The Vegan Summer 1983

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Summer 1983

CONTENTS Human Dimensions - Taking Your Medicine and Liking It Fuel for a Future - Hunt Saboteurs - Recipes and Shopping with Linda



President: Jack Sanderson: Deputy President: Serena Coles Vice-Presidents: Eva Batt, Jay Dinshah, Catherine Nimmo Winifred Simmons, Mabel Simmons Council: Serena Coles, Christopher Hall, Kathleen Jannaway, Kath Manners, Jack Sanderson, Grace Smith, Alpay Torgut Hon. Treasurer: Grace Smith Hon. Secretary: Kathleen Jannaway, 47 Highlands Road, Leatherhead, Surrey Asst. Secretary: Laurence Main, 9 Mawddwy Cottages, Minllyn, nr. Machynlleth, Gwynedd, SY20 9LW, Wales SUBSCRIPTIONS: Full or Associate Members or Journal Subscribers ÂŁ2.00 minimum unless unwaged or sharing journal with member living at the same address, when ÂŁ1.00 will be accepted. Please send to Membership Secretary, 47 Highlands Road, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 8NQ. Please note Full Membership is given to practising vegans, see definition below. EDITORS of "THE VEGAN" quarterly journal: Jack Sanderson and Kathleen Jannaway (who do not necessarily agree with all opinions expressed in it or endorse advertisements.) PUBLISHED: 21st March, June, September, December COPY REQUIRED: 1st of preceding month The Vegan Society was formed in 1944 by a group of vegetarians who had become aware of the suffering inseparable from the dairy industry and decided to omit all animal products from their diet. Its advantages as regards human health and the wise use of the world's resources became apparent and, in 1964, it was granted Charity status. In 1979 it became a Limited Company, and its Charity status was confirmed. Its declared object is 'to further knowledge of, and interest in, sound nutrition and in veganism, and the vegan method of agriculture as a means of increasing the potential of the earth to the physical, moral and economic advantage of mankind.' Veganism is defined as a way of living on the products of the plant kingdom to the exclusion of flesh, fish, fowl, eggs, animal milk and its derivatives, (the taking of honey being left to individual conscience.) It encourages the study and use of alternatives for all commodities normally derived wholly or partly from animals. Free from commitment to any religious, political, philosophical, social, dietary or medical group, members of the Vegan Society endeavour to co-operate with all who are seeking a positive way forward for mankind. Full information in return for s.a.e. to Hon. Secretary, at the above address.

Human D i m e n s i o n s

Jack Sanderson " The way of compassion has been taught by those men and women who, through our history, have ascended to a higher degree of consciousness than the rest of mankind. When we examine their teachings, we are aware that they are based on universal laws and not built on the temporary structures of the human intellect. And, when we recognise it, we start on a lifelong journey towards a distant land of glory . . . " 째 Dr. Frey Ellis: 'The Power of Kindness' " Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things Man will not himself find peace. " Schweitzer ''You are the architect of your own life." Hamblin:'The Power of Thought' A l b e r t

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The above three comments on man are of value to us as we let our thoughts dwell on man and his possibilities. Dimensionally we can measure the height, width and weight of any body or lump of substance, whether it be rock, a plant, an animal or a man. In the twentieth century particularly, we have looked beyond the physical and, with the aid of new instruments which extend our senses , have become aware of energy fields which may surround or interpenetrate the physical structures of objects and bodies. In the case of living structures, these fields or 'energy bodies' seem to have a shaping or containing effect on the physical bodies, and also can be indicators of their integrity or health. Whereas plants are normally rooted to the ground from which they derive sustenance, animals and man are able to move by means of their legs, arms, wings and fins, etc., and they require muscles and sometimes bones, and a nervous and sensory system which enables them to build up life after life, or generation by generation, a storehouse of experience, often referred to as instinct or ingrained collective memory. Man and the higher animals have developed a brain which is the instrument of the mind, and this enables the functions of the body (breathing, circulating, digesting, etc.) to be carried on unconsciously by automatic pilot, and most situations and minor problems that arise to be dealt with by semi-automatic pilot. This enables the conscious mind to give its attention to the newer more taxing situations and problems which confront the being. As man has developed socially through families, tribes, villages, cities, city states, dukedoms, nation states and empires, he has evolved structures of all kinds which interweave in a marvellous way. Need and necessity urged man to simple reasoning and, as his institutions slowly developed more complexity, he gradually discovered the use of analysis, synthesis, the storage of facts, and the resulting development of the intellect led to the array of subjects such as physics, chemistry, biology, geology, etc., into which man divides his knowledge. Man is now able to switch his attention in a flash from consideration of the most distant galaxy to the structure of the smallest organism. 1

The former close intimacy with nature in the tribal and small village life gave way to a gradual alienation as man developed his intellect and its instrument mainly the left brain. The earlier psychologists were mainly concerned with this development, and mapped out simple anatomies of the mind which have been extended and further developed by Jung and Assagioli and their followers, who are now concerned with brain balance and the development of the right brain associated with the arts and the imagination and creativeness. During the last 2,000 years only a tiny percentage of mankind has concentrated on right brain activities - a few poets, artists, musicians, craftsmen and scientists. Modern studies on Human Dimensions encourage us to ponder the possibilities of a human being today who, deliberately and efficiently, studies as much as he (or she) can of available modern knowledge and puts it to use, personal or otherwise. He might seem to most of us like a superman - science fiction is full of such characters - or a genius. But whether he is an earth benefactor or a monster will depend upon the balance in his brain development which, in turn, will depend on whether he has developed his higher feeling nature - his love nature. This is not the lower feeling nature of earlier tribal life, mainly concerned with survival, but the higher feeling nature, mainly concerned with unity, harmony, love and compassion. This is an inner recognition of the oneness of all life - its value in a supreme plan in which we are all a part. Through new (or old) techniques of relaxation, meditation and silence, we can learn to discover and to practise that part of the plan that concerns us as individuals. If A, B and C each do this they will be working in harmony because the plan already includes A, B and C. Furthermore A, B and C will be working, serving and developing to maximum effect for they will be performing tasks for which they are uniquely suited, and at the same time those very tasks will best serve their own growth and understanding. Inward satisfying happiness is a by-product, and the knowledge that one is working with the creative process, instead of against it, is a source of joy. Love is infectious, and we learn of it through our close relatives, friends, writers, poets or great teachers. If we practise it, perhaps hesitantly at first, we find that it can flow through or radiate from us in an ever-increasing stream - it is simply looking for channels to flow through and for taps to be opened. It is the experience of most vegans that the adoption of the vegin way of life it is not just a diet - helps to turn the taps of love and compassion and helps to sensitize the vegan in all his dimensions so as to intuit the small voice which puts us in touch with and reveals the plantthat shows us the way forward. This plan serves the whole of life in all its kingdoms and, when we accept and carry out our responsibilities to all, we shall be working in harmony with the architect of our lives and of all life. J. Sanderson 2


Laurence Main "At the birth of consciousness we became onlookers and were separated from Nature, and left the garden to create a world of our own apart from Nature. Our next step is a further extension of consciousness when we shall realise the unity of life on a higher plane of understanding. Having tasted of that tree of knowledge we shall enter the Garden of Eden once more, and Paradise shall be regained." _ n worm Forgives the Plough". It is the vegan experience as regards diet that the ideal is also the practical. Increasing knowledge of both the vegan method of agriculture and animal based 'agri-business' indicates that this will also prove true of food production. One of the arguments still used against a vegan diet is the one that land unsuitable for growing crops could still be used for animal-grazing. This is an important point as it involves over half of the U. K. and millions of creatures. Kenneth Mellanby, in "Can Britain Feed Itself?" (Merlin Press, 1975) puts 24 million of our 46 million agricultural acres in this category, while most of our 28 million sheep and lambs are probably on our uplands. Some of our 10 million beef cows and bullocks also graze there. Mellanby (op. cit.) makes the essential point: "Cattle and sheep are likely to continue to feature in our diet because they can be reared on grass, a food that we cannot use ourselves. There are good agricultural reasons for retaining much of our land in grass, and for grazing that grass with ruminant animals." BUT THERE ARE BETTER REASONS FOR RETURNING IT TO TREES! Apart from more fundamental reasons a great deal of public money is at stake two-thirds of the Common Agricultural Policy budget goes to support animal farming (according to Professor David Hall, in "Energy from Biomass", July, 1982) with much of this boosting the number of sheep on our hills. Our sheep population rose by 50% between 1946 and 1973 (Mellanby op. cit.) According to "Rucksack", the magazine of the Ramblers' Association, October 1981, the high subsidies have led to a threefold increase in sheep in the Peak District National Park since 1950. As our "Wool Factories" leaflet, and the editorial of "The Vegetarian", January/February, 1983, make plain, sheep are well acquainted with suffering and slaughter. Neither are they native to our uplands. Sheep now graze where trees once grew. Until comparatively recently, Britain was covered with deciduous trees. These trees, not to be confused with the dull monocultures of exotic conifers planted by 'economic' foresters today, were of especial importance in our western uplands. The rains that fell over these hills and mountains were caught and conserved by their broad leaves which produce humus which creates fertile soil. Without this tree cover the rain sweeps downwards, carrying the precious topsoil with it. The uplands are left barren, acid and ill-drained; while floods and drought visit J o h n

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the lower land. Sheep are notorious for having created marginal land out of fertile and desert out of marginal land in the course of their shepherded migration from their Asian homelands via the countries of the Mediterranean. The effect of replacing trees with sheep has been to sound the alarm for such environments as Snowdonia. As Dr. Malcolm Smith, the Nature Conservancy Council's assistant regional officer in Snowdonia, warned in "The Guardian" of 22 April, 1982: "Within a hundred years most of the native oakwoods characteristic of the Snowdonia landscape will have been lost . . . 80% of the woodland (by area) lacks any sapling trees to replace the mature trees presently comprising the woodland canopy, and sheep are the cause of the problem. As they graze the copious vegetation provided in the woodland floor, seedling trees have their leaves, buds and bark removed, preventing them from growing and depriving the woodland of its future canopy .... the Brecon Beacons, Lake District, Dartmoor, Yorkshire Dales and Snowdonia all have an oak woodland conservation problem attributable to sheep grazing. Oak woodland in the Snowdonia National Park presently occupies 2.5% of its land area . . . this is the remnant of the original 'primaeva.1 forest'. " This primaeval forest once covered nearly all of Snowdonia, and nearly all of the U. K. William Linnard, writing in "Welsh Woods and Forests: History and Utilisation" (published by the National Museum of Wales in 1982) set the upper forest limit at 2,000 ft. and observed that only 1% of the land area of Wales lies above 2,000 ft. and 93% lies below 1,500 ft., so that: "almost the entire land area of Wales is potentially capable of carrying forest, and deciduous forest is the natural climax vegetation, the most highly developed form of plant community which an area can support. " With the forest comes the wildlife, as Malcolm Smith points out in his "Guardian" article: these native woods .. ."have rich populations of mammals and birds. Breeding bird species such as pied flycatcher, redstart and buzzard are characteristic; significant proportions of their British populations are ensconced in the broadleaved woodlands of North Wales. " William Linnard (op cit.) concludes that "the most obvious and fundamental fact has been the reduction of the forest area from a maximum of some 90% of the land area to between 4 and 5%". Whilst our past rulers, in particular Gruffydd ap Cynan (c. 1055 - 1137), king of Gwynedd, were noted for improving the husbandry of their kingdoms by planting woods, and making orchards and gardens, our present practices constitute ruthless, shortsighted exploitation. Our trees stand as symbols of continuity. A well-managed forest is a practical expression of our long-term co-operation with the rest of creation, bringing mutual benefit. Trees are of great importance for many things from the air we breathe to the houses we live in, but they are particularly important as a source of fuel, now that our finite fossil fuels are depleted and the dangers of nuclear power so clear. Trees provide a vast renewable supply of safe fuel for use when needed, thus complementing the less reliable supplies of wind, solar and water power. Solid, liquid and gas fuel can be made, often from the wastes of the timber industry. 4

The Vegan Society Ltd. is sponsoring a demonstration of bio-fuels at the National Centre for Alternative Technology, which has already attracted the attention of Professor David Hall, a world-ranking expert in solar power. Giving evidence at the Windscale Enquiry in 1977, Professor Hall stated that 250,000 acres would be needed to support a 1,200 megawatt power station. "All required liquid fuel could be obtained from 17% of the United Kingdom land area" and "all gas from 15%". The only realistic way to be able to grow enough 'energy-crops' is to release our land from animal-grazing and to switch government subsidies from livestock to the trees which have traditionally enhanced our environment. THE DESTROYERS "Having conquered the Indians, they turned to Nature. They found themselves confronted with a mighty host. It stood before them, erect and menacing, battalion behind battalion. But it was unarmed. It could not defend itself. It could not even retreat, for it was rooted to the ground. Being pious folk, the invaders saw that God was clearly not on the side of these green battalions. The forest was an enemy that could be destroyed. And they set to work to destroy it." From "The Triumph of the Tree. " from the trilogy "Vision of Glory" by John Stewart Collis.




Have you seen the ever improving "London Vegan News" ? Don't miss your copy. Send ÂŁ1. 50 su Alpay Torgut and NOT to London Vegan News. N7 0NA 50p sample copy includes postage. Su THE ZAN LIGHT INFORMATION SERVICE supplies interested individuals with the addresses/leaflets of Animal Rights/Conser L. Sco PROTECT YOURSELF: The organisation, Environmental Therapy Research, which studies the causes and prevention of common disease in our community prepares reports of the latest scientific and individual observations about nondrug methods of self-care and disease prevention. These come out at regular intervals under the heading "PROTECT YOURSELF", and are available in handy size booklets. Details from "Protect Yourself Service", Graphicom Express Ltd., 2A Comeragh Road, West Kensington, London, W14 9HP. S.a. e. please. 5

Taking Your Medicine & Liking it. Many people nowadays, whether for reasons of health, taste, or simply from a desire for variety, choose to limit their consumption of tea and coffee, and turn to herbal teas. Obviously taste will be the prime consideration in their choice of herbs but, with so many to choose from, it can be interesting and helpful to know something of their medical properties since, even at the rather low concentrations usual in teas, all herbs will have some effect on the body. At first sight it might appear that most herbs are claimed to be good for practically everything. Although that would certainly be a gross oversimplification, it is true that many herbs are helpful in several apparently unconnected spheres. We tend to view medicinal herbs in the same light as orthodox medicines; but not only are herbs infinitely more pharmacologically complex, with a correspondingly wide range of effects,^they tend also to support and regulate entire systems in the body, rather than dealing with a single symptom or ailment. Thus, the circulation of blood brings vital oxygen, nutrients and chemical messengers to every cell in the body, and removes its waste products, so something that improves the circulation will benefit almost every condition to some degree. Likewise, if one of the several means of removing toxic wastes from the body is functioning below par, the repercussions will be widely felt, and anything that stimulates the o r ^ n to its normal efficiency will bring relief to a variety of problems. Impaired digestion and absorption of food is very often found along with, and contributing to, difficulties in other parts of the body. A striking example of this is a condition in which there is an inborn deficiency of 'intrinsic factor ' in the stomach, which leads to pernicious anaemia through an inability to absorb vitamin B12,

a salutary reminder that it's not just what we eat, but also what our bodies can make of what we eat, that decides how well nourished we are. Given these facts, it becomes less surprising that herbs, with their widespread effects on digestion, circulation and elimination, can play a very important role in both supportive and restorative health care. Plants produce their effects, the bad as well as the good, by means of chemical compounds with which our bodies are thoroughly familiar; many modern drugs, on the other hand, introduce into our bodies man-made molecules which sometimes present great problems in terms of de-toxification and excretion. Frequently herbs exhibit an activity known as 'buffering', by which the possibly undesirable side effects of one component of a herb are countered or compensated for by another component of the same herb. The leaves of the dandelion, for instance, are powerfully diuretic, an action to which its old country name of 'Piss-a-bed' testifies and, as such, this herb is most useful, in ways that will be discussed in a later section. One unfortunate result of diuresis, however, is a significant loss of potassium from the body, and diuretic drugs usually have this mineral added. Dandelion is rich in minerals, but far and away-the highest single concentration is of potassium, so much so in fact that one comes out with a net gain of potassium in the tissues. 6

TENSION : A surprisingly wide range of problems have tension as, if not their sole cause, then at least a significant contributory factor. Sometimes we are aware of feeling anxious: our shoulders are held tight, our forehead aches from an involuntary frown. More often the tension is internalized, and leads to headaches, sore throats, digestive problems, insomnia and much else besides. Some herbal relaxants act directly on the higher centres of the nervous system in the brain; the majority work through relaxation of the 'smooth muscles', the involuntary muscle tissue found, for instance, in the blood vessels and most of the alimentary tract. Of the common herbs, chamomile, limeflowers and lemon balm are known for their soothing effects. Hops are excellent, particularly for insomnia (hop pillows are a traditional remedy, acting through

the inhaled volatile oils) - the hops sold for homebrewing are satisfactory for making an infusion, though the taste is bitter, as might be expected. Mint also has a mild relaxing effect. This function of herbal remedies is closely connected with help for: BAD CIRCULATION : As mentioned in the introduction, this can manifest anywhere, from migraine to chilblains. Yarrow is a notable circulatory tonic, simultaneously boosting the health and elasticity of the blood vessels, and relaxing any spasmodic tension in them. Elderflowers produce a strong, subjective warming effect, as they open up particularly the blood vessels in the skin; this makes the use of elderflowers very suitable for sweating out an incipient cold. Cayenne and ginger are also 'warming' in their effect. Because sweating can be an important means of eliminating toxins from the body, these herbs make good : CLEANSERS : Two of the best cleansers are nettles and dandelion. Burdock and yellow dock are also prominent in herbal cleansing regimes, but these would be unlikely to be drunk as regular tea drinks. Cleansers are important in any condition in which there is an accumulation of toxic wastes in the body, but they are perhaps most significant as internal treatments for the skin, and for the numerous arthritic or rheumatic afflictions. While both of these problems may be the result initially of stress, or faulty diet, it is undoubtedly true that the situation will be improved if the irritant substances that these produce can be quickly and efficiently 'flushed out' of our tissues. (Assuming that steps will also be taken to set right, as far as possible, the predisposing cause.) The effect of dandelion leaves has already been discussed; besides being infused as a tea, either fresh or dried, the leaves when young and tender can be added to salads. Dandelion is non-toxic in virtually any conceivably edible quantity and, for anyone with either of the two groups of problems mentioned, it is really a case of the more the better. Dandelion root acts beneficially on the liver, very useful since this organ is responsible for breaking down and disposing of the many man-made compounds which we everyday take, willynilly, into our bodies. 7

Nettles stimulate the excretion particularly of uric acid, and are therefore especially good for gouty and arthritic conditions. Nettles also go some way to correcting over-acidity in the affected areas. Elderflowers and yarrow are both generally anti-inflammatory and meadowsweet is antiseptic in acid environments, for instance inflamed joints. (More of this herb in the section of Digestion.) The active component of many herbs is in their volatile oils, so storage should be in airtight containers, in the dark to prevent spoiling, and infusion should be done in a covered container. (Infusion just means brewing the dried herb in boiling water, exactly as one does with regular tea.) Interesting and pleasant tastes can be achieved by mixing different herbs, one of the several advantages of buying them loose rather than made up into teabags. It is possible of course to dry herbs grown in one's own garden, but this is not easy to do without impairing their value. On the whole, if a source of professionally dried herbs is easily available, it seems better to buy those and reserve one's home-grown herbs for use fresh, during the summer months. by Andrea Granville





When the Vegan Council decided we should have another vegan cookery book I was asked to undertake its production. Thinking to introduce some more unusual dishes I studied a few special books written for aspiring 'Five Star professional caterers. My plan was to adapt some of the more sophisticated dishes by introducing vegan alternatives to the animal ingredients suggested, such as meat, fish, butter, milk and eggs. But, in the first few chapters about de-luxe catering, I had only learned how to dismember carcases, prepare decapitated heads, ensure that calves brains were really fresh, and that tripe ( cow's stomach ) should be thoroughly washed,and much more along the same lines, in such detail that by this time my own stomach was feeling far from fresh, so I went back to my kitchen drawer. Here I keep all my favourite recipes as well as the new ones I intend to try some time. I was surprised to find how many had accumulated since "What's Cooking?" was published - nine years ago, how time flies when you are enjoying yourself. From the best of these, and one or two contributed by friends and relatives, tested, revised and re-tested, I have compiled this book, in the hope it will provide a useful guide to kind cooks. My aim, as always, has been to call attention to the enjoyment, as well as the nourishment, to be obtained from completely animal-free dishes. 1

Happy Cooking with "WHAT ELSE IS COOKING? Further Adventures in Cooking with Compassion. " which will be ready in the autumn. q Eva Batt


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THE HUNT SABOTEURS ASSOCIATION (H. S. A.) was formed in the early 1960s by a small group of people who were disillusioned by the reluctance of Parliament to legislate against hunting with hounds. The founders of the H. S. A. realised that the subject of bloodsports was a political hot potato and, despite the fact that a substantial majority of the public opposed hunting, it would not be outlawed for many years to come. Regrettably they proved to be correct and, twenty years on, foxes, hares, mink and deer are still being killed in the name of sport.

Fortunately, during this period the H. S.A. has grown to become a formidable opponent of the hunt.

The principle aim of the H. S. A. is simply to save the lives of as many hunted animals as possible until the time that Parliament finally sees fit to outlaw 'killing for fun'. Our activities are aimed against all forms of bloodsports although most of our efforts are concentrated against fox and hare hunting. The Association has numerous local groups throughout the country which operate more or less autonomously, with an annually elected national committee of volunteers who look after administrative and group liaison duties, as well as areas such as the updating of tactics. Our tactics primarily involve covering the scent of the hunted animal with a strong smelling, but safe chemical mixture, which disrupts the ability of the hounds to find and catch their quarry. The most commonly used material is antimate-type spray which is available from pet shops for treating bitches in season. It contains natural products such as lemon and eucalyptus oils and is harmless but very smelly. Another commonly used substance is crushed garlic in water. Hunt Saboteurs' other main 'weapon' is the hunting horn. Good horn blowing by a saboteur can distract hounds sufficiently for the quarry to escape. It is not uncommon for a saboteur to gain control of some, or all, of a pack of hounds from a huntsman during the course of a hunt. It is perhaps worth pointing out at this stage that our members are bound by a strict constitution which forbids any actions which could injure any of the animals involved in the hunt. Needless to say, most saboteurs are vegetarian or vegan, and treat the horses and hounds used in hunting with the same respect which they show for the quarry species. On the face of it, our tactics are fairly straightforward but, in practice, 'hunt sabbing' can be a difficult task. Just maintaining close contact to a hunt may be difficult due to the rough terrain, shortage of public rights of way, and so on. Another problem can be the presence of 'hunt heavies' who often seem to enjoy chasing saboteurs more than chasing foxes' 9

Even with the difficulties which we encounter, 'sabbing' a hunt can, on occasions be a rewarding exercise. Although bloodsports do not cause the same number of deaths that are caused in, say, factory farming or vivisection, opposition to hunting does provide one area where the animal rights campaigner can do something positive to save the lives of animals in distress. Furthermore, tens of thousands of animals are killed in the name of sport every year. Even people opposed to bloodsports often fail to appreciate the full degree of the cruelty involved in hunting. Take fox hunting for instance. Whilst the hunt promotes an image to a gullible public of noble men and women on horseback ridding the countryside of a vicious and cruel vermin, the truth is somewhat different. Fox hunting is a deliberately inefficient method of control since, without large numbers of foxes, the hunt could not thrive. The hunt claim that foxes kill numerous chickens and lambs, whereas the truth is that their staple diet consists largely of voles, rats, berries and so on. The sporting aspect of hunting is a myth. The quarry is hunted to the point of exhaustion, until it is finally beaten by the superior stamina of the hounds. If a fox tries to hide in an earth it will often find the entrances blocked with sticks and debris in order to keep it running. If a fox does find a hiding place it is nearly always either bolted using terriers, and hunted again, or killed by the hunt's terrier-men. These vile people will dig the fox from its hiding place and kill it, often mutilating the body for trophies afterwards. If you would like to help combat this sickening activity, then please join the H. S. A. , annual membership is only ÂŁ2. 00. Write to: H. S. A. , P. O. Box 19, London, SE22 9LR. Don't worry if you are unable to be 'active in the field', we welcome non-active members as well, whose financial and moral support is always appreciated. Philip Shore

VEGAN CAMP DATES- August 6th -13th. VENUE The exact site has not yet been selected but full details will be available in a few weeks tim aniser. Please note his n Tyne &Wear, NE26 3ND T ts with or without families. 10

End to End Walk.

We set off from Duncasby Head (John o Groats being the tourist spot two miles inland) on May 3rd, our departure having been witnessed by the lighthouse keeper. Our 35lbs. packs weighed us down as we waded through the peat bogs in the rain. Wet and tired that night, we accepted the hospitality of a local sheep farmer, resulting in the first of many lively exchanges of views. The Highlanders are mainly sheep farmers but, to their credit, they are often fervently opposed to factory farming methods and to vivisection. Unfortunately they fail to see the inconsistency of their own behaviour, in helping a newborn lamb into the world, only to betray it to the slaughterman a year later. Between May and September, we shall be walking some 1, 270 miles from John o' Groats to Land's End. Averaging just 10 miles a day leaves us plenty of time to meet and talk to people, and to distribute our special leaflet about the walk and the charities; also the Vegan Society's leaflet on the "Campaign for a Real Countryside". To attract attention as we walk through towns we have a banner, attached to two tent poles, one sticking out of each rucksack, reading "JOHN O' GROATS TO LAND'S END f WE WALK FOR THE ANIMALS. " We obtained good coverage from our local press and radio in Reading before we left, and have already had articles in two Highland newspapers - thanks to the efforts of our Inverness contact, Margaret Lawson, and our press officers, Colin and Lis Howlett. A lot more people are going to hear about the alternatives to animal exploitation before we reach Land's End: One of the most enjoyable aspects of the walk will be meeting up with the local groups and individuals along our route - more than 40 of them - who will be providing hospitality, walking with us, helping distribute leaflets and contacting the media. We are aware that it is not enough simply to point out the cruelty of animal exploitation: we must offer valid alternatives which benefit mankind as well as animals. The charities we are publicising and raising funds for do just that. The Vegan Society offers a healthy, compassionate diet which makes more efficient use of the world's resources. The Dr. Hadwen Trust develops humane research methods so that science and medicine can progress without animal suffering. Vegfam feeds the hungry on direct plant foods, avoiding wasteful processing through exploited animals. We would like to thank everyone who has helped with the organisation of this walk. Particular thanks must go to Lis and Colin Howlett' of the Reading group for their inspiration as well as their practical help; to Sheila Hornsey for beautifully illustrating our leaflet; to Laurence Main, Kathleen Jannaway, Gill Langley and Frieden Howard of the charities for their advice and co-operation; and to all our local contacts along the route, without whose help the walk would not have been possible. And, lastly, thank you to all of you who are getting those sponsor forms filled up, =3r have already sent in donations. These will be passed on, in full, to the charities to further their important work. Steve and Liz Shiner !


A U T U M N W E E K E N D OCTOBER 2lst - 23rd. 1983: at the new FRIENDS MEETING HOUSE, PARADISE STREET, LIVERPOOL The Fourth Annual General Meeting of the Vegan Society Ltd. will be held in Liverpool on Saturday, October 22, at 1.30 p.m. and, around it, Jean Maguire and the Liverpool Vegan House group are arranging a programme that it is hoped will attract many vegans from all over Britain. Fri. Oct. 21st: Help Yourself Supper at 6 p. m. at the Meeting House. 7 p. m. Public Meeting: When Jack Sanderson, President of the Vegan Society, will speak, and the Society's new film "Time for Change" will be shown. Sat. Oct. 22nd. 9.45 a. m. Members of the Liverpool Group will lead a Treasure Trail to places of interest in the City. 12.30 noon: Help yourself lunch at the Meeting House. 1.30 p. m. Annual General Meeting (see opposite page) 4. 30 p. m. Trolley tea followed by address : MARGARET LAWSON of T H E F E L L O W S H I P OF LIFE 6. 30 p. m. Help Yourself Supper and Social Time 7.30 p. m. News from the Groups 9.00 - 10 p. m. Trolley Tea. Entertainment On SUNDAY morning there will be visits to the famous Liverpool Cathedrals or an opportunity to share Meeting for Worship with Friends before collecting packed lunches from the Meeting House. There are facilities at the Meeting House for the disabled and a room for children's activities. ACCOMMODATION Y. M. C. A., 56 Mount Pleasant: 15 mins. walk from the Meeting House. Accommodation for Women and Men. £6.00 per person, bed & breakfast, Single Room. £5.50 double rooms. ALSO FLOOR ACCOMMODATION (bring your own sleeping bags) £3.00 per person per night with breakfast. Childre Write to Liverpool 22 8Q-P soon if you ts by September 14t. HOLIDAY INN: Paradise Street, Liverpool, 1. 8JP Tel. (051) 709 0181 opposite the Meeting House. £15.00 per person per night b. & b. in double rooms. £25. 00 per person, single rooms. Children can share rooms free but breakfast charge will be £2. 50. Full programme and details from Jean Maguire - address above: s.a. e. please. 12



Over a hundred people gathered to hear Dr. T. A. B. Sanders give a cleajr-fobjective and, on the whole, very encouraging lecture on "Veganism Scientific Aspects. " His detailed examination of much epidemiological evidence and of the results of clinical investigations of humans supported the conclusion that properly constituted vegan diets do not 'pose a hazard to health' and can be advantageous in certain respects. The text of his lecture is available from the Vegan Society's Welsh office: 9 Mawddwy Cottages, Minllyn, Dinas Mawddwy, MACHYNLLETH, SY20 9LW price 60p incl p&p

The refreshments provided by Kath Manners and several other members were

much appreciated. RICHMOND COURSE: ' The next Vegan Diet Course is now being planned for Saturday, October 15th. Details from 47 Highlands Road, Leatherhead, Surrey. LONDON MEETINGS: The meetings organised by Alpay Torgut and Jim Hudspith have been much appreciated. In future they will be held at the Countrywide Holiday Association's premises, Fred Tallant Hall, 153 Drummond Street, NW1 - 2nd turning off Melton Street which is immediately on the left when facing Euston Station - on Mondays, July 18th, August 8th, September 19th, October 17th and November 14th: 6. 30 - 9. 30 p. m. It is hoped to be able to show Vegan Society and other films as well as to have informal discussions. NATURE CURE CLINIC: 15 Oldbury Place, W.l. behind Marylebone Church. July 2lst, Thursday, 6. 30 p. m. Demonstration of preparing vegan gluten-free food by Miss L. Latham. Tickets El. 50, including meal, from the Nature Cure Clinic. ANIMAL AID A.G. M. September 17th, Saturday, at Royal Western Hotel, near Paddington Station, London, W. I. Details and information about demonstrations from Animal Aid, 111 High Street, Tonbridge, Kent. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING - VEGAN SOCIETY LTD. THE VEGAN SOCIETY LTD. (1468880) hereby gives notice that its 4th Annual General Meeting of members will be held at Friends Meeting House, Paradise Street, Liverpool, Saturday, October 22nd at 1.30 p.m. sharp for the following purposes: 1. To receive the Report of the Council and the Accounts for the period July 1st, 1982 to June 30th, 1983. 2. To elect the Council, President, Deputy President and Vice Presidents. 3. To consider any Resolutions, which must have been received before August Ist, 1983. 4. To appoint Bryden Johnson & Co. as Auditors and to authorise the Council to fix their remuneration. 13

I M P O R T A NT N O T I C E S LEGAL and FINANCIAL LIABILITY: It must be clearly understood that The Vegan Society Ltd. cannot be in any way, legally or financially, responsible for any statement written or oral, or for any activity, for which the Vegan Council has not given prior, specific approval in writing. TREASURER - Grace Smith, who has given most efficient and voluntary service for twenty years as Treasurer of the Vegan Society, now seeks a dedicated member willing to take over from her responsibility, in co-operation with the Council, for the Society's financial affairs. This involves mainly handling investments and covenants, and dealing with employees' salaries not accounting and banking which is now dealt with by paid staff. Remuneration would be available. NEW COOKERY BOOK: Many members must have been wondering what Eva Batt has been up to since her accident last year. Now we know - for her new cookery book is to be published in the autumn. Every owner of "What's Cooking?" - and there are thousands of them - will wish to have the exciting new recipes, current information, hints and advice which the book contains in abundance. For further details of "WHAT ELSE IS COOKING? - Further adventures with vegan foods:" and how to order in good time for Christmas gifts see "The Vegan", Autumn 1983. CALLING ELDERLY VEGANS - Serena Coles. Would all members who have applied to be put on the waiting list for a Vegan Home kindly let me know as soon as possible whether they still wish to be considered as the Committee are checking the present numbers. We are now trying to negotiate for a purpose built home that supplies one communal meal a day. Mrs . S. Coles, 3 Riddlesdown Av. PURLEY, Sy. SOCIALS in Lewisham have been postponed until October. For CENTRAL LONDON MEETINGS see page 13 ACTIVE VEGANS (non-smokers) wanted to join vegan household of 3 people and 3 cats on edge of Blackheath, South London. Large house and garden. M u s t be prepared to put work in. Rent ÂŁ15 per week plus cost of food. For more information please ring 01 852 2518 WANTED VEGAN VOLUNTEERS Volunteers wanted to participate in a study of factors regulating blood pressure. This would involve a single visit to Queen Elizabeth College, London, W8 for measurement of blood pressure and to provide a urine sample and a small blood sample. For details please write Dr. T. A. B. Sanders, Dept. Nutrition, Queen Elizabeth College, Campden Hill Road, London W8 7 AH 14

BOOKS Thorsons, of Wellingborough, Northants., are rapidly establishing themselves as the leading commercial publishers of literature to help people adopt the vegan way of life. They have recently become the U. K. distributors of the Farm, Tennessee, books. ' The Vegan Society has long sold "THE FARM VEGETARIAN COOKBOOK" edited by Louise Hagler and now available from us for £4. 50 inc. postage. This book gives excellent instructions on making tofu, the highly nutritious and versatile soya-bean curd. Louise Hagler has now followed it up with a marvellously comprehensive book entitled "TOFU COOKERY". Mouth-watering colour illustrations go to make this a bargain at £4.95. As with the following titles, buy it from wholefood and book shops or direct from Thorsons, not from the Vegan Society, Ltd.

Less lavishly illustrated, but still containing the essential information and recipes is Thorsons own publication: "THE MAGIC OF TOFU" by Jane O'Brien at £1. 50. Also in Thorsons "The Best of Vegetarian Cooking" series is "SALADS" by Desda Crockett, at £1.50. Nearly all of Desda's crisp, colourful and nutritious ideas are vegan, while Imperial, metric and American measures are given for each dish. If you've ever wondered what the difference is between currants, raisins and sultanas, the answer is in "DRIED FRUIT NATURAL GOODNESS ALL THE YEAR ROUND" by Robert Dark. This is a recent addition to Thorsons' "Nature's Way" series and is a 128 page paperback, including a chapter with such recipes as 'Laxative Mixture';Price £1.25. Also received: "WHOSE LAND IS IT ANYWAY?" by Richard Norton-Taylor, published by Turnstone Press Ltd., at £6. 95 (352 page paperback). This is a controversial study of the health of the British Countryside and an assessment of present policy towards agriculture, nutrition and land use. This book exposes the nonsense of increased milk production when milk consumption is falling. The cost of getting rid of the Common Market's milk surplus (e. g. by dumping products on Third World markets) takes up 40% of the E. E. C. 's agricultural support budget. Every cow in the Common Market costs almost £100 a head in subsidies. Laurence Main. 1


"LUISE DAVIS, UNSUNG HEROINE" by Leonard Davis, (author and publisher at 8-2 Brightfield Road, London SE12 8QF) £3. 00 plus 26p p&p To their neighbours, the Davis's would seem to be an ordinary couple leading an average life. But they both recognised how fortunate they were to have and enjoy a remarkably happy marriage that lasted nearly forty years. Although they lived for each other, they made valuable contributions to the communities in which they lived. Leonard was formerly principal viola in the BBCVariety Orchestra and later a free lance musician and conductor. Luise had an amazing number of interests and was a great reader of a wide range of subjects. She was a genuine server and gave five valuable years between 1966 and 1971 as Secretary of the Vegan Society. This book is a wonderful opportunity to discover how Interesting, varied and worthwhile an unsung heroine's life can be. Jack Sanderson. 15


MILLET and TOMATO CROQUETTES 1 large onion 8 oz. millet 1 pint boiling water 1 dsp. Marmite 1 cup fresh wholemeal breadcrumbs 4 tomatoes or porage oats Oil A Parsley, dried herbs ~ Saute onion in oil, then add millet, chopped tomatoes and water. Cook over a gentle heat with the lid on for about 15 mins., then add Marmite, chopped parsley and other herbs. Shape into patties and dip in breadcrumbs or oats and fry for a few minutes on each side. _ . „„ . Paule Mam (adapted from a recipe at the National Centre for Alternative Technology's Vegetarian Wholefood Cookery Course.) SOYA CHEESE SPREAD: 2 tbsp. soya oil 4 pint soya milk 2 - 3 oz. soya flour Barmene or similar yeast extract Flavouring (e.g. garlic, roast to taste. sesame seeds, herbs) Put milk and oil in a saucepan and heat until the mixture is starting to steam, stirring continuously. Add flour and mix to desired consistency. Stir in Barmene and flavouring. p^ J

A p p l e b y

FRENCH BEAN STEW lib French or runner beans

3 medium potatoes quartered

1 large onion, chopped

2 tsp parsley , chopped

4tbs olive oil 1 tsp Barbados sugar 14 oz can of tomatoes sea. salt and pepper to taste Top and tail beans. Place chopped onions in saucepan with oil and cook until soft but not coloured. Add tomatoes and bring to boil. After ten minutes add beans, potatoes, parsley, salt, pepper and sugar. Cover and simmer on low heat until vegetables are cooked and nearly all the liquid has evaporated- about half an hour. Rosalie Gentles. VEGAN CHOCOLATE 5 oz fine brown sugar - grind 3 oz Tomor margarine demerara in coffee grinder, if 1 oz cocoa no soft sugar available. Melt the margarine in a pan. Stir in sugar and cocoa and beat until smooth. Line a dish or plate with grease proof paper, pour on chocolate and spread out evenly. Leave to set and cut into squares. Carob powder could be used instead of sugar. Nong Taylor (11 yrs) 16

GUACAMPLE (Avocado Dip) 4 Servings: 2 medium, ripe Avocado Pears 5 tsp. Chilli powder 2 tbsp. Tofu \ tsp. Ground Coriander I garlic clove - crushed 1 dsp. Lemon Juice 1 small chopped raw onion Scoop the flesh from the avocados into a large bowl and mash well. Add Tofu and beat until smooth. Add remaining ingredients and mix well. Serve as a starter on a bed of lettuce and cucumber with wholemeal toast or bread; as a party dip with raw carrot and celery sticks to 'dip' with; on hot jacket potatoes for a light supper or lunch - or use as a sandwich spread with chopped walnuts added. _ ..,„„. Jeni McCallion VEGAN CASSEROLE: 4 - 5 Servings: 8 oz. chopped carrots 2 level tsp. celery salt 4 oz. chopped onions | level tsp. garlic salt 8 oz. diced scrubbed potatoes I rnded. dsp. Barmene or Tastex 4 oz. chopped parsnips or white turnip 24 fl. oz. vegetable broth (if in season) 1 tbsp. vegetable oil 8 oz. shredded cabbage Knob Tomor 4 tsp. dried parsley Pinch mixed herbs - optional 4 oz. millet grain Place all the vegetables in a heavy, large casserole. Add millet. Heat vegetable broth with parsley, herbs, Barmene (or Tastex) 'salts' (optional) and pepper until boiling. Pour over vegetables in casserole. Dribble over oil and put knob of Tomor on top of all. Place lid on casserole. Heat in oven at Regulo (Gas ) '7': (218°C, 425°F) for 45 mins. Paul Dobbins FALAFELS : 2 cups chick peas, cooked soft 4 tbsp. 81% flour or fine wholewheat 1 cup onions, very finely chopped cumin to taste (about I tsp.) | cup finely chopped parsley Oil for shallow or deep frying Cook the two cups chick peas in plenty of water until really soft, or pressure cook. Save the water. Either mash chick peas very well or liquidise with a very little cooking liquid so that they form a stiff paste. Add the other ingredients. Mixture should hold together but not be sloppy or sticky. Form into small balls or cakes and deep fry or shallow fry on each side until lightly browned. Serve with sesame or yoghurt sauce, bread and salad. Sesame Sauce: 1 cup of chick peas cooked soft 2 cup tahini (sesame cream) 2 cloves garlic 1 - I2 cups cooking liquid from chick salt peas Blend all the ingredients together using enough cooking liquid to make a smooth sauce, and adding salt to taste. (* in a liquidiser) Rosalie Gentles 17

MASSMm ! The entire civilized world seems to be shocked, angered and outraged by the current massacres in Lebanon, El Salvador, Guatemala, India and elsewhere; as well as the rise in violent crimes to individuals. Just what is a massacre? Well, my latest edition of the DOUBLEDAY DICTIONARY defines a massacre as 'the indiscriminate ruthless killing of human beings or animals; slaughter.' That's an exact quotation; I_ did not insert the word 'animals.' Let's take a closer look at the subject of massacres. Why should they shock us? Don't they occur in slaughterhouses around the world, every day ? True these slaughterhouses are not in public view; they are usually located on the outskirts of a city to hide the screaming and the stench. And yet it seems acceptable behaviour to slaughter innocent and defenceless animals - fellow creatures - fellow inhabitants - fellow invitees of nature (or God). Don't people read their Bibles or Holy Books ? Doesn't the Commandment say 'Thou Shalt Not Kill.' ? Notice the period (.) after the word 'kill.' That means we shouldn't kill anything. We have no moral right to destroy anything that we did not create. All living things have the right to live. Live and let live; or better yet, live and help live. My personal philosophy is that all life is one; all living things are endowed with the same life principle, except that it manifests itself in different forms. I am 72 and, for the past 34 years, have not killed anything. I haven't eaten the flesh from dead cows, chicken or fish; nothing that will run from me, or scream or show suffering. My food supply comes from the great variety of fruits, vegetables and nuts that are available. I refuse to kill for food, sport, excitement or clothing. My lifestyle is no different from that of the gorilla, the deer, :the horse, the elephant or the thousands of other herbivorous and frugivorous animals with whom we share existence on this globe. I do not attend bullfights, prizefights, cockfights; I do not watch movies or T. V. programmes containing violence. If we want PEACE in this world, then let us be peaceful ourselves. Be like Mahatma Gandhi - a great man with a great truth. We should respect all forms of life. When we lose respect for the lives and well-being of the other animals, then it is but a short step to the killing, and maiming of fellow human beings. Why don't we teach these basic principles of morality in our schools and churches ? Why don't we take our children to visit slaughterhouses, instead of to the parks? And do you know when the next massacre is coming? Perhaps when someone pushes certain buttons that are hooked up electronically to the thousands of poised nuclear bombs; that will be the great and final massacre. Wake up everybody! Let's stop all killings. by David Stry 18


On October 16th 1981 the Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations inaugurated World Food Day to be celebrated round the world every year on the same day in the hope of arousing world opinion to the level that is essential if anything adequate is to be done about the appalling levels of malnutrition rife throughout the world. Reporting on the 1982 efforts FAO writes "By virtue of the energy and imagination of its national organisers, thesecond annual World Food Day resound ed in more than 140 countries. The Vegan Society was asked to send a representative to the U. K. Committee, and members responded very well to an appeal in the Summer "Vegan". Now in 1983 the need is greater than ever • Vegans have a special contribution to make, practically%because their way of life is the most truly economical in terms of land and other scarce resources, and fundamentally, because it is based on Compassion, the only power that can control and turn to the service of Life the awesome intellectual and technological powers that now threaten to destroy the world. Members are asked to co-operate fully ( and tactfully ! ) with other groups in their area who are organising activities for October 16 and to initiate ventures themselves. In several areas members have succeeded in mounting displays in their local libraries. We are working to supply materials for . such displays. Please send a SAE in a couple of months time to K. Jannaway, 47 Highlands Rd, Leatherhead Surrey. Please meanwhile work to make yourselves well informed. The UK Group for World Food Day c/o 128 Buckingham Palace R. d, London SW1W 9SH has material (stamps please) and also Oxfem and War on Want. Addresses 274 Banbury Road, Oxford, and 467 Caledonian Road, London N7 S A N D A LS AT L A S T I For years I have searched in vain in shops and at festivals and exhibitions for men's vegan sandals. Tim Wiicocks, a regular exhibitor, offered to help and recently sent me a pair to try out. I have been very pleased with them. They are shaped to the foot,in various widths and smart in appearance. For details see "Capri" advert on page 25. V E G A N T-S H I R T S in superior white cotton with our sunflower emblem, small sizes only, 24 - 34. £3. 50 including postage and packing. Also same design ENVELOPE SAVERS- reuse labels, £1.20 per 100 incl.p&p from L. Main, 9 Mawddwy Cottages, Minllyn, Dinas Mawddwy, MACHYNLLETH, SY20 9LW 19


VEGANS AND VIVISECTION Nearly all vegans are opposed to all vivisection./? All members of the Council would have all experiments on animals stopped immediately and we support Societies working for that end. However our particular task in the Vegan Society is to bring to an end the suffering and slaughter of the millions of animals - very many times the number of those who suffer in vivisection laboratories - that are exploited for food. This is the primary abuse without which the use of animals in experiments would never have seemed justifiable. Unfortunately the vast majority of people throughout the world are convinced that-animal products are necessary for human health. We have to convince them that this is not true, by every means in our power. Happily we live at a time of growing concern for animals. We have both animal activists and the many who have worked quietly but persistently through many years to spread information to thank for this. More and more people are asking themselves whether they should free their lives from dependence on animal exploitation. Most of them, understandably because humans like other animals are motivated by self-preservation, require assurance that their health will not suffer if they re-order their lives according to compassion. In our culture this assurance comes most convincingly from scientists . But the science of nutrition has in the past depended on experiments - some of them causing prolonged suffering. How far should we use knowledge so gained ? Nothing can help the animals already dead. It can be some comfort to those humans that suffer with them in imagination that the knowledge gained can be used to further the only way of life that can bring to an end the exploitation - the vegan way. At least then they would not have died in vain. Happily the trend in nutrition is to depend on epidemiological research and on experiments on human volunteers when available. Vegans should surely wish to co-operate with this whenever they can evoi. though it means working with scientists who still also use methods that they abhor. The message must be Stop using animals - use us instead. The criterion in all our decisions must be how we can best bring all exploitation to an end. K. Jannaway "What is the first lesson of wisdom ? Bumility Let us not say in our imbecile vanity that man is king of the world and that the sun, the stars, the firmament, the air and the seas were made for him; that plants grow to feed him or that animals exist so that he can devour them. With this kind of reasoning why should not everyone think that the rest of the human race was created to serve him. Rousseau "Lettres Morales" (A vegetarian) 20




L. Main The following are forming local groups. More such Local Vegan Contacts are urgently needed - details from L. Main, 9 Mawddwy Cottages , Minllyn, Dinas Mawddwy, MACHYNLLETH SY20 9LW. Please support them.


BUTTER the natural choice ?

Have you had your booklet from the Butter Information Council yet ? It is being distributed to millions of households. It is cleverly designed to counteract the growing realisation that the consumption of animal fats, far from being beneficial, can constitute a real hazard to human health. A letter in "The lancet" of April 9th claims "There is a distortion of the facts on every page. " Butter is described by the Butter Information Council as a "natural choice" but cow milk itself is natural only for calves and other animal milks are only natural for the species and only then up to weaning time. Butter being the unnatural concentration of the fets of cow milk is, to quote the Lancet article again "the most hypercholesterolaemic of all iats " (i. e. the most likely to raise the level of cholesterol in the blood and arteries.) "It increases susceptibilty to thrombosis, and alters the composition of important cells and tissues . . . in a manner likely to be unfavourable. Butter has no special nutritional value in the UK diet and the "empty calories" contribute to obesity. Butter supplies Vitamin A and a little D but these are readily obtainable from safer sources. " There are of course other factors that contribute to the development of coronary heart disease and the related strokes that now account for half of the deaths in Western cultural areas, especially among men of working age. However the general consensus of informed opinion supports the view that, excess fat intake especially those high in saturated fats such as butter should be avoided. The current advice from the World Health Organisation, the American Heart Association and many other authorities all recommend a higher proportion of unsaturated fats. Certainly some margarines also carry risks but those high in polyunsaturated fats and vegetable oils such as sunflower and safflower can counteract the bad effects of dietary cholesterol. They must of course not be taken to excess. One page in the booklet needs special comment. It refers to the well known United States Research known as MR FIT ( Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial).which involved 12,000 men in an effort to reveal causes of CHD. It says "After seven years there was no significant difference in mortality from heart disease between the two groups". I consulted an expert and was told "The leaflet conveniently forgets to tell you that BOTH groups achieved lower cholest erol, lower blood pressure, and less smoking together with a reduced death rate. The control group got to hear of the advice being given, followed it and achieved a similar benefit. " Kathleen Jannaway an informal magazine by vegans for vegans ( and sympathisers). Issue 29 is now available and contains pieces on 1 - G l l V l C R p F T LA"NE-EDE1MFIELD y Bates, vegan artist and writer, a vegan Rock Band, Natural Family R A M S B O T T O M - B U K Y - - L A N C S ; Planning, poems and many letters. Subscriptions ÂŁ2.00 for 4 issues 50p a single copy. Stamps welcome.


A n t h o n


BOOKS FOR S A L E : JUST PUBLISHED VEGANISM - SCIENTIFIC ASPECTS, by T. A. B. Sanders. Text of the 5th Dr. Frey Ellis Memorial Lecture - see page 13 60p FOR A FUTURE, MORE SANE, MORE HUMANE - four essays, a letter,a song and a prayer by Reul Lahmer whose writings in "The Vegan" will be known to readers. 65p Also the articles "Power of Kindness" by Frey Ellis, "What Happens to the Kid?" and "What Happens to the Chicken?" are now available as leaflets. SAE please. S T I L L I N G R E A T D E M A N D - The more you can buy, study, sell, give away, supply to local shops and libraries, the more veganism will flourish. "WHAT'S COOKING?" by Eva Batt, now famous cook book and food guide. with over 300 recipes and hints. Valued in thousands of homes. £3.50 SALADINGS by Mabel Cluer. Fresh food from garden & hedgerow. 75p INTRODUCTION TO PRACTICAL VEGANISM by K. Jannaway with Vegan Dairy - revised 50p. PIONEERS - inspiring reminiscences of early vegans (plus menus) 50p. THE VEGAN WAY - Why? and How? by ten very different vegans 60p. with recipes and menus. FOOD FOR A FUTURE by Jon Wynne Tyson: a comprehensive case for vegetarianism and veganism, vividly expressed, with facts, figures, tables. Paperback. Published COx & Wyman Ltd. £1.75p. PLANT FOODS FOR HUMAN HEALTH with special reference to the diseases of affluence and the needs of the developing world. J. W. Dickerson, Professor Human Nutrition, University Surrey 35p. THE ROLE OF PLANT FOODS IN FEEDING MANKIND by Arnold Bender, Professor Nutrition, University of London 45p. VEGAN MOTHERS AND CHILDREN by 10 vegan mothers, plus reports on recent research on vegan pregnancy, lactation and under-fives 70p. VEGAN NUTRITION by Drs. Ellis and Sanders. Scientific assessments of the diet plus easy to follow tables 90p. VEGETARIAN HANDBOOK by Rodger Doyle. Guide to vegetarian and vegan nutrition. £3. 90 ALL PRICES INCLUDE POSTAGE & PACKING. Please order from L. Main, 9 Mawddwy Cottages, Minllyn, Dinas Mawddwy, MACHYNLLETH, SY20 9LW NOTfrom Leatherhead. Cheques to Vegan Society Ltd. 23

Shopping with Linda

(Items in capitals are vegan) FOOD NEWS Healtheries: SOYVITA spray-dried soymilk. Modern Health Products: VECON now has B12 unfortunately not nearly as much as BARMENE and TASTEX yeast extracts - 13. 34 meg. per 100 grams as compared with the yeast extracts 50 meg. per 100 grams, but still a useful amount. It is made from a variety of hydrolised vegetables and is a very useful flavouring for all savoury dishes. It also makes a pleasant hot drink or sandwich spread. The glycerine in it is now of vegetable origin. Terry's BITTER CHOCOLATE is vegan - but not to be confused with Terry's Plain Chocolate which contains butterfat. Ormo: TRADITIONAL IRISH OATCAKES Ethos: LEMON BISCUITS P la mil Foods Ltd. CHOCOLATE BAR - should now be in your Health Store Please ask for it. Whitworths: MARZIPAN Char Bonnel Et Walker: CHOCOLATE TABLETS, NUT and PLAIN CROQUETTES, MINT and MOCHA BATONS, CHOCOLATE MAULEES. This Company will supply chocolates boxed to your own choice. One the Royal Arcade, 28 Old Bond Street, London, W1X 4BT. Mitchelhill"s WHEATMEAL DIGESTIVE BISCUITS are vegan, though they are listed under "vegetarian" in the new Vegetarian Society's Handbook. _

TOILETRIES AND HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS Janco: ALL PURPOSE LIQUID CLEANSER diluted it can be used for washing up. Its uses are only limited by your own imagination. Really good value, as the large container seems to last for ages. Obtainable by post from Janco Sales, 11, Seymour Road, Hampton Hill, Middlesex. Warechart: Two products now available: "BAR KEEPERS FRIEND!', rust remover, cleanser, polish: and "SHINY SINKS", a soft liquid cleanser for lime deposits, rust stains, cooker cleaning, etc. Details from Warechart Ltd. 8/10 Ingate Place, London, S.W. 8. Animus: PACIFIC ISLE SOAP - made from pure coconut oil. Recommended retail price 35p. Contact 2 Onslow Gardens, South Woodford, London E18 INE. Caurnie: have added to their range of soaps and shampoos - BODY LOTION, TOOTHPASTE, BIODEGRADEABLE WASHING UP LIQUID and DES DISINFECTANT. Orders by post to Sea Shepherd Fund, 12 Royal Terrace, Glasgow, G3.

Faith Products: This company advises us that they have now changed the formula of ROSEMARY RAINBOW CONDITIONER. The lanolin has been removed and it is now vegan along with their soaps and shampoos. Briton Chadwick: BRUSHES 4", 5", 6", 7" models. Smaller sizes have been discontinued. Good for emulsion and stone paint work. Also SYNTHETIC ROLLERS. (N. B. Gum on stamps and P. O. stationery does not come from animal sources.) FOOTWEAR Nike: ORIENTEER for rough terrain. Available in \ sizes from 6 - 12 at £.18.99 from Ellis Brigham shops in Bristol, Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, Capel Curig and Penzance. Adidas: Nylon Trainers. ARIZONA and FLORIDA. Canvas Nizza Basketball and match tennis. MISTI - nylon shoes for ladies. MISTRAL - football boots. DRAGON Rugby boots. Rohner VEGAN WALKING SOCKS, 80% cotton loop lined. Extremely absorbent and cushioning. Calf length. Reinforced heel and toe. Navy blue only. Sizes 3-11. Price 1-3 pairs £3.50 perpair. 4 plus pairs, £3.20 per pair. From Westports, 17 Fleet St., Swindon, Wilts. No carriage charge.

"C. B. " WALKING BOOT Strong upper with soft ankle rolls, sewn in tongue, soft insole, and the ecologically approved sole unit. £25.95 plus £1.50 p&p. Sizes 4-12. No half sizes. FELL WALKING BOOT Similar to "CB" but Ughter weight. Ideal for rambling & casual walks. £17.99 plus £1.50 p&p. Sizes 4-11. No half sizes. Also Rohner vegan socks. See above. FROM Westsports, 17 Fleet Street, Swindon. Wilts. Tel. 0793 32588


Footprints 116 2?0452—21968







Please send to the Assistant Secretary, 9 Mawddwy Cottages, Minllyn, Dinas Mawddwy, Machynlleth, SY20 9LW, Wales, by July 21st, 1983, for the next issue. Rate lOp. a word. Advertisers are asked to note that we are unable to deal with box numbers. PLEASE NOTE the following advertisements have been accepted in good faith and the Vegan Society cannot take responsibility in the event of any complaint. Editors reserve the right to refuse advertisements without giving explanations. THE HUNGER PROJECT invites you to join with other members in the developed countries, and millions, involuntarily, in other parts of the globe, to fast on the 14th day of the month, to align yourself with the hungry of the world and to create the context of ending starvation on our planet before the year 2000 AD. Ask about Hunger Project. Tel. 01 373 9003. (77 Cromwell Rd. London, SW7). VEGFAM feeds the hungry via plant-based foodstuffs, leaf protein, seeds, irrigation, etc. The Sanctuary, Lydford, Okehampton, Devon. (Tel. Lydford 203). LIVE ANIMAL EXPERIMENTATION, slaughtering of baby seals, wild animals torn to pieces by hounds, innocent animals suffering in factory-farm systems: "Flesh and Blood" magazine will show how you can help stop these atrocities. To subscribe send £3.40 U.K., £4.50 overseas, to: Caroline Publications, Dept. 'V', P.O. Box 32, Stevenage, Herts. SGI 3SD. AHIMSA - quarterly magazine of the American Vegan Society. Veganism, Natural Living, Reverence for Life. Calendar year subscription $8 or £ 5. Address: 501, Old Harding Highway, Malaga, N.J. 08328, U.S.A. OUR EARTH IS A LIVING BEING and should be treated as such. Read the evidence in THE LEY HUNTER, the leading international magazine of ley-lines and other Earth Mysteries. Send £3.75 subscription to "The Ley Hunter", P.O. Box 13, Welshpool, Powys, Wales. THE NATIONAL CENTRE FOR ALTERNATIVE TECHNOLOGY isn't just an award-winning tourist attraction. We sell books through the post too. Please ask for our mail order booklist (30p. & s.a. e.), details of our courses and a leaflet for tourists to visit us. Write now to N. C. A. T., Lwyngwern Quarry, Machynlleth, Powys, Wales. PRACTICAL ALTERNATIVES lights the way to a conserver economy. S.a. e. for full details: Practical Alternatives, Tirmorgan, Pontyberem, Dyfed, SA15 4HP. PEACE NEWS is part of the movement to remove nuclear arms, and the oppressions which cause violence. 'A ray of joy and hope - Ronnie Lee (animal liberationism. 40p. fortnightly. £12/year. Trial subscription £2. "Peace News", 8 Elm Avenue, Nottingham. 1


ALTERNATIVE ENGLISH COURSES - peace, disarmament, human and animal rights, the Environment. Send s.a. e. for full details to: The Radical English Movement, 14 New Road, Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire, HX7 8AD. THE SPROUTLETTER - a newsletter of useful and unusual information on sprouts, raw foods and nutrition. Send $14 (U. S. dollars) for an airmail subscription to the U. K. or $3 (U. S. dollars) for a sample copy of this bi-monthly journal to: The Sproutletter, P.O. Box 62, Ashland, OR 97520 U.S.A. DEEP PEACE and understanding. Supreme teachings through simple explanations. Write for details of correspondence course or local centres to: Raja Yoga Meditation Centre, 20 Polwarth Crescent, Edinburgh, EH11. 1HN. SHAKLEE vegan organic and biodegradable products. Food supplements, cosmetics and cleaners - non-violen ers (local distributorships available) contact: , Edinburgh. MATURE YOUNG COUPLE needed to join Trustee of Vegfam (vegan famine relief Charity) live in, few hours weekly work maintenance gardening and home helping. Vegan household in Nature Reserve, tel. 082 282 203 or 0662 56294 NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING - modern vivisection-free research methods have recently rendered this one of the most reliable of methods instead of the least reliable. Using the symptothermal method, the woman monitors her fertility daily using several signs. Th couple can then choose whether to abstain or not. Wall chart and introductory information in exchange for four first-class letter stamps. C. C. L. 38 Hampden Road, Hitchin, Herts. VEGETARIAN MATCHMAKERS: Discreet, inexpensive, postal introduction service exclusively for unattached adult vegetarians/vegans, nationwide. (Clients from diverse walks of life; ages from 18 to sunset years). Dreams could become reality for you too, by requesting details today from V. M. M., (Dept. VQ), 34 Bridge Street, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey. BREAD WITHOUT YEAST ? Bread-making with sourdough-starter avoids yeast-allergy, provides lacking lactic acid. Historical medic AF. Send £1 to LIQUID CONCENTRATE is a biodegradable liquid soap derived from coconut oil, which is free from animal products and animal testing.' S.a. e. for details: JANCO SALES, 11 Seymour Rd. Hampton Hill, Middlesex, TW12 1DD. SPIRULINA VEGETABLE PLANKTON - food from sunlight: Highest protein and natural source of vitamin B12, rich in minerals and trace elements. Eat light, eat Life Source Spirulina. 100 x 500 mg. tablets pure Spirulina £3. 95. 4oz. tub pure Spirulina powder £4.95. 50p. p. & p.-orders under £7.00. Orders nformation and book list to:

WESSEX DRAGON BOOKS, P.O. Box 61, Reading, RG4 7LJ : Postal book-sellers covering earth mysteries, parapsychology, occult philosophy, theosophy, mysticism, healing. Stamp please for list. ASTROLOGY - your birth chart, fully interpreted, arti ate of birth to:


NATURAL VEGAN PERFUMES of high quality, made from pure essential oils. Send stamp for details ach of 5 . CHASE SM3 - Liquid Extract of Seaweed. Soil conditioner and Plant Growth Regulator. 4oz. bottle - 94p. to treat 100 sq. yds. 1 litre £5.32; I gall. £11.20. CHASE Q. R. COMPOST ACTIVATOR: Purely herbal and works by stimulation of bacteria already present in all vegetable matter used for compost making. 50p. small pkt. sufficient to treat approx. 2 tons material. £1.50 large pkt. sufficient to treat approx. 10 tons material. CWO available from Chase Organics, Ltd., Gibraltar House, Shepperton, Middlesex. TW17 8AQ. SILVER BIRCH REST HOME, 107 Enys Road, Eastbourne, BN21 2ED, caters for the aged and infirm (geriatrics). We take care of the elderly when they can no longer do so for themselves and they are considering giving up their own home. There are day and night staff and all rooms have bells. For further information please write or 'phone 0323 29666. Matron is a strict vegan over 22 years. We also cater for non-vegans. OR TYPE? need membe visitors welcome. Rest, healing, touring or working, low cost holidays. Peaceful atmosphere, beautiful views. Write particulars. TWO STUDENTS studying soft energy paths, need a flat in London from July somewhere between Stratford and Putney! 'Phone Lucy 01 989 5479. DOWNSTAIRS of house - suitable for dividing into two self-contained units. One unit offered on 125 year lease: furnished, gas fire, telephone, small fruit garden (shared) parking space for cars. 8 miles west of Manchester. £3,500. May suit couple with no children. Someone with basic plumbing/ building skills needed. Tel. 061 790 1397. ain at £16,000 o.n.o. Telephone Other vegans in the village. 28



COOKERY COURSE Nov. 4th - 6th at PRESTON MONTFORD FIELD CENTRE MONTFORD BRIDGE, SHREWSBURY, SY4 1DX £40 with full accommodation Arrive in time for evening meal 6.30 p. m. on Fri. Depart after lunch on Sun. Introductory talk 8 p. m. Fri. Film and discussion 8 p. m. Sat. Sat. 9.5 p.m. demonstrations of meatless dishes and sauces; sweets, using no sugar or dairy cream; pastry and cakes using 100 al ood values. Apply NP5 1SZ. £12,500 o. n. o. for stone/slate cottage with 2 bedrooms, garden, in Welsh village with other vegans already settled nearby. 'Tydecho', 7, Mawddwy Cottages, S.a.e. for full details to , Gwynedd. Tel. 0341-

EITHER/OR American female, 30s, welcomes last minute travel companion/ vegan contacts (non-smoking) UK (West Country?)/C rite or telephone:

NEW AGE SPIRITUALIST CENTRE: This New Age Group meets at the Youth Hall, Bishops Waltham, Nr. Southampton, Hants, every first and third Sunday at 2. 30 p. m. They offer spiritual healing after the meeting (6 p. m. - 7. 30 p. m.) on every FIRST Sunday of each month. The July programme is as follows: July 3rd: Healing Through Handwriting by Rita Wallis, a graphologist from Cobham. July 17th: a sharing meeting. July 24th: A visit to Avebury. eptember meetings ring SOUNDS RELAXING: How restful to listen to the singing of the birds, the rustling of the wind in the trees and the trickling of a gentle waterfall - a panorama of peaceful sounds plus the enchanting and relaxing music of David Sun .. "A perfect aid to relaxation, meditation, healing, and for all seeking 29

deep inner peace." On two cassettes for only £9.98, post and packing FREE plus full money back guarantee. Post your order to: Sun Productions, (VE6), 83 Suttonhall Road, Hounslow, Middlesex. THE PEACE CHARIOT needs workers and money to promote disarmament and a non-violent life-style. Information, SAE please 220 Lane End, Chapeltown, SHEFFIELD. WOMEN FOR PEACE AND ANIMAL LIBERATION CAMP ,-Porton Down, Winterslow, Salisbury, Wilts. Needed more campers for long or short periods, visitors, ideas, sport of s and many activities. Write above address or phone GREEN LINE monthly paper of the green movement. Regular articles by Kathleen Jannaway. 8 issues £3.20. Single copy 45p , 14 Alexandria Rd, Oxford.


72 ADDRESSES ARE IN THIS YEAR'S VEGAN HOLIDAY ACCOMMODATION GUIDE. Send 45p. (inc. p. & p.) for your copy now to: The Vegan Society Ltd. 9 Mawddwy Cottages, Minllyn, Dinas Mawddwy, Machynlleth, SY20 9LW, Wales. GOOD NEWS! We have just heard that the Holiday Fellowship Holidays Ltd. will now cater for vegans. They organise many types of holidays at their guest houses - for young and old, active and not-so active, special interests all with the lonely especially in mind. Brochures from H. F. Holidays, Ltd., 142-144 Great North Way, London, NW4 1EG. BEXHILL-ON-SEA: Small private house offering vegetarian or vegan bed and BRIGHTON: Wholefood vegetarian or vegan bed and breakfast in a very attractive, quiet private house in Regency Kemptown, near the sea, the Marina, wholefood restaurants, good shopping. Brighton is a very good centre for places of interest and beautiful walks over the Downs or along the coast. (Tel. 0273 683819). MYSTICAL GLASTONBURY - Stay at the Ramala Centre set in a 200 year old Georgian manor house surrounded by lovely grounds. Close to town centre, the Abbey and the Tor. Wholefood cooking using homegrown produce. Hard tennis court. Indoor heated swimming pool (summer only). Audio-visual and guest information service on mystical Glastonbury provided. Beautiful pine sanctuary available to guests for meditation. Bed and breakfast £10. 00. Evening meal by arrangement. Chalice Hill House, Dod Lane, Glastonbury, Somerset. (Tel. 32459). 30

HEREFORDSHIRE: Comfortable grade H half-timbered former farmhouse, offering rural peace and seclusion. Excellent vegan wholefoods. Tel. Upper Sapey 262. INVERNESS: Vegan/vegetarian accommodation in charming cottage on high road between Inverness and Nairn. Good tourist r. ) NORTHUMBRIA: Vegan D. B. & B. Quiet riverside village, beautiful walking country, convenient Durham, Roman Wall. Children welcome. No dogs, no smoking. S.a.e. Crompton, 19 Beech Grove, Blackhall Mill, Newcastleupon-Tyne, NE17 7TD (Tel. 0207 561104). BETWEEN HAMPTON COURT AND WINDSOR and half hour centre,of London. Vegan/vegetarian non-smoker welcome. Charming twin room home. MEXICO! Villa Vegetariana Holistic Health Spa, Box 1228, Cuernavaca, Mexico. (Tel. 3-10-44). Free brochure and travel directions. n accommodation at Dublin. WALES: Vegan B. & B. £5. 50 or £50 per week full board at Gwaelia, Cemmaes, Machynlleth, Powys, SY20 9PU, (Tel. 06502 377) Near National Centre for Alternative Technology. FREE! The revised "Backpacking the Vegan Way" and "Youth Hostelling the Vegan Way" leaflets when you order a Mainroutes guide-book to one of the following long-distance footpaths: A Somerset Way (via Glastonbury Tor); A Bristol Countryway (via Cheddar Gorge); A South Wessex Way (via Breamore Mizmaze); A Wiltshire Way (via Stonehenge); King Alfred's Way (via Watership Down) and A South Coast Way (via the site of the Battle of Hastings.) £1. 08 each, inc. p. & p. (or any 3 for £3) from: The Vegan Society Ltd. 9 Mawddwy Cottages, Minllyn, Dinas Mawddwy, Machynlleth, SY20 9LW, Wales. INTERNATIONAL YOUT Holland. Write soon to opportunities for groups and organisations who demonstrate alternatives to our present society to get together and exchange ideas. June25-26 Communal Building Bradford University. Details 181 Westfield Lane, Idle Bradford BD10 8UB July 26v 31 Lamberts Hill Farm, Pilton, Shepton Mallet, Somerset. Details 3 Tor Park Rd, Paignton, Devon . SAEs 31

< x p o k V






Surrounded by the lochs and heather - clad hills of the Trossachs, Scotland's longesL established, whole - food vegetarian and vegan guest house offers you a centre for relaxation and revitalisation. In large, peaceful grounds, our spacious and elegant, Victorian house commands magnificent views. Only ten minutes' walk from Callander famous as the Tannochbrae of Dr. Finlay's Casebook.' Within easy reach of Stirling, Edinburgh and Gleneagles, whilst the immediate area abounds with beautiful walks. Our delicious home - made meals use ingredients from our organically cultivated garden. We offer bed, breakfast and evening meal. H. & C. in all bedrooms. Central heating. Easy motorway access. Stamp appreciated for brochure from Marilyn and Ian Roberts Brook Linn Country House, Callander,, Perthshire Tel. 0877 30103


( Queen of the English Riviera ) BROOKESBY HALL HOTEL Exclusively Vegetarian. Hesketh Road. TQ1 2LN Tel. 0803 22194 350 yards from Meadfoot Beach, enjoying glorious sea views across Torbay, the hotel is situated in the exclusive Lincombe Conservation area, generally considered to be the loveliest part of Torquay. We offer restful holidays in beautiful surroundings coupled with imaginative and delicious Vegan and Vegetarian meals. Some rooms have private showers. Fully centrally heated. Full details from the Vegan Proprietress Mrs. Hilda Baker (stamp only please.)


VITALIFE SPIRULINA SOOmg of pure Mexican Spirulina in a unique easy to swallow capsule shaped tablet

60 TABLETS FOR £2.42 only available now from your Health Food Store, or direct (Cheque or P.O. please. P & P free) from Vitalife Ltd., 2 9 1 Cricklewood Lane, London N W 2 2JL.

"Wo&dcete» The Saltings. Lelant S t . Ives, C o r n w a l l Tel. ( 0 7 3 6 ) 7 5 3 1 4 7 W H Y not visit Britain's oldest established Vegan /Vegetarian Hotel and for once experience a truly relaxing holiday? Woodcote is a small family-owned hotel standing in its own grounds overlooking the beautiful tidal estuary and bird sanctuary of Hayle. It is within easy reach of many fine beaches and coastal walks and is the ideal centre from which to explore and discover the beauty of Cornwall. On a personal note, our cuisine is both varied and imaginative and for good measure is supported by an abundance of old-fashioned personal service — the ingredient so often overlooked in these material times. For further information and brochure please contact: J o h n or Pamela Barrett (stamp appreciated) Also available (May-Sept), self catering chalet, sleeps four.

VEGANS WELCOME A truly fine S T R I C T L Y V E G E T A R I A N R E S T A U R A N T , offering a wide range of both Western and Eastern dishes. Open f r o m 8 . 3 0 for breakfast thro' till

Lakeland's strictly Vegetarian Guest House offers a warm and hospitable welcome to Vegans. Come to us to relax, to walk and climb, to absorb the tranquility of Orchard House and the Lake District. We have a peaceful garden, a warm and comfortable home, delicious and different food, and we are situated in superb Lake District country.








8 . 3 0 in the evening . . . last orders at 8 . 0 0 Morning coffee, lunch, afternoon tea and Vegan dishes daily. Do come and enjoy. Brochure from: M o n t y Alge & Keong Wee Orchard House, (stamp Borrowdale Road, appreciated) Keswick on Derwentwater, Cumbria Tel. ( 0 5 9 6 ) 7 2 8 3 0 Restaurant just round the comer and next to Fishers at: 31 Lake Rd. Keswick.

It's 100% vegetable ... made from the soya bean and packed with protein and goodness. Its production involves no exploitation of animals. The flavour is quite delicious — all the family, particularly the children will love it. Vou can drink it on its own as a super health drink or use it on breakfast cereals, in coffee or tea or in dishes such as milk puddings and custards. What's more it will keep in the can just as long as you want to keep it. A wonderfully versatile and nutritious food .... Golden Archer Beanmilk by Itona. It's at your health food store.

'Golden Archer*


Milk T h a t ' s



CRANKS Hâ‚ŹALTH FOODS William Blake House, Marshall Street, London


C R A N K S at Heal's, 196 Tottenham Court Road, W.1 C R A N K S at Shinners Bridge, Partington, Devon C R A N K S at Peter Robinson, Oxford Circus, W.1 C R A N K S at The Market, Covent Garden, W.C.2 C R A N K S at 3 5 High Street, Totnes, Devon




not instead of breast-milk, but on weaning and through the rest of life provides important nutrients including B12, CALCIUM & PROTEIN. High in polyunsaturates. All Plamil products are guaranteed exclusively vegan. List and recipes (SAE please) from Plamil Foods Ltd. Plamil House, Bowles Well Gardens, Folkestone.

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