Canterbury VCC December 2018

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HUB January 2019

December 2018

Official Magazine of the



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(The online edition is in full COLOUR!)


CLUBROOMS: Cutler Park, McLean's Island CLUB NIGHT: 7.30pm Ist Thursday of the month Phone 03 359—7004

2018-2019 Main Committee Chairman

John Coomber (Christine)

027 2925206

03 310 7056


Rod Thrower (Lynda)

338 2320


Kevin Sarjeant (Joan)

365 1938

Club Captain

Dave Inwood (Linda)

327 4156

Vintage Convenor

Brendon Eason (Elizabeth)

Veteran Convenor

Tim Palmer (Barbara)

021 338 692

03 313 3952

Group Convenor

George R Kear (Jorden)

027 221 4332

347 0315

Commercial Convenor

Neil Shaskey (Louise)

027 289 6201

352 8802

027 346 8324

Cover photo:

Bruce & Jan Parker (1928 Plymouth Tourer) enjoying the checkpoint stop on the Vintage Annual Rally with one of the Venturers asking the questions from the Gordon Scout Group. Cracker Jokes

What kind of motorbike does Santa ride? A Holly Davidson! 3

2018-2019 Representatives Motor Cycle Convenor

Philip Jeeves (Marietta)

338 0666

Spare Part Shed Reps

Ross Butler Wayne Stocks

352 3160 383 1380

9-90's Co-ordinator:

John Kuipers

332 7926

VIC Representative

Don Bennetts (Judy)

385 6333


Mike Foster

359 8260

Bar Managers

Amanda Franklin (Wayne)

389 7066

Bar Managers

Gill Stevenson (Kevin)

327 5743

Noggin Displays

Don Muller (Marlene)

385 6850


Owen Genet

358 2514

Assistant Librarian

Kay Shaskey (Graeme)

Swap Meet Chair

Colin Hey (Jenny)

Swap Meet sites

Kevin Clarkson (Shona)

021 0270 6525

Barn Bookings/ Camping

Kevin and Claire Campion

027 407 5344

03 312 7255

Beaded Wheels Reporter

Tony Becker (Ngaire)

027 446 6964

421 2426

North Canty Noggin

Jeff Rogers

022 131 7235

03 313 8432

Hub Editor/Club Website

Brendon Eason

Trophy Custodian

Leigh Craythorne (Tony)


027 279 9195

352 5217 359 8737

027 346 8324 342 9110

Club Events Month



Sun Wed



Wed Wed Wed Sun Sat Sun Sat/Sun Wed Sat Sat



9 Children’s Christmas Picnic 12 9-90s 12 26 2 6 26 27 9/10 13 16 23

M/C Christmas Noggin Boxing Day Run M/C New Year Run Picnic Run M/C Fish and Chip Run Veteran Picnic Run Annual Rally?? Organiser Needed 9-90s Boot Fair Commercial Annual Rally

Page No 25 14 12 18&25 12 26 12 18&26 14

Check the online calendar for more up-to-date Events information on our club website:


Vero CIS – telephone 0800 658 411 Canterbury Branch Agency Number 300130 This number needs to be quoted when taking out insurance, for Canterbury Branch to benefit. COPYRIGHT STATEMENT: The contents of this newsletter may not be reproduced in a commercial publication without the Editor’s permission. 5

Chairman’s Report Not too many chances to have the hood down during November. Alas, the lawns are out of control again. November saw the Annual Motorcycle Rally, the Vintage Annual Rally and a very nice dinner to follow, the Veteran Rally and the Homestead Run which was very pleasant despite the rain. The Show Weekend Tour also took a group of members to visit the West Coast. This month we have the Children’s Christmas Picnic on the 9th, and of course the Boxing Day Run. I have had a request for a few cars to visit the Ngaio Marsh Retirement home “mens shed” on Friday 11 or 18 January 2019, depending on what vehicles are available on those dates. Could you let me know early if you could make a vehicle available on those dates so I can make arrangements with the rest home. This would only be a commitment for about an hour on the Friday morning. These visits bring a great deal of joy to the residents of these homes. THERE IS NO ENTRY FORM IN THIS HUB FOR THE ANNUAL RALLY IN FEBRUARY. Dave Inwood has asked for a volunteer to take charge of this event, but so far there has been no response. Dave will be away in the North Island for a month and unable to organise this event. He is also looking for a volunteer to run the Rear Wheel Brake rally next year. If nobody is available for the Annual Rally, we may just have a picnic run from Cutler Park to a lunch stop with no trophies awarded, or cancel the event altogether. A big thank you to all who have worked so hard this year in so many ways to run this branch, improve our facilities and provide all the events held during the year. Our members all appreciate your dedication and the expertise and energy you provide for us all. Your branch committee and I wish you all a safe and happy festive season and look forward to another year of great motoring. Please be careful on the roads over the holidays. John Coomber


New Members Welcome to our branch. We look forward to meeting you at our coming events and activities. •

David Strachan Franklin 1930 Dodge DA Sedan


Tim Allen 1939 Morris 8 Series E 1952 MG TD Roadster

Louise Hutchison 1958 Austin A55 Cambridge Saloon

Barbara Maree Palmer 1969 Fiat Bambina Saloon 1923 Fiat 501 Tourer 1912 UNIC 07 Van 1912 Morgan Plus 8

Bruce Francis Moore 1970 Chrysler VIP Sedan 1966 Prince Skyline GTB Sedan 1965 Prince Gloria B200 Sedan 1965 Prince Gloria B200 Station Wagon

Malcolm Douglas Clark 1954 Dodge Kingsway Sedan 1975 Austin 1100 Sedan 1954 Ford Popular


Our deepest sympathies are extended to the families of:

Bruce Ackroyd


Secretary’s Report

Hi all, It's been a quiet month through November for me and I would like to thank Leigh Craythorne for looking after the clearance of the mail box for me while Lynda and I took a two week break in Mapua. While on holiday I have received an email from National Office with a list of 27 members who's postal addresses are not compatible with the NZ Post Code Finder Web Site. This creates major problems with our mailing as we use bulk mailing for Items like Beaded Wheels and if the address you have supplied does not match that on the Web site “Post Code Finder” then the Clubs are charged the normal postage rate. Normal Bulk Mail 0.77c Penalty Over the counter Rate $2.40. The Branch have a similar problem with the Hub Magazine, with them being returned to me months after.(They will not process them unless it is correct to the letter of what is on the Web Site) As you can understand the task of checking Approx 8,000 Members and in our case Approx 1200 is enormous, so could you please check yours and let me know by email if there needs to be any correction. Email: not head office. An example of this is people who live in Lincoln and when they joined gave their address as say PO Box 20 Lincoln, this if it got delivered at all would probably end up in Auckland. This address now should be PO Box 690 -20 Lincoln. Rural Addresses do cause a lot of issues as a lot do not have Gate delivery. An example is Rotherham is not enough it needs to be Rotherham Postal Centre. Correction Rotherham Postal centre.) That's how critical it is. I am working thru the list given to me by Julie but as a lot of our members don't have email addresses recorded it takes a lot of time to ring every person, so there is another thought, send me an email so I can record it in our files, especially if yours has changed recently. Also on the subject of updating your membership, we still have a large number of members who have not renewed for 2019. Please action as soon as possible as this just adds extra work on myself and National Office. On that note I will get back to my last few days in the sun, little rain, and even less hail. Cheers Rod

If you have an article you would like published, a funny story or some photos of a recent event or rally you could share, please send them through to the Editor for inclusion in a future edition of The Hub. 8

Club Captain’s Report December already and the last HUB for the year. With Christmas approaching fast the reports should be full of festive cheer. However, as Colin wrote in his last report there is good stuff and bad stuff. Firstly, I must remind everyone, the club’s policy on advertising outside events is not to do so if they are in direct competition to any of our events held on the same day. A concern to me is that several people have said that the Homestead Run was FULL!! Whenever has a Homestead Run been full? I wonder who started this rumour! Now for the bad stuff: A dog was taken on the Show Weekend Tour. We, as a club, rely on the goodwill of owners and other organisations to visit and enjoy their farms and facilities. Why don’t some people understand the words NO DOGS!!! Even worse this dog was taken onto a working farm! Then at the Gloriavale Christian Community this dog was taken into the KITCHEN and then into the DINING ROOM obviously trying to hide it while we were having our meal. I am not happy about having to apologise to our hosts for this type of behaviour. The Community Leader, Howard Temple, informed us if he had seen the dog earlier the people would have been evicted! Everyone on the rally was reminded at the briefing to respect the community. This episode was definitely not respectful – it is DISGUSTING. Now for the good stuff According to the feedback I’ve received the Vintage Rally was enjoyed by all participants. Many thanks to Brendon, Elizabeth and family for organizing another successful run. The Show Weekend Tour to Greymouth seemed to be enjoyed by everybody and thanks to Alan & Shirley Wills for writing the Rally Report. On behalf of our Club I wish also to thank David & Jo McKenzie, the owners of Montrose Station, for allowing us to stop for morning tea on their property. Thanks to Nick Harrison for organising and opening up the Reefton Racecourse for our lunch. Nick and Annette now reside in Reefton and have transferred to the West Coast branch of the VCC. Also thanks to Kevin & Linda Tucker from West Coast VCC for all their help with organizing the Saturday run and supplying the contact names and numbers. Thanks to our own Canterbury members who helped – Tony Meikle, Dave Cooper and Lyndsay & Myra Saunders. A big thank you to the Gloriavale Community who showed us round and hosted us with a free lunch and concert with a loaf of fresh bread to take home. On Sunday we visited the Westland Industrial Heritage Park where the members gave us a cup of tea or coffee and biscuits. Thank you to Murray and his team for hosting us.


Club Captain’s Report... Wednesday, 21st November was the Commercial Monthly Noggin. We had a really interesting visit to the Casting Shop in Watts Road. Thanks a lot to Ian Close the owner of this business for hosting us and thanks to Neil Shaskey for organizing the evening. The Homestead Run was successful, although the forecast was for bad weather the rain seemed to stay away at the right times. One hundred and forty people attended raising $2,100 for the Cancer Society. I would like to thank John & Sally Wigley for making us so welcome on their property in Mound Road, Amberley and for inviting their neighbour Andrew Anderson, Club Founder and Life Member to come over for a visit and a chat.

Thanks also to Penny Zino for our invitation to Flaxmere and thank you to Colin & Jenny Hey for organizing this visit. Thanks also to Greg & Gail Lamb for towing the toilets. Merry Xmas to everyone. Dave Inwood


Commercial Report A bit of a catch up, thank you to Mark Drury for hosting the September Commercial Noggin at his house, and providing the usual hospitality, and the opportunity to have a look at the various interesting things hiding in the house and garage. The October Commercial Noggin was well attended at The Barn, fortunately word managed to make its way around on where and when, with the main point of interest for the evening being a look at a couple of members’ shiny new vehicles parked outside. For the November Commercial Noggin we were hosted by Ian Close at The Casting Shop, thanks to Don Bennetts for passing on the contact details. The effort to arrange a working foundry for us to have a look around is much appreciated, and provided a great insight into what’s involved in the casting process, and the time and materials that go into producing a finished product. Lyndsey Saunders is taking a well earned rest from hosting the Commercial Xmas BBQ, many thanks for the effort that has gone into previous years. Dave Inwood has kindly volunteered to host this year’s BBQ, on the 2nd rather than 3rd Wednesday of the month to avoid the Christmas madness, 12th December from 5.30pm onwards. Please bring your partners along, your drink of choice, something to go on the BBQ, and something to share to go with it. A reminder that the Annual Commercial Rally will be held on 23rd February 2019, as there is no Hub in January please mark it on your calendar and keep an eye out for the entry form in the February Hub, hopefully I can get it online before then and email as many as possible once I have finalised the rally details.

Due to a lack of organisation on my part I still have quite a number of rally plaques from the 2018 Commercial rally which need to find their way to their rightful homes, and I may have slightly lost track of who has received one and who hasn’t, so if you attended last year’s rally and haven’t got your plaque yet please let me know and I’ll get it on the way (contact details elsewhere in The Hub) Merry Christmas and relaxing holidays to you all.

Signs of the times...


Motorcycle Report As we come onto summer we are supposed to be enjoying brilliant motorcycling weather, but lately it has been anything but! However, on with the business to hand: Past Events. 27 October, Girder Fork Rally to Akaroa. Good attendance of 27 riders enjoyed a run to view a car and motorcycle collection then onto the Little River Hotel for lunch. The hotel has new owners, and what they put on food-wise was excellent! From here most went over the hill to Akaroa, some went the Bossu Road to Wainui then to Akaroa, and one or two just peeled off and returned home. Trophies went to: Grand Hotel Publican’s Choice Bruce Murray (Dunedin). Veteran Bevars Binnie Vintage John Chamberlain PV Barry Jones Time Trial Terry Cole Dick of the Run Garth Bouton (went to the wrong place to start…) Overall Winner Garth Boulton 27 October – Fish & Chip Run. 6 – 7 riders joined the run to collection on view then off to Little River for lunch. 3 November – Annual Motorcycle Rally. 24 riders on the day enjoyed 3 separate runs (varying lengths) through to the Rangiora Airfield to visit the Canterbury Recreational Aero Club where we were treated to an excellent presentation by the CFI Doug Anderson. Quite a hot blustery day which meant that sample rides in the micro-light aircraft did not happen… 15 November – Noggin Night. Moved one night so we could go to Smash Palace for their Biker’s Night. This was a bit of a disaster, only ONE motorcyclist from VCC turned up! 24 November – Fish & Chip Run. Absolutely bucketing down from about 4.00 am, spoutings overflowing, streets flooding, so the call was made to cancel. Shame really as later in the day I managed to get a couple of laundry loads bone dry on the clothes line… Future Events 12 December – Noggin Night. This will be a Christmas Special in the Barn, a meal for members and partners. RSVP to Kurt at 980 8242, 021 043 3707, or email . PLEASE do this URGENTLY as we do need to know numbers turning up. 29 December – There is NO Fish & Chip run this month… 2 January – New Years Day Run. Start McLeans Island, 10.00 am start. Riders on the day will decide on destination. 26 January 2019 – Fish & Chip Run. Usual story, 10.15 am for a 10.30 am start at PMH Hospital. Riders decide on route. This run will finish at the home of Kurt Ebrect, 21 Westenra Terrace, for a BBQ… RSVP to Kurt at 980 8242, 021 043 3707, or email . Now don’t forget to do this a week or so out, so he has an idea of how many to cater for etc. I will put out a reminder beforehand anyway, but don’t just rely on that! Unfortunately, in spite of best efforts, the club’s Ariel broke down during the Girder Fork Rally. Ah well, back to the drawing board! That’s it for the next two months... Cheers, CML


2018 Veteran Annual Rally A pretty good turn out of cars, 17 turned up. This year we started again at Cutler Park . The all British Day also was held on the same day so again added to the mix. After a morning tea we progressed onto a few field tests which was fun to watch, then off on about a 35-40 mile trundle around the countryside to finish at Kirwee domain, also where the all British Day cars finished up . Thanks to Colin Hey again for letting us use the same venue . Great to have John Callesen along from the North Island in his impressive V8 1918 Cadillac. Also good to see Father & Son attending in two separate cars that we have not seen, Malcolm McGibbon in his recent purchase of the 1913 Swift & Kieran McGibbon in his 1915 Model T Raceabout. Field test winner : Evan Perrin driving Ken Maclans Concourse : Malcolm McGibbon Thanks for all who came along and supported the day out.

1915 Ford T 1913 Swift

Next Veteran run January 27th , details in this December Hub. Cheers Tim

Cracker Jokes

Why did the turkey join the band? Because it had the drumsticks!


9-90s Report

9 - 90s

Hi to you all We were very lucky with the weather. Sunshine and no wind. We had a nice ride through Tai Tapu and over the hills, Gebbies Pass and the Summit Rd and down to Govenors Bay, to Lyttelton and through the tunnel to Ferrymead. Amazingly quite a number of people didn’t see the Summit Rd sign so they went over to Teddington. We all finished up at the Ferrymead Agricultural Museum where Mike Lawson was the host. He had organised the museum being open and the parking in a good lunch spot for us. Thank you very much Mike. We had another good raffle. A total of $820 (entry fee money collected over the year) was donated to Nurse Maude. So far 69 people have paid for the Christmas lunch We had two lovely people from Auckland join us on this outing. They were exCanterbury and old members of the VCC in 1960s-70s. They commented to me that they don’t get the numbers in Auckland on outings like the 9-90s. Today we had about 90 people and 44 cars. February 13 Organisers Tony and Annette Meikle Meet at the The Peg Carpark, Belfast Hotel at 9.30am as we are leaving at 9.45am sharp. March 13 Les Sloan is arranging this outing. Meet at Rolleston Community Centre at 9.55am Look forward to seeing you all at the Christmas lunch. We wish a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year to all our friends and enemies and everyone who could do a better job than us. J K and the team


Tony Becker Phone 421-2426 14

Velosolex Owners Group (VOG’s) To all our very observant readers you will have noticed that your roving reporter VOG1 attached the incorrect report for October. What you actually read was the October 2017 run, but I’m sure you enjoyed reading the article for a second time (maybe). So now find below the correct edition of the exploits and adventures of the group. I wonder how many of you could guess what the mystery photo was? Bob Kinnaird organised our October (2018) run and what a success it was with fantastic weather and a nice short run through the Red Zone Area of Avonside Drive, Locksley Ave, Gayhurst Rd and other surrounding roads in this area, the lads had to be on high alert riding these roads with some potholes big enough to bury the front wheels and dismounting the rider in an unseemly manner, fortunately that never happened. We’re a very cautious bunch you know!! 12 riders turned up this month including Gary Thompson on his recently converted electric Velosolex, an interesting machine with the electric motor in the front wheel, the handle bars have been replaced with a set from a child’s chopper pushbike this was the only way Gary could fit the controls on, the ‘Solex ones were unsuitable with the brake levers facing the wrong way. The electric Solex went really well and more than kept up with the rest of the bunch, probably would have gone even faster than a standard Solex but Gary managed to keep the “beast” tamed. Very eco friendly with zero carbon emissions. Bob again arranged an interesting visit for us this month with a trip to a large collection of Indian motorbikes on Linwood Ave. The bikes covered a wide age group right back to the early 1920’s up to a very modern 2015 model. There were chopper styled Indians, long track racers, road bikes and customised ones plus quite a few racers that are used for the annual Burt Munro Challenge on Oreti Beach Invercargill and might I add with a lot of success. The large property that the sheds are sited on has massive gardens containing many rhododendron bushes and palm trees that have been rescued from the Red Zone.

Cracker Jokes

How does Good King Wenceslas like his pizza? One that's deep pan, crisp and even! 15

Velosolex Owners Group... (VOG’s) Such a success was our visit on the day to Linwood Ave that the owner Paddy invited us to show our Solex’s there as part of the Smash Palace’s annual motorbike show on Saturday 3rd November we had a tremendous turnout of our little bikes and these were all displayed on a huge pile of rocks on the driveway leading into the property this was aptly named “Mt Solex” and certainly gained a lot of attention from the visiting public. The lads thoroughly enjoyed this visit and there was much discussion over our lunch at the Richmond Club, which is another rebuild after the earthquakes and looking very smart on a large piece of land that is still to be built on adding to the size of the Clubs facility’s And now to November (what there’s more you are saying!!) This month Gary Thompson and Grant Lomax organised a great run and a fantastic day with sun beaming down on us, a short run was arranged around the streets of Hoon Hay and Aidanfield to eventually lead us into the grounds of St John of God where we visited the “Halswell Menz Shed”. Amazing is an understatement to describe the set up they have there. For $35 per year you are able to attend and make use of all the tools and equipment, there’s hardly a piece of machinery they haven’t got for both metalwork and woodworking projects. The workshops are available for use 6 days per week and they can get up to 25 guys attend some days some just for smoko and the camaraderie others to work on their projects and gosh there certainly is some amazing work done there of items large and small. A quick trip after this led us to our lunch break at Bills Bar and Bistro where we had a leisurely break with discussions a plenty and setting the world right. We sure have a diverse group of lads now from all walks of life so a number of topics are always covered. Thanks Gary & Grant for a great day. VOG 1 won’t let on why quite a few got lost on the return journey back to our start finish line (will we Gary) Royce VOG1


Annual Motorcycle Rally Winners Vintage: E V Thomas Trophy, 1st Overall Ian McKinlay, 1920 AJS G W Hockley Trophy, Vintage Concours Ian McKinlay, 1920 AJS Harry Wear Memorial, Time Trial Ian McKinlay, 1920 AJS Post War Vintage: Sincro Signs Trophy, PWV Concours Chris Leith, 1955 Triumph 6T Becker Cup, 1st Overall Chris Leith, 1955 Triumph 6T P60 Vintage: Alsop Trophy, 1st Overall Lex Westoby (Timaru), 1979 Yamaha 1100 P60 Concours Dave Malcolm, 1969 Triumph Tiger P80 Vintage: Stevenson Trophy, 1st Overall Graham Evans, 1986 BMW R80 Multi-Wheeled: Mitchel Trophy Tony & Leigh Craythorne, 1955 Panther Combo Nut Stranglers Trophy, Most Trouble getting to the Finish Stuart Skurr, 1959 Harley Davidson Overall Winner of Rally excluding Concours: Townshend Trophy Chris Leith, 1955 Triumph 6T

VCC Club Regalia FOR SALE The ideal Christmas gift for all members and their partners... For those who want to look the part on runs and events, we can now offer for sale the following items, all with the ‘VCC Canterbury Branch’ winged logo, tastefully embroidered onto it. All items are high quality and smart in appearance. Caps $25.00 Polo Shirts $65.00 Dress Shirts $75.00 Rainproof Dress Jackets $175.00 Shirts and jackets are available in men’s and women’s styles, in all sizes from S to XXL. Jackets have detachable zip-in hoods, lots of pockets for all of your manly possessions (tools, cell phone and VCC membership cards), and are available in genuine “Ice Breaker” or alternative “Biz” brand, depending on the style and fabric you prefer. Samples are available at noggins, or if you do want something in time for Christmas please contact Colin Hey (phone 021 883 807) so an order can be placed in time. 17

Boxing Day Run Wednesday 26TH December 2018 Meet at the New Brighton Pier carpark, Marine Parade, New Brighton at 10:30am for an 11:00am start. The 60km run is heading to the West Melton Domain, West Melton Road, West Melton. You are welcome to join the run at the start at New Brighton, or head directly to the lunchtime/picnic at West Melton. Bring picnic lunch, drinks and umbrellas. Tennis courts available. There is a short walk from the domain to the BP garage, shops and supermarket etc. If wet, the run will be diverted to the Barn at Cutler Park after the start at New Brighton. Inquiries to Andrew Morison 021 515636

VETERAN PICNIC RUN SUNDAY 27TH JANUARY 2019 INCLUDES 2 WHEEL BRAKE VINTAGE Starting at Kelvin Finlay’s property, Corner of Christmas Road and Jeffs Drain Road, Ohoka. Look for VCC sign down Jeffs Drain Road.

Kelvin has his new motoring shed housing his collection of mostly Veteran vehicles that we will be able to view over morning tea before heading off on a pleasant run around North Canterbury . We will head off on the run around 10.30am & finish to finish suitable lunch stop. Plenty of parking for those who trailer to the start. NO ENTRY FORM Tim would appreciate an email, text or phone call to tell him you are coming along. Ph/Text 021 338 692 Home Phone 03 313 3952


Canterbury Branch Up Coming Events Sunday 9th December 2018

Boxing Day Run Wednesday 26th December 2018

Meet at the New Brighton Pier carpark, Marine Parade, New Brighton at 10:30am for an 11:00am start.


Canterbury Branch Up Coming Events PICNIC RUN SUNDAY 6TH JANUARY 2019 Start time 10:00 am at VCC Cutler Park. A visit in the country, a small amount of shingle roads

Veteran Picnic Run Sunday 27th January 2019 Includes 2 Wheel Brake Rally Start time 10:30am from Kevin Findlay’s property Cnr Christmas & Jeffs Drain Rd, Ohoka


2018 Girder Rally


VOG visit to Mt Solex

2018 Veteran Annual Rally


2018 Motorcycle Annual Rally


2018 Vintage Annual Rally


2018 Vintage Annual Rally


Show Weekend Tour

Friday morning tea at Montrose Station near Hanmer.

Friday Lunch at Reefton Racecourse.

Friday - Aerial photo of cars at Reefton Racecourse.

Saturday evening meal at Paroa Hotel, Greymouth.

Homestead Run

View from first homestead of John & Sally Wigley in Amberley.

Having a catch up - L to R - Bruce McLellan, Ivan Hibberd, Andrew Anderson (Life Member VCC) in grounds of Wigley homestead.


November 2018 Noggin Display November Noggin Display was, the “Winner from the Swap Meet One Make Club Displays”. Congratulations, to the “Classic Cortina Club”, for the second year in a row, with their magnificent “Matchbox Car”, winning display. Thank you to the following Classic Cortina Club members, for displaying their vehicles and Blair Sands, their club secretary, for organizing the display. Calvyn Snelgar 1966 Ford Cortina Mk1GT Buck Harrison 1983 Ford Cortina MK5 Graham Haughey 1966 Ford Cortina MK1 GT.

This Month, December: Winners from the Girder Fork and Motor Cycle Annual Rallies. Future Displays: February: The 4 Canterbury Branch members, who won the Pennzoil Trophy, at the South Island Easter Rally 2018 at Invercargill. March: 2019 Annual Rally Winners. “Toys you still have, from your childhood.” (Proposed Display.) I mentioned in a previous issue, that a member has suggested, that we have a display of your old toys that you owned when you were a child, this includes both ladies and men. Up to now there hasn’t been a great interest, so I will try for the last time to see if we have enough people interested, to make a successful display. Have a good look in the attic, basement and garage over Christmas break and see what you can find and if you find something of interest, please give me a call. Thanks. A BIG THANK YOU, to all the members & non-members, who, over the last year have made a big effort to participate in the Noggin displays for the members to enjoy, this is very much appreciated. Don Muller. Ph 3856850


Christmas Fun


Vintage Annual Rally After a very wet Friday, Saturday dawned bright and sunny for the Annual Vintage Rally. After a cup of tea and a chat the 40 plus vehicles head down towards Chattertons Road before turning and heading west. After the timed section, the Venturer Scouts from the Gordon Scout group manned three check points with advertising and car symbols for us to identify (guess!) With the new snow on the mountains the scenery was spectacular. After going up the Bealey Road and onto Coaltrack Road we made our way through Glentunnel and then onto Glenroy. The lunch stop was at the Baptist Church camp where there are lovely grounds. The Scouts cooked sausages and bacon butties for a fund raiser which was appreciated by most of us. The evening meal was back at Cutler Park where each table of eight had been set up with a carpet race track down the middle. We each had a numbered friction driven race car. Each table had heats of two until a table winner was found. The table winner then completed to find an overall winner. The final was between the only woman winner and an entrant from the North Island. The South Island were the victors and received their prize of chocolate. The main prizes where the presented with the winner receiving wine and chocolate as well as the overall winners receiving their well earned trophies. This made a fitting end to a really successful rally. Our thanks to Brendon, Elizabeth and their helpers and a special thank you to the Scouts for making this such a good day out. Team Chrysler


Vintage Annual Rally To the organisers of the Annual Vintage run, We were going to do the Vintage Annual Rally I had checked the Buick and filled it with fuel the week before and checked the oil hasn’t had much use over winter. The day before the rally was not looking very good at all with lots of wind and rain and we were beginning to think that it would be a wash out I texted Vicki we might take the Chev if we go at all. Saturday morning woke up to a great day the sun was out and hardly any wind we were up early so we left for the car club early thinking it was a 10.30 am start when we got there the start time was at 10.00 am just as well we were early. Got our rally packs and watched the other cars arrive we had about 4 Buicks parked up beside each other at the car club grounds more Buicks than model A it was a good sight we had a quick catch up with other members at the club grounds while waiting for more members to arrive then we were off left out of the grounds and heading towards Coalgate 3 stops on the way for check points no hard questions this time just identify the emblems. The rally went through Coalgate and took us to Glenroy Baptist Church camp ground for lunch where we parked about 40 cars in total the organisers had arranged for the Gordon Scouts to do the questions on route to the lunch spot. They did a sausage sizzle and then helped with the field tests it was good to see them helping hope they made some money from the sausages and we should use them again. After the field tests most people made their way home so it was an early finish to the day although it took about an hour to get home, as we were coming around Pound Rd and McLeans Island Rd we passed a Parks truck with what looked like a 26 Buick bugger we could have had another one in the line-up. Good rally, good weather, nice lunch spot, nice to catch up with the other members thanks to the organisers. Tony and Vicki Skevington. Also why is it that the vintage section is the biggest and they only got 40 cars?


Vintage Annual Rally Winners Result 1st Place Time Trial 2nd Place Time Trial 3rd Place Time Trial

Entrant Vehicle Don & Judy Bennetts Chrysler Leigh & Tony Craythorne Morris Oxford Barry Croucher Buick Tourer

Year 1927 1926 1929

Lowden Trophy for Field Test Results 1st Place Field Tests Paul & Margaret Seaton Dodge Tourer 2nd Place Field Tests Murray & Judy Collins Buick 3rd Place Field Tests Ian McKinlay Austin

1922 1927 1928

Rae Trophy for Overall Winner 1st Place Overall Ian McKinlay Austin 2nd Place Overall Murray & Judy Collins Buick 3rd Place Overall Paul & Margaret Seaton Dodge Tourer

1928 1927 1922

Eason Trophy for People’s Choice (chosen by the Gordon Scout Group) Winner Jim & Kaye Paterson Austin 12/4 Tourer 1924

Situations Vacant—Swap Meet Roles The Swap Meet committee needs a replacement Sites Coordinator to take over from Kevin Clarkson, who has enjoyed the role for the last few years. Reasonable computer skills are required to maintain the site register and spreadsheet and manage the bookings and payments. Most of the work occurs during Swap Meet, but enquiries do continue during the year from time to time. Good communication skills and a certain amount of diplomacy would also be useful. The pay is rubbish, but the satisfaction of a successful Swap Meet and working alongside a dedicated group of new friends is a reward that will more than compensate for your time and effort.

If you're interested, please give Kevin Clarkson a call on 021 0270 6525. We also need a Workforce Coordinator who can take over from Ian McKinlay, who has championed this role for more years than he can remember. Ian would like to phase a new person into this role so he can step aside this coming year. Again, most of the work is immediately before and after Swap Meet, and is all about ensuring the grounds and basic infrastructure is set up on time and ready to roll come Swap Meet weekend, and then everything is packed up again and put away afterwards. Contact Ian for further information on 03 349 6951 or Colin Hey on 03 359 8737.


Show Weekend Tour We left the Peg Belfast around 8.30 and stopped for morning tea at a farm and then on to Reefton Racecourse for lunch and a pleasant drive thru to Greymouth and looking forward to Saturdays Rally. On Saturday we had just left the Lake Brunner Lodge at Mitchell's and heading out along the Kumara Inchbonnie Road to Gloriavale for lunch. I was ahead of other cars when approaching a bend I slowed and an approaching car came around another bend ahead of us middle of the road and not wanting to move over forced me into some soft gravel on the road edge and over we went side ways into the scrub stopping inches short of a large tree. Quickly on the scene were many ready to lend a hand to get us out of the car this rescue was ably lead by John Kuipers while Tony Meikle helped out getting an other car out that had also been caught in the soft edge. Fortunately no one was injured just a bit shaken up with the experience. Shirley Wills very ably looked after my wife while I headed back to the lodge to call up reinforcements in the form of a tow truck which arrived about 90 minutes later. By this time Joy (wife) had been taken back to the lodge so we both headed out in the tow truck to rescue our car. What I and many others thought would be a difficult recovery was quickly and professionally attended to by John Pfeifer Panel beating and Tow. As it was now 2pm we decided that we would return to Greymouth and get a late lunch. We had slowed and were looking for some were to get some eats when our tow truck went passed so while following him there was an almighty bang and the sound of something serious wrong dragging along the car. We stopped and so did the tow truck phew I thought he realized we had a problem. It was not our car but a metal loading ramp from his trailer had come to grief.

From then on our journey back to Greymouth. A rally on Sunday and a pleasant drive thru Arthur's Pass to home on Monday . l would like to sincerely thanks all those who stopped and gave assistance at the scene. I also give my personal thanks Shirley for looking after Joy while I was organizing a tow truck etc. As I walked down the line of cars to get my lift back to the lodge it struck me the depth of comradeship within the group until this stage no one had gone passed the scene instead had helped or waited in their cars to ensure we were safe. To all those who approached us over the weekend to ask how we were we appreciate your support. And what about my Rover P6B it was an anxious wait as the tow truck lifted the car out and it was amazing to see only minor panel damage to the front left guard and pushed into the bonnet which was not damaged apart from a few scratches and some damage to the stone guard plenty of mud and stones underneath. The tow truck operator did an excellent job to get the car out of a difficult spot. I wait to see the assessors report later this week. Colin Hider


Show Weekend Tour To say it was the same old crowd attending could be taken quite the wrong way ,so I rephrase it as ‘the people we would expect to see on a Show Weekend Tour’ old hands that have been touring since the days when this annual trip was called the Chairmans Tour ,along with more recent converts to noncompetitive tripping around for the sake of it . 32 vehicles in all on the list, but one new member after weeks of anticipation was sidelined with a leg injury, our sympathies Louise and we expect the Austin out on our next branch event . The Lewis Pass route to Greymouth is a fair step but never fails to provide a really great motoring experience ,especially if it is open motoring on a sunny day ,no wonder the tourists rave over this particular road even if we locals take it for granted. The stockyards at Montrose Station provided an attractive morning tea stop, notwithstanding the plume of dust kicked up on the approach road, although I must mention my concern about someone who not only brought a dog on an official club event, but took it onto a working farm, whatever next. At midday we were greeted at the Reefton racecourse by the ever cheerful Nick Harrison, late of the Canty Branch, who had the hot water organized in the old grandstand, a good picnic spot ,and rudimentary but welcome rest room facilities. But the sunshine was not to last and fortunately the majority of participants reaching their accommodation before the quick heavy shower ,one of many to be a feature of the whole weekend . Saturday offered up inclement conditions ranging from drizzle to downpour which detracts from the wonderful bush clad roads but did not seem to diminish the high sprits of the group and the morning tea at Lake Brunner Lodge ,just opened that day for the summer season, was a scene of much banter and good humour despite the rain. Unfortunately only minutes from the Lodge, Colin Hider, pulling over near the shoulder to allow room for a road hogging modern to pass, experienced a frightening slow-motion slippage as the edge collapsed and the car ended up on a 45 degree angle on its side against a tree . The Bruce Forbes Stag also had the ground beneath the left front wheel subside requiring a help from another vehicle to regain the hard. The upside was that although considerably shaken up both Joy and Colin were unhurt and after a 90 minute wait for breakdown assistance the Rover was back on the road and running with only minor wounds to show for the mishap. Saturday lunch was a totally new experience for most of us with a great luncheon put on by the Gloriavale community with musical and vocal entertainment provided by the young people. We would all have come away with our own appraisal of the commune life, however there could be no doubt about the single mindedness of its adherents. The evening meal at Bernie Monks Paroa Hotel was, as always, ample and well presented and a great time for the 67 satisfied tourists to socialize and relax after a day of beautiful country and atrocious roads, well done Dave and family for the organizing and the backup support. “Would you like an extra day with that sir ?” For those of us who chose to stay over one extra night were taken in hand by Myra and Lyndsay Saunders and were hosted for morning tea by the Hokitika Machinery Club who on each of my three visits have had something new to display .Thank you chaps for giving up your Sunday morning for us, and your informative talks about the history of some of the numerous pieces . And finally, the ‘shades of American Pickers’ visit to the hydraulic repair shop on Monday morning was a real eye-opener and a perfect example to quote if one is accused of collecting too much stuff . Thank you everyone involved. Alan and Shirley Wills


Homestead Run 25th November Usually the most popular run and the best subscribed run for the year, this year’s Homestead Run didn’t disappoint the 140–odd hardy souls who showed up on a grey and rainy day to take part. This year our starting point was split, with those living north of the Waimak meeting at Dave and Linda Inwood’s place in South Eyre Road, and everyone south starting at the Peg Hotel in Belfast. With both groups starting around 9.30am, our first port of call was the Annaliese Haven rest home in Kaiapoi, where we did a drive-by for the residents, a number of whom were sitting outside on both sides of the road waiting for us (well rugged-up of course). From there we travelled out towards Ohoka, and then headed north for Rangiora, continuing on through Sefton and skirting west of Amberley, all off the main road. The rain was holding off, and we managed to get to our first homestead in Mound Road, Broomfield, pretty much without any rain. This property belonged to John and Sally Wigley, and offered extensive views to the north into the Waipara River valley from its expansive lawns and garden. Here we were able to enjoy morning tea beside our cars, or inside one of the sheds and out of the imaginary rain. A pleasant stop indeed, with most lingering an hour or so to enjoy this beautiful spot. Soon we were on the road again, this time heading east to join SH1 briefly, crossing the Waipara Bridge before heading west again towards and then through the Weka Pass on SH7. At Waikari we turned left, heading straight through Hawarden and onwards for another 10km before turning right and heading to our final stop for the day, Flaxmere Gardens and Homestead. By now an occasional drizzle had set in, but the owner, Penny Zino, was waiting at the gate with an umbrella to personally welcome every car, directing the driver down to a barn-style function room to drop of passengers and picnic gear, before parking in a paddock a short distance away. It didn’t take long for everyone to arrive, and soon all of the bags and hampers were opened and everyone was chatting away whilst enjoying their indoor picnic. A short time later Penny arrived, and gave us the history of the property from their ownership in the 1960’s. At that time the garden consisted of a few trees shading a small cottage, and the development started from there. A stream was diverted through the property, ponds formed, trees and shrubs planted, and extensive pant beds formed up and planted out. The area gradually expanded, and the garden now covers 7 acres, with several ‘themed’ areas and lots of installed artworks to discover as it’s explored. Penny even grew flowers commercially for a period, and ran a nursery business as well, however all of this came to an end when her husband tragically died of cancer. Penny found the garden was great therapy, spending more and more time in it, and has never looked back since. It is now regarded as a nationally significant garden, and Penny still has plans to make it even better. After lunch we were free to wander around the garden at our leisure, and although there was the odd light shower, there was plenty of shelter under trees and shrubs, and no-one got wet. In fact everyone thought it was just great seeing the garden on a wet day – it was just as stunning seeing it in different light and appreciating just how much work has gone into it over the years. By 2.30pm most people had departed and headed for home. There was enough time to get home, wash the car and hose out the dirt from under the mudguards, and then sit down and watch Scott McLaughlin win the V8 Supercars championship for the year. A perfect day! A special thanks to John and Sally Wigley, and to Penny Zino and her friend Marie, who all looked after us so well on our visits to their properties. Thanks too to Dave Inwood and Colin Hey for organising the run, and to everyone who turned out to make the day so successful. For those who didn’t realise, 100% of the entry fee for the run was for the visit to Flaxmere, all of which is being donated to the Cancer Society by Penny Zino.



Two Day Autumn Overnight Run Sat 6th and Sun 7th April 2019 Open to all VCC Members Proposed Weekend Programme: Starting in (KAIAPOI NEW WORLD CARPARK). Be there by 9.00am for a 9,30 Start. Morning tea supplied at the start. Rally Route , To Kaikoura (Route yet to be confirmed) Lunch stop At Kaikoura (Place yet to be confirmed) Afternoon Free to look around the Kaikoura Area Saturday Night Dinner at Donegal House Dining Room or Conference Room at around 7pm. Two Course Dinner at $25.00 per head. (Music in the Main Bar afterwards) Sunday Programme: Breakfast. At your Accommodation. Run to Start. 10 o’clock at Donegal House Kaikoura. The Run on Sunday will be on the Inland Road back to Christchurch with a lunch time stop at Waiau. Or for the people who prefer the Main Roads, can go via the main road and through the Leader Valley Road to Waiau. Sunday Lunch At Waiau (Place yet to be confirmed) After Lunch you can make your own way home in your own time


Two Day Autumn Run - Entry Form Sat 6th and Sun 7th April 2019 Entrant/s Name/s


Membership No.






No. of people attending We will be staying at: Entry Fee per Vehicle $10.00


Saturday; Light Lunch at Kaikoura.

Number attending


Dinner at Donegal House.

Number attending


Sunday; Light Lunch at Waiau.

Number attending


(Both lunch time meals are to be paid in cash on the day, Actual venues and cost yet to be finalised as they will be organised by fundraising groups in the areas.) The Saturday night Dinner at Donegal House is to be paid direct to them during our stay there. Breakfast for those of you staying at Donegal House is included in the cost of the room.

As we need this information this Entry Form must be sent to G Sword

Mail to:

G Sword, 69 Otaki Street Kaiapoi 7630 Payment by direct credit, with your name and “Autumn Run” to: VCC Canterbury Branch,03-1594-0096832-00 Or by cheque, payable to VCC Canterbury Branch.

Open to ALL VCC Members Entries close 9th February 2019


FOR SALE Model T Sedan, vehicle has been restored and maintained by the Family since restoration in 1966. Current Warrant, (Recent Photo) - needs loving care. $26000. Contact: S.Cook 03 352 6450 to arrange viewing.

Car Transporter for Hire. $50 Per day. Minimum 2 day hire. Club members only. Phone: Bob Hayes 352 1449 News from the Parts Shed


PARTS SHED OPEN EVERY WEDNESDAY 1 pm – 4:30 pm THIRD & FOURTH SUNDAY 9 am – 12 noon Open first Thursday of the month on Noggin Night from 7:00pm. If you have an advert you would like to repeat, please let The Editor know. Otherwise all adverts will run for the month of publication when received. 38

FOR SALE 1987 two owner Honda H100S motorcycle In very good condition. 63000km, original handbook and toolkit, fitted cover. Registration on hold. $1000. Contact: Ross Vesey 327 0887 evenings, Ford Model A 1928-29 New headlamps complete also a pair of 1928 fluted lenses. Cost $900,sell for $350 Contact: Chris Parker 3511084, or 027 658 3537 Tyres 30 x 3 1/2 unused 4ply Olympic B.E. Two of M/cycle, Speedway? 21x3 unused Two of. Photos available. Contact: Geoff Townshend 03 312 3112 Hupmobile Motor R137342 approx. 1923 and parts, + oil pump (Hupp) Brass Honeycomb Radiator Core, McCord, Hayes Hub quick release. Offers invited. Tyres 670x16 Very Good retread not used, heavy duty 6 ply, tread 10mm. 640x13 tyre 6mm tread. 155R 13 tyre and rim 4 stud 100 cpi, Dunlop Aqua Jet. Space Heater Siesta Contact: Ivan Hibberd

WANTED Triumph veteran 2 barrel carburettor parts in particular the small diameter piston, outer timing cover for a 1913 TT model Triumph motorcycle. Bulb horn for a 1925 AJS 350 Contact: Chris Parker 3511084, or 027 658 3537



Can you Name the Vehicle Brand? How many brands of motor vehicles can you name from their logo? Hint: This month = starts with J & K



Interesting extra‌ How many people currently own one of these cars? Which Brand? Answers for last month (I vehicles) How many could you guess?






International Harvester


Copy for the February Hub closes on 30 January 2019 Contact "The Editor", Brendon Eason By phone 027 346 8324 or preferably email

The views expressed in ‘The Hub' are those of the contributors and are not necessarily those of the Committee, Editor, Branch or Club.


The Barn is available for hire to all members for birthdays, anniversaries, meetings, and other functions. Contact Kevin or Claire on 03 312 7255

Canterbury Branch Web Site PO Box 11-082, Sockburn, Christchurch Our bank for direct credit payments is Westpac Barrington Mall A/C 03 1594 0096832 00 Please enter your name and event entered or other details of deposit. 42


See Notice board posters for more information. North Canterbury Noggin for December As the December Noggin falls on Boxing Day we are bringing if forward one week to the 19th December at the same time of 19:30hrs as I am planning finger food I would like to know numbers by the end of November if you wish to attend the Christmas Noggin and wish to partake in this at a small cost (approx. $5 > $7 pp). Text me on 022 131 7235 or E-mail and remember to add your name please. Regards Jeff Rogers Tuesday 1st January 2019 - BP VCC New Years Day Picnic As usual we will gather at the Little River domain with the band booked to start from 11.00am. There will be a gold coin collection at the gate to offset costs. All welcome. Wednesday 6th February 2019 - Annual RSA Rangiora Vintage Tractor and Car Rally This is a great day out for everyone, raising money for the RSA Building Fund. For further information please call Pat Youngman on 027 247 9611. Registration for Tractors from 8.30am and Cars from 9.15am in the RSA Car Park, Victoria Street, Rangiora on 6 February 2019. Look forward to seeing you all for a great day out. Weekend, 16th & 17st February 2019 - The Veteran Car Club of NZ Mid Summer adventure For details ring Chris Dyer 033135114 or Sunday 17th February 2019 - Canterbury All Ford Day Details available from Clubroom Noticeboard Easter Weekend, 19th til 22nd April 2019 - VCC National Sth Island Easter Rally Details available from Clubroom Noticeboard


Rearview Mirror Happy Holidays! Have fun camping.

Casual Event Photos We will come to you, eat your food and drink your beer. Special anniversaries, family functions, birthday parties and other fun events. Semi professional digital photos taken and delivered to you for your own use. Price by negotiation.

Contact: Andrew Morison 021 515 636 or Kama Frankling 021 0820 8634 44

Rearview Mirror Happy Holidays! Have fun camping.

Cracker Jokes

Cracker Jokes

What carol is heard in the desert? O camel ye faithful!

How did Mary and Joseph know that Jesus was 7lb 6oz when he was born? They had a weigh in a manger! 45

A Recipe From Our Caterer Cathedral Windows Dessert

Ingredients 3x Jellies red green 1 x 450g pineapple juice 1 x Tblsp gelatine 150mls cream

yellow or orange

Method Set jellies individually using 1 cup of water ONLY for each Jelly Heat pineapple juice and dissolved gelatine Chill for at least 10 minutes Whip cream & add to pineapple mixture Cut set jellies into cubes Set all in jelly mold turn out on to a tray before serving Hope you all enjoy this old favourite (as served at the Vintage Annual Rally dinner)

North Canterbury Noggin Fourth Wednesday of the month, Rangiora RSA from 7:30pm





Open Hours Monday to Friday 8:00 - 5:00 Saturday 8:00 - 12:00 Roy & Annette Adams Phone/Fax 03 327 8155 After Hours 027 435 0636 Free Battery Check - MTA Member 96 Williams Street, Kaiapoi 7630 BATTERIES, AIR CONDITIONING, STARTER MOTORS, BULBS AND LAMPS, AUTO ELECTRICS



December 2018

January 2019

Brake Shoes and Band Relined Brake Drum Machining (Including steel drums) Clutch Plates Relined Brake Hoses and Brake Pipes Manufactured Hydraulic Components Reconditioned Brake Cables Repaired 48

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