Divine Purpose Magazine - 3rd Quarterly Magazine 2020

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purpose DIVINE

JULY 2020






Specshoza Njeri Wangu - Kenya Ronica Ngasama - South Africa teens on purpose

talks about her pursuit to becoming GOD'S MODEL WOMAN

















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PROVERBS 31 WOMAN Editor's Note Through much prayer and careful analysis of the needs of our readers we have been able to put together this wonderful issue which promotes the lifestyle and character of the Proverbs 31 woman as one that can be adopted by men and women seeking to be used by God. Our team’s greatest desire is that you learn from her excellence as a creative woman, mother, wife, business woman, homemaker and most importantly, a Godfearing woman. Special highlights in this issue include Crystal Daye from the island of Jamaica; our center feature on page 31. She talks about what it means as she seeks to become God’s model woman. Also highlighted are three very special African ladies of purpose from South Africa, Kenya and Zimbabwe who gave us their opinion about the virtuous woman as outlined in the Scriptures and how her character has impacted their lives. As you read the magazine may you be blessed and may you be encouraged and motivated to run after the virtuous qualities of this Proverbs 31 woman no matter the age or gender.



PROVERBS 31 Verses 10-31 (NIV) 10 A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. 11 Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. 12 She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life. 13 She selects wool and flax and works with eager hands. 14 She is like the merchant ships, bringing her food from afar. 15 She gets up while it is still night; she provides food for her family and portions for her female servants. 16 She considers a field and buys it; out of her earnings she plants a vineyard. 17 She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks. 18 She sees that her trading is profitable, and her lamp does not go out at night. 19 In her hand she holds the distaff and grasps the spindle with her fingers. 20 She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy. 21 When it snows, she has no fear for her household; for all of them are clothed in scarlet. 22 She makes coverings for her bed; she is clothed in fine linen and purple. 23 Her husband is respected at the city gate, where he takes his seat among the elders of the land. 24 She makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies the merchants with sashes. 25 She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. 26 She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. 27 She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. 28 Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: 29 “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.� 30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. 31 Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.







HEART OF THE HOME Written By Carol Ensminger

When I was dating my husband, I gave him a photo of me as a gift. (Cheesy, I know, but he loved it!) “It’s so precious. I’m going to put it in a special place!” he exclaimed as he reached for his Bible. “Awwww,” I thought, “how sweet of him.” Then he randomly opened his Bible and placed my photo within the pages of the book of Numbers. “What?!” I responded with my nose pulled up! “Babe, you just can’t put me in some random book of the Bible. I must be strategically and carefully placed. It must have meaning and purpose.” So, I snatched the photo out of Numbers and found my way to the book of wisdom— Proverbs—where I gently and purposefully laid my photo right next to the diligent and productive Proverbs 31 woman.

“Why there?” he curiously asked. “Because this chapter is all about me!” I said with a chuckle. “Just listen to the wise king Solomon describe me.” Then I proceeded to read Proverbs 31 out loud to him with a sizable smile on my face. But as I read the scripture to him, I recognized how far from a Proverbs 31 woman I was. As much as I desired to be just like this “Wonder Woman,” these verses were just another impossible standard by which to mark my shortcomings as a woman, wife-to-be, and as a daughter of the King. We sometimes look at this Proverbs 31 woman and believe we could never measure up to her. She worked so hard and did everything perfectly.

It’s easy to let the guilt and shame set in. Friends, this scripture isn’t meant to be like that. It isn’t a checklist of nearly impossible standards for us women to live up to. She is more precious than rubies. Check. She brings him good, not harm. Check. (Well, Itry.) She finds wool and flax and busily spins it. Uh, hardly. She is like a merchant ship. Ahem, what? That’s what Solomon said... She is like the merchant ships [abounding with treasure]; She brings her [household’s] food from far away. Proverbs 31:14 (AMP) Come on, admit it, you've always wanted to be compared to a ship, haven't you? Yeah, me neither!


Does this mean that instead of running through the Chick-fil-A drive-thru, she traveled on a ship to a far off country to buy international delicacies for her family? I highly doubt it. It’s more likely this noble wife walked down to the dock and purchased interesting and unusual merchandise arriving from other places. Then, like the merchant ship, she brought interesting and unusual items home to her family. Merchant ships were essential during Bible times. The woman whom Solomon is describing is like these ships—an essential part of the family. That’s you. That’s me. Whether you are single, married, or raising a busy family, you are the heart of the home. I love this quote by Abraham Lincoln, “Whatever you are, be a good one.” In other words, we need to intentionally be doing our best to be all that we can be. We need to strive to be a Proverbs 31 woman in our thinking, how we spend our time and manage our homes. And yes, this includes the food we eat and feed our loved ones. Next, we learn she worked in the wee hours of the morning. She rises also while it is still night and gives food to her household and assigns tasks to her maids. Proverbs 31:15 (AMP) She rises while it is still night... uh, no. This characteristic is a little harder for me to take hold of. Really? She crawled out of bed before the sun even arises to work?! If you are not a morning person, don’t get antsy on me. Later in Proverbs 31:18, you’ll read that her lamp does not go out at night, so she stays up late working too. In other words, she was not a lazy sluggard. She worked hard. She gave selflessly. She understood the importance of her tasks and duties that demanded attention and got the job done, even if it meant getting up early.


I'm guessing since she went through the trouble of gathering food from afar, she likely got up early to prepare nutritious meals for her family. She took extra steps to make sure her family received nutritious and quality foods. We can do this too. We can buy quality food and prepare healthy meals. If we are continually consuming processed or fast food, it will take a toll on our bodies; however, nutritious foods positively transform our bodies, spirits, and emotions. Our bodies and spirits are so intricately connected, and nourishment isn’t solely about the food we put on the table; we also need to nourish our spirit and soul. So instead of driving through to grab a bite, we need to sit at a table for a full meal—for our daily bread—even if it means getting up a little early. She gives food to her household and assigns tasks to her maids. Maids? I’m in! This well-rounded virtuous woman had help. That explains a lot, doesn’t it? She would get up early to plan her day’s work then assign it to her support team accordingly. Well, I might arise while it was still dark too if it meant I could assign my tasks to someone else!

Do we have modern-day servants that lighten our workload? Yep. Plenty. Some of their names are vacuum, dishwasher, washing machine, and dryer. Dear reader, nothing would make me happier than if your take-a-way wasn’t guilt and shame for all you are not, but instead that you strive to be more like this Proverbs 31 woman. I don’t know about you, but I want to be like this woman. I even want to be like a merchant ship—preparing and delivering healthy meals to my family. Even if you don’t arise while it is still dark, I hope you embrace your role as the manager of your home and carefully plan the day. That you would accept your role as the heart of the home and offer nourishment to those around you. But most importantly, I pray that you allow time to sit at the table, feeding your body, spirit, and soul.


Carol is a regular ole gal with a desire to come alongside women of all ages, helping them to find their way—despite challenging situations. When she is not writing, teaching Bible study, or mentoring, she loves to spend time with her family. She resides in Sun Lakes, Arizona with her husband Michael. Together they have six children and ten grandchildren scattered across the states (and one in heaven). Website: https://www.carolensminger.com/ Instagram: @carolensminger


Dawn Lovell



lessons of balance



She achieved the utopia that remains a mirage for the 21stcentury woman. That elusive “B-word” that most of us strive for, as we juggle our careers and personal lives. BALANCE. Indeed, the Proverbs 31 woman was successful in her quest to balance both her career and family life. So much so, that her children called her blessed and her husband trusted her without reserve, and never had reason to regret it (Proverbs 31:11). She is the “ideal woman”. Women aspire to be like her; men desire to marry her. When I first read Proverbs 31 at age 16, I thought, “What a great resume for me to follow.” Little did I know that becoming this “ideal woman” required a skill set far beyond human intellect and domestic abilities. It was only when I got married 21 years ago that I started to grasp that becoming a Proverbs 31 woman was not a destination but a lifelong journey. We don’t wake up one day, check off a list and say, “I’ve arrived!”

I used to wear the hats of wife, mother, pastor, counsellor and human resource manager. Since September 2019, the fifth hat has been replaced with on-call chauffeur, as I obeyed God’s call to leave the corporate world after twenty years, to be a stay-at-home professional mom to four beautiful little adults. I was often asked how I balanced those roles while still maintaining a satisfying life. This was not a “quick fix” question but one that every woman wants the answer to. The most helpful solution I can offer is summed up in this Emily Maroutian quote: “If you want to have enough to give others, you will need to take care of yourself first. A tree that refuses water and sunlight, cannot bear fruit for others”. A balanced life can only come when we are physically, mentally, and spiritually healthy. How do we achieve this?

As we submit to God daily, he fills us with his wisdom and grace and shapes our character.


1. Physical Health

3. Spiritual Health

God made each of us just the way we are, according to His design and purpose. Our unique design is supported in Proverbs 31:10: for her price is far above rubies. This means

Proverbs 31:30b: but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised. In order to lead and be that able, strong, intelligent, woman of substance, our lives must be directed by God. The strength and wisdom to handle all the challenges we face, will only come when we lean on, trust in, and are confident in the Lord with all our heart and mind, not relying on our own insight or understanding.

that our king is enthralled by our beauty inside out and we should honor Him for He is our Lord (Psalm 45:10-11). We honor God when we make an intentional effort to take care of our body because it is the temple of the Holy Spirit and we need them to fulfill our purpose. We must develop and maintain healthy eating and exercise habits. We must also make time for what makes us feel and look good, whether that’s a trip to the salon/spa for our hair and nails or whether we do it ourselves at home.

As we strive to achieve the right balance in our lives so that we are effective in each of our roles, let’s remember to extend grace to ourselves when we need it. With God in the driver’s seat, we can be confident that our journey of becoming will be a success.

2. Mental Health Proverbs 31:25 states, “She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.” This is not just physical strength but emotional strength also. If we are emotionally unstable, we cannot make informed decisions, and will hurt others, ruin our relationships at home and feel unable to face life’s challenges. Our emotions, even the negative ones, are not our enemy. Acknowledge them but don’t ruminate. Pay careful attention to what matters and block out distractions. As Philippians 4:8 advises, meditate on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, and virtuous.


"WE HONOR GOD WHEN WE MAKE AN INTENTIONAL EFFORT TO TAKE CARE OF OUR BODY" Denielle Placide is a Minister of religion and considers herself a servant leader. She often referred to as #PricelessWoman thus being a voice for Women Empowerment. Denielle shares ministry with her lifelong best friend and husband of 21 years in the capacity of owner and counsellor at Safe Place Family Life Centre Ltd. She is also the Founder of The Priceless Foundation for Women a non-profit organization helping girls and women break personal limitations of vulnerability, uncertainty, and failures to achieve increased capacity for resilience and embrace a life of Dignity, Responsibility, and Spirituality. She is a compassionate mentor and friend who is dedicated to empowering women providing them with proven tools to embrace their authentic selves and understand how PRICELESS they are. Denielle resides in Trinidad & Tobago with her husband Hasley Placide and four young adult children – Jordaine, Jaedon Josh and Siena. Blog: https://thepricelessfoundationforwomen.wordpress.com/ Facebook: Denielle Placide / The Priceless Foundation for Women Instagram: @Pricelesswoman_crownup Email: pricelessfoundation.women@gmail.com



"How do you do it all? You are so busy. I get overwhelmed by your life; you are into everything." I get this question and hear these statements very often, and the truth is I get awkward at times when I hear them. I never saw myself being a wife, a mom, a nurse, and a nonprofit leader, but they all organically happened in my life. When I think about my life and all the flourishing areas, I see life like gardens planted throughout our time. But being able to manage your many responsibilities in life is not as simple as maintaining balance. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't say I like the word “balance” because it renders images of continually trying to walk a tight rope and truth is, I see myself almost toppling to my death at any second. This image of balance didn't work for me because biblical balance isn’t the world’s definition of a tightrope rope walk; biblical balance is the lifestyle of STEWARDSHIP. I have three kids, work full time as a nurse, run a nonprofit, and have a great relationship with my husband and best friend. Stewardship requires more than balance; it requires work in season and out of season. Assessing your life is hard, but I do it at least once a month.

As I work towards being a good steward, I sit down and ask myself about the most precious relationships: My husband and my children. I take inventory because the second greatest commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself. Our God is a God of relationships, and those are what I have in my hands first. I had a season where I was chasing after title and positions in my job because I thought it would validate me. When we chase after success, trophies, notoriety, likes, or anything that keeps us from the greatest commandments, we have idols. Idols put us off-center, and thus, we will get thrown off balance every single time. Now, amid a pandemic, I am not losing ground. I have learned the discipline of stewardship has helped me navigate the storms that come and the unknowns that loom. I wanted to be a wife and mom, and when I learned how to steward my relationships well, God began to bless me in other areas. Learning to steward well, meant that I had to be willing to let go of my images of how life should be and begin to focus on the fruit that my life was bearing and the gardens of my life. Balance is not a checklist; it is a lifestyle of stewardship.


Cassandra is the co-founder of On Purpose Consulting Group, a nonprofit designed to help women live their lives on purpose, for purpose, and with purpose. Whether they are in the marketplace, motherhood, ministry, or mentorship, they help engage and equip women through connect groups, conferences, coaching, and content. She focuses on leadership strategy, coaching, content, and community. She is bi-vocational and has been serving her community for the past 12 years as an R.N. serving in different fields including seven years of oncology nursing, one year ER, and eight years of Home Care. Cassandra is passionate about being salt and light, living her life on mission, and serving her local community. Cassandra is on the board for the Twin Cities Kids Coalition and serves her community to help empower the next generation. She also serves in her church leading discipleship and worship. Cassandra is passionate about helping those who help others to understand the cost of caring and how to effectively combat fatigue. She is currently getting her master’s degree at Wheaton College in Leadership and Evangelism through the Propel Women Cohort. Cassandra, her husband Nic, and their two daughters live in Uhrichsville, Ohio with their cat and geriatric dog. Facebook: cassandra.brown.79 Instagram: @Cassandra851



her example in the lives of these african women



In Ronica's Eyes

As a wife, how has the Proverbs 31 model helped you to be a woman of honor?

What does Ronica consider to be a virtuous woman? I consider a virtuous woman as someone who carries herself with dignity and confidence in God. She is a woman who stands tall in trust in the lord living a life of purpose being the woman whom God truly wants her to be. How has God prepared you to walk with a virtuous character over the years? Through the years I have learned to trust God through the many battles that I have faced. I have learned to fully trust in God and He has built me to be the woman I am today. Growing up and coming to the understanding that worldly desires can only drain you, but a life with full intimacy with God is everlasting and eternal, has made me walk with a virtuous character over the years. I have come to understand the woman who God truly wants me to be of great courage in the face of every battle.The Bible says, "Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil." (Ephesians 6:11) As a woman of God, how has the Proverbs 31 model guided you in being able to successful lead others? Proverbs 31:15-16 (ASV) says, "She riseth also while it is

This model has helped me to fully understand that it is my duty to take care of my household and to help my husband in fulfilling his assignment on earth. What advice can you give to other women on how they can be successful as wives of ministers? Being successful as a wife of a minister is understanding that being with a man of God is a calling which is so precious and an honor of which always reminds me that Mary the Mother Of Jesus was just an ordinary woman who said yes and because of God’s Power at work in her, she was able to fulfill her assignment on earth. You may feel ordinary today but when God touches your life you can do the extraordinary. Understand your assignment of being a helper to your husband on earth and you shall truly enjoy the fruits. Learning what to say in the presence of your husband is of paramount importance. According to the Bible Proverbs 31:26 (AMP) reads; " She opens her mouth in [skillful and godly] wisdom,And the teaching of kindness is on her tongue [giving counsel and instruction]."

yet night, And giveth food to her household, And their task to her maidens. She considereth a field, and buyeth it; With the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard."


The Proverbs 31 woman provided for her family. Being a wife does not only mean one should be comfortable in not doing anything, as a young wife business is something I truly believe in and would strongly advise every other woman to be active in this sector. Being able to provide for your family and not wait for your husband to do everything is important. That is why the Bible calls us "helpers" and this has molded me to successfully lead others and guarantee women out there that you can be a wife and still make it in your career/business field.

Ronica Ngasama is a young South African woman who is passionate about God and lives a life of purpose, Studied at Boston Business college , A young businesswoman , Wife to Felix Junior Ngasama, friend of God and a lover of Jesus! Facebook: Ronica Ngasama Instagram: @ronini28


Specshoza's Views According to Specshoza what does it mean to be a

What advice can you give to other women as they

Virtuous Woman?

pursue this nature?

A virtuous woman is far beyond being beautiful

He gives Stones for rubies and beauty for ashes. He

outwardly and balanced with brains as many would

gives you a new nature beyond the brokenness, pain

want to put it in this context. In Hebrews, she is

and the deep scars. Being a woman is such a beautiful

referred to as the "Eshet-Chayil"; meaning a woman

thing and that's why it cost a man to be in deep sleep

who is strong, valiant and of excellent morals.

so that he can wake up to a beautiful creature. This

Interestingly, this woman is mentioned thrice in the

shows how of great value you are. A wise woman

Bible; We see her reference in the book of Ruth and

keeps her home. A wise woman is a war woman. A

twice in the book of Proverbs. This should really

wise woman is a Godly woman. As a woman, you are

speak volume to you as a woman because this woman

trusted with so many responsibilities and you cannot

is a rare kind.

fail to be this Chayil woman because of what once happened to you. Allow God to mold you and bring to

How has God prepared you over the years to become

a point of wholeness so that you can start embracing

a woman of virtuous character?Â

this nature. As I've always said that I am on a mission

Well, it took the Cross to reach the throne. I mean it

to save Eve, who was lied to, who became naked, was

took me deep scars to allow God mold me to be this

ashamed, failed her husband. It's different now

woman. Being raised from a broken family, I didn't

because the Eve of today has a seed that is meant to

get an opportunity to learn the beauty of being a

push her to be this woman who is of excellent

brave woman. I got it wrong as I grew up. I was

morals. You can be a Chayil woman, it has nothing to

raised in a home where a woman was abused in all

do with your past, it has everything to do with

spheres of her life. Being sexually molested and

making God the centre of your life.

assaulted at a tender age, also made me walk in shells of shame and in a cage of low self esteem. I found solace in addictions since I saw no value of being this woman that God has made me to be today. When I met Christ, I met wholeness and over the years God


has been refurbishing my idea of what it means to be a woman. Since my dignity was ripped off from me, He taught me the beauty that came from inside. God taught me a language of grace that really helped me see another dimension of being a brave beautiful woman. To be in a position to learn how to be strong, how to walk confidently, how to air my voice and how to trust the inner me. As the Bible says that charm is deceptive but a woman who fears the Lord is to be respected, my reverence for him each day is teaching me to be more of this woman.

Specshoza Njeri is Kenyan and is a lover of God. A high school teacher by profession, a motivational speaker and a convener of Bruised Heel Society. Facebook: Specshoza Njeri Wangu Instagram: @Specshoza_Njerry


Culivating The Value System of The Proverbs 31 Woman WRITTEN BY SANDRA NGONIDZASHE MBOWENI

I have always looked at the Proverbs 31 woman and thought WOW, what an amazing woman, while at the same time thinking about how attainable that Proverbs 31 status really is. Recently, I had to pause and ask why she is placed in the bible in the first place. Scripture says that all scripture is God breathed and is useful for us (2 Timothy 3:16), so her story must be in there for a purpose. And if she is in the bible for a reason, then surely, you and I can attain that status by the grace of God, otherwise why even place her in there in the first place (both men and women should aspire to possess the qualities displayed in the 31st chapter of Proverbs.) Now that we have established that she is in the bible for a reason, here are the key virtues I believe this woman possesses and a few practical ideas around how we can cultivate the value system of the Proverbs 31 woman in our own lives: This woman is extremely valuable, she is worth more than rubies scripture says. Whatever she put her hands to has value. She is trustworthy and has a mind for business. With due diligence I believe we can achieve the same (vs 10 & 11). She has the best interests at heart for the people God has placed in her life. Are we stewards of those God places around us?

In her relationships, she is well established. Her husband is clearly a man of honor, well respected in the community – notice we don’t hear about his looks, or his wealth, we hear of his character reflecting that this woman has her priorities set straight when it comes to relationships (vs. 23). She has a side hustle (several actually) but this woman is always creating value and making wealth. Remember the Lord your God, it is he who gives you the ability to make wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18).) This woman is confident in who she is in Christ. She is strong, she is dignified, she laughs at the future and at signs of trouble because her faith is founded in CHRIST; in him nothing can catch her by surprise. Every word that proceeds from her mouth is laced in wisdom and good ADVICE. If you ask her for advice, you know that you will get sound advice. She is so engrossed in the day-to-day occurrences of her household and she does not have time for idleness, gossip or unproductive things. In the end, is it surprising that all who know her sing praises about her? Scripture says in Proverbs 31: 28, 29-31: “Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.” Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.” It is my prayer that each of us aspire to posses these qualities - by the grace of God and through diligence we surely can. We need to pray for these qualities and to diligently execute all that we are tasked with.

She is hard working and has a perceptive and discerning eye (vs. 13 & 15). She is will go to great lengths to acquire good things (vs. 14 & 15). She is a hustler, a provider for all those placed under her


care (vs. 15). She is wise, and invests her earnings, she knows how to create value, in the passage, she purchases land and plants a vineyard which will give her a return for her investments (vs. 16). She is a hard worker, a woman who finishes what she starts. She is not afraid to burn the midnight oil in order to accomplish her goals (vs. 18). She is a philanthropist and she is empathetic. She reaches out to help those who need her help (vs. 15 & 19). She is well-prepared for the seasons, e.g. in the winter her household is adequately clothed and prepared (vs. 21). Her spaces are aesthetically pleasing and well decorated, she has an eye for detail (vs. 21,24).

Sandra Ngonidzashe Mboweni is a Zimbabwean young woman who is passionate about using her gifts to communicate God’s love to people. She enjoys writing creative pieces and creating visual images to uplift others. She is also an aspiring mental health epidemiologist with interests in the mental health issues in young adults in developing nations face. Instagram: @thatzimbabweankid


chaste S T Y L E








Victoria Preville is a Life and Style Consultant and owner of Life & Style by Nu Luna. Born and raised on the island of St. Lucia she migrated to the United States at the age of 21. After a divorce left her depressed and homeless she was left with no choice but to rebuild her life from scratch. With prayer, the power of manifestation and countless hours of professional therapy, she has done just that. Today, through her business, she draws on these past experiences to help women style their lives from the inside out. Victoria offers personal coaching and styling sessions to her clients because she believes that true beauty resonates from the inside out. In her spare time, Victoria enjoys nature, travel, shopping and volunteering at charitable organizations. Website: www.victoriapreville.com Facebook:Life &Style by Nu Luna Instagram: @lifeandstylebynuluna




She does not give in to idleness nor does she give up when work is hard. She is kind and charitable. The people around her can trust in her advice and her love. I am no longer afraid of that woman. I try to be her in the ways God has uniquely purposed me to be. I have learned that by comparing my story with others, I rob God of the glory He deserves. Indeed, He brings incredible good out of the most dismal of situations. However, in order to get this perspective, life took me on a journey through tragedy and loss to finding hope and strength in

In the earlier years of my Christian journey, the Proverbs 31 woman as a model for womanhood felt like an ethereal, unattainable goal point. If you have seen the 2004 film, The Stepford Wives, you will get an idea of the imagery in my mind. The Stepford Wives were always perfectly dressed, smiling, and docile with a perfect response to everything. They were confident, poised homemakers. When I read the text in Proverbs, it felt like the standard was a sinless, mistake-free existence. I knew I was far from it. I was insecure, afraid that the truth about my sexual brokenness would be exposed. I could not imagine being a mother and when I had a choice, I would run in the opposite direction of anything related to home management. I have now come to see the Proverbs 31 woman as one who lives her life on purpose. She is far from passive but actively looks for, and pursues, opportunities in her

the One Who is Love. In December of 2009, my first husband and I separated because my unhealed places helped to create a huge mess of unmet expectations and misunderstandings. When we reunited, we submitted to counselling and mentorship and over the next six years got to a good place of mutual submission and love. I was happy and convinced that Mrs. Proverbs 31 was within reach. In December 2015, he was killed in a home invasion while trying to protect his family. To say that my world and all that I thought I understood about it shattered, would be a mere euphemism for the magnitude 10 earthquake that engulfed my soul. In an instant, I became a single mother with two boys under 5 years old trying to navigate my faith, finances, parenting, and healing. I was broken again but also angry. I was angry that God would allow this. I became cynical about all things Gospel and disappointed that after all my efforts to get my life aligned it still fell apart.

environment to improve the standard of living for her family, given the resources in her mind and hand.


In time, God would reveal Himself to me as Love, the One who covers a multitude of sins (1 Peter 4:8). He revealed Himself as the very Present Help in trouble (Psalm 46:1) and the One who teaches me to war (Psalm 144:1) for the well being of my family. God, in His awesome sovereignty, ensured that I was surrounded by a tribe of people who were consistently loving and patient. It is during this season that I learned a deeper truth about the Proverbs 31 woman. It is impossible to be her on my own merit or with my own efforts. My talents may make it easy for me to excel in some areas but I would fail miserably in others. If I ever wished to become the balanced image of womanhood she presents,


my anchor needed to be in God first, so that His instructions and peace can add all the other things to me (Matt 6:33). The daily renewal of His mercy and time spent with Him gives me the wisdom to consider the opportunities presented to me, the skill to manage my time and the nudge to send me in the right direction. When I mess up, I confess and He is consistently faithful and just to renew, cleanse and give perspective on my next move. God is the not-so-secret superpower of the Proverbs 31 heroine. He certainly is mine.

Kavanaugh Dickson-Williams is a Best Selling Author, Speaker and blogger for “Lady Kavan Writes.” Her writing is intended to help others navigate complex emotions in the context of the Bible. She is wife to Carlton, and mother to Matthew and Isaiah. She originally from Jamaica, but now lives in Ontario Canada. Website: www.ladykavanwrites.com Facebook: Kavanaugh Instagram: @ladykavw Youtube : Lady Kavan






Crystal DAYE


BECOMING GOD'S MODEL WOMAN WHO IS CRYSTAL DAYE? A woman after God’s heart who enjoys serving and impacting others. I grew up in the inner city of Kingston Jamaica, eldest of 5 siblings, determined, purpose-driven and motivated to fulfill my God-given calling. As a mother of Christelle, I enjoy writing, dancing, teaching, cooking, traveling and reading. I’m an award-Winning author, international speaker, certified christian empowerment coach for life & business, publisher, podcaster, kingdom entrepreneur and corporate trainer. I’m the Founder of DayeLight Publishers and Christian Coaches Alliance and I’m passionate about helping women of faith discover their calling so they can use their passions to build brands and business God’s way. Overall, I’m truly a Jesus Girl! I love Jesus with my whole heart and I desire to please Him as I walk by faith daily.


“God’s model woman is a student of the Word, obediently walking in God’s will for her life while desiring to be holy and set apart in her pursuit" #diaryofajesusgirl

WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE FOR CRYSTAL AS A WOMAN IN PURSUIT OF BECOMING GOD’S MODEL WOMAN? Honestly, when I saw God’s model woman, my first reaction was “huh, who’s that?” Because, I daily fall short of God’s glory. But I was reminded that David was considered a man after God’s heart (1 Samuel 13:14) despite his constant shortcomings. Therefore, I believe God’s model woman is a woman who is truly surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and daily try to be led by the Holy Spirit. Daily, I am driven by fulfilling God’s purpose on my life and walking by faith (because faith pleases Him – Hebrews.11:6). I believe God’s model woman is a student of the Word, obediently walking in God’s will for her life while desiring to be holy and set apart in her pursuit. And with all my heart, that is my true desire.

WHAT LESSONS DO YOU TAKE FROM THE PROVERBS 31 WOMAN? This question put a smile on my face, because I remember 3 years ago when I turned 30 years old, God led me to Proverbs 31. For the entire year, I reflected on the passage and prayed for her qualities to be seen in my life. The top 4 examples I take: 1) Her husband and her children praise her (vs. 28) – while, I am not married it, I do desire to be a role model to my children and that my husband to be will feel blessed to call me his wife 2) She works diligently (vs. 17) 3) She cares about others and willing to serve (vs. 20) and 4) She fears the Lord (vs. 30), so she desires to please God wholeheartedly. These are important values for me and personally want to be a light in this way.

WHAT ABOUT MISTAKES, HOW HAVE THESE IMPACTED OR INFLUENCED YOUR PURSUIT OVER THE YEARS? Oh Lord… Mistakes have really caused me to be very insecure and question my identity many times. I found out, I like to be a perfectionist and struggled with people-pleasing, so I would lie or even deceive just to “fit” in even as a believer. These characteristics are not godly and I’ve found myself allowing my flesh to drive my life. In these moments, I try to be repentant but honestly, sometimes I am hard on myself.


Crystal with her daughter Christelle

More recently, I’m learning to grace myself more and the Lord revealed to me that my mistakes or imperfections doesn’t define me, but rather His word does. So, the more I spend time in worship and the word, I become grateful for the Jesus’ blood that was shed at the cross that gives me not one or two but daily chances to get right with Him. Honestly, my mistakes have showed me that I need JESUS more than anything else in this world.


AS A MOTHER, ADVISE OTHER SINGLE MOTHERS IN BEING THE BEST MOTHER IN GOD THAT THEY CAN BE. Motherhood, for me has been the hardest yet most fulfilling job in my life. I’ve been a single mother since day one but thank God for my amazing family who have never left me throughout my journey. I also learnt early in my journey that Christelle does not belong to me, she is God’s daughter and He is a father to the fatherless so I learnt to be a steward over her . Like everything else, I partner with God to raise her. Sometimes I don’t get it right but I believe God graces me daily.

In terms of a woman in the Bible, I believe Mary (mother of Jesus) is my best example of how to be the best mother. For me, Mary was obedient and surrendered, she also believed in God’s calling on her son’s life. So, while I want Christelle to have a great education and hopefully have a career that can take care of her and her family; I am more concerned about trying to raise her to know God for herself and fulfill His purpose for her life. My advice to single mothers: accept Jesus as your husband (Isaiah 54:5) and you won’t feel like you’re doing it alone because He’s faithful to walk with you on this motherhood journey.


HOW DOES THE EXAMPLE OF THE PROVERBS 31 WOMAN MOLD YOU INTO BEING GOD'S MODEL BUSINESS WOMAN? I love this question. I’ve always been very focused and driven to accomplish my goals so when I was working a 9-5 job, I knew how to network well and I learnt how to be marketable to attract ideal job opportunities I desired. While, I was always a great business student and desired to open my own business, when God called me into entrepreneurship, I wasn’t ready. On January 20, 2017 when I took the biggest faith step of my life to leave my comfortable public sector to venture into full-time entrepreneurship, I had no choice to depend on God’s leading. When I look at the Proverbs 31 woman, two things stand out, she works eager with her hands (vs. 13) and does not waste time idling (vs. 27); I have learnt as a business woman these two characteristics are important to building a profitable business. So, as I pursue this kingdom entrepreneurial journey, I’ve seen God’s faithfulness as my provider and CEO of my businesses. I’m nowhere near I desire to be, but like the Proverbs 31 woman I’m monetizing my gifts and being diligent with the resources God has blessed me to be a steward with.

Crystal Interacting WIth Clients


Contributing Authors To The Living Of A Royal Reality Teen Edition



I’ll love to share 2 things: 1) If you’re a believer – remember that Jesus is not just your savior, He should be your Lord. Make pursuing His will and purpose your highest priority in life and watch as you wake by faith – He will do exceedingly abundantly more than you can ask, think or imagine. God has a calling on your life to serve others with your gifts also, share the gospel every chance you get. 2) If you’re not saved as yet – I promise you Jesus is nothing like many Christians you know. While, many of us as believers still allow our flesh to lead us and may not represent God as we should… know that choosing Christ is not about perfection. He desires you to have a personal relationship with Him and that’s only available through accepting His gift of salvation. There is nothing you can do to earn His love, all He desires you to accept it and be willing to die to every form of you that doesn’t please Him and watch Him birth a new thing. Who you will become in Him will be the best version for you. Know that I love you and God loves you more!

Known to captivate and connect with people as a relevant, transparent, and transformational speaker, Crystal Daye propels her audience to action by challenging them to never settle for less than God’s best. She is an award-winning author and speaker with over 12 years of public speaking experience from conferences to the classroom, pageants to churches, radio and television. Engaging, educating and empowering the audience with powerful storytelling, group participation, and sharing practical strategies, Crystal sparks positive change, evokes personal transformation, and equips people for success in their spiritual journey, personal lives and in their businesses! Crystal Daye is a dynamic entrepreneur, certified Christian life coach, international speaker, consultant, trainer, award winning #1 Amazon best-selling author and Business strategist. She is COO of DayeLight Publishers Limited and Christian Coaches Alliance. Today she helps aspiring authors birth their books, trains Christian life coaches and equips emerging entrepreneurs to increase their impact and income. Website: www.crystaldaye.com / www.dayelightpublishers.com Facebook: Crystal S. Daye Instagram: @crysraldaye


“The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a life without a purpose.”




a man's perspective



……….. For her price is above rubies (PEARLS) Proverbs 31:10 Every virtuous woman is like a goodly pearl hidden deep within a piece of land, and “men of valor” always go in search of these treasures according to JESUS’ teachings in Matthew 13:45-46. Real men don’t go for beauty alone; although it’s one of the things men look at. The real beauty of a woman is on the inside and is displayed on the outside through her actions, which is also called her character. That’s why goodly, honest, trustworthy men of dignity and valor go for women who are home builders. Therefore, when a man marries a goodly, virtuous (pearl) woman, he has a home; a place of peace and comfort which he can return to. Of course, if the reverse is the case, then it’s very unfortunate because he has no home no matter how magnificent his building may look, because the building Is not the home but the JOY, PEACE, HARMONY, ONENESS, HOSPITALITY and the COMFORT the man or anybody coming under the roof can get. The wife is therefore the home. When we talk about the minister’s wife, we are not limiting our focus only to the wives of those who are part of the five-fold office, which refers to the APOSTLE, PROPHET, EVANGELIST, PASTOR AND TEACHER. Everyone is called to be a minister in his or her line of duty. The truth is, the end time ministers are generals in the marketplace and they are executing their ministries in different ways according to the leading of the HOLY SPIRIT.

With this in mind, could you please sit tight and fasten your seat belt as I take on this short journey and the process of becoming a better minister’s wife? When the words “the modern minister’s wife” are mentioned, what is the first thing that comes into your mind? The MODERN MINISTER’S WIFE is a married woman graced with the gift and responsibility to attend to the needs of the people; to tend to, to take care of, to give aid to and to supply every necessary requirement according to the needs of the people of this present time. This means she studies the times and seasons. She understands the current moves, she is not a novice in relation to the happenings around the world and she is knowledgeable about the trends in almost all spheres of life. This woman is like the golden eagle who is very calculative. She does not just do things the way she pleases but studies the wave and knows exactly when and how to soar into the tides and current of the waves. She is not taken by surprise, or unawares, rather, she knows what to do, how to do, when to do, at the right time, in the place and with the right people. That is, she’s a careful listener and very obedient to the voice and instructions of the inner voice on the inside of her which is the voice of The Holy Spirit. She is wise.

"The modern minister's wife is a married woman graced with the gift and responsibility to attend to the needs of the people." DIVINE PURPOSE MAGAZINE |41

Here is a full list of the characteristics of the the modern minister’s wife according to Proverbs 31: She is Virtuous: Proverbs 31:10. Having or showing a high moral standard. She is like a Pearl: Mathew 13:46, Job 28:18 She is trustworthy: Proverbs 31:11 She is accountable: Proverbs 31:11 She possesses goodness: Proverbs 31:12 She is business-minded: Proverbs 31: 13 She saves: Proverbs 31:14 She is a home planner: Proverbs 31:15 She is an investor: Proverbs 31:16 She is an entrepreneur: Proverbs 31:16 She is supportive: Proverbs 31:17 She observes the market before investing in a business: Proverbs 31:18 She is creative and uses her talent as a means of creating more income and becoming a blessing to others: Proverbs 31:19 She is a giver and is accommodating: Proverbs 31:20 She provides for her home regardless of what the husband has: Proverbs 31:21 She is fashionable, she knows the trend: Proverbs 31: 22 She promotes her man and makes him famous in all aspects of life. The promotion and demotion of every man lies in the hands of their wives, so a modern minister’s wife uses her strength to promote the man with the knowledge that when he goes up she is definitely going with him and when he goes down she will suffer it the most, because the coverage of the woman is the man: Proverbs 31: 23 She owns businesses and companies. A modern minister’s wife regardless of the fleet of businesses her husband may have, she strives to have hers in obedience and submission to the husband: Proverbs 31: 24 She is a woman of integrity: Proverbs 31: 25 She is full of wisdom and kindness: Proverbs 31: 26 Her household is her number one priority,therefore she refuses to be lazy: Proverbs 31: 27 She delights in the praise and glory of her household and she is not bothered about people’s opinions or appraisers: Proverbs 31: 28

She is a role model to all: Proverbs 31: 29 She is God-fearing: Proverbs 31: 30 She is known and has been made famous by the works of her hands: Proverbs 31: 30 The modern minister’s wife is not just confined to the four walls of her room, house or kitchen, NO. She is the home where people find rest and comfort. If she’s the home, then by building it she’s actually building herself and if she tears it down, she’s also doing that to her damage: Proverbs 14: 1. She is the home planner, she takes charge of every situation in secret in her prayer closet on her knees where her strength lies and automatically builds the fame of her home in the open. Finally, the modern minister’s wife is every good thing she can think of, dream of and dare to achieve. Her limitations are only in her imaginations and if she can grow past her negativity, there is no limitation to what she can do or achieve. With discipline and self-worth, she can be all God wants her to be. Dearly beloved, Believe in yourself and increase the power of your positive thinking. “……… for with God all things are possible” Matthew 19:26, Mark 10:27, Luke 1:37. WHO IS SOLOMON OTARUYINA?

Solomon James Otaruyina is a Nigerian prophet. He is the founder of GETA Ministries Worldwide and the aim of this ministry is to build a generation of people who will radically influence the earth via their various endeavors, enforcing righteousness through the undiluted message of the kingdom of God in their society and environments. Facebook: Solomon James / GETA Ministries Worldwide Instagram: @prophetsolomonjames




In 2005 I received a prophetic word from God through Rev. David Grant. He said, “God said He is going to take you through a process and all that can go bad will go bad and there is nothing you will be able to do to fix it. The only way you will survive it, is if you hold on to His hands.” Within two weeks everything began falling apart. My business crashed and I had to sell the three vehicles, take the children out of private school and put them in public school. I could not pay the utility bills, nor buy basic necessities and food. Then finally my marriage ended. This ordeal from the prophetic word to the divorce spanned a season of seven years. When the marriage ended, I told my then wife, that the children (two boys} ages one and seven will remain with me. I was not raised with my father and I refused to not be integral in their training and upbringing. They still live with me today. My faith in God was tested and surely grew during this period. With no food in the house, The Holy Spirit said, “start a bible and prayer session in the living room and invite the community personnel.” I obeyed. Weekly my home had persons being prayed for and being taught the word of God. One day I received a telephone call. Summary of that call is, God told a young lady while in prayer that my refrigerator and cupboards were empty and she needed to take me to the supermarket. She did and my home had groceries. God proved repeatedly to be my source. My faith increased and I prayed for uncommon blessings, anointing and favour. God responded, “serve Me uncommonly.” He then instructed me to clean the bathroom of the church for one year and seven months. I obeyed and met my mentor while cleaning. He then instructed me to attend seminary. I questioned God, “why now when I am broke?” However I obeyed and God paid my four years tuition. At one time I shared with a friend that I would be sitting out the next semester because of financial restraints. She said, “when I met you, you said God sent you to school. Are you saying the God who sent you is not able to pay your fees?”


This challenged me and immediately those thoughts were removed. One day another friend told me that God instructed her to give me money towards my school fees, and she did. With no income coming into the home, it required severe creative adjustments. I did landscaping, balance sheet clerk work and sold clothing for my mother. The toiletries were left for the family and I ensured to use the school or a fast food facility before I got home. The final year at seminary was excruciating. The semester began the same month the separation took effect. Time management was of paramount importance. My mornings were shared between getting the baby prepared and taking him to the nursery, helping the seven year old get ready for school and finally, getting dressed myself for school. Evenings were homework, play time and study. Thank God I had moved back to my mother’s house and she assisted with food preparation and in every other area. I cannot boast that it was easy and that I had it all together. There were days that I pursued sinning with the intention of repenting afterwards but the Holy Spirit intervened and favoured me with blockages. I remember having a weekly headache every Tuesday because of Greek. I credit my seminary completion not upon my intellect but upon divine assistance from The Holy Spirit. Challenging times does not give us a license to do it our own way but provides an excellent platform for virtuous qualities to be developed and demonstrated. Deciding to function outside of the availability of God does us an injustice. Some of the virtuous qualities I developed over time were faith in God, sacrificing for my family, taking care of my children, obeying God’s commands, fearing God and so much more. Once my faith was challenged as I saw something I desired to purchase. I inquired and on hearing the exorbitant cost, I said, “that’s too expensive for me.” The person responded, “that depends on the size of your God”. I close with these words, “what is the size of your God?” In Him is your victory.

Rev. Leostone Morrison is Christian author. A graduate of the Jamaica Theological Seminary. Currently, he serves as a Probation Officer in St. Kitts and Nevis. He is passionate about prayer and about seeing God's people empowered into living their best lives. Facebook: Leostone Morrison Instagram: @restorative_author



“A good speech should be like a woman's skirt; long enough to cover the subject and short enough to create interest.” WINSTON S. CHURCHILL




As a teenager I remember telling God I wanted to live for something that would outlast my life. Then it happened. I had an opportunity to share my testimony in public and when it was time for me to stand on the platform, I got a case of dry mouth, followed by a queasy stomach, and an anxiety that felt like I was being strangled. In the end, I knew I had done such a poor job of representing my Heavenly Father that I should quit trying to speak. But time passed, and my love for Jesus was intense. I wanted the whole world to know that He is the Savior of the world. I loved the Word of God and wanted to share biblical principles with others. I wound up majoring in speech during my university years—and I learned how to prepare and deliver meaningful messages that would challenge my listeners to follow through with action steps. Eventually, I launched a conference that helped other believers to learn how to craft their messages. Then a Christian publisher asked me to write a book called Speak Up with Confidence so others could speed up the process of learning how to communicate in spoken and written words. Now I annually lead the Speak Up Conference, bringing a gifted group of faculty members together to help others craft their spoken and written messages. If you want to learn how to write an article or a book, or how to prepare a message that is well constructed and delivered with confidence, I hope you’ll join me and a faculty of 50+ men and women who will help you learn how to communicate God’s truth with excellence. It’s a virtual event, so you can attend from anywhere in the world. Remember: “We won’t remove your butterflies entirely; we’ll just help them to fly in formation.” A little nervousness is good, because it keeps us depending upon the Holy Spirit for wisdom, direction, and power. I hope you’ll join me on July 8-10 as we train men and women for global evangelism and Bible teaching. You can communicate God’s truth with confidence!


Carol Kent is a bestselling author and international speaker. She’s the founder of the Speak Up Conference, a ministry that helps Christians develop their speaking and writing skills. She founded the nonprofit organization, Speak Up for Hope, which benefits inmates and their families. Carol is the author of over twenty-five books, including When I Lay My Isaac Down and Becoming a Woman of Influence. Her newest titles are He Holds My Hand, a 365 page-perday devotional and Staying Power: Building a Stronger Marriage When Life Sends Its Worst. Website: www.carolkent.org Facebook: Carol Kent Instagram: @carolkentspeaks



Finding Your Unique Voice



SallyAnn Gray is a woman who is under-girded and over-arched by my faith in Jesus Christ. I live my life by two core values; authenticity and integrity. I don’t get it right every day, but I aspire to be in private who I am in public. Prayer is my weapon and the word of God my guiding post. My mantra is this “I remain committed to growth in all areas of my life; when I grow, I grow others!” I was given away by my birth mother at the age of three months on the side of a street in Kingston Jamaica. I was diagnosed with AttentiveDeficit/Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD at15 years old and I was kicked out of high school at the age of 17. I have come to recognize that these are only events in my life and they can define who I am, as such I rely on God in a unique way.

That’s not easy to answer, I like to think of myself as a queen with a sword in her hand, a woman with a praise in her heart and a servant resolute about living out my God ordained assignment so He can get all the praise. I am light and I am salt. I have come to do the fathers will and the fathers will only. Have I faltered? Absolutely! Have I made mistakes along the way? Most definitely! This is why I am so grateful for the nature of my heavenly father, I can seek His face, get up and go again. As for the relationships that matter to me the most, the ones I identify whole-heartedly with, that would be WIFE, MOTHER, DAUGHTER & FRIEND. I am a wife and mom first. My responsibility to my husband and children are my first ministry. In fact, there is no ministry without ensuring that they are good. I enjoy loving on my parents, the parents who took me in and raised me like I was their own and I revel in my role as friend to whoever I am called to.

When I learnt of my adoption at age 11, I was unable to process it for the miracle it was, but God was writing my story. It is only now, as an adult that I see that my journey was not for me. My story is not for me. I learnt to get over myself and my past and recognize it was God allowed so His will could be done in and through my life. So who am I?




The day I got kicked out of high school my mother said this to me, “children who live in this house, either work or go to school, you have lost your spot in school, so you know what to do.” That statement caused me seriously to reflect on my life and that is when a change started to take place. My parents are veteran educators and so I was always surrounded by books. We had a small library at home and that night, I saw a book in my parent’s bookcase entitled “Gifted Hands” by Ben Carson. I read that book that same night. Ben Carson’s story changed my life. He shares in the book how he too was once considered an out of control teenager who struggled with anger problems, but he prayed to God and asked for help. So that night I prayed and asked God to help me. To really guide me and I truly believe He has been doing so ever since. In my first book “The Renewal: Revive Everything Necessary Empower Within,” I can talk about steps I took to renew my mind. I believe there was a season in my life during 2017 where God caused my husband and I to go through a Renewal, a washing and scrubbing of my mind. He had to mold me into the woman He needed me to be before I could help others. Today I am different because my mind is different. I believe it is important to understand that we cannot exceed beyond the limitations in our mind. And that has to be changed by what we allow to get into our eyes and ears. Who and what influences us is very important on this journey. WERE YOU ALWAYS THE CONFIDENT SPEAKER YOU ARE TODAY?

Absolutely NO. LOL! I have grown so much as a speaker. I credit that to humbly dedicating myself to the craft of speaking. I understand that how you start does not need to be how you finish and this goes for everything in my life including my journey to the stage. The word of God tells us that the end of a thing is greater than the beginning, so I trust that principle and commit myself to growth.

I recognized that every time I would deliver a speech, no less that 5 persons would ask me to help them share their story the way I did. That is when I recognized there was a need. I decided I was the one to fill it. That is how my company Global Speakers began. Global Speakers is dedicated to training and developing new and emerging professional speakers while positioning them for the global speaking space. I was trained by Les Brown but I recognized there were few speaker bureaus willing to work with new and emerging speakers. You really start getting paid in the industry when you are established. But who helps a new speaker become established? That is where Global Speakers comes in. The truth is, the best way to learn something is to teach it. My craft as a communicator has improved since becoming a public speaking trainer. Teaching is something I love, it has always come naturally to. Many people do not know that I am a trained special education teacher. I really enjoy helping others and I believe that it is my desire to grow other speakers that has aided my growth as a speaker. HOW DID SALLYANN SPEAKS START AND WHAT IS YOUR MISSION?

SallyAnn Speaks was birthed in May 2017. It was after my “Renewal” journey I mentioned earlier. It was at this point, after writing my first book that I knew God was calling me to share my story with the world. I struggled at first because I wondered if people would like me. I wondered if I would be accepted. I wondered if my story was enough. I launched out in faith. My first speaking engagement where I shared my story/testimony publicly was at Emanuel Baptist Church Women’s Conference which took place in Myrtle beach, South Carolina. I cried the entire speech as I shared. So many women approached me after and the feedback was just overwhelming. Many yolks were broken through the power of my testimony so to God be the glory. I know that my mission is to “Shift Mindsets & Transform Lives”




Definitely I say enroll in Global Speakers Academy. We have face to face courses delivered in Jamaica and we have a selfpaced online course which can be consumed on the go from anywhere in the world. Our website is www.globalspeakers.live. As it relates to a starting point, I would advise the following: 1. Seek mentorship from someone who is doing what you want to do and speaking about what you hope to speak about. Invite them out for lunch. A mentor can significantly shorten your learning curve. 2. Google the top ten speakers in the world, read their story, watch their videos and decide which of them has a story that resonates with you. Understudy them but remain authentic to your mission. 3. Start where you are with what you have, if your dream is to speak, then offer to speak for free. Never despise the days of humble beginnings. 4. Decide who you want to speak to and what you want to speak to them about. Also look at the problem you will solve and create a system to provide solutions to that problem. Establishing this as part of your speaker brand will help you to stand out as a person of value to your unique audience. 5. Once you know who you speak to and what you speak to them about, it’s easy to identify your signature story.


SallyAnn is a trained Special Educator and hails from the prestigious Mico University College. She is also a graduate of the University of the West Indies Mona Campus in Jamaica and Virginia Commonwealth University where she completed her Masters degree in Educational Leadership. SallyAnn is committed to transforming, coaching and training today’s generation to be achievers and leaders as she introduces new audiences every day to methods for Mastering Mindset and tools to becoming Planted in Purpose. Facebook: SallyAnn Gray Website: sallyanngrayspeaks.com / www.globalspeakers.live Instagram: @sallyannspeaks



virtuous women in business



HOW I TAPPED INTO BIBLICAL PRINCIPLES TO GROW MY BUSINESS AND YOU CAN TOO WRITTEN BY CRISHA BOWEN My ministry is my business and my business is my ministry. When I first said it, a few people started to look at me strange, almost as if I had lost my mind. Some asked questions, some agreed and some disagreed, yet this wasn’t a cute saying I decided to make up because I wanted to rhyme. I sat by my bedside and asked the Lord to unlock His secrets to me to grow my online business while impacting more lives in purpose and on purpose. If you were to ask me how I created a border-less, global business? I would definitely have to defer to God’s use of my radical obedience. I become more of an obedient action taker and less of a disobedient hoarder. Instead of waiting on information or access, I started using what I did have and multiplication hit it. It was here, my understanding of multiplication manifesting to things in use amplified. Business has for sometime been looked at a means of making profit, to buy low and sell high or exchange some type of goods or services for money. Business is way more than this myopic definition. It is a vehicle of purpose, a portal through which families are set free, generational wealth is created, legacy is built, impact is made and kingdom work is advanced to the glorification of God. God’s original intent was to place mankind in a position of dominion, that we should be fruitful and multiply, replenishing the earth. This isn’t only relevant to having children, it moves in to every area of our lives, and this dominance He gives us, is to make a great impact, while growing and supporting our lives expanding His Kingdom. Your purpose will benefit you, but your purpose is not for you. It’s about the bigger objective of what God had in mind when he created you and placed you in your mother’s womb. God is such a masterful designer that, he created all of us interdependent, making partnership a necessity to walk in purpose. Partnering with him, understanding our selves and impacting others. Your life’s message now becomes the greatest sermon you will ever speak, and the world your pulpit. As I continued this depth of discovery I circled my way back around to Proverbs 18:16, “A man’s gift makes room for him, And brings him before great men.” NKJV or as the NIV version would state it “A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.” For years I had been hearing it, even saying it and praying it until “room” jumped out at me. Now if you are an avid Bible reader like me or even if curiosity just grips you, “Why did I never notice “room” before, and why NOW.” I believe everything God allows you to hear, read or experience, he knows exactly why the timeline of the hearing, seeing or reading is happening. It simply means, there is something in this that you need to be paying attention to. Room in greek translates to mean space, apartment, chamber, live, dwell, upper room and many of the like. SO where my natural man had relegated room to access, I was now being pushed and pulled into a different thought that my gift doesn’t only give access, it provides and builds a structure on which my life can be supported.

WHO IS CRISHA BOWEN? Crisha Sarah Bowen, is the founder of the Purpose Diaries movement and business owners of CSB, Career Lifestyle. As a Speaker, Author, Career and Life Stylist, Crisha helps entrepreneurs to rapidly increase their income through programs, products and services by creating an 8 streams business structure. Website: www.crishabowen.com Facebook: Purpose Diaries - Purposeful Profitable Entrepreneurs Instagram: @bcrisha



HARMONY & VISION 3 ways to maintain your family life when building your business Written by Dana Hayes-Burke

“How do you build your dream business without destroying your family life?” This was a question posed to me by one of my clients. She always wanted to have her own business. She had tried before but was unsuccessful. She chose to drop the dream. Instead, she gave her focus and attention solely to church ministry, being a housewife and caring for her husband and children. Now, she was at a stage of her life where her children are getting older and their demands are getting less. She was looking to her future and she felt the pull of this entrepreneurial dream. It was God who reminded her that the answer she was praying was the gift in her hands, the craft that she was passionate about, and did so beautifully without any formal training. The thought excited her but also frightened her. These were the questions in her mind: Will my husband support this business dream seeing that nothing materialized of it that last time? Will this disrupt my family life? Do I have what it takes? I am going to share the advice that I gave to this client in the hopes that it will help those of you who are facing similar struggles or concerns: 1. Put first things first - As a wife your first ministry is your family (Disclaimer: This also applies to husbands and fathers). Does this mean that you cannot be in business and be a wife/mother? Most certainly not! To find harmony in your first ministry and your purpose in business means giving everything its appropriate space and time. What are the essential quality activities that are important in your family? These are the activities that maintain your familial relationships, build your family’s values, and encourage a positive family environment. Prioritize your contribution to these areas and schedule time for their completion. Also, identify the essential activities you need to build your business and schedule time for those as well. The key is to understand that time for essential family activities should not be compromised for business activity. The discipline of planning will help you to find harmony in your life while building your business.



2. Support Systems - Fear of failure is usually one of the reasons that you are afraid to launch into business. Perhaps you failed to get started before. Perhaps your last venture failed. Perhaps you have been stuck for so long that you feel frozen and cemented in time. You think “can I do it this time?” When there is a history of false starts, half starts, and no starts, it is understandable that you may be fearful. If God gave you the desire for business, and He has also given you the responsibility of partnering with a spouse or nurturing children, it stands to reason that there is a way to do both well. The reality, however, is that you may not presently have all the information, skills, and expertise to do so on your own. Ecclesiastes 4:9 says “Two is better than one because they have a good return for their labour.” If you are starting a new venture, get the support to help you to be more efficient (get more done in less time) and more effective (have greater growth in a shorter time). With the right support, the chances of mismanaging time and resources and therefore disrupting your family’s harmony are less likely. This is where having good coaching and mentorship in business and life helps you 3. Results Speak - Write out your vision for your business even if you don’t have all of the details and share it with your spouse. When you share it, understand that he may not fully grasp, or see the vision that you are painting. This is the burden of the visionary – you see the vision as vivid as a blockbuster movie – the person with whom you share it only sees the trailer. What helps is showing more and more of the movie. This is done through results. What results can you show especially if your spouse is not supportive (or cautiously supportive)? a. When you maintain your role and responsibility in the family while working on your business – THIS IS A RESULT THAT SPEAKS b. Be consistent in the activities you do to build your business. – THIS IS RESULT THAT SPEAKS c. Create the systems and structure to help you to be more efficient in your business- THIS IS A RESULT THAT SPEAKS d.Learn and grow in the area of your interest- THIS IS A RESULT THAT SPEAKS e. When you get that first payment or client- THIS IS A RESULT THAT SPEAKS The more you speak with your results, the more your spouse sees the blockbuster movie. Ultimately, if you are to build a business and maintain your family’s dynamic- you need wisdom, guidance, and the discipline of planning to increase your chances of success. There will be challenges in the journey but if you keep first things first, you can build your vision and the ideal life design for your family.


Dana is a Vision Strategist and Business Coach who helps small business owners in the Caribbean and USA move from frustration to success in their business. Through her coaching program she provides tools, guidance, and resources to help you to build a profitable business that can pay you. A full-time entrepreneur for over 7 years, Dana is also a wife of 9 years and a mother of two children Amalya and Maximillian. Website: www.danahayesburke.com Facebook: Dana Hayes-Burke The Vision Builder Instagram: @thevisionbuilderco Tel - 868-360-9444






Danice Hinds is an entrepreneur in the field of cosmetology and a business owner in the financial arena, where she teaches individuals how to invest. For the last 5 years she has successfully started and ran Project Hair 2 Soul where she’s a Registered Sisterlocks® Technician and a Natural Hairstylist. Danice’s overall vision is to become a change agent in the world by offering her value and curating substantial projects to impact lives. Instagram: @_danice__ / @projecthair2soul Contact no: 246-254-8651

WHO IS DANICE HINDS? I am a natural hairstylist, an investor and a philanthropist. I am deeply passionate about helping individuals in general, but more importantly, helping women realize and actualize their highest power and potential. I started styling hair full time from the age of 19 and now I specialize in Sisterlocks®. Having realized that I still wasn't 100% fulfilled, I turned to my first love, finance. Wondering how I could become wealthy and also impact the lives of thousands, I started to invest in the foreign exchange market and co- founded the largest female investment movement in the Caribbean; She Trades. Having realized my purpose is to become an "Elijah" according to 1 Kings 19:21, everything I do is to be a representation of what and how a young person can achieve and be led to their promise. In February 2019, I was awarded a Barbados Youth Award for my commitment to youth through my social enterprise, Project Hair 2 Soul Girls Club. It's always weird saying it but my name is on history's page as a Barbados Youth Hero. I have dedicated the award to the Proverbs 31 women who have held me my entire life , have seen this vision though from paper to execution and continues to see the vision. (I'd love to also honor these women publicly as the backbone of Project Hair 2 Soul Girls Club: Vernice Herbert, my mother, Pamela Edwards, Jennifer Hinds, Keba Bowen, Alisa Ellis and Tammisha Small)




I can go on and on about my amazing girls! I remember being in first form (11-12 years old) and seeing girls around me have everything except confidence, sense of self and a space to express themselves but still guided. In 2013 I was sitting in the library of the Cave Hill Campus of University of the West Indies in Barbados, just near completing my Banking & Finance degree, and the vision literally dropped on me like a ton of bricks! "Start a non profit organization, for young girls between the ages of 11-13. No parents will ever have to pay". That's what I wrote. Oh how I wish daily to find that note book. However I had to close the notebook and vision because I didn't have enough finances to execute, or so I thought. Fast forward to Jan 1st 2018, I was absolutely ready to start a new year having just come out of the most trying year of my life 2017. The first words I heard on New Year's Day were "you don't

This question makes me chuckle a bit because I remember I was able to write the 6 week curriculum in 3-5 minutes. I had a super clear vision of what I wanted the girls to be exposed to and hair styling was wrapped up into it. The original curriculum included: hair styling, bullying, behavioural patterns & conflict resolution, money saving etiquette, time management and self esteem improvement. Fast forward to 2020, we had a solid 12-week curriculum including skill sets. Exposure and representation is extremely important to me so the topics my girls are exposed to and who stands before them to present is of utmost importance because what is said and done can leave an imprint on them for the rest of their lives.


have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great." My biggest fear while curating the club was whether it will be In essence, we wait until we have everything in perfect order before we start and that's what delays us every single time. Just start!!!

impactful or if it would just be a social club. One of my amazing coordinators, Keba Bowen said that it would be "both". Social clubs

I remember sitting on my mum's bed, I put pen to paper and wrote

are necessary because this may be the only escape for a girl or it may be the place where "she" gets to see who "she" can possibly

out the full vision, including a 6 week curriculum and even what


the girls were going to eat every Saturday. Thank God I still have this notebook (LOL) and I will frame it.

Over the last two years, we've seen the girls graduate and go to

Now the task was being able to:

secondary school, excel in track & field, march in their parade and excel in other extra curricular activities. Mothers have called in to express their shock at how eager the girls were to get to the club.

1. Get the idea from notes to actually seeing the girls.

Their lives have surely changed. I remember one Saturday two little

2. Pray specifically for alignment with individuals that will make it

girls came to the program crying. I later came to find out that they were upset because they were late. I have even received calls and messages to report on a change in self esteem, confidence and even school reports. One of the girls even got glasses like mine (Chuckles).

their duty to help you manifest your vision. If you can get it done alone, the vision is too small. 3. Act THE SAME TIME, you hear God's voice. Delayed obedience is disobedience and will delay your success. 4. Stop worrying about money, focus on the goal. "Ask and all things will added onto you" On February 10th 2018 the idea became reality and I met ten beautiful, intelligent, charismatic young ladies with the youngest being 8 years old.

I have been able to communicate personally with some of the girls and it always feels like I'm talking to a little sister. I am immensely proud of all my girls; all 70 of them!

IS THE PROJECT OPEN TO TEEN GIRLS AROUND THE The mission of the Girls Club is to facilitate an environment for young girls to listen, express, create and develop themselves via mentors from various backgrounds. Mentorship on everything outside of academics to make a young woman well rounded includes topics such as: Finance, Vision Boarding, Self- Esteem and Etiquette, just to name a few.

WORLD OR ONLY GIRLS IN BARBADOS? With the extent of my capabilities and access, my vision was focused on creating a platform just for girls in Barbados. In March 2020 we commenced Club 5 and then the pandemic hit suddenly in Barbados! But here's how inconvenience birthed a new vision.


I went from a cloud 9 feeling to a situation of my coordinators being back and forth about how we will proceed. We wondered if to cancel the club and after a few days, we decided the club will definitely go on; just virtually! ZOOM became our new home. None of the girls or parents knew how to use it so teaching them how to do so was half of the first session (LOL) and by the end, it was such a fulfilling feeling having seen the girls have fun and access the sessions planned for them. That night, something clicked for me. By the click of a link, ANYONE could have sat in on that session. A question popped into my mind: “what about Project Hair 2 Soul Girls Club International? My mind went wild! I won't divulge too much, but what I will say is an uncomfortable position birthed a masterpiece of an idea. And if we think back on all that this pandemic has brought about, it has forced us to grow on all levels. Registration for the club is super simple, flyers are promoted on social media and because of its popularity, the spots are usually gone before registration opens since spots are prebooked. Once the registration is completed, customized shirts and notebooks are provided and then we meet to conduct the sessions.

HOW HAS THE PROJECT CHANGED YOU OVER THE YEARS? Project Hair 2 Soul Girls Club, has caused me to hurry up and wait. What does that mean? I understood very early in my life that whatever I set out to do will mean I'll have other lives depending on me, so I can't afford to be lazy, complacent, docile or unaware. Why would I even want to be though? At the same time, I have to be patient with me, with my growth & development. For 2020 my mantra has been Supernatural Release. The Super is God, 90% of success. The natural thing is the physical work I have to do and that's the other 10%.

WHAT CAN WE LOOK FORWARD TO FROM THE PROJECT IN 2020 AND BEYOND? They say "plan & make God laugh". Habakkuk 2:2 says, "Write the vision down and make it plain on tablets so that whoever sees it will run!"I'm a visionary, I'm a planner! It's easier to edit a plan than create one in uncertain times. I am so happy and through Project Hair 2 Soul Girls Club's will mentor and impact the lives of 500 young girls across Barbados and the globe. What Impact looks like will vary, thank you Lord for having already done it! The girls will be as purposeful as the Proverbs 31 Woman!





What do you do when winter comes? Twice I heard the Lord say this to me. A major personal crucible accompanied it. Winter #1 “I clearly heard the Lord say, “Winter has come”. Shortly thereafter, a small, itchy spot appeared on my back and stomach. As the weeks passed, the rash spread over my body. I wondered what I had done that would cause God to allow this to happen? I repented constantly begged God constantly to have mercy on me. The Lord showed me this was a spirit of leprosy and I would one day minister to actual lepers, people who look leprous, unworthy, ashamed and rejected. This trial lasted six months…. Winter #2 The following Summer, I heard again, “Winter has come”. This rash came with inflammation, cellulitis, chronic chills and circulation issues. I had thoughts of death, not suicide, but a welcoming that if God sent the angel of death for me, I would gladly go. My quality of life had truly diminished. During one of my lowest moments a dear friend shared a vision of me from the Lord. I was on a bed, covered in white


sheets. As each was pulled away, my skin would get clearer and clearer and when they pulled the final sheet off, my skin was completely healed!! Christmas day, I heard the voice of the Lord say to me, “Your healing has come”. This test lasted 5 months… Winter #3 A small rash appeared on my neck. I remember thinking, “Not again!” This time felt different and I was afraid. A week later my entire body was covered in an itching, burning, oozing rash and I experienced, insomnia, depression, anxiety attacks, burning searing pain, intense itching, fear, chills, shortness of breath, brain fog and the reality that maybe I hadn’t heard God.



I went to the ER again and again! I took multiple rounds of medication, steroids, pills, and shots! People around me were at their wits end and so was I? I shouted at God. I felt sorry for myself. I tried to be brave. I prayed the Word over myself. I kept worship music by the bed. Did this mean that I don't really have the faith I thought I had? I wanted to be strong, but I was SO tired. During this time, we still had three businesses to run and I was still doing Proverbs 31 stuff (as best I could) and still teaching. One morning, I woke up with the feeling that something was different and wrong. My face was so swollen that my eyes were closed shut and my husband had to hold my hand to help me to walk because I could barely see. We headed to the ER again! I prayed, “Father please, let me be met with wisdom and compassion.” I needed answers and I had no money. This was so humbling. Four hours later, in the middle of the night, I was admitted to the ICU Burn Unit of the hospital. The Dermatologist ordered “wet wraps” where a team of nurses takes steroid ointment and smoothed it over my whole body; covered me in wet towels and warm blankets for two hours. The night of the fourth treatment, my husband took a photo of me. When I looked at it, the voice of the Lord spoke to me, reminding me of the vision from my friend so long ago. “In the vision, there were angels attending to you and you were covered in white sheets. As they pulled each sheet away, your skin would get clearer and clearer and when they pulled the final sheet off, your skin was completely healed!” GLORY TO GOD! Only God could have done this and I am SO eternally grateful!!! I shared this in hopes that it helps you, heals you and inspires you!


Dr. Patrice J. Carter resides in North Carolina, USA, and is married to the love of her life, Dalton and mother to three bonus children. She is the President of Breakpoint Coaching Collective where she certifies and trains Christian Life Coaches and is also a Reverend, Motivational Speaker and Published Author. Website: www.drpatricecarter.com Facebook: Breakpoint Coaching Collective Instagram: drpatricecarter Youtube: Dr. Patrice J. Carter LinkedIn: Dr. Patrice Carter



LESSONS FROM COVID_19 Written By Oscar Twikala

The world has been surprised and impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. We have been forced to learn difficult lessons and here are a few that I have learned: 1. GOD IS IN CONTROL - Over the years, man has made so much money. If you just observe the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the United States for 2019, it was around twenty-one trillion dollars. The combined GDP for 2019 for the US, China and the EU was over fifty trillion USD. Looking at the combined 2018 annual revenues of the NFL and the NBA, these two organizations alone made over 23 billion dollars. Along with money, man exerts his power by building increasingly more deadly weapons: nuclear, thermonuclear, chemical, and biological. Men have created weapons that with the push of a button can cause collateral damage. With that much wealth and power, it is easy for us to think we are in control, and that we do not need God. But I said that we are not in control; God is in control. This pandemic demonstrates the power of God. Even if we believe the theory that this virus is man-made, then man has lost power over what he has created, and it is a disaster now. 2. NOTHING ELSE MATTERS BUT GOD - We have invested in so many things, such as building great careers and saving for our financial futures. Now, the pandemic has negatively impacted our economy. Some people have lost their jobs or been laid off because of company closures. Recently, I was talking to my friend who is an aggressive investor and he has lost his investment. This has happened to so many people. We have devoted our lives to our health, families, careers, businesses, and the riches of the world, when really, they are shadows which can vanish at the snap of the fingers. In Matthew 16:26(a), Jesus said, “For what will it profit man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul?” (English Standard Version). 3. WE CAN LOSE EVERYTHING AT THE SNAP OF OUR FINGERS - We have built our kingdoms on earth. Some of us have dedicated our whole lives to good health. Some of us have impressive medical insurance, but that will not stop you from being affected and infected by the novel corona virus. Because of this pandemic, the economies of this world are crashing left and right. Stores are closing, and people are fighting over basic needs. What is happening is so bad. It is like when you are having a dream and you wake up, but you are still dreaming. That is how we feel, as if we are stuck in a dream that has become a nightmare. Will we ever wake up someday and see that everything is over? Let God be in control over everything that matters to you and put God first in your lives. Hold on to him because, in the end, He is all that matters. We must put our hope in God and not in the things of this world. Why should we worry if we know God is in control of our family, our businesses, and our health? Why should we worry about our finances if God is our only treasure? And, why should we live in fear of losing everything in our lives, if we know that we do not have control of these things? So, know this, that God is in control, that nothing else matters but Him, and we can lose everything at the snap of the fingers.


Oscar Twikala graduated from the university of Kinshasa with a degree in international relations. He was born in Lubumbashi, and grew up in Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Oscar moved to the US in 2015. He works as a church planter for IBSA ( Illinois Baptist State Association). Oscar is a pastor in the Gathering of the first born ministry and also works fulltime as an interpreter, classroom trainer, and recruiter for a food distribution company. Oscar leads The Army of Christ ministry in California. As a servant of Christ, he is passionate about people, which is reflected in the way he devotes his time both day and night to loving, serving, encouraging, discipling, and ministering to everyone he meets. Oscar is the author of two books: Finding your Identity and Alone yet not Alone. Facebook: Oscar Twikala Instagram: @oscar_twikala



sweet freedom written by Carol Ensminger

I have a love-hate relationship with food. I love to dip a sweet chocolate and mint Oreo cookie sandwich into a tall glass of milk, savoring every bite. But then, I hate food because it inevitably shows up as extra pounds. Every time I look at the increased number on the scale, I beat myself up. Every. Single. Time. Like most women, I struggle with body image, love unhealthy foods, and have extra pounds hanging around. So years ago, I began my quest for that “miracle” diet. I tried every diet and diet pill that was available and even tried not eating at all. When those desperate measures didn’t get me where I wanted to be, I started to dabble with bulimia for more years than I care to admit. I’m sure you have heard the saying, “Desperate times call for desperate measures.” I am grieved over some of the ridiculous things I have done to be skinny. Although I lost many pounds over the years, they always came back, usually bringing unwanted friends along with them. I blamed everyone and everything—except myself—for my issues with food. I accused the busyness of an active young family, an abusive relationship, or the loss of a loved one. When the slightest life disappointment was thrown my way, the Oreos and milk would be right by my side to comfort me. During those years, I was on a roller-coaster of unhealthy eating patterns—emotional ups and downs, weight losses and gains. And like most of us, I got way too comfortable with this cycle of failure in my life and didn’t want to spend the time and effort changing it. It felt hopeless. As I lay my head down at the end of the day, I’d tell myself there's always tomorrow.



I would often pray for God to remove the cravings and the pounds, yet I didn’t wake up skinny with intense cravings for fruit, vegetables, and all the foods containing nutrients my body so desperately needed. I wish I were being melodramatic and exaggerating here, but I’m not. Paul knew what it felt like to have struggles that wouldn’t go away. In 2 Corinthians 12, we read that Paul desperately begged and pleaded to have the thorn in his side removed (vs. 8). But God didn’t reach down and instantly pluck out

I discovered that I didn’t need to go on a diet; I needed to go on a journey—a

Paul’s thorn. Instead, He gave Paul a promise: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made

spiritual one. A

perfect in weakness.” (vs. 9) God does not intend us to be weak, but when we are weak, we are

journey that offers

made strong through Him.

freedom, not I tried fat-free, sugar-free, gluten-free, dairy-free, and, sadly, calorie-free. Nothing worked. Then one day I figured out what I was doing wrong—I was also eating Christ-free. I learned that my problem was more than carrying around a few extra pounds. I had a spiritual problem, and until I remedied that, committing to any health plan would be useless. I discovered

deprivation. A journey full of grace instead of condemnation."

that I didn’t need to go on a diet; I needed to go on a journey—a spiritual one. A journey that offers freedom, not deprivation. A journey full of grace instead of condemnation.

No matter how many foolish things I’ve done, or

how many times I have failed, He loves me. The

Here’s what I know about desperate situations:

same goes for you. He will still use us in ways that

they can take us away from God or they can lead

we cannot even begin to imagine. Honestly, I

us to have greater dependence on Him. He knows

believe He will, and I believe, if you look around,

our shortcomings and empathizes with our

you’ll recognize that He is already at work in your

weakness, but we also have to realize that our


weaknesses make room for His power. Knowing this truth is the key to liberty and freedom from our

I’m not a dietician or a Bible scholar, and I don’t

bondage, strongholds, and addictions. (John 8:32)

have it all figured out. I am absolutely a work in

progress in many areas. This is one of them. I still

I don’t know what you struggle with today, but I

eat things I shouldn’t, but now I do so without

want you to remember God gives us the same

letting the voice of condemnation speak louder

promise today as He gave Paul—He will make us

than the voice of freedom. Nothing can keep

strong when we are weak. Time and time again, I

God’s power from me, and nothing can separate

have seen God can’t resist those who humbly and

me from His love. Nothing. Not even a bag of

honestly admit how desperately they need







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If you are seeking to increase your warfare and destroy the enemies of your soul, then this book is for you. These 200 war prayers have been designed to help you conquer the devil and bring victory in every area of your life. Inspired by Psalms 125, as you pray, demonic strongholds will be destroyed. The plan of the devil is to launch attacks against us in order to destroy our destiny and to prevent the perfect will of God in our lives. Now is the time to launch a greater attack on him through prayer.In the Psalms we will find that David sought God for deliverance from His enemies. There are so many enemies in our lives and through these prayers you will be declaring, decreeing and pulling down the plans of your enemies over your life.Expect freedom as you pray! Available on Amazon & Kindle



ExtraMarital Affair: A Dangerous Game Many people Play provides information on real-life experiences among married persons, including those having affairs, leaders preying on children, adults having steamy sexual affairs in the church, and those using witchcraft to find or rob persons of their spouses. This book also gives thorough insights on the counselor, the counseling process, and legal issues to be considered when practicing extramarital affairs. This book is entertaining and informative while dealing with a very important issue that should never be taken lightly. The book encompasses some dramatic scenes narrated in story-telling format of actual events among married persons carrying out this practice. Another section compiles data from the Internet that is presented to reveal crucial issues especially in relation to sexual abuse of children. The author also shares information garnered over years of activities that happened within circles he has been in. The stories are supported with discussions, looking at the cultural issues, theological reflection and counseling implications of an extramarital affair. Based on the clear and informative approach used throughout the book, readers will find themselves being able to relate to the various sections of the book quite easily. This book is great for persons within the church who are ready to WIN in their marriage and family life. In addition, whether you are married, aspiring to marry, a counseling student or a person preparing for ministry...this book is a must-have given the pertinent information it contains. Available on Amazon & Kindle


AUTHOR FEATURE And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind… – Romans 12:2a Are you a prisoner of your own mind? The greatest war being waged is not external; it is the war for your mind. To bask in the wealth afforded in this lifetime you need to be perpetually renewing your mind. In Mind Renewal, Pastor and Guidance Counsellor, Rev. Leostone Morrison provides the biblical keys to renew your mind, so that you can become a better person. If you like Norman Vincent Peale’s books, you will like Mind Renewal. In this book, you will discover: 1. The power of the Word of God to unshackle the mind. 2. Divine keys to overcome negative thinking and unleash the greatness inside you. 3. Practical solutions and powerful stories to move you from the realm of the ordinary to the extraordinary. The secret to become a better you is Mind Renewal. Grab a copy, use the keys and become a better you.

“A simple yet transformational material that is no doubt a life-changer for everyone who reads it. Mind Renewal gives great insights into becoming a better you by understanding your purpose and having the right mindset.” - - Rev. Ramon DouglasNew Life Fellowship Center Church of God Does it still feel like you are a prisoner of your own mind despite your best efforts? In this devotional follow-up to the book, Mind Renewal: Biblical Secrets to a Better You, you will be provided with the key to maintain your mental freedom. This key is ongoing Mind Renewal. You don’t have to be a prisoner of your own mind. This 30-day devotional is part one of a three-part series to maintain your mental freedom and protect you from the onslaught of negative thinking and self-limiting beliefs.Grab a copy of the Mind Renewal Transformational Devotional and get the keys to maintain your mental freedom and fulfil your potential.

"The most beautiful benefit in being a prisoner is the expectation of freedom. Devotional Volume 1, taught us how to use the things that were seemingly meant as a setback to grant us powerful freedom tools in unlocking mental bars that sentenced us to a life of conformity. Volume 2 will help you to become the best version of you in spite of the traps, negatives of the past, criticism and even injustice.”—Min. Stacy-Ann GarveyAuthor, Founder of Prison Break Movement Does it still feel like you are a prisoner of your mind despite your best efforts?In this devotional follow-up to the book Mind Renewal: Biblical Secrets to a Better You, you will be provided the keys to unlock the wealth of your mind as you continue to transform your mind with the Word of God, be conscious that mind renewal is not an event but a journey. This 30-day devotional is part two of a three-part series to maintain your mental freedom and protect you from the onslaught of negative thinking and self-limiting beliefs. Get your copy of the Mind Renewal Transformation Devotional series and discover the keys to become a better you.

All book are available on Amazon & Kindle


purpose DIVINE




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