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June 2024

We welcome all Vintage and Classic Vehicles
Jim & Mary-Ann open their garage doors. Brian and son Ashley Christie. Rally Winners

Official Magazine of the Wanganui Branch of the V.C.C. of NZ P O Box 726, Wanganui , Street Address—Patapu Street, Wanganui East

Patron: Alan Bates

Chairman: Andrew Dittmer 027 379 6969

Secretary: Frank James 06 344 2221

Treasurer: Neil Farrer 027 457 9634

Accounts Reviewer: Peter Powell

Club Captain: Rob O’Keefe 027 433 2626

Rally Secretary/Trophies: Christine Savage 06 342 4755

Motorcycle Convenor: Bill James 027 353 2190

Committee : Dale Whitaker 021 0888 2371

Wayne Gedye 027 244 7108

Ian Higgins 027 201 2706

Sietse Zeilstra 027 345 6977

Pierre Zeilstra 027 345 6977

Compliance: Wayne Gedye 027 244 7108

Health & Safety: Dale Whitaker 021 0888 2371

Trophies Manager: Mihi McDermid 06 347 6915

Branch Delegate: Vacant position

Kitchen Manager: Liz James 06 344 2221

Hall Custodian/Bookings: Dale Whitaker 06 343 9089

Truck Custodians:

Rob O’Keeffe 027 4332 626

Shane Hobman 06 344 5915

Librarian: Dave Austin 06 344 7513

Parts Custodians: Dave McDermid 027 555 4201

Chris White 06 348 7335

Graeme Purves 027 929 5026

Editor: Ian Higgins 027 201 2706

Beaded Wheels Reporter: Ian Higgins 027 201 2706

Archivist: Dave Austin 06 344 7513

Vehicle ID’s:

Shane Hobman 06 344 5915

Bruce Ardell 06 342 7713

Rivet Distribution Co-Ordinator: Linda Kendrick 027 775 4644

Frank James 021 349 074

Official VCC Website:

VCC Branch Mags: Facebook Wanganui Vintage Car Club:

VCC Codes for Discounts: Bluebridge Cook Strait Ferry ANTIQUECAR Interislander Cook Strait Ferry WH5465

From The Editor’s Desk

Welcome everyone to the June edition of your branch magazine. Shortest day of the year coming up this month so hope that you are all keeping warm and dry wrapped up in your woolly underwear.

Now to serious stuff. Weren't the Annual Rally and Anniversary celebrations wonderful events! I was particularly pleased how the rally unfolded with the likes of Secretary Frank, Wayne Gedye, Dale Whitaker Andrew Johnson and co all stepping up to take over from club officials who were unavailable to attend. Just goes to show the calibre of the ‘next tier’ down when situations demand. I felt sorry for our usual Rally Secretary Christine, as she was obviously unwell yet soldiered on organising her role behind the scenes until unwellness forced her home. Frank, as he has proven time and time again, is more than capable to fill any role in the Club that is required. After all, he was our Club Captain for some time. Well done to all those who stepped up. As for the 70th Anniversary celebrations on Sunday night, what more can I say about the efforts that our Treasurer, Neil Farrer, puts into our Club. You are indeed a legend Neil. Full write ups about the Rally and Anniversary events in this Rivet.

The AGM has been and gone. Chairman Andrew has covered this in his monthly report in the Rivet. I just want to reiterate on points Andrew addressed. First to welcome Jim Bilby to committee. As an ex-motorcycle racer, he should give the bike fraternity a bit of a boost. Coincidentally, Jim and Mary-Ann are featured in this edition of the Rivet. We wish Sarah Howell well as she battles with health issues and thank her for her past work on committee. Just a shout out there to members, Neil’s delegate role is up for grabs as health issues have forced him to stand down from this role. Expressions of interest can be addressed to our Chairman. Thankfully this old ‘warhorse’ has stayed on as Treasurer. Hope that you are not offended, Neil, by the term ‘warhorse’. You are our senior colleague, a statesman and hugely respected here and around the country in VCC circles. Please give Neil a call to find out more about the delegate’s role.

I would like to give members a bit of an insight over my pick of having a picture of my old Chrysler Limo on our Annual Rally entry forms. As you would probably know, it is the sponsor’s choice to have one of their vehicles in this role. I do not seek publicity of any kind whatsoever and do feel slightly embarrassed by having a photo of my car displayed. Hindsight tells me that I should have opted for a photo of our old club truck instead, but I had absolutely no idea that my old Chrysler would find it’s way onto our anniversary cake! I think that the club truck would be a great choice should committee agree to continue with Higgins/Wholesome sponsorship next year and beyond. Happy for this to continue and to have a variety of club cars featured and not just mine.

Just a word or two about the old Chrysler Limo. I came upon it quite by accident at a Southward’s Car Museum open day in Paraparaumu. I went there with a friend from Australia after Americarna, when I spotted it for sale. It had been in the museum for 16 years and Southwards had been donated another one so they decided to sell mine. I made an offer which they rejected so it went up for auction on Trade-me, where I was the lucky purchaser. It only has had four owners and 125,000 miles on the clock. Totally original and I plan to keep it that way. It has a 360 V8 motor, which suits me fine as it is a lovely cruiser with all the mod cons for the day. I had one in a former life and wished I had kept it, as many of us tend to say about our old cars.

That’s all from me this month. Yours in cruising Editor Ian

Chairman's Report — June 2024

This year has gone remarkably quickly and smoothly. You can all pat yourselves on the back as this Branch has a well- deserved reputation as probably the friendliest branch within the whole Vintage Car Club of New Zealand. Your committee has worked as a well-oiled machine and we are sorry to see Sarah retire due to ongoing health issues. We all thank you Sarah for your commitment and service.

Jim Bilby has volunteered to join the committee and we welcome him. Neil has decided to step back from the role of Branch Delegate but will remain treasurer. Neil has been our Branch Delegate for 24 years and is held in high esteem within the VCC as a very wise statesman of great integrity. Thank you for your great service to all of us here in Wanganui.

Frank our secretary is another that goes well beyond his role to step in and support others as the need arises. Christine works and carries on even when most would be exhausted. Dale organises things like the ladies coffee morning and keeps us in check like a mother hen. The Zeilstra boys are always busy helping and tidying up around the place. Wayne, our youngest member, has assisted Rob and has a great plan to overcome one of the Clubrooms problems, possibly for free.

Rob our Club Captain has a very great grasp of the ‘KISS’ principle. (Keep it simple sonny). I love Rob’s way of saying “now listen carefully as I am only going to say this once.” He and Linda have provided us with a most enjoyable year’s motoring. Well done.

Ian, our editor for both the Rivet and the Beaded Wheels, has done a sterling job of reporting not only our events but also members and their passions within our club. His love of Chryslers knows no bounds with cars like a modified Imp joining his larger models!

I am really looking forward to this coming year as we have some quite important roles to assist with as Wanganui Celebrates 100 years of being a City.

And thank you Andrew for steering the ship in a steady direction. I appreciate your calm and thoughtful mannerisms displayed in ‘dealing’ with the more ‘radical’ committee members who have the audacity to question the way forward for our beloved club. Particularly the discussion originating in the Rivet about incorporating the word ‘ CLASSIC’ into our Branch name. Or was this the utterance of some other irksome member? There were other ideas and comments put forward at times, all skilfully handled by you, Mr Chairman . Thank you.

Editor Ian

PS I have not received one disparaging remark about the inscription on the front page of the Rivet stating ‘We welcome all Vintage and Classic Vehicles.’ Great, everyone must agree!

Club Captains Report June 2024

Greetings Members

May has been a busy month for the club with good attendance to events and people enjoying themselves and the fellowship of our gatherings.

By the time you read this the Annual Rally and celebration of the club’s 70th anniversary will be a happy memory. Thank you very much to everyone who helped with the running of the rally and 70th celebrations.

Alan Morris spoke at the last club night. He spoke very well and had some great life stories to tell. It’s always amazing what people have done. A very enjoyable talk.

Sietse and Pierre organized a Sunday run for us on the 12th of June. This was very well supported and enjoyed by all who came along. Thank you to Sietse and Pierre for the work that you put into this.

The following Saturday we had a Working Bee at the club. The main job for the day was to clean up the hedge clippings and tidy up in the parts shed. I also saw some of the cups getting a polish and a bit of work going on in the clubrooms. This event was worth attending just for the morning tea put on by Frank and Liz. Thank you to everyone who came along. It was enjoyable working with everyone.

Sunday the 19th Sietse and Pierre organized some cars to be on display for the toy fair at the Springvale Stadium. Another good turnout and advertisement for the club.

Coming up on the 21st of July we have a club run which Shane and Noeline Hobman are organizing. Shane and Noeline always make up an enjoyable run so well worth coming along. After the run Eilidh Pitkethley is organizing a high tea, for afternoon tea, as a fundraiser for her daughter Siobhan to allow her to go to the World Skate Games representing New Zealand. It’s great to see a young person working towards a goal.

The High Tea fundraiser is $15 per person with part of that money going to Siobhan’s travel costs. Eilidh will be selling tickets at the AGM and other club events prior to the afternoon. You can text Eilidh on 021 147 2341 to organize a ticket as well.

A flyer will be sent with more information.

There will be an afternoon tea at the clubrooms for everyone who comes on the run if they don’t want to take part in the High Tea.

This is my last Club Captain’s report for my first year as Club Captain. I’d really like to thank all the members of the club for their support this year.

Looking forward to next year, Rob

Jim Bilby & Mary-Ann share their motoring story

This month I managed to persuade Jim Bilby and his lovely partner, Mary-Ann Vandyk to open up their garage doors and tell of their quite recent joining up of the VCC. I am particularly pleased to have their story on these pages as apart from being a thoroughly likeable couple, it is great to have their contribution being relative newcomers to our movement. I for one often seek their company at our car events as I do enjoy chatting away with them both. Love the stories Jim tells of his hair raising exploits as a swinger on the race tracks. I must confess that hurtling around a race track on a motor cycle sidecar is not my idea of fun, but it does make me smile to hear Racing Jim, a former ambulance driver, recall his exploits after some prompting. I love Jim’s recorded voice message on his phone when he cannot answer in person…”Hi, sorry but cannot take your call at present. I am either pig hunting or down at the pub…” Quite a character is Jim.

Now he has settled down with Mary-Ann, it is great to see them rallying or simply cruising around in their lovely old Zephyr Mk1 convertible. Look for more desirable vehicles coming from their garage in the future….

Here is their story below. Editor Ian.

Hello fellow motoring enthusiasts, I grew up in Raumati on the Kapiti coast, second youngest in a family of six boys. My interest in cars started at a young age when my oldest brother bought a 34 Ford Y. I was first in whenever we went out and when we where aloud by our parents to take the old Ford out for a cruise. Once we travelled to Greytown via the Paekakariki Hill Road, over the Rimutakas and return all in the one day- such great childhood memories.

In 1967 I purchased my first car, a 1955 Mk1 Zephyr for £350. I also owned 1960 Mk2 Zephyr. Like many of us, I wish that I had kept these now collectable cars, but life got in the way as it has a habit of doing to us young guys back in the day. In the late 70s I got involved in sidecar street racing which saw me travel from one end of the country to the other, and competing in Sydney several times. I thoroughly enjoyed this chapter of my motoring life.

In 2005 I shifted to Turakina where I met Mary-Ann in 2011.We shared many great times at different tracks around NZ where I raced as a ’swinger’ until I retired in 2022. For those readers not familiar with the term ’swinger’ in motor racing parlance, this refers to those poor buggers clinging for dear life on a motor cycle sidecar as your racing partner has a more stable position at the controls of the bike. The swinger literally swings from one side of the sidecar to the other , at times only a fraction of an inch from the track itself, to enable the bike to corner at speed. Protective leathers, along with skin, often left lying on the track!

The next chapter in our lives saw us joining the VCC in 2022 after purchasing our Mk1 Zephyr convertible at Webbs Auction House in Auckland. We really love being involved with the Club and regularly attend the Rallies, Sunday Runs and various events. We wanted to join a club where we could do things together-the VCC membership fits this wish like a glove.

Our family of vehicles has since grown and we look forward to be motoring in our new additions in the near future. One of these additions is a quite rare 1957 Mk 11 Ford Zephyr Abbott Estate. The person we purchased it from found it in a dilapidated condition many years ago in a Raetihi barn, shipped to Tauranga where is was eventually vinned. It was originally purchased new from Wanganui as we have the original ownership papers. The car sports a set of triple carbs which were installed before we purchased it. We have undertaken another restoration project to return this desirable classic to it’s former glory, including a new paint job.

Jim Bilby & Mary-Ann share their motoring story

Our second project is a 1937 Ford Y. This car requires quite extensive restoration to enable it to return to our roads. The car was purchased from Bill Laney, a well known Horowhenua VCC Club member. Our local member, Bruce Thomas put us onto it when he spotted the old Ford at a swap meet in Levin. We really wanted one of these cars as it brings back memories when my brothers and I hooned around in one many years ago.

Hope that you have enjoyed our motoring story.

Jim Bilby and Mary-Ann Vandyk

Top left: Jim and Mary-Ann’s 1955 Mk 1 Ford

Top right: 1937 Ford Y. A lot of work waiting to be done on this old girl. Great project.

Above left: Quaint letter box at the front gate. Ford Model A perched on the front fence of the couple’s property. A model one of course and appropriately a Ford

Above right: This beauty is a 1957 Mk 11 Ford Zephyr Abbott Estate. Looking forward to see this back on our roads.

Thank you Jim and Mary-Ann for your hospitality and opening your garage doors for our members. A privilege to interview you. Editor Ian

Zephyr Convertible. My pick. Lovely car.

Annual Rally 2024 Rally Report

This year’s Annual Rally had a field of some 45 vehicles leave the start line at the ‘Cornmarket Reserve’ on a fine winter morning with the first vehicle starting on the Rally at 9:30 am. Another five entrants failed to make the start because of vehicles misbehaving or ailing drivers.

The morning run covering some 84 miles took competitors through City Streets out through Fordell and Mangamahu before going through the lower part of the Turakina Valley Road before winding through lovely country roads arriving in Marton for the end of the ‘Timed Section’. After leaving Marton the Rally travelled through various types of country roads taking them through the back of Feilding via Colyton ending up at the Kairanga Hall for the lunch stop. The Wanganui Branch’s first Rally some 55 years ago also stopped at Kairanga.

The Afternoon Run with clear blue sky and warm sun took competitors through the Rongatea District before a short trip on State Highway 3 then went out the back of Bulls and through the Santoft area. Everyone proceeded back though Turakina and Okoia arriving back at our Clubrooms for a well earned cup of tea or coffee.

The Dinner and Prizegiving on Sunday night was held in the Wanganui Room at the racecourse and it was a very enjoyable evening for the 80 people who attended. Congratulations to all class winners and to the overall winners Brian and Ashley Christie, local Wanganui VCC Branch Members, in their 1929 Ford Model A Coupe.

Congratulations to everyone who participated in the Rally and I hope you all enjoyed it. Of course to run such an Event many helpers are needed and thank you to all those people from our Rally Secretary, Rally Organising Club Captain and other Committee Members along with time keepers, result co-ordinator, marshalls, tail-end charlie and afternoon tea helpers –without all your help our Rally would not happen.

Annual Rally 2024

Prize Winners

Vintage: First : Bryan and Ashley Christie 1929 Ford Model A

Runner up: Don McLaren and Julie Riepen 1931 Ford Model A

Post Vintage: First: David and Glynis Robinson 1939 Ford Deluxe

Post War: First: Michael Hirst and Sharon Thomas 1955 Hillman Californian

Runner up: Jim Bilby and Mary-Ann Vandyk 1955 Ford Zephyr

Post 1960: First: Hinemoa Ransom-Boyd 1964 Vauxhall VX 4-90 and Siobhan Pitkethley

Runner up: Karl and Rebecca Brown 1962 Chevrolet Belair

Post 1980: First: Steve and Joy Growden 1982 Ford Cortina

Runner up: Ian and Frances Higgins 1990 Holden Commodore

Commercial: First: John and Wendy Bullock 1928 Ford Model A Pickup

Runner up: Wayne and Tracey Hayward 1962 Commer Cob

Highest Placed Bryan and Ashley Christie 1929 Ford Model A Wanganui Entrant:

First overall: Bryan and Ashley Christie 1929 Ford Model A

Furthest Travelled: Steve and Joy Growden Whakatane

First Entrant: Jim Bilby and Mary-Ann Vandyk

Best Dressed Lady: Sarah Howell

Best Dressed Man: Peter Robinson

Raffle Winner: Karen Taylor

Annual Rally 2024 Prize Winning Vehicles

Top left: Overall winner Bryan and Ashley Christie, Wanganui, in their 1929 Ford Model A.

Top right: Runner up Vintage and runner up overall. Don McLaren and Julie Riepen, Levin, in their 1931 Ford Model A.

Above left: David and Glynis Robinson, Wanganui, winner Post Vintage in their 1939 Ford Deluxe.

Above right: 1955 Hillman Californian, winner Post War. Michael Hirst and Sharon Thomas from Feilding. Wanganui Members.

Below left: Jim Bilby and Mary-Ann Vandyk, Wanganui, runner up Post War. 1955 Ford Zephyr Convertible.

Below right: Winner Post 1960. Hinemoa Ransom-Boyd and Siobhan Pitkethley, Wanganui, in the quite rare Vauxhall VX 4-90

Annual Rally 2024

Prize Winning Vehicles

Top left: Runner up Post 1960. Karl and Rebecca Brown, Wanganui, in their ‘warmed up’ 1962 Chevrolet Belair.

Top right: Commercial winners John and Wendy Bullock, Wanganui, in their 1928 Ford Model A Pickup.

Middle left: Runner up Commercial. 1962 Commer Cob owned by Wayne and Tracey Hayward, Ngaruawhia.

Middle right: Winner Post 1980. Steve and Joy Growden, Whakatane. 1982 Ford Cortina.

Above: I990 Holden Commodore V8. Ian and Frances Higgins, Wanganui, were Runner up Post 1980.

For those eagle-eyed members who have spotted there was no award for runner up Post Vintage, well done. Simple answer is that there was only one entrant in this class so no runner up. Simple maths! Just goes to show the declining numbers in this class.

Annual Rally 2024 People Pics-

First in Class

Left: Brian and son Ashley Christie scooped the pool. Overall Rally winners. Congratulations.

Right: Michael Hirst and his mother, Sharon Thomas, won the Post War.

All flanked by Chairman Andrew on the left and pictured from Andrew’s left are:

Left: David & Glynis Robinson. Post Vintage. Right: Siobhan Pitkethly & Hinemoa RansomBoyd. Post 1960.

Left: Steve & Joy Growden. Post 1980.

Right: Wendy & John Bullock. Commercial.

Annual Rally 2024 Further Pics

Left: Best dressed lady was awarded to Sarah Howell.

Right: Best dressed man went to Peter Robinson. (Right)

Left: Whanganui’s Deputy Mayor, Helen Craig (left) presented the raffle prize to Karen Taylor.

Right: Chairman Andrew (left) presents the first entry award to Jim Bilby and Mary-Ann Vandyk.

Left: Joy and Steve Growden received the prize for being the furthest travelled entrant from Chairman Andrew (left)

Right: Club stalwart, Bruce Ardell, spoke at the 70th year celebrations during the evening’s festivities.

Our 70th Anniversary

Our 70th Anniversary as a branch was celebrated this year in conjunction with the Annual Rally. Branch stalwart Neil Farrer did a sterling job compiling a commemorative book, ‘70 Years of Motoring’ which was distributed to members over the rally weekend, to older members and at the AGM. For those who have not yet received a copy for your household I suggest that you contact Neil without delay. At this stage, and until limited supplies are exhausted, there is no charge, but this will have to be revisited should a reprint be required.

Getting back to Neil for a moment.( Pictured on the right speaking at the podium) This man is a legend. He spent day upon day, week upon week, pouring over countless records and documents researching data from wherever he could. Hinemoa Ransom-Boyd from H & A Print was a great help in assisting Neil by procuring old Rivet records and photos. Take a bow, Neil. For a man not in the best of health at present and in his 84th year, to volunteer his services to produce this book, is a wonderful feat. And thanks to all the others who contributed to this commemorative book.

I do not intend to reproduce snippets from Neil’s writings. It is all there and a must for you to read and file away on your bookshelf. And how neat was it that our respected Patron, Alan Bates, now in his 100th year, was at our Rally and Anniversary dinner to say a few words and to cut the commemorative cake with his lovely daughter and valued VCC member, Linda Kendrick, by his side (pictured below)

And what about the beautiful cake expertly baked and iced by our member, Ann Berntsen. ( photo of the cake on left) Wonder where the Chrysler Limousine photo which covered the surface of the cake hailed from? Some old Editor I guess. Very clever how the picture was embossed on the cake-all edible. I was very humbled that a car from my stable was chosen among the entourage of beautiful cars in our branch. I supplied 25 photos for Neil and Ann to choose from for their consideration. Mine was the one I supplied as rally sponsor but not the cake. I sampled a piece of cake at the dinner and then another at the AGM. Should not have with my diabetes, but what the hell.

Happy 70th birthday Wanganui VCC. May you keep on keeping on. Editor Ian

AD READY $5 off your WOF
12noony: 8am–5pm Saturday: 8am–129 Heads Road, Wanganui Ph: 06 348 7108
Monday–Friday: 8am–5pm Saturday: 8am–12noon 19 Heads Road, Wanganui Ph: 06 348 7108

Welcome to New Members

We, the Wanganui Branch of the Vintage Car Club of New Zealand would like to welcome the following people who have become new members of the Club over the past few months;

1 Tony O'Keeffe and his partner Alice Green of Wanganui

2 Glen Blythe of Wanganui who has a 1938 Austin Big 7

3 David Forsyth of Wanganui

4 Ian Johnson of Wanganui who has a 1965 Fiat Cabriolet 1500

5 Michael Hirst of Feilding who has a 1955 Hillman Californian

6 Michael and Jackie Firth of Marton who have a 1935 Chrysler

7 Graham Holloway of Wanganui who has a 1948 Ford Bonus

8 Gregory White of Wanganui who has a 1954 Triumph TR2

We welcome one and all and we look forward to seeing you at all our future events.

Frank James



To the kind person who donated the H P 63 Inkjet Printer and ink cartridges to the Wanganui Branch of VCC, thank you very much.

We will be able to make use of this Printer as a one copy Copier and it will be very useful. Your generosity is appreciated by everyone.

Thank you once again

Frank James


Pierre & Sietse’s Sunday Run

It was a rather overcast Sunday afternoon but that didn't dampen the spirits of those devoted to converting petrol into pleasure gathering for a run on Mother’s Day. In all 21 cars, 50 or so people and 3 dogs embarked on this drive into the countryside.

Leaving the Clubrooms, the route headed around Williams Domain, into Duncan and Wakefield Streets and out to Okoia. To the dismay of some, it was off at the sealed road and onto predominately gravel surface up the Matarawa Valley Road, onto Station Road into Fordell ( aka Ardell Country). The route went through the township then onto No. 2 Line, before heading west into Union Line to spot a couple of silent checks before returning to No.2 Line. There was a stop at Rusthall Estate to answer a question then back to town via the City Bridge and onto the Clubrooms where a silent check was placed before the run concluded.

James Whibley and Tom Wilson, in James 1961 Chevrolet Belair, were declared the winners. We thank you all for taking part.

Pierre and Sietse.

And thank you Pierre and Zeilstra for organising this very enjoyable run and submitting the report above. Editor Ian

Wanganui Toy Fair

On Sunday 19th May, a group of VCC enthusiasts made their way to the Springvale Stadium to display their vehicles in support of the Wanganui Toy Fair. This year a more civil time for our arrival was arranged to allow the stall holders to unload their wares and set up shop. In all we had 18 VCC vehicles representing a good cross section of yesterday’s motoring. Once again our display was very warmly received by the public. Steven Voss’s Austin 7 drew a lot of attention as he positioned a large key on the spare tyre assembly on the appropriate for this event. For those members who stayed for the duration there was an opportunity to indulge in some retail therapy and by all accounts it appears that some worthwhile purchases were made. We very much appreciate those members who gave up their time to display their vehicles for the day’s event. Thank you so much. Pierre and Sietse.

Right: Sietse, Tom, James and Pierre pose for the camera.

Club Calendar

Club Runs meet at the Clubrooms at 1pm unless stated

Various other rallies and events regularly emailed to members .

June 5th Club Night and AGM at 7.30pm

13th & 27th Ladies Coffee Meet Mitre 10. 11am.

July 3rd Club Night. Guest speaker or something special for a winter meeting.

11th & 25th Ladies Coffee Meet. Mitre 10 at 11am.

21st Sunday Run. This is a special event with Shane and Noeline Hobman organising a run around town followed by a fund-raising High Tea for afternoon tea. Phone Eilidh 0211472341 for ordering tickets. $15 per head for the High Tea. See Club Captains report.

Advance notice from motor cycle convenor, Bill James:

Annual Motor Cycle Rally 12th April 2025

Lock this date away

Ed Boyd Parts Shed

We have an outstanding collection of engines, gearboxes, body parts, spares, new and used, from a vast range of manufacturers. These parts span from the early 1900’s to more modern production vehicles. If you are looking for anything, large or small, to keep your car on the road call us to see if we can assist. You will find our prices unbelievable. Please call or email us:

Dave 06 347 6915 027 555 4201

Chris 06 348 7335 027 443 1184

Graeme 06 3431324 027 929 5026

lf we don’t have it, we may know someone who does -

For Sale

For Sale: 1978 Triumph 2500S. Tidy condition. New Rego and WOF. Some spare parts. $2000 o.n.o. Phone Keith Bing 06 343 9076

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor

Open up the coop and let your Bantams fly free for a great day out! It’s the Bantam Run (Motorcycle and not miniature chickens) to Rangiwahia on November 24th.

All Bantam owners are welcome. If you don’t want to ride your bike all the way, you could trailer it to join us at the Rangiwahia Domain. There you could ride your bike all day around the paddock or just park it up as a display.

Plan for the day:

1 Meet at the Colyton Hall to ride the back roads to Rangiwahia.

2 Pause at the cemetery for a short time of remembrance at Joy McKean’s grave.

3 Lunch at the hall then take part in the first Annual Post Office Bantam Challenge.

4 There is a charge of $5 to cover the cost of the hall.

5 November isn't that far away so get working on your bikes!

Looking forward to see you all there

Thank you

Mike Marshall

06 323 9227

107 Rapanui Road Westmere

Farm shop opening hours:

Tuesday to Friday 8am to 5pm

Saturday 8am to 1-30 pm

Bates Watchmakers

130 Victoria Ave, Wanganui

Phone/Fax 06 345-2235


Watch Specialists for Whanganui

Sales & Repairs

Mainstreet’s Top Shop Award Winner


‘NZ’s Finest Automotive Platers’ 68 Wilson Street Wanganui

Acknowledged experts on all types of Vintage and Post Vintage Nickel and Chrome Plating.


Copper, Brass, Bronze, Antique Finishing and Metal Polishing Phone Dave on Wanganui 06 345 5042 or 021 057 6726 for prompt and efficient service.

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