Kilkenny Observer 12th April 2024

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Friday 12th April 2024 Observer The Kilkenny EVERY FRIDAY Tel: 056 777 1463 E: W: FREE EDITION Health & Longevity The Greek food guide to living longer Page 18 Global Report Page 22 Horrors Of Gaza How Israel's Jews see war on Palestinians  
2 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024 Advertisement

€1.7m. for local schools

Part of €50m. for ICT and €29m. for primary and special schools

Minister for Education Norma Foley TD has announced €1.7 million in funding to support digital learning in schools and minor building works in Kilkenny.

A total €50m in grant funding for Information and Communications Technology (ICT) will issue shortly to all recognised primary and post-primary schools across the country, while a separate €29m in minor works funding

is being provided to primary and special schools.

The ICT funding is being provided to schools to help them continue to use digital technologies in their teaching, learning and assessment, while the minor works funding can be used by these schools for maintenance and small-scale improvements to school buildings and grounds.

The €50 million ICT grant represents the second tranche

of ICT funding under the Digital Strategy for Schools to 2027. Schools previously received €50m in ICT grant funding for the 2021 to 2022 school year.

Minister Foley said: “ICT grant funding will support schools to ensure they can continue to embed the use of digital technologies in their teaching, learning and assessment.

“Digital technologies can

open up a world of opportunities to our pupils and students. It is important that schools can properly equip our young people with the knowledge, skills and understanding to harness the benefits of such technologies.”

The Digital Strategy ICT grant will consist of a €2,000 basic grant for primary schools plus an additional payment of €39 per mainstream pupil, €43 per pupil in DEIS schools

and €47 per pupil with special educational needs attending a special school or attending a special class attached to a mainstream primary school. For example, a 100 pupilprimary school will receive €5,973 and a 500 pupil- primary school will receive €21,865.

Post-primary schools will be paid a €2,000 basic grant plus €47 per mainstream student and €52 per student in DEIS schools. A 500 student- post-

An Taoiseach vows to help farmers

New Fine Gael leader and Taoiseach Simon Harris has made a commitment to respond to the weather challenges facing farmers in what he said was a “brutal year” for the sector. It comes as the Department of Agriculture gives the green light for a €67m support package. Meanwhile, Mr Harris has played it ‘safe’ wth a conservative Cabinet reshuffle, despite his promise of “new energy”.

See also Page 6

Ten years for rampage brothers

Two brothers have been sentenced to 10 years in prison after they went on a drunken Christmas night rampage across Carlow and Kilkenny where they indiscriminately attacked three innocent people, leaving one victim in a coma. Carlow locals Colin (35) and Glen Murphy (31) stole a tractor and crashed it into a pole

before hijacking a car being driven by a woman. The pair then smashed a vodka bottle over an innocent man’s head and viciously attacked another man, leaving him in a coma, before burning out a vehicle in the middle of the road.

A shot was discharged from a firearm when the siblings struggled with one of their vic-

tims during the festive rampage.

Both brothers were sentenced to 10 years behind bars at a recent sitting of Kilkenny Circuit Court.

Gardaí found remnants of a Grey Goose vodka at the scene and witnesses were able to identify the brothers through their Facebook pictures, taken shortly before they went on

their two county rampage.

The brothers, from Kyleshall, Raheendoran, Co. Carlow, had been visiting their grandparents on Christmas Day at their home close to the Kilkenny border when they went on their crime spree between 9pm and 11.15pm that night.

They stole a John Deere tractor in Carlow before crashing

it a number of times, including into an Eir telecommunication pole in Ballygurteen near Paulstown, Co. Kilkenny, knocking out phone and internet coverage in the area and causing €1,722 damage

After crashing the tractor and blocking the road, they got out and approached a woman in a car who was trying to flee the scene.

primary school would receive €25,840 and a 1,000 studentpost-primary school would receive €49,680.

This ICT grant builds on the €210m already allocated under the previous Digital Strategy for Schools 2015-2020, and the €50m issued under Ireland’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan to enable schools to support learners at risk of education disadvantage through the digital divide.

Who to watch in local elections

Pulling hard in Kilkenny city, Councillor David Fitzgerald has long been the heir apparent and had a by-election and a general election run before.

But outgoing John Paul Phelan’s PA, Councillor Pat Dunphy, is a challenger with GAA credentials. Watch out too for Orla Kelly in the locals as a running mate. She’s a cousin of MEP Deirdre Clune and part of the Barry clan of Cork. On the Carlow side, Councillor Brian O’Donoghue is strongest.

Ireland to agree Palestine state

Tánaiste Micheál Martin has said that he will be bringing forward proposals for the Government to recognise the State of Palestine, once international discussions have concluded.

Speaking in the Dáil, Deputy Martin said that Ireland was co-ordinating with other countries in relation to supporting Palestinian statehood.

“For the past six months, I’ve maintained ongoing discussions with ministerial colleagues in other countries about how a joint formal recognition of a Palestinian statehood could be a catalyst to help the people of Gaza and the West Bank and in furthering and Arab-led peace mission,” he said.

See also Page 22

3 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024 Observer The Kilkenny EVERY FRIDAY GETTING IN TOUCH WITH THE TEAM SALES E: T: 087 382 0109 or 087 342 1958 EDITOR E: SPORTS E:
PAUL HOPKINS Telling it like it is. And with no holds barred MARIANNE HERON A straight shooter. Considerate and wise words JOHN ELLIS Great advice. Your money in mind GERRY MORAN Quirky take on bright side of life The Best Comment & Opinion in Kilkenny 10,000 COPIES PRINTED AND DISTRIBUTED ACROSS CITY AND COUNTY EVERY WEEK

How to have a successful Night Time economy

Last in a six part series

In the last six weeks The Kilkenny Observer has been providing our readers with information that we believe will be of benefit to them as they make their decision on the future of the Night Time economy. Now in this last article we sum up and look to the future. The keyword is PLAN.

Establishing a Night Time economy in Kilkenny requires a multifaceted approach, focusing on essential elements such as engaging with stakeholders, ensuring public safety, fostering community collaboration, enhancing transportation, and supporting the development of the county towns and villages.  This foundation sets the stage for a vibrant, inclusive, and sustainable nighttime economy that benefits the entire community.

Stakeholder Engagement And Community Collaboration

Engaging stakeholders and collaborating with local com-

munities are pivotal in fostering a Night Time economy. Consultations with stakeholders reveal both support and concerns, ensuring that night-time activities enhance rather than disturb the community. Stake holders mean everyone not just a few. Openness and transparency is essential. Collaborative efforts with local groups aim to mitigate noise and other disturbances, underpinning the development of a nighttime economy through a

consensus-driven and cooperative approach. This strategy ensures that the interests of all parties are considered and addressed.

Safety And Security

Start with an audit of what you already have. To ensure a thriving night-time economy, cities must prioritise safety and security. Implementing enhanced lighting in key areas reduces risks and deters crime, creating a welcoming atmosphere for night-time

activities. Increasing Garda patrols and providing specialised training for staff and security personnel are essential steps in preparing them to address potential night-time challenges effectively, thereby safeguarding both patrons and businesses during the darker hours.

Having in advance a guarantee that St Luke’s Hospital can treat a greater number of people at night and that An Garda have sufficient officers available at night is essential.

One of the first tasks of the Project Team should be an analysis what is currently in existence and what is needed in the future.

Towns And Villages

Implementing the Night Time economy through involvement of the rural towns and villages leverages their unique cultural and historical qualities, supporting diversification. Strategies should be customised to meet local needs, focusing on promot-

ing local accommodation, daytime tourism events, and markets supporting local goods to name but a few.

Crucially, enhancing access through better transport is essential for attracting visitors, balancing innovation with preserving cultural heritage to enrich rural night life. The second major task of the Project team should be the inclusion of representatives of the county towns and villages to produce a plan for their involvement.

A Transport Plan

Developing a Night Time economy necessitates the enhancement of transportation and infrastructure. Extending not only public transport hours but also reach into the county towns. Ensuring safe pedestrian pathways are vital for facilitating easy and secure movement during the night.

Moreover, infrastructure improvements play a crucial role in supporting a vibrant night-time economy, enabling cities to become more accessible and inviting for both residents and visitors after dark. Currently Kilkenny is badly served by public transport. The third major task of the Project Team should be the creation of a Transport Plan for Kilkenny County.

Culture Night 2024 call out for funding and event information

Culture Night 2024 will be taking place on the 20th September all around the country from 4pm until late!

The Kilkenny Arts Office in association with the Arts Council are actively planning towards Culture Night Kilkenny 2024 and are looking forward to an exciting line-up of events. We are issuing an Open Call for funding towards the running costs of events taking place in Co. Kilkenny. This year Kilkenny City is designated as a night time economy pilot city. Under the Kilkenny City Night Time Economy Action Plan 2024-2025, additional funding has been provided this year to

ensure Culture Night can facilitate more inclusive and innovative latenight arts events that are suitable for all ages.

Please note that if you are planning an event for Culture Night you are responsible for securing your own venue/space for your event. The Arts Office does not arrange venues for events. We provide support through funding, marketing and promotion. This involves uploading event information onto the official Culture Night Website, creation of a printed brochure and posters to be dispatched around the County. Promotion in local press, radio and social media.

To Apply for Funding:

To apply for funding please visit the Arts Office website at: https:// culture-night-kilkennycall-for-applications-forfunding/


- It may not be possible to offer funding to all applicants and it may also not be possible to offer the full amount requested to any individual applicant. (However, inclusion in the programme will be open to all applicants).

The deadline for the return of applications is no later 14th May 2024 4pm

4 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024 News
5 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024 Advertisement

Pope: trans, surrogacy are ‘wrong’

The Vatican has declared gender-affirming surgery and surrogacy as grave threats to human dignity, putting them on a par with abortion and euthanasia as practices that violate God’s plan for human life.

The Vatican’s doctrine office issued Infinite Dignity, a 20-page declaration that has been in the works for five years.

After substantial revision in recent months, it was approved on March 25 by Pope Francis, who ordered its publication.

In its most eagerly anticipated section, the Vatican repeated its rejection of “gender theory”, or the idea that one’s gender can be changed.

It said God created man and woman as biologically

Government go-ahead on aid on fodder

A scheme to support the transport of fodder has been given the green light by the Department of Agriculture amid continued unsettled weather, which is wreaking havoc on farms.

New Fine Gael leader and Taoiseach Simon Harris made a commitment to respond to the weather challenges facing farmers in what he said was a “brutal year” for the sector.

It comes as the IFA called for a €67m support package or, as it described it, a ‘Tillage Survival Scheme’ after two consecutive weather-disrupted planting seasons.

The new came as another meeting of the National Fodder and Food Security Committee took place, with farm organisations pushing for tangible supports for farmers most affected by the wet weather.

In giving the go-ahead Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue said he was acutely aware of the pressure farmers are under right now.

“I have already mobilised Teagasc to provide advice and assistance through its local services, and I know that co-ops will also be doing everything they can to support their suppliers,” he said.

“I have also asked my department to explore the operationalising of a scheme to support long-distance fodder movements on the island of Ireland, along the lines of that which operated in 2018, should that prove necessary.”

Mr Harris described Fine Gael as the party of farmers, fishermen and rural Ireland, and committed to looking at supports to help the farming community.

Under his leadership, “Fine Gael will never talk down to you [farmers] on climate action”. Mr Harris said one of the first meetings as Taoiseach he wants to have is with the IFA and other farming organisations.

The IFA submitted a proposal for the establishment of a five-year Tillage Survival Scheme with an annual payment of €250/ha for commercial tillage farmers, which it said must be introduced in 2024.

It said any payment per hectare must not be capped for individual growers, but the overall budget should be based on a national reference tillage area at an appropriate point in time in order to limit disruption of the land market, and said actions required must not be overly onerous to comply with.

Castlecomer Gala Night with proceeds to mental health

Join Avalon House Hotel, Castlecomer on Saturday April 13 where The Ritz Showband and special guests will perform in aid of Mental Health Ireland.

A guaranteed great night of singing and dancing with tickets are available at the hotel reception for €25 with all proceeds going directly to Mental Health Ireland.

different, separate beings, and said they must not tinker with that plan or try to “make oneself God”.

“It follows that any sexchange intervention, as a rule, risks threatening the unique dignity the person has received from the moment of conception,” it said.

It distinguished between gender-affirming surgeries, which it rejected, and

“genital abnormalities” that are present at birth or that develop later. Those abnormalities can be “resolved” with the help of healthcare professionals, it said.

The document’s existence, rumoured since 2019, was confirmed in recent weeks by the new prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, Argentine Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernandez,

a close Pope Francis confidante.

He had cast it as something of a nod to conservatives after he authored a more explosive document approving blessings for same-sex couples that sparked criticism from conservative bishops around the world, especially in Africa.

And while rejecting gender theory, the document takes pointed aim at countries that

criminalise homosexuality. It echoed Francis’s assertion in an interview last year that “being homosexual is not a crime”, making the assertion now part of the Vatican’s doctrinal teaching. The document is something of a repackaging of previously articulated Vatican positions. It restates well-known Catholic doctrine opposing abortion and euthanasia.

Food production, farming and climate change are under the spotlight as part of a thought-provoking and exciting new sound and visual art project that began in The Douglas Hyde Gallery of Contemporary Art at Trinity College Dublin before embarking on a tour around key parts of rural Ireland, including Kilkenny.

The Quickening is a nationwide project and the culmination of three years of research which included sculptural plantings, workshops and performative feasts held in the City Assembly House in Dublin

The Quickening comes to Kilkenny

and the Butler Gallery in Kilkenny under the banner ‘Sustainment Experiments.’

It runs at The Douglas Hyde until June 23 and encompasses a Walls & Halls Tour of rural Ireland from April 18  to May 4. It comes to The Powerhouse in Callan on Wednesday April 24, starting at 7pm, supported by Butler Gallery, Kilkenny.

After the screening, writer and academic Patrick Doyle will respond to issues raising by The Quickening. His discussion of the film will be informed by his book, Civilising Rural Ireland: The co-operative

movement, development and the nation-state, which explores the history of the co-operative and the role played by farmers in shaping everyday life across rural communities.

Presented for the first time in a major commissioned solo exhibition, The Quickening has now evolved into a must-see, must-hear multi-channel film and sound installation that explores the actions that must be taken around farming, food production and consumption in the face of present ecological and climate crises.

Voices are central to creat-

ing engagement, renowned artist Deirdre O’Mahony,  explained. “The starting point has been multiple conversations between farmers, scientists and politicians at organised feasts that generated open and frank conversations about food production and current challenges.

“These were transcribed for a libretto, developed with writer, Joanna Walsh, along with some of Ireland’s most exciting singers and musicians, among them Siobhán Kavanagh and Ultan O’ Brien, each with a distinctive pitch, style, pace and vocabulary.”

McDowell on impact of gender ruling

Mental Health Ireland is the longest established mental health charity in Ireland. Throughout their history Mental Health Ireland and the Mental Health Associations have played a central role in reshaping how people understand, protect, improve and maintain good mental health.

The publication of the final report by Dr Hilary Cass in the UK raises profound issues for the treatment of trans-identifying children in Ireland, according to Senator Michael McDowell.

In 2020 Dr Cass was commissioned to examine The NHS Gender Identity Development Service and her key findings include a recommendation to reject the practice of prescribing ‘puberty

blockers’ which are hormones prescribed to under 18s for the purpose of halting puberty in children wishing to change gender.

“I have for a number of years publicly raised grave concerns about this practice for which Dr Cass has now found ‘no good evidence’ to support its continued use as a treatment pathway for vulnerable gender-questioning children,” the former justice

minister said.

Similar concerns have been raised in Ireland by the National Gender Service.

Mr McDowell said: “I am calling on the Minister for Health and the HSE to immediately discontinue in the public health service the prescription of puberty blockers.  I also call on the Irish Medical Council to issue a statement that pending the conduct of a review

which needs to commence immediately that medical practitioners, including clinical psychiatrists in public and private practice, are to discontinue their use until further notice.

“The long term consequences of these experimental treatments are completely unknown and Irish children must be protected whilst being treated with care and compassion.”

6 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024 News
Outstanding: Kilkenny Artist Deirdre O’Mahony with farmer Suzanna Crampton, Co Kilkenny PHOTO: Freddie Greenwood
7 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024 Advertisement

The Fact Of The Matter

Homing in on seniors no way to solve housing

We might like to think in the autumn of our years we have never had it so good. Thanks to advancements in nutrition and medicine, not to mention those (no thanks!) elective cosmetic treatments, our picture of ageing has changed radically in the past decades. In my lifetime, life expectancy has risen from 69 to 78 years.

News reaches me that by 2031 there will be almost half a million people aged 65 or older, according to Social Justice Ireland. The same year, around 136,000 also will be 85 years or older.

Researchers warn this demographic change could put a strain on services and infrastructure. We are ill-prepared to cope with an ageing population. This growing sector will be associated with higher levels of disability and longterm ill-health and now is

the time for planning and investment.

The story is we all age differently. Not every 70-yearold is like every 70-year-old – I speak from experience. There are compelling reasons for having a positive attitude towards ageing on a personal level. It can make all the difference to how we age. Studies have found that optimism can have a protective effect against ill-health and add years to a lifespan.

Professor of Gerontology at TCD Rose Anne Kenny in her best-selling book Age Proof writes: “How young or old one actually feels influences how quickly we age. In other words, the cellular process which characterises ageing can be controlled by attitudes and perception.”

While we count our age chronologically in years, biological or physiological is a far more relevant way of measuring how we are each ageing and that can vary

widely. Understanding of the science of ageing is still developing and the search continues to find accurate ways of measuring biological ageing.

Meantime, we all get lumped together – and in many cases ignored. During the Covid pandemic, people aged 65 and older, were all collectively labeled ‘high risk’ — regardless of their health — and instructed to stay home, to cocoon in Ga Ga Land. Some have been afraid to go outdoors ever since. Stigmatising all older people as Ga Ga is wrong. Just wrong.

Even before Covid – as far back as 2016 and in the light of the housing crisis of the last 13 years and more – there have been ongoing calls across all political opinion for older people, whose offspring have flown the nest, to sell their family home, where they are now sole occupier, and trade

down to “help aid the housing crisis”.

An estimated 67 per cent of people in the Republic are living in homes that are too big for their needs, according to new research by the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI).

The study found that

“The story is we all age differently....

Ireland has an under-occupancy rate of 67.3 per cent, across all ages, putting it in the top three in Europe –with Malta and Cyprus – in terms of under-occupancy. The EU average is 33.6 per cent, around half our figure.

The data shows that more than 88 per cent of people over 65 years live in underoccupied housing. Underoccupation is also more prevalent in higher-income households.

According to Alone, providing downsized homes for older people is “the best way to free up houses and deal with the housing crisis”. And Alone are not alone with such a stance.

Well, pardon me for breathing and for living in my four bed house – alone. My sons come to stay and their mother still shares half equity. Pensioners are not commodities: their sole purpose is not to make room for

families and live on meagre budgets so that they can leave an inheritance. When you have spent years in a property, it’s not just a house but your home. It’s where you saw your children take their first steps, where every crook and creak is an old friend – in your house. It’s where you had the best and the worst times of your life. Memories dwell under its eaves.

Even if you were ready to part ways there are many obstacles. Cost is a big one – in particular stamp duty.

Some argue that making those whole downsize exempt from such would go someway to tackling the crisis. This is just a sticking plaster of sorts. There are other relevant issues which are not being addressed. The only way I’m closing the door behind me is when I leave in a box.

It’s time the Government got its house in order...

Winner of the Market Cross Shopping Centre colouring competition

8 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024
L-R: Lucy Dunne (2nd place), Hannah Barry (1st Place), Harry O'Sullivan (3rd Place)
9 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024 Advertisement

Hotels' chief on impact over rising of insurance

The Irish Hotels Federation (IHF) has voiced serious concerns about the ongoing excessive cost of insurance in Ireland and the impact this is having on hotels and guesthouses throughout the country. This comes at a time when hospitality businesses are already struggling with eye-watering increases in the cost of doing business, including Government-controlled costs.

Responding to the Central Bank’s recently published NCID Liability Report, IHF President Michael Magner said: “The exceptionally high cost of doing business

MEP concerned over transport of Irish calves to Netherlands

Fianna Fáil MEP Billy Kelleher has said he is astounded and de eply concerned at the level of misinformation being spread in the Netherlands about the transport of Irish calves into that co untry.

Mr Kelleher was commenting after Irish media reported on a debate in the Dutch Parliament between the Dutch Agriculture Minister, Piet Adema, and the leader of the Animal Rights Party.

“Reading the transcript really concerns me for a number of reasons. First, Ireland is in no way a poor enforcer of the 2005 Animal Transport Regulation. During my work on the C ommittee of Inquiry into Animal Transport, it was noted repeatedly that in many respects Ireland is top of the class in terms of inspections and enforcement.

“Second, the Dutch Minister seems to be in favour of an ei ght hour max journey time for all animals which would include time spent stationary on a ship at sea. This conflicts with the proposal from the European C ommission late last year, which gave an explicit exemption from any journey time limit for transport by sea," the MEP said.

“The hostility from the

Animal Rights Party leader was expected but I am shocked by the commentary from the Dutch Minister.

“What we know is that the commission’s proposals, as a starting point, will increase standards even more. We will see a higher minimum age for transport, requirements for improved feeding and hydration systems and increased veterinary inspections. This is something I can support."

However, he said, the eight hour max journey time proposal was not acceptable to him, and he would vigorously oppose it if he were re-elected to the European Parliament this June.

“The ability for Ireland to export live animals into the European Single Market is an absolute necessity for our agricultural communities.

“As such, I have written to Minister McConalogue outlining my deep concerns a bout the tone and content of what happened in the Dutch Parliament. I have additionally requested him to contact the Dutch Minister directly to outline Ireland’s very strong commitment to animal welfare and the fact that we adhere already to the Regulation 1/2005,” concluded Kelleher.

in Ireland is one of the most serious challenges facing our sector. This includes insurance costs, which continue to increase at alarming rates. Despite insurance reforms introduced by the Government, businesses on the ground have yet to see any tangible benefits in relation to their rising premiums. Much more needs to be done to ensure savings are passed on. This must go hand-in-hand with a renewed effort by Government to attract additional insurance providers into the market,” he said.

As evidenced by the Central Bank’s report, we are seeing a significant increase in profit margins for insurance companies while legal fees also skyrocket.

"This is unacceptable and must be tackled head on to ensure a fairer and much more competitive insurance market.”

Mr Magner noted that accommodation and food service businesses had seen a 24% increase in insurance costs between 2020 and 2022, with some 84% of hotels and guesthouses saying they are concerned about the impact of insurance costs on their business.

An experienced Managing Director, who received the highest honour from the Red Cross for attending the Grenfell Tower fire on the day of the 2017 tragedy, has been appointed CEO of CRITICAL, Ireland’s leading emergency medical charity.  David Tighe [pictured] has more than 30 years experience in media and communications in Ireland and the UK. He spent seven years at Limerick’s Live 95 as Programme Director and CEO. Since then he has held senior positions at Global Media and Entertainment, Bauer Media Group and was named Belfast Chamber Business Leader of the Year 2021. David graduated with a MSc in Senior Leadership

from De Montfort University in 2022.

He was a volunteer with the British Red Cross’ Fire and Emergency Support Service for four years and received the Dunant Award for attending the Grenfell Tower fire in June 2017. He also volunteered as an emergency responder with the Irish Coast Guard.

David Tighe, CEO of CRITICAL said: “It is an honour to be appointed CEO and I am committed to expanding our network of emergency responders to even more communities across Ireland. Collaboration is at the heart of pre-hospital emergency medicine. It is most effective when the emergency services, critical care doctors and

David comes a wealth of experience

first responders work closely together. The care a person receives in the minutes after they fall ill or get seriously injured can ultimately be the difference between life and death.

"It’s incredible to see the impact that volunteer responders can have in an emergency. I saw it in Grenfell and we witnessed it in Creeslough when our volunteer doctors raced to the scene.”

CRITICAL was first established in 2009 as Irish Community Rapid Response. Today it has a growing network of volunteer responders operating in 20 counties in cities, towns and villages.  The charity’s volunteers include Consultants in Emergency Medicine who have been provided with emergency vehicles and the equipment necessary to care for the sickest and most seriously injured patients.  CRITICAL has more than 70 medical responders made up of emergency medical technicians (EMTs), paramedics and other qualified personnel. A partnership with the National Ambulance Service sees NAS Staff Off-Duty and volunteers with CRITICAL to respond to potentially life-threatening emergencies in their local communities.

* For more information about CRITICAL visit

Banks reach out to farmers as weather lingers

As the wet weather persists both Bank of Ireland and AIB is urging farmers with concerns to engage as soon as possible with their accountant or Bank of Ireland financial adviser to explore the range of flexible financing options available to help de al with the impact of sodden on-farm conditions.

With March 2024 recorded as one of the wettest on record, following on from a very wet winter, farmers have several concerns going

forward which include;

• Increased costs driven by a very long winter and inclement spring which is also impacting animal performance and crop growing conditions

• C ost overhangs from 2023 due to weak farm gate prices and ever-rising input prices along with inflated 2023 tax bills.

• Farmers used cash balances that were available and invested in infrastructure and farm machinery

l ast year – now dealing with decreased cashflow as a result

• Farmers forced to provide supplementary feeds to livestock, whilst the sowing of crops remains on hold as the country waits for a sustained dry spell.

The banks a range of flexible options including overdraft extensions, flexible t erm loans, and the ability to retrospectively finance previous investments made from cashflow.

Mark Glennon, Bank of Ireland Agri Development Manager, said: “We understand that this is a particularly challenging time for far mers as they deal with the unrelenting wet weather, and that a level of flexibility is required when engaging with your financial provider. I would encourage any farmer seeking as sistance to talk to us, so that we can ensure your finances are properly structured and devise a plan

that will help overcome the current challenges.

"The rain will stop falling eventually, and with the right financial plans in place we can ensure that agri businesses nationwide can look forward to brighter days ahead.”

Donal Whelton, Head of AIB’s Agri, Food & Fishing Team said: “We are well aware of the challenges that farmers are currently experiencing on-farm due to the prolonged wet weather

and the impact that it has on cashflow. Some farmers are likely to require additional cashflow support to p urchase fodder, with many more feeding higher levels of concentrates. In addition, some tillage farmers didn’t g et to harvest crops last year because of poor weather conditions in the Autumn, and their inability to access land so far this y ear may impact the normal cashflow of their business."

News 10 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024
11 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024 Advertisement

As I See It Marianne Heron

Why we don’t care enough about our carers

The resounding defeat by 74% of the care amendment to the Constitution must tell us something about our feelings about how carers are treated. There is another litmus test on care in the Supreme Court since April 11, which could have systemic importance for those caring full-time at home. It involves a mother providing care for her profoundly handicapped son 24/7 and she is challenging the Department of Social Protection’s decision not to allow her the full rate of carer’s allowance (€246) because her partner and father of their son earns €850 although she has no means herself. Her case rests partly on the provision in Article 41 of the Constitution which states that a woman should not be obliged by

economic necessity to engage in labour outside the home. If the ‘family’ amendment had been carried this section would have been struck out and the chances of her challenge succeeding might have been undermined.

The Government said that the fact that the referendums were held on March 8 ahead of the court case was purely co-incidental. I have to wonder though, given that the Coalition were anticipating a ‘yes, yes ’ removing the untested promise to women. Does the State care enough about family carers given their commitment to demanding care w ithin the home?

There are an estimated half a million of them, who save the Government about €20 billion by looking after family

members with additional needs.

“We often describe ourselves the invisible army,” says Catherine Cox,” for  Communications and Policy, Family Carers Ireland (FCI). “We work behind closed doors and we get taken for granted because we are not going to down tools and go on strike.”

A study carried out by FCI suggests that carers (61% of whom are women and 39% men) hardly get the help and support they deserve. For instance, the study found that 70% had difficulties accessing services around care, 69% experienced barriers to respite care to allow them a break ranging from a day off to a holiday, 68% percent experienced financial stress and 71% felt ‘left out’. Reduction in places

for respite and staffing shortages resulting in long waits, add to their stress.

“One of the good things about the referendum was that it got people talking about care,” says Catherine Cox. Among the complex reasons in the care community for a No vote were the way people felt that the amendment didn’t place a firm obligation on the Government to support care but placed it in the family and lack of provision for the disabled. People were angry about the lack of resources given to care and also to the disabled, believes Catherine. “We are crucial to the Health Service but we are not valued.”

There are many things which CFI would like to see changed for carers. One of the big ones says Catherine “is that we

would like to see the means test for full-time carers caring for 35 hours a week plus, and which takes a partner’s income into account, abolished. The allowance should be based on need not on means”. Also FCI want to see the payment raised from €246 a week to 350. Around 57% of carers juggle part-time jobs with caring to make ends meet. Care may involve all kinds of situations from children with additional needs to the elderly and the demand for elder care is set to increase given our ageing population. There is a crying need for access to appropriate respite care. “People need a break from full time caring, they can suffer from burnout and people being cared for need a break from their families,” says Catherine.

Another tribulation is the long waiting time for therapies and support for those being cared for which is lengthen by the waiting time for assessment of need of those in care before they can access services and medical treatment. The long waiting time for treatment for children with scoliosis is a case in point, where sometimes they wait for years and the longer they have to wait, the worse their condition gets.

We have a Government which cares to spend €16 million plus on a referendum no one wanted or €10 million on the Battle of the Boyne site under the Shared Island Initiative. Perhaps the defeat of the referendum should tell them that they don’t care enough about carers and their loved ones.

Tips on how to improve memory and recall for exam success Climate Change

Are you finding it difficult to remember what you are learning? There are several reasons why this might be happening, including an inadequate diet, sleep deprivation, stress, anxiety, lack of energy or fatigue.

Top foods to support the grey matter would be omega oils, B vitamins, iron, protein, and antioxidants. These nutrients will be found in a balanced diet. That would include nuts, especially walnuts, seeds such as sunflower, chia, linseeds, and pumpkin, oily fish like mackerel, sardines, and salmon, dark green leafy vegetables and red meat. Protein powders, such as hemp, pea, or rice, bee pollen, spirulina,

and wheatgrass are good additions to top up on these nutrients. There has been some research on blueberries as a positive food to support cognitive function and a source of antioxidants. Water is crucial and often forgotten about. Revive Active Mastermind is a super supplement, and one of my favourites to support cognitive function, brain function, mental performance, and the nervous system. It is an ideal option support concentration and focus. It contains DHA, choline, zinc, B5 and B12nutrients that are required for brain function. I like that you simply need to take one sachet 3 times a week from now until the end of the exams. Over the years I have met many happy customers have said they found it brilliant.

If you are not eating oily

fish at least three times a week you could top up with an omega oil supplement like Eskimo Omega-3. Omega oils are important as the brain contains more than 100 billion cells working together to process information, form memories, and aid recall. Amazing isn’t it! In fact, our brain is made up of about 60% fat. This is why we need to include fats in our diets, to keep the brain functioning well.

With Eskimo Omega 3 Brain 3 6 9, you simply need one teaspoon or 2-4 capsules per day to nourish your brain.

If you are feeling fatigued or if you are not a red meat eater then you might benefit from Floradix Liquid Iron. It will help give you and your brain a boost.

Take a look at Higher Nature Balance for Nerves if you need help with stress and anxiety. It is a favourite one of mine for many years now to help calm the nerves.

I hope that these tips will help improve retention and recall of information, especially for those sitting exams this summer.

Shop online at where you’ll be able to take a look at these brands.

Natural Health Store, Market Cross Shopping Centre

Phone: 056 7764538



“We start with wonder, the question why?

Is there a universe, is there an I'?

12 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024
– are we all playing our part?
13 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024 Advertisement


New research from Chadwicks, Ireland’s leading builders’ merchants, reveals that 85% of tradespeople are reluctant to talk about their mental health and 79% say there’s still a stigma around discussing mental health in the construction industry.

This is despite 38% of those polled saying they believe their mental health could be improved and 62% noticing others struggling with how they’re feeling at work.

The research of 100 tradespeople examining their attitudes towards mental health was carried out to launch ‘How’s the Head,’ a new campaign from Chadwicks which aims to raise awareness of the importance of discussing mental health among this audience. The campaign is being launched today by former footballer and mental health advocate Richie Sadlier.

As part of the campaign, €1 from every sale of PPE (personal protective equipment), which includes high vis jackets, hard hats, safety boots, and goggles in all Chadwicks branches nationwide for the next four weeks, will be donated to Irish mental health charity, Aware.

Aware does vital work to support people impacted by mental health conditions across the country, and by purchasing an item of PPE over the next month, Chadwicks customers will be helping to raise essential funds for the charity.

Opening up

Feeling stressed or anxious (77%), a low mood (65%) and sleep problems (60%) are the most common symptoms tradespeople feel when struggling with their mental health. When experiencing stress or anxiety, 64% say they tend to keep their feelings to themselves, rather than talk about it with others.

Seeking support

While the Chadwicks research reveals that many tradespeople can often internalise how they’re feeling, most are vocal about wanting to learn more about how to manage their mental


need to talk about our mental health

health. When it comes to support, 80% agree that they could benefit from more tips on how to manage their mental health, and another 80% would like mental health training, in particular knowing how to spot signs in others.

Recognising the importance of mental health to colleague’s well-being, Chadwicks, in conjunction with VHI, runs an ongoing mental health awareness programme, designed to help colleagues manage their mental health better. At least one colleague at every Chadwicks location will complete the programme as part of the company’s on-going commitment to colleague wellbeing, and new hires to Chadwicks also go through well-being awareness training as part of their induction process.

Commenting on the research findings, Patrick Atkinson, CEO of Chadwicks, said: “The research shows that there is more to be done to encourage tradespeople to feel comfortable talking about their mental

health and speak to others they work with too. While it’s positive to see that 80% of tradespeople want more tips on how to manage their mental health better, 85% are reluctant to speak about their mental health with others. We hope this campaign will help change that and encourage tradespeople to speak up about how they’re feeling.”

A qualified psychotherapist, broadcaster, and author, Richie Sadlier is no stranger to speaking about his own mental health publicly. Chadwicks has enlisted Richie to drive awareness of the ‘How’s the Head’ campaign, and as part of that, Richie is one of the guests on the latest episode of award-winning podcast series, Under Construction with Chadwicks.

In the episode, Richie Sadlier chats with host, broadcaster, Donncha O’Callaghan and fellow guest, actor, comedian, singer and qualified scaffolder, Willie (Willa) White, about the campaign and the importance of speaking up.

*The episode will be avail-

Key findings

• 85% of tradespeople feel colleagues are reluctant to talk about their mental health

• 79% believe there’s a stigma around talking about mental health among tradespeople

• 38% believe their mental health could be improved

• 62% say they’ve noticed others on construction sites struggling with their mental health

• 80% feel they could benefit from more training around mental health

• 80% also feel that they could benefit from tips on how to better manage their mental health

able to listen to at A taste of what to expect from the episode is available to watch on Chadwicks YouTube channel.

Speaking about the campaign, Richie Sadlier said: ‘I was delighted to be asked by Chadwicks to support this very important campaign. There is a perception among many that the construction industry is male dominated, and in my work as a psychotherapist, I hear regularly about how when lads get together, they shy away from

really talking about how they’re feeling. It’s common for many of us with work colleagues after the weekend for example, to ask ‘How’s the Head’, implying that the question is specifically associated with their social lives. However, through this campaign, and when asking this question in future, I hope more people might use it as an opportunity to check how others are generally feeling. I also would encourage anyone who needs any PPE equipment to purchase

it in a Chadwicks branch in the next four weeks and help raise funds for Aware, a charity that does vital work and supports many people in communities when they need it most.’

Stephen Butterly, Head of Fundraising at Aware, concluded: ‘We are very grateful to have been chosen as the charity partner for the Chadwicks ’How’s Your Head’ campaign. Every single euro raised makes a difference, contributing towards the support of another person or delivery of another wellbeing programme. Campaigns like this also contribute hugely to increasing awareness and understanding of mental health, encouraging conversation, and reminding people they are not alone. Thank you so much to all involved.’

For more information on the Chadwicks ‘How’s the Head’ campaign, visit https://www.chadwicks. ie/blog/post/hows-thehead or @chadwicks_ie on Instagram. For more information on Aware and its services, visit

MMR catch-up clinics continuing across the South East

A number of free Measles Mump and Rubella (MMR) catch-up vaccination clinics, open to members of the public are taking place across the South East.

The HSE launched the MMR vaccine catch-up programme to address the increasing cases of measles and clinics are taking place in counties Kilkenny Carlow, Waterford, Wexford and South Tipperary.

Measles poses significant health risks, especially to vulnerable groups such as children under 12 months, pregnant women, and individuals with weakened immune systems. Despite prior efforts, MMR vaccination rates remain below the recommended 95% set by the World Health Organisation. Measles cases are rising internationally and already this year in Europe there have

been more cases of measles reported than in the whole of 2022. In August 2023 the Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) reported a small number of cases of measles in Ireland, the first outbreak since 2019.

The HSE is asking anyone who may not have received their MMR to please come forward for their free vaccine at one of the HSE’s dedicated Vaccination Clinics in counties Kilkenny Carlow, Waterford, Wexford and South Tipperary. The HSE is also asking people to start having the discussions with their family members and friends, to encourage others to come forward too.

*If you wish to make an appointment, you can log onto the HSE website at the following address: https://

News 14 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024
15 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024 Advertisement


Advice of investing your hard-earned cash Your Money & You

Most people are saving for something.  They are putting aside some money for a rainy day, their children’s education, a comfortable retirement, or a dream holiday.

But thinking about investing that hard-earned cash can be a daunting prospect.

On the one hand you could increase your money by wise investing but there is always a chance that a bad decision could lead to a bad outcome.

Once people invest they can overreact because of fear or greed during falling and rising markets by selling low and buying in high thereby jeopardising their long-term objectives.

Other times they can be lured in by fund advertisements that feature recent high performing outcomes – as if you could somehow inherit historical returns despite the small print insisting past performance is no guarantee of future returns and your investment can fall or rise depending on the va-

garies of the stock markets.

However, there is no need to shy away from investing if done correctly. You can reap rewards and see significant returns.  So how do you avoid the pitfalls and keep your money safe?

Restrain yourself by having a formal, written investment policy or allocation guideline for your entire investment which will cut down on impulsive decisions. The investment policy statement will help you to commit to a disciplined investment process making your decisions less likely to be swayed by emotion.

Then establish your objectives. What is your goal? For example: retirement planning, education, a holiday?

ough analysis of many factors not least looking for a fund(s) with a strong track record which has been achieved without excessive risk- taking by the fund managers and is repeatable. Once you have invested your money across the selected funds you now have your portfolio, but this is only the beginning.

Determine your time frame and once in place stick with it. Next, establish your risk profile. There are at least three components to consider when determining your true risk profile; willingness to take risk, sometimes called ‘risk attitude’ or ‘risk preference’, financial ability to take risk, or ‘risk capacity’ and your need to take risk.

Once you’ve decided what your objectives are and agreed on your level of risk, it is important to match your expectations with an appro-

priate investment strategy and management process. It is not achieved by simply looking at the past performance of funds but through a rigorous selection process which your financial advisor will outline.

One investment approach is investing across multiple asset classes, called diversification. This is where you spread your investment over, for example, a cash fund, a property fund, a bond fund, an equity fund, a commodity, or an absolute return fund. This method requires a thor-

To really benefit you need to re-balance your portfolio back to the original amount at least once a year. Taking stock of your assets once a year is the best way to avoid obsessing over short-term fund performance. By following a consistent process and focusing on the nature of compounding money the investment process should deliver good outcomes but remember a good process does not guarantee success but will stacks the odds in your favour and this is as much as you can hoped for.

16 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024 086 8362622
17 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024 Advertisement

Greek physicians and researchers found that 13% of people on the island of Ikarian in their study were older than 80, compared to about 1.5% of the global population and about 4% in Europe. People on the island were 10 times more likely to live to 100 than most Europeans. And it’s, apparently, all down to their diet. So, here’s what’s in an Ikaria-inspired pantry:

Beans and legumes

These are among the seminal ingredients of the Ikarian way of eating. Adding them to your everyday meal plan is proven to increase longevity and can help you phase meat out of your diet. Try:

• Broad beans (aka, fava beans)

• Chickpeas

• Gigantes (giant beans)

• Lentils

• Split peas

• Garlic

Garlic is the ultimate flavour-packing, health-providing natural ingredient. There’s a virtual pharmacopeia of goodness in every clove. Modern-day Ikarians swear by it. Garlic makes almost everything taste better. It sweetens up as it softens and cooks, lending an almost caramelised flavour to so many different foods.

Whole grains

• Farro

• Pasta, especially whole wheat pasta and gluten-free, high-protein, bean-based pastas, such as chickpea and lentil pastas.


On Ikaria, myriad herbs grow wild and most inhabitants can grow a few pots of fresh herbs at home, even if it’s just on the windowsill. Most families have a cupboard packed with dried herbs, the therapeutic qualities of which are contained in the knowledge passed down from generation to generation. Basic dried herbs include bay leaves, oregano, thyme and mint.


Nuts are an important ingredient in many plant-based recipes and traditionally are

The Greek food guide to longevity

an important ingredient in Greek regional cooking. They grow abundantly throughout the country. A few of the

most popular — and healthiest are almonds, pistachios, sesame seeds and tahini. Walnuts too.


Olives have been a staple in the Greek diet since prehistoric times. In Greece, they’re

traditionally eaten on their own or in salads. Or pair them with pantry staples like beans or pasta and other grains.

Olive oil

Olive oil is the defining food of the Mediterranean diet and an absolute must in the pantry. Many of the health benefits associated with the Mediterranean diet, and, by extension, the Ikaria diet, are attributed to the health properties of olive oil. Only use extra virgin oil, which simply means the oil is unrefined.

Sea salt

On Ikaria, many people, myself included, use sea salt that collects in the small natural salt basins that have formed along the island’s rocky coastline over eons. It tastes better than regular table salt, which comes from mines and is heavily processed.


Consuming honey daily is one of the longevity secrets of the islanders. Honey is antibacterial, rich in antioxidants including flavonoids, and — unlike white sugar or artificial sweeteners — helps the body to regulate blood sugar levels. Many people here eat a spoonful every morning. You can add a liberal drizzle to your tea or a breakfast smoothie bowl, or whisk it into dressings.

Dried fruits

Figs and raisins are two dried fruits I always have on hand to use in all sorts of savoury dishes, especially in salads and rice dishes.


Yogurt is a fermented food that has been part of the culinary tapestry of the Eastern Mediterranean for thousands of years. The traditional yogurt on Ikaria is produced with goat’s milk and has a delicious sour flavor and creamy texture.

If goat’s milk yogurt isn’t to your liking, you might prefer the Greek yogurt commonly found in most supermarkets, which is similarly rich in probiotics.

Feta and similar cheeses

Almost all the cheese Ikarians make and eat is produced with goat’s milk or sheep’s milk, like feta. Much of it is naturally fermented.

Dementia: how to recognise the final days

While each person is individual in their dementia experience, it’s common for someone approaching the end of their life to become increasingly frail over a period of several months.

According to Alzheimer’s Society, this can result in frequent falls or infections, moving less, sleeping more, becoming increasingly incontinent, and needing urgent medical care more often.

Additionally, most people tend to become increasingly withdrawn and talk

less often. They’re likely to eat and drink much less, which is accompanied by weight loss and increasing problems with chewing and swallowing.

In later stages of dementia, most patients are much less able to talk or communicate effectively, particularly with people that they don’t know well.

The patient may experience sight or hearing problems, and there could even become a time that they can hardly communicate at-all, making it harder to

know if they are uncomfortable or in pain.

Alzheimer’s Society recommends finding alternative ways to communicate with a person with dementia at the end of their life. For example, you could pay close attention to their body or facial expressions. For those that are still able to sense their surroundings, they may be able to respond with basic gestures such as smiling or hand squeezing.

Alzheimer’s Society also notes that people with

dementia may become distressed if they hear harsh noises or commotion.

To help the person with dementia, continue to talk to them, even if you don’t think they can follow what you are saying. They may respond to the tone of your voice and feel a connection with you, even if they don’t understand the exact meaning of your words.

Talk about things of interest to the person such as playing favourite music or reminiscing about things from the past.

Keep their surroundings supportive and familiar Alzheimer’s Society advises keeping the environment familiar. You can do this by keeping familiar objects and pictures nearby. Keep it peaceful and not cluttered.

Healthcare professionals can explain the changes. They can also take steps to reduce the person’s pain or distress, often using medication.

The uncertainty that often accompanies the final stages of dementia can

be very stressful. Talking things through with family and close friends can often provide comfort, so try to tell people when you need their support.

You can call Alzheimer’s Society’s Dementia Support Line to speak to Dementia Advisers, especially when facing difficult questions around Lasting Power of Attorney.

You might find it helpful to join an online community where you can discuss your feelings honestly with people in similar situations.

News 18 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024
Science & Wellbeing

Wonderful stroopwafels in Amsterdam

The Netherlands may not be known worldwide for its cuisine, but once you visit Amsterdam, you’ll discover delectable local foods such as slavink (minced meat wrapped in bacon), bitterballen (fried meatballs, kind of), and a whole world of wonderful cheese. One of the most iconic foods in

Amsterdam and beyond is the stroopwafel, a crowdpleasing sweet treat found in supermarkets.

If you’re new to the dessert, be aware that it’s nothing like your standard waffle except for the honeycomb texture. Its name translates to ‘syrup waffle’ in English, but you can think of a stroopwafel

you enjoy it like a local: Warm it up before eating it. And no, that doesn’t mean nuking it in the microwave or toasting it in the oven. Dutch locals have an even simpler method for warming their stroopwafels that you can try in your hotel room or while strolling around the city.

Dutch culture is all about gezelligheid, an untranslatable concept used to describe a cozy and charming atmosphere (which can be referred to by the adjective ‘gezellig’). Cold, hard stroopwafels aren’t gezellig, but warm stroopwafels with a gooey caramel middle are, especially when shared with friends, although you can still enjoy the treat while exploring Amsterdam alone. To channel those cozy, wholesome vibes, many locals serve a hot cup of tea or coffee (which can also be gezellig on its own) alongside the sweet biscuit. To soften and warm the stroopwafel, simply place it over the cup and allow it to steam. This trick works great with a mug, though a to-go cup from a cafe can also work if you’re walking around Amsterdam. Ideally, the cup should be small enough in diameter so that the stroopwafel sits on the rim without falling in the drink, as the goal is to eat a soft stroopwafel, not a soggy one. Wait patiently for a few minutes before removing the biscuit and taking a bite. You should notice a slightly melted caramel centre and tender layers of wafer. Divine.

Where to eat stroopwafels in Amsterdam

Whether you’re in Amsterdam for a day trip or an extended vacation, consider stopping by a confectioner specialising in stroopwafels to discover why the dessert is so popular in the Netherlands. Lanskroon, located in central Amsterdam, is known for its ‘kingsize’ stroopwafel, available in either honey or coffee-caramel flavours, and it also serves coffee, tea, and hot chocolate,making it the perfect place to try the steamy cup hack. If you prefer an Instagramworthy biscuit, look no further than van Wonderen, a shop near the floating flower market.

These stroopwafels are dipped in chocolate and sprinkled with sweetss and other fun toppings, but they tend to be priced higher than most, and you might have to wait in a long line before ordering. Such is the power of social media.

Bora Bora voted No.1 beach in world

Bora Bora the French Polynesian island, which is perched in the South Pacific, is a renowned beach destination and has just been voted the No. 1 beach in the world.

It’s hardly a budgetfriendly place for a getaway, but those aquamarine waters and blindingly white sands are undeniably giving paradise. In fact, the destination [pictured] introduced a tourist cap back in 2022 to make sure it retains its natural beauty.

Some slightly more unusual beaches have also done well in the ranking. Black Sand Beach in Iceland, made up of pebbles formed from volcanic rock, claimed spot number six, and Namibia’s aptly and eerily named Skeleton Coast, which is littered with whale carcasses and shipwrecks, claimed number nine.

Five UK beaches also made the top 100 list, with the highest being Brighton Beach at spot number 25. Sure, there are a few old fairground rides and one too many seagulls, but stoney beaches deserve their time to uncomfortably shine,

Brighton’s has gotta be one of the best.

These are the 25 Best Beaches

as more of a biscuit than a breakfast pastry. It’s thin, yet made of three layers, namely two layers of wafer and a caramel syrup centre, almost like a biscuit sort of sandwich.

Whether you get your stroopwafel fresh from a stand or packaged from the store, here’s one tip to help

If you can’t decide between eating on the spot or taking stroopwafels to go, get both at Rudi’s Original Stroopwafels. Rudi’s has been a staple at Amsterdam’s Albert Cuyp Markt for years, and the vendor serves traditional Gouda-style wafels that can be eaten fresh and warm or bagged up and taken home as a souvenir. Enjoy!

19 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024
Travel & Leisure
In The World: 1. Bora Bora, French Polynesia 2. Boulders Beach, South Africa 3. Waikiki Beach, Hawaii 4. Copacabana, Brazil 5. Maya Bay, Thailand 6. Black Sand Beach, Iceland 7. Glass Beach, USA 8. JBR Beach, UAE 9. Skeleton Coast, Namibia 10. Omaha Beach, France 11. Whitehaven Beach, Australia 12. Pattaya Beach, Thailand 13. Cap d’Agde, France 14. Lake Lucerne, Switzerland 15. Barceloneta Beach, Spain 16. Bondi Beach, Australia 17. Source d’Argent, Seychelles 18. Playa d’en Bossa, Spain 19. Elia Beach, Greece 20. Playa del Amor, Mexico 21. Bacvice, Croatia 22. Venice Beach, USA 23. Praia Dona Ana, Portugal 24. Paraga Beach, Greece 25. Brighton Beach, UK

A baleful burial and the beauty of  ‘Ubuntu’ Furthermore Gerry Moran

I buried the hedgehog last week. A sad affair. As all burials are. The hedgehog who I’ve been feeding throughout the winter waddled into my carport a few days back, curled quietly into a ball, and remained there until its demise some days later.

A strange place I thought for the hedgehog to encamp and in broad daylight! I kept a close eye on it throughout that first day and the next. And, although it was still and motionless, it was breathing and nibbled at some of the cat food (the usual fare I’d leave out when it came visiting at night). But I wasn’t happy with the set-up, wasn’t happy at all. The hedgehog had no business curling up in my carport when it should be out under the beech hedge in my back garden foraging for insects and snails and what have you. And then I wondered if it was hibernating! In the middle of spring! Which I quickly ruled out as it didn’t even hibernate in winter!  And I wasn’t one bit happy that ‘my’ (if I may call it that) hedgehog was snuffling about, calling for food in the depths of winter. Okay, so it wasn’t a harsh winter but

still I couldn’t help thinking: you should be curled up in a ball, fast asleep, in some sheltered foliage to see the winter out.

Nor was I impressed when I came upon it a while back in the middle of my back garden, in the middle of the afternoon, with two noisy

magpies paying it way too much attention. I quickly put the run on the magpies, gave the hedgehog a pouch of cat food, which it partially ate, and that was the last I saw of it until its arrival in my carport; its final port of call on this planet. I  considered moving it from the carport to the shelter of our beech hedge but didn’t as I reckoned it chose this particular spot because it is difficult for preying animals to get at it and also because it knew that there was food available here.

And then I got to wondering if this could be the hedgehog I’ve been feeding for years? I mean how does one tell one hedgehog from another? If it was the same hedgehog I like to think that it died peacefully of old age. And if there is a Hedgehog Heaven I know it’s happy scuttling and scurrying about up there.


As it happened Ger Cody of Lake Productions (and belated congratulations to all on the recent, wonderful production of Da) posted the following regarding hedgehogs on Facebook:  “If you see me in your garden I appreciate food (unsalted raw meat such as minced meat) I also love cat food (but not fish) and I need water. Please don’t give me milk which would cause stomach problems and I could die. Please don’t use insecticides or traps. I’m inoffensive and help in your garden as I feed on insects that attack your veggies. My species is disappearing, (so) please help us stay alive.”

Well, no milk was ever given to ‘my’ hedgehog and for sure we don’t use insecticides or traps. Rest in peace little fella.


And this, which I absolutely

love, from Ger Cody’s Facebook page also (a treasure trove of historic anecdotes, poems, paintings and wisdom; thank you, Ger): “An anthropologist proposed a game to children in an African tribe. He placed a basket of fruit near a tree and told the children whoever got to the basket first would win the fruit. When he told them to run they all held each other’s hands and ran together, then they sat together to enjoy the fruit. When they were asked why they ran together like that when one could have had all the fruit to oneself, they said: ‘Ubuntu. How can one of us be happy when all the others are sad?’

“’Ubuntu’ in their civilisation means: ‘I am, because we are.’ That tribe, the anthropologist reckoned knew the secret of happiness, something that has been lost to so many societies that consider themselves civilised.”

Awards night celebrates and looks back at St. Patrick’s day festivities

A gala evening of presentation of prizes took place in St. Canices Neighbourhood Hall, Butts Green on Thursday afternoon as prizes were presented to the best of the almost seventy floats and groups who took part in what is accepted as Kilkenny’s largest ever parade and St. Patrick’s four-day festival. Representatives of many of the groups attended and the prizes were presented by Mayor and outgoing Chairperson of the St. Patrick’s Festival, Cllr Joe Malone and County Council Director of Services Tim Butler acted as ‘fear an tí’ for the occasion. Cllr. Malone welcomed all those who attended and pronounced this year’s festival and parade a huge success: “While the weather on St. Patrick’s Day definitely helped us, it is true to say that we were all totally taken aback by the incredible number of visitors and locals who attended the festivities on the national Saint’s Day events. Garda spokespeople estimated that 40,000 people attended the parade and the organisation and controlling of the event was all the more impressive, given those record numbers.

We are hugely thankful to an Garda Síochána and all the other local agencies, including the Kilkenny Civil Defence unit and our countless volunteers. The stewarding provided by St. Brigid’s Camogie Club and the leading of the parade by their colleagues in the Ballycallan Fife and Drum Band contributed greatly to the


Of course, this was a weekend full of activities, with the fantastic marching bands coming from three different states of the US drawing huge crowds and dozens of family events, from Rhythm workshops to Pop Up Gaeltacht, fireworks and pyrotechnics events made it a weekend of fun and spectacle.

We were delighted to have Richie Power as Grand Marshall of our parade, continuing the inspirational leadership he has shown over the last year in telling his personal story, with as much bravery and style as he showed on the hurling pitches and stadia during his famed career. He was also joined by our upcoming singing star, young Stevie Mulrooney, who has captured the hearts of our nation this year.”

Tim Butler, Director of Services, said that it was of course the community, sports, arts and cultural groups who captured the essence of the parade:

“The efforts put in by all the groups, their creativity, colour and diversity showed off the very best of our city and county. It is a privilege to just walk in our parade, and a memory that will last a lifetime, but the effort put in by so many of the groups really makes the vital difference.

The prizes that were presented saw each winning group receive a special Jerpoint Glass trophy, a certificate of their achievement and a voucher to help their organisation’s work. The winners were as follows:

1) Most Creative & Entertaining Xquisite Dance Club

2) Best Young People Kilkenny United Women’s Football Club

3) Best Rural Conahy Vintage Club

4) Best School Dancewise Academy

5) Best Interpretation of the Theme - 15th Kilkenny FortGrange Scout Group

A special commendation was given to acknowledge Gaelscoil Osraí, with teachers Ivan, Neasa and Proinnsiasa and all of the forty children who worked with street theatre facilitator Steve Nolan to create a wonderful pageant with St. Patrick and a snake chasing cats throughout the parade. They made their own masks and designed their t-shirts while learning all about the skills involved in the choreography of such an event. The festival thanked Steve for the six weeks he spent working with the múinteoirí agus páistí.

Of course, none of this could happen without the remarkable input and attention to detail of Marian Flannery and her team, Jennifer Cooper and Helena Hatton and the many volunteers who assisted them along with the team at Corporate. We are truly lucky to have had this professional team leading a very busy and intense festival.”

The Mayor also thanked the judging panel of Brian Keyes, Annemaria Walsh, Azeta Seery and Seán McKeown.

20 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024

Fianna Fáil CDC Annual General Meeting

At the recent Annual General Meeting of the above Comhairle Dáil Ceantair, held on Tuesday 2nd April, which was well attended, the following officers were elected. Cora Long was chosen as Chairperson, Ivan Sheridan as Vice Chairman,

was chaired

21 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024 News
Maria Wall as Secretary, and Sean Breathnach and Muireann O’Neill as joint Treasurers. The meeting by Wexford man, James Brown TD, Minister of State at the Department of Justice. Also present were the sitting Fianna Fáil elected members of Kilkenny County Council, as well as Maria Wall and Jenny Catt who will be hoping to retain the seat held by Eamon Aylward (Mullinavat), and Joe Sheridan who will be hoping to retain the seat held by Matt Doran (Callan). John McGuinness TD addressed the meeting and introduced Cynthia Ní Mhurchú, who is hoping to join Billy Kelleher as Fianna Fáil representative for the Southern Constituency in the European elections. James Brown TD, Cynthia Ní Mhurchú and John McGuinness TD Sitting Councillors, would-be Councillors and the newly elected committee Maria Wall, Cynthia Ní Mhurchú, Joe Sheridan, Jenny Catt and John McGuinness TD

With the UN breathing down his neck, a charge of genocide looming and a ban on countries supplying arms to Israeli Defence Forces, as well as criticism at home, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu seems determine to continue his onslaught on Gaza

However, despite blaming the prime minister, a large majority of Jewish Israeli citizens support his destructive policies in Gaza and beyond, according

To Mairav Zonszein, the senior Israel analyst at the International Crisis Group.

When US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, one of the staunchest pro-Israel lawmakers in the US and the highest-ranking Jewish official in Washington, effectively called for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s ouster on the Senate floor in mid-March, it was a watershed moment for anyone following Israel’s role in US politics.

Israel has been so sacrosanct in America for so long that the idea that a hawkish Democrat like Schumer would call for regime change in Israel is extraordinary.

But the Senate leader’s stance is fairly mainstream among Israelis. There’s consensus — even within his own party—that elections should be held early. It seems like conventional wisdom in Israel that Netanyahu is dragging out the war for his own political survival, since he knows the moment it comes to a halt, Israelis will focus even more resolutely on investigating the failures of October 7 and pushing for early elections to vote him out of office.

The focus on Netanyahu is a convenient distraction from the fact that the war in Gaza is not Netanyahu’s war, it is Israel’s war — and the problem isn’t only Netanyahu; it’s the Israeli electorate.

Blaming Netanyahu — who refuses to leave Israeli political life despite being on trial for corruption and presiding over the country during the worst catastrophe in its history — has eclipsed the fact that when it comes to Israeli policies on Gaza in particular, and the Palestinians in general, many Israelis are broadly aligned with Netanyahu. By a large margin they sup-

How Israel’s Jews see war on Gaza

port the current military campaign in Gaza and the government’s goal of destroying Hamas, whatever the human toll for Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

For years, Israeli have been able through military and economic domination — to disregard the single most pressing issue facing the country — its control over millions of Palestinians. The shock and trauma inflicted by the October 7 attack opened the floodgates even further on what is considered acceptable.

A large majority — 88% —

of Jewish Israelis polled in January believe the astounding number of Palestinian deaths, which had surpassed 25,000 at the time, is justified.

A large majority of the Jewish public also thinks that the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) is using adequate or even too little force in Gaza. Couched in the idea that Hamas forced this “war of no choice” upon Israel and the people of Gaza and that Hamas must be destroyed as a matter of Israeli survival, even the threat of imminent famine in Gaza has not provoked opposition to the campaign.

Further, in a February poll by the Israel Democracy Institute, around two-thirds of Jewish respondents (63%) said they oppose the proposal for Israel to agree in principle to the establishment of an independent, demilitarised Palestinian state. Israeli leaders have framed the movement underway internationally for governments to unilaterally recognise Palestine as a state to be “rewarding” the Palestinians for the October attack. You don’t need a poll to discover that support for a two-state solution, much less for Palestinian basic rights of

freedom and self- determination, has been steadily declining among Jewish Israelis in recent years, and today is probably the lowest it has ever been. You can just look at the positions of Israel’s Jewish political parties. Almost none of them endorse a twostate solution, and the ones in power actively reject it, working fastidiously to thwart it from ever happening.

The thousands of Israelis who are once again turning out to march in the streets are not protesting the war. Except for a tiny handful of Israelis, Jews, and Palestinians, they

are not calling for a ceasefire or an end to the war — or for peace. They are not protesting Israel’s killing of unprecedented numbers of Palestinians in Gaza or its restrictions on humanitarian aid that have led to mass starvation. (Some right-wing Israelis even go further by actively blocking aid from entering the strip.) They are certainly not invoking the need to end military occupation, now in its 57th year. They are primarily protesting Netanyahu’s refusal to step down and what they see as his reluctance to seal a hostage deal.

Donald trumps Joe Biden in main battlefields

zona, Georgia, Nevada and North Carolina. In Wisconsin the candidates are level.

a poll that shows


The outcome of November’s presidential election is likely to be decided in these states, where the last two races were won and lost.

Trump leads Biden in headto-head polling by margins of between one and six percentage points in six states: Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ari-

When third-party candidates, such as Robert F Kennedy Jr, are included in the poll data, Trump enjoys similar leads in each of the states except Wisconsin, where Biden has a lead of three points.

The survey, commissioned by The Wall Street Journal and based on responses of 600 voters in each state, suggests that Biden could lose states that were key to his

victory in 2020. Of the seven, only North Carolina backed Trump four years ago, but eight months before the next election, it appears he is making significant inroads in five others.

The poll offers some explanation for Trump’s support. Voters were asked which candidate was better suited to tackle the issues that consistently rank as the most important.

On the economy, 54% of voters thought Trump would do a more effective job com-

pared with 34% for Biden. Trump won the backing of 52% of respondents who were asked who was better placed to handle immigration and border security, with just 32% thinking Biden would perform better.

Voters appear to be less than enthusiastic about either candidate when it comes to them having the mental and physical abilities to be president, although again Trump is ahead on 42%, with Biden trailing on 28%. Biden’s age and perfor-

mances have created doubts about whether he is fit to be president. In several polls, those surveyed consistently say that both men — Biden is 81 and Trump is 77 — are too old to be in the White House. In the Journal poll, it is only on abortion where Biden is ahead of his rival. Forty-five per cent say the president is better on the issue, compared with 33% for Trump. The former president is expected to outline his position on abortion next week, and is reported to favour a nation-

wide ban after 15 or 16 weeks

Alvin Felzenberg, who worked in the White House for both the first and second President Bush and has since become a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, said: “This poll shows that Biden needs to do more than he is doing at the moment. He has to come out with an agenda for the next four years. He’s jumping on his opponent. I can do that — a lot of people do that for free — but where is he taking us in the next four years?”

The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024
Former President Donald Trump is ahead of President Biden in the race for the White House, according to him ing in six of the seven battleground states.
Global Report
23 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024 Advertisement Advertisement

26th Smithwick’s Kilkenny Roots festival

26th Smithwick’s Kilkenny Roots Festival launch

Despite the deluge, a large crowd of music fans attended the launch of the 26th Smithwick’s Kilkenny Roots Festival at the Smithwick’s Experience building last Thursday night. The festival runs from May 3rd to May 6th in venues throughout Kilkenny city.

The horrible weather meant that the event was moved from The Barrel Yard into the main building. Hopefully conditions will improve in time for the festival, when two gigs will be held in The Barrel Yard.

Ignacio Peregrina, Smithwick's Experience Manager, welcomed the guests to the evening before handing the microphone to Anthony Morrison, Chairman of Kilkenny Vintners. He outlined the importance of events such as Kilkenny Roots to the overall economy of Kilkenny and not just the participating pubs and hotels.

Festival Director, John Cleere, then gave an outline of the programme of ticketed and free events. In total 100 gigs are scheduled over the four days with over 70 free shows on the Smithwick’s Music Trail. He estimated that the festival has held almost 2,500 shows over the years and is still the musical highlight of the year for many local and visiting music fans.

Colin Kenny, Sales and Quality Manager - South at Diageo, replied on behalf of the main sponsors, Smithwick’s. Diageo has been the title sponsor since the festival’s inception in 1998 and he emphasized their continued support for the festival into future years.

Music from The Broken Spokes and delicious food from Muse Catering rounded off a great night.

Full details of all shows are on the festival website and the festival’s printed programme is available in venues throughout Kilkenny and from Rollercoaster Records

24 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024
The Broken Spokes. Paul Drennan, Paddy Flanagan & Dermot Noonan Siobhan Moore, The Kilkenny Observer, Ignacio Peregrina, Manager of Smithwick's Experience Kilkenny, John Cleere, Festival Director Smithwick’s Kilkenny Roots Festival Pat Carroll, Donal Carroll, John Fogarty, Larry Doyle & Claire Molloy Committee John Cleere, Karol Ryan, Arthur Drohan, Eddie Langton, Anthony Morrison & Gary Kehoe Mickey Boo Niamh & Sorcha Maria & Niall Dollard
25 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024
Smithwick’s Roots launch 26th Smithwick’s
Roots festival
Edel Crean Caitriona Dowling Ashley Moran Nunn Con Crean Bernie Moran John O Neill Shane Bannon & Sylvia Knox Seán Ó hArgáin, Fionn Ó hArgáin & Marian Flannery with group from Brittany France Brian & Alison McGrath Sarah & Peter Flynn David Keegan Karol Ryan Innes O Callaghan Colin Kenny Gary Kehoe Orla Fagan & Sylvia Hayes


Part three

Ambush on Friary Street

The Friary interior from which Tom Dullard emerged as shooting began

Continuing the story of the infamous Friary Street Ambush: If you missed parts one and two you can read these on the Kilkenny Observer website...

The British army patrol had just entered Friary Street and was trudging towards them. As McEvoy gaped in horror and alarm at the sleepy-eyed woman in the doorway, a corporation worker quickstepped past Dunne and himself on his way into the church for his Morning Prayer.

These two occurrences were totally unexpected. No allowance had been made for the woman looking out or the man calling to the church. The advance guard of the patrol edged past the Friary. It was about 25 yards ahead of the wagon, which had two soldiers marching behind it. All the troops seemed alert, with bayonets fixed to their loaded rifles. The wagon rolled past the church.

In the Friary porch, Dunne and McEvoy remained motionless for half a minute or more as the advance guard and the wagon with its two mules and military escort moved further up the street. The two rebels then ventured a look down the street to see if the rear-

guard soldiers were on the way. They noticed that these troops were further behind the wagon than the ambush planners had allowed for. Looking up the street, they saw that the wagon had not yet reached Gargans’s yard. Dunne and McEvoy emerged from their posi -

tions in the church porch and at the same time Dermody and Hennessy came out of the entrance to Garden Row opposite. The four of them met in the middle of the street.

Tom Hennessy quickly decided that a change of plan was essential. He

ordered Dunne and McEvoy to tackle the soldiers who had passed by and were approaching Gargan’s yard. Hennessy and Dermody went down the street with the intention of confronting the rear-guard troops who had trailed behind. Dunne and McEvoy

stepped off the street back onto the footpath outside the church. The wagon was about fifteen yards up the street from them. A glance back down the street revealed Dermody and Hennessy casually walking past the two rear-guard soldiers, standing in the middle of the street behind the soldiers, they prepared to waylay them.

At almost exactly the same moment, Dunne and McEvoy found themselves almost face to face with the military driver of the wagon and the troops marching behind it. At this point, they expected to hear the whistle blowing to signal the commencement of the ambush. But Jim Brien had not blown it as he believed the whole ambush plan had already gone awry.

Not hearing the whistle threw Dunne and McEvoy off-balance. Quick thinking was required. They began to move towards the wagon, knowing that immediate action was essential, or they would lose the initiative.

But then disaster struck… The woman in the doorway shrieked: "Soldiers, soldiers, you’re being attacked!" The two soldiers at the wagon beheld her frenzied form and heeded her warning. They grasped their weapons and dashed to cover. One hugged the earth behind a low wall that fronted the church. The second took cover in a doorway.

From these two vantage

points, they saw Hennessy and Dermody attempt to seize the rifles of the two rear-guard troops. The rebels had the soldiers pinned down in the middle of the street, and were engaged in what looked like a wrestling bout with them in an effort to grab their weapons.

But as Hennessy and Dermody drew away from their crouching foes, they presented clear targets for the two soldiers observing them from cover. Taking careful aim, the soldier in the doorway and the one at the Friary wall opened fire. Four shots rang out.

Michael Dermody and Tom Hennessy fell to the ground, blood oozing from their wounds.

Corporation worker Tom Dullard, who had just finished his Morning Prayer and was about to return to his job, was startled by the sound of the first gunshot. In a panic, he started to run down the footpath away from the Friary and towards High Street. One of the four bullets fired by the troops ricocheted off a wall and pierced his head. He collapsed on the street...

To be continued...

(More stories of those bygone times can be read in my book Callan in Words and Pictures, which is available from Amazon)

26 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024
Dohertys of Friary Street which in 1921 was Hacketts pub Top: John Greene of Barronsland and (above) Michael Brennan of Graine
27 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024 Advertisement

Kilkenny County Council Arts Office are excited to announce

The Art of Change

The Art of Change – a new Youth Arts initiative which aims to empower young people in exploring environmental and climate action topics through different artforms. By igniting and fueling young people’s interest in environmental and climate issues the project hopes to provide them with another way of approaching big issues while also giving them an understanding of the impact art can have. The project will offer young people a chance to be part of a supportive community in which they can explore a variety of art practices together with professional artists. They will learn new artistic skills and build awareness of how their actions however

small can create change. Each week for six weeks the young people will take part in a series of visual art workshops with a variety of artists. To begin the project the group will take part in a workshop with Education for Sustainability. This initial session is aimed at building their knowledge and awareness of climate related issues, giving them chance to explore the topic and ask questions. The next five sessions will see the young people delve into different art practices and approaches they may not have experienced before. Hopefully offering them a new perspective and new ideas, encouraging them to ask even more questions!

Launch of “The Amendments” by Niamh

Nell and her partner Adrienne are about to have a baby. For Adrienne, it’s the start of a new life. For Nell, it’s the reason the two of them are sitting in a therapist’s office. Because she can’t go into this without dealing with the truth: that she has been a mother before, and now she can’t bring herself to speak to her own mother, let alone return home to Ireland. Nell is running out of places to hide from her past.

But to Ireland and the past is where she must go, and that is where The Amendments takes us: to the heat of Nell’s teenage years in the early 2000s, as Ireland was unpicking itself from its faith and embracing the hedonism of the Celtic Tiger. To 1983, when Nell’s mother Dolores was grappling with the tensions of the women’s rights movement. And then to the farms and suburbs and towns that made and unmade the lives at the centre of this story, bound together by the terrible secret that Nell still cannot face.

Delving into the lives of three generations of women, The Amendments is an extraordinary novel about love and freedom, belonging and rebellion – and about how our past is a vital presence which sits alongside us.

Niamh Mulvey is the author of the short story collection, Hearts and Bones, which was shortlisted for the John McGahern Award. Her short fiction has been published in The Stinging Fly, Banshee, Southword and The Irish Times and has been shortlisted for the Seán O’Faoláin Prize. She lives in Kilkenny, Ireland. The

Amendments is her first novel. The Amendments 9781529079869 Trade Paperback

Available from the 18/04/2024 from your local bookshop

When: Beginning April 9th14th @4.30pm-6.30pm workshops will run every Tuesday for six weeks.

Where: Ossory Youth Centre and Foroige The Drum in Kilkenny City.

What does it involve: Each week participants will meet a different artist and take part in workshops on different artforms. All workshops are free to join.

Who can get involved: Young People aged 13-18yrs

How to join: Booking is essential. Email your interest to kathy.conlan@kilkennycoco. ie

28 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024 News
29 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024 Advertisement

St Mary's Cathedral

Lights, camera, action, as Easter ceremonies televised from St. Mary’s Cathedral

It was a very special weekend at St Marys Cathedral in Kilkenny. Of course the most important happening at the church was the Ester ceremonies with celebrations of the Faith happening over a five day period. What added to the occasion was the fact that ceremonies on Good Friday and Holy Saturday were televised live on RTE.

A few days after the ceremonies, many of those involved in the Easter celebrations gathered at The Chapter House at St Mary’s for some light refreshments where Fr. Dermot Ryan thanked everyone for their help and assistance in making the Easter festival such a success.

The Kilkenny Observer was delighted to attend and capture the night on camera.

“We had the best part of 80 plus people involved”, said Fr Dermot, “both in front and behind the camera.”.

Speaking about the get to-gather Fr Ryan said: “It was lovely to come together in the Chapter House for a chance to say an in-person thank you. All the messages that we have received during the week reflected just how taken people were by the beauty of our Cathedral, the simplicity and prayerfulness of the liturgies and the wonderful talent on display by all who took part. Someone once told me that the most important thing we do in parishes is to say thank you as most everyone you work with is a volunteer.”

The ceremonies were broadcast live on Good Friday at 3pm and for the Easter Vigil at 11pm on Holy Saturday night.

Speaking to the Kilkenny Observer Newspaper, Bishop Niall Coll thanked all those who participated in a very special way for the Easter Ceremonies at the Cathedral.

“The televising of the ceremonies went really well and it showed off our beautiful cathedral in all its splendour”, said the bishop.

Bishop Coll thanked Sean O’Neill, Joy Bibby, Philip Edmundson, the Choir, Cantors, Altar Servers, Sacristans, Readers, Musicians as well as RTE Television and the Kairos Production team.

“This was very much a community effort, and it showed what can be done when a community comes together” commented Bishop Niall, A spokesperson for RTE said that they were delighted with the response from St Marys Cathedral for allowing the cameras into the church and the music, singing and the ceremonies were delightful.

Many people who watched proceedings on television commented on how spectacular the Cathedral looked.

30 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024
31 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024 St Mary's Cathedral

Burnchurch wow audience as ‘Maidin’ EP is launched

Kilkenny musicians Burnchurch launched the debut EP to a hugely enthusiastic audience in the new venue, downstairs at the Pembroke Hotel.

Martin Bridgeman was there for the packed event to celebrate the next stage in this young band’s career

Sadhbh, Síofra, Éanna and Ruairí Ó’Casaide arrived at the band’s name which re-flected their beginnings during lock down where they spent much of their time in and around their home townland. I was lucky enough to see their first gigs and was an instant fan. They have put in considerable work since then and have been seen in many live events, such as Kilkenny Tradfest (supporting Iarla O’Lionáird), Electric Picnic, the Dublin St. Patrick’s Festival and their music has received worldwide exposure as part of the television coverage of the home coming of Irish boxer, Katie Taylor.

I’ve heard it said that for live events to work, there’s a type of three legged stool analogy. The band, venue and audience all need to be in place. All were there and in perfect synchronization.

Friday night at the Pembroke Hotel was a homecoming for Burnchurch. Owner, John Ryan, spoke about the connections to the band and told the story of their arrival in 2021 to record a video in the hotel for that year’s Trad Fest. Such was the impact of the band’s energy and enthusiasm that many of the staff returned to take part in the recording. Both John and General Manager, Paul Broderick spoke about the lift it gave their team at what was a very uncertain time. There was a palpable excitement in the beautiful downstairs venue, with a packed audience of many young friends, as well as fans and supporters of all ages, with a real sense of county pride and expectation for the next stage of the band’s career path. It was

hard to avoid the obvious comparison with sport: to sum it up in a Kilkenny context, this was “senior hurling”. As sports people will tell you, the hard work takes place on the training grounds or the gym, and in the case of music, it equally applies: the mastery of an instrument and practise all has to take place, but in tandem with the creative spark.

Talent alone won’t get you far in sport or in music. It helps, of course, but in the case of Burnchurch, they display both a talent that is remarkable and music that shows creativity and hard work. Switching instruments, dropping in and out of vocals, each member of this band are multi instrumentalists and their ‘blood harmonies’ are exquisite.

Just before the band took to the stage, internationally renowned music producer, Leo Pearson from Thomastown, spoke with an obvious enthusiasm about his experience; he praised both their abilities as Musicians and their willingness to engage in the technical aspects of production. He spoke about how enjoyable the recording

process at Barn Studio was, while being productive and interesting. His was a generous tribute and it also spoke to his admiration for their work ethic and is evidence of a great working relationship.

On the night, the band played the tracks from their debut EP “Maidin” and showed, to full effect, their abilities in the high tempo songs and their subtle command of pace for some of the lower, reflective pieces. Joining them on the night, on guitar and percussion, was Ciarán O’Dwyer from Thomastown, a schoolmate of Éanna and Ruairí from CBS, Kilkenny. This is a band that is creating new Irish music, rhythmically and harmonically, but very much underpinned by their own style. This group listens widely, subtly weaving their individual influences with a subtle Irish sensibility, blending their songs in a contemporary context. Each song has a hook, a feel or a musical twist that catches the ear without being showy. The young audience members certainly responded to their sounds, but they were not on their own. This was music for


Back in 2019 I suggested that this band were destined for great things. I’d argue that anyone who witnessed

this band in full flight would be in full agreement. Burnchurch’s music and videos are now available on all streaming platforms.

32 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024 Burnchurch - EP launch
Picture Credit: Ian McDonnell of McGig Photography
33 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024

Small business life can be tough, but rewarding. Starting from the best possible position is essential. Here’s how to start a small business in Ireland.

First things first

Before you open a business bank account, you should register your company. In order to do this, you need to know what type of company you want to be; you can register a company, a business name (trading name), a foreign company (external company) or a limited partnership with the Companies Registration Office.

The business plan

A crucial instrument for launching, operating, and expanding a business is a business plan. A solid strategy outlines your business idea, the target market, and the necessary funding.

The marketing plan

Your business plan should include a thorough discussion of marketing. It demonstrates to bank managers and possible investors your understanding of the critical role sales play in the existence of your company.

• Marketing objectivesthese objectives should be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely.

• Target market - include details of your target market, as well as the results of primary and secondary market research.

• Customer profiles - the specifics of your target customers.

• Competitor analysisprovide a brief analysis of your competitors.

• Marketing channel - cover the platforms you intend to use to promote your product/service (print, Google, social media, radio, etc.)

• Implementationexamine your plan for achieving your marketing goals, keeping in mind deadlines, finances, measurements, and roles.

Business finance and supports

There are many great supports available, including small business loans, for people who want to start a small business. The Local Enterprise Office, for one, provides many supports, workshops and business start-up grants that you can avail of.

Understanding the tax system

This is a crucial matter. Although it could seem intimidating, you can avoid any serious problems if you work with a competent tax

Your guide to setting up ownyoursmall business

34 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024

specialist. Such information can be found with the Local Enterprise Office, Citizen’s Information and Revenue.

How to invoice

Getting in the money you are owed will become a dayto-day obsession with you. You can find many invoice templates online that will give you a leg up and help you keep track of this side of things.

The cash flow planner

Any business’ lifeblood is its cash flow. Over time, you need to have more money coming into your company than going out of it. In the short term, you might be able to maintain a negative cash flow, but over time, this could be detrimental to the existence of your company. Plan to steer clear of this.

Cash safety net

This will be vital for your company. A cash reserve or access to funds through a bank overdraft or other financing sources might function as a safety net. You will get a better night's sleep during rough trading times thanks to the safety net.

Hiring the right people

When expanding your team, keep your company's future personnel requirements in mind. It is recommended that you prioritise important abilities above strict requirements in order

to maximise your talent acquisition approach. Pay attention to your employer branding. By using your social media accounts, you may interact with a larger pool of prospective applicants and improve your employer brand even more.

Above all, keep an eye out for warning signs. Clear red flags for an interview include being impolite, messy, or running late. Other important indicators to watch out for include a lack of enthusiasm for

the job, a refusal to accept responsibility for mistakes made in the past or gaps in employment, and a lack of asking questions. Being able to recognise the gems in the rough is a skill you must acquire.

Building a website

If you want to be successful, you will need a good website. In this day and age, a prospective buyer will frequently visit your website first, before considering to avail of your services. Initial impressions count a lot.

Selling online

As a business selling products in particular, the millions of euros that consumers in Ireland and across the world spend every day on the internet are yours to lose if you are not selling online.

Using social media to build your business

Make sure you are engaged and vocal on social media in this mobile, social era. You can promote your brand on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok.

35 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024

Tips for small business owners

Even if you are the world's best accountant, artist, or artisan baker, if you have poor business sense, your small business will eventually suffer. Keeping a business up and running is a different matter.

Here are some tips and tricks for keeping the lights on so you can avoid being just another statistic:

Stay organised and on top of things

Automation of repetitive work, time management, and proper documentation can make the difference between a boom and a bust.

• At least once a week, record every transaction into the appropriate account and monitor your profit and loss.

• For bookkeeping and tax purposes, retain copies of all invoices, cash receipts, and cash payments.

• Assign and adhere to deadlines.

• Organise your advertising initiatives ahead of time.

Be flexible

Pay attention to what customers have to say and let go of unviable company ideas.

If you find that your present technique isn't working for you, be open to changing

your pricing strategy or business model.

Automate as many things as possible

To avoid wasting time on data entry, automate your daily bookkeeping with accounting software. For online shopping, recover abandoned shopping carts by encourag-

ing customers to finish their online purchases with an automated email. Find out how to automate payroll administration in Excel if you don't utilise payroll software. Can't provide client service around-the-clock? Install a chatbot on your website so that it may answer questions from customers 24/7..

cial media; customers like to see actual, behind-the-scenes footage and human faces over stock images and videos.

Cut costs as needed

Cost control is key to staying afloat — especially in the early days

Prioritise customer support

Companies compete on the basis of the customer experience rather than the product in the majority of industries, but especially in retail. Remember that a small business ought to be reachable. There's no justification for acting like a faceless company.

Analyse your competitors

Your competitors know something you don’t and vice versa. You can identify your competitive advantage and your disadvantages in comparison to your competitors by researching them.

Keep a personal touch

Thank you messages made by hand are very appreciated. Alternatively, you may give a small present together with a purchase or provide freebies in return for evaluations.

Create unique content

Share distinctive images of your company and staff on so-

Find your niche

Compared to huge organisations, small firms are limited in the range of items they may offer due to their limited resources. Your best option is to specialise in a specific area.

Stay on top of marketing trends

Small business owners run the danger of slipping behind if they are not aware of the latest trends in content marketing.

Be passionate about your business

The capacity to persuade people to work for them, invest in their firm, and try their product is the most crucial talent for an entrepreneur. Never lose sight of why you went into business in the first place.

Have fun

Having said that, don't overthink things and take them too seriously. Being a business owner should be fulfilling. It ought to present an opportunity for you to pursue your interest, become financially independent, and increase the amount of time you spend with your loved ones. When you're working 70hour weeks to make ends meet, it won't feel that way at first, but all your hard work will pay off in the end. Depending on the kind of company you run, each businessperson has a distinct definition of success in the business world. Entrepreneurs ought to establish consistent goals that change as their company expands.

36 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024
Taking care of your health and body can seem confusing

Nano Physiotherapy works with you to make this process much more simple and achievable

Specialising in a wide-range of conditions - from joint and back issues to chronic pain, and from sports injuries to heart health - Nano Physiotherapy offer 1-on-1 appointments as well as group exercise classes. Dietitian appointments and programmes are also available. Classes are suitable for a wide variety of

people - from those who are a bit unfit to those suffering from long-term health and pain issues. Class times and further information is available via the website - Nano Physiotherapy is delighted to call The Watershed home, making the most of this stateof-the-art facility.

Book a class or an appointment today through our website or feel free to email an enquiry to - Alternatively you can call us on 083 101 3436.

37 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024
Inspired by Nano Nagle, who provided access to education to those who needed it mostNano Physiotherapy's mission is to provide access to quality preventative healthcare to the people of Kilkenny.

Small things make a big difference

WHAT defines a small business? Google tells us “Small business is defined as a privately owned corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship that has fewer employees and less annual revenue than a corporation or regular-sized business”.Is that all? No, there is so much more. It’s the personal touch, that extra attention to detail, the friendliness, and the little things they do to make you want to do business with them again.

Be it your local neighborhood shop, the ever present shop or service on your main street, the trades person you can depend on or the craftsperson, service provider you can turn to and know you are getting the best from the best and being looked after.

Being local means that the small business or enterprise depends on local support to survive. They are mostly family owned or friends in partnerships, who decided to forgo the relative safety of being an employee and took (and take every day) the uncertain step to being self-employed. They are risk takers, and they are also your family, friends, and neighbors who go about their business every day to help make your life a little easier, more comfortable, rewarding

and happy. It could be the convenience of the location of their premises, the hours they work, their availability, and the personal touch you know you will get. All these things matter but you know you will get a smile and acknowledgement, and gratitude from these people because they care and you are important to them. Small businesses are the backbone of our society,

they create a local economy, support local neighborhoods. Generate jobs and training for our workforce. Pass on skills, experience and know how. As they invest in their business they invest in our society, generating revenue for local and national Government agencies, which is what keeps our country going. Running a small business is not easy but it can be rewarding. With rewards beyond

financial, the rewards can include the pride that is felt in knowing you are doing something special for someone be it making a cup of coffee or making a gift, or making somebody feel special or good about themselves.

Small businesses are everywhere, in our towns, cities, villages and countryside. They provide services from the creative to the everyday, the essential to the mundane

.Things we need daily, things we need occasionally to things we hope we never need but know they are there when we do and are glad of the support. The personal touch small business provides is what helps make them unique, their willingness to help, their eye to detail, that freedom to go beyond what is expected, their willingness to listen and get things right. The small things, the big things, all that is

necessary to create an experience that you will be part of to enjoy, savor and benefit from. Many small businesses are interwoven one business providing the raw materials, goods or services for the other. In the end they have you in mind working in unison to provide an end product for you the consumer. Their skills are many and varied but all have an end goal of providing the very best service or product that they can. Their abilities are wide ranging they not only practice their profession but will have had to master an ability to understand and know many skills involved in running a business. Although they will engage other skilled people to carry out certain duties, the small business owner will have the capability to multi task in their daily operations and have a willingness to take on any job that is necessary to complete their end goal.

Small business owners are a big part of our economy, a bigger part of our daily lives. They are the people who go a big way to help us every day. They are the glue that holds our society together, without them we would not function as an economy. They are the “go to people” we will need in our lives, always.

38 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024

Blacknight leads the way in broadband stability amidst rising market prices

In a time where fluctuating costs in the broadband sector are the new normal, Blacknight, Ireland’s largest web host and domain registrar, announces its continued commitment to stable and affordable pricing, making it a standout choice for customers across Ireland.

Blacknight is proud to maintain its Broadband pricing model, ensuring no introductory offer pricing and no yearly percentage increases. This strategy is central to the company's mission to provide long-term value to its customers, distinguishing Blacknight in an industry often characterised by unpredictability.

“With the recent price increase announcements, we wanted to reassure both businesses and consumers in Ireland that we won’t be taking the same doomsday approach. We’ve all been impacted by increases in the past 12 months; however, upping the prices every year isn't something we will be doing at Blacknight as it just feeds inflation, which is something we want to avoid." says Michele Neylon, CEO of Blacknight." Blacknight offers a 6-month contract, providing customers with the perfect blend of stability and flexibility. This approach not only caters to

the needs of a diverse clientele but also positions Blacknight as a provider that genuinely understands and adapts to its customers' evolving needs. With a customer service team based in Carlow, Blacknight is dedicated to delivering exceptional support to its customers across Ireland. Available via phone and email, the team ensures that every customer interaction is both positive and productive, reinforcing Blacknight's reputation for outstanding customer care.

Originally focused on business broadband, Blacknight's expansion into the residential market is a response to the dynamic nature of the broadband sector. This strategic move demonstrates the company's agility and commitment to meeting the diverse requirements of the Irish market.

Neylon explains; “One of the

biggest things we heard from our customers was that they had lost trust in their current providers because of the lack of customer service. We’ve always taken the approach that our customers come first and continue to offer the same level of service to our customers.”

At a time when other providers are increasing their prices, Blacknight's steadfast approach to pricing stability underscores its mantra of 'value for service'. Customers of Blacknight enjoy high-quality broadband services without the worry of unexpected costs, making it a reliable and costeffective choice.

"In an era of economic uncertainty, our customers need assurance. Our message is simple: no hidden fees, no sudden price hikes, just consistent, high-quality broadband at honest prices," says Neylon.

39 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024
40 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024 Advertisement
41 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024 Recruitment

In November of 2023, Clogh Writers group launched ‘Where I am’, a collection of poetry and prose from eleven different writers. As co-ordinator of the writers group Jane Meally said: “Where I am” is a publication where each writer communicates their passion to the reader.”

Having attended the launch in Clogh, The Kilkenny Observer Newspaper was quite taken with not only the publication, but the work ethic of the writers group. Over the next 11 weeks we reproduce some of that work, and are delighted to work hand in hand with this North Kilkenny writers group.

WEEK 9: This week we feature the work of James Norton

I Never Say Goodbye These Days

It was a spring afternoon like any other; bright and colourful with the smell of freshly cut grass wafting in the air. Primroses and daffodils were displaying their wonderful colour in the warm sun as the buzzy bees moved from flower to beautiful flower; working tirelessly and seemingly without a care in the world. Travelling the forty-minute cross country journey, my mind often wandered, thinking of the joyful times past and what may be ahead of me. The past I could not change, but the present and the future filled me with anxiety. I felt my body tense as I slowly left the main road and turning in a long avenue to the nursing home, I noticed the few cars in the car park. Crisscrossing the tarmac were various people, most of them middleaged, with heads bent as if in deep meditation. Occasionally, one might look up and catch my eye. We would nod to each other in passing like pilgrims on the same journey. We didn’t need to engage in conversation because that would be futile. Our stories and our journeys were the same. We instinctively knew and understood that.

Having parked the car, I walked across to the main door, pressed the security button and the door automatically fell open. The first thing that hit me was that distinct smell of a nursing home, the pungent smell of ‘old age’, caused by the ageing of skin and the body’s natural production of nonenal.

Having signed in, I took the long walk down one of four corridors that met at a junction. As I turned to the left into a small hall, I saw her there sitting all alone on a couch and looking agitated. She looked small and diminutive, as if she had collapsed into herself. On the wall opposite, a television blared out the news. Oblivious to it, she looked up and recognised me.

‘Oh, there you are,’ she said, ‘I’ve been sitting here for ages waiting on your Daddy to collect me. He just left me here and I don’t know where he’s gone. It’s terrible, but I’m glad you’re here as I must be getting home. Have you the car with you?’

‘No,’ I replied. ‘My car is broken down so I got the bus.’ Lie number one.

I sat beside her and noticed her ruddy cheeks and shaking hands. She seemed quite distressed and

close to tears. Her hands were shaking. I reached to give her a hug and a kiss on the cheek but she didn’t respond with any reciprocal show of affection. Notwithstanding, she was happy to see me.

‘Why don’t I make us both a nice cup of tea,’ I said. ‘Wouldn’t you like that, a nice cup of tea and a few biscuits? You stay here and I’ll be back in a minute. Okay?’ She didn’t reply and just stared at me blankly, raising her hand to her face as if to say something, but nothing came out. I repeated my suggestion again and this time she nodded.

As I went off to make the tea, I could feel her cold stare on my back. I wondered what she was thinking and if she was worried that I might have abandoned her there too. Soon I returned with two cups of tea and Marietta biscuits. She greeted me as if for the first time that day.

‘Ah, there you are. Your Daddy left me here and I don’t know where he’s gone. He went off just like that ages ago and left me here. He said he’d be back but I don’t know where he’s gone,’ she said, with tears welling up in her eyes.

‘Will you bring me home?’

‘That’s okay. I’m here now and look, I’ve brought you a nice cup of tea and some biscuits. We’ll wait for Daddy and in the meantime, we will have a nice cup of tea and have a chat, won’t we?’ She didn’t respond.

I placed the tray with the tea and biscuits down on the small coffeetable in front of her and moved her walking frame, bringing it closer so that she didn’t spill the tea. As I sat beside her, I looked up at the TV for inspiration. I was searching for something that I could weave into our conversation to distract her from her anxiety. The news from the television was depressing; war, murders, disputes, destruction and death.

Two ladies slowly turned into the corridor, they looked like mother and daughter as the younger lady pushed the wheelchair. We smiled. ‘Hello Maura,’ said the younger lady, ‘you’re looking lovely today. It’s nice to see you out and about. Is that your son? Sure, isn’t he the image of you.’ Mother smiled, we laughed but there was no reaction at all from the poor old lady in the wheelchair.

‘Your Mam is looking great,’ continued the younger lady as she whizzed by.

‘Thanks,’ I replied,‘but she has her moments though. Don’t you Ma?’ We laughed again.

‘Don’t they all,’ she said, in a tone of resignation, as she continued down the corridor towards the bedrooms. ‘Don’t they all.’

Alone again and thinking of something to say, I took out my mobile phone and started checking my messages. ‘Well, have you any news for me?’ I asked, more in hope than anticipation. She never initiates a conversation these days. ‘Sure, what news would I have,’ she abruptly replied.

‘Have you had any visitors lately?’ ‘No, sure what visitors would I have?’

‘But did your sister Carmel and her husband visit you on Wednesday?’

‘Well, I haven’t seen them.’ She slurped her tea, holding the cup with both shaking hands.

Then suddenly, she exclaimed, ‘Where am I?’

I ignored the question and pretended to be watching the TV.

‘Would you ever go and get your car and drive it around to this door here,’ she asked, pointing at the glass doors down the corridor. ‘I want to go home.’ She was quite emphatic in her request. ‘And where’s your Daddy? He can’t leave me here, I’ve been waiting for him all day and I don’t know where he’s gone. He’s terrible like that going off and leaving me here.’

I struggled to give her reassurance. ‘He’ll be back in a minute. I’d say he had a job to do.’ Another lie. I felt awful. But how could I tell my mother that her husband of fifty years, her life partner and father to her children died four years ago?

‘Will you go and get the car and bring me home. Will you do that please?’

Grasping for excuses, I said, ‘I’ve no car today, I got the bus.’ The third lie. I was expecting the proverbial cock to crow three times.

‘You got the bus!’ she exclaimed with justified incredulity. ‘What’s wrong with your car?’

‘Ah, it’s broken down.’ Another lie. At this rate I felt sure to trip myself up with my white lies.

‘Just give me a minute now to drink this cup of tea and I’ll see what I can do,’ I said, trying to think of a way out as I noticed that she was getting anxious again. Suddenly her attention was caught by the television. It was a programme on the death of Princess Diana. Mother looked concerned but clearly, she could not comprehend it all. ‘Is she dead?’ The question in itself told me that she recognised the face of Princess Diana but not the name.

‘Yes, Mam, she was killed in a car crash many years ago.’ She stared up at the television. Sipping my tea, I was searching for a way out. ‘That’s terrible,’ she said as she munched through another Marietta biscuit; the crumbs trickling down her pink cardigan onto her floral dress, where they joined some old tea stains, ‘that’s terrible.’ Minutes seemed like hours and the strain of trying to initiate the conversation was exhausting.

‘I have to go now, I have to get home.’

‘Will you bring the car around and we’ll get going? Will you do that for me?’ she asked again.

‘Of course, I will,’ and gulping down my tea, I had told my last lie for today. Selfishly I saw the opportunity to make a hasty escape and leave without even saying goodbye. In fact, I never say goodbye these days, because that would lead to more questions and would have increased her anxiety.

‘I’ll just take this tray of stuff back to the kitchen and I’ll be back to you in a few minutes. Don’t move away now and we’ll get you home in no time.’ She nodded. I looked

into her eyes but they did not have the same glow and sparkle as they had before she got dementia. She seemed to be very distant as if she was thinking rather deeply about something. ‘I’ll be back in a while,’ I told her.

She nodded again and in a barely audible voice replied ‘Okay.’ She seemed to be getting tired. Gathering up the tray, I left her there in that lonely corridor sitting on the couch. Before I turned the corner for the exit, I looked back to check that she was alright. She seemed more relaxed and was staring up at the TV, but I was unsure as to whether she was taking any notice of it.

On my way down the corridor, I met a lovely Indian healthcare assistant. She smiled as she recognised me from my frequent visits.

‘Hello and how is Maura today?’ she asked with a smile on her face that would light up a hundred dreary corridors. ‘Ah sure you know yourself; she’s a bit agitated and she’s looking for her husband. She’s sitting out there in her usual spot in the corridor watching things like a hawk!’ We both laughed.

‘Don’t worry,’ she said, ‘I’ll be around there to bring her down to the dining room shortly as tea will be served soon.’ She took the tray from me.

‘Thank you,’ I replied. ‘You are so kind to her.’

Having reached the entrance hall and signed myself out, I pressed the security button and the door slid open. The cool breeze of a spring evening washed over me. It was refreshing. I had only been there for an hour and I felt drained. I wondered how healthcare assistants do this all day, every day. I concluded that they are angels.

As I reached the car, I felt my eyes well up. I sat in, plugged in the phone and composed myself before I rang my sister. ‘Hiya. Well how is she today?’

‘All good. She was sitting out in the usual spot in the corridor on her own. She was a bit agitated at first and blamed Dad for leaving her there.’ We laughed, a knowing laugh of relief, rather than joy. ‘She wanted me to drive her home again. I had to tell her that I got the bus.’ More laughter. My sister said that she would visit Mam the next day, bring her in fresh clothes and take home the washing.

42 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024 Clogh Writers Group
43 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024 Online

Food & Drink

Come Dine WithMe

Meat and potato pie

Prep: 25 mins

Cook: 2 hours and 30 mins

Serves: 8

Tuck into a protein-rich hearty pie with a rich steak and potato filling and crumbly shortcrust pastry – it makes a crowd-pleasing dinner or even Sunday lunch.


• 2 tbsp vegetable or sunflower oil

• 1.2kg stewing steak, cut into chunks

• 2 onions, sliced

• 2 bay leaves

• 2 thyme or rosemary sprigs

• 750ml beef stock

• 750g Maris Piper potatoes, halved, quartered if large

• 1-2 tsp cornflour

• 320g pack ready-rolled shortcrust pastry, or 500g block shortcrust pastry

• plain flour, for dusting

• 1 egg, beaten


Heat the oil in a large lidded pan over a medium heat and brown the meat well all over (you may need to do this in batches). This will take 20-25 mins. Remove to a plate and set aside.


Fry the onions in the pan for 3-4 mins until starting to brown, then return the meat to the pan and add the bay leaves and thyme or rosemary. Pour in the stock and bring to a simmer. Cook for 1 hr 30 mins-2 hrs, checking every 30 mins until the meat is tender.



Tip in the potatoes and cook for 10-12 mins more until the potatoes are just cooked through. Remove 2 tbsp liquid from the pan and combine with the cornflour to make a paste, then pour this back into the mixture, stir and simmer until thickened. Remove from the heat and tip the filling into a large ovenproof dish.

Heat the oven to 200C/180C fan/ gas 6. Roll the pastry out on a lightly floured surface into a rectangle the thickness of a 50p piece large enough to cover the dish. Lay the pastry rectangle over

Easy Spanish chicken

Prep: 15 mins

Cook: 1 hour

Serves: 4

Enjoy our Spanish chicken recipe – a classic, comforting stew made with chicken thighs nestled in a tomato and smoked paprika sauce with chorizo and butter beans. And full of protein.


• 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

• 1 onion, thinly sliced

• 150g chorizo, cut into rings

• 1 red pepper, deseeded and sliced into strips

• 1 yellow pepper, deseeded and sliced into strips

• 1 tsp sweet smoked paprika

• 4 garlic cloves, finely chopped

• 400g can chopped tomatoes

• 150g pitted green olives

• 400g can butter beans, drained and rinsed

• 8 bone-in, skin-on chicken thighs

• small handful of flat-leaf parsley, chopped



Heat the oven to 200C/180C fan/ gas 6. Heat the olive oil in a large ovenproof frying pan over a medium heat and fry the onion, chorizo and peppers along with a pinch of salt and pepper for 15 mins until the veg has softened and the chorizo has released its oils. Add the paprika and garlic, and cook for another few minutes until fragrant.


Tip in the chopped tomatoes, olives and butter beans, stir to combine and season. Nestle in the chicken thighs and season well. Transfer to the oven and bake for 40 mins until the chicken skin is crisp and the meat cooked through and tender. Scatter with the parsley and serve.

the dish and crimp it around the rim of the dish to seal, trimming any excess. Cut two holes in the top of the pastry to allow any steam to escape, then brush over the beaten egg. Bake for 20-30 mins until the pastry is golden. Leave to rest for a few minutes, then serve hot.

44 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024

Dealing with grief in a dignified manner

Grief makes us do different things. People go into depression or shut down emotionally showing no grief at all. But it is there simmering deep inside.

Northern Rescue 10 episode series on Netflix brings a drama that follows a family grappling w ith grief and trying to rebuild their lives after sudden loss.

Created by Marc Bacci, the series from 2019 stars William Baldwin in the lead role. The series takes a deeper look at what is means to be a family and about second chances and starting again.

The series follows John West living in the big with

his wife and three children: Maddie his 16-year old daughter, 14-year old son Scout, and youngest daughter Taylor who is 10 [pictured].

When his wife dies suddenly, John uproots his three children from the big city of Boston to return to his home town to take command of the local Search & Rescue service.

As the family comes to terms with their loss, the series explores the effects on their individual lives. The children’s Aunt Charlotte, struggles to help John and his children heal as she copes with the loss of her sister and her desire to have a family of

her own.

Along the way, John faces many situations that challenge him professionally and personally.

As the family members work on rebuilding their lives, they will come to meet many colourful characters living in the small community.

While the pace of the drama can be somewhat slow. and the story begins on a tragic note, it does reel in viewers into the story early on. And the later epis odes may bring some intensity to the drama with its rescue missions.

One viewer has commented: “As many parents and people who watch the

show. this is one of the best that Netflix has done and we totally disagree that people may not be watching it. Does it have to have all the gore and trash that is on TV? This deals with real life. Outstanding actors too.”

Another said: “I started watching it last night and have been enjoying it so far.”

We agree with some fine acting and there’s good cinematography and production values. Northern Rescue treats the subject of grief in a balanced manner with a mix of wry humour and pathos and is never maudlin nor oversentimental.

Remake of a classic French thriller

A remake of a classic French film from 1953 is just the latest pulse-pounding action thriller to dominate on Netflix.

The ‘50s are filled with tons of great action gems that often go unnoticed by modern audiences, like The Wages of Fear. Groundbreaking, raw, and intense.

1. Scoop

In 2019, BBC journalist Emily Maitlis interviewed Prince Andrew, son of the late Queen Elizabeth II, discussing his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein. To call it a ‘car crash interview’ would be an understatement. The interview fast-tracked Prince Andrew’s retirement as an active Royal and the eventual multi-million-pound outof-court settlement after he was accused of sexual assault against a minor. This Netfliix drama charts the circumstances around the interview. Gillian Anderson plays Maitlis, while Rufus Sewell plays Prince Andrew.

2. Wish

Last year marked Disney’s 100th anniversary and the media titan celebrated this milestone with “Wish”, a movie musical that blends traditional animation with modern techniques to create a unique visual style and ideal for children to view with parents. Wish is set in the Kingdom of Rosas. This paradise island is ruled over by the wish-granting King Magnicco . But when a young girl named Asha discovers the king isn’t as benevolent as he appears, she makes her own wish on a cosmic force, and a troublemaking star answers her plea for help.

3. Girls State

In this Apple TV documentary, young adolescent girls from across Missouri are brought together for an intriguing social experiment. They are tasked with building their own government and supreme court. These young leaders each come from different backgrounds, and have differing views on what is required to create a truly democratic society, but to prove that girls really do run the world, they need to put those differences aside and come together to build a better system that is fairer for all.

4. Barbarians

Barbarians is a thrilling German historical war show (2020) that unravels in a whirlwind of action and bloodshed. It focuses on the events preceding the Battle of Teutoburg Forest during the Roman Empire’s presence in Germany and the subsequent uprising of the Germanic tribes under the leadership of Arminius.

Simply titled The Wages Of Fear, the 2024 version has emerged as the most popular offering on the streaming service worldwide.

Despite being so heavily streamed, The Wages Of Fear is regarded by some as “a critical dud” that reviewers say doesn’t compare to the explosive original. “ It follows a group who have to transport trucks filled with nitroglycerine to put out a deadly fire that’s at risk of causing a major explosion. It’s basically the same plot as the 1953 movie,

Georges Clouzot’s film became one of the most popular of that decade, winning the prestigious Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival. Widely considered a staple of the action genre, it has been a source of inspiration for several filmmakers, including Julien Leclercq, who recently debuted his remake of Clouzot’s original on Netflix.

though the modern version ramps up the action compared to the original. HenriGeorges Clouzot’s movie is less action-packed and economical with its storytelling, standing out at the time because of its grit and realism, while the 2024 remake is much more in line with contemporary action fare. The newer version is also leaner and meaner, coming in at 104 minutes.

It’s interesting to note that this isn’t the first remake of the 1953 French film.

Howard W. Koch loosely adapted the original with his 1958 picture Violent Road, which has a 6/10 score on

IMDb. The most prominent English-language remake of didn’t come out for another two decades, however. In 1977, The Exorcist’s late director, William Friedkin, helmed an American version of the film entitled Sorcerer. Arguably one of the most tense films from that decade and widely underrated, Friendkin’s version was a box office bomb. But despite its financial failure, Sorcerer is considered by ardent movie fans to be the best remake of The Wages Of Fear, which is exemplified by its 82% score on Rotten Tomatoes. On Netflix now.

Jeanne Goursaud, Laurence Rupp, and David Schutter deliver outstanding performances, breathing life into the characters. On Netflix.

5. Rise of Empires: Ottoman

Taking a historically accurate approach, this Netflix show blends reenactments and documentary footage to narrate the fall of the Holy Roman Empire and the rise of Constantinople’s successors, ultimately leading to the creation of Istanbul under Mehmed II’s conquest.

In the 2023 season, the show centred on Vlad Dracula’s fight for his throne and battles against the Ottomans. This delivers the same successful formula that enthralled audiences in the first season.

45 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024 Advertisement TVAdvertisement & Streaming
more to stream this weekend 5

Kilkenny Sport Focus

Young Irelands Healthy Club

Since been formed only a few years ago, Young Irelands Healthy Club in Gowran has grown in popularity with a host of events and last Monday week on Easter Monday they launched All-Stars at Young Irelands GAA grounds in Gowran.

All-Stars is a new group organized by The Healthy Club Committee, and the idea came about in late 2023 at a meeting in Dungarvan Hall.

As mentioned, The All-Stars group was launched on Easter Monday as part of the La na gclub celebrations as events took place in Clubs across the country.

There were fun and games in Young Irelands pitch to mark the launch including an Easter Egg Hunt with over 70 kids involved, and the group for 6-16 years old will meet at 6.30pm on Monday Evenings throughout the season.

One of the events The Healthy Club have organized is The Young Irelands Rounders Tournament that has taken place the past two years. The inaugural Tournament in 2022 drew a huge response with 16 teams competing from different Townlands of Gowran/Dungarvan Parish, and the novelty aspect of that certainly added to and enhanced the competition.

The Rounders Tournament brought about a wonderful community spirit in Gowran over the past two years to all ages of all abilities, and it has been held as part of Family Fun Day.

Last year, they organized the Darkness Into Light that was held in Gowran for the very first time and they are hoping to host it again on Saturday May 11th.

Also, a Health and Wellness Evening took place in a packed Dungarvan Hall on Monday 11th March where guest speakers included Gaelic Footballer Conor Harris, and it was a hugely informative evening.

Last Autumn, Young Irelands Healthy Club were a Gold Award recipient for their contribution to health and wellbeing of members and local communities, and it was a fitting tribute and testament to the wonderful work they have done over the past few years.

The Irish Life GAA Healthy Clubs have increased amazingly from a starting point of 16 Clubs in 2013 to 450 Clubs over 10 years later, and it's growth just emphazises it's popularity nationwide.

As mentioned, The All-Stars group will meet at 6.30pm on Monday Evenings and for further details on how to get involved or for events happening within Young Irelands Healthy Club, you can check out The Young Irelands Facebook page for further details.

Our amazing joints

A chartered physiotherapist’s view

We have all heard the term ‘wear & tear’. This term should, in my opinion (and the opinion of some worldleading physiotherapists), be replaced with ‘Wear & Repair’. Why? Because this better reflects the reality of what occurs as we go through our lives.

Yes, things do wear and become damaged along the way – but our body, being alive and constantly adapting, repairs itself as we go along. Let’s start to gain a better understanding of this by exploring our amazing joints.

Your Joints are Alive

A joint is a place where two or more bones meet. In my lovely drawing, you can see the joint is surrounded by a capsule – a robust, ligament-like structure that completely envelopes and seals the joint. Within this capsule is a reservoir of synovial fluid. You can think of synovial fluid like your body’s very own WD40 - but

it is much more than simply a lubricant.

Synovial Fluid - A Living Liquid

Inside of your knee joint there is about a teaspoon of synovial fluid – this is more than enough to completely coat and protect the entire joint surface.

Synovial fluid is full of cells and molecules. Some of these cells and molecules promote trimming and tidying the joint (e.g. immune/ inflammatory cells), helping to clear any damage, however minor or major. Other cells promote healing and growth of the tissue within the joint (e.g. chondrocytes form cartilage). This cycle of trimming and tidying (wear) and regrowth and renewal (repair) is an ever-present right through our lives. Issues might arise when this cycle is thrown out of whack – such as in rheumatoid arthritis and often

in osteoarthritis. Incredibly, the consistency of synovial fluid changes depending on the type of activity you are doing. When you are resting or gently moving, synovial fluid takes on the consistency of egg white – allowing free and easy motion. When you do

a more impactful activity, such as walking or running, it becomes honey-like on impact – firmer, coating your joints and absorbing impact while reducing friction. As soon as the pressure of impact eases, synovial fluid becomes more free flowing again. Incredible!

Motion is Lotion

The cells and molecules within synovial fluid are replenished by blood – but there is no direct blood supply to the joint surface or the synovial fluid. The nutrients diffuse from blood vessels in the capsule, seep into the joint and filter through the synovial fluid to feed and nourish the joint tissues.

Movement aids this process – pumping and pushing the synovial fluid and massaging nutrients into the parts of the joint tissues.

One of these substances, lubricin, is nearly frictionless and is one of the most lubricating substances known in nature. Lubricin coats and protects our joint surfaces and is found throughout our body where motion takes place –such as in our eyes, between our organs and around our tendons.

There is a lot we can do besides just movement to take care of our joints and synovial fluid. Consider, for instance, the health and balance of our immune system – our main protective system.

We will explore this further in the coming weeks.

News 46 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024

Kilkenny GAA clubs and Community news



Well done to Clara’s Cian Kelly who kept a clean sheet in Kilkenny’s 3-15 to 0-13 win over Offaly in the Fairhful Fields on Wednesday night. Kilkenny now progress to the final of the U19 competition.


Clara senior hurlers have appointed a new manager in former prolific Dublin hurler Jim Lyng. Jim managed Ballyraggett all the way to Croke Park to an All Ireland Intermediate final a few years back and we wish him the best of luck with Clara. His management team will be announced shortly.


Lotto results 2nd April. Numbers drawn, 16, 18, 27. No Jackpot winner.

€30 each to. Siobhan Carrigan, Pauline Bergin, Bob Shortall, James Dowling, Grace Brennan.



O’Loughlin Gaels interest in this year’s senior football championship came to an end when they lost out to Tullogher Rosbercon in a quarter final played in Tullogher on Sunday last. It was one of the few games played last weekend due to the wet and stormy weather and non- availability of pitches. Earlier results meant that O’Loughlin Gaels status in the Senior football championship is safe for next year.


While there was a disappointing result to the Allianz Hurling League final everyone in the club is still very proud of the contribution of our players to the Kilkenny Senior team on the day. Paddy Deegan, Huw Lawlor, Jordan Molloy, Luke Hogan and Owen Wall. With the Leinster Championship just around the corner we look forward to following our team and players as they seek to retain their title.


There was no winner of the O’Loughlin Gaels club lotto dated April 2nd. Numbers Drawn 2, 9, 12, 27 Bonus 5. If you are not already a member of the club lotto why not join and Play now at

Promotors Draw. 1. Anne Eardley. 2. Finn and Anna c/o D. O’Connell. 3. Jim Foran c/o Ml. Doran. 4. Richie Moylan. 5. Mick and Mags c/o Gerry Buckley. 6. Jim Mc Mahon c/o Peter Dowling. 7. Marie Dunne c/o Neil Loy. 8. Lillian Holohan c/o Online. 9. Daniella Burke c/o Online. 10. Shane Murphy c/o Online

Thank you for your continued Support


A talk on the Railway in North Kilkenny will be given by Kilkenny Railway Historian Donie Butler at the Cave Bar, Corbetstown on Tuesday 16th April at 8pm. It will have a particular focus on the former Corbetstown Railway Station. Admission is FREE and all are welcome. Thanks to Joe Maher for making his premises available. It’s planned to hold similar talks in Castlecomer and Ballyragget in the very near future.


If you have any item you would like to have included in the St. John’s Parish Notes please email : pro.oloughlingaels.kilkenny@



Congratulations to the U12 soccer boys who were crowned Div. 2A League champions on Tuesday evening last. The boys took on Bridge Utd in their final game of the league where a win or draw would see them crowned champions. The young local boys came out winners on a 6-1 score line with goals from Jack Geraghty (2) Max O;Neill (2) Bill Looby and Tom Dalton. Well done to the boys and their managers Roy Condon and William Looby on a job well done. The boys received new half zippies from the Managers. Winning Team. Andrew Dalton was captain on the evening – L.McCarthy, J Geraghty, I.Carroll, S. Walsh,

L.Dermody, M.O’Neill, J.Tynan, B.McGree T.Dalton, B.Looby, F.Condon. They will receive their cup and medals at an awards night in July.

The U11boys was the only game of the weekend with the local boys drawing with Stoneyford on a 3-3 scoreline. Scorers for Freshford Town were Jack Costelloe, Tom Dalton and Jake Kavanagh.


The People of Freshford and Gathabawn area were shocked and saddened last week to learn of the passing of Melanie Purcell, late of Caoimhnu House, Kilkenny and formerly of Ard Lachtain Freshford and Gathabawn. The deceased was only 51 years old and her unexpected death caused widespread shock and regret. She was a member of a well-known and respected family in the area. Her funeral mass took place in Freshford church on Friday last followed by burial in St.Lachtains Cemetery. She is mourned by her parents Anthony and Mary, her brother Paul, sisters Caroline, Diane. Lisa and Breda, brothers in law, nephews, nieces, aunts, uncles and extended family to whom deepest sympathy is extended.


Congratulations are extended to Maire Walshe Woodview and P J McGrath from Loughboy who were married on Friday last in Clontubrid Church. The Reception afterwards was held in Lyrath Hotel Kilkenny. The happy couple are wished all the best in their married life together.


All underage fixtures were cancelled last weekend due to poor weather conditions. The following Upcoming fixtures subject to weather: is as follows: Junior B league -1st rd - St Lachtains v Threecastles in Threecastles on Friday evening at 6.30pm. The U14 B football championship quarter-final St Lachtains v Erins Own will be played in Pairc Lachtain on Sunday at 10.30am. The Junior F league - 1sr rd - St Lachtains v Mooncoin in Paric Lachtain on Sunday at 14.00pm. Minor League rd 2- St Lachtain’s v Rower Inistioge in Inistioge on Monday evening at 6.30pm.


St.Lachtains Church Museum and Arts Centre are open every Saturday and Sunday from 11.30 am to 4.30pm.


A new Beauty Salon open recently in the village. Local girl Sinead Barcoe The Mills Freshford is wished all the very best as she opened the doors of her new beauty salon recently at Church Street. There is a large list of treatments on offer including manicure, pedicure, facials etc. You can view online or ring for booking on 0851371991. It’s great to see another new business open in the village. So why not go along and pamper yourself and support another local business.


The Loop Café held their monthly dinner on Friday evening last with a full house and some lovely food was served. The Café is a wonderful addition to the village full of character and history and your continued support would be greatly appreciated. Why not go along and meet a friend or try some of their lovely food and support a local community café. They are also looking for volunteers to help out so if you can give little bit of your time please do so.


Freshford bridge club continues every Monday at 7.30pm in Tulla Hall, Three castles. New members are always very welcome. For further information please contact Olive on 087 9257610.


Foroige held an information evening in the Community Hall recently. They are looking for adult volunteers for a Youth club. For more info contact Aidan n 086 0674485 or Aidan.gleeson@



is held in the Parish Church each Wednesday morning

at 9.30am and each Sunday morning at 11am.wiith Mass in Tulla church on Saturday evenings at 7.30pm. and 11am Maas in St.Lachtains Church on Sundays. The parish newsletter is available on their website every week and also on the website you are free to pay your dues and make donations or any other contributions and you can find out more about it on the website or feel free to contact in the Parish Office. Please note community notices for the parish newsletter should be left in or emailed to the Parish Office by 11am on Thursdays. Parish office hours are Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9am to 1pm.

Mass Cards

Special printed parish cards are available at the Parish Office or from Annette at Tulla Church signed by Monsignor Kennedy. You can contact the Parish office on 056 8832843 or by email –


Are you struggling with anxiety or depression or finding life difficult or feeling isolated at this time GROW is there to help you. Their Mental Health support Groups are free and confidential and open to all no referral or booking is needed. For more information on same you can contact Mary on 087 284342

If you can’t cope and need support text HELLO to 50808.

SAMARITAN - Whatever you’re going through a Samaritan will face it with you – available 24 hours a day 365 days a year –Freephone 1161Alone is available for older people who need support and you can call them on 0818 222024 (8am to 8pm)

AMBER KILKENNY WOMENS REFUGE – is available for confidential support relating to domestic violence - call them on 1850 424244 (24/7) or on 056 7771404 or email



On Tuesday night before an invited attendance in Langton’s Hotel the Kilkenny County Board presented their former senior hurling manager Brian Cody with a specially commissioned silver vase by renowned silversmith James Mary Kelly to mark his achievement in leading Kilkenny to eleven All-Ireland senior hurling titles over his 25 seasons as “bainisteoir”. Before the presentation former chairman Ned Quinn who held office for 17 years during Brian’s stewardship gave a detailed account from Brian’s appointment as “bainisteoir” in November 1998, to his resolve to win the McCarthy Cup after the disappointment of his first defeat in 1999, the history making four in-a-row of AllIreland titles from 2006 to 2009 and the record 43 national titles he managed Black and Amber teams to win over his two and half decades in charge.

Brian in reply acknowledged that his successes can be attributed to the selection of talented club players and instilling in them an unrelenting winning mentality that brought unprecedented success to the county throughout his tenure in charge. Brian also took the opportunity to thank his backroom teams of doctors, physios, statisticians and gear manager for their professionalism, the county board for their unwavering support, and the passionate Kilkenny hurling followers whose support was invaluable over the years. Concluding his address Brian expressed confidence in wishing his successor and former All-Ireland winning midfielder, Derek Lyng every success in the years ahead. After the presentation guests mingled and chatted recalling their own memories of the momentous Brian Cody era.


On Saturday evening, under lights on a rain washed Semple Stadium playing surface, club man Cian Kenny despite putting in a top notch performance at midfield and shooting two points over the hour for Kilkenny was on the wrong end of a 3-16 to 1-20 defeat to Clare in the 2024 National Hurling League final. The Banner men came to the final with serious purpose, determined to claim a 5th national league title before a crunch Munster championship clash against All-Ireland champions Limerick in a fortnight’s time but had to withstand a grandstand finish by The Cats to claim the title. Manager Derek Lyng must now prepare Kilkenny for the defense of their Leinster title with a first round fixture against Antrim in UPMC Nowlan Park on Sunday week, 21st April.


Members are urged to settle their annual membership fees as a matter of urgency. This request especially applies to the playing membership as in the event of injuries the administrators of the Croke Park Players Injury Scheme are implementing strict application of the rules in relation to membership. Membership fees and registration can be accessed through the official G.A,.A,.website or by contacting any member of the club’s management committee


On a rain drenched Palmerstown playing surface on Wednesday evening the club’s U-16 hurlers suffered a comprehensive 3-11 to 0-10 at the hands of the home club in their 1st round 2024 Roinn A league fixture. Hopefully with the benefit of a number of training sessions before their next fixture against Dunamaggin on Wednesday 24th April, their fortunes will take a turn for the better.


Due to the unprecedented wet weather conditions, that has prevailed over the last number of weeks, the planned Easter Camp for juvenile members had to be cancelled at short notice. With no alternative dates available as children return to school this week the young Village players will have to put on hold their

enthusiasm for the fun event until the Summer Camp in August.


Members and supporters are reminded that the club’s Doggie Night fundraiser takes place on Friday evening 19th April at the Kilkenny Greyhound Track. Tickets for the fun evening cost € 10 each with accompanying children free. On the night admission tickets will be entered in a draw for a Robot Vacuum System worth € 500. Why not come along and enjoy a fun evening while supporting the club’s fundraising project.


The sympathies of the club’s membership are extended to Mrs. Kathleen Noonan and the extended Noonan family, on the death of long time Larchfield resident, Derek Noonan in recent days. During a distinguished career in Irish Defence Forces, Derek was one of the last surviving members of the Irish peacekeeping force that served in The Congo in the 1960’s. Following his retirement from the army Derek, a lifelong G.A.A. supporter went on to serve the association as a respected referee for a long number of years. Following Requiem Mass in St. Patrick’s church on Monday, Derek was laid to rest in Foulkstown cemetery. “Air dheis Dei go raibh a anam dilis”


This week’s numbers were 6, 10, 20,32. There was no winner. The €40 consolation winners were Jessica Murphy, Niall Cody, Romina Burke, Conor and Marc and Anne Burke.



Gowran Community Housing for the Elderly and Dalton House, thank most sincerely Gowran Preloved Beautiful Clothes Committee and Ashling and Staff for the wonderful successful night when Gowran Preloved Beautiful Clothes was launched. Thank you also to Sponsors Fr Pat Dalton and Micheal Kelly. Special thanks to all who supplied Clothes to the venture. Gowran Preloved Beautiful Clothes Shop is open for business.


Well done to all the Gowran AC athletes who represented the club at the All- Ireland National Indoors Championship last weekend.

On day one Andrew Cooper won gold in the U19 Shot Put competition with another impressive throw to finish off an amazing indoor season for him this year.

In the Girls U18 Shot Put Rachel Gardiner also had a great day out finishing in 7th place in a very competitive field.

On day two May Timmins was competing in Girls U12 Shot Put, getting through to the top eight and finishing a fantastic 8th place in her first National Indoors.

Odhran Prendergast was up next in the Boys U16 Triple Jump, finishing in a respective 5th place, and a great start to his triple jump season.

On Sunday afternoon it was the turn of Chloe Lynch who following on from her Leinster success, jumped a notable 2.80m to win gold in the U18 Girls Pole Vault.

Congratulations to all the athletes, parents and coaches for these memorable days out.


Paddy Langton was centre-back on the Kilkenny Team that won their opening game of The Leinster U-20 Round Robin Championship in as they defeated Wexford 4-21 to 2-14 in Nowlan Park on Easter Saturday.

Paddy is a surviving member from the Kilkenny Team that won The U-20 All-Ireland two years ago in 2022. He was also part of the Kilkenny Team that easily defeated Laois 6-14 to 1-13 on Saturday in Nowlan Park.

Kilkenny are now straight into a Leinster Semi-Final as group winners on May 15th.

Bobbie Brennan is also part of The Kilkenny panel.


Young Irelands Healthy Club launched All-Stars at Young Irelands GAA grounds in Gowran on Easter Monday. All-Stars is a new group organized by The Healthy Club Committee, and the idea came about in late 2023 at a meeting in Dungarvan Hall.

The All-Stars group was launched on Easter Monday as part of The La na gclub celebrations as events took place in Clubs across the country.

There were fun and games in Young Irelands pitch to mark the launch including an Easter Egg Hunt with over 70 kids involved, and the group for 6-16 years old will meet at 6.30pm on Monday Evenings throughout the season.

The All-Stars group will meet at 6.30pm on Monday Evenings and for further details on how to get involved or for events happening within Young Irelands Healthy Club, you can check out The Young Irelands Facebook page for further details.


With the evenings longer now as a result of the hour going forward on Easter weekend, there will be plenty of evening matches ahead in the summer months.

However, as a result of persistent and heavy rain in recent weeks the two pitches are at present unplayable.

With the ongoing bad weather continuing, it’s uncertain as to whether matches in Young Irelands pitch will be held for the foreseeable future.

Check out the Kilkenny GAA and Camogie website for the latest news on all the fixture details, and for any changes or fixture cancellations.


Young Irelands will be busy with fundraising events throughout

47 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024 Community & GAA Notes
We welcome all GAA Club and Community notes for publication in The Kilkenny Observer email to U12 Soccer Champions

Community & GAA Notes

the Summer.

The annual Dog Night will take place on Sunday Evening 27th of May at Kilkenny Greyhound Track in James Park, while The Kilkenny Country Music Festival will return to Gowran Park on Sunday July 7th.

Meanwhile, the annual Young Irelands Golf Classic is also scheduled to take place the first weekend in July.


There was great success in Navan recently for trainer Jimmy Barcoe and his Wife Yvonne Hennessy, as Influential Lady won The Navan members mares handicap hurdle at odds of 33/1. Starting the outsider of six, Influential Lady with Kieran Callaghan onboard defeated the Gordon Elliott odds-on favorite Instant Tendance ridden by Jack Kennedy. It was the mare’s first victory since winning a mares beginners steeplechase at the Tramore August Festival in 2022. Jimmy’s horses have been running very well lately, and last Thursday in Naas he had two horses placed also at 33/1 both in handicap hurdles courtesy of Red Striker who finished 3rd.



If you wish to submit news items, club events, announcements etc you can do so by emailing them to graignotes@outlook. com. Deadline is Saturday 6pm


Numbers drawn on 04/04 /24 were 16, 23, 28, 30, there was no winner. The following won €30 each, David Hayden, Peter Jorden, Conor, Fionn, Jessen Blathnaid, Mary Meaney , Courtney Brady. Tickets are available from any club member.


Winners for Draw on April 4th 2024 were First Prize €440. Brigid and Lauren Kinsella. 2nd Prize €50 Pico c/o Mick Ryan’s. 3rd Prize, €25 Willy Bolger. Draw takes place at 4pm on Thursdays.


The Monthly Rambling House Session is on the second Friday of the month in Newtown Hall, where you can enjoy music and song from local artists and also many from the surrounding district’s also join in. The next Session is on tonight Friday April 12th at 7.00pm.


A huge congratulation’s to everyone who made the “Easter People” Liturgical Musical such a huge success on Wednesday March 26th, in Duiske Abbey “it really was a night to remember”.



Badminton returns after the Easter break to Paulstown Community Hall at 20.00 each Monday from 8th April. Entry: €5. New players including beginners are welcome. Contact Tommy for information: 087 2303495


The club had a great win in its first league game against Ballyhale Shamrocks (Ballyhale, 2-11 Bridge 3-14). For the weekly Lotto online tickets are available at

The Camogie Association’s Introduction to Coaching Gaelic Games Coaching Course schedule for 2024 is now available to view. See


Congratulations to Paulstown Boxer and Leinster Champion Annalise O’Reilly on winning her first Irish National title. Annalise gave a commanding performance leaving the judges in no doubt and winning on a unanimous decision. The championships took part in the National Stadium in Dublin last Friday night


Last weekend’s results: Girls U13, Clover1-4 Bridge Utd with Bridge scores by Roisin Smith, Rose Foley (2), Grace Fenlon. Girls U16, Callan Utd 4-0 Bridge Utd. Boys U17, Bridge Utd 1-0 Evergreen Athletic with Bridge score by Thomas Langton. In the Premier Division played on 7th April: Bridge won 2-4 against Highview with Bridge scores by Nicholas Llanos and Conor English.


A big thanks to the group that helped to clean up the graveyard recently and the bottle bank area. Please do not dump wreathes, pots etc., in the area.


Saturday 13th /Sunday 14th April: Masses in Goresbridge at 19.30, 10.00 and in Paulstown at 11.30am. Weekday masses at 10am in Paulstown on Friday only and in Goresbridge at 12 midday on Wednesday.

Sacred Heart Prayer Group meets on Fridays after 10am mass in Paulstown. Legion of Mary Thursdays at 3pm in Paulstown. New members welcome. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in Paulstown resumes Tuesday 9th April after morning mass and lasts until 6pm.


Weekly Friday chatting in Irish over a cuppa in the Goodly Barrow this Friday 12th April at 11am. Whether it is a few words or many, it doesn’t matter. Contact Ann on 085 7529485 for further information. Fáilte roimh chách.


Classes on Tuesday. Contact Stephanie Lennon on ‘Dance Fit’ on Facebook or instagram where you can sign up via Google forms link. Cost is €8 per class.

YOGA Paulstown Community Hall every Monday until 29th April from 19.00-20.00 (all levels). Contact Caroline O’Hare at 087 9371939


The death has taken place of Mrs. Brigid Hennessy (nee Brennan) peacefully in her 97th year. Predeceased by her husband Bill, infant son John Joseph, sister Anna (Harding) and brother Tom Brennan. Sadly missed by her children Jerry, Margaret (O’Keeffe), John, Liam, Tom, Syl, Paul, Michael, Alicia (Gorman), Brigid, Luke and Mark, spouses, 38 grandchildren and 23 great-grandchildren, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends.


Meets on Wednesdays from 14.30-16.00 in the Goresbridge Health Centre, Barrack St. Activities include art, music and summer events. Contact: Ruth Flanagan at 087 3873724


Adult Forest School Session: May 11th, 10am-3pm, €55 (tea/ coffee and lunch included).

Spoon Carving Workshop for Adults: August 3rd 10am-4pm, €75 (tea/coffee and lunch included).

Summer Forest Camps for children aged 5-11 years - Tuesday to Thursday 10am-3pm in July and August. Information from Eithne email:


The plan may be consulted online or at specific locations. See Kilkenny County Council website. Submissions may be made up to 3rd May.


The Under-13 group of players were winners of the Division 2A league


Car, tractor run, vintage, bike motorbike and truck run in aid of Danny’s MS treatment Fund on Sunday 14th April from 10.30-12.30 with registration in the GAA Barrow Rangers Club, Paulstown. Some refreshments and raffle after the run back in the community hall.


Pushaton in aid of Carlow-Kilkenny homecare team on Saturday 20th April, 14.00-17.00 at Kilmoganny GAA pitch R95 YF76. Information: Also included are hurling, camogie, BBQ, raffle, music and football blitz.



Dúchas - Tullaherin Heritage Society ~ Dr Walter Walsh Memorial Lecture: Oisín Kelly, renowned Irish sculptor, remembered by his daughter, Siobhán Tulloch. Illustrated Talk, Thomastown Community Centre, Wednesday 17 April at 8. P.m.


The Annual Easter Camp organized by younger members of the GAA club was a great success. Luckily the weather was favourable on the whole and the children had a marvellous time. Over 100 children took part. The coaches were, Lucy Schneider, Neasa Murphy, Conor Murphy, Paul Mc Mahon and Enda Morrissey. They divided their time between the GAA field and the Community Hall and a multitude of activities, including football, hurling, soccer, dancing playground games, rugby, athletics, art, baking and lego were enjoyed. Well done to all concerned!



Wednesday and Friday 10.30am


Preparation Masses for children who will make their First Communion in May will commence next Sunday and will be held over three Sundays. Parents and children will be involved

in the Liturgy. Thanks to parents who are assisting Fr Pat with the masses.


Sofia Khodabacksh competed in the World Irish Dancing competition at under 15 level in Killarney recently. She took home two world medals. A second in her reel and 11th in her jig. Sofia dances for the Kilkenny Academy of Irish dancing. Her sister, Zahra, captured a world Senior Championship in Killarney. Congratulations to them both on their achievements.


April 2nd, No winner of Jackpot. Numbers, 6, 19, 21, 24. Jackpot now €7,150.00.

Consolation Prizes, Pauline Keating, Gowran Road, Grace Hayes, Marian Place, Rosie, c/o Fr Duggan, Christy Forde, Gowran Road, TJ and Ella Simpson, c/o The Ring.


Local girl, Christine O’Neill acquitted herself well at the recent competition to select a Kilkenny Rose for the Rose of Tralee Festival 2024. Christine was sponsored by local Moth to a Flame, candle maker, Larry Kinsella.


Classes resumed on Monday after the Easter Break with Julie Moorhouse, tutor, in attendance.


Meeting as usual today Wednesday at 2pm. Attendances at the weekly gathering have been consistent with lots of activities to suit all.


The Gathering Group resumed on Wednesday at the usual time. GAA Intercounty Games

There was no luck for the three Blanchfield brothers and the Kilkenny senior team that lost out narrowly to Clare in the league final last Saturday in Thurles.

Bill Hughes played centre-back for the Kilkenny under 20 team that defeated Laois in the championship second round last weekend. Timmy Kelly and James Hughes were part of the panel also while Brian Lannon was selector and Dick O’ Neill was part of the backroom team. Jack Campion was part of the Kilkenny under 19 team that defeated Offaly last Friday night scoring a goal.

Club Games

The junior football team defeated Railyard in the semi-final last week and play Graiguenamanagh in the county final this Sunday. Please check the Kilkenny GAA website for details as venue is dependent on the weather.

Our junior B team are at home to Tullogher this Saturday and the junior E team play O’Loughlin’s away on Sunday. The under 14 footballers are at home to Thomastown in the

championship quarter final this Sunday. These games were postponed from last week due to the weather.

Our minors play Tullaroan away next Monday evening. Best of luck to all ‘Bridge teams and mentors over the next week.

Bórd na n-Óg Annual Grand National Draw

Lines are now on sale from committee members and in businesses around Bennettsbridge, all support greatly appreciated for our annual fundraiser. All sheets need to be returned by Friday evening for the draw which will take place at 6 pm.

Bennettsbridge Healthy Club

Great opportunity to have your numbers checked this Saturday morning from 10 to 12 at the club house. Get your blood pressure, blood sugar and BMI checked free of charge. All are welcome to attend.

Night at the dogs 2024

Bennettsbridge GAA , Camogie and Bórd na n-Óg clubs are combining to host a night at the dogs on Friday May 10th at Kilkenny Dog Track. Tickets are available from any committee member of any of the three clubs. Monster raffle and great racing on the night. Tickets cost ten euro with kids going free. Hope to see a great crowd there, for what is always a great night.

Presentation Night

We will be having a presentation night for medals won over the past couple of seasons on Friday April 19th, in the Pembroke Hotel at 7.30pm. Finger food refreshments will be provided on the night with a door charge of ten euro.

Club Spot

The club has adopted a new app for all Gaa business going forward, replacing clubforce. We ask as many people as possible to download this new club spot app Details are on the club’s Facebook page. This is a great way to communicate club business. Membership, split the pot etc and all club business can be done on this so it is vital to download the app as soon as possible.

Membership 2024

This year’s membership can now be paid to registrar Samantha McGarry or to any club committee member. Membership fees are the same as last year. Forty euro for non playing members, eighty euro for student players and 120 euro for adult players . Early payment would be most appreciated. Membership can also be paid on the new club spot app. Please see the clubs Facebook and twitter pages for details.

Split the Pot

Well done to Shirley Grace who won 152 euro, Larry Cleere who won 30 euro and to Breda Walsh who won 20 euro. Thanks to all for the continued support.

Club Shop

Some new items have been added to the online O’Neill’s shop.

48 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024
We welcome all GAA Club and Community notes for publication in The Kilkenny Observer email to
Bennettsbridge Easter Camp 2024 Leinster Champion Annalise O’Reilly Christine O’Neill Sofia Khodabacksh, winner of two medals at the World Irish Dancing Championships Tom Healy

Marie Treacy RIP

Sympathy is extended to the Treacy family on the death of Marie Treacy, Station Road, Bennettsbridge. Marie was a very popular member of the community and she will be sadly missed by all, especially her family. She loved her country music and was a talented Irish Dancer. Her garden was her pride and joy. Hot Rod racing was another interest of hers in her younger days.

Her life was spent caring for her family and many of her homemaking skills were used to the full in the O’Neill household in Ballyreddin where she worked for over fifty years.

She died in the care of the management and staff at St. Luke’s Hospital, Kilkenny. Predeceased by her husband Seán and her brother Paddy. Deeply regretted by her loving sons Noel and Ger, sisters Tess (Kealy) and Catherine (Wemyss), brothers Martin, John, Kieran and Billy, nieces, nephews, extended family, neighbours and friends. Family, friends and neighbours attended in large numbers at the reposal in Hehir’s Funeral Home. Removal took place to St. Bennett’s Church, Bennettsbridge where Fr Pat Duggan officiated.

Requiem Mass was celebrated by Fr Duggan. Fr Duggan extended sympathy to the family on behalf of the parish.

Members of her family took part in the liturgy. The lessons were read by, Kieran Crowe and Catriona Reade. Prayers of the Faithful, Conor Crowe, Ian Crowe, David Treacy, Thelma Brennan, Tricia Treacy and Grainne Ward.

Offertory Gifts, with narration by Marian Treacy, reflected Marie’s many interests during her life.

Darren Wemyss carried a Johnny Cash CD, Ellen Cleere presented an apron, Eoin Wemyss, a Hot Rod Trophy, Aileen Rowe, A Wedding photograph, Mary Crowe, her prayer book, Martina Dunne carried a bouquet of flowers from Marie’s garden and The Water and Wine were presented by Tess Kealy and Jim Treacy.

Beautiful music throughout the ceremony was by Paddy Cleere with his niece Linda and Paddy’s children, Amy and Leanne.

Pat O’Neill shared some special memories of Marie who played an important part in his life and in the O’Neill family over many years.

Following interment in Bennettsbridge Cemetery, family, neighbours and friends adjourned to the Community Hall where refreshments were served and the family had the opportunity to meet everyone.

Rest in peace Marie!

Simply put Bennettsbridge in the search box on the website to see what’s available.



Dicksboro GAA Club LOTTO Results 4th April 2024. Nos: 8 21 27

28. Jackpot: €16,250 Not Won

Draw Prizes. €50. Marie Walsh c/o Billy Walsh. €25 each Martina Tyrrell c/o Joe Phelan €25 each Joe Lafferty c/o Online. €25 each Donal Carroll c/o Online. Hurlers Co Op Joe Phelan c/o Jim Murphy. Promotors prize Dohertys Bar

We encourage all Dicksboro Families to sign up & play weekly for €2 per draw and we thank everyone who is currently doing so.


The new Hurling, Camogie & Gaelic Football season is fast approaching and from March our Hurling and Camogie Nursey and underage teams will be back in the thick of it in Palmerstown and James Park. For more information contact any member of our Committee or See our ClubZap for more details.


Congratulations to u19 Kilkenny Development Squad and our Club Hurler Mikey Stynes with an impressive win over Offaly. Kilkenny u20’s had a good win against Laois. Well done to our Club Man Mark Dowling Kilkenny Manager and our Boro Hurlers

Cillian Hackett ( Captain) , Harry Shine, Tom McPhilips and Evan Murphy. They top their group and advance to the Leinster Semi Final on the 15th May.

Hard luck to our Seniors who lost by a small margin in the League Final last Saturday Evening in Thurles. We look ahead now to the start of Championship when Kilkenny will take on Antrim at home on 21st April.


If any businesses connected to Dicksboro wish to put in a team to support this Kilkenny GAA Fundraiser please contact Club Secretary Shane Kavanagh or Club Treasurer Jason Dempsey.


Dicksboro Clubhouse Bar is opened every Thursday from 8.30pm. Thursday nights is Lotto Draw and Cards Night. All are welcome out for a social drink, a chat and if there is interest, a beginners card table, we would be delighted to see you out to the club for a chat. We have a selection of non-alcoholic beers, barista coffee also available so come along and enjoy.


Sycamores Aylesbury Residents Association: The Sycamores and Aylesbury Estate is 50 years old this year and to celebrate a social function will be held this Saturday night 13th April in the Kilkenny House Hotel at 8.30pm. A commemorative 50 year history brochure of the estate will be launched by Mayor of Kilkenny Joe Malone followed by finger food and refreshments. All welcome to attend.



Urlingford Library are holding childrens’ (7+) Chess classes for beginners each Tuesday evening from 4.30 to Places limited. Also on Tuesday the Chess Club will run from 5.30 to 6.30pm. Tel. 0567794182


Sympathy is extended to Mrs Mary O’Sullivan, Nicky and family on the recent death of her sister in law Josephine Delaney, Ballyragget and late of Balleen, Gathabawn.


This week’s winning numbers are 5,21,23,30 lucky dips Anne Holmes, Bridget Sweeney, Paddy Murphy and Rufina McCormack


Johnstown Heritage Committee.are eager to create a Social History of all the different events that took place in the Community Hall over the years. To that end they would appreciate old brochures, photographs, newspaper clippings etc that anyone would be willing to share. The Committee intent to frame these to hang in the front meeting room. These can be given to Kathleen Renehan or left in Morrissey’s shop.


Applications are invited for the tenancy of a one bedroomed house at St. Kieran’s Place, Urlingford. To be eligible to apply you must be on the Kilkenny Co.Co. housing list. Forms available from the Mill Centre.



Glengoole Wednesday 10am to 2pm, Gortnahoe Thursday 10am to 1pm


Please return your Trocaire box/envelope in the next fortnight to the Church or Parochial House.


The annual pilgrimage to Lourdes will take place from June 14th to 20th. Any enquiries please contact Fr Walton or any member of the Parish pastoral group.


Bridge is being played each Tuesday night in Gortnahoe Hall at 7.30pm. If you would like to join or find out more information please contact this number 089 4349106


In the interest of the health and safety of our patrons our bingo was cancelled last Saturday due to storm Kathleen. Bingo continues this Saturday evening at the earlier time of 4.00pm with doors opening from 3.00pm and will continue each Saturday evening at the same time. Over €2,660 in prize money on offer including a special €500 game


Congratulations to the last weekends winner of Split the Pot draw, Ann Corcoran, Glengoole who won €390. Envelopes are available at the usual outlets, you can also Revolut to 0876777220. For the month of April Split the Pot will be in support of the Grange Badminton Club. The draw takes place each Sunday at 12pm in Gortnahoe Hall. Your support would be appreciated.


The death has ocurred of Michael (Mick) Dooley, 7 St. Anne’s Terrace, Gortnahoe, April 5th 2024, peacefully at home, surrounded by his loving family. Predeceased by his beloved daughter Anne-Marie, parents George and Mabel, sister Maureen and brothers Georgie and Frank. He will be sadly missed by his wife Noreen, sons Murty, Aidan, Philip and Mikey, his daughters Cathy, Caroline, Sinèad and Maria, sons-in-law, daughters-inlaw, grandchildren, brother Aidan, sisters Mary, Eileen and Anne, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, extended family and a wide circle of friends. Michael reposed at Doyle’s Funeral Home, Urlingford last Sunday evening. Removal took place on Monday morning to the Church of the Sacred Heart, Gortnahoe, for Requiem Mass. Interment took place afterwards in the Good Shepherd Cemetery. May he rest in peace.


Cllr. Michael McCarty is concerned about certain elements of the new Plan for Ballyragget carried out by Turley Consultants for Kilkenny County Council. “The provision of a Plan for Ballyragget is a step towards a destination. However, as the Plan is classed non-statutory funding is always going to be a challenge. Ballyragget Development Association are to be commended for their work and engagement with Kilkenny County Council over many years. I have a cautious welcome for the plan and am concerned with some of the aspirations. For example, take the proposed car park with a location some 500 metres from the town square. Who in their right mind would park a car that distance from the town centre, certainly no one doing business or shopping. It is also proposed to remove some of the on-street parking in the town and replace it with raised planters, benches, and seated areas. That’s fine in theory provided there is proper consultation with the businesses affected and everybody is singing from the one hymn sheet. There is no mention of a pedestrian crossing to serve primary school children on the N77. This has to be a priority. Heather Court Hotel Despite its central location on the Square, this property and site is unoccupied. Therefore, it is a key opportunity site within the town. A feasibility study should be carried out to explore the potential for a hotel or hostel accommodation, which would support the active tourism initiatives proposed for the town and would contribute to the existing active street frontages.” Concluded Cllr. McCarthy.


Joe Cass and Louis 12 games.

Mick and Ethel Dunphy 12 games.

Mick and Patsy Moran 12 games.

Thanks to our generous sponsors Julie Dorgan, B+R Electrical, and The Wheel Inn for Raffle prizes.

Our next game is the Annual Charity game for the Missions on Friday 26th April @8pm. Look forward to seeing you all.


St. Patrick’s GAA club results Under 16 side played against Lisdowney at home on Wednesday evening last and came out on top on a scoreline of 3-12 to 1-11. The junior a side are in action on Friday April 12th against Dunnamggin at home at 7.30.



The under-16 hurlers made a winning start to the Duggan Steel Roinn C League when they got the better of a good Kilmacow team in Jenkinstown on Wednesday last. The visitors enjoyed the better of the exchanges in the opening quarter but two goals from Darragh Horgan and later in the half from Brian Phelan saw Conahy lead by 2-5 to 0-9 at the break.

With the weather worsening as the second half progressed, great credit should go to both teams for the standard of hurling in spite of this. Jack Rhatigan from both play and frees kept the Conahy scoring total moving along, despite Kilmacow scoring a goal with ten minutes to go. In the end, Conahy were able to hold on for a 2-12 to 1-12 victory.

TEAM: Neil Webster, Rory Dunne, Tadhg Hennessy, Camryn Kenehan, Bobby Dooley, Patrick Kennedy, Rory Rhatigan, Darragh Horgan, Rory Sherman, Adam Morrissey, Jack Rhatigan, Billy Rowe, Padraig Quinn, Michael Lawler, Brian Phelan, M.J. Buggy, James Byrne, Jack Gamble. The minor hurlers were due back in action last Monday night against Carrickshock in the Kilkenny Vehicle Centre Roinn D League but the game was postponed due to the poor weather.

In adult hurling, both the junior B and junior E are in action this coming weekend. Dates, times and venues will be confirmed in the coming days at the time of writing.


The numbers drawn in the most recent GAA Club Lotto were 12, 13 and 26. There was no winner of the €2,400 jackpot, so the consolation prize winners were Paddy O’Keeffe, Tim, Rose and Annie Joyce, Leahy Sisters, Michael Healy and Eamon and Liz Coogan. The promoter prize winners were Margaret Buggy, Peter Mulhall and David Maher. This week’s jackpot now increases to €2,500.


A table quiz fundraiser in aid of Conahy Shamrocks Camogie Club will take place on Sunday, April 26th at 5.00 p.m. in the GAA Clubhouse. Tables of four cost €20, and a raffle will also be held on the night. All support is welcome.



Hugginstown, Monday, Wednesday and Friday only; at 9.30a.m.

Vigil – Saturday 13th. at 8.00p.m. Sunday 14th. at 10.00a.m. Stoneyford, No Mass Wednesday, Vigil, Saturday 13th. at 6.30p.m.

Months Mind Mass: Nellie O’Shea, Boolyglass. Mass in Hugginstown Church on Sunday 14th. April at 10.00a.m.

Anniversary Mass next weekend, Dick Power, Lismatigue, Mass in Hugginstown Church on Saturday 13th. April at 8.00p.m.


Weekend 13th. and 14th. April 2024 . (Third Sunday of Easter).

Readers: Stoneyford: Saturday 6.30p.m. Margaret Ryan.

Hugginstown: Saturday 8.00p.m. Tommy Murphy; Sunday 10.00a.m. Mary Carroll. Eucharistic Ministers: Stoneyford, Saturday 6.30p.m. Natalia Smolen. Hugginstown: Saturday 8.00p.m. Trisha Barron; Sunday 10.00a.m. Lillian Carr.


The Annual Ossory Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2024 is now available to book!

The departure will take place on 22nd. May 2024 from Cork Airport; flying direct to Lourdes with accommodation available in the hotels La Solitude, Padoue or Agena. With capacity being limited this year, it is strongly advised that pilgrims wishing to

travel to Lourdes book as soon as possible. Should you require any additional information on the pilgrimage, please do not hesitate to contact 01 2410800 or For Assisted Pilgrims please contact Fr. Anthony O’Connor 087 251 7766 or


First Holy Communion

For Stoneyford School on Sunday 12th. May at 11.00a.m. in Stoneyford Church.

For Monroe/Newmarket Schools on Sunday 19th. May at 11.00a.m. in Hugginstown Church.


We ask that all Trócaire Contributions be returned as soon as possible please.


Diocesan Designated Liaison Person: Ms. Ailish Higgins Tel: 087 100 0232.

Aghaviller Parish Representatives are: Deirdre Rohan and Catherina Roche.


Pilgrimage will be held from Wednesday 1st. to 8th May. The hotel will be based near to the Church and the group will be travelling with Marian Pilgrimages. The cost includes Insurance. Contact Ann on: 086 199 1620 or 086 882 5622.


Envelopes for the Easter Offering Collection are available at the Church Porch. Please take one and return it with your offering during the Easter Season. This offering is for the support of the priests of the Parish and the Diocese.


Aghaviller Parish and Carrickshock G. A. A. Draw: Monday 1st. April 2024.

Numbers: 29; 19; 01; 25. No Winner First 3 Numbers Drawn. No

Jackpot Winner: €30.00. Winners, Margaret Walsh, Coolmore; Paddy Hudson, Aghaviller.“Young Mc.” Hugginstown; Adrian Hudson, Chicago; Garry Comerford, Carrickmerlin. 3 x €15.00 (Sellers), Pat Dwyer; James Irish; Padraig Crowley.

ESCORTED TOUR TO WESTPORT, KNOCK AND CO MAYO: Tour on 12th. May 2024. Price includes return Bus/Train, 5 nights’ in 4* Castlecourt Hotel, Westport with Dinner, Bed and Breakfast. Lunch on three days. All entertainment, excursions and transport included. Visit Knock, Galway City, Kylemore Abbey, Croagh Patrick, Ballintubber Abbey and Ashford Castle. Single supplement on Enquiry. Contact 094 900 6426 or 087 189 0236 or email


The All Ireland Rosary Rally is back this year on Saturday, June 1st. in Knock. The day begins with a Marian Conference at 9.30a.m. in St John’s Centre. Concelebrated Mass later in the day will include Anointing of the Sick. Confessions are available throughout the day, and there will be rosary and scapular-making workshops in the marquee. For more information and to see a list of buses going from around Ireland please visit www.


The very successful 5k and 10k event returns to Stoneyford on Sunday May 19th, just in 8 weeks time. Runners and walkers come from far and wide to take part in this longstanding event in aid of Scoil Náisiúnta Chiaráin Naofa each year. Numbers have continued to grow year on year, in spite of the 2 Year Covid hiatus. If you would like to take part, or want more information on the event, or on training for either distance, check out Stoneyford 10k Challenge on Facebook, or Stoney10k on Instagram.



Applications are invited for the Vacant Tenancy of a onebedroom house at St Kieran’s Place, Urlingford. To be eligible to apply you must be on the Kilkenny County Council Housing list. Applications are available from the Centre.


Names been taken for L.T.I. Q.Q.I. Levels 4 and 5 due to start soon.


Our low cost Counselling Services, includes One-to-One, Adult and Teens. General Counselling: Bereavement, Stress, Anxiety & Depression. Other Counselling Services available: Drug, Substance & Gambling Addictions. Play therapy is now also available. Age 5+. Please contact Sue for more information or to make an appointment.


If you need to apply for a Personal Alarm, please contact Sue or Josephine.


Please note that there is a defibrillator located in the Mill Family Resource Centre if and when it may be required.


Any clothes donations would be greatly appreciated in aid of our counselling/play therapy services. Donations can be left into the Centre, please call before dropping off.


We have a Jobs Board here at the Centre, feel free to call in and take a look, we also offer help and support with CV’s and cover letters if required.

For further information please contact us here at the Centre on 056-8838466.

49 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024 Community & GAA Notes
We welcome all GAA Club and Community notes for publication in The Kilkenny Observer email to

Hurlng matters - Review

Allianz National Hurling League Final

FBD Semple Stadium, Thurles

Kilkenny 1-20

Clare 3-16

Clare secured the 2024 Allianz League Division One title with a 2-point win over the Cats in Thurles last Saturday night. Derek Lyng’s side were uncharacteristically wasteful in the opening half in Semple Stadium, and ultimately this cost them dearly when the long whistle sounded. It was a much less clinical Kilkenny performance, compared to that on Leeside a couple of weeks earlier, but as the manager alluded to afterwards, it’s all part of the learning process for his side.

The Noresiders took to the field with one change to their selected line-up, and a major one at that, the legendary TJ Reid absent having picked up a knock in training in the run-up to the final. Billy Drennan replaced the Shamrocks Ballyhale legend, and it would be the young Galmoy player that registered the game’s opening score inside the first minute from a placed ball. The Banner levelled matters in the 3rd minute, thanks to a nice effort from the manager’s son, Darragh Lohan.

Glenmore’s Shane Murphy then edged the Cats ahead with a stunning effort from just outside the ‘65, providing another glimpse of what the talented defender can bring to the intercounty scene. Referee Johnny Murphy then adjudged Jordan Molloy to have fouled Peter Duggan, and Aidan McCarthy hit the first point from what would be an impressive personal tally of 2-10 in the league decider. Billy Ryan then took advantage of a Diarmuid Ryan spilled catch to collect possession and burst through before splitting the posts for a fine point.

Diarmuid Ryan then struck over a lovely score from the right sideline after being played into space by Darragh Lohan’s pass, moments after Tommy Walsh needed a new hurl, following Peter Duggan’s robust challenge as he cleared the ball up field. Aidan McCarthy then won and converted a second placed ball thanks to Johnny Murphy. Then came a tremendous, long-range score from David Blanchfield whose effort was struck over from inside his own’65.

One of Clare’s rising stars, Adam Hogan then produced a stunning block to deny Eoin Cody’s goal bound shot, but Kilkenny managed to notch a point thanks to the alert Adrian Mullen for his side’s first score in over 8 minutes. The hard-working David Reidy then picked out Mark Rodgers who got the better of his marker before rifling over. Cian Galvin then took a lovely catch before turning and pointing to the cheers of the Banner support.

Adrian Mullen then showed his class, firstly taking a fine catch and

Kilkenny pay the penalty in league final defeat

Cats finishing lets them down in Semple showcase

then splitting the Clare posts to level matters with 20minutes played in Semple Stadium. It was developing into an interesting tussle, with several battles all over the pitch, the most keenly contested being between Eoin Cody and Adam Hogan, the young Feakle man not giving an inch to the former two-time young hurler of the year.

Shamrocks clubman Mullan then struck another score, this time after his goal attempt was blocked by the fortunate Conor Leen. Richie Reid then showed that he could match his fellow wing back Blanchfield’s shooting when he fired over from midfield after taking a nice pass from Luke Hogan. Jordan Molloy then put the Cats 3 points ahead when he fired over from out on the left side, having been set up nicely by Billy Drennan.

Limerick whistler Murphy, who had given several frees for too many steps, continued this trait, when we blew up Eoin Cody, who was being harried by

two Clare players. Aidan McCarthy slotted the placed ball to reduce the Kilkenny lead. The Cats management then decided to make a change on the half hour, Mossy Keoghan was sprung from the bench, replacing Luke Hogan. Then came the games first major. Clare managed to secure the loose ball and Scariff’s Mark Rodgers gave a lovely pass to Aidan McCarthy, who made no mistake in rifling a fierce shot past Eoin Murphy. 33 minutes gone in Thurles, The Banner now leading by one.

Adrian Mullen then saw his name taken for a hefty shoulder on Cathal Malone, which seemed harsh, but having consulted his linesman, Johnny Murphy issued the yellow card and awarded a free to Clare, whose players and management team were a little too yappy for my liking following the challenge. A little bit of justice was done as McCarthy put his free just wide of the right-hand post. The Inagh-Kilnamona man made

amends seconds later when Billy Ryan was adjudged to have illegally stopped the advancing Adam Hogan, the last action of a pulsating first half as Brian Lohan’s charges headed to the changing rooms two points to the good. The Banner introduced Shane O’Donnell for the start of the second period, the talented forward replacing Ian Galvin but it would the Cats first sub, Mossy Keoghan that got the scoring underway after the interval, popping over a point from a tight angle. Brian Lohan’s men then pounced for their second major. Some strong running and approach play from David Reidy saw the Eire Og man find the supporting David Fitzgerald who got the better of Richie Reid before striking to the Kilkenny net, all this after taking about 10 steps. Referee? This saw the men in blue extend their lead to 4 points inside two minutes of the restart.

Derek Lyng’s men took the next

score, a hard-earned point from Tullaroan’s Keoghan, before the same players control disserted him and this allowed Rodgers to set up McCarthy for another point. The in-from No.13 then popped over another placed ball to push the Banner lead to five points.

Clare looked like they were in for another goal, when McCarthy burst through, but Tommy Walsh took one for his team and picked up a yellow card for his high challenge, when the Clare players wanted at least a black. The fouled player split the posts for another point.

Billy Drennan, who had been on the periphery of the game then made way for Dicksboro’s Timmy Clifford, as Kilkenny looked to freshen things up a little. A Kilkenny free in defence was worked short to the advancing Eoin Murphy who picked out the roaming Eoin Cody and that allowed the latter to strike over. David Reidy then turned provider for Cathal Malone and the Sixmilebridge man

50 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024
Martin Keoghan attempts to get past Rory Hayes


rifled over another quality point. Kevin Blanchfield then entered the fray in place of Jordan Molloy with The Banner 6 points ahead.

Cian Kenny then powered forward and struck over a great score, that was confirmed via Hawkeye as the Village man tried to rally his teammates. John Donnelly then worked a sideline short to Timmy Clifford who popped it straight back to the Thomastown man who fired over a classy point to reduce the Clare lead to four. From

the puck out, the ball broke to David Fitzgerald, who took, well let’s say, a fair few steps before ‘hand passing’ to Aidan McCarthy who shortened his grip before batting past the advancing Eoin Murphy. The Cats were now seven behind.

Eoin Cody then slotted over a placed ball to try and settle the Kilkenny players, before John Donnelly picked out Mossy Keoghan who sent over another lovely score. Liam Blanchfield then replaced the hard-

Referee Johnny Murphy awarded a penalty to Kilkenny and issued a black card to Clare’s Mark Rodgers. Eoin Cody stepped up but didn’t get a great connection on his strike which Eibhear Quilligan saved despite a little difficulty. Cian Kenny then fired over a nice score after things became a little hectic as 5 minutes of additional time were signaled. The James Stephens man then gave a pass to Mossy Keoghan who did well to create space for a shot that sailed over the bar and make it a 2-point game. Huw Lawlor then tested the jersey of Peter Duggan, and McCarthy popped over the placed ball. Adam Hogan was then penalised for trying to charge out of the Clare defence and Eoin Cody struck over the placed ball for what was to be the final score of the game. Final score in Semple Stadium, Clare 3-16, Kilkenny 1-20.

Scorers for Kilkenny: Eoin Cody 1-4 (3fs), Martin Keoghan 0-4, Adrian

working Billy Ryan for the last 10 minutes as Derek Lyng looked for a more physical presence in and around the house. Mossy then won a free that Cody dispatched between the Clare posts to reduce the gap to 4 points.

Johnny Murphy then gave Aidan McCarthy another simple chance to add to his tally, while issuing another yellow card, this time to Kevin Blanchfield. Clare sub Aaron Shanagher then set up Mark Rodgers for a cracking score as The Banner faithful found their voices again. Then came goal number four of an entertaining contest. Paddy Deegan launched a long diagonal ball in the direction of John Donnelly who passed to the on running Eoin Cody. The Shamrocks Ballyhale man steadied himself before striking across Eibhear Quilligan in the Clare goal. It was now a one score game with 5 minutes plus stoppage time remaining.

Shane O’Donnell then won a free that was again converted by Aidan McCarthy to edge The Banner four ahead. A big moment the arrived – a moment that could have possibly changed the outcome of the final.

Mullen 0-3, Cian Kenny 0-2, Shane Murphy, David Blanchfield, Richie Reid, Jordan Molloy, John Donnelly, Billy Ryan, and Billy Drennan (f) 0-1 each.

Scorers for Clare: Aidan McCarthy 2-10 (9fs), David Fitzgerlad 1-0, Mark Rodgers 0-2, Diarmuid Ryan, Darragh Lohan, Ian Galvin, and Cathal Malone 0-1 each.

Kilkenny: Eoin Murphy; Tommy Walsh, Huw Lawlor, Shane Murphy; David Blanchfield, Paddy Deegan, Richie Reid; Cian Kenny, Jordan Molloy; Adrian Mullen, John Donnelly, Billy Ryan; Luke Hogan, Billy Drennan, Eoin Cody.

Subs: Martin Keoghan for Hogan (30), Timmy Clifford for Drennan (45), Kevin Blanchfield for Molloy (51), Liam Blanchfield for Ryan (60). Clare: Eibhear Quilligan; Adam Hogan, Conor Cleary, Conor Leen; Diarmuid Ryan, John Conlon, Cian Galvin; Cathal Malone, Darragh Lohan; David Fitzgerald, David Reidy, Peter Duggan; Aidan McCarthy, Ian Galvin, David Reidy.

Subs: Shane O’Donnell for I Galvin (HT), Aron Shanagher for Reidy (53), David McInerney for C Galvin (58), Rory Hayes for Leen (59), Seadna Morey for Lohan (67).

Referee: Johnny Murphy (Limerick).


A new chapter (or two!) for the ‘Vat

Mullinavat GAA Club is looking forward to seeing all friends, and of course members, both past and present, on Saturday 11th May at Mullinavat Community Centre (8pm) to officially launch our two-part club history book.

Both books are written by Club P.R.O. Johnny Power and cover the 140 years of GAA in the parish.

Volume One covers the main adult club hurling and football histories, introductions from people like current GAA President Jarlath Burns and former President Nicky Brennan. We also have a section in Volume one on club heroes like Monsignor Thomas Maher, Jim Conway, our current three club presidents, a chronology of the club itself, etcetera.

Volume Two covers everything else, the full handball and camogie club histories, ladies’ football, the story of Mullinavat fete and other tournaments, and all grades from Under 12 right through to Special Junior grades.

The books are professionally produced by ex-Meath All Ireland star Liam Hayes and Hero Books and have hard covered full colour front and back covers.

Mullinavat are currently taking pre-orders, but post launch both books will always be available from Amazon.

For launch night both volumes will be made available at the special cost price of €30 per book, €60 for both.

Mullinavat GAA Club is looking forward to seeing a large attendance from Mullinavat parish and beyond at this event.

51 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024 Hurling matters - Review
Cian Kenny Gets his Pass away as Mark Rodgers moves in to challenge Eoin Cody kicks the ball forward to get away from the bunch John Donnelly in control as he gets away from John Conlon

Planning notices

Planning notices


Planning Permission is sought by John and Mary Barry for the provision of guesthouse accommodation for short term holiday let at Sugarstown House, Sugarstown, Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny, R95 F2V9, to consist of A) the use of 4 bedrooms in existing dwellinghouse for guest accommodation , B) the retention of the use of a converted agricultural building to self-contained 1-bed apartment for short term holiday letting, C) the retention of an external covered garden room and, D) to carry out all associated site development works.

The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Department, Kilkenny County Council, County Hall, John Street, Kilkenny, during its public opening hours 9 a.m.- 1.00 p.m. and 2.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m. Monday to Friday, and a submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the Planning Authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (€20.00) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the Authority of the planning application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the Planning Authority in making a decision on the application. The Planning Authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions or may refuse to grant permission.

Signed: Gittens Murray Architects Ltd., No. 5 William Street, Kilkenny. Tel No: 056-7753933.


Significant Further Information / Revised Plans have been furnished to the Planning Authority in respect of Planning Reference P.23/60557, the development applied for consisted of change of use of existing residential dwelling to veterinary clinic to include single storey extension to the rear and 2-storey extension to the side and front to include a residential apartment on the first floor. Alterations to the existing residential structure, new replacement wastewater treatment system on the Waterford Road, car parking, widened road entrance, boundary treatment, signage, landscaping including all ancillary and associated works at Birchfield, Waterford Road, Kilkenny. The Significant Further Information consists of a foul water connection to the public mains in lieu of an on-site replacement waste water treatment system and for revisions to the first floor apartment as a separate permanent residential unit with associated works and are available for inspection or purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the Offices of the Planning Authority during its public opening hours of 9:00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. and 2.00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

A submission or observation in relation to the further information or revised plans may be made in writing to the Planning Authority within a period of 2 weeks from the date of receipt of the revised public notices. A submission or observation must be accompanied by the prescribed fee of €20, except in the case of a person or body who has already made a submission or observation and such submission or observation will be considered by the Planning Authority in making a decision on the application. The Planning Authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions or may refuse to grant permission.

Applicant: Village Veterinary


I, Micheal Moloney wish to apply to the above authority on behalf of Kieran and Laura Conway for full planning permission to renovate and extend existing dwelling to include additional living space, part commercial office, granny flat and all other associated site works at Cherryville, Main St. Stoneyford, Co. Kilkenny

The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Department, Kilkenny County Council, County Hall, John Street, Kilkenny, during its public opening hours 9 a.m.- 1.00 p.m. and 2.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m.

Monday to Friday, and a submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the Planning Authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (€20.00) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the Authority of the planning application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the Planning Authority in making a decision on the application. The Planning Authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission.


I, Micheal Moloney wish to apply to the above authority on behalf of Brian Hayes for full planning permission to carry out a change of use from existing to Café/Delicatessen Store with all other associated works to ground floor of Unit 27, James Street, Market Cross Shopping Centre, Kilkenny. The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Department, Kilkenny County Council, County Hall, John Street, Kilkenny, during its public opening hours 9 a.m.- 1.00 p.m. and 2.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m.

Monday to Friday, and a submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the Planning Authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (€20.00) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the Authority of the planning application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the Planning Authority in making a decision on the application. The Planning Authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission.

52 The Kilkenny Observer Friday 12th April 2024


1st Birthday Away From Home

Patricia (Trish) Maher whose birthday occurs on April 17th 2024

This year you would have been 35

If you had been left to us

Instead you are up in heaven

A place we cannot see

And even though we cannot kiss your face

You have inside these hearts of ours

A very special place

We know that you were special

And god he knew it too

So he chose you for an angel

And broke our hearts in two

So find the softest pillow Lord

To lay her head upon

Place a kiss upon her cheek

And tell her who it’s from

The Miracle Prayer

Dear heart of Jesus, in the past I have asked many favours.

This time I ask you this special one (mention favour).

Take it dear heart of Jesus and place it within your heart where your father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your own favour not mine. Amen.

Say this prayer three times for three days and your favour will be granted. Never been known to fail.

Must promise publication of prayer. H.H.

The Miracle Prayer

Dear heart of Jesus, in the past I have asked many favours. This time I ask you this special one (mention favour).

Take it dear heart of Jesus and place it within your heart where your father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your own favour not mine. Amen.

Say this prayer three times for three days and your favour will be granted. Never been known to fail. Must promise publication of prayer. M.K.

A Prayer to the Blessed Virgin

(never known to fail).

O most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, Fruitful vine, Splendour of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, O Star of the sea, help me and show me herein you are my Mother. O Holy Mary Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to grant my request. (Pleasestaterequest).Therearenonethatcanwithstand your power. O show me herein you are my Mother. I place this cause in your hands (three times). Thank you for your mercy towards me and mine. Amen. This prayer must be said for three days and after this the request will be granted. This prayer must be published immediately. M.B.

Beloved St. Clare,

Happy Birthday in heaven Trish

Always loved and sadly missed

by your trust in God’s providence, obtain help for all the poor and needy; by your love for the Infant Jesus, obtain the protection of our families; by your love for Jesus crucified, obtain for us courage in every trial; by your love for Jesus in the Eucharist, obtain our request……….. by your attentiveness to the Holy Spirit, obtain for us the grace of prayer and devotion; by your likeness to Mary our Mother, obtain peace in our hearts our homes and our world.

Dad, Mam, brother Michael, sisters Terry and Emma, sister-in-law Jenny, brothers-in-law John and Billy nieces Victoria, Emily, Alicia, and Maya, nephews Cian, Ryan Kaelem, Connor and Aiden. Granddaughter

From the time I cradled you

I’m sure it was the day I knew

That somehow you would always be

A very special part of me

Thinking of my granddaughter Trish on her 1st Birthday away from home

Always loved Granny Babs

The Miracle Prayer

Dear heart of Jesus, in the past I have asked many favours.

This time I ask you this special one (mention favour).

Take it dear heart of Jesus and place it within your heart where your father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your own favour not mine. Amen.

Say this prayer three times for three days and your favour will be granted.

Never been known to fail.

Must promise publication of prayer. M.M.

The Miracle Prayer

Dear heart of Jesus, in the past I have asked many favours. This time I ask you this special one (mention favour).

Take it dear heart of Jesus and place it within your heart where your father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your own favour not mine. Amen. Say this prayer three times for three days and your favour will be granted. Never been known to fail. Must promise publication of prayer. M.B.

St. Martha Prayer

Grateful thanks to St. Martha for favour received. Light a candle and say this prayer every Tuesday for 9 Tuesdays

Never known to fail

(Promise Publication)

Saint Martha, I resort to thy aid and protection. As proof of my affection and faith, I offer thee this light, which I shall burn every Tuesday. Comfort me in all my difficulties and through the great favours thou didst enjoy when the Savior was lodged in thy house, intercede for my family, that we be provided for in our necessities. I ask of thee, Saint Martha, to overcome all difficulties as thou didst overcome the dragon which thou hadst at thy feet. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. (Mention your request here…) Saint Martha, pray for us.

Say 1: Our Father…

Say 1: Hail Mary…

Say 1: Glory Be…

This miraculous Saint grants your wish before 9 Tuesdays, no matter how difficult. J.M.

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