VIP-News Premium - Vol. 161 October 2013

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As I glance at my notes for this Autumnal­

however­it seems that Morrissey’s Memoirs

edition­of Reeperbahn Campus, I have not

issue­of VIP-News, I see that I’ve scribbled­

(it’s not called that, I’m just doing it again…)

been to Amsterdam­for the Dance Event,

down the words, ‘Mention Morrissey in

is set to be one of the best ever selling music

nor to Music­& Media in Tampere, Finland­,

Musings’ – yet another perfect piece of

autobiographies. It just shows how dedicated­

the reason­being­that although I have

alliteration­ . But I’m so taken by this that

and loyal fans can be, look at that John

been to both these fine events before and

I’ve forgotten why it’s there – oh yes! His

Lydon­, Johnny Rotten­no longer, he is the

would very much like to go again, both of

book, documenting­his memories of his life

latest European artist to recently be officially

these internationa­l industry gatherings took

and career­, has apparently­outsold the new

declared an Icon by the US collecting society

place at the­same time as MaMA in Paris,

Bridget­Jones novel. Somehow a connection­

BMI, having enjoyed­significant success in the

which I did attend. I also didn’t make it to

between the two seems quite fitting,

US, especially on American radio. However,

CMJ in New York for the same reason! The

David Bowie, an undoubted icon himself I’m

fact that these four important Conference­

sure you’d agree failed to pick up anything at

and Showcase­events took place over the

the recent Q Awards.

space of the same 5 days is a very real demonstration­of how crowded the music

The point is that we music fans seem to need

industry conference­calendar­has become.

these figureheads and heroes, or perhaps,

It’s not unlike the Festival­situation, and I’m

used to; according to Gene Simmons of

aware of at least two other events in the

Kiss, we ran out of legendary artists in 1984,

planning. It reminds me of when I realised

challenging­his Team Rock Radio interviewer­

that the event had become­too big when I

to name one superstar bigger than their

had breakfast in Austin­at SXSW and realised

VIP-News is published by: VIP-Booking 145-157 St John Street London Ec1V 4PW

music­, and not just somebody that’s recorded

that all around me were spending more time

one or two records since that year. Just dying­,

talking about what they didn’t see rather

particularly if you’d only released a couple of

than what they had!

Managing Director: Ronni Didriksen

records isn’t enough, so Kurt and Amy don’t qualify. So, although Elvis and Jimi, John and

Still we have some reports for those of you

General Manager: Peter Briggs

George, Freddy and others have passed on,

that didn’t make these events, and let’s face

The Stones, The Who, a couple of Beatles,

it, we can’t go to everything can we? The

Bowie, Led Zeppelin, Kiss (?), and a few

business would grind to a halt – or would

others­are still hanging around, are they

it? Anyway­the good news is that as Tom

blocking the staircase? Is it all just a matter

Silverman of Tommy Boy Records and The

Writer: Manfred Tari

of time – are there any post 1984 artists that

New Music­Seminar in New York assured us

you consider to be legends – I’d be interested

on the Value of Music panel at MaMA - The

For advertising enquiries please contact: Peter Briggs +44 870 755 0092

to know – so might Gene I suppose…

$100 billion music business is coming; spread


Writer and editorial: Allan McGowan


the word! Anyway, that was a bit of a ramble, so back to business. Since last we were in touch,

So, on that thought, Ladies and Gentlemen

I have been to Hamburg for an excellent

– The News!



Changes in the FKP Scorpio Stockholm Office Allan McGowan

It has been a fantastic year for FKP Scorpio in

the Swedish festivals and booking the

Sweden. The summer festivals have been very

international­acts. Stephan Thanscheidt is

successful, topped by the sold-out premiere

now responsible for the entire programing

of Bråvalla Festival and the record breaking

for FKP Scorpio’s festivals in Germany and

attendance at Getaway Rock Festival. Sold

Sweden. Gunnar will continue as a consultant

out shows with Ed Sheeran, Lana Del Rey,

to FKP Scorpio selecting the national acts to

Justin Bieber, The Tallest Man on Earth and

its festivals.

many more showed that the regular concert­

business has also developed positively. After­

Folkert Koopmans, founder and CEO of

some readjustments in the Hamburg office­,

FKP Scorpio Konzertproduktionen GmbH,

FKP Scorpio is now making another move

comments­: “The positive trend at our Swedish­

towards expansion by repositioning its

festivals shows that we are on the right track.

Stockholm­ team:

Now is the time to take the next step and set

CLICK-A-GIG.COM enables artists to MAIL their music to more than 6.000 venues and agencies worldwide…

the course for the future. I am very excited In the future Folkert Koopmans together

about giving two promising­team members

with Rickard Nilsson and Marcus Lossell will

the opportunity to build up the concert

be responsible for the concerts and tours.

busines­s with me. Scheduled concerts with

David­Maloney, former Head Promoter at FKP

Bastille, Youth Lagoon, Aluna George, The

Scorpio­Sweden, is leaving the company to set

Lumineers etc. show the direction­our office

up his own company: Maloney Concerts­. FKP

will take.”

Scorpio Sweden and Maloney Concert­s have

signed a long-term cooperation agreement­

David Maloney adds: “I have always wanted

and will work close together on both shows

to start my own company concentrating on

and festivals. Maloney Concerts has already

promoting­shows. Folkerts encouragement­

shows on sale with Michael Bubble and J.

and financial support gives me the opportunity­


to pursue my dream. I am looking­forward to


continue to work closely with my FKP Scorpio Thanscheidt,




friends and colleagues.”

bookings­, who was recently named Managing­ Director FKP Scorpio Konzertproduktionen­ www. GmbH will be taking over the responsibilitie­s

from Gunnar Lagerman in programing





Live Music Business Awards MaMA takes place in October 2013

Allan McGowan

The fourth Live Music Business Awards were presented at the Live Music Summit Roger Daltrey received the Outstanding Contribution prize, not just for being a member of a legendary band as the singer of The Who, but for his work for his charity, the Teenage Cancer Trust. Others honoured at the Ceremony were...

National Promoter Of The Year: DHP Family Regional Promoter Of The Year: Orchard Events, Wales Indie Promoter Of The Year (Local Impact):

Jamie Finn, No-Wave (Folkestone)

Best Venue Teamwork Stadium:

Wembley Stadium


The O2, London

Theatre/Concert Hall:

Wolves Civic, Wolverhampton


Manchester Academy

Major Club:

Corporation, Sheffield


Under the Bridge, London

Best Festival Cap 40,000+:


Cap 15,000-39,999:


Cap under 15,000:

Bloodstock, Derbyshire

Agent Of The Year:

Alex Hardee, Coda Music

Artiste Manager Of The Year:

Kwame Kwaten, ATC

Tour Manager Of The Year:

Glen Rowe (Muse)

Best Record Label Partner:

Claire Haffenden, Universal Music

Unsung Hero:

Graham Lambert, Tour Rep, SJM

Concerts Spectacle Of The Year (Best Production):

Muse at Emirates Stadium, London

Breakthrough Artiste:

Ben Howard

Best Festival Performance:

Biffy Clyro at Reading

Greatest Brand Impact:


Roger Daltrey




Value of Music Tourism to the UK Economy Revealed Allan McGowan

A new report into the size of the music tourism industry, by UK Music

The average live music audience is comprised of 41% music tourists­

and Visit Britain, has identified that 6.5 million music loving tourists

Music tourists from overseas spend, on average, £910 while attending­

attended a festival or gig last year, generating spend of £2.2 billion

festivals and £602 while attending concerts (average tourist spend is

in the process.


UK Music were assisted by the members of the UK Music Live Music

Domestic music tourists spend, on average, £396 while attending

Group in this analysis. The UK Music Live Music Group is comprised of

festivals­and £87 while attending concerts.

representatives from the following organisations: Overseas tourists account for 6% of music tourism visits but a huge 20% of music tourism spend.

The Association of Independent Festivals The Association of Festival Organisers

London attracts 28% of all music tourists to the UK, with 1.8m

Concert Promoters Association

visiting­the capital

Agents Association International Live Music Conference The National Arenas Association Production Services Association

In addition to calling for an overarching strategy to encourage more music fans from overseas, Wish You Were Here also suggests towns and cities should promote themselves by making more of their musical­ heritage – as Liverpool already does with The Beatles.

Musicians Union

It also recommends developing and extending the Music is GREAT

The Music Managers Forum

component of VisitBritain’s already successful GREAT Britain You’re Invited campaign.

The study reveals that tourists at live music events not only add

Paul Latham COO Live Nation International Music said: “Wish

billions­to the UK economy but also offer astounding regional tourism­

You Were Here” can hopefully persuade the powers that be that

benefits­ , motivating Britain-wide travel. Music tourism provides

music­is already a powerful tourism tool that is generating more

a massive boost to the UK’s nations, regions and local economies,

than £2bn in spending and boosting local economies all over this

including­at least 24,000 jobs each year.

country­. Imagine what could be achieved with a little more backing

The Wish You Were Here report demonstrates the incredible pulling­

and support­from our friends in Westminster.”

power of live music and its potential to fuel tourism throughout the country. VisitBritain’s ambition is to attract a total of 40 million overseas­visitors by 2020, which music tourism will look to contribute more to over the coming years. Wish You Were Here also reveals: Direct spend by music tourists – buying tickets, paying for transport and accommodation – was worth £1.3 billion. Further indirect music tourism spend – additional spending along the supply chain generated by music tourists – adds a further £914m, making a total spend of £2.2bn.

Paul Latham COO Live Nation





Jo Dipple - CEO UK Music

for Britain to have strong live music, making our mark as performers across the world. “I see international visitors at my gigs all the time waving their flags. Fans that have dedicated their time and money so I try to give them all that I have every performance. I love the thought of them going back to their home towns across the world with that lasting memory of me performing on stage.” The new UK Music and VisitBritain study follows a recent and sustained­ spike in interest around music tourism. Over the summer many senior politicians, including Prime Minister David Cameron, creative­ministe­r Ed Vaizey and shadow minister for culture Dan Jarvis, referred to the music industry’s potential for attracting overseas visitor­s to events such as Glastonbury and Bestival. Culture Minister Ed Vaizey MP said: “Music is without question an essential element of Britain’s tourism appeal, and it is this ability of the UK’s music industry to attract tourists from near and far to our shores that is celebrated in this report. The huge financial contributio­n to the UK economy by the millions of music tourists to the UK annually­

makes it very clear that when combined, the music and tourism

UK Music CEO Jo Dipple said: “It’s clear our music industry is

industries­are powerful drivers for growth.”

doing­a great job for the British economy, encouraging 6.5 million tourists­who generated £2.2 billion last year. Music tourism created

The report also indicated that music tourism also sustained 24,000

over 24,000 jobs. Just think what we might achieve with policies


that specifically­target the music tourist in this country and abroad? Our opportunities are limitless. Consider the record demand for

The analysis, conducted by Oxford Economics, took a relatively

Glastonbury­2014. The love of music is a powerful driver for growth.”

conservative­approach. The report confined its investigation of music tourism to ticketed live music events held in venues with capacities

VisitBritain CEO Sandie Dawe commented: “This report confirms

of at least 1500 that were exclusively centred around live music –

that the UK’s music scene has significant international appeal and

WOMAD, the Notting Hill Carnival and Beatles tours of Liverpool, for

that music tourists spend lots of money and travel across the whole of

example, were not included.

Britain. This will act as a catalyst for us all to ramp up our activity and forge better relationships with festival organisers, promoters, venues

Domestic music tourists were defined as anyone travelling at least

and producers to raise awareness of our amazing music scene across

three times their normal commute to attend the concert or festival.

the world.”

That meant in some cases they had to travel distances up to 47 miles

to qualify. Similarly, a strict definition was applied to overseas music

Brit award winner and GREAT ambassador Jessie J added:

tourists: only those that purchased a concert or festival ticket from

“Music­for me is the only global language. It’s such a huge thing

an overseas address prior to the live music event were counted in the study.

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2014 European Border Breaker Awards Announced Allan McGowan

The winners of the 2014 European Border Breaker Awards have been

most promising­acts to reach audiences beyond their home base and

announced, once again celebrating new artists who have enjoyed

to break into new international markets”.

cross-border success in Europe. Each winner will be presented with a gong at an event during next year’s Eurosonic festival, where one will

Further European Commission News:

also be presented with a Public Choice Award, based on online voting

Besides the EBBA’s, the EC also supports the ETEP and CEETEP Pro-

during November and December.

grammes (See reort in this issue.), but there are more projects which

And the winners are...

could be instigated. Both Reeperbahn Campus in Hamburg, and the

GuGabriel won the European Border Breaker Award

Winners: GuGabriel (Austria)

Kodaline (Ireland)

Lukas Graham (Denmark)

Jacco Gardner (Netherlands)

Woodkid (France)

Envy (Norway)

Zedd (Germany)

Icona Pop (Sweden)

Asgeir (Iceland)

Disclosure (UK)

Revealing the list of winners for the latest edition of the EC Culture Programme-funded Border Breaker initiative, Androulla Vassiliou, European­Commissioner For Education, Culture, Multilingualism And Youth, told CMU: “Without music, life would be a mistake, said

MaMA Event in Paris (see reports below) involved representatives of

Friedric­h Nietzsche some time ago”.

the European Commission in panel discussions. The next round of culture funding from the EC will be spearheaded by the Creative Eu-

He went on: “Musical tastes might have changed a bit since his

rope programme, and it is important for the music industry to make

day, but music is still a universal language that touches everyone,

the architects of Creative Europe aware of its cultural needs and ap-

regardless­of age or background. The internet has made it easier

plications, and to understand as much as possible about the workings

than ever to access music, yet, paradoxically, it is much harder for

of these culture funding opportunities, and their administration and

artists to break through and achieve lasting success. The European

allocation. Having been involved in both events, I feel that progress

Commissio­n supports the EBBA Awards because we want to help the

was definitely made on this. Watch this space! (ED.)

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> CONFERENCE REPORTS Bernd Neumann opened the Reeperbahn Festival 13

Reeperbahn Campus and Festival 2013 Allan McGowan Having had the privilege to present some very impressive German acts in Hamburg, one major point that impressed me at Reeperbahn was the growing strength of local artists. Stephan Thandscheidt pointed this out when remarking on the fact that he presented 21 German acts on the bill at FKP Scorpio’s Hurricane Festival, having previously added no more than 9. This demand for home grown acts is highlighted by yje success of the last tour by Die Toten Hosen (see article in this issue). But it’s not just Germany, European acts are on the rise! - ED

Delegates: 3.046 including 450

Companies and organisations:

B2B Events: 150 including

Journalists­and 2.596 professionals­

1.200 (excl. journalists).

- 85 conference panels, talks &

from the music and digital economies.

keynote Best represented industry

- 20 showcases

Countries Represented: 34


- 10 matchmaking events

The largest delegations came from:

- Label, Recording Medium (270)

- 2 award shows

- GB (111)

- Booking (253)

- rest: parties, receptions, workshops

- DK (102)

- Management (225)

- CH (80)

- Event, Convention, Festival (224)

- AT (51)

Festival visitors: 25.000 (excl. Delegates)

- CA (50)

- Publishing (189)

- NL (50)

- Agency (165)

Programme items all in all: 600

- NO (36)

- Media (133) - excl. Journalists

- 370 single shows/concerts

- FI (34)

- Venue (112)

- 80 arts programmes

- US (32)

- Distribution (96)

- and 150 B2B Events (see above) Venues: 70


With over 3,250 delegates, showcases by 300 artists and a conference program with 150 panels, keynote speakers, interviews, workshops, dinners, parties and meetings, Eurosonic Noorderslag is the key exchange and networking platform for European music, European artists, hundreds of European Festivals, international music industry and interactive professionals, companies and organizations. Full conference registration rates and deadlines: € 245,- (Early Bird) Deadline 13th of June 2013

€ 275,- (Medium) Deadline 10th of October 2013 € 315,- (Late) Deadline 12th of December 2013

€ 380,- (Walk Up) from the 13th of December 2013 NEW: Saturday only pass (Conference & Fair & Noorderslag festival) € 100,- (Early Bird) Deadline 13th of June 2013

€ 120,- (Medium) Deadline 10th of October 2013 € 135,- (Late) Deadline 12th of December 2013

€ 150,- (Walk Up) from the 13th of December 2013 To register and submit:







BVD president Jens Michow


BDV & Musikmarkt Reveal 2012 Market Survey Result Manfred Tari

The German Promoter Association and

dropping­seven percent from 32,30 to 30,20

non music events such as cabaret/comed­y,

the trade paper Musikmarkt presented


theatre and circus shows. The accumulated

at the newest consumer study on the

market volume for music events considered­

market­performance­of the German Live

Not surprisingly, considering these figures, the

within this study is 69,7 percent with a

Entertainment­Market at the Reeperbahn

total number of visitors decreased from 32,9

revenue­of 2,315 billion Euro, for non music

Festival Campus.

to 30,1 million, nevertheless the numbe­r of

events 30,3 percent with 1,007 billion Euro.

shows visited per year remained stabile with The market research was carried out by GFK

3,7 per person. Stefan Zarges saw one of the

In an analysis of the market share between live

(Gesellschaft für Konsumforschung) and it

explanations for the general drop off, Editor­

music revenues and the reported turnove­r for

is the fifth edition of the survey undertaken

in Chief of Musikmarkt to be the European­

recorded music, the live music sector attained­

in cooperation with BDV and Musikmarkt.

Football Cup in 2012, while BVD president

63 percent compared to 37 percent. In terms

The survey itself is based on the results of

Jens Michow and others pointed out that less

of a comparison between genres, rock and

questionnaire­s filled out by 3.000 consumers­

tours with international top artists­took place

pop music produced the biggest market share,

in April 2013.

in 2012. However, Zarges and Michow both

with 31 percent. Classical­music and opera

agreed that high ticket prices are another­ events faced a decline of six percent­and in The newest figures reveal a minus 16 percent

essential­factor to be considered­as influincing­

2012 only gained a market share of 24 percen­t

decline in turnover, from 3.9 Euros in 2011

the results of this study.

compared to 30 percent one year before.­Also

to 3.3 billion in 2012. The number of tickets

the market share for musicals went down

sold also shrunk from 121.1million tickets to

The highly detailed survey furthermore

from 22 to 19 percent, while festivals­moved

110 million, with the average price per ticket

elaborates­on the mix of live music events and

up from 12 to 14 percent.

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MaMA Welcomes More Visitors Manfred Tari This fourth edition of the MaMA Event has moved on the event

are interested in French talents or entering the French music market.

organisers­ambitions to establish the event alongside the other

... In terms of the visitor results, Mama has been able to in-

internationa­l industry events. The aim to attract the French and

crease all its key figures.

international­music industry to the centre of Paris shows definite signs

- 3800 professionals participated.

of being achieved. International attendance by both professionals and

- 1578 companies (compare to 1467 in 2012, plus 8 percent)

public increased for this edition. MaMA 2013, offered more than 60

- 2617 trade visitors with a share of 30 percent from abroad

conferences, debates and workshops over the course of 3 days, and

(2112, plus 24 percent)

100 concerts open to public and professionals alike in some twent­y

- 400 accredited journalists (250, plus 60 percent)

venues and atypical locations within the Montmarte and Pigalle

- 9091 concert visitors (6454, plus 40 percent)


- 61 nationalities were represented (34 in 2012, or +80%). Most prominent was the rise in attendance from Africa, Asia,

The French Conference and showcase festival MaMA has quickly

and Latin America.

established­itself to become a valuable outlet for the domestic music business in France in Europe.

Public attendance amounted to 9091 people

The number of international visitors is still a smaller percentage of

(6454 in 2012, or +40%)

visitors when compared to other industry events, but this is growing­. Nevertheless Mama on its fourth edition is still a relatively young

With these figures bringing good news, Mama also benefited

event and therefore highly successful in terms of its relevance for the

from the sunshine in Paris. It was a very lively atmosphere in the

music industry in France and especially for those from abroad who

main conference­location Trianon and in most concert locations.

MaMA Paris





Yes, drinks in the venues are only half as expensive as the ones in Cannes, nevertheless­7. - Euro for half a pint is still a bit cost intensive compared­to prices in Groningen or Hamburg… But foremost and besides all business activities, Mama became a hot spot for political issues that matter for the French music industry­. Among other highlights was the panel: “What Ambitions and Support­ For The Export Of French Music?”. A highly interesting debate that also has its meaning for visitors from abroad, as it also covered a discussion­about the extension of an existing tax break for French record labels for other music sectors that invest in talent. Also of interest was the panel “New Means Of Recording and Broadcasting­Live Performances”. This panel as well revealed an interesting­insight view on the lobbying efforts and general discussion­ on how and if concert promoters should benefit from so called

Hamed Shahi SSC Group

neighbouring­rights on concert recordings and broadcasts as is is already granted and covered by the copyright law in Germany for

Shahi: I did dig into the strategies of the French Music Export Office


this year and am really impressed about how hard and consistently they work.

VIP-News asked some of the international visitors for their opinions of the Event:

Silver: Understanding the vitality of the French live scene and meeting­ people from a surprising number of other countries was great.

Ingo Beckmann - Target Concerts (DE): I really enjoyed it, met interestin­g and new people. And discovered good music.

Bohnet: I have seen some excellent bands. The wonderful, dark Robi, the magnificent Helena Nougerra, a really impressive gig by Moriarty

Hamed Shahi SSC Group (DE): I have visited Mama from the first

and guests Mama Rosin and Christine Salem. Lovely new acts like

year onwards and I am happy to see the event growing.

Saint Michel and St. Lô. The Swiss act Anisen, as well as Owlle from France. The ‘old’ Déportivo with an impressive come back set. I was

Jeremy Silver, (UK): Mama seems to grow up each

disappointed by the concert of Tomorrow`s World by Monsieur Air, JB

year and this year it seems to have been bigger and bolder than ever.

Dunckel, from whom I expected more.

Thomas Bohnet, Target Concerts (DE): MaMa 2013 has been

VIP-News: Any suggestions to the organizers of Mama what

more interesting this time as the showcases from my point of view

to change in the future or do you conclude that everything is

have been better than last year with more exciting artists.

well settled as it is?

Greg Parmley, Intellitix (UK): Mama is fast putting itself on the

Beckmann: It´s nice as it is with space and time for spontaneous

map alongside the other leading international music conference, like

activities­and not too many obligatory meetings and programme

ILMC, Eurosonic and Reeperbahn. The conference programming this


year was extremely interesting, and who wouldn’t like a quick mid week break in Paris in the sunshine, catching up with old friends and

Shahi: I’d be happy to see a more international program. 80% was a

making new acquaintances?

very French program meaning it is not really made for exporting into non-French-speaking countries - from my perspective. Mama seems

VIP-News: What new discoveries or observations have you

much more a national congress then an international platform.

gained from your visit to Mama2013? Silver: Put your speakers up in better class of hotels please - otherwise­ Beckmann: Music from France (and also the people working in the

they get grumpy and are harder to work with!

biz) is opening up minds and hearts, becoming more internationally


- both from the language and the musical genres, which will raise

Bohnet: Everything was well organized. Clubs and venues have been

awareness and offer plenty more opportunities in the future.

in walking distance and they were also not so overcrowded.




Music & Media Finland Allan McGowan

The 24th Music & Media Finland conference

and right now it doesn’t seem to get any

was held in Tampere from October 17th to

easier with the autumn shows selling slowly.

19th. Over 700 delegates from a total of 16

However, at the same time Fullsteam has

countries attended Finland’s most important

actually done extremely well: we have gone

music industry event.

from the previous average of 650 shows per year to approx 1100 shows in 2013, and the

As usual The Industry Awards took place as

Euros go hand in hand with this, so we have

part of the event, celebrating the key players

practically almost doubled our business this

of the Finnish music industry in 22 categories­.

year. I have been surprised about this myself

A wide range of music industry professionals

as to be honest. I did expect a good year, but

select the nominees and winners.

now 2013 will actually be better than I could have ever expected and the best year we

Fullsteam Ahead! This was a good year for Fullsteam, the

have ever had.

Juha Kyyrö - Fullsteam The Overview in Finland:

Company­received the following five Awards at the Gala:

biggest­and the most versatile domestic

Although it has been a great year for Full-

roster­with 300 individual artists. Fullsteam

steam, the indications are that not everyone

Promoter of the Year: Juha Kyyrö

were responsible for 1,100 shows including

is enjoying the same sort of success, there

Agency of the Year:

international acts and festival bookings in

Manager of the Year: Virpi Immonen



Production Manager of the Year:

The highlights of the year included Justin

ing and losing money.

Pekka Kupiainen (from the company’s

Bieber, System of a Down, Lana Del Rey, The

subsidiary Staff & Stuff.

National, Sigur Rós, Knife Party, Macklemore

As for the festival market, Ruisrock and Il-

Indie Label of the Year:





including­Live Nation and Eastway are suffer-

& Ryan Lewis, A$AP Rocky, My Bloody

osaarirock did very well this year and were

Fullsteam also had three other nominations­

Valentine­, Pet Shop Boys, Rush, Yoko Ono

the most successful in Finland. Flow, Jurassic

Production Manager of the Year Heikki

and many more. With two recent gold record

Rock, Tuska Open Air and Pori Jazz also did

Häkkinen­ , A&R Person of the Year Niko

certifications, also the label side continues to

well. But Provinssirock struggled, and Live

Kangas­and Agent of the Year Toni Ritonen­

flourish and produce fresh and exciting new

Nation’s new festival Rock The Beach was

were all ranked in the top 3 in their categories­.


apparently a financial disaster, with rumours

Year 2013 has been highly successful for

Fullsteam co-founder and MD, Juha

indicating that the event may not continue

Fullsteam with around 70 % growth in both

Kyyrö told VIP-News:

next year. The new-scandal festival Weekend

revenue and the number of shows compared­

In general this year has been very challenging­

Festival sold out, but there were reports of

to last year. The Company represents the

for the festivals and promoters in Finland,

organisational problems.

of losses between 1 and 1,5 million Euro,





Finland to be Guest international partner of The Great Escape 2014 Allan McGowan The Great Escape will return to Brighton from the 8-10 May 2014,

introduced to the UK market and gathering wide press coverage in

presenting festival-goers with over 400 new artists, from local to

British media, the results have truly been great. With this in mind,

internationa­l acts, across 35 different venues throughout the city.

we feel it is the right time for us to partner with the biggest industry

Running alongside this is the Great Escape convention which hosts a

event in the UK and showcase the wide variety of talented Finnish

variety of insightful industry talks, panel debates, targeted networking­

acts to the international music industry family.”

sessions and keynote interviews for industry professionals and music

business fans. In 2014, the lead international partner of The Great

The Finnish programme at The Great Escape is produced by Music

Escape will be Finland.

Finland. Music Finland is the organization dedicated to promoting awareness­and the success of Finnish music at home and abroad.

“We are proud to be the lead country at The Great Escape in 2014.

Music­Finland creates and manages a wide variety of services,

The Finnish music industry has actively created connections and built

marketing­programmes, events, networking opportunities, training­,

awareness in the UK over the years”, commented Music Finland’s

consultancy, support, research, information and funding programmes.

Project­Manager Riku Salomaa. “In the last two years, the UK has

The activities­aim to maximize success for Finnish music and music

been the focus country for the exports of Finnish music. With more

companies, and increase Finnish music export revenue.

than 60 Finnish artists, songwriters, composers and music products



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GreenEvents Europe 2013 to take place in Bonn/Germany Allan McGowan

Tireless in his work to continually improve the practices of the live

Greener Arena – What can they do to promote sustainable events?

music­and event industry, and to educate all involved in the importance­

Upcycling – Save money and resources by converting worthless into

of green issues, Holger Jan Schmidt contacts us to announce the next

valuable things.

major GreenEvents conference:

Electricity and power – Try out new concepts small scale that can be moved to the „real world“.

Yourope and GO Group are once more heavily committed to Europe’s­

GreenEvents Technic Forum – Technical solutions to special

leading conference for sustainability in the live music and event


industry­GreenEvents Europe in Bonn/Germany on nov 25 and 26

Camping and waste – How festivals can join forces to make things


better Audience Attitude – Do people behave better in a clean

As in previous years the conference will offer high-level input by


speakers of international reputation without neglecting practical

Good Catering – Smart solutions and good practice.

relevance­and direct applicability. The event will feature speakers

„Down The Loo II” – Human left-behinds and smart mobile and

from spearhead institutions such as Green Music Initiative, Green

sustainable solutions for events

Festival­Alliance, Powerful Thingking, Slow Food Youth, Fareshare and

Plastics – Do we produce too much, can we avoid it? Consequences

Energieagentur­ NRW.

for us and the planet Degrowth and events – Alternative concepts for triple bottom line

Experts and scientists from Bucks New University, Cologne University,

Talking Cups – Biodegradable vs. multi-use – which are more

Ökoinstitut e.V. and Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut Essen will take


part alongside top panellists from major events including, Roskilde Festival, Rock Am Ring, Shambala Festival, Way Out West, We Love

GreenEvents Europe is funded by the

Art/We Love Green Festival, Rock For People , Cabaret Vert Festival,

for Environment and Development North Rhine Westphalia, and

Exit Festival, Open Air St. Gallen and Evangelischer Kirchentag.

partners­ are: - GO Group (Green Operations Europe),

Find information on the latest program (subject to changes) - Yourope (The European Festival Association)

here and check here for - IBIT, Internationales Bildungs- & Trainingszentrum für


Veranstaltungssicherheit - Bundesamt für Naturschutz

For the first time a Beginner Workshop on green event management - Bucks New University

for participants with little or no knowledge will be offered prior to the - Green Music Initiative

regular conference on Sunday nov 24th, afternoon. Followed by the - DB Deutsche Bahn

GreenEvents warm-up on Sunday evening. - Musikwoche


Register here and check special offers for Yourope members, students

Holger Jan Schmidt · Sounds For Nature Foundation e.V.

and companies who send more than one delegate.

Auguststr. 18 · 53229 Bonn

Topics discussed with all parties involved (promoters, venues, suppliers­

Tel.: +49 (0) 228 20 70 80 7 · Fax: +49 (0) 228 20 70 80 8

etc.) are The waste business – How it works and what the value of the waste

collected at events is Catering without meat – Is it possible? Effect

on the footprint and consequences for event organizers.





Nominations announced for 2nd Green Operations Award:

wonderful­ideas and great efforts almost every other day. And so we

After the success of the

are happy to present a great long list of festivals nominated­by our

tions-award-winner-2012-revealed/” \n _blankfirst presentation of

jury members­. To be honest, it is impossible to award the greenest­

the „Green Operations Award“ at the” \n

festival in Europe. They are so different in size, venue, audience,

_blankEuropean Festival Awards 2012 with winners We Love Green

philosophy­and history. What we do is the true acknowledgement

(FRA) GO Group is once again responsibe for the green category of

and a reward for superb action, innovation or improvement. By

the pan-European festival awards.

preparing­the long list for this second edition I already know that we will have a great winner. There are so many wonderful festivals with

GO Group takes care of the selection of the Green Operations Award

impressive initiatives­in this list – I can’t do more than applaud to

jury, long and short list selection and the presentation of the award

those. All winners already!“

winner. This is the definition for the „green oscar“ of the European festival This is the long list (in alphabethical order) of 18 festivals from


ten European countries nominated by the GO Awards jury members:

Green Operations Award European Festival Award for Green Excellence”Bestival (UK)

The Green Operations Award is an annual award presented by”Cabaret Vert (FRA)

Yourope and the GO Group. Its target group are festivals that have”Camp Bestival (UK)

made a significant­contribution to or achievement towards developing­”Croisant Neuf Summer Party (UK)

more sustainable events. Examples for respective achievements­are Fusion (GER)”Hurricane/Southside (GER) php”Ilosaarirock (FIN)”Indian Summer Festival (NL)

practises­and systems introduced at their own event, the development­ of good practices, which they have shared with other events, a specific­innovation­or continuous improvements over a number of years. The Award is given out by a panel made up of experts that are not directly linked to any specific festival with the exception that the previous year’s winner will be invited to cast a vote for the following year’s award only.”Malmø Festival (SWE)” \n _blankNorthside (DK)

The Green Operations Award – Jury 2013 reads like this:ӯyafestival (NO)

Teresa Moore (” \n _blankBucks New University, UK)”Rock For People (CZ)

Claire O’Neill (” \n _blankA Greener”Ruisrock (FIN) ”Shambala festival (UK)” Smukfest Skanderborg (DK) ?lang=en”Terraneo (CRO)”Tollwood Festival (GER)”Way Out West (SWE)

Festival­, UK) Linnéa Svensson (” \n _blankGreener Event Foundation, NOR) Marie Sabot (of last year’s winner:”We Love Green, FRA) Jacob Bilabel (” \n _blankGreen Music Initiative, GER) Holger Jan Schmidt (” \n _blankGreenEvents Europe, Yourope, GER) The short list, selected by the jury will be announced together with the other short lists of the EFA in early November. The winner of

Green Operations Award coordinator and Yourope’s anchorman­

the Green Operations Award will be announced and presented dur-

for green issues Holger Jan Schmidt (

ing the European Festival Awards ceremony in Groningen on Wed

germany.­eu/” \n _blankGreenEvents Europe) says: “What I have

January­15 2014 . The ceremony will be held at the Oosterport on the

learnt in those first almost three years of the GO Group is that the

opening­night of next year’s”

festival­scene is the true spearhead of the green events movement

\n _blank EurosonicNoorderslag festival and conference.

in Europe. I come across new actions, initiatives and events with








Shut Down for Konzertagentur Seliger Manfred Tari Berthold Seliger

In particular, amongst other observations, he points out that this goes for instance for the ticketing business that is making more money on system and service charges than even the artists and promoters who are actually making concerts and live events happen. Due to these and other concerns Seliger concludes that he considers the “diversity of culture in danger” But even though Konzertagentur Berthold Seliger won’t continue in the future, Seliger announced that in January 2914 he will launch a one man office for “Music, Texts and Strategies”. In fact writing is something that Seliger has been doing for years now. Besides writing a company newsletter very different from any others,

After 25 ½ years company founder and owner Berthold Seliger has

he occasionally publishes articles in the Berliner Zeitung and various

recently announced that he will shut down his self named company

other magazines and newspapers.

at the end of the year. In a press release he refer to reasons such

In terms of the master class of writing, Seliger even wrote a book,

as “society­, business-policies as well as considerations of a private

entitled ‘The Business Of Music’ and he is currently on a reading tour


of this. He just recently held his first reading at Reeperbahn Festival

The news itself is actually a bit of a surprise. Seliger explains that

in Hamburg. In his book Seliger elaborates on subjects such as ‘Live

his decision has nothing to do with the business performance of his

Industry’, ‘Record Industry’, ‘Copy? Right!’ ‘Gema’, ‘Sponsoring’,

compan­y. In fact he claims that the ongoing business year is one of

‘The Social Situation’, ‘Music Journalism’ and of course ‘Politics’. In

the best in the company’s history.

particular in that chapter Seliger underlines that he is one the very

But besides his pure business activities in the concert industry, Berthold

few protagonists of the live music business who clearly expresses his

Seliger is also known for his very distinctive comments and personal

thoughts and concerns regarding this matter.

analysis of the live music sector in general. In his monthly company

If you a have chance and if you are able to understand German, take

newsletters alongside information about artists, concerts and tours he

the opportunity to visit one of the dates of Seliger’s upcoming book

also wrote sharp critiques on general political issues, music industry

readings in November 2014 in: it will be worthwhile!

developments and even media reports.

19. CH-Zürich, El Lokal

Bearing this in mind he also extensively explains his reasons for

21. CH-St. Gallen, Palace

closing­down his company in his statement. Arguing that the

23. Geislingen, Rätschenmühle

‘business­of music’ in the last ten years has evolved “massively in the

24. A-Ebensee, Kino

wrong direction­”, resulting in small companies having less and less

25. A-Wels, Schlachthof

opportunitie­s to “co-determine” in the face of these developments.

28. Bielefeld (t.b.c.)

He refers to the fact that a few global monopolistic companies

29. Düsseldorf, ZAKK

dominate­both the recorded music business and the live music sector.

30. Köln, King Georg

KKT Reports Record Results for Die Toten Hosen Allan McGowan German concert agency Kikis Kleiner Tourneeservice (KKT) has

manager of DTH and Kiki Ressler; the company, based in Berlin,

announced­that it achieved record results with Die Toten Hosen’s (DTH)

has since become one of the leading concert agencies in Germany.

recent tour “Krach der Republik” (Noise Of The Republic). The tour sold

Besides­DTH, KKT also represents domestic acts such as Beatsteaks,

770.000 sold tickets for 36 concerts and a total gross of €35.6 million,

Fettes Brot, Einstürzende Neubauten and Mouse On Mars.

making this the most successful outing ever for the band. International artists on the KKT roster include Royal Republic, Panteón KKT was founded in 1990 by Die Toten Hosen, Jochen Hülder, the


Rococo and Triggerfinger.



Die Toten Hosen at Tempelhof-Airport Berlin 08.08.2013

Interview with Kiki Ressler Manfred Tari

VIP-News: Has this been the most successful kkt tour with die

who is doing the technical preparation for many tours and partially

Toten Hosen?

attends the artists on tour. Furthermore we have the accountancy

– Kiki Ressler: Yes. These figures just belong to the second part of the

department, the team-assistant and the reception.

“Krach der Republik” – Tour. In the first part of the tour in November/ December 2012 we had already sold 290.000 tickets. In the whole

Is the company structure different from other agencies?

period of the tour over 12 months, we’ve sold about one million

– I think that we offer a more comprehensive service, focusing as well

ticket­s in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

on the entire production of artists. Most of our German artists expect this kind of service and a more individual support. That may be the

Besides Die Ärzte and Die Toten Hosen (DTH) you have already

biggest difference to other agencies that are booking international

built up other successful artists such as Beatsteaks or Fettes

acts into Germany. And in terms of international acts, these kind of

Brot. Please elaborate on the artist and booking philosophy of

production issues will mainly be decided in the home base of the

kkt and what’s required before you take an artist on?

particular artists.

– We’re not focused on a special genre. The live-performance of a band is much more relevant for us than the sales figures, it needs to

KKT is one of the very few German agencies that book some

convince us. I believe that a straightforward live-performance will ever

of their acts abroad. Do you do so only on request by artists or

be important in the long term and this will also lead to tickets sales.

do you even consider expansion with international bookings in the future?

Currently KKT handles the bookings for only one DJ, DJ Exel

– That entirely depends on what the individual bands want and also

Pauly. Are you up for adding more DJs to your roster?

what opportunities we have to place them internationally. No matter

– Sure, but in the last two years our little office was so busy with these

how international their music / lyrics may be, most of the German

two big tours by Die Ärzte, which we also sold 800.000 tickets for,

bands still got the reputation of coming from the ‘Banana-republic

and the one by DTH, that unfortunately we could not take on any

of rock ‘n roll’. As you could well imagine, that doesn’t make things.

new acts. But we will catch up on that now. Do you already have any tours and shows for 2014 in the Please tell us about the team behind KKT...


– Kathrin Schierz, Birger Lüdemann, Humberto Pereira and myself

– Yes, we’ve got tours with Fettes Brot, Triggerfinger and Royal

make up the booking-team, our production manager is Tino Ullrich,





ETEP & CEETEP 2013 Reach New Levels Manfred Tari The only successful support program for popular music on a European­ level receiving European Union funding has once again improved its results. The European Talent Exchange Program (ETEP) is organised

For Ceetep-Acts the Festival figures were: Rock For People (8), Sziget

by Eurosonic Noorderslag, and supported by pan-European festival

(4), Heineken Open’er Festival, Pohoda, Slovenian Music Week and

organisation Yourope, and the public broadcasting radio station

Tallinn Music Week (each 3).

networ­ k, the European Broadcasting Union The EBU is the main media­partner for the this program and its sister program Central

The most booked artists are:

Eastern European Talent Exchange Program (CEETEP).

Villagers (IE) 11

Palma Violets (UK) 11

The overall results for the current edition of ETEP report 324 shows

Jake Bugg (UK) 11


by 103 artists from 23 different European countries. In the previous

Efterklang (DK) 10

Rangleklods (DK) 9

year the program resulted in 287 shows. For CEETEP the organizers

Kodaline (IE) 9

AlunaGeorge (UK) 9

reported 32 shows by 22 artists from 12 different European countries,

Netsky (BE) 8

Mo (DK) 8

up on the 27 shows in 2012.

C2C (FR)

The Festivals that booked most ETEP artists are Reeperbahn Festival


(24), The Great Escape (22), Sziget (13), Pukkelpop & Lowlands (12

ETEP was launched in 2003 and has received European Union funding

each), Benicàssim Festival, Les Nuits Botanique and Vienna Waves

since 2012 which will continue till 2015. Currently 80 festivals take

(10 each), Best Kept Secret festival, Europavox, Pinkpop and Roskilde

part in the programs, by 2015 it is expected that this number will

Festival­(8 each).

increase to 100 festivals.



Music in Shares Manfred Tari

No official news has been released so far. However, there are some rumours in the market that may become official soon and if those prove to be true, they will cause some surprises. Watch this space!

Share price lift for

A Significant Plus for

Since the beginning of October the share price of CTS Eventim has

The share price rally for DEAG started on August 1, when the price

moved up; from a closing price of 33.20 on October 1st to 36.15 Euro

was at 3.33 Euro. Until now the share has climbed to 4.23 Euro.

CTS Eventim


on October 23rd.

The Share Price Wonder of

Live Nation

On January 2nd the share price of Live Nation stood at $9.69. Since then it has climbed up to $19.1…

The VIP-Booking European Live Entertainment Book Advertising in the VIP Book will make you visible to 10.000 business professionals­all over Europe. You will find no better­place to expose­ your company to the whole European Live Entertainment­Industry. » RESERVE YOUR AD NOW ON WWW.VIP-BOOKING.COM



ARTIST AVAILS ORBITAL ñ 25th year anniversary tour in 2014 Territory: The World excluding USA / Period: May onwards Agency: Value Added Talent / Agent: Dan Silver Phone: +44 207 704 97 20 E-mail: Homepage:


Adam Saaks Style: Fashion Cutting Show Territory: Russia & CIS countries / Period: 2013 Agency: Live Music Space / Agent: Xena E-mail: Homepage:

MUSICAL YOUTH Territory: THE WORLD Period: SEPTEMBER 2013 - MARCH 2014 Agency: STRATOSPHERE MUSIC Agent: STEVE HUGHES Phone: +447779257295 E-mail:

Mory Kante Territory: World Period: 2013 Agency: GLP Agent: Walter Laurer E-mail: Homepage:

Foreigner Territory: Europe Period: 2013 Agency: GLP Agent: Georg Leitner E-mail:

Pent-up anger channelled into a feisty Rock ‘n’ Roll attitude. This is what AC ANGRY­stands for. Metal Hammer Germany described their sound as “comparable­to early Wonderfools, coupled with desert riff grooves and a touch of late Turbonegro”. Their roots lie clearly in the classic Rock ’n’ Metal of the

TV Off Territory: Europe Period: 2013 Agency: RedBerg Agency Agent: Juha Juoni E-mail: Homepage:

80′s, in groups like Motörhead or Zodiac Mindwarp And The Love Reaction and they succeed in including their influences from the last 15 years in an exciting way, as bands like Danko Jones and Turbonegro took over. With this spellbinding mixture they set themselves apart from the rampant 70‘s Vintage Rock Revival and go their own way.


Under the old name Taletellers the four-piece already made a name for themselves­ in the world-wide metal scene with the albums ”Detonator“ and ”Radicalizer“. In 2009 they went on a European tour with Grave Digger and Alestorm and they supported such notables as Molly Hatchet, Sacred Reich, Uriah Heep or Astral Doors. Along with it the second album ”Radicalizer“ earned a Top 40 chart position­in the US College Radio Charts. After a short break the band decided to change the name to something more suitable for their straight heavy Rock ‘n’ Roll – AC ANGRY – and since last year the musicians surrounding the charismatic singer Alan Costa have been hitting the gas again big time! Highly acclaimed shows as support for Danish rockers D-A-D and Ozzy‘s former sidekick Zakk Wylde and his Black Label Society and most of all the tour with Warrior Soul in November 2012, which led them through Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands­, were celebrated by fans and press alike.

Read more about “AC ANGRY”:





CACTUSFESTIVAL CACTUSFESTIVAL is a colourful festival, with a refreshing view on

CACTUSFESTIVAL hosted in the past a.o.: Paul Weller, Gavin Friday,

modern musical culture; enclosed in a cosy atmosphere and with a

Rachid Taha, 16 Horsepower, Marisa Monte, Marianne Faithfull,

surprising program.

Burning Spear, Michael Franti & Spearhead, Buckshot LeFonque, Ani DiFranco, St Germain, Asian Dub Foundation, Bill Janovitz Living

The Minnewaterpark (“Lake of Love”- park) in Brugge is the unique

Colour, Calexico, Marc Ribot, John Cale, Walkabouts, Ziggy Marley,

spot where this three-days lasting musical happening takes place.

Tindersticks, Thomas Mapfumo, The The, Jurassic 5, Brooklyn Funk Essentials, Compay Segundo, Soul Coughing, Defunkt, Lee Perry,

CACTUSFESTIVAL guarantees a different atmosphere and philosophy.

Salif­Keita, Alfredo Rodriguez, Radio Tarifa, Cheb Mami, Geoffrey

The festival intends to stay a “human sized” musical happening, with

Oryema, Kristin Hersch, Lucky Dube, Virginia Mukwesha, Bootsy

a limited number of bands, which all play full concerts and which are

Collins­, Cheikh Lo, Bruce Cockburn, Israel Vibration, My Morning

presented in a unique global atmosphere.

Jacket, Mose Fan Fan, Black Uhuru, Sam Mangwana, Candido Fabre, Ladysmith Black Mambazo, Michelle Shocked, Skatalites, Habib Koite,

CACTUSFESTIVAL keeps on looking for new discoveries and combines

Boukman Eksperyans, Hassan Hakmoun, Ali Hassan Kuban, African

these with artists with an established international reputation. Year

Jazz Pioneers…

after year a wide variety of musical genres is presented; a “global” presentation card of what the worldwide music scene has to offer, in

CACTUSFESTIVAL is a production of Cactus Muziekcentrum vzw,

all it’s diversity.

which a.o. is active as concert promoter (a.o. Cactus Club, Ma/Z, Concertgebouw...),





Benenwerk­) and music education center in Brugge, Belgium.

About Our Company enables artists to MAIL their music VIP-Booking’s core product is the Internet’s oldest and Today VIP-Booking offers a range of tools for the to more 6.000 venues agencies worldwide… industry­– including VIP-News, VIP-Booking, VIP-Book largest database forthan the European Live and Entertainment

Industry developed as a tool for industry professionals. Since it’s launch in the year 2000, we have consistently offered our subscribers the very

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best in database services and now boast subscribers in

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