Make it sustainable VIA University College
ESG 2021Report
Agents of change making a differencesustainable

3VIA University CollegeESG Report 2021 FOREWORD At VIA, we educate responsible professionals, and you can hold us accountable for it
Accountability and professionalism are two fundamental elements of VIA University College, and we are committed to making a difference as an educational institution, in society and on the planet – now with documented data in this ESG report. As a progressive and socially engaged educational institution, we have long worked to influence and make a sustainable im pact on the development of society. However, the path to this goal is neither simple nor predictable, but we believe we can take on the task together with our students, staff, partners and the workplaces that take on our graduates. A special synergy arises when students and teachers work together to develop new models; when different departments across VIA come together to develop sustainable solutions to specific societal needs; when we open our doors for companies and external parties to jointly solve the challenges of society. It sparks motivation and enterprise to take responsibility together –and that is what we are working towards with our vision for 2030: “Take action. Push boundaries. Learn together.” and our current strategy “Shaping future professionals together”.
well on our way with sustainable development in VIA, but we can and must constantly develop – especially as the issue is at the top of the national agenda with the climate goal of a 70 per cent CO2e reduction in 2030. By documenting our sustainability initiatives with this ESG report, we have the
Our most important task as an educational institution is to form and educate graduates as agents of change in society
Our most important task as an educational institution is to form and educate graduates as agents of change in society, so they help to set the sustainable agenda, based on a solid professional and academic basis. This demands us to be practical and relevant in our teaching, research and develop ment – because that is how our students bring about real change everywhere from schools to software companies to start-ups. That is why sustainability is a compulsory element in all education programmes, and that is why we carry out our skills course “Sustainable Development Goals in teaching”, which strengthens our teachers’ skillset with regard to Wesustainability.arealready
opportunity to approach the national strategy and policy objective in a clever and meaningful way. We are committed to working much more systematically with sustainable development, and our intention is for sustainability to permeate the entire organisation and be a hallmark of VIA University TheCollege.ESG Report 2021 is the first time we present our current situation in data and key figures. The report is to serve as a baseline for our further work towards a better future for all of us. We also hope it can help to inspire and create knowledge-based dialogue on how we can jointly become better at taking responsibility and making a difference in the future. We haven’t reached the goal yet, but we dream big, and we hope that, as a reader, you will join us. Happy
Vice Rector/President Corporate Administration VIA University College

5VIA University CollegeESG Report 2021 CONTENTS Table of Contents 03 Introduction 03 Foreword: At VIA, we educate responsible professionals 06 Introduction to VIA University College 07 VIA in numbers 08 What is ESG? 09 Why ESG? 11 Our work with sustainable development... 12 ... From the students’ perspective 15 ... In teaching 21 ... In research 27 ... As entrepreneurs 33 ... On campus 39 Climate accounts & ESG key figures 2021 40 Method of climate accounting 42 ESG key figures 45 CO2e statement 46 Data definitions 48 Data basis 50 Emission factors 52 Statement and declaration 52 Management endorsement 53 Auditor’s statement This ESG report is a translation of the Danish original text. The original Danish text shall be the governing text for all purposes and in the case of any discrepancy, the Danish wording will be applicable
A particular trait we have as an educational institution, and which we constantly strengthen in our work, is interdisciplinarity. We believe that the individual professional group cannot solve society’s challenges alone, but rather in partnership with other proTherefore,fessions.
VIA University College we work in an integrated manner with sustainable development in everything from circular economy to societal safety. This also means we are not just working with sustainability within climate and environment, but that we work with sustainability based on three parameters: Environmental sustainability, social sustainability and sustainable Thisgovernance.ESGreport focuses on concrete environment, social and governance data and figures.
we develop courses across locations, across education programmes and across organisational levels.
We educate a wealth of graduates,talented each with their own strong academic and example:ourplayprofile.professionalTheyallavitalroleinsocietyas,for
Pre-school and early childhood educators
At the same time, we strive to provide our students with the opportunity to engage with society and solve real tasks and challenges in collaboration with regions, companies and municipalities. Our students and course participants need to feel that their work is relevant and meaningful. Our staff need to experience that they and their skills are evolving in line with society’s needs now and in the future. That is why we have, for instance, developed a skills-based course for all teachers, where they develop concrete teaching courses in sustainability within each of their fields.
In this way, sustainable development is integrated into our education program mes and will over time become a con crete and present concept for everyone in VIA. That is the ambition.
The essential and significant role our graduates have in society calls on us to equip our students well to solve the challenges of today. And we also stay on our toes to give our students the tools to help them solve the challenges of Therefore,
VIA University College is one of Denmark’s six university colleges and is geographically located in eleven cities in the Central Denmark Region. As an institution, VIA stands on three pillars: Education, Research & Development, and Further and Continuing Education.
Every year, VIA sends 3,0004,000 graduates out into the world as agents of change to create a more sustainable society.
7VIA University CollegeESG Report 2021 VIA IN NUMBERS 30,00018,802 students 2,040 employees 1.7 DKK billion in operating income Nørre Nissum Viborg Skive Randers Holstebro Herning Ikast Silkeborg Grenaa Aarhus N HorsensAarhus C (approx.) on continuing and further education programmes
8VIA University CollegeESG Report Reporting2021on
What does ESG mean?
ESG is an international standard and stands for Environment, Social and Governance. ESG figures are used to measure and report on the work of companies and organisations with sustainability. figures: Direct emissions: 34 tCO2-e Salary difference m/f: 1,006 Gender distribution: 65% women – 35% men 60% women – 40% men in top management Energy consumption per bachelor student/undergraduate: 2012: 1,434 kWh 2021: 1,021 kWh Number of students: 2012: 17,062 2021: 18,802
ESG is not yet a legal requirement, but many companies and organisations use the reporting to provide a more nuanced picture of their business.
Selected ESG
SocialGovernance Financial figures are provided in the annual report
For VIA, it is important to be able to follow up and measure whether our development is going in the right direction, and therefore we are now reporting on the three ESG parameters.
9VIA University CollegeESG Report 2021 WHY ESG? Why ESG reporting?
Despite this ESG report being our first, sustainability has been a well-integrated part of our DNA since we started working on it in By2015.preparing an ESG report now, we can work more strategically and systematically with sustainable development. ESG ourfromoffersreportingusabaselinewhichtotargetefforts to measure our development toconcretely,actwisely based on knowledge and data, to keep each other motivated on the work of sustainability and to create noticeable results relating to our development as an organisation.
In 2021, we adopted a new strategy for VIA. A new strategy for how we want to develop and how we contribute to the development of society. For us, sustainability is not only green – it is also about diverse, inspiring and inviting communities and about our responsibility to educate students to create a sustainable future through their professions and entrepreneurial projects. In Strategy 2021-2025, our priorities are: Shaping professionalsfuturetogether: We want professional degree programmes we are proud of. We want to create communities bringing out the best in everyone. We want to be a knowledge institution driving sustainable development.
Our success indicators for developmentsustainableare: Graduates with resourcefulness to push the professions and society in a sustainable direction. New lifelong learning models. Strengthened range of study programmes throughout the entire region. Noticeable results on our sustainable development as an organisation.

Our work with developmentsustainable Make it sustainable VIA University College
From the perspective:students’ We take mayfindtakeatopicsForissuesprofessionsAmbassadorThetunityGoalsNinaseriously!itJørgensenispartofVIA’sSustainableDevelopmentAmbassadorCorps,wherestudentshavetheoppor-toworkextracurricularlywiththeUN’sSDGs.greatthingabouttheSustainableDevelopmentGoalsCorpsisthatNinacannowseehow“otheralsoplayapartbecausetheyexperiencesomethatIdon’tencounter”.Nina,it’saboutraisingtheconversation–onthebanaltoo–aboutsustainability.“Muchofitisaboutcreatingbettersolutionthantheonewehadyesterday.Weneedtosmallstepstowardstheverybestsolution,butwewon’tittomorrow.Wemaynotfinditinayeareither,butwefinditintenyears,”shesays.
Much of it is about creating a better solution than the one we had yesterday.
Nina Jørgensen Sustainable Development Goals Ambassador Corps 6th semester Student

“The Sustainable Development Goals and sustainability match my education programme really well. I get a different understanding of how things are connected, e.g. with on boarding, recruitment and the labour market in relation to other cultures.”
We can’t keep on with products.non-sustainableexpensivesignificantlyalternativessustainablebeingmorethan
Kamilla has also been involved in the start-up phase of VIA’s sustainability festival, because she thinks it’s a great initiative to raise awareness of sustainability, “and especially of social sustainability, because when you think of sustainability, the first thing you think about is ‘green energy’, ‘vegan’ and ‘vegetarian’. You don’t think about the social aspect of it, and here at VIA we have many social science education programmes that promote Social sustainability,” she concludes.
Anne Louise Mogensen Business Administration
VIA’s abilitysustain-festival is a great initiative to raise awareness of sustainability.
For Anne Louise, it’s important to work with sustainability and the 17 SDGs, “because it will be – and perhaps already is – a management paradigm in the public and private sectors”. At the same time, it’s important to keep in mind that being sustainable needs to pay off: “There are many nice products on the market, but we can’t keep on with sustainable alternatives being significantly more expensive than non-sustainable products,” she says.
Working as a social worker is working with sustainability, says Kamilla Lauridsen, a 7th semester student on the soci al worker education programme: “The entire education programme is built around social sustainability. We need to help people who are in situations that put them on an unequal footing with others. That is the bottom line of what we do as social workers.”
4thbachelorsemester student
Kamilla Lauridsen Bachelor of Social Work 7th semester student
As a student in the 4th semester of the Business Administration education programme, Anne Louise Mogensen focuses a lot on sustainable partnerships, social inequality in recruitment and on economic growth.

Our work development:sustainablewith In teaching Make it sustainable VIA University College
16VIA University CollegeESG Report 2021 We form and educate students in developmentsustainable DID YOU KNOW THAT ... UNESCO throughstudentsAmbassadorSustainablewhich‘SustainableUNESCODevelopmentSustainableGoalsSchoolhasgrantedusthetitleofDevelopmentGoalsSchool’,weimplementthrough,e.g.ourDevelopmentGoalsCorps,whichtrainstobeambassadorsworkshops. Selected results for the first group: Teaching material for primary schools, sustainability festival and participation in Map the System. Continuing and further education in sustainability We offer six modules/courses in sustainability at VIA Continuing and Further Education. For example, ‘Management in sustainability’ and ‘Sustainability in textile and clothing products’. robotsRubbishin wastefuntedcyclingmanagement,programmeandstudentsIneducationearlypre-schooltheandchildhoodRanders,Denmark,theonthepre-schoolearlychildhoodeducationworkwithwastereusingandre-inspecificactionorien-processes,e.g.developingrubbishrobotsmadefromtheybringin.
DevelopmentSustainable Goals in teaching We equip our teachers with skills and knowledge in sustainable development with the skills-based course ‘Sustainable Development Goals in teaching’, so teachers within all professions can develop courses in sustainability for their students.
Free e-course in sustainability believe in equal opportunities for all, which is why we have posted a free e-course on our website, where 13 of VIA’s
On the Design for Change course, stu dents are presented with completely new ways of rethinking the concept of design. Instead of simply designing for consumption and sales within the fashion industry, students must now design solutions based on the circular economy and the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals – and they must be placed in a welfare society context so they give real value.
At VIA, we strive to give students the opportunity to learn outside of the campus buildings as well. For this course, they have moved into places such as the Dokk1 Cultural Centre in Aarhus, Denmark, or private companies that provide their premises and facilities. The course is not just centred on Thomas’s lectures but is carried out in genuine collaborations with companies such as Mitsubishi and Teknologi i Praksis (Technology in Practice, a registered socio-economic enterprise) and Aarhus Municipality’s Centre for Innovation. “It’s about taking the students out into the world they live in – to see the real world,” explains Thomas regarding the course.
Thomas emphasises that CEDI is a great example of how design can be used in a meaningful and sustainable way, because the alarm creates safety and security for women in public spaces. At the same time, it’s also relevant to say that CEDI is not the only successful one.
During the initial days of the ‘Design for Change’ course, there were, unsurprisingly, students who were somewhat critical of this new way of thinking.
Circular economy ought to be sense.ratherworldunderstandeveryonefundamentalsothatwouldtheinacircularthanlinear
Thomas Østergaard, associate professor and the originator of Design for Change, sees more and more designers being used in all kinds of contexts with great success and great futures. Students are no longer only interested in working at big fashion houses: “They are looking for more and more meaning,” he says.
New thinking that makes a difference
DevelopmentSustainable Goals in teaching
The innovative way of working and teaching also gives returns in the form of awards and employment contracts for the students. For instance, a group of students started the company CEDI by ooono on the basis of the course.
17VIA University CollegeESG Report 2021
CEDI by ooono produces an assault alarm that creates security for women – and they won the Danish Championship in Entrepreneurship for their idea.
Sustainable development and circular economy are major elements of the teaching at VIA Design, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. On the course ‘Design for Change’, the students create solutions and use the SDGs in the real world – where they provide real value.
Still, an internal survey showed that 70 per cent of students in the final phase are “crazy” about the course.
Students from Design, Innovation and Entrepreneurship have won the Danish Championship in Entrepreneurship five Thomastimes.also points out that it fits well into the organisation, now that VIA University College has won the award for the most inineducationalenterprisinginstitutionDenmarkthreetimes:2014,2018and2019.
adds that, as an educational institution, we need to start thinking in new ways when we recruit students. Instead of marketing design courses with the aim of becoming a really good designer, what we should tell you is that as a student you will “get the right tools to deal with materials and the biodiversity crisis. That is what we, at VIA, are best at”. So, everyone should shift their focus and sharpen their attention on how we solve the biodiversity crisis rather than looking at what the consumer wants and how we can grow in a linear sense, he Butbelieves.forstudents
That is why we are in the process of offering the skills course ‘SDGs in teaching’ to all teachers – a course that will strengthen the teachers in motivating and supporting the students in thinking sustainably and circularly. We put together the skills course across programmes and departments. Design teachers are paired with nursing teachers, and “the connections that happen are incredibly interesting”, Thomas explains enthusiastically, expanding on his words that the advantage for VIA as an educational institution is: “We cover a very broad array with the teachers we have, and when we as teachers start to think across professions, it rubs off on the students.” To date, 140 teachers have gone through the skills course. Thomas is looking forward to even more coming through and emphasises that there has always been considerable support from management. “It’s great. I am incredibly proud that VIA has incorporated it so naturally, and that we have ‘Sustainable Development Goals in teaching’.”
18VIA University CollegeESG Report 2021 IN TEACHING
to be able to go out and solve real challenges with circular economy and sustainability, teachers need to first be equipped to teach it.
A whole new focus demands new skills In a world that is literally on fire, current and future generations are dealing with how to extinguish such fires. “Young people need to understand how to navigate the world that is coming, because the world that is coming will be radically different from the world we know today,” Thomas explains and I am incredibly proud that VIA has incorporated it so naturally, and that we have ‘Sustainable Development Goals in teaching’.
19VIA University CollegeESG Report 2021 IN TEACHING
Associate professor Thomas Østergaard
It’s about somethingcreating of real value. Student examples CEDI by ooono is a company founded by four former VIA students. They developed an assault alarm to ensure speedier help for people in need, and they won the Danish Championship in Entrepreneurship and a micro grant from the Danish Foundation for “Entrepreneurship. It was the course, Design for Change, which we took in the autumn, that got us onto the idea. We focused our work on the UN’s SDGs, and goal number 16 – establishing a safe society without violence – appealed to us in particular. That’s why we worked on it and came up with the idea for a new type of assault alarm,” says 25-year-old Kristine Skovgaard from CEDI by ooono

Our work development:sustainablewith In research Make it sustainable VIA University College
The project aims to promote primary school pupils’ skills to act, by offering motivation and commitment to solving everyday sustainability challenges.
CentreConstructionDenmark An innovation hub that we established together with a sustainable development association, Insero Horsens. The focus is on optimising the construction industry’s green transformation with new technologies and providing access to the latest knowledge and research. Novo Nordisk has allocated DKK 4.5 million to the project ‘New sustainability didactics’
Open Access We work for equal access to research results and new knowledge. Therefore, we work to ensure that all VIA’s peer-reviewed articles are published. At present, we are 61 per cent on target.
22VIA University CollegeESG Report 2021 DID YOU KNOW THAT ... We research and collaborate on sustainable development
Research network VIABLE
A research and development lab for sustainable development with about 50 researchers and lecturers at VIA. The network has received an initial grant of DKK 1.1 million from the Villum Foundation for teaching sustainability in primary school.
23VIA University CollegeESG Report 2021
Concretely, our research centre is developing a mobile water plant in some containers, where SMEs can come and test new components. That way, we get data for research development. “This is precisely how we work: we gather data and do follow-up research and projects on the tests at the same time as a com pany gets their products tested and a problem solved,” explains Theis, alluding to our basic approach to research and development. A major player in water technology According to Theis, one of the most interesting things about the project is that we now build capacity, because we can extend the project into all areas of the organisation: education programmes, research environments and continuing and further education. “Now we move
Together with a number of private and public actors, such as Grundfos, Klima toriet and Water Valley Denmark, we are researching the improvement of water technologies in a more sustainable and climate-friendly direction. Our Director of Research for Built Environment, Ener gy, Water and Climate, Theis Andersen, says that the project’s focus on water technology makes very good sense both for Denmark as a whole and for VIA as a participant. Historically, Denmark is quite strong in water technology and environ ment, and water is a major climate chal lenge across the globe with some areas experiencing floods and tsunamis, while others have droughts and fires.
The collaboration on water technology is perfect for us as an educational institution. Only a few years ago, we set up the ‘Climate and Supply Engineering’ education programme, and there is no doubt that it is “an education programme with potential and growth”, says Theis, adding that VIA is also the only institution educating and training well drillers. It is also an obvious project for us at VIA due to its focus on entrepreneurship, incubator environments and practical research. As Theis explains: “Our raison d’être is to carry out application-oriented, practical research, to get the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) up and running, and to create new products and initiatives.” Collaboration with the busi ness community is fundamental for the research in the water project.
We are growing even stronger within water technology. With a new engineering study programme, new continuing and further education courses and new research projects, VIA is helping to move the Danish water sector forward. We are a central participant in the project ‘Erhvervsfyrtårn Midt’ – a Central Jutland consortium backed by DKK 75.7 million to implement a large number of projects focusing on the development of sustainable water
Case: VIA in trailblazer water project to boost the Danish water sector
Theis Andersen Director of Research, VIA project creates synergies across VIA that we haven’t had before"
24VIA University CollegeESG Report 2021 IN RESEARCH
25VIA University CollegeESG Report 2021 IN RESEARCH allowed us to move there faster and together.” Working with water technology and climate is a strategic focus for us, Theis explains, and that’s why he also sees the project as one of the first steps towards an exciting future for our research and students. “It will take us to a new level and bring our students to a new level and connect more cases and companies with the students.” And, what’s important is precisely the focus on the students, says Theis. As head of research, he operates partly with research to support the knowledge base of the education programmes, and partly with the development of society. Three and a half years after starting their education, students should be equipped for everyday challenges when they graduate, and so the project will work directly into the mindset we are already working with. into an area together and create synergies across VIA that we haven’t had before.” Theis also sees us becoming an even bigger player in water technology in the long run – “we will be even stron ger,” he assures us. In their bachelor projects, students get the opportunity to join some of the pro jects, continuing and further education programmes are updated with new courses, and in terms of research, they get the opportunity to find new solutions and collaborations to drive development forward. Researchers are also kept constantly up to date, so the latest knowledge is quickly implemented into the programmes. Completely in line with our ambitions Participation in ‘Erhvervsfyrtårn Midt’ as a significant player is not just a side note in our research and general work.
The project receives full support and “Ourattention:rector is on the steering committee for the project. We have joined it from the very top level at VIA,” Theis points out. It supports what we want to do. “Sustainability permeates VIA, and water technology is just one type of sustainability. It is a clear step on our journey, and even though VIA was already on this path towards developing water technologies, but the project has It will take us to a new level.Director of Research Theis Andersen (Photo: Thomas Nellemann)

Our work development:sustainablewith As entrepreneurs Make it sustainable VIA University College
They investigated how physiotherapists can help citizens with dysfunctional breathing. In this way, the project contributes to social sustainability with good living conditions.
Capsule was awarded an Innofounder course with 12 months of salary for further development of their product. They developed an app that creates an overview of a person’s wardrobe and prevents wrong or excess purchases. They got the idea for the project during their studies at VIA Design and Business.
Programme’s regional championships incl. DKK 10,000, final place in the Danish Championship in Entrepreneurship and 2nd place at the Innovation Award 2021. They developed a bracelet for increased safety and security and the correct treatment of illness. In this way, they contribute to social sustainability with equal opportunities, safety and health. They developed the idea as a result of the course, Design for Change, at VIA. Relift won the Life-tech category in the Danish Championship for Entrepreneurship for their contribution to social sustainability. They developed a lift to help move elderly people into a better position on the toilet to avoid bowel movement problems, thus ensuring better living conditions for the elderly. The idea for ‘Relift’ came during the course Design for Change at VIA. CEDI by ooono won the Danish Championship in Entrepreneurship, VIA’s innovation award, and a micro grant from the Foundation for InEntrepreneurship.continuationof the course, Design for Change, at VIA, they developed an assault alarm for women, and fulfilled a gap within social sustainability for increased wellbeing and security.
28VIA University CollegeESG Report 2021 DID YOU KNOW THAT...
Our students awardsentrepreneurshipwin
Two theirawardsreceivedstudentsbachelorforproject
29VIA University CollegeESG Report 2021
Five or six years ago, the project manager and coordinator for the VIA Student Incubator, Birgitte Woge Nielsen, discovered how students opposed the usual models for business development: they could not see themselves in them. The models didn’t have a broad enough per spective on sustainable development or on concrete potentials and development opportunities. They wanted a model with a broader scope that shows how econo mic, social and environmental sustainability mutually influence each other and are interconnected. When students from the health education programmes develop projects and start-ups, the main focus is not usually on making money, but on “doing good” for others, and with this, the seed was sown for the development of the VIABLE Growth Model. During the following years, Birgitte and her colleagues in the Student Incubator developed the model in collaboration, first with Central Denmark Region, and later, with the company World Perfect. The model was tested on students around the region, and it was discussed and adapted with the students as a “powerful co-player with much input”.
The model would never have come to life if there hadn’t been anyone to catch the idea and run with it,” explains ThisBirgitte.means that when you have a good idea and constantly think in terms of networking and collaboration, then it’s not far to “the top” of the organisation. Work with sustainable development in the organisation has therefore also started with entrepreneurship and inter disciplinarity and a desire to go in a more sustainable direction. Early on in the collaboration with external partners on the VIABLE Growth Model, several facul ties joined the discussion, e.g. the design programmes, the construction program mes and the entire continuing/further education area, which, in turn, led to the creation of the skills-based course ‘Sustainable Development Goals in teaching’. The model is most useful in the sense that it nudges us to see the differentlyworldand be open to Case: With entrepreneurial spirit, our employees develop a new model for sustainable growth together with students AS ENTREPRENEURS
The VIABLE Growth Model reflects what we do best: entrepreneurship and interdisciplinarity Birgitte points out that one of the things we do best is to work across the board and capture ideas early. The develop ment of the VIABLE Growth Model was partly built from coincidence – being in the right place at the right time –and just as much on VIA’s insistence on working with entrepreneurship and with interdisciplinarity, which are a crucial part of our DNA. “When you work with entrepreneurship, networking is a completely natural part of your work.
The most brilliant aspect is that you are pushed to view the three areas as integrated.
Birgitte, “and we have to merge it all together and work across the board before we can solve the challenges.”
The model is for everyone: entrepreneurs, students, associations and existing companies who seek more sustainable development. However, some people point out that the model can be overwhelming. There are many points to go through, “but the world is also quite complicated,” smiles
The entire transition to sustainable development requires a turnaround of habits and mindset. It’s about being able to handle the uncertainty of the future, daring to dream and being willing to take risks – and, of course, Birgitte points out in conclusion, “VIA needs to take its own medicine and work across partnerships, internally and externally: we need to work regionally, nationally and globally and get many people involved,” and the VIABLE Growth Model is a great reflection of exactly that.
veral externals, e.g. UCL, Erhvervshus Midtjylland, the Education and Business Promotion System, and World Perfect. Birgitte has also been to Sweden several times to work with students in Varberg, using this model.
VIABLE Growth Model is a tool you can use when you want to develop innovative and sustainable ideas that contribute to solving our global challenges at different levels. The three key elements in VIAble Growth Model are economic, social and environmental sustainability – defined as people, planet and profit.
30VIA University CollegeESG Report 2021 Birgitte says the process of creating the model is based on a “really good decision that VIA made ten years ago: that entre preneurship was to be part of all study programmes”, and elaborates that entre preneurship was obvious in the development of the VIABLE Growth Model. This has meant that the work with sustainable development started quite early on – because people ran with it. It was gradually incorporated into education programmes and research and now has a greater impact at VIA. We have a mantra at VIA that knowledge needs to be shared, and so the VIABLE Growth Model has not remained within our walls, but has been shared with se
The model–overwhelmingisbuttheworldalsoquite
– Getting started on turning my ideas into reality has meant everything to me.”
Project manager Birgitte Woge Nielsen (Photo: Thomas Nellemann)
31VIA University CollegeESG Report 2021 AS ENTREPRENEURS
Hear from a student Simone Stilling Markussen, a former student on the physiotherapy education programme at VIA, used the VIABLE Growth Model in the development of her then business idea ‘Klatrefyssen’ (Climbingphysio) with guidance from, among others, Birgitte Woge Nielsen.
“Wanting to do something that has a social, welfare-related, sustainable meaning – it’s completely natural for people of my generation. But the Student Incubator at VIA manages to nudge us further and ask: ‘Have you considered doing something that is super fun and will develop your values at the same time?’
“Klatrefyssen was about offering climbing courses to people with depression – the idea is that climbing can contribute to selfdevelopment: increased body awareness, ability to concentrate, more social interaction, a better quality of life.” Klatrefyssen thus fulfils a need within social sustainability for increased enjoyment of life and wellbeing.

Our work development:sustainablewith On campus Make it sustainable VIA University College
Setting up the solar cells corresponds to 46 tonnes of CO2e saved per year Approx. 828 tCO2e saved, corresponds to the annual emissions of 50-75 Danes depending on the calculation method Annual emissions of 3-4 Danes
If we lined up all the saved sheets of paper, one after the other, it would cover a distance of 2,376 km – A drive from Skagen, Barcelona,Denmark,NortherntoSpain
Member of POGI (green procurement)
We purchase only green electricity, corresponding to what we emit. I.e. 5.8 million kWh in 2021 campuses7 with solar cells
bottles in the canteen
Partnership for Public Green Procurement. We commit to comply with 11 joint green procurement targets, e.g. Nordic Ecolabelling or the EU flower on purchases and completely PVC- and phthalate-free food packaging
All single-use plastic bottles have been phased out of our canteens. We sell refillable bottles instead recycled100%paper
34VIA University CollegeESG Report 2021 Skagen Barcelona DID YOU KNOW THAT... We work with sustainable measures in the operation of our campuses
All our paper consists exclusively of 100% recycled paper
Number of photocopies reduced from 12 million to 4 million copies We have reduced our consumption of photocopies by 8 million pages
If you go to a canteen on our campuses, you will quickly discover that something is different from what you are used to. There is no bottled spring water in the fridge, the packaging on the sandwiches is not chalk-white and the range is limited – e.g. meat is not always on the menu. The goal is a green kitchen working towards an increasingly sustainable canteen operation on several parameters.
“If the students miss something, they point it out and ask about our products. They care a great deal about sustainable operations,” says Anders. The refillable water bottles have also been under the critical eye of the students – where are they actually produced? This resulted in Anders and the other canteen managers investigating the market and finding bottles produced closer to home – and not in China. “The transport distance didn’t make any sense,” explains Anders.
The theyoperations,sustainablecarestudentsalotaboutandholdustoit.
35VIA University CollegeESG Report 2021
“One of the concrete – for some, radical – initiatives is that all plastic bottles have been phased out of the canteen. If you want to buy water, you can buy a refillable bottle of water, and this initiative has really been embraced,” says Anders Liisberg, canteen manager at Campus Aarhus N and Randers. Students are generally happy with the green transition, and they are also good at keeping the staff on their toes. They demand a sustainable operation.
Classic VIA Reorganising the canteen operations is actually something that has been going on for a long time, and as such, it hap pened a little “autonomously”, as Anders puts it. With the new strategy, it has be come more organised. “We have a new manager who keeps us on our toes, but who also gives us free rein to try new things.” It has also boosted the transition in recent years. “We’ve always had fairly free hands to run with these things, of course with responsibility. But that is also what VIA would like, so they also support the measures we implement in the canteens, and in that way, the con version to more sustainable canteen operations is ‘classic VIA’,” says Anders.
ON CAMPUS Case: Our canteens are going a long way for the green transition – and we dream big
It’s not only in the environmental area that Anders works with sustainability in the canteens. They have had many people on work capability testing for several years. “It adds something to the atmosphere in the kitchen, and the staff are really good at welcoming them”.
Anders Liisberg Canteen manager at Campus Aarhus N and Randers.
"The idea is to compost your waste, which is then used in the beds outside, making it a circular way of thinking"
36VIA University CollegeESG Report 2021 ON CAMPUS
The highest goal is to have their own animals, “but that might be a bit unrealistic,” he laughs. Otherwise, he would like more of his own products, such as cold cuts and fermented products.
“We’re already doing it, but I would like to do more than what we’re doing now in order to minimise the processes out in the world.”
Canteen manager Anders Liisberg (Photo: Thomas Nellemann)
“They need to feel comfortable adapting to the kitchen and to like being here, but they also need to be able to be kept working,” and Anders believes it is going really well. It has become a habit for the canteen in Aarhus N to have people on work capability testing. They don’t think too much about it, “It’s just part of it. It would be very strange if they weren’t here.”
The essential thing in the transition to a more sustainable canteen operation is to consider the consequences, because such reorganisation has a price, too. For instance, you have to accept that the paper for the sandwiches is not very pretty and might also get wet and be a little stained – “But, on the other hand, paper is the most sustainable thing we can use,” explains Anders. And several practical considerations must also be taken into account. Campus Aarhus N is incredibly large. There is a considerable distance from the can teen to the individual departments, which is why it’s important to have plastic lids for the disposable cups so the coffee can be transported: “But we are working hard to get rid of as much as possible. We’d like to see the cups gone soon.”
It is an initiative Anders himself initiated, and he admits it demands something extra from the staff and the production.
But the dreams continue. Anders’ big dream is to take the canteen in Aarhus N to a higher level and use the green areas around the campus to cultivate their own food. “The idea is to compost your waste, which is then used in the beds outside, making it a circular way of thinking.” I would like to do more than what we’re doing now in order to minimise the processes out in the world.
Dreams have consequences
37VIA University CollegeESG Report 2021 ON CAMPUS

Climate accounts & ESG accountskey2021 Make it sustainable VIA University College
40VIA University CollegeESG Report 2021 METHOD FOR CLIMATE ACCOUNTS Method for the ESG report’s climate accounts
Greenhouse Gas Protocol
In order to be able to calculate our CO2e emissions in the environmental part of the ESG report, we use the internationally recognised and most widespread standard for preparing climate accounts: the GHG Protocol (GHGP). The method is recommended by the EU Commission. The aim is for such reporting to appear as uniform as possible across all industries.
CO2 SF6 CH4 N2O NF3 HFCs PFCs Indirectemissions emissionsDirect indirectOtheremissions Scope 2 Scope 1 Scope 3 PURCHASE ELECTRICITY,OFHEATINGORCOOLING PRODUCTIONPROCESS/ PROCESSING ANDPURCHASEDOFMATERIALSSERVICES Combustion of fossil fuels Companycars ProcessedproductsmanagementWaste Businesstrips Outsourcedactivities
41VIA University CollegeESG Report 2021 METHOD FOR CLIMATE ACCOUNTS Obligatory Scope 1 contains all direct sources of CO2e emissions. This can e.g. be means of transport that are owned or Thisrented.concerns all emissions that originate from activities that we own or have controlScopeover. 1 emissionsDirect Obligatory Scope 2 includes all emissions from suppliers who supply us with energy, including green house gases, which originate from the production of the electricity, district heating and district cooling that weScopeconsume. 2 emissionsIndirect Voluntary Indirect CO2e emissions that are not mentioned under Scope 2 belong to Scope 3. This can include subcontractors or be in connection with employees’ transport to and from work. Scope 3 All valueinemissionsindirectotherthechain
42VIA University CollegeESG Report 2021 ESG MAIN AND KEY FIGURES Our ESG main and key figures 2021
Gender diversity (% women) % 65 Gender diversity for top management (% women) % 60 Wage gap between genders (men/women) times 1.006 Staff turnover % 9.3
Attendance rate for VIA’s board % 93 Gender diversity for VIA’s board of directors (% women) % 47
Governance – management data Unit 2021 Salary difference between CEO and employees (CEO/median salary) factor 4.2
With the presentation of our ESG main key figures, we will document our work with sustainable development. The reporting makes it possible to keep ourselves and each other up to speed on our work. At the same time, we can work strategically and systematically with our sustainable development and improve our data. We wish to do this in an open, transparent and knowledgebased dialogue with staff, customers/users and business partners.
Sick leave (sick days on average) no. of days 8.1
Occupational accidents (absence > 1 day) no. 6
Proportion employed on social conditions % 4.3
Renewable energy share (electricity) % 100 Water consumption m3 23,541
Scope 2 – indirect emissions tCO2e 928 Scope 3 – other indirect (selected) emissions tCO2e 841
Total tonnes of CO2e emissions tCO2e 1,803 Energy consumption (electricity and heat) GJ 69,705
Environment – environmental data Unit 2021 Scope 1 – direct emissions tCO2e 34
Occupational accidents (absence < 1 day) no. 8
Social – social data Unit 2021 Staff FTE 2,040
In continuation of the key figures within Governance, we have worked with our organisation and management in 2021 through the following initiatives in particular:
43VIA University CollegeESG Report 2021
We have worked actively with gender diversity in new appointments to our board together with the appointing organisations. VIA’s board consists of representatives from both the public and private sectors and has members who represent employees as well as students. We carry out work environment and wellbeing surveys every three years, which we then work on based on specific action plans. Most recently, we have been working on the survey that will run in autumn 2022. We have worked actively with new guidelines for the prevention and handling of abusive behaviour for both staff and students. Thus, prevention is dealt with at all levels in our internal working committee and management. Student counselling and study advisors are now even better equipped to handle inquiries. We have established a Gender Equality Plan and Advisory Board that monitors, follows up on and works to reduce gender-based inequalities within the organisation. In December 2021, we set up an internal whistle-blower scheme, which all VIA employees can use. It is also possible to use the external whistle-blower scheme under the Danish Data Protection Authority. We are a member of the Partnership for Public Green Procurement (POGI) – the first vocational college in Denmark to be so. The partnership is to ensure more sustainability in our purchasing and procurement.

45VIA University CollegeESG Report 2021 CO2E EMISSIONS CO2e statement
CO2e statement Unit 2021 tCO2e Distribution CO2e key figure 2021 tCO2e Company cars km 166,399 34 2% Total scope 1 tCO2e 34 2% CO2e per FTE 2,040 0.9 CO2e per students (STÅ) 18,802 0.1 Electricity (location-based) MWh (5,827) (828) Electricity (market-based MWh 5,827 0 0% - of which from own solar cells MWh 324 0 0% Heat MWh 13,535 928 52% Total scope 2 tCO2e 928 52% Flights tCO2e 443 25% Train journeys tCO2e 3 0.2% Driving in your own car for work km 1,299,486 181 10% Water consumption (wastewater) m3 23,541 215 12% Total scope 3 (selected emissions) tCO2e 841 47% Total emissions tCO2e 1,803 100% 1 Scope 2 Scope 3 Total
46VIA University CollegeESG Report 2021
Our own and leased company cars. Calculations are based on mileage at service. No significant emissions other than transport have been identified.
Electricity and heat are based on calculations from suppliers and measuring units. Locationbased CO2e emissions reflect the average emission intensity on the electricity grid where consumption is realised. Market-based CO2e emissions reflect the emissions from electricity purchased through green certificates. Since 2019, we have bought green electricity through certified providers. In accordance with the GHGP, we report according to the market-based method, but we disclose the results according to both calculation methods (known as dual reporting).
Scope 2
Scope 3
Data definitions for the report’s calculations DATA DEFINITIONS
Scope 1
Flightsemissions)(selectedarecalculatedbased on journeys purchased through Egencia; 30 per cent has been added to cover trips not purchased through Egencia. Train journeys are calculated based on journeys purchased through Egencia and Danske Statsbaner (DSB). Four times as many emissions have been added to include public transport that is not purchased through Egencia and DSB. This is estimated based on reimbursement of travel expenses. Driving in your car for work is reported through zExpense and represents the number of kilometres eligible for reimbursement according to Danish state Wastewaterregulations. is calculated based on our supplier’s data and measurement unit.
Accidents at work: Number of accidents at work reported. Subsequent absences are calculated for either more than one day or less than one day.
47VIA University CollegeESG Report ESG2021
Gender diversity (% women): (Female FTEs + female temporary workers)/ full-time workforce * 100. Gender diversity at top management: (Number of women in top management/ total number of employees at top management level) * 100. Gender pay gap: Median men/median women. Calculated according to annual salary. Staff turnover: Retiring full-time workforce/full-time workforce * 100. Sick leave: Number of sick days for all full-time employees/full-time workforce.
Proportion employed on social conditions: Number of employees who are employed on social conditions/total number of employees.
Full-time equivalent: Average number of full-time employees incl. part-time employees converted to full-time employees. The annual norm is 1,924 hours (incl. holidays).
Salary difference between CEO and employees: Rector’s salary/median salary. Calculated according to annual salary.
Gender diversity of VIA’s board: Number of women on the board/ total number of members of the board.
Attendance rate for VIA’s board: Total number of board members present at board meetings in 2021/the number if all board members had been present at all meetings.
Energy consumption: ∑ (used electricity (incl. renewable energy) (MWh)*3.6) + (used district heating incl. renewable sources of heat (GJ)).
Renewable energy share: (Renewable energy/energy consumption) * 100. Water consumption: The sum of all water consumed – gross.
Database and the boundary
The CO2e emissions are calculated based on the GHGP, and the calculations are aligned with the Danish Business Authority’s guidelines for calculating CO2e.
48VIA University CollegeESG Report 2021
To compare the greenhouse gases, all emissions are converted into so-called CO2 equivalents (CO2e). It is a unit that describes the amount of CO2 to which the emissions of various greenhouse gases correspond. The emission factors used are stated in the report.
We used the most recent, published emission factors at the time of preparing the climate statement. If an emission factor was unknown at the time of preparing the climate statement, the previous year’s emission factor was used, and we will make an adjustment to the climate statement when the new emission factor is published, per the guidance in the GHGP.
All emissions and figures are shown gross, and no adjustments have been made for CO2e compensation.
All ESG key figures have been compiled and calculated according to the Danish Business Authority’s guidance on ESG taxonomy and FSR’s guidance for ESG reporting from January 2022. Some ESG key figures from the idea catalogue are not included in this ESG report due to lack of relevance or lack of data. The financial year 2021 (1.1.2021 to 31.12.2021) is the base year.
When calculating CO2e, we used the emission factors provided by utility companies and emission factors from recognised databases, in line with the Danish Business Authority’s guidance.
Consumption data is based on statements from suppliers and measuring units. Other data is based on extracts from our systems for, e.g. time registration, salary, HR and reimbursement of travel expenses.
DATA BASIS CO2e emission factors CO2 equivalents –AccountingCO2e Consumptionpracticedata
49VIA University CollegeESG Report 2021
Climate accounts map VIA University College (CVR no. 30 77 30 47). Calculations of electricity, water and heat
CO2e emissions are calcula ted in Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3. In these climate accounts, CO2e emissions are calculated as the calculated emissions from Scopes 1 and 2 and selected Scope 3 emissions. It is the ambi tion that we will include more relevant Scope 3 emissions in the long term.
DATA BASIS The Scopeboundaryorganisationaldelimitation
Electricity – market-based kg/kWh 0.378 without purchase of green electricity 0.0 when buying green electricity Company cars kg/km 0.20
EMISSIONS FACTORS Emissions factors
50VIA University CollegeESG Report 2021
Water consumption (wastewater) kg/m3 9.15
Sources: Energinet, Environmental declaration of 1 kWh electricity (2021). The Danish Energy Agency, Emission factors for road transport 2020. Ministry of Environment of Denmark MUDP 2020. Egencia. DSB. Various district heating companies.
Driving in your own car for work kg/km 0.14 Flights CO2e Total tCO2e provided by supplier Train journeys CO2e Total tCO2e provided by supplier Heat kg CO2/GJ heat Provided by the individual heating plants
Emissions Unit kg CO2e Electricity – location-based kg/kWh 0.14

Board of
Per B.
Berit atCentreProfessorNoemiCentralOrganisationofDistrictBenteofFirstMarieAarhusPro-Vice-Chancellor,EikaUniversitySonnegeneralViceChairpersontheSocialpædagogerneAlkærsigRasmussenViceChairpersontheDanishNurses’forJutlandKatznelsonandHeadoftheforYouthResearchAalborgUniversity Jørgen Nørby Board member Tom
Kirsten Suhr Bundgaard
Vice EducationPresidentBjarneCorporateRector/PresidentAdministrationGrønContinuingandDigitalisation
Harald PresidentViceGitteRector/PresidentMikkelsenSommerHarritsRector/Academic
The board and the executive board have on this day’s date processed and approved the ESG main and key figures for VIA University College for 2021. The ESG main and key figures are selected from the ESG main and key figures publication published by FSR – Danish auditors, Finansforeningen/CFA Society Denmark and Nasdaq Copenhagen. It is our opinion that the selected ESG main and key figures are the most important for VIA University College’s environmental, social and managerial activities.
52VIA University CollegeESG Report 2021 MANAGEMENT ENDORSEMENT
53VIA University CollegeESG Report 2021 MANAGEMENT ENDORSEMENT
We have drawn up the ESG Report 2021 for VIA University College for the year 2021 based on the company’s quantitative registrations and selected conversion factors and other information provided by the company’s management.
statementAuditor’s on drawing up ESG Report 2021
Horsens, June 2022 Roesgaard Michael Mortensen
Head of ESG and climate reporting Revisor
To the management of VIA University College
The ESG report includes an account, a report with the ESG main and key figures and applied accounting practices with, among other things, emission factors. We carried out the task in accordance with ISRS 4410, The Preparing of Financial WeInformation.usedour
Approved Auditing Company Chartered Accountant CVR no. 37 54 31 28 MNE no. mne34108
professional expertise to assist the management in preparing and presenting the selected ESG main and key figures in accordance with the accounting principles presented on pages 46-50. We complied with relevant provisions in the Danish Act on Approved Auditors and Audit Firms and the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants’ international guidelines for the ethical conduct of auditors (IESBA Code), including principles of integrity, objectivity, professional competence and due diligence. Management is responsible for the ESG Report 2021 as well as the accuracy and completeness of the information used for its compilation. As the preparation of financial information is not a declaration with certainty, we are not obliged to verify the accuracy or completeness of the information provided to us by the company’s management for preparing the ESG Report 2021. We therefore issue no audit- or review conclusion on whether the selected ESG main and key figures were prepared and presented in accordance with the accounting principles presented on pages 46-50.
Jesper Esman
54VIA University CollegeESG Report 2021 KOLOFON ESG Report 2021 Agents of change that make a sustainable difference ESG Report 2021 published by VIA University College Design and production: ApprovedRoesgaardAuditing Company Produced and published June 2022 VIA University College Hedeager 2 DK - 8200 Aarhus N T: +45 87 55 40 11 E:
Contact person: If you have any questions or comments on this ESG report, you are welcome to contact: Anna PRManagerRiboldandinternal communication T: +45 8755 1463 E:æredygtighed