The Vegan Summer 1972

Page 1

HUZANA 100% WHOLEFOODS are now a r r i v i n g f r o m several c o u n t r i e s and a number of U.K. supplies are also ready. But by the very nature of this new type of business, many factors are involved. W e have to find and develop the approved organic sources, arrange agents to supervise operations f r o m g r o w i n g and p a c k i n g to shipping, and also take into account the d i f f e r e n t seasons for c r o p p i n g and harvesting. So the supply and v o l u m e of d r i e d f r u i t s , nuts and cereals w i l l fluctuate somewhat in the early stages. There w i l l inevitably be a t i m e lapse before H U Z A N A W h o l e f o o d s can be available in variety t h r o u g h the trade all over the country. In the i n t e r i m period, for all those many hundreds of f r i e n d s w h o have no access to a stockist, w e have m a d e arrangements for a mail order service, to avoid unnecessary delay. There are now adequate supplies o f : • D e c a f f e i n a t e d C o f f e e — n e w Swiss nonc h e m i c a l process; ' V i t a m i n 'R' Yeast E x t r a c t — t h e only one w h i c h is not a brewery byproduct;

Hot shock No! We mean CHOC news!! PLAMIL CHOCOLATE now back in Health Stores PLAMIL DELICE with strawberries a midsummer dream! PLAMIL fare is VEGAN fare Send for literature to: PLANTMILK LTD, PLAMIL HOUSE, BOWLES WELL GARDENS, DOVER ROAD, FOLKESTONE, KENT

• T o a s t e d Nut K e r n e l s — n o t oil and not c o m m o n salt;



' S a l u t a — t h e salty seaplant s u p p l e m e n t ; and some supplies o f : — " C h i k k i B a r s — w h o l e seeds w i t h gur ( r a w s u g a r ) ;



" K a s h m i r H o n e y — m u c h prized as the w o r l d ' s most exotic and most expensive honey that w i l l make a m u c h valued g i f t . W e invite everyone interested to send us a p o s t c a r d for l i t e r a t u r e — i n c l u d i n g " W h a t are 1 0 0 % Health F o o d s ? " — a n d the up-to-date price list.




3 5 GREAT RUSSELL STREET L O N D O N W C 1 B 3PP Telephone: 0 1 - 6 3 6 2 6 2 1





Prophets of doom are ten-a-penny; they vie with each other as to whether man has 25 or 50 years before he makes this planet unfit for life.. The United Nations have organised a Conference, sitting this June, to consider the crisis but there is little prospect of it being more than a patching-up, symptom-suppressing exercise. Man needs to change his ways fundamentally in order to survive. Amidst the gloom there are many signs of an awakening to this need, of a new realisation of the unity of life, of a new determination to cease from exploitation and live in harmony. As the old age dies a new one struggles to be born. Veganism has vital contributions to make to the New Age. Firstly it offers the most radical and, in the long term, most practical solution to the world's food problem which assumes ever more alarming proportions with the population explosion. Other solutions will progressively exacerbate the situation. Few people realise that the huge number of animals bred for food compete with humans for many of the most vital resources. They eat 5-10 times as much plant food (plants are the only primary producers of food) and provide comparatively little in the form of meat and other products. They deplete seriously the dwindling stocks of fresh water. (It takes 2,500-6,000 gallons of fresh water to produce a pound of meat, 1,110 gallons to make a quart of milk, but only 200.250 gallon to make a pound of rice and 100240 to produce a pound of vegetables.) The poor creatures deliberately bred and malformed for maximum exploitation (in the case of the millions of "Factory Farm" animals, with no prospect of joy or significance in their lives) also compete with man for air, buildings, fuel, power, transport and terrific research facilities. The toll they take of man's time, labour, brain power and skill in their breeding, feeding, care, medication and slaughter is immense. It was George Bernard Shaw who spoke so truly

of man's endless slavery to the animals he exploits. What a different world the trend towards veganism will create, with small fields of intensively grown vegetables and fruits using the human energy now going to waste in the unemployment queues and shanty towns; with tree protection to prevent erosion and help to maintain fertility and create micro-climatesÂť with a balanced growth of cereals avoiding the dangers of monoculture. Dust bowls, even deserts like the Sahara, can be reclaimed and huge areas, now given over to the wasteful production of meat, can be released for wild life and areas of natural beauty to nurture man's spirit. If man is to survive and evolve the New Age he must soon stop this wasteful habit of passing his food through animals. The chief obstacle to such a development lies in the mind of man corrupted through many generations by the notion that health, strength and intelligence depend on flesh-eating. This notion dies hard in spite of the evidence that the strongest, longest-lived and most intelli gent animals are plant-eaters and that many of the world's wisest arid longest lived men have adopted the vegetarian way of life. . Even more absurd is the idea that the adults of the most highly evolved species, man, need to suckle at the teats of a lower orderJ These addictions are as harmful to man, bodily and spiritually, as the readily denounced drug addictions, and they must be overcome. During the last twenty five years vegans have demonstrated conclusively that these addictions can be overcome without the dire withdrawal symptoms that some conservative experts have predicted. Hundreds of vegans today, in this country alone, whose healthy, active joyful lives demonstrate the fallacy of the soul destroying idea that man must exploit his fellow creatures in order to live, are silencing the voice of criticism in all well informed circles.

Veganism has a further even more important contribution to make to the New Age. It nurtures that type of man, fashioned after the vision of the seers of many ages, races and philosophies, that must come to the fore as the Old Age passes away> beings of sensitivity and awareness, with lives based on compassion, who can discipline themselves to live according to their ethical insights; beings of joy, vitality and creativity, living in harmony with the true nature of reality. As the environmental crisis heats up, it becomes obvious that the Age of man the exploiter, the ruthless carnivore, is over. He is wasting his resources and fouling his nest. The age of the new man is dawning. He bases his life on reverence for all life. The vegan is the prototype of the New Man of the New Age. K.J.




With the passing of Anne on the 9th April the society has lost one of its most gifted life-^long members. Although not actively involved with the society, she read the journal with keen appreciation. It is interesting to reflect that she held a high administrative post in the health service many years ago and her knowledge .as a life-long vegetarian at that time must have been unique as she was a great believer in Nature Cure.








by Frances Howard A.

(In our previous issue, Mrs. Howard's article was entitled "Raising a Vegan Family Through Babyhood".)

Our children are now aged four and six years old. Our task is far from finished, and our lessons are not all learned yet, but we can look back to their babyhood and see how important it is that parents lay a sound emotional and nutritional foundation for their children to build on. Sound nerves and brain tissue are just as dependent on good nutrition as sound muscles. Moreover the whole body must be filled with a spirit of love and compassion if the individual is to fully develop into a mature character. Children can only learn about what they can experience By helping to plant beans in a garden, seeing them grow, and harvesting them, they learn how food is produced. By living on a vegan diet, they learn, without any effort, that animal food is unnecessary. They also learn that other relatives and friends eat eggs, fish, animals and so on. If they ask me why, I say, "Because their mummies told them to". We try not to pass judgement on people who do not live as we do, and hope that the children will learn from us the difficult art of "hating the sin, but loving the sinner". I do not preach or moralise to the children, I do not expose their sensitive minds to the atrocities of the vivisection laboratory or the slaughterhouse, but I do have to interpret their experiences for them. One day, we saw a goat in milk tethered to a post. I told them that her baby had been taken away so that people could steal her milk. The children identified themselves with the kid, and the point went home. There was no need to say anything more. At home, we strive to avoid hurting each other, and hope the children will learn from us and apply this in later life to their dealings with other people, especially in close personal relationships, but also in the wider context of world affairs. If they learn as children that war is a game, they will grow up believing it is a game, and only the grim reality can change their attitudes. Pretending to hurt people is the first step towards really hurting them, so we do not give them war toys, but give them constructive things to do.

If children see that self indulgence causes them to be ill, then they can accept gently imposed restraint, and so develop self restraint. I have shown them my bad teeth, and explained how the dentist had to drill and fill them, and told them the same could happen to them if they are as foolish as I was, in indulging my passion for sugary foods. I am amazed at the way Russell aged only five began to refuse sweets from his playmates even in my absence. We are sending our children to mix with others of their own age at the local primary school. Here they must learn, as best they can, to live, play and work with other people of differing upbringing. Russell takes cashew/ soya'milk* with an apple to school for the mid-morning break. We fetch him home for dinner. I think he has had to meet some curiosity about his strange 'milk', because he seemed pleased when I pointed out to him that animal milk was 'babies food'. He has never complained about being different, but was very pleased when I let him take a straw to school each day so that he could drink his 'milk' like the other children drink theirs. We have taught the children to copy the numerals, and letters of the alphabet upper and lower case, as a preparation for reading, writing and number work at school. I have found the writing of Maria Montessori "The Discovery of the Child" and "The Absorbent Mind" very helpful. She explains how a child's mind works and how very wonderful they are, with fantastic powers of learning, never again equalled in later life. Madame Montessori's memory is beloved by humanitarians, because she was closer than any other great educationalist to the "Ahimsa" ideal. She taught that children should live close to nature, should eat fresh vegetarian food, should love and respect animals, and should learn to be orderly and self controlled, by the child's own need of order, self respect, and achievement. She abhorred war and destructiveness, and saw education as a means of preventing war. Many of her ideas have been absorbed into our educational system. < But many schools cannot afford Montessori equipment, so we have our own small collection of Montessori equipment at home, which is in great demand during the holidays. The aim of this equipment for the 3 to 7 year old is to enable the child to experience and classify sensory data about length,

shape, volume, colour, texture, sound, weight etc. Children love to be able to describe their simple experiences, e.g. "I'm colouring this flower red, like your dress" or "Look at this heavy weight I'm carrying". Keeping the children interested and active all the time at home has certainly paid off, because this is the Way things are done at school. Russell's first school' -report said "Very satisfactory. Worked with enthusiasm". His present teacherr.toi^vjja^ie • ssT* pleasure to have in: the claps* he's always so interested and full of ideas".

we are * of c6ttrse>. '-n&t^the only vegan family a^S^we keep in touch with as many other vegan families as possible by letter, and alseMnee.t; withlofctier. vegans whenever^gpssible It is especially important for out children to meet other vegans of their own age.

That's the story so far. As the children grow and become more independent, so we must adapt ourselves to giving them greater freedom, even the freedom to disagree with us. Perhaps we'll have another story to tell in another five ,years, but if the next five years are as encouraging as the last five years have been it will be a happy story.

DEFERRED Articles on Richard St. Barbe Baker and the V.N.R.C "A.G.M." have been deferred to the next issue.

MRS. SHRIGLEY Our thoughts go out to Sally on the passing of her husband Walter. We are grateful to him for he supported her in the great work she has done for the Vegan Society and the vegetarian movement in general. He attended many of our meetings and many will remember him for the help he gave, and the kind word and cheery smile. J.S.



SAINSBURY'S MARGARINE All kinds contain milk solids. Super Soft in 1 lb tubs does not contain any animal or marine (whale) oil, but it still contains milk solids. Messrs. Sainsbury say: "Our margarine containing 10% butter contains vegetable and/or marine oil, and, due to the butter content, animal fats.

Our Blue

Label and Green Label margarine contain a blend of selected vegetable and/or marine oil subject to availability", Some branches of Sainsbury"s sell TOMOR'MARGARINE, the vegan brand, with neither whale oil, butter or defatted dried milk.

Another progressive step. Thanks to Messrs. Marigold Foods Ltd., 'VITPRO', the new textured protein 'plantmeat' which is made with wheat gluten and defatted soya flour now has added vitamin B12. All the unflavoured varieties: Brown mince, Brown Chunks and Natural Chunks are guaranteed vegan. VITPRO takes- only a few minutes'to rehydrate and ten minutes to cook. It can be added to almost any cooked dish, and makes a good base for curries, pies, goulash, etc ITONA T.V.P. Messrs. Itona Products have not yet produced an unflavoured ITQNA but the ham flavoured one is vegan as are all the unflavouzed kinds of Protoveg.


DUVETS Slumberdown1 quilts are filled with 'pure new duck down' (or a blend of feathers and down). They are NOT vegan. But if you want a continental type quilt, the one produced by Sleep Products (Scotland) Ltd., is filled with 'Terylene P3' and absolutely suitable for vegan homes. They are also good for campers as Terylene 1

is not affected by damp or humidity. Send for details to the makers at Endrick Mill, Fintry, Glasgow G63 OYD. FOOTWEAR The manufacturers of Norvic Shoes (Ladies Division) have, once again, been most helpful and their current catalogue contains a number of vegan models in a variety of styles. We have their assurance that-all the following contain no animal-based materials at all. BERBERIS

In Black or Blue Patent 'Clarino' with foamed nylon lining, 2" heel. A fancy court. 'B' fitting. Sizes 3 - 8 .


In Black, Blue or White Patent Clarino 2" heel, sling back style. B fitting. Sizes 2 - 8 .


Similar to Petal and Petula but in Black Pat-

ent Clarino only. lining.

I V heel. Foamed nylon


In Black Patent Clarino with foamed nylon lining. Court style with buckle. 1%" heel Fitting AA - 9, fitting B+ sizes 2 - 8 .


In Black, Blue or White Patent Clarino with foamed nylon lining. 2 V' heel, sling back with bow. Sizes 3 - 8


In Black or White Patent Clarino with foamed nylon lining. A buckled court with 2" heel C fitting. Sizes 2 - 8 .


In Black or Blue Patent Clarino with foamed nylon lining. Trimmed court with 2" heel. E fitting. Sizes 2 - 8


In Black Patent Clarino. Opensided court with I V heel. C fitting. Sizes 3 - 8 .


In Black Patent Clarino. Trimmed court with I V heel. E fitting. Sizes 2 - 8 .

Remember that all these styles are also made with leather uppers so be sure to ask for Clarino, the manmade upper material which behaves like leather with regard to air passage and moisture absorption.

Norvlc Sandals A wide range with Noressa and Vinafoain uppers are in the shops now. Look for WONDER GIRL, SODA POPS, CORKERS and SUNSTRIPS, the last also in wide fittings. Also sandal-type, sling-back shoes with Noressa uppers. Such as MARGUERITE, ANDROMEDA and VERBENA in beige, red, white or black. The makers of Portland shoes, famous for their good, roomy cut, have one non-leather court shoe in their current collection which has uppers of CLARINO. It has a medium heel and smart buckle trim. %

This shoe is also made with animal leather uppers but the Clarino models can be easily identified as they carry a swing tab giving this information. The numbers to ask for are 1402 in Brown, or 1405 in Shiny White. Messrs. Clarks say that, although many styles of Clarks ladies shoes have uppers and lining of simulated leather materials, and none of these have leather soles, a certain amount of leather is included in the insole board. They would not, therefore, be absolutely vegan.

It is very honest of Clarks, and it poses the problem, 'Is this normal with insole boards?" Presumably so. In future we shall have to include boards together with uppers, soles, linings, trims, heel grips and insoles in the list of parts on which we would like assurance. We know that leather fibres are used in the manufacture of some materials, - such as Ferrersflex - and thi is probably the explanation. CHILDREN'S SHOES. Parents living in the Newcastle, Durham and Gateshead district will be pleased to know that certain of the "DAPA DUKE" Brand shoes for children, available in that area, are vegan. These are style numbers 5373, 5373/1, 5374 and 5374/1. We have not seen them and shall be pleased to hear from anyone with experience of these shoes. A thought to take shopping with us. The statement was made on the Radio (You and Yours 17.2.72) that one in three pairs of shoes sold in this country are made abroad and about half of these are from the Far East. We do not know what proportion are made of leather but it is VERY DOUBTFUL" INDEED if the animals which suppliec the raw material for these shoes were raised, transported, handled and slaughtered humanely. In supporting the leather industry we are not, as some people think, 'using up' by-products from the slaughter-house which would only be wasted otherwise.

Foods We are frequently asked why certain fruit juices are not included in the Shopper's Guide under the vegan heading. In quite a few cases we find that the juice has been clarified with an animal product such as gelatin, egg shells or isinglass (from the bladder of certain fish). For instance, Shloer apple juice contains no added sugar but is, alas, refined in this way (gelatin). As well as PLJ, Messrs. Beecham Products inform us that their Chekwate range of Low Calorie Products are vegan and do not contain added sugar. Beechams Tabasco Sauce does not contain sugar and is vegan. Occasionally we are asked to recommend a hairpiece or wig which contains no hair from the human animal. (We are not quite sure how to head this section, it would be somewhere between clothing and cosmetics.) The question comes under two headings: the likely effect on the health of hair and scalp and the materials used. Although the wigs made from human hair are usually softer and more manageable our readers will have no interest in these. We therefore concentrated on those which are entirely man-made. After examining quite a few makes we have no hesitation in recommending the Lady Deltress for both health and comfort. The soft Dynel 'hair' can be easily washed and brushed into a variety of styles and the 'Floater' wig is very light indeed - most of them are little more than 2 ozs.

This is due to a greatly improved method of manufacture (on spaced out lace) which not only ensures light weight comfort but much more important, allows the scalp to breathe. Furthermore we have the assurance of the technical dept. of Delbanco Meyer Wigs Ltd., that both the special wig shampoo and the hair spray are entirely free from any animal ingredients. For full details write to the manufacturer at Portland House, Ryland Road, London, NW5 3EB.

AROUND THE HOME IN THE. KITCHEN We are very pleased to learn that so many of you are enjoying home-made bread for the first time, and finding the Enfield Loaf- recipe such a help. Having got you started, we now want to get you to make real 100% wholemeal loaves, for the better flavour and the added nourishment it gives to all the family.

It is quite simple to make just one small loaf at a time, an added advantage for the person living alone or the onJ.y one in the family with food reform ideas and a palate to match. Here then is the ENFIELD



For one small loaf you will need: Sib. 100% Wholewheat flour (we prefer Allinson's plain in the brown packet) S teaspoon sea salt 1 full teaspoon Allinson's dried yeast

1 tablespoon vegetable oil 6 ozs. water at blood heat (101 F) (see 'vegan' for spring 72 page 27) Light oven, grease and flour bread tin. Put flour, oil and bread tin to warm slightly. Sprinkle the yeast on to the warm water and stir in. Leave in the warm to dissolve thoroughly (lo to 15 mips) Add salt to flour. Add yeasty water and the oil. Mix well with the hands. This takes about 4 minutes. The dough should be moist enough to handle easily without being 'sticky'. If it is too wet a LITTLE extra flour can be sprinkled on and worked in. It is not possible to give the exact water quantity as flours vary in the amount required to give the same effept. This could be due to the place where the wheat was grown, the weather at the time, or the condition of the soil. Presumably the length of time which has elapsed since it was milled would also have some little effect. In short, everything except, perhaps, the name of the ploughman, seems to be able to affect this valuable food in one way or another, albeit only slightly. However it is easy enough to recognise the correct 'feel' of the dough after a couple of tries. Form the dough to fit the tin to be used, cover it with a damp cloth or greaseproof paper - loosely - and leave in a warm place, out of the draught, to rise. This will take about 20 minutes. (If you leave it too long hoping for an even taller loaf you are liable to get bubbles under the crust of the finished bread). When about twice its size, put into the pre-heated oven at 425 F and bake for 25 minutes. At the end of that time it should be brown all over, sound 'hollow* when you tap it lightly with your knuckles, and slide easily from the tin. If not, put it back for another 5 minutes and remember next time to use slightly less water.

Happy Bread MakingI One of our readers wrote: "You told me that making my own bread would be an excellent and economical way to ensure better nutrition for the family on a budget. What you did not say was how good it was going to be for my ego. My present problem is trying to look suitably modest when praised for this 'accomplishment'. Let us know how you get on. New

Zealand Recipe for Green Plant Milk

Pick fresh; from the garden about 8 oz. edible green leaves, e.g. Carrot, pea, cabbage, parsley, mint, comfrey, dandelion, violet, pu hah (maori cabbage) etc. Wash under, running tap and shake as dry as possible. Have about 1 pint of pure water (tank) in electric liquidiser and feed in the leaves.

Emulsify thoroughly

and pour into a jug or basin, through a seive lined with a butter-muslin cloth. Lift out the muslin-contained green pulp, squeezing all possible juice into the jug. Add sweetening, only sufficient to make the plant-milk mellow. To further enrich this vital drink, add washed pumpkin seeds, or similar, when liquidising. P.S. I have made and used this plant-milk since before Plamil came into being. Mr. Leslie Cross can confirm. Kathleen Peace.



By Leah Leneman LONDON PAGE ONE (293 Finchley Road, Open Daily 10a.m. to Midnight) The interior of this new restaurant is not prepossessing but the foffid is excellent and the prices exceptionally reasonable. Mr. Page is the man who supplies the rissoles and cakes to health food stores all over London. He is sympathetic to veganism and has very kindly supplied me with a list of the regular items on the menu which are vegan: I will include those at the end. I started witii. a delicious Tahini salad - beans in a sesame sauce - very filling, while the person I was with enjoyed the vegetable soup. Then I had the Lentil Stew with Dumplings which was unusual and very tasty. Ended with one.of the nicest fruit salads I have ever had. .Salads are provided on request; Mr. Page does not believe in chopped, pre-dressed salads but will make up the salad when ordered. Here then are the vegan dishes: Tahini Salad, Houmous (Tahini and Chick Pea), Nut Rissole, Walnut Pie, Baps, Lentil Stew and Dumplings, Shepherd's Pie, Fresh Fruit Salad. FREE RANGE (ICA, The Mall) - Profuse apologies were made to me here for the fact that they are not yet catering for vegans, and a promise that within two months they will have at least one vegan item on the menu daily. In fact I did manage to get a very nice salad which included a filling rice salad (made with brown rice, unlike some of the so—called Health restaurants) plus prunes so I was quite satisfied. Remember, the more we support these restaurants, the more effort will be made by them to provide vegan fare! i NFT - I was pleasantly surprised to find that the selfservice restaurant at the National Film Theatre on the South Bank, open to non-members and very handy for the Festival Hall etc., has a wonderful selection of salads most of them vegan, .plus a vegetarian savoury often vegan (I had a delicious Butter Bean Ratatouille last time) and fresh fruit salad. Portions are enormous!

WHEAT (Blenheim Terrace) A charming restaurant with a delightful atmosphere. They specialize in Pita (Arab bread), filled with salad and savouries. I had a delicious salad and Humous (chick pea puree) when I was there and had a discussion with them about preparing more of their savouries and sweets without dairy produce. They seemed interested and I hope other vegans will pay a visit and encourage them. Prices are not cheap but I felt I got value for money. FOOD FOR THOUGHT (Neal Street) A new vegetarian restaurant near Covent Garden where they really do cater for veg-1 ans. • I have been there twice and had a vegan savoury both times. There is salad as well and vegan cakes and pies. The proprietress, seems quite keen on vegan cooking and baking so I hope we can give her plenty of support so that the restaurant will be successful. Provincial HEALTHWAYS (Stirling) It may offend the purists as it is not vegetarian and there is an awful lot of rubbish amongst the good stuff (cakes made with white flour, etc) but I had a tasty lentil soup, Tartex salad and dried soaked figs for dessert so I would recommend it particularly as there is a dearth of such restaurants in that part of the British Isles. HENDERSON'S SALAD TABLE (Edinburgh) One of the best vegetarian restaurants in Britain. A superb selection of salads, a good half of which were vegan. Unfortunately the pastrie s are not made on the premises so they were unable to tell me if those were acceptable, but there is plenty of fresh and dried fruit for dessert. (Also highly recommended by our Scottish members) .

YOUNG Chairman: Secretary:





Tony Williams (tele: 01-778-7576) Veda E.Farrell , Golden Lane, London, EClY OTN.







We have generally had continuing success since we last reported. We have involved ourselves with other vegans, vegetarians and interested young people; but we feel we are missing many of you, fellow vegans. Our movement will grown on diversity, tolerance and contributions so we want your suggestions and your participation. As well as promoting Veganism, our aim is to provide a source of mutual understanding and benefit, and we wish to know what you want to say and do. If you live out of the South-East write to us and say how you are placed - would you like to meet other young Vegans, in London or elsewhere? If, when you paid this year's subscription to the Vegan Society, you did not indicate on the form that you wish to join the YVS please write to our Secretary. We can then inform you of our events and also claim a portion of your subscription to help our finances. Invite your friends to our activities for they are open to all. Since March, we have had a joint meeting with senior Vegans, spent a day learning about Natural Hygiene, organised the Vegan Society's display stand at the Vegetarian May Meetings, and (by the time of publishing) will have had a talk from an Australian on fruit growing in his country. One young Vegan who joined us on the 16th of April was Ellert Bos who had come from Holland mainly for the Sunday event. That's keenness' for youI We enjoyed his company and hope he will be one of the many to join us in the future.







The Young Vegans Section is on the move. We e&ll ourselves the 'YVS' for shortj our motto is "Be Logical - Be Vegan". However, we want your help, I am sure there are many vegans within whom the artist is crying to be let out. Well here's your chance. We would like a symbol to represent the YVS. It should be simple, yet effective, getting over in some way the vegan message. Please send any of your ideas and designs to the YVS



C. H. 6 H. 6 C. IN ALL ROOMS We take pleasure in catering for Vegan*.

A warm and friendly

welcome awaits all comera



elephone Hayle 3147

Soya Batter 1 tbsp. Soya flour 1 tbsp. Cerea plain flour 1 tbsp. Allinson's 81% plain flour salt, water


Mix to fairly stiff batter with co.ld water. Beat Allow to stand for at least S hour. Beat again before use.

This mixture can also be used for pancakes. Add more water so that batter is quite thin. Fry in lightly oiled pan quickly on both sides. For a savoury pancake, fill oerore rolling with any mixture of vegetables, with or without curry and/or pease pudding. 'Left overs' of savoury dishes may be used up in this way. Small Fruit Cakes using Fruit Sugar only for Sweetening 6 ozs. Wholewheat flour 1 oz. Soya flour 1 oz. wheatgerm and bran (mixed) 4 ozs. Tomor margarine 1 tbsp. Granogen (optional) grated rind and juice of 1 lempn 1 level tspn. Cream of Tartar Water to mix.

2 4 1 ^ 1

ozs. Fruit Sugar (Dietade) ozs. dried fruit ca. chopped peel level tspn. Agar Agar heaped tspn. cake spice (optional) Rather less than 1 tspn. Bi-carbonate of Soda

Method: Seive tlry. ingredients together. Cream fat and fruit sugar well. Mix,in flours and fruit adding water (or diluted Plamil) until just soft enough to beat. Beat briskly for five minutes. Fill 24 paper cases or cake tins and bake for 18 mins. at 375 F in centre of oven. For festive touch, decorate with pieces of glace cherries or nuts just before baking.


The Editor regrets that owing to change of printing arrangements and personal bereavement, this issue will appear later that usual. *************


Vegetables, rice etc. cook themselves during the day and whole .wheat etc. can be left in overnight and be ready for adding to soups, roasts etc. next day. Economical and no worry about boiling over or burning. For Cereals Rinse out a wide-necked thermos flask with boiling water, half fill with washed brown rice or other grain, top up with boiling water and leave for about 8 hours. For vegetables Bring diced vegetables to the boil add Barmene or other flavouring if liked and seal in flask. This takes only 3-4 hours to cook. Thermos Butter Beans 8 ozs. Butter beans soaked overnight in Thermos (see Thermos cookery) 1 large chopped onion 1 tbsp molasses 2 ozs. Tomor margarine 2 ozs. Wholewheat flour, plain 2 tspns. Barmene seasoning Method: Bring beans to boil adding enough water to cover. Add other ingredients and bring to boil again. Return to heated Thermos and leave for about 4 hours. Mushroom Pie For filling: %lb. mushrooms, washed and chopped 2 onions, chopped 2 tbsp oil 4 medium tomatoes Little grated celery

2 ozs. red lentils (or cooked rice or wheat from Thermos) 1 level tspn. herbs 2 ozs. Tomor margarine seasoning. For topping: IS lbs potatoes 2-3 tbsp. diluted Plamil Method: Heat oil in saucepan and fry onions for 5 mins. Add tomatoes, mushrooms, lentils and celery. Cover and cook gently for 20 mins. Cook and mash potatoes and add Plamil. Add herbs and margarine to mushroom mixture. Season. Place in baking dish, cover with mashed potato and brown under grill (or in medium hot oven). Protein Croquettes

1 pt. butter beans soaked overnight. (Haricot beans or red lentils can be substituted) 2 ozs. vegetable oil (4 tbsp) Dried sage or thyme Desertspoon lemon juice (optional) Cook beans in lightly salted water until soft. Strain, allow to dry and rub through sieve. Heat oil and add bean puree, herbs, juice and seasoning. Mix well. Heat through, then leave to cool. Shape into croquettes, dip in soya batter and fry.


Beauty Without Cruelty London Fashion Show, Rembrandt Hotel, Thurloe Place, Knightsbridge, S.W.7. Afternoon session: Reception 2.45p.m. Fashion Show 3.0p.m. ,t Evening: Reception 6.45p.m. Fashion Show 7.0p.m. Tickets including light refreshments, 50p from Muriel, The Lady Dowding, 1 Calverley Park, Tunbridge Wells, Kent or The Beauty Without Cruelty Boutique, 49 Upper Montagu St. London W.l.

Oct. 14th

North Somerset Branch-of the R.S.P.C.A. Evening Fashion Show at the Town Hall, Weston-Super-Mare, Particulars from the Hon.Sec. Mrs. Hodding, Yew Tree Cottage, Priddy Green, Nr. Wells, Somerset.

Oct. 25th

International Bazzar for Animals' Welfare, Caxton Hall, London, W.l.

Nov. 18th

Vegetarian Society U.K. Gloucester and District Branch Luncheon and Fashion Show at the Queens Hotel, Cheltenham. Particulars from the Hon.Sec. Mrs. Batty, 6 Bybrook Road, Tuffley, Glos.

Dec. 8th & 9th Animals Fair, Royal Horticultural Hall (Old Hall) Vincent Square, London, S.W.I.







To protect your vegetables from carrot fly, plant with onions between them. Alternately bank up the earth so that the carrot fly cannot see the carrot. We are told this works in many gardens. Try it and let us know.


Protection from Cut worms: Remove the bottom from empty tins and place over the young cabbages.


Comfrey plants should be cultivated in every garden for their quick compost value (quite apart from the food value of shredded young leaves in salads). Cut the leaves as required and leave a couple of days to wilt. No need to put on the compost heap, they can be used as they are. Decomposition is very fast. They grow quickly and they rot down the same way so put a plant in each corner of the garden - and don't forget to use it! CLASSIFIED


Dietetic and Cultural Centre opening near Toulouse July 15th "Pour un Monde a l'Echelle Humaine." Short term visitors welcome. Information Madame Edeliman, 18 Rue Lauzin, Paris 19e. Vegetarian Community being formed near Rome. Write - Associazione Vegetariana Italiana, via Dei Piatti No 3 20123 Milano, Italy. RECIPES Thermos Cookery People who are out all day like to come in to a hot meal sometimes and vegans are no exception. Have you tried Thermos cookery?




Dry grind in a liquidiser, a handful1 at a time dried peas, split peas, lentils, buttered beans, pearl barley. Mix together. Soak in water for a few hours arid* then stir in a tin of sweet corn and a tin of soya beans. The protein packed resultant can then be used raw with a salad or lightly sauteed in oil with your choice cf vegetables and eaten with whole brown rice or pasta. D. Butler

CONGRATULATIONS Mr. B.J.Gunn-King (Hon.General Secretary - I.V.U.) has just been elected a Fellow of the Royal Town Planning Institute. He took a Diploma in Town & Country Planning at Nottingham in 1963 and was elected an Associate later becoming a Member of the R.T.P.I. He also-became a Member of the Royal Society for Health and has since been made a Fellow; he is also a Member of the Lands Institute and a Fellow of the Royal Horticultural Society. His experience includes cartographical surveying in the Ordnance Survey; geodetic computing in the War Office; television network planning in Rediffusion; and planning in 2 cities, 2 boroughs, a County and a New Town Commission. He is a life vegetarian and vegan and shares the same way of life with Margaret (his wife) and 2 daughters Sita and Venetia in a country house near Ballymena, Co. Antrim, which doubles as I.V.U. H.Q. Brian was made Hon. General Secretary of the International Vegetarian Union in 1968 and has attended World Vegetarian Congresses in England, India, Israel and Holland and is arranging the next one in Sweden in the summer of 1973 in conjunction with the Swedish Vegetarian Society as hosts.



so gentle and beautiful to your skin . . . made from natural nut and plant oils and other ingredients. (These products conform to the ethics of BEAUTY WITHOUT CRUEL TY Charity and cause no suffering to animals)

Obtainable from all quality health food stores, or direct from the Boutique, or by post at the same address BEAUTY W I T H O U T CRUELTY LIMITED. 49. Upper Montagu St.. London. W 1 H 1FQ Tel. 0 1 - 2 6 2 1375 AH profits

ot the Company go to BEAUTY WITHOUT CRUiL the welfare end protection of animals

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CRANKS (Guildford) Many of the same items as found at Cranks in London, though they did not have Tomor marg. when I was there. Not an awful lot for the vegan but there will always be something, aside from just salad, one can eat. HEALTHIWAYS (Shrewsbury)

This one is listed as being

not vegetarian but catering for vegetarians.

As a vegan

I cannot recommend It. We welcome a new establishment catering „ for Vegans ULSTER - Country house amidst lovely scenery on Antrim Scenic route. Four miles Ballymenai twenty-eight miles from Belfast. Near beautiful Glens of Antrim and Coast. B.B/E.M for Vegans/vegetarians. Reasonable terms. Mrs. Gunn-King, "Braidjule", Quarrytown, Ballycloghan, Nr. Broughshane, Co. Antrim, N.Ireland (telephone Broughshane 202).

LONDON Have paid a second visit to PAGE ONE on Finchley Road and was disappointed. None of the hot savouries was vegan. I was able to have a salad with a tasty rissolt and apple crumble for dessert but I would have liked some choice. Prices still extremely reasonable; decor leaves something to be desired. DIWANA(Drummond St.) An Indian restaurant with a difference. Lots of delicious and unusual dishes, most of them vegan, at incredibly reasonable prices.


Price list for mail order(Postage & Packing Included) FROM JUNE1*19721


42p per lb


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The fruit, which to many of us, is the most evocative of the English summer and country gardens is the Strawberry (genus fragaria). Wild ones are found throughout Europe, the temperate parts of Asia and North America. It is one of the most interesting plants; botanically it is not a true fruit - the variety known as the perpetual Alpine is the 1 nearest to the wild ones. After the introduction of plants from the United States and Chile in the seventeentl centaury it has been crossed and recrossed so much that its lineage is obscure, (Ency Brit). There are male and female plants, most send out runners, some do not and these are propagated by seed. The colour of the 'fruit' can vary from creamy yellow to almost black, but the variety considered by most people to have the true strawberry flavour and appearance is the Royal Sovereign. This was introduced in 1892 and has remained a firm favourite ever since. From the commercial growers' point of view it has faults. It does not travel so well or crop as well as some others and is more liable to virus infection. The strawberries one buys from shops are usually Cambridge

Favourite or Red Gauntlet, and good as these latter varieties are they lack the characteristic flavour the connoisseur prefers. Strawberries are a most rewarding crop for the home gardener, requiring the minimum of attention, with a few provisos - they should be well watered in a dry season and the runners not allowed to get out of hand. February is the time to mulch the plants generously with compost and later, when the flowers appear a little clean new straw spread around each plant will help keep the fruit free of soil.

Occasionally plants fail to fruit; when this occurs it indicates that they are female and male plants should be grown in the vicinity. For the most part strawberries continue true to form from runners; a few however, do not the Alpine for instance should be propagated from seeds.

The main growing counties in this country are Norfolk and Kent, and in 1935 26,700 acres were occupied by them, but the acreage declined to 15,000 over the years - however it is now shown to be on the increase. Hot house strawberries at the time of writing, are priced at lOOp. per lb in the trade journals and more of these are being cultivated each year. A greenhouse with a little heat, a few plant pots and.the small home garden will give you these luxury fruits - 1out of season'! General Garden Hints June, July and August are most rewarding months in the garden, many vegetables are reaching or have reached maturity. At the end of June spring cabbage should be planted out, followed by a fresh sowing in early July which will provide an early spring supply if planted out in September/ October. Watering all growing plants is a 'must' in dry weather - use a hose in preference to a watering can, giving first a fine overhead spray and then a liberal soil watering i.e. the hose held close to the surface of the soil slowly moving it along and around the plants. A good soak it intervals is preferable to light watering at frequent times, as the latter seldom penetrates the soil sufficiently. In early July sowings may be made of a number of crops usually associated with spring sowings, early peas for instance, lettuce, radish, 'spring' onions, even some early carrots or parsnips. R.Dalziel O'Brien




Est. 1953


Facing South

VEGETARIAN GUEST HOUSE & FOOU REFORM CENTRE Standing in an acre of ground surroi. •'!••• •

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by tall trees and spac.ous lawns

Open Eester to early October


Bed, Breakfast & Evening Dinner ;

Muesli and raw salads, fresh fruit and

Tea-making facilities in each

vegetable juices is season made daily


Home-made bread and cakes from stone ground compost.flour

Personally supervised by LILLIAN B ALDO VESSA assisted by their daughter VERONICA




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No Cooking is done so that the Life Forces may be fully available


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All this adds up to complete .physical health and vibrant spiritual well-being









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it is ot the same high quality as our other products

and is backed by our 45 years' experience of manufacturing and supplying organic

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FACTORY FARMING (copy of letter sent to 'News of the World') The principle of factory farming is repugnant to large numbers of people, and the most logical way to bring about a cessation of such degrading methods is to become vegetarian. Apart from .the humanitarian aspect, there is an economic angle to which attention should be focussed. According to your article (p.8 issue 7 May, 1972) farming scientists assert that the consumer benefits price-wise. They should qualify such a claim by pointing out that the consumer pays additionally for factory farming produce through his role as a rate payer. Last autumn factory farms were de-rated. Why? Why should a company like mine, who are producing vegetarian fare, and not polluting the environment like factory farms, have to pay rates to the hilt? Let us make no mistake - factory farms are big business. Why does rating system favour such big business to the exclusion of pioneering firms like ours? PLANTMILK LTD.



VEGANIC ASSOCIATION I feel sure that some of your readers will be interested to learn that an organisation has been formed to spread a knowledge of the non-digging system of horticulture pioneered by the Dalziel O'Brien family, particularly as it involves absolutely no use of animal matter of any kind.

Membership will be open to everyone interested, whether or not they have been in a position to practise this form of gardening. We would like to add, however, that the (no doubt valid) ethical reasons for not using animal products will not be mentioned in our constitution. Anyone wishing to join the Association is invited to send me his address, preferably on a postcard. CONVENER, THE VEGANIC ASSOCIATION r ' ' CVFETTES \ (Associate life-member, DON LAOGHAIRB . ... t. V e ^ a SocietyKv.: '.> CO. DUBLIN/ IRELAND 1 ' ' ""

THANKS For the anonymous gift of a camera "to use or dispose of for the benefit of the Vegan Society."



Are you over 60? Have you been a vegan or a vegetarian for 20 years or more? If so would you help an important piece of research by visiting the London School of Hygiene and co-operating in two simple tests and giving a small blood sample? Expenses paid. Please contact Dr. C.Vesey, , Chipperfield, Herts.

THANKS To the many readers who responded to pages 31 and 36 in the Spring 1972 issue of the Vegan.

PUBLICITY Listeners to the Radio London programme 'Woman in Town' recently heard a well-balanced, interesting and comprehensive programme on vegetarianism with the indefatiguable Eva Batt taking a prominent part. Various aspects of this way of life were discussed including the following: The dangers of food poisoning due to eating and handling meat (some medical officers have advised housewives to treat meat as if they had soiled their hands with cowdung) The unavoidable lack of basic.hygiene in slaughter-houses rats and other vermin, spurting blood and ordure from the animals' body, etc. (Dr. Alan Long reminded us that all animals are bled to death - although not all are prestunned by any means): The cruelty of intensive animal rearing: The separation of cow and calf, a common practice which causes great suffering to both but a necessary part of modern dairy farming: The advantages of vegetarianism in reducing famine in other countries. Vegetarians - and especially vegans in using grains and other vegetable foods direct from the soil, avoid the necessity of importing oilseed and grains from countries where there is famine, to feed our captive cattle which return only about one tenth of the grass and grain they consume, in the form of meat. The physical indications why a carnivorous diet is not the best for humans. Teeth, saliva and intestines are not suitable for tearing flesh, digesting hair and bones or quickly ejecting putrifying matter: The various excellent alternatives to cows milk, wool, leather and fur now available; And the reassuring statement from the nutritionist Pat Torens that there is no reason why the vegetarian or vegan should not have an "extremely healthy" diet especially _as_mo.s.t_of_tliem_seem-to know auite a bit ahoiit- rmtriMnn

Altogether a programme of closely-packed information on which the 'Woman in Town' team should be complimented.(By the way, in the weight-watchers programme which followed, Fay Burnett pointed out the considerable advantages to health when animal fats are excluded from'* the diet and Vegetable oils and fats take their place.)


















The Talks Organiser, The Vegan Society, 123 Baker Street, Enfield, Middlesex.









Book Review "Animals, Men and Morals". Victor Gollancz.


It is doubtful if there is anyone who does not have some kind of interest in animals, from the toddler who confidently grabs the ears of a long-suffering pet dog for support, to the vivisectionist who uses them for his own purposes. For the many kind hearted folk who desire to live at peace with nature, but may be stumped for a quick reply when, asked why they are opposed to vivisection/ meat-eating/vaccination/the wearing of furs/agribusiness/ performing animal acts, etc. etc., "Animals, Men and Morals" provides a wealth of information. Each of the ten chapters are contributed by an expert. Ruth Harrison, with her wide and comprehensive knowledge of her subject - Factory Farming - is as helpful and readable as always. Lady Dowding not only suggests alternatives to furs and animal-based cosmetics but also, through Beauty Without Cruelty, provides them. Mr. Terence Haggerty also discusses various alternatives to experiments on living animals which are.available to medical scientists and Mr. John Harris gives some excellent reasons for avoiding the use of flesh food but regrettably, this chapter is not followed by some sound advice to those about to adopt a more humane diet. We could have wished for a chapter on total vegetarianism for there can be no doubt that the vegan way of living, if widely adopted, would automatically cure many of the ills of this world - particularly hunger and the cruel exploitation of food animals - without any further or separate effort; thus leaving more time and energy to be spent on the longer-term reforms.

BOOK REVIEWS THE VEGAN KITCHEN by Freya Dinshah This one is a must for anyone embarking on the vegar. way of life. Not only does it contain an excellent connection of recipes, but it also contains much useful information on food combining, nutrition etc. A most valuable book. L.L.

SURREY AND DISTRICT GROUP MEETING On Sunday April 16th a goodly number gathered at Serena Coles* house in Purley to hear young Vegans talk on "What Veganism Means to Me". They had a truly revitalising time with wonderful food beautifully prepared and also much food for thought from the talks and the deep discussion that followed. Veda Farrell spoke of the influence of her early life in Liberia, of the Bircher-Benners and of Theosophy. A growing sense of the oneness of all life and a desire to live in harmony with it led her to veganism, she worked first to achieve harmony and balance in her own life and then to spread it to the world around her. Karl Farrell was born and came to see the illogicality of found veganism a healthy way of ressed by the importance of the make in the realms of politics,

bred a vegetarian and later milk and egg eating. He life but was mainly impcontribution it had to ecology and ethics. He

''looked forward to the day when man would cease to exploit his fellow man, animals and even the plant kingdom. But there was much work to do and hard thinking both as individuals and groups, before that ideal could be achieved. Robert Colby bore witness to veganism as a whole way of life. Starting with himself, he felt he must eliminate all violence, even actions that might provoke violent reactions in others. He must go farther and actively love all life. Veganism brought him sadness and happiness. Sadness because it developed his sensitivity to the cruel things that man did to animals and happiness because he was able to show in his own life that such cruel exploitation was unnecessary. The best way to spread veganism was by the example of a full and healthy life. He looked forward to the day when the Vegan Society, its message accepted, could cease to exist. Nevertheless we can thoroughly recommend "Animals, Men and Morals" to everyone, whatever their interests. The first two chapters alone are worth the money. E.B.

Hotels and Guest


Catering for Vegans G L O U C E S T E R — C O O M B E LODGE Vegetarian Guest House that caters for Vegans, Wooton-under-Edge, on the Southern slopes of the Cotsw o l d Hills where ail fruit and vegetables and salads are Home Grown. LAKE D I S T R I C T — O R C H A R D

HOUSE, Borrowdale



Small Vegetarian Guest House in good centre for w a l k i n g , etc., lovely views f r o m the back.

Home Baking and some Home Grown Produce.

Miss Delia Ryall. Telephone: Keswiek 7 2 8 3 0 . S U R R E Y — C H E R T S E Y , Thames Valley, between Hampton Court and Windsor.

Bed, Breakfast or B.B. and Evening Meal for Vegetarians

and Vegans. Compost Grown Produce. Young,

Home Baking.

H. & C.


Telephone: 6 4 4 2 5 .

S U S S E X — E A S T B O U R N E . Vegetarian self-catering Guest House. W e l l equipped and appointed.

Every c o m f o r t and convenience.

situated outskirts of t o w n . space.



Easy access shops and sea front.






Guests 2 1 0 8 4 . YORKSHIRE—CRAIG





excellent catering, c o m f o r t , relaxation, and energetic holidays.

for Mrs.

Enid Hunter. Telephone: 4 8 7 6 . P E R T H S H I R E — B R O O K LINN, Callander. Vegetarian and Vegan meals carefully prepared and attractively served. Comfortable Guest House. Near Trossachs and. Western Highlands..

Mrs. Muriel Choffin.


phone: Callander 3 0 1 0 3 (STD Code 0 8 7 7 ) . ACCOMMODATION DUBROVNIK—YUGOSLAVIA. o l d cottage.

New Vegan offers a c c o m m o d a t i o n in

Self contained pavilion (furnished) also available.

2 0 0 Dinars daily.


Guest w i l l i n g to help w i t h chores reduced rates.

Box 101, Vegan Office, Belchalwell, Blandford, Dorset. LADY (vegan) requires t w o unfurnished rooms w i t h v i c i n i t y Brighton or near London.. Dreyfus,

humanitarians: , Brighton.

Please always mention T H E VEGAN when replying to advertisers.

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