VIP-News Premium - October 2016

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I’ve never seen such a variety of cheeses

the lead of the international delegates on

at it. I’m lucky to be good at something.

in my life - I defy anyone to convince me

the guest list. There were other parties,

I could have worked in an abattoir.” Well

that they sampled every one on offer!

but LN had the highest cheese count

Pete – there’s still time… Apparently

Then there were the red wines and the

by far! As I commented in our last issue

they played a great gig though! Then, to

champagne, and of course the scintillating

following Reeperbahn, it’s difficult not to

continue with old chaps being surly, that

company. It’s a hard life dealing with

mention the ever-growing proliferation of

Bob Dylan only goes and gets awarded

Live Nation parties in Paris, but someone

parties, and their popularity (how’s that

the Nobel Prize for Literature, then doesn’t

had to do it, and as I was attending the

for alliteration?) at these events. However,

bother to respond to requests to arrange

MaMA Event in Paris, I thought I’d follow

there were of course other things to occupy

to pick the bloody thing up! But being

those attending MaMA, as mentioned in

famously badly behaved doesn’t seem to

our report in this issue..

have affected the longevity of that original rock and roller Mr.Chuck Berry, he’s got a

COLOPHON > VIP-News is published by: Enghaven 19 Attrup 8444 Balle Denmark Managing Director: Ronni Didriksen General Manager: Peter Briggs Writer and editorial: Allan McGowan Writer: Manfred Tari For advertising enquiries please contact: Peter Briggs +46 70 77 60 480


Being no longer in the first bloom of

new album coming out, and he’s 90! Duck

youth myself, I appreciate on-going tales

walking’s a bit difficult though I expect…

of survival and tend to keep an eye on what the elder statesmen of the world of

Right, less of that poking fun at the elderly, I

rock and roll are up to. A good number of

could be accused of self harming…

them, –the Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan, Paul McCartney, Neil Young, The Who and Roger

Earlier this month I also attended Venues

Waters, many of them hailing from the UK

Day, this increasingly important event was

you might notice, recently turned out in

put together by the Music Venues Trust,

California to play at the Desert Trip Festival.

a very hard working team of people, who

A fantastic line-up I think you’ll agree, and

have really made a difference in focusing

probably a lot of fun you might expect, but

attention on the plight of the grass roots

not everybody thought so, and here’s when

venues in the UK, and have also come up

the old boys can get quite curmudgeonly

with some ideas and initiatives to maintain

(good word!), in an interview with The

and sustain this vital sector – see report in

Times, The Who’s guitarist Pete Townshend

this issue. Not a huge spread of cheese etc.,


but a perfectly acceptable working lunch

“I’m such a boring fucker. It means nothing

in a brown paper bag – they know their

to me. I would be a liar if I said, ‘It was really


fun, man. It was great!’ It wasn’t great. It was a gig. I did it and I got paid. The fact is,

So – before I get peckish - Ladies and

I don’t really like performing. But I’m good

Gentlemen – The News!



New Initiatives Announced at Music Venues Day Allan McGowan The third annual Venues Day 2016 sold out at London’s Roundhouse on October 18, attracting some 500 venue owners and promoters, and others involved in the small venue sector of the live industry, from all over the UK. Organised by The Music Venues Trust the event presented a more than full programme of panels and evening performances in ongoing support of grass roots venues which have suffered badly over the last few years. As speaker Steve Lamaque of BBC Radio 6 pointed out, of 17 venues played by the Arctic Monkeys in 2007, five were no longer operating.

new service will be available to venues up

hand insight into the needs and concerns

London has been particularly badly hit.

to a 1500 capacity, and as well as allowing

of venues and promoters, and we are

promoters to sell their tickets, it also

confident that TicketWeb Backline will help

However the intensive work undertaken by

offers other management and marketing

solve these issues and support venues,

the Music Venues Trust to raise awareness

tools, including event day functions, PRS

promoters and artists across the UK”.

of the situation has begun to show

reporting and social media integration.

positive results with responses from local

TicketWeb says it worked with both the

Mark Davyd, gave his backing to the new

and national authorities. In their opening

Music Venue Trust and various local venues

ticketing platform, saying: “Venues Day

addresses MVT organisers Mark Davyd

to develop the new service.

brings together the UK’s industry leaders,

and Beverley Whitrick were able, without

experts and music lovers to champion and

any form of complacency, to refer to new

TicketWeb MD Sam Isles stated: “At

protect the nation’s grassroots live music.

initiatives to help the overall situation.



Collaborating with TicketWeb has meant



grassroots music industry is at the heart of

both parties have been able to draw on each

Live Nation’s TicketWeb used the event

what we do. With venues finding it harder

others’ expertise to offer relevant solutions

to launch TicketWeb Backline, a new

than ever to stay afloat, we see it as our

for small venues. It is a challenging time in

platform which - says the company -

duty to do whatever we can to make life

our industry, and building our community



easier for them. Working in partnership

through partnerships such as this one is

independent venues and promoters”. The

with Music Venue Trust has given us first

vital for our success”.




Everything Everything Headlines Fightback Show Following the day full of workshops

who didn’t actually get round to playing did

from tiny clubs to massive stadiums all over

and panels a gig under the heading of

at least speak out to offer their support:

the world. Without the grassroots clubs,

FIGHTBACK took place at the Roundhouse,

pubs and music venues my career could

headlined by Everything Everything, Public

Sir Paul McCartney said, “Throughout my

have been very different. I support Music

Service Broadcasting and other musicians

career I’ve been lucky enough to play in

Venue Trust because artists need places to

who had offered their support. Musicians

venues of all different shapes and sizes,

start out, develop and work on their craft




and small venues have been the cornerstone

Jeremy Pritchard, Everything Everything

live music venues. For bands like ours, and

for this. If we don’t support live music at this

“Everything Everything, and all the bands

countless others, there is no shortcut to The

level, then the future of music in general is

we cut our teeth in beforehand, had

Roundhouse, Manchester Apollo, Brixton

in danger.”

lengthy apprenticeships in the UK’s smaller

Academy or the O2. Smaller venues provide a crucial environment for incubation, and if that is not protected from unscrupulous local authorities and avaricious property developers, than we cannot expect to have homegrown acts filling these bigger rooms in the near future. We are facing a genuine cultural crisis, as well as a serious threat to the music industry in the UK - a huge British export. Already we hear the cry that there are too few festival headliners rising through the ranks. This is

Jeremy Pritchard from Everything Everything at Music Venues Day

directly connected to the worrying trend of invaluable but highly vulnerable local gigs going for good. FIGHTBACK.”

ADE 2016 - Big, Bigger, Amsterdam Dance Event Manfred Tari Officially the biggest music festival in the Netherlands, the 21st

with Martin Goldsmith from Cooking Vinyl and Daniel Miller from

edition of ADE continued its ten year run of sold out success. The

Mute said at their ADE Music Talks.

bare figures speak for themselves: 550 speakers, over 2,200 artists in more than 140 venues, 1000 events and 375,000 visitors.

VIP News take on the challenge to get hold of Richard Zilma, ADEdirector for the next issue...

Unfortunately VIP News wasn’t able to attend the event personally and on Monday, October 24 when the current issue of VIP News went to press, none of the officials were available to give us quotes or statements. However, unlike previous years various live-casts during the ADE-Weekend were made available on Facebook. But many questions remain open, such as what lead the conference organizers to take a shaman on board for a session combining “music, yoga, meditation, tarot, numerology, massage, healings and workshops in a unique and welcoming space.” One question at least has already have been answered, the winner of this year ADE DJ Cook Off is DJ Kölsch from Denmark, following Seth Troxler, who won the cooking competition for three years in a row. Food issues were also addressed within the panel “Happy Belly, Happy Planet, The Truth Behind Food Choices,” a title that already says everything. Other questions refer to how the keynote interview


DJ Kölsch won the DJ Cook Off price at ADE



MaMA Completes its 7TH EDITION Allan McGowan This seventh edition of the MaMA Event again took place in Paris from 12-14th of October, with extra networking space available with the return, following disastrous fire damage, of the completely refurbished, L’Elysée Montmartre at the heart of the event. This expansion of the MaMA facilities adds to the event’s continuing aim to develop its status as a major international event for professional networking and as a festival of choice for discovering upcoming artists, gathering a larger audience every year, both professional and public. This edition presented 81 keynotes, panels and workshops. The


second edition of MaMA Invent, dedicated to innovation in the music industry took place over the three days and featured innovative structures, 39 pitch sessions, focuses, keynotes and workshops, as

The French Independent Music Awards

well as many networking spaces.

The first Prix des Indés, a new French prize for independent music, took place on 11th October, the night before the MaMA Event, and

The Conference attracted 5345 delegates (4625 in 2015, +16%),

one of the main themes of the Conference focused on the success of

30% international, and 56 nationalities; 1953 companies (+7%) and

international independent record companies. Organised by record

520 press passes (+16%)

and industry body SPPF, the ceremony was opened by a performance from Jacques, who presented a special award to former Minister of

More than 4000 public tickets sold, up15% on last year. 147

Culture Jack Lang and gave prizes to the following winners:

acts played 128 concerts for both professionals and professional delegates, in 14 venues, all located in the neighbourhood of Pigalle.

Best Album - Jeanne Ad ded: Be Sensational (Na ïve) Breakthrough Album Radio Elvis: Les Conquêtes (PIAS) Most Daring Album - Bac har Mar-Khalifé: Ya Balad (InFiné) Best Video - Odezenne: Bouche à lèvres Best Small Label - Ed Ban ger Most Streamed Track Jul ‘Amnesia’ Best Export Album - Chr istine and the Queens

The differences between the French and the UK live market were highlighted in a panel chaired by your Editor – who learnt a lot! – which featured 3 UK Agents, 2 French Agents and a French lawyer. We learned that there are distinct differences, in terminology and the roles taken up by the players in this sector. One main observation is that in the UK the artist and his or her team employ the promoters/ producers of the tours, whereas in France the Tourneur is the employer of the artist. – a situation ordered by national social set – ups. It’s a complicated and interesting area! As I always say about these events, the parties proliferated (see this edition’s Musings) but business was done, and will again be done next year from October 18th to 20th 2017 at the next edition of MaMA Festival & Convention!




Germany to Award Clubs Manfred Tari The German Club Award “Applaus” was presented on October 24 and rewarded music venues all over Germany for their booking

The Jury in particular awarded the venues:

policy. In total 64 clubs have been honoured in three categories. In

Category I:

Stadtgarten, Köln

the first category clubs that stage more than 100 shows per year

Catgeory II:

Golden Pudel Club, Hamburg

receive f 25.000 Euro each for their efforts, while in the second

Category III:

Biegungen im ausland, Berlin

category venues hosting more than 50 concerts receive 15.000

Special Award:

Jamel rockt den Förster

Euro and those who put on at least 10 shows per year a grant of 5.000 Euro. The festival “Jamel rockt den Förster” received a special award, The support measure initiated by Livekomm together with the

which could almost can be seen as a political statement. Jamel

Bundeskonferenz Jazz and the Initiative Musik as the lead partner

is a tiny village with just 35 citizens in East-Germany. Right wing

distribute a total amount of 900.000 Euro annually. In the first

groups declared this town as theirs. The Lohmeyer’s, a couple from

category 20 venues were chosen summing up a total grant

Hamburg moved to Jamel in 2004, and have over the years been

of 500.000. In the second category 18, with a total amount of

terrorized by the far right people in the town. Since 2007 they have

270.000 Euro and another 130.000 Euro for 26 venues in the third

presented an annual festival supported by many popular German


artists, who have played to show solidarity with this festival.

Kulturstaatsministerin Prof. Monika Grütters with Mathias Maschat, Charlotte Knothe, Matthias von Welck & Katharina Grimstein

Need to know who is touring Europe? Go online -





Eurosonic ‘17 Announces Acts and Focus on Portugal Allan McGowan Eurosonic Noorderslag has confirmed 26 acts for January 11-14 -

“With Eurosonic Noorderslag as a platform for European music, we

Festival ticket sales start October 29th

are excited to present new Portuguese music,” says Nuno Saraiva of WHY Portugal: “There are so many great artists in present-day

ADNA (se), Anne-Marie (gb), Bonzai (ie), Communions (dk),

Portugal that it is no doubt a tough job for the Eurosonic team

Dan Owen (gb), Declan McKenna (gb), Henrik the Artist

to pick which ones to invite, in order to offer the music business

(no), Joep Beving (nl), KIOL (it), LÉON (se), Man Duo (fi),

professionals and European audiences the very best talents from

Mani Orrason (is), Mario Batkovic (ch), Martin Kohlstedt

Portugal in this important year.”

(de), Jeangu Macrooy (nl), Møme (fr), Salut C’est Cool (fr), Sam Alone and the Gravediggers (pt), shame (gb), Silvana Imam (se), Siv Jakobsen (no), Soffía Björg (is), TaxiWars (be), Témé Tan (be), TEMENIK Electric (fr) and Wyvern Lingo (ie) have been confirmed to play at Eurosonic Noorderslag, January 11 - 14th. Also, Portugal has been confirmed as the Focus Country for the 2017 edition. And will bring a special programme to Groningen, featuring: The Gift, NEEV, DJ Ride, Gisela João, Glockenwise, Memória de Peixe, :papercutz and We Bless This Mess.

Portugese band The Gift will play at Eurosonic Noorderslag in January

Global acquires six UK festivals From VIP-Daily News Media and entertainment company Global

We’ve had an incredible first year working

business, starting with our first venture in

have acquired six UK festivals and increasing

together, working hard to bring in some

North America next year. What we have

its stake in live firm Broadwick Live.

of Europe’s leading music festivals as well

announced today is just the beginning”.

as some of the most innovative and wellGlobal has purchased four festivals from

loved up-and-coming festivals. We have a

It of course remains to be seen how well the

Impresario – SouthWestFour, Field Day,

shared ambition to grow the portfolio and

largely indie and alternative leaning festivals

Boardmasters and Rewind Festival – and

we look forward to doing this with Gareth

in this deal evolve ultimately under the

two from Count Of Ten – Y Not and Truck.

and the team at Broadwick Live as well as

control of a major entertainment company

Having announced plans to expand the

the founders and managers of the festivals

like Global.

music side of its business, Global got into

we have acquired”.

the festivals game last year by taking a stake in Broadwick Live, the company behind

The there referenced Broadwick Live CEO

Snowbombing and Festival No 6, as well as

Gareth Cooper adds: “These are exciting

various branded events.

times. Working with Global has helped us

Field day

to realise our ambitions and then some. Director of Global’s Live And Touring

We have a strong partner that offers

division, Sam Bush, says: “We took a stake

us unbelievable support and shares our

in Broadwick Live just over a year ago.

goal to build an international festivals




Swedish concert market grows by 14% From VIP-Daily News Swedish music industry across records publishing and live performance, reached 9.2 billion kronor in 2015 – a 13% increase from the previous year. The largest share of revenues, 4.8 billion kronor ($540m), came from the concert market last year – accounting for about half of the industry’s total income. The 14 percent increase in concert revenues was the largest year-on-year jump since Musiksverige started collecting data on the revenue developments back in 2007. Since 2010, Musiksverige has developed and presented statistics showcasing the financial performance of the Swedish music industry in the form of revenue generated via legal

revenue, generated 2.3 billion kronor

popular playlists dominated by international

distribution channels within domestic and

($260m), an increase by 7%. Music sales


export markets.

were up 12 percent to 2 billion kronor







($230m). Yet concern continues over the The report analyzes trends within the

‘superstar economy’ and what it means

“Our mission is to work to create the best

Swedish music industry based on copyright

in the market for up-and-coming artists/

possible conditions for a sustainable future

revenue (licensing), revenue from recorded


for Swedish music. That involves, among

music and concert revenue.

other things, a deep respect for creator’s “We’re trying to strengthen local acts that

rights and a better venture capital and

Copyright revenue [licensing], which is the

have an increasingly hard time reaching

financing structure for small and medium-

next biggest share of total music industry

listeners who now consume music through

sized companies”, says Portnoff.

Ukraine parliament says no to ban Russian artists From VIP-Daily News Ukraine`s parliament have voted against

document condemning “the occupation of

Relations between the two countries

a controversial bill that would introduce

Ukrainian territory” by Russia.


restrictions on all Russian artists` touring the former Soviet republic.






annexation of the peninsular region of However, only 174 parlament members

Crimea, which Ukraine now refers to as an

voted in favor of the bill, with 226 needed

occupied territory, and for its support for

The bill stipulated that artists representing

for it to pass. The parliament speaker`s

rebels in East Ukraine.



proposal to send the bill back for revision

only be allowed to perform in Ukraine if




similarly failed to generate enough votes,

Ever since, artists have been -- willingly or

they submitted to promoters a written

effectively burying the initiative.

not -- part of the conflict between the two



countries. Last year, Ukraine banned some

Ukraine Parliment

Russian artists who praised the annexation of Crimea, or in some cases even performed in the region, from entering the country. Ukraine`s “black list” includes singers Oleg Gazmanov, Iosif Kobzon, Valeria, Mikhail Boyarsky, Nikolai Rastorguyev and Grigory Leps. Ukraine also released a “white list” of foreign cultural figures who supported it in the standoff with Russia, which features veteran rock singer Yuri Shevchuk and indie star Zemfira alongside the likes of George Clooney, Jared Leto and Milla Jovovich. With Ukraine set to host next year`s

Meanwhile, the failure of the bill restricting

Several months ago, Ukraine`s culture

Eurovision Song Contest, there have been

Russian artists` touring apparently put a

minister Yevgeny Nishchuk announced

reports that the selection of a blacklisted

lid on Ukraine`s broader initiative aimed

plans to create an agency that would

artist as Russia`s contestant is likely to lead

at preventing pro-Kremlin Russian artists

prevent artists with anti-Ukrainian views

to controversy.

from performing in Ukraine.

from performing in the country.

Great Escape 2017 Confirms Switzerland as Spotlight Country Allan McGowan The Great Escape organizers have announced that Switzerland will be the event’s lead international partner in 2017. The showcase festival and music industry conference always puts a specific focus on one music market each year. Confirming the tie-up for the 2017 edition of TGE, Jean Zuber, Director of Swiss Music Export, told reporters: “We are delighted to be the lead international partner at next year’s festival. Since 2013 Swiss Music Export has worked closely with The Great Escape and pushed the development of Swiss artists into the UK market and built stronger relationships between the Swiss and UK music industries. What could be better than joining forces as lead international partner and giving our emerging artists a wider platform for success?” TGE General Manager Kevin Moore added: “We are so pleased to be announcing Switzerland as our lead international partner for The Great Escape 2017. We have had a longstanding partnership with Swiss Music Export so it’s very exciting to finally be shining a light on the country’s incredible music scene and to be able to showcase

Jean Zuber Swiss Music Export




Let’s Talk Politics Manfred Tari

There was a time back in the sixties and

sector is everything but a happy oasis cut

VIP News: Due to your involvement

seventies when protest songs had a definite

off from political issues these days. One of

with ILMC and IFF you are closely in

impact on politics. Even later in the eighties,

the first people that came into our heads to

touch with UK agents. Is this peer

charity events like Live Aid or Farm Aid, and

ask is none less than Greg Parmley, Director

group already concerned about the

campaigns such as “Rock The Vote” or “Rock

of ILMC and co-founder of the International

consequences that Brexit might have

Against Racism” entered the political stage

Festival Forum.

on their daily business or are they still relaxed as at present no established

and gained awareness for a good cause. VIP News: You are a member of a

regulations have been established?

Nowadays things have changed and political

steering committee working on the

decisions more often tend to have the

possible outcome of the Brexit-poll.

Greg Parmley: The Agents Association in

potential to cause difficulties for the music

Can you please explain the role of this

the UK has provided input on the Brexit

industry. For the moment Brexit seems to be

committee and who is part of it?

working paper, so they’re absolutely aware. If you take the view that visas, Carnets,

only the tip of the iceberg, while the main bulk of the foreseeable problems could contain

Greg Parmley: The Brexit Working Group

withholding tax, VAT recharges might all

very unsure developments such as the fragile

was set up by UK Music after the referendum

change, then there’s an enormous amount

shape of the European Union, the strong rise

to anticipate the effects of the UK leaving

to be concerned about. Ultimately though,

of neo-nationalism in Europe and the U.S. or

the EU and to establish what support the

it’s still too early for anyone to know what

the globally rising gap between the poor and

UK music business will need. It’s formed

will happen.

the rich still remain unpredictable.

by representatives from the labels (BPI/ AIM), managers (MMF), publishers (MPA),

VIP News: The music sector plays a vital

With this in mind, there are plenty of reasons

musicians (MU), the live music business

role in the UK-economy. Its importance

to ask some political questions of certain

(UK Live) and others. Our initial remit was

compared to the music industry in other

players within the music industry as the

to produce a summary document that

European countries is certainly more

detailed the likely effect of Brexit, in order

relevant. However, like elsewhere the

that UK Music could address this with the

music industry seems to be considered




and VIP News:







The British Government

comparison to other industries. Do you

decided that foreign experts or advisers

think that the sector is ready to increase

are not allowed to contribute towards

its efforts to effectively demand more

policies in reference to Brexit due to

attention for its needs and interests?

their nationality. Would you personally recommend that the committee you

Greg Parmley: Through the work of UK Music

are part of should not involve non -UK-

(including its annual Wish You Were Here

citizens as external experts?

music tourism reports) the music business has a far better political voice than ever.

Greg Parmley

Greg Parmley: Absolutely not. There are

Equally, work by associations such as the

different nationalities involved.

Music Venue’s Trust has been instrumental




in raising awareness about the cultural value

statements to cause an impact on

were invited to take part in one of these

of grassroots venues in the country. Music is

policies and politicians; would you say

meetings in Brussels. What was your

a principal export of the UK - I think we’re

that the music sector and in particular

impression of the results of the meeting

taken seriously. On a local level, many arenas

its artists neglected to venture their

and what do you think of this initiative

and festivals have commissioned economic


in general?

impact reports that measure the value of

recent years?




what they do in the wider community -

Greg Parmley: It’s potentially a great

initiatives like this have proved extremely

Greg Parmley: I don’t think anyone would

initiative. Anything that recognises some

useful as well.

disagree that music is far less political

of the fantastic work and projects being

than it used to be. Should artists be more


VIP News: In fact there is an awareness

vocal about their political beliefs? Yes. As

welcomed. The meetings seemed very

of economic dimensions of the music

influencers, they’re in a unique position.

positive and as long as funding is given to

sector, and in terms of its meaning on a





genuinely worthwhile projects I’m sure it

social-level it is certainly as meaningful

VIP News: The European Commission

would be a success. Although, since the

as the sport or media sector. Way

is currently undertaking consultations

Brexit vote I’m unsure whether the UK is

back in the sixties and seventies

to launch in 2021 a new support

now ruled out of any such future funding… I

artists delivered distinctive political

programme for the music sector. You

haven’t had an invite since anyway!

Rock ‘n’ Roll Disasters & What They Taught Me Allan McGowan There’s a lot to be learned from getting

to dealing with ‘Music Biz Blunders’, Rock

trumpets, the speakers at this event will, in

things wrong, and I’m a great advocate

‘n’ Roll Disasters & What They Taught Me

unflinching detail, go through the biggest

of the application of a sense of humour

kicks off with music journalism on Tues

mistakes they have made or have witnessed

(hopefully you’ve noticed!) to help the

8th November at Fyvie Hall, University of

first-hand and what, when the dust settled,

process. Music industry think tank and

Westminster, 309 Regent Street, London

they learned from it all.

business information hub, MusicTank, which


works out of the University of Westminster

Said Keith Harris, Chair of MusicTank,

has announced a partnership with Word in

Over the next 12-months, MusicTank will

University of Westminster: “There are

Your Ear, the brainchild of Word Magazine

put different sectors of the music biz under

of course thousands of humorous music

veterans, David Hepworth and Alex Gold to

the spotlight in a unique and entertaining

business stories, it is great to be able to learn

present a new chat-style series dedicated to a

way that puts ‘learning from mistakes’

from some of them, and hopefully this Word

fun and practical ‘lessons learned’ approach

centre-stage. Instead of blowing their own

in Your Ear series will facilitate exactly that.” David Hepworth, Word Magazine veteran and Co-Founder of Word in Your Ear: “We’re delighted to announce this new series in partnership with Music Tank; like us they offer quality chat around music. Together we make the illuminating entertaining and the entertaining illuminating Information & booking:

Rock ’n’ Roll disasters





New directors for ie:music From VIP-Daily News ie:music, the London based artist management company, which counts Robbie Williams, Passenger, Will Young, Lily Allen, Lemar, Ladyhawke and others among its clients, has announced a number of key internal promotions. Two longtime staff members, Dan Medland and Michael Loney, Company co-founder Tim Clark will assume the role of Chairman,

have been promoted to the positions of joint Managing Director.

following the death in August of David Enthoven. Dan Medland has been with ie:music for 13 years and oversees the Enthoven co-founded ie:music with Clark in 1992, after which the

careers of Passenger, who is enjoying a number one album in the

pair built one of the most respected management houses in the UK

UK, Australia and New Zealand this week, along with Ladyhawke

over the course of more than two decades.

and Gin Wigmore.

Natasha Bent joins Coda Agency From VIP-Daily News Booking agent Natasha Bent has left her role as Vice President at the

Bent is also one of the first names to be revealed for this year’s

London UTA office and joined Coda Music Agency.

Music Week Women In Music Roll Of Honour, which highlights a dozen of the music business’ most important and influential female

Natasha Bent had been with The Agency Group since 2006 and was

executives from across every sector of the music industry. She will be

promoted to vice-president in 2014. The firm was acquired by UTA

honoured at the third annual ceremony at the Royal Garden Hotel in

last year.

Kensington on Friday, November 11.

Natasha Bent





Music In Shares Manfred Tari

CTS Eventim - Take Over Alda Events

DEAG - Need For Growth

The news that CTS Eventim is to take over the Dutch company Alda

The shares of DEAG remain on a low level; dropping from 2.60

Events came as something of a surprise due to the fact that since its

to 2.50 Euro within one month. In mid of October the share even

IPO, (Initial Public Offering) Eventim has almost primarily invested in

reached with 2.10 Euro its lowest price level within the last 52 weeks.

the take over of live entertainment companies in German speaking countries. Outside those markets the Company followed a growth strategy that focused on taking over ticketing companies but not live

Live Nation - Moody’s Confidence In New Loans

entertainment companies. The company will have its headquarters in Hamburg.

The rating agency considered new credit commitments by Live Nation with a volume of $1.5 billion positively and lifted the outlook

Also surprising is the fact that, very unusually for CTS Eventim the

of Live Nation’s credit rating from “Stable” up to “Positive”. The

press release regarding the take over came along with a quote

credit package includes a $365 million revolving term loan, a $190

from CEO Klaus Peter Schulenberg. He stated, “With this new

million term loan A and a $975 million term loan B.

joint venture we further strengthen our position in European Live Entertainment. Together with our partner ALDA and their extensive

Bill Wolfe, Senior Vice-President at Moody’s commented on the

knowledge and international experience in the genre we will drive

rating: “We changed Live Nation’s rating outlook to positive because

forward the growing genre of Electronic Dance Music in Germany.”

we believe they have the ability to de-lever below 4x within the next two years, although we think they may prefer to acquire growth

The CEO and founder of Alda Events Allan Hardenberg, commented:

properties, and the growth strategy involves execution risks.”

“We are really thrilled to start this new venture in Germany with a world leading entertainment company like CTS Eventim. The German

Live Nation meanwhile announced the issue of its business report

market is growing and full of opportunities in the field of Electronic

for Q3 on November 7. The share price within the last four weeks

Dance Music. We’re planning some exciting new innovative events

almost kept its level, slipping insignificantly down from previously

with CTS Eventim that are going to bring electronic dance music in

$27.44 to $27.38.

Germany to a whole new level.” Besides ID&T Alda Events is the other big player within the Dutch

SFX Sell Out?

EDM community, promoting dance festivals such as A Day In The Park, A State Of Trance, Electronic Family and working together with

The future of the Dutch dance imperia ID & T, with its festivals

popular Dance artists Armin Van Buuren and Hardwell. The company

Amsterdam Music Festival (AMF), Mysteryland, Sensation and

gains an annual turnover of €30 million and promotes per year

Welcome To The Future for the moment still remain uncertain.

worldwide around 160 shows in 40 countries. Alda Events also co-

The company was sold in 2013 for more than $100 million to SFX

promotes AMF with ID&T, a five-day long festival taking place during

Entertainment, who then filed insolvency at the beginning of 2016.

the Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE) music conference. The billing for

The former company founder Duncan Stutterheim has now declared

this festival features, among others, the famous Dutch dance artists

in an TV-interview with the local station AT5 just recently that a

such as Tiesto, Armin Van Buuren, Afrojack but also international

group of Dutch entrepreneurs are working on plan to buy back ID&T.

artists such as David Guetta, Axwell /\ Ingrosso or Steve Aoki. In the light of the take over of Alda Events by CTS Eventim


In the last issue the reported share price for CTS Eventim has been

speculations arise as to what will happen with the German SFX

30.42 Euro, this time on October 25 it is 32.87 Euro.

branch I-Motion.




ARTIST AVAILS JOHN CALE Territory: Europe Period: 2016 Agency: Primary Talent International Agent: Andy Woolilscroft Phone: +44 20 7400 4500 E-mail: Homepage:

PATRICIA KAAS Territory: Worldwide Period: On demand Agency: Richard Walter Productions Agent: Jean-Hugues Feugeas Phone: +33 432 600 599 E-mail: Homepage:

Rock-it Cargo What do Bruce Springsteen, Mumford & Sons, Lady Gaga, Boeing, APR Energy,

TRICKY Territory: Europe Period: 2016 Agency: Primary Talent International Agent: Ben Winchester Phone: +44 20 7400 4500 E-mail: Homepage:

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THE WOMBATS Territory: Europe Period: 2016 Agency: Primary Talent International Agent: Matt Bates Phone: +44 20 7400 4500 E-mail: Homepage:

and complicated freight moves. Originally specializing in entertainment and live events, Rock-It has expanded its business into many industries that need the same special care and personal attention that the music industry has depended on for thirty five years

About Our Company VIP-Booking’s core product is the Internet’s oldest and largest­ database­for the European Live Entertainment Industry­developed as a tool for industry professionals­. Since it’s launch in the year 2000, we have consistently offered our subscribers the very best in database services and now boast subscribers­in over 30 countries. Today VIP-Booking offers a range of tools for the industry­ – including VIP-News, VIP-Booking, VIP-Book and VIP-Contract.

LAIBACH Territory: Europe Period: May Agency: IBD Agent: Sabine Waltz Phone: +49 8202 9049870 E-mail: Homepage:

SPECTOR Territory: Europe Period: 2016 Agency: Primary Talent International Agent: Matt Bates Phone: +44 20 7400 4500 E-mail: Homepage:


Please visit for further information­. Your comments and suggestions are always appreciated­.

The Wombats



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