St. Viator College Newspaper, 1934-09-29

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SATURDAY, S EPTEl\'ffiER 29, 19%4




FATHER KELLY RESIGNS POST This summer the Rev. E. M. K e lly, C. S . V .. was co mpelled by ill- health


to r esign his posi tion as Director of

John Hargrove Appointed Student Manager ; New P oint System Athletics at St. Viator , to the s in- Twelve Lettermen Re turn To Gridiron; Is Adopted ~ t St. Viator ce r e regre t of all who knew him. _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ R_e_c_r_u_i_ts_ .;romising With the r enewal of the scholastic year the attention of th e student:::5 turn.s n a turally to spo r ts. Therefore , tc provide a m ea.ns for all to parti cipate , a system of Intra-mural ac tivities is being inaugurated by the Rev. F. J. Harbauer, C . S. V., Directo r of Athletics. J oh n Hargrove bas been appointed Student Manager, and w ill handle as hi s fi rs t activity a Bowling Tournament whi ch wi ll be followed in turn by a Pool Tournament and a Ping-Pong Tournament. In yea rs gone by, Fathe r Thomas Hariss, a devoted alumnus of the College, was a pioneer in th e deve loping of Intra-mural a ctivities. Howeve r, with the abandonment of th e Hi gh School d epartment and the consequ en t drop in boarding students, th e Int ra -mura l program was allowed to laps e, while more emphasis was placed upon varsity co mpetiton. Last year saw a r evival, and with the new r eco r d enrollment of this year, Intra-mural activities bid well to encou rage even more the high s pirit that, in previous ye ars, was so pre valent on th e Viator campu s.


sport Short s--

Plans were begun Saturday night Kenn e th Wiser. Byron Burke and G eorge M cWeen ey fo r the fo r mation of a College Dance Orchestra. These four men, who hope to surround themselves with app roximately eight other players, b · express as t e tr purpose, the d esire to s timulate their interest in popuJar music and to put to practical use their knowledge of instr umental entertainment. The orches tra is to known as "The Viatorians", and, after secu rin g the c urre nt orchestrations. shall be ope n for engagements both on and off of the campus. All four of th e originators of the o rgan izati on have bad previo us experience in dance band playing, and a r e, th erefo re, we ll qualified fo r the undertaking. Mr. McWeeney is a musi ca l compose r of some note. The College w ill certainly \Velcome the enterprise, as th e · Jack of a sc hoo l or ches tra has been severely

Th e first I-M. undertaking at SL Viator promises to be an ove rwh e lming s uccess if we can judge from lh e heavy vote cas t in the election of bowling c~ptai ns. A gain ''Flip" Fleming's ability as a bowle r has placed him at the he lm of a t ean1.

by John Har g rove,

Th e UnJversi ty of Illinois has de- fe lt in the past. Many coll eges a lready have similar o r ganization, fi ned the program of Intra-mural athl etics as a modified syste m of and have found the arrangement very Phys ical Edu cati on, and if p lans convenient and sa tisfac tory. "The mate ralize, it will not be long before Vi ato rians" will deserve a ll of th e th e College authorities shal l inaug - co-ope ration th e c lasses and c lubs of th e campus can give th e m. urate a course in Physical Educalio n . The Intra -mural activi ti es a re a mean s towards an e nd. They 1 tend towards, not o nly th e develop-ment of the mind and body, but also towa rds fos t e ring a s pirit of fe l(Continued From Page One)


lowship among the s tude nt body. Only a few c hanges wi ll be made in the point sys t em that governs th e awa rding of the Intra-mur&.l C h a mpions hip Trophy. The s tudent who receives th e highes t number of points during the schol astic year,

F th

K h ld b ' t · a er elly has e ts pos tn the fie ld of spor t s so long and so effec tive ly th at hi s leaving must be fe lt m os t ke enl y by the stude nts. H e is loved and r es pec t ed by all who hav e se rved under him, and it has become prove rbial that when the odds seem against th e Green Wave, Father K ell y never loses faith in h is boys. While there is no doubt that th e Rev. F. J. H arbauer will f ill th e position capably, yet Fathe r K e lly will certainly be missed, and it is to be hoped th a t he will not give ur:- his interest in and s upport of Viator ath letics.

George Fl effilllg . T0 Manage Athletics


Basil Nicho lso n, a n ative of Eng land. whil e attendin g sc hoo l at Hopkins A cad emy (a :Yale Prep ) in Conn., was Intra- mura l scholastic 100 ya r d backstroke c hampion. It lool<s as th ou gh the aqu atic material will be


1Yior e swim ming news _ The s tuts . be 1 d en Wlll g a to know that t he poo l wi ll be opened shortl y and will remain in use throughout th e winter. Th e heating plant has been repaired, so co mfortable s wimming i:J assured .


be in

a ttendan ce at

th e


College. During his academy days, "Gawg" was a member of the footba ll and basketbal l squads. Since attending the co ll ege h e has been a c tiv e in all ca mpus affairs. H e was Preside nt ea rly in the second of his class las t year and a candi-

Irish Schedule-Eight Games Viato r

afo re-m e n- Sept. 28

Southern Illinois State Teachers College, at Ca r bondale. Ill.

7 . Q, ng to the fast that ""In- Oc t. 19 Valparaiso Unlve rsity (H omec omlng). tra -mural me ans ' "Within th e walls" , at Kankak ee. Ill. th e co mmittee ha.s decided that m e mbers o r varsity teams. sin ce th e y Oc t. 27 Millikin University, at Decatu r . Ill.

N o v. 3

Michig an State Normal. at Yps ilanti. Mich.

Nov. 10

West ern State T ea c he rs Coll ege. ( Mlc b.) at Kankak ee. Ill.

N o v.


No v N ov 25

Elmhurst College. at Elmh u rst. Ill. J o hn Carro ll Univ e rsity. at Cle veland, Oh io S t. Mary's College at Chica go. Ill.



Ray "F'ido" Murphy. a well known Ea3t ern football mentor h~ charge of the "F'ighting Irish"" this year. D ~ spite the fa c t that Viato r lost many excellent players such as K en W estray and R ed H arding, the s upply of fresh material has led Coach 1\1urphy to forecas t a brilliant and successful season. Twelve le tte rm en from las t season are< for actio n . Emme rson D ex t er, who has distinguished himself and his schoo l hy sec uring th e be rth of center on the All-Conference Team, wi ll lead th e ''Gree n Wave" this year. The o th er ve t e r an s who have re turn ed are: Corcoran, Roche, Saia, Marik, K e lly. Noonan, Newberg, Kraukli s, \oVi se r , B e tourne and O'Leary. Com pe tition for positions has been very k ee n. Robe rt Schumac her of Urbana has already won for himself a g uards position. Roche and :M a rik a re now ba ttling fo r th e othe r g uard position. At ends this y ear Coach Murph y will have a pair of new men whom

th e best. Dolph Guy from Calhed r al Hi g h Schoo l, Springf ie ld, has sec ured the othe r end position. K e n Co r co ran, c hose n by many expe rts for All-Confer ence honors as a

quaterback las t y ear, has been conver t ed in to an e nd by Conch Murphy, and is corn ing along in " le aps le ti cs. Fleming, a senlo r, hails sufficie ntly strong this year to war- E! nd bo unds " , according t o the new from Chicago, Ill., and is th e las t of rant sending a t eam to th e Littl e coach. th e o ld St. Viator Acadm ey g rad- Nineteen mee t. Tackle positions are ve ry d u bious .

5. H igh po int man in the sw imming or tra c k mcets- 10 points.

engage In Inte r-collegiate co mpe titio n and aJso since th ey recel ve mo nogrtulls, s hall not he awarded points In the lnt.rn- mural contes ts. It has al so heen ded ded that captalns of Intra-mural t ea.m..s s.halt rece ive no t" xtr points. s in ce th e capta1nc y in I L~t., l ! Is ho no rary anll Uoes no t n ~Ct"s.sarily indic te out.s tandlng a thlt:> t c bt hly

News from the swi mming front-

George Fleming , one of St. V iato r's outstanding campu s lead ers has b . t d St d t '"' age of een appom e u en man r Athletics by th e Rev. Father Harbauer, C. S. V. , Direc t o r of Ath-

pro wess the titl e of "Champion of Jo e Saia, who display ed such date for College club Pres id ent, losIntra- mural Sports". Don Betourne pro mi se last year and who has been ing by a slight margin o f three votes For the pas t three years, of Kankak ee, Til. , Is las t year' s title in th e co llege infirmary for the last r."lemt:ng has heen Bowlt"n g S "t ngles ho ld e r . week, saw abou t thirty minutes of [' . . C h a mpion, and las t year h e was sys t e m action. 'Following is th e point of the winning Bowling T ou rThe s tarting line up was: wh ich h as bee n a rranged by Thomas nament team. H e bas, lik ewise, Ke ll y, President of the College Club, L . E. Guy I had many major part s in the DraJ ohn Bl mmcrl e, Pres id ent of the L. T . L ux malic and Glee Club performances. Senior Class: J o hn Hargrove, S tuRoche L. G. dent Manager of Intra-mural Sports; Dexter This is th e fifty-seco nd anniv erGeorge Fle min g, Student Manager ot' c. Schumach er sary of the VIATORI AN. It was Athl e ti cs; and William Schumacher , R. G . firs t printed in the form of a Spo r ts E:dltor of the VIA TORIAN.: R. T. Kra uklis manual , and it was not until abo ut 1. Winners of the bowling, hand - R. E. Tures fifteen ye ars ago that th e prese nt Palladino ne w s pape r style was adopted. The ball, pool. ping-po ng and t ennis Q . B. tournament 10 points. Gibbons VIATORIAN is th e oldest Catholic L . H. Shea co llege pape r in the middl e west, and 2. Runner -up of th e afo re-men- R . H . on e of the oldes t co llege paper s of tton ed t.ournaments-5 po ints. F. B. ····- ·-···· Masterson Hny Llt:!nomlnation in thi s vi c iniey. 3 . Members ot winning lntra-mura.l league teams ·10 points.

6. Runne r- up ln the tlon ed m eets 5 polnts.


John Hargrove wishes to an nounc:.:: that facilities for handball &re availabl e, and anyone who wishes to pla y he has co nve rted from tackles. Ray Tures, captain of the Champio n A cacan sec ure equipm en t by seeing him. d e my e leven last year, is considered

gan with such crowning success. and twi ce carri ed the pigskin ove r th e Viator goal lin e, most of the playing was. done between the T eache r s' thirty and forty-ya rd lines. Both tc u chdowns were made befor e rain

:~~e b:a~::n t~ro~r;~hyhisan~th~:~~ :~!~e

4. M embers of runne r-up t eams:; po in ts.

George has bee n s ingle's champ at the College for the past three years. The men se lected fo r the cap t ai ncies ar e: K en Corcoran, E. D ex t e r . G. Fle ming, J. :M arik, J. Quinn, Tom Kelly, Ken Wise r , Tom Gibbons , Joe Saia, Ed O'Brien , J . Bimmerle , G eo r ge Roge r s . Ray Roche, C l arenc ~ Noonan, F. Shea, Jim O'Mera, "Slew'' Stockbar, Francis Krauklis. In case additional m en s ign up and teams ar~ added to the league, the captains will be selected f r om these men, J . . Harg rove, R. S chumac her and C.:. Newberg.

W ith

Wio na, .Minn.)


Kra uk lis and Ke ll y, veterans of last year are possibly the onl y ones that Coach · Murph y can de pend upon . The ce nter of th e line Will be hand led by Captain D e xte r, who Is hi g hly rated, not only by Coac h M urphy, but al so by all th e coaches of the Little N ine t ee n Confe r en ce. Dexte r

With the e nrollment of anoth e r C. has that temperme nt and s pi r it Y. 0. boxmg produc t, inter es t has whi ch all real foot ball men possess. once more bee n ins ti ll ed in th e pugil- Und e r hi s c apabl e le aders h ip th e re is no doubt but that th e "Gree n istic fans at St. Viator. J oe Sprafka, a we lterweigh t who starr ed at Carl Wav e " wi ll enjoy a s u ccessful scaSc hurz H igh in Chicago and who so n. r eac hed th e se mi -fina ls in the C. Y. Und er s tudy fo r Ca ptain Dexte r is 0. Tournament, is on e of th e mos t Basil Nic ho lso n, w ho hail s f rom promis ing c andidates on th e s quad. M e rry Eng land- London to be s peciH e and Jo e Kalko w s ki, al so of C. fi e. H e is c lose ly follow ed by J ohn Y. 0 . fame, wi ll form th e nu c leo us H a r g rove, a na ti ve so n from Le of th e t eam. Of th e s tud ents whc land, Mississippi. h ave s ignified thei r inte ntion o f inWith an o u tstand in g, we ig hty lin e dul gi ng in th e "sport of the g loves'' in fro nt of the m, the "G ree n Wave" ar John Stevens, 185 pounds, Clarbac kfi e ld wi ll hav e plenty or oppo rence Noorton , 150, Dolph, 190 ; Jo e tunity t o s wamp its oppo ne nts. This Stanford, 14 5; Thomas K erns, 245. y ea r' s edi ti o n will contain o nJy o ne a nd Ted Cush, 195. ve t e ran among th e s tartin g bac ks. Stuart Bake r , former All-Conferen ce end and sta r center on th • baske tball team fo r a number of yea r s, dropped in for a visit a few days ago K en W es tray, one of th e greatest of all VIato r ath letes, has s igned h is 1934 co ntr acl with th e Chi cago Bears , champion of t h e National Professional Football circuit Bi ll Gibbo ns, ev-V Ialor grid s ta r , has sign ed with the Central Illinois All-Stars It has a lso been repo rted that th e r easo n John Chinn. promis ing half- bac k. fa iled to return to schoo l was lhat he ha2 s igned to play pro-foo tball with th e Ce ntral llllnoi.s All- S tars. Call upon a business man in business ho urs. S tate yo ur bus in ess In business way ; wh e n done w ith bus In C-'S matters , go a bo ut yo ur bus iness and leave t h e busi ness man to a ttend to his business.


J oe Saia. ano th e r M l ~~ i ~~ lppl "·Mu d cap, who was regul ar f ullback, h as been conve rted Into a ha lfback by Coac h Murphy and wl ll a ttemp t to f ill Ken Wes tray's c lea ts . J a m es M aste rson, a hard plu nge r n.nd good bloc ker, hailing from Champion Academ . will re pl a ce Saia at fu llback . Left halfbac k pos ition wi ll be occ upi ed by Ahi e Hohins l<y, a fin e broke n-fi eld runn e r and a ccu rate PMse r from WeMt. H aven, Con n., AJ P a ll a dino of New H ave n, Co nn., will call th e s ignals from quarte rbac k, an d Is r a ted (by Murphy) to be At ble Boo th 's s uccesso r . And so, to comple t e thi s s urvey of th e 1934 ed itio n o f th e " Gree n Wa ve' '. Co ac h Murphy a.'ise rL<J that hi s res erv e!-:! a re nea rly as eq u a l In a bility as th ~ pro bable vars ity, pa rti c ul a rl y his bac k fie ld m a t e ri a l. Murphy pro· c laims th a t none or hi s m en are ce r tai n of lhei r posiUons, to r all aro being pushed ha rd by the r ese rvt:3.

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