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Product Profile

Menicon Bloom: setting children’s imaginations free

Menicon Bloom is an innovative treatment portfolio for childhood myopia that is now available for the first time to accredited practitioners

Easy for parents and eyecare professionals (ECPs) to incorporate into children’s routines, Menicon Bloom has been designed to ‘wow’ parents and professionals with its science – and allow children to experience the wonder of clear sight. With its child-centric approach to fitting and management, accredited ECPs can support their young patients to set their imaginations free.

EASY AND EFFECTIVE CONTROL The Menicon Bloom Myopia Control Management System takes a holistic approach to myopia control management, offering not just products but fitting software and an app too. An effective treatment for slowing the progress of myopia in children and young people, every step in the process has been carefully designed in order to make it easy to fit and simple to use, while providing accurate monitoring over the length of the treatment.

The launch features the initial introduction of Menicon Bloom Night, an orthokeratology contact lens therapy for myopia control management, which was the first CE-approved orthokeratology contact lens in Europe for myopia control. Designed to be worn overnight, and manufactured in hyper oxygen permeable Menicon Z material for optimal corneal oxygenation, it provides comfortable and safe contact lens wear.

Menicon Bloom Night is just one of the elements that makes up this unique system of myopia control management, which can only be prescribed and implemented by ECPs. There’s a daytime lens too, Menicon Bloom Day, which is a daily disposable soft (hydrophilic) contact lens. Depending on the clinical or lifestyle needs of the patient, a certified ECP would prescribe either the night or the day lens.

In addition, Menicon Bloom provides ECPs with Menicon Bloom Easyfit software, a sophisticated, user-friendly tool which accurately guides the prescriber through the fitting and monitoring process. The system also comes with a unique mobile app, the Menicon Bloom App, which has been

Myopia control system that puts the child first

The system takes a holistic approach to management

developed to enhance the monitoring and communication process between ECPs and patients.

MAKING A DIFFERENCE Josie Barlow, professional services manager in Menicon’s Speciality Lens Division, says: “Menicon Bloom is life changing; it is going to have such a huge impact on so many people. It gives children, ›

Children are encouraged to handle their own treatment

their parents and ECPs the tools they need to slow the progress of myopia and to retain more of their vision.

“The system is designed to keep children engaged and to be able to handle so much of their own treatment – applying and removing their lenses and keeping them clean – and making the whole process as easy a part of their daily routine as brushing their teeth.

“For parents, it removes the burden of trying to remember how the process is going between clinic visits, as the app collects all the relevant information,” Josie continues. “That information is then available to the ECP, who then has a full record of their patient’s progress. Menicon Bloom is both effective and versatile, with the day and night options allowing ECPs to tailor treatment effectively and it allows patients to find the regime that really works for them.

“We know that within 30 years, 50 per cent of the world’s population will have myopia and now we have this fantastic and effective treatment that can reduce sight loss and retain the quality of life of people affected. Not only will this have a social benefit, but it will also save millions in the care and support that would otherwise have had to be provided to people with sight loss in the future. It is an exciting time for everyone in the optical industry.”

PUTTING YOUNG PATIENTS FIRST The vision for Menicon Bloom goes beyond limiting myopia progression, it is about nurturing the hopes and potential of young people, which is why the strapline for the management system is, ‘See their imagination bloom’. It is for this reason that Menicon has taken a child-centric approach to treatment, from the appealing design of the packaging to the size of the lens care bottle, which has been scaled down to fit little hands.

The regime is simple to follow, allowing children to adapt easily to their lenses and then just get on with the business of living their lives to the fullest. The warm, reassuring messaging that surrounds Menicon Bloom isn’t just aimed at children, it also helps to reassure parents that the care that their children are receiving is as effective as possible. It gives them the confidence to stick with the programme for the duration of the treatment process.

SUPPORTING ECPS Menicon Bloom Easyfit software is a sophisticated, user-friendly tool to guide the ECP through the fitting process. Along with the innovative app, these are just some of the ways in which Menicon is supporting ECPs to deliver Menicon Bloom. There is a full accreditation programme, with e-learning and in-house training, which ensures that everyone within an accredited practice is familiar with the system and can talk confidently and knowledgeably about Menicon Bloom in a way that patients and their parents can understand.

PAINTING THE PICTURE The beautifully-designed Menicon Bloom marketing materials for use in-practice and online are designed not just to appeal to children, but to make it easy to talk to parents about treating their children with Menicon Bloom. Reassuring messages address safety, ease and effectiveness and provide the comfort of knowing that their ECP is on the journey with them – with lenses, software and support to provide their children with clear sight.

The aim is to educate, inspire and excite with a range of images and graphics that will appeal to younger and older children.

SET thEir imAginaTioN FrEe

Ask us about our safe and easy Menicon Bloom™ day lenses

When your child can see clearly, anything is possible Appealing marketing materials are available Helping kids get on with just being kids

To find out more about Menicon Bloom, telephone 01604 646 216 or email enquiries@menicon.co.uk ■

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