VIP News Premium - December 2015

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So here we are with the last News of 2015,

next year, and as ever we invite you all to

box office records and acts like Ed Sheeran

an eventful year with, as we mentioned

keep us informed on your activities so that

and Nicki Minaj following up. The figures

in the last edition, some terrible events

we can spread your news…

also show that the US is not completely

besetting the world of live music. But there

ruling the roost as 11 of the top 25 top

were good things of course and maybe we

Overall 2015 has been an extremely good

performing acts this year are from other

can concentrate more on those in this pre-

year for the live industry; the ever reliable US

countries. However the two top promoters

Christmas edition, hopefully a time of good

publication Billboard has just released highly

are US Companies with global offices, Live

will to all men and women and their friends

impressive and improved figures for the year

Nation dominates the touring market and

and families in all sectors of the business

in al sectors of live, and talks of, “… the

the European Festivals, and is on a par with

which keeps us all busy! We’ve asked a

vibrant power of community that has driven

the overall second placed AEG Live as far as

few of our readers to let us know how their

the concert industry since its inception, and

operating US Festivals. Live Nation called its

year’s went, and what they have in mind for

has now re-invigorated it into an estimated

earnings report for Q3, the biggest quarter

$20 billion global juggernaut in the digital

for live music, the “biggest quarter revenue

age.” The inference is, I’m sure you’ll all be

in the history of the company,” up 10%

glad to hear, that people, of all ages, still

year-over-year with over 24 million fans

have an appetite for the live experience,

attending its shows.

and still wish to spend time sharing an

COLOPHON > VIP-News is published by: 20-22 Wenlock Road London N1 7GU United Kingdom +44 870 755 0092 Managing Director: Ronni Didriksen General Manager: Peter Briggs Writer and editorial: Allan McGowan Writer: Manfred Tari For advertising enquiries please contact: Peter Briggs +44 870 755 0092


experience in the company of others, no

So, with international touring moving into

matter how many more digital pastimes and

more and more emerging and expanding

communications become available.

markets the top end of the business is experiencing its most successful phase for

Interesting to see that the biggest selling

quite some years, perhaps even ever!

concert of the year was again by a ‘heritage’ act, with the surviving, and presumably

Of course we’re aware that many of you are

gratefully alive, members of The Grateful

operating at the top end of the market, but

Dead with Phish’s Trey Anastasio taking the

with small to medium clubs for instance this

guitar spot left vacant by the sadly deceased

has been a year that has, as we’ve reported

Jerry Garcia, staging two ‘Fare Thee Well’

in recent issues, seen great efforts being put

50th anniversary concerts. The shows in

into supporting the ‘grass-roots’, by helping

Chicago and California grossed $52 million!

small venues to survive. Also, as I discovered in Brussels a few days ago, the European

But although a lot of other ‘old-timers’,

Commission are looking at ways that music

including The Stones, U2, Paul McCartney,

can benefit more from existing and future

AC/DC, Madonna etc were on the road and

Culture Funds. Of course we cannot take

more than ‘doing the business’, the worries

anything for granted, but there seems to be

about new acts coming through seem to

grounds for optimism in 2016. So, Ladies

have been put to rest, for now, with the likes

and Gentlemen have a great holiday break,

of Taylor Swift and One Direction breaking

and here’s The News!



Russia propose new Live Industry regulations Allan McGowan

Russian legislators have proposed new regulations for the live

Similar professional organizations exist in many countries,” said

entertainment industry, under which a self-monitoring organization

Dmitry Bogachev, head of the company Stage Entertainment to

of promoters, to be titled Soyuzkontsert, will be formed.

Billboard,. “And, similarly to them, we shouldn`t restrict ourselves to formal regulation of relations with consumers.”

Aimed to improve the sector`s operations generally, the proposed regulations outline greater responsibility for promoters around

According to Bogachev, companies in the live entertainment sector

customer care.

have many common goals and tasks that the new organization could address, such as regulating relations between partners, lobbying

Promoters that have already joined the organizations include SAV

the industry`s interests, competing with cinema and television for

Entertainment, PMI and NCA, while other major players in the sector

customers and tackling contemporary challenges related to security

are expected to join.

issues. The organization also plans to deal with such issues as simplifying the process of obtaining visas for touring foreign artists

Industry insiders say that the organization would make the industry

and resolving taxation issues related to their fees.

more professional and efficient. The proposals include: The regulatory push arrives during a difficult period. An overall • Creating an emergency fund to cover expenses for cancelled shows

economic downturn in the country has hit many promoters, especially

• Forming a disciplinary commission that will assess professional

those who specialize in booking in foreign artists. The ruble hit an

standards of industry players

all-time low this week against the US dollar and -- as foreign acts`

• Liaising with local authorities to avoid cancellations of show at their

fees are largely negotiated in US dollars and Euros while ticket prices


are in rubles -- promoters assume big risks organizing shows by most foreign artists.

“The creation of a self-regulating organization is a natural step as the live entertainment industry moves towards greater professionalism,

Legislators are expected to adopt the new regulations in early 2016.

Need to know who is touring Europe?


Go online -




Roskilde Festival donates one million DKK to Christmas charities Allan McGowan 135,000 people took part in Roskilde Festival 2015, celebrating

for 300 young refugees. The Red Cross Youth-driven organisation

music, art, community and much more. All profits from the summer

Spilopperne have received funds for Christmas activities for children

celebration are now being donated to social and cultural charities.

at 15 different crisis centres for women.

For many people, December in general and Christmas in particular are

Other organisations are bringing people together for town square

reasons to celebrate. For some, however, there is less reason to rejoice,

parties, inviting homeless to the cinema, out for dinner and much

and these are the people that many charities try to reach out to.


Roskilde Festival has donated 1,150,000 DKK to help ten different

The 1,150,000 DKK have been donated to the following Danish

organisations with these important efforts during the otherwise


festive holidays. Røde Kors (Asylcenter Avnstrup) Christmas donations for lonely children

Foreningen Grønlandske Børn Spilopperne (Ungdommens Røde Kors)

These organisations are actively working on improving the standards

Kofoeds Kælder

of life for marginalised groups of society, and this Christmas most of


the donations are dedicated to lonely and socially isolated children


and young people.

Frelsens Hær Børnenes Kontor

Red Cross have teamed up with Avnstrup Asylcenter (refugee camp

Kafe Klaus

Avnstrup) to organise an evening of festivities with food and music


Roskilde Festival




PRS for Music Foundation Announces Latest Momentum Music funded Artists Allan McGowan PRS for Music Foundation, Arts Council England and Spotify have

strong results: for those who have completed their project , £1 from

announced the next round of artists to receive Momentum Music

Momentum is generating £7.46 for the music industry. I’m looking


forward to seeing the latest artists benefit from Momentum and get to that next stage of their careers.”

The list includes Eagulls from Leeds, Bristol’s Rozi Plain, and lyrics and Manchester’s Grime MC Bugzy Malone; full list is:

Darren Henley, Chief Executive of Arts Council England said; “Our creative industries are now generating 1 in 20 new jobs and

Anna Meredith – Developing live and touring

fuelling economic growth. Arts Council England’s investment in

Big Narstie – Mixing, mastering, promotions and marketing

cultivating the next generation of talent in this country through

Bugzy Malone – Recording and promotions of new work

programmes like Momentum is already paying real dividends. It’s

Clock Opera – Recording, mixing and promotions for the 2nd album

incredibly important that we continue to bring the creativity of

EAGULLS – Touring and promotion

performers, producers and songwriters to the fore.”

Fyfe – Recording, marketing and promotions of 2nd album Get Inuit – Recording and marketing

Bryan Johnson, Director, Artist Services of Spotify said:

Holly Macve – Recording, mixing and mastering

“Congratulations to the twelve artists who will benefit from this

Ibibio Sound Machine – Recording

latest round of Momentum funding. We look forward to assisting

Rozi Plain – Touring

all artists involved in building their profiles and audience on Spotify

Steve Mason – Touring

and to help surface their music to our 75 million plus active users.”

Swifta Beater – Produce, record and market debut album These supported artists will also benefit from Momentum’s digital Momentum funded Swifta Beater said:

partner, Spotify and its reward package which contains exciting

“I’m so over the moon to be selected by PRS Foundation and Arts

promotional opportunities and gives the artists a closer working

Council England as one of the Momentum Music Funded artists.

relationship with the Spotify team. Benefits include access to tools,

Momentum is one of the few schemes that provides the much

features and best practices that will enable them to connect with

needed support to make things possible for talented musicians

Spotify’s 75 million active users across 58 markets globally. You can

that struggle financially and help them create music, promote their

follow and listen to the official Momentum Spotify playlist here.

projects and embark on tours. This funding will really enable me to take my career to the next level and I’m proud to have been selected

Managed by PRS for Music Foundation, the Momentum Music fund

to carry the torch for the Midland’s Grime scene.”

awards grants of £5,000-£15,000 using funding from Arts Council England. For a full rundown of all the artists supported so far see:

Vanessa Reed, Executive Director of PRS for Music Foundation said:






songwriters and bands who’ve

Vanessa Reed, Executive Director of PRS for Music Foundation


been supported following the

The next deadline for applications to the Momentum Music Fund

latest deadline for Momentum

is 26th January 2016 via the PRS for Music Foundation website.

Music Funding. It’s thanks

We are particularly interested in receiving more applications from

to the huge array of talent in

outside of London:

this country that each round of funding continues to be so

competitive and to generate such




Promoter Thomas Ovesen Joins Al Ahli Group as CEO of 117 Live Allan McGowan On December 1st, Thomas Ovesen, one

with the immediate launch of a temporary

air venue, but short of an indoor purpose

of the leading live events promoter in the

20,000 capacity greenfield site. 2017 will

built arena it is the game changer we need

Middle East was announced) as CEO of the

see the launch of a new state of the art

to develop the local live events busines. So it

newly created 117 Live.

25,000 capacity open air Amphitheatre in

is a matter of getting our hands on more of

Dubai, wholly owned by AAHG. The venue,

the live events value chain to derive a better

featuring pavilion hosted boxes, suites and

profit margin from what in many cases is

terraces will be the only one of its kind in the

currently a loss making exercise. Through

Middle East. Construction will begin in early

increased volume and frequency of live

2016, dramatically increasing the number of

events we can save show costs that can help

events able to be staged in the region.

finance the increase in business volume and hopefully also help us bring down the very high show ticket prices here in the middle

117 Live is part of the Al Ahil Holding

Thomas Ovesen has produced award-

Group, a Dubai based conglomerate led

winning events across the Middle

by Group CEO Mohammed Khammas that

East, introducing new festivals like

Once al ahli group had agreed to under

has built a large media and entertainment



write not only the venue build but also the

portfolio over the past few years. The

UAE market and staging shows with

set up of a live events division able to both

appointment of Ovesen to run 117 Live is

superstars like Beyonce, Shakira and

program the venue and produce live events

the next stage of the group’s growing media

R Kelly. He has promoted shows with

in the key middle east, asian and americas

and entertainment empire. Based in Dubai,

Prince and Take That and staged sell out

markets it was an obvious choice to move

Thomas will take on this post effective

Dubai concerts with the likes of J-LO,

my live team across to what is 117live.

immediately. He will direct all global activity

Justin Bieber, Usher, One Direction,

for the division with a focus on live events,

Katy Perry and many more. He has

VIP news: having access to the right

from music through to comedy. He will also

helped position Dubai as a regular tour

venues always seemed to be difficult

head up plans to expand the new division’s

stop for international artists and bands.

in the area. Will these plans to do

interests into local and international talent

VIP News spoke to him about his new

something about this make a big

management, venue management and







programming. AAHG has recently undertaken a huge

VIP News: As far as I’m aware you have

diversification drive. This has included the

some twenty years of experience with

purchase of social marketing agency The

live events in the Middle East, and you

Audience, a company that represents some

have been very open at events like

of the most influential social media stars in

ILMC about the problems facing the

the world. The group controls Singapore-

markets - why do you think that now

based Universal Events that hosts the

is a good time to be starting up such an

Asia Pop ComiCon events, which recently

ambitious project? You must think that

launched in the Philippines and will soon be

the demand is there.

rolled out in Korea, Singapore, the US and the UAE.

Thomas ovesen: i don’t necessarily think now is a better time than last year or next year

Creating spaces to host events will be a key

to both set up a large live events focused

part of the 117 Live strategy. This will begin

company and build a $40-50 million open




Ovesen: ours will be a great addition to a

entertainment trends and social media

rolled out and with my long time live team

dubai market with no purpose built venues

based talents as well as the need to provide

members onboard i look forward to some

bigger than a few thousand capacity and

pop culture events and entertainment parks

well organised and successful 2016 dubai

with a location that is dead centre of the uae

with talents across our target markets.

concerts – we also need to continue the

hopefully making it the preferred venue for

So understanding who are the relevant

expansion of the asia pop comi con events

local annual events and touring artists from

talents in such markets and for our target

after the 2015 manila launch by our group

2017 and onward.

audience members, combined with the

and besides the small (;-) task of launching

ability to maximise the appearance and the

the temp 20,000 cap venue followed by the

As we will also launch a temporary 20,000

booking fees for talent plus owning some

25,000 2017 state of the art amphitheatre

greenfield venue from march 2016 we will be

of the upsides from the exposure our group

we have to support the growth of other

able to slowly ramp up the volume of events

can offer all parties i think it is only natural

group verticals and indeed acquisition of

staged here. By doing so we will hopefully

that we get involved with development,

new group partners so 2016 will not be

not only convince current event organisers

management and representation of talents

a quite year but one full of activities and

to move their events to our venue, but also

from grassroots level and up.

opportunities. Back to live events in the dubai

encourage new promoters to stage events

and asia markets i would like to see a major

as we lower the bar of entry to an industry

Whether we develop our own set up,

comedy commitment resulting n regional

currently challenged by absence of venues,

partner with local and international agencies

tours of middle east and asia as well as some

top line taxation and the excessive artist fees

and management companies or a mix of all

key live music events staged in asia.

being offered by marketing or government

will be decided as we have discussions with

underwritten events and leisure venues.

a range of parties in the coming months.

VIP-news: is there anything you’d like

As we are ready to invest and add value

to add?

VIP news: do you think that you can

to the business utilising the varous group

assure international touring acts (as

outfits i think we could be a great partner or

Ovesen: 117live is a build on, yet a major

much as anyone can, anywhere these

incubator for existing businesses or serious

expansion of what i have created at arab

days!) That you can offer secure shows

competitor to outfits not currently able to

media group as done events and i will

in these difficult times?

offer a multi facetted service or/and multi

continue also booking and producing the

market approach.

redfestdxb festival i launched there as

Ovesen: seems to me that times are perhaps

well as provide talent bookings for my old

even more difficult for my colleagues in

VIP-news: What are you most looking

employer. But having assets like a dubai

paris and elsewhere than here with me, and

forward to developing and hopefully

venue and in-house partners like the

whilst it would be foolish not to constantly

achieving with 117 live - what are your

audience available will represent the major

assess security levels i don’t think dubai here

priorities for 2016?

change not only for me and my team but

in the middle east or my new asia markets in

for the live entertainment industry we will

general are more exposed to security risks

Ovesen: first we need to get the shows i

hopefully become a great part of in the

than any major city in the western world so

have been working on for the past months

middle east, asia and the americas.

as dubai and key cities in asia represent both perfect stop over options and gateways to large, young fan communities and new tour markets i am comfortable that as long as we can manage to bring down costs per events we can keep attracting touring talents also in increased numbers. VIP-news: you are considering working on the development of local artists. Is there a lot of talent to be developed? Ovesen: With sister companies like the audience and rethink, regional comicon events etc we are exposed to new


Thomas Ovesen

13/ 14/ 15/ 16 JAN 2016




Eurosonic Noorderslag is the key exchange and networking platform for European music, with a proven track record for helping to break new acts on the international live music scene. Selling out each year, the event attracts close to 4,000 professional delegates, including representatives of over 400 international festivals. Eurosonic Noorderslag presents showcases by more than 300 acts alongside a conference programme covering the latest developments in international music media, production and interactive industries.


Eurosonic Noorderslag has been responsible for kickstarting the careers of European acts like Ásgeir, Aurora, Bastille, Dotan, Ibeyi, James Blake, Jett Rebel, Hozier, Milky Chance, Royal Blood, Seinabo Sey and Vök.

FRI JAN 15 • Conference & Eurosonic festival • European Production Innovation Conference (EPIC) • Buma Music Meets Tech

Each year a different country is highlighted in order to showcase the diversity of musical talent across Europe. Eurosonic Noorderslag 2016 will focus on the central eastern European (CEE) region.


• European Border Breakers Awards • European Festival Awards • Eurosonic Festival THU JAN 14 • Conference & Eurosonic festival • European Production Innovation Conference (EPIC) • Buma Music Meets Tech

SAT JAN 16 • Conference & Noorderslag festival • European Production Innovation Conference (EPIC) • Buma Music Meets Tech




European Festival Conference Manfred Tari Surrounded by mountains, lit up by sunshine

essentials in a different manner. Instead of

The know - how transfer was guaranteed

and full of some the best conference foods

focusing on the line up of panel and session

upfront and in most cases successfully

ever served at a music industry conference

topics, it is rather interesting to report on

delivered. The real added value for attendees

in Europe, thus went the first edition of the

the vibe and charm of this trade event,

followed on smoothly, when hospitality

European Festival Conference (EFC) in Kals

that due to its location alone, the four star

stimulated a very polite overall environment,

in Austria on December 2.-5.

health resort Gradonna at the entrance of

a sort of family affair thing, where nobody

the national park Großglockner, appeared


to be different.

Everybody was accessible, nobody needed

The set up for this conference is different. Just getting up early enough to catch up





to fill out a form beforehand to permit

with the first conference topics starting on

The subjects for the conference programme

shaking hands with an industry power

paper on day one at 9:30 and on day two

were well chosen to serve the interests of



earlier at 9:00 present a challenge

the main target group anyway. With this in

even for experienced convention goers. In

mind it is more relevant to write about the

There were several highlights, but VIP News

fact these early appointments were operated

productive output and the results achieved

leaves it to Yourope, the organisation behind

with an understandable humanie delay of

by this agenda setting. The EFC is primarily

EFC to reveal the most essential results this

15 to 20 minutes, but due to a pretty packed

designed to approach festival promoters

conference gained. But off course some of

conference agenda this wasn’t allowed to

and to supply those within an unusually

those need to be mentioned upfront. For

last longer, in order to meet the organisers

smart environment with a massive input

instance the fact that various power players

quality criteria of the “just in time”-mode.

of inspiration and information. Of course,

from the marketing departments of various

EFC also addresses and attract players

European music festivals worked out a series

But as this conference is a bit different,

that operate service festivals, ranging from

of strategy papers could be considered as

it makes sense to report on the main

production experts to service providers.

mind blowing. Highly progressive, spiked

The EFC conference Family




with up to date findings in terms of modern

attending festival promoters to list these.

their artistic programme, the soft value of

marketing measures. Even more surprisingly

Cornelius is highly in favour of operating

being credible in the future.

those marketing folks apparently get in

businesses or ventures in line with CSR-

to the mood for networking, being open

standards (Corporate Social Responsibility)

There are already festival promoters working

minded enough to also develop new ideas

and expressively asked promoters to

in line with the philosophy of Cornelius and

for collaboration.

communicate those, when saying: “One

more gradually starting to adopt some of

click tells all about your festival, make your

these aspects. But it is also known, that

product talk, make your festival talk”

there are still other players in the live music

Another meaningful stimulator of this almost unique profile of EFC appeared in

industry, that do not care so much about

the person of Robin Cornelius, the founder

Cornelius follows a very dedicated mission

of the clothing company Switcher, who was

and delivers convincing arguments as to

one of the first entrepreneurs in Europe,

why CSR-standards are and will become

Cornelius was certainly a well chosen

launching , in 1981, a textile company fully



side kick, also ideally backing trends and

dedicated to a company policy observing

When Cornelius refer to the clothing

movements within Yourope to put the

strict environmental and social standards. In

industry saying that a “garment that is

currently not so well appreciated European

his keynote speech Cornelius explained the

not traceable will not be sold in a couple

idea on the agenda of this organisation.

motives and personal guidelines that matter

of years” his expectation might seem

to him, and how and why he operates a fair

at first very optimistic. Nevertheless his

But let’s leaves this to Yourope, to reveal

and sustainable business.

recommendations tfor festival promoters

more at Eurosonic Noorderslag in January as





these soft values at all.

to be smart in marketing, never to lie, to

towhat they have in mind to work out this

He expressed clearly the relevance of

be transparent in communication and that

topic in 2016. EFC at least already appeared

so called soft values considering social,

fun is necessary to convince people are very

as a very worthwhile event, bringing on

environmental, transparency and health

worthwhile considerations, helping music

new ideas and findings on how to operate


festivals to sustain, and maintain ,alongside

festivals smarter and more up to date...





Robin Cornelius keynote speaker at EFC




A Call for Europe Manfred Tari

Nothing is set yet and nothing is agreed. One of the first public

the current state of the ongoing activities. In June 2016 a European

mentions of this topic came at the Reeperbahn Festival Conference

Music Summit will be staged at Midem in Cannes. Also ILMC might

in September, when at the end of the panel “Why Do We Need An

became the host for an initiative that in particular will have the

International Federation For Live Music Industry (IFLI) “ a member of

potential to widen eyes for the live music sector.

the European Commission stood up and declared official sources in Brussels were considering the launch of a support programme for

Historically various previous missions such as the European Music

the European music sector.

Office (EMO) in Brussels and the launch for an umbrella organisation named European Live Music Forum did not pay off., though EMO

Not surprisingly, hardly anybody took notice of this remarkable

particularly had lobbied intensively in Brussels and elsewhere for the

comment. In fact first proceedings for such an attempt are already

development of proper support scheme for the music sector.

underway. At the music conference Medimex at the end of October, the Italian promoters association Assomusica put on a panel entitled

While in the past politicians and officials on almost every level did not

“European Live Music Network”, followed by the European Festival

show any interest in supporting the development of a programme

Conference with a panel under the headline “A New Festival Agenda

in favour for music, it also has been the inability of the music sector

For Europe”.

to successfully undertake sufficient lobby efforts to motivate public authorities to initiate such support programmes as they already exist

In fact the signs are real and the European Commission are

for the film industry for decades.

undertaking first hearings and consultations to evaluate the opportunities to launch such a programme. If and “IF” written

Far too often, especially in the music sector extremely big egos,

on this occasion in capital letters, if such a programme will be

driven by a very short sighted interests prevented the successful

developed, this would mean a milestone for the entire music sector,

launch of such a initiative. Besides external political obstacles

even affecting policy developments widely on national levels in ways

that can be neither controlled or impaired by the music sector, it

previously not available.

is also now in the responsibility of the music sector, to avoid the same mistakes that have been made in the past. It is going to a be


This efforts to get this mission working are a bit different than

very interesting challenge for all involved parties, to ally and to tie

for instance the ones for TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment

loose ends together, but it is the most promising and pretty much

Partnership). Already at the upcoming edition of Eurosonic

unexpected opportunity for a long time to obtain and to develop

Noorderslag a spokesman of the European Commission will explain

such a programme for the music sector.







Progress Reports Allan McGowan and Manfred Tari As we all know the international live music

The business seems to stay very healthy, as

2015 Highlights:

industry has had it’s share of difficult and

Christmas sales are terrific.

Duran Duran album and tour. Grace in the top 5 future megastar.

distressing events in 2015, but, as mentioned in the Musings we hope that many of our readers have had some good fortune and

Karsten Jahnke


that the rest of this year continues to be

Karsten Jahnke Konzertdirektion GmbH

2016 will be a buoyant touring year with

successful for those who have done well, and

lots already announced and more breaking

that in general everything improves for all!

through. Exciting times!

We asked some of our readers to let us,

Ben Challis

and you, know how things have been for them and their Companies by responding briefly to a couple of questions:

Karsten Jahnke

Charming Music Limited / Glastonbury Festival UK

What were the highlights of your

My highlght of the year was enjoying

Professor Peter Schwenkow

year, and what are your conclusions

another marvelous Glastonbury Festival,

CEO, DEAG Germany

regarding the state of the business in

with Lionel Richie’s Sunday afternoon


show, just after Patti Smith and the Dalai Lama, being a fantastic performance from

The Stadtpark season was very successful

a great artiste.

– 12 sold out shows. The amazing long tour with Johannes Oerding. The tour with

Overall the live sector remains healthy -

Michael Wollny, Gregory Porter, Cypress

and in some ways the real focus in the

Hill, Kamasi Washington.. Wu-Tang Clan.

music industry has been on the rapid changes in the digital sphere - with Spotify,

Please let us know your outlook and

Apple Music and Pandora all fighting for

expectations for 2016….

market share, and behind that, the music publishers, songwriters and artistes starting

Peter Schwenkow

We are happy that THE CURE will be on tour

to battle with the major record labels for

with us. Herman van Veen will do another

a fairer share of the digital pie. But the

long tour. Al Jarreau & The NDR BIGBAND

ongoing onslaught in the UK on small music

will do another tour with us.

venues, from rampant development, onedimensional planning laws and, in London

Way Back When will happen again!

at least, a lack of support for clubs and small

What were the highlights of your

venues from local authorities, remains a real

year, and what are your conclusions


regarding the state of the business in

Rob Hallett


Robomagic UK

Going forwards, the on going success of the festival market has created its own problems:

Highlight of 2015 was surely the start of

secondary ticketing is an ongoing drain on

our festivals Rock in Vienna, Rockavaria in

revenues, and festivals, often operating on

Munich and Rock im Revier in Gelsenkirchen.

tiny margins, now face the looming problem of the avarice the Valuation Office here in

Please let us know your outlook and expectations for 2016….


Rob Hallett

the UK, and a impending review of the UK’s Tariff LP for live events by PRS for Music,



adding to concerns that these and similar

that the industry as well as artists will raise

As for next year I don’t really see anything

moves will badly damage a sector that

their voices, proactively joining political

dramatic happening..Transparency stuff will

attracts tourists, creates jobs, and which

debates encouraging the improvement of

slowly edge forward. Music cities related

clearly enriches communities above and

overall societal issues, ensuring that music

stuff will progress. EDM thing has peaked.

beyond the enjoyment live events provide

gains again a meaningful voice within our

Festival market stabilising but growing

for festival fans


outside Europe. Old school festivals that just do bands and burgers dead.

Detlef Schwarte

Martin Elbourne

More growth in urban multi venue festivals.

Reeperbahn Festival

Glastonbury Festival, The Great Escape - UK

But no more conferences please! More consolidation in agency world, and possibly in management world.

Hilde Spille Paperclip Agency – Holland

Detlef Schwarte

What were the highlights of your year, and what are your conclusions regarding the state of the business in general? As promoter of an event that serves all parts of the music sector, I consider the recent publication of a research study that covers

Martin Elbourne

and evaluated for the first time ever market

Hilde Spille

figures for the entire German music market

Pretty much everything I was involved

as highly relevant. I very much hope that this

with sold out. Particularly good TGE and

study will enable better and more qualified

Glastonbury. Sat night in Pune (city in India

My highlights in 2015:

analysis when it comes to comparisons

- 5 million people 2 hours south of Mumbai.

The European tours for Jill Barber and

with other segments within the creative

Probably fastest growing in India) buzz for

Chloe Charles. As Compass for Creatives

industries in Germany and perhaps even on

nh7 festival was amazing !


a European level.






Empowerment Tools for musicians, with Doing





Please let us know your outlook and

Conventions in Brighton and Washington

expectations for 2016….

DC also highlights. We appear to have

great reactions from participants to an article about it in IQ Magazine.

worldwide movement now of good people

State of the business in general:

From a general point of view the development

wanting to create better cities using music

There is a lot of really great talent, developing

of better framework conditions for the

as key component, so that’s an exciting

it is more and more difficult. Festivals are

various parts of the music business remains

development for world wide music eco

looking for hypes and well known artists,

a challenging issue for all of us. In particular


venues are booking less concerts.

more reliable regulations providing a better

protection of copyright protected repertoire

I wouldn’t want to put on festival that was

Outlook and expectations for 2016:

on a European level, significant improved

entirely reliant on its line up. Those days


earnings for artists for recorded music, a

have gone!

musicians and will introduce them in 2016.

much better engagement by politicians in





I’m looking forward to a Dutch tour of Sass

favour of keeping concert clubs and other

…And Bristol Rovers winning play - offs at

Jordan in January and a European tour for

cultural activities alive. Last not least I wish


Matt Epp in January/February.




Rob Challice

artists and major events. The food chain

My personal highlight of the year was my

CODA Agency – UK

(that grows the talent of the future) is even

trip to Pohoda Festival in Slovakia, which

more under threat. For Bob Sillerman (SFX)

has become my favourite festival in the

2015 was his well-deserved ‘payback time’,

calendar – there are always a fascinating

showing that all he ever did to the live music

bunch of friends, old and new, to hang out

business is fundamentally flawed.

with, while Michal Kascak’s team manage

Ben Challis

to outdo themselves year-on-year with a 2016: I’ve


programme that truly sums up the beauty signed




of music. Where else would you see an

European agency representation: Bent Knee

Israeli act (Lola Marsh) on the main stage,

(USA), Blind Idiot God (USA), and Leeways

followed immediately by Syrian singer Omar

(NLD; winner of the Dutch Rock Contest


Highlight of my year?

2014; debut album out now). Bent Knee will

Seeing Ezra Furman smash it at a sold out

tour Europe in the summer; Blind Idiot God

My other highlights, believe it or not,

London Shepherds Bush Empire.

will tour Europe in April (3 weeks including

involve the various conferences and shows

Life affirming stuff. Rise of the underdog!

Roadburn Festival); the multicultural band

I am privileged to be invited to and speak

Leeways will play all over The Netherlands

at – this year these included Eurosonic, the

State of business:

again in the festival season (over 150 shows

International Live Music Conference (ILMC),

Still cannot believe that the industry has not

played even before their debut album was


dealt with leaches like Viagogo and Get Me

released) with their irresistible mix of reggae

Forum, Waves Bratislava and Sonic Visions.

in. They really are a stain on the business.

and ska, hiphop, funk and rock.

When I hear other people complaining about



As a Dutch promoter, in 2016 I will present

am to be involved in live music – even if it is

ticket situations. And if we have to have a

(among others) 10cc (six fully seated shows

just on the peripheries. But meeting friends,

discussion about more dynamic ticketing,

in March; ticket sales are very strong),

colleagues and all sorts of creative geniuses

fine. No more ticket “touting” though.

Buzzcocks, Antilopen Gang.

from every conceivable corner of the world,




their jobs, it always reminds me how lucky I see



who are united by a common love for music, The festival season will become even longer,

is wonderful. There’s nothing I love more

Rob Berends

with more festivals, and the venues/clubs-

than some random person I have just met

Paperclip Agency – Holland

season will become even shorter, with

dragging me off to see a new rap act from

dangerous effects for the livelihood of these

Bulgaria in a club I’ve never heard of before.

clubs and venues.

Karsten Schölermann Gordon Masson

LIVE KOMM – Hamburg, Germany

Editor IQ Magazine – UK

Rob Berends

Highlights 2015: Shows




Karsten Schölermann


Buzzcocks, Musée Mécanique. What were the highlights of your year?

State of the Business: The business in general is making enough money, but unfortunately only with major


Gordon Masson

For the first time we got a 1,5 million subsidy for the ‘Digitalisation’ of Music Clubs” from



BKM (Bundeskulturministerium). For the first

Ville Leppanen

Ute Lemper, Roachford, Yusuf/Cat Stevens,

time we had a survey letting us know that

The Animal Farm – London

Robin Gibb and many more.

the grassroots venues in Germany raised a total of about 221 million in turnover - 2%

I founded a new concert series: Festspiele in

of music industries overall - but only 1%

concert – which will take place in 2016 for

profit within.

the first time as part of the Bad Hersfelder Festspiele - Artists this year Johannes

What are your conclusions regarding

Oerding and Jan Josef Liefers – Radio

the state of the business in general?

Doria – we sold out within few hours. - We already started to look for suitable artists

No extra expenses possible without losing

in 2017 and we are also interested to bring


international artists to Bad Hersfeld. The location „Stiftsruine“ is amazing and the

Please let us know your outlook and expectations for 2016….

Ville Leppanen

media reach out is unbelievable. And last but not least I founded a new

More Expenses – (After Paris: Extra Security

What were the highlights of your

!) will lead to grassroots-clubs closing.

year, and what are your conclusions

Orchestra: the Berlin Show Orchestra.

regarding the state of the business in

This orchestra is young and fresh and is


able to create a authentic sound from

Rense Van Kessel

classical music to David Guetta with the

Friendly Fire – Holland

My professional highlight was bringing

best musicians from Berlin (played for

Little Brother Eli to Reeperbahn Festival and

Udo Lindenberg, Sido, Munich Symphonic

seeing them blow away a crowd that had

orchestra …) The premiere show at ‘Tag der

never heard of them. The deals the ensued

Deutschen Einheit’ presented and organized

were a bonus. My personal highlight was

by Hessischer Rundfunk in front of 10.000

making it through to the last 16 in the

people was a huge success.

European Squash Masters Championship, out of a field of 128 players from across

Organizer and the special Guests like Jimmy

Europe... ;-)

Somerville, Howard Jones and Nik Kershaw were amazed.

Please let us know your outlook and expectations for 2016….

Also the show at the German Sustainability Award was a huge success. Ute Lemper

Guitar solos will make a long awaited return.

felt inspired by the orchestra, Marlon loved especially the strings in the arrangement the orchestra did for his No1 Hits.

Stefan Lohmann Rense Van Kessel

Talent Buyer & Booking Agent – Hamburg, Germany

We had a fantastic year actually. Notable

Highlights of this year:



My main business is my work as a talent

Kensington doing two sold out shows at

buyer / artist relationship manager for event

the Ziggodome (34.000 tickets), we went

agencies and event organizers, brands and

on sale with 3 Ziggodomes for them for

cultural festivals. I do this for events like

2016 just after this year’s shows and have

the German Sustainability Award www.

already sold 90%! It is fantastic that ‘our with artists like Art

own’ music is becoming so strong and such

Garfunkel, Nelly Furtado, Annie Lennox,

incredible business.

Scorpions, Anastacia, Marlon Roudette,




Stefan Lohman





Homer and Leighton-Pope rumoured to AEG From VIP-Daily News Steve Homer and Toby Leighton-Pope both senior promoters at the

The development comes during a turbulent few months for Live

UK operation of Live Nation have left the organisation and are now

Nation, which appointed Irish promoter Denis Desmond as non-

rumoured to be heading to rival AEG Live.

executive chairman of its UK operations.

Steve Homer and Toby Leighton-Pope have exited the company

Desmond formed the LN-Gaiety Holdings Ltd joint-venture with

last week. The duo are well-known faces on the worldwide live

Live Nation in 2004 and runs Ireland`s MCD Productions, the

music business circuit.

company behind festivals such as Oxegen.

While neither side has commented on the matter, numerous

Live Nation’s long-serving chief operating officer John Probyn left

sources have indicated the long-serving pair will resurface at AEG

the company earlier this year to take up a role with new family

following a period of gardening leave.

event The Sports Show.

Homer, Live Nation’s VP of music, promoted the Wireless Festival,

The firm acquired venue and festival operator MAMA & Company

among other events, while Leighton-Pope was the firm’s VP of

in August but recently offloaded Hoxton Square Bar & Kitchen to

promotions and was the promoter of the Calling Festival.

bar and events operator Mothership Group.

Steve Homer Toby Leighton-Pope





Music In Shares Manfred Tari

Time again for a round up on the yearly performance of the share


price of corporate concert companies within live music industry.

- A Year To Remember

CTS Eventim

From a long time investors point of view only positive:. One year

- A Share Price Power Booster

ago the share price was at 6.75 Euro, this time it is 4.06 Euro. Within this period the share lost 41 per cent of its former value and

Guess what, one year ago on December 16, 2014 the price for CTS

the latest news concerning the outcome of a case filed by DEAG

Eventim share was 23.19 Euro! Now on December 16, 2015 its 34.03

against the new operator of the NĂźrburgring for compensation


worth 1.8 million Euro is, according to media reports supposed to be limited.

Yes, CTS Eventim faced some not so nice risks in the meantime, one of the biggest threats has been very long lasting investigations

Nevertheless DEAG already announced Iron Maiden as one of its

against the CEO Klaus Peter Schulenberg regarding suspected

headliners for their festivals Rock Im Revier and Rockavaria. These

bribery and sale of tickets for the World Cup 2006 on the black

two new festivals caused DEAG in 2015 significant losses, Iron

market. Anyhow, the prosecution department of the higher

Maiden will also perform at Rock In Vienna 2016. The current

regional court Munich closed the files in August after Schulenberg

market capitalisation is 67.72 million Euro.

paid an unknown sum and is not being considered for a criminal record.

Live Nation - Status Quo

Still outstanding are the results of an ongoing investigation by the German Cartel Office regarding the unfair use of market power by

One year ago $24.84, this time $25.20. Surprised? Yes and no. Live

CTS Eventim. Besides this there furthermore is a case filed against

Nation is a cash flow machine and even if latest business reports for

the company regarding overpriced payment charges for the pre-sale

Q3-2015 earnings, the best the company reported since its IPO five

of tickets for the AC/DC-shows in Germany by consumer watch dogs

years ago, at the end of each business year regular net losses are

in Bremen.


Okay, the departure of Marek and Andre Lieberberg to set up

The current market cap a solid figure at $5 billion...

a German branch of Live Nation probably is also bit awkward, but would you care, if you like Schulenberg were listed in Forbes

SFX Entertainment

magazine on place 1250 of billionaires ranking with an estimated

- Could Be Bargain...

fortune of 1.65 bn Euro ($1.84 bn)? If there weren’t the debts. The current market cap is just $33 million,


The current market capitalisation of CTS Eventim is 3.2 bn Euro and

the share price $0.33 and managed to lose within one year 91.7

within one year the share gained a plus of more than 44 percent.

percent of its former value....




ARTIST AVAILS MY BABY Territory: World incl. USA and Canada Period: From March 2016 Agency: Value Added Talent Agent: Dan Silver Phone: +44 20 7704 9720 E-mail: Homepage:

50 CENT & G-UNIT Territory: Europe & around Period: Summer festivals & upon request Agency: Georg Leitner Productions GmbH Agent: Georg Leitner Phone: +431 914 86 15 E-mail: Homepage:

Bulgarian Live Music Presentation Bulgarian Live Music is a company, which started its activity only a few years ago, but has already become well-known for organizing music events in Bulgaria. A good

Árstíðir Territory: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Denmark Period: April - May 2016 Agency: Nivalis Agent: Maria Chelnokova Phone: +79 169 227 376 E-mail: Homepage:

example for the professional qualities of Bulgarian Live Music is the successful events in which world famous artists from all genres had taken part. ROCK/METAL The company organizes and manages the biggest rock festival in Bulgaria – Kavarna Rock During the three day edition of the festival in 2012 the audience heard the energetic Dio Disciples, Glenn Hughes, Michael Schenker, BTR, Commanda 5, Stryper, Dokken, Big Noize & Sebastian Bach, D2 & Dicho, Lizzy Borden, Kamelot, Rhapsody of fire, Renegat And Ahat. Last summer “Kaliakra” stadium in Kavarna city gathered more than 20 000 fans of the legendary bands Deep Purple, Accept, Doro Pesch, Alisa, Analgin, Aria, Thunder and Cherno Feredje. The festival went on for 2 days and gained popularity and positive response from the Bulgarian fans as well as from those from other countries. On the 28th and 29th of June 2014 as a tradition at Kavarna Rock guests will be legendary artists like Europe, Helloween, Sabaton, Krokus, Gotthard, Pretty Maids,

ALPHAVILLE Territory: Europe & around Period: January 2016 onwards rest of the year Agency: Georg Leitner Productions GmbH Agent: Georg Leitner Phone: +431 914 86 15 E-mail: Homepage:

Chris Thompson (Ex-Manfred Mann’s Earth Band) Territory: World Period: Available all year on request Agency: Live Concept Entertainment GmbH Agent: Michael Widmann Phone: +49 7203 9219180 E-mail: Homepage:

MICHAEL BOLTON Territory: Europe & around Period: Before / after August 27th & upon request Agency: Georg Leitner Productions GmbH Agent: Georg Leitner Phone: +431 914 86 15 E-mail: Homepage:

Jon Uli Roth и Jorn. The ambition of Bulgarian Live music to support young artists is followed by the challenge Black Sea Battle of the Bands 2014 – a contest for young rock musicians from the Black sea region.




The genre variety of events was supplemented with “The Great Balkan Outplay” which was held on 15th of October 2013. Some of the biggest orchestras from Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria took part in it. Representatives of Bulgaria were the clarinet’s genius Ivo Papazov – Ibryama and “Trakia” orchestra, well-known world wide with their improvisations and Bulgarian folklore. The Serbian musicians Boban and Marko Markovich and their orchestra, consisting of 13 people, took part in the event, too. Their music is can be heard in Emir Kusturica’s movies “Underground” and “Arizona Dream”. In the outplay were included the Romanians from “Fanfare Ciocărlia” ( “Lark orchestra”), known as the fastest brass band in the world – the orchestra became popular because of the high-energy sound, complex rhythms and


high-speed clarinet, trumpet and saxophone solos.


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