Footscray Technical School Blue and Gold 1953 no. 13

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No.13 . 1953




BLUE & GOLD - 1 9 5 3 Magazine

of the Footscray Editor:



E. B. Howells.

Hon. A. E. S H E P H E R D ,


Minister for Education (Member of School Council since 1947.)

SCHOOL COUNCIL Standing: C. H. Beanland, A. Blomfield, W. J. C u m i n g , Cr. J. Gray, R. Rankin. Sitting: Dr. M . H. H. C. Richardson, R. G. Parsons (President), E. J. W. Herbert, W. A. McKinna, G. O. Simcock.


The Principal's Page As we are nearing the end of another school year, it is interesting to review our progress and changes, and comment on plans for the future. The work on the School Assembly Hall that commenced last year was completed early in 1953 by the installation of stage and window curtains complete with pelmets, and it has made a wonderful improvement to the appearance and the acoustics of the Hall. We have, with the assistance of the Diploma Students' Association, Students' Representative Council, Parents, and School Council, succeeded in paying <£420 for the.curtains and £ . 3 0 0 off the account for chairs. It is hoped to pay the balance of £ 9 0 0 for the chairs over a period of another three years and also procure a further 100 chairs. A n escape stairway was erected this year. The thrill of the year was, I believe, the gathering in the School Hall for the presentation of Diplomas to ex-students in Thursday, M a y 14. The section of the School now undergoing a rearrangement is the Senior Machine Shop, where the Grade 1 section has already been redesigned and the machines are now receiving a coat of paint. The remainder of this large workshop is now to be rearranged so that the machines will be grouped for more efficient operation, and at an early date we expect to construct a room for the test and gauge equipment required for the course in Production Engineering that will be established in 1954. During the year the Minister of Education, Hon. A. E. Shepherd, visited the School to discuss the following matters—Caretaker's House for Ballarat R o a d Unit, Transfer of the Welding Department, Junior School Accommodation, School Grounds, New Administrative Block at Ballarat Road, with provision for Diploma Classes. We are pleased to say that the Minister has agreed to ask the Public Works Department Architect to investigate these matters and report to him, so we are hopeful that these important matters will now receive attention. We have prepared new plans for the refurnishing and modernising of our Senior Library, and are quite confident that this work will be approved. Students and Staff must be appreciative of the efforts being made to keep abreast of m o d e m trends in both equipment and layout. Any suggestions to further the interests of any section of our school will be appreciated.





By The Vice-Principal

Due to the opening up next year of seven or eight new metropoHtan technical schools, many changes in staffing are inevitable. At the beginning of this year we received some additions to our ranks. To Nicholson Street came Mr. T. G. Wasley, from Caulfield, to take the position of Trade Supervisor, and Mr. T. Pidd, from Warrnambool, to join the Machine Shop staff. Mr. L. A. Irwin, a Footscray Diplomate, joined the Mechanical Engineering Department, and Mr. G. F. Shaefler, who had just returned from service at Heard Island, took over Land Surveying and Geology. At Ballarat Road, Mr. A. E. Senior took charge of the English and Social Studies, and Mr. L. A. Simpson took over the Art Department. Also to the Art Department came Messrs. N. H. Bryning, E. Mack, and H. W. A. Calder, while Mr. F. McDonald joined the English group, and Mr. A. K. Godfrey came to the Machine Shop. Additions to the Woodwork Department were Messrs. N. H. Smille, S. Bartlett, and H. Jones, while A. J. Wild came to assist with Physical Education, and Mr. D. Van Leeuwin with Maths, and English. Messrs. J. M. Crockett, W. Martin and K. A. Morrison (all of whom passed through the Senior School) with K. McGarvin and L. T. Beulke have been attached to our staff during the past year to gain experience and they will probably be moving on to other schools. At the end of this year we are losing our Headmaster, Mr. C. A. Jordan, who is going to Preston Junior Technical School. (See reference in next colum.) Mr. R. Atkinson also is leaving us to become Principal of the new technical school which is being built at Ferntree Gully; Mr. Horbury goes as Headmaster to South Melbourne J.T.S., while Messrs. H. Morrow and R. Telford have gained promotion to Coburg and Preston J.T.S. respectively. Mr. B. L. Anthony is going to Geelong and Mr. E. F. Cusack to Bendigo, while Messrs. Power, Hennessy and Carruthers are returning to primary schools, and Mr. Harrison to the Physical Education Staff. To all these who are leaving us we tender our best thanks for their contribution to the school's progress, and we wish them every possible success in their new environment.

Mr. C. A. J O R D A N

We very much regret having to record the departure of our Headmaster, Mr. Jordan, who in the new year will become Headmaster of the Preston Technical School. We say "regret" with all sincerity, for during his five years as Headmaster of the Junior School, Mr. Jordan has endeared himself both to his staff and to the boys at Ballarat Road School. Wisdom, tact, and a quiet efficiency have marked his direction of the School during this period—a period which has seen the Junior School develop into one of the largest and most complex units of its kind in the State. A note of this kind would scarcely be adequate if it omitted mention of those other more human qualities that so readily secured for him the alTection of his School—above all his sincerity of purpose, his rare and kindly tolerance, and his unique understanding of boys' problems—and yes, of problem boys. Our sincerest good wishes go with him to his new appointment. f 3

These lectures were greatly appreciated by the mothers. This is a very brief summary of the work being done in our school by the Mothers' Club. The essential thing in running an organisation successfully is to have a good team spirit among the members. This can only be maintained if you, the mothers of the boys at the school, will lend a hand and join this happy club. A.C.

MOTHERS' CLUB The Mothers' Club have had a very busy year. On the social side many enjoyable afternoons were spent and a lot of fun was had by all. Every year the Club has a special Mothers' Day meeting, the highlight this year being a performance by 86 boys of the Junior School choir. The guest speaker was Mrs. Howells, President of the Federation of Mothers' Clubs. During the year the club celebrated its 27th birthday, 150 being present. The club does not devote all its time and energy entirely to our own school. This year we set out to help spastic and sub-normal children by giving donations to organisations working for them. August was a fairly busy month for the club. The school sports were held at the Footscray oval, and sweets and drinks for the boys and afternoon tea for the staff was provided. Another event which kept us busy was Education Week at the Ballarat Road School, where once again the club provided refreshments for three days and nights. Lectures were given by Miss Dixon, from Paton & Baldwin's, and by Sarah Dunne, cookery expert on the staff of The Herald.

SCHOOL EXHIBITION A highlight of the year's activities has unquestionably been the Exhibition of Students' Work, Working Displays and Exhibition of Students' Hobbies, held at the Ballarat Road Unit of the School during the Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of Education Week this year. An endeavour was made to give visitors a complete picture of the school by setting up general displays of students' work in the Junior School, the Diploma School and Trade Classes. These displays were most comprehensive and generally of a very high standard. The exhibition of Hobbies was bigger and better than in the previous year and attracted crowds of visitors. Although the attendance of visitors at the afternoon ses-

MOTHERS' C L U B C O M M I T T E E Back: Mrs. P. Portingale. Mrs. J. Strong, Mrs. G. Brown, Mrs. G. Clarke, Mrs. F. Bennett. Front: Mrs. A. Copeland (Secretary). Mrs. M. Bell (Vice-President), Mrs. A. Grigg (President), Mrs. M. Gates (Senior VicePresident), Mrs. V. Clark (Treasurer).


STUDENTS' REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL Back: L. Warburton, P. Dudley, J. McDowell, B. McLeod. Middle: B. Neyland. E. Handsted, R. Lee, F. Morris. W. Hirt, 1. Stapleton. B. Maloney, N. Overson. Front: K . White, B. Carr, G . Bathie, M . Noy, J. Sedgley (staff representative), G . Barrow (senior prefect), J. Edney, D. Lam, J. Maker.

During 1953 the Student Council was most active and all members attended the meetings regularly. The first function was the luncheon held to welcome new students to the diploma school. The S.R.C. provided a very appetising lunch for the new-comers, and at the conclusion of the lunch the new students were welcomed by Mr. Beanland on behalf of the staff, and by Max Noy on behalf of the students. This type of function is very necessary in a school of this type because the new students find the place strange, and this function makes them feel at home and they are shown their way around the school. The S.R.C. also helped in putting the final touches to the school hall, by donating ÂŁ.100 for decorations and curtains. Everyone will agree that the curtains improved the hall's appearance as well as enabling films to be held during Assembly. Mr. Sedgley, as staii representative at the meetings, was very active and was always ready to guide us when we were in difficulties. During the year some very interesting debates took place, which does a lot to broaden the oudook of students taking part. This is what the S.R.C. needs, and we hope next year more members will bring forward suggestions for discussion. G.W.B., 8A.

sions was only fair, the evening attendances were such that the traffic had to be regulated and at times, it was difficult to move in certain sections of the exhibition. Nearly 6,500 tickets were sold for the hobbies exhibition, and it is estimated that at least 7,000 visitors attended the school during the three days of the exhibition. It is most encouraging to the boys of the school to find that so many of their parents and friends display such interest in the work of the school. We must thank and congratulate all who contributed to the success of the week, particularly Mr. A . Robertson, who undertook the general organisation of the displays; Mr. -A,. Senior, who organised the Hobbies Exhibition; Mr. W . Palmer, who was responsible for the display of apprentices' work; Mr. E. Morganti, who undertook the responsibility for the Junior School display; Mr. J. Sedgley, who arranged the exhibition of Diploma work, and to all Heads of Departments, whose working displays and still exhibits brought great credit to them and to the school. We must again thank the Mothers' Club for their assistance and participation, and, finally, we must thank the students without whose co-operation, hard work, and enthusiasm the exhibition would have been impossible.


Staff Members

STAFF — BALLARAT ROAD Back: K, Smillie. G. Branchflowei. G. Blampied, H. Jones. D. Van Leeuwen, J. Crockett, R. Billinge, W.Martin, T. Power, K. Morrison, F. McDonald, L. Beulke, J. Hennessy. F. Cusack. Centre: V. Grubb. G. Bathie, M. Allen, F. Steeper, W. Cockett. S. Bartlett, E. Morganti, A. Calder, R. Croft. B. Cronin, D. Hall. H. Smith. E. Mack, K. Harrison, R. Stroud. Front: A. Godfrey, L. Tonkin, J. Nuttall, W. Nicholls, J. Bennett, L. Simpson. A. Senior. C. Jordan (Headmaster), C. H. Beanland (Principal), R. Atkinson. E. Carey, H. Morrow, A. Hames, D. Corp, R. Carruthers. N. Bryning.

STAFF — NICHOLSON STREET Back: G. B. Waterson, H. D. Whittaker, D. B. Johnstone, R. C. Oliver. G. T. Branchflower, C. Gordon, T. Pidd. N. C. Porter. Middle: J. Faulkner, J. A. Douglas, H. J. Barley. D. E. Eraser, R. P. Telford, E. L. Walker, E. J. Sedgley, A. R. Rebbechi. C. J. W. Smith, L. A. Irwin. D. Rathbone. Front: W. V. Palmer, W. Cameron. W. H. Horbury. O. I Bayliss, G. Murray (Vice-Principal), C. H. Beanland (Principal). T. G. Wasley, D. E. Crocker, I. D. Scott, E. B. Howells. W. J. Bassett.

WHO'S WHO ill Form 7 BOB FREEMAN. His vivid description of car and motor cycle prangs, realistic sound effects accompanying the bawl by bawl commentary, shatter us out of our inertia every week. His cheerful and lively temperament will do much to carry him through his National Service training, which is his chief worry at the moment. Our deeper sympathy goes out to the rest of the unit.

J O E M A K E R . As busy as the proverbial one-armed paperhanger with the itch, •1 ^ Seph manages to fill the week with dancing lessons, radio school instruction and sport, and still have time enough to become the star student of the form. His radio experience qualifies him as Bob Humphreys' right-hand knob-twister; other experience makes him the champion compliment-turner at dances.

ROSS B U R B R I D G E , generally vanishes behind a wisp of smoke for the last period on Mondays, and made himself completely invisible for a few days before the August vacation. All of his activities seem to be veiled, obscure, enigmatic, and in smoke, and so we admit our fundamental ignorance of this, the shadowiest figure in the form.

FRANK BOADLE Tries hard to keep order and preserve dignity in the classrooms, where his attendance is punctual, regular and therefore o u t s t a n ding. Another startling eccentricity is that he always has something ready for correction in English. These misdemeanours, however, are compensated for by the brilliance with which he represents the school at tennis and cricket.

JOHN MATTSON, t h e form's Einstein, shelters beneath a mop of hair that needs a pint of peroxide a week to preserve its purity of color. Recent piebald r patches indicate more concern about the inside of his head. Jeers changed to cheers when John amazed us by winning the open mile. Try everything once and everybody at all times is Matto's motto.

R A Y C H E R is a solid foundation member of Mr. Douglas's camera club, and a close student of photography books. Some of his studies were really too close for reproduction here. R u m o u r hints that he is to be employed as G.M.H.'s chief designer of gear boxes. He is well to the fore in English, i.e., one of the four who sit in the front row.

^ ^ M^Hmk

R O N P I T T S . We hope that Ron will remember his own behaviour at school when, as a teacher, he has to deal with reluctant learners. H e is a regular attendant at the Moonee Ponds Town Hall, and was once nearly chosen as a partner. H e was also a member of the cricket team, though an unfortunate mjury kept him out of winter sport.

DON McVEAN. An enthusiastic member of the radio club, he put his knowledge of electronics to good use in physics, where the perfection of his results arouses speculation in Mr. Burley. This is perhaps the only sphere in which he is too true. It's too bad that we can't say any [7]

LES SHEARER. This martial, but not at all militant figure has become a familiar sight over the last two years, giving the school a certain air of dignity. We take this opportunity of thanking him for his fatherly interest in us, and telling him of an invention that can be used on a Wolseley car; namely a horn, a more humane way of scattering pedestrians than the use of Panzer tactics.

PHILLIP WARD. Actormanager-producer of the Tuesday morning hit parade, Lippa is Footscray's lone sharpie—Bodge with a car—and holds a lunchtime audience spielbound with autobiographical fragments of his Saturday night-life. He is never late himself, but often has the misfortune to be carried by a late train. He was a member of the school football team, and played for Carlton Thirds.

DAVID HART. Steve is our atomic research worker whose applications of the nuclear reactions to calculus baffle everybody, including Mr. Horbury. Previously famous for the coííure known as the Hart Look he was even barter to look at when an amateur barber in the form got to work with the scissors. Bushranging tactics probably got him Handsome Hart's Haustin, and are certainly employed on Saturday nights.

NOEL CARY. You may see him urging his velocipede along Nicholson Street at a terrific pace so that he can reach Room 10 before he has to batter the door down. His "Brunny Town Hall" jive escapades explain but do not justify his hair cut. A vast knowledge of diploma subjects and an interest in recordings enable him to perform integrations and Frankie Laine numbers simultaneously, and the results are of the same order.

CHARLES GREEN. Rediscovering the principle of the cinema, Charlie can produce a most moving picture of John Mattson by flipping the edges of any of his note books. He can also agitate himself by looking at the pages to discover what has to be read before the exam. But he has a scholarship and a good scholastic record— so far—so we aren't really worried. He was also a member of the football team, so there were some occasions when our eyes got a rest from his canary jacket.

IAN CAIRNS. "Happy" has enough wit to keep the class awake through the dullest periods, but his imitations of Louis Armstrong's vocal efiiects — a more appropriate word than singing—are perhaps funnier, a bull-frog in the throes of hysteresis. His bird calls, clear as his clear thinking, evoke wild animal responses. Though he is not a sportsman, his generous help is appreciated by both dance committees.

RON JOHNSTON is our champion cyclist, v/hose most startling speeds are put up downwards. When he strolls in on Monday wearing a sheepish expression on a rammed face, we don't ask about the other fellow's injuries, but about the vintage of the car that had had the bad luck to be on the same highway.

JOHN SHARP. You might be pardoned for thinking that he comes from the tropics, for he shelters in in the swellest of overcoats while we swelter in the scantiest of undercoats He is an accomplished basketball player in a " Y " team, but nobody knows whether an M or a W specifies the Y, and if so, why.


NEIL CONGDEN gives out free ads for the theatre he works in, and we wish it were in Footscray as we might get some free tickets. H e has variable opinions on transport, and now that he drives a car "wouldn't have a motor bike on my m i n d " — c e r t a i n l y a vague, difficult and uncomfortable location for one. A t the m o m e n t he has othe rthings on his mind. This year he played in all matches with the baseball team.

D O N L A M has an unlimited capacity for opposition. No S.R.C. motion ever passes without a deflecting impulse from the East, and no statement about organic chemistry gets away without colliding with an interesting if unorthodox counterhypothesis. Like fleas on dogs, his original theories keep chemistry instructors in that state of dissatisfaction which is the condition of all scientific progress.

J O H N C H A P M A N . After a week-end swinging a pick and excavating post holes — despite high pressure sales talk no volunteers stepped out — Chappie doesn't look so happy on M o n d a y , though the effect wears off in time. N o sympathy from us, for we all agree, the later the better for this sort of thing. H e is an enthusiastic allweather motor cyclist, and intends to run the S.E.C. some day.

MAX NOY. His enthusiasm and smart work in C h e m . 1 is explained by the catalytic female attendance at school on Tuesday nights. The keen interest he takes in all other school activities fully justifies his position as Prefect and S . R . C . secretary. From observations made at each of the school dances, we are beginning to speculate about the likelihood of his following Chappie's example.

ALAN BEDGOOD. The boy from Boisdale is among us to complete an education begun at Sale. Alan's bright personality and sporting prowess have made him widely popular—especially with the younger and decorative inhabitants of the M a i n Office. W i t h a studentship and the top score rating at at the Inter-Tech, sports to his credit, he enhances the form's reputation, and in gratitude we drop our weekly coin into his treasure chest; his perm, is due this month.

B O B HUMPHREYS. Vocal, voluble and audible at all frequencies and in all gatherings, public and private, Bob is our radio expert, spending most of his time between advising the Principal at the Assemblies, and preparing new electronic devices and electrifying diversions in his den beneath the stairs. Now and then, mostly then, he makes a formal appearance at classes, and his form at school dances sometimes makes us wish we were in his shoes, but not in his partner's.

WALTER WHITBOURN, having wisely retired from the motor cycle brigade, now rides ball-point pens in a style not fully appreciated by M r . Horbury. H e is one of the many w h o think it right to read the wrong sort of literature at the wrong time, and is a self-confessed authority on Jazz. His failure to produce a mysterious associate at the school dance was a disappointment.

B I L L H I R T has cricketing ability above the average, and chemical skill over the odds, which are about fifty to one against in our form. He can analyse organic compounds with remarkable skill, using only a pin. W e failed to pin him down, however, on reports of his prowess among the Melton bobby-soxers.







so to provide more entertainment eliminations were held at each dance. Although the prizes to be presented to the winning set were of very little monetary value, great zeal was shown by the dancers, and on several occasions the eliminations lasted some considerable time before the outright winners could be decided on. Near the end of second term the attendances began to fall, and although dances continued to be financially successful, it was decided to discontinue them in the third term, so that students actively engaged in the club might settle down for the final examinations. From the dances the sum of ÂŁ.81 was raised, and this money is to be spent on improvements to the school. The committee would like to take this opportunity to express its thanks to all those who have supported the dances throughout the year, and to Mr. Beanland for his permission to use the School Assembly Hall. I.D.C., 7A.

At the beginning of the year it became obvious that square dancing was going to develop into a popular pastime, and several students already caught by the craze decided it would be a good idea to hold dances at the school. At a lunch-time meeting of all interested, it was decided to hold a dancc at the school under the guidance oi Clayton Webber, who volunteered to officiate as caller. There were 170 at the first dance and Clayton proved himself to be a first-class caller and instructor. At this dance it was rumoured that there was another caller instructor in the school, but so far he has remained in the background. Among those attending on the first night were several instructors and their wives, and from the happy faces, one concluded that the dance was a great success. Tickets for this dance were on sale for the comparatively low price of 2 / 9 and, as we succeeded in making a profit of ÂŁ 2 1 , it was decided to reduce the price of admission. After this dance it was decided to form a club, the dances being held every alternate Wednesday. At every dance the kitchen was under the capable control of Mrs. Allen, and to show its gratitude for her unfailing service, the club presented her with a cup, saucer, and plate at a second term dance. At each dance iced coco-cola was on sale at the kitchen, and for those desiring something more at supper time, tea and biscuits were available at a small charge. After about two months the members were becoming quite proficient at hoe-down calls,

MUSIC CLUB The Music Club has continued to provide good music for those interested, giving weekly recorded concerts in the school Assembly Hall. The programmes have been confined mainly to classical music, with one notable exception when the session was devoted wholly to jazz. Our thanks go to Mr. Cronin for his help in providing music and for interesting commentaries. M. B U R S T I N , 8A. 10

DANCE COMMITTEE Owing to M r . Beanland's efforts, we had the new Assembly Hall in which to hold our dances, and this was a big factor contributing to the success of the evenings. The hall is pleasantly furnished in tonings of blue, and, with the festive dance decorations, looked very attractive. • During the year three Term Dances were organised by the D a n c e Committee, the last one being a bright gala evening. Our M . C ' s were M r . Ken Fisher and Mr. Eric Hunter, both of whom, juding by their highly successful performances, have missed their vocation. T h e D a n c e Committee would like to thank all those w h o prepared and served the suppers and in various other ways contributed to making it a dance. D.B., 8A.

RADIO CLUB O u r club established itself early this year, and has been struggling desperately ever since to convince the sceptical that it has retained its precarious toehold on existence. It was originated by Bob H u m p h r e y and D u n c a n M c V e a n , who are mystified by the fact that their club is fast becoming known as the "Rest H o m e " . A f t e r all, an electric radiator, hot water jug, teapot and so on are standard equipment, as any Government employee will tell you. Frequent visitors are Brian Clarkson, Arvydas Krausas, Noel Woodger and Joe Maker, under the chaperonage of that tuff man, Mr. R. P. Telford. We are extremely proud of our distribution board, which permits the concurrent operation of three short-wave sets, a condenser tester, a broadcast set, an amplifier, a soldering iron, two electric lights and a



door bell, in addition to the aforementioned standard equipment. However, we have not as yet received a "please explain" in connection with the sudden rise in the electric power bill. Needless to say, we have a length of 16-gauge mild-steel wire in the fuse. We might mention here that the most remarkable feature of our club-room is its smallness, as it measures only 10ft. by 5ft., with the roof sloping from 8ft. to 2ft. A s well as the apparatus mentioned, we have two work benches, four chairs, the old school duplicator, a leaking gas meter, a first-aid stretcher and a glorious assortment of radio " j u n k " all packed into our inadequate space. In fact, when David Geoffrey comes into the room, Bob and M a c are forced to evacuate or stifle. Incidentally, for the information of the curious, that queer spike on top of the flagpole is our 10ft. whip aerial — o u r show piece. D. McV., 7C.


EXCURSION TO GEELONG CEMENT WORKS O u r c h a r t e r e d b u s r e a c h e d the school at 9 a . m . , a n d left at 9 . 3 0 amid loud cheers f r o m all b u t one u n f o r t u n a t e s t u d e n t w h o was f o r c e d to sit on the floor to m a k e r o o m f o r an " o u t s t a n d i n g " teacher. T h e j o u r n e y d o w n was a real classic as f a r as excursions go. T h o s e w h o w e r e n ' t helpless f r o m the efi'ects of cigar s m o k e were helpless f r o m laughing at those w h o were. B u t even this p r e - o c c u p a t i o n was insufficient to r e n d e r us i m p e r v i o u s to the exciting efl:ect of seeing Fisher's G a r a g e in W e r r i b e e , a n d a slick chick in shorts w h o m we passed a little f u r t h e r on along the r o a d . W e r e a c h e d the c e m e n t w o r k s at 10.30, a n d a f t e r picking up o u r guides, d r o v e to the limestone q u a r r i e s , a b o u t two miles f r o m the w o r k s themselves. T h e limestone is h e r e e x c a v a t e d and is t r a n s p o r t e d to the plant by m e a n s of a n a r r o w gauge locomotive system, one of the engines used being the original " P u f r i n g Billy. W h e n the q u a r r y h a d been t h o r o u g h l y inspected we t r o o p e d back to the bus, only to find that two of o u r geologist c r a n k s h a d been left b e h i n d . O u r guides insisted on waiting f o r t h e m , and half an h o u r later they a p p e a r e d , p r o u d l y bearing the first s a m p l e s ( t h e y called them s p e c i m e n s ) of the d a y — " W i l k i n s t a p h e l i t e s " . D u r i n g the a f t e r n o o n we followed the various stages in the p r o d u c t i o n of c e m e n t , f r o m the initial c r u s h i n g a n d g r a d i n g of the limestone to the final bagging of the c o m pleted p r o d u c t . T h i s process has been described fully in previous issues of this magazine, so repetition would be useless.



1 might m e n t i o n that p e r h a p s m o s t interest was derived f r o m o b s e r v i n g the actual sizes of the m a c h i n e s , m o s t of which we h a d studied a n d d r a w n at school, a n d f r o m the m e t h o d s of c r u s h i n g a n d c o n v e y i n g b o t h the limestone a n d the clinker. A t 4 . 3 0 the bus, filled to capacity with dusty excursionists a n d still dustier s a m p l e s , left f o r h o m e . T h e driver, waiting f o r this m o m e n t to get his revenge, t u r n e d on the wireless, thus eflfectively p u t t i n g a stop to the i n h a r m o n i o u s w a r b l i n g of a f e w h a p p y spirits in the b a c k seat, a n d e n d i n g a p e r f e c t day by m a k i n g us listen to A u n t y J e a n , of the C h i l d r e n ' s Session, all the way h o m e . N.O., 6C.

TO DEFENCE RESEARCH LABORATORIES A t 1.30 p . m . on W e d n e s d a y , O c t o b e r 7, two bus-loads of students a n d t e a c h e r s were t r a n s p o r t e d to the main gate of the D e f e n c e R e s e a r c h a n d Testing L a b o r a t o r i e s , M a r i b y r n o n g . B e f o r e inspecting t h e w o r k s each s t u d e n t a n d t e a c h e r was h a n d e d a n a m e - c a r d a n d a small b o o k l e t listing every exhibit. T o my m i n d the highlight of the exhibition was the electron m i c r o s c o p e . By simply turning a k n o b on the side of this i n s t r u m e n t it was possible to attain a twelve t h o u s a n d magnification of the polished s u r f a c e of a metal s p e c i m e n . 1 also f o u n d the M e t r o l o g y Section a most interesting one. It is in this section that the extremely a c c u r a t e m e a s u r e m e n t of tools is carried out. The master s t a n d a r d s of length a n d m a s s were k e p t in special r o o m s at a c o n s t a n t t e m p e r a t u r e of 67 degrees F a h r e n h e i t . O n display w e r e m a n y ingenious precision m e a s u r i n g instruments f o r testing the calibration of long lead screws, the a c c u r a t e dividing of scales, reference gauges, a n d W h i t w o r t h screws. T h e greatest m e a s u r i n g a c c u r a c y o b t a i n e d on any i n s t r u m e n t was one t e n - t h o u s a n d t h of an inch. In the Electronics R o o m , the p r e s s u r e r e c o r d e r a n d m e t h o d f o r visual r e c o r d i n g of slow electrons p r o v e d very interesting. In a n o t h e r small r o o m , there was an a s s e m b l e d m o d e l of a small r o c k e t , typical of those tested at W o o m e r a . A l o n g s i d e w a s displayed A u s t r a l i a n cordites a n d their m e t h o d of b u r n i n g w h e n used in the rockets. B e t w e e n 3.0 a n d 3 . 3 0 p . m . , f r e e a f t e r n o o n tea was served to the visitors. In the Metallurgical Section, there were countless p h o t o g r a p h s



and case histories of metallic failures, such as burst gun barrels, flaws in car door handles, and welding failures. F. B O A D L E , 7A.


found there, according to our text-books. The Lerderberg River and Gorge were next seen and provided spectacular sights for everyone. Various notes of reference came thick and fast from our instructor-cum-guide, and made us wonder if it would not have been a good idea to have brought along a secretary, proficient in shorthand of course. Nevertheless, with aching hands and feet we struggled on. Later in the afternoon, when we wished to see the Werribee Gorge, we were told that we didn't have time. But after a lot of talking, mostly by the geologists, we managed to get permission to see what we had come fifty miles to see. After a hectic climb over practically virgin country we saw an inspiring sight. We were about 600 feet above the Werribee River, winding its way through the steep valley below us, and for miles around we could see the rugged hills and valleys of the surrounding country.

TO WERRIBEE GORGE On October 1, our budding Footscray geologists made an excursion to Bacchus Marsh and the Werribee Gorge. Throughout the year we had gone on numerous trips around Melbourne, but this venture was the climax to our year's work. Early on that Thursday morning, the bus terminal station was crowded by eager geologists, complete with gear — from notebooks to geological hammers. Our sleek modern coach was brought out, and we all clambered aboard. On sinking down into those deep luxurious armchairs in the bus, we thought what an advantage it would be to have similar chairs installed in R o o m 17. The weather on that day was perfect, and enhanced the radiance of the wattle which adorned the countryside along the road to Bacchus Marsh. Apart from a two-mile hike halfway to Bacchus Marsh, the journey was uneventful. After refreshing ourselves at the Marsh, we joined the bus again and sped on to inspect an obsolete coal-mine. Water from the neighboring area had drained into the open cut, and lay there 100 feet deep where not so long ago men were winning the brown coal for industry. Throughout the day, cameras clicked incessantly and consequently a complete pictorial record of the trip was collected by the young geologists. After leaving the coal-mine we visited the area around G o o d m a n ' s Creek, but failed to find the numerous fossils that we should have

On the way back to the waiting bus, the geologists split up into two parties, one of which arrived back at the bus on time. The other party, of which I was one, became lost. Strange country spread out all around us, for we didn't even have an idea of the general direction of the main road where the bus was waiting, we crawled up and down clifi' faces of incredible steepness, and crossed a creek-bed which we had never crossed before. Visions of a cold night in this country haunted us. Then by a stroke of luck we found our way back to the main road. This delay meant that we had to hurry back to the city, so we travelled non-stop all the way, with tires flattened by our heavy load of specimens. R E X B. L E E , 6C. [


Athletic INTER-HOUSE SPORTS The school athletic sports were held at Footscray Oval on September 11. A head wind and occasional light rain made fast times almost impossible. The first event was the open 100 yards, which Gordon Elliot won in the fast time of 10.7 sees. This chap also won the open 220 and 880 yards events. Following the open 100 yards we had the under 19 and under 17 years 100 yards events. These were won by Alan Bedgood and Brian Carr respectively. Neil Brockwell, as in the previous year, soared high over the bar to again win the open high jump. The under 19 years high jump was won by Ted Philpot after W. Liesfield had retired through injury. J. Bathie won the under 17 years high jump. The under 19 years 440 and 220 yards were won by Max Noy, with Alan Bedgood runner-up in both cases. The under 17 years 440 was won by Neil Stubbs, who also won the under 17 years 220 yards. John Mattson's win in the open mile was the feature win of the day. He ran into second or third place for most of the race, and then staged a finish that left his opponents standing. This lad also won the under 19 years 880 yards, thus completing a fine double. In the long jumps. M a x Noy won both the open and under 19 years jumps, whilst the under 17 years jump was won by Alan Culverhouse. After the events were finished it was found that Sturt House was leading by four points from Mitchell. Presentations were made by Mr. Parsons to M a x Noy, who won the individual cup by five points from Gordon Elliot, and to Neil Brockwell, captain of the winning House. T h a n k s must go to all teachers and competitors who helped to make the day a grand success.

Sports came in the under 19 years 100 yards, when Alan Bedgood came home first. H e also won the under 19 years 440 yards event in grand style. We heartily congratulate Alan on his five wins. John Mattson followed up his mile win at the school sports with a fourth placing at these sports. W. Liesfield again showed his ability and finished third in the under 19 years high jump. Simon Rose also scored a point in gaining fourth place in the open high jump. In the mile medley we gained fourth place, and in the under 19 years 220 yards relay we received two points for a third placing. In the long jumps Max Noy and Neil Brockwell seemed to revel in doing "no-jumps", but even when they settled down, neither jumped with the same form that they showed at the school sports. Gordon Barrow showed courage and stamina in running two 440 yards and one 880 yards events. In all races he put up really good performances. Brian Carr put up a good fight in the under 17 years 100 yards, but he found the opposition a little too good. The day concluded with the presentation of the shield to Melbourne by Mr. Brookes, chairman of the sports committee. I think

M A X N O Y , 7A.



The Annual Inter-Technical School sports were held at North Melbourne Football Ground on Wednesday, September 23. We left Footscray brimful of confidence, but that confidence was sadly shaken by the end of the sports. T o start the day G o r d o n Elliot ran fifth in the open 100 yards. H e ran well in the final event of the day, which was the open 220 yards. Our first success

VICTORIAN COLTS' HOCKEY T E A M This p h o t o g r a p h w a s taken in A d e l a i d e , where the learn c o m p e t e d for the T r e g o n n i n g Shield (Les A r m strong is second f r o m the right in the front row.)

[ 14 ]

SENIOR ATHLETICS TEAM Back: G . B a r r o w , G . Elliott. R. J a r r e t t , C . W e b b e r . J. M c D o w e l l . Centre: N . S t u b b s , G . B a t h i e , N . B r o c k w e l l . G. Wilsmore. D. Barnett. T. Baker. Front: K . W h i t e , B. C a r r . Ni. M c D o n n e l l . M . N o y , M r . D. E r a s e r , \ \ . Liesfield. A. B e d g g o o d . A. C u l v e r h o u s e , .1. Vlattsson.

o u r p o o r position tiiis year was the of lack of training, a n d would like to f u t u r e y e a r s the s a m e training given t e a m as was siven last year. MAX NOY,

result see in to our 7A.

TO ADELAIDE WITH VICTORIAN COLTS' HOCKEY TEAM A f t e r m a n y m o n t h s of s t r e n u o u s practice a n d physical training, fifteen of us were r e w a r d e d with a trip to A d e l a i d e to represent V i c t o r i a in the Interstate H o c k e y C a r n i v a l . E i g h t o'clock on T u e s d a y , July 14, saw m a n y farewells by club m a t e s a n d f r i e n d s , especially girl f r i e n d s . O n b o a r d i n g the train we f o u n d t h a t we were sharing the carriage with the rival t e a m f r o m Q u e e n s land. T h e s e lads h a d been travelling f o r the two p r e v i o u s days. T h i s was to their a d v a n tage, as they were so tired they fell asleep a l m o s t i m m e d i a t e l y on entering the train, while m a n y of o u r t e a m spent most of the night a w a k e . O n r e a c h i n g A d e l a i d e we t h o u g h t we m u s t have b r o u g h t s o m e of M e l b o u r n e ' s lovely s u n n y w e a t h e r with us, as the sun was shining brightly f o r the first time f o r a m o n t h ; but, alas, o u r h o p e s w e r e soon d a s h e d by the rain. It rained almost every day d u r i n g

our stay, but we were f o r t u n a t e in not having to play in the rain. D u r i n g o u r stay we were treated with great hospitality a n d kindness, there being m a n y parties a n d dances, a n d a ball in the visiting t e a m s ' h o n o u r . O n F r i d a y , July 24, the last r o u n d of the carnival was played. A l t h o u g h the winner was already k n o w n , this did not stop the other t e a m s f r o m trying h a r d , as there was still the position of r u n n e r - u p to be decided. On S a t u r d a y night, at 7 o'clock, we left A d e l a i d e behind. M a n y of the boys were so sorry to leave that they nearly missed the train, which started, a f t e r m a n y warnings, while they were still saying their g o o d b y e s on the p l a t f o r m . W e again shared the carriage with Q u e e n s l a n d , only this time there was a difference, as they were gay a n d h a p p y at having won the coveted T r e g o n n i n s Shield. in our m a t c h e s we drew with S.A. 1-1, Q u e e n s l a n d 2-2, T a s m a n i a 0 - 0 , a n d were beaten 1-0 by N . S . W . , a n d 4 - 0 by W . A . A l t h o u g h we did not win a g a m e , we were not disgraced. W e at least can say that we were the only t e a m that was not b e a t e n by the victorious t e a m , Q u e e n s l a n d . L E S A R M S T R O N G , 8A. i 15 1


B. Carr, R. Copeland.

The games played at Petersham Oval, Sydney, were between school baseball teams from South Australia, Victoria, and New South Wales. Apart from the games, the week was adequately filled with visits to radio auditoriums, the Glaciarium, Taronga Park Zoo, and a half-day tour of the northern beaches. All these crips, with five games and various other excursions by ourselves, were crammed into one hectic week, which all members of the team would say was one of the best in their lives. From the three teams the twelve best players for the carnival are selected and presented with the chevron patches of the Australian team. Although this team does

SENIOR BASEBALL TEAM Back: P. Boadle, E. Hanstead, G. Aboltins, J. Cooney, R. Copeland. Front: N. Congdon. N. McDonnell, B. Carr. K. White, N. Cary.

not play anyone, it is a great honour to be selected in it. This year the team consisted of six South Australians, five Victorians, and one from N.S.W. Amongst the five Victorians was Richie Copeland, of Footscray. Throughout the series Richie played magnificently, and Footscray can be justly proud of him. Some mention must be made of the organisation behind these trips. Selection of teams, travelling arrangements, accommodation in Sydney, provision of playing material and practice grounds have all to be attended to. All this is very capably done by a small body of men whose whole heart and soul are in the game. To these men, go our sincere thanks for the pains they took to make the trip such an enjoyable one. The brevity of this article may surprise some, but those who have been on a sporting trip such as this will know that the censor would get very busy if a full account were given. BRIAN CARR, 6A.


During the second term the School Tennis Team played three practice matches and four Inter-School matches. The team consisted of N. Olver (capt), N. Overson (vice-capt.), J. Dale, R. Cher, F. Boadle, G. Wilson and A. Coleman. We were soundly beaten in our first three practice matches against University High School, and Caulfield and Swinburne Technical Schools. But from the experience gained, we

SENIOR TENNIS TEAM Back: R. Cher, A. Coleman, F. Boadle, N. Overson. Sitting: J. Dale, N. Olver. [ 16]

SENIOR FOOTBALL T E A M Back: G. Elliott, R . Gilbertson, K. Lane, J. Bridgford, B. Lewis. Middle: J. M a k e r , P. W a r d , M. Noy, K. Payne, G. Wilsmore, W. Liesfield. Front: P. Whitfield, E. Philpott, N. Stubbs, B. McLecxi (Vice-Capt.), Mr. R. Telford. B. Knox (Capt.), A. Bedggood. M. N e w m a n , C. Green.

had visions of Footscray winning a tennis premiership. Nevertheless, when Caulfield and Geelong defeated us with comparative ease in the inter-school matches, our vision narrowed to the wooden spoon. However, we managed to overwhelm the Ballarat tennis team in the few games played between intermittent showers. Our next opponent was Melbourne Tech., and again we were victorious. Although we did not obtain the wooden spoon, every member of the team enjoyed the matches and showed improvement towards the end of the season. T.T.

BASEBALL NOTES Without taking any credit whatsoever from the teams that defeated us, I would like to say that we did not field the same team twice. Most of our good performances were from individual effort and we did have some very good individual players in the side. Rich Copeland was the find of the season. Rich is a first-year fellow and made the grade for the Victorian Schoolboys' Baseball Team which went to Sydney. Brian Carr, our captain this year, also made the Victorian team for the second time. On

behalf of the chaps in the team and everybody in the school, I would like to congratulate these players on their grand effort. Norm McDonnell, who played just about every infield position this year, just missed out on the trip. Of the other first-year fellows to do well, Keith White took over the job of minding first base and did a good job; Guntis Aboltins, with a little coaching next season will be very useful, and John Cooney could become a strong batter with a little effort. Rich Hanstead, although only occasionally available, held down the catcher's position admirably. Neil Congdon and Peter Boadle handled the outfield this year, and both of them got their occasional hits. For those interested I conducted a votes system for the team members, the final results being: 1—Rich Copeland (7 votes); 2— Norm. McDonnell (5 votes); 3—Brian Carr (3 votes). The results of our matches are as follows: Ballarat v Footscray (1 each), Swinburne v Footscray (13-0), Geelong V Footscray (11-4). Next year, we hope to have a bigger gathering of starters, so all you non-sportsmen better get thinking about the right end to hold a baseball bat. N O E L C A R ^ , 7A. [ 17]




Back: F . B o a d l e , M . N e w m a n , P. C l a r k s o n , K . P a y n e , G . Elliot. Front: C . G r e e n , G . B a r r o w . R. Pitts ( V i c e - C a p t . ) . B. K n o x ( C a p t . ) . W . H i r t . E. P h i l p o t t , B. Caeili.

Senior School Sport Although no premierships were won by Footscray this year, the various teams provided keen opposition to opponents, gaining some success and much experience and pleasure. Most success was gained by our cricket team in losing the premiership by a mere six runs, while having more wickets in hand than the opposition. The football team proved its superiority over teams of comparable weight, but was slightly battered by the older Geelong and Ballarat sides. Only moderately successful as a team, our baseballers nevertheless had the distinction of providing two representatives for the Combined Victorian Schoolboys' Team, and of these one was selected in the Australian side. The tennis tearri was not strong enough as a whole, but won well at Ballarat and produced young hopes for success in future years. After Footscray's fine win in the Senior Athletics Sports last year we were shocked to find ourselves trailing the field at North Melbourne this year, but the blow was light-

ened by the sight of our competitors straining to their utmost to gain points for the school. This team spirit makes competitive sports worth while. In the Combined Swimming Carnival we were little more successful than last year, but here again future stars were noticeable. Congratulations are due to C.R.T.S. Trophy winners John Mollison (swimming) and Max Noy (athletics). The outstanding day of the year was provided by the trip to Ballarat to do battle against the locals. Forty parlour-coach travellers ate and sang at full throttle and in between played some sports. We thank Ballarat for the pleasant meal and entertainment. Later as hosts to Geelong, we swamped their teams with food and in appreciation they swamped us in all sports. D. E. F R A S E R . Diploma Student (to machine-shop Storem a n ) : Have you got a hexagonal untightener upper: J.B.

T H I S-and •


HHL llilL / ¡ / / L I.

S u b - E d i t o r : N. C. P o r t e r

5C A l t h o u g h s o m e m e m b e r s of the staff w h o are inclined to t a k e a superficial view of us m a y disagree, we are at h e a r t — o r at least at h e a d — a solid p a i n s t a k i n g g r o u p . G e o f f r e y W i l s o n , f o r e x a m p l e , is a t e r r o r f o r w o r k , i.e., w o r k is a t e r r o r f o r h i m , a n d as we h a v e learnt in English, this follows b e c a u s e " A is B is the s a m e thing as B is A " . This c a p a c i t y f o r logical t h i n k i n g is evident in trig, classes, w h e r e Geoff a t t e m p t e d one p r o b l e m , a n d a l t h o u g h the result c a m e out f e n c e posts, we c o n g r a t u l a t e him on his effort; also in b e c o m i n g a Q u e e n ' s Scout. H e will go f a r , f o r there will always be p o s t h o l e s waiting to be dug. E v e r y class is b o u n d to h a v e its a u t o mobile e x p e r t , so M r . T e l f o r d m u s t resign himself to the existence of A l a n C u l v e r h o u s e , w h o tries, vainly so f a r , to p e r s u a d e him to p a r t with the o l d ' u n f o r an u n r e a s o n a b l e price. B o d g i e B a k e r , w h o carries his extra i n f r a red central h e a t i n g system on his h e a d — w h a t he carries in his h e a d is n o t so h o t — is the f o r m ' s s q u a r e d a n c e r , a n d t h e r e his k n o w l e d g e of a n d interest in q u a d r i l a t e r a l s c o m e s to an e n d . So d o e s the p r i n t a b l e p a r t of o u r i n f o r m a t i o n . R o m e o S t a n k o v i c h h a s been strictly f o r b i d d e n to go o u t at night, a p p a r e n t l y in an e n d e a v o u r to drive him to work at h o m e , b u t if we can d e d u c e anyihia.^ f r o m the a p p e a r a n c e of lipstick-coloured int on a h a n d k e r c h i e f , we c o n c l u d e that he has been driven to drive a tunnel f r o m his Uudy to the o u t e r world. D a v i d , " I h a t e Diesels", B a r n e t t creates the illusion that a railway track r u n s t h r o u g h the school, as with realistic s o u n d effects he brings his R class to a stop outside his locker every m o r n i n g . H e is also an expert in bringing o t h e r classes to a stop, by asking the i n s t r u c t o r s irrelevant questions and s h u n t i n g t h e m on to u n f a m i l i a r b u t m o r e interesting lines.

O u r sole chemist, R o b e r t G e r r a r d , cultivates an interest in the r e m o t e fields of literature, n a m e l y f a r W e s t e r n magazines, but with the English e x a m i n a t i o n s a p p r o a c h ing, he would be well advised to go f r o m bad to verse. A m o n g the sporting personalities we have " p o o r little R o b i n " G e o r g e , w h o y e a r n s to earn his release f r o m the school to join the A i r F o r c e . In the m e a n t i m e he continues to take off as a rider f o r the Eootscray Cycling C l u b . A star of the c o u n t r y p a d d o c k league, " J e r r y " Lewis represents us in the school football t e a m , and is a c c o m p l i s h e d at keeping the wolf f r o m the girl, as we f o u n d to o u r cost at the last school dance. T o p scorer in the work d o n e in c l a s s — and most of us help him by providing effective c o n t r a s t — i s Keith White, w h o is also a brainy footballer, and top flight tennis player. T h e school tennis team is also distinguished by the p r e s e n c e of Allan Colem a n , w h o excels at g y m n a s t i c s — p h y s i c a l and m e n t a l ; by the latter we m e a n the queer thinking that f o r m s p a r t of o u r m e n u , but isn't quite clear to m e - a n - y o u yet. G u n t i s Aboltins, just to be original, is the c o m p a r a t i v e l y quiet boy, a n d as well as taking a keen interest in civil engineering, he is civil to instructors and a m e m b e r of the school baseball t e a m . G r a e m e Bathie is a s h a r p spear fisherman w h o gets good results, although he once went m a d a n d shot himself. B u t c h has played in the school cricket team, a n d has d o n e well at the athletic sports. In his spare time he is a d a n c e enthusiast and a m e m b e r of the S.R.C., a n d that r e m i n d s us finally that there isn't m u c h spare time left, and though s o m e of us f e a r a lean time a h e a d , we a p p r o a c h the exams, and the end of the year with m u t e d confidence; the only time this year we've been at all m u t e . B.B. f 19



It was a tense moment for many of us when the iron gates of F.T.S. swung open to admit the annual crop of greenstuff who had to face, for the first time, the grim and hardened profiles of the instructors. (Profiles? Presumably the instructors averted their faces in horror. E d . ) . However, we soon learned how fundamentally harmless they are, and the personalities of our select form emerged from their awe-stricken silence, and have not looked back or failed to answer back since. Mr. Gangell, as he prefers to be called in recognition of his dignified office of duster man, soon attained a high order of skill in the arrangement of dusters over doors, and things came to a head when an instructor walked into 115. Other things came in retaliation, but not to a head, and speaking of heads, we must congratulate him on getting full marks in Maths. C. Frank Hook, one of the many motor maniacs among us, claimed to know the location, function, purpose, use and operation of everything in a car, but couldn't tell us whether you push the starter button in or out. Bern Caelli, a keen, typical and therefore unveracious fisherman, appeared at school one day looking like Steele Rudd's Dave, in his fishing clothes. Receiving a somewhat low mark for an English essay which wasn't long enough, he is said to have observed, "but you should have seen the one that got away". Jim Barker, Bern's bosom buddy, has been named Bow-Wow, but not because he barks. By hounding his long-suffering classmates for top-town votes, John Cooney nearly won the competition for Werribee. Probably he'd have collected more votes and coppers if he had put on one of his song and dance acts that he usually keeps for classes. As the year draws to a close, many of us are beginning to put in a few hours work, hoping that it will close with a draw, if not an outright win for all of us. Those who haven't started early enough attend an extra service on Sunday, but whatever the result of our prayers and good works may be, we should like to thank all those who have helped us through our first year of the course. PAUL DUDLEY.

It seems appropriate to introduce—to an eagerly expectant public—the personalities of 5A in the order in which they obtrude themselves at school. The ungodly hour of 9 finds the early birds, Niggles Neyland and "Brain" McDowell, both S.R.C. representatives, running drawings off with a speed and precision matched only by Mr. One by One's printing press. Next to arrive are red-headed McGrego»and his mate Bill Sneazwell, already devising geometrical square dances for knave caller (two degrees below the ace, and going down steadily) Peter Whitfield. L . B . W . Lane now introduces himself with a modest opening speech, " I ' m a cert, for the team next week; made two last Saturday". We have it on the best authority, his own confession, that he's the most sensational find since Bradman. Now with time having crept in at Monday morning speed to 9.15, the greater part of the form arrives in the person of Tiny Godfrey, followed by Space-boy Henderson, who plans to do something really out of this world, and Olnay Olver with six tennis racquets under his arm and a second-class ticket to Kooyong clutched in his hand. Tall, dark, and built like a handsome cab, " M u l g a " Payne has emerged from hibernation at Alexandra to pursue his studies in bush-craft within these academic groves. His favorite subject is boat-building, abostyle, and he paddles these precarious burntout logs over a nearby marsh called Eildon Weir. The ultimate member of this group is our Mansfield, ours because no other form has anything like him, being apparently unwilling to pay his price. He is a galactic footballer —-"star" is too insignificant a term—cricket player, tennis player, cyclist, etc., excelling especially in the last item, and refrained from entering The Sun Tour because the prizemoney was too small. Echoes of the Porter's scene in Macbeth are heard as knocking without together with knocking within, Neil Stubbs makes his b-reathless entrance to gaze on the great doom's image. Some powerful attraction other than his home induces him to catch the 4.43 to Newport every day. recently two hairdressers spent all lunch hour shearing him, at a loss. The knocking at the outer gates swells to


a seismic crepitation. " W h e r e have you been?"' storms detention officer S. " O Sir", we've just ushered Geo. Burton to the victor's s e a t " — u p t u r n e d rubbish bin, so that he won't fall in and become merged with the surroundings—"He's our new table tennis c h a m p " , we meekly reply. " O , well sit down". First to take up his position is Herb Irons, telling us confidentially that he has yet to see a better player than the one he has just defeated. Alongside him sits—if that verb can be used to describe a localised centre of agitation — Arthur Ottery, w h o knows all about Nhill, which seems an odd way of spelling nil, and next to him we find, without any arduous seeking, our film star with the -lerry Lewis haircut, G r a h a m Carmichael. W e look, stare, peer, and at last see ' Mussells" Lipson, himself without a peer. H e has driven his car at 65 m.p.h. in reverse up Little Collins St. against the traffic, the grain, the law and his will. So with the morning half over, we all stand reverently to welcome Stan Allen, who takes his seat and the cake after a short ceremony in which cakes are consumed. A n d while we talk of ceremonies we should like to congratulate Richard Copeland on his success in getting a place in the Interstate Schoolboys' Baseball Team. H e is the only boy in the school w h o is overcome with confusion when spoken to by M r . Burley. The rest carry so much confusion within that it takes a lot more than that to overcome them. O n our way we b u m p into "Einstein ' Clarkson. There is some excuse for him, because the pedal wireless is a little slow in picking up the time signals. A variant on this excuse is the claim that he had a shave this morning. Apparently the travelling hairdresser rattles in with the diligence to his village at intervals of six months. Finally, we should like to make a suggestion intended to improve the teaching at this school, and to save time, money, trouble, and incalculable weariness of spirit. If precision and economy of words are a virtue, let our form master, M r . Telford, take over the English. He can get along very nicely with a three-word vocabulary, "read and summarise", an obvious improvement on the wordy injunction "take down a few notes".

6A Tossing up our borrowed two bob to decide w h o is to have the honour of first mention, we hit on the two Roberts, w h o are always striking tough passages in applied mechanics and maths. B o b Coulthard, constantly groaning under stresses far in excess of his elastic limit, has to find more and more bending moments, with his head on the desk, while B o b Ramsay tries to difi'erentiate between the number of shillings in a poundal and the number of pens needed to work out the same number in a p o u n d note. If he would only tell us when he is going to ride his bike to school, we should know exactly when to bring our overcoats. Jutting prominently into the siderosphere is V a l ; as an aeronautical engineer he is expected to reach great heights and he is already part of the way there now. This advantage in height, however, does not help him to shake off Allister, whose claim to distinction is his skill at fusing a milling machine. There's an "1" of a difference between this and a milking machine, but it's all one to this poultry farmer. R . J . G . , the "meat king", fancies himself strongly as a comedian, and his offsider Gudric Cedric von Floating Gudgeon Pin, alias Graeme Perriman, agrees with h i m — a wise move, in view of his size—saying " I think you are a bit funny at times, especially when you aren't trying". Albert Eric and D W O ' G . modestly seek the retirement and obscurity of the back row, and when taxed for an opinion in clear thinking classes, they reply through their spokesman "fools may give you reasons, wise men never try". Their wisdom can thus be inferred from the fact that they're never trying, and if that doesn't follow, I hops nobody else can either. Keith and Graeme are side wing sitters, usually quiet, and determined to give no occasion for disturbances like work, questions directed at them directly or indirectly, or talk about work. Clayton Webber, our all round square dance caller, sometimes calls in at classes, too, but he doesn't worry the instructors with calls for keep, cries of encouragement, or appeals for assistance in the work he isn't doing; in fact, he regards the latter as quite uncalled for. B.C., D . O ' G .


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7C Punctually at 9 every M o n d a y morning, our week gets away to an energetic flying start, leaving us staggering weakly in its wake, and trying, with conspicuous lack of success, to evade Mr. Waterson, who keeps dead level with the week and painfully close behind the weak. The least late to arrive is Bill Hirt, followed by Stan D u n n , usually complaining about the "sit o n " he just missed, the pedestrians who just missed him, and the near misses who crossed the road just ahead of him. Duncan McVean sidles in next, sometimes just ahead of R o n Johnstone, who confers on us the honour of his presence once in a while and more often in a state of disrepair. The mathematicians among us have noted a positive correlation between his non-advent and amateur cycling events, and expect to find a formula as soon as they can remember anything of the maths, they forgot last year. These storm troops have just weathered the tempest of awkward questions when the reserves, Don L a m and John Sharp, stroll in breathlessly to a photo finish. The honours of last position really go to John, because although he's there, he's still asleep, and Don is sufficiently awake to ask a question, so he loses the race and the instructor loses his patience, though he ought to be commended for having any left at this time of the year. No amount of geographical research, topological survey, or geological excavation suffices to show us the location of Melton, the one-horse hamlet that our prefect Bill Hirt comes f r o m , but we are pleased to learn that his father owns the horse, even if we don't know who or what plays the part of Hamlet. The deadly monotony of precipitation and the grim desolation of filtration are relieved by the versatile McVean, whose talented manipulation of a wash-bottle makes it the most lethal type of water pistol yet devised to keep the subjects from getting too dry. Don Lam, too, contributes his mite by introducing novelty into physics classes. If he can't transform them into revision algebra lessons based on novel and visionary principles. he tries to make lectures on light turn into a discussion of metroscopics, microscopics, polaroid sunglasses, polaroid

exploration, sunspots, spotlights, hydrostatics, hydrophobia, claustrophobia, or any topic remote enough for the matter that is nominally being considered. We have noticed lately that some eccentric folk, especially chemistry teachers, are becoming alarmed at the closeness of the exams, a nervous malady against which we have developed powerful immunity over the last two years, and if some of us are worried, we give no sign other than furtive recourse to our rabbit's foot, four-leafed clover, snake stone, two-headed penny, crystal bowl, and pack of cards more thumb-grimed than our text-books.

6C As is usual and appropriate, this assemblage of aspiring chemists contains a few unstable and highly reactive elements, the most conspicuous—chiefly by his absence— being James G. Corless, who claims that he has a haircut every three months, whether he needs it or not. M a n y of the instructors hold that the sole function of his head is to provide a backing for the resultant brush, or mop, but his extensive repertoire of Gilbert & Sullivan melodies suggests that the structure is hollow in places. Ron Wilkins is a geologist of note, and spends much of his time picking polysyllabic "whatsits" out of rocks with equally complicated names. Any time left over from this is spent at symphony concerts. Doubtless as a result of these stimulating distractions, he managed to top the class at the mid-year exams, and will probably have done the same at the finals before you read this unclassified advertisement. Together with the third member of the form, Harold Lepp, he is employed as lab. boy. The discreet tinkle of dislocated glassware will guide you to their location every Wednesday afternoon. Harold, a short curly-headed fellow, is fast growing up; having got beyond the chalk and duster experimental stage, his researches in the mechanics of flight have gone as far as delta winged balsa models. These talents make him popular with teachers who have small sons. His spare time is systematically devoted to study, eating, making lacquered tea trays, dancing, resting, and making himself popular with the girls of Clifton Hill. These three are joined, at Glassblowing classes, every Tuesday night, by N o r m Overson, and the quartet is reputed to be in full

production now, manufacturing stills, pint pots, pea-shooters, under-nourished dogs, ornamental ducks, drakes, dragons, and when there is time for it, complicated chemical tubification. N o r m ' s piece-time occupations are tennis and fishing, the latter being most important as training for English composition, which requires skill in making a little go a long way, and finding suitable descriptions for the longer ones that did get away. His industry at school excites the admiration of instructors and the surprise of his formmates, and his particular fondness for English explains why he was given the job of writing these notes, though it must be admitted that the editors went to work on him a little, too. We show you now the Civil group A pleasing bunch of chaps As on their drawing boards they droop Projecing plans and maps. Norm McDonnell is the form's star baseballer, who can pitch a tale almost as well as a baseball, and both of them are oblique and unexpected in direction. Graeme Wilson is unmistakeably the most amazing civilian in our midst. H e has gone right through the year without using any of his own text books, no doubt because he wants to save them for next year. Ted Philpott, more silent than the rest, though that doesn't prove anything much, is the sportsman who can explain anything from cricket to duck shooting, and the relation between these two. It has been suggested that he should have tried to be a wood sculptor. The talents are concentrated most thickly in Howard Terril, who has found useful applications for the physics of beats and resonance. H e is a virtuoso on the piano and the organ, and the most studious and therefore startlingly virtuous member of the class. H e will be pleased to accept donations of surplus organ pipes to construct a grand organ in the physics lab., so if anyone is suffering from a glut of organ pipes, he knows where to go to get rid of this distressing complaint. Finally, reserving him for a flashing climax, we have Rex Lee, who sets an unaproachable example of what the welldressed student would wear if he had the chance of collecting his apparel f r o m all c o m e r s of the globe. H e is the most lively

member of the square dance club, and the camera club, as well as a cheerful companion on excursions. He also has the distinction of a pass in matriculation English and the highest marks for the civils in the mid-year examinations. R -KT ^ R.L.N.O.

8C Speaking of fires—and even if you weren't you undoubtedly will some time or another — w e want to say here and now, for the record, that the ones we had earlier in the year were not ours at all, it was probably four other people, and we had nothing to do with the subsequent, secondary, secondrate and altogether plagiarised show put on by Melbourne Tech. It's true that a pyrogenic glitter appears in Wilfred's eye when the word is mentioned, and you might wrongly infer something from the charred condition of his lab. coat but all these rumours are without foundation. Some comfort can be got from the assurance that the reagents are locked away, and that others risk working in the same laboratory. It's said, too, that someone is given the job of sending Wilfred out on a message when the insurance inspectors come to look the safety devices over. In pleasing contrast we have Ken Telfer, restrained in the presence of combustible compounds, and admirably cool under water. He is lucky to keep this record unspotted, because on the only occasion when he did cause a mild explosion, the blame and the instructor's wrath fell on a seventh year chemist, which shows that there is still a corner of the world where justice prevails. The third member, Ian Stapleton, is active in most of the school social functions — S.R.C., square dance club, camera club, and dance committee — he is also one of the four leading members of the German class. The other, obscure and modest writer of these lines, is reluctant to say anything of himself, but he hopes that you will note the benign tolerance with which he continues to mix with the persons briefly characterised above. ^ ,, B.M., 8C. W h o was the diploma student who wanted to borrow some sky hooks from Sabre-JetPilot Bill Scott, in order to lift part of the planing machine? Did he find him, or them? [23 1

Pertinent Pars on Prominent People

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Bruce Molony came to us from Maffra, where they used to beat sugar out of beets, to find out how the sugar got there in the first place. His i^arm interest in the complexities of thermodynamics leads him to listen with ardent interest to Mr. Rebecchi's exposition of the pros and cons of Sabre jets. He is notable also for his prompt arrival at morning classes, which is attributed to his apparent indifference to evening classes. Brian Knox. As a result of the unflagging enthusiasm and personal coaching by his classmates, Brian has at last been induced to admit that good lines are to be found not only on drawing boards. His capacity for absorbing this knowledge is surpassed only by his facility at ingesting nourishment at all times. Thus he keeps up the necessary strength to excel at football and cricket. Robert Roffey. Instead of studying the kinematics of rotating bodies on Wednesday nights, he learnt about the forces involved by buying an eggbeater of the pulsating type. This machine is alleged to cover a maximum of six miles, and forces Roif to revise his ideas on the efficiency of the human body under heavy stresses. After producing another duck, he retired from cricket to cultivate his poultry farm. Donald Splatt. He is notorious for his keen interest in square dancing, lonely hikes from which he returns hiking in every joint, and his habit of using D.C. with transformers. He avoids being bored in classes by falling asleep before the work becomes uninteresting, and as he takes no chances it's hard to identify this critical point. Bruce McLeod. Bruce's early training in the hazards and pitfalls inseparable from cow-paddock football did much to establish him as captain of the school team last year. An unfortunate encounter with a dental surgeon deprived him temporarily of his bite, leaving his bark intact, and making him the form's champion milk slopper. George Benson. Bill is another of those who become conspicuous simply by working hard, attending classes regularly, doing all the work assigned, and having no great difficulties with exams. We feel that he owes us some gratitude for providing a base metallic setting for his jewel-like virtues. He has been called up and found fit for National Service. He also drives a Vauxhall, which might or might not be a virtue. Neil Brockwell. Everything comes easy to him and he takes it as it comes, as we have to when he puts on his spectacular back somersaults from the stools in Room 10 and his melodic performances everywhere else. Table tennis is his speciality and although he doesn't follow football he still manages to be one-eyed. George Nevin. His major preoccupation at school is to arbitrate in the regular disputes between his form mates, Don and Fred, and his steady occupation outside, in all weather, is cycling, at which he is a recognised champion. Apart from this he still finds time to do well at his school work. Fred Morris. Audible and visible by his frequent, prefabricated, jovial, and therefore unconvincing outbursts of rage, this wire-haired terrier from Essendon is on the best of terms with everybody, especially the Count. He is a lively member of the A.B.C. Youth Concert Committee, and also moves on the S.R.C.


George Smith. Proceeding from the simple to the complex, George astonished bystanders early in the year with his expositions of Einstein; from the fourdimensional space-time continuum he ascended to the heterogeneous manifold with four sets of partners, and expounded the finer subtleties of calling. Now he has sunk to the ultimate level where he concerns himself chiefly about integration and disintegration. Clem Joyce. A breezy character who is justifiably less windy than the rest of us as the exam clouds hover, Clem is so devoted to his studies that he makes a fast getaway on Thursday nights. We don't hear much about the subject of these studies, but his weary look is sure evidence of devotion. John Bridgjorcl. His hundred per cent in Maths. 11 IB established his reputation as the brain of the form, and the practice of starting his venerable Buick by pouring petrol through the air filter proves that he can still surprise Mr. Crocker, who has so far weathered Fritz's brainstorms over the past two years. Terry Swanson is undoubtedly the Eng. Lab., where he is employed to organiser of school dances. He does par that one dance band turned up talk boosts the sale of tickets.

most sparkling live wire in the Elec. give him the leisure necessary to be an this job with an efficiency so far above a week too soon. His irresistible sales

Graham Anderson. Not easy to overlook, in spite of his relatively minor magnitude. G r a h a m has tried persistently to induce the Music Club to include jazz in its lunch-hour programmes. Some of us, however, believe that there's more than enough of it during class periods. Ian Stapleton has achieved the unique distinction of having all subjects to his credit. The only thing he misses is the Monday morning discussion on the merits of physical chemistry examiners, for which he arrives just ten minutes too late. It was evident from his nonchalant pace from the Gorge to the bus, on a recent Geology excursion, that he wouldn't have objected to being left behind. Wilfred Liesfield can be free of charge, without obligation, and at the spectators' risk, at about any hour in Room 19. Elegantly clad in an inherited all-purpose lab. gown which serves to mop up acid, polish benches, put out fires, and cover him in parts, he is usually picking up fracted glassware while he thumbs his way hopefully through a log book. Tolerant and easy going, he also inspires in others tolerance, resignation, and a deep conviction of human imperfection. Ken Telfer. The restrained member of the class, who thinks that at least one other should be put under restraint, is a regrettably keen hiker. He proved this in a Geology excursion over the Bacchus Marsh area, rushing ahead while the rest took rests at 200-yards intervals to ponder on the advisability of having a spell soon. Only one thing is more exhausting than the spectacle of someone afflicted with boundless energy, and that is bounding energetically yourself.

[25 ]



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The Headmaster's Message This year, 1953, has seen the growth of the junior school to nearly 1,000 boys, which has strained accommodation, equipment and staffing to their limits. In spite of all difficulties, it has been a successful year; in sport the school has performed creditably and there has been no falling-off in the general standard of school work. The Parents' Contributory Scheme has once again been magnificently supported, but there has been a decided decline in the response to charitable appeals. The attempt to raise ÂŁ 5 0 0 for the Footscray District Hospital failed lamentably to reach its objective, the response to the Egg Appeal was the worst for some years and there appeared to be a decline in the spirit of self sacrifice and social service that should be the characteristics of a good school. 1 sincerely hope that 1954 will see a re-birth of that generous spirit of service to the community which was so evident in 1951 and 1952. The adoption of a school uniform has proved well worth while. As well as improving the appearance of the boys, it has done much to lift tone and develop school morale. It is regrettable that, during the last months of the year, there should have been a marked decline in the dress of so many of our senior boys. Boys and their parents should realise the importance of first impressions, and the fact that, to a large extent, clothes do make the man. By the time these notes are read, the examinations for 1953 will have been completed. 1 know that many boys will gain certificates and scholarships and 1 hope that few will fail. T o all, however, 1 offer my wishes for every success in the future. A f t e r five years at the school, I am now transferring to Preston. These have been very happy years and I will carry away with me memories of a wonderful crowd of boys, whose loyalty, co-operation and, 1 hope, affection have been a continuous source of inspiration to me. In conclusion, my earnest wish is that the approaching Christmas season may be one of joy for all and that the New Year and all the years to come may be filled with prosperity, happiness and peace.


House Notes MITCHELL Mitchell had a most successful year in the school sporting activities. U n d e r the able management of Mr. H a m e s we carried off the cup in athletics, finished second in both swimming and cricket, but, unfortunately, won the "wooden s p o o n " in football. Perhaps our poor showing can be explained by the fact that no less than nineteen boys represented the school in this sport. This, coupled with the fact that the captains of the cricket, football and swimming teams are in Mitchell House is, we think, something no other house can equal. Perhaps we are fortunate in having such a grand athlete as H a r r y Mitchell, who gained first place in thiee main events. Another Mitchell House representative was Peter Noy, who gained second place in the very same events. In the swimming sports we also showed outstanding ability. Although weakened by the absence of five players in the school team we filled second place in the Inter-House cricket competition.

MONASH This year Monash is under the guidance of Mr. Birch, who assists in solving our problems whenever possible. House Captain is John Harvey, with Charles C a r m a n as Vice. We are well represented in the school teams by boys who are eager to bring honour to the school. We were not as successful in the school sports as we had hoped to be. We would have done better if we had had the services of several boys who were absent when the sports were held. However, we have several boys in the school athletics team for the Inter-Technical School Sports. We wish these boys luck and hope they can bring honour to the school. The first-year section of the house is led by Roy Spargo. These junior boys are showing the spirit that will help to place Monash House in the lead. In conclusion I would like to thank the Sportsmaster, Housemasters and all who have assisted in enabling all of our sporting functions to run so smoothly.

STLRT DEAKIN O u r hard working house master, Mr. Nuttall, is assisted by D. McDonald, who is house captain, R. Fincher and E. Lund. Under their guidance the Deakin boys have held the lead in the points aggregate, and appear likely to take the prize for the leading house at the end of the year. Our house got off to a good start early in the season by winning the swimming sports in a very easy fashion. In the cricket we have won all games except one, whereas, in the football we have had as many wins as losses. Our Softball players, under the leadership of Robert Ellis (pitcher) have had a very successful season. A special mention must be given to B. Silver, who won the crosscountry run, giving Deakin another victory for the season. We are well represented in the school teams by boys too numerous to mention. Being of a generous nature we are always near or at the top of any appeals. With the athletics sports drawing near we are busily training, as we hope to win these sports. Beware all other teams as we are going to sweep all before us in an endeavour to win.

Under the guidance of Mr. Allan, our renowned housemaster, ably assisted by the leaders of the house, J. Smith, captain, A. Wilkins, vice-captain, and R. Halverson, deputy, the activities of the house have flourished in the field of sport. The cricket team, captained by Des Church, did very well for the first term. Wins were frequent though the opposition was keen. "Basher" Brown was our most notable batsman and one of our representatives in the school eleven, but as a bowler (well, 29 off one over!). In the field of football Storey and his tribe of muscle-bound mighties finished on top, losing only two games. Our goalhungry goal-kicker Wild Wiley from outback would do a lot better if he kicked a watermelon instead of a football. Our school eighteen representatives are Wilkins, Smith, Halverson, Bone and Church. Our efforts in the swimming sports were not as good as in previous years. The water was cold, perhaps that was the trouble. Though we have not won a game in softball we are still looking to the future for at least one win. Other houses watch out, for we intend to win the competition. f 27 1


to put their theoretical knowledge into practice. The annual inspection of this unit was carried out in April by Commander Kennedy and L i e u t e n a n t - C o m m a n d e r Glen. The company was highly commended for its smartness and efficiency. T h e armed guard was p a r a d e d on this occasion for the first time, but as we now have been issued with .303 rifles we will be able to provide an efficient guard at any time. Thirty-two Footscray Cadets attended the Seafarer's Service on October 18, at St. Paul's Cathedral, also the Trafalgar Day Ceremony. Vice-Admiral Sir John Collins, K . B . E . , O . B . E . , inspected the cadets and congratulated them on their excellent p e r f o r m ance. Any boys wishing to join the School's Sea Cadet C o m p a n y should contact Mr. Corp. C A D E T S D. A N D R E W S , L R A E .


T h e Footscray Sea Cadet Unit has now been in operation for four years, and during that time has trained many fine boys who have brought credit and distinction to our school. This year we had the honour of having three former members of this Unit selected to represent the Australian Sea Cadets at the Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. These cadets, Alan Dalrymple, Albert Braddish and Robert Scott, joined the services' Coronation Contingent aboard the aircraft carrier, H.M.A.S. Sydney, and set sail for England in May, via Fremantle, Colombo, Aden, Port Said and T o b r u k . Whilst in England the Cadets witnessed the Spithead Review, which was in the presence of Her Majesty the Queen. In this event H.M.A.S. Sydney took part. During the return voyage via P a n a m a , Leading Seamon Dalrymple qualified for a Helmsman's Certificate. During the Christmas vacation, a party of Cadets from Footscray attended a training camp at Flinders Naval Depot, which was enjoyed wholeheartedly by all. These camps are very popular, as they enable the boys







FIRST AIDERS Very modest they are about it, but we must let you into the secret that right here in our midst we have the champion Junior First Air Corps in the State. Officially No. 3 Corps, Footscray, the quartette includes well-known Tech. Identities — Neil D i n h a m , Doan Oates, and Ken Gent. Last October they carried off not only a body, but also the State title, scoring 182 points out of a possible 2 0 0 — 32 points ahead of their nearest rivals. T o remove a body from the football field, fix a broken collarbone and bandage a badly cut leg, took a mere thirteen minutes. No wonder the poor winger was subsequently found to be suffering from shock. [28 1

ANNUAL SPEECH NIGHT December 12, 1952 The annual speech night of the Junior School took place in the Williamstown Town Hall on Friday, December, 12, 1952, at 8 p.m. Prizes for scholarship, proficiency and character, and sport were presented to prize-winners by Mr. A. E. Shepherd, M . L . A . (now Minister for E d u c a t i o n ) , Mr. R. G. Parsons, President of the School Council, and Cr. R. Schintler, M a y o r of Footscray. While presenting the prizes, each of these gentlemen congratulated the winners and offered words of encouragement and advice to all students. T h e second half of the programme consisted of musical and physical education items by the boys of the school. A capacity audience greatly appreciated the concert. Our congratulations and thanks are due to M r . Cronin and Mr. Croft in particular, who were largely responsible for the preparation and organisation of the programme, and to all those teachers and boys who did so much to make the evening an outstanding success.

Cowboy, sleepy, riding the slope. Saddle brand-new and brand-new rope. Horse grain-fed, wide awake eye. Woke to a wild horse rocketing by. Started to hum to himself that day, A ballad about the stallion grey— A mighty horse—old "Stallion Grey". The


It went



His dam was a mustang white and proud. His sire—black as a thundercloud. He was foaled on a mesa cold and high Where the strong must live . . . and the weak must die. He's sleek and strong, now a stallion grown. He takes no pace, but sets his own. Fighting for life where the white storms blow, A picture of pride from head to toe.

PREFECTS This year there are twenty-two prefects and their job is by no means an easy one, though, of course, there are priviliges. Prefects are not required to fall in at assemblies, they have their own room, and have the full co-operation of the teachers in carrying out their duties. A prefect must set an example to the rest of the boys at all times, by being neatly dressed and well-mannered. It is also a prefect's duty to see that the boys are dressed in proper school attire and to assist in traffic control both within and outside of school. The worst problem is trying to keep the boys out of corridors and classrooms at recess times. Prefects are an essential part of school life and this office is the highest honour a school can confer on a boy. Led by school captain, Alan Wilkins, the Prefects for 1953 have carried out their duties in a most conscientious manner. Unfortunately the majority of them will be leaving at the end of the year.

So swift and strong in his young desire He drives from the band his fighting sire. While his flanks drip red and his mane waves high. For the strong must live and the weak must die. And

the years have earned him an outlaw name, He's a devil to catch and game as game. But if ever it happens you down his pride— Twirling your noose and casting it wide— A name you'll make for yourself that day, But I'll wager this song on the "Stallion Grey"— A mighty




C L I F F O R D J O N E S , 3H.

[ 29






Back: C . V. P u c e .

JUNIOR SCHOOL PREFECTS D y a l l . K. F o x . C . G a r m a n . R. D e a n , Z . Z e r g e r . Centre: D . M c D o n a l d , K. T o o h e y , B. W a r b u r t o n , J. S m i t h , G . S h o r t , H . M i t c h e l l . J. H a r v e y . K o n i : 1. R a e , E . W a l k e r , B. Silver, A . W i l k i n s ( H e a d P r e f e c t ) , M r . Allen ( P r e f e c t M a s t e r ) , R . B r o a d w a y , B. H a l v e r s o n , T . P r e s t o n . P. N o y .

CLERICAL A N D M A I N T E N A N C E STAFF Back: I). D r a p e r , S. M o r r i s o n , A. Blain, J. B a t e . M i d d l e : L . L o m a x , P. M a l b o n , L . S a w y e r , J. E n c v e r , W i l s o n , A, O p r e y . Front: D . E w a n , M r s E . C a r r , M i s s J. Wills, M i s s L. E e n s l i n g . M r s . N . M o r r i s , M i s s C u r w o o d . J. M c D o n a l d ( R e g i s t r a r ) .

( 32 1

i. D.



T h e School, this year, has m a i n t a i n e d the high s t a n d a r d of Sport, b o t h H o u s e a n d Inter-School, built u p in 1952. 1 e x t e n d m y w a r m e s t a p p r e c i a t i o n to the H o u s e M a s t e r s a n d their boys f o r the great a m o u n t of w o r k which H o u s e c o m p e t i t i o n in this school causes t h e m . It is only by the c o - o p e r a t i o n of all c o n c e r n e d that H o u s e a n d School s p o r t can f u n c t i o n efficiently. I e x t e n d my c o n g r a t u l a t i o n s to the winning H o u s e — D e a k i n with 4 4 0 . 1 points. Special m e n t i o n m u s t be m a d e of the school's success in Inter-School Sport. A s can be seen by the results table, this is excellent. H o w e v e r , it is n o t the actual winning m a r g i n that impresses me, b u t the m a n n e r in which all gave of their best t h r o u g h o u t the season a n d , win or lose, were willing a n d ready to c o n g r a t u l a t e their o p p o n e n t s . T h a t is as it should be, a n d may it always be so in this school. T o all t e a c h e r s w h o so ably assisted in sport, especially M r . H a r r i s o n , the assistant Sports M a s t e r , I say " T h a n k You"'. R. J. C R O F T , Sports M a s t e r .





Sport Football " A " Football -'Z" Soccer Tennis Baseball Hockey Cricket

Played 13 1 1 13 14 9 1 1 5




Games Won 10 1 12 12 —

6 2 41


Athletics, second place. Swimming, third place. T h i s over-all result gives a fair impression of general superiority, but when one d e d u c t s Football " Z " a n d Baseball, those sports in which we fielded a team merely to k e e p up competition n u m b e r s , a better picture is presented, e.g., Played 5 5 ; won 4 0 ; lost 15.


Mitchell: House M a s t e r — M r Hames; Captain—R. Broadway; Vice-Captain—R. D e a n s ; First Y e a r C a p t a i n — R . Stewart; Vice-Captain—L. Vincent. Monash: House Master—Mr. Birch; Captain—J. Harvey; Vive-Captain—C. Garm a n ; First Y e a r C a p t a i n — R . Spargo; ViceC a p t a i n — R . Pilkington. Sturt: H o u s e M a s t e r — M r . Allen; C a p t a i n — J . S m i t h ; V i c e - C a p t a i n — A . Wilkins; First Year Captain—R. M c M a h o n ; Vice-Captair — N . Bourke. Deakin: House Master—Mr. Nuttall; Captain—D. McDonald; Vice-Captain—R. F i n c h e r ; First Y e a r C a p t a i n — J . C o r b y ; Vice-Captain—I. Clough.

Lost 3 10 1 1 9 5 2

tOneofhV. D a r e Devili Croft^5'Firstattemlsto FlLj

[ 33 ]

SOCCER It seems Footscray is fated to take second place in Inter-School Sport, because, as with Football, the Soccer team finished runnersup. The premier team in this case was Swinburne in the Home-and-Home series. However, it is pleasant to record that we were premiers in the knockout series. I consider this a greater feat than winning the original series, as more teams participated. Special mention must be made of the enthusiasm of the Master-in-Charge, Mr. Nuttall, and the intense loyalty and co-operation given to him at all times by his players. Team Report — Starting the season with most of last year's team and some very accomplished new members, the soccer team, under the guidance of Mr. Nuttall, had high hopes of winning the double — the Premiership and the Knockout Cup. Our hopes received a severe jolt when Preston beat us 4-1 in the first game. However, this result did not affect our morale, as we then started to play determined foot-

ball, with such excellent teamwork that our opponents were often left bewildered. We continued our winning run and it seemed inevitable that we would win the premiership, until the second last round, when we had to play the unbeaten Swinburne. This match was played on a poor ground under extremely windy conditions and, although we had more of the play, neither side could score and so Swinburne, with two drawn matches, finished one point ahead on the premiership ladder. As the soccer this year was of a much higher standard than in previous years, ours was a worthy performance. After the premiership rounds were over, we were determined to win the Knockout Cup. We drew a bye in the first round, trounced Sunshine 9-0 in the second round, and earned the right to again match our skill against the only team that had beaten us. The last half of this match, played in pouring rain, was a severe trial for our defence which, however, proved too sound

Back: D. Hitchings, S. Bastek, V. Puce. K. Oakley, P . P o d o l a k . P. Brown, A. Holmes.









SWIMMING Back: W. Little, E. Shannahan, J. Ely, R. McMahon. Centre: D. Murphy, R. Spargo, N. Carmody, B. Edgel, K. Bone, G. County, R. Spargo, C. Dyall. Front: B. Crane, B. Lever, B. Silver, T. Preston (Capt.), E. Walker, T. Phillips, E. Leeson.

for Preston and we gained a hard-earned victory by two goals to one, K. Oakley scoring both goals by "headers". Although we entered the final without our captain, Z. Zerger (ill), we were inspired by the brilliant work of our goalie, V. Puce, and our full-backs, Z. Janka and J. Byrne. The team played grand football and in a thrilling match defeated Brighton 2-1. P. Brown added both our goals to his impressive total of 23 for the season. Altogether we scored 52 goals to 9 against in 13 matches, and, we think, proved to be the outstanding team in the competition with a percentage of 577. It is hard to pick best players in a team that played with such great team-work and fighting spirit, but special mention must be made of our iron man, "Buster" Bastek. The team knows the reason for this "pat on the back" for Buster, and fully appreciate what he did for our team by his love of the game and great School spirit. SWIMMING School: The School House Sports were a huge success with a majority of the boys competing. As usual, the Cork Scramble provided the comic item of the day. Boys

and corks were all over the shallow end of the pool, but by the time the whistle was blown hardly a cork remained. The standard of competition was better this year than it has been for many years. In fact, an indication of this is shown by the fact that, under the expert coaching of Mr. Harrison, the Under 14 Relay Team won first place in the Victorian Schoolboys' Championships and Robert Lowe was second in the Victorian Junior Under 14 Diving Championships. Final Results: First—Deakin 71 Second—Sturt 53 Third—Monash 52 Fourth—Mitchell 48 Inter School: This year we went off to Olympic Pool confident that Footscray would win. We had, in training, broken at least four records and all other teams and individuals were very close to record times. However, our hopes were dashed. Preston beat us, but had to break records in the events to do so. It is pleasing to note also that teams who were beaten broke records in their events. Our Under 14 Relay Team, in winning by almost 20 yards, easily broke the existing record. [35 1

ATHLETICS Back: R. M c M a h o n , G. Halliwell, J. Jillard, E. S h a n n a h a n , P. Brown, C. G a r m a n , I. James, H. Black, A. Q u i n t o n . I. Smedley, P. Kzerkaski. Centre: G. G e r m a i n e , A. C o r b y , K. Bone, R. D u f f y , P. Doyle, 1. Daykin, R. Halverson. J. Delia, G. Payne, B. Edgel, W. M c D o n a g h , L. Grigg. Front: P. George, J. Harvey, D. McKenzie. W. N o r t h . H. Mitchell, R. J. C r o f t (Coach), V. Puce, P. N o / , D. C h u r c h , D. M c D o n a l d , R. F a m e s , A. M c B a i n .

School: Mitchell House have won the School House Sports for the third year in succession. A wonderful performance. Despite bleak conditions we had a most successful day and the inclusion of extra novelty events assured that almost every boy in the school took part in an event. The outstanding succès among these extra events was the marching and final assembly. It was a credit to the School. As usual those hard workers, the Mothers' Club, provided afternoon tea and a sweets stall and the whole School extends its thanks to those enthusiastic ladies who made this possible. Final sports results— Mitchell 77.8 points Sturt 62.6 points Deakin 59 points Monash 49.7 points Inter-School: These were held at Geelong this year and were, to my mind, the best ever. The standard of competition was outstanding and the best but probably the mos' unfortunate school was Footscray. We lagged Preston all day by three points until the second last event, which we won. We were then three points ahead with one event to g o — t h e Senior Tunnel Ball. Unfortunately, that which is always likely to occur d i d — the ball rolled on the lace and went unevenly — a n d the leeway lost was too great to make up.

However, the athletics team can feel ver)' proud of itself as it was through team-work and keen training that it finished where it did. Firsts — H. Mitchell, 100 yards open; J. Jillard, high j u m p under 13; relay team, under 15, 8 x 100 yards; relay team, under 13, 8 X 75 yards. Seconds — H. Taylor, high j u m p open; D. McKenzie, high jump under 15; open relay, 8 x 100 yards; — J . Corby, under 13 75 yards; V. Puce, weight putt open. Equal Second — L. Baker, high j u m p under 14. Third — H. Mitchell, 2 2 0 yards open. Fourth — P. Brown, 100 yards under 15. FINAL HOUSE




71 60 50

48 27.5 50

53 30 75

52 82.5 55

35.1 59 25 60

34.9 77.8 20 40

29.9 62.6 15 20

29.3 49.7 30 10













Swimmins . . Softball . . Football . . . Cross-Country Run . . . Athletics . . . Cricket . . . Egg Appeal . Hospital Appeal (Bob-a-Job) Magazine Appeal . . TOTALS.




CROSS-COUNTRY RUN The cross-country run course was made much more difficult this year than in previous years. The difficult section was an extra turn around Myer's Flat, up the hill to the back of the School, and finish in the usual spot. For a while it appeared that John Panetta would win, but Barry Silver, running a beautifully timed race with copy-book style, ran him down over the last 300 yards and finished an easy winner by 40 yards. It showed all who were observing just what a relaxed, balanced, style can do for an athlete in the latter stages of a long distance event. Results—Open Age Handicap: First Barry Silver Second John Panetta Third Ivan Smedley First Year Boys: VV. Stuhnell First B. Sleeman Second M . Matheson Third House Results: First Deakin, 35.1 Second Mitchell, 34.9 Third Sturt, 29.9 Fourth Monash, 29.3

BASEBALL As visualised last year the baseballers had a very lean time. However, M r . M c D o n a l d assures us that much valuable ground work was put in and that this, plus the recruitment of soft-ballers from House teams, should place us in a favourable position. Team Report — The Baseball team was ably captained by Kevin Rose and Barry O'Sullivan (both managed to get through the season without a fight). The big hitters in the team were " M i c k " Laffan and D o n Wandel (both hit a couple of two baggers each). A feature of the game was our fielding (a special mention to Jefi" Gates, Keith West and Bob Oliver; they batted well and their fielding was excellent). John Kuhnell and A l a n Noble were reliable outfielders, as well as R o n Ockwell. Nearing the end of the season we brought on " M i c k " Laffan to pitch and this caused an uplift in the whole team morale, for Mick pitched splendidly. The season on the whole was rather disappointing, but 1 must say that we experienced more than our fair share of bad luck.

m ~ rnmMk i r-


- . • b s » — g ^ ^ »




Back- D Wandell

J Gates


Reid, T. Jordan. R. Oliver. Front: M . Laffan, B. O'Sullivan, K. Rose. J. Kuhnell, K . West.


However, some consolation can be gained from the fact that we defeated the only teams to beat Preston, Box Hill and Caulfield, by five and twenty-one goals respectively. Yet, it seemed strange that Preston beat us by four goals in our return match. Those to stand out in a very even and efficient team were — Duncan McDonald who, by the way, gained a free "Coke" by kicking seven goals against Oakleigh; Alan Wilkins, a workmanlike season on the wing; and Ray Broadway (judged the best fullback and probably the best player in the competition—Sports Master), and his vice "Tich" Dean for some sterling performnaces. Later in the season the Terry Preston-Brian Tresize combination became formidable for all opponents. "Z" Team—For the first time Footscray entered a second team, which played under the name of Footscray "Z" team. The team had a hard competition, as we had to play the same teams as the " A " team played. The season opened on our own ground with Tom Phillips captain and Pat Toohey vicecaptain. We played Preston and they turned out to be the better team. After an encouraging word from Mr. Jordan, our headmaster, and some good advice from Mr. Croft, our sports master, and Mr. McGarvin, our coach and umpire, we put up a good show against Oakleigh

FOOTBALL Footscray created a precedent this year by fielding two teams called Footscray " A " and Footscray "Z" respectively. The School Team " A " finished second to Preston on the premiership ladder. There being no finals, Preston were thus premiers for 1953 and Footscray runners-up. (For ihe second year in succession.) The School Team "Z" proved its worth by the recruitment of several players to the Senior Team. It now remains to be seen what ultimate results this experience for Junior boys will have on the following seasons. Both Footscray and Preston have been requested to field two teams for season 1954. The reason for this is a new type of zoning introduced to allow eventually for new schools which will open in the near future, and it is thought necessary for the moment to keep these large schools on a par with other schools. Team Report — " A " Team. Once again the School team had a most successful season, as our record below shows. We finished runners-up to Preston, who at the end of the Home-and-Home were one game in advance of us. A final series was not played. This, coupled with the lack of height and weight, our worthy coach, Mr. Hall, claims cost us the premiership.

F O O T B A L L "A" Back: K. Short, A. G r a n t . Centre: K. Storey, R. D a w s o n , G. Payne, T. Wright, N . C a r m o d y , J. Pilsbury. D. Callett. Front: P. Toohey, I. Rae, G. Short, W. P r a t t (Vice-Capt.), P. Noy (Capt.), E. Walker, D. C h u r c h . B. F o r e m a n , B. Edgel.





Back: J.


Can's, T.


CRICKET T . P r e s t o n , R. F i n c h e r , W . P r a i t . Front: F^. D a w s o n . R. B r o a d w a y ( C a p i . ) . P. B r o w n . D. M c D o n a l d .

a n d beat t h e m by a few points. It t u r n e d o u t to be o u r only win f o r the season. But we c a m e close to beating several teams, including B r u n s w i c k , w h o were the p r e m i e r ship side f o r 1952, with F o o t s c r a y second. P r e s t o n w o n the p r e m i e r s h i p by being a clear g a m e in f r o n t of F o o t s c r a y " A " t e a m . T h r o u g h o u t the year boys were going into the first a n d o t h e r s c o m i n g into the " Z " t e a m ; a l t h o u g h we won only one m a t c h , we h a v e great h o p e s f o r 1954.




that 75 per cent, of the t e a m is also leaving. H o w e v e r , we have been in that position b e f o r e and I am sure we can m a k e good next season. T e a m R e p o r t — A t the time these notes were written, the team was d o i n g well in winning two g a m e s out of the f o u r played. T h e team was led by Ray B r o a d w a y ( C a p t a i n ) and R a y D e a n ( V i c e - C a p t a i n ) , w h o each h a d a share in both bowling and batting h o n o u r s . T h e s e two were ably supp o r t e d by all-rounders. Ray F i n c h e r and Duncan McDonald and batsman Paul B r o w n . T e r r y Preston played the last two g a m e s and e a r n e d his place in the side by taking several wickets. Wicket-keeper Wally Pratt, although rather small, did all that was expected of him. Fitzgerald, Skoglund. Smith, and D a v e n p o r t also did well.

CRICKET A s yet the exact position of the Cricket t e a m on the l a d d e r is u n k n o w n . H o w e v e r it is e x p e c t e d t h a t we s h o u l d finish a b o u t third or f o u r t h . T h e boys h a v e been u n f o r t u n a t e this season r e g a r d i n g coaching. M r . A n t h o n y , w h o in past y e a r s h a s d o n e sterling service to cricket in this School, will be leaving us a n d M r . M o r r o w , w h o took the t e a m over f r o m M r . A n t h o n y , so that we could h a v e continuity of c o a c h i n g f o r next year, is also leaving. T h e final blow, of course, is the fact

O u r record shows that we are third on the ladder and well within striking distance of the p e n n a n t , which will be decided in the latter half of the season.


HOCKEY We played again in the Secondary Schools competition. However, this year the School team comprised Junior School boys only. 1 think the team did extremely well when one considers that Secondary School teams are chosen f r o m boys in F o r m s 1 to 6. This is borne out when one looks at the results when Technical School and " B " T e a m s were played. In all these cases the results were overwhelmingly in our favour. Next year we will again combine with Forms 5 and 6—Senior School—and we aim to field two teams. Our congratulations are extended to Captain Donald Fisher, who was selected as goal keeper in the Victorian Junior Team. T e a m Report — For the first time for many years, the Junior School has provided all the members of the team. The team, Don Fisher ( C a p t a i n ) , Ernie Plant (ViceC a p t a i n ) , Ron Smalley, N o r m Skoglund, Ron Minicken, Ian Sheridan, Robert Dove, Graeme Robertson, Bob Patterson, T o m m y Frame, Barry Silver. Bob Speed, Eric


E. M a c a u l a y .

Leeson, Peter R u m p f , and Ernie McCauley have done very well in all matches. The first match against Caulfield resulted in a victory, 2-1. University High " B " team gave us a bit of worry to start off, but results turned 4-0 in our favour. We beat Essendon High 2-0, Swinburne 15-0, and drew our last game. O u r worst defeat was by University " A ' \ who won 16-1. We give our best wishes to goalie Don Fisher, who was chosen to represent Victoria in the Junior Team. TENNIS The Tennis team under the coaching of Mr. H a m e s had a successful season for 1953. Dennis Liddy, Frank H a m , John M a t h e son, George Keyte, Gordon Scorgie and Alan Menbrey all represented the school, the first four making the regular team at the end of the season. Gent was of great assistance in many ways, and gave particularly grand assistance as umpire.

R. Dove, B. Ross. Centre: P. R u m p f , R. R o b e r t s o n , I. Sheridan, R. Patterson, R. Smalley, R. Speed. Front: R. Minniken, B. Silver, T. F r a m e , E. Plant, E. Leeson.




Sub Editor: A. E.

Forms Senior.


TENNIS Back: G. Keyte, G. Scorgie, J. M a t h e r s o n . Front: F. H a m , D. Liddy, K. Gent.

All first four members of the team played consistently well, while Frank H a m played a particularly fine game at Essendon. In fact, the Essendon team complained that they found his service almost unplayable, his second service being fiercer than his first. The team had a number of easy victories, but no overwhelming defeats. In most cases, the result was in doubt up to the last set. We were defeated at P r a h r a n , for example, by one game, and a marathon last game it was, going to deucs time and time again. In the tournament being played at present, Dennis Liddy has every chance of winning the Open Singles, whilst Whittaker ( F o r m 1) appears most likely winner in the Under 14 Singles. The Under 14 doubles team, Whittaker and Harvey Little, should be hard to beat. Team Report — The School Tennis team has lost only about there matches in the Inter-Technical competition. The team has been changed quite a bit during the year. Everybody has been challenging the different boys in the team, hoping they could take their place. Some were successful, others were not. They are improving in every match, and we think it is a good sign to see the boys challenging one another. Mr. H a m e s has taken great interest in our tennis during this year.


Our form-master is Mr. Bennett, who has a formula for everything. We are admirably represented in the sporting field by Varis Puce and Zoltan J a n k a ( s o c c e r ) , Ray Dean, Ian Rae, Ted Walker, G r a h a m Murrie, Terry Rogers, Dave Clements and Ron Evans ( f o o t b a l l ) , and last but not least, Donald Fisher, captain of the hockey team and our interstate representative in that sport. Our main personalities are " D r e a m boat" McConnell, who finds Mr. Atkinson's periods an ideal resting spot, Peter Kinchela, who has a love for thrills of all types, e.g., ask the cop at the corner of Barkly and Nicholson Streets. Phillip Ratcliffe is the chief violinist in the school orchestra, is the chief violinist in the school orchestra. Arthur Ellis has us all guessing. "Mick" Ellinson is the chief problem child of our turning and fitting instructor, Mr. Branchflower. We are well supplied with prefects, having four of them. They are Ian Rae, Ray Dean, Ted Walker and Varis Puce. Ronald Evans topped the form for the midyear exams, with Ian Rae, Ted Walker and Zoltan Janka hot on his heels.

4B Our form is gifted with a very capable form master, Mr. Senior who is assisted by Peter Noy as form captain. Our sports stars are "Noisey" Noy and " H u m p " Halverson who are members of the " Z " team, " D o o f " West and " K u n y " Kuhnell, our famous "home r u n " hitters for the baseball team and Membrey who is a member of the school tennis team. The bright spark of the form is " B o o f h e a d " Hosken closely followed by " Q u a n g e r " Quinlivan. " D a r k y " Daykin is very popular with Mr. "Slavedriver" Harrison . Paul Brown is our soccer star; his position is "left-behind". John Cornish and "Pussy" Anderton always remember to forget their "stinks" homework books on Thursday mornings. The form's heavyweight is " O n k y " Dorey who turns the scales at 15 stone 10 lbs. Rex Womersley has a very nice sister about 16 (he is the envy of all the f o r m ) . "Candles" Winn and "Stewy" Stephens had trouble proving the Principle of Moments in Mr. Atkinson's class. Payne sometimes has trouble with Mr.

"Fewlines" MacDonald. Johny Walker is the form's softball star. Jack Deller has high hopes for Hollywood. Lindsay Boyd is the most punctual boy in the form, always there by 9.30 a.m. " D r e a m y " Germaine must have a late night every Wednesday night because he uses Mr. Atkinson's class to catch up with his sleep.

Our brains trust consists of three boys Donald Harle, Des Church and Ian Beazley. We are represented in football by Harry Mitchell, Ken Bone, Des Church and Ray Fincher. Our tennis players are Frank H a m , Neil Dinham and Alan Griffiths. The baseballers are " M i c k " Laffffan, who is in the running for inter-state selection, and Robert Oliver. We have a real square dance fan by the name of "Do-si-do" Southall. Jim Goudie is an efficent form captain. We have one more member in the form and that is our form-master, Mr. Jones, who is also our woodwork teacher. I think we have said enough so now we will say a hasty "goodbye!"

4C This year 4C is every teacher's favourite form. We also have many sporting stars such as footballers Jim Cairns, Ken Storey, and our midget rover " C h i c k e n " Bourgoyne. Alan Wilkins brought honours to our form by being elected head prefect. Eddie Wohlgemuth who is our form captain is ably assisted by Robin " V o n " Warby, our future golfing champion. We have passed the hat around in aid of an alarm clock for John French to see if we can get him here on time. John Stephens, Geoff Baker, Graeme Cook, Graeme Short and Freddie W o o d w a r d are our tennis enthusiasts. John Read and Ken Storey represent our fighting force in the Sea Cadets and Air Training Corps, respectively. Geoff " H o m e r " Gates is our representative in the baseball team. A m o n g the left overs is Bruce Miller, our boy from "Werreby", Ronald Rudd, Peter Nolan, Anthony Cave, Billy Dick and last but not least our chewing gum expert, Alan Vincent.

4D We are here to say just a few words about our form 4D which is made up of ten carpenters and five plumbers and which, incidentally, is the best form in the school.

4E In the capable hands of Mr. Godfrey form 4 E has devolped into the most outstanding form in the school. Our form is headed by "Willie" Watson and our boy f r o m the bush (Werribee) Brian Schirmer. " G a s s a " Saunders and " H e r b i e " White recently put Ian Sheridan's white mouse on a diet of iron filings, after a day in the fitting shop. "Time for the Altona boys. Sir?" is a familiar cry from Robert Ferry, John Smith and Ian McMorris who have pleasure in riding the "Sea Weed City Express". Kid Tarrant is a likely prospect for the Australian Flyweight Title. The brains of our form belong to " M a s h e r " Moody and Dave Wark the "silent terror." Wild Bill Brody is our "gunslinger." T w o fishermen always talking about the one that got away are Bill Collins and G r a e m e Ortland. Alan Game! and Ray Blythman are the best of


1 42 1

friends when they stop fighting. In the sporting world we have Ian Sheridan and Ernest Plant who are making an attempt to play hockey. A . M c D o n a l d , school fullforward, suprised us recently by his accurate kicking 7 goals 12 behinds. W h e n it comes to Softball the G r a h a m Twins are always willing to fight it out. J o h n Harvey and D u n c a n M c D o n a l d are our two prefects.

Z. Zerger who took the honours in the midyear exams. D. Andrews was second and D. Miller, who hopes one day to become a cost accountant, (sarcastic laughter) gained 100 per cent for maths. D . Brooks, W . Attwell, E. Avent and M . Sexton hatched a foul plot to play, but the less said of that, the better. The only real "dead-end k i d " in the form is M . Woolley whose two years of ice-skating has qualified him for this title. The luckiest lad in the form is S. Andrew, who had the good fortune to break a leg prior to the mid-year exams. " G u s " Bayly, the form captain, is escorted to Sea Cadets by D . Andrews and Z. Zerger. The only A . T . C . protege is B. Wilson, often seen with a motley bunch of persons, e.g. Garth, Coster and Hevey. As Burns, Clifi'ord, Emmett, Gent, Higgins, Hobbins, Loveridge, Skeggs, Stunnell and Tresize have nothing to say, we shall, because of horrid threats, only mention them.

4F Form 4F consists of shocking fitters— electrical we mean. O u r sporting representatives include Ray " A r g e e " Broadway, Terry "Precca" Preston, Brian Tresize, Tom Phillips, Ivan Smedley and Eric L u n d , who play f o o t b a l l — a m o n g other things. Playing other sports are G o r d o n (the n o m a d ) Scorgie w h o can't stay in the one place without wanting to go walkabout, he plays tennis, and R o n Smalley who plays hockey. Other colourful identities include the form's crooner " J o h n y R a y " Stanford—when he sings you feel like crying, a Hounslow named Pete and Muggsie M a s o n — a n y resemblence to a worker is purely accidental. John Engler is our square dancer. The midgets are Lyle Jackson, Graeme Rattew, B o b Wiley and Ken Noy. Last but not least, is Ian " Y a r n e r " Patterson, our form captain.


3A Because we think our form is the best we naturally think we have the best form-master in M r . Allen. J. Smith is our form captain and prefect and he, with B. M c M a h o n , represents our form in the first eighteen. J. Byrne is our soccer representative, and G . Keyte our tennis star who never shines. K. Wallwork who took our mid-year exam honours was closely followed by A . Lemke. O u r form is afflicted with seven air cadets. Woodworkers in our form are L . Abbey and B. C u r w o o d , and our artists are J. Morton, J. Biggs and our vice-captain J. Ballard. V . Prestipino is our social service worker while " T i c h " Johnson is our main iceproducer. Newcomer to our form is R . Y o u n g from Bendigo.

3B O u r form consisting of fifteen dills and nine morons, is managed ( ? ) by that noted musical genius, Mr. Basilio Croninski ( M r . C r o n i n ) who is held in high esteem by all and sundry. Being the second highest ( n o c o m m e n t ) form in the Third Year, we have a goodly selection of brains including


3C in our opinion, is the best form in the school. O u r great form master is none other than M r . Stroud. In our form we are fairly well off for brains, for instance, the class average in Maths was 86 per cent. In the half-year exams, Kevin Toohey gained top honours with Alan Robinson second, and Barry Downer third. W e are represented in most fields of sport. In the football team we claim Kevin Toohey and Bill North with Robert Swalwell, the boundary umpire. Barry Silver and Robert Lowe are the water champions, Robert Dove plays hockey for the school team and, in the soccer team, we have Dick Read. In class work, Les Feran is our scientific failure and Brian Jinks, who is our maths genius, has a wonderful mind for figures. Neil Dunstan is a member of the school Brass Band; he plays the cornet. Ken Sawyer, who is always wasting M r . Stroud's sheetmetal periods making some gadget, is a keen photographer. Mr. Power has at least four boys who are interested in his science lectures; they are J. Cariss, Jim Pike, Frank Beckensale and N. Canterbury. Robert Baldwin who missed two months schooling at the beginning of the year showed no lack of knowledge in the half year and acquitted himself reasonably well. The recent newcomer to our form, Ray Middlebrook from Box Hill has found a friend in our radio brain, Ken Gent.




Under the leadership of that great science genius, Mr. Smith, our form has had a very successful and pleasant year. Walter Pratt, our form captain, by pure accident, gained a place in the school cricket and football teams. Barry Bennett, our vice-captain, gained the honours at the half-year. "Barry is also a keen basketball player and a capable footballer. Eric Leeson and Harold Black both gained 100 per cent for maths, while the former is a keen hockey player for the school. We have great hope for our future tennis stars. Bill Johnston and Brian Lever, who are striving hard for a place in the school team. Papado, who could not attend tennis training, missed out on a place in the Victorian team. (So he says.) The mechanical genius who makes massive models out of Meccano sets is Geoff Henshaw. Our three motor - minded mechanics (sorry maniacs!) are K. Jessup, K. Veale, and B. Olliver. Veale and Jessup work together as Jessup does the talking while Veale does the drawings. R. Pierce is our regular Romeo who brightens up his spare time polishing up the mighty musician's midget motor-car. (Just his size!) J. Hird, N. Cousins, W. Veale, V. Stephens and B. Foreman are all performing well at football while Foreman and Veale are in the school team. Our star soccer player, K. Oakley plays right-outside, sorry, inside right for the school team. E. Leeson and B. Lever excel in swimming while N. Rees, M. Gibbon, R. Peacock, E. Onopko are expert sheetmetal workers.

The year 1953 brought together a grand lot of boys in 3E. Honours go to Norm Cardell for topping the half-year exam, and also to (Flossy) Finch for coming second. Our form consists of a lot of sporting fans who are mostly in the school teams. In tennis they are Dennis Liddy (captain) and Max Chanter. Our hockey players are Ron Miniken and emergency Robert Patterson. Our swimmer is Bryan Crane, who is also our popular form captain. We have fishermen, too, as Bill Thompson has won trophies for his catch, while Ian Walker also boasts about the one that got away. Like every form we have our football enthusiast. Bob Ellis. Our hefty man is Robert Duffy, who is quite a good footballer. Who said Molloy didn't like Maths? — ask Mr. Hames. However, we are quite air and sea-minded, as we have Barry Curwood,Alan Meddings, Peter Strachan in the A.T.C., and Philip Magee, Frank Organ and Neil Smith in the Sea Cadets. The glamour boy of our form is Barry Mitchell, who is trying to get his face improved by falling off his bicycle while going down a hill. The rest of our form consists of Kevin Doolan, a very good scout (he thinks so anyway). Our favourite teachers are—well, the lot. But only the ones we have, mind you!


Ably lead by our burly form master, Mr. Croft, our form ranks with the highest in the Third Year. Our chief ear-basher is


McDonald, who is always trying to preach about the wonders of the navy, while our Air Force personnel, Lepp, Barry, Johns and Bunton, tell us all about the Sound Barrier. Our star hockey player, R. Speed, is always trying to tell us how to play hockey, but, frankly, we all have the opinion that he doesn't know the difference between a hockey stick and a cricket bat. Our chief moulders are Grieg, Scott and Andrews. We have our various sporting personalities, our Wimbledon stars being Lepp, Barry, Semple and Harvey. Our comedians are D. Hitchings, B. Thompson, R. Neilson and D. Dalgeish, who provide our form with laughs even if they have to take the consequences (I hope Mr. Carey isn't reading these notes). Our stinks (Science to you) fiend is Prof. Murdock, D.R.I.P. Our circus fat man is J. Rogers. E. Short and B. Thompson are our League stars, while D. Hitchings represents us in the school's soccer team. We nearly forgot the shrimp of the form, Ducka O'Donnell, but, as he is always up to his neck in trouble, it is easy to see why we overlooked him. Our form is more than ably represented in the school baseball team by the team's captain, K. Rose. Last but not least is J. Todd, who knows enough about trains and steam engines to put any train crew to shame.

more. Our artists are N. Deller, N. Heather, A. Finlay. That's all, folks!

3K Here we are, the K.K.K. We are gifted with the best form master in the school. Guess who? None other than the great Mr. Crockett, who is assisted by form captain Murray Mahlstedt. Our crack scholar is Leonard Styzinski, who is a real bright spark. Our chief card collectors are Maxie Beaton and Keith Mailes. The form clowns are "Nobbsy" Noble, Jim Diston and Earl Godwin. D. Baker is a player in the school football team. A. Holmes and G. Kavanagh are in the soccer team. We also have several Navy and Air Cadets to boast of (not that we want to). We must not forget the Gym team, as we have several members in our form. They are K. Pearce, I. Sutherland, G. Watson and I. Elderidge.

3L Our form master is Mr. Cockett. We are well represented in the field of sport. Norman Skogland is our hockey star, while Barry O'Sullivan, Trevor Jordan, Stan Edwards and Donald Ockwell are prominent baseball stars. Charlie Richardson and B. Kelly are our footballers, while Fitzgerald plays with the "Z" team. We are well represented in the Sea Cadets by T. Jordan, S. Edwards, J. Brotheridge, J. Wellard and B. Hardinge. Our form captain is J. Brotheridge, with S. Edwards as vice. The ten-dollar question is how did "Nicky" come second in the mid-year exam.?

3G Our form is well looked after by our beloved Mr. McDonald. We are well represented in school teams by Gordon County —football—and Tom Frame—hockey. We also have excellent footballers in the house teams, such as Ron James, Ray Dole, Don McDonald and Alan Bridgeman. In softball our stars that never shine are Curtain, Lockwood and Ryan. The theme song of our fencing class is "Don't Fence Me In".

3M We think that our form is the best in the school, even though some may disagree. Mr. Nicholls, our ofrm master, is held in high esteem by all the boys. Our sporting personalities are footballers Noel Chakely and Nevel Carmody, tennis players M. Orr, R. Spivey, G. Murray, L. Jones, I. Patience and M. Shepertson, and our one and only ice skater Terry Wieland, who is always telling us what a champion we have in him. Our sole representative in the physical education group is that "boy of the boxhorse" Reinwald. M. Shepertson and Ian Patience are the only quiet and wellmannered boys in the classroom. The form committee is President, Stuart Murray; Treasurer, Lindsay Jones, and Secretary, Reginald Steel, who is also our mechanical genius. Now who said this: "I'll keep you

3H Our form is one of the best forms in the school (or at least, we hope), because we have Mr. Hames as our Form Master. Our form captain, Don Wandell, is assisted by "Louie" Beet. The sporting acdvities are looked after by H. Taylor and P. Toohey (school football team), R. Slape (school hockey team), and D. Wandell in the school baseball team. We have three geniuses in our form, although the last one is a doubtful proposition. The Education Week display was assisted by Bartils, Toohey and a few


till 4.30 and you can do your work then, I promise you that".

Harry "Tom T o m " Murray is in the drum band, while "Catcall" Clark and "Mighty" Marriage are in the choir. There are two comedians in the form, namely "Huly H u l y " Homewood and "Cecil" Newton. The one and only prefect is Colin Dyall, and Boofa Hosken is our form captain. Our soccer player is Dave Ewan, who has just come out from "Bonnie Scotland".

3N Although we are a new form in the school we still rate ourselves top of the third forms. Mr. Hall is our "well-to-do" form master, and G. Veal is our beloved form captain. In the sporting world Jacky Matheson is our tennis star, while M . Milne and T. Wright are the footballers of the form. The half year exams, have ended and R . Boccalatte showed his ability by topping the class; he was closely followed by A . Leydklans and D. Nash. We are represented on the briny by M . Milne and R . Dawson. The clowns of the form who keep us in high spirits are T. Wight, " D o b b a " Dawson, Bluey Letchfield and "Matchstick" Robinson. There is a small group of boys in our form who call themselves "The Bilge Boys"; they are R. Driver, N. Rawlings, G. Glasson and A . Blackwood.

2C Our form, under the masterly eye of Mr. Rowsell, our form master, and B. Ogier our form captain, has done exceptionally well throughout the year. The "brains" of the form is A . Prawduick, who topped the form with an average of 79. The sportsmen are R. Prendegast, who came fourth in this year's cross-country run and P. Brooks, I. Davies and N. Sutherland, who are Davis Cup hopes. J. Fahey, R . Stembridge, R . Prendegast, B. Ogier and N. Sutherland charm Mr. Cronin with melodious voices, whilst N. Sutherland and R . Stembridge play the recorder. Our other musicians are P. Brooks and K. Sharp, who expend their wind in the Brass Band. P. Shugg is the sports commentator of the form; he will not hesitate to describe the Third Test or this year's football carnival which was held in Adelaide; K. Fanner, with the aid of his C. & G.'s, produced many artistic drawings. The boys in the "Fighting Forces", excuse me, I mean the Sea Cadets, are R . Dickenson, D. Schintler and B. King, whilst Air Cadet, R . Prendegast, is literally up in the air. L. Hartley is our scientist. He did not dye his own hair.

2A This year form 2A is blessed with the biggest collection of brainy individuals the second year has ever seen (we hope). Our esteemed form master is Mr. Carey. The position of form captain is filled by "Narna" McDonagh, while our main personalities in the inventing line are K. Fox, J. Cole, P. Cocks and 1. Brodie. Following on we have "Cats' Meat" Waller as our air cadet representative, and our sailor boy "Seaweed" McConville. In the way of music we have "Banjo" Veale. P. Podolak plays the violin and banging the keys of the piano we have T. McGilton and J. Lane, with recorder player, J. Kipluks. Angler, "Orang-Outang" Orange could have made a fortune out of selling the sardines he catches, with a little competition from N. Jillard. The "bright" ideas come from " H a z y " Hettinga and I. Brodie. The soccer team has a worthy representative in P. Podolak and also a trier in K. Frieverts. Taking it all round we are a (fairly) happy crowd.

2D We think our form is sitting on top of the school with our form captain, Doug Kellet, keeping it there while our regular contributor to the "late list", Jim Blair, is trying to do the opposite. Bob "Spiggs" Spargo is our tennis champ., while our footballers are Doug "Killer" Kellet, Geoff Short and Brian "Ginge" Ginger. Our hockey representatives are "Fatty" Kenshall and " B u l l " Robertson, and, of course, we can't forget our baseball fans, George Gardiner, Ken Russell, John Perryman and John Hyde. After Australia's poor showing in the recent Tests we think the selectors will be asking our star cricketers, Harry Griffiths and Ray Trask, to play for them. Bob Short (from England) thinks it might be a good idea .

2B Our form thinks we have the best form master in the school in Mr. Simpson. James "Racket-breaking" Gardiner is the tennis star of the form, while our mathematician is Prof. McFarlane, who has a good mind for figures and not only in maths. We are well represented in the music world, for




O u r form master, M r . Billinge, was away ill for some months, so our acting form master has been the head master, M r . Jordan, w h o has kept us up to date in our contributions. W e have a high opinion of our form captain, D o u g Dally, and our vicecaptain " B u g s " R o n Burgoine. O u r sportsmen are J o h n Bewley, Billy Warner, Graeme Wright and Peter Czerkaski, whilst our future Davis C u p players are B. Scorgie, P. W e b b and M . Caddaye. Members of the school choir are P. Czerkaski, K. Neilson and W . M c B a i n . Characters of the class are R . M c B a i n , w h o has a science brain, and A l a n Whyte, our mathematical genius. W e have two future R . A . A . F . men in D . Dally and R . Mathews.

M r . Steeper is our F o r m Master. I n this form of ours we have many keen, interested sportsmen; here are just a few: O u r crosscountry runner John Panetta was unlucky, as he was just beaten into second place. " T i c h y " Booth is only 4 feet 41/2 inches high, but is keen on dogs and horses; his Alsatian and fleetfooted nag take him for many journeys. D . M o o n and M . Carlyle are always keeping the form out of the dumps with their " c r u m b y " jokes. W. Harvey-Little and B. Esse represented the form at the swimming sports. O u r tennis players are Ken Scott, M a x Wilson, Laurie Y o u n g and Kevin Hosking. The football stars are D. M o o n , E. Rice and A . Ouinton. Neil Evans won the Egg Appeal last year and hopes to do it again.

2F O u r form is easily the best in the school, under the guidance of our acting form master, M r . Jordan. The genius of our form is Ken G a m b l i n g . B. Edgell is our form captain. Champion footballers are V. Williams, K. Cooper and S. McNeil. Musicians of the form are L. Beet, D . Veale, R . Brophy and R . Croft. W e are also well equipped with six choir boys, six sea cadets and two members of the A i r Training Corps. M a x Lewis and John O'Brien are the Billy Bunters of our form. O u r artists are B. Skinner, N. Simmonds, A . Kerss, R . Leek and F. Fincher.

2G O u r form is led by Tom Davenport and Brian L o m a x . Davenport is also a member of the A football team; other footballers are Harrison, Greig, L o m a x , Dean, and last but not least, we have our good friend, M a c K i n n o n . O u r tennis players are Lee and Richardson, who is also an accomplished member of the school orchestra. O u r airminded lads are Hettinga, L u p t o n , Hill, Nash, Lane and Phillips, w h o seem to prefer the W . A . A . F . to the R . A . A . F . Miller is our aeronautical engineer. Carlton is the form's budding "Einstein". N e w m a n is our j u d o expert and Wilson excels in the broad j u m p . Duvosin and Hettinga are in the Recorder Band. M r . A n t h o n y is our form master ( I wish we had him for M a t h s . ) , Smith is our champion flower grower, see his flowers! (Cauliflowers!). H a , ha.

2KL W e , the envy of the second year, 2 K L , have a good Form Master in M r . G r u b b , who helps us in many ways, especially fitting and turning. The popular boys of the form are D. Mason, B. Stacey, O . Simmons and R . Edwards, who is also our form leader. N o w to the sport section—D. Mason and R . Miller are our football stars. D. Stone is a Wimbledon champion of the future. One amusing incident happened on a very muddy day. W e picked up sides and played football. After slipping and sliding in the m u d , we were almost unable to recognise who was who; but, we of John Sutton's team were happy, m u d or no mud.

2M O u r Form Master is Mr. Crockett, who looks after our form, and has organised entertainments for the form assemblies. The form captain and vice-captain are P. R u m p f and L Martin respectively. The whole form is quite active in sport and, right now, we are training for a physical culture display, which will be performed before the Queen. W e have three members of the school choir, and a member of the orchestra, too. To our knowledge these are the promising artists: G . Herbert, S. Bastek and G . Sneddon. H . Vincent is our marathon long-distance runner. The A i r Force in our form is represented by L Bennet, N . Tunks, S. Bastek, and the Navy by B. Perry and L Martin. Yes! that is our form!


2N We are a great form. We can boast of such f a m o u s or infamous sportsmen as John Pilsbury, that star f r o m the school " Z " team, Keith Hill, of the soccer team, and, of course, those budding Roses, Keith Barnes, Jim Martin, Ken Richards and J o h n Fisher, who should soon be seen at Wimbledon. A n o t h e r star is R o b e r t Smith, who is r u m o u r e d to be Australian Junior Ballroom Dancing Champion. The wise ones of the form are Leon Smolski, followed by Donald Anderson, while the otherwise are those two bronco busters, Kevin Jinks and Graeme Sullivan. Two people we expect to see blown up any day are A r t h u r Chappie and Bill Connelly, the form's scientific wizards. Gary Greaves occupies the high office of F o r m Captain, and is ably assisted by Deputy Dennis Street, who is also an Air Cadet, along with Keith Hill, John Pilsbury, Noel Portingale, Bruce Ross, Neville Ortland and Rolf Peake. This crew is said to be driving F l t . / L t . C r o f t quite mad. One other claim to fame is that of Brian C o n d o n , who topped the form in woodwork with 90 per cent. O u r F o r m Master, Mr. Cusack, attempts to keep us under his thumb, but with such talent you can guess that we have a good time. lA Mr. Power is our F o r m Master. H e always worries about debates, so we usually end up having a debate over whether we should have a debate or not. Brains of the form (or at least we think so) is M. Saunders, with an average of 78 per cent. We are also prominent in sport. We have great tennis stars in F. Scambler and G. Walker, while V. Fell is captain of Monash junior Softball team. We have some up and coming hockey stars in J. Dalton and R. Sterling, who is also F o r m Captain. R. Archibald is a good all-rounder in both cricket and football. So taken all round we are a good allround form.

IB We have one of the best form masters in the school, in Mr. Martin. We have some good footballers and cricketers in our f o r m Our star rover is G. Banes, star ruckman D. Mills, and star centreman R. Pilkington. We also have cricket stars in N. Burke, L. Ewart and J. Kendall. O u r star pupil is G. Nickels. We have a star F o r m Captain, K.

Brown. O u r tennis stars are R. Worthington, L. Dunlop, R. M c M a s t e r and D. Talbot. O u r star comedians are B. Lewis and E. Sterrit. IC We are not the worst form in the school. Our F o r m Master, M r . Calder, has kept us on our toes about the hobbies exhibition. Russell G r a n t seems to be our " J o h n n i e Ray". G r a e m e M a c D o n a l d (Scotty) should go very near to being top of the first formers. Ray Spargo ( S p a r k s ) seems to be our best footballer. This year he is Junior House Captain of M o n a s h . If Alan G r a n t grows any bigger the boys will be able to use their microscope on him. R o b e r t Brown is our f a m o u s " E a r b a s h e r " ; he can break any eardrum within earshot. Mr. Willis, our woodwork teacher, is our favourite.

ID I D consists of boys f r o m Ascot Vale, West and N o r t h Footscray State School. Our f o r m captain, R o n T h o m p s o n , keeps us in check. O u r chief ticket-seller is F r a n k Townsend. Ian ( F a t t y ) Robertson is going close to getting the first f o r m mid-year scholarship award. Ian H e m m i n g ( o u r h e r o ) saved a garage f r o m possible destruction by ringing the fire-alarm. Geoffrey Hope (Hopeless) is our high jumper. O u r midgets are Ross Shimmer, Noel Grant and Brendon Cootee. Some of our boys might be in the Queen's display next year ( 1 9 5 4 ) . IE O u r F o r m Master, Mr. Carruthers, the best teacher in the school, holds our enjoyable f o r m meetings in R o o m 72. During form meetings we have had plays, and talks on interesting subjects. O u r f o r m captain, Brian Rogers, came top of the class and vice-captain, Laurie H a m , was second. IF O u r F o r m Master is Mr. Wilde, who is also a physical education expert. W e have a very good F o r m Captain in Robert M a r shall; he is well assisted by Reg Mason. We enjoy our social studies lessons, because our teacher, Mr. Carruthers, is surely the most cheerful teacher in the school. Mr. Carey is another teacher we like listening to because of the interesting stories he tells us like the one about the Japs coming up the Maribyrnona. IG The boys of I G are a very happy lot,


a n d w o r k very well together. Our form m a s t e r is M r . Beulke, w h o is assisted by J. Z e r g e r ( f o r m c a p t a i n ) , a n d G. H u n t i n g t o n ( v i c e - c a p t a i n ) . R. B r a k e w e l l is the brains of the f o r m , a n d c a m e top in the m i d - y e a r e x a m i n a t i o n s . In the f o r m t h e r e are a few boys w h o h a v e gained g o o d positions on the sports field—among t h e m are R . M c M a h o n , A . C o r b y a n d R . ( J a c k a s s ) J a c k s o n . L. S l e e m a n , w h o is o n e of the best long-distance r u n n e r s in the First Y e a r c a m e f o u r t h in the c r o s s - c o u n t r y run. D. J o y c e was having s o m e f u n in R o o m 6 3 one day, a n d his h a n d h a p p e n e d to go t h r o u g h one of the w i n d o w s . W h o paid f o r the d a m a g e ? T h e r e is a fair r a n g e in the height of the boys, the shortest boy is 4ft. 6ins. and the tallest boy is 6 ft.

athlete is M e r v y n M a t h e s o n , w h o c a m e third in the first-year c r o s s - c o u n t r y run. IL O u r F o r m M a s t e r is M r . Bartlett, w h o is assisted by H e r b e r t D r u r y , F o r m C a p t a i n . In sport o u r J o h n D o r a n shines at both football a n d cricket. IM O u r f o r m m a s t e r is M r . H a r r i s o n . F o r m C a p t a i n B a r r y M a r q u a n d and V i c e - C a p t a i n Bruce Potts try to k e e p us in o r d e r . Bill Stunnell won the First F o r m ' s annual crossc o u n t r y run. IN Being a f o r m of first-year boys this new school of ours has b r o u g h t m a n y new ideas a n d interest to us. Organisation at this school difi'ers quite considerably f r o m o u r old schools, and we find the life 5 0 / 5 0 . A t the beginning of the year o u r r e n o w n e d f o r m c a p t a i n , D. Smith, a n d his offsider, R. Benson, were elected to lead us t h r o u g h o u r first year at this school. V a r i o u s m o n i t o r s were also chosen for different periods of work. D u r i n g the year this f o r m has taken part in every school service it c o u l d ; we went to the A n z a c C o m m e m o r a t i o n Service on April 25, a n d also to the C o r o n a t i o n Service at the G r a n d T h e a t r e . W e also went to an Orchestral C o n c e r t at the M e l b o u r n e T o w n Hall on A u g u s t 4. It was the first concert of this kind than any of us had ever seen, a n d it was very interesting to see and hear the Victorian S y m p h o n y O r c h e s t r a . W e , the lowest and p r o u d e s t f o r m in the school, salute you!

IH W e of I H h a v e d o n e well in the m i d - y e a r e x a m a n d are a h e a d of I G in most subjects. W e h a v e got plenty of b r a w n a n d " O h " I nearly said brain. O u r h o n o u r a b l e f o r m c a p t a i n is Geoff W h i t t a k e r , w h o has a capable b o d y g u a r d in R o b e r t ( R o c k y ) Skillen. T h e clowns of the f o r m are Ian M c G o w n , David W a l d e r a n d Allen M c B a i n , w h o are closely followed by the chief e a r b a s h e r s , Peter Cliff a n d G e o f f r e y D e a n .

IK Mr. Smillie is o u r F o r m M a s t e r , and he is also o u r w o o d w o r k teacher. H e has always an interesting topic to talk a b o u t in o u r f o r m m e e t i n g s . D o n C o r n i s h is f o r m c a p t a i n , a n d J o h n Jillard, vice-captain. O u r star


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