Footscray Technical School Blue and Gold 1948 no. 8

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Asst. Ed.: N. C. Porter

Editor: E. B. Ho wells

COMMITTEE Old Boys: Mr. J. L. Kepert Sid Wookey Herb Bennetto

Ex-Servicemen: V. Curtis W. Charles R. Tomlinson

Seniors: John Harrison Jack Kepert Alf Lepp

Juniors: M. P. Carey Mr. E. Morganti Don Paterson

Sport: Mr. C. Martin Jack Barnacle Bob Downing

Illustrations: Mr. C. Tindale Mr. A. Douglas Bill Lewis


This and That:

The Principal's Page


Old School


Who's Who


Ballarat Road


Social Activities:

Old Boys:

Snow Trip to Donna Buang


Year's Activities




Letter Bag


The Principal's


"Fame is the spur that the clear spirit doth raise To scorn delights and live laborious days." Have you ever thought of these lines as you were drinking the strong blaek coffee and burning the midnight oil, which are traditionally recognised as necessities for senior students in third term. The more thoughtful and possibly the more desperate users of these commodities might well ask themselves, "Why am I going through all this?", "Why am I doing this course?" One of the answers given by students is that they are doing their particular course of study because they think they can get a better position with a diploma or certificate than without it. But will a frantic cramming of facts ensure a better position? It may secure a good initial appointment, but it is doubtful whether this method of training is the best way to ensure continuous promotion during the next 40 years of working life. A study of positions occupied by graduates of technical colleges shows that, to carry on successfully the work required of them, they must not only be technically proficient but also must be able to mix easily with those in positions above and below them. You must be able to win the co-operation and respect of those under your supervision, if your ideas are to be realized. While you are working hard at your studies, you should pause and ask whether you are fitting yourself to achieve these objectives. In the businesss world it is not always the man who knows most who will be chosen, but the man who is able to gain the confidence of others — and this will be the man who has the mature outlook and the poise which springs from an all-round development. Such a man must have keen perception and an ability to see the relation between his own particular field of knowledge and the social life of the community as a whole. This broad view of life does not come as a result of studying the closely related set of subjects which compose the diploma course, or the slightly more varied subjects of a technical school certificate. Here in this School we have Sports Clubs, Debating Societies, a good library, and Music and Dramatic Clubs, which everyone can use. Night students have local sports clubs, the wireless, and the books and magazines in our library and in the public library. These provide opportunities for that all-round development referred to. But when urged to join in such activities, students generally reply that they have not the time, that only the clever people can do their work quickly and go out to sport, or join in social life, or work on committees. This objection reminds me of the student who wrote at the bottom of his exam, paper, "I did not have the time to finish," to which the examiner replied, "You had all the time there was." In the same way, all students have all the time there is and this is 24 hours every day. Although some students are quicker than others, the difference in

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J STUDENTS' REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL Back: N. Hansted, G. Anderson, C. Polglaze, R. Downing, J. Beard, E. Ludge. Front: Robertson, J. Thalassinos, Mr. Brooks, R. Reed, E. Austin, E. Fleming.




the amount of work they do is largely a matter of how they utilise their time. So, before deciding that you cannot join in extra-curricula activities because of lack of time, make sure that you are making the most systematic use of the 24 hours a day at your disposal. Plan your time. Plan each day, each week, and each term. Beside doing your work, you should be able to find time for sport, for social life, and for learning more of the world of people and things outside your course. To fit in these necessities, you will have to make the most of the time you have allotted to each of your activities. Improve the quality of your study by wide reading, learn to get the most benefit from your sleep, and utilise odd moments—walking to the station and on the tram or train—to learn some new fact, about the world around you. Having planned to make the most of your day, then remember that the cultivation of a broad outlook is not so much a matter of the amount of time spent, but of how that time is spent. Broadmindedness can be cultivated by an intelligent use of even the most meagre facilities. It is no use waiting until you finish study to start, because it is not an easy attitude to develop. It is very difficult to change one's outlook as one grows older. If you are successful and can cultivate a broad outlook, not only will you fulfil your aim of getting a better position, but you will be a better individual, a better Australian, and a better world citizen. Such people are desperately needed today, and they should be more plentiful among the graduates of institutions of higher learning such as our own.

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STAFF NOTES In such a big school as ours the personnel of the staff is constantly changing; but, however brief his stay, each has made an individual contribution to the spirit and traditions of the school. During last year we lost some who had been with us for a long time. Mr. W. Baker, whose great mathematical gifts found partial exppression in the construction of our necessarily complicated time-table, was appointed Principal of Yallourn Technical School at the end of the year. Mr. B. K. Thompson was transferred to Box Hill Technical School at the end of 1946, after doing admirable work on our staff for over 18 years. Box Hill Tech has also acquired as Headmaster, Mr. M. P. Dadsey, who very capably performed the same duties here for many years. We lost our gardening expert from Ballarat Road, when Mr. F. Torode received promotion to South Melbourne Tech after a 12-year stay with us. Others who were with us for varying periods and have now moved on are: Mr. A. Sinclair, now teaching Chemistry at Maryborough; Mr. Aldridge, now at Stawell; Miss Jellett at Geelong; Mr. F. Allen at Preston; and Mr. B. Thomson at Caulfield. We should like to wish them all good luck, and to thank them for the good work that they did at our school. Among our acquisitions are Mr. R. Atkinson, who came from Essendon Tech to guide the destinies of our Junior School. From other places far and wide we welcome to our staff Messrs R. Wayman, E. L. Scott, R. Stroud, R. Fraser, W. Horbury, J. Goodger, E. P. Carr, A. Perkins, W. S. Willett, M. Hayes, D. Rathbone, D. Fraser, E. Davey, B. Trainor, A. R. Johnson. We greet all these newcomers, and hope that when they see lit to move elsewhere they will always remember the good fellowship they both created and enjoyed at F.T.S.



Our Social Afternoons, held on the second Wednesday in each month, together with the Euchre and Dance Evenings held at the Nicholson Street School on the second Saturday in each month, are still our chief source of income. They enable us to finance our annual expenditure of <£25 on books for the Junior Library, £ 2 0 on Dux and Proficiency Prizes for the Junior School, and £ 2 2 / 1 0 / - on Junior School Scholarships. We spent an additional £ 7 5 this year in furnishing and equipping a First Aid Room at the Ballarat Road School. Ofhce-Bearers for the current year are: Mrs. Walton, President; Mrs. Grigg and Mrs. Clarke, VicePresidents; Mrs. Oswald and Mrs. Allison, Joint Secretaries; and Mrs. Tomlins, Treasurer.

Established 1888




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The School held its annual Anzac Day commemoration service on the afternoon of April 23rd. Both Senior and Junior sections were seated in comfort through the courtesy of the Management of the Grand Theatre, who allowed us the use of the theatre. The service commenced with a hymn, and after a brief introduction by Mr. VV. H. Nicholls, Brigadier W. Cremor gave the address. Brigadier Cremor spoke of the Anzac spirit, and made reference to the bravery of some of the men under his command during the Second World War. Nobody likes war, but most men acquit themselves well when necessity demands. He also told us of the fine war records of some of our old boys. After the address two minutes silence was observed, and this was followed by the "Last Post," played by Ralph Prew, of 3D. "Land of Hope and Glory" was then sung, Neil Jones, of IB, singing the verses solo, and the school joining in the choruses. The Principal, Mr. Aberdeen, then gave a short address, and the service concluded with the singing of the National Anthem. J.I.H., 8.

Winner of Inter-Tech. Singles Championship

wiches and interrupted meal periods, and with the kind coroperation of Mrs. Archer we acquired the room formerly used as Junior Library. At one stage we had designs on precincts that through the years had acquired a distinctive literary flavour, but after much "howelling" we retired from the field. Our new hide-out is equipped with all mod. cons., including an electric stovette, so that on cold days we are now able to enjoy hot soup and other delicacies. In fact, our culinary efforts now rival even the pasties produced by the wife, and in accordance with the formulae, of a wellknown teacher of higher mathematics. Now that our domestic problem is solved, we are able to give more attention to office activities and, when not indulging in morning tea tete-a-tetes, we may be found murmuring encouraging words to the duplicating machine, losing things in the filing systems, and tracing elusive instructors and students. THE LITUUS.

Rest Room for Office Staff An outstanding event of the year, from the point of view of the female office staff, was the acquisition of a new off-duty retreat. Previously the office staff, with the mice, occupied the small pigeon-hole which also serves as students' first aid centre, duplicating room, and store room; but being built to standard proportions we experienced much difficulty in fitting ourselves into the small space available. Added to this indignity, we did not find the duplicating activities and first aid "atmosphere" conducive to good appetites and tempers. However, Mr. Aberdeen sympathised with our dislike of disinfectant-flavoured sand-

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DUX PRIZES — Donated by School Council 1st Year Peter Broughton 2nd Year John S. Mappin 3rd Year John Occolowitz

Annual Value, <£30.— 34 (a) Frank D. K. Ball, Wra. E. Felton, Raymond T. Hellier, Alfred J. Lepp, Lindsay B. Matthews, Colin McKenzie, James J. Nevin, Rex M. Norrish, John L. Occolowitz, Allan McP. Rewell, Charles W. Rubenstein, Ronald K. Young, Graeme Anderson, Allan B. Farrar, Robert J. Gawne, Douglas L. Hannan, Samuel D. Horrobin, Morris M. Kempton, Laurence Kemp, Wm. H. Kyme, Douglas Lindsay, Geoff R. Neely, Ronald W. Reid, Alf K. Robbins, Ian B. Taylor, Clive S. Wood, Neil F. Lefoe, Wm. W. Green, Keith R. Sheldrick, Neil Johnson. 34(D)—Douglas Alkemade, Peter E. Broughton, George D. Dennis, Dale Duncan, Angus A. Jones, Eric Middleton, Keith A. Morrison, Norman J. McNeill, Robert George Beel, Vernon A. Brooker, Don J. Bull, Ivan Pellizer, Raymond Addicoat. 34(E)—Cliff Brammall, Leonard K. Browne, Richard J. Clay, R. Cooper, Ian F. Downes, N. Matthews, Kenneth Page, Max Rawlings, Kenneth I. Rowe, Clement R. White, Albert Frank, Leonard Harvey.

SUBJECT PRIZES — Donated by Hardie Trading Ltd. Mathematics I .... Allan B. Farrar Physics I Charles W. Rubenstein Ronald K. Young Chemistry I Sidney D. Forsey Chemistry II Donald Letcher Mathematics II .... Norman McNeill Applied Science I Frank D. Ball Engrg. Drawing II Barry Walker Leaving English .. Paul Amos Ian G. Downing Matric. Expression James J. Nevin Mathematics III .. Keith A. Taylor Applied Science II Keith A. Taylor John F. Harrison Engrg. Drawing John M. Gubbins and Design III .. John R. Rose Machine Shop III Ivan A. Pellizer

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Students' Representative The S.R.C., during the three years of its existence, has become a highly respected body because of the excellent work done by its various committees. Last year's Secretary, Carl Robertson, acted on behalf of the Council during the long vacation, and organised early elections to ensure that the Council would be functioning as soon as possible in the year. Those who formed the S.R.C., three years ago, knew that such a body performs a valuable function in a school. Its various organs help to develop the self-reliance and organising ability of the students. With such a body in a school, complaints or suggestions are not likely to go unheeded. The success of the various bodies set up by the Council, especially the dance and newspaper committees, has been outstanding. This year the Council has run two excellent dances to date, has re-established the newspaper committeee, and has elected a committee to procure and control Table Tennis equipment. The S.R.C. of this school has a great future if a number of students continue to support it as wholeheartedly as they have done this year. It will have an even greater future if the general student body does its share as well.


improvement on the previous one. The members of the committee handling this big job are:—J. Thalassinos, B. R. Kimber, W. Lewis, H. Bennetto, W. Templeton, R. Downing, and J. Harrison. JOHN F. HARRISON, Hon. Sec. DANCE COMMITTEE As the result of a poll held among the students at the beginning of the year, it was decided to hold one dance each term. The committee was set up and began the arduous job of organising the first dance. This was a complete success, nearly two hundred people crowding into the small hall. Because of the experience gained, the second term dance was not so difficult to run as the first; expenses were higher and receipts were lower, but everyone had a great night and that is the main thing. The thanks of the S.R.C. are extended to the members of the committee who have worked so hard this year.

SWOT' COMMITTEE The collapse of "Integral" last year was regretted by all the students. After a great deal of investigation, a committee was set up this year to revive or re-create a student newspaper. The members of the committee investigated all the aspects of printing and publishing, and finally decided that duplicating would be the only practicable method of producing the newspaper. The result of all this was the first edition of "Swot," which was only one sheet and very poorly printed. Up to the time of writing six numbers have been brought out, and each has been an

DANCE COMMITTEE J. Thalassinos, J. Harrison, C. Gilbert, L. Winter, K. Hibbert

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WHO'S WHO in Form


Most of the members of this swot-happy brood have been selected for special mention because of their photismic features.

GEORGE BLUNT. A product of the far flung fishing village of Williamstown, this Ancient Mariner can often be seen holding reluctant listeners with his glittering eye while he spins them yarns of fabulous boats. A subscription list is soon to be opened for the purpose of buying him a whalebone comb of suitable dimensions.

BILL DOWNES, from Essendon Junior Tech, naturally came to this most exclusive school to have the rough corners knocked off him, the nonsense knocked out of him, and a minimum of knowledge pounded into him. His fair success in exams is due to an uncanny knack of making a little go a long way with examiners.

LEWIS, W. S. C. Being a keen student, he tries to draw knowledge from his teachers, but all he manages to draw is a pleasing caricature of the grim truth. He persists in this vice, despite the Maths teacher's gruesome predictions of what will happen when the Law catches up with him. In view of this it is likely that Bill's last and posthumously published caricature will be a lightning sketch of his executioner releasing the lever. He is a good all-rounder at sport, with skittling wickets as his specialty.

BYRON, HAROLD RONALD. Discarded from the Parachute Battalion, Ron applies his past experience to great advantage by dropping in late to classes and jumping to conclusions with complete safety. He is now a paragraph trooper in the Matriculation Chair-borne Division. Possessed of an incurable impulse to work he should land safely with a Diploma in each hand. He is a quiet chap, and even when roused he zooms through classes with perfect composure and ultimately gets the result.

SPOURS, COLIN. Maintains that if a variac can smoke in the Elec Eng Lab, so can he; but the Doctor objects that democracy cannot be strained to this limit. An ex-officer in the R.A.N., he has often been reduced to the mess decks by a certain corporal when he has deviated off the course in Mathematics.

BILL MARTIN, appropriately known as Tubby, is a footballer of some repute, and there is a striking similarity between his contours and those of the ball. His momentum has the useful effect of displacing opponents to where he wants them. He denies the rumour that he once swotted for an exam.

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JIM NEVIN has at least two claims to distinction. He collected Matric Expression with honours last year and is also a champion cyclist—he inserted a thinly disguised advertisement to this effect in the form of a report in last year's Blue and Gold.

COLIN BLAIR. Apart from the fact that he is our star tennis player, little is known about the activities of this strong silent type. £ , He can seem to be so conm-JmM vincingly awake in classes that even his nods are mistaken for profDund gestures of approval.

LINDSAY MATTHEWS, momentarily visible when the iron curtain of his raven locks is lifted, came from our own Junior School with the reputation of being a wizard at maths problems. He was thus welcomed by all as a potential public benefactor. He can win football matches single handed—for the opposing team.

BAKER, BRUCE. Is by r now resigned to the uncomplimentary title of Maggot, but perhaps this is because he is a particularly well nourished bookworm. He is rumoured to be a swotty type, but the objects of his interest are very obscure. The chemical odour of his lab coat is so high that he needs a ladder to retrieve it from the ceiling.

HANSTED, N E V I L L E VICTOR. Generally described as a dag, Nev keeps his immediate neighbors in the class entertained by his s p o k e n and outspoken thoughts. He believes that a pun is the lowest form of wit, except when he thinks of it first; at these times, no punishment is called for. A hearty eater, at lunch time he can generally be found in raptures before a delicatessen window, contemplating his favourite fruit, the pickled onion. Onion is strength is the motto on his family plate.

COLLIS DOUGLAS FREDERICK. Wafted out of the Air Force as mentally unfit, Douglas meditates in solitude at Eltham, where his father runs the lolly shop-cum-grocery-cum general store. Cum up and look it over sometime and have one on the house. He owns a motor bike which seized only a few hours before the police decided to save it the trouble. Eltham is now a safe place to live in. With his infectious face-splitting grin he should go far in the world, and will probably have to, to avoid the police.

DAVEY, JAMES FORBES. Humphrey hails from Scotch College, where he left his Scots accent behind. Nobody can deny that he studies, even if it is generallv the reactions of the fairer sex. He is thus deepening his knowledge of chemistry by first hand researches on the effects of peroxide.

KEAYS, BRUCE. He is a r e n o w n e d baseball basher and is addicted to 1H dazzling shirts. He may be viewed — most s a f e l y through sunglasses—pacN ing the corridors behind a month's growth of whiskers. Bruce has a terrific interest in the Brighton Baths, but disclaims all relation to the film star.

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D A R L I N G , JOHN. Described as quiet and retiring — and many wish he would — he alternates between the dark room and brawling with Flash. He derives reflected infamy from his association with a notorious cartoonist, and threatens to change his name because a false inflection has often led him to make an embarrassingly wrong response.

NICHOLLS, K E I T H VICTOR. This juvenile jazz fan, G, is Room 119's boogy-woogy. He is occasionally jolted into doing a bit of study, but soon subsides into his customary somnolent torpor. His chief vices are hiking over mountains, falling down at Rugby, sinking hot dogs, and raising the blood pressure of a certain Maths teacher.

DUNCAN, DALE. Thinks that school is a place where you play with welding torches and study the influence of the Press by reading the Sporting Globe. In a Heat Engines Lab class early this year he tried to emulate Guy Fawkes by blowing up the school. We regret to say that this produced only panic and an opportunity for one H.O. to display great coolness under fire. BESLEY, JOHN FREDERICK. A ready wit, John is a keen hockey player, always ready wit the stick, although we don't quite know how he reaches the ground from his height. It is rumoured that to meet his special case the above the shoulder rule was amended to above the waist. A faithful sport lover, he can be found any lunch time studying the mathematical intricacies of demon bowling as applied to hand cricket. He is willing to try his hand at any problem, but was utterly defeated by a yo-yo.

KEPERT, JOHN LOUIS After looking at John's record and comparing it with his father's scholastic achievements, we feel sure • B j f r j f ^ l j j he must be a throw-back to some remote ancestor. On the other hand, his skill in designing aeroplanes is a distinctively modern trait. Allergic to barbers, he waits until the sheep shearers come to the Show, and then lines up with the other black sheep. ALKEMADE, DOUGLAS VAN REEIN. Doug hails from Coimadai, where his father runs a kangaroo farm or something. He is keen on shootin' and fishin' and it is significant that his conspicuous absences coincide with the opening of the duck and trout seasons. At school he found that his bloodthirsty instincts were satisfied by his joining the rugby team. This slave to nicotine amasses sufficient stock through the week to supply all the smokers in the district. He probably unloads the surplus on the black market.

SCHAFER, RICHARD Open the Door's high powered personality overcomes all obstacles, including Roads Board barriers. This talented ex-serviceman produces brilliant sketches of IIIB drawings, over which he is alleged to see mysterious lights dancing.

THE THOMPSONS, IAN AND BRUCE. These two distinguished but hardly distinguishable boys hail from the mulga, where they like to spend shearing time. One photograph does for both, and they also share the motto, "Ask and it shall be given unto ye."

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JUDD, WARREN. Jugcars is a strapping athlete with an infectious smile. He excels at running and football, and is a migrant from Caulfield. Although his hair-do might lead you to suspect him of being an escaped convict, we can assure you that this is juddst a mistake; he really has an abnormally developed sense of juddstice. r , , TOMLINSON, RON. After i iJflfeiw costing the taxpayer thou! •^^^jp sands for the wireless sets V he wrecked in the R.A.A.F., Ron joined the school as a rehab student in 1947. He is to be seen skidding through the archway after his seven minute motor bike ride from Preston. He swears he never swots, but as he is usually first past the post at exam time, this alleged distaste for study is probably only a dodge to bump up his starting price. JACKSON, ALEX DUGALD. A youth of 23 summers (or is it 23 C . stone?), Jacko, after i liiajiypl' graduating from the Junior School, spent a short period of respite in the Diploma School before joining the Navy. Finding work, either in the Navy or elsewhere, was congenial, he returned to resume his studies under the Rehab scheme. A rugby fanatic, he is coach and mainstay of the school team, which he tries to push through to victory by refereeing their matches. AIKENHEAD, IAN, is an ardent musician with a special fondness for the harmonious sound effects of a motor bike. He may often be seen around the school chin-wagging to Tomo about a certain vehicle described by Mr. S as the. infernal machine.

CAUSER, GREGORY. This demure specimen is not very often the causer of trouble, although he is sometimes too good to be true. Greg is almost the model boy, his only vice being tennis. Perhaps his skill at lamming the swift ones accounts for his nickname, Lammie; or is this interpretation not tender enough? DOWNING, ROBIN KEITH. Meets all annoyances with a yell of Cuss. Because of his unwillingness to tolerate repression and injustice he was chosen as 7C's S.R.C. representative. Cuss is usually seen in the company of Humphrey, and appears interested in all types of lethal instruments, including the fair sex, which he can now address in graceful cadences culled from German lyrical poetry. GATES, LEWIS HENRY. Lew finds time to honour us with his presence for a few hours a week, his hobbies taking up his leisure hours to the utmost. An heirloom passed down from a Gates with an eye for a good deal distinguishes him from the vulgar throng. To manipulate his extra O.S. slip stick, Lew requires the full span of both arms, but we should like to pass on a word of advice: 'It is not the solution, but the underlying principle that counts.' SULLIVAN, JOHN THOMAS. An astonishing athlete, Slim gravitated —like all dense material— from Preston, in pursuit of the elusive Diploma. A farmer at heart, he li ves on a selection at Coburg, and is a keen amateur photographer.

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Technical &









Central 2041, 3811

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LÂť 113 12.V T R A M P I V G CLUB G b E E CbUB





Schools Orchestral Concerts "To be or not to be"—that was the question facing music-loving students who wished to enjoy some of the delightful music to be presented at the first of the series of Orchestral Concerts sponsored by the Education Department. Mismanagement seemed to prevail and the concert was officially cancelled due to non-arrival of the admission tickets. About a dozen of the real music lovers attended the Town Hall in case, refusing to accept the ukase of the lady organiser who had stated, "Under no circumstances will parties be admitted to the concert without tickets." Assistance from sympathetic ushers was quickly forthcoming in the form of seating accommodation, and eventually a very good programme, including the overture to Semiramis, Overture by Rosini, and Boccherini's Minuet, was enjoyed. Professor Bernard Heinze, conducting the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, took newcomers to these concerts for a "walk through the Orchestra", in which he explained the construction of the orchestra, with samples of the type of music provided by each instrument. The audience later reciprocated by singing lustily two songs, "The Jolly Waggoners," and "The Mermaid," before returning home. The programme for the second concert was Wagner's Overture to the Flying

Dutchman, some English Folk Dances, and Liszt's Hungarian Fantasy for piano and orchestra. This latter piece was brilliantly soloed by a student from the Conservatorium of Music. This was followed by Poppa Haydn's "Surprise Symphony." Its opening movement is slow and peaceful and expected to lull the audience to sleep. At the point where Haydn imagined everyone was nicely settled down to slumber, he introduces an explosive chord, in which the whole orchestra participates. The intention, of course, is to startle everyone into wakefulness. Physics "B" students should note that, on this occasion, it was especially effective. Two young ladies, whose noses seemed to be in resonance with the frequency of the chord, were observed leaving the hall wtih bleeding noses. Presumably, unless our logic is incorrect, sympathetic vibrations had been set up in the girls' noses. The programme concluded on a very bright number, "Waiata Poi," by the Australian composer, Alfred Hill, and everyone departed in a lively mood. To those interested in good music these concerts are particularly enjoyable; and our thanks go to all who devote time and effort to organizing them and arranging for our attendance there each year. V.C., Form 7B.

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Snow Trip to Donna On the morning of Sunday, August 1st, at the early hour of 9.10 a.m., several young people, comprising members of both sexes, waved goodbye to the coated figure of Mr. Serjeant, who was sheltering in the lee of the State Theatre. We were off on the first lap of our trip to the snow. Amidst coats, packs, and human beings dressed in very bright caps, we at last settled down for a non-stop run to Warburton. There a short halt was called, during which some went to look at the sights, while a few started up a game of hand cricket in the main street. On leaving Warburton we heard a wild yell and, on looking back, saw two lusty lads of the F.T.S., accompanied by their feminine partners, racing furiously down the main street after the bus. Consternation! The driver .couldn't stop, so those four unWISE people were dragged unceremoniously over the tail board. We reached Cement Creek without any further mishaps. There some of us got out and started to walk, while the remainder went on and turned with the bus, thus wasting an hour and giving themselves an extra mile to walk. After a five-mile walk, we reached good snow. This seemed to be the signal that everyone had waited for, as a snow fight was quickly in progress and many of us got well soaked. Unfortunately, as time was slipping by, we could not spend much time in the snow. It is still wondered

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how Cupid, in his scanty attire, could have existed in such cold conditions; but exist he did, as was shown by the ardent following one girl had on the way down. So back to the bus, tea in the dark while travelling, and singing all the way to Melbourne: that is, when the boogie-woogie fiend and friends weren't tumbling out of the bus. One thing that will never be forgotten was "Itchy's" rendition of "Ave Maria," and "Danny Boy" as an encore. Our thanks are due to Mr. Sarjeant, Brian Wise, and members of the hiking committee for arranging the trip.—J.M.D., 7B. VISUAL EDUCATION Throughout the year both Junior and Senior Students have benefited from the showing of sound films. For the Junior School, the Visual Education Centre provides fortnightly exhibitions of films. To the Senior School, films are loaned each week by the Commonwealth Reconstruction Training Administration, the State Film Centre, and many large private institutions. These include many interesting technical, documentary, and cultural films; and it will be the policy of the staff during the forthcoming year to give students as much visual education as possible. It is unfortunate that, at present, neither Senior nor Junior School has a suitable room which could be devoted solely to film exhibition. O.H.B.



It was on Monday, the 30th of August, that four of the School's most seasoned hikers commenced the proposed hike from Warburton to Marysville, via Reefton Spur —a total distance of forty miles. At 11 a.m. the party arrived at Warburton, and amid glares and stares from the amused populace, we purchased some eggs, meat, and bread. A quick lunch followed and then we set out. The first ten miles produced nothing worthy of note, but it was when we encountered some Country Roads Board operators that the fun started. We were calmly approached and told in the most scientific language that a cliff-face was about to be blasted, so we walked slowly back about 100 yards. Then the surprise came, for suddenly the cliff-face shot in the air, hurling massive pieces of rock sky high, some landing within inches of us. The atomic bombs had nothing on this—we thought. After this frightening experience, we hiked another four miles and pitched camp near the Yarra River. After a hearty meal we retired for the night, but were awakened by a mysterious prowler. Brave as we were, we thought discretion the better part of valour and dug ourselves deeper into our sleeping bags. Next morning we found, much to our disgust, the "mysterious prowler" was a tenfoot piece of bark flapping in the night breeze. We then gathered at the river to witness Itche's annual Protex bath; and for those who doubt us, we can supply photographic evidence. We had a prolonged breakfast that morning of bacon and eggs, varied with occasional dishes of eggs and bacon, and for dessert (a welcome change), some delicious rashers of bacon with fried eggs to match. Then it started to rain. Taking refuge under trees and ground sheets we persevered with the weather for a time, until finding ourselves

four hours behind schedule, we decided to "bott" a lift from a lorry driver for about seven miles. It was a thrilling ride through mountainous country, round hair-pin bends where passing loaded timber lorries was no joke; in fact we shook from the knees down whenever it happened. At last we decided, despite the continuous downpour, to hike the remaining six miles to the Cumberland and Cora Lynn falls. A feature of the visit to the falls was an attempt by the smallest member of the party, Lou, to go over them without a barrel, but the attempt (much to our disappointment) was unsuccessful. Snow fell that night at 6 p.m., and continued intermittently till morning. We wakened to find the entire surroundings carpeted with snow, for the morning was severely cold; but we warmed our stomachs on Cooky's famous fried eggs, and Casey's equally appetising bacon. Through snow, heavy rain, and low cloud formation, we set out upon the last lap of our journey — destination Marysville. Averaging five miles per hour (anyone doubting please see us), we reached Marysville at 2 p.m. and caught a service car to dear old Melbourne town, where our unshaven faces and unsightly appearance gave the impression that we were some longlost members of the Ned Kelly gang. LOU, CASEY, COOKY, ITCH. Form 8.



The Apprentices' eyes increased their aperture by 6% ins. in the Ballarat Rd. Sheetmetal Room one Thursday afternoon this year. They were humbled at the sight of a beautiful brunette wielding rivetting punch and hammer with all the dexterity of a finished craftsman. The resultant sconetrays were assessed at 10 by Sheetmetal Instructor Dicky. The recipient of one of these creations described it appropriately as a Neate job. E.M.

[ 15]

EXCURSION TO YALLOURN now nursing Yallourn students through On a certain April Wednesday, portion their diplomas. At the Power House we of the F.T.S. again sallied forth on their were shown what makes it tick — and annual assault on Yallourn. Leaving at incidentally smoke. Slightly enlightened and Zero hour, plus 30 minutes, due to the late considerably numbed, by the statistical barrising habits of one B.K., the bus-borne rage of the guide, we reboarded the bus party had a comparatively uneventful trip. and proceeded to the briquetting factory. The same could not be said, however, of In between dodging coal dust and getting a well-known party on the pillion of an out of our eyes what we didn't dodge, equally well-known motor bike (they tell we had explained to us the intricacies me he ate off the mantelpiece Thursday). of briquette making. (Does anybody On arriving at Yallourn we inspected the know what does hold that briquette in Open Cut—catching occasional glimpses of place while the next one is made?) Settit through the deluge of rain from the ling ourselves once more in the bus, we left heavens and figures from the guide. With this land of briquettes and kilowatts for somewhat dampened spirits, the party home. We paused at Warragul, where a returned to the township and sought nourfish shop did a roaring trade for a quarter ishment. The result was a record sale of of an hour, and the chip content of the hot(?) pies by the one and only cafe. After passengers increased considerably. At the a delay caused by the affinity of some of F.T.S. the bus disgorged its damp, cold, and the party for public houses the bus returned tired cargo to go home and dream of to the Power House. On the way we picked K.V.A.S. ONE OF THEM. up an ex-F.T.S. maths, instructor, who is

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[ 16]

TASMANIA WITH THE C.E.B.S. During the September holidays I had the good fortune to go on a conducted tour of Tasmania. The trip was arranged by the Melbourne branch of the Church of England Boys' Society, and the party consisted of eighteen boys and two leaders. While at Launceston we spent an interesting afternoon at Cornwalls Potteries, where we were shown the various stages of manufacture of jugs, bowls, vases, earthenware pipes, etc. The pipe-making machine was particularly interesting. The pipe is formed by what could be described as an extrusion process, the clay being forced through dies into the cylindrical shape required, after which the pipes are dried, glazed, and stacked in the furnace ready for heating. We also paid a visit to the Gorge, which is reputed to be the best of the beauty spots round Launceston. It is situated only a little over a mile from the town and is very popular as a picnic-ground. Hobart, where we spent more time than anywhere else, is a city of approximately sixty thousand people. It is situated at the foot of Mt. Wellington, on the banks of the Derwent River, about twelve miles from its mouth. The port of Hobart is one of the finest in the world, the largest ships being able to berth there because the water is so deep. A mile or so up the river from Hobart there is a most remarkable bridge. The river at this point was too deep to sink foundations to build a normal bridge, so a bridge consisting of a series of pontoons was constructed. To enable boats to pass up and down the river, two steel towers have been constructed for lifting a section of the bridge, thus enabling boats up to 15,000 tons to pass. On our journey from Hobart to Deloraine we visited the Great Lake, and the concrete dam which is built at the southern tip of the lake. The lake itself is at an altitude of 3,300 ft., has an area of 58 square miles and a perimeter of 99 miles. The dam,

JUNIOR FOOTBALL Back: G. Stafford, B. Lunson, K. Butler, R. Phillips, T. Storos, G. Cations, M. Vines, G. Mastertoun. Middle: A. Coulton, A. Clough, V. Mather, E. Sutherland, B. O'Dea, C. McNally, K. Gorfine. Front: R. White, D. Reynolds, F. Chamberlain, R. Taylor, S. Beech, A. Deas, W. Hughes.

which is the largest of its kind, has 27 arches each 40 ft. long. The sluice gates are 40 feet below the surface and the deepest foundations 80 feet. The dam was built between 1919 and 1922. From Deloraine we travelled on to Burnie and then across Bass Strait back to Melbourne. N. NICHOLLS, Form 8. THEATRE PARTY The Wednesday afternoon theatre party to the Athenaeum to see Shakespeare's "Hamlet" was very much enjoyed by most of the students. The play itself has a good plot, and realistic settings and excellent direction make it good entertainment, even though some scenes are drawn out. On the whole, however, the production and presentation is up to the standard of "Henry V." We see here a contrast in filming technique. Whereas "Henry V" was photographed in gay technicolor, "Hamlet" is photographed in black and white, which is more in keeping with the sombre atmosphere of the play. Competent acting by the entire cast, especially Sir Laurence Olivier as Hamlet and Jean Simmons as Ophelia, did justice to this Shakespearean classic. With these and other brilliant actors to call upon, the post-war English film industry is assured of success. F. D. BALL, 7A.

[ 17]



On a memorable evening towards the end of first term, even the most casual observer sensed the excitement in the air as large lumps of people drifted, ran, strolled, or walked towards the venerable Federal Hall. No! It wasn't the Old Vic. Company, or even the Italian Opera Company, but something far more spectacular and enjoyable— the Footscray Technical School Annual Concert. Yes, it was the tenth of May and the actors and vocalists of the school were letting their hair down. By the time the curtain was raised for the first item, the hall was full, and by full I mean packed. Among the distinguished people present were most of the senior students of the school, nearly all complete with girl friends. Some of the staff were also present. Proceedings opened with a swing, the swing being provided by the Footscray BanjoMandolin Club. This item went over well, and the curtain was lowered. Then the fun started behind the curtain. What a panic! There were about thirty members of the Banjo Club all trying to leave the stage at once by the single narrow exit. Meanwhile stage hands were tumbling over one another in their efforts to clear the stage of the numerous stools on which the Banjo Club had been sitting. And then somebody dropped one of the back curtains into the surging mass. What a racket! However things were soon straightened out, and meantime the items proceeded smoothly. Jack Mentha made handkerchiefs disappear in a most alarming fashion, and completely fooled everyone with his disappearing egg which he plucked out of the air. That's one way of getting eggs cheaply. I must practise it sometime. The audience really sat up when one performer came on to the stage juggling some beer bottles, but blood pressures went down again when it was seen that they were empty. It didn't matter if he smashed



I oa s


some empty bottles, but the thought of spilling some of that precious amber liquid made people shudder. The two HillBillies were the stars of the night. Playing a guitar and a very dilapidated violin in an inspiring and perspiring manner and with a complete disregard for music, they brought down the house. As a duet they were two perfect soloists. Talk about polite. If they both stopped playing at the same time, it took them ages to agree on who was to start again. Form IV's extremely original and topical quiz test, Know It or Cop It, should give Bob Dyer a few ideas for his "Can You Take It?" session. H. Campbell as the detective was hot on the trail of W. Duddy, while the announcer, W. Roberts, had his hands full in trying to cope with D. Milne, A. Hurren, and D. Sheridon. A certain teacher's strap caused a sensation when it was produced on the stage as part of the performance. The trumpet solo by Will Little was unique: he actually used music! You all know what music is, those rows of little tadpoles hung up by their tails on a line. The presentation of the Prizes, Certificates, and Diplomas was admirably done, and the concert ended with some more bright numbers from the Banjo Club. STAGE HAND, 7B.

[ 18]

FORM IV's CONCERT ITEM After much hard work in writing and memorizing scripts, we were at last told by Mr. Howells that our radio sketch was O.K. for the School Concert. Just before the act was due to go on, everyone was in a dither running here and there with no particular object in view. When the curtain rose, however, we soon forgot our nervousness, for our jokes went over well and we soon had the whole audience laughing. The roar that went up when a certain teacher's strap was produced as the solution to the Animal, Mineral or Vegetable Competition nearly lifted the roof. This teacher had shown his sportsmanship by lending us the genuine article for the occasion. The sketch was voted a great success and those who took part in it feel that their efforts were amply rewarded. Harnel, 4B. 2ND YEAR'S 'RADIO SHOW' The first minor act was a delightful rendition of We'll Remember by Neil Jones. Neil has a fine voice and should go a long way with his singing. The second part was a classical version of Song of India by Campbell Milne on the flute. The radio compere, Weed Davies, then announced that the radio program would be interrupted for a race description by comedian, Haydn Semmens. This race had such famous entrants as Mo McCackie, Hal Lashwood, and Spencer the Garbage-man. Haydn provided fun and mirth with his efforts as comedian-race-announcer, which is what he was there for. The fourth and final section of this act was a pleasing performance of Chi-Baba, Chi-Baba by Ray Kinneborough, which was well received. Although this year's concert lacked such brilliant artists as Spike Beggs and Stan Bell, the 2nd year act, The Radio Show/ helped to compensate for their absence. H.J.S., 2B.

Let the People Speak A sedate group of Matric English students of this school gathered, one evening during third term, at a home in Seddon for the purpose of discussing the all-important question, Too Many Public Holidays. This discussion was to be broadcast over 3AR in its "Let the People Speak" session, and punctually on time the A.B.C. turned up, complete with wire-recorder, in a Humber seven-passenger limousine. After a few minutes preliminary discussion a trial session was run, during which one of the lads muffed it completely, the mistake raising a great laugh when heard on a play-back. A play-back of some street interviews made at the Flagstaff Gardens was given to the lads, and then, after a discussion of these, the actual recording for the broadcast was made. Being students, we naturally thought the holidays insufficient, and didn't hesitate to say so; but as we were on the air and Matric Expression students we were naturally unable, either literally or metaphorically, to fly at the dissentients' throats. What happened to them later, of course, is another matter. Various opinions as to holidays—their origin and present-day value, were expressed in fine debating style; and eventually a gentlemen's agreement that there were sufficient holidays was reached. After supper and a discussion on other general topics, during which the possibility of certain car rides appeared prominently, the group broke up and the students were ^^Lfg. shown into the waiting tPpflk limousine. There they ^piP comported themselves Js^Fft with all the dignity ^ a n d aplomb of genuZj ine A.B.C. announ1 ; V ^ ^ j P - , cers as they rolled off ' home. V.C., 7B.

[ 19]

Technical and

University Books BOUGHT AND SOLD


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Telephones: M 1467 (3 lines)

Senior sport in 1948 produced some sharp contrasts. Although all senior teams performed well (the football team being undefeated in winning the premiership of the V.S.T.S.S.A.) it must be admitted that the number of diploma students taking an active part in school sport was much lower than in recent years. This lack of interest in school sport is especially evident among first year diploma students, because many of these are newcomers to the School and have not developed the school spirit that is so evident among third and fourth year students. The jree Wednesday afternoon is attractive to boys who have been compelled to attend sport in the four years of their junior course. Many boys hesitate to take part in a sport unless they are competent players, yet present members of school teams will readily admit that they, too, were novices very few years ago. While an exaggerated interest in sport is to be deplored, one feels that the value of sport as a relaxation from mental work, and in the development of character and physique, should be appreciated by all, and that some sport should be part of the weekly program of every student. True it is that "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy," and it is equally true that a schoolboy misses much if he allows his school days to slip by without some modicum of sport to wipe away his worries, improve his physique, teach him to mix easily with his fellows and to co-operate with them for the sake of the team. So wake up, diplomas! Don't develop the spectator attitude to sport — be in it. Better to be a player in the poorest match than an onlooker at the best. F.H.B.

[ 20]

School Teams Visit Geelong A large party left the school, shortly after 9 a.m. on August 18, on the year's most important sports outing. We travelled in two buses and soon settled down to enjoy the journey. While those in the second bus held a free rein, the presence of Mr. Brooks and Mr. Douglas may have quietened the more hilarious members in the first bus, for they passed the time mainly by pointing out relatives' houses in the outback, listening to the housewives' program, and criticising each others' attempts to solve crossword puzzles. At about 10.30 we arrived at the Ford Works and were divided into several groups to be shown through the factory. The inspection was very interesting, as we were able to see all the stages of the production, and had them explained to us. By the time we had returned to the buses, the weather had become threatening. This kept the footballers in some anxiety as they were looking forward to a keen game. At 12 o'clock most of the party were taken to the Gordon Institute for lunch, while the less fortunate were left to provide for themselves. The lunch, prepared for us by the girls of the Domestic Centre, was most enjoyable, and our hostesses were thanked by Jack Thalassinos. Mr. Brooks replied to the official welcome. He assured the Gordon representatives that we were well aware of the importance of the day's events, and also that our half-forwards would not be put off their game this time by any female supporters. After lunch we were left with half an hour to spare and most accepted this as a chance to sec as much of the town as possible. Rain had continued to fall and even-

tually caused the tennis to be abandoned, but later it eased off and the other games took place at their respective grounds without further inconvenience. Well supported, vocally, by the 'Scrayites among the spectators, the football team was soon well on the way to victory; but in the rugby, neither side could make any appreciable headway. During their half-time interval several footballers looked in at that game and were very amused by the big struggle, the result of which was a draw. When these matches had been completed the players returned to the town, where they found the baseballers in high spirits, although defeated, 11-5. The homeward journey was almost devoid of. outstanding incidents until a stop was made at Werribee to obtain refreshments. These were readily obtainable, but not so the collar stud which was eagerly sought by one of the party. As the journey continued so the noise increased — songs were remembered, raucously rendered, and ruined. It was about 7 o'clock when the buses reached the school and the party dispersed. Everyone felt very happy, although regretting that one of the year's most popular events had ended. Felix, 7C. SENIOR HOCKEY A team was formed through the enthusiasm of Camberwell Club player, Lewis Gates, who was elected Captain and Coach. Unfortunately, the attractions of a trip to Geelong, visits to a theatre, and an orchestral concert proved too much for the solidarity of the team, and it disbanded after playing only one match. This was against the Junior School, the score being 7 : 5 in favour of the Senior School. We must thank Mr. Brooks and Mr. Ebbott for their co-operation in all matters affecting the team. SHORT CORNER, 7D.

[ 21]



The annual athletic meeting was held on the afternoon of Wednesday the 25th of August, the only time in recent years that a full day has not been set aside for this event. Mitchell established their lead during the sprint events with a win by Herb Bennetto and two seconds. They also gained valuable points during the longer races, Herb again winning his event. The high jump, 880 yards, relay events, and mile followed in quick succession. The latter was won by Dick Straw, in 5 minutes 35 seconds. Dick may have been lucky that Mr. Sargeant didn't carry out his threat to run, as it wouldn't do to defeat a Maths Instructor. The final event, which produced absolute silence over the ground for the first time during the afternoon, was the open high jump, won by Lester Winter in effortless style, 5 ft. 4 in., from Max Dunstone, 5 ft. 2 V2in. Again the organisation was excellent, with the Mothers' Club once more providing refreshments during the afternoon, and the Junior School boys making such a din that they quite upset the quiet dignity of the handful of diploma blokes who were onlookers. 0 N E OF THE LATTER

When the day for the Combined Senior Technical School Swimming Sports arrived this year, it was a cheerful group of spectators from Footscray who stormed into the Richmond Baths to cheer their team to Victory. Upon seeing members of the fairer sex among the Melbourne Tech. supporters, some of our chaps nearly forgot that they were Footscrayites; but when Jim Beard easily won the first event in record time, they became convinced that the Old School was the best bet. Records kept toppling as, in the next two events, Sid Wookey and Keith Ball raced away and broke records to win for 'Scray. After this great start by Footscray, Melbourne crept up to take the lead, until K. Ball and J. Beard once more won events to regain the lead for us half-way through the program. The highlight of the afternoon for spectators was provided when someone found that the lock on the lid of a peanut machine is not always an infallible piece of mechanism. When the crowd cleared and the lid was furtively replaced on the empty peanut bowl, several lads were seen to be munching merrily. An unhappy incident occurred when, after taking an absent team mate's place in a breast-stroke race and winning easily, Jim Beard was disqualified for incorrect kick. We must admit, however, it was very kind of the judge to give Jim his undivided attention during the race.

SENIOR CRICKET Back: M. Carter, C. Polglaze, D. Eadie, W. Williams, D. McTier, K. Clarke, W. Woodward. Centre: J. Thalassinos, W. Lewis, W. Stone, J. Barnacle, M. Tinkler, J. Middleton, K. McMeekin. Front: L. Winter.

As the program drew to a close Melbourne's lead increased, and the Footscray team had to console themselves with the thought that, even though beaten on the day, its members had created three new records. Final scores: Melbourne 76, Swinburne 65, Footscray 63, Geelong 54. S.W., Form 8.

[ 22]

Senior Football - Premiers

Back: K. Hall, M. Quincey, W. Stone, S. Wookey, J. Smith, D. Swift, K. Hickin, W. Williams, J. Gubbins. Middle: D. Kent, L. Winter, J. Barnacle, Mr. Brooks, K. Raphael, D. Eadie, K. McMeekin. Front* J Gubbins, R. O'Donnell, R. Hind.

Although we could only muster 26 boys for practice kicks, we were quite sure we could get a team to mix it with the other Tech Colleges. Our assumption proved to be correct, for after defeating Caulfield Tech and University High School in practice games, we began our series of Inter Senior Tech Competition matches with a win in a very tight finish at Caulfield, the scores being, F.T.S., 11-11—77; C.T.S., 11-9—75. The next victim to fall before, what proved to be, our all-conquering team was our old rival, Melbourne Tech College, whom we had never previously beaten. In this match, which was played at Ryder Oval, Royal Park, our superior pace and clever backing up left the opposition flat-footed and we raced away to a six-goal lead, which proved to be too much for Melbourne to make up in their do-or-die bid in the last quarter. The final scores were, F.T.S., 8-10—58; M.T.C., 5-8—38. Full of confidence, we then faced Swin-

burne at Yarraville on Wednesday, June 16, and although they offered stiff opposition we came out on top, with the scores, F.T.S., 10-10—70; S.T.C., 8-7—55. After hibernating for a few weeks to prepare for the exams, we turned out eager to continue our successes, and in our clash with Ballarat School of Mines, we raced away for an 89-point victory in a very one-sided game. The final scores were, F.T.S., 20-12—132; B. Sc. of M., 6-7—43. Our last match, against the Gordon Institute of Technology at Geelong, was the game which would decide the Senior Tech Football Premiership, as they could have won the Pennant by defeating us. However, the 'Scray team left no doubt as to their superiority. They combined excellently, never allowed Geelong time to settle down, and the further the game went the further we forged ahead, so that when the bell rang 'Scray were Premiers, with the scores, F.T.S., 19-14—128; G.I. of T., 5-4—34. BARNY, Form 8.

[ 23]

SENIOR CRICKET—by Bosey Our first match of the season was against Swinburne Technical College at Glenferrie Oval. Jack Barnacle won the toss and put Swinburne in on a wicket that was a trifle worn in patches. Charlie Pol glaze and Wally Stone opened the attack, and soon had the openers in trouble. Wickets fell quickly, but the Swinburne skipper was the stumbling block, and his forceful knock was rattling the 'Scray bowlers. However, our googly bowler, Bill Lewis, found the crumbling wicket suitable for his type of bowling, and he succeeded in dismissing four batsmen at a cost of 9 runs. Swinburne's innings closed with 8 for 73. Charlie Polglaze and Bill Williams, both left-hand medium-pace bowlers, took two wickets each. Doug Eadie and Jim Middleton opened 'Scray's innings, and batting forcefully, quickly passed the Swinburne score. They then retired, with 43 and 25 runs respectively, so as to give the other 'Scray batsmen

'fcRMit I® ELEVCN — MTOTAPPEARED 6CF0CC Swnikne 3H1ATCH a & a — - —


DoUi RW,£>p£(V/»6B»ts man

a hand. 'Scray's innings ultimately finished at 5 for 118. Special mention must be given to Les Winter for his neat and efficient wicket-keeping, C'mon Sunshine. Full of confidence after our sterling performance against Swinburne, we journeyed to Old Scotch Oval to join battle with the Caulfield XI. Barney lost the toss, and we had to bat on a wicket which could be best described as ragtime. Our wickets soon fell, and things would have gone really bad for us had it not been for the effective waggling of our tail — Max Tinkler 20, and Bill Lewis 18. These gentlemen carried our score along to 82. Caulfield, too, started disastrously, and quickly lost 6 for 12 before the scintillating bowling of Jack Barnacle, who bagged all six at a cost of only nine runs. But Caulfield's later batsmen carried their score to 67, the last man in making 22 before he was skittled by a wrong-un from Bill, who had received special coaching in them from Charlie.

[ 24]




it After winning the Victorian Junior Road Championship, I was selected, with three other juniors, to represent Victoria in the Australian Junior Road Championship of 1948. This event was to be held in Adelaide for selected riders under 18. After being presented with a travelling bag from the Footscray Amateur Cycling Club, of which I am a member, and with best wishes from my friends, I boarded the Adelaide express on Tuesday, 25 th August, with the team and manager. We arrived in Adelaide on the Wednesday morning and, when we had taken our bikes and equipment out of the guard's van, proceeded to the Grosvenor Hotel, where we rested for the remainder of the day. On the following morning the whole team rose early and went for a training spin over the course at Klemzig. This course has three sharp corners, and a hill that we felt had been appropriately named The Killer. After riding back to the hotel we had a shower, and donned our sports suits as the weather was very favourable. Then we walked to the Town Hall for the reception at 12 o'clock. As the Junior Race was to start at 9 a.m., I had to get up early. I was fairly nervous that morning, as this was such an important event, and I only made a slight impression on my breakfast, which consisted of a large steak. We arrived at Klem-

zig with half an hour to spare, in which time we changed for the race. As the start was to be a massed one (all off together), a draw was necessary to find the position for the various riders at the start, and I was unlucky enough to be placed in the last line. After the re"nf-T-; ••;• -] feree had given us instructions, we began on the first lap of the course. Three laps had to be completed to total up the twenty-five miles. Because of the widespread publicity the race had received especially in the papers, a large c r o w d had gathered around the circuit. The South Australians, who were most familiar with the course, made the pace a cracker in the first lap. The N.S.W. team then continued on with the same pace in the second lap, noticably pressing on the speed up The Killer, where a large crowd shouted encouragement. The final lap was much slower than the first two, as everyone was conserving his energy for the final dash to the line. In the sprint, J. Tressider, of N.S.W., proved his capabilities by outsprinting the large bunch of riders. I finished a length and a half behind him, in second place, with J. Carmichael, of Queensland, third. I was very pleased with my placing of second, especially on account of my trainer, who had done so much to improve my riding. KEITH McCARNEY, 7B.

[ 25]




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136 Hall Street, Spotswood

A thorough training on all types of Machines, such as Lathes, Horizontal, Vertical and Universal Mills, Grinders, Cam Cutters, Slotters, Keyseaters, etc., for machinists, and for fitters the assembly and building to close tolerances of high-speed can-making machinery, and work on tools and dies for presses and bakelite moulds is assured.

Apply to— Mr. J. O'BRIEN, Works Manager. Phone: MW7695.

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[ 26]


7A Although we are as motley a crew as you will find on any chain gang, 7A's band of students have from the start been united in their keenness to absorb knowledge. We have, of course, the inevitable bashers, who are represented best by George, who can tell you all you want to know about yachts, and who is never at a loss for a story. Then there is Bill Templeton, who fumigates everyone with his pipe. He is our fiery S.R.C. representative, and does a good job —he will tell you so himself. We are well supplied with athletes, especially the cyclists, Jim Nevin and Gus McNeil (both of them complete road menaces), as well as footballers from near and far, notably Essendon, where the age limit for orange boys is higher than elsewhere. Bill Burton approached the end of second term showing symptoms akin to those of exam neurosis, for he was married a week before the holidays, and is now studying hard again after a honeymoon in Sydney. The class presented him with a most attractive table lamp and their warm congratulations. He also received a record batch of telegrams — some of them cryptically worded — from many others in the school. Queenslander, John Mappin, is the mainstay of those who forget their erasing shields, etc., for he never forgets any of his drawing instruments. Last week two oddities resembling a cross between a crossword puzzle and a cricket bat arrived at a IIIB drawing class. They eventually stood revealed as Bill Downes and Frank Brown. Grim tragedy nearly removed from our midst our local footballer and organizer of anything that's going. Wally Meddings was seen one day with his jaws in a state of

unaccustomed quiescence. On making sympathetic enquiries we learned that the tuck shop had closed for a day without giving him due notice; but we are happy to report that he has managed to survive this crisis and is now doing well again. Newspaper headlines about the spy danger have acquired special significance for us recently. We had among us for a time a dignified bearded gentleman who took a very evident interest in physical experiments and formulae. Pursuing our investigations, we recalled that there was a student calling himself Frank Ball, who had been taking lessons in Russian. He unaccountably disappeared for a time, and there was some talk of kidnapping by foreign agents. However, his reappearance, coinciding with the absence of the bearded mystery man, has led some of us to conclude that it was really Ballskii who was liquidated. Some, however, persistently maintain that there is more in this than meets the eye. George Pollock takes things quietly, seriously and sometimes secretly, for he has everyone guessing at the date of his forthcoming marriage. George travels in an antique crate in which he uses his experience as an airgunner to clear the road of flights of motor cyclists.. That bright lad N. W. Armstrong was released on bond from Essendon Tech, and is now perfecting his technique among the Footscray "dips." Well known as Army, he converses at length with a certain non-fancier of vissel birds. Another high-rating public enemy is Alf Lepp, who is somehow implicated with all "lost" drawing equipment. He is a member of the Williamstown Harriers, and is often

[ 27]



within a hare's breadth of wasting time on schoolwork, which he says is an interruption to his hobbies, photographs and model aeroplane building. Leon McCoubrie is a stalwart of the Blunt Burton Mac combine, and, like them, a renowned earpunisher and sunbather. Despite appearances, Bruce Hannan is no relation to any teacher of physics. Believing that lunchtime is playtime, he treats his lunch as play lunch. Barry Walker came here from Brunswick Tech to be made over into an engineer; but few engineers are capable of even drawing up the plans for this project. His magnetic personality is reputed to attract the fair sex. Accidentally last but not least on this list is Max Allen, who was brought into the world at a very early age in Williamstown. After a fairly successful Kindergarten education he was bundled off here to be moulded into the semblance of an engineer, but something went wrong with the casting. Altogether, we should add up to a very distinguished Form 8 next year. A. Lepp.

The biggest no-hoper in this Legion of the Lost is Robbo, the physicist's pet, whose inability to distinguish between miles and mils was thrown up in the mid-year Engineering Principles examination when he thought he read of a copper wire being 64 miles in diameter instead of 64 mils (.064 ins). However, he said that the question was easy when he used 64 miles. Having only three ex-servicemen in the form we found them quite sufficient. Frank Lloyd is a racing enthusiast who has ambitions to own a stud farm. Jack Williams says he can do a round of golf in 99, but we think he means one hole. The other ex-serviceman always looks worried—he's married. Jack always brags about his athletic capabilities, but we have never seen him use any V2 m v 2 in catching trains yet. In the inter-technical swimming sports our metallurgist, Keith Ball, won the under 16 years 50 metres freestyle, and backstroke, breaking the record in the former. Jack Mills, much to the displeasure of our fizz-bee teacher, pocketed a lens one day, he soon had the Berlei man on his back. At the last school dance we were well represented by Andy, Fergo, and Alby. Foreman played footy with a balloon, Jack Svendsen and Ian Mackrill sat down all night and Jack Mills enjoyed himself by having a smashing time. On the whole we had a rather enjoyable year, being amused (and abused) by Robbo, abashed and earbashed by Bill Moore, rifled and stifled by Len Stubbs. _ . T_ G.A.J.S. DIPLOMAS A N D EXPERT CERTIFICATES Applications for Diplomas or Expert Certificates to be presented during 1949 must be lodged by 31st January next. Forms are available at the main office.

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Mullaly, the Gruesome Twosome. We note also that since Alec Suares has sold his baby Austin, he has difficulty in defining acceleration, thus provoking the fatherly ministrations of Mr. Horbury. We were recently blessed by the addition to the form of Ron Byron, who does his best to keep up the form average, despite adverse- conditions. Members of this amazing form who have contributed to the entertainment of the School in general are the cigar addicts, Nev. Hansted, Lou. Gates, and Butch Fankhauser, who are sometimes seen to turn a peculiar green colour and then are mysteriously missing friom class for an hour or two. The most pleasant afternoon of the week is spent with Mr. Freeman, who is gradually wearing himself to a shadow squinching work out of this slaving form. The general effect of his short and to the point speeches is a feverish preparation for work; but when this preparation has been completed, the idea no longer appeals. Long John.

7D We, the cream of past years, as assessed on our mathematical ability, are being guided by a newcomer to the seat of learning, in our efforts to dissipate the mathematical darkness surrounding us. Of all the stout hearts in this Form, perhaps the stoutest is our Rugby coach, Alex Jackson, who, we are led to believe, is sometimes addressed as Mr. In tackling the task of keeping his team intact he is aided and abetted by Keith Hickin, Doug. Alkemade, and Brian Wise. We are also well represented in football by Doug. McTier, Jim Gubbins, and Alan Laurie. The lastnamed astonished all and sundry, in the Swinburne match, by carrying on despite the fact that the area covered by his shorts assumed a convergent series. We were also surprised by the dashing form of John Sullivan in winning the 440 yards race at the School Athletics Meeting. Our serious studies are often sadly disturbed by spontaneous and unprovoked hysterical outbursts from Phillips and







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7B J. Davidson is a great help to the maths, master as his build enables his fellow students to view practical examples of curvature and radii; the entire form is indebted to his rotund figure. Wednesdays are red letter days, or more correctly red paper days, as two members can be seen diligently studying the Sporting Globe from nine to twelve. Thursday brings forth many weird and wonderful examples which directly refute all the known laws of electricity. What the boys do to Doc's apparatus has added many grey hairs. It is said that an ex-serviceman managed to fry an egg on one of the variacs. Many enjoyable Friday afternoons are spent at Drawing and Design, and on odd occasions some form members even do a little work. The last two hours of Design are very eventful. The division of opinion on whether a piano wire will carry a tenton weight is very marked, and leads to heated arguments. There are two very bright lads, K. McCarney, who represented Victoria in the Australian Junior Cycling Championships, but there is truth in the rumour that he is a pump wielder, and least but not last, Bill the Dill; sorry Dill, I mean Bill; in other words, Bill Lewis, the School Artist.

SENIOR RUGBY Back: E. Wardell, B. Wise, N. Lefoe, W. Woodward, L. Brown, K. Hickin, D. Alkemade. Middle: J Mappin, K. Nicholls, S. Lane, A. Jackson, E. Middleton, D. O'Meara, N. Allen. Front: B. Philipps, R. White, V. Troia.

6C We, the pack of pestle-pounding potentialpill-preparers who conduct awkward analyses and tedious titrations at our home in Room 18, are hopeful of being the first graduates of a full Dip. Appl. Chem. Course from F.T.S. By the time we complete Chem. Ill, etc., in say about 1955, the new lab. may be ready for Organic II. One never knows! In my capacity as official historian for this bunch of complex radicals, I pause in my task with an histrionic sigh of despair. Take me out, and there's nobody left worth writing about. One could record here the supreme enthusiasm with which some of the younger and more virile members pursue research into the practical uses of peroxide, and the laudable diligence of the older types in their investigations of fermentation and distillation. But it's all dull stuff, isn't it? The most exciting event of the year was young Frenchy LeRoy's dive of death in the lab. one memorable day. The fermentationists might like to know the formula. We've all been very busy, of course. Messrs. Brooks and Fraser have applied themselves admirably to the task of pounding into our heads the peculiarities of sulphates, stannites, stalagmites, etc., and if we didn't have to waste so much time breaking things, in an applied mechanical sort of way, and blowing out fuses in the Doctor's sanctum, we'd probably have learned quite a lot of Chemistry. These are form notes, which are naturally supposed to be about personalities. Well, there's Occolowitz, the boy wonder, who stupidly only got 98 per cent, for Pure Maths. He left out a constant of integration or a Q.E.D. or something. Hellier, Luke, and Raphael are colourful personalities who invariably look as though they've slopped precipitates of CdS. and Cr (OH) 3 over their ties. There's Silent Max Coningsby who makes a precis of the few things

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he has to say before utterance; Wee Willie Austin, to whom a sympathetic answer's an encouragement to ask more questions of instructors; and Admiral Rigby, who complains that whenever he asks a question he's told to mind his own Bismuth. Ugh!!! Never mind, next year we're really going to learn Chemistry. You know, radio-active isotopes, chain-reactions, and that sort of stuff. I'll do pretty well in the chainreaction department, knowing a lot about that already. I'm the original fugitive from a chain-gang. CAROLUS.

AH'M G0\filC, TO it DoW FD& M HEW BAUvpom/TED Pzw/

6B Apparently our hopes of obtaining diplomas are not shared by some members of the tutorial staff. We are constantly greeted by them in terms such as, "Come on Chaps, a lot of drawings to do yet", and "If all your prac. experiments aren't in soon, you'll fail", not to mention the old one, "Write your essays, or contribute to the school magazine". Blackmail! But somehow I've fallen for it. Our youngest form member can be identified by a glaring tie, two-toned shoes and sox that put Mr. Burley's solar spectrum to shame. How's that, young Kennedy? We have been informed that Chrimes don't pay, but in our opinion neither does Howatt, as slap-happy a pair as ever was. Did Don Draffin, our young auto-bike speedster, talk the young female photographers into taking his photograph, or was it just the profile that did it? A promising aspirant for the school football team is our Full Forward, who has managed to ring the bell again, and, talking of bells . . . ! It has been rumoured that several of our ex-service members are often amongst the missing, causing one instructor to panic, running in circles repeating the strange cry, "Where's Syd?, Where's Ted?, Where's Ron?



6A Our form consists of ten students intermingled with about fifteen ex-servicemen. Before the mid-year exams., Frank Anderson had us rather worried because of the manner in which he expounded his own theories, and startled the teachers with his entirely unconstitutional questions. We are also intrigued by a certain person who assumes the colour of a cooked lobster, when annoyed. George Vasey appears to have strong Radical tendencies, judging by the manner in which he hotly discusses political situations with Mr. Porter. We have a happy band of Labs on Monday and Thursday mornings. Our chief wit is that handsome debonair little boy, Ron Young. He has the teachers in alternating moods of anger and despair. Any one requiring advice on how to break one's collarbone, and kill a cow at the same time, should apply to our expert, Jimmy Nielsen. To learn how to skid, ask Billy Thaw. E.N. G.V.

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7C Although the final exams are alarmingly close, the 7C glassbreakers continue to set new records in this field, while the most general teacher in the school — generally speaking — is amazed and sometimes amused at our fractural skill. The chased silver-plated beaker for best and fairest smasher, 1948-49, was awarded to Ma Phillips, who is improving rapidly and looks to be well in the running for next year's title. The chem lab, better known as fume closet, is a hive of 20 humming and whistling bees, but the boss thinks they have more sting than honeyed sweetness. Geological excursions, which never start at the scheduled time, are enjoyed by all, even with the strict rule that photographs must show only geological phenomena. In German classes we are all beginning to wonder what our instructor has in mind when he tells us to turn to a given page of "Fiedbach and Sandler, er — Siedler and Fandbach — I mean Fiedler and Sandbach." We have a very mixed bunch among us, including Bryan Brearley, alias Scobie Tonkin or Spud, who squeezed through the Door of Opportunity by way of Caulfield Tech. He is a star footballer who manages to take a fair number of knocks. We suggest that he should become just as aggressive in his work as he is on the field. Bryan is also noted for his tuneful duets in chem prac. Lindsay Brammer is the blushing possessor of a peaches and cream complexion, which swiftly changes to beetroot and butter when he is inconsiderately awakened by a question. He is a dangerous character in front of a mirror, where he invariably sees red. Krooger Burke is our 750 c.c. comedian, who always falls for the lion's share of questions, to which his nimble brain usually manages to find a witty if irrelevant answer. A staunch Carlton supporter, his view of the game is impenetrable. Hugh Cornell, known as Hick, is the tin hare of chem prac. He is


K. Wallace, A. Deas, M. Hulme, A. Harris, B. Harvey, K. Butler, W. Hughes, C. Hocking.

among the top-rank bookworms and is a genius with reversible slide rules. He won another exclusive record for 7C by having his hair parted by the Principal when he (not the Principal) was having his photo taken. Clag Mackenzie's charming smile is sufficient to prove that not all Scotchmen are dour. He is usually seen on Monday morning trying to do Mel Morris out of a job. He is a fiery Carlton barracker, and we often think he must have produced the perfect gas producer. Our other Mac, MacMeekin, is 7C's star footballer, as well as the brains of the class. He is a refugee from Williamstown High, and can already make himself understood in both English and German. His remedy for work is overwork. Don Letcher is one of the notorious big-shot gamblers of room 15. He is reported to have won 762 matches in one sitting, and is no match for others. Letch is afflicted with superfluous energy and is the pace-maker of chem prac. He is also a slide rule addict, and his rule for getting problems out is to shut up and letcher head work. Eddie White, another Krooger from Brunswick, is not exactly a slippery customer, but he certainly has that smooth look. Perhaps this explains his success on the ice, where he hopes one day to do a figure 8 loop on skates. We'd like to be there to see it. H.J.C.

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5B Personalities in 5B this year are more noted for brawn than brain. Our S.R.C. representative is Jim Beard, and beside doing well in inter-tech swimming, he also won the Intermediate Freestyle Championship of Victoria this year. Len Browne represents the school in rugby, and from remarks overheard, we gather that Len can cover himself in mud with the best of them. Our Chemistry champs are the Henderson brothers, Geolf and John, who in spare moments in Chem. Prac. get startling results by mixing everything on the bench together. Rumour has it that Cliff Brammal is taking dancing lessons: sounds like a raw deal for dancing partners. One thing about our form is that we do not lack variety. Before the mid-year exams we had a number of aspiring chemists; mechanical, electrical and civil engineers; and a pharmacist: then the results came out! But even though our ambitions are slightly tarnished, many of us can still visualise that framed diploma swinging over the mantelpiece.

5A January 1948 brought a Form 5A to Footscray, which will stand unparalleled in the history of this school. The majority of instructors agree that our scholastic ability is extraordinary, especially in Algebra. Of course we have our oddities, as has every other form, but we are convinced that we have an oddity whose oddness will surpass that of any other oddity on record. I refer of course to that scientific genius, Prof. Numbus. Look to your laurels, Mr. Einstein! Some of our number are far too fond of English. For example, Geoff Neely's enthusiasm for lecturing cannot be restrained during English periods. We would like to know what it is that enables Mr. Fraser, of Chemistry fame, to retain his extremely youthful appearance: perhaps the liberal use of Hypol. Best wishes to all instructors who hold a good opinion of us, and confusion to those who don't. JOCK.



5C The spare time occupations of our members range from cricket to kool-mint eating and pigeon fancying. One member actually fancied his birds to the extent of entering some, without success, in this year's Royal Show. A.S.S.


Last August our darkroom caught fire And it sure was a sight to admire, But before it was quenched A watching teacher got drenched, And his language left nothing to desire. KEN PAGE, 5C.

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on Prominent


Herb Bennetto, a skiful exponent of tennis and the science of earbashing, is known to all as orrible 'erb. Even the staff have been known to see the point of his witty retorts. Ron O'Donnell's Hollywood hair-do has set many a mathematician wondering whether its vibrations are forced or natural. They look harmonic, but perhaps they are not so simple. Brian Kimber, familiarly known as Mike, is editor of the School Newspaper, and like most journalists, he finds it most convenient to work all night and sleep all day. He often gets to bed in Room 116 as late as 9.30 a.m. Bill Williams is a real tiger for Maths 11 IB and football. He distinguished himself this year by getting into Richmond's Second XVIII. He is also trembling on the edge of matrimony, and our best wishes go to him. Jack Barnacle's cheery face has been clouded with a puzzled frown of late. Having just led the football XVIII to an undefeated premiership, he now wants to take on cricket. But the exams are so close that he'll have io toss up. If the penny falls on its edge he'll swot. Now that he has outgrown teething troubles referred to in last year's Who's Who, John Harrison is able to devote himself without discomfort to typing the School Newspaper and organizing dances. Secretary of the S.R.C., he is an early starter and finisher at all school functions. Head Prefect, Jack Thalassinos, is captain of the baseball team, and also works hard on the S.R.C. and the School Newspaper committee. In Chem II, he is trying to find a solution that keeps shoes permanently shiny. Sid Wookey, the wise-cracking native from Newport, plays in the footbal team. As an engineer he'll do well on the Tivoli, having already shown his paces in school concerts. Like many other radio announcers, he rarely sticks to the script, even in exams. Tall, dark, sinister, unshaven Joe Rosenfield is the school's Casanova. He is to be found doing his field work any night at the TrocaderoIf you're looking for Carl Robertson, you'll find him during school hours in front of the office with his Panther. This is not the girl friend, or any other sort of pet, but his motor bike. Max Dunstone is still the perfect gentleman, in spite of the bad company he has to keep. On trains he gets up and gives a lady a seat, even if they are the only two aboard. An optimist, he says that if you're down and out, something always turns up—usually the noses of your friends.

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Practical Demonstration of Logico - Scientific Method Wins Honour For Footscray Research Man The coveted chromium-plated medal of the Physico-Botanical section of the Royal Society has been awarded to Mr. E. B. X. for a series of experiments establishing the negative correlation between low temperature, the black pigmentation of dahlias, and muscular fatigue. Clad in shorts, despite his aversion to comic strips, and with the temperature frequently within a stone's throw of -273 deg. C., this tireless scientist ran round a specially prepared dahlia plot in a series of elliptical orbits, which if straightened out and laid end to end, would reach from here to Young and Jackson's, but not back again. In these researches he was assisted by a group of students from Form 8, who were induced to sit still — a major achievement —in the frost as negative controls. Several of these martyrs to science were frozen (or otherwise caused to become) stiff, in which condition they remained until well after the mid-year exams. It is hoped, however, to thaw a few of them out over a slow fire on the morning of November 29th. Questioned on his future research program, Mr. X stated that he proposed to visit a number of suburban dance halls in order to investigate the relation between high

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temperature jazz of wallflowers. It enthusiastic team 6B's servicemen

and the positive reactions is reliably reported that an of assistants, chosen from are already acclimatizing themselves by regular preparatory field work in Melbourne's hot spots, under the experienced guidance of the young nuclear (from Latin nux, a nut) physicist, E. Fleming.

The Budgie Bungle Owing to general lack of funds and the rising cost of bird seed, a bird fancier of 6B decided to dispose of n. budgerigars. However, he did not find his form mates over-enthusiastic in the matter, but eventually a student teacher of dignfiied demeanour, who at first was not quite Shaw, consented to accept a pair without payment. On the day of the Inter-Tech. Sports, the needy one arrived at the school complete with budgies in a well-ventilated cardboard box. This was left in the Staff Room to be given to Student Teacher No. 2, whom we shall call George, who had promised to present same to Student Teacher No. 1. However, as George had departed for the Sports, interested and amused members of the staff, thinking that the birds belonged to George, decided that they should proceed to the same destination, and, Great Scott!, in transit, an egg was laid. The bewildered George took the birds and the egg home to care for them for the week-end, and a temporary residence was prepared. This proved to be a very temporary one indeed for the hen bird, who

Twice Round the Steam Gauge To the Heat Engines Lab. every toiler In the IB Section, one day, Went to learn how to manage a boiler— And soon things were well under way. Everyone to his duties was posted, Two recording—two feeding the fire. Though the firemen were pretty near roasted, It seemed that they never could tire. They shovelled on buckets of briquettes— The steam pressure steadily rose, So the teacher told two of the party To stand by with a cooling-down hose.

or George Gets the Bird departed and left her mate to tend the egg. George's father, armed with a fish net, proceeded up a nearby tree where the flighty hen was perched, but the bending stresses set up in the tree's material proved too great, and George's father was laid low. After reviving his father, George called in the services of an experienced bird breeder, who immediately sexed the remaining bird as a hen and sold George another cock to make a pair. The original cock was by this time sitting on the egg, and George s family became attached to the birds and prevailed upon him to keep them. The needy and, by this time, anxious student arrived at School on Monday morning to find that George had gone to Werribee Gorge for the day. On Tuesday, the student contacted George, who, having arranged with Student Teacher No. 1 to keep the birds himself, was surprised to hear that his hen bird was a cock. The episode ended happily. George, having become a confirmed budgerigar fancier, purchased two more hen birds from the stony student, who is quite Buch-ed up. BOOTS, 6B.

After taking a glance at the steam gauge, Mr. Scott said the pressure seemed low— The two went on stoking, replying "It's twice round with one more to go." The group who were running the engine Tried to use up the surplus of steam— That their efforts were utterly futile Was very soon now to be seen. With the pressure a hundred and twenty (Our stokers were really first class) The boiler had reached "Tensile limit", Exploding the water-gauge glass. At the first sound of hissing the stokers, Not stopping to study the cause, Broke evens on top of the staircase— Creating some new motion laws. The others dived over the turbine, Emitting some blood-curdling cries, Till Harold rolled in to the rescue, Unruffled, collected, and wise. With the requisite turns to the stop valve He calmed down the wild hissing steam, And very soon over the classroom Descended a silence supreme. The students, resuming their studies, Vowed solemnly, "Never no more Will we try overstoking a boiler Or breaking a Heat Engines law." V.C., 7B.

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FORM NOTES 1A Ours is a cracker form with the Professsor, Ron White, always dazzling us with his brilliant answers. Honours at the June Exam went to N. Overson, who was dux of first year forms. We are well represented in sport. M. McKenzie and R. Hood are our footballers. Our cricketers are R. Crittenden and I. Keating, and R. McColl is our runner and jumper. He is also our Form Captain. We have a good boxer in Ivan Keating, and swimmer in William Harrop. G. Lugg is our artist, and L. McCauley is best at Maths.

1G Our form has some very good lads who are always trying to do their work. Lindon Parr unfortunately met with an illness and had to go to hospital. Jack Ross, a Scotch boy who started about June, is very amusing with his actions and speech. Ken Fitzgerald and Jim Greenwood are the best 1st Year footballers in Monash House. G. Moss, form captain, is always doing his best to look after the form. R. Russ topped 1G in the half-year exam, and is a good scholar.

IB Our form is a beauty with many excellent sportsmen. Our form captain is Neil Jones. The star baseballers Ron Din and Don Brown are both excellent sports. Of the 22 in the form, 9 have represented the 1st year in the Sturt House football team. With Wheeler, our fast thinking full-back, and Tillotson and Jones for rovers, we can have a strong team. In cricket, our form is also well represented. Dunn, Jones, Hocking, Burns, Wheeler, Tillotson, and Bunker are good all-rounders, and we have an excellent first slips fieldsman in F. Brown. Our star swimmer is Jones, who represented Sturt in the House Swimming Sports.

2D We all congratulate G. Wilsmore for coming top of the grade in the half-yearly exam. F. Grubb is the comedian of the form. There are many sportsmen in our midst, including M. Hunter, who plays hockey for the school; K. Cameron, vice-captain of the form; E. Darcy, form captain; and L. Ellis, E. Neville, H. Walters, who are allrounders. Bluey Stevenson is our modelboat builder. J. Organ, the motor-bike menace, is always late. I. Letcher and F. Lucke are tennis stars. We have a boxing star in J. Swallow, who was runner-up in the inter-tech, boxing tournament. In spite of all our faults we are a happy crowd.

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K. Smith, C. Addison, L. Marshall, K. Vale, B. Waller, M. Hunter. Mr. Ebbott, P. Schubach, W. Rowberry, F. Perrot, D. Peckham, D. Frew.

2A Each year a great milling takes place at the Tech, and all boys are re-sorted into various sections for the new year. It is generally agreed among the members of our form that when the mill turned in 1948 it threw together a grand mob of chaps. We think Mr McKinty is a very good form-master, except when he whacks us with his austerity licorice strap. Being 2A, we are naturally the brainiest form in the second year, and we proved this beyond any doubt when Benson easily topped the whole eight sections. Beside brain storms we have many boys who are gifted in other ways. Hunter is our star ear-basher and, strange to say, his head used often to come in contact with poles, but he has dropped this habit now. Some of the boys come from Werribee, and one of these firmly believes that school begins punctually at 9.15. Another wears a skirt. We wonder if he'll wash his knees when he meets the King and Queen. Mr Hayes tried hard to teach us chemistry, but soon gave it up. Since then Mr Marshall has taken on the hopeless task. Our form

captain has mastered the art of leaving the room to get the roll when in a tight spot.

2C Our form is a happy form with a small but bright captain, Doctor Ackerby, who though only 4ft. 6in. high, has a cobber in the person of Brian Gilmore, who makes up this deficiency with his 5ft. llVi'm. So that's the long and short of it. In the sporting line we have George Abbey, who is our high-jump expert; R. Read and P. Barrett, football captains; and Tom Schafer, runner-up in the wrestling. A bike rider of renown is one Bill Morgan, whose ambition it is to follow in the footsteps of his uncle who was in the Olympic Games some years back. Bill is also good at free drawing, topping the class in the mid-year exam. P. Barrett is also good at drawing, but never at the right time. Geoff. Foster, expert earbasher, is always picking an argument with the teachers. Heard of Billy Bunter? Well, Fatty Gibson is that boy in person. He streaks like a snail from class to class.

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2B Our form has everything from loafers to lovers. We think we are very fortunate in having Mr Hayes for form-master, as he is a wizard at Science. No need to crawl, but a little bull goes a long way. Robert Humphrey, besides being wireless wackay, is also an expert ear-basher. We have an . extra grouse orchestra with such merry music-muckers as Fred Veale, Cornet; Len Maskell, Tenorhorn; Stan Dunn, Piano; John Evans, Banjo; and John Trickey, Vocalist. If anybody would like to know anything about Spike Jones and His City Slickers, just ask Haydn Semmens. Fair dinkum, what Haydn doesn't know about Spike isn't worth knowing. The Form Captain, Tiger Johnstone, can often be seen stalking on all fours around the quadrangle wearing a bewildered look under a delayed haircut of fair hair. Despite this, Tiger is a really good footballer. Our form is represented in every sport played at the Junior School. If you ever see a medium-sized fair-headed drongo drifting around the school at lunch time, well that's Max Read. Despite the fact that he associates with those two notorious ratbags, Sharpe and Semmens, he is not a bad kid at heart. We suggest that Duncan McVean use lifebuoy, as he has an unusual attraction for dogs. We recall an occasion when one of them came into sharp contact with one of Mac's legs. But disregarding these drawbacks, we are not such a bad form after all.




SCREW-AY The jabbering juniors of two-ay Are a very long-suffering crew-ay, For it's well understood That we're treated, when good, Like the Old Woman's kids in the Sh



2 Mab Our Form Master, Mr Martin, has taken to wearing glasses since losing his aim with the tee-square. Mr Morganti is still barracking for England in the Tests. We had a good form record until six new boys dropped in on us and dragged our reputation in the mud. The Voice, Doug Reynolds, still thinks that he is as good as A1 Jolson, or Bing, not to mention Frankie, so we have to put up with him all day. I suppose when somebody drowns him with a bucket of water he will stop. Drayton, the Scale Breaker, still thinks he's fading away to a shadow. Day, the Maths champion, continues to get six when he adds two and two. Punch-drunk Colvin, our Brit-basher from Werribee, thinks he is Vic Patrick, but gets counted out every time. Stafford, our star batsman, is so vague that after he has finished explaining things to us we don't know whether it's Tuesday or Bourke Street. 3H We are a bunch of bright boys, all keen on sport. Peter Longton, who is our star tennis player, won the Inter Tech School Championship. Ron Roberts also plays tennis. Our football star player is none other than William Hughes, a notable Footscray supporter and a Spotswood player. Geoff Mastertown also plays football with the school. In the school cricket team we have only one representative, William Hughes; but in house cricket we have several players, G. Mastertoun, M. Russell, and K. Simpson. Our baseball players are Max Russell and John Hope.

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4A Our form figures prominently in the social, sporting and scholastic life of the School. At the Annual School Concert, A. Milne, D. Sheridan, and W. Duddy staged a comic sketch which raised a good laugh. That the following captains: Tennis, A. Byrne; Baseball, D. Harbridge; Cricket, K. Hartley, were chosen from our section is proof that we lead in the sporting as well as the scholastic spheres. D. Lupton played a dashing game in the Interstate baseball team. Other baseball players deserving of mention are F. Wilson and J. Driver. On the football field consistently good form was displayed by K. Butler, H. Gorfine and A. Coulton. Seven strong swimmers from our section competed in the Annual Swimming Carnival. Notable performers were K. Blundell and D. Bulman. D. Sheridan is a prominent member of the Camera Club. Congratulations to G. Matlock, who gained the highest marks in the fourth year sections.

3C Sporting talent is the pride of our section. We have representatives in all the Junior School Teams. K. Stockman, footballer, swimmer and runner, is our champion athlete, as well as our popular form captain. R. Perrot and K. Marshal played "A" Grade Hockey for the School. R. White, who captained the Rugby Team skilfully, is a fine sportsman. In the School Cricket Eleven, L. Duff and G. Paine worthily represented our section. At baseball D. Tucker gave some fine exhibitions. K. McColl, J. Bates and R. White are promising athletes. B. Trevillian, our Walkey-Talkie, seems to be always on the air. The commercial value of A. Stebbings' inventions is on a par with that of firewood. Racing cyclist, Ron Howard, has proved that cycling combines with study by pedalling his way to the top of the class. Our form is under the watchful eye of Mr. Carey, who, with his chestnut chastener Michaelis, is causing rapid reformations.

1,250,000 Cans per day This vital industry requires first-class maintenance of precision-built machinery... Our Machine Shop personnel, largely recruited from the Footscray Technical School, ensure that this colossal number of cans is made available to food processors daily by keeping all plant fully maintained. Thousands of tons of precious food are thus made available for home consumption and export



[ 42]




3A Our mathematics teacher, Mr Hames, believes in keeping us in step with the modern high speedage. We wish a mechanical genius would invent a problemsolving machine with a capacity of not less than one per minute. Mr. Carey's new device for teaching English is not a lot of bull. The find of the year is brilliant student, G. Benson, who topped the mid-year examination with an average of 89 per cent. Our Form Captain, D. Brayshaw, has fully justified the confidence we had in him Air-minded John Eldridge and Noel Bailey are dazzling the spectators with their model aeroplane displays. Our speed-king is Ray Jones, who rides with the Footscray Cycling Club. The hero of our section is Vic. Bird, who recently left school to join the Australian Citizens' Army. While playing in the back pocket, R. Phillips was a frequent source of annoyance to the opposing forward line.

3B We are very fortunate in having our popular science teacher, Mr. Smith, for our form master this year. Our form captain, S. Stoios, who is also captain of Sturt House, carries out his duties conscientiously. J. Gluyas upheld his reputation for mental ability and hard work by topping the class. Our psycho-analysts prophesy that J. Dunstan is destined to become a distinguished radio personality. No suitable opponent has been found for our heavy-weight glove artist, B. Farnsworth. N. Brockwell, who shared the honours at jumping, is an accomplished leaper. Our most versatile sportsman is T. Stoios, who played brilliantly in both the School Cricket and Football Teams. We are proud of our stoics, J. Clark, R. Clarke and W. Geddes, who displayed their grit at the Annual Swimming Sports. The boys of 3B have enjoyed a very happy and prosperous year.

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Back: A. Bazga, R. McColl, C. Murray, R. White, K. Stockman, B. Waller, N. Dodd. Front: G. Abbey, G. Torney, R. Elso, A. Deas, B. Lunson, B. Lunson, N. Brockwell, R. Tottle.

CHESTNUT CHASTENER We've a teacher who's as surly As a bear unless we're early, And his chastener of leather Seems indifferent to the weather (Hot, or cold, or wet, or dry)— So for us it's Do or Die. 4C A newcomer to our form is Brian O'Dea from South Melbourne. Brian gained a place in the School Football and Tennis Teams and also topped our form at studies with an average of 86 per cent. P. McNally, A. Clough and B. Neate played brilliantly in the School Football Team. Gordon Hall proved himself a superb hockey player. At cricket, B. Neate and K. Wallace gave some sparkling exhibitions. Our representatives in the Annual Athletic Sports: R. Rich, J. Kennedy, B. Inglis and R. Osborne scored numerous points for their respective houses. In the Tennis Team, J. Oswald and C. Pocock excelled at backline play. Ron Osborne's performance in the InterTechnical School Wrestling Competition was meritorious. Our form captain, W. Murray, is also our best all-round sportsman. He excels at hockey, athletics and tennis. The winning of the Hockey Premiership was largely due to the fine play of B. Neate, K. Fisher, W. Murray and G. Hall, all of whom belong to our section.

3D Our form is proud of the fact that it produced nine members of the School Junior Rugby Team. They were R. Allen, R. Pearce, D. Sharp, J. Izard, G. Duncan, I. Anderson, K. Brooker, G. Sumner, and L. Mitchell. L. Mitchell, who is our esteemed form captain, also performed creditably in athletics. Our best sport is Don Symons, who played extremely well in the Junior Football XVIII and Cricket XI. In the Swimming contests, K. Haynes and L. Mitchell upheld our sporting fame. R. Prew, scientist, and R. Dymke, radio enthusiast, are celebrities in their respective spheres. K. Brooker, the wrecker, is suspect on account of his profound knowledge of atomic energy. With an average of 78 per cent., S. Gleeson gained the honours in the intelligence department. Our Art teacher and form master, Mr. Wayman, is held in high esteem by the boys.

4B Our Form is under the very capable guidance of our Chemistry Teacher, Mr. Mason, who is very attentive to our interests. Our popular Form Captain is Ed. Sutherland. Ed. who is top of his class, captained the School Football Team, in which we were ably represented by J. Evans, M. Vines, A. Mather, D. McKimmie, R. Taylor and C. Brown. Included in the School Cricket Team are M. Harvey, M. Brown and R. Taylor, who considerably strengthened the side. Our best tennis player is G. Rice, who played splendidly in the Victorian Schoolboys' Championships competition. Successful players in the School Tennis Team were B. Hocking, G. Rice and K. Murphy. A. Bazga (Captain), D. Bone, J. Rawet, and P. Morrison played brilliantly in the School Hockey Team, which won the premiership.

JUNIOR RUGBY This year a Junior School Rugby Team was formed, and although we were defeated in our first two games, we soon began to find our feet and learn how to handle the ball properly. The first game was on Saturday morning, June 12th, and our only try was scored by R. Allen. Our next game was at Footscray, on June 19th, when we played the cadets from Flinders Naval College. Footscray were again defeated, scores being 6-0. After the game the cadets were entertained at afternoon tea and shown over the school. After this second defeat, we trained harder, with the result that we defeated Scotch College at Footscray Park, 6-3, on 3rd July. The next game was to be played at Flinders, so everybody put on his best clothes and we all met at the Footscray station at 11.30 a.m. We caught the train through to Franktson, where there was a Navy bus waiting for us. When we arrived at Flinders we went straight in and changed and then began play. That afternoon Footscray again came out on top, 25-6. After we had showered and changed, we were shown round the College until tea-time. We then said good-bye to the cadets, and thanked them for giving us such a good time. Our next game was scheduled to be a curtainraiser at Footscray Park on 31st July, but this was found to be impossible, so we had to pack our bags and paid a second visit to Flinders. This time the cadets had their revenge and

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Back: J. Rawett, G. Hall, R. Barnett, J. Griffiths, N. Brockwell, D. Bone, J. McMillan. R. Calway, C. Murray, A. Bazga, K. Fisher, J. Clark.

JUNIOR HOCKEY Our first match was at Northcote against Northcote High. They scored two goals, and Alby Mitchell managed to score one for us. Two Wednesdays later we went out to Essendon, where we defeated Essendon High. Alby Mitchell tallied five goals and Scotty MacMillan one goal. Two goals were scored against us. The next Wednesday

defeated Footscray, 8-3. After this match there was only one game to go, which was against Scotch College on 7th August at Footscray Park. Footscray really ran away from Scotch College this time, defeating them, 43-3. So ended our season of Rugby. We felt pleased with ourselves because we were runners-up. Navy were premiers because they had won four games to Footscray's three. We had actually won during the season more than double the number of points that were scored against us. R. WHITE (Capt.), 3C.

Front: Mr. Ebbott,

we waited for Essendon High to turn up at Footscray, but they couldn't come, because of exams. None of our forwards scored a single goal the following Wednesday, but Northcote High put five goals past Vale, our goal-keeper. Next week came the match we had been waiting for, against Preston Tech. The final score was three goals to two goals in our favour, Mitchell scoring two goals for us and MacMillan one. Preston Tech. tried to make up for their defeat the next Wednesday, but didn't quite make it. We defeated them for the second time, the scores being four goals to one goal, Mitchell again collecting two goals and Rawet two goals. A fortnight later they turned the tables and defeated us. MacMillan scored one goal for us, but Jimmy Clark, our goal-keeper, let two goals into the net. Preston Tech had held the Cup for four consecutive years previous to our winning it last year. In our final match against them, this year, play was very even but the score was in our favour, two goals to one, and so we retained the Cup. G. HALL, AC.

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PRESENTATION OF FIRST AID ROOM The Mothers' Club, ever ready to assist in the more efficient and comfortable running of the school, have at a cost of over <ÂŁ70 equipped a small room at Ballarat Rd. as a First Aid Room. The need for such a room had only to be mentioned to the Club officials and Mesdames Walton, Allison, and Oswald, with their willing helpers, immediately took the matter in hand. Within a few weeks we were proud possessors of a First Aid Room second to none in any school in Victoria. At a pleasant afternoon ceremony, the Club President formally handed over to the School Council this First Aid Room, with its door suitably inscribed. A feature of the attractive little room is that the Mothers have arranged it themselves, thus bringing a little bit of home into the school. We must not fail to mention Mrs Scott and Mrs Buchanan, who have helped considerably in the care and maintenance of the linen and furnishings. Cheers for the Mothers, boys! R.M.A.

VISIT TO THE SHRINE OF REMEMBRANCE At 9.15 a.m. 2C and 2D were all seated in the bus which was to take us to the Shrine. On reaching our destination Mr. Symons explained the points of interest. It was especially interesting to know that the architect took his ideas from the ancient Greeks. Mr. Allen, who had actually seen the temple from which the designs were taken, described it to us. We were then taken inside the Shrine and shown the ten books containing the names of all those who were killed in the 1914-18 War. On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day a beam of light rests upon the Rock of Remembrance for five minutes, showing up the word Love in the inscription, "Greater Love Hath No Man." As we looked up we saw the beautiful carved panels dedicated to the various services that took part in the 1914-18 War. Also in the main part there are twelve beautifully polished marble columns weighing six tons each. The Shrine is indeed a fitting memorial to the men who died to keep our country free.

No Home is complete without a



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[ 46]

Magical Moments

. .

• by Jack Mentha

A few simple tricks that can be done without much practice. 1.—The Aerial Ball. A ping-pong ball is best for this trick. The ball is held in one hand, and it suddenly T y^-W^ glides through the f "t' I /""T air to the other hand. A loop of black thread does the trick. The forefingers of both hands hold the loop taut, forming a track along which the ball slides. The lightness of the ping-pong ball is an asset in this trick, although a light wooden ball will work quite well. 2.—The Bent Corner. In this trick, the magician fans a pack of cards and holds them with the faces toward a spectator, inviting him to touch one of the cards. As soon as he does so, the magician's left thumb, which is hidden behind the pack, bends up the corner of the selected card. After the pack has been shuffled a glance at the corner of the pack reveals the position of the chosen card, and the pack can be cut at this point. 3.—Egg to Confetti. The magician shows an ordinary egg and squeezes it in his hand, while he fans it with the other hand. A shower of confetti pours forth instead of the egg. The egg, of course, is prepared for the trick. Punch a tiny hole in each end and you can blow the contents of the egg out into a cup. Enlarge one of the holes so that confetti may be poured into the egg. In performing the trick, hold the egg between the tips of the thumb and forefinger so as to cover the holes. When the egg is squeezed, the shell

is broken and falls with the confetti, which should be dropped into a box. 4.—Wine to Water. The instantaneous transformation of wine to water may be effected by merely pouring the liquid from one glass to another. The wine is water in which potassium permanganate has been dissolved. The other glass contains a small quantity of hydrogen peroxide which, being colourless, is not observed. As soon as the wine is poured into the empty glass, it changes to water. 5.—The Tough Napkin. A paper napkin is twisted in rope fashion and a person is invited to tear it in half by pulling directly on the ends. The paper will prove too tough to tear. But when others have failed, you take the twisted napkin and tear it with ease. To accomplish this, dip your fingers in a glass of water while the other persons are trying to break the napkin. Twist the paper tighter with your fingers, and in so doing moisten the centre. The napkin will then break when you pull the ends.

JUNIOR SWIMMING Back: G. Gardiner, J. Hancock, J. Clark, A. Bazga. Front: M. Russell, K. Butler, K. Stockman, R. Clarke, Perrot.

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Back: T. Chafer, D. McKenzie, C. Wolstencroft, B. Fleming, R. Colvin, J. Swallow, I. Keating. Minogue, J. Hope, J. Hancock, R. Osborne, R. Baker, J. Abfalter, J. JVlellors.

Front: J.

EXCURSION TO MICHAELIS HALLENSTEIN'S TANNERY The sides of leather are cut into three parts, the belly, the bend, and the shoulder. A setting-out machine straightens the grain, after which it is oiled with crown and mineral oils and the flesh side is glucosd. Rollers are used to remove buckles and to shine the surface. A Sheridan Press then compresses the leather, giving a finer texture The lighter hides and skins which are used for the uppers of footwear are usually tanned by the chromium process. This is performed by placing the hides in revolving drums containing chromium sulphate, for six hours. After being dried the hides are shaved to a uniform thickness. They are then split, the inner being used for suede, while the outer is used for upper leather on shoes. The upper leather is sprayed with a dye, after which it is polished and a pattern stamped into it. Its area is then measured in a machine which records in square feet. An especially attractive feature of the visit was the inspection of the modern laboratory, where research and testing is in constant operation. G. BARROW, 3A

The numerous processes employed in the tanning industry captured the interest of 3rd and 4th form boys who visited Michaelis Hallenstein's Tannery. The making of leather involves the removal of the hair and the epidermis, cleaning the flesh from the inner side of the skin, and treating the corium so that it is no longer susceptible to bacterial decay. For the production of sole leather and belting the hides of bullocks, bulls, and heifers are used. These are tanned by the wattle-bark process, and are sold by weight as the tanning process appreciably increases their weight. After the hides are scoured to remove dirt and salt, they are placed in the liming pits, for approximately a week, to loosen the hair and epidermis and swell the corium so that its coarser fibres are divided into its constituent fibrils and the grease normally present is saponified. On removal from the liming pits the hides are cut in half, lengthways, and the hair is removed 'by dehairing machines. The hides are then placed into pits containing wattle-bark liquor, the strength of which is increased daily for sixteen days.

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The raw sugar is taken from storage pits in "charges" of five or six tons, and melted in huge tanks fitted with a system of steam heating pipes and mechanical stirrers. After the sugar has been melted into a dark, brownish-coloured liquid, which is termed sugar liquor, it is passed through twilled-cotton filter bags. These filters are then suspended, in groups of from fifty to two hundred, in a closed chamber heated by a perforated tank, each perforation having a bag under it. In the next stage of processing, the liquor is taken to cisterns, which range in depth from thirty to forty feet and contain a bed of animal charcoal. Here it is "decolourised," and then passes into a vacuum pan for concentration. When refined crystals are to be made, the contents of the vacuum pan are passed into a centrifugal machine, where the syrup is drawn off by rotation and the crystals purified either by the addition of pure syrup to the revolving basket or by the process of blowing steam into it. The sugar is then ready for classification, after which it is bagged and transported by lorries to the retailers. H. R. BUTLER, 4A.

The history of music is as old as the history of man himself. In prehistoric times the earliest forms of music were produced by drums such as are still in existence among the natives of Africa, Asia, South America and Oceania. The most famous of the drums of Oceania are the "drums of Mer.' There were also rough types of flutes, which were made from the river and swamp reeds. In New Guinea, Borneo, and parts of India and Burma, are found the forerunners of the xylophone, made from varying sized pieces of bamboo. There is also a possibility that the gong and perhaps the cymbal were developed in India or even China. China, which was civilised long before any other country, is credited with having invented one-stringed and two-stringed instruments. These were later introduced into Japan, where they were slightly improved upon. China also has its own peculiar kind of xylophone. One of the first western countries to be civilised was Egypt, which can claim the honour of having invented the trumpet. Over a number of years the Egyptians learnt how to put their musical knowledge to some use in tuning the horns. Many of the Egyptian trumpets were great works of art, being made of gold and silver, and highly ornamented. DON PATERSON, 4C.

THE SCHOOL'S RACING CYCLISTS Last year, Jim Niven, of 6A, won the Melbourne to Shepparton Road Cycle Race. This year, Keith McCarney, of 7B, won the Victorian Junior Amateur Road Championship. Now Keith has gone to Adelaide to compete in the Australian Junior Road Championships, and is expected to win. Other cyclists at the School, who are up and coming, are: A. Luke, W. Rubenstein, R. Jones and R. Howard. Jim Niven said last year, "Perhaps in the future, Footscray Technical School may become noted for its cyclists." This statement is now coming true. RAY JONES, 3A.

JUNIOR TENNIS P. Longton, M. Rice, M. Byrne, B. O'Dea, B. Inglis.

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THE YEAR'S ACTIVITIES Despite a slight lag in membership the Old Diploma Boys' Association has again had a successful year. An outstanding function was the Victoria Palace Dinner and Dance, when more than sixty Old Boys brought along their girl friends and/or wives and tripped a stately measure to the strains of the Tip Top Boys' Orchestra. Opportunity was taken at this function to welcome the new Principal and Mrs. Aberdeen, and it is pleasing to note that the teaching staff was well represented. After an excellent dinner the President, Mr. J. Pitt, called on the Secretary, Mr. J. Kepert, to propose the toast of the School. Speaking as an ex-student rather than as an ex-teacher, Mr. Kepert told the gathering of many impressions gained during his thirty years' association with the School. Particular tribute was paid to the work of the late Principal, who devoted his life to its progress. Mr. Aberdeen responded feelingly and endeared himself to all by his friendly and unassuming manner. Items of entertainment included the irrepressible Glee Club, for whom the Committee takes no responsibility. The ranks of the Glee Club have been reduced by apathy, lethargy and matrimony; but Jack Pitt, Tich Davies, Stuart Grant, Rex Loose, and George Lake managed to put over a good original item. Another outstanding item was supplied by Spike Beggs and His City Slickers, who repeated their very clever shadow show of Spike Jones' rendition of "You Always Hurt the One

c e o g s You Love" and "Liebestraum." A technical fault in the pick-up did not dampen their enthusiasm nor disturb their aplomb. At the Annual Meeting, held on 18th December last, the following Office Bearers were elected: President, Mr. Ron Newman; Vice-Presidents, Messrs. Ted Walker and Stuart Grant; Hon. Secretary, Mr. Jack Kepert; Assistant Secretary, Mr. Lindsay Davies; Hon. Treasurer, Mr. H. Lowe; Committee, Messrs. Rex Loose, Clive Fisher, Eric Johnson, Charles Rogers, Ron Rankin, and Jack Pitt. During the year Rex was transferred by the Vacuum Oil Co. to Sydney, where he found that the new look skirts are an awful letdown. The Bondi girls' bathers intrigued him, and he declares that they're either out to catch a man or a cold. Jack was transferred from Caulfield Tech. to Stawell Tech., where he discovered that the Gift is a race, not a hand-out. Jack's a good judge of form, and learnt quite early that a well-turned leg means a well-turned neck, but not necessarily on the same person. To replace these two stalwarts we elected, quite unconstitutionally, four cheery souls answering to the names of Dick Tilson, Bob Cameron, Stenis Pashallis, and John Chamier. These lads seldom miss a function, so their roping-in was a foregone conclusion. The first function of this year was a dance at the School on Saturday, February 28th. This was poorly attended and a vigorous recruiting campaign was instituted. The next function, a picture night at the

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School, was well attended and an entertaining evening concluded with supper in the Staff Room. A visit of inspection over the "Age" Office proved quite popular, and we are now authorities on what a newspaper writes, and how! In July a trip to the Sugarloaf-Rubicon Hydro-Electric Scheme was arranged, about 25 members taking part. In contrast to last year the weather was perfect, and the inspection proved a complete success. Our thanks are due to the State Electricity Commission, who arranged all details and supplied the haulage and electric locomotive to minimize physical effort. As a number of the members present were literally Old Boys, this was much appreciated. We believe it's called middle age because that's where it shows first. After all, Les Richardson, Daryl Ebeling, George Thompson, Bill Maher, Laurie Danielson, Stan Hocking

P T Y . —

L T D .

Telephone: MW 2049

and Jack Kepert are not as young as they used to be. During the long hike to the Rubicon Dam they showed evidence of being kneak in the wees and beak in the wack, constant administering of stimulants being necessary on the return journey. However, they suffered in silence, and suffering in silence isn't so bad if everybody knows what you're doing. Other functions included more picture nights at the School and the Annual Ball in the Town Hall. Once again this was a social rather than a financial success. Ladies are invited to practically all functions and they certainly add lustre to our gatherings. I'm a great believer in the inclusion of women. In the olden days the men went out to fight while the women stayed home spinning coarse yarns. Things are different now.

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Old Boys' Letter Bag Ron Beck, with M.V.E. in London, still thinks of us during odd moments when not engrossed with thoughts of gay Paree— "the way they dress and the way they walk" over there. Remember his rhapsody in last year's Letter Bag? In a recent epistle, he congratulates Ron Newman on his appointment as Secretary of the O.B.A. and then goes on: "I hope he survives the O.B. Ball, and wish I could be there with a few of the gang again. However, when I say that I've just returned from three days in Paris, followed by eleven days in Switzerland, you will see that I am having a wonderful time." On this occasion he seems to have enmployed his time studying stagings—the theatrical variety, of course—and evidently found it very exhausting: "Monday night we were to be seen sleeping in the Grand Opera House—a magnificent place. I recall that there was a 3-act show on, lasting from 8 to 12 p.m.; but can't remember its name. Ah, but yes, I do remember what we did the following night —the Folies Bergeres: and the staging was simply marvellous." It may be of interest to note here that when Ted Walker visited the Folies, way back in '29, it was not so much the staging that impressed him as the people on it. Sandy McGavin, still with Metro Vicks in England, writes: "The past five months have been extremely busy ones for me socially, and so my circle of friends is widening. For devilment, as much as anything, I got myself a job in a grocer's shop (on Saturdays) just to meet a few more folk and study their ways. I chose a shop in one of the most congested areas of Manchester. It's only a small shop, but the backchat that goes on between the grocer and his customers is as good as a play. One gets an insight, too, into the difficulties of the housewife trying to buy wisely and well

for her family; for rationing is very severe —though to see me you would not think so. However, the folk here still laugh and joke about it: I take my hat off to them." Sandy is delighted with his copy of last year's Blue and Gold—"It makes me feel quite proud of the old school, and I am going to enjoy taking part in O.B. activities when I return. I notice with regret that I am no longer a Young Old Boy, which means, I suppose, that I am numbered now in a riper vintage."

DIPLOMAS A N D EXPERT CERTIFICATES Graduates are reminded that they must lodge their applications for Diplomas or Expert Certificates by 31st January next, if they wish to be presented with them during the year 1949. Application Forms are available at the school office.

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With the Young Old Boys Now that another year has slipped gently by we must place on record, not only the doings of the latest graduates, but also of the veterans. Many of the graduation class of last year vanished into the C.H.W. without even sending us a post-card. None the less we've heard several startling anecdotes on our own grape vine. Some of the scandal is too bad to be good. For instance, Doug Ebeling's gone to the Work'us in order to find out if they've got anything we haven't got. Doug has the diploma course completed except for the foreign language. Next year he'll probably pass on to higher study at the University in order to improve his billiards and snooker. You remember Doug's holiday at Mildura when he captured that blonde under the Eucalyptus Rostrata? He's since discovered that although money doesn't grow on trees, limbs have a way of attracting it. One of the turn-ups of the year was the award to George Lake of a Cadet Scholarship to the University. We wonder if George's Glee Club activities had anything to do with it. That famous band has been scattered to the four corners of the earth. Jack Pitt is working and playing at Stawell. He's still bothered by that eternal triangle. Although not a bigamist, Jack loves not wisely, but too well. Is he a man or a spouse? Time will tell. Any rate, who ever hooks Jack will get what she basked for. Rex Loose is living in Sydney, doping petrol for Vacuum Oil Co. Although an expert on nylons and sweaters, Rex is interested only when they're full of girl. Frank Mitchell, the breezy baritone of the Glee Club, is teaching at Geelong Tech. His matrimonial affairs are shrouded in mystery. Although disappointed in love, Frank will try a little ardour. Stuart Grant, ex-bassoprofoundo of the Glee Club, is in love again. His latest girl friend is a real lady—you know, one who makes it easy for a man to be a gentleman. Stuart told her she had a gorgeous figure, and she's held it against him ever since. The remaining Glee Club addict is Tich Davies. Haven't sighted him for months. He's still pumping kilowatts into the system at Newport. The University claims Dick Tilson, Owen Tassicker, Bill Matton, Fred Philip, Ern Shelton, Gordon Kerrison, Alan Pretty, Max Williams, Dick Brett, Ray Broughton, John Williams and a few others who have not yet paid their Old Boys' sub. Jack Barker is not satisfied with an engineering degree, and is now finishing a Diploma of Education. Next year he'll be teacher and a half. There's an awful gang of Footscray boys down at Yallourn. John Aldag, Leslie Shipp, Ken Castell, Pat Dunlevie, and Jack Orr are among those present when the whistle blows. At Newport, Ken May, Bob Dunn, Stenis Pashallis and a host of others are spinning the generators to eke out the coal. In the Yarraville laboratory, Bill Callen, John Malesa, Alf Bradshaw, Bob Cameron, John Chamier, Frank Clark and a few other bright sparks blow the fuses when things get dull. Alf is now a seasoned married

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man with a family. He'd attend all our functions, but the baby is such a wet blanket. Another of the older generation of Old Boys to become a father is Charlie Rogers. He is Chief Electical Engineer at the Red Cliffs pumping station, and the baby is already developing a taste for grapes and oranges. Ron Newman, no longer a Young Old Boy, is shortly to slip his head in the matrimonial halter. Lorna is one of those girls who wears a sweater to pull your eyes over the wool. Ron has also done well for himself in other fields. He even teaches for recreation. Both Footscray and Caulfield student feel the weight of his witticisms. He's also done most of the secretarial work for the Club. Ron Rankin and Eric Johnson are two of the stalwart Old Boys who keep the Club going. One of the original members of the Old Boys' Association, Ron has hardly missed a function. His annual donation of a book to the Senior Library is a magnificent gesture and very much appreciated. His attractive wife accompanies him to the dances and is a sight to be held. We certainly let our imaginations run away with her. Eric is a solid family man with two or three very bright babies. He tells us he learnt baby care from the bottom up. One of the boys is a real prodigy. Already rolls his own. You remember Geoff Fountain who stood a mere six feet in his socks? Geoff left his mark as Captain of the School and Senior Prefect. He's now in the Yarraville laboratory of the S.E.C. testing anything or anybody in sight. Some of his circuits made his hair curl. That serious-minded chap, Jack Paterson, is with Commonwealth Industrial Gases, where he understudies the manager with dignity and deportment. He's taking a rather belated interest in the fair sex, and, like the boxer, believes that his best friend is his mother. Jack is still giving the Diploma the works. We're afraid he's booked for early matrimony and have got our money on the blonde. John Mitchell is still at Maize Products. He's the Dandy in the Starch. Jeff Johnson is making screws at Nettlefolds. He also makes bolts for nuts. All of the foregoing gentlemen have at one time or other appeared in person in Blue and Gold. Some of their portraits are reproduced herewith. The blocks of those conspicuous by their absences are worn out with reproducing in various comic papers. Such is fame. There are such a lot of Old Boys who are lost without trace, some even married. Some day the school will bring its card index system up to date and record where the boys go when they leave the best school of all. Here's hoping anyway.

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and Flames

When the Easterlies are blowing you can cast your bait in vain— It will slumber on the waters and return to you again. Now the East Wind had been blowing round Balnarring forty days And the fishermmen were saying, "We'll be starving if she stays," So the Wind she went a-sighing to her friends, the honey bees, For the East Wind is a lady and will sometimes try to please, And she told them how the fisher-folk were mighty short of ^eat, So they planned it out together how to give them all a treat. Buzzed the bees then into Tulum and informed the Ranger there, They had honey for the hungry and would give what they could spare: Ranger Rob, of course, suspecting what would happen to his trees Should the hungry folk of Tulum take to robbing honey bees, Kept the offer very secret, telling none but Admiral Bill, Who was not the least bit hungry—yet he went and ate his fill. Then the East Wind shrieked in fury and in fury buzzed the bees, Till their burning indignation started fires in the trees, And the flame-cats hissed and crackled, "We will burn the rascals out," But they reckoned without Alan, M'ho is Rob the Ranger's scout. Now when Alan saw the burning, up in Old Balnarring Town, Where he'd bought a pair of ducklings, he came riding No Hands down: And the fire-fighters hailed him with a hearty Tulum cheer— Shouted Alan, "How ya going! Who's been lighting fires round here?" Then he sprang at once to action, with the ducks still on his back, Two indignant necks protruding from an opening in the sack. Soon he'd lined the fire-fighters up along a Tulum lane With a roar, "Burn back to meet her"; but his roaring was in vain For the East Wind saw his purpose and she blew the fires out, And her hot breath singed their whiskers—so brave Alan gave a shout, "Shocks and Backfires! She's no lady, but we'll tame her spirits yet," As he grabbed a fireman's force-pump with a finely spraying jet, Looped a line across his stomach, made fast round the ducklings tails, And soon like a roaring angel up above the fire he sails.

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Then the Wind she knew her master and shrank fearfully away, And the spitting flame-cats vanished in the mist from Alan's spray: Quacked the ducks and chortled Alan as he rode the plunging pair, Soaring higher, circling wider, spraying water everywhere. Then on Tulum Bridge he spotted Hard-Work Heasly in the flames, So he rescued him and saved the Bridge—despite what Jackie claims: Next he saw where, axle-deep in sand, the Old Blue Lizzie lay, So he hitched his ducklings to her and soon hauled her away, While five merry Footscray maidens leaning from the leaping car Spread the tale of Alan's ducklings and his doings, near and far. So that's why they say, in Tulum, if you want good fishing luck You must see to it that Alan is kept well supplied with duck.

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FOOTSCRAY TECHNICAL SCHOOL COUNCIL President: M. M. O'LOUGHLIN, A.M.I.E. (Aust.) Vice-Presidents: G. O. SIMCOCK, Esq.; J. A. EDGERTON, M.C.E. W. A. McKINNA, Esq., Hon Treasurer. J. A. CARMODY, Esq. J. ABERDEEN, M.Sc., B.Ed., Hon. Sec. Cr. JAS. GRAY, M.C.E. J. D. HADDOW, B.A., Dip. Ed., District R. G. PARSONS, Esq. Inspector. Cr. A. E. SHEPHERD, M.L.A. M. H. BOX, M.B., B.S. H. C. RICHARDSON, Esq. *

TEACHING STAFF Principal: J. ABERDEEN, M.Sc., B. Ed. Vice-Principal: G. MURRAY, B.A., Dip. Ed. Acting Headmaster: R. ATKINSON, Dip. E.E.

ART: C. H. Tindale R. T. Wayman M. Allen P. Watson H. J. Symons ENGLISH A N D SOCIAL STUDIES: E. B. Howells, M.A., Dip. Ed. E. P. Carey E. Morganti, B.A., Dip. Ed. N. C. Porter, M.A. R. L. Senior, B.A., Dip. Ed. L. Gv Buchan W. McKinty J. Revell S. Dyson D. E. Fraser W. S. Willett TECHNICAL DRAWING: E. J. Sedgley, Dip. M.E. G. E. Sporn, Dip. M.E. H. Warby H. Morrow G. Freeman, M.M.E.

[TRADE: W. V. Palmer W. H. Nicholls A. Robertson W. C. Cameron R. Stroud B. J. Willis C. J. Smith E. L. Walker P. L. Carr F. Steeper D. J. Thomas SCIENCE A N D O. J. Ebbott APPLIED SCIENCE: V. Grubb H. J. Schapper, D.Sc. N. Ohlhoff H. J. Burley, Dip. E.E., Dip. M.E. D. Rathbone L. D. Danielson, A.M.I.E. (Aust.) A. R. Johnson F. H. Brooks, M.Sc., Dip. Ed., A. Perkins A.A.C.I. L. P. Beard O. H. Bayliss, B.E.E. J. L. Hulme E. L. Scott, A.M.I.E. (Aust.) J. Goodger H. S. Smith, Dip, Met. E. E. T. Davey A. M. Mason J. A. Douglas, Dip. M.E. DRESSMAKING: R. Fraser, Dip. App. Chem. Miss M. McGuinness M. J. Hayes MATHEMATICS: H. B. Sarjeant, M.A., B.Sc., B. Ed. W. Horbury, B.Sc. K. McRae, Dip. E.E., Dip. M.E. M. A. Coote J. H. Inglis, B.A. A. Hames K. Marshall C. Martin C. E. Shaw E. W. Gleeson B. Trainor

OFFICE STAFF Registrar and Assistant Secretary: H. LOWE, A.I.H.A. Miss A. L. Clifton Mrs E. R. Scott J. McDonald Miss N. Carrick Miss L. Fensling Miss E. Curley Miss M. Robertson Mrs J. Tribe Miss L. Kennedy LIBRARIAN: Mrs H. Archer, F.L.A. (Lond.)

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