Catalogo 2014

Page 110

Hou Xiaoxia Género: Feminino. Educação: 2012—2014 Instituto de Arte de Moscou State Academic homenagem VI Surikov RÚSSIA. 2003—2006 Master of Arts M.A Hubei Instituto de Belas Artes (HIFA) CHIAN. 1999—2003 Bacharelado em artes B. Hubei Instituto de Belas Artes (HIFA) CHINA. Experiência de trabalho: Hubei Instituto de Belas Artes (HIFA) Professor.

Esquerda arca № 3. 2014. acrílica e lápis sobre o papel. 50 x 50 Left ark № 3. 2014. acrylic and pencil on the paper. 50 x 50

Hou Xiaoxia Gender: Female. Background Education: 2012—2014 Moscow State Academic Art Institute named after V.I. Surikov RUSSIA. 2003—2006 Master of arts M.A Hubei Institute of Fine Arts (HIFA) CHIAN. 1999—2003 Bachelor of arts B.A Hubei Institute of Fine Arts (HIFA) CHINA. Work experience: Hubei Institute of Fine Arts (HIFA) Teacher.

Esquerda arca № 4. 2014. acrílica e lápis sobre o papel. 50 x 50 Left ark № 4. 2014. acrylic and pencil on the paper. 50 x 50



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