VIP-News Premium - Vol. 139 September 2011

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McGowan’s We’re very glad that in this issue we do

hit the Belgian festival­last month. Four

not have to report the sort of dreadful

people were killed and around 70 people

slow start for many, and the weather again

misfortunes­that overshadowed last month,

were injured­ . The Steunfonds Slachtoffers

refused­to be kind. There were too many

but of course for those directly affected there

Pukkelpopstorm­(or, in English, the Support

casualties in terms of both individuals and

is no let up. The organisers of Pukkelpop

Fund for the Victims of the Pukkelpop Storm)

events and there are those predicting that the

announced­the launch of a fund to support

will act as an independent organisation with

bubble will burst (see report in this issue.)­.

the victims and the families of those who

its own board. Information on the fund and

But in the main event organisers, apart from

died as a result of the freak storm, which

how to donate money to it can be found

Glastonbury, which is taking a year off, seem


optimistic and undaunted as they gear up for

next year’s extravaganzas, including it seems

The sea is the colour of lead and the sky is

a couple of brand new festivals,

a pale shade of nothing, here in Brighton­

at least the summer is merely a bright

At the top end of the industry the big boys

memory­ … please join me in a deep and

are active, Live Nation have announced

long drawn out sigh aaaaaaahhh. Right,

the formation of a broad-based strategic

that’s better, now let’s get on with it, after

partnership­, which will see LNE’s Front Line

all there are cheerful­events on the horizon

Management Group and UMG, launch a

as conference­and ­­ showcase events take over

joint-venture management company. And

from festivals as industry gathering places.

CTS Eventim have been pipped at the post

The VIP team spent a few very active and

by Vivendi in their bid to buy Seetickets,

very enjoyable days in Hamburg last week

(see Manfred Tari’s Business News in this

for Reeperbahn Festival and the Reeperbahn

issue­ ) although­they probably feel a bit

Campus where yours truly was honoured to

better­havin­g concluded a new and exclusive

host a day of discussions pertinent to the live

twelve-year contract to sell tickets for the

industry. This week, remaining in the UK, I

musicals produced by Stage Entertainment.

will be paying a visit to the East of England

for Norwich Sound and Vision, then later in

Even bureaucratic departments which seem

October it’s on to Eurostar for a visit to the

to act as slowly as possible in music business­

second MaMA event in Paris. So having en-

matters have surprised us by making

countered the glamorous red light delights of

decisions­, as in the EU’s decision to extend

Hamburg’s famous Reeperbahn I am looking

copyright on sound recordings from 50 to 70

forward to the Parisian pleasures of Pigalle,

years and the UK Government’s decision to

and the… can’t seem to put my finger on the

launch a consultation seeking to deregulate

Norwich equivalent at the moment… how

entertainment licensing (see report in this

can I be anything less than buoyant!


Although the summer festival season is

It’s a fast moving business all right – so we’d

pretty much over the considerations and

better get on with it – Ladies & Gentlemen

evaluations of how things went are now

– The News!

COLOPHON > VIP-News is published by: VIP-Booking 145-157 St John Street London Ec1V 4PW Managing Director: Ronni Didriksen General Manager: Peter Briggs Writer and editorial: Allan McGowan Writer: Manfred Tari For advertising enquiries please contact: Peter Briggs +44 870 755 0092


Musings in full swing. Sales this season got off to a



First Artist and Manager Awards Presented Allan McGowan The first ever Artist & Managers Awards event staged by the Music Managers Forum­ and Featured Artists Coalition took place at London’s­Roundhouse on Tuesday September­ 13th, with a sell out attendance­of 600 industry­people. The ceremony incorporated­ MMF’s old awards event the Roll Of Honour. Hosted by Sandie Shaw and with guest appearances­from various MMF and FAC members, eight awards were presented in total­ . Some winners had already been

The winners were:

Award sponsors were:

Breakthrough Artist Of The Year:

Jemca Car Group, American Express­,

Ed Sheeran

PPL, SESAC and Clear Sound and

Artist Of The Year:


Adele Artists’ Artist Award: Massive Attack Industry Champion Award: Martin Mills, Beggars Group First Rung Manager Of The Year: Giant Men Management Manager Of The Year: JHO Oakley Peter Grant Award: John Glover Achievement Award: Everybody’s

JHO Oakley, Manager Of The Year

revealed­ , while others were announced on the night.

UK Festival Awards Announce Details of UK Festival Conference: The UK Festival Awards Organisers have

market, incorporating results from Festival­ sessions­featuring experts in their relevant

announced­details of their annual UK Festival­


Conference, which takes place the day of the

market­research of festival-goers’ opinions.

Awards, Tuesday 15 November. Now in its

The survey will be conducted by a global

4th year, the UK Festival Conference aims

market research agency and will be the

to bring the festival industry together for a

most accurate study of audience habits ever


day of debates, discussion, networking and


reminded­everyone that bad weather can be



information­ sharing.

fields. Sessions confirmed so far: Weather – Or Not (in association with TPi) stage




sudden, vicious and lethal. It’s not the first Festival Awards Ltd MD James Drury, said:

year that the elements have played their

“Since it was launched four years ago, the

part in fatalities; perhaps we need to learn

Conference­will present and debate the latest­

UK Festival Conference has become a focal­

our lessons a little faster. Is it the structures

thinking and business insight in addition­to

point for discussion of key issues and an

themselves at fault, or perhaps the decision­

reviewing the year’s key achievements­and

opportunity­to review the season just passed.

making­­­process? A panel of organisers,

challenges. Following the success of last

The pace of change in the industry makes

staging­companies, enforcers and insurers







year’s sold-out event, there will be further­ it one of the most exciting in the world,

will debate the issues and uncover answers.

focus on the most important issues in the

and the determination to keep improving­


is inspirational­ . I’m looking forward to

From Online to Onsite – How Social

insightful­discussions on the back of a year of

Commerce­Can Boost Your Business (in

new challenges.”

association­with Music Mind Exchange)

will be a presentation of the UK Festival

The Conference takes place at the HMV

Despite festivals deploying social media to

Market­Report – a business review of the

Forum­in London, and will feature six panel

communicate with fans, not many take >





networking­ opportunities. Exclusive to the 2011 UK Festival Conference­




full advantage of the sales opportunities



on offer­on sites such as Facebook. Social

association­with IQ)




media commerce­experts will present the possibilities­and advise how to get even more

One of the greatest festival promoters in the

out of online for a festival.

world, the MD of Festival Republic (behind­

Melvin Benn will keynote the O&A session

Reading, Leeds, Latitude, The Big Chill, Keeping Up Appearances (in association

Ireland’s­Electric Picnic, Norway’s Hove,

with LIVE UK)

Germany’s­Berlin Festival and new US venture Orlando Calling), licensee of Glastonbury and

How can festivals secure the loyalty of their

Chairman of Wembley Stadium, will share his

festival-goers in a sector that is awash with

views on the UK festival industry.

a huge variety of events covering all genres In addition to these sessions, the UK

Combined tickets for the UK Festival Awards

organisers­are adapting to the potential­ Festival­Conference will feature a dedicated

and the UK Festival Conference are on sale

of music? The panel will examine the ways saturation­of the marketplace and key

networking­and exhibition lobby, a drinks

now from

survival­tips to make a festival stand out from

reception and an exclusive copy of the UK

its competition.

Festival Report.

Musiksverige release Market Survey for the Swedish Music Market

Manfred Tari

Lobbying organisation Musiksverige (Music



According to the research report the

Sweden) together with Sponsrings& Event-

entertainment­sector foresees a greater

Swedish­music industry, in particular the

föreningen (Sponsor & Event Association)

growth of 7.7 percent. The study received

live music industry­, seems to be in good

and Yh Musik of Nyköping University, have

a high level of response and reflects the

spirits. But besides­‘education’, what

released a research report about the future

opinion­of about 25 percent of Swedish

are the other needs for Sweden’s music

expectations of the Swedish music industry

music­companies­and 30 percent from the


and the live entertainment sector.

live entertainment­ sector. However, the

– The report shows that the industry has a

report­also says that for the Swedish music­

positive vision for the coming years. It’s a bit

Over the summer of 2011 94 companies took

industry in particular, reliable economicl data

too early to say that the industry as a whole

part in the study, being asked about their

is currently not available. Music Sweden

is in a good shape. We are still dealing with

expectations­regarding business development­

announced­the release of new and more

the challenge that more than one million

in the next five years. The results­show that

accurate­figures at the beginning of 2012.

Swedes choose to listen to music from illegal­





companies interviewed from both industry segments expect reasonable­growth rates. In the music industry the assumption is that business will grow annually by about 6.2 per


sources. But still, the primary reason for the VIP-News spoke with Elisabet Widlund, the

optimism­in the report is that the Swedes

managing director of Music Sweden about

have increased­their use of legal music

the survey and the resulting conclusions.

services­by more than 100 per cent in a year. It is vital to the Swedish music business that >



Elisabet Widlunt, managing director of Music Sweden


this development­continues. Besides that, we

Our Minister for Culture, Lena Adelsohn-

want to increase the Swedish music export

Liljeroth, and Minister for Industry, Maud


Olofsson, recently invested 73 million SEK in reforms that are supposed to strengthen

What are the political conclusions of this

the Swedish cultural and creative industries.

research­ report?

Musiksverige has obtained half a million SEK,

– If the vision is to be realised, we need better

and we are investing them in a statistics

and more digital music services so that the

project­that will for the first time ever present

Swedes continue to turn to legal alternatives

turnaround and export figures for the whole

instead of illegal ones.

music industry.

In Sweden so far the political efforts in favour­of the so-called ‘creative industries’

Besides that, Musiksverige has a lot to do

are foremost­amongst IT, Communication &

when it comes to explaining how the music

Technology issues.

industry functions, and also how important copyright is to guarantee a varied range of

Are Swedish politicians aware of the enables artists to MAIL their music to more than 6.000 venues and agencies worldwide…

Swedish music.

needs of the music industry? – More and more so. Our Minister for Trade,

Has the Swedish live music industry

Dr Ewa Björling, delivered a speech to the

meanwhile­set up a trade body that looks

European­music industry at Popkomm in

after­their interests and how is this peer

Berlin­last week, where she presented a

group embedded within Music Sweden?

national­strategy for Swedish export. In

– I’ll have to get back to you on that one later

this strategy she stressed that the music

this autumn.

industry­is one of the most important tools in achieving­the government’s goal, which is

What is next on the agenda of Music

to double Swedish export until 2015. We are


very happy that the government understands

– We are formulating a digital agenda for the

what an important role music plays when it

industry, which will point out the industry’s

comes to building relationships abroad. This

efforts to accelerate the digital development

also goes along very well with our own work

and what we want the politicians to do in

in process for a national strategy for music

addition to that.





Fernando Ladeiro-Marques, director of MaMA

Third MaMA Event – Second in Paris Allan McGowan





Marc Marot, CEO - SEG International Former­

France is the fifth largest market in the world


and the third in Europe behind Britain and

Fernando­ Ladeiro-Marques:

director of Island Record A&R (UK)

hosted Midem, the longest established music­

Are you happy with the development of

Eric Cager, Director - The Cutting Edge

trade event for 40 plus years, there was no



French event appropriate to the current

– The MaMA Event in Paris is now well

Entertainment­ Commission of New Orleans

realities­of today’s business such as those

known and identified in the music industry


in other European countries, such as; The

and has definitely gathered international

Great Escape in the UK, Eurosonic in Holland­,

fame. The responses following the 2010

Julien Dray, Vice-chairman - Regional



edition are evidence­of this. We welcomed

Council­of Ile de France in charge of the

was founded­to address this omission­by

around 2,000 delegates representing 39

Culture­ (France)

establishing­a cross-sector platform in France

countries in 2010, and we are planning on

that combined networking and showcases­.

welcoming more this year.

Germany. Although Cannes in the South has









José Mauro Gnaspini, Director, “Virada Cultural”, City of São Paulo (Brazil)

The first edition of this music and convention­


festival was held in Bourges in the centre of

Conference­attendance for the upcoming­

Dominic Cook, Company Director - 33

the country before moving to the obvious­


Seconds­, marketing and social media agency

and easily accessible location, Paris the

– We know that a lot of first-rate international­

Former marketing and content manager -

capital­City for a successful edition in 2010.

delegates will attend MaMA 2011. Some will

MySpace (UK)

The MaMA event aims to offer international

speak at our numerous conferences, which

music­industry players a gateway to the

will feature more than 120 speakers; others­

Markus Kuehn, Flux FM Founder - m2m

French music market.

will be part of the areas of the planned

Marketing consultant (Germany)






networking­and collaboration events that will MaMA invites members of all music industry­

be available at MaMA.

Phil Bowdery, President of touring - Live

sector: majors or independent, producers

Nation­ (UK)

and promoters, venues and festivals, bookers

The delegates on MaMA 2011 will include

and agents, record companies, media... and

charismatic industry figures such as…

Jérôme Langlet, Chairman - Lagardère

obviously artists to meet peers from France

Simon Frith, Sociologist: social behaviour

Unlimited­Live Entertainment (France)

and Europe on October 21 & 22, 2011 in

in music consumption and Chair of The


Mercury­Awards (UK),

Steve Machin, Funder and CEO - Stormcrowd (UK)





Phil Mercer, Managing Director - XL Video

PopKomm­ , Reeperbahn


Mercat­de Vic and the Primavera festival­ established in the marvelous venue named Le

(Germany­ ), the

having­been devastated by fire, MaMA is now

(Spain), Tallin­Music Week (Estonia­), the Med-

Trianon and we will also use other 20 venues

Sabine Funk, Master of Event Technology­/

imex (Italy), and the Move Festival­(Czech

in the 18th district of Paris - between­Pigalle

Teacher & Counselor Crowd & Safety

Republic­)… Specific actions will also take place

and Montmartre - in order to welcome 30

management­- IBIT – International Education­

in collaboration with various­international­pro-

conferences and more than 60 concerts of

& Training Centre for Event Safety Rheinkultur­

fessional networks, including­Bureau Export

French and International artists.

Festival (Germany)

(France), Swiss Music­Export (Switzerland), Muziek Centrum and Wallonie Bruxelles




Festival -


Musiques (Belgium), Buma Cultuur (Nether-


lands), AMAN (Austria­), Catalan Arts (Spain),



Music LX (Luxembourg), Initiative Musik and VUT (Germany), Audiocoop (Italy) as well as





Yourope and the European Music Office…

various­other events last year, will these cooperations­ continue?

The venue that you used as the central

– Yes, last year we started the development­

meeting place for MaMA last year is

of collaboration with numerous international­

unfortunately­not available, how have

events such as Spot (Denmark), Eurosonic­ you replaced it? (Netherlands),


– Despite Elysée-Montmartre, which was

(Germany­ ), also Canadian Music Week,




our main delegates meeting place with

Meg Montréal (Canada), Berlin Music Week,

welcoming­desk and networking areas,
















Preliminary Results For ETEP 2011 Manfred Tari

The festival season is pretty much over and the organisers of ETEP have come up with the first preliminary summary. With 204 confirmed shows so far by 78 European Art-

Anna Calvi



ists from 15 different European countries,

Crystal Fighters



the ETEP organisers reported that they have

James Blake



gained 18 more shows than in the previous

Selah Sue




Agnes Obel






White Lies



James Vincent McMorrow






The current ETEP top ten for 2011 is led by Anna Calvi from the UK. 9 artists share place number 10 having each gained 4 bookings. For further information please check

ETEP top ten

The top 10 for 2011 is led by Anna Calvi

The 5th Oxjam Charity Music Festival Allan McGowan

Fatboy Slim, Brett Anderson, Mercury Prize

Wednesday 28 Sept: Charlie Simpson plus

a handful of fans lucky enough to get their

nominee Ghostpoet and former Busted star

more TBA

hands on a ticket.

Charlie Simpson amongst others; will play

Thursday 29 Sept: DRC Music album launch

gigs in Oxfam shops to launch the fifth year

feat. Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs­ ,

Tickets to the shows cost just £25 per night

of the UK’s biggest charity music festival - the

Richard Russell (XL Records), Kwes (Warp

for Monday to Wednesday and £20 for

Oxjam music festival.

Records­) and more. This is the launch event

Thursday’s show, and went on sale from 5th

for the album Kinshasa One Two, out on

September exclusively from

Warp Records. Tickets for

A London Oxfam shop will stage a series of

these exclusive one-off performances will

exclusive, intimate performances among the books and clothing on the shop floor itself

DRC Music is a project brought together by

raise money for Oxfam’s lifesaving work

to launch the the charity’s month-long music

Damon Albarn to raise money for Oxfam.

around the world.

The Oxfam shop in London, whose location

Fatboy Slim (Norman Cook) who returns to

The confirmed lineup so far, with more to be

will be revealed the week before the shows,

play the charity shop shows after performing

added, is:

will become an Oxjam shop for the week,

in the first year, said:

Monday 26 Sept: Fatboy Slim, Kissy Sell

selling the best second-hand music in the city

Out, Man Like Me

during the day. During the evening, it will be

“The reason I’ve been involved with Oxjam

Tuesday 27 Sept: Brett Anderson (Suede),

converted into a gig venue, playing host to

in previous years is that, as well as being one

Patrick Wolf, Ghostpoet

these intimate performances in front of a just

of the highlights of my DJing calendar, I see






Brett Anderson »In the early nineties, Suede bought most of their clothes in Oxfam shops. It was always somewhere you could find cheap, interestin gold things that no-one else had and for a few years it pretty much defined our style, so I feel a massive sense of homecoming with the Oxjam gig«.


it as the best way for people to use their love

keep saving lives and making a difference all

October. During a single weekend, around

of music to help a really worthwhile charity

over the world.”

3,000 musicians will perform to an audience

like Oxfam. I’m delighted to be joining in

of more than 35,000, all raising money to

the fifth birthday celebrations this year, and I

The charity shop gigs officially launch the

hope that budding DJs all around the country

Oxjam month of music, which runs through

will also be using their decks and records to

the whole of October. During October, more

Previous artists who have performed the

help fight poverty in October.”

than 800 venues, 11,000 volunteers, 9,000

Oxfam shop gigs in the last couple of years

bands and musicians and more than 200,000

include Jarvis Cocker, Diana Vickers, Johnny

audience members will enable Oxjam to

Borrell, The Charlatans, Editors, The Kooks,

“In the early nineties, Suede bought most of

raise at least £350,000 to help Oxfam fight

Hot Chip, Jamelia, VV Brown and Basement

their clothes in Oxfam shops. It was always

poverty­. Oxjam is a festival with a difference:


somewhere you could find cheap, interesting­

hundreds of fundraising music events are

old things that no-one else had and for a

put on by ordinary people – from large-scale

Since 2006, more than 40,000 musicians have

few years it pretty much defined our style,

festivals to local sponsored busks – making

played to an audience of more than 800,000

so I feel a massive sense of homecoming

it the biggest line-up of any music festival in

people at over 3,000 Oxjam events, raising in

with the Oxjam gig. The Oxfam shop is a

the UK.

excess of £1.5 million to fight poverty­around

Brett Anderson said:

help Oxfam fight poverty worldwide.

great British­institution that no high street

the world. Oxjam 2011 is expected to take the

should be without­, and the Oxjam gigs are

The highlight of the month-long festival­ total past £1.8 million, enough to buy safe

an extension­of this blend of philanthropy

will be the Oxjam Takeover, a series of

water for 2 million people­, 900,000 bags of

and off-beat style. Even better, the shop gigs

city-wide mini-festivals taking place in 33

seeds or 72,000 goats.

are only the beginning of Oxjam, a whole

locations across the UK, from Aberdeen to

month of music raising money to help Oxfam

Bournemouth­, on the weekend of 22 and 23

To find out more visit:

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Advertising in the VIP Book will make you visible to 10.000 business professionals­all over Europe. You will find no better­place to expose­ your company to the whole European Live Entertainment­Industry. » RESERVE YOUR AD NOW ON WWW.VIP-BOOKING.COM




UK Government Launch Major Consultation on Music in Licensing Act Feargal Sharkey, chief executive of UK Music

Allan McGowan

A DCMS spokesman said the move was

the UK music industry, especially for emerging­

a “big one” and is about addressing the

talent and jobbing musicians, and is warmly

difficulties­of putting on live music events


within the rules of the Act. He also said

the proposal was “larger effectively” than

At present, under terms of the Licensing Act

current­proposals­within the Live Music Bill.

2003, any venue or event looking to promote

This is a private members Bill, proposed by

live music, no matter how small, must apply

Lib Dem peer Lord Clement-Jones to except

for permission from their local authority.

small live music events from the requirements­

Reports­from the Government-commissioned

of the Licensing Act which progressed

Live Music Forum (2007) and the Culture,

through the Lords this summer and is ex-

Media & Sport select committee (2009) both

pected to go to the Report stage shortly. The

concluded that such an approach has proved

DCMS spokesman­said that “whatever hap-

detrimental to grass roots live music.

A positive step forward in making it easier for

pens the Clement-Jones Bill will continue its

pubs and small venues to promote live music­

merry way, although it could be preceded by

When Government last consulted on the

has been made with the announcement­ what we are proposing here.”

issue­ , in early 2010, 74% of respondents

by the Department of Culture Media and

who expressed an opinion said that they

Sport (DCMS) of the launch of another

UK Music and the Musicians Union have

favoured an exemption for small venues.

consultation­which proposes the removal of

been lobbying for years in favour of removing­

A Private Members Bill, instigated by Lord

entertainment­from the Licensing Act.

the red tape around pubs and clubs hosting

Tim Clement-Jones and seeking to exempt

small scale music events with more recent

venues under a 200 capacity, is currently

The DCMS describe this surprise move as

help from Clement-Jones and his Live Music

awaiting­report stage in the House of Lords.

“radical”­, the consultation suggests “a reform­

Bill. Lord Tim Clement Jones is presently­in

In March 2011, this Bill gained support across

of activities currently classed as regulated­ the US from where he told VIP-News, “I am

the political spectrum.

entertainment­in Schedule One of the 2003

delighted­that this Consultation recognises­

Act”, this clause covers entertainment­music

and is backing the importance of my bill

Feargal Sharkey, chief executive of UK Music

and gigs. The consultation­will seek views

and I look forward to getting it back into

said: “Earlier this year, UK Music highlighted

“on the removal in certain circumstances of

the House in the next few weeks with the

how large-scale live music attracts £1.4bn of

the requirement for a licence in England and

aim of getting it into The Commons to get

tourism to the UK. However, the success of

Wales to host a performance of a play, an

it through by next Spring, so that we can

our festivals and arenas – indeed, the success­

exhibition of a film, an indoor sporting event,

get things going to make life easier for small

of our entire industry – is reliant upon a

a performance of live music, any playing of

venues and the artists­that rely on them to

vibrant­grass roots music scene. This is where

recorded music, or a performance of dance”.

develop their music and build audiences.”

raw talent emerges. Nominees at this year’s

The new Consultation prompted by tourism

UK Music released the following statement

playing in the back rooms of pubs and clubs.

minister John Penrose, will examine proposals­

on September 10th welcoming plans to cut

aimed at the deregulation of Schedule One

live music bureaucracy:

“This is a world away from the purpose of the

of the Licensing Act 2003 and will end on

Licensing Act, which is to prevent crime and

December 3. The 2003 Licensing Act was

Today in a bid to help new talent and

disorder and to protect vulnerable­people­

intended­to combine nine separate outdated

promote­economic growth, Government

from harm. The police should always­have

licensing related regimes, but mainly resulted

has launched a consultation seeking to

the ability to intervene in events where there

in creating new problems for many wishing

deregulate­entertainment­licensing in the

is a legitimate concern on these grounds,

to host entertainment events.

UK. This is an issue of huge importance for

but there is absolutely no evidence that live

Mercury Music Prize all began their careers





music encourages crime or disorder. Quite the opposite­, in fact. For the UK, music is a unique asset. “We





Government­has adopted such a forward-

The Future of Festivals in Question? Allan McGowan

thinking­­approach­ . Enabling live music to flourish has potential to drive social cohesion,

A recent report by The Guardian News-

Leeds, Latitude and the Big Chill, told

entrepreneurialism and economic growth.

paper in the UK commented on the fact

The Guardian. “In 1988, probably less

While continuing to support Lord Clement-

that the Truck Festival had gone into

than 30,000 people went to a festival

Jones’ Live Music Bill, UK Music warmly

liquidation and stated that, “30 other

in this country.This year, on the August

welcomes­this consultation and all other

events were cancelled this summer as

bank holiday weekend alone, just be-

measures that would remove red tape for

festival goers feel the pinch.” These fig-

tween Reading, Leeds and Creamfields,

the benefit of musicians and creative talent.”

ures appeared in the trade journal Music

more than a quarter of a million people

Week at the beginning of August.

went to a festival. So, the concept that







the UK has suddenly fallen out of love

commented­: “We welcome this consultation­

The Guardian report goes on to mention

with festivals is just wrong. But the UK

and the government’s intention to cut red

poor attendances at the 5,000-capacity

is definitely counting its pennies. There’s

tape for live music. At the very least, we

Standon Calling, and comments on the

no question of that.”

hope that the result will be to implement

fact that many larger and established

an exemption­for small venues putting on

events suffered slow ticket sales; cer-

Certainly the present economic situation

live music with fewer than 200 people in

tainly cut price tickets were appearing on

is taking its toll, and it may be that the

attendance­, which we have been lobbying­for

the secondary ticket outlets this summer,

audience appetite for festivals is as keen

many years now. We therefore also support­

but in most cases, Reading being a good

as ever, but that more and more people

the proposals outlined in Lord Clement­ -

example, the events eventually sold out.

just can’t afford the outlay. Full tickets for

Jones’ Live Music Bill, which [proposes­such an exemption]”.

most large events now cost upwards of As reported in our last issue, Michael

£170. These prices are unlikely to drop

Eavis of Glastonbury, which is resting

as artists continue to rely on live fees

Live Nation exec Paul Latham, head of the

next year, spoke of people becoming

to make up the losses on record sales,

UK Live Music Group, which brings together­

tired of festivals, and predicting that his

and production, health and safety, and

various­live sector trade bodies, said: “Live

event, recognised as the market leader,

‘green’ costs continue to rise. The overall

music provides a huge boost to the UK’s

may only have another three of four

assumption appears to be that it will be

economy and is a significant part of this

years of life in it.

a matter of ‘survival of the fittest’ as cash

country’s­social fabric. To ensure future

The UK’s Daily Mail responded to this

strapped punters become more choosy

success­it is vital that we sustain a healthy

with a headline proclaiming, “Festivals

abot which events they allocate their

grass roots scene, where musicians and

are dead!”

budgets to.

possible­opportunity to build a career. It is

However that is certainly not the opinion

However the Association of Independ-

pleasing that Government recognises this

of everyone, particularly those in the UK

ent Festivals (AIF) seem undaunted as

fact and we look forward to engaging with

business which produced more than 500

evidenced by the following recent press

this consultation in the weeks ahead”.

events this year: Melvin Benn, MD of Fes-


artists from every region have the widest­

tival Republic, responsible for Reading,

>> 11



Not All ‘Doom and Gloom’ >

2011 Festivals sell out in record time AIF

It’s been a superb summer for us and tickets­

launches Entry Level Membership option to

for our events are becoming ever more

introduce budding festivals into the fold.


Despite discouraging accounts of the festival

James Barton, Creamfields says “This is the

scene this year, all is not doom and gloom

fastest selling Creamfields to date and the

as a number of AIF festival members have

3rd consecutive year we’ve sold out. Demand­

sold out, some for the first time and others

for tickets was such that we increased the

at record­speed.

capacity­by an extra 10,000 taking it to 50,000 people and this has still been our

AIF members Secret Garden Party, Camp

fastest selling Creamfields to date. Over the

Bestival, Green Man and as of last Friday­,

last 14 years we have consistently invested

Bestival have all sold out this year joining­

into all areas of the show, from line up to





production and security - all of these factors

boutique­ festivals Kendal Calling and End

are important to maintain and improve on. If

of the Road which all sold out in record

there’s one thing we’ve learnt over the years,

time. Womad, the large capacity world

Sofia Hagberg, director of End of the Road Festival claims

music­, arts and dance festival also had a 30% increase in sales over last year.

it is to never become complacent.“ AIF’s board members have vast experience in festival promotion and a good feel for what

Ben Turner, co–founder of AIF states “In


ity has grown slightly, and we still sold out

makes for a successful festival. Factors

what is clearly a troublesome year for the

in record time, around two months earlier

UK in general, it is incredible that so many

than last year. It’s always hard to say why,

include a good understanding of the

of the independent festivals have sold out

but we think there are two main factors.

audience­ , willingness to plough profits

or had record years for ticket sales. I think it

The increase in capacity basically allowed

back in for constant improvements, having­

shows that people are finding warmth and

us to book an even better line up than ever

the flexibility­to try new creative ideas,

inspiration from the more creative end of the

before. Secondly, every year we’ve noticed

and the ability to run a safe festival site. A

festival sector. The love being put in by our

that sell-out happens sooner. We’re still one

good relationship­with local communities

promoters is being sent back by consumers

of the younger festivals on the circuit and

and authorities­, and a site that works well

voting with their feet.”

our growing­reputation and word of mouth

whatever­the weather will help events along

means that new people are still finding out

the way.

Rob da Bank, Bestival, Camp Bestival and

about us each year.”

AIF board member comments, “Obviously­

With a view toward sharing this knowledge

it’s been a tricky year for festivals, but there

Director of Kendal Calling, Ben Robinson

with festivals in their difficult early years, AIF

doesn’t seem to be a set trend. Some of

says, “Kendal Calling increased capacity­and

have developed a new low cost membership­

our AIF festivals have sold out in record

sold out in record time this summer. Now

level, tailored to early stage promoters,

time, others­haven’t sold as well as in previ-

in its 6th year Kendal Calling has grown

especially­first year festivals with a capacity­

ous years. I’m glad that Camp Bestival sold

from 900 capacity to 10,000 in that time

of under 10,000. This will enable budding

out and that Bestival sold out, for its fifth

and has increased numbers, stages and

festivals to receive basic support in the

year running. But as I always say to other

entertainment­with each festival. The team

fundamentals­of organising a large event for

promoter­s around the AIF boardroom table

behind the festival also launched a new

as little as £250.

– we’re only as good as our last year so we

series­of shows called ‘Jodrell Bank Live - The

never rest on our laurels...”

Transmissions’­. Selling out of tickets in just

From supplier discounts to networking

three weeks the mini one-day science and

opportunities­AIF can offer a great deal to

Sofia Hagberg, Director of sold out End of

music themed festival­featured Astronomical

the up-and-coming promoter Claire O’Neill,

the Road Festival claims, “Saleswise, this has

talks and activities­as well as shows from The

General­Manager of AIF explains. “AIF can

been a vintage year for us. The festival capac

Flaming Lips, British Sea Power and OKGO.

open the door to a host of good contacts, >




initiatives and an experienced team to

The new entry level membership­is a way

give advice and help to avoid some of the

for new, young festivals to gain information­

fundamental­mistakes that can be made in

via an experienced support network­whilst

early years.”

organising­their event. Of course the success­

Claire O’Neill

of a festival is dependent upon the festival’s Two new members have just recently

own uniqueness and internal­organisation­ .

taken­AIF up on this opportunity and been

What AIF can do is open the door to a host of

welcomed­into the association: London

good contacts, initiatives and an experienced­

Green Fair, a free and environmentally

team to give advice and help to avoid some of

conscious fair in the heart of London and

the fundamental mistakes­that can be made

Lubstock, a flourishing­acoustic festival in

in early years. People will continue to want

Leicestershire. The fact that these and other

to organise festivals, driven­by their passion

festivals are popping up and others selling out

for music, some form of entertainment­or

in a saturated­market during a recessionary­

message­. We’re faced with an oversaturated­

period is a testament to the buoyancy of the

market – but at least it can’t be called

UK live music sector.

stagnant­. Whilst we don’t encourage­people­ to start new festivals­, what we do aim to

Claire O’Neill continues, “Organising a

encourage­is best practice­ , innovation­ ,

festival­is a massive and risky endeavour. We

diversity­and creativity.”

don’t encourage anyone to embark on this path… however, many out there will choose

For enquiries on how to register as a

to get started on this rocky road each year.

member of AIF, please contact: Emmy Buckingham /

Local Division of the Pirate Party Elected to the Berlin Senate

Manfred Tari

The local division of the Pirate Party gained

The Pirate Party has around 1.000 members­

a surprise 8.9 percent of the votes in the

in Berlin; none of them is a professional­ democrat was re-elected. Nevertheless SPD

regional­elections for the Senate of Berlin.

politician­. But unlike the established parties­,

and the former coalition partner Die Linke





The former mayor Klaus Wowereit, a social


(leftwing party) returned decreased figures,

especially­for first time voters. The party

while the Green party and the CDU (Christ

gained more than 120.000 votes and will hold

democrats) gained and the FDP (liberal party)

15 of the 149 seats in the Senate of Berlin.

suffered significant losses.

Amongst other moves in its so called Uppsalla­

Speaking to one insider the current results

manifest from 2009 The Pirate Party urged

seems to have no immediate impact on the

reform­of the copyright law to legalize private­

future of Berlin Music Week or Popkomm.

copying, the shortening of the period of

The current senator for economy Harald Wolf

protection­and a ban for DRM technologies­.

(Linke) was a particular supporter of Berlin

In its manifesto for the Berlin elections none

Music Week. Popkomm at least announced

of these topics appears officially on the

that it would continue in 2012 in the face of

party agenda. Their keynote aim, amongst

speculations in Facebook and elsewhere that

others­, was to demand more democracy, free

this years edition may have proved to be the

public­internet hot spots and a call for more

last edition of this trade event.

transparency­in politics and the administration.




Hello Concerts Celebrates 25th Anniversary Manfred Tari

Lothar Schlessmann

– We toured together with the Peter Schilling

marked by mutual­trust and open-minded

Tour in 1982, Walter was tour manager and I


was the sound engineer. I assume that other agencies, which have Which concerts do you consider as

been in the business as long as us are

milestones­in the company history? – The first tours with Münchener Freiheit in

probably aware of what we mean by this.

1985 and Bonfire in 1988. And most recently­

For instance, besides working together

of course the concerts with Haindling in

with many promoters, since the beginning

China­in 2008 until 2010, as well as his

we worked together with Music Circus in

concert­in South Africa as part of World Cup

Stuttgart­and Concertbüro Franken.

opening show in Cape Town in 2010. From your point of view what have Was there any events that you still laugh

been the major changes in the live music


industry­over the years?

– The ‘Rainbow Gala’ in March 1990 in

– The midsized artists segment has broken

Mannheim­, where Gilbert Becaud schmoozed

apart. Meanwhile you only have acts able to

There are not many concert agencies that

during the show with Hannelore Kohl, the

fill clubs, or artists that can tour in concert

have retained their top selling artists for

wife of the former German Chanceller­ halls. Everything else just seem to be purely

more than two decades. Hello Concerts in

Helmut­Kohl. Ms Kohl was completely blown

entertainment acts such as dance shows or

Augsburg­will celebrate its 25th anniversary

away, Gilbert wanted to apologize therefore


in October. The agency represents artists

afterwards, nevertheless Ms Kohl enjoyed it

such as Erste Allgemeine Verunsicherung,

very much.

Haindling­ , Spider



How has market consolidation and


corporatisation­of the live music industry

Münchener Freiheit. Most of these artists had

Hello Concerts has established really

affected your business strategies?

their biggest chart success sometime in the

long lasting relationships with its artists,

– With our artists we’re in a kind of niche

eighties, but these acts are still doing well on

what’s the secret of this?

and this is also a reason for our success. The

the normal club and venue circuit.

– Basically it is a result of the collective

customer is more than ever king.

success­you have with an artist and that you VIP-News spoke with Lothar Schlessmann

apply a sense of reality more than vague

What is on the Hello Concerts agenda for

who involved his partner Walter Czermak

ideas. It pretty much relies on being able to

the next 25 years?

on this interview about the past and recent

explain a business scenario realistically and

– We would definitely like to continue in

successes­of their company.

understandably to an artist. So far we’ve

this business in any case. Hello Concerts is

done well on this.

always open to new partnerships with artists,

How will Hello Concerts celebrate this


agencies­and record companies. We are very

25th anniversary?

Do you also have long lasting relationship­

well established and have the capacity for

– With an intimate review of a quarter

with promoters and if so, who are they?

new tasks.

century­long successful company history.

– Indeed, we have many companions from the early days when we started our touring­

For more information please check

What brought you and Walter Czermak



definitely­exist and they are

Long lasting business­relations





The Music Export Offices Allan McGowan Export Music Norway: As regular readers will know we occasionally­

professionals­. With many of our key exports,

take a look at the work of the various Music

UK professionals­are part of the integral

Export Offices. Over the last few years these

team. It’s markets that can open doors to the

bureaux have become an integral part of the

rest of the world.

business of helping international talent to cross borders. The representatives of these

The UK’s dominant position also means the

set ups do not always come from a music

market is very competitive. Our professionals

business background but many have quickly­

felt that both in terms of entrance strategies

learned how to work within the music

and choice of partners and service providers.

industry­and in some cases have introduced

the market was difficult to navigate, due to

previously unavailable support systems for

its share size, fragmentations/ specialisation­

their artists.

and highly dynamic, and fast changing

Jonas Webner, Export Music Norway - London

environment­. In this issue VIP-News spoke with Jonas Vebner­ , who runs the London office of

As one of our priority markets, we’d already

Export­Music Norway.

allocated resources to better the access, but by setting up a physical office and being

Norway is, apart from France I think,the

onthe ground, we saw the potential to really

only country to have dedicated Export

take this to the next level. This facility allows

Music offices in other countries. You run the London office, and I know there’s a

us to set up more bespoke schemes and tools

Berlin bureau. What was the thinking

and vastly improve our project management.

behind­this, what is your mission as such?

Also we can build relationships and business­

– The UK market has a very powerful

intelligence on behalf of our industry

position­in the global music industry. Both in terms of how British media impacts

professionals­. This kind of tacit knowledge is

internationally­, but also the influence of UK

difficult to cultivate from Norway. In terms of the economic rationale, the added­value of being in situ far outweighed the added costs, which are actually quite small. A recent Music Ally review of the Office­seems to confirm that the project has been a worthwhile­investment with 83% of respondents answering ‘Yes’ when asked the question - “Do you feel it’s easier to access­the UK music industry since the office opened?” 75% of respondents reported that the London Office saved them money.


How long have these outposts been in operation? – We’ve been in London since 2008 and Berlin­since 2011. What is your background - do you have music business experience? – I have a degree in Cultural Management with a specialisation in music industries. It’s a composite degree with courses from various­ universities and colleges in Norway and the Nordics. I also have also done law courses in Intellectual Property Rights from London School Of Economics. On a less formal basis­, I’ve also dabbled in music production and photography. How successful do you think the Offices have been in helping Norwegian talent to become better known internationally ? Are there particular success stories? – We’ve usually been involved in most of the projects that operate internationally in some respect, but it’s important to remember­we’re primarily a facilitator. In the end it’s down to >


the hard work of the artists­themselves­and

territories working together in this way,

we’ve even seen heads of A&R fly in from

the industry professionals­behind­them. We

what do you think makes it work for the

mainland Europe.

are probably the most active­in the beginning­

Nordics, and are there ever times when a

when a project is starting to gain international­

competitive spirit creeps in?

As a very exciting continuation of the

momentum and interest. Also, a lot of our

– The Nordic export offices have had a

development­of the brand, we recently

activities are actually more geared towards

longstanding­informal cooperation, having­ launched a Nordic music website around Ja

the Norwegian industry professionals­ , in

met annually to share experiences, discuss

Ja Ja in collaboration with the UK music site,

terms of training & capacity building, net-

best practices and explore the potential

the Line of Best Fit.

working events or just financial support. In

benefits­of working together on international­

the end they are the ones that find, develop

projects. In 2010 NOMEX (Nordic Music­ Is there a similar set up in Berlin or

and exploit (in a good way!) the talent.

Export­Programme) was formalised as a


common­platform for the five (Norway,

– There’s been strong interest from around

It’s also worth mentioning that we also work

Iceland­ , Sweden, Denmark and Finland.)

the world, from LA to Berlin, to export the

a lot with all sectors. We recently arranged a

export­offices and joint projects were piloted­.

concept and this is something we’ve obviously­

master class in New York with producer/track

NOMEX now works on regular projects such

considering, but for now we’ve decided­to

maker team Stargate and new Norwegian

as the JaJaJa showcase, as well as running

focus­on getting the London night right.

talent, and the last couple of years have seen

training programmes and several others

Berlin was stated as the logical place after a

us focus more on sync and music supervision.


survey of the professionals who had bands on the night so far, which revealed that:

How is the Export Office funded? Is it the

One of the most obvious and regular

Government of Norway that finances the

examples of this cooperation is the Ja Ja

international offices, and if so, will they

Ja showcase night which features Nordic­

automatically continue to do this, or

acts each month at The Lexington in

like with so many of these things is the

London­. How was the name decided on

situation­under regular review?

by the way? Tell us how this club night

– MEN is actually a limited company owned

came about and how it operates. and

and financed by various trade organisations.

have there been particular successes?

That close link to the industry is important­to

– We saw the need for a good Nordic

us. We don’t want to become a bureaucratic­

showcase­platform to unearth new exciting

institution, but keep our small flexible team

talent from the Nordic region on a regular

that works close with the industry and

basis. The idea was to build brand awareness

can respond appropriately to disruptive­ around Ja Ja Ja. The story behind the name Norwegian

was the team sitting around a table trying

industry­professionals will also have to match

out various suggestions and saying ‘ja ja’ (yes

funding on our various support schemes and

yes) to several of them. It struck us that Ja Ja

projects. But we also get funding from the

Ja actually had a really nice ring to it!

environments­ . The


ministry of Culture and the ministry of foreign­ affairs. In that sense, we’re dependent­on the

Although we use the night to showcase artists­

political will and regular review.

to UK media and potential industry partners, it’s profiled as a consumer event. The first

We’re always lobbying for more resources

years of the night it was curator driven­and

and a stronger financial framework to be able

we were lucky enough to work with some

to do our jobs better and realize the potential

very passionate and respected music lovers

we feel is present in Norwegian exports.

in the UK industry; from Huw Stephens of

BBC Radio1 to Simon Raymonde­from Bella­

The Nordic countries famously co-operate

Union. Now, 2 years into it, the night has a

in the promotion of music talent and the

regular following and we’re seeing­tangible­

arrangement of showcase events. This

results from every night. As for success

sort of cooperation doesn’t seem to exist

stories­, there’s been everything­from major­

elsewhere - you don’t get Benelux or GAS

label bidding wars after showcases­and

89.5% of responders felt that Ja Ja Ja provided Nordic artists and industry with a strong, independent platform to showcase their music to key British music industry professionals, media and tastemakers. 50% reported that they had tangible­ results from playing the Ja Ja Ja showcase­and a further 25% said that they were in dialogue with interested parties (especially with labels) which may lead to deals. 70% of Nordic industry professionals­ felt that their industry network had strengthened as a result of Ja Ja Ja. 89.5% felt that the pre-event PR and marketing was either good, very good or excellent




Anna Hildur, Iceland Music Export

Are there plans for future international­g

“NOMEX (Nordic Music Export) is a platform­


where all the Nordic Music Export Offices­





Norwegian­or further Nordic cooperation?

work together on export projects. The

– There are numerous projects under

platform­is still doing pilot projects including­

planning­. One is a comprehensive Business­

the monthly clubnight in London, Ja Ja Ja.

Development­Programme aimed at the

We are working on a showcase which is

German­speaking market based on our

taking­place 27 September in Madrid in

successful­program, which we held in the UK

Spain, called Días Nórdios in collaboration

in 09-10.

with the culture magazine Zona de Obras. And we will be doing a NOMEX showcase in

As regards NOMEX projects you should

Tokyo in Japan 11 November with Creative­

probably­speak to Anna Hildur who heads up

Man and Hotwire. We have two training


programmes­coming up including a 9 week online marketing­programme­with Ariel

NOMEX Events:

Hyatt­and a masterclass in London with Jane

VIP-News asked Anna Hildur of Iceland

Pollard and Iain Forsyth. Coinciding with the

Music­Export to tell us about these upcoming

latter is a networking day in London Thursday­

NOMEX­ projects:

24 November on the ast JaJaJa club night in London this year.”



CTS Eventim… New Fees and a Failed Bid for See Tickets Manfred Tari


Live Nation teams up with Universal Music Group

Two global market leaders are to get closer­to each other. The global concert­ giant­Live Nation and the world’s biggest­

We see tremendous opportunities to

Following the purchase of the German



work together to create a broad range of

branch of See Tickets in 2010, the leading­

nounced a ‘strategic­partnership­ ’. The

products­built on the power of music­and

European ticketing­company CTS was

new collaboration­sees the Live Nation­ the direct connection between artists and

expected­by many to be first in line to take

subsidiary Frontline­Management­launch a

fans. We look forward­to working closely

over See Tickets­UK. According to media

joint venture­management­company­with

with Lucian­Grainge and the talented

reports the Anschutz Entertainment Group

UMG. Frontline will look after; worldwide­

UMG team in this new and exciting chap-

(AEG) were also in the running, but they

sponsorships, strategic marketing­cam-

ter of the music industry.­”

were both unsuccessful­in the bidding. Finally­

paigns and brand extension­opportunities­

it was the owners­of the Universal­Music

for artists.


Lucian Grainge, Chairman and CEO of UMG reiterates the global approach of

Group, France’s Vivendi, which secured­the purchase of See Tickets UK for 96 million­. At

Top executives of both companies are

this collaboration­, saying: “Together­with

the end of 2010 Vivendi­bought the French

referring­to the new initiative like politi-

Irving and Michael, we are creating­a se-

ticketing company Digtick.

cians teaming up for a political coalition

ries of new plat

aimed at world domination! Michael RaCTS Eventim also caused some stirrings in

pino, President­and CEO of Live Nation


the German­market after the company

Entertainment welcomed­the joint ven-

initiatives­that will further expand the




announced­ the launch of an additional fee

ture, saying: “We are thrilled with the op-

presence­of our artists in this evolving­

on top of its system­service­fee described

portunity to partner­with Universal Music

marketplace­while providing music fans

as a ‘transaction fee’. This new charge is

Group’s incredible­roster of global super-

with even more flexibility­in how they

apparently­ to be paid by box offices, and

stars and emerging artists,”

consume­music. Our artists and their music­are at the heart of everything­that

supposedly­replaces the fixed monthly fee box offices­used to pay CTS Eventim for

Irving Azoff, Executive Chairman­of Live

we do, and by leveraging­our combined

‘system­ usage’

Nation­Entertainment and Chairman­and

skills, strengths and global reach with

CEO of Front Line, commented­ , “This

that of Live Nation Entertainment­ , our

The new transaction fee caused an outcry

is an unprecedented­partnership­that

management­companies­, artists and their

among box offices and now even archrival

unites the world’s top music artists­with

fans will benefit immeasurably.­”

Ticketmaster poked fun its introduction­ .

the world’s leading­artist­management­ ,



live entertainment­ , event ticketing and

reception­during Reeperbahn Campus as

sponsorshipresources­­ to drive innovation­

the “1 Euro- Party­” and announced that it

across our industry.



named in tribute­to the newly inaugurated ‘transaction fee’.




State of Grace magic behind State of Grace ́s music. For 1.5 years, only rehersals without one single live performance were made in order to build up the tight and energizing band that State of Grace is on stage. The first year that State of Grace entered the stage (2010) they instantly­became opening acts for the rock legends Status Quo and released their debut album “Gospels in the wine”. After a short trip to China, lead singer Erik Ekblad sold in the album to a chinese company­ where they probably still have “State of Grace parties” where they play ping pong and listen to “Gospels in the wine”. State of Grace. Energizing rock with electronic influences from the

2011 turned out to be the year where things really started moving for

little­Swedish society Heby. After struggling through a handful of

State of Grace. By winning the largest competition for unestablished

bands, the singer Erik Ekblad and Keybordist Hampus Johansson

bands in Sweden (Rockkarusellen), State of Grace was announced as

decided­to go to Ireland and Scottland the summer of 2008 to try

the best unsigned band in the country by the newspaper Gaffa. A

their luck as street musicians. With musical simplicity and thoughtful

summer and fall with a tour all around the country as well as opening

lyrics an idea of starting a band which live after those rules where

acts for the Swedish bands/artists Melody Club and Brolle became

planted. After the return home Erik and Hampus knew exactly which

reality and the

musicians that were right for State of Grace. EP “The united colors of State of Grace” was released in the end of Base player Johan Nelén with a history in both rock and electronic

June. Who knows where the State of Grace journey will go? Certainly,

music together with drummer Erik Johansson with certain feeling

few people will remain unaffected by these upcoming and talented

for simplicity and dynamics became part of what would become the

band. enables artists to MAIL their music to more than 6.000 venues and agencies worldwide…

Mail your music to the Live Music Industry…



2011 was a record breaking year for the Reeperbahn Festival Reeperbahn Campus 2011: After this year’s September 22-24 record breaking edition in Hamburg St. Pauli there is no doubt that Reeperbahn Festival and the Reeperbahn Campus have established both events as ‘must include’ events in the international music business professionals calendar­.17.500 attendants and 1.900 professionals and journalists from 31 nations visited the Reeperbahn Festival - more than ever before. The event offered a packed programme in all of its three strands - Music, Campus and Arts and all aspects buzzed throughout day and night. The international­ aspect was emphasised by the presence of a fan who made the trip from Rio de Janeiro to attend what can claim to be Germany’s biggest club festival. We will include comment from delegates in the next issue. – 17.500 visitors. – 1.900 professionals and journalists from 520 companies and organisations as well as 170 media from 31 nations. – 210 bands and solo artists from 25 nations. – 9 showcases of music export organisations from Canada, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Austria, Israel and Italy with 30 Bands and solo artists!

ARTIST AVAILS GROOVE ARMADA Territory: Europe / Worldwide Period: Worldwide 2011 Agency: WME - William Morris Endeavor Entertainment Agent: Steve Hogan Email: Homepage:

Dub Syndicate (feat. Adrian Sherwood & Style Scott) Territory: Europe Period: November-December 2011 Agency: Paperclip Agency Agent: Rob Berends Phone: +31 24 323 9322 E-mail: Homepage:

Firehouse Territory: Europe Period: 01/02/2012-31/03/2012 Agency: ARM Entertainment Agent: Dana Strutz Phone: 1-651-483-8754 E-mail: Homepage:

Martin Turner’s Wishbone Ash Territory: Europe Period: 1/5/2012-31/5/2012 Agency: ARM Entertainment Agent: Dana Strutz Phone: 1-651-483-8754 E-mail: Homepage:

LA Guns (feat. Phil Lewis & Steve Riley) Territory: UK - Newcastle, Leeds, Manchester, Liverpool Period: 28/09/2011-29/09/2011 Agency: ARM Entertainment Agent: Dana Strutz Phone: 1-651-483-8754 E-mail: Homepage:

– 54 locations. – 100 speakers from! 11 nations on the Reeperbahn Campus program. – About 100 receptions, networking events, workshops, parties, showcases and presentations. – The biggest delegations from abroad: Switzerland, England, Netherlands, Canada, Denmark. – The most widely travelled fan this year came from Rio de Janeiro.

Reeperbahn Campus opening

Ultimate Earth Wind & Fire Territory: World Wide Period: General Agency: Sport Star Management Agent: Carsten Hilding Larsen Phone: +45 4071 7722 E-mail: Homepage:






Bidi-Bookings Bidi-Bookings is an independent bookings/management specialised­ in heavy alternative (mostly) guitar orientated music such as: stoner­, occult rock, hardrock, all kinds of metal, doom, psychedelic, experimental­, sludge, avant-garde, jazzrock. Besides our own roster we coöperate(d) with several companies like : Vibra Agency, I.C.S. Festivalservice, Factory Music Management & Agency-UK, Mythology Agency, MOJO, Innsbrooklyn Media and Headstrong Music for certain artists in the Benelux. On demand we also provide promotion activities within Benelux-region. We have worked/or still work successfully with bands like: Neurosis, Mike Patton, Eye Hate God, Brant Bjork & The Bros, Mondo Generator­, Enslaved, Wolves in the Throne Room, Dälek, Negura Bunget, Vreid, Ufomammut, Uli Jon Roth, L.A. Guns, Church of Misery, Acid Mother Temple, Firewind, Zu, Electric Wizard, and manymany more…

About Our Company VIP-Booking’s core product is the Internet’s oldest and

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industry­– including VIP-News, VIP-Booking, VIP-Book

Industry developed as a tool for

and VIP-Contract.

industry professionals. Since it’s launch in the year 2000, we have consistently offered our subscribers the very best in database services and now boast subscribers in

Please visit for further information. Your comments and suggestions are always appreciated.

over 30 countries.


VIP-BOOKING.COM VIP-BOOKING.COM | 145-157 St John Street | UK - London Ec1V 4PW | Phone +44 870 755 0092 | Fax +44 870 622 1953 | e-mail:


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