VIP-News Premium October 2014

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COLOPHON > VIP-News is published by: VIP-Booking 145-157 St John Street London Ec1V 4PW Managing Director: Ronni Didriksen General Manager: Peter Briggs Writer and editorial: Allan McGowan Writer: Manfred Tari For advertising enquiries please contact: Peter Briggs +44 870 755 0092



It’s been an interesting and active

of earnings for musicians, this became 46

month since last we were in touch - I’ve

during the panel when someone added

been to another couple of conference

performing in people’s front rooms to

events, Waves in Vienna and Bratislava,

the list. In Paris economist Chris Carey

and MaMA in Paris, where, as ever I

presented some very interesting figures

met good people and noticed that a

that in many cases went against general

recurrent theme is figuring out how

assumptions as to where the money

and where to make money in this ever

comes from, and perhaps even more

changing business. Also at the urging

crucial, where it will come from. Then a

of my son and others I finally decided

recent Billboard article focussed on the

to make the move from PC to Mac – it’s

sector usually highlighted as the main

driving me crazy, my grandson who was

money spinner for artists these days

2 today would definitely cope better with

– yes, the area that most of you work

the changeover, so if any of you find it

in – live, of course, presenting the case

difficult to reach me, or there’s a delay,

that many arena headliners walk away

it’s probably because I’m banging my

with just $30 pre-tax from every $100

head on a keyboard – everyone tells me

they earn. A US accounting firm Flood,

it’s so much more intuitive, if that is the

Bumstead, McCready & McCarthy, says

case I must be strangely wired! However,

that roughly 40 percent of tour revenue

we’ll get there I suppose.

Anyway I

goes to costs, 30 percent to commissions

haven’t mentioned the weather yet, have

and 30 percent, pre-tax, to the act. As

I Anne Hochstein of the Reeperbahn

ever ‘Accurate sales and cost projections

Festival? However, as you mention it,

are key’, it seems that less people are

it is all a bit weird, I left Paris on what

making a killing these days, but perhaps

was like a mid – summer day and then

more people are making a living out of

encountered the tail end of a hurricane in

the music business.

Brighton, it’s all very confusing! So, with that ‘heartening?’ observation But – back to business, this matter

I’ll return to trying to teach an old dog

of figuring out how to monetise a

new tricks – still if ELO can make such a

music business career was discussed in

successful comeback, and the BBC’s star-

Bratislava and Paris. Kristin Thomson

studded version of The Beach Boys’ hit

of the Future of Music Coalition in the

God Only Knows is a YouTube sensation,

US presented a research document in

then I suppose all is possible! As ever,

Slovakia, which listed 45 different sources

Ladies and Gentlemen – The News!



Success of Amsterdam Dance Event Marred by Reports of Deaths Allan McGowan

The Amsterdam Dance Event has seen remarkable growth over the last few years, and the 19th edition, which took place from Oct. 15-19 saw over 2,200 artists playing more than 300 events at 120 different venues. At VIP our experience of ADE is that it is an outstandingly well run and successful event, so it hugely unfortunate to hear that this recent edition has been overshadowed by the reported deaths of four people. According to Dutch paper de Volkskrant, two ADE attendees died after falling ill

ADE director Richard Zijlma

David Balfour of Record of the Day

over the weekend, the two incidents were apparently unrelated. A 21-year-old

venue is responsible for its own security and

he has to say and he is happy for us to quote

Dutch man reportedly died on Sunday,

door policy, and a comprehensive inspection

him in this article:

Oct. 19, after being hospitalized following

is also completed at every venue entrance.

“Whilst the deaths at ADE 2014 were

an ADE event at the Westergasfabriek the

Drug use is not tolerated in any way at

undoubtedly tragic, we feel it would be a

previous night, and it was also reported

ADE and its partners make every effort to

mistake to try and come up with a summary

that a 33-year-old Serbian man died after

ensure that people are behaving responsibly

or opinion of what happened. It’s been

collapsing outside an ADE event at Club

at the event. Ultimately there is a limit to

officially acknowledged that drugs were

Lite on Saturday, Oct. 18. Also Dutch

what we can do and individuals must take

involved in some of those deaths. This

police reportedly confirmed the death of a

responsibility for their own actions. Our

raises questions over security, door policies,

41-year-old Dutch woman on Sunday at an

thoughts are with the families and friends at

availability of drug testing facilities and even

ADE event at Club Lite, according to their

this time, and we would like to express our

government policy. These are perennial

report, a coroner found that the woman

deepest sympathy to them.”

questions for both the club industry and

died as a result of ecstasy use.

society at large. We feel that they have little ADE claims that these deaths are the first to

directly to do with the ADE event itself. To

Also MusicWeek reported that Phoenix

be associated with the annual dance industry

suggest that the organisers can be held in

Music International head of publishing

conference in Amsterdam, and we are

any way responsible for the actions of all the

Felix Hines died on Saturday morning while

certainly unaware of any previous incidents

individuals who attend the event would be

attending an ADE event,

over the last eighteen editions of the event.

wrong. We prefer therefore to focus on what

However there is no doubt that these

makes ADE each and every year one of the

ADE director Richard Zijlma released the

casualties will lead to the implementation

most valuable and useful events we attend.”

following statement on Monday:

of even more security practices both in Amsterdam and at other events..

“The ADE organization is shocked by these tragic accidents. We are in close contact

Due to the number of other events taking

with all of the venues, municipalities and

place at the same time VIP News was not

emergency services that are part of the

able to attend this edition of ADE, but our

ADE Festival and every precaution is taken

colleague David Balfour of Record of the Day

to ensure the safety and security of the

, did attend and wrote the following as part

audience at all participating venues. Each

of his report. We thoroughly agree with what


Eurosonic Noorderslag 14/15/16/17 January 2015 Groningen, NL

AGENDA WED JAN 14 European Border Breakers Awards European Festival Awards Eurosonic festival THU JAN 15 Conference Eurosonic festival European Innovative Production Conference & Fair (EPIC) FRI JAN 16 Conference Eurosonic festival European Innovative Production Conference & Fair (EPIC) SAT JAN 17 Conference Noorderslag festival European Innovative Production Conference & Fair (EPIC)

the european music platform Eurosonic Noorderslag is the key exchange and networking platform for European music, with a proven track record for helping new acts break into the international music scene. Selling out each year Eurosonic Noorderslag attracts over 3,200 delegates, including 400 international festivals. Eurosonic Noorderslag presents showcases by more than 300 acts and a conference programme featuring 150 panels, keynote speakers, interviews, workshops, dinners, pitches, parties and meetings on the latest developments in the international music, media, production and interactive industry

rates Late rate Walk up rate

€ 315,- Deadline December 12 € 380,- From December 13 onwards

Saturday only pass: Late rate € 135,- Deadline December 12 Walk up rate € 150,- From December 13 onwards

Eurosonic Noorderslag has been responsible for kick-starting the careers of European acts like Ásgeir, Benjamin Clementine, Birth of Joy, Coely, Emilie Nicolas, Ewert and the Two Dragons, George Ezra, Hozier, Jaakko Eino Kalevi, Jungle, Kadebostany, Larry Gus, Mighty Oaks, Milky Chance, MØ and Royal Blood.




MaMA Reports 5th Successful Edition Allan McGowan One of the main aims of the organisers of

debates and workshops, presentations and

situation in China amongst other things. The

the MaMA Event has been to attract the

17 networking activities including 1200 face-

conference panel sessions were in the main

international music industry to the heart of

to-face speed meetings, initiatives corner,

well attended and definitely worth attending,

Paris by staging a conference and showcase

and the apéro-showcase. 67 nationalities,

two main conference sites presented a full

event that could stand up alongside the

10% up on the 61 in 2013 were represented.

and particularly comprehensive programme.

other major professional forums already

Most prominent was the rise in attendance

Festivals financing and even fun were well

established throughout Europe, in terms

from Africa, Asia, and Latin America. 1705

covered and a certain panel featuring an

of attracting both professional and public

companies were present, again up on the

imaginary band, The Wanabees, planning a

attendants. This fifth edition added an

1578 in 2013, plus 420 accredited journalists.

campaign for the UK, Germany and France

extra day to become a three day event, and

scored high on the entertainment level,

the indications are that the aims are being

Around 100 concerts were staged in twenty

reflecting how much this business uses and

achieved. Even though an increasingly

concert halls and venues atypical of the

needs humour in its day to day workings!

congested calendar included The Amsterdam

Montmartre and Pigalle areas of the City

Also the very down to earth Michael Eavis,

Dance Event, Music and Media in Tampere,

attracted 7000 concertgoers as well as

the founder of Glastonbury charmed a full

Finland and the Association of Independent


room during his interview by Jeremy Silver,

Festivals Congress in Cardiff, Wales, on the

and even managed to book an act from the

same dates, MaMA reports an increase in

The Wednesday morning kicked off with

stage for next year’s festival, when answering

attendance figures.

MaMA Zapping, this is a good and informative

a question from David Stopps, manager of

format, being a fast moving coverage of

the recently reformed Thomson Twins!

4372 professionals participated in the 2014

current topics and subjects to be covered in

edition, a 15% increase on the 3800 in 2013,

the following sessions, covering streaming

The next edition is scheduled for the 14th,

taking part in more than 60 conferences, 48

and subscriptions and the present market

15th & 16th October 2015.

”Meet China” - event at MaMA 2014




Music & Media -

A Warm Welcome In Finland Manfred Tari

This was the 25th edition of the industry

will become the partner country for music

and a great chance to meet the key Finnish

convention Music & Media in Tampere in

convention Reeperbahn Festival in Hamburg

companies and see the best new acts from

Finland. And it was very good edition...

in Germany. With Music Finland the Finnish

the country.

music industry has an organisation in place It wasn’t as cold as expected when Music &

that seem to act very closely with the music

VIP News: When were you last at music

Media went ahead from October 16 to 18

sector and serve the needs of this sector

& media and what has been the main

with temperatures between 4 degree Celsius

very efficiently. At least Music Finland was

difference between the previous and

and above in the sunshine. Besides the

mentioned here and there during some

the current edition?

weather it was primarily the settings of this

conference sessions and even at the Industry

conference that attracted delegates. Music

Award show for its efforts and its service in

Cheetham: I last attended Music & Media

& Media had according to its organizer “700

support of the music business in Finland.

as a delegate in 2008, when I still lived and worked in Helsinki. The main difference

delegates and 130 showcase gigs in nearly 20 different venues.�

VIP News consulted Paul Cheetham for an in

this year was perhaps the introduction

depth interview about Music & Media and a

of a new initiative by Music Finland called

It is very convenient that everything takes

bit of input about what he has been doing

the International Summit. This was a

place in walking distance. Also impressive

since he left Berlin Music Week and Berlin

dedicated seminar program integrated into

is that the majority of the visitors of this

in general.

the Music & Media conference that was focused on placing internationally minded

industry event seem to be pretty young. In fact it was quite astonishing to see that

Before Cheetham moved to Berlin he actually

Finnish professionals with the International

compared to various other conventions

worked for quite while as a promoter in

delegates. This seemed to be quite effective

the average age of the players within the

Finland where he stayed in Helsinki.

although I suppose it made it more difficult

Finish music business seem to be something

to meet delegates that were not involved in

between late twenty and mid thirty.

the Summit seminars.

Most panels were well attended even if the

VIP News: You worked in Finland for

majority of them were in Finish language.

quite a while as a promoter. When was

Yes, the average age at the major record

that and what were your findings about

company panel was a bit above the general average, but nevertheless the audience was spiked with young fresh fellows. Also

Paul Cheethaam about Music & Media, Finland

the concert market in Finland compare to other European markets? Cheetham: I worked in Helsinki as an

remarkable is that the major companies Sony and Warner Music both runs live

VIP News: What are your thoughts on

international talent booker for a concert

entertainment units in Finland.

the current edition of music & media?

promoter called Welldone agency between

Anyhow, this edition put a focus on

Paul Cheetham: I enjoyed attending Music

the process of the privately-owned Nordic

the German music market, a combined

& Media again this year. I was pleased to

promoters being bought up by EMA Telstar

measure with the industry organisation

see so many new faces in the business there.

and then being sold to SFX, which then

Music Finland that will put a focus on this

The event was well attended by the locals,

became Clear Channel Entertainment and

market throughout 2015. One highlight was

indicating that the music industry in Finland

finally Live Nation. Back then, the concert

a keynote interview with Folkert Koopman

is still quite healthy and interesting. The

and festival business in Finland was pretty

of FKP Scorpio at Music & Media. Another

conference was well produced with some

good, with some high quality venues in

part of this campaign will be that Finland

interesting panels and networking sessions,

the main cities and dozens of local festivals

1999 and 2005 - almost exactly during

Professor Jens Michow,BDV




each summer, but it was difficult to get

Music & Media, Finland

as many artists to Finland as performed in the rest of Scandinavia, mainly because of the extra travel days and costs involved in crossing the Baltic Sea. It felt like the edge of the world so we started working with BDG in Tallinn with the idea that we could open up the Baltics and rather than offer 1-2 shows in Finland, we could offer 4-5 shows including the Baltics and perhaps St Petersburg or Moscow, making it more time and cost effective for artists to include Finland in their schedules. When it came to festivals, we had some great events to work with, such as Provinssirock, Ruisrock, Ilosaarirock, Pori Jazz, Tuska Metal Festival, for example, but

It’s a smart move to partner with Fullsteam

pleasant feedback towards the work I did

quite often we were competing for artists



over the last couple of years. I have been

with festivals in central-Europe and that

independent promoter in the country with

fortunate enough to have received some

usually made things more expensive to get

a lot of credibility domestically and quite

intriguing offers in the last few weeks

the artists we wanted. I think Provinssirock

a good international profile already. It is

and I’ll be able to tell people more about

was at its most successful back then when

a company full of young people, which

these very soon, once they are finalised.

it partnered with Hultsfred in Sweden so

probably represent the next couple of

I’ll certainly be continuing to attend plenty

that the two events could share several

generations of promoters in Finland. The

of conference and showcase events and,

international artists over the weekend.

fact that they have taken over Provinssirock

thanks to the interview session I did with

You can see where this concept might be

is another smart move. The festival has

Folkert in Tampere, I have agreed to get

effective for the new FKP Scorpio set-up.

struggled a little for a couple of years and

involved in organising more panels and

I’m sure everyone will want to see things

workshops at other events in future.





VIP News: You interviewed Folkert

turn around and will show a lot of support

Koopmans at music & media. What

for the event next year. Had FKP/Fullsteam

VIP News: Do you intend to stay in

do you think about the move of fkp

decided to start a festival from scratch then

Berlin and what do you like and dislike

scorpio to team with up fullsteam

they might have faced the difficulties we are

in this city?


seeing now in Denmark when rival festival organisers join together to work against

Cheetham: I don’t know if I’ll stay in Berlin

Cheetham: I was asked to give a keynote

the new event. It is really interesting to see

forever but I do like being there at the

interview with Folkert because I know the

how things will turn out over the next year

moment and I don’t feel any need to leave

Nordic market pretty well still, and I’ve

or two. I’m sure we have not heard the last

just yet. It’s a great place to be, lots of

also worked with all the players involved in

of this.

opportunities arise from the fact that I am

the deals that have just been announced

based there, and there is always something

by FKP. The Nordic market has remained

VIP News: What is on your agenda since

to do. People visit Berlin all the time so there

relatively stable for 2-3 decades, mainly

you left Berlin Music Week?

are always fresh faces and ideas passing

because of EMA Telstar/Live Nation’s


dominance in that time. There is no

Cheetham: I’ll continue to run my company,

question that FKP Scorpio’s move into the

Heartburst Management, and make the

Berlin is still developing as a city and it

market is shaking the region up. On one

most of the opportunity I now have to work

is probably one of the only major cities in

hand it is breathing some fresh life into the

with new people, companies, and events.

Europe where you feel like you can make

scene, on the other there seems to be a

It was nice to leave Berlin Music Week on

an immediate and meaningful difference

few people getting hurt in the upheaval,

a high, after a positive event in September,

to the creative or cultural landscape so that

which is not a pleasant thing to see.

and it’s been gratifying to receive a lot of

feels quite exciting and motivating. On the




other hand, people here are still trying to work out what the identity of Berlin should be and, of course, it seems that everyone in Berlin has a different opinion about this. I don’t think there is a definitive right or wrong opinion, just lots of different ones, which makes a consensus difficult to reach and that, seems to be the Berlin way. Otherwise, there is not much to dislike about the city, I am still yet to meet anyone who doesn’t love the place. (Well actually, in the writer of this article, Paul has at last met with someone who is bit concerned about the mentality of some of those Berliners, who occasionally consider the German capital as the one and only hot spot and whom forget about the beauty of the rest of the world) Another highlight at Music & Media was the Finish Industry Award Gala on October 18. Also this event highlights the differences with other music markets such




the UK as it honours all players within the various market segments of this business equally.

Industry Awards 2014 W inners:

Media Personality of the Year: Riku Rantala Journalist of the Year: Mi kko Meriläinen, Soundi Music / Program Director of the Year: Maria Veitola, Radio Helsinki Radio Station of the Yea r: Radio Helsinki Online Media of the Yea r: Yle Areena Music Media of the Year: Yle Teema Manager of the Year: Ca rla Ahonius, Fullsteam Ag ency Agent of the Year: Toni Rit onen, Fullsteam (Michael Monroe, Von He rtzen Brothers, Poisonblac k) Promoter of the Year: Mi kko Niemelä, Vantaan Fes tiv aa lit (Ruisrock) Production Manager / As sistant of the Year: Janne Tamminen, Warner Music Live Venue of the Year: Tavast ia Booking Agency of the Yea r: Fullsteam Festival of the Year: Ruisro ck Concert / Tour of the Yea r: Cheekin Olympiastadion keikat Service Provider of the Yea r: Tik ett i Music Industry Leader Aw ard: Markku Pyykkönen, Joensuun Popmuusikot ry, Suomen rockfestivaalien liitto SURF ry PR / Marketing Manage r of the Year: Katja Vauh konen, Sony Music Entertainment Finland Oy A&R Person of the Year: Kari Hynninen, KHY Suom en Musiikki Oy Music Store of the Year: Levykauppa Äx Music Publishing Comp any of the Year: Elements Music Indie Label of the Year: Svart Records Major Label of the Year: Warner Music Finland Honourable Mention: Pe pe Willberg: Pepe & Saim aa Phenomenon of the Yea r: Cheekin Olympiastadion in keikat Special Prize: Joose Bergl und Lifetime Achievement Aw ard: Juhani Merimaa Tampere Music Award 20 14: Helen Sildna The next edition of Mu sic & Media Finland wil l be on 14 till 18 Octob er 2015. For further information please check ww w.musi

Tampere Music Award 2014 - Helen Sildna

Agent of the year, Toni Ritonen, Fullsteam


PR / Marketing Manager of the Year - Katja Vauhkonen, Sony Music Entertainment Finland



Production Manager Resigns at Glastonbury Allan McGowan Michael Eavis declined to go into it during

regarding the way certain elements of

his interview at MaMA in Paris, but the

the festival are now being structured and

news that the man who has production

managed are not being adequately considered

managed Glastonbury’s Pyramid and Other

and dealt with, and as such I have found

stages for the last eighteen years, Dick

myself in an untenable position regarding my

Tee, has resigned from his position over

continuing role. ‘Whilst I will obviously miss my

“irreconcilable issues” must obviously have

involvement with Glastonbury Festival, which

been something on his mind to at least some

has been a major part of my life for nearly two

extent. Tee and his company EnTEEtainment

decades, I am looking forward to focusing on

have ceased their association with the

new projects and challenges. As specialists in

festival with immediate effect.

site and production management, one thing is for certain - we are far from ‘hanging up

When Melvin Benn and Festival Republic

our wellies’ more a case of looking forward

ended the relationship with Glastonbury

to ‘moving onto pastures new’”.

two years ago a number of management restructures were implemented, led by

Dick Tee is a well known figure in the

APL Events’ Paul Ludford who became the

industry, having worked closely with Peter

festival’s Operations Director. Tee himself

Gabriel, and EnTEEtainment has been

became the event’s Head Of Production in

responsible for the production of events

2013, it is possible that Tee’s decision to

including Reading Festival, Lovebox, T In

leave has much to with these changes.

The Park, Radio 1’s Big Weekend, the Live UK Summit and Awards, Outlook Festival,

Tee told Event Industry News: “I am extremely

and even events such as the Chinese New

sad and disappointed that my concerns

Year celebrations in Trafalgar Square.

Dick Tee

No Indian Headdresses at Glastonbury The proprietors of on-site shops at the Glastonbury Festival have been asked nicely to stop selling Native American-style headdresses, this follows on it seems, from Pharrell Williams wearing one on that cover of Elle magazine, then apologising for any offence this had caused. Festival co-organiser Emily Eavis told NME, “It isn’t a ban, it’s just that we’ve asked the two traders selling them to hold off”. Eaelier this year Canada’s Bass Coast festival banned the sales and the wearing of the headgear. Emily Eavis it seems was made aware of a petition started by Daniel Round, the creator of a campaign aimed at introducing, “..positive discussions about the stereotyping of Native Americans and the headdress.” I may be wrong but I’m sure I remember Jamiroquai sporting a fully feathered headdress some years ago, with no complaints, also didn’t one of The Village People wear one? – Ed.

Pharrell Williams in a native American head-dress on the cover of Elle magazine




Rock Werchter Moves Dates to Confirm Headliner Allan McGowan

The Festival panels at MaMA this year, and

in July, until now. In 2015 the event will run

for exclusivity, but at the moment whether

I think it’s safe to say at every other event

from 25-28 June. The Festival issued the

they have that is not known either. Watch

where festivals have been the subject

following statement: “This means we’re

this space!

under discussion for the past few years,

moving the festival one week forward, to

the lack of headliners and artist exclusivity

fit the schedule of one of the headliners.

Rock Werchter’s 2014 headliners were

have been raised as main points of

Negotiations are still ongoing, and we

Metallica, Arctic Monkeys, Kings Of Leon

consideration. However, the announcement

cannot reveal any names just yet”.

and Pearl Jam.

by Belgian festival Rock Werchter that it is to accommodate the availability of one of its

We still don’t know the name of the act in

headliners by shifting its dates forward by

question, although there can’t be that many

one week next year is as far as I know the

headliners that would rate such a drastic

first of its kind.

move, so all guesses on a postcard please… How much effort in terms of reorganising

Rock Werchter was founded by Herman

bookings etc already put in place for the

Scheuremans in the mid-70s and has

original dates of 2-5 Jul is not known. One

always taken place over the first weekend

would think that Rock Wechter would push

Rock Werchter




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22.11.13 09:09



City Showcase Announces ’Finding The Future’ Music Seminar Allan McGowan City Showcase has announced the first free

for aspiring entrepreneurs and jobseekers to

your career, online business models and

music industry event encouraging enterprise,

meet, speak to, learn from and share ideas

brand partnerships. Key executives already

creativity, employment and debate in the

with leading music industry experts and

lined up to chair, moderate and speak at

entertainment sector. Finding The Future,


panels include moderators Guy Fletcher

will be held at the Apple Store on Regent

(PRS for Music Chairman), Sean Devine

Street, London W1 from Thursday 13th to

The panels and presentations include wide-

(ASCAP), Paul Hutton (Metropolis Music),

Saturday 15th November 2014.

ranging topics such as careers in A&R, music

Matt Dixon (Band2Market), Tim Ingham

sales, songwriting and live music, as well as

(Music Week), Chris Cooke (CMU), Liz

The 3-day event, which runs from 2pmto

exploring the DIY ethos of the independent

Stokes (Record of The Day), Nanette Rigg

8-30pm on each day, provides a platform

music market, including taking control of

(City Showcase) and Oliver Tuercke (PRS For Music). Panellists include Alex Boateng (Island), Colin Barlow (RCA), Claire Horseman (Coda), Daniel Lloyd-Jones (Sony ATV), Ed Horrox (4AD), Eliot Kennedy (songwriter) Ivor Wilkins (Mama Group Jim Reid (Warner




(Capitol), Mark Mulligan (MIDiA), Martin Goldschmidt (Cooking Vinyl), Ollie Hodge (Columbia), Rebecca Kane (The O2), Simon Williams (Fierce Panda), Stuart Galbraith (Kilimanjaro Live) plus many more. There will be daily performances from heavily tipped new acts between 8 and 8-30pm





Tallia Storm (Virgin Records), Kimberly Anne (Polydor Records) and Nick Brewer (Island Records) performing and answering

Sean Devine, ASCAP. Photo City Showcase

questions alongside their management, publishers and labels.

Need to know who is touring Europe?


Go online -





It appears that October/November have become the music business award months – either they take place then, or we hear about them, so here’s a round up:

The Q Awards Following the remarkable response to her

cancer at the end of 2012. Receiving his

series of comeback shows at London’s

Award he said, “I feel so iconic, I feel like



a little flat square thing that sticks on the

assumption that Kate Bush would walk

computer screen. That’s an icon”. He went

Best new act: Sam Smith

away with the major prizes at this year’s

on to say that a holiday in Japan had helped

Maverick: St Vincent

prestigious Q Awards, presented by the

him get his strength back following the big

Best track: Paolo Nutini - Iron Sky

leading fashion and lifestyle magazine of

operation, which involved the removal of a

Best solo artist: Ed Sheeran

the same – letter. The ceremony was held

3kg tumour, his whole pancreas, and parts

Songwriter: Andy Partridge

at the Grosvenor House and hosted by

of his stomach and other organs, adding:

Best album: Elbow - The Take Off

Absolute Radio DJ Christian O’Connell.

“I think very soon I’m going to go into a

And Landing Of Everything

rehearsal room with the band and see if I

Best video: Jamie xx

can remember how to do it”.

- Sleep Sound




However it was Leicester heroes, the rock band Kasabian that walked away with the

Best live act: Kasabian

awards for best live act and best act in

Best album was Elbow’s latest release, The

Hero: The Charlatans

the world. Their last night of Glastonbury

Take Off and Landing of Everything, beating

Outstanding contribution to

headline appearance were thought to have

records by Manic Street Preachers, Kasabian,

music: XL Recordings

swung the votes.

Damon Albarn and The Black Keys. Paolo

Inspiration: Simple Minds

Nutini’s Iron Sky received the best track

Les Paul award: Johnny Marr

You’d be hard pressed to find anyone that

award, while the 22-year-old soul sensation

Classic album: Pink Floyd

would object to Wilko Johnson’s Q Icon

Sam Smith was named best new act.

- Dark Side Of The Moon

Award, following the former Dr. Feelgood

Innovation in sound:

and Blockheads guitarist’s amazing recovery

Ed Sheeran won best solo artist, and lifetime

Jean Michel Jarre

from what had been diagnosed as terminal

achievement and special honours went to

Icon: Wilko Johnson

to Simple Minds, Culture Club, XTC’s Andy

Idol: Culture Club

Partridge and French composer Jean Michel

Best act in the world today:

Jarre, Johnny Marr of The Smiths and The



Wilko Johnson



Double winners Kasabian were named ‘the best band in the world’



Live Music Business Awards 2014 The fifth awards ceremony for the Live Music Business Awards took

Contribution. Kate Bush at the Evetim Apollo won Spectacle Of The

place at the Radisson Blu Portman Hotel in London on October

Year (Best Production), while newcomers Royal Blood won for both

16, follownt the UK Live. ITB’s Prue Almond was named Unsung

Breakthrough Artiste and Best Festival Performance for their show

Hero, while Barry Dickins picked up his award for Outstanding

at Glastonbury.

THE FULL LIST IS Best Venue Teamwork - Stadium:

Indie Promoter of the Year (Local impact):

Etihad Stadium, Manchester

Kai Harris, Advance Promotions (South East)

Best Venue Teamwork - Arena:

Tour Manager of the Year:

The SSE Hydro, Glasgow

Tre Stead (Frank Turner)

Best Venue Teamwork - Theatre/ Concert:

Best Record Label Partner:

Troxy, London

Callum Caulfield, Atlantic

Best Venue Teamwork - Art Centre:

(Ed Sheeran, Frightened Rabbit)

Band on the Wall, Manchester

Spectacle of the Year (Best Production):

Best Venue Teamwork - Art Centre:

Kate Bush at Eventim Apollo

Norwich Arts Centre

Best Festival (cap 40,000+):

Best Venue Teamwork - Campus:


The Forum Hertfordshire, Hatfield

Best Festival (cap 15,000-39,999):

Best Venue Teamwork - Major Club (cap 800+):

Secret Garden Party

Rock City, Nottingham

Best Festival (cap under 15,000):

Best Venue Teamwork - Club (cap under 800):

Festival No 6

Thekla, Bristol

Breakthrough Artiste:

Agent of the Year:

Royal Blood

James Rubin, The Agency Group

Greatest Brand Impact:

(Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, ASAP Rocky)


Artist Manager of the Year:

Best Festival Performance:

Stuart Camp, Rocket Music (Ed Sheeran)

Royal Blood at Glastonbury

National Promoter of the Year:

Unsung Hero:

SJM Concerts

Prue Almond, ITB

Regional Promoter of the Year:

Outstanding Contribution:

Cuffe & Taylor, North West

Barry Dickins, ITB

Best Festival Performance; Royal Blood at Glastonbury




First Ever Festival Congress Awards presented

UK Festival Awards

The first ever Festival Congress Awards took place as part of the

This year’s UK Festival will take place on December 1 at London’s

Association Of Independent Festival’s Festival Congress event in


Cardiff. The following Awards were presented: The UKFA Conference will also take place during the day: the following panels and speakers are already confirmed; others are to be confirmed very soon: Supporter Of Emerging Talent Award: 2000 Trees New Festival On The Block: Fire In The Mountain

• Powerful Thinking Presents: The Show Must Go On:

Mind-Blowing Spectacle Award: The Arcadia Spider

Alison Tickell (Julie’s Bicycle), Melvin Benn (Festival Republic),

Smart Marketing Campaign Of The Year:

Chris Johnson (Shambala Festival), Katie Maddison (Bestival),

Bestival Mirror Ball

Penny Mellor (A Greener Festival), and Rob Scully (Glastonbury).

Emmet Brown Award: Shambala Festival - Fuel Efficient Technology

• Get The Professionals in: Time To Bid Farewell to The

Random Act Of Kindness Award:

Amateur Promoter?

End Of The Road audience - Festival Wood

Jim King (AEG Live), Zac Fox (Kilimanjaro Live), Teresa Moore

Unique Festival Site: Festival No.6

(Buck University), Mark Hamilton (SRS International) and Dan

Festival Venue Of The Year: End Of The Road:

Walsh (Full Fat).

The Garden Stage Silver Service Award: Goan Seafood Company

• Disruptive Innovation and The Data-Driven Future of

Friendliest Security Staff: Showsec


Culture & Tourism Award (Forward Thinking Local

John Probyn (Live Nation), Lawrence Griffith (Digital Factory),

Authority): Dorset County Council

James Cobb (Crowd Connected), and Donna Krawczyk

Live Act Of The Year: Catfish & The Bottlemen


Artist For The Audience: Dan Le Sac Vs Scroobius Pip Festival Blogger Of The Year: Shell Zenner

• Fat Bottom Line: It Makes The Rocking World Go Round:

Unsung Hero: James Goodall

Chris McCormick (Blue Peg), Brian Grew (Live Nation), Paul Pike

The Outstanding Contribution Award: Rob da Bank

(IVS), and Koen Hofmans (PlugGo)

Glastonbury’s iconic Arcadia spider, Photo Glastonbury Facebook


Melvin Benn (Festival Republic)



The European Border Breakers Awards Show The 2015 EBBA’s will take place on January 14 in (as usual!) the Dutch city of Groningen. Most winners of the 2015 European Border

Klangkarussell (Austria)

Breakers Awards (see IP/14/1135) will perform in a televised show in

Melanie De Biasio (Belgium)

Groningen hosted by Jools Holland.

MØ (Denmark)

Indila (France) Milky Chance (Germany)

EBBA Show and host Jools Holland

Hozier (Ireland) The Common Linnets (Netherlands) Todd Terje (Norway) Tove Lo (Sweden) John Newman (United Kingdom)

The act receiving the most votes will win the Public Choice Award. Fifteen lucky voters, chosen at random from different countries, will be invited to the award show: each will be able to bring a friend and the prize includes their flight and hotel costs. The vote is open from 21 October - 19 December 2014


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Jockey Club Live Partners With AEG Live Allan McGowan In September of this year music and

Live claimed to be the sixth largest music

attended the first season of Jockey Club Live

entertainment venture Jockey Club Live,

promoter in Britain, and has now announced

music events throughout summer 2014.

the joint venture between the UK’s leading

a new partnership with AEG Live, one

racecourse group, Jockey Club Racecourses,

of the world’s leading companies in live

Andrew Wilkinson, CEO of Jockey Club

and live music and entertainment experts

entertainment promoting. Under this new

Live said. “We are delighted to welcome

Live at the Races, announced that it had

agreement AEG Live will provide live music

AEG Live to the Jockey Club Live team. Jim

staged live music after horse racing for

promotion expertise to Jockey Club Live and

King and his team are hugely successful

nearly 300,000 people in its first year of

will assume responsibility for booking artists

and internationally respected live music

operation; including just over 10,000 more

to appear at the company’s forthcoming

promoters who bring a huge amount of

general admissions sales than in 2013 at

shows from summer 2015 onwards.

expertise and experience to the table. Under

Jockey Club Racecourses, where previously

their guidance we feel sure that our 2015

artists and production were booked through

Jockey Club Live was launched in 2013 by

programme of events will be amazing and

a third party supplier arrangement. Chief

Andrew Wilkinson and Simon Halden, in

will build upon the success of our first year.”

Executive Andrew Wilkinson

stated that

partnership with The Jockey Club, which

booking acts directly had helped to secure

runs the biggest racecourse group by

Jim King, Senior Vice President, Live Events

talent more cost-effectively and Jockey

turnover in the UK. Wilkinson and Halden

at AEG Live said, “We are delighted to be

Club Live used these savings to invest in far

have between them worked with numerous

working with Jockey Club Live and look

better sound, staging and production at the

international artists including Elton John,

forward to bringing together a diverse roster

events, resulting in very positive feedback

The Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, Take That

of acts to play the renowned racecourses in

from racegoers and artists alike.

and Kylie Minogue among others. Wilkinson


is the founder of leading concert tour


Jockey Club Live events were staged at Jockey

production and management company

Club Racecourses and through contracts

KingStreet Tours, while Halden founded

with Newbury and York racecourses from

Sports & Outdoor Media International PLC

Saturday 31st May through to Saturday 6th

and The Frontiers Group. Jockey Club Live

September. Artists included Sir Tom Jones,

was established to increase the popularity

Jessie J, Kaiser Chiefs, Beach Boys, Dizzee

and commercial success of live music events

Rascal, James Blunt, Boyzone and Wet Wet

at the 15 Jockey Club owned racecourses

Wet. Based on attendances, Jockey Club

around the UK. Over 300,000 people



The Nürburgring-Saga Continues Manfred Tari This whole site seems to be like a

insolvent Nürburgring by the car supply






minefield. The ongoing battle around

companies Carpricorn and Getspeed could

furthermore announced further investment

Nürburgring continues with a variety of

go ahead.

of25 million Euro.

of modern legal, economic and political

The EU Commission came into the game

But the next chapter in this saga has

drama. There are legal disputes going on

due to an investigation about un-authorised


various levels. A new one is that between

subsidies by the federal state government of

another dramatic turnaround that will put

DEAG and MLK concerning DEAG’s right

Baden-Württenberg that once invested 465

everything in question. In mid October the

to use the term ‘tradition-festival’ in

million Euro in the site. The EU-Commission

administrators released a press statement

reference to its successor festival ‘Grüne

considered these subsidies illegal, but

that the whole purchase agreement seemed

Hölle’ supposed to replace Rock Am Ring

allowed that the Nürburgring can be sold

to be in danger, as they suspected that

at Nürburging in 2015. An old one is that

to new investors without any imposition

Capricorn was not able to pay a tranche of 5

regarding the suspicion of ‘betrayal’ by

of legal claims and charges regarding the

million Euro until the end of October.

a former financier from Switzerland who

previously spent illegal subsidies.

scenarios including various components










If this new escalation takes effect, the

in 2009 for about $110 million, when

So far, so good might some have thought?

administrators are legally bound to renew

pretending to buy the site.



a call for bids for Nürburgring. At the




regarding the new buyer was binding on

Facebook-site of the festival Grüne Hölle

But these conflicts are just minor when

Capricorn and Getspeed. The companies

the latest posting on October 14 says that

compared to new current developments.

won the bid tendered by the administrators

none of the current news surrounding the

Earlier on in October the EU-Commission

to buy the site for 77 million Euros,

Nürburging was likely to have an effect on

finally declared that the purchase of the

whereby Capricorn was to hold 66 percent

the plans of the festival itself.

New Concert Hall For Dortmund Manfred Tari The plans for a new concert hall in

Despite the need for such a concert hall in

so long ago when in 2009 the city owners

Dortmund have been in the pipeline for

the town, the question remains how local

of the Westfalenhalle heavily opposed the

three years. But now the intention to launch

politics will respond to the intention by

relocation of the concert venue FZW and its

a new concert hall with a capacity of 3.600

the investors behind this project. It is not

capacity increase from 500 to 1.500 people.

people has reached a formal level. The local newspapers Ruhr Nachrichten reported that the investors behind this project have filed applications at the district council of Dortmund-Hörde with their construction plans for the so called Phoenix-Hall in this sector of Dortmund. The plans foresee the staging of regular concerts in this venue, which was formerly a steel factory. The hall itself is about 2.200 square meters big and was built in 1905. In 2003 the location was renovated and since them occasionally used for art exhibitions.

Concert Dortmund




Kylie Minogue Cancels German Dates Manfred Tari The “Message to the German Lovers” on

the accumulated loss is estimated at up to

Kylie Minogue’s website was clear: All

1.4 million Euro. Until the announcement

four concerts of the Australian artist had

of the cancellation on October 17 around

been cancelled due to the administrator of

12.000 tickets had been sold.

Creative Talent being “unable to confirm that we have the venues and facilities

Together with Live Nation Ticketmaster

needed to be able to put on the shows.”

meanwhile issued a statement that ticket holders for the four cancelled German

In response the administrator for the

shows can visit other European shows on

insolvent concert company Creative Talent

the ongoing tour.

posted on the company website that he will


Ticket holders who won’t be able to do

regarding already paid advance fees.


so meanwhile can register at https://



claiming him



generated a revenue of 840.000 Euros but

to file their claim or compensation.

Kylie Minogue

Sixteen Killed in Tragedy at South Korean Concert Allan McGowan Sixteen people died when a ventilation grate on which they were

4Minute, who were not aware of the incident until sometime later,

standing collapsed at an open air pop concert in South Korea on

subsequently issued a statement via their management that reads:

October 17, and one of the organisers has apparently committed

“We can’t express how regretful we are for what happened. The

suicide following the disaster.

performance wasn’t solely a 4Minute show, but a stage shared by many artists for an event. During their performance, none of the

The grid reportedly situated over a 20m drop, gave way during a

members or staff were aware of the accident and finished their

performance by K-Pop group 4Minute in the city of Seongnam,

complete set. It wasn’t until they arrived back in Seoul that they

just 12-13 miles from the South Korean capital Seoul. The collapse

heard of the news regarding the accident”.

led to eleven others being seriously injured, with eight being treated for life-threatening injuries.

Press reports say that a man named as Mr Oh found dead this weekend, was one of sixteen interviewed by police who were

This ventilation grate collapsed at South Korean concert

involved in organising the show He was seemingly an employee of the Gyeonggi Institute Of Science And Technology Promotion, a sponsor of the concert, and had some responsibility for safety measures. It is reported that Oh took his own life by jumping from a building nearby the concert site, while local officials say he left a note that said: “I apologise to the victims. I’m sorry to my family”. A police investigation into the circumstances around the tragedy is ongoing.




FKP Scorpio And The Nordics Manfred Tari FKP Scorpio’s merger with Fullsteam Agency

activities of FKP Scorpio in Denmark and in

unprofessionally and positive if you as

and its Festival activities in Denmark, Finland

the Nordic music market.

audience and/or artiste crave for more developed festivals. Competition will keep

& Sweden have resulted in some harsh reaction particularly in Denmark. Gunnar

VIP News: What is your comment on

Madsen, the managing director of Danish

the latest developments in Denmark

Rock Council ROSA is quoted in one article

regarding the expansion plans of FKP

VIP News: Would you say FKP Scorpio

referring to the launch of the Tinderbox

Scorpio in Denmark and in the Nordic

pulled the right strings together and

Festival in Odense in 2015 as a “Declaration

countries in particular?

is able as such to establish a proper

everyone on their toes.

competitor towards the Live Nation

of War”. The latest news is publication of an

network of concert companies?

open letter in the Danish music magazine

Petri Lunden: Personally I think its sad to see

“Gaffa” by Peter Sørensen, head of Beatbox

an emotional reaction rather than a rational

Booking who ventured his concerns and

solution to a potential dispute, especially

Lunden: I have no idea, Live Nation’s strategy

complaints regarding what he considered

in such a limited market. In Sweden for

seems to be shows 365 days a year and

from his point of view hostile activities by the

instance FKP Scorpio came in and did

primarily as providers to existing festivals,

festivals Roskilde, Smukfest, Jelling and Nibe,

huge investments and in return got a huge

and FKP Scorpios strategy seems to be

since the announcement of the launch of the

marketshare, they made a bet and they won.

festivals and a few selected shows outside

new festival Tinderbox.

So its hard for me to see the 4 festivals in

the festival season. So I would rather say that

Denmark flagging a boycott as other than a

they complement each other in the markets.

VIP News asked Petri Lunden of the Swedish

way to disrupt competition. VIP News: How do you rate the chances

management company Hagenburg with clients such as the the Cardigans, Lemar,

VIP News: Can you understand the

for the new music convention ‘Where’s

Neverstore, Anette Olzon for his thoughts

concerns of some of the Danish players

the Music?” in Sweden?

on the latest reactions to the business

regarding the triple festival set up with tinderbox, bravalla and provincirock?

Lunden: I think its an important initiative, Way Out West has presented a similar type of


Concerns as in ‘un-welcome

concept in the summer and now “wheres the

competition’ yes of course, but would I

music” pops up in the spring which is good

personally sanction a cartel with other

for the trade locally.

competitors to try and keep competition away in a free market, no, as its not fair to

VIP News: Is there demand for such a

the audience, the bands and the industry as

convention in Sweden or rather from

a whole to use those kind of methods just


because new competition arises. Lunden: Historically no one has survived, so

Petri Lunden of the Swedish management company Hagenburg. Photo: Oskari Värä

VIP News: Do you consider the expansion

lets give these ones a few years and we will

strategy of FKP Scorpio as good or as

see. Sweden has a very strong presence in

negative for the Nordic concert market?

the international music market on many levels and in order to continue this its is crucial that


I’m sure there are positives and

negatives, its negative if you run a festival

we get somewhere to meet and exchange experiences outside our daily work frame.




Music In Shares Manfred Tari

CTS Eventim - Long Lasting Investigations

October 30. On September 26 the share stood at $23.96, the cur-

This story reaches back until 2003 and still seems to be ongoing.

rent share price is $23.47.

The newspaper “Die Welt” reported on still ongoing investigations against Klaus Peter Schulenberg, the CEO of CTS Eventim regard-

SFX Entertainment - At Last The Chairmen Buys Shares

ing bribery by the prosecution department of Munich. The pros-

The development of the share price of SFX Entertainment is not

ecutors suspect that Schulenberg was involved in illegal secondary

really a success story. Just one year ago the company undertook its

ticketing sales for the World Cup 2006. In question is the sale of

IPO with a share price of $13, but now the price is down to $5.40.

52.000 tickets worth around 12 million Euros, according to the

Earlier on at the beginning of October the company filed a state-

newspaper that has copies of prosecution department files and

ment that company founder and CEO Robert F.X. Sillerman will buy

internal documents that are supposed to cover agreements and

3 million shares...

dubious loans regarding such illegal deals. The newspaper reports that Schulenberg is in the centre of the investigations that have

Sixth PLC - New Live Music Company

already been extant since 2009. In case the prosecutors officially

Dean James, the former CEO of the Mama Group has ambitious

file a case, such a crime, if found guilty can receive a maximum

plans: “Aiming to be the Live Nation for the mid-market.” James

sentence of five years in jail.

formed Sixth PLC , backed by partner Apeejay Surrendra, an Indian

But until now, no further news has become public if case will be

family enterprise. Matt McCann has been appointed as COO for

filed. Anyhow, the last reported share price for CTS Eventim was

the company and worked previously for Shazaam. Sethu Vaidyna-

22.96 Euro, this time it is 20,42 Euro.

than, a senior director and family member of Apeejay, will act as Chairman and co-founder of the new company that already runs

DEAG - Keeping The Share Price Level

an office in the UK.

In reference to the background story of Nürburgring in this edition


of VIP News, the question remains how significantly the economic

Sixth PLC CEO Dean James stated in a press release : “I’m tremen-

impact of the intended festival Grüne Hölle will contribute to the

dously excited to finally be able to announce Sixth; we’re building

business performance of DEAG in the future. There are no spec-

a smart new global business and are delighted to have found a

tacular news regarding the day-to-day business of DEAG currently

partner in Apeejay Surrendra that understands our vision – it will

to report, but it can be assumed that the near future will reveal

be interesting to watch the impact a company of its type will have

new details about the Company’s festival plans. Since last time the

as a new entrant to the music business. It’s also great to welcome

share price of DEAG went down 10 cents, from 6.05 to 5.95 Euro

back Matt McCann to the music industry – the industry will be

on October 24.

stronger with him in it.”

Live Nation - Business Results For Q3 Are Underway

For the beginning the company strategy is to acquire mid-level pro-

Live Nation announced its business results for the third quarter on

moters, management companies, venues and festivals to acquire.




ARTIST AVAILS Alan Parsons Live Project Territory: Worldwide Period: 2014 Agency: World Entertainment Associates of America Agent: John Regna - Artist Agent/Manager Phone: +1 407-993-4000 E-mail: Homepage:

Jelling Musikfestival is one of Denmark’s most popularly festivals The festival, which started back in 1989, is always in the last weekend of May. Jelling Musikfestival has a capacity of 15.000 people and the tickets have been sold out for the last many years. The 15.000 people who have got a ticket can look forward to enjoy music from 3 stages and listening to national & international names from the pop/rock and folk scenes.

Orquesta Buena Vista Social Club Territory: Scandinavia, Eastern EU, UK, Ireland Period: June-July Agency: Sasa Music Agent: David Flower Phone: +44 20 7359 9232 E-mail: Homepage:

ORBITAL ñ 25th year anniversary tour in 2014 Territory: The World excluding USA Period: May onwards Agency: Value Added Talent Agent: Dan Silver Phone: +44 207 704 97 20 E-mail: Homepage:

Tinariwen Territory: Scandinavia, Netherlands, Eastern EU, UK, Ireland Period: May - September 2015 Agency: Sasa Music Agent: George Prince Phone: +44 20 7359 9232 E-mail: Homepage:

THE ORCHESTRA starring ELO former members Territory: Worldwide Period: 2014-2015 Agency: World Entertainment Associates of America Agent: John Regna - Artist Agent/Manager Phone: +1 407-993-4000 E-mail: Homepage:

About Our Company VIP-Booking’s core product is the Internet’s oldest and largest­ database­for






Bo Kaspers Orkester Territory: World wide Period: By request Agency: Lifeline Entertainment Agent: Michael Henriksson E-mail: Homepage:­developed as a tool for industry professionals­. Since it’s launch in the year 2000, we have consistently offered our subscribers the very best in database services and now boast subscribers­in over 30 countries.


Today VIP-Booking offers a range of tools for the industry­– including VIP-News, VIP-Booking, VIP-Book and VIP-Contract. Please visit for further information­. Your comments and suggestions are always appreciated­.

® Bo Kaspers Orkester


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