Viator Newsletter 2009 Fall

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Viatorian Community

Fall 2009

Volume 14, No. 3

Provincial Perspective On September 1, 2009, Viatorians throughout the world gathered at the gravesite of our founder, Fr. Louis M. Querbes, in Vourles, France, to commemorate the 150th anniversary of his death. Associates and professed religious spent three days in Vourles to honor Fr. Querbes and to celebrate his legacy by gathering together to promote the Gospel and sharing our faith with one another. This event marked the beginning of the “Year of Fr. Querbes” for the international Viatorian Community. During the next twelve months, the Province of Chicago will honor Fr. Querbes at both regional and province-wide celebrations. We will especially focus upon his insistence to attend to those who are young and to those who are accounted of little importance by some in mainstream society. This is the mission of the Viatorian Community; it is based on a spirituality rooted in the scriptures, especially the Gospels. Throughout the years, many of you have commented that the Viatorians are a great community; however, too few people know about us or what we do. We humbly agree. Therefore, beginning this year, we have established the Office of Mission Advancement in an effort to share our story and to invite others to partner with us. This partnership can be lived in many ways. We will invite some to consider joining us as a religious brother or priest. Others will be invited to become associates. Finally, others will be invited to join us, through short-term and long-term volunteer service programs, in the Viatorian Service Corps, in order to share in our mission for a few weeks, months, or even for a full year.

There are many ways to partner with the Viatorian Community. We are keenly aware that our story is significant and important and that our ministry is relevant, even essential, for the Church and the world today. We intend to reach out to all of our partners, seeking their help in telling our story and in sharing our ministry. I ask you to join with us today. Partner with us through prayer, through reaching out to those who are young, to those who are suffering, to those who are accounted of little or no importance by mainstream society; even consider sharing some time with us, side-byside, in mission. The “Year of Fr. Querbes” is upon us. Help us continue his work, his dream. Tell the Viatorian story to your family and friends. Share your commitment as a partner with the Viatorians by joining in the celebrations and by praying for his canonization. Consider sharing your time, your talent, and your treasure so that together, in a viable and tangible partnership, we can continue to raise up communities of faith which encapsulate the Gospel and offer evangelical witness to today’s troubled world. Be assured of my prayers and affection. In St. Viator and Fr. Querbes,

Rev. Thomas R. von Behren, CSV Provincial

A Vibrant Parish Serving a Diverse Population San Juan Vianney parish in Bogotá, Colombia, is a faith community that hums with activity as people joyfully celebrate liturgies with lively music and animated singing that is supplemented by spirited hand clapping. The liturgies are only a part of the regular parish activities, which range from liturgical preparation, religious education of the youth and adults, and an extensive outreach ministry to those who are in need.

in the nine liturgies, celebrated in four locations, where the Scriptures are proclaimed and Eucharist is celebrated with reverential joy. Many parishioners have a strong devotion to the Blessed Mother. Five groups of parishioners form the local Legion of Mary chapter where they come together to pray the rosary. December 8th, the feast of the Immaculate Conception, is a special day in the parish. Children learn by doing and Fr. Rafael uses this method in helping the children better appreciate the coming of Jesus and what it means for each of them. For the nine days preceding Christmas, the children take part in a structured set of activities that include prayer, song, and pageantry. Beginning on December 16th, the children dress in costumes of the ancient New Testament time, and through dialogue, song, and prayer, reenact the coming of Jesus. They begin with the annunciation to Mary by Gabriel that she is going to be the Mother of God, continue with such events as the visitation of Mary to her cousin Elizabeth, move on to Joseph and Mary having to leave Nazareth and journey to Bethlehem, and finally, lodging in a stable after their arrival. Besides the prayers and songs, there are various activities and suggestions that the children perform in order to carry out the Christmas message into their daily lives.

Fr. Rafael Sanabria, CSV, the pastor of San Juan Vianney, describes his ministry as influenced by the vision of Fr. Querbes, the Viatorian founder, through the teaching of Christian doctrine, especially to the young, and service at the holy altar through inspiring liturgies and through other devotions. True to the vision of Fr. Querbes, the laity minister on an equal basis with the Viatorians. Musicians, lectors, Eucharistic ministers, and acolytes meet to develop their talents and experience the camaraderie that they in turn share with the community-at-large. The results of their efforts are seen

Youth Ministry Means Youth Involvement Viatorian Associates Ken and Michelle Barrie are another example of the commitment of the laity to bring the Gospel message to the young and to those who are accounted of little importance by mainstream society. Twenty-five years ago, when their children were small, they became active in youth ministry and have continued their ministry with succeeding generations. Through their leadership as coordinators of youth ministry at St. Patrick parish in Kankakee, IL, the youth are a vital element of parish life. Their many activities include organizing and implementing an annual Lenten penance service for teens, committing themselves for an hour of adoration on Holy

Thursday, and hosting pancake breakfasts to raise money for service and educational trips. The trips include representing the parish at the annual diocesan youth leadership conference, learning about liturgy at the “One Bread/One Cup Youth Liturgical Conference” at St. Meinrad Abbey, and participating in an annual service trip to Mexico or to Hopkins Park, IL, an economically challenged community near Kankakee, whose families’ primary income source is from the wages of day-laboring on the local farms. The youth regularly meet and plan their agenda of religious, recreational, and social outreach activities. For example, this 2

As in all Viatorian institutions, education is a vital component. The religious education program has a specialized curriculum to prepare the young people to receive Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation. Recently, over 300 students preparing for First Communion made an all-day retreat, a day that included classes, discussions, group activities, and watching videos. The day ended with a liturgy celebrated by Fr. Rafael.

The parish is very cognizant of those who are less fortunate and it has numerous groups that minister in specific outreach initiatives. Eucharistic ministers take communion to the homebound, where they visit and pray with many individuals who are often very lonely. Another group manages a thrift store at the parish where they distribute clean clothing to those in need. A bereavement group visits and helps families who have lost a loved one. A group of professionals offer legal and personal counseling to the residents of the poverty- stricken barrios.

In addition to the specialized programs, parish catechists, who are trained by Viatorian brothers, travel to five local schools where they work with the faculty and students to provide religious training for the students.

Fr. Rafael emphasizes and makes tangible the Viatorian charism of the parish; he is making a special effort to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the death of Fr. Louis Querbes. He has composed a novena in honor of Fr. Querbes for the parish, and he says that there are two parish patrons, St. John Vianney and Fr. Querbes. Both were parish priests whose lives were characterized by devotion to the parishioners and whose goal was to raise up communities of believers where the faith is lived, deepened, and celebrated.

Within the parish, there are many small faith groups for people to come together and serve others. Thirteen groups, each consisting of approximately nine people, reflect on the Scriptures and on ways to put the message into action. Each group has a coordinator who is trained by a Viatorian.

past July, Ken, Michelle, and approximately thirtyfive young people traveled to Hopkins Park, where two Sister Servents of the Holy Heart of Mary serve the local parish as pastoral ministers. The group goals were to construct a pavilion at a senior center, similar to the one they constructed last year at the parish, and do rehab work at homes of elderly parishioners who cannot afford to hire professional repair personnel. Their tasks included painting, weeding, building, chopping, and constructing. Such strenuous work generated large appetites. Thus, various parish groups took turns preparing, delivering, and serving the meals to the young people; such service demonstrates the support of the adults in the parish for the work and

mission of the youth group. The experience was a holistic one. The days began with the students praying the Liturgy of the Hours and ended with a designated group presenting a reflection to the others. Each evening also included quiet time where the members the youth group wrote their reflections in their personal journals. The evening then concluded with the evening prayers from the Liturgy of the Hours. continued on page 7 3

Camp MOSH As literally thousands of Chicago Bear fans drove into Bourbonnais, IL, to watch some of the preseason training sessions of this professional football team, they also saw a veritable tent city rise up on the grounds of Maternity BVM Parish. The parish is located adjacent to Olivet Nazarene University—the summer home and training camp for the Chicago Bears.

North Carolina. She was excited to be helping out residents in her own community this summer, she said. It meant such hard work as repaving a brick walkway at the home of one of the parishioners, but it is also so rewarding. “My favorite part is at night, when the band is playing, and just seeing all the people who come to support us,” she added. “It’s just cool to see all the parish coming together.”

The tents belonged to more than 100 teenagers who were participating in the parish’s first ever Camp MOSH— Maternity Outreach Serving Humanity.

Fr. Corey Brost, CSV, agreed, saying that the parish component helped elevate the mission week into something more than a teenservice project. “What makes it so high quality is that it is a parish event that centers on youth service,” Fr. Corey said. “So many adults are involved that I believe it will have a significant impact on the entire Maternity BVM community.” After spending their nights in tents, the teenagers celebrated the Eucharist in the parish church before having breakfast in the school cafeteria. Afterwards, they worked in assembly-line fashion to make their sack lunches to take to their work sites.

“It’s been a tremendous success, with overwhelming generosity from our community,” said Fr. Richard Pighini, CSV, pastor of Maternity BVM parish.

Associate pastor of Maternity BVM parish, Fr. James Michaletz, CSV, watched the church campus come alive during the week, filled with so much energy and enthusiasm. “Each day started with an overwhelming presence at the 7:30 a.m. Mass,” Fr. Michaletz said. “Needless to say, I was very impressed.” He was so impressed that he returned every night in order to hear some of their stories. “I found it all very informative and inspiring,” Fr. Michaletz added. “As I heard other people say, this looks like the start of something that will grow each year.”

After several recent summers of traveling to New Orleans, LA, to help Hurricane Katrina survivors, as well as other mission trips around the country, they found just as many needs right in their own backyard. “With the economy the way it is, we thought why not take care of our own,” said Patty Bailey, a youth ministry leader. Each day during the first week in August, these young women and men set out in work crews to tackle their assigned projects for the day; all of these projects were spread out across the Bourbonnais and Kankakee areas. They focused their energies on fifty different projects, ranging from a week-long renovation of the Salvation Army facility, to repairing the homes of twenty-five senior parishioners, to preparing food and serving recovering addicts at the Fifth Street Ministries.

Jim Denault was one of many adults who served as a site manager; he supervised the teens who painted some of the common areas at the Salvation Army. “You can just see how good the kids are feeling about helping others,” Jim said. “And they’re learning a lot too. Some of them had never picked up a hammer.”

Their work was so inspiring that it drew many visitors, including Fr. Thomas R. von Behren, CSV, provincial of the Viatorian Community, who spoke to them one night at dinner. “You are members of the very first Viatorian parish in the United States, and it continues to be the mother parish of our province,” Fr. von Behren said. “You are continuing the work of our founder, Fr. Louis Querbes, CSV, by serving those who are less fortunate and, as young people, working together to share and to live the Gospel through your concrete, faith-filled, service this week.”

Jim’s daughter, Adrianna, worked with her crew around the grounds of Our Lady of Victory nursing home. Over the course of two days, they filled bags and bags of weeds before turning to washing the windows and repainting picnic tables.

One of the teenagers, Gab Carranza, has participated in six mission trips with the parish’s youth group, serving from New Orleans to 4

“After this work, washing the pews in an air conditioned church doesn’t sound so bad,” quips their adult leader, Lynn Piggush, who spent the week with her crew even though she did not have any children in the program.

love unconditionally, and Bill Johnson, campus ministry director of Marmion Academy, in Aurora, IL, who told them simply: “Seize the moment for Jesus.” Experiences such as Camp MOSH invite today’s youth to become even more engaged and active members of the Body of Christ. The Second Vatican Council helped each of us to grasp the central and fundamental concept of the Church as the People of God. Maternity BVM parish, through its Camp MOSH initiative, encapsulates this imperative of the Second Vatican Council. For this, we are most grateful.

Crews returned to their home base every night to enjoy a dinner, served by a different community organization each night, and to hear motivational speakers and concerts by local bands and by the parish’s contemporary praise band. Additional participants in Camp MOSH included a young diocesan seminarian, Sam Sorich, who encouraged the teens to be open to God’s

Daniel Lydon Enters the Novitiate Members of the Viatorian Community had to look no further than their own backyard for their newest candidate for religious life. Daniel Lydon, who has served as director of association and coordinator of vocation ministry, entered the Viatorian novitiate in the United States on September 6, 2009.

He describes his vocation as one that he has been considering for years; however, more recently, because he has taken over the work of promoting vocations for the Viatorian Community, it has forced him to examine his own future. “Many people asked me, along the way, to consider serving as a Viatorian religious,” Dan says. “I felt I needed to examine this call, this invitation, before I got much older.” Nearly his entire career has been spent working side-by-side with religious. After earning his Spanish degree, Dan taught at a series of Christian Brother’s schools, in Hawaii, California, and Michigan, before returning to St. Viator High School. He has taught religion, Spanish, history, and served as campus minister, as well as moderated several extracurricular activities, such as yearbook and newspaper.

“My work with my candidates who are interested in religious life forced me to look at my own vocation,” Dan says. “I began to ask myself, how I might best serve as a Viatorian.”

Working as he has with the Viatorians, as well as meeting the young men who choose to enter the community, has inspired him to take the next step. That step was marked on Sunday, September 6th, when, during a communal evening Eucharistic liturgy, presided over by Fr. Thomas von Behren, CSV, Provincial, in the chapel of the Province Center in Arlington Heights, IL, Br. Lydon began his novitiate year in the Viatorian community.

Dan is well-known to the expanded Viatorian community. He made his first commitment as an associate in the community in 2006. Prior to that, he taught Spanish at St. Viator High School in Arlington Heights , IL , and later served in administration; Dan worked for a total of seven years at the high school. His first association with the Viatorians was when he attended Saint Viator High School as a student, where he graduated in 1973; he earned a degree in Spanish from Lewis University in Romeoville, IL.

“I work with a very energetic team of Viatorian religious and lay men and women,” Dan adds, “who all are promoting the life of a Viatorian. It is contagious.”


Vocation Ministry There is much to report in the area of vocations these days.

Br. Frank Enciso, CSV. with Fr. Mark Francis, CSV, Br. Fredy Contreras, CSV, and Fr. Thomas von Behren, CSV

Br. Frank Enciso, CSV, received the Ministry of Lector and the Ministry of Acolyte on June 22nd, during a communal Eucharistic liturgy at which Fr. Mark Francis, CSV, and Fr. Thomas von Behren, CSV, presided. Both ministries, formerly known as minor orders, are required for a person seeking ordination to the priesthood. Br. Enciso is currently teaching theology at Colegio San Viator in Bogotá, Colombia.

Province Center in Arlington Heights, IL, for a “Come and See” experience from July 10th to July 12th. Associate Daniel Lydon, Coordinator of Vocation Ministry, hosted the young men at the Viatorian Province Center . The weekend included meeting many Viatorian religious and associates and provided the opportunity to become acquainted with Viatorian ministry sites in Bourbonnais, Kankakee, Arlington Heights, and Chicago, IL. William Ospino teaches Spanish at the high school level in Denver, CO. Bill Geis is involved with youth ministry at St. Thomas More parish, staffed by Viatorians, in Henderson, NV. Both men have decided to apply to the Viatorian pre-novitiate program in the summer of 2010.

Joan Sweeney serves as the archivist for the Viatorian Community, a position she has held for the past three years. She works in the Viatorian Province Center in Arlington Heights, IL. Leona Iglinski is a longtime parishioner and volunteer at Viatorian parishes Associate Leona Iglinski in Las Vegas, NV. She served as a religious education teacher, parish council member, and volunteer for several pastoral ministries. Mary Finks has been actively involved at St. Patrick parish in Kankakee, IL, for the past thirty years, primarily as a cantor, as

Associates Joan Sweeney, Sharon Mahoney and Pat Mahoney

Br. Daniel Tripamer, CSV

On July 7th, Br. Daniel J. Tripamer, CSV, renewed his vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, during the communal celebration of Morning Prayer, from the Liturgy of Hours, at Saint Viator High School Alumni Chapel, during the Viatorian Community’s annual assembly. Br. Tripamer, who teaches mathematics and coaches tennis at Saint Viator High School in Arlington Heights, IL , entered the novitiate in 2002 and professed his first vows in 2003. William Ospino, from Denver, CO, and Bill Geis, from Henderson, NV, visited the

Associates Patrick and Sharon Mahoney and Joan Sweeney, (Arlington Heights/ Chicago region), made their initial two-year commitments as associates, Associate Leona Iglinski, (Henderson/Las Vegas region), renewed her commitment as an associate for a period of five years, and Associates Mary Finks, Marilyn Mulcahy, and John Ohlendorf, (Bourbonnais/ Kankakee region), made their definitive/ life commitments as associates during a Eucharistic celebration at Saint Viator High School Alumni Chapel on July 7, 2009. Sharon and Pat Mahoney have been actively involved at Saint Viator High School in Arlington Heights, IL, for the past forty years. Pat currently serves as director of development at Saint Viator High School. 6

Associates John Ohlendorf, Marilyn Mulcahy and Mary Finks

part of the RCIA team, and as a member of the parish council. She currently ministers as a hospice nurse for “Hospice of Kankakee County.” Marilyn Mulcahy has been a pastoral associate at St. Patrick parish in Kankakee, IL, for the past twenty-four years. Prior to that, she served the parish as coordinator of religious education for five years. John Ohlendorf, a former high school English teacher, is actively involved at Maternity BVM parish in Bourbonnais, IL, in several pastoral ministries, such as presiding at communion services, serving as lector and Eucharistic minister, and directing the parish’s Living Last Supper.

The community welcomes these men and women as co-responsible partners for the Viatorian mission. The Viatorian Community welcomed Daniel Lydon into the novitiate during a special liturgy on September 6th at the Province Center in Arlington Heights, IL . During this period of formation, Br. Lydon, accompanied by Fr. Arnold Perham, CSV, Director of Novices, will study the Viatorian history, spirituality, the theology of the three vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, prayer and meditation styles, community-life issues, and the Viatorian charism. Please read the accompanying article on Br. Lydon’s journey to religious life on page 5. Preparations are underway for the first annual “Viatorian Youth Congress” to be held in August 2010. Young leaders and their youth directors will participate in three days of workshops, liturgies, and prayer experiences that will assist them in getting to know each other, to learn about Viatorian history, and to reflect on the importance of the Viatorian mission in our modern world. Youth from Nevada and Illinois in the United States and from the Corozal District in Belize have been invited. Associate Karen Cutler, Fr. Corey Brost, Br. John Eustice, and Br. Daniel Lydon comprise the coordinating team. Additional information about the “Viatorian Youth Congress” will be published in the February newsletter. There has been a dramatic increase of vocation inquiries this year. Vision Magazine’s, “Vocation Match Service,” has put nearly 100 men in touch with the Viatorian Community. Vision’s website is: Several Viatorians are in contact with college-age men who have expressed interest in keeping a connection with the Viatorians during their college years. In Las Vegas, sixteen new people have begun their journey toward becoming Viatorian Associates.

The Viatorians greatly appreciate your financial assistance, which helps to sustain our ministries in the United States and overseas. If you would like to assist us, please send your gifts to: Viatorian Office of Mission Advancement 1212 East Euclid Ave. Arlington Heights, IL 60004 847-637-2142 You can either designate where your gifts will be used or delegate us to distribute the funds where they are most needed. As a non-profit and tax-exempt organization, the Viatorians are very grateful for your prayers and financial support in “educating for the future.” For wills and bequests: Clerics of St. Viator an Illinois Corporation

The community is grateful for the gift of vocations as it looks to new and innovative ways to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Youth Ministry… continued from page 3 Ken and Michelle have been leading these service trips for ten years. They find each one a refreshing experience because they provide young people an opportunity to share their gifts and their talents with others and so make a significant contribution to the local community. The young people experience the axiom that when we give of ourselves, we receive so much more.

The Nazareth League of Prayers

In reflecting on their ministry, Ken and Michelle mentioned that they receive much support from the people of St. Patrick parish and from other Viatorian associates. For example, besides providing the meals, parishioners are praying with them during the week. Ken and Michelle, as lifetime residents of Kankakee, have a long history with the Viatorians and being associates is another reflection of that relationship and faith commitment. Their ministry is one of the ways that the Viatorians — associates, brothers, and priests — work to bring into reality the vision of Fr. Louis Querbes. Associates Ken and Michelle Barrrie


provides an opportunity to share in the Viatorian prayer life. Prayer requests are inscribed in a special book and then placed in the chapel at the Province Center. When Viatorians gather daily in communal prayer, they specifically remember the intentions of their friends and gratefully thank everyone who has so generously supported the Viatorian ministries. To participate in the Nazareth League of Prayers, simply list your intentions in the envelope provided and mail them to us. You can also request specific cards by calling 847-637-2125 or online at

Viatorians: Striving for Ministerial Excellence Around most school halls, an assembly means a break from formal classes. However, for members of the Viatorian Community, it means three days in July that are set aside for prayer, renewal, inspiring talks, and sharing, at the annual provincial assembly.

He suggested such methods as greeting parishioners before Mass, rather than trying to stop the flow afterwards. A monthly dinner with the pastor, he added, would help break down the barriers between the clergy and parishioners. One of his favorite ideas is distributing communion by name. He believes so strongly in its power to pull parishes together that he thinks it will spread across the country.

This was the case from July 7th through July 9th, when associates, brothers, priests, and ministerial collaborators from the Viatorian Community of the Province of Chicago gathered together. Nearly 100 people attended this three-day provincial Associate Joseph Majkowski and assembly, coming from as Fr. Richard Rinn, CSV far as Las Vegas, NV, and Corozal Town, Belize. They converged on the Viatorian Province Center and on Saint Viator High School in Arlington Heights, IL.

“People want to be known,” Mr. Wilkes said. “Our parishes are getting bigger and more impersonal. People want to be known.” In conclusion, he summed up his ideas by encouraging today’s ministers to “personalize, personalize, personalize. It definitely heightens the experience.” Fr. Patrick Render, CSV, pastor of St. Thomas More Catholic Community in Las Vegas, NV, hopes to implement several of Paul’s ideas, despite the fact that his parish has 6,000 registered families. “I liked his idea of not just welcoming people, but trying to incorporate them into the community,” Fr. Render said. “Give them a sense of belonging. Especially in the Las Vegas community, people are hungry for a sense of belonging.”

Fr. Thomas R. von Behren, CSV, provincial of the Viatorian Community, opened the assembly by saying, “We have three goals: to share community and forge relationships; to emphasize the importance of our communal prayer; and to take the information and strategies we learn during our time together and bring them back to where we minister so that the multiplicity and diversity of our ministries might be enriched and enhanced.”

During the assembly’s second day, Fr. Joseph Creedon, pastor of Christ the King parish in Providence, RI, challenged the participants to move beyond their comfort zone as they minister in today’s Church; he emphasized the critical importance for stewardship in building healthy parishes.

A pair of keynote speakers provided the participants in this annual assembly with numerous tangible ways to heighten, to deepen, and to sustain participation in their ministries.

The first thing Fr. Creedon noticed was the number of lay associates who distributed communion at the Eucharistic celebration on the Fr. Joseph Creedon evening of July 7th. “The presence of lay associates who are actively involved in your community says something,” he said. “There’s good stuff happening here.”

Paul Wilkes, the prominent and award-winning Catholic author of Excellent Catholic Parishes and In Due Season, spoke about his research which uncovered a myriad of venues for re-energizing Mr. Paul Wilkes Catholic parishes in the United States. He described parishes that generate a sense of excitement, where an optimistic atmosphere prevails, and where every member is approached by name with “an incredible prejudice” in his/her favor.

He described the equal involvement of the lay associates in the Viatorian community as rare, and yet fulfilling the original intent of the Second Vatican Council, which emphasized the involvement of all the baptized in the life and ministry of the Church.

“Successful parishes believe in the excitement of being Catholic, in the adventure, in the discovery, in the pilgrimage of being Catholic,” Mr. Wilkes said. “Innovate and instill that sense of adventure in your own people. There should be a spirit-filled dynamism in the approach to parish life.”

In parish terms, he emphasized that this Associate Margery Gill, Br. Michael Gosch, CSV, and Associate Joan Sweeney share a laugh.


vision can be realized with a renewed emphasis on stewardship, across the board. “Stewardship is spirituality not a program,” he said. “It is spirituality that, once embraced, will dramatically enrich parish life. With stewardship, there are no bystanders; everyone Br. John Eustice,CSV, Fr. Christopher Glancy, CSV, Associates Glenda Francis and Sylvia Vargas is a witness to the faith that unites us. Everything is a gift from God, whether it is one’s time, talent, or treasure.” Special time was set aside each day for prayer, sharing, and deepening the bonds of community. Two special occasions, which encapsulate the Viatorian charism of community, occurred during the Assembly on July 7th. Br. Daniel J. Tripamer, CSV, renewed his vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, at the communal Morning Prayer from the Liturgy of Hours, celebrated in St. Viator High School Alumni Chapel. In addition, at the communal evening Eucharistic celebration on that same day, Patrick and Sharon Mahoney and Joan Sweeney made their first commitment as Viatorian associates; Leona Iglinski renewed her commitment as an associate (featured on page 6); and Mary Finks, Marilyn Mulcahy, and John Ohlendorf made their permanent, definitive, commitment as Viatorian associates. A discernment process looking back over their many years of involvement as associates and the gifts they offer, as well as the ongoing support and challenge of community members, led Mary, Marilyn, and John to make this graced-filled life decision.

Another significant event of the Assembly, which took place on July 8th, was the celebration of this year’s seven Viatorian Jubilarians. Fr. George Auger, CSV, Fr.Thomas Wise, CSV, Br. John Dodd, CSV, and Fr. Ken Morris, CSV, and Br. John Dodd, CSV Fr. Robert Erickson, CSV, were featured in the last Spring/Summer issue of the Viator, and Fr. Donald Huntimer, CSV, Fr. Eugene Weitzel, CSV, and Fr. Kenneth Yarno, CSV, are featured on page 10. A copy of Fr. Robert Erickson’s homily, preached at the communal Jubilee evening Eucharistic celebration in St. Viator High School Alumni Chapel, can be found on the “What’s New” page of our community website: Members of the community look forward to gathering each year in assembly to pray, share, and celebrate. It is these experiences that help nourish, sustain, strengthen the bonds that have been developed over the years.

Fr. Thomas Kass, CSV, and Hector Luna from St. Viator Parish, Chicago

Fr. Thomas von Behren, CSV, leads the community in prayer.


Celebrating 50 Years of Priesthood Fr. Donald Huntimer, CSV

from DePaul University in Chicago, IL, and his S.T.D. in moral theology from Catholic University of America in Washington, DC.

Fr. Donald W. Huntimer, CSV, was ordained a priest on May 17, 1959. During his many years as a Viatorian priest, he has been a high school teacher, an archdiocesan director of adult religious education, a parochial vicar, a pastor, a director of the Newman apostolate, a minister to prisoners, a spiritual director, and a chaplain to the Benedictine Sisters at their monastery in Tucson, AZ, where he resides today. He was born in Madison, SD, and entered the Viatorian Community novitiate in Chicago in 1950. He earned a B.A. and an M.A. in history, and another M.A. in religious education, at Loyola University, Chicago. In 1984, Fr. Huntimer went back to school and obtained a degree in spirituality and worship from the Graduate Theological Union at Berkeley, CA. He taught history and religion in the Chicago area for several years. Beginning in 1969, his ministries as teacher, priest, and administrator took him to Sonoma, CA; Reno, NV; San Ysabel, CA; Las Vegas, NV; and Tucson, AZ.

Between 1951 and 1957 Fr. Weitzel taught at St. Philip High School in Chicago, Spalding Institute in Peoria, IL, and Cathedral Boys High School in Springfield, IL. His longest teaching tenure was at Griffin High School in Springfield, IL, where he taught from 1959 to 1971. Fr. Weitzel made a change to hospital ministry in 1971, when be began serving as a chaplain at St. John’s Hospital in Springfield, IL, until 1989. From 1989-2006, he served as pastor of St. Alexius parish in Beardstown, IL. In semiretirement, he continues to serve the people of Beardstown and Arenzville as a sacramental minister. When reflecting on his years of ministry, Fr. Weitzel states, “I think the most satisfying thing that has happened to me is the wonderful opportunities I have been given to work in my home diocese.”

Fr. Kenneth Yarno, CSV Fr. Kenneth E. Yarno, CSV, entered the Viatorian Community in 1950 after graduating from St. Patrick High School in Kankakee, IL, where Viatorians were his teachers. After his studies at the Viatorian Seminary, he was ordained a priest on May 17, 1959. He earned his B.A. in philosophy from St. Ambrose College in Davenport, IA, and his M.S. in industrial arts from Bradley University in Peoria, Il. He completed work for a certificate in educational administration at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, IL, which led to a long career as an administrator.

In the early 1970’s, he began to study art which became an overlay to all he was doing. He writes, “I stress that the process of getting in touch with the creative dimension of our spirits is more important than any art that we may produce.” He has produced many canvases, averaging 24x30 inches, over the last forty years. The categories of his paintings, listed on his website, include: nebulas and galaxies, fields of flowers, animals and birds, landscapes, seascapes, portraits, still-life, and religious subjects. According to Fr. Huntimer, “Good art can engender a transformation of consciousness and it can elevate one to a religious plane of wonder, awe, and reverence.”

From 1960-1968, he was assigned as director of vocations for the Viatorian Community. During his years as director of vocations, he served for two years as Chairman of the National Religious Vocation Directors.

Fr. Huntimer is well-read on topics related to the Church and politics in the United States. He is known for forwarding to his friends almost daily articles via e-mail with the caption, “Read this one!”

Fr. Yarno ministered as teacher and assistant principal at Saint Viator High School in Arlington Heights from 1968 to 1973. He became principal of Bishop McNamara High School, a school that evolved from the high school he had attended in Kankakee.

Fr. Eugene Weitzel, CSV Fr. Eugene J. Weitzel, CSV, a graduate of the Viatorian sponsored Cathedral Boys’ High School in Springfield, IL, was ordained a priest on June 6, 1959. He writes, “I would say if one is looking for true happiness and a real sense of giving, it can be found in religious life and/or the priesthood. I have never been unhappy as a priest.” He pronounced his first vows as a Viatorian on February 5, 1951. “I believe that several Viatorians at Cathedral Boys’ High School were quite influential on me to decide to pursue the priesthood,” says Fr. Weitzel. He also writes of the influence of his mother on his vocation. When he entered the community, Fr. Weitzel had completed his B. A. in philosophy from St. Joseph’s College in Rensselaer, IN. He later earned his M. A. in education

In 1983, he was installed as pastor of Immaculate Conception Parish in Kankakee. From 1985 to 1987, Fr. Yarno served as pastor at St. Viator Church in Chicago. During the years 1987 to 1994, he was associate pastor and then pastor at St. Joseph Church in Springfield, IL. From 1994 until his retirement in 2000, he was pastor and later sacramental minister at St. George Parish in St. George, IL. Those who know him well, know that he has never been idle. For years, his main hobby has been woodworking. His workshop was his haven and his prize where he created many examples of fine carpentry and cabinet making. His gift for attention to detail and great patience were necessary to produce beautiful furniture and grandfather clocks. 10

In the Footsteps of Our Founder Satisfying Two Masters Father Louis Querbes remained in Rome after his June 20, 1838, audience with Pope Gregory XVI. Only then did the Sacred Congregation of Bishops and Regulars begin the time-consuming process of considering his petition. What was the normal process? The first step was the publication of a Summarium. The Summarium is a document distributed among the Cardinals who would eventually offer their opinion on the petition. The Cardinals would forward their recommendations to the Cardinal Prefect and to a Cardinal ponent (reporter). Next, the recommendations would go to Pope Gregory XVI. In his audience with the Pope, Fr. Querbes outlined the purpose of his society. The Pope showed “marked interest” in his project. It now fell to Fr. Querbes to prepare with greater precision his portion of the Summarium. Fr. Querbes no longer considered his Society simply a confraternity. The Clerics of St. Viator were to be a religious congregation, admitting its members to perpetual profession only after a period of temporary

I v o r y

Burkina Faso

A major issue remained. The statutes, as written, defined the Society as a diocesan Congregation. The statutes provided that the catechists would take their vows to the Archbishop of Lyons. The original statutes had the principal director, Fr. Louis Querbes, depended on the Archbishop to such a degree that he ceased even to be Superior if the occasion presented itself when he no longer would be pastor at Vourles. Even decisions of the Chapters of the Society could not be implemented until approved by the Archbishop. The above details are drawn from Pierre Robert, The Life of Louis Marie Querbes, He notes “Archbishop de Pins and his Council, sincerely desirous as they were of supporting the plan of Father Querbes to obtain authorization from Rome, were not Canada


C o a s t


able to get away from a local point of view.” (Robert 169-170). It was precisely for these reasons that Fr. Louis Querbes sought Papal approbation. He faced the challenge: how could he satisfy both Lyons and Rome? How could he satisfy both his Archbishop and the Pope? Br. Leo V. Ryan, CSV





Our associates, brothers and priests ministering in parishes and schools give witness to Jesus Christ in our modern world.

Viatorians Around The World


Clerics of St. Viator


vows. He was prepared to concede the secular elements of his original proposal. The Summarium required further definition of “poverty.” The vows of chastity and obedience were to be specified and understood and practiced as in other orders and congregations approved by the Church.

Br. Daniel Lydon, Coordinator of Vocation Ministry 1212 E. Euclid Ave., Arlington Heights, IL 60004 847.637.2129 • J a p a n

P e r u

S p a i n


T a i w a n

U n i t e d

S t a t e s


Vourles - Beginning of the Querbesian Year Forty-nine Viatorian associates and professed from sixteen countries arrived in Vourles, France, on August 29, 2009, to honor the memory of their founder, Fr. Louis Querbes, CSV. It was in Vourles in 1831 that Fr. Querbes founded, under the patronage of the Archbishop of Lyons, the Parochial Clerics of St. Viator. Within five years, Fr. Querbes had opened parish elementary schools in five rural dioceses of France. His religious institute dedicated “to teaching Christian doctrine and service of the Holy Altar” was given approval by Pope Gregory XV in 1838. By that act, his small religious group was accorded universal status by the Church. Today, the Clerics of St. Viator, now more commonly known as the Viatorians, serve in sixteen countries. Viatorian associates, brothers, and priests arrived from the Viatorian Provinces of Canada, Chicago, Chile, France, and Spain. Delegates from the Province of Chicago included Provincial, Fr. Thomas R. von Behren; Assistant Provincial, Br. Michael T. Gosch; former Provincial, Fr. Robert M. Egan; former Superior General, Fr. Thomas G. Langenfeld; Br. Leo V. Ryan, Chair of the Querbes Commission; pastors, Fr. Richard A. Rinn and Fr. John N. Peeters; and Associates Karen Cutler, from Arlington Heights, IL, and Maggie Saunders, from Las Vegas, NV. The Chicago Foundation of Belize was represented by Br. Moises Mesh, the first Belizean vocation. Fr. Edgar Suarez represented the Chicago Foundation of Colombia. Viatorians also came from the Foundations of Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Haiti, Honduras, Ivory Coast, Japan, Peru, and Taiwan. The superior general and the general council, together with Fr. José Antonio Lezama, Promoter of the Cause of Fr. Querbes, were present from Rome.

Prayer Service at the Tomb of Fr. Louis Querbes

Br. Moses Mesh, CSV, from the Foundation of Belize, praying at the tomb of Fr. Querbes

The immediate occasion for this Viatorian world assembly was to commemorate the sesquicentennial anniversary of the death of Father Querbes on September 1, 1859. Viatorians gathered to honor his memory, to enrich their knowledge of his life and spirituality, to renew their commitment to his ideals, and to pray for his beatification and canonization. They participated in a three-day program of spiritual renewal, walking in the foot-steps of Fr. Querbes, praying at his grave site, attending lectures, and celebrating Eucharist at the two churches of his ministry, St. Nizier in Lyons and St. Bonnet in Vourles. For more information on this anniversary commemoration, please visit the “What’s New” page at This event marked the beginning of the Querbesian year—a year dedicated to making better known the life and ministry of Fr. Louis Querbes.


Banner of Fr. Querbes Hanging Throughout Vourles, France, translated as “Louis Querbes Alive Today “ (Louis Querbes Toujours Vivant)

Viatorian Parishes Respond to the Current Economic Crisis Every Viatorian parish has many parishioners who are confronted with the possible loss of their homes because of ever-rising mortgage payments. Even selling their homes is not an option because of the weak housing market. Compounding the problem is that many have to take salary cuts or have been laid off. The result is that the number of people falling below the poverty line is projected to increase by 10 million over the next two years. A particularly tragic result of increased poverty is increased homelessness, and it includes children, seniors, and veterans, a fact that school districts across the country verify as they see a sharp increase of homeless children and youth in the schools. St.Thomas More and St. Viator parishes in the Las Vegas area each participate in a national program entitled “Family Promise.” Each parish provides meals, shelter, and compassionate assistance for three to five families at a time. Volunteers serve meals and provide emotional support. In the morning, the guests leave at 7:00 a.m. and spend the day at a “day center,” a base from which they search for housing, jobs, and services.

Also, St. Viator in Chicago and Maternity BVM in Bourbonnais, IL, have food pantries. At the latter, a committed parishioner drops off many loaves of bread each week that are in turn distributed to parishioners. The current economic crisis has impacted everyone to some degree, and Viatorians have chosen to take a proactive stance by engaging others to respond in many different ways. The individual responses, which leads to a deeper appreciation of the human impact of this crisis, lead to the second question as to what societal changes need to be made to reach out to those currently affected and to ensure that something similar does not happen to future generations.

Other services include St. Thomas More parishioners offering a “skills bank” whereby parishioners donate their talents to help the unemployed and St. Viator parishioners collecting food and clothing that is in turn donated to local charities. Every Viatorian parish works with the local Catholic Charities to help secure a coordinated effort to those who need help. At St. Patrick Parish in Kankakee, IL, the parish collaborates with other Catholic and Protestant parishes to help fund the Gateway Coalition, where a volunteer helps determine what the needs for each person are and then provides appropriate resources. Each of the four Viatorian parishes with a parish school has a policy of helping those who are in need and giving as much leeway on tuition as possible.

Mission Advancement The Office of Mission Advancement continues to forge ahead with two new evangelization projects: the Partners in Mission and the Viatorian Service Corps initiatives. Both were described to members of the Viatorian Community during their annual summer Assembly. Associate Randy Baker, mission advancement coordinator, updated members at the Assembly and drew interest in both outreach programs.

The Viatorian Service Corps draws its model from selected components of “Mercy Works,” the service program run by Mercy Home for Boys and Girls in Chicago, IL, as well as from selected components of the Catholic Network of Volunteer Services, which offers faith-based volunteer opportunities, in Tacoma Park, MD. The Viatorian Mission Corps both encapsulates and makes tangible the Gospel imperative that it is only through the radicalism of sacrifice that one can be a witness of the

hope inspired “by Christ’s own charity, which takes the form of concern, tenderness, compassion, openness, availability, and interest in people’s problems” ( John Paul II, Redemptoris Missio, # 89). “This is brand new and something we’re really excited about,” Randy says. “The corps, which gives participants an opportunity for spiritual growth, has been approved by the Viatorian provincial council. Our next step will be to survey our people in ministry regarding a wish list of their needs.” continued on page 16


Around the Province Congratulations to the students from the 2008-2009 Saint Viator High School’s Advanced Placement U.S. History course. The articles, written by these students on the veterans of WW II living in Arlington Heights, were recently published in Arlington Heights’ Greatest Generation, a project sponsored by The Peoples’ Bank of Arlington Heights, IL. The work of these advanced placement students was supervised and inspired by Mr. William Pirman and Fr. Daniel Hall, CSV, two of Saint Viator High School’s history teachers. Among those highlighted in the book is Br. Leo Ryan, CSV, who served in the U.S. Army, 1945-1947. On June 28, 2009, during a communal Eucharist liturgy, ten Ivorian Viatorians professed their temporary vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience at Our Lady of Nazareth Chapel, in the Viatorian retreat center, Bouake, Ivory Coast, Africa. Eight of the newly professed will continue their studies at the university-level in Abidjan, one will teach at College Saint Viateur in Bouake, and another will study French at the university-level in Togo. The Viatorians of the Province of Chicago, who partner with the Viatorians of the Foundation of the Ivory Coast by providing funding for the education and formation of its young members, share in the joy of their African confreres. To make better known the vision and mission of the Founder of the Clerics of St. Viator, Fr. Louis Querbes, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of his death, an English translation of Louis Querbes and the Catechists of Saint Viator was published by the Province of Chicago Querbes

Commission on June 15, 2009. A copy can be obtained by contacting Faith Dussman at (847) 637-2126. The original version, written in French by Br. Robert Bonnafous, CSV, was published in France in 1993. Bishop Thomas Paprocki, an auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Chicago, installed Fr. Charles Bolser, CSV, as the twenty-third pastor of St. Viator parish in Bishop Paprocki (left) with Chicago, on Sunday, Fr. Charles Bolser, CSV July 19, 2009. The Viatorian Community has served the parish since its founding in 1888. Fr. Bolser looks forward to collaborating with members of the Salesian Community who will assist with the ministry to the parish Latino community. Several Viatorians will also assist Fr. Bolser with part-time sacramental ministry. Congratulations to Br. Daniel Tripamer, CSV, who earned an M.A. in Mathematics Education on August 6, 2009, from DePaul University in Chicago, IL. Br. Tripamer is in his ninth year of teaching mathematics and coaching at Saint Viator High School in Arlington Heights, IL. Superior General Fr. Mark Francis, CSV, an internationallyrespected liturgist and writer, presented a workshop at Broken Bay Institute, outside of Sydney, Australia, on The New Translation of the Roman Missal. Earlier this summer, he presented a conference at Seton Hall University, entitled Liturgy in a Multicultural Community. The Viatorian charism of being educators in faith is encapsulated in Fr. Francis’ research, teaching, scholarly presentations and publications, and international leadership. In honor of the Querbesian year (see page 12), Saint Viator High School will institute the Father Louis Querbes Scholars Program. The program will enable highly motivated students to excel both in academics and in personal enrichment. In order to qualify and 14

remain active in the program, students must score in the top seven percent on the Saint Viator High School national entrance test, and must maintain a 97 percent GPA to remain in the program. They are also expected to take four honors classes each year, complete three years of a modern language, and participate in at least one extra-curricular activity each year. The program will offer special presentations, out-of-school experiences, foreign travel opportunities, and summer opportunities. Br. Leo Ryan, CSV, and Br. Rob Robertson, CSV, serve on a committee that oversees the development of this program.

significantly sized sustainable garden, recycling on a larger scale, and more efficient use of the buildings on the property. While on sabbatical, Fr. Carlos Luis Claro, CSV, volunteers as a tutor in an education program located in Ciudad Bolivar, the poorest section of Bogotà where two million displaced people live. Many children live in the streets during the day while their parents work or seek work. The government does not provide many services for these people. Of the nearly 10 million people who live in Bogotá, about 40 percent live in homes without electricity and running water. The children of these families have little access to education.

Saint Viator High School, in Arlington Heights, IL, began ts forty-eighth academic year on August, 24, 2009, with an enrollment of 1065 co-ed students, 25 percent of whom share in over $1,000,000 of scholarship assistance. Currently, thirteen Viatorian associates, brothers, and priests are involved this important educational ministry of the province. Fr. Albeyro Vanegas, CSV, from the Viatorian Foundation of Colombia, received an award for “Excellence in Education” from Consejo Iberoamericano on August 28, 2009, in Lima, Peru. The award recognizes Fr. Vanegas’ leadership and management skills. In addition, the council granted him two honorary degrees: a master of technology education and a doctorate in education. Fr. Vanegas has dedicated over thirty years in the field of education at the primary and secondary level. Currently, he serves as principal of Colegio San Viator in Bogotá

Fr. Thomas Long, CSV, participated in a Witness For Peace delegation to Cali and Buenaventura, Colombia, from August 10 - 20. The purpose was to listen to the stories of people as they struggle against crushing poverty and homicidal violence. A particular concern was the possible effects of the proposed free trade agreement with the U.S. would have on the small farmers and business people. A reflection on Fr. Long’s trip can be read on the What’s New page at Chicago and Illinois Midland in Color, History of the Chicago and Midland Railway: 1945-1996, written by Br. James Lewnard, CSV, was published by Morning Sun Books, on October 1, 2009. Br. Lewnard, quite the railroad enthusiast, spends his free time studying the U.S. railway system when he is not preparing high school theology classes and graduate-level education courses, playing the flute or cello at religious ceremonies, or reading historical biographies.

The Viatorian provincial council recently created an environmental stewardship commission that will study, among other things, ways to use the Viatorian property in Arlington Heights, IL, that will be environmentally friendly. Possible options include the creation of a 15

Clerics of St. Viator 1212 E. Euclid Avenue Arlington Heights, IL 60004-5799



Newsletter – Fall 2009


Viator is published three times a year by the Office of Mission Advancement for the Clerics of St. Viator, Province of Chicago. Email: Website: Our purpose is to present the mission, ministries, news and needs of our community to those who are interested in and supportive of our works.


Provincial: Fr. Thomas R. von Behren, CSV

Editor: Fr. Thomas E. Long, CSV

Editorial Board: Fr. Thomas R. von Behren, CSV Br. Michael T. Gosch, CSV Br. Donald P. Houde, CSV Fr. Thomas G. Kass, CSV Br. Leo V. Ryan, CSV

Contributing Journalist: Eileen O’Grady Daday

Layout and Design: Dianna Ehrenfried, Visualedge, Inc. If you are receiving multiple copies of this newsletter and/or wish to be removed from the mailing list, please call the Office of Mission Advancement at 847-637-2142 or fax your request to 847-637-2145.

Mission Advancement… continued from page 13 The components of the Viatorian Service Corps include four parts: • Long-term: a one-year volunteer term of service during which members live with and work in community with Viatorians and other volunteers; • Summer Internship: two or three months of a summer internship of service for college students; • Short-term: one-to-three weeks of service, working on specific missions and cultural immersion projects, at various ministry sites; • Weekly: one-to-two days a week of service, supporting Viatorian ministry sites in need of regular volunteer support. Prospective ministry sites range from Viatorian parishes in Chicago, Bourbonnais, Kankakee, and Las Vegas, to St. Viator High School in Arlington Heights, and even internationally in Belize.

Reflecting on the Viatorian Service Corps, Br. John Eustice, CSV, commented: “I am thrilled there is a place for those who want to participate actively in the mission to which I have dedicated my life. The participants in this initiative will extend the Gospel-based

The Viatorian Service Corps gives participants an opportunity for spiritual growth and has been approved by the Viatorian Provincial Council

ministry to more of God’s people. There will be experiences of personal spiritual growth for all involved. We have reached the time where we feel compelled to share our incredible mission with others.” Secondly, Randy Baker described the Viatorian Partners in Mission initiative as the place “where donors and mission meet.”

He described its goal as one of establishing a more personal relationship between the Viatorian Community and its partners. He envisions supporters learning more about the Viatorian ministries, by being invited to participate in those ministries, as well as by enjoying an enhanced prayer life through prayer intentions and retreats. Ultimately, Randy hopes the strengthened partnership will lead to an increase in support for the myriad of Viatorian missions and outreach programs. Both of these new initiatives will be discussed at length in October, when the Mission Advancement Advisory Council convenes for the second time. The advisory council will also suggest possible enhancements to the website and to the Viatorian newsletter, Viator, and will discuss new venues for promoting the Viatorian Community to its various constituencies.

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