Venus Morris Griffin

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Meet Venus. Mother of seven. Award-winning real estate agent. International keynote speaker. She’s a busy, award-winning real estate agent. She’s built a lucrative brand making her a household name in Augusta, Georgia, but it’s her story that’s turning her into a highly sought-after international speaker.

MY STORY In 2010, I received a phone call in the middle of the night from a prostitute that changed my life. The call catapulted me into one of the most challenging times I would ever endure with my six children. In a matter of months, my husband was sentenced to 45 years in prison. Overnight, I went from a stay at home mom to six children to being forced to find a job that would keep us all fed. I was drowning in debt. Nothing about my life was easy, but failure isn’t an option when you have six kids to raise. Today, I'm an award-winning real estate agent and motivational speaker. Through faith, hard work and determination, I was able to overcome the adversity I faced, and give my family the life they deserve. I want my story to be the very thing another mother may need to also overcome suffocating challenges and rise above any obstacle that may hold her back.

Family Meet the 10 people who own my heart. I am the mother of seven wonderful children: John (23), Julia (21), Alexis (19), Sydney (17), Elle (11), Charles (9), and Hannah Lou (3). I am a grandmother to two beautiful twins Gisele and Vendela. I remarried in 2013 to the most incredible man, Hank Griffin. We are happily living in Augusta, Georgia where I am the city’s top producing agent at Meybohm Real Estate, and Hank is the President and CEO at Kulkhe Construction & Associates, Inc.

Career I’ll never forget when my divorce attorney strongly advised me to find a “real job” if I wanted to provide for my family. I disagreed and told him, “I have to at least try.” Almost a decade later, I achieved an unprecedented level of success, bringing in over $50 million in sales volume in 2018. My family is my top priority, when I’m not with them, I’m busy selling homes or hopscotching the world sharing my story about overcoming adversity.


The mindset of

overcoming adversity When you experience adversity in your life, at any level, how you move forward and what your path looks like from that point on is defined by one thing: how you respond. Many people allow adversity to overcome them. They allow themselves to be defined as a victim, and in doing that, they embrace a future that is defined by what has happened to them, not by what they did to move past it, learn from it and become stronger. In order to truly move past adversity, you need to have the right mindset; a mindset of overcoming adversity.

Big wave surfer Laird Hamilton famously said, “Make sure your worst enemy doesn’t live between your own two ears.” That quote is so true for all of us just as we walk through our daily life. But, what if your mind wasn’t just not an enemy, but was actually your ally? What if you could learn how to adopt a mindset that created personal freedom and invited success in your everyday life? What if instead of allowing yourself to be defined by circumstances that are out of your control, you were defined by the things that are true about you no matter what circumstances you face?

but was actually your ally? What if you could learn how to adopt a mindset that created personal freedom and invited success in your everyday life?

...what if your mind wasn’t just not an enemy,

I had no choice but to adopt a mindset of overcoming adversity. My children depended on me. My livelihood depended on it…I was desperate. And, even though there was a lot of pain (and sometimes a lot of doubt), what I learned through the process has shaped who I am in ways that are truly profound. It’s led me down a path of personal success that’s beyond what I could have imagined when I first set out. It’s impacted my children, too. I see it when they experience adversity; when they get knocked down and get right back up again. When they trust God, and are anchored in faith. When they choose forgiveness, just like I did, and release people who wronged them from owing them something. That mindset is a gift that gets passed on to future generations. My greatest passion is sharing what I’ve learned through my experiences, and bringing real hope to people who are struggling to navigate through adversity. Hope that uplifts, inspires and empowers. When I speak, I talk tell my story and share the practical “how to” of adopting an overcoming mindset and living it out every day.


Book Venus for a

speaking event If you’re interested in having Venus speak at your event, please visit, and fill out the speaking inquiry form.

info FORMAT/VENUES: Accomodates any size/scale of event or venue.

RATES: Rates vary per event. Please provide information via the website contact form, and rate infomation will be provided.

TRAVEL: Travels from Augusta, Georgia. Available for local, national and internation events. Travel costs vary per event.

Reach people. You are not alone, and your situation does not have to define you. We may not get to choose our battles, but we do get to choose how we react to them.

Restore hope. Adversity can leave us feeling devastated and defeated, but, never lose faith or HOPE even in the most devastating circumstances.

Redefine lives. Everyone has greatness inside of them and the ability to overcome anything through faith, hard work, and determination. It takes more than just saying it, I can show you how.

having the courage to share your story. I know it will

Your presentation was excellent! Enjoyed every

God has been preparing you for such a time as this.

bringing hope to these women.


I absolutely love it!!

Oh my gosh! This is so wonderful. Thanks for

change many lives. It sure has changed mine.

You are such an inspiration to us all. Thanks for


I am so grateful to God for all that he has given me, and I am committed to paying it forward. By sharing my story, I know that I will help others, especially women, who face adversity see that no matter how dark it may feel, there is always light at the


end of the tunnel leading to endless opportunities. -Venus

Contact: Venus Morris Griffin 706-306-6054

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