Climate adaptation in Togo: Red Cross trains volunteers in crisis prevention - German Red Cross

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Climate adaptation in Togo: DRK trains crisis prevention teams - DRK blog


Climate adaptation in Togo: Red Cross trains volunteers in crisis prevention On January 28th, 2020 by AurĂŠlie Blanc & Vincenza Lofino

From October 29 to 31, 2019, the Red Cross trained six new crisis prevention teams in the Togolese Maritime region. Many villages on the Mono River are flooded every year. Climate change with increasing extreme weather events leads to an increase in floods. The population suffers from the fact that their harvests, houses and personal belongings are being increasingly destroyed. In addition, they are associated with the increase in diseases such. B. faced malaria.

Education and training of crisis prevention teams x

In order to meet these special climate-related challenges, we train crisis prevention teams in the communities. The task of these Red Cross volunteers is to carry out information and awareness campaigns in their villages, to

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jointly develop action and disaster plans, to

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spread early warnings and to instruct concrete


measures, such as evacuations.

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Climate adaptation in Togo: DRK trains crisis prevention teams - DRK blog

Training in the village

of AvevĂŠ.

The training conducted by the Red Cross in October aimed to provide the new teams with the knowledge and skills they need to

adequately equip their communities against natural hazards. In addition to information on the subject of climate change, the training also included measures for risk reduction and climate adaptation. With the support of the Togolese Red Cross staff, the participants took part in an RPG exercise to mobilize the community in hypothetical flood scenarios.

Moments during training sessions in the village of AvevĂŠ, Maritime (Togo), October 29-31, 2019.

Team equipment All new volunteers were each given x a Red Cross t-shirt, a Red Cross vest and a bag, as well as rainwear and rubber boots. In addition, each crisis prevention team was given a mobile phone and a megaphone to warn both their own community and neighboring communities in the event of a flood.

Your donation helps. The volunteers are making important changes Support the work of the DRK! DONATE NOW file:///C:/Users/Vinz/Desktop/Climate adaptation in Togo_ DRK trains crisis prevention teams - DRK blog.html



Climate adaptation in Togo: DRK trains crisis prevention teams - DRK blog

“The participation was incredible! 43 volunteers from six villages in the Maritime Region took part in the training of the Red Cross. With their commitment, the volunteers are driving important changes in their communities, ”said the regional program coordinator of the Togolese Red Cross. ile training in Avevé

Concentrated work wh

The action is part of the training that is part of the project “Institutional strengthening of capacities in the field of disaster preparedness

and adaptation to climate change in Togo”. The project is being implemented by the Togolese Red Cross in cooperation with the German Red Cross and financed by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the DRK. » Learn more about our work in Togo. Photo: DRK / Togolese Red Cross

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nza Lofino Aurélie Blanc & Vince

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Climate adaptation in Togo: DRK trains crisis prevention teams - DRK blog

Aurélie Blanc (right) is a DRC volunteer as part of the EU project “EU Aid Volunteers”. She supports the Togolese Red Cross and the DRK office in Lomé for 10 months on site in the implementation of their projects with a focus on communication and fundraising. Vincenza Lofino (left) supports the Togolese Red Cross as well as the Red Cross office in Lomé for 11 months in the implementation of their projects with a focus on monitoring & evaluation as well as volunteers as part of the EU project “EU-Aid Volunteers” -Management.


Tags: Africa , education , equipment , volunteer , disaster , disaster management , disaster preparedness , climate , climate adaptation , climate change , crisis prevention , Togo

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