VIP-News Premium - November 2015

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There’s no getting away from it, there’s

fire at the Colectiv Club in Bucharest, on

how ISIS – or whatever we are supposed to

little chance that this edition of the

Friday October 30th and of course at least

call them, see audiences gathering to enjoy

Musings will contain much in the way of

129 people killed and around 350 injured

live music then every club show, concert or

light hearted observations. It’s not been a

after a series of terror attacks in the French

festival anywhere must be a target which is

good time for the world of live music – in

capital on another black Friday, November

a very dangerous and frightening scenario.

fact the past month must be one of the

13, with music venue Le Bataclan being the

But in full realization of this Dominique

worst ever, with 60 or more people dead,

worst hit, with 89 civilians murdered and

Revert the manager of the Bataclan has

and many more injured as a result of the

more injured by ISIS gunmen at an Eagles

responded in determined fashion stating,

Of Death Metal gig.

“It will reopen, no question about it. Hearts will be heavy for a few months,

COLOPHON > VIP-News is published by: 20-22 Wenlock Road London N1 7GU United Kingdom +44 870 755 0092 Managing Director: Ronni Didriksen General Manager: Peter Briggs Writer and editorial: Allan McGowan Writer: Manfred Tari For advertising enquiries please contact: Peter Briggs +44 870 755 0092

We have often spoken about the threat of

a few years. But we will reopen. We will

terrorism to venues and to the live music

not surrender. Other Paris clubs have

business in general at conferences like

made similar statements, and messages

ILMC and others, and of course there have

of support from artists and the industry

been knock on effects from bombings and

in general have flowed in from all over

shootings in many Cities but, as Bono of

the world (see article below). The main

U2 commented, this was, “…the first direct

message being that ‘the show must go on’,

attack” on music. This was the nightmare

and these killers must not be allowed to

scenario, gunmen with no respect for

interfere with our right to gather together

human life entering a crowded venue and

to enjoy music and celebrate the benefits

opening up with automatic weapons, firing

this brings to our enjoyment of life!

indiscriminately on an audience of innocent people.











determination and our thoughts and

the time police are alerted it is too late to

support are with the friends and families

stop the carnage. However all that can be

of all affected by this dreadful attack,

done must be considered and implemented

and similar atrocities wherever they are

and Live Nation and other promoters plus






the stepping up of security at all of their

Now, of course we should all stay vigilant,

upcoming shows.

and take every chance we can to express our opposition to this totally unacceptable







actions as


extremism, but mainly lets all do all we


can to get back to business- Ladies and

gathered in a party of perversity’, if this is



determined armed killers like this and by

Gentlemen – The News….!



Paris Clubs Defiant Allan McGowan In tribute to all who died and were inured

that we stand for on a daily basis. Music,

le Faust, Glaz’art, Gibus, Java, Mercredi

as a result of the terrorist attacks on

dancing, sharing, getting together, the

Production, La Machine du Moulin Rouge,

November 13 Paris`s clubs have issued a joint

social bond, and diversity are values that we

Queen, Rex Club, Social Club, Showcase,

statement entitled `Dance more than ever`,

represent and that, obviously, were targeted

Virgo, Wanderlust, Weather Festival, Yoyo

determining to reopen all the venues as an

for destruction by these terrorists. This

and Zig Zag Club.

act of defiance to deny the expectations

will not work. Today we mourn the loss

and intentions of the perpetrators of the

of our friends and all the victims. But we

atrocity that music promoters, artists and

will not accept that we should live in fear.

audiences would be “living with fear”.

This is why we have unanimously decided

U2 were due to play two Paris shows to

to reopen our venues as soon as possible.

30,000 people on the nights after the attack

In the statement the clubs pay tribute to

Some will open as soon as Wednesday,

but the City imposed a 2 day ban on shows,

all the victims of the attacks including their

some next week or the weekend after next,

so these and other concerts were cancelled;

colleagues and friends who died over the

with reinforced security measures, and with

the band laid flowers at a memorial near the

weekend. They outline plans to reopen in

the goal to thrill our public more than ever.

scene of the Bataclan on the evening after

the coming days.

Nothing and nobody will prevent Paris from

the massacre. Bono told DJ Dave Fanning of


Irish radio station 2FM, “Our first thoughts

The statement reads: “It is the family of

Support from the Music Community:

at this point are with the Eagles of Death

Paris`s night life that was targeted by these

The list of signatories include A la Folie

Metal fans,” Condemning the attacks by

attacks, as well as a certain approach to life

Paris, Badaboum, Batofar, Concrete, Djoon,

so-called Islamic State terrorists, he went

U2 outside Bataclan Paris




on: “This really is the first direct hit on

all for enjoying ourselves. ISIS is a death

music we’ve had in this so called war on

cult and we who believe in life must go

terror. We know that they don’t like music.

on enjoying ourselves in defiance of their

This and the cold-blooded aspect of last


night attacks are what are really upsetting because it means it could have been any

The reaction from musicians around the

of us,” He maintained that Islamic State

world has of course reflected the horror

does not represent Muslims, saying, “These

that we all feel; There are of course many

people have robbed their own religion and

who have friends in Paris and who have

run off with their own version that has

performed at the Bataclan venue over

nothing to do with Islam. Extremism is an

the years. Among those who delivered

October of this year as a celebration of life

illness in the world now”, he continued:



and music”, he wrote. “The concept being

“They don’t like music, we know that. But

Williams, Justin Bieber, Jared Leto, AC/DC,

that, as our world tour drew to a close this

I think music is very important and has a

Sam Smith, Snoop Dogg, Justin Timberlake

week, we wanted to share our love of both

role to play in showing these people we

and more.

with you in return for everything you have




wouldn’t allow them to stop us living our lives how we want.”

Le Bataclan

given us. Now, there is a new, hopeful The Foo Fighters have released a new EP

intention that, even in the smallest way,

called ‘Saint Cecilia’ as a free download,

perhaps these songs can bring a little light

U2 was originally scheduled to play the

with Dave Grohl using the release to pay

into this sometimes dark world. To remind

Accorhotels Arena Nov. 14-15. Those shows

tribute to the victims of the attacks in Paris

us that music is life, and that hope and

will now take place Dec. 6-7.

earlier this month. A statement from Grohl

healing go hand in hand with song. That

explained that the band had planned to put

much can never be taken away”.

Singer Billy Bragg, known for his strong

out the new release to mark the end of their

political and idealistic views, said, “This was

world tour. But that had all changed when

Singer Benjamin Clementine, won the 2015

an abhorrent attack on anyone who goes

the final dates of said tour were cancelled

Mercury music prize for his debut album, At

to a bar, or to a restaurant, to a gig or to

following the attacks. He stated,”The Saint

Least For Now, and dedicated the Award to

a game. The fundamentalists would kill us

Cecilia EP was put into motion back in

the victims of the Paris terror attacks.

Sonic Visions ’15 Allan McGowan I was on my way to Luxembourg for Sonic Visions but had to cancel and return home due to a family bereavement. However organiser Sam Reinard told me how things went and how Paris events affected this edition of the now firmly established conference and showcase event. “The conference was very well attended. Unfortunately our French guests and delegates left on Saturday and the general atmosphere turned a bit dark with the terrible events in Paris. Some of our guests knew people who worked at Bataclan that night… We were all quite shocked. However this year’s edition of the conference attracted more than 300 delegates from Luxembourg and all over Europe. 4 keynote speakers and 50 panelists from 20 different countries discussed and exchanged ideas about today’s music industry challenges and topics.


Sonic Visions took place at Rockhal



Joybringer Concerts Celebrates 45th Anniversary From VIP-Daily News 45 years in any industry is quite an

VIP-News: 45 Years in the Live Music

achievement but to survive in the Live Music

Business. Are you still enjoying it and

Industry for so long is something worthy of

if so why?

a medal or two. Dragan Nikitovic, the man behind Joybringer Concerts - now with

Dragan: This business keeps us all young

offices in Germany, France and Luxembourg

and I love my job the same way now as I did

European market because they might not

- started promoting shows with local bands

on the very first day.

even have been released here yet…

then has gone on to promote major acts

VIP-News: Where there is pleasure,

VIP-News: In the seventies and eighties

such as Fleetwood Mac, Kraftwerk, Pink

there is sometimes also pain. Which

you ran two concert venues and in

Floyd, AC/DC, Santana, Joe Cocker, Dire

stage riders come into your mind in

those days you were also one of the

Straits, Rolling Stones, Elton John, Bryan

terms of the ones you enjoyed the

biggest local promoters in the South-

Adams, Meatloaf, Deep Purple and many,

most and which ones caused you a

West of Germany while later on you

many more. To do all this and still remain a


started to put on tours and concerts in

at the age of 16 back in 1968 and since

Eastern Europe. With this in mind, how

nice person with a great sense of humour adds another level to this achievement.

Dragan: The riders have changed completely

many times have you re-invented your

Anyone who knows Dragan personally will

over the years. Up until now, I have always

business model in your long-lasting

know that he has an abundance of stories

been able to meet all requests and fulfill

history in the live music business?

to tell from his career in this industry,

all wishes. The only thing that gets on my

some of which we’ll share with you in the

nerves is hip-hop stars asking for video

Dragan: These venues, my clubs, were only

following interview and some that we’ll

games that they absolutely must have but

running beside the larger scale concerts.

keep to ourselves ;-)

that we might not be able to find on the

Although I have to say that even back then, I always liked smaller concerts in clubs better than big shows in arenas. So for me, there hasn’t really been any big changes in my job. VIP-News: How did you come to start putting on shows in Eastern Europe? Dragan: Well, the competition just got steeper and steeper. Just take the small town of Saarbrücken as an example, where I live: Saarbrücken has a population of around 180.000 and there are 6 promoters fighting against each other. So I thought it might be wise to check out Eastern Europe. I started with James Brown in Russia in 1999. Then I did shows in Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and the entire Balkans. Of course, it was a

Dragan 1970

Dragan 2015

great advantage for me to understand the languages there to be able to negotiate




directly with people. In 2006, we were the

Dragan: As for what the East could learn

we are able to put on large scale shows.

first ones to start in Albania, and since then,

from the West, I’d say that the East should

We get help from our business partners.

we have been and still are (thank God!) the

read the stage riders more carefully and

Some of the concerts we’ve done in the

only ones to be successful.

then also follow them.

Balkans were Deep Purple, Def Leppard, Whitesnake, Zucchero, James Blunt, Akon

VIP-News: What can the Western music


industry community learn from the one

artists demand the same fees for shows

in Eastern Europe?

in Eastern Europe as they do in Western


Europe. How is it possible to finance

marketing managers from potential

such fees in those areas where ticket

sponsors in Western Europe to try

prices are much lower?

working as trainees in Eastern Europe?

much more enthusiastic and euphoric than

Dragan: In the Balkans, for example, this

Dragan: No. Because then we wouldn’t find

in the West. This holds true for my business

is only possible with the help of sponsors.

any more sponsors in the East either!

partners as well as for the audiences of the

In Albania and Bosnia, where people make

concerts. This kind of pure excitement does

200 to 250 USD per month, tickets can only

VIP-News: Which people and artists

not really exist anymore in the West.

cost 5 to 10 USD! But it’s also much easier

have you enjoyed working with over

to find large companies over there that are

the years and of the ones you’ve just

willing to sponsor a concert. So, that’s why

recently met which ones would you like


I’ve been out and about and

around in the “wild” East for 15 years now




and quite a few more. Would



and I have to say that people there are still

VIP-News: And the other way around?

to work with in the future? Dragan: There ain’t nothing like the greats: Joe Cocker, Santana, Simple Minds, Muddy Waters, B.B. King, Elton John and Al Jarreau, they were the nicest guys. I have worked with them a lot and over many years. The older artists, the ones that really know their craft, were always kind and friendly. The newer artists, maybe the ones that just had their first hit, the ones that just have a single in the charts, and mostly the hip-hop stars, are often pretty arrogant and think that the whole world revolves around them. VIP-News: What is on your agenda for your next 45 years in the music business? Dragan: I will stay in this very same business

Simple Minds

for as long as I possibly can and as long as I am healthy.

Need to know who is touring Europe? Go online -





of FKP Scorpio Manfred Tari November 2015 saw FKP Scorpio celebrate

away from the corporate vibe that certain

most recently Austria. In Switzerland it

its 25th company anniversary, with 85

sources currently like to present.

is apparently a mix between age groups,

more staff on board in Germany alone.

but well, does age really matters, when in

Unike any other German promoter, Folkert

FKP Scorpio filled and still fills a gap in

certain markets FKP Scorpio even competes

Koopmans took the European concert


with a global player such as Live Nation?

business to a new level.




Yes, of course

enough Folkert Koopmans has confessed

there are the likes of Peter Schwenkow and

in public interviews that the expansion

Again unlike the way many companies

Klaus Peter Schulenberg, but over the years

strategy for his company in the beginning

operate in the industry today, FKP Scorpio

they appear to have taken on the roles of

was really a result of reacting to available

maintains a history of reliance on long

CEO’s, spending much of their time keeping

opportunities, however this has somewhat

lasting business relationships: MCT, Koko &

investors happy, rather than just being very

changed and the business strategy is not

DTK, Four Artists or KKT just to name some

distinctive concert promoters.

only a matter of reaction. It’s particularly

of those in Germany, and there are many,

interesting to see where, who and what

many more all over Europe.

Well ‘just’ does not really fulfil the

FKP Scorpio considers eligible to fit into

description of what Koopmans and his team

the company profile. Besides some middle


has achieved over the years, now organising

aged folks in Denmark, its predominately

impresario would not really fit, as he has

all these festivals and most recently setting

fresh young fellows, although not too

modernized this term. Unlike many of his

up of all these international branches, this



forerunners, Koopmans collaborates and is

is what makes FKP Scorpio different from

enough to develop and run business

not at all considered as somebody motivated

almost every other concert company in

activities in a responsible manner and

by an overwhelmingly large ego. He has

Europe and beyond. Although FKP Scorpio

establish a position in markets such as

evolved to be an up-to-date mastermind

is associated with CTS Eventim, it is still far

the Netherlands, Sweden, Finland

for the on going generation-change in this









industry, recognised for a proven ability to spot upcoming and new artists in the same way as he does new business projects or talents. Yes, he is also a power player but quite exceptional in his ability to admit mistakes. As an entrepreneur he can almost be considered as ‘old-fashioned’, as besides money, he also invests in confidence and trust. All this in times, where marketing and market power often means more than products or persons. With all this mind, VIP-News congratulates

Folkert Koopmans and VIP News Editor Allan McGowan


Folkert Koopmans and his company mates on the first 25 years and wish them all all the best for the next 25 years...



A Temporary Come Back For Ramakers At Mojo Concerts Manfred Tari Earlier this month the news that long time director Dick van Zuijlen was leaving the Live Nation subsidy Mojo Concerts in the Netherlands was surprising. As the radio station 3voor12 reports, the departure of van Zuijlen after 21 years in the company came out of the blue for everyone. A spokesperson of Mojo Concerts told the station that the split is the consequence of differences between him and Leon Ramakers, the former director and current consultant of Mojo and other companies, about business development and objectives, and the inception of cashless payment systems at concerts and events. Ramakers will oversee the management of the company until the end of the year. In mid November Mojo Concerts confirmed that Wilbert Mutsaers has been appointed as the new director. Mutsaers previously worked for Mojo Concerts from 1995 to 1999 and in the meantime for Sony Records and Universal Music before moving on in 2009 to the radio station 3FM, where he served as a station manager until recently. Speculations that the departure of van Zuijlen have anything to do with that the current edition of the Lowlands festival failing to sell out as it has for many years previously, or that Down The Rabbit Hole festival is still in the investing phase, have not been confirmed.

Leon Ramaker

Wilbert Mutsaers new appointed CEO of MOJO Concerts




Viva Con Aqua Receives Next Economy Award Manfred Tari The non-profit organisation Viva Con Aqua,

26 & 27 in Düsseldorf. For the event a

actively supported and run by around

highly prominent line up of speakers is

4.000 volunteers receives the first Next

announced, alongside a minority of players

Economy Award as part of the German

actually involved in projects considered

Sustainable Day. The core activity of the

as sustainable or actually recognised for

organisation is the sale of water, profits are


used to invest in the development of water

sustainability. The majority of the speakers

infrastructure projects in Africa and Asia.

are high ranked officials and representatives

Viva Con Aqua is highly credited within the

from political parties and administrative

music and festival sector. Besides the sale

organisations or companies such as Henkel,

of water, volunteers work on festivals and

which certainly is a highly profitable multi-

concerts, collecting deposits and donations

billion company but well, probably only as

from concert goers.

sustainable as a global corporate chemical

regarding this very much upper class event

company can be...

and the award for Viva Con Aqua.

the congress of the German Sustainable Day

VIP-News asked well known live music

Holger Jan Schmidt, Organizer of the

(GSD), which will take place on November

sector protagonists about their opinion





The award ceremony is embedded within GreenEvents



think the German Sustainability Award

Jacob Bilabel

is a good thing. It’s got a huge network behind the initiative, strong partners and a very prominent jury. For me the spotlight on sustainability for the whole process and the ceremony is at least as important as the winners themselves. And the jury seem to make good decisions as the honorary prize going to Viva Con Agua is a brilliant choice!” Jacob Bilabel, Founder of the Green Music Initiative: “Awards can be an efficient way of directing attention to pioneers, trailblazers and bold innovators, but with the challenges growing on a daily basis, and the sheer numbers getting more and more surreal to attain, I personally think we should rather start actually changing our business procedures and daily lifestyles than only giving away another award. We do have too many awards and too little action. Let’s put all our resources, all our brain time and all our budget into creating a better world for all of us instead of another red carpet event. Even if this has a green one...”




ILMC 28 Dates Announced Manfred Tari Organisers of the International Live Music Conference (ILMC) have announced a series of updates to the world’s leading global concert and festival business event, which launches its 28th edition today. ILMC returns from 3-6 March 2016, powering-up into the world of classic video arcade games as a backdrop. New initiatives include an expansion of the live music showcase programme (details to be announced shortly), a new private networking area in ILMC’s very own off-site pub, and development of the workshop programme

to our regular mix of panels, meetings and events, and it might be

launched in 2015 with tech-focused educational sessions.

the strongest ILMC programme we’ve ever had”.

In addition, the ILMC Production Meeting (IPM) moves to a new

A number of industry events now orbit ILMC including the ILMC

venue to cope with increased demand; a new Association Summit

Production Meeting, and the Green Events and Innovations

sees the leading live music bodies from around the world congregate

conference, which both take place on 3 March 2015. In addition,

in London; and the Bursary Scheme for young executive talent

the Arthur Awards, the live music industry’s equivalent of the Oscars,


are presented at The Savoy Hotel on 5 March.

“Last year’s edition introduced a whole new schedule and increased

ILMC 28 takes place at the Royal Garden Hotel in Kensington,

our panels and workshops by 50%, while this year we’re widening

London. Event partners include Live Nation, AEG, Intellitix, Showsec,

the scope to focus on increased networking, showcases and

Star Events Group, Malaysia Major Events, Istanbul Entertainment

information exchange” says ILMC head Greg Parmley. “Add this lot

Group, Feld Entertainment, Dot Tickets and many more.

IPM – ILMC Production Meeting 2016 Edition Announced Manfred Tari Applications are now being accepted for

The new Production Notes sessions will

IPM takes place at the Copthorne Tara Hotel

the ILMC Production Meeting’s (IPM’s)

run in between IPM’s four main conference

in West London on 3 March. Maintaining

new ‘Production Notes’ sessions. IPM will

sessions throughout the day. Applications

the event’s close links with the International

present a series of case studies, initiatives,

are now being accepted for the sessions,

Live Music Conference, the IPM Closing

new technology and product presentations

with a closing date of 22 January 2016.

Party takes place at the nearby Royal Garden

during the one-day event on 3 March 2016.

Interested parties wishing to host one of the

Hotel, where ILMC begins the following day.

presentations should email The sessions are announced as organisers

to apply.

reveal that the ninth edition of the IPM will move to a new venue to cope with increased

“The idea is to present the most innovative

delegate demand. The move allows a 20%

ideas, initiatives and new products in the

increase in delegate, to accommodate 250

global production business in a quick-fire,

of the world’s most renowned production

digestible format,” says ILMC head Greg

managers; sound and lighting engineers;

Parmley. “Moving to a new venue this year

venue personnel; suppliers and promoters’

allows us to present these great ideas, to


more invited delegates than ever.”

Greg Parmley






Industry figures comment on UK Secondary Ticketing Review Allan McGowan The public consultation on the new review of the secondary ticketing

The recent consumer magazine, Which? report on online touting –

market by the Department Of Culture, Media & Sport closed on

pointed out that ticket buyers were spending money on tickets have

November 20th, and various industry figures are making their views

already cancelled by promoters having seen them on a resale site


(reselling usually breaches the ticket’s terms and conditions), or in some cases, which never even existed in the first place.

Promoter Harvey Goldsmith, famous for Live Aid and other legendary shows is a long time opponent of the whole idea of

Paul Reed of the Association Of Independent Festivals told ‘Front

secondary ticketing. Talking on BBC Radio 4’s ‘Front Row’ recently,

Row. “ We had an event this year where 27 people bought tickets

he reaffirmed his opposition to the practice, calling secondary

on a secondary platform. They showed up at the festival and the

ticketing websites a “national disgrace”

secondary ticketing platform had essentially facilitated the sale of a piece of paper. It wasn’t worth anything. The secondary

The review was announced last month; some market regulation

platforms weren’t contactable, they weren’t accountable. But

had been introduced as part of the Consumer Rights Act at the

these tickets were fraudulent”. Ticketmaster claims it’s Get Me In

end of the last parliament. It was expected that review of consumer

and Seatwave sites have safeguards that make incidents of fraud

protection measures was to follow the act becoming law.

like quite rare.

Goldsmith talked of £182 tickets for recent O2 Arena shows, were

Former manager and founder of primary ticketing service Dice,

selling for £3000 on resale sites. He and others are pushing for the

Phil Hutcheon comments, “We don’t want to stop people reselling

government to pass a law which says you cannot sell a ticket for

tickets. There’s lots of situations where fans can’t make a show and

more than 10% of its face value.

want to pass the tickets on to another fan. Our thing is that, when someone is buying dozens or thousands of tickets and reselling them

Another problem with the secondary market, of course - and one of

and distorting the market, that’s a real issue. And they can get away

the issues highlighted in that

with it because no one knows who’s doing it”.

Harvey Goldsmith




Although the Consumer Rights Act added new rules ordering that

As the deadline arrived on Friday for submissions to the review the

information about tickets being resold online be displayed, the

boss of direct-to-fan firm Music Glue, Mark Meharry, submitted

government legislators did not make it compulsory for secondary

his view, arguing that the boom in touts, who resell tickets to in-

sites to reveal the identity of the seller, which some think should be

demand events online at highly marked up prices, is hindering the

the case. There is a chance that re-sellers on an industrial scale may

process that new artists, and their managers, employ to build profile

well be revealed as music industry insiders.

and demand.

The Music Managers Forum The Music Managers Forum has demanded

We demand far greater transparency in the

to be reinstated. To falsely state a name as

greater transparency from the “out of

secondary ticketing process.”

a seller is fraud and many of the businesses

control” secondary ticketing market ahead

and individuals currently engaged in the

of the Government’s review into the sector.

Earlier this year the House of Commons


The body, which represents more than


reluctant to expose themselves to that

500 artist managers in the UK, submitted

secondary ticketing sellers more closely,

its response ahead of the November 20

requiring online resellers to provide details


such as the face value of the ticket, the seat

“The second provision is that promoters,


legislation to







number and any applicable restrictions, but

artists and managers should have the right to

An open letter has also been drafted by

this has been dismissed as “ineffective” by

choose the ticket retailer that works best for

its manager members and the acts they

the MMF.

them. Currently, many venues have exclusive

represent: Hit & Run’s Tony Smith (Genesis

arrangements with a specific ticketing

and Phil Collins), Modest Management’s

platform, thus insisting that promoters have



to use that ticketing platform. If the artist,

Murs, Little Mix, 5 Seconds of Summer)

manager and promoter could choose their

Everybody’s Management’s Adam Tudhope

own ethical primary ticketing platform they

(Mumford & Sons, Laura Marling) and

could take control of the ticket itinerary

Ian McAndrew, of Wildlife Entertainment

which would stop secondary ticketing

(Arctic Monkeys and Royal Blood).

altogether, save for bona fide ticket sales for




unwanted tickets from fans which could be The





sold at face value or less.”

secondary ticketing market for high demand and medium demand music concerts,

“The amendments to the Consumer Rights

The MMF added: “In conclusion, we ask

festivals and events is basically out of

Act which came in to force on May 27

the Government for strong regulation


have been ineffective and are being largely

and enforcement in regard to secondary

ignored due to a lack of enforcement,” it

ticketing. We accept that fans should be

“The two end players in these events

states. “Also the provision in the consumer

allowed to resell unwanted tickets but that

are artists and the fans. Both are being

contracts regulations that if a seller is

it should be conducted through ethical



a business they must clearly inform the

secondary ticketing platforms such as Dice

unregulated way the secondary ticketing

consumer, is very rarely adhered to. Fans are

and Twickets wherein tickets are resold at


often completely unaware of the true face

face value or less. The current situation is

value of a ticket on offer.

devastating the live music business and


exploited currently





sometimes huge financial gain going to intermediaries who do not re-invest such


urgent regulation is required.”

gains back in to the creative industries. The

“There are two provisions that would make

police have stated that these intermediaries

a huge difference. The first is that the


are often linked to organised crime.

seller of a ticket must be identified to the

announced economist Professor Michael




buyer. We understand that this was in the

Waterson as chairman of the upcoming

“It is becoming almost impossible for artists

proposed amendments to the CRA but was

review, which will report its findings

and managers to control their ticket inventory.

withdrawn at the last moment. This needs

before May 26 next year



STAR Appoints Former MP Adrian Sanders as New Chairman Allan McGowan The Society of Ticket Agents and Retailers

Ticket Abuse. He is also Vice-President of

(STAR) has announced the appointment of

the League Against Cruel Sports, President

Adrian Sanders as its new Chairman. Sanders

of the International Diabetes Federations

takes over from Tom Wright CBE, Chief

Parliamentarians Diabetes Global Network

Executive of Age UK, who recently retired as

and was recently appointed Vice-President

Chairman of STAR following twelve years in


the role.

Foundation UK.

Hailed earlier this year by Queen guitarist

His appointment comes in advance of STAR’s

Brian May as “one of the few candidates

campaign on 24th November to increase

who will act decently, transparently and

customer awareness about how to buy

accountably”, Sanders held the Parliamentary

tickets safely and avoid fraud. Every year,

seat for his home town of Torbay for 18 years

many thousands of customers attempt to

one day, 24 November, helping ensure that

until May 2015, serving as a Party Spokesman

buy tickets from websites that have every

consumers know where they can buy tickets

on Housing, Tourism and Local Government

intention of taking money and no intention

with confidence.

and as a Deputy Chief Whip.

of delivering tickets.


He was a member of several Select

In June alone this year Action Fraud

Sanders said, “As a ticket buyer myself, I am

Committees including the Culture, Media

announced receiving 533 reports of ticket

delighted to have been asked to play a part

& Sport Select Committee for eight years,

fraud relating to gigs, concerts and sporting

in protecting people from ticket fraud and to

covering their enquiries into ticketing and

events. This level of fraud is unacceptable and

the positive promotion of good practice and

phone hacking. He was also a member

STAR’s campaign aims to get the safe ticket

high standards to the general public in the

of the All Party Parliamentary Group on

buying message to millions of customers in

ticket industry. Our awareness campaign on





Adrian Sanders new chairman for STAR





24 November will help spread information about buying safely from STAR members to millions of ticket buyers across the country. It’s an important step in helping consumers know how to avoid fraud.” Jonathan Brown, Chief Executive of STAR added, “We are enormously pleased that Adrian has agreed to support the work of STAR by joining us as Chairman. Adrian brings with him a great deal of experience in the political arena and he is already a great advocate for STAR’s work. We will work together to help ensure customers are able to feel confident whenever they buy tickets and particularly to provide them with clear advice to help them avoid illegal scam websites. The STAR Council and our members look forward

Palladium Theatre - photo by Inty Malcolm

very much to working under Adrian’s chairmanship.”




Public Awareness Campaign to Combat Ticket Fraud Allan McGowan

Aims to raise public awareness of the STAR kitemark

The initiative is backed by the Concert Promoters




Arenas Association (NAA), and the Society On



of London Theatre, as well as ticket agents,


performers, venues and others within the

entertainment industry joined forces on a

entertainment industry. Other supporters

new public awareness campaign to help

include Action Fraud, Metropolitan Police

Rob Edwards, Managing Director, Eventim

combat ticket fraud. The #lookfortheSTAR

and City of London Police.

UK Ltd added: “This level of ticket fraud


shows that as an industry we have to come



organizations across





exclusive new figures released by national



together to help ticket buyers avoid ticket

body Action Fraud revealing nearly 1.3

Ticketmaster, See Tickets, TicketWeb, ATG

sellers who deliberately set out to defraud

million pounds was reportedly lost through

Tickets, The Ticket Factory, Eventim and

them. We are a proud member of STAR and

entertainment and sport ticket fraud in the

Ticketline, as well as theatre and concert

believe the best advice for customers is to

six months to the end of October 2015.

venues across the country, are today featuring

only buy tickets from companies that display



the STAR kitemark, a symbol of trust that







takeovers, putting the #lookfortheSTAR

shows the company has signed up to the

represents a median loss of over 200

message in front of hundreds of thousands

STAR Code of Practice.”

pounds per individual case. Notably, this

of customers as they log on to buy tickets.

is the first time ever that stats have been

STAR members and other supporters are

made available for just entertainment

Detective Chief Inspector Andy Fyfe, City of

taking part in a Twitter campaign, with

and sport ticket fraud, providing a much

London Police/Action Fraud, said: “Buying

members also promoting the campaign in

more accurate view of fraud in the sector

tickets for major entertainment events takes

their own e-newsletters, increasing the reach

compared to past figures which have

a lot of planning and organisation and can

by millions.

included areas such as airline tickets

cost a lot of money. So when people discover

or holidays. A high number of these

they have fallen victim to a fraud – be it

The Society of Ticket Agents and Retailers

reports relate to two companies, Circle

through purchasing tickets that either don’t

(STAR) is the self-regulatory body for the

Tickets and, and cover

exist or turn out to be counterfeit – it can be

entertainment ticket industry. Charged with

such events as Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran,

a devastating experience. The key to making

promoting excellent service and improving

AC/DC, Fleetwood Mac, Foo Fighters, One

sure you don’t fall victim to this crime is to


Direction and the Rugby World Cup, as well

only use authorised sellers and if you have

industry, STAR members work to a strict

as the key festival season.

any doubts about the website check out the

Code of Practice and a dispute conciliation

reviews online. And when it comes to making

service operates to help customers resolve

Led by the Society of Ticket Agents &

a purchase always use a payment card and

outstanding complaints.

Retailers (STAR), the wider #lookfortheSTAR

never transfer the funds directly into another

campaign comes ahead of the peak

bank account.”

The Society’s many members include all the

Christmas ticket-buying period, and aims

UK’s major authorised ticket agents as well

to help reduce fraud by educating and

Adrian Sanders, Chairman of STAR said: “As

as arenas, theatres, producers and promoters

encouraging customers to always look for

well as cheating the consumer, every case

throughout London and the UK. Between

STAR’s kitemark when buying tickets. This

of fraud damages the reputation of Britain’s

them, members of STAR sell more than 30

identifies members of STAR, who must

vital entertainment and sporting industries.

million tickets a year.

sign up to a strict Code of Practice, and

Buying tickets from a STAR kitemarked seller

guarantees that the ticket is from a reliable

will give consumers the confidence that their

Membership of STAR can be recognised by

source, much like buying a holiday through

purchase comes with certain guarantees that

the use of the STAR kitemark and a full list of

an ABTA or ATOL registered travel agent.

protect their rights.”

members is available at













APA promotes agent John Pantle to VP

Agent Cara Lewis leaves CAA

From VIP-Daily News

From VIP-Daily News

APA has promoted agent John Pantle to vice president in the concerts department.

Agent Cara Lewis is leaving talent agency CAA according to New York Post.

Pantle’s clients include Public Enemy and Run-D.M.C. as well as Mexican artists Café Tacuba, Natalie Lafourcade and Molotov. He also represents Hatsune Miku,

The New York-based Lewis joined the firm in 2012

the J-pop hologram “vocaloid” that has become a bona fide sensation in Japan

after a 23-year run at rival William Morris Endeavor.

and other international markets.

She has represented the likes of Kanye West, who left CAA for UTA in March, Eminem, Tupac Shakur and

Pantle, who has been with APA since 2009 and works out of the agency’s Beverly

Public Enemy. Her more recent signings include Iggy

Hills offices, also puts together and implements the nationwide tours and events for

Azalea, MAGIC!, Waka Flocka, Rita Ora and Pusha-T.

corporate sponsors including AT&T, Coors, Energizer, Honda, Jack Daniels, Levi’s, Magnavox, Proctor & Gamble, Rockstar Energy Drink, Sprint and Volkswagen.

A source told NY Post that CAA ousted Lewis on Thursday after negotiations to renew her contract

“John is an integral part of our team who has done a tremendous job expanding

became a nightmare.

and servicing our roster of artists and live-experience events,” APA president and CEO Jim Gosnell said in a statement.

“She overplayed her hand,” the source said, adding Lewis wasn’t well-liked at CAA. It was a far cry from

“His dedication, track record and passion speak volumes and I’m very pleased to

how the firm first felt when it lured her from a 23-

acknowledge his hard work and success with this promotion.”

year reign at WME in 2012.

Pantle’s career began in 1999 as a talent buyer at the Los Angeles House of

“They pulled out the red carpet . . . CAA thought

Blues, later becoming head of development for the HOB Club Network, where he

they were getting this cool, hip music chick, and that

oversaw direct booking, industry relations and talent procurement for more than

was not the case. She created more enemies than

2,500 events for clients that included Disney and Microsoft. At the same time, his

they wanted. She’s ‘The Devil Wears Prada’ times

John Pantle Presents promoted and presented shows for Beck, No Doubt, Sublime,

10,” said a music insider.

Korn and The Goo Goo Dolls, among other acts. Another source said of Lewis’ legendary behaviour The 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics also tapped his banner to create three

toward assistants, “She would always make them

concert venues and book artists that included The Neville Brothers, Sergio Mendes,

cry, and those kids were so terrified . . . they wouldn’t

Foo Fighters, Cheap Trick, Cake, Pennywise, Sheryl Crow, Smash Mouth and

even leave their desks to use the restroom. If they

Modest Mouse.

missed one of her phone calls, forget about it!” Starting in 2004, Pantle worked

Her clients include Eminem, Pitbull and newcomer

for The Agency Group and then for

Travis Scott. Kanye West dropped Lewis for UTA

UTA for three years. In addition to

in March. Her ouster comes in the midst of a war

developing national and international

between LA talent shops.

tours for their respective artist clients, he

John Pantle


“Every agent is calling to sign her clients,” said an

sponsors including Coors, Budweiser,




insider. CAA had no comment. Lewis was traveling

Nokia, McDonald’s, Microsoft and

and could not be reached. But an employee at the

Sprint (at TAG) as well as Coors,

talent agency told us they “hadn’t seen anyone cry”

Televisa and Verizon (at UTA).

in the last few weeks.





Music In Shares Manfred Tari

CTS Eventim

to $25.24 which means the share has almost returned to the share

- Hard To Please

price level of $25.35 where it was on October 15...

Sometimes it is surprising how hard it is to please share holders. The German financial paper Handelsblatt filed CTS Eventim on

SFX Entertainment

November 23 under ‘flop’ as the share dropped from 36.63 the day

- “Going Forward”

before to 35.60 Euro, a minus of two per cent. However, since the last issue of VIP-News with a reported share price of 34.55 Euro on

Was it likely to be expected that Robert F.X Sillerman again withdrew

October 22 it is still two per cent better...

his purchase offer? An almost meaningless question when taking the business results for the first nine months of 2015 into consideration. The results are: A reported revenue of $306.4 million with direct


costs of $250.9 million resulting in a gross profit of $55.4 million,(...)

- The Pressure Is Rising

which is swallowed by a net loss of $144 million!

Last time headline was “DEAG - The Pressure Succeeds”, this time

The share price meanwhile slipped down to $0.30, perhaps due in

it is even worse. The share price dropped down from 4.20 to 3.66

part to Sillermans’ statement, when he stated: “While our financial


performance was impacted by external factors, we are making several significant changes this quarter to address the lower than anticipated operating results. Additionally, although fourth quarter

Live Nation

results are expected to benefit from insurance settlements and

- “Up Side Down and Round....

the finalization of a new marketing agreement, the 2015 full year financial results will not meet our prior expectations. Going forward,

…And Round” sung Diana Ross ages ago. For a long time the same

and notwithstanding the on-going sales process, our teams remain

goes for the Live Nation share, from $26.01 last time currently down

focused on operations.”

Robert F. X. Sillerman





The story of Barley Arts Promotion The story of Barley Arts Promotion, leader for the organisation and production of entertainment and music shows, revolves around the figure of Claudio Trotta (b.1957 in Milan) Following his college years passion for the link between “high” and pop culture, he starts his career with Radio Montestella, then in 1975 he’s at Canale 96, the very first news radio, organising the first live shows of his life. In 1979 he graduates at the Civica Scuola di Arte Drammatica as music operator, spending a training period at the Teatro alla Scala. The same year he founds BARLEY ARTS PROMOTION (first tour: JOHN MARTYN) whose name is a homage Trotta pays to one of his early passions, Anglo-Saxon country and folk. Going through some TV experience (TeleRadioMilano 2), he’s involved by Lucio Salvini (chairman at Ricordi by that time) in his Country e Folk Label project and becomes the Italian promoter for the artists in the roster. Later

ARTIST AVAILS BANCO DE GAIA Territory: World incl. USA Period: March 2016 onwards Agency: Value Added Talent Agent: Dan Silver Phone: +44 20 7704 9720 E-mail: Homepage:

BLIND CHANNEL (FIN) Territory: Europe Period: 2016 Agency: The Damager Agent: Toni Törrönen Phone: +358 400 592 152 E-mail: Homepage:

Basement Jaxx Territory: Europe Period: 2015 Agency: Primary Talent International Agent: Peter Eilliot Phone: +44 20 7400 4500 E-mail: Homepage:

on, Salvini will entrust him with Artistic and Marketing Direction of the Blues & Rock Project series at Carosello. As one of his latest personal side projects, Trotta edited The Milan Music Dictionary (1995), together with Paolo Zenoni. He’s one of the Founders of the following Associations: - ASSOMUSICA: Italian Association of Producers and Organisers of Live Music Entertainment (founded 1996): Board Director from the beginning. - YOUROPE: The European Festival Association (founded 1998): Board Director 1998-2001. The company, which has been doing more than 3500 live shows, festivals and special events since 1979, operates on many levels, e.g.: 1) Promotion of international artists in Italy. E.g. STING, PEARL JAM, BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN, TOM WAITS, SHAGGY, AEROSMITH, THE CURE, LENNY KRAVITZ, AC-DC, PHIL COLLINS, SLIPKNOT, METALLICA, STEVIE WONDER, RAY CHARLES,





Chris Thompson (Ex-Manfred Mann¥s Earth Band) Territory: World Period: Available all year on request Agency: Live Concept Entertainment GmbH Agent: Michael Widmann Phone: +49 7203 9219180 E-mail: Homepage:

The”Original”Blues Brothers Band Territory: Europe Period: On request, May - August 2016 Agency: Basitours Agent: Peter Basler Phone: +41 79 7692393 E-mail: Homepage: brothers_band

IRON BUTTERFLY Territory: All International Period: Spring - Summer 2016 Agency: Cheyenne Productions Agent: Patrick rocher Phone: +1 928 852 00 32​​ E-mail: Homepage:


FESTIVAL, COCA COLA DANCE FESTIVAL… 4) Organisation, production and promotion of Italian artist’s concerts and tours abroad (e.g. first international shows of Vasco Rossi, Eros Ramazzotti, Sabrina Salerno...)


Basement Jaxx

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