2020-2021 Darke County Visitors Guide

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Darke County Darke County Flavor. Taste it!

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Look Inside For Some of Ohio’s Best Attractions!

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Discover Our History

GARST museum the

Each year the tree-lined lawn of


the Garst Museum plays host to an

Discover the rich history of Darke County

dealers, craftsmen, primitive folk

including many people and events that

ever-expanding list of artists, antique artists, garden exhibitors, musical performers, unique food vendors,

have made an impact on the American experience. With 35,000 square feet of

and Living History Encampment reenactors portraying eras ranging

exhibit space and over 300,000 artifacts

from the French-Indian War to the

on display, the Garst Museum provides an

American Civil War.

engaging experience rivaling some of the larger museums throughout the country. It is a must-see for the entire family!

Voted “Best Historical Museum” by the readers of Ohio Magazine for Five Consecutive Years – 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 & 2019!

205 North Broadway Greenville, OH 45331

937.548.5250 GarstMuseum.org

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HOURS: Tuesday - Saturday: 10am - 4pm Sunday: 1pm - 4pm Closed on Mondays, Holidays, and the month of January

Last Saturday & Sunday of July GatheringatGarst.com

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Welcome to Darke County

History comes alive at Prairie Days at the Shawnee Prairie Preserve

ABOUT THIS GUIDE The Darke County Visitors Bureau produces the bi-annual Darke County Visitors Guide. The listings found within are current as of January 2020 and all attempts have been made to verify the accuracy of the content. The Darke County Visitors Bureau assumes no liability for incorrect or outdated information. We are a primarily public founded organization and do not evaluate restaurants, attractions, accommodations or events listed in this guide. For advertising information, questions or comments about this guide, please contact our office at 800.504.2995.

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Some folks think Ohio = ordinary. They believe there just can’t be anything interesting way out there in the middle of fields and farmlands. Small towns, after all, have little to offer a traveler who is search of something to light-their-fire…right? We beg to differ. In fact, we think our little corner of the world is pretty amazing. Here in Darke County, we have a mix of people, places, activities, and ideas that will satisfy the tastes of shoppers, cooks, nature lovers, race fans, oenophiles (that’s a wine lover for those who don’t know), artists, farmers, history buffs, and even a foodie or two. How do we satisfy all those tastes in one place? Over the years, we’ve developed the perfect recipe. We’re as flavorful here as grandma’s strawberry-rhubarb pie. We may be small, but we’ve always been about breaking through. Nothing ordinary about us…no siree. See for yourself. Kick back and find your flavor in this handy guide. You can also check us out online at VisitDarkeCounty.org.

Matt Staugler Executive Director, Darke County Visitor’s Bureau

BROCHURE PHOTO CREDITS Clayton Chavez, Lux Everlasting Photography Timothy Clopp, Timothy Clopp Photography Amber Garrett, Look Here Photography The Peculiar Lens Photography

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Welcome to Darke County Darke County Flavor Must Sees Farm to Table Perfect Pairing Small Town Finds Whiskey, Wine & Ale Trail Antiques & Vintage Best of Ohio Downtown Greenville Map Lodging Restaurants Nature, Parks & Preserves Events Arts & Culture City & Villages Locate & Relocate

421 S. Broadway Street Greenville, Ohio 45331 800.504.2995 937.548.5158 info@visitdarkecounty.org VisitDarkeCounty.org

Facebook: DarkeCountyOhio Twitter: @DarkeCountyOhio Instagram: @DarkeCountyOhio

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| VisitDarkeCounty.org


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Chef preparing a meal at The Inn at Versailles


Darke County Flavor. Taste it! In Darke County, we’re all about flavor. Come visit us and see for yourself! Barbecue ribs, fresh-squeezed lemonade, and—why not—some fluffy cotton candy. Sumptuous salads, juicy pork chops, audacious deep dish pizzas. Hand-pressed apple cider, fresh-brewed espresso, carefully crafted pale ales. Fresh tomatoes and fragrant herbs, Mexican fajitas and Italian lasagna, walleye almondine and fish & chips. Sour, sweet, spicy, savory, and everything in between. Goodness, our mouths are watering just thinking about it all. Specialty pizza served by The Merchant House

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Concert held at BMI Indoor Speedway, a must see entertainment venue

You can tell a lot about a place by its flavors, by what it cultivates, harvests, cooks, brews, and shares with friends, family, and visitors. Here in Darke County, our flavors can be hard to pin down. We offer a little bit of everything, and we pass those varied flavors around our generous tables, sharing stories and jokes along with food and drink. The meals leave us full, but it’s the laughter that leaves us satisfied. What can you tell about Darke County from our flavors? That we care about tradition but we’re open to new ideas. That we know the best things in life are found at home, but you have to let the outside world in a little bit too. That we understand being healthy is important, but sometimes what your heart really needs is a little guilty pleasure. That we take the time to do things right.

Enjoying good wine and good company at the Winery at Versailles

A man who knew a thing or two about farming and food once said, “the people who give you their food give you their heart.” We have a lot of both here in Darke County, and we’re proud to share them if you care to stop by. Of course, flavor is about a lot more than what’s on your plate or in your glass, and you can get a taste of what we’re all about at our festivals and fairs, our art galleries and music concerts, our charming shops, holiday parades, and mud-flingin’ auto races. But no matter what the activity, be sure to follow it up with a generous portion of something tasty from one of our restaurants, wineries, cafes, or bakeries. In fact, try a few, just for good measure. Chinese poet Yuan Mei once said:

There is a difference between

dining and eating. Dining is an art. When you eat to get the most out of Enjoying the thrill of the races at Eldora Speedway

your meal, to please the palette, just as well as to satiate the appetite, that, my friend, is dining.

We couldn’t agree more. We know a thing or two about dining around these parts, and we’d love to share a meal with you once we’ve shown you around our towns and countryside. We’ve got a lot going on in our neck of the woods, so come on out and taste the flavor of Darke County.



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Exploring unique treasures in the mill store at Bear’s Mill

Fun for the whole family at Bear’s Mill

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Pulley and winch system used to bring grain into the mill

Must Sees

Must Sees

From hidden gems to legendary finds, they’re yours to discover in Darke County.

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Bear’s Mill 6450 Arcanum-Bear’s Mill Rd., Greenville (937) 548-5112 | BearsMill.com Built in 1849, this water powered flour mill is an authentic example of a stone grinding mill of its time. Placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1977, it is still in use today to grind a variety of local grains. Self-guided tours may be taken with guided tours available by appointment. The Mill Store and Gallery offers original art, unique accessories and jewelry, local handmade pottery, Bear’s Mill stone-ground flours and private labeled food products to pamper. Groups welcome. Closed on Mondays.

Eldora Speedway 13929 St. Rt. 118, New Weston (937) 338-3815 | EldoraSpeedway.com Owned and operated by NASCAR legend, Tony Stewart, this 1/2 mile dirt oval is home to the World 100, The Dream, Kings Royal and NASCAR Truck Series. The Nation’s most widely recognized race cars and sanctioning groups, including All Star, World of Outlaws and USAC Sprints, Late Models, Midgets, Dirt Champ, Modifieds, Stock Cars and NASCAR trucks race at Eldora! This track is located 18 miles north of Greenville. Seasonal: April - September

Garst Museum and The National Annie Oakley Center 205 N. Broadway, Greenville (937) 548-5250 | GarstMuseum.org AnnieOakleyCenterFoundation.com The Garst Museum offers over 35,000 sq. ft. of exhibit space within six building wings. Featured is the National Annie Oakley Center and the foremost collection dedicated to the life of Annie Oakley. The museum’s major exhibits include The National Annie Oakley Center, the Treaty of Greene Ville and “Mad” Anthony Wayne, Tecumseh and Native Americans, Lowell Thomas, an extensive military collection, period American furnishings, county history, and agricultural artifacts. The museum also offers a staffed genealogy research library and a unique store. Groups welcome. Closed on Mondays.

Inn at Versailles 21 W. Main St., Versailles (937) 526-3020 | InnatVersailles.com This Euro-American inn and restaurant offer excellent, one-of-a-kind accommodations and delicious fare. Featuring twenty-two guest rooms and uniquely remodeled suites, this boutique inn is located in the heart of the Village of Versailles on the town square.

Family exploring the military display at the Garst Museum

KitchenAid Experience® Retail Center 423 S. Broadway, Greenville 1-888-886-8318 | KitchenAid.com/ experience The KitchenAid Experience Retail Center brings passion alive through exceptional products, cooking demonstrations (Wednesdays, Fridays & Saturdays at 10:30 am) and exciting events that celebrate the spirit and pride that is KitchenAid. Explore the store to find the most complete collection of first-quality countertop and culinary products. You’ll find all the special KitchenAid colors, styles and accessories you’ve been wanting as well as many innovative, new products and a complete line of gadgets, bakeware, cookware, cutlery, and textiles. Groups welcome.

Making pasta at the KitchenAid Experience® Retail Store

Ghyslain Chocolatier 350 W. Deerfield Rd., Union City, IN (765) 964-7905 | ghyslain.com Since 1998, connoisseurs of gourmet chocolate and fine French pastries have visited Union City to enjoy tours and shopping in the chocolate boutique. Ghyslain is known for quality and creativity. The bright colors, hand-painted decorations, imaginative themes and renowned flavors of the chocolates and pastries set Ghyslain apart.

Freshly baked breads and pastries at Ghyslain Chocolatier

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| VisitDarkeCounty.org


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Fresh local craft beer from Tailspin, part of the Whiskey, Wine & Ale Trail


av Local F

Must Sees Whiskey, Wine & Ale Trail Multiple locations The Darke County Whiskey, Wine & Ale Trail is a tribute to the American Spirit and to individuals who appreciate its taste and heritage. It is a touring destination unlike any other, consisting of five wineries, three breweries, and a distillery. Each locale offers its own distinctive experience and authentic character with locally grown and produced spirits to sip, savor, and enjoy, time and time again.

Grab a growler to go from

Tailspin Brewing Co.

Brumbaugh Fruit & Fun Farm 6420 Hollansburg-Arcanum Rd., Arcanum (937) 692-8084 | Brumbaughfruitfarm.com Entertainment for the entire family can be found at “Darke County’s Agricultural Playground”! Activities include hayrides, Kinda Kooky Korn maze and pumpkin patch, Monster Mountain, Storybook Forest, Grandpa’s Fun Acres, Petting zoo, playground for the kids, Willy Worm’s Wagon Express, Kid’s Korral, Ole’ Fishin’ Hole, Farmer’s Daughter Bakery and Brumbaugh’s Market. Families, groups and school groups are welcome to explore this family-owned and operated farm.

Downtown Greenville (937) 548-4998 | DowntownGreenville.org This distinct district is experiencing a re-emergence of culture and artisanal craftsmanship featured in businesses specializing in handmade crafts, collectibles, jewelry, specialty clocks, embroidery, fine clothing and shoes, coffees and chocolates, musical instruments, furniture, kitchen appliances and gadgets, as well as unique eateries. Groups welcome.

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Model train display at the Bradford Railroad Museum Life-size bronze painter in the sculptural village of Versailles

Bradford Railroad Museum 200 North Miami Ave., Bradford (937) 552-2196 | BradfordRRMuseum.org The railroad was a significant part of Bradford’s economy, employing many who manned the trains, worked in the switching yards and the roundhouse where steam locomotives were kept. The museum allows visitors to explore nearly 130 years of Bradford railroad history, including the restored BF Tower, which is on the National Register of Historic Places.

Sculptural Village of Versailles (800) 504-2995 On permanent display in the quaint village of Versailles are twelve bronze, life-size sculptures plus a unique historical arch and brick wall. The sculptures depict family values, activities, careers, history and French heritage of the area.

St. Clair Manor 224 E. Third St., Greenville (937) 548-2524 Built during the Victorian Era, the St. Clair Manor offers the elegance of days gone by with today’s modern conveniences; the perfect setting for all gatherings. Situated in the historic downtown Greenville district, the Manor is within walking distance of restaurants, shops and entertainment.

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| VisitDarkeCounty.org


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Farm to Table T R E E H I L L F A R M S On a lonely stretch of rural highway

Transplanting starts from the greenhouse

in northern Darke County sits a small

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family farm forging a new path forward for local, ethically-raised meat and produce. Tree Hill Farms was founded in 2015 by brothers Darby and Cleyo Livingston. After years of industrial farming, the brothers decided to take the farm that had been in their family for nearly a century and return it to its roots. They now raise small, healthy herds of livestock for meat that they sell through their CSA (community-supported agriculture;


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Flats of starts in the greenhouse Heritage breed pigs raised for red velvet pork Grass fed herd of Jersey cows

Tree Hill Farms is passionate about providing the local community with fresh, flavorful, quality food directly from their farm to your table. more below) and to local eateries, including The Merchant House in downtown Greenville. “Our goal is to take the best things we learned from our industrial farming past and implement them in a more natural setting that respects the animals we’re raising,” says Darby. Tree Hill Farms’ Red Velvet Pork comes from the 70 or so pigs they raise each year. The pigs are bred from American Red Wattle and Hungarian Mangalitsa stock. Chris Campbell, co-owner and chef at The Merchant House, has been impressed with the results. “Their Red Velvet Pork has great color and great marbling, and it’s flavorful, tender, and clean,” he explains. It’s important to the Livingston family that

their animals are well-cared for and respected. “We really believe the welfare of the animal results in better flavor,” says Cleyo. “And it’s just the right thing to do. Happier animals are healthier animals.” They use no antibiotics on their animals, and yet have a profoundly lower loss rate than large, industrial farms that do. In addition to pigs, the brothers also raise cows and chickens, and partner with nearby Kraut Creek Pastures to offer lamb. Tree Hill Farms sells meat directly to consumers through their CSA. Individuals buy annual memberships and receive discounts on THF products, which are ordered online and delivered on Fridays. Depending on a family’s

location, the meat can either be delivered to a home or picked up from several area drop-off points. Products can be purchased without a membership at a standard price. Beginning in 2020, THF will be growing and selling produce as well. They are also working to offer easy-to-prepare meal kits and pre-cooked options for homes that want healthy, ethicallysourced food but lack the time or resources to prepare meals from scratch. They will also soon be offering cooking classes. “Good food doesn’t have to be hard to make,” says Darby. “At the end of the day, we’re competing with fast food and convenience stores. We know people are busy, and our goal is to be truly farm to table in a way that fits into people’s lives.”

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Unique dining experience with a focus on quality and atmosphere

Delicious, unique food crafted from fresh ingredients

Perfect Pairing The relationship between The Merchant House and Tree Hill Farms gives patrons a true taste of Darke County with an ever-changing menu that turns locally grown and raised meat and produce into culinary masterpieces with unique flavor.

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The Merchant House on Broadway in Greenville has become a favorite eatery and watering hole for Darke County residents since opening in 2016, and a relationship with a nearby farm allows owners Chris and Cassie Campbell to keep things truly local for many of their dishes. “When we can use local meat and produce, that’s a big deal for us,” says Chris. A partnership with Tree Hill Farms allows his restaurant to serve meat grown ethically and without antibiotics right here in Darke County. Darby and Cleyo Livingston, the brothers who started Tree Hill Farms on their family farm in 2015, were regular diners at The Merchant House with their families since the restaurant opened. They knew right away the Greenville establishment would be a perfect fit for their products, but weren’t sure how the Campbells would respond to a start-up farm. “They were the number one place I wanted our meat to be,” says Darby. “But I didn’t think they’d give us the time of day, because they were doing things at such a high level.”


Savory sandwich to please the palate

Couple enjoying a delicious dinner


Mouth-watering juicy burger

Charming architecture in the historic district of downtown Greenville





Fortunately, he was wrong. A partnership formed that sees The Merchant House utilize Tree Hill Farms meat in weekly specials that are among the restaurant’s most popular dishes.

“Tree Hill Farms never disappoints,” says Cassie. “We don’t have to go crazy on our recipes with their stuff because the meat is so good. Their product stands alone.”

“People come in every week just to get what we’re featuring from them,” explains Cassie.

The Campbells are able to trust Tree Hill Farms will deliver excellent meat, and Darby underlines the importance of being able to trust their products will be in good hands inside The Merchant House kitchen.

THF’s Red Velvet Pork from their heritage breed pigs has been particularly popular. Because the farm is small, the availability of specific products on the scale the restaurant will need fluctuates, which gives Chris and his cooks a chance to experiment with different cuts. “Darby will tell us every week what he has available,” explains Chris. “It’s fun and exciting to me. Every week we get to come up with something different.” “One week we took their Red Velvet bone-in pork chops and prepared them with a white wine mushroom sauce. It was out of this world,” he reflects. “We paired that with roasted Brussels sprouts. It was perfect.”

“Trust is a two-way street,” he says, “and we feel good about delivering our meat to them.” At the end of the day, Chris says the relationship between these two local businesses thrives because of the values both share. “It’s about the way they do business,” he explains. “How do you treat your vendors? Your employees? Your customers? We have a great relationship with Tree Hill Farms because they do business the way we do business.”


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| VisitDarkeCounty.org


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Small Town Finds


Crowd-pleasing entertainment at Montage Cafe

Small Town Finds


A collection of treasure

A collection of treasure

spots are waiting to be

spots are waiting to be

found nestled in and

found nestled in and

around the wide-open

around the wide-open

spaces of Darke County.

spaces of Darke County.

You’ll find a welcome

You’ll find a welcome

mat and friendly face at

mat and friendly face at

each and every stop.

ich Shoppe Ready to enjoy a loose meat sandwich at Maid-Rite Sandw

each and every stop.

You’ll find a little bit of everything here in Darke County, Ohio. We have rolling farmland, charming small towns, and the kind of sophisticated shops and eateries you might expect to find only in a big city. Whether you hail from the sticks or keep house in a high-rise, you’ll find something to write home about in Darke County. Our biggest town, Greenville, sits right smack in the middle of the county (hop on any county road with a number for a name and it’ll probably lead there). Greenville’s the county seat, and it has more than enough dining seats to go around, no matter what you enjoy.

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Fashionable finds at Sadie Grace in downtown Greenville

No trip to Greenville is complete without a visit to The Maid-Rite Sandwich Shop, home of the tastiest loose meat sandwiches in the world. Grab a shake and a few “Maid-Rites” and you’ll be chowing down on a local legend. When you’re done, be sure to carry on the tradition of sticking a piece of gum to the exterior wall. A little weird? You betcha, but sometimes weird is more fun. Just up the street (Broadway, that is), you’ll find a quaint downtown of century-old buildings and charming businesses and restaurants. Shop for haute couture at Sadie Grace or one of the other locally owned clothing shops, and grab some haute cuisine at one of several excellent eateries like The Merchant House. Sip some piping hot coffee at one of several coffee shops, or have a glass of wine with lunch (we won’t tell) at Montage Cafe.

Enjoy excellent cuisine at The Inn at Versailles

Want to cook up something tasty yourself? Swing by the KitchenAid Experience to grab all the utensils, cooking appliances, and fancy kitchen gadgets you’ll need (and learn a little about the history of KitchenAid while you’re at it), and then walk across to the courthouse lawn on Saturday mornings in the Summer to visit a bustling farmers market with fresh local produce ready to be sliced and diced. The rest of the county has some treats in store for you as well. There are five small wineries peppered around the county, including a brand-spanking-new one. Twenty One Barrels Cidery & Winery pours their tasty libations near Bradford in the eastern part of the county, while A.R. Winery sits further south near Arcanum. Up north, you can stop in at the beloved Winery at Versailles for one of their award-winning pours (or bottles, if you’ve been good all week). While you’re up around those parts, book a table at the Inn at Versailles for a meal so good you’ll swear you’ve died and gone to Italy. Whatever your heart desires, we’ve got you covered, from fruit farms that have been in the same family for generations, to new restaurants on the cutting edge of cuisine (pun intended). Big town, small town, or no town at all, Darke County is the place to be! #DarkeCountyFlavor


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| VisitDarkeCounty.org


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29 49





The Darke County Whiskey,



Wine & Ale Trail is a tribute to the American Spirit and



Maria Stein 716


to individuals who appreciate


its taste and heritage. It is


a touring destination unlike


any other, consisting of five





wineries, three breweries, and a distillery. Each locale offers


5 571

its own distinctive experience


and authentic character. We invite you to wind your countryside of Mercer, Darke, Preble and Miami counties for an exceptional


6 7


New Carlisle



West Manchester


New Paris


Huber Heights

40 49




RY M O N T G O M Eyton


experience, where the





West Alexandria 122


is transformed into a casual


event with relaxed style and an educational flare.


West Milton


whiskey, wine and ale tasting age-old art of spirit-making

201 41


New Madison



571 49

way through the scenic



Gratis 725




For individual ads see pages 19-21. Find overnight accommodations on pages 32-33. 18 800.504.2995

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Whiskey, Wine & Ale Trail Stops Tailspin Brewing Co.

1 2

626 S. Second St. | Coldwater 419.763.4222 | TailSpinBrewing.com

2 3

Moeller Brew Barn

3 4 4 1 5

Maria Stein Location 8016 Marion Dr. | Maria Stein 419.925.3005 | MoellerBrewBarn.com

5 1 6 2

Troy Location 214 W. Main St. | Troy 937.552.9430 | MoellerBrewBarn.com

1 6 2 3 7

The Winery at Versailles

7 2 3 4 8 1

6572 S.R. 47 | Versailles 937.526.3232 | WineryatVersailles.com

3 4 8 5 9 1 2 4 5 9 6 1 10 2 3

Endless Pint Brewing

5 6 1 7 10 2 3 4

Twenty One Barrels Cidery & Winery

6 7 2 8 3 4 5

9717 Horatio Harris Creek Rd. | Bradford 21Barrels.com | Opening Summer 2020

7 8 3 9 4 5 6

A.R. Winery 3564 Gordon-Landis Rd. | Arcanum 937.417.0565 | ARWinery.com

9 5 10 6 7 8

Old Mason Winery & Vineyard

7 8 9 10 8 9 10 9 10 10

We are a veteran-owned craft brewery bringing the revolution of craft beer to Midwest Ohio.

626 S. 2nd Street, Coldwater, Ohio



39 E. Main St. | Versailles 937.827.0318 | EndlessPintBrewing.com

8 4 9 5 10 6 7

10 6 7 8 9

Small Town. Big Flavor.

4199 S. Iddings Rd. | West Milton 937.698.1122 | OldMason.com

Indian Creek Distillery 7095 Staley Rd. | New Carlisle 937.846.1443 | StaleyMillFarmandDistillery.com

Olde Schoolhouse Winery 152 S.R. 726 | Eaton 937.472.WINE (9463) | OSHWinery.com

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Maria Stein, OH WED-FRI 3:00p-11:30p SATURDAY 12:00p-11:30p SUNDAY 12:00p-10:00p

........ Troy, OH TUES-THURS 3:00p-11:00p FRI-SUN 11:00a-11:00p

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S ip & Savor

Our local wineries, craft breweries and small batch distilleries put their heart and soul into creating spectacular local flavors. Join us on the trail and enjoy locally grown and produced spirits to sip, savor, and enjoy, time and time again!

Enjoy a glass of award-winning wine in our tasting room or our relaxing covered patio!










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4199 S Iddings Rd West Milton, OH

Thirst-quenching stops where the age-old art www.oldmason.com

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Join us on the farm for a wood-fired brick-oven pizza while sipping on your favorite wine or craft brew!

New Hours! W 1-6, TH & F 1-9, SAT 1-10

• Visit Preble County’s first and only winery located in an original 1890’s one-room brick schoolhouse

• Experience the beautiful tasting room featuring

internationally award winning wines made on-site

• Events throughout the year • Relax and enjoy Preble County’s finest winery

3564 Gordon-Landis Rd. Arcanum, OH 45304

152 State Route 726 Eaton OH 45320 www.oshwinery.com 937-472-WINE (9463)

of spirit-making will quench your thirst for discovery. 937.417.0565 arwinery.com

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Unique finds, antique treasures and vintage props are in abundance in Darke County.

Antiques & Vintage

New Paris

Antiques & Vintage Ansonia


Red Lantern Mercantile 9585 Kester Byard Rd. (937) 417-3290 Hours vary, always open by appointment

The Little Shop Antiques & Gardens 11716 Baltimore-Phillipsburg Rd. (937) 884-5948 Fri - Sun: 11 am - 5 pm

Arcanum The Iron Key 112 W. George St. (937) 430-7651 Fri - Sun: 10 am - 4 pm The Olde Nostalgia Shoppe 104 W. George St. (937) 692-5055 Sat: 10 am - 6 pm Staley’s Antiques 7 N. Sycamore St. (937) 692-8050 Tues, Thurs & Sat: 10 am - 5 pm Wed & Fri: 11 am - 5 pm Sun: 12 - 5 pm

Bradford The Old School House 4045 St. Rt. 721 (937) 417-7273 www.newberrytwpschool14.com Thurs & Fri: 10 am - 5 pm Sat: 10 am - 3 pm

Greenville Ann’s Gifts & Antiques 426 S. Broadway (937) 548-6301 Mon - Fri: 9:30 am - 5:30 pm Sat: 9 am - 3 pm Cratiques Antiques & Collectibles 144 W. Fourth St. (937) 581-4545 Tues - Fri: 12 - 5 pm Sat: 10 am - 3 pm Shelly’s Antiques & Decor 134 W. Fourth St. (937) 417-3194 Mon, Wed, Thurs & Fri: 10 am - 4 pm Sat: 11 am - 3 pm Woodmill Co. Antiques 349 W. Park Dr. (937) 547-0306 Sat & Sun: 12 - 6 pm

Jamboree Antiques Mall 308 S. Washington St. (937) 720-4064 Thurs - Sat: 10 am - 5 pm Sun: 1 - 5 pm New Paris Antique Mall 102 E. Main St. (937) 437-0048 Tues - Sat: 10 am - 5 pm Sun: 1 - 5 pm www.newparisantiquemall.com

Union City Oak Street Antiques 324 Oak St. (765) 964-0212 Fri: 4 - 8 pm Sat: 9 am - 5 pm Sun: 11 am - 5 pm Union City Antique Mall 201 N. Columbia St. (765) 964-3203 Mon - Thurs: 10 am - 5 pm Fri: 10 am - 7 pm Sat: 10 am - 5 pm

Verona Baltimore House 11632 Baltimore-Phillipsburg Rd. (937) 884-5240 Fri - Sun: 11 am - 5 pm Country Side Antiques & Gifts 148 Verona-Pitsburg Rd. (937) 884-5931 Sun: 11 am - 5 pm Call for additional hours

Versailles Thobe Vintage & Antique Rental 48 N. Olive St. (937) 423-4167 Hours by appointment

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530 S. Broadway 937.732.5016



Terri Clemens

Corner Cottage Gift Shoppe

Wreaths • Scented Wax Chips • Oils Grape Vine Trees • Primative Accessories Corner of Jaysville St. Johns Road & 36 East • Greenville, OH 45331

937-548-4458 Hours: Thursday & Friday 12-5, Saturday 10-4 September - December Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 12-5, Saturday 10-4 Closed Week of Darke County Fair

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Enjoying the day shopping in downtown Greenville


The Natural Path


Family enjoying the GREAT! Darke County Fair

Hometown Holiday Horse Parade


Delicious dinner from The Merchant House


Iconic Maid-Rite Sandwich Shop

Vineyard and grounds at the Winery at Versailles


Historic Bear’s Mill








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Rolling greens at Turtle Creek Golf Course



Taste the “Best” Do you like shopping? Food? Wine? History? We have all those things in Darke County

and they all have one thing in common… the readers of Ohio Magazine named them the “Best of Ohio” for 2020. Check out Darke County’s reader’s pick winners and enjoy the best our state has to offer, all in one place. #darkecountyflavor

“Best Golf Course” Turtle Creek Golf Course

“Best County Fair” The GREAT! Darke County Fair

“Best Destination Spa” The Natural Path

“Best Casual Dining” The Merchant House

“Best Community Parade” Hometown Holiday Horse Parade

“Best Winery” The Winery at Versailles

6545 U.S. Rt. 36 E., Greenville (937) 548-3563 TurtleCreekOn36.com

324 E. Third St., Greenville (937) 459-5392 TheNaturalPathHerbals.com

Downtown Greenville (937) 548-5250 MainStreetGreenville.org

800 Sweitzer St., Greenville (937) 548-5044 DarkeCountyFair.com

406 S. Broadway St., Greenville (937) 459-4450 TMHGreenville.com

6572 St. Rt. 47, Versailles (937) 526-3232 WineryatVersailles.com

“Best Landmark Restaurant” Maid-Rite Sandwich Shop 125 N. Broadway St., Greenville (937) 548-9340 MaidRite-Greenville.com

“Best Historical Site” Bear’s Mill

6450 Arcanum-Bear’s Mill Rd., Greenville (937) 548-5112 BearsMill.com

“Best Main Street Shopping” Main Street Greenville Downtown Greenville MainStreetGreenville.org

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| VisitDarkeCounty.org


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Inspiring architecture of the Darke County Courthouse

Downtown Greenville

KitchenAid Experience® Retail Store

Vendor at the annual Artisan Stroll

Fresh produce at the Farmer’s Market

26 800.504.2995

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To learn more about Downtown Greenville, please visit:

Great outdoor dining in downtown Greenville Local talent performing during Artisan Stroll

Downtown Greenville is a place where families come to spend a morning getting breakfast at one of our bakeries, share a conversation on our sidewalks or take an afternoon with friends to shop. It is a place where locals have followed their dreams to open their own businesses with character and commitment. It is a place where stories are created and memories are made. We welcome you to join us downtown, where the past, present and future combine for a place that you will want to visit again and again.

Rollin’ 50’s Classic Car Show

Downtown is the heart of any community and Greenville has managed to keep that spirit alive. A historic district with architecture, charm and a vibrant shopping atmosphere with over 50 quaint shops, stores and dining opportunities for all to enjoy.


Starting the morning with a cup of joe at the Coffee Pot

Facebook.com/ mainstreetgreenville

DCVG_2020-21_PRESS.indd 27

| VisitDarkeCounty.org


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Montage Cafe

KitchenAid Experience® Retail Center

Downtown Greenville


Books & Bibles, Gifts, Cards, Music & More


533 S. Broadway

square feet of shopping!

Mon-Fri: 9:30 - 5:30 Saturday: 9:30 - 4


423 S. Broadway 888-886-8318 kitchenaid.com/experience

>>>> New Arrivals Daily!

Like us on Facebook!


134 W. Fourth St, Greenville, OH





~ Alex and Ani ~ Puravida ~ Vera Bradley ~ Life is Good

524 S. Broadway 937.548.2472

Modern Farmhouse decor

530 S. Broadway 937.732.5016 www.sadiegraceinc.com


28 800.504.2995

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Experience historic charm nestled in the heart of Darke County. Restaurants BU









Beanz Buttercream Bakery


316 S. Broadway St., Greenville 937.459.5008 BeanzButtercreamBakery.com


Pizza - Pasta - Subs Dine In - Pickup Delivery 617 S. Broadway 937-547-1113

331 S. Broadway, Greenville 937-459-4590


Locally Owned & Operated

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| VisitDarkeCounty.org


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Chicago, IL Cincinnati, OH Cleveland, OH Columbus, OH Dayton, OH Detroit, MI Indianapolis, IN Lexington, KY Richmond, IN Toledo, OH










47 31




48 18 26



Miles Hrs. 285 5 90 2 240 4 100 2 45 1 205 3.5 105 2 165 3 35 1 150 2.5

42 19

Union City














Bradford 11 27 36



502 39

30 40





37 8 21 38 22 23

20 35



36 9




H 41



571 121 49



14 52 53 16





New Madison



121 722

722 54

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Darke County Map Greenville Municipal Building 502

2 2

1 1 2 2

E 3 RD STREET 3 4 5

5 7


4 4 5 6 6



Darke County Courthouse




9 10


7 11 12 8 9 10









Darke County Fair Grounds Bear’s Mill






1 2















WHISKEY, WINE & ALE TRAIL: 5 Tailspin Brewing Company (Mercer County) 4 46 Moeller Brew Barn, Maria Stein (Mercer County) 47 The Winery at Versailles 48 Endless Pint Brewing 49 Twenty-One Barrels Cidery & Winery *Coming Summer 2020* 50 Moeller Brew Barn, Troy (Miami County) 51 A.R. Winery 52 Old Mason Winery & Vineyard 53 Indian Creek Distillery (Miami County) 54 Olde Schoolhouse Winery (Preble County)




OTHER PARKS: 42 Heritage Park 43 York Woods 44 Greenville City Park


Downtown Greenville Map SHOPPING: 1 Happily Ever Co. 2 Refined-Purveyors of Fine Goods 3 The Blue Bow Boutique 4 Granny’s Corner 5 Shelly’s Antiques and Decor 6 KitchenAid® Experience 7 Readmore’s Hallmark 8 Sadie Grace 9 The Ivy League Florist 10 The Cozy Nest 11 Youniques Boutique 12 Bread of Life Christian Bookstore

WHERE TO EAT: 1 Danny’s Place 2 Beanz Buttercream Bakery 3 Chillz Frozen Yogurt 4 The Merchant House 5 Brenda’s Beanery 6 The A&B Coffee & Cake Co. 7 Montage Cafe 8 The Coffee Pot 9 D’Allessio’s 10 The Double M Diner 11 The Don’s Pizza 12 Sure Shot Taphouse

SERVICE: 1 Darke County Foundation 2 Mercer Savings Bank 3 Second National Bank 4 Welcome Center / Visitors Bureau 5 Welcome Center / Main Street Greenville 6 Second National Bank 7 Greenville National Bank 8 Greenville National Bank

PARKS: 1 Urban Park 2 Annie Oakley Park GOVERNMENT: 1 Greenville Municipal Building 2 Post Office 3 Darke County Courthouse

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City of Greenville Park

Post Office

Shawnee Prairie Preserve & Nature Center


COUNTY PARKS: 31 Coppess Sanctuary 32 Winterrowd Wetlands 33 Donna May Campbell Preserve 34 Worth Family Nature Preserve 35 Eidson Woods Preserve 36 Prairie Ridge Meadow 37 Tecumseh Point 38 Alice Bish Park 39 Shawnee Prairie Preserve 40 Turkeyfoot Preserve 41 Routzong Preserve




WHERE TO EAT: 18 The Inn at Versailles 19 The Whistle Stop 20 The Maid-Rite Sandwich Shoppe 21 Montage Cafe 22 The Merchant House 23 The Don’s Pizza WHERE TO STAY: 24 Eldora Village Campground 25 French House B&B 26 Inn at Versailles 27 Quality Inn 28 Holiday Inn Express & Suites 29 Baymont by Wyndham 30 Wayman’s Corner B&B




ATTRACTIONS: 1 Eldora Speedway 2 Annie Oakley Grave 3 Ghyslain Chocolatier 4 Stillwater Valley Golf Club 5 Union City Country Club 6 White Springs Golf Course 7 Garst Museum 8 KitchenAid Experience® Retail Center 9 Turtle Creek Golf Course 10 Historic Bear’s Mill 11 Bradford Ohio Railroad Museum 12 Longtown Site 13 GREAT! Darke County Fair 14 Fort Jefferson 15 Downing Fruit Farm 16 Brumbaugh Fruit & Fun Farm 17 Beechwood Golf Course

Maid-Rite, Garst Museum and the National Annie Oakley Center, Tecumseh Point Walkway, & Prairie Ridge Meadow


| VisitDarkeCounty.org


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Baymont by Wyndham

nes sR oom Ha nd Ac ica ces pp sib ed le Pe ts All ow ed Inf orm ati on


Bre ak fas t Re sta On -Si urant te s Sw im Po mi ol ng


Ro om s

Inn at Versailles

Bed & Breakfast French House Bed & Breakfast 7660 Burns Rd., Versailles (937) 526-3100 FrenchHouseBnB.com Wayman’s Corner Bed & Breakfast 633 Central Ave., Greenville (937) 316-6074 WaymansCorner.com



This rural setting offers the lower level of the owner’s home with a private entrance, fireplace and kitchenette.

This renovated 1925 Foursquare features all the modern conveniences with private baths and outdoor porches.

This newly-renovated hotel is convenient to area attractions including Eldora Speedway, as well as restaurants and shops.

This newly-renovated hotel offers a restaurant, fitness center, business center and 1,600 sq. ft. of conference/event space.

Hotels Quality Inn 1190 E. Russ Rd., Greenville 1-800-228-5150 (937) 316-5252 ChoiceHotels.com


Baymont by Wyndham 851 Martin St., Greenville (937) 490-6225 WyndhamHotels.com


Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites 1195 E. Russ Rd., Greenville 1-800-HOLIDAY (937) 548-1328 Hiexpress.com


• •

This establishment offers an elevator to handicap-accessible rooms on all three floors, indoor pool, fitness room and a small meeting room. The Inn offer 22 rooms with unique decor and ambiance, and all the amenities of a fine European hotel. Experience world class dining at the on-site restaurant.

Inn at Versailles 21 W. Main St., Versailles (937) 526-3020 InnatVersailles.com


Stardust Motel 5436 St. Rt. 49 S., Greenville (937) 548-5199


This motel offers 16 rooms with convenience to the Darke County Fairgrounds.

Towne House Motel 209 East Main St., Greenville (937) 548-4171


This motel offers 20 rooms featuring long-term and weekly rates.

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ol or La ke Pa vil Ga ion me /Ac Ro tivi om tie s Du mp Sta t io n Inf orm ati on

Holiday Inn Express & Suites


Sh o Re wer / str oom s La un dry

Ho okup s


Wayman’s Corner B&B

Sit e

French House B&B

Campgrounds Adventure Lakes & Camping 8600 Versailles Southeastern Rd., Bradford (937) 448-2504 Open year round Arrowhead Campground 1361 Thomas Rd., New Madison (937) 996-6203 | Arrowhead-Campground.com Open April 15 to October 31 Cottonwood Lakes Campground 8549 Althoff Rd., Yorkshire (419) 582-2610 | CottonwoodLakes.com Open April 15 to October 15 Eldora Village 13929 St. Rt. 118, New Weston (937) 338-3815 | EldoraSpeedway.com Open major event weekends Darke County Fairgrounds 800 Sweitzer St., Greenville (937) 548-5044 | DarkeCountyFair.com Open year round Lazy R Campground 8714 U.S. Rt. 36, Bradford (937) 447-8943 | LazyRCampgrounds.com Open April 15 to October 31 Rossburg Acres 4300 Rossburg-Lightsville Rd., Rossburg (419) 375-4944 | RossburgAcres.com Open May 1 to October 31






Speedy Camping & Parking 4281 N. Star-Ft Loramie Rd., New Weston (937) 338-3311 Open major event weekends


Stillwater Beach Campground 8408 Versailles-Southeastern Rd., Bradford (937) 448-2382 Open April 9 to October 9


Wildcat Woods Campground 1355 Wildcat Rd., Greenville (937) 548-7921 WildcatWoodsCampground.com Open April 15 to October 31




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This location offers fishing lakes, swimming lakes, playground and game room.

The fairgrounds is a 180-acre largely, wooded facility with a self registration system.

This campground offers fishing pond, pool, playground, volleyball and basketball courts, shelter house, wagon rides and planned activities. This campground offers fishing ponds, beach area, playgrounds & large outdoor screen for family movies. This campgrounds is only open during the four major races at Eldora Speedway.

• 100

This campground offers many family-friendly activities like fishing ponds, pool, game room, basketball courts, boat rentals, playgrounds and planned activities. Also sell propane.

This campgrounds is only open during the four major races at Eldora Speedway.




This farm features 140 acres of rolling hills and fields, as well as 20 acres of lakes.

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This campground offers fishing ponds, beach area, playgrounds and a clubhouse.

This campground offers fishing ponds, beach area, paddle boats and shelter house.

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| VisitDarkeCounty.org


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316 S. Broadway St.



Greenville, OH 45331

937.459.5008 – BeanzButtercreamBakery.com

Real Food Made Simple

FARM TO TABLE Food, Events, & Catering www.treehillfarms.com 800.504.2995 | VisitDarkeCounty.org 34

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Elegant presentation of the anti-pasta plate from The Inn at Versailles


Delicious entrĂŠe from the Merchant House

Local Restaurants Defining the art of casual and fine dining. Enjoy the local cuisine and specialties that put Darke County on the culinary map. You’ll be surprised by what the chefs in our down-home diners and fine-dining hot spots are dishing up! 36 800.504.2995

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1/9/20 3:19 PM

M ‘n M Petro & Deli 201 S. Main St., Ansonia (937) 337-0000 Lunch. Credit cards accepted. Thwaits Bar & Grill 200 Covington St., Ansonia (937) 337-9995 Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner. Cash only. Whistle Stop (The) 200 S. Main St., Ansonia (937) 337-4101 Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner. Credit cards accepted. Wooden Spoon (The) 9690 US Rt. 127, Ansonia (937) 548-9770 Breakfast & Lunch. Credit cards accepted.


Back in Time Cafe 1249 Sweitzer St., Greenville (937) 548-1763 Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner. Credit cards accepted. Bob Evans Restaurant 1366 Wagner Ave. Greenville (937) 547-9193 Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner. Credit cards accepted. Chillz Frozen Yogurt 331 S. Broadway, Greenville (937) 459-4590 Grab & Go Lunch. Credit cards accepted. China Garden 1303 Wagner Ave., Greenville (937) 548-4705 Lunch & Dinner. Credit cards accepted.

Farmer Brown Restaurant 6363 Hollansburg-Sampson Rd. Arcanum | (937) 692-8774 Lunch & Dinner. Credit cards accepted.

Coffee Pot (The) 537 S. Broadway, Suite 101 Greenville | (937) 459-5498 Breakfast & Lunch. Credit cards accepted.

Huston’s Restaurant 9 E. Water St., Arcanum (937) 692-8576 Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner. Cash or check only.

Coles’ Front Street Inn Restaurant 812 Front St., Greenville (937) 548-8727 Breakfast & Lunch.

Miller’s Tavern 15 N. High St., Arcanum (937) 692-5359 Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner. Cash only.

Dairy Barn (The) (seasonal) 1271 Sweitzer St., Greenville (937) 548-3555 Lunch & Dinner. Cash only.

Picnic’s Pizza & Grill, LLC. 3 E. Woodside Dr., Arcanum (937) 692-6112 Lunch & Dinner. Credit cards accepted.

D’Alessio’s Restaurant 537 S. Broadway, Suite 102 Greenville | (937) 316-8070 Lunch & Dinner. Credit cards accepted.

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Shrimp dinner from Danny’s Place


Asian Buffet 521 Wagner Ave,, Greenville (937) 316-6110 Lunch & Dinner. Credit cards accepted.

Pizza burger from the Merchant House


Whole grain battered fish sandwich from Montage Cafe

Local E

A & B Coffee & Cake Co. 501 S. Broadway, Greenville (937) 459-5720 Breakfast. Credit cards accepted.

Spinach linguine with seafood from The Inn at Versailles


1/9/20 3:19 PM

The Dagwood Sandwich from the Merchant House

Danny’s Place 308 S. Broadway, Greenville (937) 548-2127 Lunch & Dinner. Breakfast on Fridays. Credit cards accepted. Don’s Pizza (The) 617 S. Broadway, Greenville (937) 548-1113 Lunch & Dinner. Credit cards accepted. Double M Diner 537 S. Broadway, Suite 104 Greenville | (937) 547-3031 Breakfast & Lunch. Cash only. El Camino Real Restaurante 401 Wagner Ave., Greenville (937) 548-1997 Lunch & Dinner. Credit cards accepted. Hot Head Burritos 1324 Wagner Ave. Greenville | (937) 548-1060 Lunch & Dinner. Credit card accepted.

Loaded potato soup from The Coffee Pot

Greenville (continued)

JT’s Brew & Grill 1475 Wagner Ave., Greenville (937) 548-1400 Lunch & Dinner. Breakfast on Sundays. Credit cards accepted. Kathy’s Restaurant 416 Martin St., Greenville (937) 547-1651 Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner. Credit cards accepted. Las Margaritas Mexican Grill 1160 E. Russ Rd., Greenville (937) 316-8484 Lunch & Dinner. Credit cards accepted. Maid-Rite Sandwich Shoppe 125 N. Broadway, Greenville (937) 548-9340 Lunch & Dinner. Cash only. Merchant House (The) 406 S. Broadway, Greenville (937) 459-4450 Lunch & Dinner. Credit cards accepted.

Montage Cafe 527 S. Broadway, Greenville (937) 548-1950 Breakfast & Lunch. Credit cards accepted. Sloopy’s 1240 E. Russ Rd., Greenville (937) 548-0019 Lunch & Dinner. Credit cards accepted. Thirsty Turtle Lounge 6545 US Rt. 36, Greenville (937) 548-9805 Lunch & Dinner. Credit cards accepted. Vint’s Family Restaurant 1226 Sweitzer St., Greenville (937) 548-1803 Lunch & Dinner. Cash only.

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Schlechty’s Sports Bar & Grill 124 W. Washington, New Madison (937) 775-4005 Lunch & Dinner. Credit cards accepted. Snack Shop 395 N. Main St., New Madison (937) 996-5591 Lunch & Dinner. Credit cards accepted.

Palestine Sharp’s Tavern 101 S. Main St., Palestine (937) 548-7454 Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner. Cash only.

Union City Neil’s A&W Drive-In (seasonal) 800 E. Elm St., Union City (937) 968-5424 Lunch & Dinner. Woodcrest Lanes 100 N. Grand St., Union City (937) 968-3151 Lunch & Dinner.

Versailles Alice’s Dairy Bar (seasonal) 892 E. Main St., Versailles (937) 526-9950 Lunch & Dinner.

The Inn at Versailles 21 W. Main St., Versailles (937) 526-3020 Lunch & Dinner. Credit cards accepted. McBo’s Lanes 498 W. Main St., Versailles (937) 526-4938 Lunch & Dinner. Credit cards accepted. Sideliner’s Sports Bar & Grill 17 E. Main St., Versailles (937) 526-9055 Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner. Credit cards accepted.

Specialty cake from A & B Coffee & Cake Co.

Firpo’s Bar & Grill 113 E. Washington, New Madison (937) 996-0742 Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner. Credit cards accepted.

Gus’s Coffee, Creamery & Cafe 16 Marker Rd., Versailles (937) 526-4445 Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner. Credit cards accepted.

Stillwater Valley Golf Club 9235 Seibt Rd., Versailles (937) 526-3041 Lunch & Dinner. Credit cards accepted. Winery at Versailles (The) 6572 S.R. 47, Versailles (937) 526-3232 Lunch & Dinner. Credit cards accepted.

Scrumptious dessert from Chillz Frozen Yogurt

New Madison

Brown’s Sweet Shop 40 E. Main St., Versailles (937) 526-3722 Breakfast & Lunch.

Endless Pint Brewing 39 E. Main St., Versailles (937) 827-0318 Lunch & Dinner. Credit cards accepted.

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Sweet treats at Brown’s Sweet Shop

Creekside Bar & Grill 176 N. Center St., Versailles (937) 526-4038 Lunch & Dinner. Credit and debit accepted.

1/16/20 2:59 PM

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Try our FAMOUS marinated pork chops!

"Like" us on Facebook!



New Bremen 7 W Monroe St. www.bicyclemuseum.com

120 W Monroe St. www.crownstore.crown.com

GREENVILLE FARM 937-548-7513 2259 St. Rt. 502 Greenville, OH 45331

OSGOOD STORE 419-582-2441 45 West Main St. St. Osgood, OH 45351

OSGOOD PLANT 419-582-4321 8544 St. Rt. 705


17 W Monroe St. www.17west.com

8 W Monroe Street www.lockonetheater.com

800.504.2995 | VisitDarkeCounty.org

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Nature, Parks & Preserves

Explore Nature E X P E R I E N C E T H E G R E A T O U T D O O R S

Darke County can please any outdoor enthusiast, naturalist or adventurer.

Bish Discover Center

Natural wonders of Darke County

Enjoying a bike ride at Alice Bish Park

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The crown jewel of Darke County’s parks is Shawnee Prairie Preserve & Nature Center just outside Greenville. With forest paths, meadow overlooks, and a nature center with educational displays and creepy crawlies in aquariums, Shawnee is a great destination for families looking to learn more about our wild heritage. In September, Prairie Days takes over Shawnee Preserve, with historical reenactments and more fun activities than you can shake a caramel apple at. The folks at Darke County Parks maintain numerous other parks and preserves around the county as well, including Routzong Preserve, Turkeyfoot Preserve, and Winterrowd Wetlands. Our towns have some lovely green spaces too, whether you want to have a picnic, throw a frisbee, or just go for a walk to enjoy the outdoors. Looking to get some exercise? Consider taking a run or a bike ride on our seven mile Tecumseh Trail path—which is being expanded every year and will eventually stretch all the way across our beautiful county,—or put a canoe on the water and paddle down scenic Greenville Creek. Between our small towns stretch miles of beautiful countryside and wild woodlands. Step outdoors and enjoy the natural wonder of Darke County.

Breathtaking scenery at the Greenville City Park

When the first European immigrants explored the western Ohio frontier, they found thick forests and endless swamps. Over the years a lot of the trees were used to build sturdy pioneer houses and barns, and most of the swamps were filled in to make the rich farmland we take so much pride in today. While Darke County might not look how it did a few hundred years ago, we still have some of the most beautiful wild spaces in this country, if we do say so ourselves, and you can explore them through our excellent system of parks, pathways, and preserves.

Log house on the Shawnee Prairie Preserve


History comes alive at Prairie Days at the Shawnee Prairie Preserve

is Nature


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Learn about the area’s history along the Tecumseh Point Trail

Nature, Parks & Preserves

Parks & Preserves Be an adventurer; Discover the Darke County Parks

Coppess Nature Sanctuary

Alice Bish Park & Canoe Launch

Donna May Campbell Preserve

Routzong Preserve

This 5-acre park is accessible from Ohio and Fourth Streets, and mirrors the course of Greenville Creek with sightings of wildflowers, waterfowl, songbirds and colorful leaves. Public canoe launch access is available from this area. The Greenville Creek Trail starts from this park.

Located along the head-waters of the Stillwater River, this preserve is a fine example of riparian habitat. This 5-acre park is home to beaver, raccoon, fox, deer, woodpecker and many other types of wildlife.

This beech-maple forest is an area of interest during every season. More than 1 1â „ 2 miles of trails are here to explore in these 55 acres located off State Route 571 East.

Eidson Woods Preserve

Anthony Wayne Peace Council House

Eidson Woods Preserve consists of 55 acres of maturing woodland and 15 acres of intermediate succession savanna. Providing an excellent range of habitats and species, this preserve gives visitors a look at what a maturing woodlands in Darke County can offer.

Located west of Greenville, this 118-acre preserve is the largest Darke County park. Enjoy a leisurely walk through trails showcasing the three habitats of this park: woodlands, wetlands and prairies. Also found at Shawnee Prairie is the Nature Center, park offices, sugar shack, a natural play area for children, and an 18th century Log House and blacksmith shop.

Located across from Garst Museum in Greenville, this building honors the Native American tribes who signed the Treaty of Greene Ville with General Wayne.

Located between Ansonia and Union City, this 32-acre area is typical Darke County woodland with a mix of hickory, oak, beech and maple.

Prairie Ridge Meadow / Tecumseh Point Containing more than 100 species of grasses and flowering plants native to Darke County, this site has both natural and historic significance.

Shawnee Prairie Preserve

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Birding area and grassland on the Turkeyfoot Preserve

Tecumseh Trail Multiuse Path From the Tecumseh Trail Hub, located on Bridge Street in Gettysburg, enjoy over nine miles of Darke County Parks’ multi-use trail system leading you through pristine Darke County habitats. As you bike, run, walk, or ride along the path, you can hope to encounter a wide variety of wild flowers, colorful songbirds, historic bridges and pristine creek corridors. Stay tuned as this “Darke to Miami Connector” is growing each year!

Turkeyfoot Preserve Breathtaking scenery at Prairie Ridge Meadow

This Preserve boasts 60 acres of reestablished prairie and managed wetlands accessible from State Route 121 South of Greenville. This significant birding area hosts a wide variety of grassland species, including Turkeyfoot grass for which the park is named.

Winterrowd Wetlands Located west of Ansonia on State Route 47, this diverse 60-acre preserve is a model of wetland conservation and provides a glimpse of Ohio as it was prior to settlement. The combination of quality habitats makes this area a premiere birding location.

Worth Family Nature Preserve This 35-acre preserve borders the pristine head waters of The State Scenic River, Greenville Creek with a mixture of floodplain, hardwood forests, upland meadows and thickets.

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| VisitDarkeCounty.org


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Nine fun-filled days & nights starting the 3rd Friday in August

www.darkecountyfair.com 800 Sweitzer St. | Greenville, Ohio | ( 937) 548-5044

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Since carved from a Darke County cornfield in the natural amphitheater that existed between the Eldora Ballroom and the Wabash River by bandleader Earl Baltes in 1954, Eldora Speedway has grown to become one of the world’s most famous speedways. Owned by motorsports entrepreneur and NASCAR, IndyCar and USAC driving champion Tony Stewart since 2004, Eldora continues to be the home of the biggest events in short-track racing. Holding special events from April through October, Eldora’s annual marquee events include: the $100,000-to-win Dirt Late Model Dream Weekend (June); the $50,000-to-win Kings Royal Weekend for the World of Outlaws (July); The Eldora Dirt Derby - the only NASCAR race on dirt; the World 100 Weekend - The Biggest Dirt Race In The World® (September); and the historic 4-Crown Nationals (September).

EldoraSpeedway.com 13929 St. Rt. 118 • New Weston, OH 45348 • (937) 338-3815

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Exciting Events For a full list of events in Darke County, please visit our website.

Playing one of the many games at the Great! Darke County Fair


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Entertainment at Versailles Poultry Days

e it We Hav

Year Round Cooking Classes KitchenAid Experience 423 S. Broadway, Greenville (888) 886-8318 KitchenAid.com/experience Wed., Fri. and Sat. at 10:30 am First Fridays Downtown Greenville S. Broadway, Greenville MainStreetGreenville.org Lectures, Classes and Special Events – Darke County Parks 4267 St. Rt. 502, Greenville DarkeCountyParks.org

January Taste of Wine & Jazz 527 S. Broadway, Downtown Greenville CenterForArts.net

March Maple Sugarin’ at the Prairie 4267 St. Rt. 502, Greenville DarkeCountyParks.org Friends of Bear’s Mill Soup ‘n Bowl 6450 Arcanum Bears Mill Rd., Greenville | BearsMill.com Darke County Spring Wine Festival Downtown Greenville (937) 526-3232

April Darke County Sheriff’s Home & Sport Expo 800 Sweitzer St., Greenville DarkeCountyFair.com

April - October Thrill of the Grill 6572 St. Rt. 47, Versailles WineryatVersailles.com

April - December Art at The Mill 6450 Arcanum Bears Mill Rd., Greenville | BearsMill.com

Poultry Days

May Spring Open House at Bear’s Mill 6450 Arcanum Bears Mill Rd., Greenville | BearsMill.com



June 10 – 12


Arcanum Old Fashioned Days George St., Arcanum Taste of Wine & Jazz 527 S. Broadway, Downtown Greenville CenterForArts.net

June Versailles Poultry Days Heritage Park, Versailles VersaillesPoultryDays.com

July Steam Threshers Reunion York Woods, US 127 N., Greenville DarkeCountySteam.com Ringer Classic Horseshoe Tournament Greenville City Park HorseshoePitching.com Farm Power of the Past 800 Sweitzer St., Greenville GreenvilleFarmPower.org Barbeque & Blues Greenville CenterForArts.net

GREENVILLE FARM POWER of the PAST Antique Tractor & Gas Engine Show

Darke County Fairgrounds Greenville, Ohio Future Show Dates: July 9-12, 2020 July 8-11, 2021 Family-Friendly Event featuring exhibits, demonstrations, tractor pulls, horse & pony events, flea market, camping, food, kids’ events, ladies’ events, & much more!

“Celebrating and Preserving Our Agricultural Heritage” Website: greenvillefarmpower.org Like us on Facebook Email: greenvillefarmpower@outlook.com

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June 12 – 14 June 11 – 13

| VisitDarkeCounty.org


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Kings Royal 13929 St. Rt. 118, New Weston EldoraSpeedway.com NASCAR Truck Series 13929 St. Rt. 118, New Weston EldoraSpeedway.com Gathering at Garst 205 N. Broadway, Greenville GatheringatGarst.com Annie Oakley Festival 800 Sweitzer St., Greenville AnnieOakleyFestival.org Sips and Sounds 6572 St. Rt. 47, Versailles WineryatVersailles.com

August World’s Longest Yard Sale (800) 504-2995 VisitDarkeCounty.org Great! Darke County Fair 800 Sweitzer St., Greenville DarkeCountyFair.com Versailles FareFest 21 W. Main St., Versailles (937) 526-3020

Apache Troop Gauntlet 5K Adventure Race 440 Greenville-Nashville Rd., Greenville TheGauntletTrailRun.com

September Rollin’ 50’s Classics Car Show S. Broadway, Downtown Greenville World 100 13929 St. Rt. 118, New Weston EldoraSpeedway.com Autumn Farm Fest 6420 Hollansburg-Arcanum Rd., Arcanum BrumbaughFruitFarm.com Illumination Festival 800 Sweitzer St., Greenville IlluminationFestival.org Prairie Days 4267 St. Rt. 502, Greenville DarkeCountyParks.org Farm-to-Table 6572 St. Rt. 47, Versailles WineryatVersailles.com

October Bradford Pumpkin Show BradfordPumpkinShow.org

Rollin’ 50’s Classics Car Show in Greenville Thrill of the Grill at the Winery at Versailles

Hometown Holiday Horse Parade in Downtown Greenville

July (cont.)

Harvest of Quilts 800 Sweitzer St., Greenville (937) 548-7084 Beggars Night Downtown Greenville MainStreetGreenville.org Ghost Walk Downtown Greenville CenterForArts.net

November Christmas Preview at Bear’s Mill 6450 Arcanum Bears Mill Rd., Greenville | BearsMill.com Candlelight Dinners on the Prairie 4267 St. Rt. 502, Greenville DarkeCountyParks.org Hometown Holiday Horse Parade Downtown Greenville MainStreetGreenville.org

December Candlelight Walk 6450 Arcanum Bears Mill Rd., Greenville | BearsMill.com Walking in a Winter Wonderland 4267 St. Rt. 502, Greenville DarkeCountyParks.org

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❏ AUTO ❏ LIFE ❏ PROPERTY ❏ ANNUITIES ❏ BUSINESS ❏ HEALTH ❏ BANKING 200 Wagner Ave, Greenville, OH 45331

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| VisitDarkeCounty.org


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Musical talent performing in the Henry St. Clair Memorial Hall

Arts & Culture

Arts & Culture

The arts in Darke County are a fusion of creativity, innovation and rich, authentic local flavor.

52 800.504.2995

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Anna Bier Gallery / Greenville Art Guild Located in Memorial Hall, 215 W. Fourth St., Greenville (937) 547-1467 Named after a local artist and art teacher, this gallery has fulfilled Ms. Bier’s wish for a place in Greenville where people of all colors, all creeds and all walks of life can work for development of artistic skills and higher cultural standards for our community. Call for hours and exhibits.

Arts Depot

6450 Arcanum-Bear’s Mill Rd., Greenville (937) 548-5112 | BearsMill.com Art, history and culture are combined at historic Bear’s Mill with stimulating results. The Gallery at Bear’s Mill showcases art exhibits which rotate on a monthly basis, with receptions for the artists on the final Friday of each month. Closed on Mondays.

Darke County Center for the Arts 520 Sycamore St., Greenville (937) 547-0908 | CenterForArts.net This arts council promotes all forms of art within the county, and strives to expand opportunities for cultural enrichment by attracting high-quality performing artists. DCCA is also committed to the preservation of the Henry St. Clair Memorial Hall as an important cultural center.

Sculptural Village of Versailles Located throughout the Village of Versailles Discover the Sculptural Village of Ohio located in Versailles. Twelve life-size bronzed sculptures blend delightfully into this charming community. Most of the art is lit for viewing at night, and all but one piece is publicly accessible. Call the Darke County Visitors Bureau at (800) 504-2995 for a detailed brochure and map.

Two Story Mural

Artwork displayed during the annual Artisan Stroll in Greenville

Bear’s Mill

Town & Country Players performing Mama Mia at the Versailles Performing Arts Center

Versailles The life size mural that spans the entire west side of “La Pharmacie Versailles” depicts a sampling of establishments along a French village avenue. Painted by local artist Pam Sommer, the mural is dominated by the two story “Le Restaurant” and adjacent “L’Hôtel de Versailles” which are connected to the single story “Pharmacie” after passing by a stoned arched intersecting avenue.

Versailles Performing Arts Center 280 Marker Rd., Versailles (937) 507-1513 This space with seating for 450 is equipped for state-of-the-art sound and lighting with a fully rigged stage for performances and events. It contains a small orchestra pit for musical accompaniment and a second-level control room that can synchronize the electronic equipment.

Old world murals paint the village of Versailles

115 N. Howard St., Union City (765) 964-7227 | ArtsDepot.org Located in an historic train depot, this association offers events ranging from jazz to bluegrass concerts, drama to dance, art classes to art shows and poetry readings to photography. Call for hours and exhibits.

On display outside the auditorium is a custom-made display case showcasing historical artifacts from the Versailles Exempted Village School District dating back to the 1800s. Custom-designed floor patterns with tiger paw prints and tiger striping in the terrazzo line the surrounding hallways. Classrooms for vocal and instrumental instruction are adjacent to the center. This layout was designed to create a flow of use for the performance area.

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Historic architecture lining the streets of downtown Greenville

City & Villages

City & Villages Discover a land where



the legends are as rich

The Village of Ansonia is a small, rural community located in northern Darke County at the intersection of State Routes 47 and 118.

as the soil, filled with


Burkettsville was founded after the construction of a railroad line through northern Darke County in 1883. It was one of the last communities to be established in northern Darke / southern Mercer Counties.

frontier heritage and urban-country spirit‌ discover Darke County.

Located in the southwest corner of Darke County, Arcanum is approximately 35 miles northwest of Dayton, Ohio and 15 miles east from the Indiana border.

Castine This village is located on the Darke / Preble County line between Greenville and Eaton.



The Village of Bradford is situated in both Miami and Darke Counties. The village dates back to 1857, when the first train reached the end of the railhead at the Miami/Darke County line.

Gettysburg was founded by natives of Adams County, Pennsylvania in the late 1820s. When the settlement was platted in 1842, the community was named for the county seat of Adams County.

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Main street in downtown Versailles



John Colville platted the village of Ithaca in 1832 and gave it the name of “Twinsborough.” Its location on an established highway and along the Ohio Electric Railway caused the community to grow rapidly.

Rossburg was platted by John G. Ross in 1868. The village was very small until a period of growth began circa 1883, when a railroad line was built through Rossburg.

New Madison

The village of Union City sprawls across the state line and into Indiana. The community shares some public services, civic organizations and a chamber of commerce, as well as similar goals of growth and quality of life for its people.

New Madison was platted by Zadock Smith in 1817 for purposes of land speculation.

New Weston New Weston was founded in the 1880s during the construction of a railroad line through Allen Township. It was one of the last communities to be founded in Darke County.

Gordon Gordon was platted in 1849 and named for one of its first settlers. It was located at the intersection of the Dayton and Union and Ohio Electric railroads.

Greenville Greenville is the historic location of Fort Greene Ville, a pioneer fort built under General Anthony Wayne’s command. At over 55 acres, this was the largest wooden fortification ever built. It was here that the Treaty of Greenville was signed on August 3, 1795, bringing peace to the area and opening up the Northwest Territory for settlement. Greenville is the only city in Darke County and is the county seat.

Hollansburg The Village of Hollansburg is situated on the Ohio / Indiana border.

North Star North Star was platted in 1852 along the road between Greenville and Celina, approximately midway between the two cities. Its name was derived from its location on the edge of the Great Black Swamp, as it was the northernmost point in Darke County that was not wetland.


Union City

Versailles Founded in 1819, the village is named after the city of Versailles in France. This community is known for its dedication and hard work to community and its labor force, school system, and way of life. Manufacturing, meat, pasta, eggs, retail and trucking, as well as a variety of service industries provide its citizens with diverse occupational opportunities.

Wayne Lakes

Palestine was platted by Samuel Loring in 1833.

Although most of west central Ohio is a flat landscape intersected with shallow river valleys, Wayne Lakes is located among a series of southwest trending gravel hills over a thick base of limestone. In the early days of the county, this spot of land was known as the Hills of Judea - named by a famous traveler because the area’s beauty reminded him of the Hills of Judea of biblical fame.



Osgood was founded in the 1880s. While its earliest settlers were primarily Protestants, a Roman Catholic parish was erected in the village in 1906 Today, St. Nicholas’ Catholic Church has been recognized as a historic site.


Pitsburg was founded under the name of “Arnettsville” in the 19th century.

The smallest village in Darke County, Yorkshire was incorporated in 1901.

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EARLY BIRD Together we play an important, irreplaceable role in Darke County! We report on school events, weekend gatherings, community news, high school and community sports...

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800.504.2995 | VisitDarkeCounty.org 59

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Amber waves of grain at the Shawnee Prairie Preserve

Locate & Relocate

Darke County’s hometown atmosphere offers simple, family living.

Locate & Relocate Darke County is a great place to live, work, play, and raise a family. We have scenic, wide-open spaces if country living is your cup of tea, and numerous charming small towns. Greenville has a population of about 13,000 people and a thriving downtown district that is easily walkable and full of great shops, eateries, and cultural opportunities. Over 50,000 people live in this county, and we’d love to add you to that number. Situated in west central Ohio’s fertile farm country, Darke County is just a two hour drive from Columbus and Cincinnati, Ohio, and Indianapolis, Indiana. In under an hour, you can drive from Greenville to downtown Dayton, a city with a metro population of nearly a million folks and all the cultural and culinary adventures you could wish for. Living in Darke County truly offers the best of both worlds— the simplicity and beauty of rural life, with the excitement and diversity of the big city just a hop, skip, and a jump away. Many of our small towns feature lovely historic architecture in their downtown districts, with

brick buildings dating to the 1800s. Downtown Greenville has been recognized as a National Historic District, and while the storefronts are fully occupied, the district appears much as it might have in the memories of our town’s older storytellers. The storefronts in Greenville and neighboring towns feature an eclectic mix of clothing boutiques, antique stores, home decor shops, and more, and that’s before we get to the coffee shops, cafes, and restaurants that offer everything from country cooking to ethnic cuisine. Darke County offers a low cost of living and affordable housing, with a real estate market that can find you the perfect home to lay out your welcome mat. Our excellent employment market encompasses retail, healthcare, manufacturing, and a wide array of other opportunities. Moving with kiddos? Darke County has eight public school districts with over 10,000 students, and also has a few private religious

60 800.504.2995

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Lunch on the Lawn at the Greenville Public Library

Find your next career!

HometownOpportunity.com schools and a Montessori school. If your kids (or you!) are college bound, there are several community and vocational colleges in and around Darke County that offer affordable education options.

Marching band performing during the Versailles Poultry Days parade

Adults and little ones alike will love our green parks and preserves. Our towns feature parks with playgrounds and space to walk, run, bike, or just sit and enjoy the scenery. Nature preserves around the county let you get away from all the bustle of town and enjoy Ohio’s wild beauty. These spaces provide a great way to watch the seasons change as well, whether it’s with gorgeous Fall foliage signaling the arrival of sweater weather and baked goodies, or the first buds of Spring promising warmer, sunnier days ahead.

Entertainment on the patio at the Old Schoolhouse Winery

We love a good excuse for a party in these parts, and festivals and parades take place all around the county throughout the year. Carve a jack o’ lantern at Bradford’s Pumpkin Show, celebrate local history at Arcanum Old Fashioned Days, chow down on a chicken dinner at Versailles Poultry Days, or help make apple butter at Prairie Days at Shawnee Prairie. Downtown Greenville hosts several parades, including the legendary Hometown Holiday Horse Parade each November, which was recently voted the best parade in Ohio by the readers of Ohio Magazine. And, of course, you won’t want to miss The Great Darke County Fair, the best county fair in the state! If you’re looking for a little bit of culture, we aren’t all hay bales and hoedowns out here in the country. Darke County Center for the Arts curates a diverse slate of concerts, plays, and other cultural events throughout the year, many of which take place in the gorgeously restored St. Clair Memorial Hall performing arts center. Take in an art show at Historic Bear’s Mill, or grab a drink and listen to a talented musician at one of our coffee shops or bars. We offer a little something for everyone in Darke County, and we’d love to show you what we’re all about. We serve a big table, and there’s room for everyone. We’ll save you a seat. BYLINE CREDIT: DAVID NILSEN

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| VisitDarkeCounty.org


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We give more than just care. Life at BRC.

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800.504.2995 | VisitDarkeCounty.org

Through our vibrant activities calendar, residents have an abundance of opportunities to socialize, explore their interests, and maintain a fulfilling lifestyle. Activities include fitness classes, choir, arts and crafts, in-house musicians and entertainers, outings to local restaurants, shopping and cultural events, as well as games, parties, religious services, nature events and much more! We also have a full-service, senior-friendly bank in our main building, and a gift shop, beauty shop, library, thrift shop, wood shop, computer lab, state of the art senior gym, and chapel! Outside we have a beautiful stocked pond for fishing, walking trails, raised gardens and swans.

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Transforming for the Future That means constantly evolving to ensure our facilities are modern, forward looking, and can meet the needs of the communities we serve for decades to come. That means opening a new $60 million addition to patients in 2021, offering: n A new ‘Special Beginnings’ birthing center with 11 private suites. n A 32-bed inpatient unit, featuring spacious and private rooms. n A 10,000 sq.CARE ft. Wellness Center and gym with an indoor track. CANCER • CARDIOPULMONARY • DIABETES EDUCATION • EMERGENCY

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Celebrating the products, people, culture and history, which have made KitchenAid® brand the icon it is today.

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