Williston Observer 09/26/19

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SEPTEMBER 26, 2019



Library director hired

Observer photo by Jason Starr

Marge Cadran celebrates her 100th birthday Monday in Williston.

Observer photo by Jason Starr

Jane Kearns was hired Monday as director of the Dorothy Alling Memorial Library. She is expected to start Nov. 18.

College librarian to take the helm in Williston By Jason Starr Observer staff

The director of the academic library that serves Vermont Technical College and the Community College of Vermont has been hired as the next director of Williston’s Dorothy Alling Memorial Library. Jane Kearns, a resident of Charlotte, is expected to start Nov. 18, pending a background check. The Library Board of Trustees voted unanimously Monday to offer her the job. Library assistant director Debbie Roderer will continue as “acting director” — a role she stepped into after the August departure of former director Marti Fiske — until Kearns’ start date. In her cur rent role, Kear ns spends most of her time at Vermont Technical College’s main campus in Randolph. She said she wasn’t looking for a new job, but

the opportunity to apply her skills and experience in a new setting, and to have a shorter commute, was enticing. “I saw this opportunity and, knowing what great shape Marti left the library in, with a strategic plan and a great staff, I decided to pursue it,” she said. The town received 26 applicants for the position, according to Town Manager Rick McGuire. Two finalists were invited for on-site interviews last week with a panel of library patrons, trustees, town staff and selectboard chairman Terry Macaig. “Ms. Kearns has the leadership skills, experience and personal qualities that we’ve come to expect of our employees,” McGuire said. “She will be a valued addition to our management team, and I look forward to working with her.” Kearns started her stint at Ver-

mont Technical College working out of the Williston campus for four years before her promotion to the director spot in Randolph. She is a graduate of the University of Western Ontario and Rutgers University. This will be her first job in a public library. “I am looking forward to supporting the library staff and board of trustees, and exploring the many opportunities that lie ahead,” she said. Her first goal this winter will be to get to know the staff, patrons, volunteers, trustees and Friends of the Library group. She will also learn more about the library’s five-year strategic plan that was completed earlier this year under Fiske’s direction. “Everyone is excited and pleased with the choice,” said library trustee Barbara Mieder. “She is very well qualified, and she seems like a great fit for our library.” see LIBRARY page 4

Centennial celebration Friends and relatives gather for Williston resident’s 100th birthday By Jason Starr Observer staff

At Whitney Hill Homestead, an independent living home for seniors tucked against a wooded hillside at the east end of Williston Village, residents and family gathered Monday to celebrate the longevity of one of its most-tenured residents. Marge Cadran walked around the community room, individually greeting friends and relatives who had come to celebrate her 100th birthday. She was treated to cake and a rendition of “Happy Birthday” led by her great-great niece, Essex fourth-grader Piper Willis, who honored Cadran with a mini concert on the Whitney Hill piano. Cadran has lived at the homestead since she was 75 and spends a lot of her time with neighbors in the community room. She speaks with clarity, jokes wittingly and laughs frequently. Her personal relationships are a key ingredient in her formula for longevity. “One of the most important things,” she said, “is I like people.” Cadran also exercises regularly in the homestead’s “bone-builders” weight program and said neither she nor her parents ever smoked cigarettes. She grew up in Randolph, attending a one-room schoolhouse where her mother was the teacher. She is the oldest of four children. Her longevity is not reflected in her immediately family: Her mother died at 73 and her father at 65, and she has outlived all three of her see CELEBRATION page 5

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Page 2  •  Williston Observer  •  September 26, 2019


This September, will you be StormStrong? By Matt Rushford Special to the Observer

September is Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month, and you’ve probably been hearing some of the sobering facts about childhood cancer in the U.S. Childhood cancer rates are still rising, and only 4 percent of cancer research is devoted to pediatric cancer. But there is another side to cancer awareness, and pediatric cancer specifically, that we should be talking about even more. It’s true that pediatric cancer is on the rise, which should be a concern to anyone who has participated in an “awareness” effort over the years. Leukemia, the most common form of childhood cancer, has increased 35 percent in the last 35 years for ALL (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia) and 42 percent in the case of AML (Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia). What’s even more concerning is the fact that we still have

no idea why this is the case. In fact, we have no idea what causes childhood cancer. When our son, Storm, was diagnosed with leukemia two years ago, our first question to the oncologist was, “how did this happen?” Did we do something wrong? Was he exposed to something that triggered this? We always ate organic food, lived in the country, exercised and meditated and got adjusted and ate meals together and avoided unnecessary radiation and toxins. We were the last people on earth who should be talking to our child’s oncologist. Her answer: We have no idea. As I’ve pointed out to many people in the last two years, our son’s oncology team is truly amazing. And if you asked his primary oncologist to tell you everything she knows about leukemia, you’d be socked in for weeks. But ask her what she can tell you, for certain, about what causes leukemia, and you’ll barely

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be halfway through your small coffee before she’d be done. It would be a very, very short and disheartening conversation. When I started researching why this is, the answer was chilling: We don’t know what causes leukemia, pediatric cancer, cancer in general, all for the same reason: We’re not looking. Because, while it’s true — and terrible — that only 4 percent of cancer research goes toward pediatric cancer, it’s also true — and far more terrible — that virtually none of that research, and virtually none of the charitable efforts supporting it, is devoted to finding the causes of pediatric cancer. They are focused on treatments, therapies, interventions and support for kids who already have cancer. And while this is unbelievably important (no one knows this as well as we do, a childhood cancer family that has benefitted greatly from the multitude of organizations that help make the unendurable endurable), the other side of this truth is that cancer treatment rips families apart, rips children apart, is indescribably brutal and even then not always successful, and even when successful, not always permanently successful. It leaves physical, physiological and emotional scars that never go away. If we can save just one family from a cancer diagnosis, from the years of cancer treatment, a lifetime of uncertainty and all the scars and pain and horror that is part of that fate, would it not be worth an inestimable amount of effort, resources, money? The side effects of treatment and the emotional and financial cost to children and families are all reasons that we should not, cannot, settle for only improving medical care and support for those who are and will battle this disease. We must also focus on primary prevention, and to be explicitly clear, this means reducing the incidence of the disease in a meaningful way. It means reducing the number of families who will ever face the specter of childhood cancer. And we will never achieve this goal if we have not established it as a primary goal in the first place. Which we have not.

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Matt Rushford

When we began to emerge from the deeper, darker phases of our cancer journey, I started to research what organizations were focusing on finding causes and promoting preventive measures for childhood cancer. You can go ahead and do your own search, and you’ll find the same thing I found. See if you can find a single mention of reducing the incidence of cancer. From the nation’s leading grassroots childhood cancer organization (with my emphasis): “We are dedicated to improving the lives of children living with childhood cancer or its long-term impacts, and to offering critical advice, support, and assistance to families engaged in this life-altering struggle.” Not a single word about prevention, causes, reducing incidence. From the American Cancer Society (this is their complete mission statement, with my emphasis): “The American Cancer Society takes a comprehensive approach to combatting childhood cancer by funding research and advocating for government policies that include making it easier for all children to get quality care and providing support for patients and their families.” From one of the most popular and successful pediatric cancer charities (with my emphasis): “We care about the quality of life for childhood cancer patients and their families … We help provide resources for families battling cancer now. “Our smart spending of your donations has translated into innovative breakthroughs, more access to new treatments, and a dramatic change in the landscape of pediatric cancer. All this leads to one very important change for children and their families — hope for new and improved treatments!” I can go on, but you get the idea. Treatments, support, blankets, pajamas, hats, therapies, baskets. All of it amazing, incredible, important, valuable and wonderful. I cannot stress that enough. We need these organizations, and the many others like them. But there is a glaring silence in this conversation, and the three children who have been diagnosed with cancer during the time it has taken you to read this article so far can speak to that silence: We cannot “cure” childhood cancer if we can’t prevent it, and we cannot prevent childhood cancer if we are not even talking about preventing it. Some outlets are even promoting the notion that childhood cancer cannot be prevented. I read this in an online article. This is patently see STORM page 3

September 26, 2019  •  Williston Observer  •  Page 3

Storm continued from page


false. Pediatric cancer rates are rising. Something is causing this. That something CAN be identified and ameliorated. You might be shocked to learn that the few people who are devoting energy to answering the one question that every single parent asks when their child is diagnosed with cancer — “Why?” — do know one thing: There is no “cancer gene.” Leukemia is not a genetically transmitted disease. They know, with some certainty, in fact, that the most likely cause of childhood cancers like leukemia is the exposure of the child to some environmental trigger, some toxin or other insult that causes an abnormal mutation in their bone marrow that spirals into a systemic problem. I published my findings about this issue years ago in my book, “Born Broken: De-Pathologizing the Human Condition”: “The relationship of lifestyle and environmental factors to cancer incidence has been underreported, underfunded and under-examined. Recently, the President’s Cancer Panel published its findings on environmental cancer risks, in association with the National Cancer Institute, the National Institutes of Health, and

We are failing our children if we are using the words ‘low priority,’ ‘inadequate funding’ and ‘unstudied’ in reference to answering the most fundamental and important question of this issue: What is causing our children to get cancer?

the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. In this report, the panel stated, ‘Research on environmental causes of cancer has been limited by low priority and inadequate funding. As a result, the cadre of environmental oncologists is relatively small, and both the consequences of cumulative lifetime exposure to known carcinogens and the interaction of specific environmental contaminants remain largely unstudied” If you’re concerned in the slightest bit about pediatric cancer, I challenge you to read that last paragraph without getting goosebumps. We are failing our children if we are using the words “low priority,” “inadequate funding” and “unstudied” in reference to answering the most

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fundamental and important question of this issue: What is causing our children to get cancer? As I said earlier, we do not have the answer because we are not asking the question. It’s time for that to change. We must insist that this question become central to any discussion about pediatric cancer. What are we doing to reduce the incidence? It is with this imperative in mind that we established the StormStrong Foundation. On the first day of its existence, it was already, by default, one of the nation’s leading charitable organizations devoted even primarily to pediatric cancer PREVENTION. In fact, its only goal is to direct funds and resources to that “small cadre” of intrepid scientists who are

Vermont Meat and Seafood, Williston El Gato Cantina, Essex Vermont Tap House, Williston Grazers, Williston Agave Taco and Tequila Casa, Williston Champlain College Dining Services, Burlington Igor Polenov, Chenette Realty, Williston Smokey’s Low n’ Slow, So. Burlington Windjammer Restaurant, So. Burlington Natural Provisions Williston Fire Department Williston Police Association Williston Town Clerk’s Office Williston School District Richmond Market

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Nonprofit News is a weekly series highlighting the work of nonprofit organizations in Williston and throughout Chittenden County. This story was provided by the StormStrong Foundation. Email info@stormstrongfoundation.org for more information. Nonprofits seeking to tell their story in this space, please email editor@willistonobserver.com or call Jason at (802) 872-9000 ext. 117.


Essex Junction Fire Department

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bravely asking the difficult questions. Scientists like Katherine Metayer of the Center for Integrative Research into Childhood Leukemia and the Environment (CIRCLE), who has been making some very encouraging progress toward answering these questions and even initiating educational measures aimed at what should be the big goal, reducing the incidence of pediatric cancer. Research collaboratives like CIRCLE will be the initial recipients of funds raised by the StormStrong Foundation, but our hope is that our existence and efforts will spark a critical conversation about the need for more focus on prevention and proaction when it comes to protecting our children, not just from suffering or dying from cancer, but from ever being touched by it in the first place. If we really want a “cure,” let’s talk about the ultimate cure: a life without a cancer diagnosis.




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Page 4  •  Williston Observer  •  September 26, 2019

Sock sale success Employees from Lenny’s, Smartwool and Darn Tough present socks and funds raised to local nonprofits that serve the area’s homeless. The donation is a result of Lenny’s ninth annual Charity Sock Sale in Williston earlier this month. Observer courtesy photo

School district plans budget forum The Champlain Valley School District is launching its budget process for the upcoming fiscal year with a community forum Oct. 7. School officials invite community members to provide input on the budget and what they value in local schools. There will

Library continued from page


At the college, Kearns works closely with young adults, a population she hopes to attract more of at Williston’s library. She believes her exper ience budgeting, managing staff

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be presentations about the district’s financial outlook, the budgeting process and reports from school principals. The forum will be the first in a series of upcoming budget meetings. The forum begins at 7 p.m. at Champlain Union High School’s room 160.

and administering a library collection will translate well to the public library setting. “The library trustees are confident that Jane’s leadership, vision and love of libraries will serve our community well,” said Steve Perkins, chair of the library trustees. “We are excited

about the possibilities for the future and look forward to working with her as the library continues to grow and serve the people of Williston.” Kearns will become the seventh director of Williston’s public library since it was established in 1905.

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September 26, 2019  •  Williston Observer  •  Page 5

Williston Woods annual bazaar set for Oct. 5 Bobcat spotted

The Williston Woods neighborhood hosts its annual bazaar Oct. 5 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Crafts, baked goods and plants will be on sale and a raffle and ‘white elephant’ sale

Denise Gonyea, a resident of Northview Court, captured this photo of a bobcat in her backyard. She reported seeing a bobcat in the area twice this month.


Rotarians donate to heating fuel fund The Williston-Richmond Rotary Club donated $4,000 to the Split the Ticket Fund on Sept. 19 to help Vermonters with home heating fuel this winter. The fund supplements the state’s Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, helping families that don’t qualify for the program. “The Williston-Richmond Rotary has always been there to support the goals of the Split the Ticket Fund, to provide help to those who may not qualify for traditional heating assistance,” said Vermont Fuel Dealers Association Executive Director Matt Cota. Since it began in 2008, the Split the Ticket Fund has

Celebration continued from page


younger brothers. Cadran lived for decades in Massachusetts and returned to Vermont after her husband passed away. Cadran did not have children, but her home in Williston is near three generations of nieces and nephews. “I think it’s a great place,” she said. “I want to stay here.”


delivered over 100,000 gallons of free heating fuel to residents in need. The program gives fuel dealers and other businesses, organizations and individuals the opportunity to provide a gift of warmth to someone in their community. The program provides free heating fuel by splitting the invoice fuel dealers leave for homeowners: half is paid by the fuel company and half is paid by the Split the Ticket Fund. All financial contributions are matched by donations of fuel, equipment and service. To make a contribution, go to www.vermontfuel. com/split.

Lindsay Willis, a great niecein-law from Essex who attended the party, said Cadran maintained much of her independence through her 90s, doing her own grocery shopping and going out to dinner with family. “She doesn’t act like she’s turning 100,” Willis said. “When I come visit, she’s in here with other people, not cooped up in her apartment,” said Robert Willis, a nephew-in-law who attended the

party. That proclivity for social interaction staves off the effects of aging, said Beth Alpert, the SASH (Support and Services at Home) coordinator at Whitney Hill. “Isolation leads to all sorts of health conditions and problems,” she said, “so being social absolutely helps you, physically and emotionally. It is the key to longevity in many respects.”

will be held. There will be a soup and sandwich lunch at the activity center. The event location is 126 Williston Woods Rd., off North Williston Road.


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Page 6  •  Williston Observer  •  September 26, 2019

Guest Column






Education or indoctrination?




Flip through current and past digital editions online.

By Rob Roper

www.willistonobserver.com Published by Williston Publishing & Promotions

Phone: (802) 872-9000 • Fax: (802) 872-0151

Mailing address: P.O. Box 1158, Williston, Vt. 05495 Office address: 300 Cornerstone Drive, Suite 330, Williston

EDITOR: Jason Starr, x 117, editor@willistonobserver.com ADVERTISING: Marianne Apfelbaum, x118,marianne@willistonobserver.com


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marianne@willistonobserver.com PAID CLASSIFIEDS: There is a fee for business, real estate and help wanted ads. FREE CLASSIFIEDS:Printed on a ‘space-available’ basis; no guarantee of placement. • 25 words or fewer • Deadline is Friday at noon • Include name, address and daytime phone number

This week has been dubbed by several activist, special interest and lobbyist organizations as a “Global Climate Strike and Week of Action.” The idea is to convince a bunch of people to walk off their jobs, block traffic, picket offices and businesses, and generally disrupt the rest of the citizenry — holding peace, tranquility and freedom of movement hostage in exchange for a radical “Green New Deal”-type agenda. The big problem here is that the shock troops in this strike are expected to be public school students who will march out of class in order to participate in the mayhem. In many cases, if not most or all, the kids will be taking part with the encouragement and facilitation of teachers and administrators on the public dime. This is not okay. First of all, the kinds of demonstrations being called for, along the lines of what we’ve recently seen with the blocking of the Strolling of the Heifers parade, shouting down business on the floor of the Statehouse and stopping traffic in Montpelier, are illegal. Those taking part are subject to arrest. It is totally irresponsible for public school officials to aid and abet their

students in breaking the law. In addition to potential legal jeopardy, instigating physical confrontations with people and machines, which is what you’re doing when you block traffic or other wise stop someone from going from point A to point B, can be dangerous. Some activists could take things too far, or unwilling victims of the protest might overreact resulting in violent injury. Again, school officials charged with keeping children safe should not be involving students in this kind of activity. What we’re witnessing here is the abandonment of an educational mission in favor of political indoctrination. It’s not just climate change. Over the past year we have seen elementary, middle and high school students encouraged by their teachers to walk out of class over gun control, racism and gender politics. If these students were being exposed to all sides of these issues, weighing the evidence pro and con, reaching their own conclusions, and then protesting on their own time, that would be one thing. But that’s not what’s happening. They are being told one side of the story, and other arguments are either absent or, worse, being mocked by

the people in charge. That’s not education, that’s propaganda. What we are witnessing is public schools being willingly co-opted by special interest groups so that children can be exploited by adults in order to push a partisan political agenda. This comes at the expense of the children’s real education. They are not being taught how to think, they are being told what to think, and then what to do. Is this really what we are paying some of the highest property taxes in the nation and, by some estimates, $22,000 a year per child for? Brainwashed children pouring out of their classrooms to disrupt our daily lives on behalf of political lobbyists? For parents and taxpayers, there’s a hefty combination of insult and injury wrapped up in this equation. For the children, it’s just a sad waste of their true potential. The solution to this problem is statewide, parent driven, school choice with the money following the child. If you want a school to turn your kid into a left-wing activist playing in traffic, fine. But if you don’t, as a parent you should have the right and the ability to choose a school that reflects your values and priorities. Parents who think schools should be focused on see ROPER page 7

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The Williston Observer reserves the right to edit or refuse any submissions or advertising. Opinions expressed in the paper are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the paper.

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September 26, 2019  •  Williston Observer  •  Page 7



continued from page


teaching their children reading, writing, math, etc. (and are wondering why our student proficiency levels stink) should speak out and demand the right to move their children somewhere else. The public school system is a monopoly, accountable in reality only to the politicians who control the f low of tax dollars into its coffers. This unhealthy dynamic is at the root of why we are seeing an increasingly political agenda replace traditional education in our public schools. It’s time to break up that monopoly and make the schools accountable not to politicians, but to parents and students through school choice. It’s something to think about when you’re stuck in traffic on the way to work because a dozen eighth-graders have chained themselves together in the middle of the highway. Rob Roper is president of the Ethan Allen Institute, online at www.ethanallen.org.

Pointing out what was left out While I was gratified to see my letter given three columns of space in the Sept. 12 edition of the Observer, there were three important pieces left out. l No. 1, the letter was written by three of us — Melinda Petter, Brian Forrest and myself. I’m guessing for technical reasons, their names were left off. Melinda and Brian do awesome work for Williston, and helped with the letter. l No. 2, an ellipsis and a question mark were deleted from the following sentence: “Though we fell short of the requisite 450 (based on a registered voter list of ... 9,000?), we were proud of our 274 signatures.” This was my way-too-subtle, space-saving device to point out the unrealistically high number of our voter list, and correspondingly too-high number of signatures required to get on the Town Meeting agenda. In a town of 9,637 with 27.5 percent under the age of 18 (according to the latest numbers, from 2017), the number of total actual voters would be more like 7,000. That brings the 5 percent threshold of

oday! T r u o T our edule Y


required signatures down to 350 — still not met by us, but a lot closer. What’s up with that voter list? Does it need to be purged of people who’ve moved away or died? Or why not just make a more accurate estimate of required signatures? l No. 3, the following deleted paragraph was a response to Ted Kenney’s assertion that Town Meeting business should only be what we actually vote on. “We would love to be voting on renewable energy as it pertains to town government, rather than simply as a non-binding resolution. Much better to be discussing and voting on Williston’s plans and budget for affordable energy, heating and transportation without carbon-spewing fossil fuels! But that will take time. We have to start somewhere.” In the wake of last Friday’s global climate strikes, when millions of people (3,000 in Burlington) demanded serious action on climate, this paragraph is particularly relevant. We all, Williston included, have a lot of work to do. Marcy Kass Williston

The tree solution to climate change According to a new study in the journal Science, planting billions of trees around the world would be the cheapest and most effective way to tackle the climate crisis. The study suggests that if all nations throughout the world planted 1.1 trillion trees, it would reduce carbon in the air throughout the world and prevent the continuous global warming of our planet. In August, news broke that within the Brazilian Amazon there have been 40,000 fires this year. The Amazon rainforest alone creates 20 percent of the world’s oxygen and absorbs as much, if not more, of the world’s carbon dioxide. Our world is in crisis. We cannot sit back and watch the earth reach a tipping point of no return. We just experienced the warmest July in the history of the earth since thermometers began keeping track of world temperatures in 1888. We must right now start working on correcting global warming by planting trees. We owe it to our children and our children’s children to make the world livable for future generations. We cannot sit back at

our desks and wait for politicians to take care of us. As an educator, I recently sent a letter to the VTNEA and the national NEA newsletters asking for educators across America to plant trees around their schools and communities. I am hoping that all Vermont teachers and our nation’s teachers respond. I am proposing that all of the educators in the United States help children and their communities to plant trees. I call this the “Plant Trees for Life” campaign. Every school and every school district in the United States needs to work with their community and their local and state politicians and figure out a way to plant trees throughout their school property and throughout their communities right now. Every tree helps our children to breathe clean, fresh air and live in an area that is safe and comfortable. We might not be able to plant over a trillion trees by ourselves, but I do believe we can plant millions across Vermont and billions across our country and start to clean up our air and prevent global warming in the process. Peter Gustafson Essex

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Page 8  •  Williston Observer  •  September 26, 2019

Volunteers remove trash from Williston streams

Volunteers made a splash for water quality last weekend by participating in a Williston stream clean up day with the Winooski Natural Resources Conservation District. Eleven volunteers spent three hours removing debris from tributaries to Muddy Brook. They found many discarded bottles and cans, small pieces of degraded plastic, scrap metal and a large tire in a section of stream near 1nterstate 89. By the end of the day, 15 bags of trash had been removed from the waterways. “I got to visit parts of town I’ve never

seen, and I’m amazed at the amount of trash we cleaned up,” said volunteer Reid Willis. “Those areas now are more clean and natural.” Event sponsors included the Town of Williston, Chittenden Solid Waste District, Guy’s Farm and Yard, Burlington Beer Company, Goodwill and WalMart. The Winooski Natural Resources Conservation District works on improving soil health and water quality in Chittenden and Washington counties. Visit www.winooskinrcd.org for more information.

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Observer courtesy photos T:7”



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September 26, 2019  •  Williston Observer  •  Page 9

Rep. McCormack modeling renewable energy agenda Vermont House Transportation Committee Chairman Curt McCormack of Burlington plans to bike, walk or ride public transportation to visit the homes of every member of his committee before the Legislature reconvenes in January. The trip is partly practical, but mostly to make a point to the legislators whose votes he will need to continue his aggressive renewable power transportation agenda. Mc-

Cormack does not own a car. He commutes to Montpelier by bicycle and/or public transportation. Last year, Speaker Mitzi Johnson appointed him chairman to replace Pat Brennan, a Republican from Colchester and owner/operator of the biggest pickup truck in the General Assembly. Under McCormack’s leadership, the committee approved millions of dollars of increased spending on pedestrian, electric car, bicycle and rail infrastructure and created significant new policies, with the promise of

more. During his upcoming bike/ bus/rail tour — which will go through Franklin, Orleans, Windham, B e n n i n g t o n Curt McCormack a nd Rut la nd counties — McCormack plans to speak to transportation committee members about their spending and policy priorities for the 2020 session.

The transportation committee will consider raising taxes on gasoline to help pay for renewable transportation infrastructure. The committee will also decide whether to draw from state, federal and Volkswagen settlement funds to allocate: l $2.65 million to design and/or build nine park and ride facilities totaling 554 new parking spaces l $18.8 million for 77 bike and pedestrian projects l $1. 8 8 m i l l i o n f o r t w o large all-electric transit buses for the Burlington area l $480,000 for two all-electric small shuttle buses for the Montpelier area l $8 million for Amtrak and $5.2 million for Rutland-Burlington passenger service line infrastructure l $1.2 million to complete the

$7.5 million multi-modal transit center, bike path and pedestrian facility in Montpelier l Funding to eventually transform the state vehicle fleet to 50 percent hybrid or plug-in electric l $2 million for subsidizing purchases of plug-in electric vehicles and for repairs of fuel-efficient cars. The transportation bill would also order studies on increasing public transit ridership, especially in rural areas; a regulatory framework for transportation electrification; commuter rail service between Barre and Montpelier; and carbon pricing for fossil fuels used in transportation. Guy Page is the publisher of Vermont Statehouse Headliners, online at www.pagecommunicationsvt.com.

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By Guy Page Special to the Observer

Page 10  •  Williston Observer  •  September 26, 2019

‘There is no planet B’ Climate-strikers bring the heat in downtown Burlington protests

Observer courtesy photos by Patrick McCormack/SunCommon

Hundreds of people came together Friday in downtown Burlington to demand policy changes that will curb climate change. The protests were part of a global ‘climate strike,’ where people stepped away from their jobs and students walked out of schools to participate.


September 26, 2019  •  Williston Observer  •  Page 11

Protesters condemn Vermont Gas agreement Climate activists hastily called and carried out a protest Monday at Vermont Gas headquarters in South Burlington to condemn the Vermont Public Utility Commission’s approval of an agreement between the gas company and the fossil fuel energy company, Enbridge. The deal also includes Green Mountain Power and will increase Enbridge’s influence over both the companies, protesters said. “This increase in Enbridge’s influence over Vermont’s utilities is cause for alarm because VGS and GMP’s utility corridors could be used for more pipelines,” said protest organizer Julie Macuga of 350Vermont. “We see the industry pushing to import and export, and Vermont is wedged between major markets. While the companies have no plans to build right now, we will remain vigilant.” “Enbridge is responsible for violations of treaties with First Nations and indigenous peoples, as well as environmental disasters such as the Kalamazoo River oil spill, which was the largest inland spill in history,” she continued.

Renewable energy expo upcoming Renewable Energy Vermont’s annual conference and expo is scheduled for Oct. 10-11 at the DoubleTree by Hilton, 870 Williston Rd., in South Burlington. The conference brings together business leaders, system operators, architects, builders, manufacturers, engineers, scientists, policy makers and regulators. Topics of discussion will include: l Customer driven climate solutions. l Equitable and affordable access to renewable electricity, heatin and transportation l Emerging technologies, business and financing models l Integrating innovation and distributed energy on the grid l Policy and regulatory issues l State and local climate leadership Renewable Energy Vermont is a nonprofit trade association for the renewable energy industry.

Casella hosts landfill tours

Casella Waste Systems hosted an open house Saturday to allow the public to tour the State of Vermont’s only landfill in Coventry. “We love opening our doors to the community and welcoming them in to learn about our company, our operations and the realities of modern waste management,” said the landfill’s general manager, Jeremy Labbe. “Most people attend out of curiosity or to enjoy some family-friendly fun and food and leave with a new perspective about their own consumption and the modern technology in place that safely manages their waste.” Buses took visitors around the site, showing how their garbage, organic material and recyclables are handled. “Our approach has always been to implement complete systems to solve complex problems,” said Casella Chairman and CEO John Casella. “This is a great opportunity to showcase those systems in a family-friendly environment and educate the public on ways we can work together to reduce consumption, recycle better and manage waste in a safe and secure way.” Representatives from Washington Electric Co-op were also present to give visitors tours of the neighboring energy facilities that convert landfill gas into renewable

energy for nearly 8,000 homes in Vermont. According to Casella, the company’s landfill gas yielded nearly four times the electricity that its operations consumed last year. “Many people would be amazed at the science, engineering and technology that goes into managing their waste after they put it to the curb,” Casella said. “We understand that some people don’t like landfills, often based on unfounded fears or tired rhetoric,” Casella continued, referring to a group of protesters that demonstrated against the facility Saturday. “We hope that next year, those folks will leave the sidelines and join us to work on the next wave of solutions that will continue to elevate the environmental protection and resource recovery services that our facilities can deliver. “We have been committed to doing the difficult yet rewarding work of finding solutions for more than 40 years and we always welcome new perspectives and collaborators.”

Vt. joins fight to preserve fuel economy standards Vermont’s attorney general has joined 22 other states in a lawsuit challenging a component of the federal government’s plan to roll

back greenhouse gas emission and fuel economy standards for cars and trucks. The lawsuit challenges the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s declaration that California’s greenhouse gas emis-

sion standards, which have been adopted by Vermont and 11 other states, are preempted by federal law. The standards are designed to reduce emissions from automobiles.

Isham Family Farm Silent Auction to Benefit Vermont English Bulldog Rescue October 12, 2019

The event is open to the public and will have demonstrations, food, music, Halloween costume parade and contest. Below are some of the items to bid on. • Books by local author, Chris Tebbetts. • Carved Solutions (Pure Energy Apothecary Lotions) • Cosmetics (Christine Hooper) • Digital painting of your pet (Liana Pederzani) • Dog Grooming Basket (Brittany Collins) • Make-up session with Hilary Fay • Photography Session (Kelly Hinds) • Queen City Brewery (tour and tasting for four people) • Snowflake framed photograph (Stu Hall) • Susan Deren (pet communicator reading. Two certificates.)

• Switchback Brewery (swag package: t-shirt, cap, cozie, stickers, pint glass) • Texas Goodie Gift Basket (Texas volunteers) • Timberlane Dental (electronic toothbrush) • Two holiday pies (Gina from Nostalgia Cake Shop and Bakery) • Vermont Lake Monsters (Jersey, towel) • Vermont Yoga (yoga sessions)) • VT Dog Eats (Dog treats) PLUS: Items for the home, jewelry, doggie coats, toys, treats and more!


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Page 12  •  Williston Observer  •  September 26, 2019


Learning to take the landscape view By Ethan Tapper While many forest landowners and managers are superheroes in their own right, working tirelessly to protect and support healthy forests, there’s a special super power that a few forest stewards have, one that, thankfully, anyone can develop. I call it the “landscape view,” the awareness of how a property fits into our broader landscape. While your ownership may end at the old stone wall, the landscape extends far beyond these boundaries. Your forest may seem small, but it is part of a forested landscape that provides habitat for wildlife, cleans air and water, sequesters and stores the carbon that we all produce and much more. As a landowner, it is normal to be protective of that tree you love or that special place on your property, but it is also important to take a broader view to understand how these features are part of something bigger. The first step in cultivating your landscape view is zooming out from tree scale to forest scale. Trees are individually important, but are much more so as part of forests — dynamic systems that grow and change over

time. While the death of trees through natural disturbances or harvesting may seem startling or sad, it is a natural and important part of how forests grow and develop. Trees die, but the forest lives on. The landscape view allows you to see how seemingly insignificant issues and/or unpleasant actions on your property — the harvesting of trees and deer or controlling invasive plants, for example — can contribute positively to the broader landscape. Forests across our landscape are recovering from whole-sale land clearing for agriculture in the 1800s. This created a forested landscape lacking diversity in tree species, age and size compared to pre-settlement forests. Diversity is critical. More diverse forests will be more resilient to the effects of climate change, feature better wildlife habitat and sequester and store more carbon than less diverse forests. Harvesting trees in a thoughtful way can help forests become more diverse while also producing outside benefits, such as local, renewable resources that decrease our reliance on non-renewable resources produced under more adverse cultural, social and environmental conditions. Periodically generating a little income from sawtimber,

firewood and other forest products helps private landowners (who own 80 percent of Vermont’s forests) afford to own land, lowering development pressure and helping forests stay forested. Use your landscape view to consider harvesting white-tailed deer, which are overpopulated in much of Chittenden County due largely to increases in developed and posted land, in addition to decreasing hunter numbers. We all love deer, but deer overpopulation is a serious threat to forest health. Their browsing damages young trees and plants, lowering diversity and often increasing the abundance of invasive exotic plants. Deer overpopulation can also create problems for the deer themselves, making them smaller, less healthy and decreasing the quality of their habitat. I’ve seen serious negative impacts of deer overpopulation on many properties and started recommending harvesting deer, especially antlerless deer, as part of a holistic forest management approach. So, while you may not notice deer or their impacts on your land, allowing hunters to harvest deer from your property is important from a landscape perspective. Finally, take the landscape view when

considering the management of invasive exotic plants. Invasive plants pose a massive threat to forest health, outcompeting native species and diminishing the benefits that healthy forests provide, from wildlife habitat to water quality. They spread across property boundaries with ease, so while your buckthorn infestation may not bother you, it contributes to an extremely serious landscape-level problem. Taking active measures to control these plants, through cutting or pulling them up or treating them with small amounts of carefully applied herbicide, benefits the landscape immensely. You can learn more about invasive plants and their treatment at www.vtInvasives.org. Taking the landscape view puts your property in perspective. While your forest may be small, take pride in knowing that it’s part of something far larger and in making the tough choices and putting in the hard work to make it healthy for all of us. Ethan Tapper is the Chittenden County forester. He can be reached at ethan.tapper@vermont.gov, (802)-585-9099 or at his office at 111 West Street, Essex Junction.

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September 26, 2019  •  Williston Observer  •  Page 13


Defense dominates in soccer victories By Lauren Read Observer correspondent

Champlain Valley Union’s girls soccer team scored twice in the first 16 minutes to pull away for a 3-0 swin over Burr and Burton on Monday afternoon. Josie Pecor opened the scoring with two quick goals, and Olivia Zubarik added a third tally for the undefeated Redhawks (6-0). Catherine Gilwee and Olivia Morton both had assists in the game, while see SPORTS page 14

Observer photo by Al Frey

CVU’s Olivia Morton battles for possession during the Redhawks’ game against MMU in Jericho last Tuesday.

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Page 14  •  Williston Observer  •  September 26, 2019

SPORTS Sports continued from page


Maryn Askew made two saves to earn the shutout. CVU also earned a win on Friday against Essex, a 1-0 shutout. Pecor had the goal, and Askew made six saves. FIELD HOCKEY Champlain Valley 2, Mount Mansfield 0: The Champlain Valley field hockey team got back in the win column with a victory over Mount Mansfield on Monday. Clara MacFaden and Mackenzie Marcus each had a goal for the Redhawks, who move to 4-3. Sophia Stevens made five saves to earn the shutout. BOYS GOLF Nate Godbout shot a 35 to earn medalist honors, and the Champlain Valley boys golf team earned another victory Monday at the Champlain Country Club. The Redhawks shot 150 as a team to beat BFA-St. Albans (169), Essex (177) and St. Johnsbury (178).

Observer photo by Al Frey

CVU’s Cam Saia drains a short putt during a match against Rice, North Country and Burlington at Rocky Ridge Golf Course in St. George last week.

FOOTBALL BFA-St. Albans 16, Champlain Valley 7: Champlain Valley and BFA-St. Albans battled to a tie at halftime, but the Bobwhites came up with the winning touchdown in the third quarter to pull away Friday night. Seth Boffa scored for the Redhakws (1-3) on a rushing touchdown, while Max Destito had 55 rushing yards to lead the team. Parker Gratton caught a 65-yard touchdown pass from BFA quarterback Jake Reynolds in the third quarter to give the Bobwhites the lead, and Kam Dunsmore hit a 38-yard field goal in the final frame.

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September 26, 2019  •  Williston Observer  •  Page 15


CVU tops Wolves in battle of unbeatens Lauren Read Observer correspondent

Before the start of Saturday’s Division I boys soccer game, Champlain Valley Union and South Burlington were the last two undefeated teams in the division. After the game, the Redhawks stood alone. CVU beat the Wolves 4-1 on goals from four different players and moved to 7-0 on the season. Jami Lashua opened the scoring for Champlain Valley, cleaning up the mess after a misfired penalty kick. The penalty shot hit the post and bounced around before coming to Lashua, who fired it home for a 1-0 lead. South Burlington answered with an offensive push that resulted in the tying goal. The Wolves scored on a free kick, with Samy Slamani netting a cross from Cody Bellinghri for a 1-1 score. But CVU found an answer to the Wolves push and took the lead for good with just under 8 minutes to play in the first half. The Redhawks took a 2-1 lead off the foot of Cullen Swett, who knocked in a cross from Erik Stolen. CVU added to its lead in the second half with 27 minutes to play. Sam Johnson cleaned up his own rebound to give the Redhawks a 3-1 lead. Four minutes later, CVU added another goal with Holden Batchelder finishing off a pass from Ben Sampson. And that Observer photo by Al Frey was all CVU needed to set itself firmly atop the standings in D-I as it looks to defend its state title. CVU’s Jonah Roberts breaks free of a South Burlington defender during the Redhawks’ win Saturday in Hinesburg.

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Page 16  •  Williston Observer  •  September 26, 2019


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BUILD A RAMP – Cathedral Square is looking for volunteers to help build a small entrance ramp, paint porch decking and interior windows and fix a rain gutter. Flexible scheduling. Contact Beth Alpert at 859-8819 or email alpert@cathedralsquare.org. BE A LIFELINE – Age-Well Meals on Wheels is in need of volunteers in Chittenden, Franklin and Grand Isle counties to deliver meals and provide friendly visits and safety checks for seniors between 9:30 and 11:30 a.m. on weekdays. Flexible scheduling, once a week, once a month, whatever works best for you. Contact Laura Need at 662-5254 or email lneed@agewellvt.org. GLEA N ER S N EEDED – Healthy Roots Collaborative is in need of gleaners from to help reduce food waste by rescuing surplus food from local farms and delivering it to area food shelves and meal sites. Contact Peter Jenkins at 735-4551 or email healthyrootsgleans@gmail.com. —United Way of Northwest Vermont

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September 26, 2019  •  Williston Observer  •  Page 17

The Dorothy Alling Memorial Library is located at 21 Library Lane in Williston, and can be reached at 878-4918.

For Youth PRESCHOOL MUSIC Mondays at 11 a.m. and Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. For children up to age 5 with a caregiver. No pre-registration. Limit one session per week per family. STORY TIME Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. Stories, songs and a simple craft. All ages. Oct. 1: Autumn Leaves with Miss Victoria. Oct. 8: counting stories.

on the bookmobile and even get a library card. Make (and take) your own slime at our slime station. All ages. TECHNOLOGY NIGHT Wednesday, Oct. 9, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Ken Bernard of Vermont Tech offers a technology learning program each month. This month will focus on cybersecurity basics. Bring your own device if you would like. All ages.

CURRENT EVENTS CONVERSATION Wednesday, Oct. 2, 10:30-12 p.m. Gather with others interested in informal discussion on current newsworthy topics.

bers of the Vermont Astronomical Society at the Williston Community Park soccer fields. Telescopes will be provided for attendees to observe the moon, planets, galaxies and nebula. All ages.

MEDITATION PROGRAM Friday, Oct. 4, 12-1 p.m. Want to lower your stress level and unlock calm? Join our new bi-monthly meditation program. Through the practice of meditation, breath work and balancing chakras, you will learn about the different types of meditation and discover how, when and where to meditate. All levels welcome.

COOK THE BOOK Wednesday, Oct. 9, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Join our monthly cooking program. A selected cookbook remains in the library for you to photocopy a recipe of your choice. Prepare a dish and bring the recipe to the potluck meeting. This month: “Seasons in a Vermont Vineyard: The Shelburne Vineyard Cookbook” by Lisa Cassell-Arms.

ASTRONOMY OUTING Tuesday, Oct. 8, 7-9 p.m. Rain date: MAH JONGG Wednesday Oct. 9, 7-91p.m.4/2/19 Are you UB_2019CommercialAd_WillistonObserver_4x5_OUTPUT.pdf 2:02 PM Wednesday, Oct. 9, 1-3:30 p.m. interested in astronomy? Join mem- Learn how to play, revisit the game Programs for Adults

BROWN BAG BOOK CLUB Tuesday, Oct. 15, 12:30-1:30 p.m. Meet others who love to talk books. This month we will discuss “Something in the Water” by Catherine Steadman, Books available at the front desk. Beverages and dessert provided. TECH TUTOR Wednesday, Oct. 16, 4-6 pm. One on one technology help from a teen. Guarantee a time by making a 30-minute appointment at 878-4918. Drop-ins are welcome if space is available.

n i k p m u P s ’ It Time at Farm y l i m a F m a h Is

AFTER-SCHOOL TUESDAYS LEGO Club: Oct. 1, 2-3 p.m. Build your own creations using the library’s LEGO collection. All ages. Movie: Oct. 8, 2 p.m. Wallace and Gromit star in their feature debut, saving the town from a ravenous rabbit. Rated G. 1 hour 35 min. Popcorn provided.

• All pumpkins $10 and includes a Wagon Ride! • Wagon rides available for $3 each person Kids under 13 FREE!

THURSDAY PLAYTIME Thursdays, 11 a.m.- 12 p.m. Preschoolers and their caregivers are invited for informal play following our Preschool Music program. For children up to age 5. TODDLER TIME Fridays at 10:30 a.m. Sing, move and read, followed by free play. Aimed at toddlers, but all are welcome.

or just enjoy the game of Mahjongg. Come alone or bring a friend, and play with members of our community. All experience levels are welcome.

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• All the fun starts Sunday, September 29 at noon • Wagon rides Saturday and Sunday afternoons • ALSO: Maple syrup and maple products for sale

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DOTTIE THE BOOKMOBILE Sunday, Oct. 6, 12-3 p.m. Stop by to see us at the 2019 Chowder Challenge on the Williston Town Green. Browse

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Page 18  •  Williston Observer  •  September 26, 2019


Savvy Senior By Jim Miller

Cremation — an affordable way to go Dear Savvy Senior, How much does cremation cost and how can I find a good deal in my area? I would like to get a simple, basic cremation that doesn’t cost me, or my family, a lot of money. Frugal Senior Dear Frugal, Cremation costs can vary widely. Depending on your location, the provider and the services you request, cremation can range anywhere from $500 to $7,500 or more. But that’s a lot cheaper than a full-service

funeral and cemetery burial that averages nearly $11,000 today. Here are some tips to help you get a good deal. SHOP AROUND Because prices can vary sharply by provider, the best way to get a good price on a simple “no frills” cremation is to call several funeral homes in your area (most funeral homes provide cremation services) and compare prices. When you call, ask them specifically how much they charge for a “direct cremation,”

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which is the basic option and the least expensive. With direct cremation, there’s no embalming, formal viewing or funeral. It only includes the essentials: picking up the body, completing the required paperwork, the cremation itself and providing ashes to the family. If your family wants to have a memorial service, they can have it at home or your place of worship after the cremation, in the presence of your remains. If you want additional services beyond what a direct cremation offers, ask the funeral home for an itemized price list that covers the other service costs, so you know exactly what you’re getting. All providers are required by law to provide this. To locate nearby funeral homes, look in your local yellow pages, or Google “cremation” or “funeral” followed by your city and state. You can also get good information online at www.parting.com, which lets you compare prices from funeral providers in your area based on what you want. Or, if you need more help, contact your nearby funeral consumer alliance program (see www.Funerals.org/local-fca or call 800865-8300 for contact information). These are volunteer groups located in most regions around the country that offer a wide range of information and prices on local funeral and cremation providers.

home urns usually cost around $100 to $300,

PRICEY URNS The urn is an item you need to be aware of that can drive up cremation costs. Funeral

or visit SavvySenior.org. Jim Miller is a con-

but you aren’t required to get one. Most funeral homes initially place ashes in a plastic bag that is inserted into a thick cardboard box. The box is all you need if you intend to have your ashes scattered. But if you want something to display, you can probably find a nice urn or comparable container online. Walmart and Amazon, for example, sell urns for under $50. Or, you may want to use an old cookie jar or container you have around the house instead of a traditional urn. FREE CREMATION Another option you may want to consider that provides free cremation is to donate your body to a university medical facility. After using your body for research, they will cremate your remains for free (some programs may charge a small fee to transport your body to their facility), and either bury or scatter your ashes in a local cemetery or return them to your family, usually within a year or two. To find a medical school near you that accepts body donations, the University of Florida maintains a directory at www. Anatbd.acb.med.ufl.edu/usprograms. Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, tributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book.


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September 26, 2019  •  Williston Observer  •  Page 19



Preventing falls as you age


Have you fallen in the past year? Do you feel unsteady when standing or walking? Do you worry about falling? These screening questions can help determine your risk of falling. During September, you can have a free assessment by a physical therapist of your fall risk — including balance, strength and walking — by visiting www.fallsfreevermont.org. Tips to reduce your risk of falling include: Talking to your health care provider about any past falls, even if they didn’t lead to an injury; reviewing your medications and any side effects. Consider Vitamin D supplements; having your vision and hearing checked annually and updating eyeglasses and hearing aids as needed; getting moving —try Tai Chi, which has been proven to improve balance and strength (find free or low-cost classes at www.fallsfreevermont.org.); and assessing your home environment. You can reduce your fall risk by removing trip hazards, improving lighting and installing handrails and grab bars.

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ACROSS 1. Old clothes 5. Kind of agreement 9. On the rocks 13. Territory 14. Sport with mallets and horses 15. Burdens 17. Long haul 18. First-rate 19. Flat 20. Stand for a portrait 22. Those guys 24. Give out 25. Salon application 26. Thing that can’t be copywritten 28. Place for a stud 30. Too noisy 31. Homeboy 32. Miss 35. Leapt suddenly 38. Influence 39. Hand over 40. Government take over 41. ___ Cratchit 42. “Why not?!” 43. Numbskull 44. Some are corny 46. Warnings 48. Opera venue in NYC 49. Start of long-distance dialing 50. Prepare to swallow

51. Sleeping need 52. It is checkered, for a race 53. Doggie Doc. 56. Way off 59. Price reduction opportunity 61. Rudely push 63. Texas state tree 65. Credit ____ 67. A long, long time 68. Uptight 69. Donald Duck’s nephews, e.g. 70. Laconic 71. For fear that 72. Branch 73. Florida has them DOWN 1. Evaluated 2. Assortment 3. Graylags 4. Rice wine 5. Get off the fence 6. Firmly settled 7. Part of many stars’ names 8. Misplace 9. Part of T.G.I.F. 10. Provide food for the party 11. Oral, e.g. 12. Grocery section 16. Collector’s goal 21. “The ___ Sleeps Tonight” 23. Lunch or dinner...

27. Cut into 29. It’s __ good 30. Napkin’s place 31. London bar 32. Cowboy boot attachment 33. Mischief 34. Appraises 35. Con 36. It may be struck 37. Fall color 38. Bundle of money on a table, sometimes 41. Neighborly gathering 42. Observed 44. Military enemy 45. Some receivers 46. “Eureka!” 47. Table supports 50. Priest 51. Military VIP’s 52. Danger signal 53. Women’s magazine 54. ___ now and then 55. Experiments 56. Appropriate 57. Experience 58. Teen breakout 60. Book of the Bible 62. Writer 64. Tennis court divider 66. Web address part


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Page 20  •  Williston Observer  •  September 26, 2019

Cooking Corner

A happy, healthy lunchbox

CALENDAR SATURDAY, SEPT. 28 NAMI walk National Alliance on Mental Illness of Vermont fundraiser. First Unitarian Universalist Society, 152 Pearl St., Burlington. 12 p.m. www. namivt.org. Girls on the Run Sneaker Soiree Semi-formal benefit dinner for Girls on the Run. 6:30-9:30 p.m. at the Essex Resort, 70 Essex Way, Essex. www.gotrvt.org/benefit.

SUNDAY, SEPT. 29 Champlain Valley Buddy Walk Fundraising walk to benefit people with Down syndrome and their families. 1 p.m. Battery Park, Burlington. ‘Our bodies our rights’ A fundraiser for Planned Parenthood of Northern New England. 2-10 p.m. 2Creative Community, 110 West Canal St., Winooski. 2creativecommunity@gmail.com.

FRIDAY, OCT. 4 Back to school means back to packing daily lunches, and for parents aspiring to send healthier options with their children, look no further than this box loaded with fruits, dairy and protein. HAPPY LUNCHBOX 18 cubes (1 inch each) seedless watermelon 6 cubes smoked turkey breast 6 cubes cheddar cheese 6 coffee stirrers or beverage straws yogurt, for dipping berries In small plate with dividers, assemble watermelon sticks with yogurt in one section and berries in separate section. To make watermelon kebabs, skewer watermelon, turkey and cheese cubes on stirrers or straws. Assemble in third section of plate. —Family Features

Political discussion “Reading Lincoln in the Age of Trump: Presidents and Political Communication” with Leslie Butler, Associate Professor of History, Dartmouth College. 2-3 p.m. Faith

United Methodist Church, 899 Dorset Street, South Burlington. 658-6554.

SATURDAY, OCT. 5 Bird walk Williston Master Naturalist-led walk at Five Tree Hill Park. 8-11 a.m. Meet at trailhead on Sunset Lane. Bring binoculars, water and sturdy hiking boots. RSVP to tgmarron@comcast.net. Lake Champlain Salmon Festival Learn the history of Atlantic salmon restoration in the Winooski River and Lake Champlain and see live salmon. 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Richmond Volunteers Green in the Town of Richmond and Richmond Community Library. www.lcbp.org. Grief share/loss of spouse seminar Essex Alliance Church, 37 Old Stage Rd., Essex. 2-4 p.m. 899-3499.

SUNDAY, OCT. 6 Williston Chowder Challenge Raise funds for the Williston Community Food Shelf and the Williston Police Officers’ Association while sampling chowder from 15 contestants. Kids activities. 12-3 p.m. Williston Village green.

ONGOING Richmond Farmers’ Market Every Friday through Oct. 11, 3-7 p.m. on the Volunteers Green in Richmond. Discover local produce, prepared food, handmade crafts, baked goods, local meat, live music and more. info@richmondfarmersmarketvt.org. Catamount Community Forest Walk Series A walk series celebrating the purchase of the Catamount Community Forest. Held the second Saturday of each month through November at the forest on Governor Chittenden Road. The walks are sponsored by the Vermont Master Naturalists of Williston, held rain or shine, 9-11 a.m. All walks are free and open to the public. Meet at the informational kiosk in the main parking lot. Divorce Care Support Group A safe place and a process that can help make the journey easier. Free 13-week group for men and women. Sunday evenings, 5:30-7:30 p.m. through Dec. 1 at the North Avenue Alliance Church, 901 North Ave., Burlington. 4257053.

TO SUBMIT AN EVENT: email editor@willistonobserver.com TWO Beautiful Townhomes Remain!


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September 26, 2019  •  Williston Observer  •  Page 21

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ABOMINABLE PG Running Time 1hr 50min 12:30 1:20 2:50 3:45 5:20 6:30 7:40 8:50 DOWNTON ABBEY PG Running Time 2hr 15min 12:50 2:30 4:00 6:00 7:00 9:00 AD ASTRA PG13 Running Time 2hr 15min 1:10 3:50 6:40 9:25 RAMBO: LAST BLOOD R Running Time 1hr 45min 1:15 4:20 7:00 9:20 HUSTLERS R Running Time 2hr 5min 1:00 4:10 6:50 9:30 IT: CHAPTER 2 R Running Time 3hr 12:45 3:30 7:10 8:40 GOOD BOYS R Running Time 1hr 45min 4:05 9:35 FAST & FURIOUS PRESENTS: HOBBS & SHAW PG13 Running Time 2hr 30min 12:35 6:20 THE LION KING PG Running Time 2hr 10min 12:40 3:20 6:10 9:10 Closed Captioning/Assistive Listening/Narrative Audio Devices available on request Doors open at 12:00pm

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Page 22  •  Williston Observer  •  September 26, 2019

CLASSIFIEDS LEGAL NOTICE Town of St. George Notice The Town of St. George is seeking Road Snow Plowing and Sanding proposals from qualified contractors for the upcoming winter season. Detailed documents are available to vendors at the Town of St. George Town Offices or by visiting the Towns website; www.stgeorgevermont.com. Sealed proposals are due at the St. George Town office on Tuesday, October 15, 2019 no later than 11:00 am. local time. Proposals received after the above date and time will not be considered. If you have questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact Road Commissioner

Foreclosure: 4BR/3BA House w/Views; 2 car Garage Thursday, October 24 @ 11AM

1114 Ledgewood Dr., Williston, VT

Neil Boyden at either road commissioner@ stgeorgevermont.com or 373-2820.

LEGAL NOTICE TOWN OF WILLISTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Tuesday, October 8, 2019 – 7 p.m. 7900 Williston Road – Town Hall Meeting Room DP 20-11 South Burlington Realty c/o Tim McKenzie requests a discretionary permit to establish exiting outdoor storage and construction staging on Lots 2, 3, 5, and 6 Munson Drive and a boundary line adjustment between 182 Winter Sport Lane and Lot 5 Munson Drive in the Industrial Zoning District West (IZDW).

DP 16-05.1 Allen Brook Development c/o Al Senecal requests a discretionary permit to amend Phase I of Cottonwood Crossing: design changes to Buildings A1 and B1 and infrastructure revisions to curbing, parking, and the pocket park; located at 6180 Williston Road in the Mixed-Use Residential Zoning District (MURZD). DP 16-05.2 Allen Brook Development c/o Al Senecal requests a discretionary permit for Phase II of Cottonwood Crossing: building design and site layout for Buildings A2 and B2, and elimination of Building D; located at 6180 Williston Road in the Mixed-Use Residential Zoning District (MURZD). This project received pre-application review under DP 16-05.1. DP 20-12 MSP Allen Brook Development c/o Al Senecal

requests a discretionary permit to establish a master sign plan (MSP) for Cottonwood Crossing located at 6180 Williston Road in the MixedUse Residential Zoning District (MURZD). Project details and site plans are available on the website, town. williston.vt.us, by clicking “Public Records and Documents” then “Agendas & Minutes.” The Planning & Zoning Office can be reached at 802-878-6704 or 7878 Williston Road.

LEGAL NOTICE TOWN OF WILLISTON Selectboard Notice of Public Hearing Tuesday, October 15, 2019 8:00 PM

The Williston Selectboard will hold a public hearing to receive comment on proposed changes to Chapter 45: Transportation Impact Fees of the existing Williston Unified Development Bylaw, pursuant to 24 V.S.A §4442 and the Williston Unified Development Bylaw. The public hearing will take place on Tuesday, October 15, 2019 at 8:00 PM in the Williston Town Hall Meeting Room located at 7900 Williston Road. The proposed changes to the Town’s Unified Development Bylaw include the following: Increasing the base transportation impact fee from $750 per vehicle trip to $1,943 per trip. Updating predicted growth in Williston through 2040 and an extension of the horizon of the impact fee to that year.

EMAILED ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISING INSERTION ORDER Thomas Hirchak Company FROM: Terra Keene Phone: 800-634-7653 Employment Specialist Email: Advertising2@THCAuction.com Employment Specialist

Way2Work, a service leadingsupported developmental service supported To: Marianne Apfelbaum Way2Work, a leading developmental employment program, is employment program, is seeking a creative and outgoing individual Paper: Williston Observer seeking a creative and outgoing individual to join their dynamic team.

Champlain Community Services, Inc.

to join their dynamic team.

Shared Living Provider TODAY’S DATE: The successful candidate will be responsible for supporting individuals in 09/19/2019 NAME OF FILE: Bartlett_WO developing career goals, job seeking candidate skills, securing and onfor the supporting job The successful willemployment, be responsible DATE(S)toTO RUN:partnerships 09/26/19 training. In addition,individuals the candidate will collaborate withgoals, businesses build Open your accessible home to someone with an intellectual in developing career job seeking skills, securing for long-term community-based employment. Must demonstrate reliability, strong disability or autism and make a positive impact on their life, and employment, and on the job training. SIZE In addition, thepage candidate OF AD: 1/16 (2” x 5”) communication skills, and the ability to solve problems effectively and professionally. yours! A generous stipend, paid time off (respite), comprehensive willoffers collaborate with businesses topackage, build partnerships for long-term Thiswith full-time position a comprehensive benefits a great work C. 2007 4,500± SF home training & supports are provided. CCS is currently offering a community-based employment. Must demonstrate reliability, EMAILED TO: Marianne@Willistonobserver.com environment, opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others. drilled well and community septic, and the variety of opportunities that could be the perfect match for your strong communication skills, and the ability to solve problems paved roads, open kitchen/living/ household and lifestyle. Submit resume and cover letter to Michelle Paya, mpaya@ccs-vt.org Publishes in Williston Observer effectively and professionally. dining room and lots of fine finishes. 1± acre lot. This full-time position offers a comprehensive benefits package, a ccs-vt.org SECTION: Real Estate Contact Jennifer Wolcott great work environment, and the opportunity toClassified make a difference E.O.E.

in the lives of others. Submit resume and cover letter to: Michelle Paya, mpaya@ccs-vt.org

jwolcott@ccs-vt.org or 655-0511 ext. 118 for more information

Building a community where everyone participates and everyone belongs.

ccs-vt.org E.O.E. Thomas Hirchak Company

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Building a community where everyone participates and everyone belongs.

TLC Academy


TLC Academy will be offering FREE PCA - Personal Care Assistant classes at our South Burlington, VT location. Upcoming class dates:

October 21st - 25th November 18th - 22nd December 16th - 20th Classes will run Monday - Friday, 9am - 3pm. Books will be provided and there is potential for employment after class completion. Please ask about our accommodations if you are 45 miles or more away from the South Burlington, VT office. Must pass background checks to attend class. Please call our offices for further details at: 802-735-1123 and ask for Katelynn - Operations Manager.

ccs-vt.org E.O.E. Building a community where everyone participates and everyone belongs.

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September 26, 2019  •  Williston Observer  •  Page 23

CLASSIFIEDS Establishment of a new methodology to predict the number of new trips across the 2040 horizon based on predicted growth and transportation demand likely to be generated from new development. Focusing the list of projects to be funded with transportation impact fee receipts on projects that must be funded locally. A clarification of how developers who build projects or portions of projects on the project list will be credited for their contribution to the Town’s infrastructure. The addition of an exemption from the fee for affordable housing and childcare. If adopted, the amendments to the Bylaw will go into effect 21 days after adoption unless a petition is filed for a popular vote to repeal the amendments within 20 days of the adoption vote as provided for in 24 V.S.A. § 4442. The above is a summary. Copies of the entire text of the proposed Unified Development Bylaw amendments are available for review during regular business hours at the Town Hall located at 7900 Williston Road, Williston, VT and can also be found on the Town’s website at http://town. williston.vt.us. Contact Matt Boulanger, Planning Director & Zoning Administrator at (802) 878-6704, or at mboulanger@ willistonvt.org with any questions.

SERVICES Since 1977, Lafayette Painting has provided top quality interior painting services. Our experts will complete your job quickly and the finished work is guaranteed. Learn more about us at lafayettepaintinginc.com or call 863-5397. Does your home need a fresh coat of paint or brand new color? Lupine Painting can help with any of your painting needs. 20+ years of stress-free painting. Call for a free consultation (802) 598-9940.

GARAGE SALES Benefit Yard Sale - Household goods, decorative items, sports equipment, furniture, clothes, books, DVDs, toys and lots more. All proceeds benefit the Vermont National Guard Fallen Heroes Memorial Fund. Sat. Sept. 29, 9am-4pm. 140 Barrett Lane, Williston (Brennan Woods neighborhood). Collectibles, Oldies & More - Old Vt. Life magazines, postcards, comic books, milk cans, ironing boards, old and new tinware, old and new wood items, sap buckets and much more. Friday - Saturday, Sept. 27-28, 9am-4pm, 739 Old Creamery Road, Williston.

HELP WANTED GREAT PART TIME JOB Dining room server position for dinners Monday - Saturday, Sunday

Brunch. Great opportunity for supplemental income or to get started in food and beverage. Short shifts, no late nights. Experience preferred but will train. Please apply online www.willistonplace.com or stop by Williston Place, 422 Blair Park Road to apply. Williston: Share a home with retired couple who enjoy music, gardening & volunteerism. $250/ mo. rent in exchange for evening companionship, contributing w/ cleaning & cooking. Awareness of memory loss preferred. Must be cat-friendly; no add’l pets. 863-5625 or HomeShareVermont.org for application. Interview, refs, bg check req. EHO Hinesburg: Share a home in the village w/ retired woman who enjoys landscaping. $500/mo. (all inc). Seeking cat-friendly housemate to share occasional meals. 863-5625 or HomeShareVermont.org for application. Interview, refs, bg check req. EHO

BAZAAR ANNUAL WILLISTON WOODS BAZAAR Sat., Oct. 5 from 9am-3pm Crafters, Baked Goods, Plants Basket Raffle, White Elephant Sale Soup & Sandwich luncheon at the Activity Center. 126 Williston Woods Rd., off North Williston Rd.

FOR SALE Wood- One facecord blocked wood, $30 OBO, you pick up. 879-9471. Gas Fire Column - Faux brick 12" square x 24" tall on rolling base. Great ambiance/heat for deck or patio. Excellent condition. Uses 1 lb. propane tank, $75. Call 872 5848. Washing machine - GE 4.5 cu ft., 14 cycle, top load, model gtw465asnww, 4 mos. old, moved, no longer needed, $425. Call 802-343-4761 leave message or text. Car - 2012 Mini Cooper hardtop with 104K miles. 6 speed manual transmission. One owner, dealer serviced. Moon moof, Sirius radio, cold weather package. $6,000. 802881-1882. Car - Nissan Versa with 71,000 miles, runs great condition. Includes snow tires. $5,700. Email Naturalcorner@yahoo.com for pictures, or call 495 0748.

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VOLUNTEERS Drivers Needed - Meals on Wheels needs drivers to deliver hot meals to seniors in Williston. Call 800-6425119. To place a classifed ad,

Everything Must Go!

Check us out at: www.facebook.com/ estatesalesandconsignments 67 Creek Farm Plaza Colchester, VT

email Marianne@willistonobserver.com

GOT NEWS? Call 872-9000 x117

Salon INK is hiring!


We are looking to Vermont’s raw talent to grow our company Train for just 8 weeks and enter a full���e career�� We are a state of the art salon in Hinesburg, VT specializing in color, trendy cuts, classic styles, and a bit


of everything in between. All that plus a pop of cool. Our space is a mix of old school sophisticated with a modern restoration and we think that sums up everything that is Salon INK. The salon and our vision are bold and trendy, as well as sophisticated and ultra chic. The salon is saturated in natural light, making for the perfect playground to flaunt your style and talent. We use all natural products that are kind on our environment and our clients. We are looking for a front desk receptionist, part time or full time stylist, or someone interested in an apprenticeship. Experience is a plus, but we are looking for the right people. If you are honest, reliable, respectful, responsible and enthusiastic about style and helping others find their inner beauty we want to talk to you. Bonus points if you are a social media maven.


$4,800 grant provided during training


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Variety of work schedules


Fun � engaging work, using cu�ng edge technology

Email: saloninkvermont@gmail.com


Ideal sales environment: NO cold calling or travel!

* Full-time employment guaranteed upon successful completion of the 8-week program.



The ITAR Program is funded in part by a grant from the Vermont and U.S. Departments of Labor. All qualified applicants will receive considera�on for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orienta�on, gender iden�ty, na�onal origin, age, disability, gene�cs, poli�cal a�lia�on or belief.

ve a will venhing and mals and

Page 24  •  Williston Observer  •  September 26, 2019

POLICE BLOTTER Week of Sept. 14-20 SEPT. 14, SOUTH BURLINGTON Officers assisted South Burlington Police with a tree that had fallen across Van Sicklen Road. SEPT. 15, ST. GEORGE ROAD

Officers investigated a report of a burglary. A lock had been cut from a shed, and some items were missing. Officers are still investigating. SEPT. 16, WILLISTON ROAD Officers assisted a female from out of state in conducting a welfare check on a friend, then they

face painting. Towards the end, the Charlotte-Shelburne-Hinesburg Rotary invites folks to head to the Little League field next to the Fire Station the annual Rotary REALfor ESTATE Golf Ball Drop and a chance to win prizes depending where the numbered balls Thinkingon of SELLING? land. from ticket sales help fund CallProceeds Elise Polli! Rotary’s many projects through the year. 802-399-0134 PolliProperties.com

SEPT. 19, BLAIR PARK Officers visited with preschoolers as part of a unit on community helpers. They spoke about their jobs, and the students got to take a close up look at police cruisers. SEPT. 20, WILLISTON ROAD Officers received a report of a scam. A female had begun speaking with a male through an online dating site, and the male had convinced her to mail a new computer. The female realized after sending


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it that the address was not where they claimed it to be, and realized she had fallen for a scam. Police urge everyone to be vigilant and use caution around sending money, gift cards or other items under suspicious circumstances. WEEKLONG Officers fingerprinted 14 individuals for employment or volunteer purposes, conducted three VIN inspections, responded to 11 motor vehicle crashes, made four arrests and responded to eight commercial alarms.

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SEPT. 18, INDUSTRIAL AVENUE Officers responded to a report of a female who locked herself in a vehicle and was being destructive. Upon arrival, officers attempted to speak with the female who began assaulting them. She was subsequently

taken into custody for assault.


vertising@shelburnenews.com CALL CHRIS AT 480-650-6514

984 001

SEPT. 17, WHITE BIRCH LANE Officers assisted Williston Rescue with a medical call involving a toddler.

— Williston Police Department —



learned the female no longer lived in Williston.

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