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The Violet Ray Natural Health and Conscious Living Magazine



Cover Artwork by Janice Blaine “The Root Chakra” - Page 5 “The Magic of Stories” - Page 35

Spring 2008 Issue

Reiki Practitioner Cer tif icate Training Banff Weekend Retreat April 25, 26, 27

Level One & Two Accelerated Learning April 5 & 6

Not only will you enter into the magnificent experience of attaining your Level One and Two Reiki Certification but you'll experience it nestled in the majesty of the Rocky Mountains at a luxury resort.

We are now offering a fantastic opportunity to achieve your Level One & Two Practitioner status during a weekend intensive at our offices in Red Deer.

Practitioners Weekend Retreat - Banff April 11,12, 13 As practitioners it's easy to become so focused on helping others that we forget to nurture ourselves. This weekend getaway at a luxurious, yet affordable, hotel in Banff will offer an eclectic mix of learning some new techniques to supercharge your Reiki skills as well as ample amounts of time to simply relax and look out at the mountains from the huge tub located in the hotel, browse through interesting shops, and marvel at the beauty of your surroundings. These events also offer unprecedented opportunities to network with other practitioners and learn from each other.

Russ Littau Founder of The Healing Center

Regularly conducted courses for all Levels of Reiki Practitioner Certification Visit our website for updated class schedules at Healing Treatments also Available

THE H EALING C ENTER, A LBERTA, C ANADA - You now have the option of paying your tuition with a major credit card!

Phone: 403-302-8902

Why take your Certificate Training with Us? z

Dedicated teachers who model what they teach


High standards of course delivery while remaining flexible to the unique needs of each student


Small class sizes


Intensive teaching delivered in a relaxed, informal, environment


Ongoing support and mentoring even after you leave the classroom.


Regular healing and networking sessions after our Monday evening meditation gatherings at our home offices in Red Deer.


Care for the Caregiver weekend retreats


Business counseling and professional development for our graduates who wish to pursue a professional career as a Master Practitioner


Healing Center hosted booths at Wellness Fair, Farmers’ Market, etc., where our practitioners can hone their skills and connect with the general public to promote their individual business

Reiki Certification & Spiritual Adventure trip to Mexico this November! Visit for more information. Spring 2008

The Violet Ray

Page 2

So Who's The Angel Anyway? By R uss L ittau As I type this I'm sitting in one of the most spiritual places I know - Tim Hortons! <grin> As I gaze around me at the people filing in and out with coffee in hand I notice the young couple sitting beside me. A lovely young lady is sharing a bagel with a friend or family member. He obviously has some mental challenges that he wakes up to, and I'm sure walks through, every day. As they converse, she gently watches him - helping him arrange his drink when he needs it. They talk and they laugh. And I ask myself "Who's the angel anyway?" I always tell my students that I can pretty much guarantee their journeys won't always be easy but I can unequivocally assure them that they will always be worth it. My mind floats back to a time last fall when I was presented with an opportunity to practice this in a very real way. I remember it as clearly as if it were yesterday. A series of events had brought me to a most interesting place... a place that many of you may have been in yourself. I was, in many ways, in a place of darkness instigated by external circumstances but created within my mind and encompassing my heart. I had been challenged, maligned and accused. I was so tired. The voices in my mind screamed to me, "Why don't you quit! Haven't you had enough? You know if you quit right now so many of these adversities would dissipate?" In that moment, every cell of my body felt physical pain, knowing the words were true. And then the most amazing thing happened! Beneath all this, a voice said to me, "You now have the wonderful opportunity to choose once again which way you will go. If you stop growing and helping and sharing what you have learned with all those who have come through your doors it will probably get easier. At least for a moment. At least it will appear that way. However, I also say to you that the initial relief from what you are not experiencing has a cost attached to it that is simply too much to pay. Know also that in every moment of your time on this earth you have the opportunity to choose. It's really very simple. Will you choose to live or die?" In that moment, even though my mind, my logic, the pain in my heart screamed, “No!”, I said in a quiet voice "Yes." What's even more amazing is that nothing changed. At least not externally. The pain and the conundrum of voices were still there. Yet despite that I kept going. All I could do was put one foot after the other. So many times that's all you have to do. I forced myself to continue on my errands one of which led me to a pet store. The Healing Center now has an official mascot. A bearded dragon by the name of Vince… yes, he's a lizard! As I walked into the store I was greeted by the owner. He was an interesting sort. He looked like the kind

Spring 2008

of guy you'd expect to have a lizard store. As he showed me through the variety of aquariums and containers housing every sort of creature you could think of, he off- handedly made a remark about a minor conflict with an earlier customer. It was nothing of real consequence. I can't even frankly remember how it came up. If I reminded him of the event now he would undoubtedly not even remember. I recall it like it happened yesterday. I remember the other customers in the store. I remember the exact kind of weather we were having that day. I remember each and every one of the tanks, aquariums, and variety of accessories and supplies because in, and through, his remark came the answer to my torment. It wasn't what he said that was so important. I actually can't remember his exact words. If anyone else had been there they never would have recognized the immeasurable value in his words. They weren't meant for them. They were meant for me. From that very moment, the clouds over my heart and mind began to lift. As I drove back to Red Deer I knew that things were going to be all right. I was grateful, and proud of myself, that in that moment of decision I chose once again to live. And that very choice set in motion the events that transpired a few short hours later through the owner of lizard store. And I ask myself, "Who's the Angel Anyway?" In conclusion, I offer a suggestion. In those times, and we've all had them, when we look to the Heavens and with a voice louder than we could ever utter from our lips, because it comes from our hearts, we shout out "Why!" We implore whoever is listening to help us walk through the challenge that's ahead of us. From the depths of our bellies we know that without some type of divine intervention we will not survive another day. We gaze upward waiting for the answer and waiting for a way out or a way through. I offer this thought. Rather than looking up; look out. So many times our answer comes not from above, not from the splitting of the skies or rumbling of the earth, but from the guy who pumps your gas or delivers your paper or serves your coffee or who's standing behind you in the line up at the grocery store. And the next time you share a kind word with a stranger or compliment a waitress on the good job that they're doing, think of this: What if you are the answer to their greatest need? Ask yourself in that moment, "Who's the Angel Anyway?" Russ Littau is the founder of The Healing Center located in Red Deer and offering Reiki Certification Training through in house teaching and weekend retreats. They also lead meditation gatherings each Monday at 7:00PM. Please See Ad On Opposite Page

The Violet Ray

Page 3

Soul S c ript By y C arol J . U c hy y til

As I write this, I ponder the wondrous journey I have embarked upon. I think about the blessings I have been given by having the opportunity to own this magazine. Just think... less than a year ago I was in an occupation that was affecting my health. Not Anymore! Today, I work sometimes 16 hours per day and feel absolutely no stress, anxiety or regrets! That's because I love creating. I've always loved creating things…from playing the piano…to poetry... to writing. Creating is what I was always meant to do. My parents knew this. They said " Carol is the “creative one"; Rod is the" smart one"; Dennis is the "analytical one". Out of rebellion, I spent some of my life trying not to be the creative one but the reality is “I am” and I truly enjoy it! In school, it was a toss up between commercial art and drafting. So, I thought I would follow in my father's footsteps and take the drafting path. Later in life, my father said to me, " You should have gone into commercial art". At that time I thought it was too late to change occupations. Little did I know that I would be changing occupations numerous times to get to where I am at now. Isn't it interesting how that works… start out on one path…and through numerous twists and turns... starts and stops …end up where you were supposed to be in the first place. Obviously, I had a bit of education to gain before I reached this point. Believe me, I am grateful for all of the previous careers I have performed because I gained many skills that I would not have if I had not experienced those opportunities. Years ago I wrote a poem called "Triumph" which was published by the National Library of Poetry in a book titled "The Path Not Taken". Coincidence or Karma? In this book, I had to provide a small bio in which I stated " Through my words I strive to express my discoveries, challenges and victories in life. I strive to educate, encourage, guide, heal, nurture and inspire others along their unique journeys in life. If my words help one soul rise above their adverse moments- then my purpose has succeeded." Looking back at these words, which I have not glimpsed for many years, makes me realize " I Am On The Path I Have Chosen And Was Supposed To Take." I am very grateful to be associated with all of the special advertisers, contributors and healers in this magazine. I learn something new with every issue! I feel we all have a common goal, which is to help others in their journey to healing and wholeness either through body, mind or spirit. I am happy I am finally living my passion. I know it's not always the easiest thing to find or live for many people, but I encourage all of you to do just that! Find Y our Passion…and L ive Y our D ream! You will feel so much more alive, fulfilled and happy!

Spring 2008

As for this magazine, there have been a few changes, which you may have noticed. First, I have changed the tag line. The tag line is now "Natural Health and Conscious Living Magazine" versus "A Lightworker's Guide". Since we are focused on Alternative and Natural Health as well as living a Conscious Life through Body, Mind and Spirit, I felt the tag line should encompass more of what this magazine is about. Secondly, on more of a newsy topic, in the last 2 issues the magazine distribution has grown from 8,200 copies to 15,000 copies. That’s an 83% distribution increase! If an average of 3 people read each magazine, our readership would now be 45,000. In addition, we now have over 300 distribution locations between Northern and Southern Alberta of which 96 New Locations were secured since October! Lastly, there is a new look for The Violet Ray through the 60lb gloss top and bottom section of the magazine. Due to these changes and the rapid growth, there will be a price increase in advertising rates that will take effect for the next issue and all subsequent issues. For new rates please contact Carol at 403-358-1656 or Advertisers who have booked their ad space prior to March 31, 2008, and from whom I either have their post-dated cheques or authorization to charge their credit cards, will not be subject to this increase until their previous ad commitment and agreed upon price ends. Starting in June, The Violet Ray will be published six times per year. The deadlines for all upcoming issues will be as follows:

Issue June / J uly August / S eptember October / N ovember December / J anuary February / M arch April / M ay

Ad Booking & Articles May 1 July 1 September 1 November 1 January 1 March 1

Due to spacial restrictions, I encourage all advertisers and contributors to book their space and submit their articles as early as possible. I trust that these changes and the rapid growth assure you that I am doing my best to get your messages out to those who need them.

In Light & Service,


The Violet Ray

Page 4

On The Cover

The Violet Ray

THE ROOT CHAKRA - By Janice BlaineThe Root Chakra is the centre of grounding. It represents our material existence and our connection to Earth and family. My painting centres around a cherry tree, the tree associated with the Root Chakra. The tree's Spirit is smiling, enjoying the fragrance of its blossoms, and the company of the tiny mole that sits under its branches.

Address: #41 - 6740 Johnstone Drive, Red Deer, Alberta, T4P 3Y2 Phone:



Publisher, Editor, Design, Layout

Its roots are sheltering and nurturing Mother Earth. The roots are rising up to form six figures which encircle the tree with joy, celebration and community. This painting has been charged with Reiki healing energy and has been given a Level One Attunement.

Carol Uchytil


To see more of her work or to contact her visit Please see Janice’s Article on page 35

For advertising information contact Carol Uchytil at 403-358-1656 or via email at Deadline for reserving ads are as follows:

May 1 July 1 September 1

November 1 January 1 March 1

Contact Carol for a media kit or information about current rates, ad sizes, circulation and distribution locations. Payment for advertising is due promptly when ad is booked. Inquire about our flexible payment schedules to assist small businesses with cash flow constraints. Payment can be made via cash, cheque, money order, Visa, Mastercard or Amex.

In Every Issue 4 6 10

General Information The Violet Ray is published six times per year:

June / July August / September October / November

December / January February / March April / May

The Violet Ray reserves the right to refuse advertisements, articles or art . Advertisers and contributors accept sole responsibility and liability for the accuracy of their statements and claims. The ideas and opinions expressed by individual writers are not necessarily those of the publisher, printer or advertisers. The Contents of The Violet Ray should not be taken or used as medical advice but is intended to provide information only. Readers should consult their doctor or health care practitioner with regard to their health concerns and remedies. Readers are encouraged to do their own research regarding health claims found in The Violet Ray. The Violet Ray reserves the right to edit articles for length, clarity and content at the editor’s discretion. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the consent of the publisher.

Printer - WEBCOLEDUC, Leduc ,Alberta Contributors: The Violet Ray welcomes articles by local writers. Tell us about your personal wellness journey, your musings on life, or ways in which you live your creativity. We encourage articles that educate, enlighten and entertain our readers. Length restrictions of 400 - 1000 word articles apply in accordance with ad placement. Contact the editor for guidelines and submission deadlines.

Spring 2008


Soul Script By Carol J. Uchytil Ask Dr. Evers The Affirmation Doctor By Dr. Anne Marie Evers Cosmic Revolution By Nadine Gordon


The Violet Flame And How... ... To Work With Angels By Jean Sinclair


Some Words From Other People By LBF Dusty


Serendipity By Carol J. Uchytil


When Positive Thinking Doesn’t Work By Alex T. Vanwells


Children of The Light By Raven


Lessons Of The Drum - Race For Freedom By Nadine Gordon


Spring Cleaning...For Your Body That Is By Cynthia Sebry


Essential Energy - Business Profile By Cynthia Sebry


As Nature Speaks - Business Review By Nadine Gordon


The Magic Of Stories By Janice Blaine

The Violet Journey...To Wholeness By JC Page

In This Issue 3

So Who’s The Angel Anyway? By Russ Littau


Cleansing Your Body By Tamara Steer


Grounding Protection By Joette lees


A Message For The Day By Julie Poffenroth


Awakening Our Inner Spirit By Patti Tronnes


What Is A Medical Intuitive By Ron Steinke


Sho Tai Submitted By Robert Smith


The Sandwich Generation By Colette Haevens


The Return Of The Divine Feminine By Adam El David


What Are You Pretending Not To Know By Carol Simpson


Botanical Based Supplements For Good Health Submitted By Marg Pragnell


Theta Healing Submitted By Kathy Kubbernus


Energetic Clutter By Sharyn LeMasurier

The Violet Ray

Page 5

ASK D r. E vers

Ask Dr. Evers will be a regular feature in The Violet Ray. Send your questions and emails to:

- T he A ffirmation D octor

Even if your question does not appear here, Dr. Evers will answer each one in the order in which it is received.

By D r. A nne M arie E vers Dear Dr. Evers

WHEN - You can say Affirmations any time. I suggest

I have heard about Affirmations working wonders in people's lives and my buddy Frank swears that he received a large sum of money by doing Affirmations regularly. But for some reason they have not been working for me. I am not sure if I am doing them correctly, but I tried to do it the way he told me. Could you please take the time and explain to me what an Affirmation is, how it works and most importantly how it can work for me. I am most unhappy at my career and have been passed over for promotion at least three times. Sometimes I suffer from really low self-esteem and even think thoughts of being let go. Can you show me exactly how to do an Affirmation so that it will work for me? I will be forever grateful.

you do them first thing in the morning and last thing before you go to sleep at night. This way your mind has all night to work on gathering the ingredients to make your Affirmations manifest as affirmed.

HO W - I believe that Affirmations work within the Law of Attraction, which is always turned on; in fact you cannot turn it off. The Law of Attraction says, "More gather more; like attracts like; what you think about you bring about; what you are seeking is seeking you,' and more. This Law like every other natural Law of the great Universe is no respecter of person and works for every one ALL of the time. The Affirmation Process I teach is built on a foundation of 5 Building Blocks

~ Darryl, Computer Programmer Calgary, AB ~

Dear Darryl:

1st Building Block - Forgiveness Forgiveness heals even the deepest of wounds.

First of all, thank you for moving out of your comfort zone and emailing me. When explaining just what Affirmations are, I like to use the 5 W's, What, Where, Why, Who and When. And then discuss the How.

2nd Building Block - Thoughts Thoughts become things.

Note: Before doing any Master Affirmation, it is so important to clear your mind of all thoughts, worries and concerns. You could practice meditating on the word 'Peaceful.' Say it over and over until you begin to actually feel peaceful.

WHAT - An Affirmation is similar to a prayer, wish or goal only it is more structured and specific. To affirm is to make firm and, simply put, the basis of all Affirmations is positive thinking (which has been around for thousands of years).

WHERE - Affirmations can be said, read or written anywhere. Say your Affirmations while waiting at a Doctor's office, say them while waiting for a light to change when driving, around the house, while showering, while walking on your treadmill or just anywhere.

WHY - We do Affirmations to change our lives into what we wish them to be, to help us be the very best we can be and to stir up that wonderful, creative and powerful energy within each and every one of us. WHO - Anyone can do Affirmations. I have taught Affirmations to a 6 year old girl and a 103 year old great, great grandmother. Affirmations are no respecter of person.

3rd Building Block - Mind Power Harness and use the power of your mind to create your wishes. Remember your mind does not know the difference between a real and an imaged event. It takes it in as truth and stores it for all time. 4th Building Block - Affirmations They are commands or decrees of what you desire. This is Your Order to the Universe. 5th Building Block - Creative Visualization Picture in vivid colour and great detail in your mind what you want and see it manifest in your reality. This process is called 'Seeing in Mind Pictures.' Darryl you say that you are unhappy at work so why not change it? There are numerous career and business opportunities in your line of work, so now may be the time to move out of your comfort zone and find a career where you are happy. Have you ever stopped to think about how many hours of your precious time you actually do spend in the work place? I always say when one door closes, another one opens. I found looking back over my career, when I was most unhappy I was pushed out that career by outside influences and looking back now I realize that these situations worked out to my overall benefit. There is no such thing as a failure. I use 'so called' failures as exceptional fertilizer for my great successes. Continued on next page

Spring 2008

The Violet Ray

Page 6

Ask Dr. Evers continued ...

So Darryl the world is your oyster. It is really up to you and you alone to find and stay in that perfect, lasting and successful career for you where you will be happy and excited to get up and go to work each day. I like to say when you fall in love with what you do; you never have to work again. I know that is true because I have fallen in love with teaching Affirmations and I never have to work again.

The Violet Ray


Featuring Dr. Anne Marie Evers - The Affirmation Doctor

Now create your Master Career Affirmation (This in only created once, like preparing your Will. It can be changed as your desires change).

Dr. Evers has been passionately involved in the personal growth field for many years. Her accomplishments include: ~ Ordained Minister ~ Doctor of Divinity

MASTER AFFIRMATION AFFIRMATION FOR CAREER "I, (Darryl), deserve and now have the perfect, lasting, successful career for me wherein I receive in excess of $____________ (net or gross) yearly. My employers and all others appreciate my great work and reward me accordingly. I use my creative abilities and enjoy a harmonious and happy working environment. I am happy and fulfilled to the good of all parties concerned. Thank you, thank you, thank you."

~ Awarded Honorary Doctor of Philosophy by Moffett University For her lifetime achievements and dedication to uplifting, education and empowering people worldwide. Her significant contribution to the world of self-realization, psychology and personal development optimize the human spirit of service and speak to the oneness and potential for good available in all people.

I fully accept

International Motivational Speaker

Signed ___________________________________ Dated ___________________________________ When you date and sign your Master Affirmation you have made a firm and binding contract with God, Universal Mind, Creator, or whomever you believe in. However there are the Affirmation Rules that need to be followed:

AFFIRMATION RULES ~ Never hurt or take from anyone. ~ Every Master Affirmation must be worded with the safety clause 'to the good of all parties concerned.' ~ You need at least a 51% believability factor that your Affirmation can manifest as affirmed. ~ Excitement and belief. Now act 'As If' you already have that perfect, lasting successful career and then enjoy your creation! Happy Affirming Darryl! Affirmations Always Work When Properly Done!

~ Affirmations Coach - Groups and Individuals ~ Columnist ~ Lecturer and Teacher ~ Radio Talk Show Host (5 radio stations - coast to coast, worldwide on the web - The Dr. Anne Marie Evers Show), Producer of the Dr. Anne Marie Evers Talk Shows

Author / Creator of: ~ Affirmations Your Passport to Happiness (7th Printing) ~ Affirmations Your Passport to Lasting Loving Relationships ~ Affirmations Your Passport to Prosperity/Money ~ Six Affirmation Booklets ~ Numerous e-books

~ Affirm and Learn Enhancement Program for Children ~ Kids Affirmation Program (KAP) ~ Kids Affirmation Club (KAC) ~ CD - Don't Die With Your Dreams Inside ~ The Cards of Life

Reverend Dr. Anne Marie Evers is an ordained Minister and Doctor of Divinity and Philosophy. She is also a best-selling author of many books on positive thinking, some of which are, Affirmations Your Passport to Happiness 7th edition. She co-authored the best-selling series Wake Up and Live the Life you Love in Spirit with Dr. Deepak Chopra and Dr. Wayne Dyer. Please check out her website Send your questions to

Spring 2008

The Violet Ray

~ Co-author of the best-selling series, Wake Up and Live the Life You Love In Spirit with Dr. Deepak Chopra and Dr. Wayne Dyer

MAY 24, 2008 $95.00


(Before April 11)

(After April 11)

Limited Seats Available

To Reserve Your Seat Contact 403-358-1656 Page 7

Cll e ansing Your B odyy

Total Body Muscle Therapy Ltd.

By T amara S teer

5004 - 51 Avenue Wetaskiwin, AB Registered Massage Therapists Located in the Chiropractic Office of Dr. David J. Hewko 30 Minutes South of Edmonton

Open Monday to Saturday Evening Appointments Available

For More Information Please Phone

780-3 3 52-0 0 200 “Massages C ost L ess I n W etaskiwin T oo�

When we wake up each and every morning and begin our daily routines, we don't realize all the harm that our body undertakes throughout the day. Here are some cleansing tips to help our bodies recover from all the toxins it has to deal with, especially after the holiday season: Cleansing Baths There is a long history of cleansing baths in Germany. These baths are quite effective in the removal of environmental toxins, heavy metal deposits and radiation (which represents a frequently encountered low-grade and continuous drain of the immune system and on general body functioning). Cleansing baths are best taken before bedtime. Make sure to consume extra water. The day after the bath, increase the consumption of vegetables that are high in minerals, such as leafy greens, zucchini, parsley, green beans, jicama, etc., which will transport the metals and toxins into the colon. The baths will be a relaxing experience for most people; however, some may feel uncomfortable, irritable or edgy. This is a result of toxins being pulled out of the body and is a sign the baths are working. Sea Salt & Baking Soda Bath: Purpose: Clears radiation & lymphatic congestion. Dosage: 2lbs. of each. Duration: Soak for 20-30 minutes in hot water, slowly letting it cool as you soak. Broad Spectrum Cleansing Bath: Purpose: Heavy duty cleanser, clears lymphatic congestion, removes heavy metals, petro chemicals & radiation. Recipe: Add 1 cup apple cider vinegar, 1 tbsp. cayenne pepper & 2 tbsp. ground ginger to 4 lbs. of Epsom salts. Duration: Soak 15-30 minutes in hot water. Take 2 baths one week apart. Shower afterwards. Once the toxins are deposited into the colon, it is a good idea to take a herbal bowel cleanse and/or get a colon hydrotherapy treatment. You may also try the following smoothie and/or tea to help your colon release: Continued on next page ...

Spring 2008

The Violet Ray

Page 8

Cleansing Your Body continued ...

Nicola Elliott Lapierre

Magical Breakfast Smoothie

Medical Intuitive

2 servings - 136 calories/serving 1/3 cup soy protein 1/2 tbs. flaxseed oil 1/4 cup frozen blueberries 1/2 large ripe banana 1/2 tbs. apple juice or honey 1 tsp. psyllium seed husks Flax - The Bowel Lubricator!

Emotional Freedom Techniques Practitioner Animal Energy Healing Practitioner Heartsong Holistic Care

Services available

(403) 238-4822 in Calgary in person or at a distance.

A Warm Evening Tea Bring about 10 oz. of water to a boil, add 1 level tbsp of flax seeds to the boiling water & let simmer for 15 minutes. Strain & let cool. For flavor, you may add a tsp. of lemon juice or honey! Tamara Steer is a Colon Hydrotherapist at The Complete Wellness Centre & Day Spa in Ponoka. For more information or to book a treatment please contact The Complete Wellness Centre & Day Spa at: 403-783-5436 or visit Please See Ad Below

Association of Doctors of Natural Medicine - Alberta (ADNMA) For ALL Natural Medicine Practitioners and Students of the Wholistic field! (Natural Health Industry Suppliers too)

780 - 443 - 0315

The Complete Wellness Centre Inc.

Touchpoint Reflexology With Yvette Eastman

Tamara Steer

Full Time Reflexology Diploma Program Basic & Advanced Intensive Seminars Foot, Hand, Face, Ear, Body, Chakra, Meridian, Hot Stone, & Animal Reflexology Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Touch For Health Levels 1-4

C o l o n H y d ro t h e r a p i s t 5023 - 50th Avenue Ponoka, AB T4J 1S4

403-783-5436 (office)

604-936-3227 800-211-3533

Quantum- Touch速 Basic Workshop

Bea Murray


April 19 & 20 (Sat/Sun) 9:30 am - 5:00 pm Red Deer $295.00

Certified Quantum Touch Facilitator Usui/Karuna Reiki Instructor for 12 years

For more information or to register contact:

Bea at 780-405-6869 Or Rhonda at 403-598-3116

Natural Health Centre & Studies Dr. Radka Ruzicka DNM, HD(RHom), NCP NATURAL MEDICINE FOR THE MIND, BODY, and SPIRIT ~ Herbal Medicine ~ Nutrition ~ Homeopathy ~ ~Flower Essences ~ Energy Balancing ~ ~Correspondence Courses in Wholistic Nutrition and Essences ~ Ph: (780) 892-3006

Box 7 Site 100 RR1 Carvel, AB. T0E 0H0


When a ccessing t he g oods a nd s ervices p rovided b y o ur a dvertisers p lease mention y ou s aw t heir a d i n t he The Violet Ray Spring 2008

The Violet Ray

Page 9

The Cosmic Revolution

At Healingartz Studio we specialize in your comfort and well-being. As you enter our space you feel the tensions of the day simply melt away as you relax in our warm, inviting atmosphere. Have you tried everything with limited results?

ONSEN THERAPY is a very simple form of structural

realignment with lasting results. The therapist incorporates a combination of massage and unique stretching techniques, which allows the body to return to correct range of motion and alignment. This is the therapy of choice for most types of physical pain and headache sufferers.


For an information package or to book a treatment you may reach Loren Elizabeth Molyneux at:



The Healing Forest is honored to be selected as the Home of "The Divine Parenting Program" Divine Parenting is a journey of self awareness, self-love and self-care. The three elements of Divine Parenting are: self parenting, parenting of others and parenting of the planet. See website: Bookstore Metaphysical, Self Help & Holistic Books Meditation Cd's & Tapes Crystals ~ Stones ~ Jewelry ~Gift Cards Effective Alternative Communications Services Empowering individuals and families seeking connection Radical Forgiveness Coach and Ceremony Leader Transition Coaching, Mediation, Reiki Upcoming Events Spiritual Cinema Drumming Circles New Moon and Full Moon Meditations Medicine Wheel Teachings and Drum Making African Drumming / Tribal Dance For more information, course dates, and rental space Call: (403) 556-9411 or visit our website at:

By N adine G ordon

"Your monthly overviews to assist with Universal consciousness. We are all one." March 2 008 - C oyote You will be working with Coyote Medicine this month. Coyote has the ability to move through winter’s lean times and survive until spring. Coyote is a trickster. He is intelligent but wily. Sometimes, coyote is folly to his own pranks. It’s important to laugh when coyote leaves his calling card, for the prank most often played is on yourself. Be ready for a month of confusion and fun. Try not to take life too seriously. Listen to your heart. Coyote urges you to open it. Howl at the moon. Lighten your heart. Laugh with others, not at them, for in the end you will be laughing at yourself. Smile inward and it radiates outward. March is a month of healing and harmonizing. Express yourself through humor.

April 2 008 - W illow You will be working with flexibility and emotions this month. Be kind to yourself. Willow medicine allows emotions to heal through dreams. Pay attention to dreams which are vivid as they are seeds ready to grow. Heal seeds which are unpleasant, but prepare to plant those which are beautiful into reality. The willow is a working tree with a strong center but it is bending, flexible and goes with the flow. Willow stands for truth and justice through grace. It warns us to be flexible enough to accept help. Remember not to become egotistical. To plant dream seeds, you need to stay grounded in the present. If you become inflexible and over-emotional from working too hard and cannot sleep, breathe in willow’s rich barky scent or take two aspirins and call me in the morning. April is a month of healing through dreams to stabilize emotionally. Remember to rest or meditate. Be flexible enough to see, hear, sense and taste your dreams. Don’t overwork, have fun preparing. Continued on next page ... or 5034 49th Street, Olds, AB

Spring 2008

The Violet Ray

Page 10

The Cosmic Revolution continued ...

Nurturing ‘NerGy

May 2 008- F ire You will be working with fire influences this month. Fire brings new beginnings, growth, illumination and passion. Fire will give you the courage to tackle and overcome some dark tendencies to self-judge. Remember, you are your own worst enemy. Fire can become very hot when fed with too much fuel. Temper any heated or passionate inclinations with the coolness of water, breath and exercise. Then, create something beautiful to obtain a subtle contained demeanor. Emerge from darkness by walking out the door into the light of the sun’s fire. Fire brings the power of transmutation. Obtain stability, sustenance and versatility by actually planting creative seeds. Ask for help if needed. May is a month of building and balancing through honest determination and co-operation. Be gentle with yourself and others. Experience the joy of birth. Earth is blooming, so are you.

Nadine Gordon is a Dreamwalker with multiple gifts. She shares these gifts and her sanctuary with all those who wish to journey, heal and learn, located north of Leslieville, Alberta.

Usui System of Natural Healing Latent Energy Course Latent means existing but not developed - hidden. Energy means force, activity, source or sources of power to give vigor. Learn how to transcend your latent energies and dormant psychic abilities through this 4 Day Intensive Workshop


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For m ore i nformation c ontact N adine. Host o r r eserve t his c ourse i n y our place o f b usiness t oday.

Nadine Gordon is a Psychic Medium, Reiki Master / Teacher, Animal Specialist and Dreamwalker with multiple gifts. She shares these gifts and her sanctuary with all those who wish to journey, heal and learn, located north of Leslieville, Alberta.

4 0 3 -3 3 0 9 -1 1890 #160, 4828 - 53 Street Red Deer, AB T4N 2E8

Spring 2008


The Violet Ray

Page 11

Grounding P rotecc tion By J oette L ees As human spirituality advances, the need to ground one's being increases as well. Grounding means to contact spiritually with the nurturing and/or gravity energy of Mother Earth. People of all ages need to ground their personal energy and below are briefly outlined ways to do this. When I was in kindergarten and grades four and six, in schools spread across Canada, our teachers explained this technique which varied in spoken word. "Sit, feet flat on the floor. Take 3 deep breaths inward and release them slowly. Imagine the roots of your spirit slip through your feet into the ground where you feel the love of our earth. Allow these roots of yourself to go deep into the earth and she will hold you, love you and nurture you by giving you what you need." These teachers rarely had discipline issues. Educating children and parents myself since 1983, I shared this with the new indigo, crystal and rainbow children creating harmony. I was also shown this technique when I took my Reiki training. Deep rooted trees that stand tall bring universal energy down through the branches. They also pull Mother Earth's grounding energy up through roots. The universal energy is uplifting and rejuvenating while the grounding energy centers and calms the wellness of people and animals. Walking near trees, camping or sitting in treed back yards provides unity with earth's energies. The oxygen produced by the trees further grounds the body as breathing becomes deeper. Just listen to nature and be in the moment. Touch and feel the textures of Mother Earth when interacting with the land. Hold the unity of these moments in the sacred depths of your emotions and memories. Return to these moments when the chaos of life fills the mind, body and spirit. By placing waterfalls, various twigs, branches, sea shells, sea coral and crystals throughout our indoor environments, natural qualities fill these rooms. Below, I would like to give a few examples of utilizing crystal energy. It may also explain why people have put "rocks" in their pockets for generations. Agate: - strengthens the body and mind - a powerful healer Rose Quartz: -

emits a calming, cooling energy gently removes negativity restores the mind to harmony after chaotic situations brings calmness and clarity to the emotions and all relationships

Amethyst: - stimulates the throat and heart chakras, then calms - balances the intellectual, emotional and physical bodies - provides a clear connection between the Earth planes. Water holds universal and grounding energy because of evaporation. Droplets of water carried in the earth's atmosphere absorb universal energy. As water replenishing of our water reservoirs through rain and snow, deep grounding energy fills every droplet of water. For this reason alone please remember to drink a good supply of clear water everyday and hydrate your being on many levels. Now the following information may make you smile. The drains in washrooms provide wonderful grounding avenues. Many children and adults have a tendency to retreat to the washroom to calm themselves when feeling angry or frustrated. Often people escape into visionary spaces by reading and mindfully thinking through situations. Many children under the age of 5 play in washrooms. Baths are relaxing not only because of the calming, warm water but, the grounding pathways. Are you smiling? Interactions with smaller pets brings forth a sense of gentle nurturing, responsibility, respect for another spirit's needs, an understanding of the animal's dependency on the caregivers and a deep rooted bonding of sharing one's space and self. In doing so, a grounding of being subsides with both the person and the animal's spirit. Smaller animals such as dogs and cats are being used in many ways to assist people in extended care facilities and recovery programs. Spending time with the animals helps the person by creating a calming and relaxing inner peace. A deeper understanding of respect unfolds when interacting with larger animals who depend on the caregivers as well. These strong determined animals develop a grand sense of responsibility for the caregiver's safety. Understanding and respect for the procedures that must be followed to care for these animals keeps a person aware. Respect keeps the human ego in place which keeps everyone grounded. People with highly developed crown chakras may wish to wear hats, even indoors. The Crown Chakra is located at the top of our heads. It is the chakra that connects directly with the divine white light and is associated with spiritual wisdom. Hats provide some people with a sense of protection for this highly receptive Chakra. Alternately, Continued on next page ...

Spring 2008

The Violet Ray

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Grounding Protection continued ...

some people with the same development of the crown chakra may find hats very confining and wish to never cover their head even with a hood in severe weather. Many people love to walk barefoot indoors and outside. Without socks or shoes body tissue is the only barrier between the spirit and Mother Earth. Bare feet grounds the inner self creating harmony and balance. Due to personal spiritual awareness, time must be set aside for the intention of grounding. Grounding will be more important than any time before in our history to protectively harmonize human interactions. Yet, as we look at the above mentioned techniques, our ancestors were grounding too. May angels always sweep the path before you, Joette Lees Joette Lees is a Spiritual Counselor and is the owner of Angel Stardust Journey. She is the author of four books including: Thoughts from a Reiki Master and Angelic Messages. Please See Ad This Page


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Toll Free: 1 877 352 2783 Are you ready for change? A Spiritual Counselor actively working in professional development for the past 26 years, Joette Lees integrates a number of therapies to aid people in achieving their life goals. Circumstances from as early as infancy may contribute to the formation of behaviors and/or coping mechanisms that can block interpretation of your opportunities. Improved confidence and understanding of self allows your own tranquil personality to attract everything in life you want and deserve. Joette Lee's clairvoyant ability allows her to work directly with your angels and guides.

SESSIONS OFFERED: Usui Reiki Healing & Environmental Stress Management (includes crystal therapy) Angel Readings Transition Coaching; past life interpretation for future life progression Numerological analysis of birth date, name, business name, and balance Ongoing Personally Written Mediations for adults and children WORKSHOPS: Usui Reiki Instruction: Levels 1, 2 & Reiki Master (healing self, others & animals) Balance for Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow and Blue Spirited People Crystal Stone and Color Therapy Spirit Guides and Angels . *GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILALBLE* Create a great day and celebrate your personal power!!! Joette Lees Reiki Master/Instructor, E.S.M. Practiioner, Clairvoyant Intuitive, Numerology Graduate, Author

distribute the magazine. For more information contact Carol at or 403-358-1656


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Head to Soul Connections


Spring 2008

The Violet Ray

Ph: (403)782-3009 Cell: (403) 358-9128 Page 13

A Message For The Day... Awakening To Our Inner Spirit By J ulie P offenroth

By P atti T ronnes

Wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to start each day as new as the sunrise? To be able to begin again and freshen the stagnant? This is the inspiration that Spring has to offer us. Let the creativity flow and allow something to grow.

Have you ever had a feeling that something just isn't right? You may call it a 'gut feeling'. Many of us have had those feelings and sometimes we ignore them and other times we listen. You could also call this intuition. Mothers seem to have the market cornered, so to speak, on intuition. I believe it is because they spent the better part of a year focused on themselves, their child also, but mainly themselves. In order to be intuitive about our own life we need to look into ourselves and understand what it is we really want in life. Our bodies are great at signalling us if we are making a wrong decision. Sometimes we feel anxious and maybe even queasy if we are making a wrong choice, thus the 'gut feeling'. You could consider trusting your instincts and thinking twice when you encounter those feelings because chances are your intuition is right.

Life is what you believe it to be. Do you believe in your fantasies or your nightmares? Let your fantasies create your realities. Through the inspirations of your dreams, the old can be realized or let go of. Pick a goal, a concept, a new perspective that you would like to see blossom this year. It's best to choose something simple because even the simplest things can take time to blossom. By starting something in the Spring when the energy is ripe for it, by Fall you will see the fruits of your labor. Your thoughts are no different than a seed. The seed starts small and with proper nourishment and light, everything has the possibility to grow. Here are some simple things that could have a huge impact in your life. Try them if you wish. - allow yourself at least 10 min/day to recreate a nightmare into a fantasy (most things only need a new perspective or attitude to change them from one to the other) - stop saying " I don't know" or " I don't care" (make a choice and empower yourself) - look at yourself in the mirror while brushing your teeth and tell yourself that "I'm beautiful" or "This is going to be an excellent day"or "Let the good times roll" - kiss/ hug your kids, partner and other significant people upon leaving or returning. (words can't express what a touch can say) - say "thank you" (show that you don't take things for granted) or "you’re welcome" (acknowledge that they cared) - feel the sun for 1 min (at least) a day (this could be from your office window, car windshield or out in nature) and feel the warm radiance melt your worries away - spin your wedding ring on your finger and feel love for the one that put it there. (the same can be done for other significant jewelery)

There are many avenues that we can explore to learn about ourselves, many of which you will find in this publication. If you are reading this article you are obviously interested in finding your spiritual self or helping others do the same. There are experts that can help us to read our inner-most thoughts and feelings and bring them out so that we can be the best at what we are meant to be. Our dreams are a great place to start but not everyone is adept at analyzing them. Thoughts and feeling can become overwhelming at times and we need to sort them out. Dreams can be very intuitive and can help us determine if we are heading down the right life path. We are told early in life to quit dreaming and grow up but dreaming is a great way to explore our minds and figure out what our path in life will be. Intuition, I believe, is our inner spirit guiding us in our life journey. We will always make some wrong choices, but with that will come experience and learning. If we look deep into ourselves and awaken to our inner spirit we are all capable of choosing a fulfilling, purposeful path. Patti Tronnes is a mother of two, graphic designer by day and an addicted home decorator. There is always a room being rearranged or repainted. Her greatest aspiration is to become a published writer.

- no mind chatter before 7am or after 11pm (rest the mind so the body will feel rejuvenated) Small gestures and simple acts are what life is truly made of. Plant the seeds so your reality will match your fantasies.

Create, dream, laugh, love and play. Julie Poffenroth is a practitioner in the field of alternative health. She uses vibrational therapies to bring the clients back to their natural frequencies. She has found that this gentle form of therapy works exceptionally well on clients of all ages for stress and all the by-products of it. Please See Ad This Page

Spring 2008

The Violet Ray

Page 14

What Is A Medical Intuitive By R on S teinke

A medical intuitive is a person who specializes in perceiving information concerning the human body. A medical intuitive can energetically see and diagnose the insides (organs, glands, blood, etc.) of our bodies. They measure and calibrate a person's energy.

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Parameters or metrics are used to compare where you presently are to what is the optimum health for your genetic capabilities. The assessment allows you to more fully monitor your health and can be extremely helpful to address any possible health issues. They can do this either in person or by remote.

Juey Ann MacLeod, CTE

Typically, you are provided with a written copy of their findings and a consultation explaining the results. This is the time to ask questions, take notes, and perhaps have them check your current health protocol effectiveness.

Intuitive & Angel Eye Healer Sexual & Emotional Coach Past Life Regressionist Tantric Educatior

Ron Steinke is an organic farmer and medical intuitive in New Sarepta, Alberta. Please See Ad Below

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Spring 2008

The Violet Ray

Page 15



THE ORB PHENOMENA: CLUES TO A MORE EXCITING UNIVERSE - CALGARY Dr. Ledwith from What the Bleep first appearance in Canada What really happens after death, or what were we like before we were conceived in our mother's womb, or what meaning should we give to cherished terms such as "soul," "spirit," or the preternatural, or whether we will see our loved ones who have passed on again? Based on his extensive study of both orbs and the roots of our quest for meaning, Dr. Ledwith draws some thought-provoking conclusions on what the orb phenomena suggests about the nature of the universe and our place in it. The Orb Phenomena brings us a message of hope, comfort and inspiration for all those who cherish the divine within.

THE M OSES C ODE By James Twyman Is it possible that nearly 3,500 years ago, Moses was given the secret for attracting everything you've ever desired? The Moses Code was first used to create some of the greatest miracles in the history of the world, but then it was hidden away, and only the highest initiates were allowed to practice it. James F. Twyman reveals the Code for the first time, showing how it can be used to create miracles in your life . . . and in the world. By practicing the principles presented in this presentation, you'll discover how you can integrate the most powerful manifestation tool in the history of the world into your own life.

Featured in the ground-breaking movies "What the Bleep Do We Know" and "Down the Rabbit Hole", Dr. Miceal Ledwith is known by millions around the world.

At the very heart of the Moses Code is the true function and practice of the Law of Attraction. You may have been told that this Law is all about "getting the things you want" things that you think will make your life more satisfying. But what if that's just the first step, and cracking the Moses Code depends more on what you're willing to "give" rather than "get". That would mean that you have the power to create miracles in your life right now! It would also mean that you have the ability, even the responsibility, to use that power for more than just attracting money, a better car, or the perfect relationship. You're here to use the power of Divinity itself to create a world based on the laws of compassion and peace. That's the task that lies before us.

Dr. Ledwith will be a Keynote Speaker at the Body Soul & Spirit Expo. Visit his booth or attend his presentation.

Edmonton Saturday April 12 - Time: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Calgary Sunday April 20 - Time: 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Dr. Miceal Ledwith, former head of an Irish Universities, and the Vatican's International Theological Commission, is the renowned author of the bestseller "The Orb Project" and the just released DVD "Orbs: Clues to a More Exciting Universe".

Admission for "The Orb Phenomena" begins at 6:00 PM on the Saturday of the Event. Only 150 Seats, Register NOW at (discounts until March 1, 2008) The Orb Phenomena with Dr. Ledwith Edmonton Calgary

The Moses Code Edmonton Calgary

Book Your Body Soul & Spirit Expo Workshop Tickets Through The Violet Ray Receive The Discount Rate of $68.00 Per Workshop

Visit The Violet Ray at

the Body Soul & Spirit Expo’s Edmonton Calgary April 11 - 13, 2008

April 18 - 20, 2008

Booth # 75

Booth # 131

Spring 2008

Valid Until March 10, 2008 Contact Carol at 403-358-1656 or The Violet Ray

Page 16

Sho Tai

The Non-Invasive Style Of Testing The Body Submitted By Robert Smith Sho Tai is a non-invasive style of testing the body. It relies upon the electrical impulse (distributed by the brain) sent out to every organ and gland in the system. The body works on the same principle as a finely tuned engine. Electrical impulses sent to the spark plugs at very specific intervals keep the engine running smooth. The same goes for the body. Along these electrical pathways in the body are points referred to as reflex points, where the amount of electrical flow can be determined. Measuring the balance of the flow at these points can be done by machinery, which is delicate, time consuming and extremely expensive. The way that Sho Tai is performed, it relies on the intricate sensitivities of the human body, trained in such a way to recognize the fluctuations and respond. The Lord created the body in such a way that to find a concern or problem, you simply have to know how to ask the body. With Sho Tai, there is no need to subject yourself to things such as radio active impulses, high energy electronic fields or chemical infuriation of the body. If you are looking to improve your health in a non-invasive way, you may want to consider the advanced, natural healing technique of Sho Tai. Robert Smith is the owner of Health Effects. His services include Sho-Tai, Iridology, Kinesiology as well as Herb and Vitamin Supplements. Please See Ad Below

When You Are Finished Reading This Magazine Please Recycle It Or Pass It On To A Friend. Spring 2008

The Violet Ray

Page 17

The Sandwich Generation By Colette Haevens

DOES THIS SOUND FAMILIAR? "YOU DON'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT US!" What if you have been busy all these years of living and suddenly discover your aging parents are now, I mean NOW, in need of change. This includes change of residence, assistance safety concerns; or above all, their health, physical, mental and emotional abilities need to be addressed. Time is of the essence. NOW is the time to ask personal questions. Do they have a Power of Attorney or Directive and who is it? Have they updated their Wills and, if not, what are their desires? Heck, where do they want to be buried and what is the name of the funeral home they made arrangements through? Talk about these important issues with your parents. It will devasting enough when the time comes that your parent becomes very seriously ill and may not regain their usual mental strength or you are left with endless decisions along with an ailing parent. Who wants this depth of this anguish? DID YOU HAVE A PHONE CALL LATELY WITH ONE OF YOUR PARENTS THAT WENT LIKE THIS? Dad and I are growing older and Dad seems to be going back to his 'Early Childhood'. I have to be cautious of every move he makes. I don't dare go to the hospital for my knee operation. Dad can't be left alone. We’ve lived in the same house for the past 50 years and we are not planning to move! Dad would die if he had to move. We are faced with many changes and have many sources of stress. We are not as strong as we used to be, our health is disabling, and it is an all day event to wash clothes down in the basement. Our children are moving further away from home, people we love die, and we feel like a burden to our family members that live near. Who is removing the snow? Who is picking up groceries, getting the mail and taking us to the doctors? We’re not quite sure how long Dad will have his driver's license. Dad and I practiced ahead of time for the test at his Doctors appointment. The Doctor took Dad off his medication because his feet and hands were swelling and Dad has had a bad time of it. He is not driving the car these days. It is tough for us right now.

some home improvements, making it a safer, easier, healthier and happier environment. How do we cope with Mom saying, “You want to clear my clutter! Well then, how would you like it if I came to your house and cleared your clutter?" We offer our time and effort to go to the bank with Mom and Dad to secure a Power of Attorney - concerned if something should happen to Mom, and Dad suffers with Dementia, he could be in a poor situation. At the bank, Dad simply changes his mind on the spot, saying, "Nope, we don't need a Power of Attorney" and walks away, leaving us feeling hopeless. Do you live a great distance from your aging parents and feel helpless and ask yourself, “What can I do to help?” Do you quit your job and move in with your parents or have your parents move in with you so you can care for them? Do you have a sibling who has taken on the obligation and is frantic with despair? The changes our parent(s) are going through can be very difficult on family members. There is something you can do. It can be done from a distance. FIRST SAY TO YOURSELF "WHAT WOULD I LOVE TO DO NOW?" 1. Strengthen your relationship with your parents and all your siblings. 2. Forgive the past and start this year with a clean slate. This year is a year for new beginnings. 3. Get together. Gradually introduce and discuss options for your parents. eg. Three waycalling, with intentions to let your parents in on the preparation for a safe and happy gradual lifestyle change. 4. Educate yourself with courses for the sandwich generation. eg. You are trapped 5. Learn about your parent's health issues and what to expect. The web, community health, and library are great tools for this.

Everything is fine! You don't have to worry about us! Or...

6. Be aware of the services available in your parents’ community. eg. Alzheimer's Society, Home Care.


7. Be open-minded and listen when your parent(s) brings up the topic of death.

We offered to clear the clutter from Mom and Dad's or do

Spring 2008

The Violet Ray

Continued on next page ...

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The Sandwich Generation continued ...

8. Research for an appropriate solution - be sensitive because change is hard for your aging parents. 9. Acknowledge the sacrifices of the siblings who live near your parents and reach out to them and communicate with consistent follow up. 10. Locate a third party that is not a family member who can discuss solutions with your parents. eg. Family Doctor. 11. Don't go by hear say. Visit your parents and openly discuss and respect your parents’ sensitive issues. Don't rush or hurry them. 12. Put yourself in your sibling(s)’ and Parents’ shoes. This will help you think carefully.


Growing older is an experience we all share and many of us worry about. It is very important to think carefully about what will happen to you as you age and how you are going to deal with the changes that will happen for you.

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Above all: keep it simple and be happy to help your parents from a distance. 2008 is a year for new beginnings. It is a matter of time.

112, 4929 - 50 Street Towne Centre Mall Red Deer, AB T4N 1X7

Colette Haevens is the owner of Heaven Sent and serves seniors in the Central Alberta area. Please See Ad Below

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Call Colette at 1-403-598-1798 It is all about you ........ HEAVEN SENT serves seniors in Central Alberta: Stress Free Moving for Seniors: 1. Aid to downsize your home to suit your new lifestyle in smaller accomodations. 2. Ensure your treasures are distributed properly. 3. Tastefully decorate residence for your enjoyment. Private Activity Coordinator: 1. Assist in: Indoor & Outdoor activities, Travel itineraries 2. Accompany to: Medical and Professional Appointments Special Occasions - eg. Wedding Day Trips - eg. Visit Old Farmstead Cruises - Travel Companion

Professional Quality Visitor: 1. Telephone reassurance: Call and befriend isolated seniors on a regular basis to ensure safety & well-being. 2. Encourage new friendships and activities with like-minded people - eg. Red Hat or crib tournament 3. Befriending and visiting at residence - eg. play cards 4. Locate housekeeper, outdoor maintenance, renovations at a reasonable rate, secure reliable service. 5. Grocery delivery - or out for personal shopping

Peace of mind, fun times, independence, enjoy good health and participating fully in society.

Live well ....You deser ve it !

Heaven Sent Box 1252 Red Deer, AB T4N 7B6 c o l l e c t c a l l t o h e a v e n @ y a h o o . c a Spring 2008

The Violet Ray

Page 19

THE RETURN OF THE DIVINE FEMININE - S ubmitted B y D ean C hristie At the time of the Harmonic Convergence in 1987, our Source Creator, the I AM Presence, responded to the Lightworkers petition for intervention, as there was great concern about the possible destruction of the planet and humanity. A great wave of love and compassion of the Divine Feminine, also known as Mahatma, entered the planet and humanity through a great being of Light, known now as Brian Grattan. He agreed to return to move the consciousness of humanity into its spiritual awakening for the Golden Age. In Palestine, Lord Sananda (Jesus) and Lady Nada (Magdalene) came to bring the teachings of love and compassion and break ground for the future. Brian, as Simon Peter, agreed to carry the Christ Consciousness forward to its second awakening in our current era. The work in Palestine did not fully release any free expression of the Divine Feminine into humanity's consciousness. However the installation of the Christ Consciousness into the hearts of those present laid a foundation for the future. The many secret societies and orders throughout the ages kept the presence of divine love alive and powerful. Most of humanity believed there would be a return of these prophesied sacred truths. In actuality it was a "second awakening" in a new era in which the feminine could safely resurface. In our limited third dimensional consciousness we have lost touch with our feminine consciousness, which is seen as spherical or spiral-cyclic. The feminine aspect of divine love has been disregarded, as it cannot be measured by our limited logical sciences. In reality, everything that has ever happened still exists now in our consciousness. Past lives are seen to be linear experiences in terms of years and dates. As we mature, our peripheral vision of the sphere disappears. As we begin to surface these memories of past incarnations, we begin to realize that our religions and our politics have not told us the whole truth regarding who we are. We are not fallen human beings seeking redemption; we are unlimited spiritual beings having a limited human experience. Prior to our experience of the densities of physicality, we were beautiful and free beings of light who were consciously aware of our spiritual immortality and divinity. The reactivation of the spiritual light body restores the awareness of conscious immortality and releases the illusion of death. We have had many positive and negative experiences in male and female incarnations and have zealously searched for our true selves throughout the ages.

Spring 2008

It is time to refocus our attention toward a life of love and joy. The reunion of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine provides us with the opportunity to heal the spiritual separation between the Creator and our individual souls. This divine union/fusion assists us in reconnecting to all of our higher spiritual aspects, or chakras. There is the 8th chakra of the Soul and the 9th chakra of the Christ Consciousness. There is also the 10th chakra, which encompasses the Archangelic Kingdom, the Oversoul Body of Lights and the Divine Feminine sphere of consciousness. The 11th chakra is the I AM Source Council of Twelve and the 12th chakra is the Consciousness of God, Goddess, I AM. The final consideration is the restoration of the other 9 DNA spirals within each cell. This completion allows the individual soul to consciously awaken within the heart chakra activating the 12-12-12 realignment into full Consciousness. The spherical nature of the Divine Feminine, Mahatma, brings all of these higher chakras back into the physical consciousness of the mind/body. It also provides an opportunity for restoring the higher rays of Source intelligence into the reawakened heart of each being. The soul fully descends into physical consciousness and begins to break and release all prior limitations and conditionings. Then conscious choice allows the entrance and anchoring of divine love, light and joy into the body field. This spiritual awakening initiates the process of transforming a third dimensional body into a multi-dimensional Body of Light. This ultimate freedom of mastery allows you to ascend into higher dimensions taking your physical body with you. This is what was promised a long time ago and this is what is delivered to you. Freedom is your divine birthright and the return to the fully conscious state is the fulfillment of the Divine Plan. As the I AM Consciousness transforms each individual, it also assists to transform and resurrect the consciousness of the earth. Adam-El David and Karen Teesdale-David are Master Healers and Teachers with a combined 35-year experience. For more information on sessions or workshops, please visit their website at or call them in Rochester Hills, Michigan at 248-651-2545.

The Violet Ray

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Page 20

MAHATMA ASCENSION WORKSHOP The Mahatma is the teaching and integrating aspect of the Source I AM, which unites all levels of spirituality and past life experience. This Ascension process of Self-Realization and Spiritual Enlightenment allows you to embody the Higher Consciousness of Source. The I AM Mahatma experience consists of highly energized toning, activations, initiations, invocations, and meditations to effect your transformation. You will be assisted to raise your cellular light levels and anchor the higher chakras into the body and into the earth, enabling you to be present in the NOW and more spiritually powerful than ever before. The I AM Mahatma Initiation was brought to the world by Brian Grattan of Vancouver in 1989. “ He is the author of ‘Mahatma I & II, The I AM PRESENCE’”.

For locations and local contacts, please visit our website at to download a flyer.

April 11th - 13th in Calgary April 18th - 20th in Edmonton April 25th - 27th in Vancouver May 2nd - 4th in Vancouver

Contacts: Wanda Edwards (403-938-3172) Dean Christie (403-276-1134)

Workshop Investment $325 Adam-El David and Karen Teesdale-David are living embodiments of the I AM Mahatma Consciousness and the Divine Feminine Mother of all of Creation. Their unconditionally loving, compassionate and joyful presence motivates their mission, which is to assist all who seek spiritual integration to awaken to their Truth and Purpose, thereby assisting them to discover their way Home.

MAHATMA ASCENSION REIKI Twelve powerful multi-dimensional symbols of color and conscious intent to further accelerate your spiritual awakening. This Reiki system goes into the Spiritual Realms activating and uniting unconditional love and compassion of the Creatrix (Divine Feminine), encompassing the seventh through the twelfth dimensions. Mahatma Ascension Reiki profoundly upgrades the consciousness of the practitioner, and all who receive this system as a healing experience. This new system of healing, spiritual activation and acceleration has been received by Adam and Karen, through the Golden One, (Ascended Master Brian Grattan) and the Twelfth Dimensional Golden Council of Twelve Please visit our website at to download a flyer.

April 15th & 16th in Calgary April 22nd & 23rd in Edmonton April 29th & 30th in Vancouver May 6th & 7th in Vancouver

Contacts: Wanda Edwards (403-938-3172) Dean Christie (403-276-1134)

Investment: $350 - Healing manual and certification provided Spring 2008

The Violet Ray

Page 21

J.C. Page’s


he Violet


to Wholeness

“There was more that I could see: I was real, but only for awhile, why question? But to win is never a real winner and one comes to acknowledge this into wholeness" - J.C.

Fictional Short Story - Writing for Dwayne I was the one to give and I realize I may have given more of me, more than I had. The day started out early, like every other one, but something seemed different. I had to shake the feelings and I soon did. I ran to the barn where I always started my day. The animals were waiting and I knew that they were hungrier than I. I had not eaten since yesterday afternoon. There was food in the house. Something else happened and, I guess, I just forgot to eat. I moved the barrel over and tried to lift with my left arm. 'Ouch!' I had to use my right. I continued out into the morning air where the rain was starting. I thought I should approach the house, but decided to work out here longer. I wondered if my kids were up and eating. What was I going to do? I hoped that they would make it through school. That is important, so important to me. I wanted something else for them. Well, it wasn't that I didn't go to school, I did. I even finished College. Work was getting more difficult for me and on this land there was no easy answer, but my family needed me now. I wanted to peek through the window. I wanted everything to be okay. I walked around the back and tried to look in. It seemed like yesterday when my wife and I were playing with the kids. They loved hide-and-go-seek. My youngest had a difficult time, but he managed to keep up to his older brother. Today, I wondered if they would only run away and not around? I went through the front door as I grabbed for my keys. I told myself I had my keys in my right pocket, so everything would be just fine. I tried to listen to any sound. I went to the downstairs bathroom, where I knew I could get to my phone. The shower started upstairs and I

Spring 2008

went numb. I had time! I had some time! I ran up and went to their bedrooms. I had nothing to say. I grabbed them both and ran down again. My truck had been on empty and I had no more money. As I attempted, it would not start. I had no choice, I told my kids to run for the bus. They made it! I sat at the table and I knew the kids would be late coming home after school. How could I even fix this? The shower had stopped over three hours ago and all I could do was wonder if I had paid the water bill? Funny, I have a hard time remembering anything, these days? My kids needed to know that we were okay, that everything at all times was for love. How could I leave? How could I get out without something being wrong? Today was the day I had planned for three months. Three months of timing when the shower turned on to the time the school bus would be late, on Wednesdays. I had everything timed and I had a few things packed, now hidden back in the barn. I believe in all the good things in life. I believe that people can change. I have stayed many times, why? I have had sixteen stitches that I never could explain, why? I had a broken bone in my arm and my right toes smashed. I convinced myself, over and over, it was from my work here. I questioned the others in my day. There was no one really that stands out. What stands out is that no one calls here any more. The phone should be disconnected, cause, the bills are real. I ran the risk of everything here dying and I still risk it every day. I need to work harder but have no more thoughts, have no more pain. I have only questions.

The Violet Ray

Continued on next page ...

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The Violet Journey To Wholeness continued ...

Next Deadline for Submissions is May 1. Contact Carol at 403-358-1656 or to book your advertisement.

I sat and did nothing. I approached this time with numbness and looked through me because something was blocking my heart beat. The beat was not there? Was I dead? I heard the shower go on again or was it the toilet?


My kids arrived late and I was still at the same table. I needed to tell them, I needed to tell them the truth. Twenty minutes before they arrived, the back door closed and I heard her car start and slowly leave. Any sight of her and her bags were both gone. My pain and anger were already leaving because I had already spotted her bags; also, hidden in the barn beside mine. J.C. Page is a Researcher, Writer, Counselor and a forever student of Ayurvedic Medicine. Most recently, she has worked on criminal profiling cases. Share your input regarding this article by emailing The Violet Ray at

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Spring 2008

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The Violet Ray

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What Are You Pretending Not To Know? By C arol S impson Unfortunately, it sometimes seems we are the masters of our own self-decline. We know that a low fat diet, exercise, stress relief, regular chiropractic adjustments and adequate rest all help us be at our best. Yet, we regularly sabotage ourselves by not following through with the effort that is required. The workout that was scheduled remains undone, the bottle of water sitting on the desk remains full and the appointment for an adjustment remains un-scheduled. Why do we choose not to do those things that will help us be at a higher level in all areas of our life? A lot of it has to do with habits. Bad ones. It has been said that a follow through of six months is required to develop a new healthy habit. That doesn't guarantee that you will always do that habit, but it will ensure that you have a much greater chance of starting that routine again if you happen to stray away from it at one point or another. Give yourself enough time to develop healthy patterns. The old, bad habits didn't establish themselves over night and neither will the new, good ones. We need to take ownership of our health and accept the responsibility of improving it. While an enthusiastic friend, a knowledgeable coach and a supportive chiropractor go a long way in making your changes attainable, it is only you who can make it happen on a consistent basis. Everyone around you can be a cheerleader but only you can make it happen by deciding it's time to follow through.

really don't need to be involved in our community or that we don't need 'down time' with our families and 'me time' with ourselves. Stop pretending. Being aware of how you think is a huge step towards a higher level of wellness in all dimensions of your life. Recognize if you sometimes get in your own way. Ask yourself "what am I pretending not to know?" and then do something positive about it. Carol Simpson is a Wellness Coach for Larsen Family Chiropractic: A Creating Wellness Center. She is entrusted with the knowledge and tools to help guide those that are ready into releasing their inner greatness. Carol can be reached at or 340.0278 Please See Ad Below

Larsen Family Chiropractic: A Creating Wellness Center

Be Fit.

Carol S impson Wellness Coach Larsen F amily C hiropractic

We pretend that regularly eating a high fat diet won't affect our heart health or our waistline. We pretend that going months without an adjustment won't affect our nervous system's response to added stressors. We pretend that it won't take years off of our life and quality out of our years by sitting inactive. We pretend that we

Spring 2008

Think Well.

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Remember that it isn't about the destination but about the journey. Find things that you enjoy doing. If you try something and don't like it, try something else. If you commit to something and find that after giving it an honest effort it doesn't increase your quality of life, de-commit yourself and move on. Find some one you really connect with and who will help coach you on your path to wellness. Be nice to yourself. It's great to get in 4 workouts a week, drink 2 liters of water a day and see your chiropractor once a month. However, if one of those things gets missed don't beat yourself up. Acknowledge to yourself that what you did or didn't do was detrimental to your wellness goals and go forward from there. Each day is always brand new and represents a clean slate.

Eat Right.

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Theta H ealing

Thh e Violet F laa me Andd H ow T o W ork Withh A ngels

Developed a nd F ounded b y V ianna S tibal Submitted B y K athy K ubbernus We are what we believe we are. Beliefs are thoughts we were taught as children. They are things we were told or we heard. Some of these beliefs no longer serve us. If we believe that we are unhealthy, will never have enough money, that we are just not good enough, then, that is what is true for us. When we think in scarcity and lack, then that is what we have. Only when we believe that we deserve health, wealth and abundance does it become true. Only when we change what we believe can we change who we are. Many of our beliefs and long held negative thoughts are what create illness and disease. Only when we change a negative belief and replace it with a positive belief can we heal. Theta Healing is based on the power of the practitioner to access the theta brainwave with controlled and focused thought. Words and thoughts become magnified in the Theta State. Think of the Theta State as the subconscious that governs the parts of our minds that is layered between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind holds memories, sensations, attitudes, beliefs and behaviors. By accessing the subconscious mind,Vianna instructs in her book, "Go Up and Seek God," "Go Up and Work With God" call on "God," "The Creator Of All That Is" to heal a person in an instant. References:

Vianna website at Kathy Kubbernus is the founder of Inspire, Imagine, Believe and can be reached at 403-782-2685 or via email at Please See Ad Below

Inspire... Imagine... Believe Theta Healing Sessions To be All You Can Be

Card Readings Group Circle Lacombe, AB Kathy 403-7 7 82-2 2 685 Spring 2008

By J ean S inclair Would you like to have angels working in your life? Many people have had experiences with angels. Some have been saved from disasters. Some have had beautiful visions and some have called angels to help them to find lost items. Angels are real. They are spiritual emissaries whose purpose is to assist us and they love to respond. So how can this happen for you? There are angels for specific purposes but the captain of the angelic hosts is Archangel Michael, the blue angel of protection. We can call to him, or any angel, at any time. If there is an emergency, one can make a quick call: "Archangel Michael! Help me! Help me! Help me!" People have been saved in car accidents and from personal attacks by making this call. We can take all of our problems to the angels but we should make room for them in our homes and our minds. Angels are attracted by a clean, tidy room with fresh air. We also make room for them by having peaceful, loving thoughts. Angels abide in the spirit level and will rise back to that level of beauty if they are not called on or made welcome in our atmosphere. Speaking out loud is most effective in calling angels, for the power of the spoken word is stronger than thought. To learn more about calling angels, the pocket size book “How to Work with Angels� is available from the Summit Lighthouse, It does not take a certain number of emails to be passed on in a certain length of time to have prayers answered but your friends may want to know how to work with angels too.

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When Positive Thinking Doesn't Work By A lex T . V anwells I seem to hear this frequently. I have been changing my thoughts and feelings, however this Positive Thinking is just not working for me. The cynical among us are very quick to point out that just believing in something doesn't make it come true. Even the most Optimistic Being will concede that they don't always take Positive Action based on their thinking. Why is that? Simply put, the reason positive thinking doesn't always work is because people's positive thoughts don't always go all the way to their belief system. Underneath their positive facade of positive thoughts, their real beliefs are literally pressed into their DNA at a cellular level. It’s what I refer to as the Jell-O press. Visualize a bowl of jell-o. From a very young age we are told things that others believe regarding the world rules eg. "Money doesn't grow on trees" (Jell-o press). "You have to work hard to get anywhere in Life" (Jell-o press). Every time one of these Limiting Beliefs is given to you, it’s like someone putting his or her thumbprint into your Jell-o. Pretty soon, your Jell-o (DNA) is filled with Limited Beliefs, whether you wanted them or not. One persistent negative thought is enough to disrupt the energy flow around a positive thought or affirmation. Positive Thinking never achieved anything on it's own anyway. Positive Action is what you need, and you can't have that without Positive Thinking. But it's at the point of Positive Action that Positive Thinking starts to fail. That's because the action exposes the negative belief. Taking action forces you to acknowledge your Limiting Beliefs. So Positive Thinking only becomes effective when you also get rid of all your conflicting beliefs around what you are asking for. You must erase the mark in your Jell-o in order to find balance between your positive thoughts and your Limited Beliefs.

around it, then identified the Limiting Beliefs and tapped them off. You would be encouraging your energy to flow and not be blocked by the Limiting Belief. Wow! Freedom! You begin to realize that the thoughts didn't come from the reality of the situation. They were just your mind's way of rationalizing the feeling. Once you have begun to Practice all that is involved with Living a Life of Joy, you begin to realize that it is here for all of us.

From my Heart... Alex For more information on what steps to take in being the Deliberate Creator of your life, contact alex at 403-270-7194 or Available for Private Sessions in Red Deer or Calgary Please See Ad Below

Alex Vanwells Advanced EFT Practitioner (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Law of Attraction Trainer Aromatherapy & Ear Candling Crystal Bowl Healing

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So, just imagine if you took the time to identify what is not working in your life and examined your belief system

Spring 2008

Lifestyle Coaching Bach Flower Remedies Animal Intuitive TAT Energy Healing and Meditation

Private Sessions

This was the reason I was so extremely excited when EFT found me. I knew there was a missing link to the Secret. Many of you are familiar with the game “Ker Plunk”. This raised an interesting phenomenon in my classes. Here's the Visual: The Sticks in the cylinder are your Limiting Beliefs. The Marbles represent your Desire (Asking, Wish). If you don't or can't remove your Sticks (Limiting Beliefs) then the marbles can't fall through. No matter how hard you look at the Limiting Beliefs, until you deal with them, they remain. Once you begin to identify the Limiting Beliefs and tap, tap, tap on them, you have the Tool to remove the Limiting Beliefs and start your Desires Flowing.

Eft-A A dv

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There i s m uch L ove f or y ou H ere Page 26

Some Words From Other People - We Stayed Home From Sunday School This Morning By L BF D usty Life comes with an unwritten “no exchange� warranty and it changes without notice. One of these life altering moments lasted twenty minutes and changed our lives forever. We stayed home from Sunday School this cool morning. Our family we rarely missed Sunday School. My beloved husband, Milton, was sleeping-in downstairs in the master bedroom. Our two sons, J.R. (10 years old) and Michael (2 years old), were playing together in their bedroom. The two girls, Janice (11 years old) and Beth, our youngest child not yet a year old, were upstairs in the living room with me, watching the Sunday morning cartoons. Beth used the closed living room curtains to hang on to as she walked from one end of the window to the other end of the window. Suddenly, she fell backward and started convulsing! I ran over to her just as she had ceased moving. I screamed for Milton's help. Beth's face had turned blue and she had stopped breathing. I picked her up from where she had fallen and ran to the stairs. Milton met me on the landing. He took Beth from my arms and ran down the steps into our bedroom. He placed her on our bed and started CPR on her mouth. I watched him for a few moments quietly praying for a miracle. I ran back upstairs, grabbed the telephone and dialed 911. To say I was hysterical would be an understatement. I'm surprised I could impart any coherent information to the emergency operator. After the arrangements were made for the ambulance, I telephoned my in-laws and asked them to please come to our house. Once the telephone calls were out of the way, I returned to the master bedroom and checked on Milton and Beth. By this time, Beth was breathing by herself, thank God! It seemed like it took a lifetime for the ambulance to get to our home. It parked in our driveway. Within moments the front yard had filled up with strangers. I was in such shock, I told the ambulance attendants they didn't need to take our daughter. She was okay. To me, it didn't make sense to have Beth taken by the ambulance to the hospital if she had the ability to breathe under her own power. One of the attendants assured me it was cautionary to take our baby to the hospital for tests. We could follow the ambulance. We didn't get a diagnosis for Beth immediately. She was in the local hospital for a few days and a few trips to a specialized Children's Hospital for follow up came later on. The first trip home from the hospital, I remember being surprised to see people going into the convenience

Spring 2008

store in the mini mall near our home. People picking up milk, snacks, sodas and candy while I was still in shock from almost losing Beth. Life is short. We have no idea what will happen in our next moment. Enjoy them all. LBF Dusty

Every second is of infinite value. - Johann von Goethe -

Life is a succession of moments. To live each one is to succeed. - Corita Kent -

What do we live for if not to make life less difficult for each other? - George Eliot -

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. - Philo -

Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love. - Lao-tzu -

LBF Dusty was born a prairie girl and considers herself a West Coast spirit. She is a lover of books, a devoted fan of Romeo and her heart belongs to "M". She is a Board of Directors member of the Friesen Group, a huge music junkie, and an Intervention drop out. Please share your input regarding this article by emailing us at

The Violet Ray

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Children O f T he L ight By R aven

The indigo's have a message for the adults of the world, and they say it is crucial that we learn it soon. They believe we are on the brink of a new evolution of consciousness. The indigo children are coming in at this time to raise our collective vibration and consciousness from a place of fear and doubt back to one of love and belief. The indigo children are surprising us with their deep spiritual understanding of the worlds around them and why they have come here. Although they are enlightened and have come to teach us love and peace, the bottom line is that they are still children, sometimes wanting to be treated as children. At this special time there are many special children choosing to come to earth. Some of them remember why they have come, others don't. They are all asking for help to survive. Many indigo's are natural born philosophers who think about the meaning of life and how to save the planet. Also, indigos have innate healing abilities that are usually already active and they may or may not know how to use them. The indigo children who have imaginary playmates are generally seeing their guardian angels, spirit guides or the spirit of loved ones who are coming in to visit them after their physical death. A psychic child can see, hear, sense and feel the presence of such things. Yet, as a clairvoyant, I have seen that most of children's so-called imaginary playmates are real spiritual beings. As parents, we need to be willing to explore with our psychic children and be open to learning ourselves. Be truthful, happy and loving with yourself and they will know it, feel it and be open to you. These children have been labeled just about everything from ADD (attention deficit disorder), LD (learning disabled), BD (behavior disorder) to psychotic. We must also remember the indigo child has had as many life times as you and therefore they is a spiritual being just as you are, with experience, talents, karma and character traits. These special children were incarnated to be with you. I believe they picked you as parents to learn certain lessons, gain experience and develop certain aspects of their characters. There are several kinds of indigo children. A few common traits among the indigos are: 1.) They come into the world with a feeling of royalty 2.) They often tell the parents who THEY are. Self-worth is not a big issue. 3.) They have difficulty with absolute authority.

Spring 2008

4.) They are not shy in letting you know what they need. There are 4 different types of indigo children and each has a special purpose. They all have similarities in behavior. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.)

The Humanist The Conceptual The Artist The Inter-dimensional (Rare Type)

There are several new children that come to earth after the indigo children. 1.) Transitional Children are between the ages of 16 and 22. They come with mixed energies and carry some of the indigo energy. 2.) Crystalline Children began arriving in 1997 & 1998. These children have eyes that carry and radiate the wisdom of the soul. Their eyes are intense and usually crystal blue or deep and dark color. 3.) Star Children have great intuitive gifts and can often influence others telepathically.

To all the parents of these gifted (special) children: Love them, learn from them, and nurture them with understanding and Stop Medicating Them! Look to the Universe for help and guidance.

Raven is a clairvoyant, spiritual teacher, medical intuitive, healer, medium and mother. Raven also teaches and works with these special children of the light. Please See Ad Below


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Page 28

Lessons O f T he D rum - " Race F or F reedom" By N adine G ordon

extremely exciting when truly experienced. It means that all matters are absolutely taken care of by the Creator. Peace means always having the courage to love, without fear of repercussion. It means taking charge of your days’ events in ways that lead you across the threshold of your passions, so that if your interests lead you to race ahead, you will trust in this leadership. Enjoy your journey, the freedom to love, heal and learn through spontaneity. Nadine Gordon is dreamwalker and owner of Nurturing ‘Nergy. Please See Nadine’s Ad On Page 11

I am beyond the circle today, racing toward freedom. "Oh, how I love to run! There is strength in my legs and courage in my heart. My vision is keen. I am galloping into uncharted territory but ancient wisdom within tells me I have traveled this path before. I am not afraid. With this knowledge, I strive forward gathering increased energy and speed. The air on my face feels good. It is cool and fresh. My white mane and tail flow out behind me uninhibited. I am breathing deeply, nostrils wide. The inhalation of crisp translucent air has cleansed all senses. My exhalations are mere puffs of white. Purity has allowed my feet to float above the obstructions below so that I may glide along like wind. All restrictions have been removed. I have become a leader. But, in my exuberance with the race toward freedom, I have forgotten my herd. They have fallen behind. I am far ahead when the black stallion catches me. His teeth are bared as he reaches out, ears back. The message is clear, "Slow down." I suddenly realize there are those who cannot keep up. I wheel around. I am thankful for the stallion. He accompanies me quietly on the return journey. He realizes my race into uncharted territory was necessary to learn. His uncommon knowledge, wisdom and acceptance has enabled me to learn a valuable lesson. He is aware that I will chastise myself harshly so as not to forget about those in my herd who are injured, young and protecting or nurturing others. I know now, what I consider to be small steps may be gigantic for others. As I re-approach the herd, I am tired. I am also relieved to see they are fine. One of the matriarchs has been guiding them. She is very gracious as she welcomes me back. She has fond memories of her own race toward freedom. We laugh, the matriarch, stallion and I. We are at peace with it all. It seems the stallion was in need of a good run as well. He whispers in my direction, "We will take turns racing ahead then share our wisdom in the future." Peace falls upon our circle, life is good.

Spring Cleaning….. Your Body, That Is By C ynthia S ebry Detoxification is the process of clearing toxins from the body using our organs. Daily, people consume a chemical cocktail made up of chemical residues in farm products, processed foods, water supplies and the air we breathe. Modern day health hazards. Our bodies eliminate toxins at a normal rate, but because of the environment we live in, the amount of toxins accumulated in our bodies is greater than what we can eliminate. Detoxifying the body is essential to maintaining good health. It involves dietary and lifestyle changes that reduce toxin intake and improve elimination. Avoiding chemicals, refined food, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, tobacco and many other drugs, will help minimize the toxin overload. Drinking lots of water and increasing your fiber are good initial steps in the detoxification process. Detoxification Organs 1. Our Colon: The colon is considered the most important organ in cleansing the body. If the colon is not functioning properly or toxins regularly remain in our body, placque can build up on the walls of the intestine, which normally leads to constipation and deterioration in the absorption of nutrients into the body. 2. Our lungs: The lungs aid the body in detoxification by expelling metabolic wastes that build up in basic metabolic functions. The most widely recognized waste is carbon dioxide, which is removed from the blood and expelled through the breath.

Peace is not quiet indifference. Peace is stimulating and

Spring 2008

The Violet Ray

Continued on next page ...

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Spring Cleaning... Your Body, That Is continued ...

3. Our liver: The liver is the second largest organ in our body, after the skin, and one of the most important. Important functions that the liver performs are storing protein; secreting bile, which aides in digestion; producing glucose to maintain blood sugar levels and break down fats and proteins.

Business Profile

Essential Energy and Laser Centre Lacombe, Alberta

4. Our kidneys: The kidneys filter out toxins and waste products from the blood, disposing of them in urine. The kidneys also produce an enzyme that regulates blood pressure. 5. Our skin: It does a great deal more than hold your bones, muscles and organs together. Skin acts as a barrier against environmental pollutants, chemicals and harmful bacteria. It controls the temperature of the body and produces vitamin D from the rays of the sun. The skin also helps the body to rid itself of toxins through its sweat glands and it absorbs all that we apply onto it. Detox Therapies Supplements such as a Friendly-Flora, Enzymes, and Antioxidants

403.391.4117 At Essential Energy and Laser Centre, I offer a comfortable, soothing environment and strive to make your visit an enjoyable one. I am a small, home-based business and can be flexible as required to meet my client's needs and time restraints. My clients have been feeling the benefits of our high quality services and natural products, which cater to your needs. Call to book your complimentary laser consult or to find out how my Referral Rewards Program works today!

Ion Cleansing Fasting Colon Cleansing Massage Therapies and Reiki Sea Salt Bath Cynthia Sebry is the owner of Essential Energy and Laser Centre in Lacombe. She can be reached at 403.391.4117 or Please See Business Profile on This Page

Once I hit my forties, I entered a period of Growth and Change. It meant it was time to put aside my fears and worries, try to find peace and joy. Being true and committing to me was the most important thing I could do for myself and my family. Since I have started this journey, I can't tell you how wonderful, thankful, content and happy I have been! When I wake in the morning, I realize I have the opportunity to make a difference in my life and that by making that difference; I am also able to make a difference in someone else's life. Who can ask for more? Essential Energy and Laser is one of the only places in Lacombe, Alberta offering these specialty services: ~ Laser Hair Removal ~ Detox Therapy: Chi Machine, Ion Cleanse ~ And the Electro Reflexology Machine ~ Reiki ~ Raindrop Therapy

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Page 30

Business Review

As N ature S peaks By Nadine Gordon "I didn’t know what I wanted to be when I grew up," smiled Kim Ellert of Rocky Mountain House, Alberta. Unknowingly preparing for her future, Kim started collecting rocks as a girl. She says, "My sister and I were constantly filling our pockets with rocks. Our window ledges were full of them. The funniest part was that anything we could grind down, we used as paint on our faces." Kim’s future appeared after listening to and following the repetitive urgings of a friend to visit Rocky Rocks and Jewellery. Something really connected with her there. Kim knew a shop like that would be hers one day. She now owns that store under the changed name, As Nature Speaks, which recently relocated to Main Street. Of the move, Kim says, "The experience is like a blossoming or a flower opening with sunshine and air." Everything in nature has a voice. Kim, a "spiritual student," listens. She is fascinated with rocks and crystals. They have healing properties, individual vibrations and are useful in Feng Shui. The thing she loves most is the cleansing of them. She states, "the more you put into crystals the better. This heightens their vibration, which in turn heightens yours." As Nature Speaks is a rock and crystal shop but it supplies much more. Kim also sponsors courses, meditations, local healers, intuitives or psychics out of her shop in Rocky Mountain House to assist her patrons in their awareness process. She finds her time with all people invaluable regardless of their interests. She is aware of the fact that some people are still frightened of, or not interested in, the metaphysical. Kim’s intentions are to be calm, gentle, loving and open. She does not invade people’s space and finds it important to be supportive. Part of her history was working with people who have developmental disabilities. She found that she excelled in that area. Kim is very gentle and intuitive in her approach with people. The atmosphere in As Nature Speaks, resonates with Kim’s intentions. As Nature Speaks carries a variety of crystals and rocks but also various books, cards, jewelry (which Kim creates), fountains, cleansing items such as Dead Sea Salts, smudges, fragrances, aromas, incenses and instruments to assist others in clearing, heightening, grounding and learning. Among the instruments carried are crystal bowls. I find these very intriguing. Kim carries both the Traditional and Alchemy Bowls at As Nature Speaks.

Traditional Bowls are geared toward specific chakras or energy centers in the body whereas Alchemy Bowls, also called Shaman Bowls, are more expansive. Kim says, "The Alchemy Bowls are like taking a course. When the bowl is played, a Shaman appears to teach you. For example, The Laughing Buddha Bowl enhances joy and laughter through vibration instruction.” When I asked Kim whether she’d ever noticed a live Shaman enter the store, after having played the bowls, that piqued her interest. She’ll be watching in earnest now. For others who aspire to find their dreams and have the courage to seek them, Kim offers this advice, "Keep it simple. Too much too soon is overwhelming. Simple keeps you calm, relaxed and open to your inner communication. This is of the utmost importance. Too much causes confusion and frustration as it allows the unbalanced part to create fear. You open up too fast. Expectations make things more difficult than they need to be. If you have a positive outlook and are not attached to the results, that really is as simple as it is.” Kim has wonderful aspirations for her shop, family, friends, community and environment. She chooses her actions by asking that her ideas, or inklings, be for her highest good, then pays attention to repetition and signs that appear. Kim takes a day to herself each week in order to balance and ground. She adds, "I love life. I hope that everyone else can find this place. It’s awesome. That’s why I’m really here, to help people." Kim wants people to experience the same inner-peace and happiness that she has found. Kim’s shop, As Nature Speaks, is special. I entered it searching for crystals called Angel Wings but left knowing that I’d experienced the vibratory effects of a winged angel as well. Whether you’re interested in the metaphysical, or just pretty things, stop into As Nature Speaks. There’s something special in Kim’s shop for everyone.

As Nature Speaks Kim E llert 4817 - 50 Street Rocky Mountain House, AB

403-844-3016 Crystals ~ Stones ~ Jewellry Fountains ~ Oracle Cards ~ Lamps ... Loving Vibes Readings hosted in shop

Crystal bowls heighten your vibration when played.

Spring 2008

Spiritual Student

The Violet Ray

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ATTENTION PRACTITIONERS AND PEOPLE WITH UNIQUE MERCHANDISE Looking for psychics, healers, practitioners of all types, small stores and people wanting to sell their unique merchandise such as jewelry, curios, clothing and candles at small town trade shows.

A COMMUNING WITH DOLPHINS retreat, Hawaii. MAGICAL - Oceanfront accommodation, gourmet meals, boat excursion, visits to sacred sites, entertainers. Singles/couples and for couples only. Dates, photos, video, visit:


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VISION-CRAFTING WILDERNESS RETREAT Aug 2 – 5 on beautiful Sunshine Coast. Find your purpose, peace, mini Vision Quest, play, scenic boat WORKSHOPS journey, music, seminars, accommodation, A CERTIFIED INTUITION PROGRAM meals and explore nature. Ignite your 6th sense! POWER OF 1-888-SOULS11 INTUITION May 3&4, Calgary. Discovery of Self and Inner Wisdom. Cert. program FOR SALE continues May/June if choosing to advance. TIME SHARES FOR SALE Canmore 1 week, Hawaii - 2 weeks. Both every 2 1-888-SOULS11 years. Lari 403-342-1656

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The Magic Of Stories By J anice B laine

The modern artist is a direct descendant of the ancient mythmaker. The true artist explores the inner myth of life in the context of a particular local experience. -David Adams Leeming"The World of Myth"

It has been said that one word is worth a thousand pictures; that all creation begins with a single thought. It is within that idea that my work takes shape. My paintings are interpretations of the stories all around us. I have always felt that nothing reveals more about humanity than the stories we tell. Universal archetypes help explain the wonders of life and remind us of how much we all have in common. Our personal mythologies explain how we see the world, ourselves, and our place in the universe. My passion for ancient myths lies in their universal nature and their openness to interpretation. I am drawn to certain myths and legends because they speak to me on a personal level. Finding a story that inspires me and painting it in a way that makes it mine is part of the magic. In this way, all my images are self-portraits, reflections of my soul. They always begin with a specific idea, but as they progress, they often take on lives of their own. It is as though the images themselves are insisting that their voices be heard.

I believe that my ability to hear their songs is a direct result of my experiments with stone carving. When I work on a piece of soapstone, I neither plan nor design. My job is simply to reveal the beauty that is already there. This act of surrendering myself to the creative process, combined with the Reiki healing energy I channel into the work, has brought my creations one step closer to becoming what Ted Andrews calls "Magical Storytellers". The real magic begins when others look at my paintings and are able to relate to them. They attach their own stories to them and, in doing so, make the work their own. The piece then becomes a collaborative work between myself as the revealer of the power and beauty and the viewer as the person appreciating and personalizing the message. These multiple narratives, the great chorus of voices that come from each painting, are their greatest strength. They help us explore the meaning of life through the language of metaphor.

Spring 2008

Storytelling serves many purposes. It teaches, entertains and inspires. Stories can spark our imagination, our curiosity, and can have a tremendous impact on our well being. I tell stories through my drawn and painted images and in my carvings. Through these narratives I explore my inner and outer world, and hopefully, help others to do the same. References Lewis Mehl-Madrona, M.D., Ph.D, Coyote Wisdom: The Power of Story in Healing (Rochester, Vermont Bear & Company, 2005) David Adams Leeming, The World of Myth, (New York, Oxford University Press, Inc. 1990) Ted Andrews, Sacred Sounds: Transformation through Music and Word, (St. Paul, Minnesota, LlewellynPublications, 1995)

Artist's Statement I tell stories. Through the medium of animation, illustration and design, I translate words into images. I work with writers to help bring their ideas to life. For me, the collaboration of word and image is a source of endless challenges and endless inspirations. For the past eight years, I have had the great fortune of working in film and television, publishing, graphic design and fine art. These experiences have enhanced both my technical skills and my diversity in style and subject matter. My personal work is fueled by my passion for mythology and my love of nature. During the last year and a half, I have completed my Master Level Reiki training. I combine this training with my artistic practice by channeling the healing energy into my paintings and carvings. To see the world through creative eyes is to find magic in unlikely places. Artists breathe life into worlds and beings that exist only in the mind's eye. Janice Blaine

The Violet Ray Page 35

Serendipity By C arol J . U chytil "S S erendipity. L ook k f or s om m eth h ing, f ind s om m eth h ing e lse, a nd r ealize th h at w h at y ou've f ound i s m ore suited t o y our n eeds t h an w h at you t h ough h t y ou w ere look k ing f or." - Lawrence Block In "Who's The Angel Anyway" we are reminded of the everyday earth angels who lead us to the answers we are seeking. These angels could be the guy who's pumping your gas or the lady standing in line behind you at the grocery store. Through being observant and receptive throughout the day we are certain to meet a few angels who have just the right information we need at that given time. In "The Violet Flame And How To Work With Angels", Jean Sinclair expressed that angels in the spiritual plane could be reached most effectively through the spoken word. Dr. Evers explained what an affirmation is and the 5 building blocks to the affirmation process. She explained the rules for affirmations and stated, "that affirmations always work when properly done." In "A Message For The Day", Julie Poffenroth shared some simple things we all can do everyday, such as stating to ourselves that "this is going to be an excellent day", which could have a huge impact on our life. In "When Positive Thinking Doesn't Work", Alex Vanwells clarified that positive thinking only becomes effective when you abandon your conflicting beliefs around what you are asking for. Beliefs were also discussed in Kathy Kubbernus' article on "Theta Healing" where she stated that only when we believe that we deserve health, wealth and abundance does it become true. Spring is the time for cleaning, detoxifying, clearing the clutter and removing the old to make way for the new. Tamara Steer shared some cleansing bath and beverage tips in her article " Cleansing Your Body" while Cynthia Sebry emphasized the importance of detoxifying your organs in "Spring Cleaning…Your Body, That Is". Sharyn LeMasurier had a different type of clutter clearing to share with us "Energetic Clutter". If things don't feel right in your home or office an energetic space clearing may be the solution. In " The Cosmic Revolution", Nadine Gordon provided us with a three-month overview to assist us with universal consciousness, while Joette Lees taught us various grounding techniques in "Grounding Protection" and expressed its importance to protectively harmonize human interactions. Patti Tronnes discussed intuition and our capability of choosing a fulfilling, purposeful path by looking deep into ourselves and "Awakening To Our Inner Spirit". Also, we discovered another intuitive art by means of perceiving

Spring 2008

information in Ron Steinke's " What Is A Medical Intuitive". and, according to Robert Smith, "Sho Tai" is a non-invasive method of testing the body and is an advanced natural healing method. In Colette Haevens "The Sandwich Generation", the changes that occur with aging were brought to the forefront. We were reminded of the importance of thinking carefully about what will happen to us and our parents as we age and how we will deal with the changes that occur. In "Some Words From Other People", LBF Dusty reminded us that life is short and that we have no idea what will happen in our next moment so we should enjoy all the moments. In "The Return Of The Divine Feminine" the concept that we have lost touch with our feminine consciousness was discussed and that it is time to refocus our attention toward a life of love and joy. Raven's " Children Of The Light" also emphasized the importance of being loving and understanding, specifically towards your indigo, transitional, crystalline and star children. JC Page’s "The Violet Journey To Wholeness" uncovered a tale about the domestic abuse of a man named Dwyane and how he carefully planned his journey to wholeness. In "Race For Freedom", Nadine Gordon encouraged us to take charge of our day's events in ways that lead us across the threshold of our passions, to race ahead if need be and enjoy our journey, freedom to love, heal and learn through our spontaneity. Janice Blaine shared how story telling can teach, entertain, inspire, spark our imagination, and have a tremendous impact on our well being in her article " The Magic Of Stories". In Carol Simpson’s, "What Are You Pretending Not To Know" we were reminded that we need to take ownership for our health and accept the responsibility of improving it. She advised us to stop pretending and that being aware of how we think can lead to a higher level of wellness in all dimensions of our life. Our harmful habits surfaced again in "Botanical Based Supplements For Good Health". By reducing sugar and toxic foods, and supplementing our diets, we may prevent chronic illness and preserve our health. I hope you enjoyed this issue of The Violet Ray. Personally, through reading all of the articles that were submitted, I know it was an educational experience for me. I hope you found something you weren't necessarily looking for but needed and it provided you with the resources and knowledge you were seeking. Until the next issue… With Love & Light,


The Violet Ray

Page 36

Botanical Based Supplements

Irene Martina

For Good Health

Clairvoyant Medium Author Speaker

By Christie C. Yerby, NMD, Peoplesway Science Advisor

Submitted By: Marg Pragnell It seems to me that people of all ages are having to “poison” themselves just to stay alive. It sounds astonishing, yet from early morning people are loading up with harmful stimulants and toxic foods in order to step out into the fast-moving world and then finding themselves in need of ways to relax and slow down in the evening when they get home. This is, unfortunately, being seen as early as grade school and as late as post-retirees who oftentimes still need their health and vitality to produce an income. How do these amazingly harmful habits happen? Days begin with high sugar-containing donuts, cereals, juice, and sodas. A quick read of the newspaper or TV news increases morning stress hormones, as does a quick glance at the computer, as one dashes out the door to go to a stressful job. Before 9:00 am, both the mind and body have been poisoned with artificial stimulants, yet one thinks they are ‘energized’ enough to proceed throughout the day. There may be no rest for the weary during work hours, but another sugar “pick-me-up” in the form of a candy bar or soda around mid-morning and afternoon makes what seems to them, a good energy bridge. Arriving home from work or school, one is still buzzing from the artificial daytime stimulants or dragging from over-stress and mental exertion. It is now time to settle down for what many people never quite get enough of, sleep. But before it is time to turn in, there are more TV and computer visual stimulants mixed, often, with an alcoholic beverage and more dietary sugar from dessert or evening snacks.

Irene Martina has over 42 years experience and has clients from around the world. Irene’s readings are all original to her and she is renowned for her accuracy and wisdom.

BRAND NEW READINGS: Irene has channeled new information and has created new reading cards.

Irene introduces her new books:

Journey Beyond

Self Discovery - A Journal of Meditations Journal For more information please go to or call Irene at


It doesn’t have to be this way;however, people forget that all it takes is to know (and remember to do) what our bodies need to maintain their own natural energy in order to manage easily the day-to-day stress, and to have what it takes to prevent this kind of lifestyle from causing a chronic illness. Replacing a high-sugar juice with a supplement fortified with high amounts of B vitamins, and other nutrients supportive of energy production, heart health, and stress controlling plant based ingredients would be ideal. When others are drinking high-sugar drinks, depleting their immune system in the process and ruining their teeth from decay, those boosting their daily intake of a combination of vitamins, minerals and botanicals that are designed to re-supply their cellular needs of nutrients will continue to preserve their health. Marg Pragnell is a Distributor of Peoplesway Products that promote healthy aging and wellness. Please see ad on this page

Spring 2008

ENERGY FOR LIFE with Yerba Mate`

look great feel great feel like you again Natural Plant Based Products To Balance Your Hormonal Health

The Violet Ray

Botanical Based Supplements (Please see article

this page)

For more information or to order your supplements contact:

Marg Pragnell 403-347-3880

email: Page 37

Energetic Clutter By: Sharyn LeMasurier Are you feeling out of sorts? Maybe it's not you‌.. Have you ever walked into a room and thought, 'Yuck, I don't feel comfortable here?" Perhaps you were shopping and left a store quickly because it just didn't feel friendly or peaceful to you? That could be the result of 'energetic clutter' affecting you. Energetic clutter happens when strong negative or positive experiences take place in a location, for example, yelling and shouting in anger (negative), or a sharing of love and support (positive). Negative energy clutter is our concern here. It gathers after discord, angry harsh words, sadness, and financial stress creating worry, just to name a few of the negatives we live with from day to day in our busy world. This is the energy we don't want hanging around our homes and businesses. Too often, we don't take into consideration how the environment of our business or our homes may influence the people who live, visit and work there. We ignore the signs of negative energetic clutter for one simple reason - we have never heard of it before. We are quick to believe something else created our unrest - like the weather, our spouse or children or the crabby receptionist or client. Here is an example. I did an energetic space clearing on a client's home where she resided with her teenage son and 10 year old daughter. It was the same residence she had shared with her husband prior to separating about six months before, and it was clogged with negative fallout from discord. Being sensitive to environmental energies, I was able to recognize and clear the rooms of their negativity, restoring them to a clean and balanced state with none of the previous few years of imbalance attached. Her children were unaware I had been there, and when they arrived home after school they both asked her if she had cleaned the house. It just felt different. Two months later, my grateful and happy client called to say life had changed for the better for her family. There were no more fights and angry exchanges with her son, and her daughter was no longer sad and crying all the time. They were all more open and adjusting to the challenges they had been through. In fact, they had just returned from a family trip to Mexico and were enjoying life to the fullest.

Here is another example. A corporate client called from Calgary with a request for me to clear the energy of a new business facility they were moving into. As I worked, I picked up on the residual energy of financial challenges, theft, and someone who had worked there in a management position who was terribly unhealthy. All of that was locked into the energy of the facility - an imprint from a previous company in that location. After the clearing was done, the client and I talked about the importance of keeping the environment clear to maintain healthy, productive staff, a healthy, abundant business and happy, satisfied clients. This wealthy, successful businessman told me less than a week ago that he knows beyond a shadow of a doubt the clearing made a difference. As it turned, out the previous business had gone bankrupt, leaving the energy of desperation behind. This is another obvious imprint that could have had a disastrous affect on the new business moving in. When we open up our intuitive senses to the environments we enter, we can all read energy that has been imprinted. It never hurts to look around and notice how the people in the environment are feeling most of the time. Is there lots of illness? Are there lots of disagreements? Is the abundant life we all want so badly eluding them? Is most of the chatter you hear negative or positive? Take a tour around your own home or business. Feel and look at the environment with open, intuitive eyes and decide if, perhaps, a freshening up is in order, or if you love it just the way it is. Until next time‌ Namaste from

Sharyn is the owner operator of The Studio Holistic Health Centre in Red Deer Alberta. A psychic consultant and medium, she also holds weekly intuitive development classes.

The Imprint here is obvious. A broken marriage left its energetic imprint in the environment which negatively affected the residents, inhibiting their ability to adjust in a healthy way to the changes.

Spring 2008


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Due Date for Summer Issue is

May 1 To Book Your Advertisement Contact

Carol 403-358-1656 Page 38


Money, Wealth

Your human journey is about choices and the experiences they bring. I can intuitively guide you to healthier choices which will enhance your life experience. I was born with the gift of clairvoyance, which is the ability to ‘see spirit’. I am a psychic medium, and I have recently returned from The Arthur Findlay College of Psychic Development in Stansted, England. The College is the best in the world for people with developing gifts, and I craved guidance in understanding how to apply these gifts for clients. The intense training and discipline required by my tutors has given me what I needed and I now bring these gifts to you. Psychics bring to their work their own unique gifts. We utilize those gifts in the sharing of information and historically, are best known for predicting future events. However, I am not a predictive psychic and here at the Studio Holistic Health Centre, I do not focus on future events through prediction. Instead, I offer my Psychic Gifts to assist in resolving current issues so you can influence your own future in a positive way. My psychic ability guides me to identify who or what might be standing in the way of your progress. I also will connect through Spirit with loved ones who have crossed over if the timing is right for them. This is Mediumship, and it offers two things. One, the ability to know without a doubt that this physical reality is not all there is to us and that our spirit lives on after physical death. Second, it allows you the peace to know how your loved one is doing and sometimes even receive messages that

can help you in the rest of your physical journey. It is simple. You ask the questions and I receive the answers that will make sense to you. This information, coupled with common sense opens the door to your ability to overcome challenges. Your energy will be read in regards to physical health issues, and emotional and mental disturbance. You will be advised and guided using the information received from all energies around you. This includes your own energy, crossed over loved ones, deceased pets, friends, spirit guides and Angels who always work closely with both you and I. Past live’s will be tapped into where challenges were not completely resolved, often determining if cell memory of those events share responsibility for current challenges. Out of respect for your power of choice and free will, I do not predict your future as I do not wish to encourage a state of limbo while you wait for the predictions to reveal themselves. Our focus is always based on the present, with a desire to influence a positive outcome for your future. You were born with the powerful gift of choice and your own intuition. You have the right to be what you choose and the choices you make reveal themselves in the results whether positive or negative. Your human journey is about those choices and the experiences they bring. I can intuitively guide you to healthier choices which will enhance your life experience. Life is meant to be happy, and to be loved and lived in the present time. Through the psychic links with Spirit and those in the Spirit world, as well as common sense you will receive valid evidence and information to live a happier, more positive life. Believe me, it is your divine right to be joyful.

For more information or to Book an Appointment, Contact: Sharyn LeMasurier Visit us online at:

Spring 2008

(403) 343-6679

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