VIP-News Premium - April 2014

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APRIL 2014

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APRIL 2014

McGowan’s A bit more globetrotting undertaken since the

Civil Rights movements, and providing a pow-

those who seem to have everything going for

last News, with Venice, Paris (twice) Stock-

erful soundtrack to the struggle to bring at-

them can be touched by tragedy; however fol-

holm (just to look at the Airport…), Tallinn,

tention and support to the desperate need for

lowing the suicide of Mick Jagger’s girlfriend

Helsinki and Edinburgh added to the 2014

social and political change, the Vietnam war

L’Wrenn Scott, it seems that Jagger has decid-


was another demonstration of how musicians

ed that work is the best therapy. Bob Geldof,

and songwriters were prepared to speak, or

the driving force behind Live Aid, also has had

In the last issue we mentioned the effects on

sing, out against the perpetration of wrongs,

to face more tragedy recently with the death

the live entertainment industry of the civil and

then came Live Aid, Farm Aid etc. In the UK

of his daughter, Peaches.

political unrest in Turkey, Thailand and Ukraine

singers like Billy Bragg supported the Miners

as discussed at ILMC. The continuing problems

Strike and took a stand against racism with

Well, sorry to concentrate on the darker side

in Ukraine and elsewhere have prompted dis-

projects like Red Wedge. It seems that artists

of life in this issue, but sometimes these things

cussions within the music industry in general

and music as an effective force for change

take precedence, even in the entertainment

about the role of the artist in increasingly trou-

has taken a bit of a back seat for some time;

business! Not everything is down though, the

bled times. Back in the 60’s the term ‘protest

maybe it’s harder to rock the establishment

sun is shining on Brighton, though I’m sure

singer’ was an often-used description, with

when you’re rolling along with sponsors etc

many people will be dumbfounded and disap-

many artists in the US becoming involved in

in a business that is perhaps more part of that

pointed to hear that I will not be around to

establishment than it used to be. The relation-

welcome friends from the international music

ship between the state and the freedom of in-

business to my home town as they flock here

dividuals, and music and liberty was however

for The Great Escape in a couple of weeks

to the fore in discussions inTallinn, Estonia at

time – I shall be in Dresden and Berlin, How-

the opening of the sixth edition of Tallinn Mu-

ever I’m sure the ever expanding event (see

sic Week – see Report in this issue.

report in this issue) will cope without me – just

COLOPHON > VIP-News is published by: VIP-Booking 145-157 St John Street London Ec1V 4PW

this once! Also strange to see that the man once considered by many to be the leading protest singer

One last thing, if asked to name the first icon-

Managing Director: Ronni Didriksen

in the tradition of Woody Guthrie, Bob Dylan,

ic venues that come to mind, I’m sure many

being accused of ‘hate speech’ – See report

would perhaps mention, Madison Square Gar-

General Manager: Peter Briggs

in this issue.

dens, Shea Stadium, Hammersmith Odeon,

Writer and editorial: Allan McGowan Writer: Manfred Tari For advertising enquiries please contact: Peter Briggs +44 870 755 0092



and I’m pretty sure, Wembley Arena would be The ongoing living proof of how rock and roll

up there for a lot of people - however prepare

has adapted to pretty much all levels of soci-

to see this name consigned to the past with

ety, (or is it the other way round?), the original

others, and say Hi to the SSE Arena. Doesn’t

anti-establishment band, who caused politi-

quite have the same ring does it? However I’m

cians, church leaders and other pillars of the

sure the shows will be good!

community to warn citizens to ‘lock up their daughters’, The Rolling Stones, are on the

Right, I’m preparing to go to France for Print-

road again, topping festivals throughout Eu-

emps de Bourges, then to Denmark for The

rope. It seemed at one point that these dates

Spot Festival, as ever I’ll report back – in the

may not happen as we learned that even

meantime Ladies and Gentlemen – The News!


APRIL 2014

Bob Dylan

BOB Dylan ‘Hate Speech’ Charge Dropped Allan McGowan

French television news station France24 has

Ivan Jurasinovic, a lawyer for the organiza-

reported that a French court has dropped

tion, insisted that the French Croats were

the preliminary charge entered in Paris

not seeking money or punishment, but

last November following what a Croatian

rather hoped that Dylan, described as “a

organization said was hate speech. The

singer who is liked and respected in Croa-

Representative Council of the Croatian

tia,” would apologize. But, under French

Community and Institutions in France main-

hate speech laws, his comments could have

tained that Dylan had compared Croats to

resulted in a year in prison and a fine of up

Nazis or the Ku Klux Klan.

to €45,000 ($62,000). However the judge ruled that Dylan himself had not authorized

The French government filed the charge after

the publication of the comments in France,

the Organisation complained about Dylan’s

dismissing the case on this technicality.

comments in a September 2012 interview in

That leaves Marc Birnbaum the French pub-

Rolling Stone magazine in which the singer/

lisher of Rolling Stone in the firing line, The

songwriter discussed racism in the United

Wall Street Journal reported that he could

States. He remarked that Afro –Americans

now face the prison or fine penalties having

could sense if whites had slave-master blood

been charged with violating France’s anti-

“just like Jews can sense Nazi blood and the

discrimination laws.

Serbs can sense Croatian blood.”




APRIL 2014

Heidi Aho

Heidi Aho Appointed Managing Director of Fullsteam Allan McGowan Fullsteam’s long-term Chief Production Manager Heidi Aho has been appointed as the Helsinki based company’s Managing Director, ef-

Juha Kyyrö said, “Heidi has had an important role in Fullsteam be-

fective 1 May 2014. Prior to joining Fullsteam in 2008, Aho worked

coming the best promoter in Finland. I especially appreciate Heidi’s

for Vantaan Festivaalit Oy as festival coordinator at Ruisrock and An-

strong leadership skills, and I am convinced that under her lead, Full-


steam will become an even better cooperation partner and working community.”

According to Aho, her main objective is to support the development of Fullsteam’s existing expertise as well as the company’s growth and

Fullsteam is an independent music company whose activities include

reputation as a reliable actor in the industry. She commented, “Full-

event planning, concert promotion and artist booking, record releas-

steam has an amazing staff with an enormous amount of expertise,

ing as well as management and publishing activities as separate com-

which makes this appointment a great honour. I intend to further

panies. Within the last couple of years, Fullsteam has been the largest

strengthen Fullsteam’s vision and innovative business culture. The

promoter of foreign artists in Finland in the number of shows. In 2013

number of our employees has grown radically during the last couple

the company presented altogether over 1,100 concerts. The parent

of years and hopefully I will be able to offer support and help to en-

company Fullsteam Records Oy made 8.7 million euros in revenue in

sure a creative environment in the future as well.”

2013, and currently the Fullsteam corporation employs 23 workers.

Fullsteam’s founder and main owner Juha Kyyrö will continue as


Chairman of the Board and minority stakeholder Johannes Kinnunen


will focus on administrative management and public relations in the” \t “_blank”

future. Virpi Immonen will continue as Managing Director of Fullsteam Management Oy.





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APRIL 2014

The Concert Market in Finland Manfred Tari

An Interview with Juha Kyrro of Fullsteam: How is the concert market in Finland cur-

Does the current market situation de-

improve the situation for those kind of

rently doing?

mands change in your business strategies


– Right now I think the concert market is

or do you prefer to proceed as usual?

– Introducing new artists has always been a

struggling a bit. In general ticket sales are

– We are very strong in our every-day busi-

challenge, but I actually think that currently

lower and not many shows are sold out.

ness so I think that as long as we keep our

the main challenge in the market is to avoid

focus on what we can do the best, we will

the established artists overplaying the market.

do fine.

When there are so many “promoters” trying

According to other players, competition seems to be growing in Finland. Would


to get a slice of the cake, artists tend to come

you agree with this?

Does it became more difficult to promote

back more often, which can lead to unsuc-

– There are definitely more and more compa-

concerts with newcomer artists and if

cessful shows.

nies wanting to promote shows, yes.

so do you have any solutions in mind to


APRIL 2014

Live Nation apparently is the biggest pro-

How important is MusicFinland when it

moter in Finland. Is Live Nation as domi-

comes to the support of shows by Full-

nant as for instance Mojo Concerts is in

steam artists abroad?

the Netherlands?

– Music Finland is one of the joint efforts

– By number of shows and artists Fullsteam

by the Finnish music industry that I am truly

has been the biggest promoter for a few years

proud of.

now. Live Nation are the biggest in turnover. How much of its business is Fullsteam During the last few years FKP Scorpio has

gaining abroad?

expanded its business activities in Den-

– We are not dependent on it, but helping

mark and Sweden. Would you be con-

artists fulfill their dreams is very rewarding.

cerned or rather welcome it if another big

But I like to think we are a truly international

player would enter the concert market in

company. Besides Finland we currently have


offices in Paris and New York.

Juha festivals and venues, so I don’t think we need

– Well I guess it depends on what their strat-

any more industry bodies to be honest.

egy would be. I would always welcome a

There is no live music organisation within

friendly partner who we could work together

the membership of MusicFinland. Do you

on developing the Finnish market, but obvi-

consider this as a deficit or as something

What is next on the agenda of Fullsteam

ously I can’t say that I would be looking for-

that does not really matter for you and


ward to having anyone enter the market try-

your company?

ing to destroy us for example...

– We already have SOA (booking agencies’ as-

– Keep calm and don’t let the game change

sociation) as well as organizations for the

who we are.




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APRIL 2014

What Expectations for the 2014 Festival Season? Allan McGowan

Dermot O’Flynn, director of Eufest

But if an article in The Observer is to be believed the future prospects of certain festivals are strengthened as they become more and more involved with the package holiday business. As music festivals have ‘matured’, offering once unheard of luxuries such as flushing toilets, cash machines and completely upgraded camping facilities, many events have become less mud soaked basic gatherings based on youth counterculture, but more entertainment holiday destinations. The travel industry now sees many of them as main attractions or at least add - ons to package holidays. Dermot O’Flynn, director of the Eufest travel company told the Observer,”The European scene is booming and young people are realising you can go to a festival abroad and get your flights, airport transfers and ticket for around £350 – the same as a trip to Reading or Glastonbury,” He claims the Company is selling twice as much apartment accommodation in Croatia, for instance, as it did last summer. Barri Coen, head of marketing at Festicket, told the newspaper, “The trend is towards smaller, boutique festivals, and people are increasingly

With the Festival season bearing down upon us like an express train

tieing them in with their summer holiday plans. We’ve seen a huge

what can we expect this year? The biggies are doing what they usually

increase in the number of people booking hotels or apartments.”

do, with the likes of Glastonbury selling out, and The Rolling Stones lending a hand to make life a little easier for those troubled organisers

The Festivals themselves are looking at ways, including joint ticket

lamenting the lack of true headliners. Mick and the Boys will be play-

packages to develop what they have to offer festival ‘punters’. Exit

ing the likes of Turnhout Werchter Classic in Belgium, and Roskilde in

in Serbia has combined with Sea Dance festival in Montenegro, and

Denmark, and others.

Sziget in Budapest has partnered with in the Hungarian countryside.

However, the first alarm bell indicating that some events may again have their problems was sounded in the Republic of Ireland with the announcement that one of the country’s largest annual music festivals will not take place this year. Due to again happen at Punchestown, County Kildare, where it has been held every summer, excluding a break in 2012, since 2004, Oxegen, has been cancelled. Promoters, MCD blamed a lack of headline acts combined with Agencies making onerous financial demands. The combination has led them to conclude that continuing with the event in its current was no longer viable. At the height of its poularity Oxegen attracted crowds of up to 80,000 people, but last year`s event, headlined by David Guetta, Calvin Harris and Snoop Dogg, was downsized from three days to two-and-a-half.


Expect more of these developments – watch this space!


APRIL 2014

New Artists For KKT Manfred Tari

The Berlin based concert agency Kikis Kleiner Tourneeservice better

Dieter Meier is known as a millionaire, owner of a restaurant in

known as KKT have taken on new artists. The new arrivals include

Switzerland­and of an organic beef farm in Argentina. As an artist

Tocotronic­, Niels Frevert , Dieter Meier, Schmutzki and Antilopen Gang.

Meier is better known as the singer of the pop-duo Yello that had their first hits in the mid eighties. Earlier this year Meier released his

Tocotronic were founded in 1993 and were handled for many years

first solo-album entitled “Out Of Chaos”. At KKT Kiki Ressler will

by Powerline Agency. Niels Frevert started his career with the band

handle­the bookings for Meier in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Nationalgalerie in 1991 that split up in 1996. Soon after Frevert

His first tour will kick off at the beginning of March.

launched his solo career releasing five albums to date.

For more information: KKT -

Dieter Meier -

Tocotronic -

Schmutzki -

Niels Frevert -

Antilopen Gang -



APRIL 2014

Roman Pitone joins Karsten Jahnke Konzertdirektion Manfred Tari

start working for Karsten Jahnke as a Book-

For further information please check:

ing Agent and Promoter. The concert agency &

currently employs 37 people. At Visions Thomas Harsman took over the post from Pitone. Harsman has worked with Visions for four years; the magazine promotes regular concerts and festivals. Other news is that the concert company will launch a new three day indoor festival in five locations in Dortmund. The event will be known as the Way Back When - Festival. The line up

Roman Pitone

will consist of 40 acts, including among others Whomadewho, The Rifles, Mighty Oaks,

Since the beginning of April Karsten Jahnke

Birth Of Joy and Big Deal. The concert ven-

Konzertdirektion has a new team member.

ues are FZW, Domicil, Tanzcafe Oma Doris,

Roman Pitone who worked since 2009 as

Streetartgallery and Kaktusfarm. The dates

head of events for the music magazine Vi-

for the festival are May 29 to 31, the festival

sions moved from Dortmund to Hamburg to

ticket is 51 Euro, day tickets are 23.50 Euro.

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Previous edition in numbers Total amount of visitors (sold out) . . . . SPONSOREN SPONSOREN Conference visitors (sold out) . . . . . . . . Nationalities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Number of stages @ Eurosonic . . . . . . Number of stages @ Noorderslag . . . . Media & journalisten . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EBU radio stations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ETEP festivals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . International festivals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

38,500 3,275 39 337 36 11 307 30 89 419


APRIL 2014

Gebäude Neun

- Between Hope and Fear Manfred Tari

The well known concert venue Gebäude Neun in Cologne has received

owner, Frey Immobilien, of a rental contract for 2015, lasting at least one

notice of the termination of its lease agreement with RheinEstate GmbH,

year. But the offer also stipulates some requirements, including the pro-

a subsidy of the Stadtsparkasse Cologne. The leaser intends to sell the

viso that the land development plan has to be adapted and furthermore

whole area including the location of the concert club to an investor.

a noise emission study has to be carried out.

The previous lease agreement was apparently supposed to last until the

The venue has received massive support from fans who, amongst other

end of the year. But according to latest media reports, shortly before

things, set up a Facebook page that quickly received more than 16.000

Easter the club management received an offer from the designated new


Conference Compendium Allan McGowan

I’m sure I can remember a time when you could count the number of

there are I’m sure, more in the planning. We’ll have to extend the years!

music trade events on one hand with a couple of fingers folded, now it

Anyway, here follows reportage on a couple we’ve recently attended and

seems you’d require the help of the fingers and toes of four piece beat

a ‘heads up’ on others waiting in the wings, all taking place in May!.

combo or pop band to count the available international events – and

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APRIL 2014

Wide Days – Edinburgh Allan McGowan

- Support of German Consulate for a German exchange also allowed Wide Days to boost its international profile and Berlin duo Schwefelgelb are set to return to Scotland. Olaf Furniss told VIP News: “We have reached the point where Wide Days is recognised internationally as an event which adds a personal touch, while offering both quality panels and showcases. The partnership with the German consulate played an important role in helping us to develop Wide Days as the event which provides a bridge between Scotland and the international music business. I am delighted that it has not only led to interest in our showcasing acts from Scotland, but is also set to lead to booking for Schwefelgelb, our My parents came from Scotland; Glasgow to be precise, so I’m always

guest act from Berlin. I am particularly pleased that sales of our pre-

aware when in Edinburgh that they like other Glaswegians felt that

mium ticket, which includes collection from the airport and a guided

the capital city was a bit too ‘full of itself ” for their liking, although

tour of Edinburgh, tripled this year. The message is getting out that

they usually used more colourful terms! However putting that long

the calibre of speakers at Wide Days is high, and that it is a place

established rivalry aside it’s true to say that Edinburgh is a fascinating

where you can do business.”

city, with a lot of hidden, sometimes dark, secrets overlooked by its Castle. Wide Days founder and co-organiser Olaf Furniss, well known

Olaf Furniss

to many on the European Conference circuit, and a one-time city tour guide, took we speakers and ‘special people’ on a really interesting bus tour, with a commentary somewhat adapted from his normal tourist script, which taught me and everyone else I’m sure, a lot about this Royal City. Wide Days is not a big event, but it is certainly growing in both numbers and effectiveness. A few facts: - This year’s accreditations were up more than 22% from 150 in 2013 to 185. - Sales of premium passes almost trebled [these include the tour, plus airport collection, this service was available for the first time and was very welcome – thanks to Jim, father of co-organiser Michael Lambert. - The Showcases are already generating a lot of interest among those delegates who were there on the Thursday. - Flux FM, winner of Best Radio Station Worldwide at Musexpo, carried a one hour report from Wide Days - German partnership finalised exchange with Reeperbahn Festival and is set to have Wide Days host a Scottish showcase during the Hamburg event.



APRIL 2014

SPOT Festival 2014 Allan McGowan

Elin Kåven

This edition of SPOT Festival­ will apparently be the biggest program SPOT Festival has ever presented in its 20 year history. Between 1st and 4th of May the Aarhus, Denmark based event will present 165 live shows, 38 films, 30 seminars along with the SPOT Interactive conference. Amongst the interviews, I will have the pleasure of speaking with Folkert Koopmans, founder of Germany’s FKP Scorpio. SPOT Festival has always presented a broad variety of bands from the Danish and Nordic music­ scene. This year some of the bigger players on the Danish music scene have been included in the program to generate a bigger international awareness. Christopher, Turboweekend­, Mads Langer and Choir Of Young Believers will appear alongside newer acts such as Broken Twin, Go Go Berlin, Kellermensch and Blaue Blume. Nordic acts will include: – Grísalappalísa (IS), Amason (SE), Elin Kåven (NO) and Jaakko Eino Kalevi (FI). SPOT will also be hosting a big film program featuring 38 films that won’t require wristbands for admittance. SPOT Film will step into the footsteps of SPOT Music and gradually create a forum to showcase new Nordic film talents and tendencies. VIP News will report back from Aarhus.



APRIL 2014

The Great Escape 2014 Allan McGowan

Chloe Howl

As I said in the Musings I will unfortunately, for once, not be in my

conversation reviewing the innovative funding initiative’s first twelve

hometown of Brighton to welcome the many international delegates

months. Plus 50 years of pirate radio in the UK will be marked by

that will attend the Great Escape – a shame to miss them, and the

bringing together the people behind some of the seminal stations.

event itself! A full session-by-session guide to the Convention, which

On Friday afternoon The Great Escape’s official charity War Child will

will take place in from May 8-10, is now online, along with this year’s

lead a discussion on what makes partnerships between charities and

conversations programme. Industry legend Seymour Stein, who I had

the music community work, with War Child’s own Ben Knowles plus

the pleasure of interviewing in Tallinn a couple of years ago, will dis-

Muse manager Alex Wall, Cake CEO Mike Mathieson and Xfm Man-

cuss his talent scouting exploits in emerging markets, plus PRS For

aging Editor Chris Baughen, with The Guardian’s Johnny Dee asking

Music presents Chloe Howl In Conversation, discussing an exciting

the questions.

year that saw her win plaudits aplenty, rack up over a million Vevo

Full timetables areavailable to check out:

views and secure a Sony Music record deal.

Building A Fan Business, Maximising Music Rights, The Festival

One year on from the launch of the Momentum Music Fund at The

Business­, New Product Strategies, Global Digital Markets and Blurred

Great Escape 2013, Arts Council England CEO Alan Davey will lead a

Lines. The full festival schedule is also available on the TGE website

PrimaveraPro 2014 Allan McGowan Delegates from Brazil, Italy, Luxembourg, The Baltics and Valencia will gather from Wednesday 28th to Friday 30th for PrimaveraPro in the Born neighbourhood in the centre of Barcelona The DayPro Conference will run from from 11am to 6pm, in the new PrimaveraPro daytime headquarters Convent de Sant Agusti with a complete programme of conferences and meetings.The programme will be completed by showcases from the different participating countries, that include Brazil, Chile, Italy, Israel, Luxembourg, the Baltic States, Poland and Valencia (Spain), which will take place in La Seca - Espai Brossa and in the restaurant El Foro and for the first time this year will be open to the general public.



APRIL 2014

Tallinn Music Week: Pres. Ilves Opening Speech and Pussy Riot Interview Manfred Tari TThe last weekend in March saw the sixth

on the freedom of the individual within the

of the conference given over to an interview

edition of this now extremely popular Nordic/

State related to rock music and liberty, and

with the Russian punk protest group Pussy

Baltics event. It was my third visit, and the

used to preface the aspirations of a music


second sold out conference in a row.

industry event! Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Maria Alyokh-

Tallinn Music Week hosted 227 artists from 20 countries performing on 34 stages, with

An aspect of freedom, he continued, was to

ina were interviewed in English by Russian

22,858 concert visitors. Venues included the

be able to come together and sing, without

writer and broadcaster Artemi Troitsky, how-

City’smost prominent music clubs and con-

restriction. He was of course referring to Es-

ever the girls chose to respond in Russian,

cert halls, and the City stage programme

tonia’s ‘Singing Revolution’, which helped

with the help of an interpreter. Troitsky began

extended the festival to bookshops, music

bring about the country’s independence from

by asking the girls why they had chosen punk

stores, galleries and cafés with free after-

the Soviet Union. He warned that the Arts

as their style in which to make their protest.

noon concerts.

are most vulnerable, as they have the abil-

They replied that they were fans of, “…bad

ity to threaten and deny the status quo in-

words, not great music. Punk offers access

813 delegates and representatives of music

sisted upon by totalitarianism, they are often

to anyone, so that they could choose to do

organizations attended the conference, 508

the first to suffer. An example was Estonian

the same thing as us. Like Hip-Hop etc we

of them from abroad and 307 from Estonia.

composer Arvo Patt, who was forced to flee

search for stages that can cost you freedom.”

There were participants from 28 countries, a

the country. Rock and Roll, he continued has

– There were times when the girls seemed to

large number from Finland (173), Latvia (78),

always offended sensibilities, Elvis, Lennon,

disagree with each other, but one aspect of

UK (41), Lithuania (37), Russia (36), Germany

Johnny Rotten were all considered danger-

their message was clear, they were protest-

(27), Sweden (16), Denmark (13), Belarus

ous, though now much of their material can

ers first, musicians second. Troitsky said that

(11), France (9), Holland (9), Iceland (8) and

be listened to on nostalgia tours! He con-

promoters had wanted them to put things

Poland (6).

cluded, to great applause, that, “Freedom is

together to become a real live band, tour-

not an abstraction, it is the basis of our lives.”

ing festivals etc, and asked why they didn’t

As in the last few editions the opening

do this. The answer was, “This goes against

speeches were made by the president of

Helen Sildna continued the theme, asking if

the basic foundation of what Pussy Riot was,

Estonia Toomas Hendrik Ilves, and head of

TMW was a political festival, “…The human

“We declined such offers, and will continue

TMW Helen Sildna. This time the head of

right to express oneself freely, that basic right

as we were.” They described their protests

the event’s co-sponsors Nordea Bank Estonia,

should be stood up for – so maybe that is

during the Winter Olympics, and being ar-

Andreas Laane also took to the podium.

politics.” Helen suggested that along with in-

resred by police who told them they agreed

vesting in creativity, the message brought by

with them and wanted to take photos and

But when it comes to speeches, particularl­y

the international artists should be, “Let’s just

‘selfies’ with them.

focusing on the abiding theme of TMW

love each other.” More enthusiastic applause

Eventually the question came from the floor,

presented­next door to Russia, rock’n’roll

seemed to indicate that all in the room had

“Do you support economic sanctions against

and freedom, the President is a hard act to

no argument with that!

Putin? Have they gone far enough, or is vio-

follow­. Wearing his customary­bow tie the


lence the only language he understands?”

President displays a matchless­knowledge

There was no mistaking the emphasis on the

Tolokonnikova responded: “The problem

of, and enthusiasm­for, all genres of music,

crucial meaning of freedom of expression for

with Putin is that it’s impossible to talk to

accompanied­by a firm belief in its power

the development of creativity and the under-

him, because he doesn’t understand when

for good in society­. I’ve not previously heard

lying importance of tolerance for free and

he is talked to. We do not invite anyone to

Scottish philosopher John Locke’s writings

prosperous societies, with the opening slot

use weapons against weapons. Our idea is


APRIL 2014

that Europe should use economic sanctions against him. No matter how much he talks

Toomas Hendrik Ilves

about the Motherland, the only thing he and his team are interested in is money. If you stop him making illegal money, maybe he will think about his actions.” Alyokhina said that they ntended to go to the European parliament, “ – to talk about sanctions against Russia and Putin which will negatively influence our lives. Prices are going to go up. So Russians need to take to the streets; they’ve gotten too comfortable on the couch at home.” Tolokonnikova concluded, “There is a mood of apathy and pessimism which dominates Russia’s liberal circles. But saying that, I want people to know that what we do is not antiRussian but pro-Russian. In Estonia you have legal chances to partake in politics, but in Russia, the only way to do politics is through artistic creativity. Protest is creative.” Other speakers included Estonian superstar KERLI who in a lengthy interview disclosed her lessons learned and shared her personal story behind the success, stating, “Ego is the

Helen Sildna

worst enemy of genius”. Robert Levine, writer of “Free Ride” examining the debate about the future of culture and Bob Stan-

Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Maria Alyokhina of Pussy Riot spoke with journalists­and musicians at Tallinn Music Week. Photo: Sergey Chernov / SPT

ley, musician, producer and author of “Yeah Yeah Yeah: The Story of Modern Pop”.

Skype Award goes to Odd Hugo Tallinn Music Week main sponsor’s Skype Award goes to the indie folk band Odd Hugo from Tartu. Having just finished its second European tour the band will receive a 3500 Euro prize together with the prestigious title of the Skype’s Go Change the World Award. Tallinn Music Week 2009 Skype award winner was Popidiot, in 2010 Iiris, in 2011 Ewert and the Two Dragons, in 2012 Talbot and in 2013 Elephants From Neptune. Tenfold Rabbit received the most nominations.

comments, “For me it’s a charming mix of

The delegates of Tallinn Music Week and in-

My friend the Danish Radio host Jan Sneum

Tartu and Texas.”

ternational press selected the winner of Sky-

has played Odd Hugo in his programmes pre-

pe’s Go Change The World Award. Next to the

viously but after the last Tallinn Music Week

The seventh Tallinn Music Week takes place

winner I Wear* Experiment, State of Zoe and

he dedicated a whole hour to the band. Jan

from 26th to 28th March 2015.



APRIL 2014

Ibiza International Music Summit 2014 Allan McGowan

Back for its seventh year, the International Music Summit returns to Ibiza for 2014 at the new Hard Rock Hotel Ibiza from May 21 – 23 with a speaker line-up of influences and thought leaders from every aspect of the electronic music industry including artists, labels, executives, managers, agents and more. The electronic music and technology-driven summit, which has earned a reputation as ‘the TED of music conferences’, will bring together the genre’s most important and influential decision makers. This year’s theme is ‘Filtering the Future’ and will focus on the curatorial opportunities for the genre – in a world of overload, how do things manage

Paul McGuinness, long-term manager U2

to cut through? The event is hosted by BBC Radio 1’s Pete Tong MBE. IMS has also announced that Corona will be headline sponsor of this

Danny Tenaglia (legendary New York DJ – Artist Panel)

year’s summit. Corona have a strong history around the genre of elec-

Andrew Scheps (producer/engineer/Pro-Tools creator – Keynote Interview)

tronic music, and a series of 2014 activity will be announced with this

MK (famed remixer Marc Kinchen – IMS Anthem Remixer 2014)

partnership. Last year’s summit featured exclusive interviews with Fat-

Alfredo (original Ibiza Balearic DJ – Keynote Interview)

boy Slim, Sven Vath, Nile Rodgers, Idris Elba, Paul Van Dyk, legendary blogger Bob Lefsetz and many more. The line up for 2014 includes:

Industry Icons: Paul McGuinness (Long-term manager, U2)



Daniel Haver and Mate Galic (Founders, Native Instruments)

George Clinton (Parliament / Funkadelic – Keynote Interview)

Horst Weidenmueller (Founder,!K7 Records)

Steve Angello (Size Records - Keynote Interview)

Alison Wenham (Founder, AIM: Association of Independent Music)

Annie Mac (BBC Radio 1 – Keynote Interview)

Eelko van Kooten (CEO, Spinnin Records)

Jamie Jones (Hot Natured / Hot Creations – Artist Panel)

Miles Leonard (Chairman, Parlophone / Warner Brothers UK)

Seth Troxler (Resident Advisor poll winning DJ – Artist Panel)

Bruce Eskowitz (COO, Red Light Management)


APRIL 2014

Marcel Avram Invests In EDM-Event Manfred Tari

Industry veteran Marcel Avram has teamed up with IBZ Entertain-

August 5.– 7., Anatolia, Turkey:

ment and launched a new festival format. The event is entitled “Isle Of

Above & Beyond, Alesso, Apollonia, Autoerotique, Avicii, Chuckie,

Dreams” and will take place from August 5 to 10. The festival is designed

Dubfire, Fedde le Grand, Jamie Jones, JP Candela, Kaz James, Nervo,

as a travelling event and will start of in Anatolia in Turkey, move on to the

Paul Oakenfold, Pete Tong, R3hab, Sasha, Sebastian Ingrosso, Steve

Sea of Galilee in Israel and finish off in Allmend Gunzgen in Switzerland.

Aoki, The Martinez Brothers.

Danny Whittle and Mark Netto from IBZ Entertainment have developed

August 7.– 9., Sea of Galilee, Israel.

the concept for Isle Of Dreams. Before founding IBZ Entertainment

Alesso, Apollonia, Avicii, Axwell, Chuckie, Carnage, Danny Avila, Fedde

Whittle worked for many years as the brand director for the Pacha Club

le Grand, Jamie Jones, Jp Candela, Nervo, Paul Oakenfold, Pete Tong,

in Ibiza, he left the well know dance club in April 2013.

R3hab, Sasha, The Martinez Brothers.

The new event foresees the combination of headlining DJs and up-

August 8.– 10., AllmendGunzgen, Switzerland.

coming domestic acts in unique locations in a natural environment.

Above & Beyond, Alesso, Apollonia, Avicii, Calvin Harris, Chuckie, Da-

“The whole idea for Isle of Dreams was to present a festival that really

vid Guetta, Eva Shaw, Fedde le Grand, Gareth Emery, Jamie Jones, JP

spans all the genres of electronic music, from the bigger sounds on the

Candela, Kaz James, Nervo, Paul Oakenfold, Pete Tong, Sasha, Sebas-

main stage to the more underground cutting edge sounds of the other

tian Ingrosso, Zedd.

arenas,” commented Whittle on the concept of the festival in a press release. “ We aim to top this off with not only spectacular locations but

For further information please check:

also incredible production values. For us to meet someone like Marcel Avram who had the same vision was a dream come true and ultimately

Marcel Avram

we aim to make dreams come true for all the fans of electronic music that will attend the events. This is why Isle Of Dreams was our obvious name for these amazing events. So see you all either on the beach in Turkey, next to the Sea of Galilee in Israel or in the Fields of Switzerland. All are going to be very special”. The promoter for the festival is Marcel Avram. No information has been given about the capacities of each edition of this festival. The dates and program for Isle Of Dreams are:



APRIL 2014

Lanxess Arena – Preparing For Sale Manfred Tari According to media reports the biggest German Indoor Arena is apparently­ up for sale. The Multiplex Arena opened its doors in October­1998 and is part of a real estate complex, which, besides the arena, includes two office­buildings, a sports training hall and a multi-storey car park. The Manager Magazine reports that the arena complex was built with the financial input of around 70 private investors assembled within the “Immobilienfonds Köln-Deutz Arena und Mantelbebauung”. The fund belongs to the group of so called Oppenheim-Esch-Fonds, a joint venture between the previously private bank Sal, Oppenheim and the building tycoon Josef Esch. The bank meanwhile went bankrupt and is now owned by the Deutsche Bank. According to various media reports the group of owners of the Arenacomplex agreed at a stakeholder meeting in March to instruct the

In 2012 CTS Eventim took over the management company that oper-

Oppenheim-Esch-Fonds to prepare the sale of the various parts of

ates the Lanxess arena. Currently the annual lease for the arena is

the Arena complex. According to the local newspaper Kölner Stad-

thought to be 6.6 million Euro, but in order to recoup the building

tanzeiger the arena itself is expected to cost 200 million Euro.

expenses it would have to bring in 10 million Euro per year.

Michael Rapino at Amsterdam Dance Event Manfred Tari It is a bit of a surprise and paradoxical too.

of dance music assets, although this still has

Live Nation CEO Michael Rapino is to do a

to recoup and to deliver its return of invest-

question and answer session at the upcoming


edition of Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE) on October 15. Live Nation, the biggest corporate

On the other hand, in terms of missing a

concert company took over the EDM-festival

trend, the Live Nation situation reminds us a

brand Creamfield in 2012 and seemingly left

little bit of MTV, or more accurately its par-

the currently booming rest of this market seg-

ent company Viacom losing the bidding war

ment to be taken up by SFX Entertainment.

for Youtube in 2006, acquired in the same year by Google. Anyhow, there are still many

Since within just two years SFX Entertainment

EDM companies out there that would love

bought almost a complete 360 degree value

to talk to Rapino, so the arrival of Rapino in

chain of dance music related events and ser-

Amsterdam is a valuable bonus for ADE and

vices, the trip of Rapino to ADE comes a little

probably still a very worthwhile educational

too late; certainly not for ADE but certainly

journey for the Live Nation boss.

for Rapino. The rise and success of electronic


Rapino visitors. The festival will take place from Sep-

music in recent years would have been a val-

By the way, ADE partner in music Electric Fes-

tember 3 to 7.

uable contribution towards the portfolio of

tival Aruba has extended this year’s edition

the business activities of Live Nation too. But

from three to five days. ADE is the confer-

For further information please check:

instead it has been SFX Entertainment that

ence partner for the festival in the Caribbean.

has meanwhile compiled a global network

Last year’s edition attracted 15.000 festival





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Music in Shares Manfred Tari

CTS Eventim – Annual Meeting In May:

announced that it has bought the remaining stake and now holds

CTS Eventim aims to restructure its corporate structures and accord-

100 percent of the company. Live Nation Entertainment president of

ing to legal statutes must ask its shareholders to agree on the in-

international and emerging markets Alan Ridgeway commented on

tended measures. The agenda for the upcoming annual meeting on

the measure: “As we continue to expand our global network, we

May 8 therefore foresees, besides the usual validation of the man-

wanted to assume full ownership of Live Nation Japan. Although we

agement board, a couple of further formal measures. First of all the

still expect to work together on some projects, this allows Live Nation

management board of CTS Eventim intends to make the legal conver-

to pursue our own interests and work with a variety of partners.”

sion “from a stock corporation (Aktiengesellschaft) into a partnership limited by shares (Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien)” Secondly the

No information has been made about the purchase price. On January

company plans to undertake a 1:1 share split and to increase its equity

2 the share cost $20.19 now it stands at $21.17.

capital from the previous 48 to 96 million Euro. Current shareholders receive one additional share for each share they currently hold.

SFX Entertainment - Continues Shopping? The SFX Entertainment list of acquisitions still grows. The latest ad-

At the time this report went to press the CTS share stood at 45.91

dition to the company portfolio is the merchandising company Per-

Euro, at the beginning of year the share price was 38.24 Euro.

ryscope Productions or Norman Perry. The one and only Robert FX Sillerman, Chairman and CEO of SFX Entertainment says, “Perry a

DEAG – Aims to Tender for Open Air Venue Waldbühne:

true innovator in merchandising. He will expand the brand awareness

DEAG filed an interim injunction against the Senate of Berlin regard-

of our many SFX properties and ensure high-quality, cutting-edge

ing the renewal of a lease contract of the open air location Waldbüh-

merchandise and collectibles will be available at events and wherever

ne at the responsible district court. DEAG-CEO Peter Schwenkow told

EMC fans shop.”

the local newspaper Tagesspiegel, that the injunction should prevent the renewal of a lease agreement for the location with CTS Eventim

Prior to this a picture of Sillerman showing off his middle finger when

without a call for tender, allowing him to also present an offer to run

leaving his private jet on arrival in Miami circulated widely in the world

the open air site. The current agreement will expire at the end of the

wide web. The picture has been used to illustrate various articles that

year and the new lease will last five years.

reported a conference call soon after the annual results for 2013 of the company were released. During the call the share price dropped

A spokesman for the senator of the interior told the newspaper that

by 20 percent when the analyst Ben Green of BD Capital asked Siller-

there is no call for a tender to prolong the current arrangement with

man about, “…accounting adjustments to brush over shitty deals.”

CTS Eventim. The reason is that the Senate has a leasing contract with CTS Eventim and not a facility management he argued.

The share price dropped to $5.70, but meanwhile recovered, climbing up to $7.33. However, on January 2nd the share price still was at

Live Nation – Completed Acquisition Of Live Nation Japan:

$11.36. For 2013 SFX reported revenue of $170 million and a net loss

When Live Nation Japan was created in 2012, the company Creative-

of $119 million.

man still held a minority stake in the company. Live Nation has now




ARTIST AVAILS Chloe Charles Territory: Europe Period: September/October Agency: Paperclip Agency / Agent: Hilde Spille Phone: +31 243239322 E-mail: Homepage:

ORBITAL ñ 25th year anniversary tour in 2014 Territory: The World excluding USA Period: May onwards Agency: Value Added Talent / Agent: Dan Silver Phone: +44 207 704 97 20 E-mail: Homepage:

Bulgarian Live Music is a company, which started its activity only a few years ago, but has already become well-known for organizing music events in Bulgaria. A good example for the professional qualities of Bulgarian Live Music is the successful events in which world famous artists from all genres had taken part. <b>ROCK/METAL</b> The company organizes and manages the biggest rock festival in Bulgaria – Kavarna Rock During the three day edition of the festival in 2012 the audience heard the energetic

Alan Parsons Live Project Territory: Worldwide Period: 2014 Agency: World Entertainment Associates of America Agent: John Regna - Artist Agent/Manager Phone: +1 407-993-4000 E-mail: Homepage:

Glasvegas Territory: Europe Period: 2014 Agency: Primary Talent International Agent: Ben Winchester Phone: +44 20 7400 4500 E-mail: Homepage:

Dio Disciples, Glenn Hughes, Michael Schenker, BTR, Commanda 5, Stryper, Dokken, Big Noize & Sebastian Bach, D2 & Dicho, Lizzy Borden, Kamelot, Rhapsody of fire, Renegat And Ahat. Last summer “Kaliakra” stadium in Kavarna city gathered more than 20 000 fans of the legendary bands Deep Purple, Accept, Doro Pesch, Alisa, Analgin, Aria, Thunder and Cherno Feredje. The festival went on for 2 days and gained popularity and positive response from the Bulgarian fans as well as from those from other countries. On the 28th and 29th of June 2014 as a tradition at Kavarna Rock guests will be legendary artists like Europe, Helloween, Sabaton, Krokus, Gotthard, Pretty Maids, Jon Uli Roth и Jorn. The ambition of Bulgarian Live music to support young artists is followed by the challenge Black Sea Battle of the Bands 2014 – a contest for young rock musicians from the Black sea region.

THE ORCHESTRA starring ELO former members Territory: Worldwide Period: 2014-2015 Agency: World Entertainment Associates of America Agent: John Regna - Artist Agent/Manager Phone: +1 407-993-4000 E-mail: Homepage:

Afro Cuban All Stars Territory: East Europe, Middle East Period: July Agency: Greensmith Agent: Dragan Greensmith E-mail: Homepage: afro-cuban-all-stars/

BALKAN/FOLKLORE The genre variety of events was supplemented with “The Great Balkan Outplay” which was held on 15th of October 2013. Some of the biggest orchestras from Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria took part in it. Representatives of Bulgaria were the clarinet’s genius Ivo Papazov – Ibryama and “Trakia” orchestra, well-known world


wide with their improvisations and Bulgarian folklore. The Serbian musicians Boban and Marko Markovich and their orchestra, consisting of 13 people, took part in the event, too. Their music is can be heard in Emir Kusturica’s movies “Underground” and “Arizona Dream”. In the outplay were included the Romanians from “Fanfare


Ciocărlia” ( “Lark orchestra”), known as the fastest brass band in the world – the orchestra became popular because of the high-energy sound, complex rhythms and high-speed clarinet, trumpet and saxophone solos.



APRIL 2014


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