Viatorian Community
Spring 2012
Volume 17, No. 2
Viatorian Priest Ordained Auxiliary Bishop in Belize
Fr. Christopher Glancy, CSV, recently experienced one of life’s many surprises: Pope Benedict XVI appointed him as the auxiliary bishop of Belize. He had just completed 12 years of ministry in Corozal Town, Belize, where he led a parish of more than 5,000 families that included the main church in Corozal Town, 23 village chapels spread throughout the countryside, 19 grade schools and one high school. “The great richness of the church is the laity,” Fr. Glancy said. “They don’t have Mass every Sunday, but they gather every Sunday. They have great music that draws in the people. Belizeans love to sing. You don’t have a Mass without singing. That would be foreign to them.” 2
Fr. Glancy took a liking to the small country (population 315,000) where even though there is a dearth of priestly vocations, there is a wealth of lay leadership and vitality. Affirming the Belizean faith commitment and love of lively liturgies, he implemented the Viatorian charism of close collaboration with the laity and the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart and Our Lady of Guadalupe. The result is a thriving parish whose parishioners now see their former pastor as their new bishop. Last year, he returned to the United States to become associate pastor of St. Viator Parish in Chicago and was rapidly acclimating himself to his new ministry. “I was getting settled in at St. Viator Parish and really Continued on Page 5...
Going to Work and School: the Cristo Rey Connection Currently, 24 schools make up the network, including St. Martin de Porres High School in North suburban Waukegan. As a Cristo Rey member, its students take a full load of college preparatory courses, while participating one day a week in a work-study program to fund the majority of their tuition. Nearly eight years ago, Viatorians were among five religious communities to sponsor the opening of St. Martin de Porres High School. Since the school’s inception, Viatorians have served in administration, on its board of trustees, as teachers and tutors, and in campus ministry. They include Fr. Charles Bolser, CSV, who led the school as president, Br. Carlos Ernesto Florez, CSV, who coordinated enrollment and Br. Michael Gosch, CSV, who currently serves as a social worker and helps with retreats and the promotion of justice issues.
Students get ready to start their work day. (Photo courtesy of Jim Dippold)
The Cristo Rey Network of schools received a major donation in April when the Walton Family Foundation made a $1.6 million investment with the goal of helping the network double its member schools across the country.
The school’s work-study program was the focal point at a continental breakfast hosted last winter by officials with Grainger, a Fortune 500 industrial supply company located in North suburban Lake Forest.
They were just the latest investors to step up. Cristo Rey partners with companies and religious organizations — including the Viatorians — to ensure thousands of students have access to a promising future.
Two students from St.Martin de Porres headlined the event and spoke to the business leaders. Ofelia Gonzalez and Carlos Parada both work at Grainger as part of the school’s work-study program.
Viatorian Parishes Move to the Forefront of Solar Energy “It’s an innovative process in which we’re able to monetize federal tax benefits for nonprofits,” says Rob Nielsen, program coordinator with Bombard Renewable Energy, a Nevada-based contractor and subsidiary of Nevada Solar Solutions. The private electric company proposed financing construction of the solar electric system, and in return they will reap the benefits of its depreciation and federal tax credits. The parish school then received the solar panels, which produce clean, sustainable energy. When the depreciation timeline for the renewable energy system runs its course — in approximately six years — Nevada Solar Solutions will turn over ownership of the solar panels back to the parish.
St. Viator School sports its new solar panels.
St. Viator Parish in Las Vegas already has an environmental services commission, but now its parishioners are counted among statewide leaders in conservation and renewable energy. The parish and its school were among the first in the state’s private sector to take advantage of incentives from NV Energy’s Renewable Generations program for constructing solar panels on its school campus.
Br. Michael Rice, CSV, plant manager at St. Viator Parish, described the proposal as a “win-win” for the church community. Consequently, they took the plunge last summer, when their interactive photovoltaic (PV) solar electric systems were installed on the roofs of St. Viator’s junior high and elementary school buildings.
Their entry into the next generation “green energy” technologies resulted from a partnership with Nevada Solar Solutions and its unique, third-party ownership model.
“Part of the project included installing new roofs on the school buildings, which was huge,” Br. Rice says. “The roofs were old and subject to leaking. So the school got an added benefit, and the energy 2
Each student is part of a job-sharing team of four that shares a full-time entry-level position. Students develop practical job skills and experience in a variety of industries, including law, health care, banking, finance, engineering, architecture, education and nonprofit services. Students like Ofelia and Carlos work five, eight hour days per month, without missing any scheduled classes. “I look forward to coming to work every Tuesday,” Carlos said of his role in the cash accounting department. “I look forward to learning new things.” Ofelia, too, learns new skills being immersed in the risk management department, which identifies and analyzes loss exposures. She does everything from clerical work to preparing Excel spreadsheets.
Students work five, eight hour days per month, without missing any scheduled classes. (Photo courtesy of Jim Dippold)
“It’s experience that most other kids don’t get,” Ofelia said. “We get to feel what it’s like in the corporate environment, where we’re treated like adults.”
Greg Irving, vice president and comptroller at Grainger, described the partnership with St.Martin de Porres and its students as a “win-win.” “It provides a way for Grainger to deepen its potential diverse workforce,” Irving said, “by exposing students who might not have experience in a professional environment and understand its demands.”
This kind of on-the-job education supports data collected from Cristo Rey Network member schools. It demonstrates that the most vulnerable and at-risk youth in America succeed in enrolling in college when given a high quality, college preparatory high school education experience.
St. Martin de Porres students win, too. They gain in job experience and self-confidence, and that’s not to mention college admission. All of last year’s graduates were accepted into college and collectively they earned more than $6.4 million in scholarships.
According to the National Student Clearinghouse, the rates of Cristo Rey graduates who enroll in college and are on course to graduate are nearly twice that of peers from the same socio-economic background.
Eileen O’Grady Daday
company had a clean surface on which to mount them.”
units — capable of producing 100,000 watts of electricity — on top of newly-installed covered parking portals. They already have produced an abundance of clean energy. In Southern Nevada, with its plentiful sunshine, one watt of photovoltaic power generates an estimated 2,000 hours of power per year.
St. Viator Principal Kathleen Dalton and Assistant Principal Pat Daly add that the power their solar panels A local Girl Scout troop learns about the practicality of solar energy. produce stays on their own campus. Ultimately, they expect to save the school nearly $30,000 — and incorporate studying energy savings in the classroom.
Their grid-connected system now links directly into the commercial power infrastructure. Consequently, instead of producing electricity for the parish, the generated power goes directly into NV Energy’s system, resulting in a sizeable rebate in the parish’s electric bill. In just three months, parish officials say they have saved more than $4,000. “We’re hoping that in the coming months,” says Ken Rosania, pastoral administrator and Viatorian Associate, “we will eliminate our electric bill.” Br. Michael Gosch, CSV, assistant provincial, sees the energy conservation by Viatorians at their Las Vegas parishes as an extension of the community’s charism.
“We’re hoping to be able to study energy use and conservation,” Daly says, “especially with our junior high science students.”
“We need to be good stewards of the earth,” Br. Gosch says, “and mindful of ways we can conserve energy. We need to keep in mind the impact of our consumption of natural resources on those who lack access to what our world provides.” Eileen O’Grady Daday
St. Thomas More Catholic Community in nearby Henderson followed St. Viator’s lead and joined the renewable energy movement six months later. Working with Nevada Solar Solutions and their third party ownership model, the parish installed two 100-kilowatt solar electric 3
Five Viatorians Celebrate 60 years in Religious Life ... On February 2, 1952, Br. Donald Houde, CSV, and Fr. Daniel Mirabelli, CSV, were the first Viatorians to profess their vows in Arlington Heights. At that time, the novitiate was temporarily located in what is now the sisters’ convent. The chapel was located in the large glassed-in porch at the front of the building, while the “new” novitiate building (now the Province Center) was under construction. Eight years later, Fr. Mirabelli was assigned to be teacher and business manager at Saint Viator High School in Arlington Heights. He served in that role until 1966 when he was assigned to Alleman High School in Rock Island, IL, where he has served for 46 years in different roles; teacher of history and sociology, business manager, chaplain, and currently the director of development. Many affectionately call him Fr. Alleman High School because of the enthusiasm and spirit he brings to his work. After all these years, he says, “What I have been able to accomplish in my ministry, I credit to the Viatorians who were role models during the early years of my formation. They made me into the priest I am today. I am especially thankful to Fr. Powers who was my superior during seminary years.” Br. Houde began his career as educator at Spalding Institute in Peoria in 1957 where he served as teacher of English until 1967. From there he traveled to Ampleforth College
in York, England, where he taught English and religion. He spent the next year at Griffin High School in Springfield. After that, he began many years in educational administration, serving as assistant principal at Alleman High School, principal at Spalding Institute and associate principal at Saint Viator High School. From 1979 until 1998 he served as an administrator in the Office of Catholic Education for the Archdiocese of Chicago. Today he remembers: “When we entered the community, we heard over and over that our goal was to be teachers of Christian doctrine and servers of the Holy Altar. Doing that has given me a full and interesting life.” Since retirement Br. Houde has kept very busy being a “servant of the Holy Altar” at St. Josaphat Parish in Chicago, where he serves as sacristan and as a consultant to the church's art and environment. Fathers John Linnan, CSV, John Milton, CSV, and James Michaletz, CSV, pronounced their first vows later that year, September 8, 1952, in the chapel of the newly-completed novitiate building. All three earned great respect as educators in their fields of study and as ministers of the Gospel. Fr. Linnan earned his undergraduate degree in philosophy from Georgetown University in Washington, DC, and his doctorate in sacred theology from Louvain University in Belgium. Most of his career was spent teaching at the Viatorian Seminary, the Washington Theological Union and the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago. In addition to his teaching at Catholic Theological Union, he served as its president from 1981 until 1987.
Fr. Linnan’s curriculum vitae is a thick documentation of jobs, lectures, directing retreats, pastoral assignments and travels. Viatorian Associate, Patty Wischnowski, says, “When I think of Jack Linnan, I think of a holy man who loves his church so deeply while seeing its strengths and weaknesses. He is an extremely wise and knowledgeable teacher. He has a wonderful sense of humor and an appreciation of the world around us.” Fr. Milton earned his bachelor of science degree in electrical engineering at Fournier Institute. His master of science degree is in physics from St. Louis University where he also did post graduate work. He taught at Cathedral Boys High School in Springfield, at Spalding Institute and Bishop McNamara High School in Kankakee, but most of his secondary teaching was his 20 years at Saint Viator High School. He then spent 20 more years teaching physics at DePaul University in Chicago and all while he continued to be an enthusiastic resource to high school science teachers in the Chicago area. For many years Fr. Milton was a regular celebrant of Sunday liturgies at St. Zachary Parish in Des Plaines and facilitator for small prayer groups in the Northwest suburbs. When reflecting on his 60 years as a Viatorian, he says: “I appreciate the emphasis in our formation years on Fr. Querbes’ encouragement to cultivate an ordinary spirituality and to be prepared for and engaged in both educational and parochial ministries. “During my lifetime, I have seen our church and community embrace and try to implement the vision of the Second Vatican Council,
a cause for celebration... 4
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though not without challenge and difficulty. The implementation of Fr. Querbes’ inclusive model—clerics and associates—has enabled us to share in his original dream on its way to fulfillment. I believe we are called to live the years ahead in a spirit of hope.” Another Viatorian celebrating 60 years who has a background in the sciences is Fr. Michaletz. He holds a bachelor of science in chemical engineering, a master of science degree in organic chemistry and a PhD in education administration. Some of the assignments he has had over the years include principal of Saint Viator High School; assistant superintendent of schools, Archdiocese of Chicago and director of education, Diocese of Springfield, IL. Most of his career has been focused on leadership, which was the topic of his doctoral thesis. He is known for his effectiveness in giving direction to board members in their leadership roles. He has served as teacher and administrator at all levels of education and has served on many boards. For a time, he was chairman of the board of the Catholic Theological Union. He also served on the board of Provena St. Mary’s Hospital in Kankakee and is currently a board member of Saint Viator High School. After so many years, he writes: “I have been very thankful that I have been chosen to be a Viatorian and that sense of gratitude has always been paramount in my life. God has been good to me in so many ways and I will never cease thanking God for the ways I have been graced and blessed.” Br. Donald Houde, CSV
The papal nuncio to Belize and El Salvador, Most Rev. Luigi Pessuto, ordains Fr. Christopher Glancy, CSV, as bishop. (Photo by Ruben Wong from the Christian Herald)
enjoying myself. We have a pretty mixed population, a large Hispanic population, so I’m using my Spanish a lot, which I enjoy,” he said, “So I was a little surprised when they called to me to come back.” Fr. Glancy assumes his new ministry with a long history of Viatorian influence. He had Viatorians as teachers in high school and began his teaching career at Saint Viator High School in Arlington Heights. After studying Spanish at the Maryknoll language school in Bolivia, he continued at Colegio San Viator in Bogotá, Colombia, the first mission established by the US Viatorians. Between returning to the US in 1989 and leaving for Belize in 1998, he served as the Viatorian vocation director, provincial councilor and associate pastor. Fr. Glancy’s ordination to the bishopric took place on May 5 in Belize City. The papal nuncio to El Salvador and Belize, Most Rev. Luigi Pessuto, was the principal consecrator, assisted Bishop Glancy blesses his mother, Judy Glancy. by Bishops Dorick (Photo by Ruben Wong from the Christian Herald) Wright and Jacques Berthelet, CSV. Bishop Berthelet, a former superior general of the Viatorians, is presently bishop emeritus of Saint-Jean-Longueuil, Quebec, Canada. As Bishop Glancy begins his new ministry, the Viatorian Community wishes him well and thanks him for his many years of service. The combination of his new position as the auxiliary bishop of Belize and the Viatorian foundation in Corozal Town promises a future of even greater collaboration to build up communities where the faith is lived, deepened and celebrated. Fr. Thomas Long, CSV 5
In the Footsteps of Our Founder... The Homeward Journey to Lyons Fr. Louis Querbes was always thoughtful of his friends and accommodating to his superiors. It was said that all he “had taken with him on his departure from Lyons was a little bag,” but on his return from the Eternal City, he brought gifts to distribute to others.
Gracious God, be forever blest for your gift in Fr. Louis Querbes, dedicated pastor in the education of youth, and in the service of sacred liturgy, and founder of the Viatorian Community.
His biographer, Pierre Robert, CSV, revealed that “he brought back from Rome a box of pictures, a trunk full of books for His Excellency, the Bishop of Soissons, for M. Place [his mentor and teacher], who in his age continued to be [a great reader], Fr. [Vincent] Pater [his friend, confidant and neighboring pastor, who would preach his funeral sermon] and himself; finally, a box of souvenirs and relics, including a first-class relic of St. Stanislaus Kostka.” (Robert, From This Root, 179) St. Stanislaus Kostka was a favorite among the many saints to whom Fr. Querbes prayed. At his Jesuit Gesu retreat he especially interceded with St. Stanislaus Kostka to facilitate approval of his society. He pledged to dedicate the novitiate at Vourles to St. Stanislaus Kostka. In the spirit of accommodation to church officials in Rome, Fr. Querbes accepted an unusual assignment. He was asked by the Sacred Congregation for Propagation [of the Faith] to transport the body of St. Exuperius, a martyr, to Lyons. The Sacred Congregation was making the gift of the body of St. Exuperius to Lyons in appreciation for the great services rendered by the Church of Lyons to missionary activity. The Congregation had originally intended to send the saint’s body to the Pope’s Consul at Marseilles. However, Fr. Querbes’ friend, M. de Verna [President, Lyons Council, Propagation of Faith], asked him to personally accompany this gift from Marseilles to Lyons. In addition to the gift of the martyr, St. Exuperius, Pope Gregory XVI added a further gift of a magnificent reliquary. Fr. Querbes agreed to this request of his friend and benefactor. Fr. Querbes did arrive in Marseilles on schedule. He immediately went on a one day pilgrimage of Thanksgiving to Notre Dame de La Garde. He had previously prayed at this same shrine on March 20 when first traveling to Rome. Because of the non-communication and the unexplained delays, the sacred remains of St. Exuperius did not accompany Fr. Querbes onward to Lyons. The saint’s body and reliquary did eventually arrive unescorted in Lyons in late November 1838. Fr. Querbes departed from Marseilles on October 11 so he could arrive in Lyons late October 12. From there he would proceed the next day October 13 to Vourles. Br. Leo V. Ryan, CSV
Q & A with Br. Rob Robertson, CSV Br. Rob and His Kairos Legacy
Br. Rob Robertson, CSV, arrived, as he always does, for the final prayer service at the Kairos retreat in April at Saint Viator High School. The evening ended up revealing some important milestones not even he realized.
in the school to be the original team leaders. We soon had our 60 retreatants for Kairos 1 and 2, which were held back to back in March and April, 1993.
Q. How did the retreat spread to other Viatorian locations? A. In 1994, I was assigned to teach religion at Bishop Gorman
The retreat was Kairos 60 and campus ministers reflected that over the years more than 3,000 students had made the four-day experience, and of those 600 had come back to lead it. And that’s just at Saint Viator High School. Upon further reflection, it turned out that it was Br. Rob who had brought the retreat to the school, and he later brought it to Bishop Gorman High School in Las Vegas. Saint Viator students have helped start Kairos at Maternity BVM Parish in Bourbonnais and at a few suburban parishes outside Chicago.
High School in Las Vegas, where (then Br.) Corey Brost and (now Associate) Karen Cutler were the campus ministers. I had brought the manuals from Saint Viator and they held their first Kairos retreat that year. I think they are up to Kairos 58 there now and something like 2,000 students have gone on it. Amazing.
Q. It didn’t stop there though, did it? A. I returned to Saint Viator in 1999, and the next year teens
We caught up with Br. Rob, who celebrates 25 years of religious life this year.
Q. How did you come to bring Kairos to Saint Viator? A. During the spring of 1991, a student, Andrew Johnstone,
from Maternity BVM Parish in Bourbonnais came and went on Kairos with our teens so they could bring it back and start one of their own. And then at least two (suburban) parishes have started Kairos and have used Viator kids to lead them.
approached me and told me about a retreat he had attended with his brother at Loyola Academy. He was so excited about it that he couldn’t stop talking about it. Tragically, Andrew was killed in an auto accident at the beginning of that summer before his senior year, and when we returned in the fall, students were mourning his loss so much, it was impossible to think about starting a new retreat. We took it up again the next year. A lot of it was to honor Andrew’s memory.
Q. So it appears the Kairos retreat you started to honor one
student’s memory and infuse his passion for the experience in his classmates has taken on a life of its own. What do you think of that?
A. Kairos was an overwhelming success right from the start, and
Q. So it has been 20 years since you worked to start Kairos at
I’m very proud to have been a part of it. What excites me the most is seeing the relationships that get healed and the barriers broken down between kids when they’re on the retreat. It’s really cool. If everyone could walk around and see people without masks, we’d have a better world.
Saint Viator. What went into bringing it there?
A. I gathered a select group of seniors and introduced the idea of
Kairos to them. They enthusiastically embraced the idea of a retreat led by students. Together with some adults in the building who agreed to attend, we divided into teams and attended Kairos at area schools separately. When we returned, we picked out details from each retreat that could be incorporated into a Saint Viator experience.
Eileen O’Grady Daday
Q. Without giving out too much about the retreat, what were some of the details you considered when shaping it?
A. Our first decision was whether Kairos would be single sex or co-ed. There were pros and cons with each, but we finally decided on the co-ed version. Our next order of business was to recruit students for the retreat. It was actually quite easy, since we had hand selected some of the top students
Fish Farming: Viatorians Introduce Aquaculture in Belize Something fishy appears to be going on at Chunox St.Viator High School in Belize. Along with their academic course load, students are developing an aquaculture project that will help prepare them for a career in the growing fishing and tourism industry in Belize. Thanks to an institutional grant from the Viatorians, as well as support from the Belizean government, students are growing tilapia, a fast-growing fish that is marketable to restaurants both in Belize and beyond. At present, they are maintaining six tanks to grow the fish from fingerlings to a harvestable size. As the fish grow, students move them from one tank to another, which are enriched with nutrients to enhance their growth. During a recent visit, it appeared that students took their tasks of transferring the fish from one tank to another seriously. Patrick, a student at Chunox St. Viator, says that the first tilapia are the easiest to catch, while the smarter ones avoid them until there is barely any water remaining. Another student, Diveana, explains how important it is for them to move the fish to different tanks before algae overtakes the system. When the fish come to the surface gulping, she adds, it is time to change the water because there isn't enough oxygen available.
A student transfers fish to a different tank which is enriched with nutrients to enhance their growth.
Another student, Myron, describes his job of weighing the fish and determining the average body weight. This allows him to decide how much feed is needed to keep the tilapia crop well fed.
Maestro Torres, one of two agriculture teachers, describes how excited the students are to extend their learning beyond the classroom walls. “They really do pay attention when we study the theory of agriculture, and that is apparent in their approach when working at the farm,” he says. “The students know what needs to be done – and they do it.”
Once the fish reach the desirable weight, they are harvested and students work in an assembly line to clean and prepare the tilapia for market.
For the next phase, the teachers want to introduce hydroponics, whereby the water from the ponds will be pumped to a nearby greenhouse and provide the vegetables there with invaluable nutrients. Once the water has penetrated the root systems, it will emerge purified and oxygenated. “This project teaches the students not only biology,” says Fr. Daniel Hall, CSV, former pastor of St. Francis Xavier, “but ecology, marketing and resource management. Plus, they’re having fun.” Fr. Christopher Glancy, CSV, now the auxiliary bishop of Belize, started the school while he was pastor of St. Francis Xavier Parish in Corozal Town. His vision was that the school would offer both a sound academic and vocational training to rural students. The campus includes a classroom building, a barn, chicken coop, fields for crops and now a series of fish tanks. The school offers a well-rounded education where students are involved inlearning and growing in their faith, which is an outgrowth of the vision of Fr. Querbes. Br. John Eustice, CSV The last step: Students harvest the tilapia before getting ready to clean and process them.
Vocations Continue to Increase in Colombia “Fredy has a passion to get young people involved in liturgy, especially through music ministry,” Fr. von Behren added, pointing to the group of singers who accompanied his ordination that he had formed 14 years ago during his first years in parish work. Earlier in the winter, Fr. von Behren presided when Br. Daniel Villalobos, CSV, and Br. Edwin Ruiz, CSV, pronounced their perpetual vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, while Br. Oscar Gutierrez, CSV, made his first, temporary vows. “There are many significant moments in a congregation, but none more significant than to celebrate perpetual professions,” Fr. von Behren says. “They’re committing themselves to us for life — and we are committing to them for life. It signals the start of walking together in community, ministering as brothers.”
Fr. Thomas von Behren, CSV, blesses Br. Oscar Gutierrez, CSV, while he makes his first vows.
Br. Villalobos is a native of Colombia who currently works as a pastoral minister at St. Francis Xavier Parish in Corozal Town, Belize. Br. Ruiz studies theology at Universidad Javeriana while Br. Gutierrez studies communications and journalism at Universidad los Libertadores, both in Bogotá.
With a new Viatorian priest ordained in February, two religious brothers making their perpetual vows and another brother professing temporary vows, the foundation of Colombia continues to attract more vocations. And that doesn’t take into account the number of pre-novices heading into first and second years of the pre-novitiate. Fr. Fredy Santos, CSV, is the latest native Colombian to be ordained a Viatorian priest. After serving as a religious brother for more than 10 years and serving as a deacon in Bourbonnais, Belize and Bogotá, Fr. Santos was ordained in February. “Fredy exhibited a real patience and conviction that he was called to the priesthood,” says Fr. Thomas von Behren, CSV, provincial. “He overcame a lot of adversity and challenges, but he did it.” His ordination took place at San Basilio Magno Church, one of two Viatorian parishes in Colombia, by Bishop Roberto Ospina, auxiliary bishop of Bogotá. Fr. von Behren, Fr. John Peeters, CSV, and Br. Carlos Florez, CSV, all were on hand for the occasion.
Br. Daniel Villalobos, CSV, and Br. Edwin Ruiz, CSV make their perpetual vows.
Their professions came during a busy weekend in Colombia. At the same time, members elected Fr. Edgar Suarez, CSV, as their new superior. He will leave his position as pastor at San Basilio Magno Parish to assume the leadership role. Fr. Suarez will be assisted by his newly-elected councilors, Fr. Carlos Luis Claro, CSV, and Br. Frank Enciso, CSV, as well as Fr. Alejandro Adame, CSV, and Fr. Rafael Sanabria, CSV, who were appointed. Eileen O’Grady Daday
As a newly-ordained priest, Fr. Santos will teach theology and serve as chaplain, organizing retreats at Colegio San Viator in Bogotá. Fr. Fredy Santos, CSV, a newly-ordained Viatorian priest, distributes communion.
A Living Prayer for Children responded with the hope that these acts will not be repeated. To make that hope a reality, the procession offered the opportunity to connect walkers with resources to protect children, mitigate violence and support families struggling with these issues. The Viatorian Community and St. Martin de Porres High School were two of the sponsors. Viatorians, students and staff from St. Martin de Porres, and a teacher from Saint Viator High School participated in April 2nd march. For them, it was a fitting beginning of Holy Week.
Every participant wore the same number, 632, signifying the number of young people killed in Chicago since 2008.
The tragic murder of Trayvon Martin represents but one of thousands of teen murders committed each year, each one leaving parents, family members and friends to cope with their worst nightmare from which many never fully recover. This killing, with its symbolic ‘hoodie,’ has become a catalyst for so many who are fed up with the senselessness of these random killings. They are fed up with being fearful about their own safety — and with the dread that at any time they may receive the news that their own children were murdered.
Jeanne Ann and John Sattler succinctly stated the impact of the walk: “As members of the Old St. Patrick’s Peace & Justice Committee, we felt the need and were eager to participate in the CROSSwalk appeal and protest to stop the gun violence in our streets. The interfaith, non-violent prayer experiences were inspirational and hopeful. May we all continue to unite in our interfaith effort to save human lives. It was truly a peaceful protest to stop the killings and advance the Gospel of the non-violent Jesus. It was great seeing Fr. Corey Brost and Br. Michael Gosch leading the students in this act of social justice.” Fr. Thomas Long, CSV
The Chicago newspapers and television so frequently report teen murders, that the tragedy almost becomes routine – 632 young people were killed in Chicago since 2008. Realizing the need to respond, an Episcopal organization, CROSSwalk, organized a four-mile Holy Week procession through downtown Chicago to call attention to this reality and to take action. At each of the four stations - St. James Episcopal Cathedral, Daley Plaza, Old St. Patrick's Church and Stroger Hospital – the participants stopped and prayed. Its premise focused on the fact that although the tragedies cannot be undone, participants remembered the slain young people and
Hundreds of CROSSwalk participants gathered at Daley Plaza, calling for an end to violence.
social justice 10
Bonjour, Ciao, Hola! Students Think Globally Visit the second floor language lab at St. Viator Parish School in Chicago and a familiar chorus rings across the rows: “Yes!”
then adjusted their microphone setting, before picking up in their units where they had left off the day before.
Students around the room pump their fists in the air every time they successfully answer a question on their computer screen. Wearing custom-fitted headphones with microphones, they seem oblivious to their classmates or to the adults in the room.
“I like everything about it,” said André Cady. “What I like best is that it lets you correct yourself. If you take a quiz on another computer, it won’t let you go back and make corrections. Here, you can’t go on until you get it right.”
“Remember the old language labs with those big old headphones, tapes and study carols you had to sit in?” asks Principal Kathleen Kowalski. “These are nothing like that. The kids are totally into it. This new technology has made learning fun.”
Most students are working their way through the first level. Once they reach the fifth level – over the next few years – their teachers expect they will reach conversational mastery through the written and spoken components in the course.
Last November, St.Viator’s first through eighth graders began studying foreign languages through an online access program provided by RosettaStone. Most spend 40 minutes per day in the lab, literally immersed in language studies.
Bishop-elect Chris Glancy, CSV, former associate pastor at St.Viator, observed how engaged the students were in the class. “They approach it almost like a computer game,” he said. “They want to get to the next level.”
A donation last fall of 30 desktop computers from Saint Viator High School in Arlington Heights resulted in the new lab at the historic school, which turns 110 later this summer.
Sr. Judith Murphy, OSB, from the Office of Catholic Schools of the Archdiocese of Chicago, said there is good evidence to support that style of learning. “Learning from the computer just comes naturally for these students,” says Sr. Murphy, “I know that there is good educational theory that says learning is enhanced when it takes on the characteristics of play.”
“It differentiates us from our neighbors,” Kathleen adds. Each student chose from 14 languages available, ranging from Spanish, Italian, German and French, to Polish, Gaelic, Tagalog and Mandarin Chinese.
Fr. Charles Bolser, CSV, pastor, says the goal is for students to be able to communicate via Skype with their peers at Viatorian schools around the world, including in Central and South America, as well as in Haiti and Canada.
“I already know Spanish,” said third grader Lindzy Berdon. “My mom wanted me to learn something different, so I’m studying French.”
“We live in a global world,” Fr. Bolser says. “Our students need to be aware of different cultures and languages in order to expand their own experiences. Learning another language helps to break down some of those barriers.”
When it was suggested that with French she was learning to speak three languages, she shook her head: “No, now I am going to know three languages.” A trio of fifth grade boys took their places at their computers during the next period. They each settled into their headsets and
Eileen O’Grady Daday
Viatorian Vocations: Have You Ever Asked? men would seriously consider religious life if adults they respect, Viatorians and non-Viatorians, asked them to do so. God’s call to us almost always comes through the voice of a friend or mentor. They are the people who see our talents and interests, who know what brings us happiness. “They” are “us.” Part of active discipleship is calling forth leaders for our church – leaders of all kinds, not just religious. All of us who care about young people, especially as Viatorians, need to help them look at where God is calling them to invest their lives as adults. Are we doing that? In recent years I have made a conscious decision to individually invite high school and college men and women to consider life as a professional minister or religious. Almost always these young people are flattered, many have even told me they have considered it. My invitation helped give credibility to their own thoughts. Finally, several of these young people now are actively involved with the Viatorians seriously discerning whether or not God is calling them to life as a Viatorian associate or religious.
Young people from St. Viator Parish in Las Vegas provided some of the music at a retreat last summer sponsored by the Vocation Office.
It’s really that simple. I know a Viatorian Associate, a married man, who told me that his faith was important to him at Bishop McNamara High School, a formerly Viatorian-run high school in Kankakee. He now says he would have considered life as a Viatorian, but no one ever asked him to do so. Don’t get me wrong. I believe he found God’s path for him – marriage and fatherhood. But his story makes me wonder about how many young
Think about this. Take some time to think about the young people in your parish or school. Ask the question. Fr. Corey Brost, CSV
From the Archives… St. Viator College Collection Provides a Treasure Trove for Genealogists Also, her mother, Mary P. Cruise, entered in 1931 and graduated in 1935. Transcripts in the collection not only give the dates entered and graduated, but also the students’ home addresses, the course of study, classes taken and the grades they received. Knowing the years attended allows researchers to find more information in the catalogs, bulletins and newspapers published by the college.
Family genealogist, Ellen Hunt of Chicago, wanted to create her family tree and research her deceased parents for an upcoming family reunion. She knew both her parents graduated from St. Viator College, but she had no idea where to look for those records. Thanks to Google, she found the Viatorian Community Archives.
The most interesting information can be uncovered in the college newspaper, The Viatorian, but it takes a lot of research time. Knowing the records were preserved, Ellen and her husband Charlie White came to the archives for an afternoon to delve into these newspapers, dating from the years 1929-1937.
St. Viator College was founded in 1868 and operated in Bourbonnais by the Clerics of St. Viator until 1938. Today, the Viatorian Community Archives for the United States Province, located in Arlington Heights, holds the St. Viator College collection. A preliminary search of the college transcripts revealed that her father, Edward P. Hunt, entered the college in 1929 and graduated in 1933.
Mary P. Cruise 12
Graduation photographs of each of her parents were found along with a descriptive article and listing of activities throughout their college years. Mary Cruise was the class valedictorian and her speech was published in the paper. She was a straight A student and scholar. Mary also was a contributor to The Viatorian all four years and served as associate editor her last two years. Edward Hunt was a “man about campus.”
Viatorian Associate Honored in Kankakee It’s been a long time since Viatorian Associate Henrietta Chamness played golf, but that’s just where she found herself last month at the Kankakee Country Club golf course. Henrietta was the first person to be honored at the annual Provena Our Lady of Victory golf outing. More than 100 golfers played in the event, which raised money for a new van to transport its senior residents to community activities. A recognition ceremony broke out at the first hole as guests celebrated Henrietta’s leadership at Our Lady of Victory which offers skilled nursing and rehabilitation services for seniors. They honored Henrietta, who was a former director of nurses and an administrator, from 1985-1990, and all after raising seven children and retiring from working as a registered nurse at Provena St. Mary’s Hospital in Kankakee. She also knew how to raise money. Back in 1985, Henrietta worked with administrators to start the first golf outing, to raise funds for a new activities van. The benefit outing has continued every year and raised money for countless projects.
Now in her second retirement, Henrietta has been a Viatorian Associate for the last 10 years. She shares her medical expertise at Maternity BVM Parish, with the Hispanic ministry in Momence and in Belize on medical missions trips.
Viatorian Associate Henrietta Chamness (center) at Provena Golf Outing
Fr. James Michaletz, CSV, Fr. Jason Peters, CSV, and associates Patty Wischnowski and Euchrist “Mush” Marcotte all played in a foursome to support Henrietta. “She’s done so much,” Fr. Michaletz said. “She’s a wonderful lady and we should acknowledge her contributions.” Eileen O’Grady Daday — and usually make contact through email.
Edward P. Hunt
The St. Viator College collection is one of the most used and yet most under-utilized collections in the archives. Most people are unaware that these materials still exist from the college. Although the collection is not complete, it is still a valuable and untapped resource – literally, a treasure trove for genealogists. The hope is to draw more attention to it, so people become aware of all the materials that have been preserved and that are available for research.
He was a well respected athlete – 4-year football player – and served as class secretary his last three years.
Both Mary and Edward were members of the drama and glee clubs. Together they performed in the opera, The Mikado. A photo of them and other cast members in full costume was published in the newspaper. Even after they graduated, their engagement and wedding announcements were found in the Alumni News column.
The current exhibit case at the Province Center showcases many of the materials from the St. Viator College collection. Through the records of one student, Thomas Shea, it shows just how much can be uncovered. Take a glimpse: http://csv-archivesnews .blogspot .com/2012/04/latest-archives-exhibit.html.
Ellen was overwhelmed with emotion upon learning so much about her parents. She found it amazing to think of her parents as young college students, and she was excited about sharing it all with her family. In total, she found 50 citations about both parents in the newspaper alone.
If you have a relative who attended St. Viator College, please contact the archives for a research appointment by emailing me, Joan Sweeney, the Viatorian Community Archivist at Let’s see what we can uncover!
Approximately 90 percent of outside researchers that contact the Viatorian Community Archives are genealogists. Most researchers find out about the archives from the Viatorian website —
Joan Sweeney Archivist and Viatorian Associate 13
Taizé Brothers Headline Viatorian Prayer Service
Taizé monks draw young people into their meditative prayer experience.
The monthly Taizé prayer service held by the Viatorian Community in May drew a rare visit from three brothers from the Taizé community in France.
More than a dozen years ago, Fr. Corey Brost, CSV, brought the quiet prayer service to the Viatorian Community. Each month, worshippers of all ages gather in the chapel at the Viatorian Province Center for the meditative experience.
Br. Emmanuel and his confreres, Br. John and Br. Emile, spent months in Chicago planning their “Pilgrimage of Trust” conference, which drew more than 1,000 young people over the Memorial Day weekend to DePaul University. However, they met with members of the wider Viatorian Community first.
“Those that come, tell me that they find a remarkable peace during the evening,” Fr. Brost says. “It’s a wonderful way to connect with God. The music and ritual seem to open people up so that they experience God’s loving and peaceful presence.”
“We love to see friends of Taizé who have been involved for a long time,” said Br. Emile, of the Viatorian visit.
The DePaul weekend consisted of daily Taizé prayer services, but it also offered young people the chance to attend workshops and presentations.
During the hour of reflective prayer and music, the three knelt in silence, distinguished only by their white hooded robes and places near the front of the chapel, on the floor.
“We see the weekend as a gathering to sow seeds,” Br. Emile said. “We want to give young people a chance to discover more about their Christian faith. So many people tell me that after they come, they think about their life in bigger terms, and about how they can serve others.”
“We never say anything during Taizé,” Br. Emmanuel said. “We don’t want to get in the way of God.” Before the prayer service began, the brothers shared a pizza dinner with students from St. Martin de Porres High School, which the Viatorians co-sponsored. Their discussion was wide ranging, but both groups left the meal moved and inspired.
Taizé prayer was created in 1940 by Br. Roger Schutz, who started a monastic community in central France. He was driven to “create a community with men determined to give their whole life and who would always try to understand one another and be reconciled, a community where kindness of heart and simplicity would be at the center of everything.”
“The brothers asked us what we liked best about Taizé prayer,” said senior Ulises Acosta. “I said it was the silence. Contrary to popular belief, you can really hear a lot in the silence. Sometimes when my days are hectic and stressful, it’s good to sit back and think of when I've seen God in my day and didn't even realize it. It’s in the silence when I can actually begin to hear the answers.”
Soon, his simple premise began to attract thousands of young adults, drawn to the community’s music, chants and meditative style of prayer. Taizé now draws 100,000 young people annually from around the world who make a pilgrimage to France. 14
Eileen O’Grady Daday
Viatorians Help Launch Micro Loan Program A single mother, who found herself buried in debt after going through a divorce, is the first recipient of a micro financing program started by Faith Community Homes, a nonprofit organization in Arlington Heights.
Faith Community Homes has worked for more than 10 years to assist low-income families – of all backgrounds – with their housing needs. The organization formed in response to the lack of affordable housing in Arlington Heights. The Viatorian Community is one of the many religious organizations who partner with Faith Community Home and their mission of providing safe, decent and affordable housing. Their particular focus is to help low-income, working families with school-aged children. “For years, we have provided assistance to those living in impoverished urban and rural communities where poverty is rampant,” says Br. Michael Gosch, CSV. “Today, we are faced with a growing number of people from working class families who are experiencing homelessness due to foreclosures, unemployment and the economy.”
The no-interest loan concept aims to help suburban families manage their debts and get back on their feet, and it drew the support of the Viatorians. In March, they provided the seed money to help launch the new program.
Charles Warner, executive director of Faith Community Homes, and Sr. Carrie Miller, SLW, with the first micro loan award, made possible with seed money from the Viatorians.
Faith Community Home’s micro financing program will provide small, no-interest loans to families they currently serve, who have proven to be reliable, financially responsible and determined to reach their goals of financial stability. “This young mother is a perfect example,” Sr. Carrie adds. “It’s a low to no-risk loan for the organization.”
“Many families who come to us have debts that have accumulated over the years, from credit cards, unpaid utilities and other necessary expenses they could not keep up with,” says Charles Warner, executive director of Faith Community Homes.
As executive director, Warner will monitor the repayment of all loans. He stresses they will not be handouts; a contract and schedule of repayment will be drawn up, with the family agreeing to its terms.
“The intent of our two-year mentoring and support program is to help families establish improved income, budgeting and with our support, be able to meet their current expenses,” he adds. “Prior debts have often become a hindrance to these families.”
He adds, that as a loan program, the seed money provided by the Viatorians will be replaced and reused for many families into the future.
They made their first loan last month to the young, single mother who was working and going to school part-time and not able to keep up with the outstanding bills she inherited after her divorce.
“This is a chance to make an immediate impact, with families right in our own backyard,” says Br. Gosch. “We remain committed to addressing the issue of poverty and working with organizations to alleviate it, no matter where it is experienced.”
“She would have had to work full-time to try and pay these bills,” says Sr. Carrie Miller, SLW, a social worker with the agency. “That’s when we stepped in. She’s elated that we’ve come up with a payment schedule she can meet and now won’t have all this interest accruing.”
To make a donation to the micro loan program, visit: Eileen O’Grady Daday
Viator Newsletter is published three times a year by the Office of Mission Advancement for the Clerics of St. Viator, Province of Chicago. Email: Website:
Editorial Board:
Layout and Design:
Fr. Thomas E. Long, CSV
Director of Communications:
Dianna Ehrenfried Visualedge Creative Services, Inc.
Fr. Thomas R. von Behren, CSV
Eileen O’Grady Daday
Fr. Thomas R. von Behren, CSV Br. Michael T. Gosch, CSV Br. Donald P. Houde, CSV Br. Leo V. Ryan, CSV Eileen O’Grady Daday Barton Hisgen Joan Sweeney
Clerics of St. Viator 1212 E. Euclid Avenue Arlington Heights, IL 60004-5799
Newsletter – Spring 2012 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED
Provincial Perspective As this issue of Viator arrives in your mailbox, nine professed Viatorians of the province of Chicago will be preparing to board an international flight to Rome. Delegates and staff members of the province have been preparing themselves for the 29th convocation of the General Chapter of the Clerics of St. Viator, to be held July 4-18 in Ariccia, Italy. As our constitution states, the General Chapter, which meets every four years, “is the supreme authority in the Congregation … (It) is responsible in a special way for the fidelity of the Congregation to the intentions of our founder and to our Constitution. It is also responsible for promoting the vitality of the Congregation.” (c.43) During these early days of July, the elected and appointed chapter delegates will enter into dialogue and deliberation to address the 39 questions that have been submitted and adopted as the official agenda for this important meeting of the international community. As the chapter nears its completion, the delegates will enter into a discernment process that will culminate in the election of a new general council. They also will engage in consultation with the new superior general regarding the appointment of the new general council members. Our present superior general, Fr. Mark Francis, CSV, completes his second six-year term (mandate) and has accepted a position as a “visiting scholar” at Santa Clara University in California for the 2012/2013 academic year. I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to Mark for his leadership and his willingness to give 12 years of his life to the ministry of service to the international Viatorian Community. His leadership has moved the community forward in many ways,
and we are stronger because of his care and guidance. On behalf of the entire Chicago Province, thank you, Mark. We look forward to your return to your home province. As we travel to Rome, I ask for your prayers and support. As partners, we need your prayers. During these important days, we will be addressing major issues that will shape our congregation and the Viatorian Community for the next six years, and beyond. Topics that we will address include issues of Viatorian solidarity, internationality and mission. We will decide new directions, especially regarding vocation ministry, governance and financing. We will redefine the congregation in light of the new Viatorian Community that has emerged over these past 20 years. These are important issues. Let us all pray that the Holy Spirit will descend upon everyone involved in the making these important decisions. And, may we especially be blessed through the election of a new superior general who will be a leader for the future, one who will care deeply for each member of the Viatorian Community and help promote and advance the charism of our founder, Fr. Louis Querbes. May God bless each of you abundantly and extend His blessing to your family and friends. In St. Viator and Fr. Querbes,
Page 1 Viatorian Priest Ordained Auxiliary Bishop in Belize Page 2 Going to Work and School: the Cristo Rey Connection Viatorian Parishes Move to the Forefront of Solar Energy Page 4 Five Viatorians Celebrate 60 years in Religious Life... Celebrating Our Jubilarians Page 6 In the Footsteps of our Founder Page 7 Q & A with Br. Rob Robertson, CSV Page 8 Fish Farming:Viatorians Introduce Aquaculture in Belize Page 9 Vocations Continue to Increase in Colombia Page 10 CROSSwalk: A Living Prayer for Children Page 11 Bonjour, Ciao, Hola! Students Think Globally Page 12-13 Viatorian Vocations: Have You Ever Asked? From the Archives... St. Viator College Collection Provides A Treasure Trove for Genealogists Viatorian Associate Honored in Kankakee Page 14 Taizé Brothers Headline Viatorian Prayer Service
Rev. Thomas R. von Behren, CSV Provincial 2
Page 15 Viatorians Help Launch Micro Loan Program