Adhd parent information day agenda november 2013

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ADHD Parent Information Day November 19, 2013 This session is an introduction to aspects of ADHD parents need to know to understand and manage their child’s behaviour, liaise with professionals effectively, and promote a positive family environment. We welcome you on behalf of the co-sponsoring organizations: Ministry of Children and Family Development, School District #61, Children’s Health Foundation of Vancouver Island, Island Health, and the FORCE Society for Kid’s Mental Health.

Agenda 8:30 – 9:00

Registration (coffee, tea, and snacks available)

9:00 – 10:30

Dr. Jennie Preuss, Child/Adolescent Psychiatrist: Medical and Teamwork Aspects of ADHD

10:30 – 10:45


10:45 – 12:15

Marvella Preston-Bain, Jodie Waldie, Amy Polson, Cindy Harte, Deb Whitten, SD 61, and Susan Stacey, OT: Educational Implications, Self-Regulation and Sensory/Occupational Aspects of ADHD

12:15 – 12:45

Lunch (provided by the Children’s Health Foundation of VI)

12:45 – 2:15

Dr. Kate Herbert, R. Psych., and Lisa Tate, Parent-in-Residence, FORCE Society for Kid’s Mental Health: Family and Relationship Issues

2:15 – 2:30

Closing Remarks and Evaluation

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