Q4 2018

Page 14



I have come to respect the Krummholz tree. This bent and twisted tree grows in rugged environments such as cliffs, mountain tops and canyon walls. This tree can live up to 150 years despite its unpleasant surroundings. Due to the continual exposure to fierce, freezing winds, their branches oftentimes bend so far down that they meet the ground. What inspires me most about this tree is how it perseveres in the face of adversity. As an entrepreneur, it is necessary to acquire this attribute. Incidents, sometimes on a daily basis, can either take a turn for the better or the worse. But how we choose to respond to these events, time after time, will aid in determining the level of strength and resilience needed to overcome during these situations. And over a lifetime, similar to the Krummholz tree, we learn to grow stronger and choose to bend, not break, in the presence of hardship. I’d be lying to you if I told you that I’ve never felt like giving up. It’s very common and natural for entreprenuers to feel this way from time to time. We question ourselves, as do others, about our goals and aspirations. About the risks we take each day and about the sacrifices we make. Which brings me to another similarity we have with the Krummholz tree: those living in the harshest environments, can only survive where they are sheltered by rock formations or snow cover. Just as on our own path, it is of vital importance to surround ourselves with people whom are strong and supportive. People whom believe in our cause and have our backs, especially when we feel we’re on the edge and can no longer endure the rigorous path. These will be the people whom will remind us of our intentions and whom will prevent us from breaking. Afterall, just like the Krummholz tree, our survival may depend on it.

LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Teresa Lipsey | Editor-in-Chief



Entrepreneurial Lifestyle Magazine

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