Radical Revamps

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Contents BRAND VOICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 TARGET AUDIENCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 VISUAL IDENTITY 12 TYPOGRAPHY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 PHOTOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 COLOURS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 LOGO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 IN APPLICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 CONTENTS

Turning yesterday’s textiles into tomorrow’s trends.

Brand voice

Through its approachable tone, Radical Revamps invites customers to indulge in its cozy and warm pieces. It is easy to connect with the brand because every item is handmade by the owner. You will always feel heard, as Radical Revamps is a small business that takes care to ensure each customer is happy with their purchase and feels represented by the brand. The tone of copy is casual; abbreviations and contractions are permitted. Copy is expressive, creative, and memorable.


Who are we?

Radical Revamps is a project started by two sisters who have a passion for design and sewing. A er getting great reviews on the aesthetic and quality of our items from friends and family, we decided to take our cra a step further with a small business. Not only do we love our cra , but we also share a concern for our planet’s wellbeing, and decided we could not pursue our ambitions without addressing the climate crisis. Reuse has already been heavily integrated into our daily consumption habits. Now, we have found a way to continue to reuse through Radical Revamps; each product incorporates fabric scraps and used clothing into its design. We turn fabrics that would have been wasted into meaningful, one-of-a-kind pieces. Radical Revamps understands the importance of personal identity and each product is purposefully unique, just like our customers. Join us on our quest to cozying up living spaces with our pillows and accessorizing with our inimitable bags. We hope you love the distinctive, timeless look we have curated as much as we do.



Our mission is to empower individuals to express themselves through upcycled, one-off products.


Above all, we value self-expression, inclusion, sustainability, and originality.


We seek to be the go-to brand for people who value environmental consciousness and unique style. Radical Revamps strives to be the better alternative to fast fashion.

• • • • • • BRAND VOICE 7

Brand archetypes

• The Creator (inspirational, provocative)

• The Explorer (exciting, fearless, daring)


• Teens to young adults (16-25)

• Female/non-binary

• High school/college students, or young professionals who are just starting their careers.

• They have some financial stability, but are also likely budget-conscious.


• Store location: global (online store)

• Customers are likely living in an urban or suburban area in a college town or near a city.



• Values originality, creativity, and authenticity.

• Artistic

• Small-business oriented

• Fashion-forward

• Trailblazer, trendsetter

• Actively seeks brands that align with their values by being ethical and green

• Seeks new experiences, travels and explores

• Strives to lessen their footprint as much as possible and supports brands that do the same


• Social and enjoys meeting new people, but also spends time alone engaging in their artistic pursuits.

• Avid thri er

• Spends a lot of time on social media.

• Opens their wallet if there are associations with a product being “local”, “handmade”, “eco-friendly”, or “personalized”.


Target profile

Riley was brought up by a loving middle-class family. She used to conform to what every other girl did and desperately sought to fit in. As a result, she wore what the trends dictated, was okay with being complacent. Riley was once described as shy by those who didn’t really know her but then, something clicked. Why did she care what everyone else thought? She realized she had something to say. She realized she had valuable ideas and could get along with people with ease. Over the past couple years, Riley has completely broken out of her shell and feels as if her life is beginning to fall into place; she has deepened her own understanding of her beliefs and morals and holds

herself to them, yet is still trying to navigate the ups and downs of life. Though once sheltered, she has a new passion for adventure and travel. She is both curious and creative, maintains a healthy level of confidence, and basically knows who she is. Her eco-consciousness led her to pursue a degree in environmental science, which she is in her third year of. Excelling academically has always been a strength, but now she also parties on the weekend and loves to meet new people. Upon discovering Radical Revamps, Riley was elated. The brand completely aligns with her character and beliefs; both are unique, green, and follow the same upscale-grunge aesthetic.


Visual identity

Mixed media and distinctive photography form the basis for Radical Revamps’ visual identity. There is an emphasis on grungy and grainy textures. Collages can be made with found objects/re-purposed materials in combination with printed Radical Revamps photography. The Patchwork Collage asset was created by making clipping

masks of collages, photos, and brand colours, following the shapes of an existing Radical Revamps patchwork drawstring bag. Each fragment of the Patchwork Collage asset was exported separately and may be used as additional assets. Duotones of Radical Revamps photography with brand colours may be used as assets.


Playfair Display Bold.

display type. To be used solely for titles, headings, and subheadings.

Davis Sans Regular.

body type. This highly legible sans serif complements Playfair’s serif letterforms nicely.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 ! @
? A B C D E
H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ! @ # $ % & ( ) ? RADICAL REVAMPS 14
8 9
# $ % & ( )


• Frequently depicts young people sporting streetwear/casual, trendy, androgynous attire

• Warm-toned

• Editorial

• Technical specifications: 50mm prime lens or 18-55mm zoom lens Lighting must be sunrise or sunset (outdoors), or warm studio so lighting

• Maintain a variety of close, medium, and wide shots

• Experimentation with composition is encouraged

• All photography must be at least 150dpi for screens and 300dpi for print

• No other logos can be visible

• Ensure all photography showcases the products and a lifestyle: adventurous, playful, cool, happy.

• Promote androgyny, variety, representation, and inclusion.


Primary colours

PMS: 715 C

RGB: 235, 146, 68

CMYK: 0, 54, 93, 0

HEX #: eb9244

PMS: 5477 C

RGB: 68, 91, 88

CMYK: 76, 48, 58, 29

HEX #: 48625e


Secondary colours

PMS: 7752 C

RGB: 204, 176, 67

CMYK: 20, 27, 100, 1

HEX #: ccb043

PMS: 482 C

RGB: 218, 200, 185

CMYK: 13, 20, 25, 0

HEX #: dac8b9

PMS: 5503 C

RGB: 153, 182, 187

CMYK: 44, 16,

23, 0

HEX #: 99b6bb

PMS: 1675 C

RGB: 160, 75, 42

CMYK: 23, 84, 100, 14

HEX #: a04b2a

23 LOGO 0.25x x 0.17x x

Logo usage

• Both the logomark and wordmark are to be used for Radical Revamps packaging, advertising, social media, promotional material, and the website.

• A clipping mask version of the logomark using the Patchwork Collage asset may be used as a decorative element, and does not have to adhere to clearspace regulations (as seen on page 22).

• The logo may be placed over a photo

• The logo may be resized proportionally.

• Cropping is permitted.



• Deleting elements

• Editing the shape

• Warping/stretching/ reconfiguring/distorting

• Altering the orientation

• Using any logo file except for the original vector file

• Colouring the logo

• Outlining/drop shadow

• Removing the texture


Application standards

• Use only chosen corporate typefaces according to their usage.

• Only use corporate colours for fills.

• Use a modular grid system for all web and promotional material.

• Never outline text boxes.

• Consider ample negative space when combining text with images. text

IN APPLICATION Promotional flyer. Business card.

Social media.


All photography is taken by Vienne Seto and may not be used without permission.


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