities to ensure thoughtful and sustainable development for downtown. As previously stated “Community is our Business” and the Chamber works tirelessly to assist our citizens and businesses. Our community is only as strong as our businesses and support for residents and tourists. Please check out our website www. to learn more and how you can become involved.

Downtown Pocket Park created by the Chamber of Commerce. / Spring 2022



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Welcoming Visitors and Locals From vacant to vibrant, the empty Lemons’ Jewelry storefront turned into a Virginia Tourism Corporation Certified Information Center in the year 2021. The Tourism Department moved into the building and reimagined the space for travelers and the community to gather. Over the course of a few months, the Visitors Center grew to house a wide variety of brochures, maps, artwork, barn quilt designs, and promotional material for local and regional businesses, festivals, and regional tourism entities. The Tourism Department officially debuted the center in May during National Tourism Week, with events for the community and travelers to enjoy such as the music of the Willis Gap Jammers, information of the Friends of J.E.B. Stuart Reenactment, members of Bull Mountain Arts, rangers with Fairy Stone State Park, and the Reynolds Homestead staff demonstration. The Visitors Center has become a one-stop marketing billboard for all of the county’s treasures, serving over fourteen hundred travelers, community members, and new residents in 2021. The guestbook reveals travelers from twenty-six states such as New Mexico, Utah, North Carolina, Tennessee, Pennsylvania,


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Ohio, Massachusetts, Arizona, Texas, South Carolina, to name a few, and even Stuart, Florida. The goal of the Tourism Department is to create a space full of information on what makes Patrick County special. The Center welcomes locals and travelers alike to stop in and learn something new about the county. Because of the size of Patrick County, it can be hard to plan trips based on where someone is staying. With the recent addition of itineraries, the Visitors Center can help plan out day trips from one end of the county to the other. Whether someone is planning to stay for a couple of days or just passing through, stopping by the Visitors Center will provide everything required to have a great time in Patrick County. The Visitors Center staff can direct travelers to the best mountain lookouts, great restaurants, and fun events. The Visitors Center is a great place to hear about upcoming events. From music festivals to farmers’ markets, each year the county hosts many fun, family-friendly events. One of the advantages of having a staffed Visitors Center is that there is always someone to provide travelers with a rundown of what events are

happening during their stay. The part-time manager of the Visitors Center has been instrumental in the day-to-day operation of stocking incoming brochures and magazines, coordinating volunteers, writing itineraries, creating lodging brochures, and keeping anyone who comes through the doors informed. The Visitors Center can also help look for last minute accommodations. On Fridays, it is not uncommon for travelers to come in and ask for the best places to stay. This is especially true when there is a large event taking place in a nearby county. NASCAR races in particular bring in people who need somewhere to stay before or after the race, whether they are looking for luxury or a cabin in the woods, there is a wide variety of options here in the county to pick from. One section of the Visitors Center’s wall is devoted to brochures and handouts from local lodging entities. And with someone local to talk to, travelers can find the best place to meet their needs, no matter the situation. The county attracts a wide variety of people from all over, and it is important that they feel welcomed when they arrive. Giving travelers personalized and thoughtful suggestions is one way Patrick County Tourism creates a welcoming environment that draws travelers back time and time again. Our Center not only provides suggestions, brochures, magazines, lodging, and itineraries to travelers but also serves as a meeting place for community organizations, such as Master Gardeners and Patrick County Young Professionals. Allowing local organizations to use the Center as a meeting place helps Patrick County Tourism maintain a close relationship with the county’s residents—a relationship that is very important—as many of the county’s best-loved events and attractions come from the hard work of its residents. Local organizations play a key role in making Patrick County a wonderful place to visit. Without them, beloved events like the Stuart Spooktacular would not happen. Becoming a certified Visitor Center means that Patrick County Tourism has access to more marketing opportunities and

resources. This certification entails free annual distribution of the tourism brochure at all 11 Virginia Welcome Centers, bulk quantities of Virginia Tourism Corporation publications, prominent listings as a primary visitor resource in the Virginia Travel Guide and in the VTC’s consumer website,, and an annual two-day Welcome Center seminar designed specifically for Visitors Centers. All of this helps Patrick County Tourism reach a wider audience and shows why Patrick County is a great place to visit. A five percent lodging tax, paid by travelers who stay overnight, is used to operate the Visitors Center and market the county. No taxpayer dollars are ever used for operating costs or to market Patrick County. / Spring 2022


FARMS By Sarah Sheppard For generations, Patrick County has been known as an agricultural community. Many families passed down lands and farms to their children to continue the trade and traditions of farming. Today, many of these same family farms are still in operation along with several new families who’ve taken up the torch. Together, they provide a wider variety of crops and livestock than just one generation ago. Around the world, people are looking for their roots. They want to get back to the land and see where their food comes from. Agritourism has given birth to a variety of ways for visitors to do just that. Agritourism allows you to experience, first-hand, the tastes and health benefits of locally produced food by visiting and purchasing straight from farmers. But, agritourism doesn’t simply start and stop at the farm. Our community celebrates our agricultural past and present with many festivals such as the annual Stuart Strawberry Festival, Virginia State Peach Festival, and the Apple Dumpling Festival to name a few. There are also several charming “farm stay” accommodations to rest your head and be a fly on the wall to the farmer’s day. Agritourism has quickly become a staple in the local tourism industry with no signs of slowing down. Check out these major must-sees of agritourism in Patrick County:

Doe Run Farm Sunflower Maze


Patrick County Magazine /

Stuart Farmers’ Market

The award-winning Stuart Farmers’ Market is located in the heart of downtown Stuart. From May to November, this pavilion is packed with fresh fruits, vegetables, and baked goods as well as handmade crafts. Common vendors you may find include farmers from local vegetable farms, apple orchards, bread bakers, coffee roasters, meat and egg producers, cheese makers, and many more.

Blue Ridge Wines

Patrick County’s mineral-rich soil yields a unique opportunity for winemakers. Stanburn Winery in Stuart offers the only local onsite vineyard and locally-inspired original blends. Villa Appalaccia winery sits at the crest of the Blue Ridge Mountains, just off the Blue Ridge Parkway in Meadows of Dan and offers Italian-style wines. A couple minutes down the Parkway lies Chateau Morrisette, one of the largest-producing wineries in Virginia. Although just over the county line, Chateau Morrisette makes a great addition to any tour of our local Blue Ridge wines.

Stanburn Winery

Levering Orchard

Celebrating their 114th year in 2022, Levering Orchard in Ararat is the largest and most picturesque cherry orchard in the South, with the greatest variety of pick-your-own cherries in the United States. At the orchard you will be surrounded by beautiful mountains and large, well established fruiting trees. At other times during the year, you can also find pick-your-own apples, peaches, pears, and apricots. In late summer, enjoy the Cherry Orchard Theater, an outdoor stage with a stunning mountain backdrop. Orchard owner and talented playwright Frank Levering will often produce theatrical retellings of local history and lore as well as guest musicians, poetry, and more.

Windy Hill Orchards

This family-owned, non-GMO apple orchard has operated in Ararat for over 100 years. Between the wide variety of apples, the low-spray system allowing you to eat right from the branch, and the short pruned trees, a visit here makes a sweet and easy pickyour-own experience for little hands. Windy Hill also produces the best apple cider around. They take special care to remove any damaged parts of the apple before pressing them, which makes it not only taste better but easier on digestion. Enjoy watching their cider-making process every Thursday in the Fall and purchase a fresh jug straight from the tap.

Batts Blooming Blessings Farm

Established in 2019, this pick-your-own flower farm offers mainly sunflowers for the time being but is working to expand to a wider variety of flowers each year. New in 2021 is their pickyour-own pumpkin patch! Catch one of their Open Farm Days for craft and food vendors and many opportunities to interact with the farm’s variety of furred and feathered friends.

Martins Blueberry Hill

Spend the day picking fresh blueberries at Martin’s Blueberry Hill in Patrick Springs. Established in 1985, this secluded

pick-your-own orchard allows visitors to gather blueberries from well-established bushes in a beautiful mountain setting. Looking for accommodations? Look no further than a few hundred feet from the orchard entrance at Martin’s Blueberry Hill Cottage, a charming rental with the same great views.

Doe Run Farm

Every fall, families enjoy the annual Sunflower Maze festivities at Doe Run Farm in Ararat. Between the 6-acre pick-yourown sunflower maze, the giant jump pad, tall slides, hay rides, pumpkin bowling, apple chunkin, hot food, and fresh produce, this is your one-stop-shop for classic Fall fun. Each year their maze has a different theme and includes interactive stops along the way. In the late Spring and early Summer, Doe Run Farm also offers plump pick-your-own strawberries.

High Country Lavender

At 3,000 ft. in the mountains of Meadows of Dan sits High Country Lavender. Here, visitors can wander through rows and rows of lavender, sniffing the five varieties alongside the bees and other pollinators that call this farm home. Stop into the shop to browse their small-batch bath and body products that are made on-site. Sit and chat a while with owner and certified herbalist Barbara Stringfellow to learn about the natural healing properties of this beautiful and fragrant plant. Stay the night in one of their cozy Riverwalk Cabins at the edge of the farm and wake up to a sunrise over purple fields. When Covid-19 shut the world down, agritourism seemed to be the spot for many families and individuals in search of socially-distanced fun and connection to the land. These attractions have thrived over the last few years and the community is excited to see what is next for all of them! Check out visitpatrickcounty. org to find plenty of agritourism destinations to find your roots and have some fun. / Spring 2022


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DJ 276-692-4386

Community is our Business

From ribbon cuttings to lunch-and-learns, we are here for your business. Whether you are a new business looking to network or an established business needing to learn about new tools, we offer many opportunities to make connections and grow. Join the chamber and let’s build together. 334 Patrick Avenue • Stuart, Virginia • • 276-694-6012 / Spring 2022


County & Attractions Map

VISITOR CENTERS AND VISITOR INFORMATION Patrick County Visitors Center 126 N. Main Street, Stuart, VA 276-693-2005

Blue Ridge Visitors Center - MP 177.7 2577 J.E.B. Stuart Highway Meadows of Dan, VA 276-694-6012



1 Angel Overlook

23 Meadows of Dan Visitor Center

2 Ararat Thunder Raceway

24 Nancy’s Candy Company

3 Barnard’s Farm and Country Store

25 Patrick County Chamber of Commerce and Creative Arts Center

4 Bluemont Presbyterian Church 5 Chateau Morrisette Winery (Floyd) 6 Cockram‘s Mill Complex 7 Deer Run Campground 8 Doe Run Farm, Ararat 9 Dominion Valley Park 10 Fairy Stone State Park 11 Fred Clifton Park 12 FloydFest

334 Patrick Avenue, Stuart, VA 276-694-6012

14 Groundhog Mountain Overlook


16 Jack’s Creek Covered Bridge

Laurel Hill JEB Stuart’s Birthplace 1091 Ararat Highway, Ararat, VA 276-694-6012

13 Gordon Trent Golf Club 15 Hollow History Center 17 Kibler Valley River Run 18 Laurel Hill J.E.B. Stuart Birthplace 19 Lover’s Leap Scenic Overlook 20 Mabry Mill (Floyd) 21 Mayberry Presbyterian Church

COUNTY PARKS P1 Dan River Park P2 DeHart Park


22 Mayberry Trading Post

26 Patrick County Historical Museum/ Library 27 Patrick County Tourism Visitors Center 28 Philpott Lake 29 Primland Resort 30 Reynolds Homestead 31 Rocky Knob Recreation Area 32 Slate Mountain Presbyterian Church (Floyd)

33 Spirithaven Farm 34 Stanburn Winery 35 Tin Pen Alley 36 Villa Appalaccia Winery 37 Virginia Motorsports Museum 38 Wayside Park 39 Willis Gap Community Center 40 Wood Brothers Racing Museum


L1 Stuart, near DeHart Park

P3 Fred Clifton Park

L2 Blue Ridge Visitors Center

P4 I.C. DeHart Park

L3 I.C. DeHart Park

P5 Mountain Top Park

L4 Nancy’s Candy

P6 Patrick Springs Park

L5 Stanburn Winery

Patrick County Magazine /

L6 Uptown Suites of Stuart L7 Wayside Park (during events) L8 FloydFest site (during events) L9 Front Porch Fest site (during events)


Dan River Park Trail


Fairy Stone State Park


Hidden Roads Trail


I.C. DeHart Trails


Laurel Hills Trails


Mayo River Rail Trail


Mountain Top Park Trail


Reynolds Homestead


Rock Castle Gorge

40 622

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T10 Rotary Field Trails T11 Round Meadow Creek Trail


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631 / Spring 2022


It’s happening in Patrick County APRIL




Willis Gap Community Center Open Jam 6:00pm every Friday


Market Mondays 5:00 - 7:00pm at Fairy Stone State Park


Market Mondays 5:00 - 7:00pm at Fairy Stone State Park


Reynolds Homestead Home Tours Every Saturday and Sunday


Stuart Farmers Market 8am - Noon every Friday


Stuart Farmers Market 8am - Noon every Friday


Spring Barn Quilts 10:00-1:00 at the Ararat Ruritan building


Willis Gap Community Center Open Jam 6:00pm every Friday


Willis Gap Community Center Open Jam 6:00pm every Friday


Stuart Food and Wine Festival 12:00-4:00 at the Farmers Market


Reynolds Homestead Home Tours Every Saturday and Sunday


Reynolds Homestead Home Tours Every Saturday and Sunday


Kid’s Fishing Day on Mayo River Rail Trail Stuart at the Mayo River Rail Trail


First Fridays Stuart Farmers Market at 6pm


First Fridays Stuart Farmers Market at 6pm


Back Door Market 10:00-3:00 behind the Hatteras Pearl


Beach Music Festival Thursday-Sunday at WaysidePark


Sun-Catcher Class 1:30-4:30 at Rose Window Studio


Patrick County Music Assoc. Fiddle Festival 6pm at the Stuart Rotary Building


Bushels & Barrels Friday-Saturday at the Reynolds Homestead


Meadows of Dan Folk Fair 10am-4pm in Meadows of Dan


Farm Bureau Ag Expo 9:30am - 1:30pm at Stuart Rotary


Patrick County Music Association 6pm at the Stuart Rotary Building


Patrick County Music Association 6pm at the Stuart Rotary Building


MAY Fri.

Stuart Farmers Market 8am - Noon every Friday


Willis Gap Community Center Open Jam 6:00pm every Friday


Reynolds Homestead Home Tours Every Saturday and Sunday


First Fridays Stuart Farmers Market at 6pm


Blue Ridge Heritage Veteran’s Fishing Day 9am at Blue Ridge Heritage site


Stuart Strawberry Festival 10:00-4:00 in Uptown Stuart


Patrick County Music Association 6pm at the Stuart Rotar Building


Gospel Music at Dominion Valley Park Friday-Sunday Memorial Day Weekend



Market Mondays 5:00 - 7:00pm at Fairy Stone State Park



Stuart Farmers Market 8am - Noon every Friday

Market Mondays 5:00 - 7:00pm at Fairy Stone State Park



Willis Gap Community Center Open Jam 6:00pm every Friday

Stuart Farmers Market 8am - Noon every Friday



Reynolds Homestead Home Tours Every Saturday and Sunday

Willis Gap Community Center Open Jam 6:00pm every Friday



First Fridays Stuart Farmers Market at 6pm

Reynolds Homestead Home Tours Every Saturday and Sunday



Fourth of July Celebration DeHart Park in Stuart

Dominion Valley Gospel Friday-Sunday Labor Day Weekend



Wayside Bluegrass Festival Thursday-Saturday at Wayside Park

Front Porch Fest Thursday-Sunday at Spirithaven Farm



Kibler Valley River Run Dan River in Kibler Valley

Patrick County Agricultural Fair Tuesday-Saturday at Stuart Rotary


Patrick County Music Association 6pm at the Stuart Rotary Building


FloydFest Wednesday-Sunday Milepost 170.5 on the Blue Ridge Parkway

Patrick County Magazine /

Great Wines Without the Pretentiousness

Since 1999, our family has owned and operated a 20-acre vineyard in scenic, rural Patrick County, Va. Come to the winery and leave all of your worries behind. 158 Conner Dr. • Stuart, VA

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Astrid Cole, RN

Aesthetics Specialist 835 Woodland Dr., Suite 201 Stuart, VA 276-694-4466, option #3

• Laser Skin Resurfacing for Sun Damage • Laser Removal of Age and Brown Spots • Vaginal Rejuvenation for Dryness and Itching • Laser Removal, Surgical & Acne Scars

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