Northland VCC November 2017

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Far North Tour My take on the Far North Tour 2017. First of all a huge vote of thanks to Keith and Marion and everyone involved in producing an amazing Friday night dinner. The same to Christine, Donna, Lester and everyone that made the tour happen. Unfortunately I didn‟t have a car ready for the tour. On the bonus side it did allow me to take my van (accommodation sorted) and carry emergency supplies such as gas, water, tow ropes, fire extinguisher etc. (Fortunately none was needed) and follow at the tail. A good friend of Lester‟s was tail end Charlie and followed with a tandem trailer in tow. Brian is not a member of the club, but was only too happy to follow us to Taipa. Thank you Brian. Morning tea at Rawhiti was amazing as was lunch at Kerikeri RSA. The only hiccup on the way up was a 1938 Chev with water in the fuel making it very difficult to climb the smallest hill. A stop at Waipapa for fuel and the addition of a litre of methylated spirits in the tank and off we went. Brian and I stayed with the Chev and followed the main road to Taipa (very slowly in places). By the time we got there the meths was doing its job and the car was running a lot better to the extent that it carried on to Cape Reinga on Sunday. Dinner on Saturday night was at Mathews Vintage Museum and as usual the Far North Branch put on an amazing spread followed by an equally amazing morning tea on Sunday. Sunday was a look in at Peter Mathews private collection of cars and trucks, all in pristine condition and most road legal and used. Thank you Peter for allowing us to visit. It was a privilege enjoyed by all. The rest of Sunday we were left to our own devices (fish and chips at Manganui and a nana nap at Cable bay for me). Monday and off to the Cape. A brilliant day only marred by one broken windscreen (courtesy of a fast moving log truck on a newly sealed stretch of road) and a puncture. Made our way back via three beaches and the Te Paki sand hills. Another night in the van and heading home on Tuesday. I did get side tracked meeting up with Murray and John McGee from the Far North branch who were setting a run for February. Would I like to go with them. After a tour around Totara North, Whangaroa Harbour and Kaeo we had a burger at Kaeo and off I went, finally getting home at 5.30pm. Finally I would like to give heartfelt thanks to all that made this amazing tour possible (I‟m sure you know who you are). There is an incredible amount of work goes in to organising a tour like this and many members were involved. Thanks also to Cowley‟s Hire, Oliver Printing and Whangarei Information Site for their support, supplying goodies for the rally packs and prizes for the raffles. Mike McGee Secretary NVCC

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