Catálogo de Artesanía Dominicana

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José De Ferrari

Adviser of Crafts Projects of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce


Y para los propietarios de tiendas (gift shops), inter-

Being able to locate and photograph artisanry for the

cast iron), jewelry, costume jewelry, musical instruments, re-

nuestros artesanos de asociarse, aun con las adversidades

mediarios y distribuidores, este catálogo deberá ser suma-

edition of this catalog has been a hard task calling for a

cycled and others as fashion accessories and home deco-

económicas que nos ha traído la persistente crisis mundial.

mente útil para actualizar su base de suplidores que les

great deal of persistence.

ration made of coconut shell, bone and horn.

Sin embargo, algunas de estas asociaciones con pre-

facilite ampliar sus líneas de productos que es su continuo

tensiones de federaciones, solo se han quedado en el ejer-

interés para diferenciarse de su competencia.

This is because the artisans do not usually have in-

The products presented enable us to observe a good

ventories on hand since they accumulate production only

overview of the Dominican artisan universe which is difficult

cicio de agruparse y no ven el potencial de organizar su

Espero también que esta publicación sea una he-

when they have orders and participate in fairs and exhibits.

to appreciate in the market due to the immense amounts

membresía acorde a sus oficios y de compartir sus datos

rramienta educativa, y que se de a conocer en nuestras

To compensate for this limiting factor, it was extreme-

of imported artisanry which, in many cases, are labeled and

en proyectos como esta publicación.

escuelas, principalmente aquellas en los entornos de los

ly useful to have photographed samples in the recent

Esta apatía de no participar a los llamados institucio-

destinos turísticos, para que los estudiantes sientan orgu-

Christmas Fair (December 2011) organized by the Ministry

This phenomenon directly affects our artisans by their

nales de asistencia que muestran algunos artesanos, es

llo de que aquí se hacen productos atractivos que reflejan

of Culture and the Office of the First Lady and for the facili-

being unable to compete in price and variety with the for-

posible que se deba al propio desconocimiento que tienen

elementos de nuestra cultura.

ties offered by several stores, especially in Santo Domingo

eign products, many of them produced in factories.

and Las Terrenas, Samaná which allowed us to photograph

The disappointing sales also detract from the attrac-

de las organizaciones involucradas en el sector, y que ya

Porque aun se haya perdido lo primordial de su fun-

muchos no creen en las promesas de ayudas porque en

ción utilitaria, concluyo interpretando un acertado plan-

muchos casos no han sido cumplidas.

teamiento de la UNESCO, que dice; “La artesanía forma

However, the trips to the provinces were of great value

tourist-customers feel cheated when they visit gift shops

Romper con esta inercia y desconfianza será una ta-

parte de un nexo vital entre pasado y presente, tradición y

because of the new contacts made, in addition to getting

and ask to buy Dominican artisanry and the salesperson

rea difícil y compleja, pero debe ser emprendida con otros

modernidad, que de no integrarse a la creación contempo-

to better know the conditions of the workshops and new

has to lie and show them foreign products whose themes

enfoques que no se basen solo en el requerimiento a los

ránea al más alto nivel, las sociedades de países emergen-

production processes. During these trips, we were assisted

and materials are similar to ours.

artesanos de agruparse y formar asociaciones; también se

tes como la República Dominicana, estarán más expuestas

by master artisans and promoters who allowed us to share

Although this situation has been taken into account in

requiere facilitar más espacios de comercialización (ferias

a depender de patrones estéticos ajenos a sus orígenes

in with the new elements of the sector, meet other creators

the law on protection and promotion of Dominican artisan-

regionales), organizar el sector por oficios tomando en

y realidades, creando posibles distorsiones en los rasgos

and to be able to re-encounter our friends of yesteryear.

ry (currently before the Congress) the governmental au-

cuenta sus capacidades para generar ventas y empleos, y

que conforman su identidad.”

products and obtain data on the artisans.

tion of purchases from the target country because the

These visits also take on significance with an eye to-

thorities, specifically the Ministries of Tourism and Culture,

en poder capacitar para desarrollar nuevas líneas de pro-

wards locating and integrating our artisans on the artisanal

need to start disclosing the logistics and methodology to

ductos con diseños y motivos sustentados en la cultura y

and eco-tourist routes offered by tourism promoters.

establish a certification of quality and brand of origin, which

que respondan a las tendencias del mercado.

The trips to the provinces were made according to the six production zones used previously in diagnostics and studies included in the index. To carry out a sampling of the artisanry trade, the classification was made on the basis of the principal tasks, products and raw materials that predominate in the country;

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sold as national products.

Artesanía Dominicana | Dominican Crafts

offers the tourist confirmation that they are acquiring national products. “Quality” bears repetition; not only those of national origin merit being certified. And what would these artisanry products be, since there could be many of those presented in this catalog?

Pottery and ceramics, natural fibers, carvings of wood,

This publication is also an important reference for the

stone and gourds, papier maché, furniture making, har-

artisans themselves because they will be able to appre-

ness-making, cured skins, metallurgy (smithed, forged and

ciate the work of their colleagues which could facilitate

Artesanía Dominicana | Dominican Crafts |


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