VIP-News Premium - November 2016

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So, Trump it is then…who’d have thought it?

I recently attended the excellent Nouvelle

anymore is that music has lost its vanguard

Apart from a good few million US Citizens of

Prague event, and took part in a panel called

role in youth culture. In the 20th century, if

course; but then again Brexit?.... who’d have

‘Can Guitars Save Democracy’; I was aware

you wanted to know what your generation

thought it, apart from a good few million

that the Eastern European members of the

was thinking, you would listen to music and

UK citizens of course! Has the world actually

panel were worried by the very real possibility

read the music press, because it was the

gone crazy, or am I, and quite a few others,

that they could be facing an interference in

only medium available to young people.

just condemned to be forever batting for

the freedom of their countries which goes

When I was 19 and felt angry, I had to learn

the losing side? There’s definitely a political

beyond reciprocal trade agreements etc.

to play guitar, write songs, and do gigs; that

emphasis in this edition (see Manfred Tari’s

The exit of the UK from the European Union

was the only opportunity to have my voice

interview with Eric van Eerdenburg)

could be seen as abandonment, and the

heard. Now if you’re 19 and you’re angry,

voting in of a US President who has publicly

you can do everything from stir up a Twitter-

declared admiration for a certain strongman

storm to make a film and edit it on your

who overlooks some of their borders, which

iPhone. So music no longer has that role

also does not inspire feelings of security!

that has everybody’s attention. I think the

Whether or not guitars or the people that

responses to Trump are still predominantly

play them can make any difference to

going to come from musicians from the

possible incursions remains to be seen,

20th century, if you’re looking for guys with

but apart from hastily identified discussion

guitars and singer/songwriters and people

points regarding the re-introduction of

like that…..”

COLOPHON > VIP-News is published by: Enghaven 19 Attrup 8444 Balle Denmark Managing Director: Ronni Didriksen General Manager: Peter Briggs Writer and editorial: Allan McGowan Writer: Manfred Tari For advertising enquiries please contact: Peter Briggs +46 70 77 60 480



carnets, visas and other complications for international touring there seems to be

Politicians in Italy and the UK are, some

little to be done – for now! The days of the

might say, finally, taking further interest

writing of protest songs and the promotion

in the live music business and committing

of events like Rock Against Racism and Live

to further investigation into the secondary

Aid seem to have gone quiet – for now…

ticketing market, and action against the

But, as President Ilves of Estonia was wont

practices of the companies that operate in

to state in his opening speeches at Tallinn

it. Also the Mayor of London, Sadiq Kahn

Music Week, there is a power to rock and

has celebrated the re-opening of the Fabric

roll that should be retained and applied!

nightclub, and vowed to help preserve London’s night life.

One musician closely identified with political music in the U.K. for the last 33 years, Billy

So – probably time to get off the soap box

Bragg, commented in Billboard

“One of

and hand over to other things relevant to

my theories about why there isn’t so much

our business, so Ladies and Gentlemen –

political pop from young guitar bands

The News!



T in the Park festival ‘to take a break’ From VIP-Daily News Scotland`s largest music festival, T in the Park, is to take a break next year, its organisers have confirmed. DF Concerts said it needed to “take stock” and that the two years since the festival moved to Strathallan from Balado “have had their challenges.” The promoter said “continued restrictions” had






festivalgoers. It added that the limitations placed on their fans` experience were “too great”. The organisers said: “We now need to take stock and take a year out to try to resolve the issues so that we can once again deliver the kind of camping festival you are used to and deserve.”

Hamilton in Lanarkshire, before it moved to

year at Strathallan in 2015 was plagued

Balado in Perth and Kinross. Over 17 years

by traffic problems, leading to organisers

Scotland`s largest music festival has been

it grew to a three-day festival attracting

implementing a transport plan for this

held every year since 1994, when Rage

225,000 people, including 70,000 campers.

summer`s event. Two teenagers died at this

Against the Machine and Primal Scream

year`s festival in separate incidents, while

were the headline acts. The first three

In 2015 the festival moved to Strathallan

witnesses reported fights and illicit drug use

years took place at Strathclyde Park, near

Castle in Perthshire. The festival`s first

in the campsite area.

Positive Action to be taken by High Level Authorities Against Secondary Ticketing Allan McGowan Following Italian culture minister Dario

the ticketing market in order to regulate the

session, Annabella Coldrick, CEO of The

Franceschini’s recent declaration that he

UK’s secondary ticketing market, following a

Music Managers Forum (MMF), and Ian

would seek to make online ticket touting

hearing on online ticket touting before the

McAndrew (Wildlife Entertainment), and

illegal in Italy (See below), British Members of

Culture, Media & Sport Select Committee

musician You Me At Six’s Josh Franceschi.

Parliament have recommended investigation

in Parliament, on November 15th. One MP

Secondary ticketing businesses and live music

of “far-ranging and disturbing factors” in the

stated, “The time has come when we have

experts also appeared to discuss the state of

ticketing market. After many years of taking

to do something.”

the UK’s ticket resale market.

that the music industry put its own house in

The members of the Committee heard


order MP’s are to recommend investigation

evidence from supporters of the FanFair

published an announcement, committing

of “far-ranging and disturbing factors” in

Alliance, represented by witnesses at the


no further action other than recommending







Committee a





investigation” of the whole area of ticketing:

The Secretary of State is holding a round table

a potential HMRC investigation into the

on this area at the end of the month. We will

revenues of known touts: tabling an

decide how best to take the issues forward

amendment at Report Stage of the Digital

once we know the outcome of this and in

Economy Bill to ban the misuse of ‘bots’.

light of the conclusion of a Competition and Marketing Authority investigation, expected

Their full statement runs as follows:

shortly, into whether ticket companies are complying with the law. In the meantime,

The Culture, Media and Sport Committee

we will be writing to the Secretary of State

held a one-off evidence session yesterday

urging her to study the evidence given to

online ticket touts and the industrial abuse

into the ticketing markets as the Committee

us about the under-reporting of income by

of this market, as well as an amendment to

was aware of the distortion of the ticketing

known touts and to raise this with HMRC as

the Digital Economy Bill to ban the misuse

markets caused by the use of technology

an area which warrants their investigation.

of bots.”

(bots and software) to ‘harvest’ large

The one area of unanimity among our

numbers of tickets as soon as they went

witnesses was that some good might be

Following the session several MPs declared a

on general sale—thus restricting availability

done by the banning of the use of bots. We

willingness to work with the industry to bring

to fans and pushing up prices of any tickets

intend to table an amendment on Report

an end to large-scale ticket touting.

available for re-sale.

Stage of the Digital Economy Bill later this

Andrew Bingham said: “I sat on the all-party

month to effect this.

group with Sharon [Hodgson MP] in the last

The evidence session, however, has shed

parliament, and I took the view then that this

a light on much more far-ranging and

FanFair issued the following

market is working and we should leave well

disturbing factors in the market, including

in response:

alone, but I have to say things have evolved

clear indications of too close relationships

[…] and the time has come when we have

between those selling tickets on the primary

“This is fantastic news for all UK music fans

to do something.” However he did warn

market and sellers on the secondary market.

and those who have campaigned so long

against acting “too hastily”. Colne Valley MP



for action. Yesterday, the dysfunctional

Jason McCartney suggested “naming and

answers to the Committee’s questions

market and bad practices of the Big Four

shaming” promoters and venues complicit

about where companies’ main profits are

secondary ticketing websites were laid bare

in the transfer of inventory from the primary

made, the possibility of even Chinese walls

before members of the Culture, Media &

to the secondary market, calling them “the

between parts of the same company, and the

Sport Committee. We anticipate that a fuller

villains in this”.

willingness of the ticket selling companies to

investigation of this market will lead to much-

even try to identify, let alone bar, large-scale

needed reform.




ticket touts and fraudulent sellers have led us

So, it would appear that the secondary ticket companies, have reason to feel somewhat

to conclude that a fuller investigation of the

“The FanFair Alliance fully supports further

anxious about the outcome of all this scrutiny

whole area of ticketing is needed.

actions into the fraudulent activities of

– as they say, watch this space!

Josh Franceschi, Ian McAndrew and Annabella Coldrick






Secondary Ticket Scandal Hits Italian Concert Industry Manfred Tari Whistle-blowers and media reports have led to official investigations of Live Nation Italy and Vivo Concerti, two of the biggest concert promoters in Italy. Two recent TVreports aired on November 8 and November 15 resulted in November 16 searches by the Guardia di Finanza of the offices of Live Nation Italy and Vivo Concerti. The TV-magazine Le Iene on TV 1Mediaset

exclusive contracts with most Italian concert

When Roberto De Luca, CEO of Live Nation

reported on extensive business associations

promoters. However, a TV-reporter, trying

Italy was confronted with those findings in



to purchase tickets for Coldplay on October

an interview, he responded amongst other

and the two concert promoters. Following



7 for a concert in Milan in July 2017 on the

explanations, that he had to share these

statements in the TV-report by an anonymous

Ticketone website, showed that all tickets

received extra profits with artists, among

whistle-blower, describing in detail internal

had been sold within less than 30 minutes.

others. This statement lead to many popular

deals between concert promoters and

Italian artists who work with Live Nation,

secondary ticketing platforms, managing

Simultaneously tickets for this show went

including Tiziano Ferro, Vasco Rossi and

directors of Live Nation and the ticketing

on sale at the secondary ticketing portal

Marco Mengoni, denied knowing about, or

portal Ticketone have been confronted with

Viagogo with a surcharge of up to 500 per

benefiting from, such business practices.

copies of various invoices, apparently proving

cent and more. Within the report it has also

that direct payments between concert

been said that besides selling large ticket

Earlier this year in April, the independent

promoter and secondary ticketing websites

allocations upfront to Ticketone l, various

concert promoter Barley Arts filed a charge

were taking place.

prominent promoters sold tickets directly

against unknown persons regarding fraud

to secondary ticketing platforms. While

and impersonation crimes relating to the

Tickets in Italy, as in France have the legal

those tickets are sold for the face value, it

unauthorized resale of tickets for the

status of financial certificates. Ticketone,

is supposed that the promoter receives a

concerts of Bruce Springsteen in 2016.

a subsidy of CTS Eventim, is the official

return of up to 90 per cent from the income

Barley Arts has been proactive in the fight

primary ticketing source in Italy and has

generated on the surcharges.

against the resale of tickets for some years and has now resigned from its membership

Roberto De Luca Live Nation Italy






association. When consumer watch dogs ventured concerns regarding the sale of tickets for the upcoming Coldplay concert, Dario Franceschini, the Italian Minister of Culture responded, saying he intends to appeal to






proceedings outlawing the unauthorised resale of tickets. The new law foresees fines ranging from 30.000 to 180.000 Euro. Meanwhile Live Nation Italy and Vivo Concerti have been suspended from membership of Assomusica.




Live Nation acquires majority stake in Sweden Rock Festival From VIP-Daily News Live Nation Sweden has acquired a majority

the very best conditions to further develop

stake in Sweden Rock Festival - one of

our festival for the future.”

Sweden`s most successful and longest running festivals.

Same operations and spirit The change in ownership will not affect



the way the festival is being operated. The

Sweden Rock Festival, continues: “The live




company and the festival will be run by the

According to a statement the acquisition is

entertainment industry is moving more

same staff and management, and in the

a part of Live Nation`s long-term investment

and more towards few, large companies

same manner.

strategy of building a stronger festival platform

booking artists for shows in many countries

and Sweden Rock gets a strong international

and during long periods of time. In that

Both the festival and its headquarters

owner, which enables the festival to advance

environment, a cooperation with Live

will remain in Sölvesborg. The musical

its position in the market even further.

Nation is the ultimate way forward for us.”

orientation will stay the same, and the

Live Nation Sweden and Sweden Rock

Thomas Johansson, Chairman International

booking the artists, now with assistance

Festival have been discussing possible forms

Music, Live Nation: “Sweden Rock has

from the team at Live Nation.

of collaboration in the last period. Today

done a fantastic job and has been one of

the companies can reveal that Live Nation

Sweden`s best and most loved festivals

Dates for coming festivals stand firm; the

has acquired a majority of the Sweden Rock

over many years, so we are very happy and

festival will - as usual - take place during

Festival shares.

excited to be able to work with them and

four days in June, two weekends before

evolve the festival even further.”

midsummer - which for 2017 means June


“We are very pleased to have realized this






deal”, explains Mats Natvig, CEO of Sweden

Carl Pernow, President, Live Nation Nordic:

Rock Festival. “For many years, we have

“I am proud to add Sweden Rock to our

Aerosmith is the first band that has been

continuously developed the content, service

already strong festival portfolio. The way the

announced for Sweden Rock Festival 2017.

and security at Sweden Rock Festival.

team behind Sweden Rock has developed

On November 24th more bands will be

Joining forces with Live Nation will give us

the festival is impressive.”

announced and tickets go on sale.




PRS International Showcase Fund to be opened to Scottish acts through Creative Scotland partnership Allan McGowan The






allow us to do so at an increased level. We

announced Creative Scotland as a new

firmly believe that Scottish musicians deserve

partner on its International Showcase Fund.

to stand shoulder to shoulder with the best

The hook up provides Scottish acts with the

the world has to offer, and that our up-and-

opportunity to apply for funding to perform

coming acts will be the stars of the future.

internationally, as artists in England and

The International Showcase Fund is the key

Wales already do.

that will open doors to a wealth of industry platforms at some of the biggest festivals and

“I am delighted that Creative Scotland will be partnering with us and the existing partners

Vanessa Reed

on the International Showcase Fund”, says


music events on the calendar”. The International Showcase Fund was first

PRS For Music Foundation chief exec Vanessa

Creative Scotland’s Head Of Music Alan

launched in 2013, and a PRS For Music

Reed “This additional investment means

Morrison adds: “Connecting Scottish talent to

Foundation report earlier this year found

that we can now open this fund to talented

the wider world is one of Creative Scotland’s

that artists who had benefitted from it had

Scottish artists who are looking to access a

main ambitions, and this new partnership

generated £8.90 in additional revenues for

new oversees territory for the first time”.

with the International Showcase Fund will

every £1 in funding they received.



Sonic Visions – Most Successful Edition Allan McGowan The fifth edition of Luxembourg’s Sonic

Sonic Visions 2016 Credit Noah Fohl

Visions appears to have been the most successful so far. 435 delegates attended the conference and showcase event staged in the spectacular environs of the no longer operative steel works and blast furnaces and the Rockhal venue in the aptly named Avenue du Rock’n’Roll in Esch/Alzette. The Red Hot Chilli Peppers played in the main venue separately from Sonic Visions on the first night of the event, but the showcases still drew full crowds to the steel works venues.

Sonic Visions 2016 Photo by Jannica Honey

I have attended Sonic Visions since the first edition and watched the surroundings and the event grow. The event is an initiative of Rockhal and Rocklab. Organiser Sam Reinard told me, “ This most successful edition was aimed at concentrating on making the event a more useful set up for more local bands and people working in the business.” Mainly German and French acts from across the Luxembourg have performed in the showcases over the years. Sam Continued, “As the Luxembourg business has developed we are now able to invite local people to talk on all topics, alongside international visitors; building bridges to create a well functioning market by creating local content and discussing international points of view.” Rockhal is a member of the Live Europe association of venues, and Venue director Olivier Toth, works alongside Rocklab throughout





production, workshops, management and other training events. Sonic Visions also presented the VCA’s – the Video Clip Awards, showcasing and rewarding the most innovative music videos, ‘Made in Luxembourg’. I really enjoyed Sonic Visions, even though I did walk into a glass panel!




London Gets it’s First Night Czar Allan McGowan I suppose the title Night Mayor could sound

underground train service) and Mayor Sadiq

Farringdon] and the threats facing other

too much like a bad dream, so Night Czar

Khan’s commitment to protect iconic venues

venues across the capital show why Amy

it is, Amsterdam has one, and now so does

across the city, I’m confident that I can

will be a much-needed ambassador for the

London. Comedian and broadcaster Amy

inspire a positive change in the way people

city after dark.”

Lamé has become the Enlish capital’s first

think about the night-time economy.”

night czar, tcharged with the responsibility

The new Night Czar will work closely with

of with overseeing the establishment of a

Mayor Khan said: “I’m absolutely delighted

the police, Transport for London and the

thriving 24-hour city.

to announce the appointment of London’s

Night Time Commission, a collection of local

first-ever night czar. The recent closure

planning and licensing authorities, club and

of the world-famous nightclub Fabric [in

venue owners.

A naturalised Brit, though born in the US, Ms Lamé has stated that one of her first concerns involved guarding against the closure of nightclubs and music venues. The 45 year old performer said: “It’s a privilege to be London’s very first night czar. I can’t wait to hit the streets and have loads of ideas of what I can do for revellers, nighttime workers, businesses and stakeholders. For too long, the capital’s nighttime industry has been under pressure — music venues and nightclubs in particular are closing at an alarming rate. With the advent of the Night Tube, (the late night

Mayor Khan and Amy Lamé

‘Subsidy Santa Claus’ Cheers German Music Sector Manfred Tari The German Government will provide a

cultural politics when compared to most

Livekomm will now run a programme for

subsidy of 8.2 million Euros for the support

other cultural sectors in Germany, it is at

music clubs to invest into new digital light

of popular music in Germany in 2017.

least an attempt to move things forward a

and sound equipment, while the Applause-


bit more than in the past.

Award rewards music clubs for their




will be allocated significant amounts for


ambitious booking policy. Initiative Music, is

the support of projects and programmes

Allocations include 2 million Euro for

a federal organisation supplying grants for

dedicated to music.

Reeperbahn Festival, 500.000 each for c/o

artists and music infrastructure. The money

pop in Cologne and for Pop-Kultur in Berlin,

for the rehearsal rooms will be administered

Politically a nice gesture, at least when

1 million Euros for Livekomm, the music

by the Deutsche Rockmusik foundation.

considered within the total budget of 660

venues organisation , 1.5 million Euro for

million Euro the German Government will

the venue award Applause, 1.5 million Euro

It could be said that the entire allocation is

additionally spend for culture in Germany.

for Initiative Musik, 1.1 million for rehearsal

not based on an entirely holistic approach,

Nevertheless, even if the popular music

rooms and 600.000 Euro for a programme

but at least the 8.2 million Euro total amount


supporting concerts in train stations.

is certainly better than nothing.







Let’s Talk Politics - Eric van Eerdenburg Manfred Tari For many years the live music business

so long. In the last issue, VIP News asked


seemed to be immune most of the recent

Greg Parmley of ILMC about Brexit and

regarding the current political climate...

crises. Sure, the major financial problems

Europe, and it appears that it is still too

of 1999/2000 and again in 2008 caused

early to say what the political outcomes will

VIP News: There was a time when artists

economic problems for the sector, but

mean for the live music industry. However,

were proactive and ventured their



it becomes more and more clear, the live


and consolidation business restored and

music community is very likely, more than

and social issues via campaigns such


ever before, to be affected by current

as Rock The Vote, Rock Against Racism,

amendments of political preferences in the

and charity events like Live Aid or Farm

society in Europe and elsewhere.

Aid, are events like these, and even



But times are changing and political failures








the writing and performing of protest

of the past are causing knock-on situations that could seriously harm the comfort zone

VIP News asked Eric van Eerdenburg, director

that the live music business has enjoyed for

of the Lowlands Festival in the Netherlands

songs now just things of the past? Eric Van Eerdenburg: No, they are not a

Eric van Eerdenburg - Photo by J.Schlomoff

thing of the past. There will be more social unrest and there will be a soundtrack that supports it. It has been like that in the past and it will be like that in the future. Trump’s statements may be the catalyst for a movement like Black Lives Matter. It looks like the US is going to have a government made up of sexist, racist & xenophobic hardliners, I do not expect them to change the suppressive slavery 2.0 imprisonment system and it’s going to be very explosive if the new regime responds to social unrest with more suppression and violence. Also the people that voted Trump may be very disappointed. He and his newly appointed advisors are the living proof of the anarchic-capitalism that created the ‘forgotten, or left behind people’ in society in the first place. Large percentages of the voters in Poland, Russia, France, Holland, Turkey, and Hungary seem to support the same type of populism nowadays. VIP News: Do you expect that the current political climate (Brexit, Trump,




Hungary, Poland, Turkey) will have an

When PVV was part of the Liberal/ Christian

impact on the live music business?

Democrat government some years ago they cut on subsidies big time. It will happen

Eric Van Eerdenburg: I was tour managing

again I’m sure. The populists want to polarise

before European borders opened. Big time

people. Culture unites people, and you see

bureaucracy for UK touring may be back.

cultures merge & blend particularly through pop music.

A country like Turkey that stops freedom

of speech, stops foreign journalists at the

VIP News: In the US several prominent

border and puts journalists, politicians and

music artists made political statements

judges in jail is likely to condemn culture that

in support of Hilary Clinton. Are you

expresses opinions in a way that they do not

aware of any popular Dutch artists that

wish to hear. I would not be surprised if we

have declared support for a party or a

work, do not speak the language, mothers

hear of Turkish examples soon where the


with young children and no work, people

current government will stop artists entering

The Lowlands Festival

facing discrimination when applying for jobs,

the country. Already a lot of US & European

Eric Van Eerdenburg: Apart from a nationwide

etc. Not all of the people ‘left behind’ are

acts have cancelled shows in Turkey.

known singer called Gordon who will express

populist voters. And not all of the populist

his support for the liberals whenever he can,

voters are ‘left behind’ I’m convinced.

We all know what happened to Pussy Riot

I’m not aware of any direct support from an

in Russia. The gay community in Russia

artist for a political party or politician.

is subject to implicit state supported

We do grant a limited amount of requests from institutions that do great (social) work

discrimination and violence. If I were an

VIP News: Should festival promoters,

with young people and can’t afford to come

openly gay artist I would be scared to go and

like artists, use their events to address

to the festival. All together that is no more

play for my Russian audience, that’s if the

political issues?

than 100 tickets a year though. We do

audience were not too scared to come out to the show already.

not run special programmes for it. We get Eric Van Eerdenburg: As a festival I think

letters and emails from youth prisons, or

we should not support one political party

family replacement homes. Also last wishes

VIP News: In March 2017 general

or ideology but we do address political and

of terminally ill people. When it sounds



social issues. We have a political/ social issue

genuine and/or there is help able to handle









programme at Lowlands. We strive to have

it well, we reward it and support it from the

expectations/concerns regarding the

all opinions represented. Politicians of all

festival side.

likely results and how these may affect

ideologies have been speakers and debated

your event?

at the festival. Even the PVV populist Geert

VIP News: Does the new political

Wilders has taken part in a political debate on

situation have an impact on bookings

Eric Van Eerdenburg: If the populists win

stage. We have cooperation’s with Amnesty

for Lowlands, such as for instance,

and find enough partners to form a coalition

International, Greenpeace and Oxfam.

booking an artist from Turkey who lives in exile now?

to govern the country, this will have a big negative impact on the subsidised cultural

VIP News: In reference to many political

sector in Holland. They look at culture as

comments it has been ventured that

an elitist, left wing hobby. They will cut

populist parties are gaining votes from

back subsidies. The club circuit is subsidised.

the so-called ‘left behind’ people. In

VIP News: Would you say that politicians

Rehearsal studios and music schools are

terms of the Lowlands-Festival, do you

could learn something from the political

subsidised. This will affect the development

supply free tickets to people who cannot

preferences of the audience at your

of new Dutch acts if they are in the

afford to buy tickets for your festival?


Eric Van Eerdenburg: The type of people

Eric Van Eerdenburg: In general politicians

Promoters might be facing a lot of

that are ‘left behind’ in Holland are mostly

can learn from any contact with voters.

counteraction and bureaucracy to get our

older people with inadequate pensions,

There is a young, intelligent, highly educated

licenses. The populists have proven to be

people that are chronically ill, have high

crowd at LL. Of course they can pick things

rancorous whenever they can.

care needs, low education/no work, 50+/no

up here.

Eric Van Eerdenburg: So far it did not.

government long enough.




Changes Announced for 29th Edition of ILMC Allan McGowan Organisers of the International Live Music

Awards – the live music industry’s equivalent

Conference (ILMC) have launched the 29th

of the Oscars – will be presented during a

edition, announcing some changes from

Gala Dinner at new venue 8Northumberland

previous years and some innovations. The

on Thursday 8 March.

most significant difference is a move to a new mid week format; also networking spaces are

Other events to orbit the main conference

to be expanded and several additional new

include the ILMC Production Meeting and

elements are to be added.

Green Events & Innovations Conference week format. “We’ve used the opportunity

which both take place on Tuesday 7 March.

One ILMC tradition will remain constant , the

to expand the number of panels and

conference adopts a different theme each

workshops we can run, add more events, and

ILMC takes place at the Royal Garden Hotel in

year, and from 7-10 March 2017 isinviting

revamp the networking areas in the hotel to

Kensington, London. Event partners include

delegates to head to London, for a murder

allow for more private meeting space,” says

Live Nation, Ticketmaster, CTS Eventim,

mystery-styled event, in which the industry’s

conference head Greg Parmley.

Amazon Tickets, Universe, Intellitix, Malaysia

biggest topics go under the magnifying glass during four days of intense investigation.

Major Events, Feld Entertainment, Showsec, Having sold out in advance for over a decade,

.Tickets and Buma Cultuur.

ILMC hosts over 1,000 delegates comprised The change of dates comes after a poll of

of booking agents, promoters, festival

The new website, which calls on all live music

all ILMC members earlier this year showed

organisers, venue operators and related

investigators to head to the scene of the

overwhelming support for moving to a mid

professionals. Within the schedule, the Arthur

crime, is live here.

Tenth ILMC Production Meeting Launched Allan McGowan Organisers of the ILMC Production Meeting

closer to ILMC, expanding the amount of

Supporters of IPM include eps, Megaforce,

(IPM) have launched the 10th anniversary

conference space and having far greater

EFM Event Logistics and Star Events. Full

edition of the annual event for the world’s

networking opportunities than ever, it’s a

event information, including registration, is



revamped format for our tenth anniversary,”

online here.

and lighting engineers; venue personnel;

says ILMC head Greg Parmley. “Welcoming

suppliers and promoters’ representatives.

delegates from over 30 countries, IPM has



always been a focussed event for leaders IPM 10 moves back to the Royal Garden

in the international production community,

Hotel in a new conference space that allows

and the forthcoming event looks to be our

for an increased number of delegates,

most exciting yet.”

while networking and conference breaks are shared with delegates from the Green

IPM takes place on Tuesday 7 March 2017,

Events & Innovations conference. Over 400

mixing a full day of conference panels, a

delegates are expected across both events.

series of Production Notes presentations of the latest innovation and initiatives in


“By bringing IPM back into its spiritual

the space, a five-star lunch, breaks and a

home at the Royal Garden Hotel to be

closing party.

Greg Parmley




New CEO appointed for Royal Albert Hall From VIP-Daily News The Royal Albert Hall has appointed Craig Hassall as its new chief executive. Hassall, currently CEO of Opera Australia, succeeds Chris Cotton, who retires in March. Craig Hassall has worked in the performing arts for over 28 years and has a long-standing association with the Hall through several previous roles. Prior to Opera Australia, he worked in London for almost nine years, firstly as CEO of English National Ballet, the national touring ballet company of the UK. Following this, he was COO of Raymond Gubbay Ltd, responsible for

Royal Albert Hall

new business and collaborative ventures in the commercial field of classical music, opera and ballet, primarily at the Royal Albert Hall.

Announcing the appointment, the Hall’s president, Jon Moynihan

He also consulted on cultural aspects of the London 2012 Olympic

OBE, said: “As we look towards the Hall’s 150th anniversary, we are


setting an ambitious plan for our future and I’m delighted that Craig will be joining us to lead the team to define and deliver that vision.

“It has been a privilege to work in the performing arts for my entire

My thanks go to Chris Cotton whose great leadership over the last

career. To now be offered the opportunity to manage one of the

seven years has ensured that the Hall has grown dramatically both in

most iconic venues in the world surpasses everything,” said Hassall.

shows and financial performance over his successful tenure.”

Craig Hassal





Music In Shares Manfred Tari

CTS Eventim


- Despite Solid Figures Share Price Rollercoaster

- Hopes For Recovery

Even if CTS Eventim managed the departure of the team behind

Up from 2.50 to 2.99 Euro within just one month, but still no without suffering a substantial revenue loss, it was not

information on the line up for Rockavaria 2017, while Toten Hosen

to expected in the days before CTS Eventim reported its business

has been confirmed to headline Rock in Vienna.

results for Q3 on November 22, that the share price of the company would come under pressure.

Live Nation In fact CTS Eventim has been able to almost maintain with 576.2

- Sweden Rock Sails Under A New Banner

million Euro (577.5 - Q3 2015) its same revenue result. In the key segment Ticketing CTS Eventim could still report growth. The

Live Nation acquired the majority share of the metal festival Sweden

revenue increased from 215.3 to 240.3 million Euro, the revenue for

Rock. No information has been given on the purchase price, but

the Live Entertainment division instead went down from 366.4 to

with The Island Festival, Popaganda, Stockholm Music & Arts,

340.3 million Euro. However, at the beginning of the year the CTS

Summerburst and Way Out West. Live Nation Sweden now operates

Eventim expected a turnover decrease for this part of the company

six festivals in the country.

of 30 percent instead of only 7.1 percent as the current result show. The share price rose from $27.38 up to $27.70 and does not really But in the days shortly before the figures were announced, the share

need to be commented on.

price faced downturns. On October 25 the share price was 32.87 Euro, on November 23 it is 29.90 Euro.

Way Out West festival






ARTIST AVAILS MUSICAL YOUTH Territory: UK / Europe Period: March - September 2017 Agency: SAS Agent: Steve Hughes Phone: +44 77 7925 7295 E-mail: Homepage:

GLP´s foundation was laid in 1977, when George Leitner started his first promoting company, promoting and manifesting Punk and alternative concerts in Austria and developing marketing concepts for the industry (banks etc), which was instrumental in providing a solid financial foundation for the trials and experiments to come. In the early 80`s, Carl W. Urasch teamed up with George Leitner and devoted his life to run the promoters part of the company while George Leitner moved on to agenting and focused more on the international opportunities to expand the company into an European agency for, in the beginning, mainly African American artists. The cooperation with Multimedia (Laszlo Hegedus) proved to be extremely effective in opening the gate into the “Eastern Block countries”.1985 Jack Bart, the agent and manager of “James Brown” gave GLP the first opportunity to progress towards an international agency. Sal Michaels (Pyramid Productions),

PATRICIA KAAS Territory: Worldwide Period: On demand Agency: Richard Walter Productions Agent: Jean-Hugues Feugeas Phone: +33 432 600 599 E-mail: Homepage:

PHIL RUDD BAND (EX AC/DC) Territory: Europe Period: April to June 2017 inclusive Agency: Fizzion and Frusion Agent: Ian Smith Phone: +44 77 9169 9889 E-mail: Homepage:

Dick Allen (William Morris) to name just a few US partners have been instrumental in giving GLP the chance to further develop the concept of “Artist Marketing “ throughout Europe, the Near East, Africa and, eventually, the Far East and Asia. Ray Charles, Gloria Gaynor, Kool&the Gang, James Brown, Grace Jones, George Clinton Parliament/Funkadelic.. to mention just a few – tour the world through

MAXIMO PARK Territory: Europe Period: 2017 Agency: Primary Talent International Agent: Matt Bates Phone: +44 20 7400 4500 E-mail: Homepage:

GLP. As the latest “add on” GLP signed Sean Paul (No.5 on Billboard!) and Third World ! The company is also known for the successful “Festival Productions” such as “Tribute to Bob Marley” (which sold out Arenas across Europe and Japan), Hot Soul Night etc. In November yet another production titled “THAT”S SOUL” will hit the Arena circuit (containing 6 of the biggest names in Soul!)

About Our Company VIP-Booking’s core product is the Internet’s oldest and largest­ database­for the European Live Entertainment Industry­developed as a tool for industry professionals­. Since it’s launch in the year 2000, we have consistently offered our subscribers the very best in database services and now boast subscribers­in over 30 countries. Today VIP-Booking offers a range of tools for the industry­ – including VIP-News, VIP-Booking, VIP-Book and VIP-Contract.

ANDREW STRONG Territory: Europe Period: October 2016 - December 2017 Agency: AMA Music Agency Ltd. Agent: Mark Downing Phone: +353 862 504 795 E-mail: Homepage:

UNCLE LUCIUS Territory: Europe - UK festivals Period: June - August 2017 Agency: SAS Agent: Steve Hughes Phone:+44 77 7925 7295 E-mail: Homepage:


Please visit for further information­. Your comments and suggestions are always appreciated­.


Uncle Luciues


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